mm HOTKMBSR 2!, 1M4. iMroBTANT E^k.its Iifi-«KDina The t«legr«ph furoiabes very lifle of intewt this morning, bnt it« de‘*«ienciet are amply supplied by this morainf*t mail, which discloeea uiOTeijients on both sldeg pref- n»Dt with vit«*l resnlta. Tbe retreat of Sheridau, with iha supposed design to join«r»nt in a new “on U) KichiBond;” the advance of Early towards the Po- toiuuc; Qod the star ing of Sherman opon anew c&n- p&igo towards the const of Georgia or South Caroli- n*.;are the gre»*t exeats which we are now called up- oii to coQtetQpi&te;—to say nothing of BeauregardV piogreae in Tennekaee. They art all referred to in the bighij interesting article which we copy from the RichH,oui Spntinel of the latest date receired. The bcoy;‘ai tone of the Sentinel, reflecting, as it doabt- lesi does, t^e feeiiog of the Administration, will car ry chrer to »11 hearts. The crisis is at hand Let us trust in God and the stout hearts and strong arms of our gu!Unt troops. Thk Yasksk SirjATiox.—Lincoln’s majority in the Eiei'iortU ccileges is very grrat, approaching to nBiDimiij; bui the popalar majority is n6* eaually grcAU Tbit vihich we hoped for is rsalizsd, viz: the re-electioa ot Lincoln with a great and growing party oppoat d w him. We have not yst seen the particu- iare of tr>e papula* vote, but leam that Lincoln’* ag gregate m. Jonty is efuraated at 300,(K'0,and of that number on«-hait«. or 150,000, is given by the New EcgUnd Siaw#. Toe greaf iJiate of New York is so flbaily divided that out of some SW.OOO v*tes LiccolD’tf majoriiy is on>y about 8,000. It will be actm;tt*>d ibat 30i>,000 majority in a vote of verr nearly four millions is comparatively small. It leaves l,8i)U,000 voters opposed to Lincoln and his policy, and in favor, as «re have rea£>on to hope, of peace. Nor do wo be ieve that tlfe friends of pea^e are con fined to tU'B great minority, but that almost every Toter for L.ncoln w:ll be equally in fa»or of peace end of ietiiug the South go, if our armies j&ould con tinue to whip and baffle the great armies of Grant and Saermau, and especialiy if our people soonld preser.i a united front in aa anconquerable deter- aiinauoa to he eitisfied with nothing short of inde- pdndeaca and 4ercai separatiou from tli© yankee lati n. It would seem that the majotity are so well satis- fif'i of the pow^r of t>'e minority, and tearful of its inc.tasj. thit tuey are already proposing movement« for pcace, for the hist tune siuce the war began. ftUd a asbingion correspondeit of a New York 'paper (uauie nut «t. led) writes. • i tui toid tli:*k Mr. Lia;oin, tikiag hint from the mef- a.ige, ■ IVcs ii.Mt J)uvj»'s,) li disp>»el to make tha flr*t ntsps, Aaiviug 'iir* i oiat of - liqu. tt* aside, to seiid c-jUJui.e-ior.. s to iiicLUioud i’s order to ascertain the di^- pisiiiv-a oi *1 i »v ,s • al^a- sul jt^t. The greatest oou- i.f.juLit; ,m. ;ig ;!i ) M-.uJaof ts- admi..;»t-a- sioa ti-at tuc li\ o.' r^jco ciiiuti.n vrjijj the Scuta has ar rived. taiil uj ovuiiieiu people d.sire it, and that any ikdvaujeo’ tas piitof tao Nyrth lu ihat direction, wii! ** viKjcoiaeii till uver tti« ‘ oiiladtrdcy. »ad wili teud pow- to l> ill LijIu s.tlio -s ogether.’’ Anu tha af-uingtoa correspondent ot tha Phila delphia Ledger bajS: •A ^rtai picesure hss already bs?a brouj^bt spon the Pm;a;iii to i da.’o b^m to appjint c&mLaistl»aeni to Kiuhir id, ;or ue porpos j of iouadlag ihu uutaoritie* la thdt. ciij upva tbt. ^ui'j.ct of p-'.ict;. The moment :• r*g»rd:Hl aj pruiMOljf tae ia.)(i fiitiag du.*Sag the war.” Aad even Butler, in a speech at New York on Monday eveaing l*5t, six days after the election, •nggeued taat • che government raigat now proffer the oliVfl branch to tao rebels, tendering amnesty to them and t^^^cir leaders unul ttie 8lh of January; If they held out ^he .ddedj would favor an uaspar- itig praaecuuoa of the war.” We presaoie that this maaas ojo^o tuan Luicoin's o^n propi-sition some . montL.'i ig j, wiieu ii», graciously offered pardon to ai; Qader the rank of Coiontsl whu would throw dowu their arn.8 aad take certain infamous oaths of obedi ence to all bis untoastitutioaal acta which deprived them of lUeif property. 15 .tier proposes to pardon th« Uoloaeis aud the Generals and all, not even ex- eepting Frea dent Davis. They must be oppressed with a sense of tneir everlasung oohgations to him. They will not accept dis terms, but will be rejoiced to meet Lincoln’s commissioners to negotiate for peaee. Taey will not require tnem to come to Rich mond, bat will meet tnem half way, not to ask par don nor to suoinit to reconstraction, but to arrange terms oi peace and separation. Tne President’s repeated declarat'ons to that effect will be seconded, douotiesB, Dy the adoption ot Senator Henry’s reso lutions in Coagress. God grant t^iat these signs of the universally de sired eveat may nut fail, but that the day may be very near at hand! ijjgpii Tib Baiia Outxau.—Wa eopy a detailed ao- coant ef the eaptare of the Florida, taken from the yankee papers. It woald be difficalt to imagine a mere cewardly act, considered either in reference to the Florida or to the Braailian government. The former run into at dead hoar of night, when totally off her gaard, for the avewed pmrpese of sinking her. The latter ioiulted''became itie is c. comparatively feeble power. And all this ii to be atoned for, wiped otft, by a cringing apology from Seward, sheald the stronger powers of Earope demand it, for whieh Sew ard is to pave the way. aceerding to the New York Tribune, as follows:— “Thflre is reason to h«lievff tha' the course to be adopt ed with referHnee*to the icfringement of Breailian eovs- rc jgnty in the capture of the Florida *n »ne cf her harh»irs, will he jnhs'antial'y th« tranfmission o>' a dispatch eay- inr that thin Oov*rnirent will be glad t» receive ind ;ive * favorable consideration to any pri'pojiti»n Brsxil may bavc 'o make. i;f course, tb^re can be n- difBculty where both parties are equa'ly des'rous lO avoid it” eorrespon- Thk Talk in Bosopa.