BJblO 1.AW8. »i«AOTsa) Fkb’t 16. 1864. ^ the Ourrency. all vv / CkingrtiM of the Confederate of Ame>'uu% «noc«, That the holders of - rcasury notes aboye the deQomiaation of $5, lat shall •= aliowei until tho Ivud terec boar auaj J ‘jI' \pril 18^, cast ol' the Missisnippi, to ■ 0 «a ic, aad until t'-3 porioia and at the stated, the holder-^ :f &(I anch Treasury Uail wo allowed to fund the saHi« in rcgis >onds, payable 20 years after their date, ^ ’.nfer(»t at the rat« of 4 per cent, per an- t' ib’e on the 1st of January and »Tuiy of tr 8zn. 2 The -^urcfcary of the Treaaury is hereby to ifi:3ue the bonds rei^aired for the • a ng r. vcTidcd for in the preoeding sention, r-. . i u.-al bonds can be prepared he may isRuc »:•.. loatoj '-J answer the purpose. Such bonds and certificates shall be receivable without int'Sr- cst in payajent of all Q^ovcrnment dues payable in t r* 18o4. except export and import duticf. •» J hat ail Treasury notes of the denomi- nar.vii r: SlOO, not bearing interest, which shall not be f.resented for funding undertime provisions or the iKt section of this act, shall, from and afser the Iflt day of April 1864, east of the Mississippi nver, and the 1st day of July 1864, west of the 4 lississippi, cease to be receivable in payment of public dues, and said cot^s, if not so presented at that i^e, shall, in addition to the tax of 33i cent* imposed in the 4th section of this aet, be snbjootcd to a tax of 10 per eent. per month un til so presentcdj which taxes shall attach to said 'itcs wherever eirculated, and shall be deducted from the face of said jioum) whenever presented for payment or for fanding, and said notes shall not bo exchangeable for ths new issue of Trea sury notos ^vided for in this act. Sxo. 4. That on all said Treasury notes not fanded or used in payment of /axes at the dates and places prescribed in the 1st seotion of this act, there shall be levied at said dates and places a tax of 83^ cents for every dollar promised on the iaoe of said notes; laid (ax ihsU attach to said notes whersver circulated, and shall be •olleoted by deducting the saae at the treasury, its deposi tories and by tax e«lleotors, and by ^1 ^ven- msnt officers reoeiviag the same whenever pre sented for payment or for ftinding, er in payment of Gh)vemHieiJt dues, or for postage, or in ex change for new notes, as hereinafter provfded, and 8aid Treasury notes sbal be fundable in bonds as ppnvided in the Ut seetnba of this aet, UHtfl the day of Jaauai^ 1865, at the rate of cents ' iho dollar; aod it shaU be tke duty 9t the 8cc- ef the Treasury, at any time between the T*,i April and the 1st ef July, 1864, wnfet ol ?s3!ssippi river, and the 1st of Janaary J 5, t‘ ••'‘^tituiio and icr ha eamc at the lar; /Vorttferf, That notes of the denominatiou shall net be entitled to the privetof sc. JF^^vided /^riher^ that t^e n:^h' in *1 Zkiij ef said Treasury notes, aiter the h of ^aniiary 1866^ is hsroby taken away: And ;t.v ’ ■ ^ furtSuTj '^at upon all sueh Trfcasnxy i .t ; wliicH may remain outstanding on the l dt Jaj^aary 1365, and which may not be csths v- for near Treasury notes, as hu’ein provided, trr of 00 per ocnt. is hereby izcposati. Sec. 5 ITiat af^«r ths first day of April all aac.ioriiy b«reti>fore given to the f he rr.'i=inry to issue Treasury notes sh;'li ijc. t i is hereby, revokdd: I^rovfdcd, the Scjret uv ■: the Treasury may, after that time, iwnc Trca^^u-y notes, in such form as he may prehi^ibc, | ]>av*abl> 70 years after the raleficadoa of j r • - ut Doace 71th the United Statee, s-*!'*. c. - i fo be receivable ia payrr,sDt of &■! -./U U-' v>yoept e.T^.:rt aad import dutio’; to br: i;? ‘‘’’ch^u^e 1 ir old notca at the rat; cl ‘J «ii ^ oi i-'.c nc'r for 3 of the old issues, whethoi said oiw Qv e' ■*-' anrrondered for exchange by the hold er? hk i eot, c" be roooived int-b he Treagar y undvi fit c - vc?'t ^he saitie into calf eertifioat^s barring in- 0 rate of 4 per cent pc^ aRfcaoj, and years ^er 8 ratiScation ol a treaty "8. Lee, soontr for rhe '•‘-3ei ;;t5 0) - 7 .? ■>? w.,'Ch - ' i\\ ' c. H, aau iid, 0^ vvun tha Unitsd •d into new notes. j ‘ t j ^ay tho expenses «f fho Gov- j u." 'jcrwise pro^i ’.ed for, the Secretary j hereby uthoritod to •‘f ine 6! to R'H amouai; not exaeotJins: f-vc ’ ' ins of dcllara, the priu .^d in-; bo free from ’^axai’oa, and i tobacco, ana nAval stores^ tad from tho (Joafei*rate ■■ii proceeds of th# iiapott duties 0 mnch thereof as may bo oecossary I C ?' ::a e r n r,: ' pay aanua.if the interest, are hereby speeially j T)iad^.ii: Provii-vid, that the duties now hid on aro V pledged and shall heroaf-1 ,r be paid ii; hryoaa, or in sterling exchange, or , v --t said boads. | J I'Lat the Searotary of the Treaaury is hereby auiuoriscd, from time to tisae, as the ,vanta of tae Traauary may rejlure it, t.”