.fvn H I BMI-Vr E PAyETTETBLtB. H. C., NOVEMBER 34, IW4. • )N1'\T3 Mil) TflOR?»D\!* t Jii-LK & Sti53t :-I ri’ah'nirTi^Rfl ! COTTOW CARD9, J^'o. 10. ) *TITE FATETTEVILLS COTTON C-iRU M.\NUFA"-i i X TDRING COMPANTart*now minufecUiriugCi^KlW i iap?rior to mny nia throagh the blockade, »fjd iit i>reajut j ^ f Me iieiling foraleu pricelheungla pair or bytiieqaaD-i lh« (.j8«iv»ia JFlfc 00, pftU l« } ;iiy. ^ 1 A Qj por«o« crdwiag eix or irore jmira, they will be i •»ccr«lj pack ad &nd delivered ia Wilmiagton tree of ex- ! p#n!e, Cfctt npoB «r ftddrtM A. A. McKFrFHAN. J. A. worth. ALKX. JOUWSOS, it. F»y*tt«Ti!le, N. C., April 18 24tf •cviij*. fir tij W»-1 Oa«ci;Ta» f io Of ptc »u«», fAid Is .*d^.■3g9- ■ ' 'fi;K 18 m«eried for $3 psr r?o»re *f 12-Uiie‘ %^r ’- -s f " tf’o ftrs., aai f2 for eack j" -aa^a. .r jvertirers are re jueated to niir'i.*.- cf' i ioan d^t’reii, or they will ii*l it.i'iu, a id ao«^rd''%g(/. rrsrifid M Bcw etf- ■?: > 1. .^.;n’ios. ' il. d%U: . i>3 int.ja«c> A u*« bub«i.rrifc«r v tuoui "f.jncpt I? »dT»EW, nor will ; i-at =•> su- -■ subHor4b«r9 for % locsrer time . '‘“r. jrr old enbscribera «w desire to take the p«r -tvsle-JB Trill actify na whcB makhtg : Jan’y 1, 1P58. AOCTICMKSa, s. K. lorner Rqnarf* FAVfc^rrEf lLLC, !V. o. r vi £.v»» ift »'■■ buxi«tM in 40f . .Al^ liOLLi * GSWUKnl7 ^oce. aa:I fa.asiisida Mercbaat, FAVErTEViLLE, N. C. ! FareUe¥ii)[# Roslii 0*1 Wcrks. I Worki ar« now in compK’te operatjpn, asd j '^e use Dothins^ but good rosin in producing the ' Oil wo can recommonfi it to bf the bc^t of the kind made j Is thi? country, it ia a fino Lnb-ieatiiij;: and Tiuinar’a I Oil, and wa would be ?la.l to recel/e orders from tbo’ I OoT.mmeot and khe p'illic eererallv. We will eaU on ; r—«wbl« terou MOOUjBI, C-AC»TT'T-BI,Tj tl «X>. April 18. 2K-tf W -e 5 40 ff * JCic/, •fMcli\ iltiorii'sy at Law, Vik.Y2:iTi;vii.i.?;, N. (J. , ILL Eii-eca the Ocuaty and Superior Conrt* of S Cr.air'orltiaa, ilaraiit, .ioore anl Robeson Ccua- .»d. 1 rotapt »iteni.».-n g^vt a lo the ooUectics of kU ..uinii eiiirubiel i-i ais haudd. Oct. 17. laoa 6S-tf J OJ^. t'T iLK V, OtUH-rr anti I'onntUi^ittn ^tlerctu$nit FA'iKTIrlVlLLE, N. 0. Jtku'y 10, letiii. 83-if XA.-rdX.S A.*STfcj:StCS. W^. tl. BlCBNiJlD. .•d. A. SKE%9'^l\S €0., .4X0 ufcifi!L oi^ileu^ AtiV €«.?a.123^Ts, vlo. i»>» iiay birteif J-AYhirrEViLLK, N. 0. /%rtT. 30, 25tf \\ tAA '.’XTSllIiijS 4y,0vU l.^w •• ar.Tir* tne a; at« to i*ca wJi ih* Uigus-^i OticU price i y caniiug Oit *«-• M- Thc**:iat!0i», at tis~^icr jiiujt :■ .3, i •£• ou la* owCJcri- .r>er - u.i »>—; cj. K^Uiro. JCii:-l^05, Jr. Hot. 5. ISbi. EAGLE FOUNDRY, \ FATiTTLVlLL* N U . Ju v 4. 1 ' R4. ( E ARE NOW PKKPAB.ED TO IvSCEIVE OH- Jerg for RAIL ROAD WHEELS ■»f tke f'Ucw.n? sixes, t s: 24, 23, 28 and 30 Iscb. Alsi CHILLED TIRES Ti»» Iron we shall aae f.'r lnt*i will b j ' OLD BL.\8T CH '.F.rO.VL IHON. aa t w: wa- . rant ear wh;slc SOT TO 'RACK, and to t»0 “qu^l tc *ny iKade ia tbe Confeieraey. or to ttose of *?hitBe7 & 8rn« cf Pi»ilad»lpfcj», wSo'« n^aiAtioB b •■' well kaowc by all liail Ro*d Cocp&aiec We have tbe beet feoilifies for transpcrt^iticn by Ste«irers to Wilmiat'^oti, f.*on> th»«c« to a&j part of the Gonfe ’eracy Ordert reepect'ally aolieitvd 46£fl D AND^'RSON * TO ~ WESTE Ki\ "mAl 5^ at>AoT The freight Afr’D PlSSENGEa TBA1N3 of thit IVoad leave FayeJteTille daily, (Suncteys exccpted) at 8 o'clock, A. M , and retarning leave Cgjpi 1 o’clcot, P. Jd. OatiU xud Eorm IVawi MONi>Al, WEL‘NE3jJArauJ FWDaY. By crdes JN^. M. ROSF., TreM’r ;^Qd Uen’l Trails. A^'t. J»a 22, 180e. 9?tf tor ^siale. nnriA BUSHKLS SOU.'JOdAf.r, m*aein;l»^Gpr’Q6 wUUi* —will excliaDi? it for 3ijia, L^ri '’"id. •r ijo Tr««*ary 'r.fs Al^o. SO ^ (JHE' ING Tf^BAOCO; f«r Bile at n»r * ore orpoeiie Capa Fear 3«ak. A. Q TilOat^T J.'J. d*it 2. 64 tf W. DKAUOHON, Anotineer. Vi. A irr AT foii~' frilli Oop, StocI*, Wui flierron, l«te lTf9j6r John T. be sold al Public Auction. Ta'S »ncvs ^r^pirtv will bt eff»'«d fer mU m tk» pr*mi».j« ea^USTDAT i!»e 29^h 1M4. !’£»« ltv**d ij ia o^eb-'iy aad en»fain»48' a«r»« se«r1? *11 of wi«.tiA ii Bwam^ LaaJ, t'e^r* 80 r.CT«e reh «rwn»p, 8'»*r^i aader ea^tirstiea, yi«3^ i.6ii e'urs *f s »/ la«i ♦» tbls tts*ie^ ef lb«‘ T"^;'.* is aiao -.•^'cut »00 *3r«i ef dwowp Luid 'q’ltvHy *s R'l.vi w ik»i uttfrr euItlT**loa, te b*ol««r«d, w ?i-3h E-sy be ?