—The London dent of thft Oincinati Gillette writes: ‘ I might eauaerate many tigns over h‘*retbat iridicatn the settled and universal prescotiment that th» Sonthera rebttllion is in some form qr other soon t* coIiap«e, I have not heard for several month* what fonnfrly I heard l«ny. “The South will nc^er beconf^uer^dl” The Tim'»e ‘’BP not uttered that prophecy, ooce so frequent in its rtoluraas, lor four or five monihi*/' The Richmond Examiner, in which we find the above, might have shown that it was nntruo, by quoting from the Times of the 26th October, its de clarations that “every day that the war goes on we see less and less probability that the great fabric of the Union vjll ever be reconstructed in its original form,” and that “wo look forward at no distant date, to the day when the credit of the Republic must be hopelessly and utterly destroyed.” Thb Tallahassxi.—As it has been officially ar- nounced at Richmond that the Tallahassee has re turned to Wilmington, there can be ao icapropriety i" our saying, that we have seea a letter from a gen- tlemaa who was on board of her during her late brief cruise of ten days, otatiug that she captured and destroyed seven yankee mefcnantmen. In going out from Wilmington the oiociiaders fired 4i) shot at her, oae of which passed through the bow, but hart no one. She experienced a very heavy gale, after which, at daylight one morning, she espied sev en other yanjcee merchantmen, but the sea was un- tortunately too rough to lower a beat for their cap- tar©. A yaakeo cruiser then chased her for«threo days, when, about tne latitude of Beaufort she gave up the chase and went to that place, as is supposed, to get other cruisers, and so on the same day there appeared seven of them, one of ifhich, a very fast^ and large ship, got so dose as to fire 45 shots at the rallahasssee, all of which Missed iheir mark. The rallahassee gave her a few shots in return, and she soon began to drop astern, then changed her course and made fur the bar. The Ta.lahassee made for the beach and reacaed it, then steered for the bar also and reached aad passed it ia safety, thongh t&e yaakea nad had the start of her. Cbstificates oy I.vDKBTfDNKss.—An officcr of the governiacnt has called cur atteniion, and asks us to call that oi our readers, to tne propriety of mveat- ing in the 6 per cent. (Jertidcat«s wiiich the Treasury is authorized to ioRue. Taere are two lights in whicn toe subject uiay be viewed. There is ou appeal to pavriotiijm, which, however, in our present circum- skances id h i another nano for self-interest, siao’ our eve;y intereat is bouad up in the success of the Lcafederacy in its straggle for independence, and tiiut sacceiis is depeadeat upon tho procurement «>f funds to carry on the war. The Trtasury is only authorized to issue two hundred millions of currency, of which much tne larger ponion is already issued. Besides tuia, the supply of mn'^a must accrue from the sale of bonds aad the issue of these certificates of iadebtednesi, which it is hoped will be received by crediu>rj of the government in lieu of currency. Thus, wnen a person sells to the government officers any provisions, or becomes a public creditor by con tract for work, it is desirable that he snould only re quire payment of money to as limited an extent as possible and receive tue remainder in these certifi cates. Their advantages t re, tnat they bear 6 per cent, iuterest, payable bemi-annnally, and are exempt Irom tctxation oa either principle or interest. They are thus better than any bonds issued by the gov ernment except tne 500 millioa bonds, (and these can cinly be bad at $1350 lor a i^lOOO bond, whilst the \'ertificates are to be had at par,) for tbe reason that the taxable bonds at preseat yield but one or two ptr cent, a year, and there can be no expectation of such a reduction of the tax as wili leave as much net income irom them 69 from these untaxed Certificates, i'hey are payable two years after peace. It is true that these certificates have been sold in the stock markets at less ttian par, (not by the gov- ♦irnment, whica does not sell them at all, but by the reeipieni# from ifte government;) but that we sap- i>o(je to hn owing to the fact that they are not desiT' uDi« for remittance to Europe, wnilst bonds are parchased in Urge quantities for such remittacce 10 an individu.^1 wi'o dee ires an investment yielding «-ertaia and fair rate of interest, they^are just as KCod Bs bondrf. Aa such, we would respectfully urga up( n all snoh crt ditori^ of tho government as '.an affuid to make en inc'estment, to hold, tbe pro priety of aidintr the government m its efforta to keep down the volume of the curi«acy bj pUuaog its in- debtediNie ia % ftuidtd ahap» A Chkistmas Diir.xKa roa ocra BjLDnas.—The Richmond If big notices the propoiitiou of tae jan- kees in the Northern cities to furnish a dinner to ihfcir soldiers in the field, acd proposes to our farm ers to imitate thoir example, one of tne few yankee examples tnat can be ioi.tated with propriety. vV* se ond the suggestion, except that tie idea ueed no be confined to the farmers—aluiost everybody eau contribute something towards ii. The Whig says to the farmers: “lend ereiy tnr- koy, chicken or pig tner can possibly spare. Let the Coa ederate ov^s aad mess-paas upoa tnat bless ed fe»ti/fel day be r chly ••redolent” with the odor oJ stuffed turkey, roast pig aud ‘chickea fixi-jgs.” i>oa’t wait Ji^r your neighor'r to commence the good work, but right aw*y, uonsiuutionai or ancoastita- lioual, conscnoe cartaia fat gobblers of your flock, and give tbsm a furloagh uuui the 20fb of Deeetn- '^er. LiCt tha mothers, daugaters, uud sisters, too, ot oar Boldiers remeaioer taat tae^e arc it.ose also dguting tor them wao are out otT from.hoff.9 ana loved oaes whu deserve aud would be grateiul for a hountiful Ohristmas dinner. Doa’t for mercy sake, let vaakeedoa outdo us iii a wiliingaes3 to provide lor iho comfort ol the soldiers. Wecaa’t, i‘ !etrae, do as mucu, but our m«aas will permit us to do a great deal." Mail Fah.urs.