BLIO LAWS «^irA0rED Fkb’y tCJl864. ail !> I-:, r: f; Hi pL(?' iiCfi.'' * tcfid bt M-; uaui, et fo lu'tdy '.nr 1. 7' ■.t '’/ i>;: = ’ i. 'r'. inr^ i 'T. arl. : ; »» y ..- \j_xi I .iX iT1~> ■[! ^0 ^ ^ ^ J ':• »/£: >;I' u' :li hf . i. iSt !'i a., -i -ua.i :;r. *U!lS» ^ rr ji- pa^:^iO Vq,44. i kfj 01 fii.ul Va -r£*•;• ;: rho ra - on I he IpI ef •V ihf (/■ ,t 'he hjldi-rs ci >). ri"*? li-^n I'li’ ViOAftl Ulil-i -l-i ;.,j ^ i :pi, to , i-*vul3 a»:»i ft! th ’ all 8U*ili ; re .ary ’ -ar:. in v ic-'- ^ ler *;h= ir I" ; » 'uv v;- ’H. per ai. .a-J’li'tf s.rid o I'.lv of Sn 2 Th.' ^Q-. - ry n: the’ Traasnry is* horrby au*L jrircd to isi>ne tLe bonds re*^U’rod W tbe funding prc^’dcd fr r in the prec :diBi» s*ndon, and until tlie bonds Cbu be prcprm u no pjay is^nc ocrtific;i;''s to firsw»'^r tbo r>v!rposn. Such bonds and oer’ifbo reaaiv^Mo Tsi’^out int-'v. erit in pS"m. ni of ail Grovcni* *nt uugs pay^Mc in tbo '•i'n- 1864. cst pt export nnd iuinoir, daiies 8ko •). T^irit til Treasurv r,-.r-,s of the uJifi-'D • rloO ‘ bi nrint’ ' Q0( hr- ;o ;C(i f:-’* ' r' O’’ •. '• ^ ’ «'* ♦■ i?s »■ • '•:'-H, Iv'- •■' itij, • ■ I ( .1 Uk' ^ nv'r, "r.: T :(■ V -.T nly l ’f>4, v7 ' = • ; V ■■ t'iv-Mo in r •ipn. shall 1»9 Kobjeot to a tax of 83| per eent. on •▼- cry dolla prcinisad on tlio faoe tkercoiy sfttd tuc to attaoh tc said notca wlxerever circulated, acu -raid rif-tcf* to bo fandab^o Rad cxohaHgeablc for new (Veaaxiry i.otcs, bcmin provided, subjcot to iht uca E cf tuR. Quo 12. Tliftt n _ 'lotcs T.J J.C d b^fo'” '■^c times borcin fised for tRxini'' u -notr^ ,U f'k=7c3 tii! tbe firBfc (lay cf £?y ’c f .ai the e&Tae in 6 per cent b^nds cf i;h"' Oc>ui"'"r*ct?t4e States payable 20 yesr-’ sftnr datf' AV'-d *‘he iar-'>r«»Fl payabW 'icnii- B'jt 'i''‘'«?.svvy r>:)ton rceeivf^ by Ruv « *K"! djiie fi'tcd fi'i t^xiag tbe Bamo ^ iio' " "jM. (jV-?’; b« b«'jd to hp.'^.c V'-'^cn reocived rtimi ii:'acd by t!" ; n unr, of said tax. Tbe di«- nnn5n'’nor» Kof-s-, ro tioto^ »ubj»^t. V*'tbe fr»x and thv'-ec net bo rabj-pc, shnll bi*— Spo. 13. Tbsvt Tt'»' in’*y note? b«retofore isso-id Heaiint? int#«rest at t» » rat: of 1^7 30 on the 81 K) per r.tro\im. shall r^c loBr'*?r bs reociv^d in p»-y^ mrct of .»ucs, M’t be rto**tnod %»id ^ontjider^. bon ':i «{ t>; Oonf-r-iito pa^ a- Hc wo ypfrs *V;r - *re»ty of I ! rltb tbc Tl^’^iied S*’tt-w ^ -ig the rale yi ! '^tor'‘*^t c'^'’‘'’'*^d n ^hfi^ ■*«i?fiblp Int of ' January of esf.b and os'ory y«Rr. -a4:fcr; 3v:c J t Tb?r ♦l-ic T^v.crct'tv^ of **'.•: !■ ■^’siippi I b- % *’tboT’*»:C‘U, ^x: the >u • OA't *' i ^ ^ 0 jv:;»t s 'OTjld r'^juAre it, ^o tn of r.n* p:)blj? vlio^s d»h» tr or elfeots of acij kiad, not emumerat^ & the precediE^ para^aph, betwoen tho time* n&mad tkeroin, 10 per cout., in addition to the tax on such profits ite income, under tbo act afoioaaid. TIT. On the amonnt of pronts eiceoding State hxiUbg Tsr^ury 25 p^r cent., made during either of tI\o yeaiti . i I. 1S64, by any banker b&aking donoaii ,;iich btli he p'ovi^ioT” •^Jl Qt oi ; tiijt ft P-* . ■ , 1 • t;i :>.> ■ fr-nri tV lol • - not •■. i s ’ ; >1 : ; :s, if act ro prc^'-'nied a‘ • il. in tddhi.tQ i.o tb frv - i in llio -3CC i 'Q of i’ i? net, he t-T ,4 10 j >’• Cl f.. prr ; ''nl X Uf? .’: v-rT ^ U nft -;'a-v .v?e of t'liis fxtt, 5* tificare of *n '-f.jrt P HK.etary in hb :b . p-vftllc-two yo*.n ." ver c»rr. i.-,j ■f i) ;*l t-? ,1,. ! .anc* 'T vy' bv f-on'. j - '>1 r > • -.ty • rin'T int-’ • ■ ■ --^bie h the at •:'ie rata of «x :.r'i-?jnur.Lv, a>id siiid* nrvV-' fihu-’ r-'^ %• ’"■'}'>•- •-1 T’r*-: i;' aftt Trftsi>nrv no* * *ir k>r .: •• • • •!■ snry nnO'S for iu ^ t'KO. 4. on all funde { rr ic r.-iyxon* of .uxo3 at iho c^ato^ 1 and pi:wi-8 prc ^ribod in tnc .l«t «co:iui of ibio ! act, tbera ehall ba Jevici f t s'lui a»!d pi a t.ix of '3'j: ccats for evcrv (lokn? piOTr iscd on the face of ssid notO); ?=,id tax chn!l to said not(!S wborcvcf cironlated, and nh:ili bo collectod by d-dacting tn*!3 as tlie ife'^-=,ary, ift deposi tories and by tax ooiicct >;n. by all (j^overn- ment officerd rcocivisir tho e-ncc wbeaevcT pre- sonte-^ f )r psynient or for lundin:;, ov in payc:?nt ot Gorcrar..Gat diioa, or i'Jt portage, o'- in cx- chan;c for new not^s, z-'shnrfiizi^'-torprovide'!, and Baid Treasury cotea shj^II be landabl- in bonds a« provi'kd in ,\o 1st s. ction of this net, until tlic 1st d»y of JaniTary 18>55, &t the ra.e of ^6} c*nt9 on tbo doliftr; and U shs’l be the duty of the S(*o- rctary of the Treasnry, at &ny time cclwo 'n tbo 1st ot April and tho 1st of J -'7, 1?64, rre^t of tbo Missi^.iippi river, and the l&f ol Januv »j iy *:y o'ador cnjeQt, nrder i.'i 1009 in r'rerT^riood by ibe yccret'iry of "■teas ir’% *nd "aid cf Mf ?»ies ebal! ba erenrpt I 10 au‘stitut! Jind exohargc ‘i r^^o.^nrv TiOtc? j for the sa-Jie at the rate ©i t)t>} ocnte bn iiio dol- | lar: I'ronidefi, Thkt notes of. tbe r-}!