*pily i^rtiar.J, (asae ef wk’cfc u«ir9ai3y -;ai pwilt oL*»fro';) liie it ««m1 a*-: wooi! ) \3-J. Till* hos*M> bn^ldiage a^ ft o n-.'-iowt txQf% fRncu?^ U«da »*wv" ‘‘*^3lii"iv>oe- iiwm ola. aji A if clli g honaa eonvDnioBt and wail &x*rauged ne.^ro iieuisef; iceedfearts. itabieil barsa, cMlie, low, gTfdeo?, ij Tks plantatiea H 14 Kii>a fr^m Fay«i.e»iiie, on Lhe Ea’t sjde ef the Cspe Fa»r F.ivir, abnat oae a:>el a half m-m Met tka Rivar, aotf trobrMTs whAl ia known ae Allifator 8wamp, acQetre Jo's"»oa itcd nthere, aad is not rtrj far from the aaootk of Oe-isr Grsek aud l>io rosit'enoi of filr J. i Biaaker. At t^s stmA t'-.TCi asi rlAoe will ba offtra^ for nk, ihe '-'1 rtrs-ail fropirtr: 1 OvMo 2'00 cf Cfm; Tha C’» p o' F>«ldtr, Pbnolr*, P««c, te| Pt'ok of Fi'gi. Q»at«, k% 4 V>?u»bl Mu!’*; Oni ;'.ifrel ‘*fire: Oaa J-T*net; One 4 Horbe Wagis; ^e Timber Car*; wlA all liia F»!Ta ijj T»o.i ao4 arv'et'a *s tfea T^ruij Will t>« ^ada kaaini n orr " :n A J ?YRB A McLEiN. HUk'D^' E r UOO&E, P^yetterille, 0, Oct. 11 -77-5l ^ ~FAY£TTEVILLE~NORTH CA^Oll^^ ‘ *fiML,MT.iSl I* ^iC.MDE^lIW pnK F>r:i(. tfss.o* nf laia I^ti.aiioa wiii coaataM« X 1>^' of Ffiraary. lebo AppL .atuni for «daii»aica maat ba atada frier fce lite !•: J^U(>ar«, 1865, aueit waiok liaia tka terras wUl be n hde bcoirn Alfto wxa^ed. two Teacber* of Military Edaaatioa aad a S'.cwara ia tbi I atitutiac. AdJrtss tV ii A. BA.NK:i 8up«ci«tandeak. Oct '4 80 If Further Notice of the SaU of tht Plan tatioih Stocky Crop^ ^e. of the late Maj. Jno, T. Gilmore. TEK aaU will taka pta«a, aaaardlaf ia advaHta*' Diaat haraiafara asbliaka4, at tka PlaaMidB as tka l««t aide e^ Capa V«mt Rirar. abaul 14 aallaa Iraia ka •owK af FayatHviUa, OB XCB89AT T» Mik VO TIMBER ia«4. TIRVS. Tka Plaaiatioa will ka aold a«aari»g ta fta raqalm- m«ata af tka Will, aa or.a uid two yasxt* araA, far nataa btsria^ tataraat Tka icaak, Ortp, 44. irlll k» aoH aa tlx aaaika' ar»- dlt, lataraat troa aia, w!tk priyilac% m tka far- akiMmi ta par asak ar giva aetas A J BTRira. ) 4. MaLBAH. Vlx*m 1 r MOORI, i W DlLAVeHOi'*, Aoaiil ■■ Holes, &e., f«r Prisoners of War Seldiersa j At tiie ifaat af Sargei*« Qaa. Warren, I fr?!l rea«i»t|fYp AAA aad ferwar4 all boxea, &«, for Soldiers>nd pdaoa | ^ (JiJU erg 9f wax, free ef ofcargs Tb«-Boxes aHoa14 ba kere ^ by tha 2ft«k af «Mh raaath, aq tkat tkey ean raaoh E^lafgh bj the laat cf «*eh month I wt*k She boTM aaat to me to awk, with written ia- atxuerieas, ao that T may ha^a i' ^ro^ly dene. AH bPXBS for prisM^ra ef ?r*.T ma« be (\s Jigb* m p^eslbla. If tk#y aheald waigh mor* than 100 !ba the; «annot(?o J03SPH L WORTH FayaU«n]le, Not 15. i ra¥et««ville Hotel tor ttemt. The abera jroparty will ba t^mad at PobHo leHiea U frKt af tka rraaJiaaa, o* TkarB*».y tka 8>S» Da- awBbar aext at 12 e>loak, for 12 moataa Poawaaiaa to k* (Ttraa oa l"t Jamary 18^6 Tka F"tal la kBo»m to ba ott« of tka larf *«t I** tae 8b4« Hm aowBoUaua R^a»« Md avary ceawni- 9ata vaaai at»out » Hotal; is aap*^^* sceft*Jxiso;lativ-{ any waatint of pnstcm At a atand it ia cctvaaiaatly 00 H*y ?iraat aad altofat-ar ia oaa of tka aocsi daairsbl? to ba kid. For furilier iBforroaHon, ref*rtjnw say ba latda to EUNRY LILLY, PrM’t. Rev 19 ^tKPmsr- tn ]¥otfee to IVagristratet. T’^E ¥fc»3’r».n9 of Camh>rlf‘r.i a»onty .%ra v«qa««^i to B’set U tbo C*>urt H^uto inlSBr?tt«TTll* *a gRiar !^«y tha 2»ik iaat, at 11 c’f!oak A M . far tkft *nun- •eiioa af iaipartaat pnkHo hualnaaa. Th* Ow» rk>m ataiaaera far Ha aavsral D!«:rt3i4 in If.e e^^nl7 tr> i4a«^n■•*» *• kdju 99 tkeir r^^nnrts or nbti di,r RVt'^19 President and Directors' Oflloc, {.•AOKlNBDxa, 18^4. Aaaoal MH'iag ef tka fuekk^ldtra of ika Wfl aatttftaa. CkarloUa It Rotkarfartf Balb'ead .iaryaay, wi>l ba kald la tka Tawa af Idaoalataa aa Wa4a£sdi7, lOth Naravkar 1SI4. 8«fr JAlflS r MaOALLUtf, Safy Biadea Coanly Band*. The luidart^ad will aifer for tsla. io E^^bathtors. oa Saiariay tka 26tk kaat, aixtj tbca«»l (f n3 OCO) doQara, la Boada ef Mia actiaty of Bladas, «H>arb>f (i par aaat ktarm and fayrbly Hralva noatOi after data. J W PURDIE. NoVr 10 84 4pd ilill'bar)’ C« Jlilitary Academj. I‘H£ u XI tLtaa of iti-> I tsiitaiijn witl Dfgta oa Wsdot'.l»*, Fijt*’y 1-ft, 18j * App'ijations fur ad ^ ^sica uiu.t Oi; tnaie prur id Id.n l>to'r 18)4, akoai •/Lien 11 AC t‘'rTs Nili b* m\Jti iia‘«ro AdireM .M.J. «7.U. M UJRDON, dupcriatendeat. On 1. 