FROM TIJK NOHTH OAROLW V SOLDIERS. OOKKKSrOKDKNOI OF TM lATETTBTILlll OBSBKVIB. Richmond, \ . ., Nov. 10, 1864. THE CAPTURE OF THB FLOBIDA. TSl OiyPAIv}N AT THl 80UrH The Ute jankde ptpers contaiQ the fall purtio- i Th« jankee nti^opapera maite ii ■tatiag that ul»rs of tbe ospture of tba Florida. It appeari | ShAtMan ii about to txeouta a gtand isoTa. Wa havs ne oflioial informatiou of Stierman'i d«igQS| Me’sra Editor->: Tha p-'?' ■!« of CusnbtrUnl in 1 that BOUJe yank«c aitrchante in the town, desiring forniinjsf rd or^^fiisition to sh.e c^ucati,.n of orpha:>:« whosc Atbc died iu the tr'Jiy, h u ider‘ak n a nobio .ork Bat few couu- ties I '^c tak 'T suoih staps. Ti'.e only practicil : actual]; waited on him V» tjvg» aJSgat, but with- J oa tho »'abj«c> aa ih«y oatudlj axa xq kasiii andtifiren wa/lo aeo jUipHah tiie ebjeot in view j out sucossa. The aooount 8%ys:— -.tocdad ssatetjaeiita *f faoa. SaetMam hM not becQ to iiUasiia ainaa Hood atrvok «h« railroad yH'^ is t3 ajt i)f com uaniii. s and cjantivs. A State i ■• Mjrr?t. thii if be kampvd or^laiz I'io i 'rith aii neoP3s»ry iuoda and offiaers to f*n io w*tk tK« W»cferastt dBrleg » •mifte. lit a^coM coali no5 f-lfvOt as much nor d> it ft« th;>roughly TREATMIHT OF PRISONERS AT THE SORTH, j From (h* North —Rl«MMOir», Not. 18.—Tha W# find in iha Wasaington National lotelligcn-■ Baltimore Aaerican of the ICth and 17th hta cer a priTate letter relatiTa to the o*>ndiuo« of; been rcca Ted. „ . • i rr our priBonen at Elmira, New York. The e-^tors ’ A telcgraiD from Naal^Tsile wya Hood a army aformation of that peper gire m a rcaeon for ite pablicati»Q iu still eao*rapcd in the Tioimty of Florence, ^ that “it dMoribflf ab fealfngly the wre^^hed con oao oorp# oa tba north aide of the nyts, xae diti'^Ei ot too iiiitarable k^iTiga coafinad in one of ■ oonditiijp of th« road* preveats aoMTe MUitary the litTgflPt af t>ur ininta‘.*y priiiOBC and appeiala a"‘ { opqradooa, and the rebal army ramaima aoiapafm* fervently and eloqueatly to aur ceiumoa hamanity tivdy qniet newij|»aporit ipecaiaiiajw as more local bodi.s It ojuid csttblish an in- stiiutioi of a higher grade for the ad’raaoemont of snob ds wished to enter it and coaid be provided for there, and its exeoutire offia^rs oould managa the school well Bat “lei there bs light”—the masses must be reacbtd and edacation must be brought home to tbe people Colleges and semiuari. 3 greatly bcncSt a class but are of vtry little difcet advantage t^ the eutiro ropu irillJnjIy «T>(agt |n » otniost witfc b*r; boi tkat, oa ao voold ha eos««nt io !»«▼• a tafe harbor for the ezprces purpoaa of having an esfcagamant. All alForta oa k« part of cataid* partioa to bring oa a Baval baul* in op«n water batwa«Q the »wa Teisela provtp^ nnaTailior, ^apt. ColUns promptly took »atc odosidtraMon th« oiker m«»a TPkiok eufgMtsd them ■•Ivss for riddiiig tbt aoaa cf tbo moBt lani^«roo9 enc- niy of oor comcieru* la tho oTeah g of Oetftbcr «»h, bo »)!«d a eouTic l of k?*! cffi-eri »o dab»t« iko •ubj§ct An iP!p:;rfent element !* cite ccr:»i?««if.!oa vaa »k« fMt ibAi tH« pfrvenietit Varher of ka> tbr«t opfoixgs lation. Like the great pillars a hoase, colleges wkiiia 'iho P!* Ki» an J unii-srsiiicj are the gcctr, eolumns oa which when#^cr t»« dar>nv« of tk* *1... e I _ • T> ^ I'Mo'e® h«T purpeoa, wlthoat tb‘) irossibiUij of rest the st. i.ture .-f • dueati a and learning. Ba.-1 Uition »wal pr»T#aUsg it. It fs •*«ui ^itat tut 01 v;a »^ n?e wjali bo those mij.'stio ptllaTs were 1 oowee:! of cffic^n ir«a also p!>«o«i«d .4 in?or«n>iio? ii-. L . 1' 1 . . . . ... Florid* had ronaatod'y reiarJ aud bnr.i«i Ai&«rio«B 8 jips witkla thr«e mUts of the eoaet if BrasU, tha buud'eda of 'proos, pos 3 and joints of the baiid;ng r moveJ? Then we would behold either a compl' tn ruin or a hu»e mass witbcut ahap« or harmjny and so inverted and bulky m to admiy of no repair except from.a new foundation Jest so with our jriiaal schools and family cducstion. r>.op V).' noglect thena and the Jearains and civili- 2 . i jii of t'.io ag3 \fUi evcataailj d^gwde into lu p;roiiu >'> and ba^bari>m with no iving mtftneiiio of torun." cr>-\tn3ss Or rise, t^e aaabitijq.^, the avarci.'U' aad the depi-Wf^d will sree tho lallii'g cmoleuij of po^-'r ani poison tho foant'^ins of learui ig ‘fitathfjrown bi'^e pophistry aad corrupt eu^^omi Rnd thui e.^tah.iab menfnUy and p'ajsic- ally a blii^hriig despotism So did a corrupt Ro man papacy m centuries p-at usurp alike tlic balJs of learning and temples of religion, and a few pnests a-?4umed all the; po'v?ra of a nation, t« which the uaaia yii^Ided faithfully as it was tau^'it 50 do. T-« ea also fo loved ^ue horrid In? qni^ition ?s a phiUntaropio meaas ot reform for the rest ot mankind! The only sare loundation then for education is a universal sysfem of primal schools Let the count ,wS estii'lish these just Xi they \.ould o'unty roads or bri Jg.'.. a^d at the must avaUable plaacg. Toe couu‘y shouii pay tbe tuition of such scholars —children ot deceased s Idiere—as have not, or cannot well f pare, ihe means themselves, and if the orphamiecds money to pay hia board lot that be furoibhed too. Thus the county bccjmes the guaidian for tho orphan—and might also reqaire a'consideration or remuneration from the orphaa to the efTeot that he or she should for a while teaoh in d«fla«c- of crorr Itw of n«'!tr»Utr, witbout. t'xti sli(ht«st lujt^ Ucn tf as; sort being nada bjr tka Brasi- l»an aalhoritjoe. Tk» oonaoH adrJ^id, with ki»f odb disa^Dtijit Tot4, tkat ike teaeai^ pr*p^iod of 8«iU-j; t»ie rfb#l cralasr at kar ane^ora|[« sfc'Rld be c*rri«'i out C»t>‘. t'cllu.