*'.' ;I ;n 011 $100 sb&U m.t be mtitied to tbc’priviteg:? o'sraw; exchange: i^rovuL'd further, tlvat the rt^bt to ; lund any of said T'^iaeury notoe, after ihe Istusy j of January l;i65, is hereby talrct: a\r«}’: And p-ro- 1 vidM further J That upon all such Tr ■.u.ury notrs j whioh mfty remain ou^tanding oa tbc lt?t d:iv 0 TT'»V bf- f!Q' '~iUi»’',» to r"** ti iobtf“.*n’S'-, t* '■■'orv: ’■■■ bo .V -' ’r '* Ta:r>-' •r o;-nf. r- ' " ;’-:riPf--rr:;:lr on h.' fr''rn t'-’^al’on ’o pri'?f^:r'.1 ftnJ interest • S30. 15. Tb.o frotary oi tbe Treasury ifi >n- boT’scd to ircr.'.;‘’o tbe nnm^jcr of dcpositorief so •■5 ^o meet tbe rocnirtm ^-nta of this act, ^ad w tb tb."-t view to cTupky huch of tbc banks the smv- t^ral Statr^ ar he ir'fty d« aii expedient. S?o. 16. The SoK'Telary of the Treasury cdjill foribwith advert ^>e tt w ac-^ in BU’h newsparHrs published in the Boveral Su. cad by pu^h otl er ’Ti*aiu-» C2, s!nll &c*ouro immec'^ste publicityj >ad '^be f-ecret'^rv of V7ar cud the Gc?cretary of the shall each cause It to be published in ge »c- riti order To’' tL» ’nfomiatios of the army and Bav^. &E0. 17. Th« 4^(1 *>. ’t:on of the act for the as«ie.''FtRent a»:d c''*:!^ction of tasfs^ approved May j ]{(t 1803, is 'l.v /■cpc;\lcd. I Seo 18. TLo 6tfr'-ary of the Trcastiry in hereby cut^crii'i l an I r--'q’.’?rel, nron the appli- *’«tior> 01 Ibo ’ r ■ o.F any call csrtiii'^atc, whioh, by tbc tnt re jtin.i of tbc act ro provide for the iundinc and I’T^ of Treasury not.CB, ?»p- ?.Jarcb 2-3d i>‘o3, was reqnired to be n d,v*-n-d e ’ c-na, to iiwue to »»ioh bolder » boiid fbr cc u)r upcu tl;o terma provided h’i t aid aci If r ic ^ Ah rum 8(-n. ' Hi-atc;!: o:’ / i'lr: XOis ' ll- Janu&ry 18G5, and which muy not bi» ex^-ujinpeu ' for new Treasury Eot«, us bevclu pravidcd, a i.ix 1 of ^OQ per csat. is hereby imposed. ! Sec. 5 That after the Crafc day cf April n^lt, | all authority heretofore given to tho jccietnry i;i ; the GovC-n; the T.e t3ury to issue Tieasu”y'note»J ball be, and is iiciehy, revoked: Provid!d, tho Secret.'^rw ot the Trearary mry, after that time, i?-no nevr Tro'.sa y aoi^ ;, in such forni aa b« may prescribe, X-'l' cu til 0 1863 . . - . coHipany, iiiaurance, canalj navij^tion, ici- portine aud axportii^, telegraph, oxprGsa, raiiroacl, manufacturing, dry dock, or otlior joint fltock jeompany of any deecHption, whether incoroorated or not, 26 per cent on 6uch excevB. Reo. 6. The fiilowing ©atenapfeiona frwja taxatic^ vndar this act shail be allowed, tp-wit; I. Property «i each head af a lamiiy to •file value of $500; and for each miuor cliild of file family to the further value of $100; and for back son actually engaged in the army or liavy, or who has d&ed or been killed in the military or naval ssrvice, and who was a member of the family when he anter(v^ the Rerrice, to the further value of fsao. II. Froparty of the widow o^ any officer, ^olfiiei, Aailor or marine, who may Lave •iicd o? Njen killed in the military or navii.! eervicfi, '■t where there is no.vridow, then •=. the family, being minor ckildren, to the valn» of ^1000. Frop&' ty «f every Oificer, »uldif*r sr.iJor or marine, actvialfy* in tlsu ’•lilitary or naval ecrvice, or 01 snch as have boi.-ii c'sabled in »uch service, to the valuo of $1G0U; provided, that the above exemp tions shall net apply to any person, wh«3o propeity, exclusive of household furtyture, lihail bo assasBsd at a value exceeding $1600. IV. That where property has been injured or destroyed by th« enemy, or tho owner thereof, hau been temporarily deprived ofthu uoe or occupancy thereof, or of the'meant of cultivating the earae, by reason of tbe presence or the proximity of the euiimy, the assessment on each property may be reduced, in proportion to tbe damage sus- lained by the owner, er the tax aseessed thereon be reduced in the earae ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi dence 8u’6mitt.0!d to him by the owner or aa- seesor. Sbo. 6. That the taxes on property laid fcr tho year 1864, shall be assessed as on the day et tbe pa^Gt^.ge of this act, and bo due and collccted on tlie 1st duy of June next, or ac soon after as practicablo, allow- injBj an extension of 90 days West of tho MiseisBippi river The p.dditional taxes on ‘ncomes or profits for tho year 1863, levies by this act, aha?! oe assecsyd and collected ibrth'wdth; and the taxes on incomes or pro fits for the year 1804, shall be assessed and collected according to tbe provisions of tho tax uud acsessraent acta of 1863. 8e«. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th as levies a tax on in- oomes derived from property or effects on tke amoant or value of which a tax is levied itX. Of conspiracieB, or att«mpt8 to Uber- ate priBoners of war held by the Confederate States. X.. Of con3piraciG3, or attcnspta or prepa- -rations to drl tho enemy. 