7i 4ai From aod attcs* llis^ date tha Stca.Ti»r A. P. HCRT w^il li-Ji*- ifcf ? ... H-, «c MiR-'i*- »=•*. Thursday. Juo. April 6—17if J Ag’t C F. Steam Boat Co. AK.Tli' l2Ai£i\i.»y. iAM prejsrel lo n auuiaotarc aii xmifi of irr utso. i t».i it*.ner aud jifc go*>u Agcu^d wiij Sj wcit i-s scau tiita to ue sui. u- j ssait iiA'f*. pr jiXii? tf -.iiuoa, MCt 't-'jt cJJ in'4*r.'ji Uii^aielx. jKjil'i uAKliiii. P. O., (Jta;aiuj Co., It. 0 , ! Juj^ i '5, ib*;-- J [1-A, 1 i e bA3l, V t'th. 1.SC3 ) j ^01 It'S is bei:;b7 ^ivea lo tl! pvrioaa Ut.Ti»is: claii t t}i •*;« Errin^er l^ers.r'.Tif::i, -'or Bcrv'ce^ .1 tSlis iato 1 w ill p*/ 1& per pound for ,r>?». ot .ia«' dk - 4. g - H -k^ia i V -•■4 a.' .u'- ' k.‘ F'LOU-U v:- butrc 01 IJ nouiv. i‘. . n: » a»-’ .ti. ni Jl5 ■>.- CX-.i . 1. \IUaPiiY 7-tf - -T Cjra * lug u;£i a :e«r ■! -r wailo. tae .4y« Boies l^'or Soldiers. All BOxt;.s iuii iu .i> e d or pkIjONErs or W&rf>jic C^r.>>ia>, tl-itr}red te tka ivilew •ax a laui ptrsjua wta be projap^ly forw«ried f.*«a of oiarg : Dr D F Suoiniej, A.hefilla; Li.- w a Cjil-tt. Mor^?amofc^ _r J W .li:iii.^n, S.ai.eefilie; Lr J L Ns^igie, Qreea3aoro( Mr A ll-g.u, Ciiarij;;e; Mr K>w«rd Oapt J A UaLti^ii^ ^oenpa A Wvr»a, Fayetictii*®} E M’^ri & TVilfe»i i;i3*.; i!r F L Bvui, l'»r‘joro; Mr J A J .-VdXew, 0 >ietal&; Mr f u Itooerta .MurIrte=b:ro Tan B ZJ9 suou d oe we I iioot^d, properly ma'kad %"d u.- I r-1 ia ■-i.ae for uj>1 s«eQger wlio i-jiiuci liik'jiirh on i!>e fi'si i*/ of t-.ery uoath. £U>V.\IID W.ViitiEN. Sur^a^ Gju’1 N C. Ki-'i;'’ , Oc. 2'J. 80 Im W A 4'St> A, (lUn, Pisiii 3iiilicr anii jiacUiaist. &UD3 iWiJ ris;'»is mvJo uud iiepuireJi wliU Dis PHiCl). .CuilJ li: o.'v. jj il-lac Oa*."!'* can ha^e I *c. . « t nr 00. Au xiuud O' .V)a- t'ONfll/lRAFS STATES OV AM?RH A, BiotascR D?part*s*-t L'ii^t Cai-m Wiiniiagton, N. 0., .ilvrca Iti ;!»ius of eaplcy: 1 as laborers on ihi' icr.d d^fmcei n*ir HiDoinjfija, N C, tiiai f &8 unt^er-i^-jns'l is aulacri*>ii aud prap«.red to p-'\y the ?A9ie at bia ca tfce se- 3jnd floor of the baillio^ tipsl ab:re Mearos’ L'ruj; atoTT, M'.rk?t direct. tfSf* Persons eioi'atinK Powers of Attornay w»ll ob- srrve the ^oilowlT;g foiai-^-tioiTBignatures, ia all aa-se^i, '• be wlti'efiKcl by two witnee^es and gigned ia dupli- o*.te, or lof'y m»y be witnessed bcfor* a Justice of tie P«fc:c >r Clerk of any Coiirt. FORM OF POWER OF ATIORSEY. I, of , ao hereby appv.iat , of , my true aad lawful Ajteat u 8i}:n reoelpta fi>r, nod reoeltre . ’ > paymeat of s'l moneys due to ne by 'he S .;;inecr Di- | tue^cost ir*:a Ua pajrtm»nt of tbe Confrdcra*^ 8tR‘»9 of Antirica, for the ' ^arTisoi of rij alaref ei.-:ploycd >« l'.:.\.rer? on ihs ’.ar.i icfeDP6fl at , dnr-ig tLe 6irnih o? . liW» \^iiCB6a my hand auJ seal at , tin dty of , 186 (r'gaod IB iapl* J».‘« ' ffteal] WUr.?9»^ a, jlQORE uASH )V£LL, fayekterille, N. C. OIL! OIL!! \IT£ ars now cx:eujivcl/ e ia the maaafaotare If cf a very cup.inor of i.U:iiiI JAiING OIL i'uia 0>l Id is«wa (roji xt iia, hat by an etiUrely new pr:effi, *n 1 ao f%r bur. me ve’o;aOic oiis ocfevo- £>io la i-id ujujii-y tUat gjjd juJ^jea aav'i pro- true aad lawful Ajteat u 8i}:n reoelpta fi>r, und reoeltre i ^ »luij*;i, ’f “J* for luorioatiug a C«kU .3 W -’t 1 li.j u di nuj . N / 5, i..n4 N ‘I . jppoiila the rc3i 82 8tpi tSrA Thn ji^autsTTef) of coiarsd rei-acfOB e.noald be witnessed by Ihrie wit5csacs Tb.;re tsu3i oc eepirat* l iplijai.i Piw?rs of Anora''y 'ir oaca mon.h. BUak ?orr>3 can be iipou »ppli- -*».t on at th.is o^oe. w rr .TAVKi}. r» ; ■> rh-ef F.a^^. Uo » •H'. 1R»;« li uad b*o : lj>r^9-y uaea oy tee Rsilrc'ais in Virglaia I »ni N>r:!i Cir >f!u* »ai fiuiy aatoerg aii tne purt>c0!t I 01 lie tios p.Apsa-»ir8 oiH acri-tjfaro U3»^d. Wkireser I h-is been tried it hi given c >r.ipUte saUif-tcUan, auJ omi, ' ui^u u •,, iiiKj.1 iij p>«vie uf a.I o;«or ‘’UOi'ijaiors Ir 14 TUH Vjii'.r B>sr VitinriULU oiu tr&ua la rni ■^urausaArj uTatss. uMi'i liow >a Laai, w'liuh we offer at a very low price, 3 ' 5 D .13 LubrioiUtig OiL 76 uo t.»..uLrd Uil. * 50 Xi r»inucg OJ We are datiag 4bou:. oi^l/ barrela a woek, aad soli- oit orders icoia ttaiuuAdd, t'ouU.icie3, Fdoiorios and in- iiT du»ia. M JOiiE & GAdH«VELLi, Fajei efiiie, N 0. Owi’r 20. 7S lioi U ■- i- laLM, 1 d, i303. j •, ■-■'■«■ i-sV'i ftr iHiS ▼i.-,; nvTj^c or Vii,; X (>*>-U*u i>i j j i.oUO, Ctp?. ( . 