LlITIIl OP Mr TKINHOLM. The toliomng letter frHD Seoretory Trcnholm, in -.ticn of one of the recomowndatioas of his report, thua h »ddrenael to the Comiiaitt«e cn Fi^aaoe, id of ^(■certil intert^at: * fuKASuaT Department, C. 3 A , "I Richmond, Not 21, 1861. j Hod. F. 3. Lyon, Onir'n Ooaiaiittco Wjys and Ms.aus, C. S £io R.ps.: Sir:-Tbo donbts ^xprchst^d « to tha eau^Hty ■*r, to of Im tiai^ ue VdX id kmd i..r ta« sanpurt cf th?! | Wa e currsac. Cj thrse .=\rt:oi^5 only, hive t:\d my at- \ fn • U'i t” t' ' inb of t*»> v'i f •r*fln:oo^ ^ ''j 'h. -tffx’t tijj un \ijtr ” Tiif^? - sS tV’! FORBIGN OPINION. The foUowiog intereitiDf; artiole, copied h London paper, was called forth by tbe monster Peioo Memorial from ^reat iiritsin to jftDkejdom, which Mr. Seward hu rci'naed to receive: Frp'a th« Losion i Siftt. 1? oa«E.'-t b«;i«ve th^t *he ’ Lp»ir.j?aa cf Njr*" -r* */ A^’eria:» fcjl .o f^e -fl «f cu tiie ruaj'-ot r- i»n r~p-.-iSt d trpti-^.' ooi?Biicri£it‘a, and my convictions h»?« DOt UQ(l«'rjr'DO any oaangc. As^ami'v^ the sam of notes to be redeemod at $400.00'},000 and :ho pr 'por-ion uf Nor. a lica, lor cii^uylo, ut ono tenih, or S40,000,000, the tax ip ki. d for that S .its wottld bo, in cora, 20,000,000 bushels; and it app ars to me ihat tbe burthen ot tbe *ax if ia no degre» nfF-oteti ^y th« mode of payment. Being one tenth of tUs »gri cuicaral iaoome, if p%id in kind, it waald take from the faraier 20,000,000 basbels of corn; and if paid in money, tha valut^of tbatqaaodtj. Con sequently thp State of Vir^inin, though not taxed in dad on tho tobacco crop, if taxed ono tenth ot the valac ia monoy, would sell ib»t proport!o;t»of the cron, and p&yiosr th« money into the f reasury, contribute thereby her equal share to the common burin ec. To extend the tax to all tho present ihbjectsof the tax in kind, would euhrgo th» sinking fund and allay *he apprehensions of possible inequality; but thero is sometkiog waniinfir beside* & aiakiog fand; wa want h jrtaaaar'* cf vsJaa also. C^uld wc ooiQjQcnce the immeUit^te redeoiption of the ootA* in spoMO, a-*d give to all th? assa^noo of reooiv ing payncns oc demsad, th« cn-n‘aiioy would ripo at OQSe t > Bpscte valc9. Could we enter imme- diatoiy upon the redemption in corn at $1 p«r per bushel, with thj atuura*xcft of an adequate s'jpply to meet all demacds, the appreciation, I thick, would bs ncnrly as rapid, and th« restora tion of thd value aloios^ couipleie. My impr3S aion^ are that it would be quite complete if the privilege of exportation eould be given to the purchaser. • The uniformity of quality that belongs to tbia fftaple; its ohara'ter as an ardcle of food; its uni- veraal use; and its simplicity r« an article of com- mertfo, c icibine to giva it a valne moro usiform aud 3'abl.