IBLZa LAWS. AKA.CTED Feti’7 18(>4. in .■ JCT,; r-v,- i . a t.f.J 3U.‘-, ^3 5 ft yti^' 9. atith >rir*’ f'uudias' {ircviilci lor in th; 1 Hv '.a k» 8b%n be pnbjeot to « tax «f 83i per eent. on «▼- err dolls promised os tho fkoe thereof, sftid tax I to attaoh to Paid notc« wherever ciroulatcd, and 1 ' '^'1 r.o*.-'' f - br fnadablp »r.d PX'^liaB^Ablc for nftw w. ! .’:n provided, subjret K*' ■ ■ • i ‘ r ,f M f;z. \ .%: r :^^y 8' t* h^-V’ jS? \ « ’ V. ‘ rc 'h--' r.-' 3 1. jrH^ f.trd tori ti-( r,n >'-*el nil thg StsI | •• -V ■ -io. i''- the carue 6 p?r j ' ~ a.c, *-*(i .nz inter Uv. 1-ul i:o I' •• r • " '. \\ ■ f -T^., ■ h.;.; i :i‘T . "Ui •8 J ■ .J 0’ ; the b" or.u Cfit in in :i ■ Sr.; OC'I 1-. Ol til* th.-’ i riv -T, "it’ ; I iHt r *h- t be rai.-j uU Oovc: tc’pr exp TrojoU ■ >• ^ ■V f' Ji.i': * ' c * .‘M v-fn. f ■ ‘ i t J V F* q. tr -.d 1-1- of vt? if - -d f.'.T tlvr ■=H?' !• li'fiv j'- a ■r.L . t 105 . • ri 'ne ■' ,vl'»r •0 pr -.ID A’ i- ?V-’Or ■t 0 t t.'i iU poi" .c -. for y not I, >ir \ Ui .al:. •iii ■rj'j C. of or i‘o ' ;r iSf ' v, . sury iiri.:.; yrovi-Ieu f .;‘ iu i s b.'C. -i. ot! a*; • fuatic'J ov n i ; in psj-nicai of 1.? br.ld to hsv'> Vjgcb Tecciwed ^ by tVc sn: "nT; rf The dia- tbc DOt“* tc the tt'X no* ro eu’^■' t, ahsJl be— ?"0. IS. That T-^f-n^nry not-^a berctofore isBtj^d ji. " in^’rof^t at tliP .;tp cf S7 ^0 oa the $1 >0 's r* r-.ii. uo io»srer b? rroeivftd in my- •; rf r-Kt but ?>haV( b? «?£^med »id ■ • • ’ ’•c-'i bn« o/ the* pa; a- !•■ Tf) Y' rs •>: iIlp oj .. *rc*ty oi ‘ - u :h Stare*'*, bf'’ ".a£* tt»c rvte • f -f R- -. i-'’,'-! op f'iO; Ift r>^ Taiiviarj r j'cfc’i every y^ar. P 'I'jir.t .S'y'rri-fivy of ♦*!« • d h, ;. b“’ ; Htsthorited, -^atj the ^ d- ’ 1 o:^ -'‘IP GiV7f-.rr^iC’ttit, o • f*. rvf r.nv "to-vK'7 d» H ■ ‘ ' 1*0 ‘itf.er li.8 of U-'iia tnu ■ ^ :;} T*i-.uv/ •b* 85.rn# ic « * -.t-i^eats of u- n-. 'ii, t ’vj by s?>id Socrc^ary is « b mr'- r>roj)9r, swo yc’-rs of a trrnty of penoe with the V 8t-i‘cs, bosnns: ^ater^3t at t)ie mt« €.f fcis •»f. pf:r r,v; pr.yabic 5SKii-RTiP«a.iij, s«d OTi }’ by Fp?>.clai pndorr^e!!i«t, aiidftT ‘ i;c j..re*^ribed by iVe Set^etary ef ~y, psid certi?*-«iiCfli fibali 1*€ cxeKpt •f.- h: 5nd p[uOc: prescribed ia the If rmcet’ I .r r^wy I Tf: : a- act, ti:crc eh&ll be iov-,.d r.t dutftp »*ac a H’' cf ;->’j e^c's for t'vcry d:'- ir prutr.! the r.. -i ♦ai-j oott >; .aid fux eb;.ii afr.i..u sr\^ D "cv :r cii;,ak;tcJ, &>id shaU be cyiiectci- Ly ‘icvlao-.ing ;.hp as the treetvary, its ’eposi toritM sn-3 hy tax eoIIcctOiT, and by aii GvTocn- liioat c^3.tv:rd rcotivIiBp tbc F.^e tfhetsvcr pre sented f .T pa^ nscnt or for nindlTig:, wr in pay*scnt , ot (icvcnjneGt duea, or for r cr ia os- f Navy Fhuis eaok er.itsa k to Ve pttbSsied j« gfr fe- chan^3 fcr ce’sr cotes, &a koroiiiafter |jroWuod, »nd j I'al order for th-. v'^fanaatiea of Ac acnj asd sail i’r *i'’nry notca ekaU cJt I’ar. vibls Ip bor»CfS as j pr jvidci ia the 1st sceinn oi thlq ««t, ’' til the j l-?t day cf January ISC-n, at rkor; or c-Nets ! on the dollar; aad it Bholl be tko eyty c; iks Seo-! r-"ti.ry oi tuo Trcafiary, asy uri - L?tweaa tae ! l^i of A.pri^ aad the 1st of Jn'y, ^‘*•■4, if?f-st ct i the M;^?i3.«ppi rive?, s^d the 1st oi Jivr.if.vj 18C:', ^ to -ubstituto and Oi'>^.ange etw jV.-'-,? rr po. iJ. : fcr Ihe f.ame at the r%te oi G6| c-:nt^ oa *5.3 o. 1- i lar: Pr.'-idcd, Tliainot;i3 of tho | $100 shall liot bo cntitiod to the pr* eTchnnge: c*rovid-:d fvthfr. of Janus,*y 18*35. kaerr^i: T .1': ut*01 which icrvv rem.iia .a ;ta JacuAry i^bd, u:.J wh •■ ior nc»” Treasury l ;o3, i ct per cent. i.“^ LcreV Sec. 5 TJiat afl^r th^ a^I na^'iority hcrclof-r.-; - the Tr-a-;.v J tf: i; :};ie T^ - J’3.-ehy, re~r^r.'i? /Vr: the T ea z^'y muy, c;=c}' Trr.»u'j eot-*'?, it kv-^h »' p-ivaola TC yoi-; att-er 'i nay not b is herein pr y irjp>;.c-d. lir^t day uf 'iven i r thi ^\xr/ ii jx = X-; •: ■ t: St '^35 as b* - = • O iv'v '-‘-(yH Vi ! If- • s i.-* ti:-v J a* ?.*i- (■; ' Hci ' ■&k\'ry Ej-tC3 • s of 1 f csebang'ji i vve. 1. . id'"L a ; 'iLii' ^ / Api4i xifuvA : t? N - - ■ ‘ t. -scrt'^.yy (• 'i c ofp'’ae8 -ith the Jaii.id z- to 09 rtc^ivafcle ia peyLnrnt or all pu peym c5c3'it cx^;G^t a*-d iijport du CKch«u^c ibr old )v tr— tbv the aeT for 3 of :!.e r'3 is:,- a. ^ic'oj to rri'.o ' \rh: be i. ifzd _C2 ;n •iiira r>f Dotea he surrendered for ^ hv thereof, bo J , _nx\ the proT':^'-r - . ! it-3 sc-;- nd roe hoU uc.T Cf ii o Or I- -liC \ K. '• ■ d',’notc\r.:J^33 c* " ' , 6Hj ccn^s ';r ' *' • i’ 'J ; :: C '*’Te't tno rn .