—We regret to learn that all our packages for offices douth of Warsaw, that left here on Thursday afternoon, were brought back on Friday, to start a/ain on their travels oa Saturday. Tne mall from this place arrives at Warsaw about 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning, not Ijog, we suppose, before the a'artiug of the mail /or this place, and it is perhaps not surprising toat the worthy Postmaster should ue somewhat drowsy about that time of iiight; but as such misi.'ive4 have occurred more than once, we would respectfully suggest to him to have separate places in his oihce for placing the mails to and /ram this place. Thk Old Issci.—We rejoice to see that C^gress is aboui to exteud the time for the redemption of the old issue to the 1st oi July next. Tnis is right. Tne people submitted with general cleerfulness to the tax of one third on these notes, but the repudia tion of the remainder is un'Worthy of the Confederacy, especially when that remainder would be found to be la the hands of the more ignorant classes. Better impose a slight additional tax upon thum for e;ich month until returned, since it is i.nportant that they should be returned and withdrawn from circulation. THE WAR. From the Richmond Sentinel, llth. The war ce'vre io exciting to-day, and telli of ac tivity everywhere. The campaign of 1864, initead of pasamg its last days in peace, is f« expire in sters- The 18th day of November Is here, asd wint«r has given ample warning that be ie not ftr behind hie time. But in Virginia new moveBients are afoet, and in Georgia and Tenaessee a vast caapaign, siB- gularly complicated, is in process ef development. Sheridan, after doing his worst in the Talley, fell back to a point comparatively near the Baltimore A Ohio railroad, and anamei the defenslTe. From this position he has at last effected what be has been aiming to do for weeks. He is believed to have eent off a large portion of hii command to Gen. Graat If tnis prove correct, and we th>jik it will, we miy expect a speedy renewal of heavy operations in this vicnity. Gen Grant has been hitherto incomjietent 10 any new enterprise. He was only able to lie be hind his works, and watch. True, he made recently an important attempt. Dr^wiag every man fredi liis trenches that ^e dared, and pressing into the service hifl cooks and teamsters aid mosiciaas, he threw out flanking columns at both ends of the conh-onting lines, and sought to turn our position. 0' his failure and Hia severe chastisement it would be superfluous to ppeak. To hia surprise, he found himself every where vig'orously Euet, and bloodily reposed. Re tiring behind his ^I'orks again, he has been since con tent to remain in- ive. If joined, howu. -r, by Sheridan, Grant would once more ia^ulge hope of .'^dvactago from a rtuswal of bis cndeavoiii. Uo wvuld calculate on bting able to hold ^ his Mcas, and at the same time have a' iarre moveable oolainn for flank euterprises. This columa he i»ay ven ture to throw far out, in imitation of Sbermaa’s *ove- luent npon Joncflboro’, aad r^'ly upoa its ability to do- feat aay similar forc« of our own. If this bo his plan, we inay ««zp»ct that he will attempt to exoeufeo it with celerity. As soon as Sheridan joins him, ho will proba- bljr aim to dalivor ablow, if po6sibI&,b«fore wo are ready to mset him If tiie vaist fleet of monitors collected and colleeting, under Portar, art to piay a part in Grant’s operations, than the latter's maiu attempt will be oa the uoi th side of tbe James. If the flaet, however, operate against il luicgton, thQ Grant will more upontMeiouth side, with a view to cut our communications with that quartsr As the season of storms ia at hand, wo hardly suppose that the clumsy iron clads will be ventured out at sea. Poor svrimmers at bast, oae gale such as the Carolina coast has of en listened to, would sink the last of them. Oa* tha whole, we think that this colloctioa and co-operation of fieetn and arniif^s ara meant for Hichmoad; and that soon we shall hear the roar of their united artillery. It is our butiinrss to bs pre|»ared for the onset. The wave is coming—the rock must bo ready. Grant has fariouily flung himself upon us many times heretofore, aad has always been repelled and discomfited; we must administer to him the same disuipliae again. Vfe dare bay he will have Ms u:nal luuk. Ths iatcrval sinoe his lac^t attaoks baa not bs*n pMssd idly We caa say no more. From Teanessee we hare no further tidings to report from Beauregard through our owa sources; but that it self is tidings. The U ailed States papers report him as baring orossed tbe Tenness-je river. We suppose he has, and ttiat he is now in Middle Tenaessee. The p;an of operations on Sht^rman's part, at we learn from the samo source, and we suppose correctl/, is, to leave Thomas, witii such reiDforeomaata as have heea saat him, to op pose Beauregard, while Sherman with his own column shall Buovo bouth from Atlanta. This Is so confidently asserted, and is supported by so much of circumstauce, that we accept the programme as the true on«. “■ * The first point marked out, as aimed at by Sherman, is Macon, distant fr«?m Atlanta 108 miles, Alacon gained, we are iaformed that he is a^it to move upon iSarannab, I9U miles from Macon, and upon Charleston, li>4 ailes fsrihsr. Perhaps Auijusta, i64 miles from Mauoa by rail, is to form a poiut la the grand tour. * Having resolved upon such a march, Shennaa has committed bita^elf to it, by tearing up the railroad be hind him as far back as to Altoona, aad by destroying the bridge over the Chattahoochee—a singular maucea- vre to be sure. Sinca then his paopla at have heard nothing from him; we trust the}’ never will agaia. It is the speculation of some that instead of marching upon iavaanah acd Charleston. Sherman will move for Mont- ^mery and M^bde. Go