3. ii c-^irgt ”i iJ* ’ :p. I Wed Wanted for t!io State of W. Carf.liua. uaicrHignei continae to er.o3 jb^.; OUfi.'JN i YARN for WOOL, o»ft bunJi''. ■' Yu r. j'- 4 I'xi. an wasberf, or 3 Ih?. clsm w:4sa«d Wool I* t;y wiii alii> 1 ua^A- i pay a U’. eral p'lc? ia ca/»h for l^.r«.i or sm»U lof- ,:u.a oi G10-W WIL .;..-r or , I, tVj OKti. Fi«iwMENl' F^yctt-'ire. Ju'ie I*' ’Ur. mdor»iicaca Tr«re, at t.';.- T To V/iiiC i?2auet iii A V 1. f f ■ . 3 i J .r . -J -v*- / -f i g* ‘ ^ a-av^. \ j. g P 'JJ e\Z'. n.uy p tsou ¥ 0 w./'i ttii -' S. « J.e 0 J * >■ ‘.'-ciu t.‘i .JlUOiJ. 'J, are v lU'- • ■ - n> u«se Auo ov llallh Bri'id, . Aiao, »o.-*r.: Ot K i? o' i;‘ -.e -!ii3 half the a'’* Vw rat*^.j licjNi'tY E (a^LTON i ;'iteYil!-‘, 0:‘- 1. rur. an.i I Co\l3dcr?vt3 Court, H.ttr ' '^&00 A:t«. iiif )v»sjb.-.r Terai of th^ | . • C'ifOihiit, 4P ! line p.'Oparty \ 1* - t;>c |iurpcjo c V .'.a I'ok' ilie F.W 7 £Douu( ii- j .loiata t M'»naK*r9 oi >h? ! »ud have entered i:t' \ j tiiaiBg aad soiling Cc».>. a'.*: ■ . ■- j a any desired quantity. .t : 'h >' j ->4 supplied oa :...3rf n.'.tic s 'j ' ( n' 'r -ji tu -. - r^ I ^rty 13 updoub*^ i!y t*!^ bovt in t'lo L .n •■•• -rite Zi*tce j A.j>puc»tions ::.»y ’^e iriic to B. \-i:.liett, Fityett^ »il!a N. O.. •?• Bror-^ e, Uh ■J'lr'w*, 8. 0 •, if A..[u,;. xAliULi'T. i«i:^ai:hap^ oiioiiiRs. ^■I£ ii.il .M» at S.aia- viiliS 0 , wloh to paroi»i?e 1,000,000 FUfii S2£IAS, .‘^'I'.h a li vUBiid, ua.ixltAld. rdi>K. FOX, OlfE V * .li iiJ Vli.t, iji- (Tts i*i»l pay t* e Uig;»■ ci. pi'isi-'a ciLavr ii. uvii'cdjfi:.' .lijudy, BU.a ku'i f. cii, 0* etjb; -g fjr ijuoa Y.ir.i or h,a b. >>u a p.2 iQ.*i A I iuv>.i: w.to Tfn'-i u eaonatag': t. ji’piise, wUi rx'it tbcia-sslvc) la £e-ii'g •.iS .ii.d. M ri,»iau a wul pVtws nut iiu.rtug n uin i laat ae w i p«y pa* q u,i. mjr ihau any oi*i; VililKj»fi;K.Y St dAXi'i'Z:iJ:^HY. Hr. d BtlA.'Dl' id our Aa’^rrizji Agoui far Cutn* ;ui>»ud iljUilj yiii.c-Aii'i Ka A (or as Wli iJiO>/wilY A ilLTZSERY. N./v’r 3. 81 2m Floreoce and Fajette?ille Railroada STOnKHOLDERS' MEETIN*^. ABUFFI-IENr ameaat kaving beaa Butaarbed to authors^ tke ornniaauloa of the a ova a^ed Cci& >iaar, a mvt«Ki*g of tha Sceakisoldera is kervky oatlad to meet la Fa.veit?Yilic, aa Tkorsiar *'ke 16th day of De- oembrr t.ext, for lb« parpoee of eleoting a Preudcnt and Direetor of «aid Coinpaay aad for tka trasaaotioa of aa-Ji eth^r biwiaoaa «a stay oom« bafora «.he Strvok holders Ti^e Booka of eabasriptioa ara itiU open, rtiia ia an im'artAst raad to tUa covmonity and to tie ooaniry fcDarblly. ^a kora avary n»a will ft^el tba >aipor~aA»4 of doiof waat ka oao to eeee.ra tka epafti? osmpUtioa af t^ia road. W. MeL. McKlT, JNO M. ROdE. A. A. McKSTHAN, ^Coa. D A RAY. j A. W. 8TEBL, ) fayaHerine, N. 0., Not. 7 Rli* Tax in Etiid—CuaiberUnd t'ouBtjf. WB will k et the Farmer*' of Cnmb»rland uoaaty at )ka fcUowtug tin^fl and i« rcoaira thair l«ct? of Com, firxri Cora. W»b P^utowi, lOaa, Cr.raf FoJIder, Cured Hay. Baskwhrat, Sagar, Mobaass, Peaa. B^ds, Qroan'l Peas, aad Cotton: (Vdar Cpe*-k D.»«riot, at Tithe D-ipot. T>e? 8th. 1834; Liok'ii *~'raek do at Juseok Cide’s, D-so 7th: Flea Hill da at Miry’s (?Arien, Dj«* 8'k; “^r.v.-r Ran do at Darid MaNeill’s, Dio 9tb: Black River Jo a>. tha Bbeh'r near Scaith's Mills, • Deo lO.h; Or»y*s Creek do a^ Betk»ii CSiroh, D?s ^3th: Ko"kfi’h do at Rookfiiti Vili»pe, Deo 14.b; Qiwa>ffla do at Mrs Jao A McKeitberv’a, 15th; dev**aiy first do at D C Monroe’s D^a I6th; Carver’s Cresk do *♦ K agibury, Wee 17vh; Favetie'tlle do %t Market H'-.use, l*'ih & 20fch The Farmers ar» required to !l«t the *ntire or.;p of the above name-1 prodao!>, whptker gathered or not, io* olading wbat ntay have be'o sold br oon'uaie-.1. We bop? ev?ry producer will attend pra^ptly, and thereby «*ve tbcaaalv«9 aa'? O! ina^h tr ubin i H BLOCKER, J A M)HW8‘»N, A«^eeBors 2id Tax Diat. N C. Nov’r ^ 83 6:*3t Nsv’r 21 WAiVTEO, LBS HAY %ni »^ODDER; lOO’Spiritfl or Oil Barrale; CO Cords Pine Wcod; 6 Oooi Yooog Maiea. T 8. LUTTERLOH. 8R 3t HAlJLlx\0. The npdersljrnoi aajs Isad ^rom Egyp-t to Or3«na''cro’ and from FaTelteviUa to R*>la?fh *nv nuaib-r ef wego^o ‘i’- ^ LUITEHLOH. Nov’r 21. 8S-8t FOR SALE. OAA SALT; -CUU l-!5 Bbla D* ; 200 “ L’lbrJoi^ing Oil; CO “ Tanntr'a Oi\ 50 '* Paiat Oi'; 200 Bczea Tobaooo T S LUTTCnLOa. NoVv 21 86 2w Tilo Owners of Slaves cf Cumberland Ccnnty employed en ForJitsaiions below ’’Vvltsjoji;oc will meet me in Fayclltvil^e oa FRIDAY, t>? 