> seil or hypothecate for Treasury notes eaid boiius, or any par^ thcrooi, upon the best terms h« can, so as to iieet appropriations by Congress, and at the same time rsjduoi; aud restrict the amount of the circu- iatioo in Troa;;»ury cotes within reasonablo and jafe liiait=). Sio. 8. The bonds authorised by the 6th seo- 10 n of this act may be cither registered or coa- - on bonds, as tho parties taking thou may eicot; -nd they may be cxchangod for eaoh other under . aoh rc/uliii;0u3 as the Bearcury of tic Treasure iay presoribe. They shall bo for 8100, and shall ; getiior ith the coupons th'3Tcto attached, be in ■ioi> t v- m uud cf such aatheaucatioa as the'See- rotuvy of t;i« TrcaiJiiry L*iay presoribe; the interest iLali c payiible ’.vali yearly on the first of Jan’y * id J ul'j in t .Oil year; the principal shall be pay- - 4e less 30 years from their dat«. Ail c; U certificates shall be fundable, t id butbd be taxea in ail respects as is provided the rroasury notes into Tfhioh they are con- ^ ^:t)le. If ocnvortcd before the time fixed f.»r u. i^ng the Treasury p.otes, suOh eertifieates shjUi i . u that time bear intBraat n?»^ xttts on.i> ds'Iai. promised upon their laoe, r.nd *• '1 bn"* redeemable in new Treasury c^tes at u: rats; but alter the passage of this act no call ‘licatos shall be issued until after tko first day * 1864. ?■ ^ 10. That if any bank of deposit shall give V. O ' >.ors the bonds authorised by the tirsi i. ^ iCi, m 'jxohange for tUc?t deposits f • ^ lying tl': dr.iao on tae beads by ecwn .. ..ytiv*? mar.*c >r token, to be agreed upoa with It .!•> rcln-y of the Treasury, then the said de- ir shall be entitled to rsoievs tna amonnt of •jvida ■■’1 Treasury notes, bearing no iiitar-3it t, ui ^-ading at the paesajjo ct thiii act: x' o-1 V f tiio said boaus are presa^itjvi bctore h' ' of iua Jiug said notes at par shall oca,=»o j *-1. i—t-j pro:;ciiued. j • 1. il. That all TroHeury aote^ htretofcre ! iKu the denomination of #5 ahi.ll oouna is ko L .'c .^ivaDic in payment oi puhuo dn&s. - I pro- '0^ by i -:?, ^ad iondaole a&d. r th:. j >!• '.xin ft ^ is aot- the tuft*, of Jtiiy, , j ias., uad Until iue Urst October 1864, weat of: —, , - i j* ih. idi.aL: river, but after that time they of any kind, »nd any marcaAnduO} propsr- tv or effects ot an; .'dnd, not Quiunerated n the preceding paragraph, between theiames named therein, 10 per cent.y in addatien to tke tax on sucii profitB a& income, imder the act aforeeaid. * ni. On the amount of exooeding S5 f er ^cat., made daring either of the years iSfiS snd l‘^fv4, by any bank or banking amnany, iukui‘.%nce, canal, navi^tion, im- portinff a’ld exporting, telegraph, oj^rosB, r»iil*-oAd. Manufacturing, dry dock, or other joir-i ecoclc company of any description, wlietbcr iiJCoruor.H,ts^ or not, 25 per cent on gUCu GXC.8MG. 5. The tsik»wing exemptions from ti4XHt’“Tj nnddr tiiig act shall be allowed, I. i’r-iycrly of each Lead of a family to thr. vai'.^e cf ‘^r»00; and for each minor child of t)je tkmily vo1be further value of J109; aud tor «acb son actuully engaged in the array na,vy, or who has died or been ]ri)?.cd ni tlie )niiitary or nava^ service, and \rho was a member of the family when he enter{^? Bcrvico, to th« further value of $6'>0. II. PrC]>erty of the widow of aay officer, poldier, ««iilor er marine, who may have died or been killed in the military or aaval eorvic», where there is no widow, then of the faiuTly, being Kiin«»r children, to the valt«« of $1000. lil. Property ef every ofScer, soldier, sailor ®r mariae, actnallj^ engaged in the n:i?itAry or naval service, of sucii as have befc» cisRblei ia such service, ti the value »f $1@6^; provided, that the above ©xemp- ti«us shall net apply t« aiy persea, wljae« property, exclusive «f h^asehoW fnfai!>*re, shall be assessed at a value exceeding $ldOd. IT. That where property has been iajured #r ^eekv^yed by the esemy, er the owaer thereof been temporarily deprivoi of tho 0£;e or eccapancy thereef, «r ©f tho means of eulMvsting the saAe, by reason of the preee&ce or the proxinailiy of tke enemy, the assesament on anch property may be refinscd, in proportieu to the damage sus- t^iuod by tho owner, «r the tax assessed r-herson msiy be reduced in tho same ratio ' 7 the disti ict collector, on satisfactory eyi- eicnco tnbttiittod to him by tl»^ owner or m- BiJMor. Ssc. 5. Th&t the taxes on property laid 7Q?r 1S54, ekall be aesossed as on ; v.y yi li e | H'iSaga of this act, and bo oueHiKl collected ya the 1st day «f Juno vxt, ycKjri afto>' as practicable, allow- r jfi-r.a estor.f'ion of &0 days West of the river Tlio additional t;«©s on incomes or profits for the year 1868, levied by th;g ?.ct, shrj] i?e astif^sed and collcctcd f:rt}:witb; aad the laxGS m incomes or pro-' f^>r the year shall be assea'sed and cv>llecred accordi .jr to the provisions of the f,rd :3:nant a,ctg of 1863. Sko. 7. So ir of tho t’lx act of the 24th dav Apr'I as levies a tax on in- coiia; - I«jnvc.d : .n property or effects on ; ihc umoinit r :.i of whioh a tax is levied by tii-e aot i*na the let eoction of said v-’t, «,ro . - for the year 1864, and 10 C! tii^atc- r>. hire or mtereet on pro- I'orty or crt^’^-. herein taxed ad valorem, toil all bo asst . fc.t.jL or taxed an incomes under ♦ s e act of 1B33. 