- i; C:. .' ' 'a - t.'rcpt ar ti.- v r * c p:\7ri‘-'!f' r.-, . - - i,:- & •■. -* r Of J.*7 ' •• i . C jU .'■ * .' ■ • • .■ . ^-;>c i ' y : ti ip, nr?s; i. Up-, i rti s30t ! : .V-.Ki fl.lz P’ *Tod l!l c ■ •M iV/i ^ ty «r afiito.te ot ^aid, not onasieratecl n tne prece^Hg para^ph, bctwean tlie times named therein, 10 per cant., in addition to the tax on such profits as income, nnder the act aforeeaid. in. On tlie aaioaTjt of proSta exc£6ding 2? f er Ctant., made duririg cither of the years l and 16Ci^ bj atij' baisk or feMiking ^iucflinmco, can&l, navigation, im- Sutosri ayttble 20 j exporting, telegraph, express, jcf p»Y£ble mRRKfaeturlng, dry dock, or other : Troa*=:ory untes received by i eORip&ny of anj description, p frscd Si.'f th-*’ isaTne ! ■^he^ther iacor«OTiitad or not, 25 per ;0at on 8cch exceoa. S^ao. 5. Tk« leHowlng esemptioxu fro® taxation tids sfcct &kft4] ©e aHowed, to-wit; I. Preparty ©f eaek hea,d ©f a lamiiy the vsln© ot $5^0; and for each minor chfld of Ite fAisily t,o the further value of $100j and fnr ^n{;h non «,ctn,'\lly aagaged in the army or ngvir, f>r who has died or been tilled ic the irsil’tifry or na^al service, and vvho wa8 a liiit'Tjber of the family when l»e ent&rty^^*l*e ?i»jrvjoe^ to tb« farther value of n. Pr«pes'cy of the v^idow of any oMcer, 'oldisr, «ailor or marine, who may ha«'6 iied or been killed in the military or naval scrvic>H, '^r whore there is no widow, thcu of the ti^.miy, l*»iD^ niiu»r cluidron, to tbc valn-q c-f §1000. III. Property of ercrj cScer, soldier, .^ai'OJ* er marine, actually engaged in the ia?llt&r-/ cr naval esrvice, ^r of gaeh fcs h^ve b?s?5 r^issUlod is pnoh service,.to the value provided, that thf above ♦xamp tl&rs» ghsll net apply to a»v person, whfe«e f’iori?) ty, Gxclutive cf h»a»chold fnrailnre, tball bo as»e^«d at a value excoedin;^ $1600. lY. Tbiit where property ka9 be^n injured ec dastroyed by ike eaemy, or the owner ther‘3uf ha« been temporarily deprived of the ua« or ocsapancy thereof, er af the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity ©f tke encBiy, tke aseessjaoat oa s»ch property may be reduced, ia proportion te the damage 'ens- teiued by t^e ewner, er tiie tax a^eeeed hereon may be reduced io the aame raitie by ti»e dkk-ict celleotor, ea satisfactery evi- ^onee B^bafdt«ed t« him ky the owner or ae- sed8«r. S£9. C. Iliat l4e Iftxea ea proper'^ laid 5»r ike yeej: It^, shall be a«sec»ed ae on 4&J tiie paeeafe of tkis s>et, &nd be CBO aa^ oelleeted en Uie 1st day ef June I «r iiA aeon as praotie^ble, allow- I Ir tf jya e>tteac[ien ef $Q day* West of the Idisssoaippi r4r«jr Hie additional taxes on or pco€^ for the year 1S63, levied by this aet, &kall be a«£eesed and collecteii ’^'tkwiik; aad the taxes m inoomee or pro- Sts fer tke year 183ir, sh^ll be assessed and eoUeeted aeeerdkig to the proTisioas wi the bLx: and aefeesma&t acts of 1S53. Sse. 7.. 1^0 mnch of the tax aet of tke S4th by the set “to kr April 18SS, ae leviee a tox on ia- . .^,,/eE.ce aad to carry «wa derived hem jprs]^ertT or effect* •& u, S^ii.ten ” I er valae of wnich a t«x is levied *bai) section of eaid *-f ~i \b>h ac*^ '>n 8r-6F€^«*sd for the ^ear 1864, and «■ aiMtioa'ii' i ®* l>ir* cr int«r«t on pro- i STWT port,*, oooErS«r- ^'7 " «'****’. ‘‘“4 be a^ese«6 or taxed as meomee under real t«*- j ^ imposed by this aet ct' f=-^-^rv kiSi aad des5^' ^ bends of tii« Confederate States k«-eto- {nvoc?c-2l tUttfVC'Jt. N.-, .c 1 R %c. !'5 'i ho gxr^retary *» tb.e Trer^juxy is f u- '■jo’-jjtv-d to-incrcsso the *»nr»iJ>rir of icpj*«torief s-i to *:«■ ■*- Ike rcq’ilrem#u-3 of this act, .«d w ti to oTOpIcy !'uch of t)i«o banks ^ tieB^.v- I ag bo’ii'.ay iecm expedieat. I Sec. 16. Tl's Sv.y>retary of tks Tr*ftw*y ak til [ forthwith hdvcrti*e ibis se4 ia Btioh aeTripap ‘.rt i piiblisi.ed ia tb« sovoral Stfcti*, and by swh «tl er ' nr.-an? iw ahall seoare ijaaaer^to publiei^; tad the Sceretsiry of Wp.r an4 the Seeretery of thr. BS^. Pfo. 17. Tke ^d twacs of tit* aet «sr *5i* ftsaep-^ment ard of taxes, approval 5icy Ibc 18t?3, 13 fe«K«^y £’’0 13. Th«^ Sesretary of tib* Tiroasvry is hercb? a'ctbs-K -i atd req.arod, npoa tho a^pli- 3sHon oi' bo’l-'^'r *f ancy call e?