-;, and more extensively ktown in our country than that of any other cojamodity except gold »ad silver. For this reason, had tha supply of corn beea eqaal to the redemption of tbe notes within a reasonable timo, and theio.madiate tund- ing of a laT((o proportion not been of such gr?U importanec, I wouid bav^ inclined strongly t^ the use of corn alone. To encourage immediate fund ing, and secure adequate} me'ios f«r tho earlv re demption of the whole, cott m and whoat were adde 4, but it must be admitted, I think, that tbeae additions impair, to some extent, the eimpiicity of the plan. an>A the certainty and invariabil'ty ot the value of the notes. Three clasiis of cjrtifi cstca, in uoequal proportions and of different value, ma^t now bo used in lieu of oae certificate ot uniform value. The neocssity however of pro viding an adequate fund rendered this concession unavoidablo. Bat to go further in t'ais direction seems unnecessary. IX tobacco, sugar, ric0, hay, hemp, A a., were introduoed, the yield of each, and tns ratio it bcnrs to t’ae others, would have to be ascertained, tho comparative value to be determined, and an other clskM of cwtifi ’^toa for each to be issued, in it bore to the others. This woulu - •» • endanger its euscesslul exeeation, and at same time define and oxpreds with less okamecs and preaision the value of the notss- More 1 thinx would ba lost thereby, in that part of the plan which is leaigned to clothe the notes with the attributes and quality them to perform the functions of money, than wouH be gained by enlarging the sinkine fund, which is already am> pie. My impressions ;^rs very strong that this view of tho subject is correct and I hope the de- libera'ioDS of the Committee m%y bnng them to the same conclusions. Speedy lo^slatioa is of of * Ai»pabfio, wita tli'? rhvi*** f ezVis ’i-Jt'r t'xii 'or.urv v'vtv'. f'*'’ra- '•I'’ Jo aoU, vti3 IP* t» t tin c'lnpiiva p»7r.-»r cf *f«rul ’HVl ax‘-ihi«; 'he ‘•ap«rf»rity of RrircMi •:rn prifteijw* Tas ei;pe»t»*?«o is hot a tr.d »ko vi^w th« prvBtnt accfliet witbiat wiisjfUcg wUh If9 paoslonp «>e f u!r fi*r 1h*!. Amarlfla aiou d lose aahr.Me^ in tit> s^^aiow. It w«r* veil to i«t N«rtiifcrtt aiUi fM«i7d a dis- iiaat ini'aruios tW will co?si>>4r Ataerlcfr to Hu t, c?'*a*. n%tioji, net okI^ evsa if Eh9 fails to Absorb twa Gontla»nt», batatso if cbe faili to scbdo* tbe ?cuth- erA If th) N:tV U fightiag in ordar fo gaia ou;' app't/e'aiioa 'her« ia ao ountl for tbe w»r to coa- t?i>u) anoth'r bour Sa^Und, ia ksisa f. co3!piei s « scDkli a ipct on the f3urf«3-:i of t-.n g o^e ir»t s!;e atn mdilj 0CT915.9 fialirio*).! greatacipa tu a licaitad araa IC i? *ru9 W>^ ^^▼a vMt ealoKi*' Isdi» i s *3 e^-'tira vfii*r t^a dirfot aa. iortty of on? Povttroijaj bat tke crarmons araa of thsNartkeraStates of America ia h.a* B%tloa wkicU oeaopiss it aay cot >lne)i fcr titt!^a«''s in aoia]^ariG''n with tha moth*r •ttantrr Happy wiil it b:» wb.»a Awriaan Mople «an ’ay the id^a tbat t'tvy t^vst aprtatf themw!T.'s •{oa*« (raiGAndan* aarab^r of rqa^r« saUrs Ir* oeiw (o ba r**fi7«ct»ii, a’'.d taat t>eT •«ast sa^rait t*Ro iimitads.n *t’ ik«ir ^r&Bhnr. t’^lacd be« «ub?ni>ted tu 'bn CTdval %ud, Uku a tr^ aa'^«j* ;he praninr f *if eJ la raal vigor wkat she lost ii* »n- ]»iAreniKp!