8' J. 8. 1. • tnx i!U{>oded by th^'s act DU bonds.'v'i v.i- Statoa hcreto- "'•I'i ‘ 'Utiti, ; - p in !)•: exceod tVie in- on i )ie SAme, atid such bonds, when :'f!ld by or for .n'nonj or lunatics, filial! be f' oiu ti.o tHX in all cases where the nrar««;t on t^ie sba’l not excee ! ;^.1000. An A ot ismsr^rtd pjivilcfe of thi Writ of Ra^'ior^ Oyrpm in c^rtc^v.x cases. Wberei^j, the Gonstitution of the Oontcd- erate Sstntcs of America provides in Article SectioH I*, Paragraph 3, that “the privi- ieje of the writ of habeas corpnB shall not 'x? s:.UBp{jaded nrtle«:« when ;n caso of rebel- li va or invanioiL, the pullic safoty may ro- iuiro it;'’ I'.ud whereas, the nower of sus- cndlng the > riviicr:je of .;Mid writ a^j rocog- ;.'Eod in K.iid Article i, is veSv->d solely in CV - f.rern, whi li ib t\.>3 oxciugire juJge liic of STIC-' suspensiwn; and V in !bt *. ■ 'iiioa ofth^^ 0.mffro£3, the tuoliu saioty ro' a is the £i: pension of said ’•■frit i[u tko exit ;'*g case of the inva^iion of thes-o States by the armies of tJie United >* ‘^163; and wh**"?'” the Fresider.t has asked Sec. 3. Oil the value of all soarsa or intur- j i >r tlie euspo: *Ifej oi tho writ of habcft® cor* u£Ls hold iu any btUik, bamicng company jr j u3, ^wd informed Oongre^-i of wndirions of ikfBOciatiOH, navigatj:on, iaa]>ort!j g, j j;Qulie danger which render the suspeiiisioTi exporting, iacu'“'*.r.i.c, TDivnrfactunn^^, te e-1tiio writ a meaeure proper for tho public graph, expr>^, raai'.*.' aud ur^'-dock co a- Jeionce against invasion and iasnrrection; shaU be ^obj«8t to a tax of B8i per oeat. on «v ory doUa promised oa the £aoe thereof, said tax to attack to said notoM it^et'ever circulated, and said notes to bo fondab's and exckangcablo for upw Treasuiy cotec, as herein provided, subject tc tho deduoiirn ^ uiA tax. Sxo. 12. That any Si holding T’-eaaury notes rac’c^v'ed bof«re the t - sa heroin ftiod for taxing aiin notes shall be aiiowed till th? fii’st day of J an aary 1865, to fund tho saiue ia 6 r-.r.v oeM bonds of the Confederate States, payable years after date, and the interest payable '‘Cai- annoallv. Hut all Treasury afttsa rosjoivcd by any Sta'e after the time fixed 5>r taxing tho s.wno ss aforesaid, ehail b« held to have been r^e’veo diminished by the Rmonnt of said tar. The d>«- erinjTnation hfttweon the notes pubj'^e* and those not eo subjcct. shall be— Si’C. Yhafe Trea.rUTy not hore^i>f‘‘'?e beariug iot^jresr at th- rate of 87 HO on the Si »0 per tintuni. ifJjall O ') longer be r'^oeh^Q in m y*' ment of pnb*»»* uucs, but sball b- deemed a id oonsfdered bonod or tJw Confederate a- blo two ycnrs att-'c the ratlfior.tion r•^ treaty peace with the United State.*?, bt'ft«n)S;r ttie rale if interest specified on their faeo.^,.j''4s.ab!« 1st of January of each and every year. Seo. 14. That the Secretary of ♦fee Trflas^r^ be, aad he ia hereby, authorited, ie *«we the « a- gencies cf the Government should Twjiiire it, to pay the demand of any public oieditor whose dtht may be connoted nfter tho pa;«age of this a at, wiliinfif to T»f^oive the same in a •«t'-.tificate of 'n- debtedness, to tm issued by said Secretary iu sn ih form as he may deem proper, payabla two ye»jf after a ratificati>>a of a treaty oi' peace wi*h the United States, beanng interest at th« rato of six per eent. per anaum, payable 8emi-aBnas*Uy, and transferable only \y special endorsement, under regulations to be presoribed by ike iSeorctary of the Treasuiy, and said certifieatM shall be exempt from taxation in principal interest. • Sbo. 15. The Seeretary of the Treasury is au thorised to increase the Buxaber of dep«sitorie£ se as to meet tho requiremettts »f this act, nnd w«tli that view to emplcy such of the banks *i: the sev eral States as he may deem expedient. Sso. 16. The 8ocr«tary ef t&e Treossiry shill forthwith advertise this act in such ne:^spay>«rs published ia the several St:^, and b^ 8u*'>h oil er means as shall secure immo«kt& puDiicity; t-nd the Seereta^ of War aad the Secretary of 'he Navy shall eaoh cause it td bo- published in gene ral order fbr tht »nfVn«BtioB of the army and mto. 17 The 4?id »«oaoB of the act for the aiKssMment and c:>lle«tiott «f ti^xes; approved ^Hy 1st jS63, Is heicby repealed. Sac 18. The Soaretf ry «f tie Tr? .2tu*y is hereby authorised and rth'^aired, nr,on the appU- cj^tion of the holder of any eali ccrriScatc, w'nich, exchange now Treasury no i-s by the first scctioe of the ant »o pruvi *a for ♦^bc e rate «f 66| oentg on the tio;- trirdiag ar»i f-.jrt.hrtr i?suo cf Treaeury notfs, -^p- 'ved 23d \?as ret^uired to be 'fter i r ? Hr '*u«e(l to he » boafl, to icsue to sKch i t of*r, fr." n'^on t’-.o terms Taa^ ftvr th« §c}.i su'ppoH of j :.’