which way he will, he has a loiig ro'id bifvTe him, and it wdi bo our iault if it prove no* a rough one. tv ill B^uregard turn and pursue Sherman, or will he prosecute his own campaign—the one moving Sorth, the other South? His purpostse are neceesarily secret; nor arc we in possaseion of tae information for an opinion as to the best poli*-y It is to ba ho^^ that the people of the States through which Sherman proposes to mirch wili fliag thamselves i^n him with a courage that shall do them honor, "nierc is a *.litfereace between hts situation sod that of Uvod’s; he is in an enemy's country, while Hood is among tri. nd^ No sacridce of property, no activity of opposit’o.i, raast be oimt-d now, or considered ei- ceadive. I'-ar down tbe bridges, f>lo;k the roads, rn- :aove or d«?atroy supplier, cut otf foragers, fight at every pas^. If Sheiuuan enould be able to accomplish such a joura^y -'s he proposes, fora.{ing aa he goes, it will be a pr«H>f taat he was not bccomingly reeiate*!, Oa the whole, tha situation of affairs. East and South, i» extremely intere-jting, an I important events hastea to their accompli'hment SupaaiOK Court.—The triil of several of the ne gro burglars reaulted in an laubiii^^ ui the jury to agree, and the matter was finally compromiaed by an agreement'to whip aud ba;a.-ti th^m except the two indicted for ent«ring tud robhi'ig a dwelliag. Their trial was coauuued, m oar last. Judg^ Gilliam has established a high reputation oa this circuit for toe qu ilities ^-.csentiul to ms position, both as a Judge &nd a Geutieman. Gkn. Bbauq.—'It is omaiully anaoaaced in the Wilmington Journal that Gea Bra^g "assumes the command of the Dapjirtmeat of Nori.h Carolina^” and t' at “Maj. Gen. Whitiug and Brig. Gen. Baker will continue the territ^prial command nerf tofore ex ercised by ttiem ” Gen'i Bragg succeeds Gen’l .Beaurega'^d, transferred sometime sinoe to the iSouth Wect CONOBBT.—Oa: citizens will have anottier oppor tunity, on Wednesday evening, to combine amusement with a patriotic charity, by attending the Concert to be given by a number of amateur purformers, which we doubt not will be of rare iotemst apart from its benevolent object. See advertisement. iMP&EssiMa Hobsbs.—We are requested to state that the impres&iag officer who vieited this town last week stated that he would not impress an^ horse or mule on the way to or from market, or while at mar ket, with produce. So tua* thi safest plan for the farmers is to send their horses along, with something to eat. ^ WiLMiNOTOn AND Weldok Batlroad.—The Jour nal states the gross receipts of this road for the year ending 30th Sept. at $il,010,039 97, against ^1,402,831 Ii^t year. Increase $l t)0/,'208 37. The expecdi toret have been $1,864 2U 34, and the profit $1,145, 815 63, against $809,6.^2 Cl last year. Increase of prolit $336^62 96. The Directors declared bifiM No. 27 qCa» PW >««• about R 'ch-no7id nnd Petsrsburg.—There wai nothing of importance done on th*'- lines before Rchinoad and Petersburg yesterday. The bom bardments of Dutch gap was kept up in fine style, and the hoomiug of tne guns was heard distinctly in our streets. There is a general impression, gathereji chiefly from hints dropped by the yaakee press, that (Jraat is preparing for the final grand movement of the canpaignin Virginia, which it is cc'nfidentiy hoped by yankee people is to end the war by taking Kichmood. Coustant arkd repeated failure seeming to have ao effect upon him, we know of no reason why he should not make anotner attempt to d slodge our army. As Butler’s ^aual is not yet fin ished, fvn attack on our c.'ntre is haroly to be thought of, and hid next attack will probably be, to some ex tent, a repetition ot his last, except it will, we thiok, oe the last reversed; that is, he wal assault with his ueaviost columns oa the north side. It is said he is already mustering his forces for the fray, and de'^ert- ers report that he has been reinforced by a portion of Sheridan’s command frcmthe Valley; but this we shall not iuiplicitly credir until it comes to us through some less questionable channel. From Petersburg we have nothing; of interest. Tne Yankees coutiaue their raids and depredations into Surry aad the neighboring coun Jes aad are t-reatin ^ the inaab tants with unusual barbarity —the raiders Dcing mostly negroes.—Rich. Dispatch, \^th. From, Oeurgia.—The only official information re ceived by the press yesterday was that Sherman had destroyed tne Northwestern and Atlantic railroad from Atlanta to Altoona, tfe Chattahoochee bridge included. This movement is difficult to anderst»nd, exccpt as explained by uiiotficial reports that were’ in circulation during yesterday. If they be true, the deslruction of the railroad can be understood, though It wul still appear a superfliious labor. The reports had it that Sherman, having burnt Atlanta on the 15th. last Tuesday, had set out for Macon with three corps, amouuung together to 35,000 men, and that he had, on yesterday, reached Jonesboro’, 22 m'les south cf Atlanta. If there is truth in these accounts, as we bc’iove there is, Wheeler has much to answer for. I devolved upon him to watch Sha-man and Keep posted as to his movements. Only four days pgo he rpporrj-d him “moving towards Bridgeport.” Now^ it is said, he reports him moving towards Ma- coa, as abo?e stated. Tbia latter report is corrobo rated by otner evidence. Sherman will, we think, meet with opposition he does not calculate upon before he reaches the forti- fication»» of Macon. These works, shou’d he ever reach them, he will find of the most formidable cha racter, and with the troops that before that time will be collected in them, they must give him a vast deal more tronble than he evidently counts upon. If the Georgians will battle -tor their trenches as the Pe tersburg militia did last June for theirs, or the Rich mond m.litia did at Staunton river bridge, later in the summer, Macon will be saved. In undertaking this expedition