\-tiPj*to, wki«h, by tbo first n^stioa of tho aet to iwovide for tho rnr-d-lBp- =r.I i«5ne of TT«v»ry not*, ip- pTvivcv- i'r?.."5h 2^-d 1S63, WM r«?ttired to hs io be ft kcsd, ie i^cue to t- .ck npois zk9 terass 5rovi4»4 fsr ih* O-Ev.'ws ©f the Cenicderfite *. ■ '^.o e^act, Thf.t in ad ii- ;-:4 ft "•3-wit; i; s i»roj»i99^ .-it!- « «!i.psed »f tsied M a i *“*» n» cose «icoed tke in- ri^.: Tinat j saaie, swd auck bonde, when 1 :- 5 0?“ t i=- ^ miT%ors or Innaacs, shftU be h''. dec'n^s^c'J Wn i ^om tke tax ia all casea wh-jre the V r»3-i he^cfi'er* ! isamesliAll not cxceod fjlOOO. :a f5h.-»ll ::ind tUIi t--> ’:'ie Ir-w itnvof.lDg it, a-:*d I : -rov?‘r*''^^^nt: r V:>vi-'^od. j He bfrTond i)i4. ni’.Tvjr vr%' WJS'f li tf {■■T IA3 ■• ICCC1 0 vaiaj of U. :eut uj c; ■■a} cot Uil bo V .-rt i ir.’iii S: '.:c>. aai ,’jc n-jf pro.x :l3 cf nj.v O' 30 rrucn thc~c ^as to j!.iy .i jiiuil'■>.; ••.0 iutcros., at! r. i'. jvUei, thr.t th. is n.:-«" •' i;-. ,’,y plodded aas ter be V'''! ‘A or ia Rlorlin;: iu CO oi sail booda. Be.'. ;. 'i'ar/i the Hccrclary of the ■ - ■-U ■ L '■ a-iU ■ ■ ! V. T k ‘ ’ 0:! t - 1 /iCu i:;;*' i‘ s'vV J',; tn i ^ ii.f' , *- i V , datifts ' the i- ; hcr^bv '.tica r.t.. ’ ."ceci*^- iy \ -T ls-:d ' i '•he Sec. 3?t.3 Il-O' '?>* in c»U’; cXot\a;-^c, Ol Ti'ca' ury -'3 iro:ii ame t r.y may rcqtri. ru'- r, to ■J notea -si I b‘.;’‘'i-j lormj nc Ci?n, Uoa^fCia, ani •. : = i- ricL U^!j aiiou:‘>' ct t t notes W’thia rccifjG i as th: *>011 Oi ; -^0 -- J to j 0 L^iilb ; choi-1 lo iixd ! hereby ax:,: Wauts ^ ir>j.-v hyj;j‘Ji,' v.^ r T c P'iri the: L‘ic-’i a; prop^ ; .-js tioiti V.. ;;o5 una 1 i i' .ill 'l.'rc.->"ry s ‘ -• J L'Lc bouds authorised by ti.’! iK;t mry b ' ■ po!i i, the j^articd taki au-i u?iy be c-. hi.«3g.3d ior u*3h otr JUJh rc^iiu;*.Iuns as ihi\ cl.?*re: ^'‘y of the Ti’e;-ur7 ' •jx%j prc ^cnbc. They uhali be ior 3iu0. And ihf ll | cog'jt;icr wJtix the oouponi- thereto atuchs-i, bo i!j j 8U0U iurra aad of cuoh a'ailioaflcatioa as ‘.i'O ^oc- ! ret.iry oi the Tre3."arjr may prcocribo; lus iat'>ro..t! shuii be p:»yabio yeaviy oa the iirst oi Jaa’ ^ ••iui July iM o-Aoh yc\r; :.Lio priuoipaJ 1;.? ! abiO lit: iesj thaa 6) ye'^fb trom thoiV »i4;o. j I'Sc. J. is.ll 0, U Cvti.iUviafccs sUail tra iua-i'-:*’- : aii .* Ow in -CS il; ^'a'O'i *'jt*/d for tho T.'c.i aiy a:;i.c*.i inco winch .uey aro ooa- rcr‘;Dk. ii ooa7cricd bafor« the tiino.iirrjd ior V. -I •- j^Auier >i. > 1- c'’ ,‘1’ t>’^'rcco hav9 j: .ort ']*y cf January lSf2, '•l1 CtiiO il’0 Ic»nd, £L«VfciR, COtt ^U L*'ii-;o 60 ^ .-i o ue aec383 id piica Ef toally p*tid for Ike aiiraa >y : R r. 2. 0*5 the valae of all elisres or int^^^- V;i in R"';j bank, comp^j-ny or ;i. r:, cc.ni’, T3?.^ impo'tiig. iu': 'ar-oo, laaJiwiiietTiriD,-^, te.G- •0'«, stnd dr'-dock co a- fvll I ' i compan es oi propcvly taxed under N'r .‘1 ' r ii l o upon tue oJisia.oi i I';." L V .u.a oi; cucli property in tae a " i'-ood where assos^sd, ia such cnr- tho (' "• fee- eiliier rep;^; Ariji or cou« iaj; tiioin icU-:’ olcat; i: ;xC ir i . V ^:;-7 trf in rrouOTiil U80 therQ, in t .le ‘ -i!: , MLid t~Io of Bu:h prapei’ty, fttt ia lll-'ie of ■ upo'i t,^\G amoiiTit 01 all gold atid in. c^oH cr eUver bnlllGn, fry tk« b-:.k3 or pthercoryo- .-i‘ indiv.udiJs, 6 uar cont.; and upon .• 5 .i:ield f».b‘T;ad. o» . ; ?r-« jxmouat o ': .;,l !•€~ir on . '■•■■., • • .• P'ir f:*.;it.; such *>ifc u33w;j.3d ftud i. j:;io v'tJ 110'thereof at *a\ \s paid jdM map&iid the pri/viJmf. of tM Writ Haierm Corpus in oerUdn ca§«t. ’^heren*, tho O'MStitntion of tho Oonfbd- j t^a'c ^‘’iatc3 of Amorica provides in Article ! % Scctioa D, Fiira^raph 3, that “the privi- i .;a of tho writ of hr-bs.as corpus shall not I ■ V vv i; ’• ird nnle:='’ when in c.^'^o of robel- :r ■ ■ ;i or inrs^ion, ^h* jmblic gaiety ’iPfty re- ■•liro ^t;’' ;iT d wlicrea*, tho power of oua- j- •, r.ho privilesjja *t s?.i(t writ fis rocog- ij;-;d in yaid Article 1, is vested solely in i -3**o ift! d, j ihs Conjurers, which is tho excluj?ive judge boss p ir-1 «f the necessity of anch suspension; and TT he: eajj, ia the ftpiaioa of the Congreaa, the {•-iiblic cafaty re^j^sires the suspsncion of said Trrit ii?. the exiffieg case of tlie invaaioa of ih?ca Stares by th« anniea of the United > r.tco; and whf-v'^f.s, the President has asked for tho su8poa£ic-:3 cf tjie writ of habew cor^ pofj, and informed Congress of conditions of public danger which render tho suepension Or th'j writ a meaeure proper for tho public dSieuco against invasion and insurrection; no w, thcjcfora, Tiio Oi>ngr338 of tho Confederate States of J!i-ramca do enact, That during the preaaot i.'ir?