2L-1. orpoi^'ofis advislDg or iiat;‘tiDg Athere ta ab^udou the Confederate cause, or to re sist tha O-jotcderate States, or to adhere to the G!22Ciy. XI I. Of onkwfally burning, destreyiiig or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or iiijnre any bridge or railroad, or talo- grapbio iiae ot co.mmunication, or pronorty, wth tbe intent of aiding the enemy. Xlil. Of treasonable design# to impair tho military power of the Goremment by destroying, or attempting to deatrcy, vrttsois or arin5, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, v7ork3li.op8, or otho’’ ,i‘row^y of tho Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cauRO proper officers to investigate the caseb of all pereons so arrested, or dctyined, in order that they m.-.y be discharged if improperly detaine>i, tmless they can be ej)eedily tried ii‘ due course of law. Sec. 3. Taat during the sasiK^jEion Riore- Bftid, iio niilitiry or other oCicer shrill lo c.Mnnelled, in an^^wor to any v/rit cf habe-is cwi! 1-* ,:ear iu peraon, or t^> return -be bXiy ’u' any p. ’-y-Mi or persons detainer by M:a, t e itj or‘ fhe PreaioK-'t, Se- cratarv of War, • r the General otucoi'com '.ja; dl. , tb'r, XiLviis Mi£v%ie£tpv*i doprrtn v/iU; bnt unou the certiiicate, uiMer oalb, o^’ f.he shall be liable to be ]|^o«4 ia serviee ia the field f«r the war, as if ho w«re betweea tho ages ®f IS and 45. Sec. 8. T‘:at hereafler the dutioR of pro vost Bnd ospital guards and cloiifcs, »ad of clerks, giards, agents, employee* or labor era in tiie Commissa;^ afia QuartemaRter'a Dc]iartmente, in the Ordnance BuroaH, a»d of clerks and employees of aary agents, as also in the execution of tho enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be perfornned by pei’stfns who are within tbo ages of ,18 and 45 years, and who by tho report of a Board of army surgeons shall T>e roporfct.d as unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the above said dutios, specifying whici., ; v.! when thete persons ahall have been ’ to those duties aa far as practicable, tbe . ? sident shall assign or detail to their pertu. ra- i fc ance such bodies of troops, or irdividuals, required to be enrolled under tho 5ib tion of this act, as may be needed t'^r il.*' discharge of each dutl(js: ProvIde.(-, rhsvt pcr«4>n8 between the ages of,17 and 18 shi.ll bea^iiigned to tliosa dtities: Provide 1 far ther, that nothing contained in this f ct fehall bo so construed as to prevent the Pre:;ulent from det-ailing artifiane, mechanis^, or'per*- Eoiis of scientific skill, to perform indispeu- GP.ble dnties in the departi»ent« or bureaus licroin mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartennastar or A.s- QuartcrmAster, C«>innai»*iary or A.a- off ccr having chftr /c ot any one 'jo deta>'Mtid, I uuch pciton is detained by him t-Ja a provieiotia, to be delivered by tuch p«moii M aforesaid at eq^uivalent rates. 3. Such person shali farther bind bimaoit to sell the marketable eurplns of provisioiui and grain now on hand, and wjiich he may raise iron* ; oar to year while his exem^tioo centinuea, co the Qoveinment or to the fam ilies of soidiero, at prices lixed by the Gom- ■lissioners of the State under the im|H*e8e- naent act: Provided, that any person ex empted ae aforesidd, shall be entitled to a cr«dlt cf 25 per cent, on any amount of iu^.at which k« tap.y deliver'v itiiin three monthi frotB tbe of tr.iri act: Piovidod fnp- tuer, ti'ai c-'-'mini' ‘Tiibin the pr»vi- «icn« of this erei:i' tion shall not be deprived 1 of th\ beiiiut tr iP :i by r;;R:on of having cnrt ilfct' ‘'i; cr» tl : 1'=' of Feb. 1S64-. the ibre.;Oing oieni}*- ot vVrr, I lider the di- I of the Preyi'i*.Mit, x vcmpt or de- Ecrh oir'-'.^ pcJi-Oi,; .'*1*^^-^’ * 0':' paiflic n-jcc-.-tiiiy, ri'ul tion 01 OTrtiii and U. 8ed 4. ^ nf, tbo f Hv.- :‘6 ipy ho satiB« i»^>i on account ol lo ii.hVir^ the prodnc- ;‘r Ci .ivibione for the ani:y also, > i tli-j f>; .'5fi • «nt eTtmpti : I'* or r :.,r:nal Tacne-s for the cet7i- I i x>;’Y- of u^rccmrnoni. i ;-i rr'3 of tho Oonfcderhte ‘i do *.nact. That in ad ii* 1 . ^ k “t 1 o£*o !. v.od by the aot‘-to Uj | > j'i fence anci to carry on " I “** pnaoner.ior ar.y of t>ie causes licreiubefore spccinoc, rmdor the authority aibresaid/fur- tuer proceedings under tiie writ of habeaa coi'j.rji bliall immediately coasc and remain aaependod eo long as this act shall continue in ibrce. See. 4. This act shall continue iu force far ninety days alter he next meeting of Oon- gresi, P-itd uo longer. THE MILrrARY BILL. Section 1. That from a«d after the paasage of this P.ct all white men, residents of die Oonfcderate States, between tbe ages of 17 and ro, Ehall be iu the military service of the Confederate States for tbe war. See. 2. That all the pereone aforesaid, be- twec-n the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during tlie present war with t!ie U. S., in