Sherman is too prudent .t, mau vo rely upon sijbsistinsr his army on the couuf-jr. It bec-MU: s mteresting and important to confc'dcr wu pjtnt he calculau^s upon makiog his »>a3 j 01 supplies. His destruction of the railroad northwest of Ationta proves that he has cut loose from the Caattanooga oase. He must, then, ^e look- iog to s-me point ou tlie Atlantic or tne Gulf. We are disposed, for several reasons, to believe tnat Pen sacola 1; the selected point; this, not became of its greater proxiinity than any other post to bis present field ot operations, but because it is ascertained that r«.T more than a month very large supplies have been us^cuiuulated there. If he tioil to take Macon at the first dash, he will probably run for Pensacola, and make it a new base of operations. It is not to be to enable him to enter ipon a siege wUch ihall o«- a«^ any considerablo leagth of time. We have ventured the epinion that Shermaa had Pensacola in view as a new bate of snpplies; but it it proper to say there aro reaioni why he night se lect eese peint on tko Atlan*'ic as boiair nearor at hud. Savanaah, for instance, cffsrs advantages, did iti approach not iavoive the certainty of a rreat deal of heavy fighting. ^ * We loot with intoBie interest to fall and authen- tic sews frem Geergia.— Ib. the Valley.—Passengers by last night’s train aay that nothing special has baen heard from Barly at 8ta«nten for two days past; but it is sup posed tbat he is driviag on towards the Potomac. Oar cavalry had been within a very skwt distance of Harper’s Ferry, and made some captures of men and horses. The Yankees have been behaving worse than nsuat in Winchester. They have tamed their stock in the cemetery, and have not only pulled np the tomb- •touts Md OTorthrowu the uinnuzDeatSr but broicfB them in pieces and desecrated the graves. They had taken pessessios of all the chorchesia tlje place, as hof^il^s, except the EJpiscopal, wiiich they s&id was too daap for the patients. Sheridan bas, without doubt, sent away a portion of Ws forM, and they have, it is said, arrived at City Point. This infenaation comes from deserters, as wtU M front our own tcoutt. Aoother intormMit Bays souie ef thev have been put into Fort HarriKO'^. i'hore is evidently a great scheme on foot, and the Yankees are determined to spare ho efforts to ren der it succossfoL—Ib. Reports frem. the Valley, last night, repreeent Sheridan’s army still retreating towards the Poto mac. There is no news of any recent engagements. Sentinel, ISth. Br0gHian jtc«0unt of the Capture 9f iht Fl*ri- dm.—'I’ho following account of the seizure ot tn^; Florida in the ^irt of Bahia is taken from a Brazilian journal. It appears the Florida had run under the guns of a fort for protection:— ‘•Tho. vessel was seized by the Wachusott, and the re port of her capture was quickly spread through the city. The next day an officer uf tne Florida noiihed the com mander of the Wachasett tbat hs had bo right to cap ture the Florida in tkat port, and that the Brazilian bov- ernmeat would demand aa explanation of his courei-; that tha port was free to all vessels, aad that the capture of such vessels should be maae outside. The aeieuro caused great excitement among the people of liahia. The whole lauit lay in tne W achusett, as she bad violiited tue laws of the rrofince. After seizing the vessel, sb* was tied to the VV'achusutt, whose commander at once prepared for sea. The small guns of tno Florida and tae crow were removed to tbe vV achusett, and a portion of the anginds were taken aw&y in order to prevent uer escapiag. As she was going «'ut, the people, gathered oa tbe saore, aud batteries were levelod at the vessel Some of tne mea oa the Wucbu- sett then fired revolvers at the spectators, which iacreaeed the excitesisnt, but the vessels left the port. W hen tae Florida was hoardad by tae officers of the ffachusett, tke crew acted very quietly, but the men of the Wachusett endeavored in vain to make them act otherwise. They declared that if they had the arms of ,thtiir opponents, and their whole craw on board, they 7/ould not let themselves be captured. A fire was thea lit in the Florida, but tho sailors extinguished it. Before the capture, the two veawls made signs to tight, but they were stopped by the o/B-crs of the Province. Pre vious to tho eeiauro, 4 sailors of tho Florida reached tne shore, aad 16 jump^ into the water, bul they wore res cued by several vessels. When the American (Jonsul heard the report of the firing from the Wacausett, he got up in the ni^t time and h»a it slopped. The othijer of the Florida, when asked to surrender, at once threw his sword into, the wal«tr. Oomoaauder Morris, of the Florida, has sent a oommu- aicatioa t j the President of ti»e Province ttianking him for the vffjrte he made to prevent her eapture in a neu> tral port and protasting against her seiaure. The matter ij a ssrious oae, and may be so regarded by the lirazilian Governmea’t.” ^ Late Foreign Item$.—Tha Rissian Minister at Washington is ordered to Mexico to coagratulaie Maximilian on his accession, whereat the yankees are mucb displeased. A Qaakar depuiatioo from England to the yearly meeting in Nortn Carolina has been refased a cross ing of the rebel lines. It is rumored in Washingtoa that Gen. Meade will oe superseded iu consequence of ths ••great disaster” IB front of Richmoud on tha 27th ult. Tne election ever it is nn longer a victory. Col. Quid baa asked permission to buy 30,090 blankets in New York for rebel prisoners of war, and M pay for t''em in cotton shipped through Wil mington. Cairo dispatches of the 14th report MigraJcr’s army seekmg to cross tne Miibisaippi to aid lio.,u. The Danis*i war has been finally ended by treaty signed ou the 30th ult. The fleet of the Kagiish, French and,Dutch naar succeasluily attacked tne for s ol Pnuce Nega;,o, in the Straits of Snimonosaki. Tne Jupauese have f>ued fur peace and promise to open the Straitn. Sevobern.