.o _. • of the Oonfecier.ste ! ^ orri ^ 4o cuact. That in Hd tl -! by tae J*ci ‘M ; 1 ■ tiuon dovenco r-nd to car’-y '*r ! r‘ - -'Ihc Confed&rateotfi'33,” I 2-- •, f /.,' - ' there thall 1- ' ■ : ;r J'ti act, or i - H.ioji I creafu/.i* iue«tioBM« : fiVory peraon, eopor'-p.ij^ j n {v.>r3.1:on, lialtln } ' •. I V ^ ^ f ' ---i KXJC --■££ . Oi U: v«ri f i^rt»v’ded, T- I “h** V' ’ije operty c : ovl.ioris of this act; aad tao holders ©f tho ; ployed ia agricaitv?rv* s’uall fca deducted art M ■ or of the old uotes, exeept taose ef ihe i value of the ts.^ ii‘ kind delivered theroft't- ".j iJOTcination cf $100, after they are rcduced to j as asaossed nodtc the law imposing ii, t d f f^snts on the dollar by the cax aforesaid, may ; delivered to Oorerument: ProvitJ* tiok, L *' a- xt,! (iifibreut rate*, thip tnx - !n TliP.t no credit '.o allow ■•cl bc~XHi 5 per cent. II. On tke valu3 vf gt»ld aud silver wares? .Httd plat^, jeweh v aad watckcs, 10 p.-5T C3nt. in. TUa value cf property ta.te^l uc&'er this seciion shall be assessed on the basis o^ the market Tc\iue of the same, or aimiJar u 'o T;•: ^^y in tlie nf^l^;hborh(.Kvd wborcHseesae-^ ’ • iha yea^ ISGO, cxcept in casri wbe^e la? d. . Ol icteroet thereon tho entire Ret i ^:Uv-es, cottos. or tobacco have beta p ir- export duty hercalter laid on tbs 1 chaecd slnco the 1st day of January 18M3, ' ' ' ia which c&oe tks said laud, slav^''-, colun and tobacco s» pui c-bas^d, shall be assess' id. at the piioa aetnaliy paid for the eanie yy no owner. paiues, aad all ether 301C.1 s>o.:k compan es of STory kind, whether incoru^yjate.' or not, 6 cent. The value of property taxed und-sr seotion shall bo aescsccd upon tke basis of the market value ot such property in tiie neighborliood whero ass&isi^, m such cnr- roncy as ms^ be iu general use there, in t^e purchase and sale of such property, at tae ?imo of asaeecment. S. Upon tho amoant 01 ak gold r.ud silver coin, ^old dufit, g^id or silver balli*>a, wkether helu th« b^iikb or otiior corpo- r**do"u) or individuaiB, 5 pcrccnt.; upoA hU mou*,^a held .•’.broao', cr tho amount Ot ikx- t»> ol -4i A vr, u, .roioi ©a loroi^ h;-. ooiH.; such la's: mo ' ? ;i.iro'j > u, ga aseei^sed and ■‘»ol)wt2d acr'-f^Sj-ic tt' t:;3 v^lue* thereof at tH»i * \2 pall. U. «.! ih. a ‘Hi;.!;, >i t,-x‘ sttlyeat cre dits. >4C t>{ ali •- ± ''Hb-: Hod all notes, auU not tsfkpiovod iii ** regn’ored biwiaoBS, the L’iC')nio '4eri t vo wUi^’.h is tiixed, 5 per co'it- 4. U ;o»d i>r'>titp aii’de in trade and I«ws: 1 V * > ’ Viida by buying and soll- . I >. ~ itiiui, wheat, corn,rice, siijfi.'kr, •*. Of iii'up, salt, bacon, pork, ho^o, be»*. '^001 cattle, sneep, oats, bay, lodder, raw ti, les, leather, horses, mulon, bcH.Jv3 pb.t>T3, jottou yanio, wool, woolen, co-- ton or mixed olotfis, hata, wagons, liamose, ->c'd, iron, eVeol or nails, at ftny time be^- 1st ot Jiiiiiiary 1863, and tho let »1 u >-ai-^iy 1365, 10 per cout, in.additioi tar rtii push profits as ineomo under ow, thsryfortj, 1 iio Oougre>38 of the Gonfoderate States of>*Ica do enact, That during tho present iiiva.”,ioii of the CoHfodorate States, the priv- i* ’,2;e of tho writ of habeas corpus be, and • *i satne is hereby, susj)end**d; bat ouch sns- }>2;iiIon shall apply only to the cases of p€r- Ecus arrested or detained by order of the President, Secretary of War, or the Geaoral ■iBicc-r commanding the Trana-MisBissippi iiiilitary Dopartuiont, by tho authority and pjidar the control of the President. It is hereby declared tiiat the purpoc© of Oon- gross in tho passage of this act is to provide more effectually lor the public safety by suspending the writ haooss corp^ following cases and no other: ' I. Of troaaoa, or treasonable offot'ts or combiiiations to subvert, tho government of tn3 Oonfoderato States. IL Qf conspiraci^tQ^Qi^^Y^^^^^^j ’«,ct t-> ■ w t;«osforth3 «iommonde£hir«e, i id ^»'^rry on the Goveniment of tiio i ■ "i V ” av.proved Ap''il M, ;ta i*\ado by buying and : ' ’',aiWet, foreigr ox''Ui»n?r:. stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations "iSfEoHty ot tho Oonfedorate States. IIL Of combining to assist the enemy, or of communicating intelligence to the enemy, or giring him aid and oomfbrt. - dt cou^pij aoies, preparations and at- tomptB to servile insnrrectiou. V^. Of .loaartiiins or encouraging desor- tioni, of hurbormg deserters, and ot atttsmpta to avoid military service: Provid&l, That m case ol pHjydble wrong and oppression oy any suburdinato officer upon any party wijo does not legally owe militHry service, his np€,rior e*:iicer eiiall grant prompt reiiel:* to ihe oppreosed party, and the eli^ul be dismissed from ctiice. ?