26ib inst. en baeitteta of importaBOS o:i&aeo(ed wi*^ xHc kan*8 W T." OWEN, Overaac'»f hands. Nov 17. 86-2tpd ^^T1C£. The Chairm''n c-f th" CotniBit;.fcea of *he diffs”*nt D!s triots. appointed by *ho Coualy Coart of B'-li*noc County, f.ir Jhe die'.ribafioa cf nss::e7 provisioa among icdjgim SolditrB’ fauiliea, ;ra hsr^by notified to meet «t tho Ccart Hcase in LainUertoa on, the «8’h day of Nov , A D 1864. and rec-tive fcr d'airiVntioa t»e moDif; B now in uy isandB t'or 1^65 A puaotaal at t.'sndance ia earneaUy rcqaeatad. JOHN WALKER, CociiaUaiocer fi.r TL'>.ba'JOB Couaty Ncv 14. 85 6 pJ I L ■C' *• '■; J ' -Ig - rt cAfcil priJCS for n. •. V rj J-fc . I. i. a U P8 to t»ia ou Bri*.- ’T t r-ns. ^ tie*.ihrr or iia f(j uv- .•‘r-t i.i : Sl'TOiL ISiJiiii-VCa O.Ja 'lVV, Capital in Premium Notoa -vmcai:.i! >o Cash on tLacd a&J other *?HaLa, 6,0i7 25 ; :ai ‘.f t. eir Hi. E.. D : tei »ered 1 .1 ‘ \» II'- : V • r* . tiu It .a * very fhort j '! ftu- , }.«t^nJ. I’ -’-s'^na wisniag -.1 *> j1 Kta to lur adtr>»Pi i. ::-‘j w . .. jm »'id L'!*'her -• .s i. O ir itdiir. J3 is Beauoiont, V U VVATS‘>K & uO. Q . t.tiiia'.is * C> , P4yaii3vil:Ie. 61*4iWtlJpd f Rai ..li;... Ut y '.c re f 1 .riu f>^T & Oo O 1' K.A^S!!- lily to^ o; ta«:a. ta**! Ift. Tho infe- le p«per oa woieh the •- f b j'-.a printed of late, aad 3j:e ' i »', iti owing to tho want of . ji r a .diae uan^equaut nec- ui ; .or ;;ji oriiia. We appeal to the f »er a' ill .iu'2 :3iiiblc poiaLs, to save wu i»i' iii-j T-i^i thpy 0:^0 pro-UTe. ■a:.. iYtj to atnsiid to ihoir parciiaae, G - w w ■-I'us ■» Oo, I.T8 Ag«itU iu Mr. iJ - Will p«y lu oouut per lb. for Total, $272,7tid In The Company have paid all losses ptomptlj, aa(^ &3iva sever made an assoesnuat o:i t^eir premiou note!!. Total lossoi pail, 829,683 Ojricfxa: GEO. Mo5IEILL, President. D. A. KAY, Vice Prssiioni. 0. A. ^jMILLAN, fc«3’y. ^ Dtaaoroas: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tiliin.'^hast, H. L. Myrovar, d. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawley, Wa. MoLauriu, Nathtui A. 8:«dinaa, t. S. Luuerloh, * C B. Aiallett, A. W. S'Aiei, Jajaes Kyle, J- Of. C^-ot, A. A. I!dcl£etha&, Hon. J. i. dhepbord, J. D. r/iiiiaais, R. F. Brcwaj > 8. W. rilUnga^st. A. E. U%U, / J^ua OoUina aad C. C. MoOra^aieo, Ir«V'.:ling Ageati figpfaa C.iapsjij ia*fit‘» anpUa.t can. >,f«» 'M 'V-l' -f ! |\ \M .L N 'iiiO*'i, waa tiud Osaa ooiiSn^^d in p iejB ; U ■•V r tiiu >c..rB, urjk-j out of rhj Jait of Hisuin'/Ud ^juT} oa iuv3 iiigai. 01 ia« 7ia al., aa.1 ta^de his -»3.»p- tJjii ikojj’43 or 0 ycM soi ag ; t»if ial iain wuha la aaa tn}U3t.i..iUc; aal m a-i >2 i.Ua suu o» grc • jd. ?; •* ioc> w i, jtuo i i-;ai4cr s.riujij; i. t.. vc:'> *. ..auui-jaohed feooi ij-. j .--u^ ooufi 1- ■it.i s 6..0U*. a ; ei *0 JO Its nigj; -.-i ia ijiil Up u a 0 r^j : .e uiKti^ior o» jx^nat " -z-- jell. I 1 wii' givj .^>0J i.,r aia do»»vo.'^' lo ;no or ojaii .jdieat I iu t.oy Ja>t 3 1 ai.ii. i 1 will g.fj $lOj i-.wiTi f^r W. Xa.ae' i*ry, vrl o j broke j»a at ta - cSJiu tim.* Hi a u .iS-jlf eanr ’ iiait:a if. T Htr.'i. i/. T. Er&:ko. la ia a .»op "i icci tt or 8 i..o:ie) d->,rit hiiir. s«j.oi hia .. just above his a-i-; j -1 oa waea i-.- j/t m oap t ■ ja fftia rdu; waj ta J&it fjt ujtsj at ^hru -WH A. LOF j, •5her T oC i- .ahmond aaty. Nov’r 8. 8 * Ot Tax in Kind, Bichinosid County. f|>!4S Farniers of Ri5hacnd Ccun y are icqKS>ato I mett as at the following tiu.cs atd placcs, prepared to list taeir crops Com, Short Oern Bnckwhsat, R.'iij^h Rice, Irish Pot* t e§, Fodder, Hay, MoK'-ijes of Cane and Borghum. Peas, Cotton ani Ground P^ai, to-wit: At Steeie’e. on the 5:h and 6th Deoejnber. “ Miner»l Bering**, 7th “ “ Rookinjr^am, 8th and 9*h “ •• Laurel Hi)(, 12:0 a»'d 13th “ “ Stewarts-ille, 14ih aad I’lh “ WilU»tn‘cn’B 16it» “ Eioh prodocer mast make return of the entire qnaw- tify of eaoh of ihe abofe t»r>iOle' produced by hia dn- t'a* tb«^ y?ur; r.liotaer g^vthere.' or not Five hn?iel!; corn m hundred pouads of net pork, wn be aUo^ed free cf tax. for rtigin^^ rnd fiit Eicg hogs The l»x payor mast fuTDteh n Iset of tho nuoi her p:>and8 he expects to pl*aght(*r; aud cJMoi tbe Jo dHOtiea at the ticie Uie •‘stimat** ia niftd*. The rie.n^” of tbo?3 Hbs^nt in the army are earc«s’.l/ requesiel t I St for them. W. D TOWNSEND, PEIER McRAE, AB8M3ors 33d Tax D;st N 7. Nov. 12. 