the same regiments, bat- talionnrf.nd companies, to which tliey belong at the ’.?nf«age.of tJiis act, with the same or ganization and oiliccn*, unless rc|;nlarly tcatuforred or discharged, in^ accordance with iho la-?7a and regulations* for the gov- ernrhcnt of the army: Provided, that com- :'.ani«3 from one tiiate, organized against their concent, expressed at the time, with regiments or b.Ut.ilion« from another State, shall hr»70 tbe privilege of belpg transferred 3, in the sjaihe arm Si^prorec :viu ’ e of this uct, on I be Gubjacl:’ i f r&snt’o'; Lercaiter mcntionrid, 1 A ' •:> iiwT '£7 t'-r.ra-in fti*. Agent^i, or Pr?)vo8t Marshal, or oScer m the conscript service, who shall hereafter 'employ or retain in his employment any person in ?.ny of their said departments or bureaus, or iu any.of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty ©f any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, thpt any such oliicor has violated this pro vieionj immediately to relieve suCh ofllcor from duty; and said comnaaaders shall take prompt measures Jto have him tried for such offence; and r.rjr commaHder ae aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoi^iad by this eection, shall upon i)eing duly convicted thereof, be discharged from tho scrvice. Sec. 10. That all laws granling exemp tions from military service be, and the same, hereby rcpeale^i, and horeaft none shall be exemp'^d except the foll^wiiig; 1. All who shall be Leld unfit for milita ry corvice, under rules to be proscribed by the S'^cretary of War. £. I'he Vice Pr.c£'ident of the Oonfedcr&tG St Ues, the members and officers of Congress aad of the several State' Leglshituree, atid such other Confederate and State oiSoers the President, or the Govornor ©f the ra- 6r.ij cen‘a on tb? d^liar by the tax AU-rccjsid, may con'.or*. tb.c saiac Int.: C£.d c;rtiies.!:cs bi arina; in ter ; c '.t tbo rate 01 1 par eorl. ^ev at^tian , ar-'^ pav-b;e two yc-u-5 rfi-: a r.:i:-:.:.;^:i ct a fr." ot pt'aoe With . Uait. ■ soonjr convr^r i i into n. t?r,. •r- is ah all bo deducted ' h« deliverova therefroM, *ae law impoeing it, and Qovernment: Provided, lU b-9 allov;«d beyond 5 ; ^cl d Jiiid silver wares jew'/iry and watches, 10 eTChilUSre lut Vliu jio»-w.-j au » im n ^ v , ■ i*. ' j. J i ^ ^ ^ _ the now for 3 cf tbo old whether said old i her fei^mptM or t a . notes be fturrendered for exchange by the bold'^ra ; ditfei'ont rat^, v '•r'r t.; I rovideu, lat ♦hereof cr be rccoived into the Treasury under from tliiS taj? ~aiUQ of property^ f m tae proVkions of ibie act; r.r.d tho hc'ders of tbe. ployed in ag^iCuit new P‘>tf'3 or of the old notes, except these of tbe value of tba ta c dcpcir:riution of $iOO, after -nty rre rc-uced to ■ HQ a$6ef>53d k:i'’ : i^oreu to at iiO Ci'Ovht I :r*.- 0'»Tlt. v/D ; >ind plato,.jewelr., 1 jji;;' Uijnr. act, are Baspc’'dcd for the year 1864, and ao estimated rfcnt, hire 6r interest on pro perty or crediw herein titxed ad valorem, shall be assessed or taxed as incomes under the tax aet of l'^63. Ss». 8. That tbe tax imposed by this act on bond* Oopfotiorwto fero issued, shall in no case exceed the in- tereat on the t»ame, and suck bonde, held by or for minors or lunatics, shall be exempt from the tax in all ca«!es where the interest on the same shall not exceed $1000. i-i b:;o 6. 7 ^ ernLjcut rj;*t oi vl-e l re;i> per c. \t. t-to hc^' - I rciV >‘:ns t- bcruol for the viiici't ->l li -. to T);vy err-»ad^ pio -.’-I - I W -J-OV- ,, y H ' e !,!1 :v ;.-l lGt ' ernt? d-h wriujif'ai aaa la- ^ 5 be • 'u 3.K ‘>’■1. a, i , -nter' c.. *rc ‘lOt • receijiH of inj espt.rt u Ly h-r» -»cor n'd ;.n lije j vaiu'j ot PQ7 ot.' -^oa, t.>oacov, '(iid nival c-^orcs, j whivjh gball bo exported from the tJoni-iderato i Sute-», and be net proeoeds of tb'? in'!port dutiT-s | n jw Ijkia, o- 30 mucb thereof as may be aece.' ary to p^y aanuiUy tbe interest, arc hereby ijpeoially pledged: I’roviied, that .tbo dutios n>w laid on imports are hereby pledged and sb:iil hereaf ter be paid iu specie, or la uterling exchange, or in coupons of saxd boada. 8so. 7. That tbe Se^r^tary of tbe 'I'reasnry is hereby authorised, froui time time, ua tho wants Ox tuo Treasury may require ii, co Bcli or hypothecate Trea;jury notes raid boad.s, or any part thoreaf, '>» on tbe beat terms ho can, ro as to oieet appropritttions by Ocngrc5«, *nd at the tiamc 1 time reducc and rcstriot tfic amount of ibe circb- lation in frea^ury notes within reasonable and safe li!r’t«i. wS’v. '. Tiio bonds autborirod by tbe fitb soo- tiyu ot uii:,' "iot may bo citiier registered or cou pon bond;;, aa tbe paniea taking them may eleot; and tbey may be ex^tiaaged for cacn other under Buob regal'dtion:} aa fcbo fcieoreury of tho Treasury may proaoribe. They E;i«ii bo tor SiUO. and caali wOgtitLier iffube'COaLc.