^L Ol spies and other emissaries of the enemy. YlL Of holding corraepondeace or uBtei- co’.uflo with the enemy, without aroceaskty and without the permisgion of ihe Oontfetfe^ ‘ atea. II. or r alawful tradin.g with the one- d f tfenoee a^i'nsfe tbc* l&'Wh of the Oonte lerdte States^ onatecL to pro^flsiots thair sacoeBs in th« war. L2L ©f conspiraciea, or attempts ii(aer ate prieoners 01 war held by the Ui>ui(»derate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attompta or prepa rations to aid tke enemy. XL Of pei'soiis ad vising or inciting ft^hers to abandon tiie Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to ^hare to the enemy. yn Of unlavrfilly buraing, destroying or injuring, or attempting to bum, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele- grapmc line of communication, oi- pi-ooerty, .with tho intent of aiding tho enemy. YTTT. Of treasonable iesigna to impair tho military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arrns, or munitions of war, or arijATials, fouTidries, worlishojTS, or othf^^' j.»ropaEty of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. Tho President shall cause proper oflicbrs to investigate the cases of all persons so arrested, or detained, in order that they may b« discharged if improperly detained, unless they can be speedily tried ii> due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspension albro- said, no military or other officer shall bo corapelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear i» person, or to return the body of any persfin or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General oiHcer com manding the Trans-Mississippi departineut; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the officer having charge of any one so detained, that inch person is detained by him m a prii^nor for any of the causes hereinbefere specified, under the authority afor«e»id, fur ther proceedings nader the writ ©f habeas corpns shall immediately cease and remain sus|>€Bded se lesg at this aet shall continno in force. Bee. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety day* after the next meeting of Cen- gre&s, aad ho lemger. TSE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and aft«r tk« passage of this aet all white men, residents ef the Confederate States, between tho ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military eerviee of the Confederate States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the pereens aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, aew in serrice, shall be retained durini; ^e present war with the U. S., in^ho same regimefita, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of tiiis .act, with the same er- ganisjatioa and oncers, miless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gor- ornment of the army: Provided, that oem- panies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at tke time, with regiments or battalions ti«m anotl^r State, shall bare the privilege of being transferred to organizations of troops, in the e&me arm of the service, from the States in whieh said oompanie* were raised; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another SSftta, shall be allowed, if they desire it, a traasfoi to organizutions trom their ewn States, ia tiie same s^rm of the service. Secw;3. That at the expiration of six moatas from the iirat day of April aext, a bojHity of SlUO ia a six per ceu:. Government bona, sbaM be liable to oe placed iu service ia the field for the war, as if be were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro- voBt and ' ospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, gnaras, agents, employees or labor ers ia the Commissary and Qnartertnaster’s Departments, in tke Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and amployeos of navy agents, as also in tho execution of the enrollment p.ct, aad all similar duties, sball be i>erformed by persons wko are within the ages of ^18 and 46 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall r*« ri]K>rted as unable to perform active service in tiie field, but capable of performir.," some of t.]\e above said duties, specifying v/hicb, and when these persons shall have !