-fl imoiodiatoly gnv* ori*rs for ^ooonplijh iug f>o drj'gn T.*:c*prr^^PfcratTon8 for tho eneonaUr wiro ni«d9 wili' gr*%t Ci-Uri‘y »nd coTiipUte worwf, and ^b^nt S o’o’-jck ;r tn*.r>5i«g of Oatubf" 7, tho oa’lcs wets ciip{'‘d and *ae W\obu-tft b^ro tJown a»on ihe K'''q1 T*tne’ «;.d?r ru’i heai of et-^^ni So littlt expeotntton v** there o' tocb ^ proc««i>*g that oa« h&If tht >;£Sc«ri cr«» cf t'-.t F ori3-i, ”0 in nnmber, i»Bd ino!a4£Bg C; »i M ir*r ' o»r.‘us**«? oh. and th*-r!ns.»^ajflv hsTiar j'«8t n*tDr*'‘^ frana a 6 -ixilar abssioo, _vr*f* ’a !»•■> .'jBciition ttj r*p»»! aa sas^ait Tho FjorliVa' ot .'b? J*ck sujspo?'.d the oollin'oa, whioa ho e»w to be iamiir-srt. to be nier«!y aoslfoBtal, .aud oriod cai: ‘■Foa Trr-ll ran i^to as if voa don’t lock rat ” Tiie d* 8ijn of Cap? HolHns W4fl ■Impfy to etriko tba Floridii avidd'^irs K-ith fall ftcam on, oraahiac h«r side acid f:*ad her at oiioft to ih« bottom, bojoad tb« THweibility of can::of fortfcer trcnbl* to any •!!:». Tha TfMhnsstN howoTip d'd r.oJ »>rik¥> her aiT*r»*ry fairly, #ui h«r in tha carrying away iha niss^a xn»4k eo4 iDsin .»ari Tha Florida was sarlcaely iDjared by the eo iislou, but the bru^ea spar fell aoroes tlia A^n (Of CT r her hitoh way ia sash a maaBar M to praYcnt her orew from Rrtfting on deck from boiow The rie'^il which folio ir^d (V« s^oek oarriad tho Waehus^tt bacl: teveral y^rds Ii the oonfasioa which easned, ssverai p'-atol sh .^e ^ere firad fram both ▼eesals, ohiety at ra i- dom aai «i&Mre'.y wit^oat Two of tha gaae ci .the WaohBB«t^> w«ra aluo dii»chargad, by aeoidant, ae cordi'cg to cas report, aad aa aacthor vareioa haa it, by order cf a litatfaant Tita ikota did not ■txika tha Florida. Cipt roll'as rf tha W«i>kaaatt imvadiately tkandar* Other orphans in tho count? free of eh.^rge Th-?y »d rn* a deffi..B3 to tbs rabel oraft, “Snrraader, or I might even go further and require them to refund 'fill bKiw yoa out «f th« wateri ’ Tka liaat«n*Bt io the expe.« Of their cduo>foo «ith ,al per oenfc. of theif wages f^ some years. It they WOa;d Under tbe circ-jnstanoafl.*! aarrandar.” Wiikaat Ihe repay ten or twenty dollar* apioce a y^ar for sew- | cisliy of a», ImMat. deaeas of jtalUat tar« bsardad the ral years trom their wages it woald a»no>ant to a 1 raiJIs f-at a aar^w co&qfo'ia; h»r wit-> large sum. It is no ijjury but generatly aa al ' *** ••’’ -h? tar*;)»4 her ooarta vantage for a you-ig mau or woasan to cjiameuca life slightly in debt _ People often think :h »t scholars in school v/ao aro paid fur by ■ h? ^ u.}iic aro ridiculcd by other scholars. Thi' io a mistaio. It is not f-t school that the distinction of poverry and wealth is carried cut, but at home unier tuo di rect tjacaing ot the c'lildr^i’s own mothers. If a pojr boy ia school (or a poor man) hat'nons to be a danca or a thisi' he ia regarded a ‘.vo’'So danc ?; or thief jujt oecaas} tie i.-i poor. And the oppo- i aite i*? cqmliy true, if ii.e ia talea^pd, po;-yla', &3., he attracts more fiv..rable attCQtioo on ac-1 count of his poverty. If a boy or girl at fCUo.I be even a poor orphan aad possess the proper ele ments of ability aad traits of character, he or she ; will always at school, and very often elaewhcr.-', ' gain tae affeciioa of compiaions and ta.:e a high ! stand ia any circle. If tie parents of poor chil dren want to do away vita tluisa between rich and pior chilJ-cD ia my opinion ' they c*F?ct more by k-' i-I r?-.- tt *ra to tr;c sijie Bohooi aud ajdojiauu^ injui togocaer indO‘i as j posjibio, tiiaij by Ucepin^ ticai aeclad.'J, nnJ a- i paoiahy if the to »;’ier has b But no mjiter whai a bu on the di-ads ot's.f’na p>».‘i man who fdl ia deijnce c* be detid.d*r frowned yn r. youag or old. i’h j chi - j. a?epi-f *: thf ujpcf at>Y«p3su, ^itowicgtho F:- ' i'» jtf > Kk 't Tin d'.'. it * -'i-l Ta^«c'8 whioh tothclr 8«' '1 l-' ■'i -I ; . •• .-r JT'.ur ois waia» tha bri«f b»t- i\i >. ;*i b' B f>ja^' .{. wr.B *0 si uated lhat tha two Aia. rio-ia riioAniors ^era abli?Hi to pass aader tka atain of ovii f ;ii’» ia cr. ,.r to peaet*:.t# th«ir liae Tic W.vob>jj.v u wa«i cbil »'§*d, b?i *iid aot dai^a a w t.i of - t'p5y *kod t.U9 FlarjtJa, wkea hailed and «om- snar.iei ‘ a. iu;n»er»t afur, KpUa ; that a paott w-,^ •o’js'iicla. an tow«.» by the vesaal ia front Tjo S’ •j.lia.ia ro^^a tue atsts of aad in 'lot' tr ni»i*«iit j-»-o ite htatj fusa of tka ^rjrt, ub- il' T vr raJii i« s! vL.: j4 tha eap'ar* kid beaj id'i oj. !ik d B. ; i>n tfc« V?*»feftsait v# ah* «iiaaar*ara^ ia the motaia; aa.>‘ku»e8 Tbr ; tao'S war« fir«d aftvr . ail :'aa^:. g • fu «-bcra her p>aaaat aa-* . :.riV’aT 1..4 w.*f from lb's tia.-- tue Wjnikaeatt tret V;.,> -5 h r 5iiM» 4ad s apoa tiii) rabal aruiaar to' • f Lite «akaas o' tha i;»«t gua tVoB tka B - X lian fjrtrv.s h*l ^ied aw-t", was cnl/ tweatty nia- at 3 by iko wjuaa O-r^aiaiy no pxge of kistjry aaa shsw a raora da^ua^ aohiavaiaaat. or ona ■aaaatad vitk 10 re briUi«Bt -'.p If or mare oo«p;ate Ba»e-*as. Tbe • fdav-Jiioi t-jro *y;a.iU o' the Bra- z lifcu i»-i Ihair a^EiOSt t.> overjial tui W**> xti. niu-irr jffi’io* aO'T ■ in po'a^ far’-iia .ji N ,r £ i » isl .■•■y no.,n a etiesj 0>p‘. C iUiA-: f . j’ii ‘hat nai n.:.’ v. q :«J wa» matnr't*'!/ ■lijajj .i '07 ifc* J i?i>a, asi »aj»! tatrc t»vi be«a ao tj iry =.0 Uri» «f ii.u5 fr.>a» taa»4 firitjj waiot f'>ll:*vrci i'. Tw3;y) olSwrs aad SQsn of ;t:. F.ri«a’« rrew w..t* «apta'.id, aii aU her «tor»s, V^cers, r«53ri?, &i,, wjre foaad auJiB^arbti in ikc Tao MTO ▼ats'ls 3ioa a -'aaui fj.* Bt Tkoaiia, Arr«7tig ihfta oa the 29 a, aUiat.j Tha -•’3W •-•f the Fl'rila is oc'apoa.