86 ioD A few Important Facts IN REQARD TO THLE ^^SOCTJBUSaN JQUBPATIC PHXS.” I THEY are prepared from tbe best quality of M«di- . oine by the disocvertr, bow aa a|;ai MiniaU>r of the Qcspel, and are oafv 2. Th;y have besn kaewa far yaara and teatad by tkonaanda 8 Five hosdred pcryjcu are kaowa to hata been oared bf thcir. 4 't'lrr arc B'rt r--«>oT»t«* p»T'urli*ta»' fr,*- ev.ryiliiaj. bat ojI.v f'’*' a^seacai whiah s>t-M ♦ro» dis- vriar-d i 5 Uiractiora aai cer--lio6.ies aoeoQotvy eeob box ^nd tbcae oef.iti:at!S arc fi'om weD known aad a.)st re- apeotab^e ndividov-ls. Oorrespiiida- m reo ■tameal thes: aa food f r or Diseaae, Oaills and Fevera, Paeatajcij. JaM* ifioe, Dys^'rpsia, Bilious Fevers, RUioiur Rjeamausoi, Woro53, I’iea'tsy, BvonoSii' a &o 7. 8o/er*l ge’^tkmea a atc t^at the use cf ih?se Piiis .-iM been to t* »•»•« «in &ntiuM ^ariag of from f 100 10 f2W; *^»y are ia« b^ai r'laataiion med'cinti evsr cf- fercJ 0 tho pabllc. 8 Sony Phvsi'jians of tha highest «t»Qd’J9g prcacrib* ihem'otueir parents aad hundreds of boxas nave Se”u sold '.0 f rao»itioners. # 9. Dunag tho la?i qaartor 3 83‘* box^a Lave b»*en sold to DrugyiaSfl, cae in 8 nth Carolfaa, and ons ia North Caroha*—fiad s roe limtj a£0 ov?r 3J00 boxes were or‘ered by Dra^giet^ la or*« town ia Virg'ni*. gf^Prme. a box. For $30 a dciea b*- xe* wil. be bCnt to any a.'.dre«s. A v;ry liberal discount tc Uragpieta aad o'untry merobaut«. Casa (new currea- cy) to aooojp-ay aidrrs. For Sale In Nortb Haroltna as Folleirs: ITU -Thfre are many oironifftMSM in our position to inspire at with hop« and oon- fidenae. We know that how loudly aocTtt Lio- ooln may call for another million^ of loldien, ha will saver oileot that number, nor on0*third of it For four years wo have been aocnstomed to his calling out of countless hoets; and where are tboy?. We know, too, that there nerer has aris en, and never oaa sgsin arise, bo imperatire and trying a neoeEsiiy fer him to capture Richmond and strike a mortal blow at tbe Confedersliy aa during tbe past month—and Gen. Grant ia de manding icinforcements; is at a complete stand for waat of reinforcements In truth, no ntatter how loudly oar enemies may now boast and iiireatcn, we Know very well that we have al ready braved aad bsfflcd the very worst they fould tla» wh^M tbfiir Treasury was Aiil, acd their cred it wi>8 »o4 aihmr armiat al'iv'St donbW what they are to day. It will need a very terrible fani^ronsde indeed to frighten into submission now thoso who did* not quail before McClellan on the PiFn'URula, and wtao have been irrerer- ently laughing at Grant while he ‘‘holds Rich mond by tho throat" these four months put It is impossible now to help the sh-ewd sur- miae that not ail the milirary despotisoi where with onr cncinies b&vo invested their chosen Emperor, can get harder fighting out of that people than they fcavo already exhibited, and in vain. Besides, we fiad that just as the Hocsier is tainted Imperntor, the national credit of his empire suddtuiy sinks lower. Gold does not be lieve in h’3 Mpjestj: goli h a traitor, a c ripperhead, & “acocsh rebcj;" ana the worst of the caee is thal h-j cannot with all h?s gaolers ond provost mar shals repress this dissffpction. The Sea itself on whioa bis prototype Xcrres inflicted thirty-nine lashes, was not more untameable under smch treatment than the tides and currents of thi* pr^ cions metal.—Richmond Exfimiiitr. Asheville, E J Aston, \li«mnrie. J M Bivins, t'haiiel Hill. H B t^ann.ien, Jbftrlotte. J Ny« Huuhinson, “ F » Off, Clinton, llu!>i>ar^ & Moselfty, Lnncord, J iteiit, Entietit. J Cohen, riilUb*>r»’, J Y VVbltleil & Co, Kayetieviile, i> A Sie li;ita b. Co 'Jrejn»l)rtro , P.irler h. GorreU, tM>Ul3borij', Lucas b. .Mx.'fe, ilaiif ix, J O'Brien, Henderw>n, Wytlie &On, >c*inj;i >n. J P Adiij >ss. hi'ifolni'in, t» P Sherriii, l»nisbiirg. J Clifton. .Mfu-'on, Wm VVdkefleld, Piltslniro’, I Lin(f, B.’tluii'a, lVilli\ins is. Ilayw.-vMl, PKPtJind, Rockinihim, J PNnrthiim, ^iisoury, llen«i*r4.m fc Crois, “ Burba.ik Kl ti.tlLi.aar, :?hclhy, R Fr.insberier, Wadesboro , VV O t^onett, VVhitevilie, K Uaycsa, Wiluiington, VValiicr .\Jcofe», H Mtl.in, VV H Llpp’tt aeOROB W OtEMd, Oi.M»««orir’, N r liB The Rf.ind^er.