*oixod, bo sucti iorm and of 6U3br ai:tbeatio»tion as tbe 3c-::' rotary of tbe Treasury may preacnbo; - bo iuterosit shall be payable half ycuriy on tbe drst of Jan’y and July m e wh year; cbc prino'p .l eball bo pay- abie not loss than JO years Iront tbv-ir dato. 8x0. J. Ail certiilcatos shall be fundable, and aharil bo taxea in all rospects 33 is provided for tbe Tre ’'ury notea into which tb'^y are 'Con vertible. if coavorred bcxorc tbo tmo fixed ior taxing tbe Trc^aary lioics, duob oc:L:.iCu.o,v siiall froia ttiat time bear iniere'it npeu cuiy &:»} aca,U fcr every doiiai promiacd upon their faoe, and shall b? redeemable in now frea.-,ary notoa at that rase; but alter tbe pi^dage of this aet no call certiSoaica shall bo iaaacd until aftor tbo firdt day of ^ril, iS64. S.SO. 10. That if any bknk of deposit shall give its doposiitorB tbe bonds cutborised by tbe tirat leotiou oi thij act, m cxcfunge ior tbcir doposita •ad spocitying tbo saais on tbo bofidi by some 'dbitincuive mark ot’ tokunj iv be agreed upon with ihe Secretary ol the Treasury, then tho said de positor shall be eadLlud to rocieva the &mounu of «aid bonds ia i.’rca.'iury uoU>s, bearing no interest and outBUiuoiiig at tbe pa^iiige of tbia act: i-Vo- *uiedy the said bouda are presented before tbe |>nvilegc ot ftmding said notes at par shali ccaeo ■fl herein preseribed. bae. ii. That all Treasury aotas heretofore ^ttod of tbe aenomination of S5 shall eondn ie io bo receivable in payment of publio dues, as provided by law, ‘•au iundable «t s.^r under the srorhlons tfeis aat, uutil the of July, 1864, IIL Tii?> of "} i be ii D^arViit V .1. >• 0=' '■ ,...v.r„ ir. f;.,; ■ .L^ibu^’- hH ^ iS»>0, trcp u sbivee, cot'oa -r tub cin>«cd since t.!io roperty taxed unfer so 1 on t'*ie ba^'5 of J.vir.n, or sir.'liar p^o- ■ rl V*:,jrea38G33ei ir* '!j c?v wLerelaj.d, cco h.ave been p ir- .i»y ol' Jiiuuary 1S 2, in which c.%30 tiie caid htud, R-luves, cott >n and tobrifioo &c pviioli.- ed, eaall bo arjJG8S>dd at the price actualiy paid for the same ^y the Ortiicr. S^c. S. On tho value albsbarca or inter ests held in any bank, bunkii..'^ company or association, canal, navigatiou, importii g, ezporting, insurance, maui^i^.tturing, tele graph, cxpresc, iaili'o2,d, axid di*y-dock co a- pauiei, irti all other joint stock compan e« oi' every kind, whether in«orpv,rated or not,- 5 }:»er coixl. The vair.o of proper y taxed uiider Ibis section ah:di bo aj3e.^’,cd upon the basis of the maikot value tf soch property in tae iieighborh'X>d whore asaeaaed, m such cur rency as riiav be in general use there, in tbe iMifcha^e and sale of such property, at tae time of a>?*^3ni'^iit. Sec. 3. Up/a the s^ruonnt of all gold and silycj eoiD, gold duct, gold or silver bullion, wiLO-l-or hold by tiro banks or other corf o- vaiioDi' or inUiy idiL la, 5 ; or cent.; and upon .;U 'moneys I’wli ib/oa-l, or I'pon the amoilnt of ail iniij of excTiaago, drawn therefor on forv gn countries, a tax of 5 per cent.; euch tas up^n money abroad to be assessed and coUccied aof-'jriing to tliO value thereof at dia »,iace where the tax is paid. iT. Unju ti e amount of all solvent crc- dvui, and. of all bunii i)ills aijd all other p«r peiB ieaaed cuvroncy, exclueivo of nou- inter>5vi beann^ GonieJiurato treasury notea, and not employed in a registered business, cue income derived^ frjm which is taxed, 5 per cent. Seo. 4. Upo^ proiita made in trade and buainesa, a-i follow^: L On all pruiLta made by buying and Goil- ing spiritous iiqaors, liuUt, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molaesea or sirup, salt, baooii, pork, hogs, boef or btei caitie, sheep, oats, hay, focluor, raw hidea, icLi^hei-, uorse?, muleo, boota, Bhocs, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, co - ton or itiixed cb:>thB, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, 1 or nails, at any time be tween tho let o2 J*anaary 18C3, and the le t of Janoaiy 1865, 10 per Hent, in additio i to tho tax on'^iuch proiita as income under tho “act to lay t'^xenlor tho common defence, and cajry on tho Govommeut of Xhe Con federate Statesj” approved April 34, 1803. IL On ail proiite rnado by baying and An Act to the privilege of the Writ of Hc^J^ Corpus tn certain cases, Whcyreas, tho Congtitution of the Confed erate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, “tbe privi lege of the writ of habeas coipns shall wot be suspended unless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, tbe public safety may ro- quire it;” and whereas, tho power of sus pending tlie privilege of sai*! writ as roc- g- nised in said Article 1, is vesfed solely ii) the Cong-rese, which is the exclusive judge of the necessity of such suspension; and v. hereai, in the opinion of the Ccngress, the public safety reo aires tho suspension of said writ in the exiei.iug cace of tho invasion of these States by the armies of the United Siates; and