•' w to those duties as far as practioHi4e, ihe Pro- sident shall assign or detail to tb^ir perfonu- ance such bodies of troops, or individuuis. required to be enrolled under the 5th eeo- tion of this act, as may bo nce ’ed for thtj discharge of such duties: Provided, th^t peraons between the ages of 17 and 13 sbull be assigned to those duties: Provided fnr- ther, that nothing contained in this s,ct ?hall be so construed as to prevent tliw Frssidcnr from detailing artisans, mechaiiiod, or per sons of scientific skill, to perfbni\ indispen sable duties in the departmenn^ or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster er As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serr- ing with brigades or regiments iu tho field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer ia the cenacript servico, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his empleymeRt any person in any of their said departmeate or Dureans, or in any of the duties mentioned in toe 8th oectioa of this act, in violatioa of the provisions hereof, shall, on convicMon thereof by a court-martial or military court, he cashiered; and it shall be the duty of aay department or district conamaader, npoa proof, by the oath of any credible ^rson, that any such efficar has violated this pro vision. immediately to relieve such om^ from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid tailing to perform the diltios enjoined by this section, shaH upoa being daly convieted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the foliowinjr. 1. All who shall be held unUt for milite- fy service, under rules to be pree-jribed by tbtt Secretary ©f War. . 2. The Yico Freeident of the Oonfedorate St;;t:.jtt, the members and ofiicers of Cc*ngress &i\d of tho several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State aSicens as the Prefeident, or tho Goveruor of th^^ re spective S may certify to be necesc^ry for the p opcr adiainiatration of tho Oon- federato or State Govarnraenta, as tha -'?a:’o may bo. 3. Every minister of relifflon authorised to preach i.coor iiiig to the rmee of nia church, and who^ nt the passage of this aot, shall be rega’-?^r:y employed in the dlscuarga of bis - ' miciaterlai duties: su}*erintendentd tnd phy- vvaich th#=^ bacretary of the ireasur^’ is here- gicians of asylums for the deaf and dtmb by auchori’ed to issue, sball be paid to ove-. blind and of the insane; one editor for ry non commis-sioHed «>fBcer, musician and j newspaper being published at ttie time private who shall tkoo bo in service, or in i ©f this act, and such employoes as said edi- tLo evfcat of kis death previouc to the period j tor mav certify, on oath, to be indispensable of such paymeRt, then te the person or per-! to the publication of such newspaper; tke sons who would be entitled to receive by law | pnhlic printer of the Confederate and State the arrearftj** of kis pay; bat no one shall be ; Governments, and such ioumeymen print- entitled to ihe bounty herein provided who ers as the said public printer shall certify, shall at any time, during the peri?d of six - . months next after the said first day of April, be absent from hie command without leave. Sec. 4. That no pcrseu shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having beon heretofore discharged from the army where no diesbiUty how exists; nor siiall these who have furnished substitutes be any longer exompted by reason thereof: Provided, tliat no person, heretofore exempt ed en account of religions opinions aad who has paid tho tax levied to relieve him from service, shall bo required to render Hiiiitary service midcr this acL Sec. 5. That all white male residents of tke Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and IS and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times and places, and uader' such regulat^ioas, as the 'President vajBkj prescribe, the time allowed not being less than 30 dajER for those east, and 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him- without a reasonable (^cuse therefor, to be judged ef by tha President, shall be placed in service ia the field for the war, in the same manner as thoogh they were be tween the ages of 18 and*4o: Provided, that the }>er80Ba meationed in this section shall constitate a reserve tor State defence and detail duty, ^d shall not be required to perform oerviee oat of the State ia which they reside. 6. l^at all persons required by tke 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, cc^j '^fchin 30 days after the passage there of^ east of tho Mississippi, aad witkin 60 days, if weet ef sfGid river, form themselves into volmitary orgaaizatioas of compaoiee. _ own ►MU to ciu* cers; saiu organ I existing laws; and, having so organized, to ti^nder their services as volunteers daring ctie war to tho President; and if such ojgan- laaikions shall rarnish proper muster rofls, 9& now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their distriot, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, tuey may be accepted as minute men for eervice in sach State, but in no event to be fcken oat oi it Those who do not so volun teer ^d organize, shall enroll themselves as !ieibro provided; and may, by the President, be