—We learn that thei-o arc now only about 4,000 troops at Newberoy mostly woite, and that toe negro regimeuts that nave been doing gar rison (tuty there nave been sent to Virginia. Raleigh Progress, l^th. Excheinges.—Tne exchange which has been in augurated ut Savauuah Will be transferred to City Point, about one hundred Confederates having diea on their passage South. We have so far received about three tnousand prison^'rs, aud have just coai- aienced the delivery oi' yaakee prisoners. Fornnn Battalion.—600 foreigners wnose terms had expired la Lmcolu’s army and wnom he will not exchange have joined tu’e Coi,federate service aud have organize^ into a battalion at Columbia. 20(f Irishmen have gone from Florence to Hood's army. A considerable number have joined our army at tta- vanuah. Mexico.—New York papers assert that Maxi- mihan naa never entertained, and does net eniertviu, the least comaianicaiiou with the Confederate gov- !>rnme''t; and tnat, as a cousideracion for nis relusai to recognise the Confederacy, he bas received assu ranee from Lincoln that he will recognise uim as tae illmperor of Mexico so soon as Congress is out ol the way. Congress tight jjbject, since it so recently ainrmed the Monroe doctrine. ExcaAKSED.—Among the otficers excnacged at Savanuah, we see ia a partial list in the iiepuoiican the names of Dr. S. L. Golding, 21st N. J.* Capt. Sharp, 4th Cavalry, T. Albrignt, 53d. Silas C. Wat kins of ‘•Wo'th county, N. C.,” died oa the truce boat. The election in New Hanover, for Senator in place of Mr. Hall, resigned, will take place on Thursday next tbe 24th inst. Major Robert Strange, Coi. Ed ward D. Hall, Tnos. C. Miller, Esq. and lit. S. J. Faiaon are nominated by their Mends. ^ Baptist Convention —The next meeting will be at Forestvilie, in Nov’r 1865. In WilouDgton, 16th inst, by Rev. Mr. ^ataon, Mr. C. LUOIAN JONES. 0. S. N., 'f Virginia, to Miss MARY ANN A^ daughter of James Anderson, Esq. In Cumberland county, D -.NIEL McPHAIL, aged 15 years, t>on of John and Mary McPbail. At the residence of L. W. Lawfaon, Moore county, 12th inst, of consumption, JOHN C. ^^’RlGwTSMAilJ, of Chatham coduty, in the 80th year of his age. The de ceased gave every evidence of havlqg died tha death of the righteous.—Com. . In Montgomery coimty, on the l6th day of Oct., of typhoid fever, SARAH M.. daughter of the late Hon. S. HL Christian and Eliza Christian, in the 15th year of her age. The subject of this obituary was an unusually lov..- ly girL She poBse.^sed an amiable disposition, a pure hc»rt and good mind Great pains had bet a taken by her parents to makt- her aa acwmplished, educated lady and her prospects were promising to fulfil ttic fondest, brightest Kxpectations of heir parents and friends. Just two months previous to her death she professed religion and joined the M. E. hurch. South. Always kind, af fectionate and good, under the eanclifying influences of religion aiio was all her fimd mother end large circle of relatives an.1 friends couid wish her to be. U’ter a pro tracted illness of great sufferiuij: s.'ie dijd e.a!>iiy and tri- ^^hantly, having expressotl herself as perfectly willing May-hor widowed mother and fatherless brother and sister derive eonsolation from the fact th*t “*ii thisirs ^qvlilagelliir lor |oo4k>t)Ma that love Qodi” ISIVHIX Jffi JL. *3 .A. H. BKfOBTS 01 T>m fjiSJfi t«B0.'.'I.-4. ”f>: From Georgia.—Ma«oit, Nor. ■> 9 —The military | anthorities are active and vigilant. Every man is nndcr arm”, ond oenfidc'ce :8 i eing r6Kt«'red. 'The ( enemy arc Mioved to be on o»^r right, distant about 30 miles. The city v^ill be defended to tho last. Another capture of yanke* picket* near PtUrt- hnrg.—Ricbmomd, Nov. 19—An official telegram received at the War Department says; Gen. Pickett reports that rn the nieht af tbe 17^h a portion of the enemy’s picket lines in Lis front wm captured and held. Col. Kauimann, 2 Captains,* 2 Lieuteaante, and 113 privates were coptured, besides the dead and wounded left on the ground. Our lost was one killed and nine wonnded. From the United States —Pichmowd, Nov. 19.— The Baltimore .Airerican cf th? aliernoor* cf the 17th has been received, bo* contatns vt-ry 'i’.»,le news Gold was 221 at the first board in New Yort that mom- iof. .The official vo"« of Maryland was, for LincolB 37 300, for McCIeliaa 32,400. Gen. Barnsida arrived a‘, Fort Monroe on tbe 16th and went immediately to tbe front. Gen. Pope in an official report of his ep- erations among the Indians in the Northwest sbjs he is icstiliiag peace and indicates that be intends to do away with the treaty system, his plan be’ng to make the Indians behave and the whites deal fairly with then. Richmond, Nov. 20.—i-The Philadelphia Inquirer of the 18 ih w barren of news. Gold closed steidy at 22‘2. Intormalion, believed to ba correct, had reachpd Meiapais that Gen. t'anby fyankeej had died of his wounds. [He was shot by gueriil;.^ on White River, Arkaneas.J C0XGIUC.SS,— In the Senate, on Monday, Mr. Barnwell ijtroducsu a lull to repeal a part ibe a^u/stratioo act wuicb allowtid pay mints cf debis due aliejr enemies ia 0. rf. Bor.ds. [This is to prevens EUi,h pa^mente in 4 per cents., whica has lately oe^u dout;.] A bill w) correct aij error in a pr^'vicus law which au horiaed issue of b»udi to privates in the a»-my was paieH^d The enor was itie omission of a date for rcdempaoc, thus preventing tbe it^sue. They are aow made rcdfeaiable ia 1SU4, with interest ^aysble ssiBi-anaually. A bill to nutht izt the Sec y of tne Troasuiy to take up ttie 7.30 $I(JO notes with couDon bonds redt'em.-iiBle iu 1895 wa' passt-d. ilr. Gra ham was granted iO days’ leave. In the Uouse, a great nany resoiutioos of inquiry were infroduced of no tpecial interest. Uu Tuesday, in the Senate, Mr. Orr introduced a bill to xtiinpt the cwgoe^ uf vesi* Is own d by tho sSia c-s fi'om • xigtiug reetrittiono upou trxporu aud imporia. The bill ta prevent p’reons indebted to alien enemies from settling ike said claiais with Uoven:ment rtceivere in oonds was j» issed. la ihe 4o'’ic Mr. Cnilton of Ala. introduced a resc- miion for the expulfcion of tion. TV. K. W. Cobb of Ala. who has failed to ap^e.ii aud tace his seat, remaining wittnn me eusmv’s lints on terms of frieaijy iatercoui.