^d of E*5l:*hi»«a, I'i-s oi^a Q^f^ana^, Si^, *ci eoataias a) oil ifos o' ihe rob :1 i^uxjti£ b r a >weT«r, i^era aro It m« do f >r oi l s, bun uk eUewhere. | Soavh^n.r^. Sa-g;^ .a OharUau, who is n>w ^ J I->a b'-trl-lie K \Ma», la a oatirt of Oi rgia. Ho "Z- X asy i*re there nauitui'ea t i a ra iije assojuuon;^, ' ’ ® an I‘uive no Wiy ot cu.tlvji;'.ag flliii alfiotions Tbey soOQ recogaizo Ibair o ■aiitioi--po™ ;riy is- wid ^ lat^ ad did tha asixar» of .Ua«oa aaii theif lot,—and th^y feel tivit tUty m h6 r.^maia a | S'. i^-U iiri« yuPi afi If tho deta%jia wioa he cla-is of is iUt d ialeriors. dom3 ix’1 v-.a^, Ij'gl ■>. a poor erpha 1. .a pjv’or'y ux'\j bo t., t'i3 Tihi.d 01 th3 IS country wilt nev«r tie Sjuiham pjop^;, cen ot di'sertora aud erimiL.^'a may possib'.y w mors anfortanate, but they wii. reooive geaeroin sympathy and aid if merited. Far oaj I aji opposed io throwing yo'iQg orphans from ail sf'otioas togethji in o#4ri- ty Softools 7. fait ^jid Ifl-voa tn&t’•.la oa'>ti«ay will Vmi far \ d;v a 'T .f7 liinued period, belif’Tiaj tia;. tho waclj ^acid, blue uojd-i yiokj3 ac’!*) i aii-jtr 3* is ^hJ only lajuil 'ir soarci ion vvaioh fiey caa derive ideas of Lumaa gre .ta's? *nd noolea''s^, and she is also thei'* mo icl uf aceoinplishrcr and cnar- »o‘^r. In such a prisDn taey are geicrally tram«d till in maturity of yeard they are thrown oat on the panh of life. 'H ro 5y are ap; to be utterly p..ralyzii abouj what to da aad how, and v^ry proh»biy .jack into tuose retr-grading habits whic.l so ot* -a prove a fatal aad aaknovira ruia. Let the orpbaa stay among his friends and child- i. h association*!, and thore let hiui grow np in t*>e way be abould go, wi.u tquai oppor*uaitici and tn an equal fjo'ing with tac rest of tho world. '*'he »' .1 Govy^aaent aad »he S»it'_ govfirn- me ■■ icter tJveir prjstSQt ard oaJ dutici ara djae, v.'iil .•• .VO enough ot their affain to ‘ittoiid to for years. There no faasibie plaa b"! tho 010 iadieatod, aad it hi/iu should be at ones adopted with economy aad vig or T ie derf .lift', i cj-rup'.oi r.v* thi? font war ars already Vfo mutt 'xa.p ihe great jsver of B ;a oijii3a, else th 1 ”phyiij»I ?a»y ioja preioa-fialo ovjr taa m>»ai e eiji-?a s of oa-: ifia^ T&e foliiwia^ ia a U-.t 0? o*!ja\l’ie3 la the Jitiiii H «) Ber'mw&i ia tha b»tl«3 of thd 30ta ^epiaoib^r aad lei Oot, fl*o or ail ni-lt- • aoa’h-wcMit of Paters u?? wd also on 27bh r»ct, fc:*7ea :ail’d flouth-w‘3'' of Pete-a&upg BAikrth' B}7dt.>i Plaak S>ovl Oo 30iu Sep'., &ilid-: B F Go K. \f^aa eJ: C*pt X P DavallOo A; H F F^spfraaa, iJ; P A Poster H T> \n-;»)r (oolor Corp.) D; J 8 N?rff07l *.;vd 0 A E; R M Tuttle, Z'no f;al T i j.nps^a K^Uar, F; 8 DDrji^tf, G; R P Wi’opx. Cert O xMiT* j1 a*ii 8 'V Br.-.iror, H; J F W»d, iror.h, K. 0.;t Isi., Kjiied; WinP^rJa^, oB Woandod: Lt J B Hoaox, A; Lt f W Rlshxrdaoo, B, (sicce dirJ:) B G LioiV;!' aad Na'haa Brewer, B; Oapt H 0 A’bri -Et (laoriaii,. ) aad 3gi H Joha^oa, G; S J John j;i a id D A Tysjr, H; Lt r A Polk, K Oa 27th Oat Kill‘- i: Li J L Fl nry -^nd J P Lee, K. Woaaied- Thos E Mta^ruB; Geo Weloh, C, (alaoa died;) B F Gill, D; W J Qaadia B J L^mbsrfc, £, (doail;) J J Andr w;>, E, (Issf Amp^t'^iad;) J T O Hood, 8 A Toonu.8 &ad S A Wood, F, A Foz, G, J A Jacksoa and A Malon«, tf; ^ W Whita, I; J A la^ranj K; Field aad fitafK, Lt J A Polk, Acuag Aij’t, (in thixh;) Sgt M»j M J MoSw(;vn (ia **;ad ) rduciag or captnr^d: Go A— 8gt E F fswith. G W Li«lo, M W«*y.Abb, A S^out, P M Waitoa, A F .-''iliowiv *'o B—'Jorp M 8 Mollis, T C Qorioa, J L 0 .urah, J B MoCain, C KoWauua, A. Rig n$, B J Mia; raui C—A W Wrt/;hi, J A Adams, F AUey, T 7ajT«iMH, 0 Ku4Sitd, Jno Ray. D—Lt J G' ^p&na, Bttt vv Bnohe?, Corp 3 A Aaatm, A B Broker, W W tied, T 0 W Uatniitoa E—Lt W J Lam- beVt, Sgt L X T; .’orf s J - r^artindili) aii W W Edwarii. ftohi Br.ffaru, ^7 Hasria P.sVt Cha*»k, W Cav. nlri. J H M?’^atH, H H VosUl. D A W«loh. F—8f^ ij Es -p O'rp J f'rinr), "s W >i»p G Ct‘!o way Q—p j .‘ordvi, (’cr;) p .weirds, W E n j Carier, G^i ajier, W F J juae .u, H—N H'ln cozcv. T Ilcgeas, (i 5 IXtr- I—E3 Pe.i l.'. D. J o V rglj-. 7"^ i-ni vy. -’r:3 (Auig ) |i ,l> L'^, ^’'ni H Jar- iry •-ai ^.ralijut tr'-J Oupt Albr»gviv W43 a ft..**? iid i-ii- will bi lavd'* V >ir4* U-«a G j««raaa)Jt are 'ijr'gariud Ojr. jur vaihoruics, a? biitj firaaoniorsd- •- at of t.i » ouiiU? V thrg^TfMtas.^vj o Gftfi. B itiiu, F'« 13) aai dj«i3 ia saaa a m^aa^r ai to uoJip:i com* ■ .ao3 8a.'g!oa Charitoa e4tim.itej tkat tha Fl.irida bat ofer hrt? t^oasaai miles alroi ahe i«/t Brwt, a su a^f!n.:5 •peat Vva Jayj ia port ia ai i»m jai-a. Da ri. «r bnr o*re-r aha iias ctoiurad about f.rJr Aiaerioia leuter from Moeby’s command in t^e Riohmood Kaqairer says: — “Your readers will remember that a few weeks siaot', ia u light near Front Royal, ihat Mosbj^s j B^it^alioa, oa acoouu'^ of ov«rwiifllm'ng namb'.:rs, I was oocapelled to retire from the field, (aot, how- j ever, uatii having infliewd Heavy loss oa tho en;- j oiy, wii^iout tno loss ot a maa,) leaving seven of o:?n peouaiarv ‘ his b.-avjst men ia tho hands of tho enemy wno lere aeeaid then \ hid had th ^ir horses kiiiod, and that three of them, ‘ uf;or hi/iu^ been ior.;arei fjr boars, were hung, three shot, and thj seventh, in s;ght of his native home, was tied o two hoi«?3 aad dragged to death, noLwithstanding the preseneo, appeals, prayers aad tears of his mother. On the 5ili of this month, Mosby was so fortanatc as to capture qaitc a large number »f the wr3tclies who perforiaed this inhu man, atrooions deed. Col Mo'by immediately isjusd an order ordering seven of them to be eze* cuted, not in tha inhumaa, birbario manner o^the enemy, but “that three should be hang and icur shot.” The order was aecordinglj czcouted on the night of the 6th, on tho pike, near Newtown, in sight of the Yankee oamp, with placards ex- plainiag tae cause." Lostes of Citizsns in Rockingham.