—The reindeer may, with jns- tic3, bo osiiled the cam. 1 of the Laplander, eo»- bling him to orcss tht frcien plains with which be is surrourded, and at tho same t'me affording him food and clothing. It is the only species cf the etag tribe in which the female is furnished with hoins as well as the male; and here w« have to n-jtice the provident care of the Creator. In the winter, the food of the rein^eer is buried be neath the surface of the snow, and can only be obtained by digging to somo depth; to enable it to do this, the horns aro differently formed to thope oi any other stag, tho frontlets rif the ang lers being broad and fiat, something like shovels: it is clear, then, that if in this case the female had been Without -horns, she would have been unable to obtiin food daring the winter season. With a oouple of reindeer yok,d to a sledge, it is said .that a Laplander ia able to travel ll'i En glish miks in the course of a day. The Lap landers siy they can thrice change the horison in twenty four hours—that Is, can three time* pass that object, which at their setting out, they naw at the greatest distance their ejca could reach. The slfde* is for^»d like a boat, bf.vipp tija. i«»ard in ir fjr tha rider to lean agaiast; its botioui r.:..“*ded, and none but a peraon w^ll p/a^ticed in f>uch k mode cf travel ing can preserve himself a moment without being apset^ it ia sqaaro behind, but projects to a point beiore; the traveler is tied in it, and has only his hftcds at liberty; he manages his aarriage with gi'cat dexterity by means of a stick with a flat end, to remove stones, or any obstruotiaus he may meet with; to the peak ia front a thong is fixed, which yokes the reindeer. The snapping or ciickiug noise, which is heard when the animal walks, is occasioned by the con- tiraciion of the hooi!« when the foot is raised from tho gronnd, and the consequent striking of the inner part:! of the boor agiinst each other. This noise, it has been suggested, may be of use in en abling the herdi' R>aca,,^fioattcred, to rejoin each other, as from the acutane^ of their hearing, it is aud' ble at a considerable distance. No other animal, pcrhap?, has so thick and close a coat c-3 the reindeer. Oi all the garments worn by the inhabitants of the polar regions, noiva can be compared with those madoof tin reindeer skin for effeotual'y resisting the old. The hairs cam- poaing their c{)at ar j so tnick, that it ij hardly pos sible, by scpara,tiai them in any way,'^>) d-aoern the .cast portion of tho nakel nide. Tho female seldom has mire than one fiwa, which is bora about tho end of May. The age to which a rein deer will live is f^jurteen or flftceu years. WaEhius^ton’ft 0,'at 01 A-mti h^d f.ix quarter- iags, the iir^t being thit oi .bis fimily; tifo other five n^'ing aerivu i from the luarringe of his an- ejHtor Gc.»r..'6 Vvasbjn>»too, wit:i E‘ean-r, the tf^iress of Jonn ilV.atin.'s. Tha secoud is Haat- SOUTIIZiR^lf rUBLl€ATi«AS. i ftiioui !.*;& sr.mr: aa •\c:;3t.er’a S 'ell.ng BovC, n tct Bci>,aL*gti rif hAv^v tae voireUi tni ao ..... o.U .%oo.ir.Mfiy xsa.i:i!. A eapply aUa>u ca hwud. iagsj the third is Mortimer, Knrl of Mare>i; tho '’iica S3 00. GO.ODi) 1^. tVriiated. vANToD. A.'p!'* fc '.C hijLLIii8W0KTH. 72 f E J. BAUi 4 6ON0. »4U TE.SrAJlE*\'l'S AAi> CONFEDERATE tiiates Bible 8>otety Tctitamen(«. A UoUeottoa of 8ebbaU> Sohool Hymua. rerealebf E J. BALI « Km liiau^-e> .UitnmDticai Dicihnnry, L'iO !*3jflte*4 of Asitiiiuduc, RtUMy i&^ckoa- u er. L'*. • .vlouiator, Bo^a &e- piot(. Fo:iaa. B. J. UaLs * 8C»NS !>*•> }f Notice to Tax Payers. IWIiiL a-.tead •vi teg foU-.>wi'.:g ciui» aad plaoes to ve- oeive the prf’p riy or 5 por oeat Tax liai the S'l diera’ Tax. The Tax oa p.-onerty will be rco3iv*d in 4 per cent. (Joriincat' S Tha Siidicra’ lax io new fs n? oalv At S*>"l?’a 'n Mo«d»y at»J 5*h aad 6 h D»c At apno*. on WednesJay 7k.; T; ’ oo Tharjjay »a-i Fnday P h and Dm, » • .aa.-el Hill on Monday anl Tuesday 12th and I3.a; Scewarts^i'^. Wi^a'-'^ay B!i4 Thnr?4»y 14ia & 16th; W«' ar ■ -■ Aii p>’" •’■’’V'h -tre r ;x» * ’•> *«»ll to attend aad tsvc c' i';? utf ttP* he «a- Xfi- A'P9C;'Jrs fo* thg Tax in Kinl»!-;.i also iU"*; ? fj) p» .-ir th« i'ithe lii tv. taa orop of 18;;t not already ^ ^ Mjf.iURIN, Tax ^'Olbotor, J53J Dm; N C Nnv’r 6 ’iti'bD FayetteTllle Arsenal and Armory, i i4ov 18, 8t>4 / IVOTflCE. warned pn’'ohsFiag J7 Oivi'Tnoi-'af riot^JJK? fr im t^ " 8>Id;crp 0 V. a tivrs of ih «! Fir.!. 8 v.erp p!nal*i*» a'tj^c .?d to tiiiff off-'n-:-! •' '-rff* .'