^e w lh ihem. Pendiug ihe ccnsideratiou of the resolution the 'uus* went into secret session. [It was unaninioutly adopted ou Thursday.] i^either House nas in session on Wednesday. Ou Tauratlaj, i-i t:ia senate, Mr, Walker intiod«!*."d a bill giving Posimasters tha i>euefit of the law iu n.itttiju to the receipt of cuuaterl'e^iis by Government sf!ic is. Ml. Mnxwell a res>olutioa, wiiich was adfpted, irquiriiig of the President if a;rv one of the United dtates, tiirongn its ' eccgcized auihorilies directly or iu t^rectly, has ei- prefcied a Hiliiuj>n.‘!;s to go into Conveutlou with us to negotiate a peaee, Jto. Mr. Semaes. a bill to eittnd to Ja;y 1, lt?U5, the time for redempiioa of ifte f '-l iss'w wita new, waica was paHsed on Friday Mr. li.o^n a bill to prevent iileg'ii imprcesuiems. In the Uouie, Mr. (Jobb ofAia. Wds tipeiled, 7j to CO. Mr. j. *1. Leach «*ffjrrd a res diitio'i oi iuquirv why iLe ujjpitais for sick aud wuuadcd toldiers ak«^ aoj better -upphtd *viln wucd and coai. Adopted liioh ilouas hcid a a^rei se.'sioa. On Friday, a resotuiiou Was adop ed caiJag for a re port -of the fac'sin regard to tbe S’iznre of the Floridsi, and waat action saeuld be tak^n in regard to it. Mr. ilenry iotr jduced r solutions, declan;!^ the deteimi- na ij.u of aud lii-j psopio t itie ‘'culVderatii titatfs to {uo^ecui-i tais war tui our itsd pjcd-d ’eis a;- knowi jdgtid. i'ae taird refc dution prt^claims ti.«: leadiaeis vf lbs tiuverumsat to op?- a-gouatious !oi' tae tsiablisii- Hieuf of a permanent acid aa conoranle peao«, ui>oa t’. » Uieis ol iuuependence.i Noihng of iutere.=t ia cioat^:) white iu op ‘a scssian. On Saiurday, the Seusks passed a bill ■uthoriaiag ex- chaogo ot roguVjred bonds of the ^(l.’i,O'.‘U,0ui) loau fur coupon bouu?; and a bill suapendlng fer t>i> days ^o muih of iha act orga.iuiajj lorces w> SArve du;ing t*>e w«r rs provides thai perso:.« ih-rein mentioa«J snail aot be i'j*- j qairod to perform military s«rvic« out of the in | which they re«ide I’tie luil «aa acijt w tte .0 «n 1 ’ paiMied there n.i»o. The Uouaa a*so udoptel .a reoulutivn to appoiat a joint co’a.ii: reo to sppeal to ti-e ttate Gov- err msut« to reduce tho nujuber of otais vificcra exempted from tuititary eervic,.*. - JOHN H. COOK, AaotloBMr. 0!f Thnrsf’sy n»xt, the 24th i"st irill be ssldi 100 Busheis Sa’t; 25 lbs Oofae;" 12 r^s Gotten Oards; I Mi k row aad Calf; 7H B'.t'.ks B’fck Ink >'ov. 1». 14 FarcttcTille Hotel for Mest. Tbe . bov? pfcper^y will be r«a«ed at PabHo Aoodift in front of t^e prem'sts. on Thwr^aj ths 8t)i D»- coxb-er rert at 12 o’elook, forl2aeat^. Fesscasieata rveB «■ 1st Jsouarj 1856 T .6 Uctel in known to be one of tho IkrgMt la tka .tafe ,H*s commodJooB RnoTDB and evary eoaveal' «nee csurI abcut a Hotel; Is oapable of aeooBBodstiag %ny avcrnt cf custom As a stand- it is aoavMdeatly titu»Jed on Hay Street and altoget eris oae of meat do3irahTe te be had. For fni th»r iofomaUoa, p*f*reaaa .'sy t» made to HENRY LILLY, Prea»t. ^ Mtr to Mag^Utrate^i. Ma^.sirati's of OnmberUnd county are re^a'wled to m*pt at tb« Court Hsate inFayettsvillo o» Batar- 'ly the 26th inet, at 11 o’sloek A. M, for tha »raaa- >ction of impi/rts-nt pubHe butiness. The Oom Cost- .isc^ucers for the several Dietrie*e ia the eeaaty aro rrqa»jeted to bring i$p h«ir several reports oa that iaj. DAV1> MoNEILL, Obm'a. Nov’r 19 M St 75,000 NoT’r 21. WAIVT£B, LBS. HAY and FODDER; 100 Spirits or Oil Barrclf^ 60 Cords Pine W^ood; 6 Good Yonng Mnles. T e. LUTTE^LOlt. W St T3E nnderslime'i oan load from Fgypt to Ghreeaaboro* and from Fayetteville to Raleigh any auBb^r of P LUnBRLOH. Nov’r 21. St FOR SA1.B. “ OAA ®* 0^0 DRY SALT; /wUl/ 1.26 tthla D5 ; TOO “ Labrie^ting Oil; 60 “ Tinner’s Oil; 5D “ Paint Oi’; SOO Boxes Tcbaeoe. T 8 tUTTERLOH. 21 86 2w The undersigned will pay tbe hlgheee p ,c»’ for OuLU aud ..lLV'£ii. /»Iro r per o--r'. reriiflutra A -^ly e on to- B. L PEMBERTON. 21 *-6 i2t Beeswax and Ti|llow. The hicnr^t oiarket. r:e« will be paid for BEB8W1X and TALLOW by 1 L. PEMBEBTOM. Nov’r 21 12t BJaden €oanty. MngigiraieR of tb> ocanty cf Bladen aro reqae*^ ( ea fo sss-Dib’s at Eirs-ibe'own ca SatcM-aj the Mtb iei , f r ifiti tr'iasidioa cf l’3Sin*s^ of Impottaasa Bj f-rier of TBE 3HAIA3L'H 18 Itfd The Owners af Slaves of Cnmbarltai 'cun;y'* . e J >a riiSeftiion^ f'elow Wii>D>ttc*oa will a*?5t r-v in PayrUevil’e oa PRIBAY, t>e ii^h 'tUL*. '.a bt^siaesA cf ’npc-ninoe oc&aoitei^ with tk(> ba"*cs W T. OWEN. Overo»ov fc*«da. 17. 86>2tr4 X.OST, IN oa jdcudtj I-*... a blaek VBWFGW9 L ND D'^6 *b»u^. eight^«; inoaih84d. Aay pei' u-H rt-!i^- q.pj; tc tt' BhUI dog or fiv'ng me lafcma- where I o&a ^et hira shall b« eudaVy rewarded- DUNCAN SHAW. ^cvl« 8«2fp4tf Fayetteville ArseasI ant krmmrj, t * i!*(»v 18, f roH VH£ ca. FAlKTTbMlXE, i>. 0., Nov, 17, 1SS4. Messrs. Editors: la your iatsus of this date 1 had the following paraj^rapb: “If wo may laku the liberty to make a sug^csiion to -ol IJawgoii, we >y^u1u ^ay taero di>ee not eppvar to us to oe any e^ulhuient re.a.-ioa ibr his inveCtiv>* u^alilht the Press, which, we are incimed to tnma ia neiUna- better noi worse the rest of tne woiiJ, aud taei eforti need not bo feingied out, of all the woild, for abuse.” This paragraph uoniains two miiapprehensions. In the tirot place niy fetricturea were not direcM>d agniast the Press but cor.u//^ foit/ic i newspapere; secuiiuly, even that class of th. Pr^ss was not siagljd out, for I in cluded in the same sentence jMjliticians of tlio Siai3 uk; aad lastly, 1 stated tiiat tne lecture wrUKv, betoio tnu O'utedtsracy iiud aa existence, aud th n efu*e, my al- lusi >n.s coaid not ii^iva br^n to the C’-onf-daraLe I’rees. v\« have not yet any poiiiticai partits iu th's Conisderacy aud ujtil we do we can have iieiiher a cor rupt pci'tical Press or corrupt poiiticihas. Jdy n-asoa for correcting your misappi-ene^i-ioas to promptly is at during lay icu." ttira.;ti the oniy !t”.icy oa my present iHjaevolent mi=..ion, as well as oa otnor occa.