—The coun ty court of Rockingham, Va., has accertainod, after a careful canvass of the coanty, the follow ing losses, inflicted upon the cidzaas by the ia- eendiary and military charlatan, Sheridan: Dwell ing hoa-jes burned, 30; Barns burned, 450; Millj buraed, 31; Fencing destroyed, (miles) 100- Bushels of wheat destroyed, 100,OOd; Bushels of Q— Jno Evi» I W Nor riE , M >. o K—J K E mu L-r.tsH fa ib^ul icr«. ona of tae t>aat amd aobleat. mau ia ika aray Lo*o Gaasa. otf; 3,350; Factories burned, 3; Furnaoo burned, 1. iu addition to wiiich, says the Rockingham Register, there was an immense amoant of farm ing uteasils of every dcsoripti/»n destroyed, many ot them of great ;valu3, suca as McCoimiok’s reapers, threshing maoiiines; also, house aad kit- c'lca furait^.re, mouey, bonds, plate, &c., .'tfca, Thfl wnole i'^ss is estimated at the enormuos -uui of 825,500,000. Mi-^int-rg for the A*my.—At the late sassion of OraDge Prcsby ery in this State, it was rs- eoiir od to se&u lijur p inistero per month to the army to labor with the soldiers, for the next six months, beginning on the 15th inst in his rMir, mor« than a month ag«. Ltaviiig 6000 m«n an a farriion, he moved uut ot Atlanta whaa Hood tere np the track «f the Northwestern railraad at B.g Shanty. Hood, after Vrench’s failure to takft Akeona, left the railroad, and Mak ing a detour to the flamthwest, again tapped it at Retac*; and on tke approaeh of Sherman, pusaed weat through North Alabama to Floreuoe. Sherman followed him into Alabama with the hope of brinfing on a battle somawhare on the C«e«a river; tailing ia this, and Deiieving Hood to b* aaaking for Nashville, be ti;rn«d hi§ frout aorthward aad aaarohed towards the Tecne#see river at Bridgeport, with the parpoae of tioing within atriking discimee should he saddenly aa- cai- Thomas at Naahriile- At last advieee Sher man Lad reached the neighberhood of Bridge port, whiah is on the Tennetsee river hetween 30 and 4* miles below Chattanooga; asd Tkoxas had aiaicbed out of Nashville to Puiaaki, which ia Poms 50 milea norih of Decatur and rather fuf- sber northwest of Bridgeport. It baa beta quite a week* since ife heard directly from Hood’s at my. At that time it had croised (he Tennessee river net far from Florence, ai;d waa behoved to be Qiirahiiig towxrdi Nash villa. idnerman''* trannporlation is ia a woful state. Persons lately trom tiis lm«e say that males drop de»d daily in their traaks. The ojuuisry arnond A'Jauta, and the vaoaat iotd ia the «iry, ^re h- tid with decaying iiorae aad mule i«h. A pris oner made the 9ta>«m^ac tnac it was almost an impussibilitj to gia a moutiifui ot Day cr oata. aad theiir draught animals were d}ibg of sur.a tion Thus it will be acea that it is impj«^ihle tor dherman to make a move of any moment, aad ho ia believed to be in a desperate eondition vVith no stock, and no r.>ilrjad transpoi'catisq, he is powerless, and ail his elfjrts wiii bo tatile Hood, on tke other hand, tia« an aoaadance of transportation and that of the cnoicest quality, while his a^my is eficient, high spirited, and aazious to engag« the enemy.—Rich. Ditpatch. We hare additional evidence of Sheimaa'a purpose to “cut loeso" ftom Atlanta and make a “grand movement" which will surprise the uni verse. He has disoc vered, at last, that it is “an impossibility" to maintain his eommunicatioa by railroad from Chattanooga to Atlanu, aud fiadiag that Hood Las gone on an exploring exped'tioa into Middle Tennessee, Le abandons the “vigo- roas pursuii." aad pr«pares fur a “grand novu- meat soulhwaid." Oae preliminary to this muvemsnt is th« abandonment of Atlanta, aad wc leatn from aa apparently authentic aourcc that the evacuation ct taas place has been osi^. aieneed, and by this time may have bees eon- uladcd. The importaat questioa to be decided, horaver, is, “where is Sherman going, wnat ia his destina tion?” Som3 ot the yaakee jjurna.s have inti mated that Augosta, or Sarannah, or CharUston, is the “objioiive point" ot ttie pending oaupaifa. We believs-that he will not aim for either of tho«e places. If he n«8 really abaaaoned the “pursuit" of Hood, onr opinion 1b that he wiil direct kis steps through AiaDama towards the Gulf of Mexi- «o, audar the sapposition that he will eneouatar but slight epposiuoa in that direction. He will first attempt to destroy Hood’s line of railroad c^nmuniMktion in Alabama aad will ttien march to Selma, from wbienoe He will proceed, if ho ean, to Mobile. This seesas to os the most probable route of the proJ90ted eaoipai]^, if i» aaJ—a^fcoa at al', and Wd are stren^iaaaei in tais t>clief from tUo adii:i.>aal lues wnieh has cr^ma to oai kncwiedgc Lka'’ tho enemy hiivo been ac^aaialaiiii? suppu a ia Mobils B*y which will uavei' be ujeu^d lor tho hostile flsei or ar.ay opeiauog acar tha>. city- It i^ true, fz have reas ju to bouerj, that s^me of ihes3 supplies wore piovidcd weeks ago, with tt.c cxpecta!.!oa taas Shcrmia would oe cuaslcd to cu-ry oat his preseat dtMlgas sooa after tpe Ovca- piitiaa of Atlanta. Tu piaa whioii ia to “elc.c- -riij tha ouuatry," has aot bacn conceived wiiiiiiu th« past fo** wig lit. It was projcctjd w^sics kUt its execatioQ has been delayed by the h>id- n^ea of the Ooafcderate General o^mmaadicg me “Army of Teaneasee.", As sooa as Goa. Hood's movement was fally devalvp^^d, Shermaa iK>afer- red with Liacoln and Grant, aad i-eeeivcd orders to uadertake tho off.iasive movcmcat waioh had baea previously chalked out, leaviag Tnonus ana his collc^gu s to take o'^r j of Hood, il» they coaid. In obcdioiioa to ta.