wh^oPwS; the President bas asked for tho suspengicii of the writ of habeas cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the sasponsion of the writ a measure proper for ihe public defence against invasion and insurrection; now, therefore, Tbe Congress of the Confcdorat-e States of America do enact. That during the present invasion of tho Confederate States, tho priv ilege of tbe writ of habeas corpas bo, and tlie same is hereby, sasijoudad; but such sus pension shall apply only to the casos of per sona arrested or detained -by order of tho President, Secretary of War, or the General Oliiecr commanding tho Trans-Miasissippi Military Department, by the authority and under the control of- the President Itj I2 horoby declared that tho purpose of Con gress ia tho passage of this act is to provide more olTbctualiy ter-the pnWic safety by suspending the writ of haboas corpus ia tho following cases and no other: 1. Of treason, or treaadnablo efibrta or combinations to subvert tho government of the Confederate States. U. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of tho Confederate States. in. Of combining to assist tho enomy, or of communicating intelligence to the enemy, or giving bim aiu and comfort. IV. Oi conflpitacies, preparations and at- tei^t^ to ’ncito Borviio lusarrectlon. V. Of dosartionfl or encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military oorvice: Provided, Thai in case ot palpable wrong and oppressioii by any subordinato oflScer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his uperior of^cer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the suoordinato shall bo dismisQod from otHce. VL Of spies and other omisearios of the enemy. VTI. Of holding correspondence or intor- Gom«e with the enomy, without h.6co66i^, and ■without the permiMion of Iho Oontodfo- fiito ' ates. ^ TL Of urliwM trading with the «ne- d ''t! iir .jf?rnce3 atra^na^ Uio to orgfenLs.'iliotifl of troo , of the eervice, from tbe States in wTncb said j gpoctive States, may certify t^? be nece«.iary com]/anIe-'j were raised; and the soldiers from j for the pi'oper administration^ of the C-m- one State, in companies from another State, | f;3d;;rjito 5r State Goverumaats, m tiia c>wse shall bo ailovred, it they dasii’e it, a transfer to orgaaizaVl'>ns trom "their own States, in tho £iim3 aria cf th« eo2*vico. Sec. S. That at the expiration of iix months from tho first day of April next, a boiinty of $100 ia a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary uf the Treasary ia here by avithorisecl to iiMuo, shall be paid to eve ry non-commissioned ofSicer, m isician and may 3. Livary minister of relifflon aathfedfiocl to prc&ch cording to the r^uea of his church, and who^ c.t tbo passage of tlils act, i^ball be regulr:,rly employed in the discharga ®f his ministei'i-1 duties; superintendeBte Aud phy- gicians of csylnms for the deaf ahd dumb and blind and of the insane; oue editor for each newspaper being published at ^e time private who chall then be^ in service, or in of-thia act, aud such employees as said edi- the evSht of liis death previous to tho period f/^r m*.v nrvrtifv. on ftat.h. to bo indisi'tenfiable of such payment, then to tho po’^'son or per sons vrho would be entitled to raceivo by Ir.w tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; tke public printer of the Confederate and State nrroar.-igcsof his pay; out no oneshall be Governments, and auch iournevmen print- « 4 I . • 4 4- 1% f* ^1 ^ 1« ^ ^ t . w~r » # ? « ■ ■ i • .1 *1 11* _*i. ^ _ bo abcont iroiii hla command wilhout leave. Sec. 4. That no pov-son shull be relieved from the op?:.ilion of this act by reason of bavin;; been boretoforo dlaclir.ried from the ;ir-'y‘w! ai-ilfti.c. P‘'l!jngmoney _ . . , . l^t, and until the first Oatobor 1864, west of .stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations tho Confederate States, enated to promote |U6 Alituidaippi rivor, bat after that tkae thej I of any kind, ftad.aiij mttfoluuidizoi proper- thair suoueea in Uiq war. iore no di.ii-ibilitj no'f^’’ exi^U; nor id Vi 1.0 have fiiruished substitutes any lon^'er exes^’pted by reason tliereoi: Provided, tuat uo peioon, boretoioro exemot- cd on fci.connt orreligio«? opinicuoand wbo paid the tax leviud to relieve iiim from sc-Tvice, sbidl bo i-equired to render military service under this a?l. Sec. 5. Th£t all white Tnaie residents of tho Confederate .Sta^?s, between the ages of 17 acd IS K,nd 45 n::d 50 yoarj, shall eun^ll themselves at such times and places, aud under tuch rogu-latioiis, a-^ tbe President may preacribe, the time allowed not being leas than SO days for those.east, and 60 days for thoiwC west of 11^ Mitjsijselj.ipi river, and any person who i>ball l^il so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to bo judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in