^ion of the Confederate State?, tho priv- il(?^o of the writ cf habeaa eorpuis be, and the same is hereby, sugpcudad; but such ^us- I>€n.=ion sbdll apply only to the cases of iK>r- ‘r or n>/ rr.ti.y. '■t I-!-: .- Teiv; j r ■ ’ JiCS ' f- Vi-I a dir. tojiog tLo A;cv.sury uctojj, suou cci frooi luat iime beai* icccrcst upon oiiiy iib-s 0* for ovci-y doiiir promised upou their tajc, shall be rcdccmablo in new Treasury no;:3 a thai but after the pasaagc of this aot ao call oertiiicatos shaii bo issntd uatil after the Srsi dav ot Apni, Ibbl. Sac. 10. That if aay baak of deposit shall givs ivs depoiitora the boaij adthoriied by iuo lir‘w B:jci»oa oi tills cct, iu exchange for tkcir def.O'atr? tad bfocifjtng the iiasc on ucio ooodh by uK^tiiici’Vv murk or c^icca, to be agvocd upo.i vyith tbe oooic;/: J- oi {it3 iicwaiy, thon the bfAd dfy :,L-V. DO f&-.; -d W i 'OieVv ul tiai . : ■••;. , ^ - &nvi • u. i, vt fl- . ■- iifeU-J-i Oa t... u-.;>. t> bo ro35i7uyic 3. be : auvl L'**t per con: I fee-.!'. ^ nn' « 1 ■ - • all 'Mi a> *.'unt “if rii-4 solvent cre- - n> «nd all oth&r p&- ..u'l'oncy, elusive of noa- * ‘i’vier '4 trei^ury notsfl, ■'id i: H regn'tored business, "d m wh^ch ID taxed, 5 ho- b-d, ,er, r ■■. St?! ■..,^11 luitic-r Jic 1 M ■ ~’’W, IM4 las:, acil uqliI tuo iirat Oatobor 18G4, woat of |b3 Miaaiisippi river, but alter- tiut tiiae Uisy proYiti-ici by ^£a iuK„.o.rt ‘rotbioiiLj •= this aw!., aatu jf , tu;l ?• ;r a ■vA n'}OB rjr* ♦.« rttide in trade and ' Mowb: ■ do by buying and eell- j iv , wheat, com, rice, ( • •‘•i ..V ip, salt, bacon, pork, a^tctlo," sheep, oata, hay, .5 I . ie U'vOr, horaes, mnle.s, - „ ^ L •! y.vnc^, wool, woclon, co- i . > 'W&p'.oim, hamcsf*, [ ■ on J arrested or detained by order of the Troaiiiont, Secretary of War, or the General OiHcer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by the authority and under th'S control of the President. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Oon- grc33 iu tho pasER^ of this act is to provide more effectually for the public safety by suGponding the writ of habeas corptis in the following caacs and no other: 1. Of treason, or troasonAble efforts or eoinbinationa to subvert tho gdv®rnmont of the Coafedarato Sli.tos. . LI. Of conspiracies to overthrow tho gor- ernment, or conspiracica to resist the lawful authority of the Con federate States. ilL Of combining to assist the enemy, or of communiGatIu» intelligence to tho enemy, or giving him aid and comfort. iV. Ck conspiracies, preparations and at taints to servile inaurrection. y. Of at naurrection If U3 or encouraging deeer- t’ons, of barlH>f mg deserters, and of attempts to avoid miHfeary service: Provided, Th^ in cose o) paifejsole wrong and oppression by sny 2 ' ! * jBL #f «r to fibar- ate prisoners ef war kald by the Ooafed«rate States. X. Of eeaspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advitiag or inoitiag others to abandon the Ooafederate cause, or to re- siBt-the Oonfedorate States, or te adhere to the enemy. onlawfttlly baraing, deetreyiag w iRjUring, ®r attempting to kum, destroy or injnre any bridge ©r railroad, er tele graphic line of commuaioatiea, or proaerty, with the iateat of aiding tke eoemy. .XIIL Of treasoaable deeigas to ixapair tke military power ef tke GoTerament by destroying, or attempting te destroy, T^isaels er am^, or n&nnitioas ef war, or arsaaals, foundries, workshape, er etker jireperW ef the Ooafoderate States. Sec. 3. Tho President shall eans^ proper officers to iuveatigato the cases of all peruons so arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if itapr.operly dettvineti, unices they can be speedUy tried in tfce due course of law. Sec. 3. Tiiat dnring tke snspcnsion s^fore- said, no miiitary or other efficer chall be cotnpelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to ap}>ear ia person, er t» return tho ^K>dy of any pci*»opii #r persona detained bins, by the antkority ef tke President, Se cretary of War, #r the General officer couq- mandiBg tke Trans Mississippi departmciit; but upon tbe certificate, under oath, of tke officer having charge of aay one so dotaiaed, that siiek person is detained by btra c« a prisoner for any of tke causes hereiabefere specified, uuder tiie anthority aforesaid, fur ther |>roceediu^ under the writ of habeas corpns shall immediately cease and remain suspended to long as tkis act skall continue in lU'ce. See. 4. Tkis act shall continue i« feree for ninety days after tke aoxt meeting ef Cea- greas, aad no longer. TSE MILITABT BUX.: SecMon 1. That from and after the passage of tliis act ail white men, roeideats of tie Confederate States, between tke ages of 17 and £0, shall be ia kbe osilitary serviee' of the Confederate States fbr the war. . Sec. 3. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween tke ages of li and 45, aow in service, shall be retained daring l^e present war with the U. S., in^the s&me regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belting at the pfessage of this act, with the same or ganization aud officers, unless .regularly transferred or discharged, in acoerdance with the laws and regSations for the gov ernment of th* army: Provided, that com panies from one Slate, organised against shaM be liable te b« placed fai serrice ^ tke field for the war, as if he were between the ages, of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties ef pre- voat and '■ ospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guRrds, agents, employeee er labor ers ia tiie Commissary and Quartermaster’s 'Departments, in tke Ordnamce Bareaa, aad of clerks and employoes of aavy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be perfoncea by persons who are within the ages ef ^13 aad 46 years, and who by tke report of a Board of army surgeons skail ke re^rted as unable te perform active sorvieo ia tke field, but capable of performing some ef Ike above eaid duties, specifying wkict, whsn thesa persons shall have boea assi^^J to those duties ac far as prasticftWe, tk« .?rs- sidcnt shall assign or detail to thdir p*rfer«- j fc-ssa, m':» ance such bodies «f troop?, or icdiridasr?, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of thia act, as may be n*teded for Sh« discharge of such duti^: Pr*vidad, ^ s.i I persouii i>etwc.en the ages of 17 aad IS shafi bo .Hjwigned to th>se duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall bo fio const rcLsd as to prevent t*e Prssideut from detailhiji: iirtisans, mechjytii*»^. or per sons of Bcicntific skill, to perf#rsa inMispe'S- cablc dutica ia tba d«ps,rtui»E^ or kurssna herein mentioned. Sac. 9. That any Qn.'irterBa?aHi’ w Ajj aistant Quartermsater, Couaraifi*»ry or As sistant CoDJtaiBsary, (other th»»te serv ing with brigades or regiments in tke field,) or officers in tho Ordnftnco Buroan, or Navy Agents, or Provoet Marshal, or olucer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his empioymeat any person in any of their said departments or t)ureaua, or in any of the duties mcntioaed in the 8'h section of this ?.«t, ia violation of the provisions hereof, shdl, on eoBvidioa thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of aay depfertment or district commander, upon proof, by tke oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro- visioa, iEtmsdiately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commaaders shall take prompt measures to have him ^ed for suck o&noe; and any eommandor as aforesaid failing to perform the duties ecjoiaod ky this soction, shall upoa being daly eonvieted thereof, be discharged from the service. See. 10. That all laws granting exeiap- tlons from military service be, and the same ars, hereby repealed, aad hereafter aone shall bo exempied except the following: 1. All who shall be hold uait £»r laillfta- ry service, under rules to ke prescribod ky the Secretary of "^ar. S. Tho Vice President of the Ooaf*derc*e States, the members &nd ol&cers &f Ooagress I* b* as afbreeaid at eqaiTalent rate^. , .. u 8. Baoh person shall ftirther bind hii^“ to sell the marketable snri^ns of m^riskan and grain new on hand, and which he n^y raise frem year t^ear while kis coatianes, to the Governmeat o^ tee iUes ef soldiers, at pnees p »eOW missieaers of Ae State under t»e iaa|trw meat aet: Provided, that any J*' emoted as aforesaid, skaU ke entitled m a credit of 36 per cent oa any amoast ef me^ 1 - ■ three aeeBWs Itf. their oonsent, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, j ^ed of the several State L^islatnres, aad shiSil have tiie privilege of being