*sc orders, whioa were advisory rathe.' than imperative, ha has p robably Btartcd oa hia perilous eiarca, and we may hear ot his ad vance cowar is Uenwral Alabama ore tho close the pre’cnt »»’cek. Wo learn somi-officiaiiy, that Gen. Hood’s ar my, having oro.ised tho Touuejsots river, as hat'ou- tore aaaouccod, was in motion aorthw&rdoa Satar- day last. The troops were represented to bvi ia execilGat spirits —Hicnm'md Examintr. "' r ianJeee momment a^ainut Richmond. —A cor re.spondent who somecimes gives us acws from Washington, aonds word last night that it is ua- dcravot)d at Washingtoa, a grand asiaalt is c>ir tainiy to be delivered against this city before tht season closes. He reiterates again aad again the warniTig that the present lull is owing entirely to tho late election, aid that nothing will be allowed to prevent a grand trial of 8treng>:h oa the lines of Richmond before the first snow. He forwards tho following General Order of tha Federal War Department, which has oe'n issued to got up Gi'ant’s atmy for this said assault. As we- have QOb seen it in any of the yankee papers allowed to oome over oar lines, it is best to insert it here: “TyAa Dbpaetmb JT, Adj’p GaBs&4i.’B Orrioir,) ‘•WaeHiNOTOH. N"jv. 10. 1654, / ‘‘Gaaeral Order ,«o ‘279. aaiuaa o» raaLonaHso f5»rj0Bas ABO MIX.—T le eflaoien’!/ of the aray m field rqoife« that the ;arlongh3 of ail regiroeutal olfi- 0!rs aaa eaiistad maa, fit he da‘y, wiii igrnaiaate on the 1 th iast,; aad iho/ wiii report at iao so-rerai rea- arSTms waiou ma/ hi»T.5 ogen appjiatei for thea, cr to their respeotive oomvaads ia the field. In oasa no ren- d.’ZTOua ahtll have bv'Sn appiinted, tiiey willropartat. the aear^Bt d>aft roridezroa?, aad will be forwarded by the oomiQVidlOit offio^r withoat delay. ‘•Tho Prorost Marshal Gdaeral will imnijdiatcly take cie^satv's to have ail and men, who are fit daty ia the field abd nb'saot fr >sa t'ieir o-xamaoda o» farloagk or otherwiai, after tae 14tti iast., rdtaras’d to tbeir proper coauaandB “By order of raa Sjc’y of War. . “E. D TOWNSeND, Asa't Adj*t G«n.” It is not impossible that the warning of our corres pondent has foundation on substantial facts. It is very-probable that the campaign of 1864 will close with a tremendous cflFort Io take Riehmond Whenever ti e assault is made, we may be assured that the heads of the columns will be composed of druaken, frenzied negroes, aoroecuing like mad swine, and aboat as formidable to cur eoidiera. Rich,. Exam. Lincoln’s one Million.—The story that Lin coln has called for a million moro of mea i? with-jut fouodation. * Promotio)t.—Col. D. A. Weisiger, Tw-alth Vir ginia lu.'intr/, has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, and asaigaed to Mabone'a old brigade* for sympathy and sucoar to the taSerers": BALTiMeRS, October 14, 1864 My Dear Sir: ftly snort aquaiDtaace with you would hardly, under ordinary circumstances, warrant my ttias addrasslag yoa; but I kaow you to be a Christian gentleman, and as euch I appeal to you in an emergency of appalling magaitu Je. I have just returned from Elmira Though not permitted to go inside the prison encloFurc, I s&w the oonditioj of £he fifteen hundred wao wore taken away for exchange, many ot them ia adying eendition. T'lere aro ten thousand prison ers at EliCira. A great nu«tber have bsea in oocfinement si ioe the battle of Gattysburg. They have been kept at Poiai Lookout; have contracted uisoJe fiOJi tho uawtclGBome water *hoic; were traniferrod to Elmira loaatily clofcii«d to fa*c the eold Norvhern cbwate; ao tea qr coffse is allofrei them; no variation of their scanty prisoa fire No wonder that the mortality has bfen, and i>, frightiul; lhat the siAit numbar £f;«an huu^rcd. Si^jeping on the ground, ued^c taut«, ioar bh:‘kets for live OiCn, inany without cooks or fihoes; when, at laat, taken to the Lespital they are tw tar g^>ac to ba r^s^ored to fife. Stvei’al of thi'se takca »wify for oxchangi cli»d on tae cara. Hf.ppy ihf/ to bo st rosti No .aore cold or hunger p« 'gt t« suifiil 0*ly tbint cf it! Nev«r tti be ’^‘'arui, niver to have a fuli mo»(, acup of cojBTae in a laud ol pi'enty; to die of;i. g lnri,uie It in useless to appeal to ws Sv,crctary of vV'ir. It n38 a With the :^ea of the North to reaiove tbi= to‘il stain from our eoua'.ry. TUy in '.‘harge of the prison at Elmira ar« klad and hu oaac, bai tke cjndi^ion ef thirgt is beyond tleir powc*- to re»ac>dy. A quaatity ui eoarse, warm clothing is immediately required. Sjoas, un der eiotaiug, baa£srs and thick koifc jio:£‘t« are wanted tor hospital use; and ao effsrc o«>giit at onee to be rnado, such as .^Ir. Sc.;Ui.o» oauuc-t withstaad, to have taom ai.owcd o-^Sso, tea n.rd i»ugar. I oaanot, will not, Dcliave that my coun trymen oi the North willpcrmit this s^ate ol thiiigs to continue. I know, pir, how nobly ;ou have rcppouded to the calls made upon yon in the past, aad I im.- plora you to help me now. iltfy voice is too fee ble t« raaeh the ears of she thoaiands who ought to bo willing as they are able to give to tbla holy chanty. From eve;y piisoo in tbe Nortb, Eait aud weat, froaj Raode ialand to Fort Warien, goes out this wail of sulfenag humaaicy—- loth ug and blankets to keep as warm, food and oof- t«e to save ua from perishiag! Wee to the peo ple, dwellers in a land of plenty, to whom these calls are Oiade ia vain! 