- luofli against wh a» rroof ota be f> un 5 w li r.e protseoutfd. F L miLDS, Lt. Col Cmd’15. PER!^0’*H *^0 her*by wi Oivi'Tnoi-'af Clothir.y fn LOST, IN F Tc!t*^'5l- on Mondiy !a«;, abl’ok N.S^F^'UND L ' ND W U, al out C jibif*! '. mcntbs cli. .*■ y p r- ^on reiumiai: t" roe the BR’rt do*; ot giv’ng me ioforoia- tion where T can ?C I:’a 2^-11 *'5 ounab'y rowardi.d. DUKC.1N SHAW. ^ Hov lA 86 2tpdtf Wtak WwTuii iidft TBE FLuST D..X1S RElDfcR U a new book, cm taiaia?: easr reading le^ooas oa ^yu acm au .j ci». Pr o£ 76 o s IHL DIXIK PRIMER, Thlr E ?itiin, Piot^i ial, uii!I fourth De la P>ie, Mvqais of tsalisbary; tno fifth Lioaol, Duke ol Cl »reacc, son of Kiug Edward rhc Tiir^i—and the piitb is the anotent arms of r^ant'aad. Acoofding to this hcral-'ry, Wfishing- c-ontituca to ue im-itn el/ papuUr Pilce per | ‘«a WU'^ thus d -bounded thujugh HaaHnt-s, from uundie. ) £0 'is. j King Piii7ari the Th’.rd cf D»viJ the lUlEFiilMARYaEOGtt‘.PnY, S;cor>dr:aiticn, i'la K.ag of S'-o'aad, and llagsi Cipet, King /a o'r™ Ol F..ace.^ His mouo Wi -Vi.-tua sol* NjbilitM.' flo-^ly »d4p'.o.l tvj oofflijioa B0>i0'^i!$ rriaij 6 Uu | ► FlRdT B Oii IN COMPOolT.OiS 03 u lira fon, | k M , ia uoif ufcd ei.t.abivi!y, aad 13 laa 01I7 « osk \.t \ i'ue kiai pubiwaed in tue Coaievterao''. Pii-w 3 00. YuRK'U i,NaLUH GRAiJViAFi, TairU E iiiicn is fijsiy 4d«iT>'od CO : j 1 non ao oois. Price 3 00 JJuiiSON d Cudi.Oi.’J SiJH JJLi AHll aitlii l .'j Prcf I* Jo'TMja cf Xrin.t/ C. il'^go, is a m » " /■iiu-bio book, tin4 Will oi fjIlo.»ei 0. a ^igh i3; -o ^I’liillurul.C. 1’.. “ r»o « Aik'xll'iiE LE.WK8, bj itev. A. W. Mab^uji, aoovau edition, a a d!>tirh*fal book, and oonta^na » btaatit'ai tij*y cf 3 a uHi: ” Pp '^« 2 00 iilSivRiUAL 6CiI?TURii QUESTIONS, is ao’-* larMiy. It gives th* studeRt mitch valaab'e iin'oroia- vijfi of t'ne riiiijnoal p.»rtj> »d of I ^ Frias 75 cto. S0-'Q3 OF LOVK aad LIB'iR.Y, a N •-•-h Ctn'Uai L»ay «..02'.aia9 a populsr colloctiou ol 8onj:3 «n i BaU« la. Pric^ t?fr hundred $40} 75 019. Tliil J \iJK MOlS(}.\N 80;^&3TSl'., cauipl^od tyCap . T A B'aneoa, ia one cf n) best ooU>:ations of scjg'3 acd Brsntinaoatnl b’-iiadri •. ^«r pjblid'iel. Prioe hiiEdred fjO) 1 00 MURViiN AND LINDA, * tale of a soldier’s love, i- » rare aal raoy little book Pfioe ($!'* por band.'3dj '^5 019 CAMWET.L’fl LAW PRACTICE* Beconl Edition, on'siaa ail tho buniaess f jrma extena(Td;>’ i Pr cs 20 00. S'ltEET MUSIC, a fn.l fts»ort!ni>:i r •. eo.a pub lished in tie yj^th. Fr-j j frjm 1 00 ■. 4 00. Pl’ATiOiiBB-Y o7 ;li it j/r.oes. FAiiCY ABriCL>].3 j.«aecaUy sm' r*.d naatl iie4acttoua >jivii to the Trade- lii^Tho.ie ordering gooia u ^^nt par aiail, must raoiit 10 o-snia extra on the dollar to pay poistage. N. B. Oa? Pabhcations are to ba aad at the principal Book Stores throughoai the country. I B&AHiiOIl * FARRAB, 17 ^ He'S.— A S'Varaa ol be s ia thrir natural stats coat-iias frm +ea U) tw^.ity thjttstad iuse^ts, ;?hile ia Mve3 tocy num'jor Iroin thirty to forty fchou^ind. 1.1 a fiq’ure fj'>t of honjycamj, th>ira ire abcat ^ia.‘ vi^asd c?lh. A q ie€-.u btvj lays ncr e g' ’ li- y or oi^ty cjns'?o'itive days, liy- i’firti-' . 5 ’jnia'd da ly. tr.k:!»-«i?+C’; days to oarjT ci3a egg. In one soasja a siogle qascn bed hatchc? ab.^at one ha^ired th-)a^nd trct^. It takes uv« t'louiind to weiga a pound. 12'ippt/ Tamper —Dr Hugh, Bishop of Wor cester, had a W'&iher glass, which cost thirty gaiae.*s; his servant was ord"Tcd to bring it into the room to show it to* soma company: who, in handing it to his lordship, let it fall tied broke it in pieoes. Tne good old man desired they would not b3 uneasy ac tho aooident. *1 think/ said he, ‘it is a lucky omen; we have Lad a long dry season, now I hope we shall have rain, for I do not remember ever to have seen the glass ao low before.’ You can stop a clock at any moment, bat yoa cannot stjp a watch. The sama remark applies to the stopping of the talk of a man andof a woman He is a great, c:ars3, ugly maohino, but you can siienne him. She ii a beautiful, fragile, jeweled thing—but she will run until she stops of herself. In Paris the oat is the most nsefal of all do« mestio animals. The skin makes kid gloves, th» tor makes eqoinel moffi} and the flesh nakeit nbbtt pie. i ^ --

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