required to assenable at convenient pla ces ot rendeavouB, £uid be formed or organ ized into compaiiies, biittalioa* and regi- under regulations to be prescribed b''^ bim* and t^hail have the right to elect thedr oompany aad regimo^it^l officers; and all fcroona organised under this act for State be entiUod, while in actual service, to the same pay and aUowanoe as troops now in the field. goo. 7. That any person who snail fail to atteTid at the plaoe of rendesvoas m required bv the authority of the President, without iufficdanfc «oa» to be jadged of by hia. on oath, to be indis|.»en6ablo to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi- aoea as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S62, &nd has coutiuued said business, without intarmiesicn, since that period; all physi cians over th« age of 30 years, who now are, and for tho laat 7 years have been, in the scla il and. regular practice of their profes sion, but tlio term physician shall not in clude d^>ri'i(3ts; air proaideftts and teachers of coUe::ec5 theological seminaries, acade mies ant: ccisools, wko have been regularly engaged ca such for two years next before the pasiago cf this act: l*rovided, that the benefit ot t^is exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of jpublic hospitals, established bv law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and naraea therein as sack su perintendents‘shall cestify, on oath, to bo indispensable to the proper and efficioat manj^ement thereof. ^ 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and v/ere on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 2^ able-bodied field-hands, l^tween the tiges ot 16 and 50, upon th3 following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in which there is uo white male adult on the farm or plant8.tion not liable to military service, nor unless tho 'person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manhger or overseer of said plantation, bat in no caso shall more thaa »ae person Ije eyotr»t»^ ono farm or piautativn. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, ujfcrkblu ta the Confederate States of Amer ica, m such form, and with such security, and in saoh penalty th« Secretary ot War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the GovernnricM^ at some railroad depot, or such other p:ace or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next eceuing, 100 ix>tmda of bacon, or, at the election ot the Grovet^i- ment, its etj^uivalcnt ia pork, 100 lbs. of net boef (said beef co i)e ered on foot,) for each ahle-bodied slave ou laid farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by tho Goyernment at ti:ie pricos nxed by the Oommiseioners ot the State under the impressment act; Provided, that when the >eraon th^ exempted suskil produce satia- facfa»My evidence t^t it had oeen impossible ]br him, by the exercise ol proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thos contract ed fOT, and loave an adequate supply for the sabsistenoe of those living on the a^ild :^m or plantatioa, the Secretnry of War direct a commntation of the same, to the «Kt«at of two4luri»th«wfia grain Off otib«r I provisionsi, ^ be delivered hy such persoii as aforesaid at eqaivaleat rates. 3. Such person shidl farther biad biaaeatt to sell the marketable Burplns of ottMw and grain now oa hand, aad whi(» ke may raise from year t^ear whHe hia Mntiaues, to the GTeyemmeat er te the fiun* ilios of soldiers, at prices fixed ky the iteua- aiissieaers ef the iState under tke iiBi^reflSr meat act: Provided, tkat any pertmi ex* omp^ as aforesaid, shall be eatftled to a- credit of 25 per cent, en any {uneant ^ meat which he may deliver within tkree monifca t^rom the passage of this act: Provided for- thor, that perse ae coming witkia the provi- dons of this exemption shall not be deprived of the l:>enciit thereof by reason of havicg been eT’rollc-U emce the 1st day of Feb. 186$. 4. la additi iu to the foregoing exerop* t*036, the Sei5rtitary of War, under liie (fl- rejaon of the President, may exempt er de tail euch other persons a.^ he may oe satis- Med ought to be exempted on aceouat • public necessity, and to insure the predno- tion of grain and other provisions fer flie army and the families of soldiers. He may, also, grant exemptions or detaibi, oa eneh t£!!rms as he may proscribe, to such ever* seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the eoaatry i& the pursuits of agriculture than in the miM- tary service: Provided, that sueh exenptieii shall cease whenever the farmer, planttf «' overseer shall fail diligently to emaloy in good faith, his own skill, capital aa« laker exclnsively in tke production of grain and proviaiouB, to be sold ta the GoTerameat and the familiea of soldiers at prices not exeeed- iag isf4*e fixed at the time for Iflce arttetee by Jommissioners of the State wider tke imMreesmeat act. 5. The president, treasurer, anditor and saperintendeat of any railroad eerapaoy en gaged ia transportation for tke ^^ovemMM^ and lueh officers and employees tliereef at the president or superintendent shall eertfljjp OB oatk to be indispensable to the effieieirt operation of said railroad: Provided, tfiat tke ivomber of persons so exempted by act on any railroad shall not exMed eae per son for each mile of such read in atbuJL nee fc.