'ihcse men aro our broth ers. There ia not a hamlet in the tar Webt, a village in my owa native New England, not a mia ng town iu Oahfovnia, oat shcks»0 some gray head, come bld^diog, auguisbect heart, whose hoarts go right up to heaveu l>.;r pi.y on taese pris'aers—iheir own kiedrei, blooa of blood. Mr. ——,1 cannot write of thos: ihiags Thcise fifteen tiundred pale faces arc bti’ore il.» as I sa«¥ them pas» uie at the depot. Thoss ghasUy, plead ing iaces! I saw them nare again—saw the pile cf dead—dead iroia want pi nourishing rood—a cap of OvSee. I eaw ia a city whose shurth atc^'ples tower toward Heaven, gsatle women, wiio w.uld have girea this nourisument, driven by bratal pohee and detectives trom the mis»iou be queathed to them by the pitying Son of Mary. Hot teara of shame for my coantrymea who per mit theea outragee upon Haaaaaity aud Chria- tianity—tears of p'ty for thase poor safferers £4ia«i my eyas. I eaunot write. Help me, Mr. , and p^cad with others also to give ot tber ahuadanee, as they hops fo: mer cy in that awful hour wnen vc iao::t ail aoeoant ol cur s’esiraraship. I woald picai lor ifli the prisoaa, though I have oaly s»en tlic hjr- rors of Elmira. With gtaat 3ours, Mauy W. Khoi>j£S. The Naahville Whig aays Judge Wrifh* of Ge, recently a member ot the Rieh rond Ctn- gress, has passed through Nashville to Weahiag ton to see what can be done tewarda bringing aboat p''>06 Beast ButTer, in a speech at Nev? Yerk, en Monday evening, eai^ the Goverbraent aiit^ht cow proffer the olive branch to fhc re‘- I?', t*»»derii?g amBfipty to them and their l^ders until the eighth of January. If they held out be wocld favor a« ansparing pros'^oution of the ^r. Grn Sheridan has been appoirit‘d to the p; :i tion of Gen. of the arniy of the Pri-';«M, who was scverslj wauiided by a s'harpshooier oa Sunday night Gold was sjjiipg in New York at 236. Voiiu^ in G»n. Grant's Arm^—The Peiin- pylvaaia •oldiers gave a majority of 3,780 for Lin coin. The Western r^gioi'aski also gave similar msjnriiifis for Lincola The tr^al vnieiin the eoD)bincd srirsies bsfora Richmi -rf a»jil Patr?s- bnr^ i«i pa>, down at 18 000, the mfj-Tiiy fcr Lin coln facing 6,COO. . Y*>nk‘’c Itiiiii —The BaUisn.^rc AmflricaD of tho 15:h that G^n Canby, while asoeodmg White rivor oa the giinboat Crock't, shot by ^ leriilas, ffOiQ tbe anora, »nd wocadsd ia the griin, Hii recovery is doabtfal. The b)iler oi the «anbc4it Tulip exploded on the Potomac river, Friday, killing all oa board px-cpt ton Sixty lives we.'e lost. Geo. McCiellao has resigoed his comaiBsien ia the army. Fritndly Warfare.—The Washlngten oorres- poi:dooc of the Philade'phia Ledger states that “a ranaor i« current that th» rebel govframent has fxpr- ssed a dssire to reeslre a winter ou^fik cf b’aakets for its Virgiaia army from the North ern Spates, in return for wkich it proposes*to place nt a eoavcDieot spot a full eqoivaleot for the b ankcts in cotton. I am inclined to b**- iicve tlie rumor is eorrccfc, bat I doubt very muea waother the request will be granted, u it would be tautamcuut to raising the blockade " A Speck of War—Late foreign papers say that Sp^in nas sent its ultimatum to Pern, that if full satisfaction be not pivoQ, th^ Spaaish squadron will seiz3 the Rcpablic and destroy its &eet. jMi.rtic '9Jan.—If the intelligenee brought by tbe Bonoba? mail, which reached England in Ootober, is correct, the of the £uk India cjtton cr?p will eo:m begin to t^Ii apon tbe price of consumption. There were at sea in the mid- d!ft ot Ootober forty eight sbipa, ladc» yith 1224,• 6 I bfticS. 'oitjge iy^amps—It ii ttatc'i that the c-.n- •r ...tor f)T printing postago stamps haa given ap his contract. AUCriai\ SALES. Byii. AnotiouMr. WILL in fr*u i.i «iy S.or j ■.-..e !•» D-oeoebgr, iha 1*m( i.r CSBWir# Tl»Bi-'CO: 100 Wj'’u'1-ch i Grv. li>J “ aaa H 100 “ 3igu^‘. Rs'-oc!?.; ahowa at a>y tiisa tale ilv*. — ALSO— At tb« atse t^ue ts4 pl*.«4, 2 Bt) a P II fu ar’ B^lei 4 4 Shceiiar, aad as^idry cJher ar W- T'r 7 tS lt« Omr ReturMed Frijsoners.—Tbe pr'soaers, fjr the m‘>at psrc, aro looking far bsiter th?a wo ox- psotfrU. irt them after tiio t^ar'is-ii^; of thtir loDg coauajmeut aau,*ia mauy ius:aooes, brutai troatme 'u. Many 's%^j chey wish uo larlou^n, but desire to be #ent imtiiediately to the front where ih-y wiii have an opportunity of ‘*gv tung even" wita their capt-srs. Savannah ucvor does things by halves. Thii f«ct is illustrated ia the fiboral ooatribations ut Qcr mea, and the devotion of uer women to the oomfurc and welfare of these uafortuauSft men Ddj and niglii tne laiter seem never to tire in the good work. The Houia aad hospitals oeiog ia- juSioient, the Fireman’s Hall hag been fitted up wicU beds and ocher couvenioacc.^, and a number of sick are there quartered. To-day, and pcr- »aps to morrow, we Bh&ll have a large acje.v:#ioa Lo our sick list Active pieparatious aro m^kiag to receive theai. The prisonsjrs were brcughr out, on six steam ers, to wit: the Avlautic, Baltic, Livla^stoa, Northern Light, Cresooat and Illinois. Tiiey »!i embarked ac Poiat Lookout, Md, oa the 30th Ootiiber, reached Fortress Moaroc oa the Sljr, ind there- remained tiil tne 8ca. Aboal iOO dicd on tho. passage, and 3 after their trausier &o our vessels. It would do oae’a heart good Ui se.