*Bi9' Ai a evatiiaaa of real E^f .'itk thieki^if, wa oaa.>»l 4‘\U atlcotion to tbe *pa?i*l whtafc ia nhoat to go fi-rtfe fraia “tee people of tkj Uaixd Knftdom of Q*cat Brifl® aad Ira!sa>l’’ ta ‘Mk« peap!* of tfam U >it«>d 8taw«P v' Aok9Ho» ” Tt if Mtioipfttad taat milii-rtua «f 8i;cia- tnrrfl will ba atuakad to tsLi a-idreaa It is aa app«al ia ‘k*. JirMt icisrts's of i>aa3e, erct though o&n>« af loka Brii(hi r^ay aot f cure in i«t liat It deci&rea vo'e thaa aa? opinion w&ieii tae Ifarikera 8t«^r« *ill djwnll 10 l*y to a«ftft ~:'be utvanrs^lietB vay, -‘Wa bflUsTa that tbe war haa c^acjed, ('or praaest. at levt,) tke oharaotar of your Qcvarrro^vt It has pwept awHj- yoar ft'.i'.iom of Hi/eaon. yoat ftea rrezB, »c4 ti'a ilMt*3»*bl« r!ght of Amdsaa eorput ” far, iae aar has aat dignld«d the NoiUara in l^o j- tirrt-'iaa of B^iglifhaioa. A for (he Rontto, the do«n nett d-»«!artB: '‘Iba avant^ of tha atrcggl? Lav.i« oon- tiaasd a;* thst a as''re aaitai paopio aavar roee'wj) is 4«faa^ of thair rigata thaa taosaof th^Bva'herA States ” Aad futta«r>’*w« bfUova that tha floauarn peopla ar« oa'y folt^Tripg tbe |>r«»ae^ta «•! exawples ta*i j ft «o«J praalised your fathaie an4 thoirx w«-k vh-y i.«Ua drew tkelr fr«m th« ca • «r>ucii/” 'i. mueh f«r tha Ugbit ia *rr 'oh Che eon radian p&r i?a ap pear to ob««r»are »t th?s dtat«kf>«a Is this tSe *«p*; t ia whioa the N.Ttheru Staler lik* to aoj'cir, i's refaouu- e'ng the prsaaiples cohysnsd etory 4^k cf .^aly. nt>i rx- tj tas warU how ojuiDi.'tsly all t»»e d4»j;jt.*«;nj»> i'xi'tuaia?iae ftjti-a • fi'nc'ia.'tuuti c ? Tbs war ila. H n ith ng *o -aaoble tns Sorfb»r« fltn fs C3?infiti;n of Eagitkad cr of Ear:p#. wM’«, on tha other hhnd, It ©levafcs of ifc-ir »ni»^ - aifita, and bhowa the Utt. ;* rl^stas; t) i^c y t! . ppople aa ->• it. xiibiUi ' it N«ia:ra State'- ia the a^oaiM of .»a laterc^l pt».itia*l dagr»-.»ati'j,i Bof. a hat is sMd an Jo ta-s alii r*auU? WoaM not tUc NufiLcra Slates look g^orioa^ ia tita ty a of Earope id ta« erect of thfl >rcb.l.ida” be’nf »ran?Kr? The »*pnpal an«rera !b «he ne#a i»e, and poiuU^at eh*.. the Beath oaa oaW b? subda^ by a » roc*#i whta- wil; MSttred’y destroy all ikzt i» pwoioas ia il*e paii«-'9^1 Btraoturs of the catioo Tm* ■•w.’ bel.ev.', that aUcol^ yoa, at the cud }t anothor tfer e and a btif vears’ 2^coc«d hj anSdoing tha 8oath and rentoria tbo Uaioa by for-3 if ars's. ycu will fiad oat. watn it ie to3 late i»at tho’^e iill».ra npoa vhl.jh re^fs yrur repabhoan — ...^1.