* 'nuitary traimK)rtation; an^ said exenyta sh^ be reported bv name and deeeiiafeNU, Wi% tke names of any who have tfie employment of said company, or who nutf mmbti to be indispenjiable. t.. That nothing herein contained skaU be eonstrued as repealing the aot apn^ved April the 14th 1863,. entitled an aot to eK- empt eontractora for carrying the maile ei the 0)niederAt« States, and the driven ff poet c-oache^; »ud hacks, from military eer- vicc: Provided, that all the exemptioM granted andor thi^ act shall only contiiMie whilst the persons exempted are actoafty ftiuraged in tboir respective pursuits or 00- on|>fttions. Bee. 11. Tiia.t the President be, and he is hsreby, autbofiaed to grant details, undei gciieriil mles and regulations to be iseued S-om the War Dt^artmeut, either ef persons bstwwin 45 Knd 50 years of age, or from the ai’my iu the n^ld, in all ^.ses where, ia kis ju4gai6Bt, judtloo, equity and neeewi^ re quire such details, aad he niay revoke saok I ordei-B of details whenever be shixtks projMr: I Provided, the.t the power herein graatea to tbo President to make details aad exetny- tlons shall not be eoustrued to antherise tfie exemption or detail of any contractor for fumisking supplies of any l^d te the Qov- emment, by reason of said coatoaet, anlees the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that tiie per sonal services of such contractor are indis pensable to the execution of said coatraofe: Provided further, that when any snch con tractor shall faM, diligentiy and fiuthfnlif, to proceed with the execution of tuoh eoa- tract, htf exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 13. That in appointing local boardb of surgeons for the examinatien of peraone liable to military service, no membw oom- posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling distnct in which fthef^ are required te m^e such ex»uinatioa. 1 Post Ofioe, FayetteviUe, IV. C., OoTOBia 3, 1863. Schtdftk 4 th» Arinal and Deptartmn of A* Mtdk mt Ofiet. RALEIGH ri% AyEfiASBORO”, A«. ArriVM iftily, exo«pt Sonlay, at 4| P. M. On&MTu; 'iaily, exo&pt Satardsjr at 6 P. M. EALfiian vU SUMMEBVILLK. D«fvts Tcesdaj and Friday at S A. M. ArrivM Wttdaedda^ as4 Sotajay at 9 P. M. WAttEA^ TiaCLIMXOK. Vrivei daily at 12 nosa. Ikparts dsilj %t Ij^ F 3£. OARTHAQS., Ai-rivej ru«cw5ji^, Thursday and’ Bati^ay at 7 P. il D«p&rt.d ^onoaj', Weiacaday and Friday at 1 P. M. O.flBRMY, 8. C. •' .lrrir‘^3 Tuesday, Xhm-stia/ aad Satarday at • F. M. Dfparte Sunday, T-iesday aaiilCharsday at 1 P. If. FAia BLUFF TIS> LUIIBEBTON. ArtiTss Tuesday, Xhur^ay aad Saturday at 6 A. X. Dp.p#>rt9 Sunday, Tuesday ;uid Te.ar8day at 1 P. M. R0ESS0«’8 vu KLIZABETHTOWN. Dep^vrte Monday, Wodneaday and Friday at • A. M. lrnr.^3 Tuesday, Thurday Md Satarday at 2 P. M. iiLlZlBEiaTOWN via I8RSBUITH. Arnvtis Monday at 6 P. M. DeiariH gams day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAONOLlA^’dYP&BSS OBSH:. Arrives Tuesday at x P. M. Departs saoM das (Taeadiiiy) f)WIv¥ TMT.>Awn moiIT1m)8B, OOVDIMOlf MI4 POWSLLTON. Arrivw Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TBOT. Arrives Tuaeday at 6 P. IL Oeparti Wedne^y at 11 A. M. All mail4 leaving before 7| A. M , ar« olesad Um «««a ing before at 9 P. If. Ail letters ta b« aeat off tnm rlua office, otiier tiuu> by mail, must be fer ae If usat by nalL All drop letten ikoidd be pre-paid bf 2 cent stanps. The ofice will be open oa Suaday from 84 ts M A. M , aad frois 4| te 5} P. M. JAB. e. COOK, p. tf. Ttt£ 0iXf£ PIftlSfili," ?^0B }k* Iiitu* Poipr \ -^irtfceaAjwly at wuoieeak THIS JVOKTH €4JftoEiiA uirreAL urs iNsoiuaiCB coMrANi, NOW la tke tentb year of saeeeastul eperatioBf growing and firaer kold upoa pabUe e6a- fidsnee, oontiaaes to inrare tke liree ef ail kealtky per* ■ons from 14 te 60 y^s ef age, for eae year, for aevea years, andforlill»-'-alIufeiaeBbeniBksiiag latksfteiis All slaves from 10 to SO years ef age aro inewed tm one yen' ar for tve years fcr twe tkirde tkeir valae. AU V^aaea are puaetn^Uy paid witkni 90 daje after aatisf^atory proof is proeo'i*^. For Turuier infbmaticK >ke pablie Is retered te ^iMnin «f tfe Coamayia all parte ike 6Ms» aa4 Is B. H. battle, Seeteleey, lalslth S. /. ffAUl,AMaial ivA’T 1SM». Vayett^T^ ■. O Biuk WeneHlor nb kMa

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