^ the new life imparted to these men as they step from vankco handif on board their own couarry’ti ahips. Soma huzza and s)iout, whilst. cripplcs thro^ 4Way their crutches and w*lk under tne sudden inspiration of the change. Oa one point the prisoners all sgree: at all the yanket^ prisons, those who had means or friends tt the North farei eomforiably; those Who had neither and were reduced to the faro tarnish 3d by the Government, had a hard and cruel time of it. The protection against cold is wholly i.aaieqaas(i, and thousands must peiish the coming wintor, without a change. Col. Muliord, who has charge of the exchange on the part of tho enemy, is fav rably spoken of, and will always be remembsred by the prisonera, for his uniform sympao-jy and kindncsj. They all describe him ai a Caristiau gentleman, who is worthy df a better country and caaso. To Sur geon W. A. Smith, of the 47 th Now York, we are requested by many to mako a public acknowledg ment of their thanks aud gratitude. No one could h^ve done more for the siok, or treated the well with greater respect and kindness. Savannah Republican. The F7ag-of‘ TSruce- in the James\—it is said no farther flag of truce exchanges of prisoners and papers is looked for in the James river this season. The regular exchango being transferred to the South, via Savann&h, the enemy will en deavor to uso the Jatues for the purposes of war, not of peace and amity.— Rich. Examin&r. Bull’s Gap is about 70 miles from Bristol and within 60 mil&s of Knoxville, on the lino of the EastTeJines?oo and Virginia rwlroad. Lick Creek is a small stream H miles cast of Bull’s Gap. Morristown, near which the yankeo coaimis^ary train W;’S destroyed, is a railroad station 42 miles from Kaoxville—Richmond Ecaminer. Mci/UUan to b« a Senator,—Friends of Mc Clellan declare that the New Jersey Legislature iirill now oieot luia to the Soiwte. Desirable Dwtlliag for Eent at H. Mot^ILL&N, A.motio«ietr. IV ILL r^ J Qf .J ^ rada'f la- >a .. , r .Tfi■> '‘vOT^ui^-it i> ^KLLiiia wonea, coa- iu:aj5 7 r.-^;a *i.i ^ ir- f ta^ns. Tas ytrl lii Inrge, "Oa i:; f II 5»evse-«*.T m-.hoa--'a aw^Uaf axoel p.-.t wit6 f^ard.^K auvjhs-J; hva«o« an^ -xl'il w.'h f> ; f-s't H'lh-Aeat caw aa# n repair *• ai- U>^‘,*diug fraai if-> lyoa-ioa, (3ay- orcuct,) ini Ci ve‘i ca fc«, .a vejdcrsd asa of tae Bissi 1c.ii.abe ia th cf Fij-ot:evide. PawBjloa 'irf J in of J; 'u fjj' 17. Mi-itr Further Notice of the Sale of the Plan tat ion J Slock, Crop, Jfc. of tht lmt§ J/o/. Jno. 'V. QilmorB. rHE aaU wii • ke jI’M, aeo>» ii-g to t£o adtartlso- m nt h're'v f.’--e pubbs ie-i, at ;he Pi-ntatioa on the E ist si’e . t 0'-p^» f *i~ R't.'t ah-oat 14 criiaa ftoa tac • wa of F..jat-e»ilU, OJi TUEaOAF T?B 2^a NO VL.yBES. i!ti4. * TxiRvg. r e PI^B'aliou trill bs sold sc:o~iijg to the- reqn're- me«‘s Oi' 'he Wtii on oiiC and two ysies’ credit, for o >; R bearing ia s're: Tbe 8i oi. Or p, &j w. 1 bs svld cn six xaoaiks’ ere- i*, iQ«.i-r;.>st uAto wlta privilege la tha par- chaeerj'iO f;ay orsw or gi*(» aotas A J BYRNE, ) McLEtM, f-Ex’rs. E P VOORE.J W DsAUiJHON, .'Vao'.ivcwr. Na» r 15, lR»-4 ' 8.5‘ » WAR fqiWB Oj^ial frwrtt. Otn P''rre*t—The fi;Uowtaf' ofieial «HaT>atoh haa been rociv**'? nt tbe War Do- partBujtt:— TuactJMBiA, Aiji.. Nov t — »l»an’l8 C oqme: Gen’i Fcrrefft rsports tka',, on fcth ir»n».n(. ke was th*n ncji^ed flghyag th« ckcmy at B^nvilla, baT-m alraa^ Qeaiy;yef1 fear gufib^'^-ti, o eight gv»a ^a>:; fouet^en et«emere and twi’oty bargea, wi^ a larga quaatity of qaarr^ru!aster and oeromlaaarv etorea, on the ItPtUrg trd in warebonsea, eetimated ak betvn»\a ‘^v'Pty-flve to one kuadr»d thousand toi ■. Six gntiboati wpm then appro.ichir f, wbioh be hoped to c>»pture or 0. T. BlAURiOARl.. ‘ opfMri rf y >’•/• «, Sa.— LTacHBURQ No? 17-Ls orw«lehfr,oft tie 5 h ir.«>» . «.'>«ur#ci *nd bani«l tw.i armed U d iteaoL'ers, li-.* B?rnu:u ac 1 >rjtk a ^uanfi ty of tuaall vc-a, on FtiflfiJo .^hoi’a, off Big d*cdy rivjr On i>e s-m^ day, ha oapturrd a large an :-ant cf :.»ihlf^ y ni‘.'Te>-‘ at W'.Jiaburg /•rom Qtnrgiii.—MAOew^ N*v. 18 —Tke ex eitcracr* ic fubeidsd. Ne deis'n* intfti'.ii^»a?e r;f rbs wh#re»bo»{? of tbe •or;ay; scrppr^d in ihc r.eighboraoai of Grif&o bniuiiig e'^fTTthiajr m tKe;r road They will asert a trar;?; reoepticm if thiy «tte»ipt to came /V»rr V.iVe^—Nbw'TARC«T,Noy 16 — L'. Payl>r of the 12:',t o- -.'I.-#, with 12 men, has cai^tTired 10 prisoners sad 17 ho.-Ts^, wit*'in three m’l'S of H*rp?r’s Ffiry, rnd brought them iafely to ihi- placc. 3*-xH*an- v'.cfory a* ttuf ^'awalry.—A di(>pafch was received ya#Ci>riaj from General £>irly, g»r- iag informarioa of a heavy c=tvalry ongagi .neut on Saturday last, betwetn Middletown and Koins- town Middletown is 12i.miloefrom Winoheater. Kernstown is between. The fight tcok-plaeo between Rosser’s diviaiin of cavalry on oar aide, and thtf divi«ions of Merritt and Torbert on tae part of the enemy. Oar troops couapVely land decisively repulsed tiie enemy, captaring wo knndred prisoners, and a number of valoaiile hors(^. The Confederate cavalry aoled with the most conspiouDUS gallantry Oa the same day McCausland’a cavalry were eagaged with tue cneiay in the Luray Valley, oa the right of our main position. We were not so successful there as in the fight an tke left, omr men yielding ground, aad retarnir>g aeroea lie river—Rich. S^ti^el, \^fh The lats Fight ntar Jif/anf«.—The Maeoa Coafederate gives the following aa the facta ka rs{ard to the late demonstration on Atlaata kf tka Georgia State troi>ps under Gen Cub1»>— Oa Wedaeeday laat,'a cavalry regiment drava in tha enemy’s pickete, captured a radonbt, aad advanced upon a eeoond fortileation. At tkia oiomeua, the enemy brought up a h«avy forea at iufintry and artillsxy, and amr li^M tell b«ak to :be'.r original poaitim Oujr iocs was aaa tolled aad eieveo wo*’odtd. O —Aa cffi.:ial dispatak, ra> o^ived as the War Dep.;rtmaat yesterday, atatea ha't: e enetsy a. rcm >fiag tht; rails from tba Vlar »fl«ae Gap to tne vViDoaesier railroad, and that sicce they haiVoocaaied ihe Manaanas Gap rs,ilr. ad, f htid killed, wont ded and aaptveA over 8ix hnadred of their men, and eaptared as •tjaol anasber ot horses —Rich. Sfniin€l.