tho saiflo manner as though they were be tween the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the ptirsona mentioned in this section shall conetituto a reserve for Stato defence and det^ul duty, and sh dl not bo required to perform cei*v;ico out of tho State ia which they reside. S;ac. 6. That all persons required by the 6th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within SO days aftor tba pa-isage there of, eact of tho* Misais^ipp.i, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regimonts, and elect their own olScerB; eaid organiaauons to conform to the existing laws; and, having' so organized, to tender dieir services as volunteerd during tho war to tho President; and if such oi^an LsatioDS shall iuruiah proj^jer muster rolls, =*8 now brganiaed, and deposit a copy thereof v/ith tho enrolling ol^cer of tboir district, which shall be equivalent to enrolloiont, ttiey may be accepted as laiuuto men for gjrvice^ such Stato, but in uo ovent to be ti^^ken out it Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before providad; and may, by tho President, be rcauircd to asaeiftbla at cmvoaiont pla ces of i sndeavous, and bo lormed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to bo proscribed by him; and shalKhave tho right to elect their comply and regimental oiiicers; aud ali troops organized under this act for St^to defence, ohidl bo entitled, while in aitu&l corvico, to tho same pay and. allowance as t/oops now in tho f.eld. Sea. 7. That any pereon who shall fail to Attond at tWt» place oi rrndasvonp as rf^'juired by the authority of tho President, without a Bofi&oioafc ezoaao to bo jud^sad of by hioa. ^ Sfich apothecary store, who was doing busi ne^s as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S63, and has continued said basinese, with*«it intermiasloD, since that period; all pkysi- ciann-over ti e ago of 30 years, who now are, and for ti e last 7 ycass hj^ve been, in the actu.d f.ncl regular practice of their profes sion, but the term physician shall not in elude ail presider»t3 and teachers of colle c?>, theological ecminari(^, acade mies aau .:ocb, who have been regularly rs. Be may, d'^.ails, on such cc"iu- lio .h:iv -li — -’J such over- ueer#, fanr.ers or fjiauteis as he may be sat isfied v/iil hf I'lOre ns^ !'>il t" ti'.e coinitry in the pursuits '»f p-grU;uli '"c tlJan in tuo mili- Ury service: PK;7iJv.,d iliat eiioh ex«’njption ijl^iill cease ^heuercr liie f'.xiu^r, plnnter or ovor.w'r $ball fail diiii'entlr employ in good faith, his own skill, Ci’.pital and labor exclusively in the production of .grain and provisions, to be told to the Gov-omment and tbe families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing ritto fixed at the time for like articles by ♦«. Jommissionei’s of the Stato nnder tile iruMixiBsment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gaged la transportation for the Government, and auch officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall rt*rtify on oath to be indispensable to the eSicieat operation ef said railroad: Provided, lhat the number of pereons so exempted by this act OB any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use fo * *n'ixtary transpoi tatiou; and said OKemptJB’ 8h*5«{i ffO reported by name aud description, wiSi the n^.mcs of any who have left the euQ.*>ioymcnt of said com.pany, or who may f»«)Wbe t© be indispensable. ■«.. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as rcp-3aling the act approved April lHo 14th >5->3, cutiticd an aet to ex empt ceutra^^*o^o fur carryirtg tbe mails ol the OoRtVue'-.tft Statcj, aiid tho drivers oi post coaches Jiii.t.1 hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that a'il tie exemptione granted under this aet «b^ill only continue wkl'ML the persons exouipte^i are actnalljr QUi^sged in ti.cir '•espective pursuit* or'oe- ctjpaiton?. Sec. 11. That the Prsside*it be, «id he is hereby, authori?;cd to gnant details, under u-iiuerai rules und reguiationn to be issued from the War rment, either of porsone ieetwcon 45 sad C‘0 years of «^e, or from the ar^y in the field, in ull cascA where, in his j'idgment, juatico, efquity and necessity *e- quire eucb det/iVlft, and he may revoke sucb urderc of dwtails v henevor he JIhinka proner: Provided, that tho powcrheiwin granted to the President to make details and exom^ iiono ehall not be construed to authorise the exemption or detail of any contractor for fomisaing ouppliea of any kind to tho riov emmoHt, by reason of said contract, miless tke head or eecreiary of the department ma king such contiact iliall certify that the per sonal services ef euch coniractor are indis- nensable tfk tlio execution of said contiact: Provided farther, tliat when any such con tractor shall fall, diligently and faithfully, to proceed with tlia esecuti(m of such con tract, hid ex6?iiytien or detail shall cease. • Sec. 13. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of potions liable to military service, no member eora- poaing the same sha.ll be appointed from the county or enrolling districV in which they are required to make sucli examination. engage^ r*3 iQr two years next before tb^ pa.^n.go of this act: l*rovided, that tho benefit ot this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or m0x”0. All superin- t'lndentB of public hospitals, established b^ la\y before the passage of this act, aud sucn physicians and numos therein aa such su perintendents 'shall c-ectify, oa oath, to b^i indispeuQable to the proper Mid eiSioient management thereof. 4. There shall bo exempt ono person aa owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and wero on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between tho £.ges of 16 and 50, upon tho following conditions: 1. This exemption ehall only bo granted in cases in which there is no white malo adult on tho farm or plaRta.tion not liable to military service, nor unless the person claim ing tho exemption- wafr on ^iie 1st day-of Jan’y 1864, either tho owier and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in ne case shall more than one i>er9on Wexempted for ono farm or plantation. 2. Such pe^aoji shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, ia B’.sch form,.and »rith such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the GovorniC at at some railroud d'jpot, or such other -lAce or places us may bo designated by tho Secretary of War, within 12 months next eosuin;^, 100 iv iinds of bacon, or, at the election ol the Govern ment, its ociuivalent in pork, and iOO Iba.'ot net beef (said beet lo ue delivered on foot,) for oacii able-bodied slave on said lai'm or plantation, within tho atxiva said ag08, whe ther said slaves ia tbo field or not, which tiaid bacon or pork tind lH>ef shall be P£ud tor by the Gvvernmeat at tho priooa fixed by the Oomniissionera ol die Stato under tho impri^mout act: Providod, that ^oa the {>enx>n thus exempted shadl prodttct* satis- laotory evidence tnat it has been imEK>ssible Ibr aim, by tho exorciso oi proper diligence, to fumiah the amount of meat thus coatract- od for, and loavo an ad^oate supply for the sab^tenoe of thoee living on the said farm or -‘cnjt^u'v f ’-^ar i^hiill direct a commutation cf the same, to th^ esi^t of twoihirdt khoroaf mgnia or othftc N. C.,) {, 1863. J U J[aih at pGfJt OSce, Fayettsviiii#, OcroBEK 8, ScheitUt j/ ihe Arrival and Dtfariwr* ef th* O^ct. RALBIOH Vi* AVEBA8B0R0’, *o. ArriTca dsily, es'?«pt Suntiay, at P. M. Departe dftiiy except SitardAf at 6 P. M. RALSIQH via SDM.MSRVILLS. Departs Taetiday Attd Friday B A •\iriTes W«auosd*» cJun-.-sy at 9 P. M. WASeA tV rimCLINTOM. Arrive* daily fU 12 '-'nt.. ;V'p^r!a tjfcilj s.t P. M. ArTi?.*e i .’r- ' nnd 8»*ard»y at 7 P. M Uoparts .idciii&y, S^'eiJi* /'^y l?r'd*y al 1 P. U. C^TLHt^ie. C. Arri«j Tuc-aia^, TKurs iny »u4 S&iurday at 6 P. M. DiipartH and ILiu.iday at 1 P. M. p-^iR BLUt^T ?:a LU\ii?EarON. . 4my Xlx>ir«Jay aad tiai^tiay at i A. M. Doj;srta ga&d*^. Tu: :d \y and Tliar'i%y at 1 P. II. RGL’Er.JN’S via tuIZAtiETlirOWN. Uef trta Monday, W ia«!»day and Friday at 6 A. M. Amvt.s 'i’aer.’jT, Taurd^y and Saturday at 2 P. AL ELlSACEfHirOv*N' via TVI&EBINTH. Arritca Monday at. 5 P. M. Dopftrw 31WE0 dif (^7 mday) at 8 P. JI. MAONUi.lA vw OTPBBdt) CLOS. AfTtvea Tpesfday at 2 P. D«p%rt6 B(«ae day (iuoudHy) /t 2} P. 51. 3¥riFT ISLAND fi* MOITT&OSE, OOVINaTON aai POWELbrON. ArriT«}3 Tuseday at 4 P. M. Docarta Wedc^^sday 1} A. M. bland Tia trot ArriTefl Tuesday u 0 P. M- Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. AU nails ieavmj 7^ i.. jI , are elaasd the evea tag before at 9 P. *f. Ail lectvrs to be aeot off froa 'Jtis oQioe, othec thaa oy mMl, utust be paid f«r ai if iftsutbymaU. 4d) drop letters :^^oald b« pre paid bj 2 c^at staapB. Tita o&ee will be r>p«a on Soniaj fr^ra 3| (o 9A A. M., aad from 4|to 6| P. M. JAS. O. COOK, P M. DIXIE Pai:lCll« tie LIUJa f \ ir «yp?lv at w a > aU Xfi£ iirOilXil €4.BOIil^rilL MTViMt urs Now in the tenth jter «f yaeoeasrol operatiom, witk frowTBg eapitkl aai f mufr kold apea publio ooa- fldeace, eoxktinues ts .>uare the Uvea of aU healUiy p^ gons from 14 t« 60 jMn ef ago, for «a« yi«ar, for sctm years, a^^d for iifo--^ Bfs aembera aharisg m the f roSta All alavea front 10 to 60 years of age are ini.ared fmt ' oae year er live years fur twe ttiirdc Uteir Tklae. AU ioseee am paretoallv paid wilMa 90 day^ ^fla? aatifl&ctory projf is preea^'^^ For fortb'.r iufomatiea aJko oabliA m rcianed lo AgmtM of tho Contpa^ iai all parta o * ^he SiAte, aad te ft. H. fleoretiftry, Raioi^. ■. J. HAIeB, Af«>t «i JtanTy 18it« fay*tt->"’f» 'J Bljuik Wanuts for aait Uere.

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