-i 'np in bygone days, 1 have reccieca at. the baov1 of iha Press of tho Soutii not oniy uadorm' couru-sy ana invaluable assistance but porsoual kindness and consideration far beyond my humble merits, and in me it would be in tho grossest bad ta»te a» it wooli ba %be blackest lagratilade to assail the Pxc-^s with an ‘ iavective. ’ Ktspectl’ully, ANDREW H H. DAW30N, .NOTICE. »rr~ h-r'ty T’srmd ogaioBt poToh*^diiif Hiv rasa V’ .lotbin^ from t*>e 8*hi*er« >^ad O'^ra- iv .H of t i P i‘t. S ;:'*«re peaaUiee are atUohodtolbis otffn'e b/Uw thos'^ f^fainst whoa proof j%Bi bo ' will r-o p 6 6 1 P L CHILDS, Lt r«l Comd'f A oi some «xpericnc« in (^seising. V. :^t’o oiiua^ioa in e>.>cie safe and Itea'tlij ■ VA>I tG»ch Oe ' and lower b.-MMhes ef Ea//.ivfc. A^so rn Jimejta cf L:tia, Fr.inoh and ^vuio on the Pisao R»;iab5o refere-eoe will bo givoa 411 require For fartl:«r inforreation. app'y to Mr.D. D FRENCH, Lnmbertcn. Robesoa Co. f*. O. Nev. Ig. 8S 2tpd Fof Sale or fixchan^c, Ff>1* YOHi^O {;\rT'E. *wo Miloii Ccws Also one er «wi’ Pibs Sows witji^Pigs J. KERSHAW. r'o.v’flT. 85-2t wawtedI 60,000 ‘.WOlbg B i^iWax; 1,000 yJs Csuntry EToaespaiit f CO yde W leli'a Jear.o. For which I w;i! pv faU market prioe or ea- oLaage Oot an Yitro, SMrtin^f or Salt. ISAA'J H0LLTNQ3V0ETH. ypv'r 14. 84-14tpd BFiftOVAfi. ■'piTE n*'f»*rs!«'r-e > bae fratc tb»!r nM s^aad i oa 'footer is Na. 7, V.\B13:Er BXRIST, ^ ■'-rc-hev TE'r-9- *0 eo’^tinn^ tae frdiidral 03nnai’3i3a Q-roosry Bnsiaess. . vompt a'tfcxiticii wiW be ■;ivcn to a!l ord'^ra aad e-.-a to gn'c^re. L. C. LTNEBSRRY ft 00. ® •aa'i.-n N. i"* Oii 10 7(» i$)asa-* Tax in KisicS, Richmond Conntjr. *H. K r.;-. 1'c-.o ot K.Jracad (Icun'y are reqnr«i>ed to I rr-j * U'-t;e 'or'njrtifsfp *T!d plac’s, prepared r HEREBY return my hoartfi lt th'.nks to tho^ kind lia ihcir .'vo-c - rj. Short Bnckwheat, Boo^k ( fii'udi ihruUi^h »»hose iastramv ntality my Dwelling ! :i'ce, Irisi Pj-.-t t» ^Ouder,. Molasses of Oaaa House aud KiU'oen were resi-ued fiom the fi.-e which oc- j Sc^gbura Peaa, C:-lton and Qrtund Peas; to-vit: curred during tbe nigiit of tiie i7:h in=t, at my prenrises | At C',c.3:e’s, on .bo 6 h *>.,d 0th December * on Haymoant. I earnestly trust these fiionds may all find a helping hand in the hour of need. SOPHIA H. McLEAN. b’AiTETTKVIiJL.i^ MAUiIEi\—N-v 21. OF TH.6 ;vi Bacon 5 75 i\-. $G Pork 2 25 ?o 3 CO L'.rd »> 7i. io 6. Bc.’f I oO to - 09 par poou.-. ru-.aj.. B>.:tswax 4 to so 5 00 iiittcr 3 06 t j 7 50 Cottoa tv, Coifce lo i>0 ij 16 00, C-o-toa xarn%j5 Oa to 43 00 par Huecr I'c*. T.’tv>’.\ ?5 o $7. Frait 1 -OO (.9- ib SiipoT, I'aaily Graia—Cora $18 to $iO. ‘1'heat SS5 00 ; f20 Oa’.s 10, Pof s ?18 06. iiioetH-Atrec-H ii 30 to 8 60, dry 6 00 ta 6 00. Iror—4 03 ta 6 -''d, ooaaUy m; ic 8 60. Fodi^r^ Z.CW, $7 to f8, O.i 510. daj $0 5\» -a Shucks 6 §0. FiftT.«eed 3 00 to '0 00 per *.'u. Qreen Apples 16 00 to 20 00 per ''ushel. £g^ 8 00 per dozea. Leather—Upper 26 00, Bole 20 CO .L!q-i?»rs —Cora Whiskey f60 00. Apple aa4 Peach Braacy fSO 00 MoU.aes, couBtry cade, 12 60 to 16 00. Bics 75 b-^ cask. 8 00 per bbl; retail 10 10. Soda 7 CO to 8 00 per lb. Soap~F*«ily Bar 8 00 r at lb., Toilet 8 00 to 10 00. Naiiii 3 60 to 4 00 par 1 Onions 26 00 per bushel Potatoes—Irish 815 bush; sweet $8 •'' #10. Fayetievrila 4-4 SieetiiuEH, £ 00 :o a SO Sal?, 86 X> to -46 03 per btishel T«row 4 60 fa 5 00. Wool 96 $7. Co»T'*»*ed 67 E L r^!iTo». , ■ «■ 'iljj'l* COxlfCERT FOR T £ biNJifIC OF TrlB CUMBItRLiXl lU»Sl'ITA?i AhSOillTlOJf. The Yi.'UNG Ltd-es aad 0 .... siv i V ai*« In Cra.ocrt .f'*;ettcKlV'? 3*- . "D W'*dneiv.ay ev’g, 231 -Bsl, to com c? 'r^ 't "i cl 'k Tiekrie wii be for f»»ls at i'?e B - k »«:d Dr*.g “ S ^riuRS. 7th •* “ Kocicinffcaca, 8th and 9 h *' •• L»utel Hill, 12 U a d 13lh “ “ Btewanevilie, 14-a aad 1-Sh “ “ ^tiii^mscn’s 16ih •• r .ch producer must make retu:A of tbe entire qaan* titj of tauu of lbs abofa ar'ieles produced by hiso 4a' Tiag yeir; wbe >er {gathered or tot Five bu^aeis e rn rer hundred p-^node of pork, vlU b«> allowed tui of sx, for end fatteciac ■‘CfB. Th’i tax payer muNt faruish a Ifet of the nasi- '■er pcunda bp rxr-^ote to sUa;ht8r; and olaim tre Ja- :.’estun at tke time ine ‘Simate is leade. The frlaafls 91 t*:o-)a abaeut ia the army ara earneaily reqvrrsial to Lst for them. W. D TOWTEEND, PETER MoRAE. AsseitEor^ 8;ii lax Diet N 0. Nov 12 85 I5D I¥otice to Tax Payers. I WILL attend at tae foil iwing tiaes and places to f«> eetve tee prop- rty or 6 per sect Tax aad tbe Bol- riers* Tax- The Tax oa pforcrty will b5 reeelv-id ia A per oent dertlneates The Soldi-^rs’ Tax ia aew iasao only At Steele’s on Monday and Tnesday 6th aad 6th 9ea- At Minerr.1 Bprina* on WeduesJay 7th; r*orkinghMa on Thursday «n‘i Fridar 8th and Olh; Lanrel Bill oa Monday and Tuesday 12th and iSfli; Btewartsville, Wednesday aad Thnradaj 14th * 16(h; 5 Wiiliamfon’s, Friday 16ta • All pfrsone who ewe tax will do well to attead aM i -^eU’e cr the extreaie penalties cf the law will ba •*» I foreed i Tb4 Assevnrt for the Tax in Kind will alse attead la ■ receive tho Tithe list fnr i’'» crop of 1864 aot already lifted L MoLAURIN, Tax Collector. S3d Dist N. O- NoT’r 6 I jr^TMciE. mHB rhftiraen of tkt Commit.cee of *bo different W#. ! * f'"'' ? appniotpd by ^be Cf'tinty Cenrt of Bo bee (Ml i ^ >if }. for ta* d'rt'-ibu.-ioii of money aad provifiaa j lijt 3oWi»‘Ts’ familie?, are hereby notiflei I ;> o.e « t:!i Tour H use ia Lnmberton oa the S8tk i .l >y cf Nov , A D 1864. ar.d rce^ivn for distrihttliam ; t e It onejs new in xay ban)e for 1966. ▲ puMtail ai* Poup per cent. CEBTIi'I t;A'TE8. j MaMc is itqiertwL rjWRES Oeriifioatesfof $2Udoaoa, 1 Oa—Iwiewr»Qbneaqyj|^ VvrtL ' j |la«.I4>

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