^ it* —The Hjme #aa.d af VTatsu^ti County had a figiit With the dea;>rtara on tne 3d test Migvr Biagham, with his oom- and, wvut to the Crab Orchard oa the 2d, and oc rsturning with 8 prisoaers and a lot at eatUe aud hcitsss, was at«jked and fired upon by the bushwhackers. Mhj. Bingham returned the fire and the fight o.oniuued aeveial hours The Homo Qm^rd ha i oic aiortally wounded, Slliatt Bingham, and three others slightly. Th^ aceert- era lost eight killtd and several wouaded They were commanded by oae H«»rtly. RaUitfh k}niT»ati**T . O**rages in Wrlkes.—Tne deserters in Wilkes county, one night last weok, set fire to a Mr. Russel’s house and robbed him of his gaaa and other property. The Ira waa extinguisned by the imnates, and the perpetrators left and set fire to the dwelling of a Mr. Laws and destroyed it. lb. W $50,009 Interual Improvement Nerili Carollua State llouds For iAlel Jlith u > t, . c.i> .-i Kii -i ', N. , *t itit Ano- a ’’*.11 EOit Ll'^',','i7'*^l), h y -.. ;;L’Ro -Y .a r. ' . o. ■ , .*iF y I,!OC- l>OLL*..J UF r'Oaia CAROt-INA SIX PER ItNl’. TF7KS lY YE,\R -^'OUfON BONUo iS a is wer« issa«*d for • ;s -f ifc.} •Jta.-ihoEa R R. 0;;n;na!iy. a.>d a.Vi 8 ‘oarod by a spca U sinkit;g lua-, pr >Ti A?d for iheir radaicjMca ^ due No be t?r in T^Si.mecfc C&.* b3 fsand oO;.i:;S uf the law aa’horiaiag the ifsars oa-) bo had oa »ppii3ati7n t.i 'ae or to .Mensfa. Creech a:id L u-hforj, ViCJUJUig’ou M r- 0'*an*B aai Auouoae^^n KEiiP P. BATTLE, P« id>rt. N00 85- Is. Boxes, &e«) for Prisoners of War and Soldiersa A S the A^eot of Sarge jn Gja. Warrea, I will rcoelre J\. aud fjfWird all ooxcSi &j., fo^ Holdiera aad p'is ’a- e B o? irar, fre^ of ohar.^ : T:id B>xes shoald be here by -.^e 2^ !i of vaeh lu 5 'j, vaat tbey can rca*;h ii»le ga l y tho iast =.f e^'^h luouth I -«vis{i the h.-,i«8 scat to me to Bxark, with written ia- raai;' a^', sr> t -at i m.»y a?'o i' prooerly doas. AH bDxo-i f » pria->r-.r3 vf mast bo aa light es p?as.b!a. If taiy ehocl.' wigh nif!r« than 103 Ion »hej i ‘ BO'po JjOSiiPH A. WORTH. Fajc'-. Nov 15. At Whoie«j{Hetaif! 2^ CASE, 1,200 YDi. BL \ .:K AND WtiiT* PEINTS. 1 QQQ ’ KEGS NATL0 6d, 8lOi, l »d, aad 20d 80 brown E’^VELOPEa. ’ ryg GROSS PAHT BDTTONS. N Nov. 16. A. STSBMAN & no. 9b-i2>. MJLT€aE$l! MitTCHIBS!! JUSr RE’ EIVED a lot of supeiicr ir 'lehes N. A STED*AN ro Nov. 16 , ■ 86 2it N' Non-T»xable ISoii4i«. 500 Mlliien Loan.—Sale Coatuned. U tiE’^uU-^ aop!ic*i.jorj8 > en oi-mIo at ih« fcstbblificfdpiic-! v.f Ji -5aad i • r^as,under oiroom -.aoerj t :ti »«tive tfct Va ..a uoi^sid^ratloa, U baa beeo cUtcr&iaed (a ooatiaus *ho sale outil funker aotiea. AUG. W. STEEL, As't fer sale ef Oeeledeeala Bee*. FayaWcvUie. Oei. XL 19-iMm (Jhthing for Prisoners—Richmond, Nov. 17. —Gen. Grant has assented to all the details pro posed by Commissioner Ould in regard to the supply of prisoners on each side witn clothing, ko. 1000 bales of cotton will be shipped from Mobile to New York aad the prooeeda expended under tho direetion of Gen. Trimble in the pur chase of blankets and oiothing tor our prisoners. The attack on Wilmington.—A Puiladelphia paper of the 12th informs us that Wilmington would have been attacked ere this, but for the fact that Com. Porter was compelled to despatch a number of his fleet io searcn of “iha Tallahas see, Olastee and Chiekamaaga." Arrests in the VaUejf.—On* tho 8th icat., a numbor of the most pro uineat citiaens of Win chester were arres.;d by order of Sheridan. They W6ro allo ^’cd to cioh a oarpct bag of olothinj/ aiid Borae bod olotued, and were told they might cxpeet a long sojourn in yankee land. No 1,’aaon was asiign-id lor chcir arrest. The Chickumuujn.—Borainda papers raention her arrival t*'ete. Sue had destroyed a bark and two schooners ia addition to thoso previously re ported. Oapt > - -European advices of the 5th oientit. n the departure of Capt. Semmcs from the Bay iU Fuuchail oik an armed vessel, oalled “New AlaOama.’/ Prtson-rs.—The whole namber of yankee prisonera held in piidon, hospital, and on Bella Isle yesterday, waa 2074, including negroes. Rich. Examiner J 16^A. Yankee Deserters.—A. large number of desert ers—upwards of seven^^oame into *our lines at different points, night before last. We hear it sta ted that an entire company of Yankees'—officers and all—oame over, and that when the roll waf called inside oor sides, net a man was found miss ing.—Pet^thurg Exj^ett, 16^. Warden^of the Poor and Jailers.—\ti. tha oase of Wm. B. Harrison, a warden of the poor, the>6npreme Court decided he was a State officer, and therefore exempt from military duty in the army. But in the same ease it is held that a jailor is not a public officer, though claimed for exemption by the General Assembly. The eaaa of a jailor, therefore, depends upon tka question whether the State Leg'slatnre can exempt aoj one liable to .military duty who is not a State offi* cer? As the quostion waa not before the Court, It wafl not decidcj; but the intimation waa that a jailor is not exempt.—Ral. Vonfederof. North Varvlina Conference —^This body «rill convene at Moeksville on tfi© 7th ot Dec next. Mocksville is 18 miles from Saliabury. The peo ple of Moeksville and vicinity will send vehiolea to Salisbury to convey the preachers and delegatea tliither.'—iVbr^ Carolin* Advoea*t.' * ~ TikttfO ftVO 8UltT thoiM8IIl4 QiflKottNI ttfed DMA UMik k UmM maj.

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