transferred other Confederate and State oH-cers as to *rgaai*ations of troops, in tho ume ana the Presidont, or the Governor ef the le- of the service, from the States in which s&id cempftaies were raised; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, ttball be sdlowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organisations from their own States, is the saiae %nu of the service. Sec. 6. That at tho expiration'of six months from file first day of April next, a boiMity of $100 in a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorised to issue, shall be paid to eve ry non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the pariod of Bucb payment, then to tho person or per sona who would entitled to receive by law aruiT wh«r3 no disability now Qxists; nor abiill tho»o who h&vo furnished BubBtitutoe 'x> any loiiger exempted by roaeon theraof: Provided, that no person, heretofore exempt ed on account of religio^is opinions and who has paid the tax leviSi to relieve him from sei’vice, shall be required to render military service under this act. uoes jub^ji’Uinrat^ o&lcer upon any oai ty who not lor'aiiy owe military servico, hi-i Hperior oiiuc^r ahp.U grant prompt relief to ihfi opprd;iS'’-d party, and the subordinatt v.su •my timci fcw- jsiu ll bo diijaiif'se'S from otiice. or. ■ vy 1803, ft’.id thg lec Cij’lt., ili i- ‘ilio.i . inuomo ■:-i tho ocmiiionuiibncs?. ■ roi -J-Xl jiit Oi L:~0 * VI- Of -^{1.2 and other emisfj^ries of iJ. 0.1 »',li j)i stocks, notes, debts, WL,ae- ilvro** prU Vi baynig s.nd V n. COM-fci ;-*.d or liji iing correspondence or fnter- with tiiy enoiiiy, without necessity, VTiLhout the porniission of the Oonlede- atea. Jl. Of unlawM trading with the ©ne- ^ off-^ncoo i^^inst the \?ws of credits, or obligations ^ the Oonfelar jkte States, enatod te promote of my kind, and any merchajndixd, prop^ ^ their ftnoQ&a^ m Uio war. the Preeidont, or the Governor ef the spective itstes, may certify to ke neceesary for the prtper adnKnistratioa of ike Os«- federate*or State Govemmeate, as tke es&» may be. 3. ilv*ry niiaister of relieoa aatkeriaed to prea«3li «ieccrding to the rtu*»s of his diurek, and who, ct the passage of this aet, ekall ke regulr^iiy employed in the disckarge cf kis ministerial duties; superintendeats aad phy sicians of asylums for the deaf and danab sLud blind and of the Insane; one editor for each newspaper being published at tiie tisie of this a«t, and such employees as said edi tor may coi1;ify, oa cath, to be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of tho Confederate and State h ioume^en print- pnntor snail certify, - , .-I ^ . . , — * ^ponaable to perform the inonU a iiext after the eaid f5nt day of April, public printing; one skilled apothecary in be aoseni itom his command witaout leave, e^ch aoothecary store, who was doing buei Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved j nggg as such oa tlio 10th day of Oct’r 18€3, »om tao operation of this by reason of 1^33 wntinued said business, without haviiig been heretofore discharged from the j intern'iecioa, since that period; all physi ciane ever the age of 30 years, who now are and for tba last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular practice of their profcs sion, but tha term physician shall not in elude dcrtitsts of colle vc®, t mics and pohoch, who have been regularly engaged cj unch for two years next before the passa^'^o'cf this act: I’rovided, that tho benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All enperin- tondents of public hoepitals, established by law lieforo tho passage of this act, and sncn phyjsicinna and nurses therein as such su perinteiidenta'shall cectify, on oath, to be indispensable to tho proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation npon which there are now, and woro on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between the ages of 16 and 50, upon tha following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only bo gr^nt^d in cases in which thero is no white male adult on the farm or plantation not liable to military sorvitfe, nor unless ttie perton claim ing the exemption was on tho 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either tho owner and manager or overseer of said {>lantation, but in no omo shall more than one person be exempted for ono farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of. Amer ica, ia sucii form, and with such security, and in snch penalty as the Secretary ot War may proscribo, conditioned that he de liver to the Government at some raUroad tiepot, or anch other place or places as may b»o designated by tlv. Bccrctary ol War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 podnda of bacon, or, at the election of the €tovora- mont., its aqniivalent iu pork, and 100 lbs. ot net bed (said beef to be delivered oa foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said iarm or plantation, within the above ssaid ages, whe- tlier said slaves ia the field or nt.4,, which mid bacon or pork and beef shall be paid tor by the Government at the prices fix-Bd by tho Comiaissioaors ol tho State under tho impreaiment act: Providod, tliat when th« ihjwoa th'ia cxt>mpted shall prodt»oe satie- factory cvidonce that it hcs bsea ifec^ossibie for him, by tlic exercisa of proper dlligeatje, to fiiraish the ainouat of meat tho* eoafcract- «d for, and leave an adeqaate supjsly ft>r the subsistenco of th'>se living on the said farm pl.^abition, tlj* Sea»vitiii*y Wsr direct a oominatatioa of the same, to the oxtaotgf Uro4hirdfttiim)f 1 Sec. 5. That all white male residents of tho Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times and places, and under snch regulations, as the President may prescribe, tho time allowed not being less than 30 days for those east, and 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be- twoea the ages of 18 and 46: Pr^ovided, that the persons mentioned iu this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service out of the Stafse ia which th^ reside. S«c. 6. That all persons required by tba 5th section of this act to enroU themsclt^es, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organisations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said orgaaiaations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender ^oir services as volunteers daring the war to the President; and if such organ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now crganized. and deposit a copy thereof with the enrollii^ oMcor of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as minute men for sarrice in sucii State, but in no erent 6o bo taken out ot it- Those who do not so volun teer and or^niae, shall enroll themselves as before provided; aad may, by the President, be required to assemble at convenieat pla- ciss ot rendexToua, and be formed or or^a- ixed into companies, battalions and regi- ;nent3, undar regulations to bo prescribed by him; and shaU have the right* to elect their company and regimental olUcers; and iii troops organized under tixia act tor St^e d'ifenco, shall be entitled, while in actual servio^ to the same pay and allowance as troops now in tlio field. Sw. 7. 'fhat any person wiio skall faU to at the piaee of rendc*voas jw rsfjaired by the anthority of ^e President, without % iBiflQ|iUQiU ttonao to jodsad of bj tunu whitk k« may doUvor within from tho paaoage ©f Ai* tlio?, tkat »»f^ns eo»5ng witkia «!oas of tkis skiU »»t bo df^yt* of 'fii5 taor«*f by k««& saroij-^* sisss tia 1st day of Fok-1« 4. irt ;bo forogoiaj t «r TTAr, nader «• j >5f Frs'vient, nipy osemptor de tail sach ©tlisr persons as fee may ko lalto Sisd ?JTi^hfe iy» bo oxenipted ?>n acoount ol pakli# and to insure tko prodj^ tioM of aiid mhsr provisions for Ifco army and ths fasfciJies of soldiers. He alsp, praat c25i3iptiPHS or details, oa saw tore.ia as h*» raay p^escribo, to such otop- »2«’S, far0«r» ©r p];iutfei’4 55 ho may bo satr T*fiffd will b# more «scfai the coaatry i* tho parsuits of agriculture thaa in the mili* tary service: Provided, that sseh exemptio* skall ceswe vrhonever the farmor, planter « overseer shalUfail diligently to employ » good faith, his owa skill, capital and labtf exclusively in tho productioa of grain aad provisions, to bo sold to the Glovemment aa^ tho families of soldiers at prices not exooad in^ ^ crtMi fixed at the time for like artisiaa by ’Jommissioners of tha State aador the ircvr«ssment act. $. The president, treasur«r, auditor aad superintendent of any railroad company «n- gaged in transportation for tho €loveramoaiL and such officers and employees thereof « the president or superinteadent shall eorti^ on oath to be indispensable to Ao effieie»|ft operation of said railroad: Provided, that tho number of persons so exempted dde act oa any railroad shall not exeoed one pev^ son for each mile of each road in aetsusl n* fer «uiltary transportatioa; aad said aKeii^pte sh^ l»e roj^rttd br name aad desariytian. wiw tke names or aay wko kava ksA ® ompxoyment of said compaB^, or wko wtHf oe&M to be iadispensable. That nothing hereki oMtaiaed ehal ke oonstrued as ropoaling' tke afit approval April the 14tk 1S6S, entitled aa aet te eoa- empt eoQtraetors fer carrying the auuk A the Confederate States, and the drivers ^ post oostehes and kack^ from milkaiy ser vice: Provided, that all tka axaKaptioM gran^ under Uiis aot shall oftLy eoatiant* wkikt tke pesrseas exempted are actw^ oafa^d ia ikeir respeeiive parsniti er eapaBnes. Ces. 11. tke PreaLdesit ba. Mid ka ia hereby, autkoriaed to g»^t details, naaar r«ner»i rules and r^nutions to be iasoed Sim tke Wsr Ds^rtmoat, eitlier of pemow betweiia 44 aad jt»n of afe, er from liM army in the fieJd, ia all eases where, ia kk jncgment, rastioe, equity aad aeoessity ne- qaire such details, aad ho revoke so«k orders ef details whenever ke thinks pronett Provided, that tke power hewa granted to the Precidwst te make details and eaecR{»- tlens shall cot be construed to anthmse tka exemption or deteil any contractor ios furnishing supplise of any land to tho (skrf- ornment, by reason of said contract, aaless the hoad or secretary ef the department ma king snch contract ^all certify that the p^ sonal services of such contractor are indis pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided further, that when any such eon- tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to proceed with tho execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. IJ. That in appointing local boards ef surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military eorvice, no member 00m- posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to m^e such examination. Pest OiSoe, FayettevUie, N. C.,) OoronsB 3, 1863. J SeheAUa pf&u Artiral and D^ariur$ of ih» Maii$ at Mw ogtM. BALGian vis AVEHASBOSOS *«. Arrivos daily, exoopt Sunday, at 4| P. M. Departs daily, except Sstar^y at 6 P. M. RALSiaS Yii SUMMERVILLB. Depijrta Tuesday aad Friday at fi A. M. ArriTos Wt Jaesday and Suniny st 9 P. fif. WAB3AW »ia CUNTOH. AiTiiroa tifcily at 1" D?[>.-wtm daily at P. Si. OARTFAGIS. Arrivwa rcetc'*;, 7*i«r3d&y *ad P»tvirday at 7 P. M. D»part:^ M.oaday, Welae^diy aad Friday at 1 P. M. OHERSW, fl. C. Ajri7*a Iue3I?y, Xayrsiiy aad Satiirday at 6 P. It. Departs 8aad»;', Tav.-'iay Thursiay at 1 P. M. i’Alli DLUFP vi.^vLUSIEEETON. AiTiTos Ta .Siiiy, r^nrsdty aad SatiirJiy at 6 A. M. D&part« 3a>ivr, Tae^day and Thursday ai 1 P. M. EOBti^ON’S BLIZAUETUTOWN. !>CBnrts SJoadij, Wednesday aod Friday at 6 A. M. AniTj9 Tuwdsy, I’tavi^y s;ad Saturday at 2 P. It. »LIZ.UJfiIliTOW:S via TSRBBINTH. . Arrives Mooday at .'i P. M. I>ep&rt« .«,»Ea day (Maoc-^y) at 6 P. M. MAQItOLlA n% CTP&Saa CREIK. Arrires Tuo3>1sy at 2 P. M. Deparlfl e%n»« d«y (Xcasdisy) at 2i P. II. SWTfT ISLAHD via MONTEOSg, COVlNaTOM sad * PeWBLLTOK. Arrives Tuesday at 0 P. M. Departs Wcdne^^day at 11 A. M. 8WIFV 13LASI> via TBOT ArriTM Taesday at 6 P. 11. Departs Wedaosday at H A. ML Ail mails leavin; before 7| A. M., are elosed the svea ^ before at 9 P. • All letters to be seat off froa tais offioe, otlier thaa by bm:I, most be paid far If seat by nu^L All drop letters shoald be pre-paid by 2 eent stacaps. TJie ofioe will b« open on Soaday from 8} te 9| A Sd., aad from 4^ io P. M. JAB. a. COOK. p. H. 'CHfi eixifi pamiBB, T’OB 4. eufr.lr at wae'-Mala H’ I X ^ *' THE 3[OeT£l C4.ROLI1VJl wrsAi Ui'Jv rotff»iff, Now m tke ttaih of eiiteeesrai 6p*rv-va. groviag eaplt^i u^d Snber kold r.pca pavtie uoa* AOenoo, eontiauias iusore Um Ut£9 of all p«r. ttoua from. Id t« 60 gr&ra ef age, for eaa y«ar, for iiArsa year^, sini for lifd—altiifa aecibert skariag in the profit* .\li jlarea froa 10 to iiO years of ^e are iiuared far en3 yeat «r for !▼« years for two thirds tk«ir taiae. Ail iesaf 3 ar« puaciuadly ptdd witiiia 90 days a(l«t wtiafa^tory proof i» preso^^ For furiher iafermatl*a pabU^ is referred to ef (He Ccmpaay la all parta 0 "the State, aad It E. EL BA7TL8, Secretary, £sleigit. 1. j. HALB, at J««Py 18S§. fayaiievilia, N. 0 Btek WwniHs for aala

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