^ rOK TMS OBSBtvia. p. ST Hoapnai. ) 2d Mil. Dxst Dbpt. N 0 4 Va V T*»aoao’, N O I>«3»r % 18*4 ) Bu:t«rrt Obsir? r: PifKsa allaw laa thraoga jaur iz of the a'.gk ard ’*o'«4«d fuid.iars of €iir; L S ooi^tB'.ad in it'13 Hospital; »«- iniT tbs rca ipt ot tha foUowiBjc •a*tfibotian «f H iOi »i iii del*«'.ic «=. i'oci L‘;iM &»^la bf«nd >'a—tbe Lac’)«j’ Cnobariako H»«pital AnNviatioa of N u j S-snet ta*> oj-g'»Di*M=o« ofiki# A^-ooIa^oB, n« apc5il. ' I -iowT«(»r fr»qa»i, 3»m H«a»j maiie ia t*!b to thesa kisd • l i .*‘i, ; to ba aick and *off»i'»ag a? «ju»’ 1 alituit t art i i». brt*. patriaito z«»I, acd hewi.falt •> mpatay, I ..Jtva t'.ij aiiiressaJ thexra^lvM t>«h ; to thair conrtnti«i • work of nhila^tiropy. Aai thosAa a grt^fal people I .*il r >ar endariag tcouaraeata of fa ^ia to tha aalT ssksri a«n-invfyta who have.gciUntly perished I* ^a- *aEii;Bj *iietc aaf.’?# loil, froa tha p::UQi.l.jg rte? of oar b>rban9 far, ;'>t wi!l thay aot r«aiar tha awaat re ward to tbcs*' ^tttifltarlng asgela of oha^itj, ia t^eir aiisst trark of 1oy«. of es9krla-ng thea iu &a aa^ion’e bn* i—thfa to arc? lire ia grvafzl raioimbranae ef tikt'ir vir«.u38, '.ad deTc‘i»c ta tbf siusa. ia iho darkest ^onrs of tha K«voluion. iashiaisg aaatraat%th> spirit of rxtortloa. jread anl ^varea, tiiti ku bjpht->4 acr baiitaal aaau, and carscd tho lud ff J. E DOHiT, Asa’t Sargaon P A 0 8 ilakars?. Tho prQCiM Gb,;,as to crery di8in»er^«t«d ob>«.-^r P‘’^ioo of H ia already aojom- plisted. or 1cun piliw bae alrca-iy fal'en. an J t^er?at ara tctt»ring fnm saaa-ait to ba»» Can t>e Northern ae^ire the ocnRataj]^ftiiaa of iba OaUs- ti'opheT A’-a th«y beat on ecialatic^ tbe blia'i cbaoi- oiea of old. W4o U the bitt^ra-as of ^ia ssol bowid ai4 ’»hola rr*nta and broke the pilj-.ra of tbi tenpla, ba- ryiag hiaisaK aai bis foes ia one qoamoa ruin? Surely taarais soaiathiog h«ttep t^’aa this in r#ParTa^,»r a paapla who ware able !n t-ivimr ja*s to wrost th^ir ia i»pei*'ianae from the hands *>f Bi^laijd. A mMt-.v p^e of tbii kini mhj bo vevy nat'o, and »T‘ay flU a l^rife p»g« :n b5«lor*; but tkst Tcard rWnn-*b wri'.en >i:ai r-i , mil .-e sr i;*-y -fu 4 eV a.>f *?i5i tbs the u*m«t i.*ipjrtft.ioi, i*«d u’^.tn'mity woild b of greit value, in ins^iiring confiiecce and secur- j s'.crlfioe c^ob.'e ta»*e wh> w»ifaU ciikfl it. ing tha aj-opc'* ija oi tiio ci.izens r»iid the I ^ appeal t> t'aa N^rts fet.?ier taan to St:itC8. The latter may ooatribute gr^ittly to tao V, « !!*'•-'* sc fca-e d .cU«>?d U'Hf ^ J an .i'.'>o.MStae8t*u8 the s ar 0 «>’di! or. r.f b*- 0 .c •• '.>f fiu.i at tae same tioie xna- n- • o» .he oar* o?.i- 3o.o.h t4 rr*- i« ‘ ‘iuo2 ’.ii. birme'ti of tha fax. i .i>>t o-n »T% .Ai flrs; 1. * w7 r0‘luo2 KU . oirjupti ot t&3 fax. j .i>>t or. At. flrs; 1. vrv, k-y. iJ r-b«iii-t, 1..^! Tii*j i.ij S-:^re of Norn Ciroiina aa exam> ^ba p.^ooi a n.-a a:ade *aui.i six / d-.y.i it saoald bp pie. SappOBO her saare of the debt or^ztoi. by I Ta* dsys panaed, aa^ v*«.a tsmt ?» ;? b* t the is-ue of Tfea.,ciry n to bo 340,000,000J . ' i z j •* « SI w r^-ftc-.Itoa. at*‘J. ta nrrti t!.*t » rm’8 UJ-il and tan m^nro De aon ad.*p*«d, ba; by faud.a^^ j N^nh aara not aoi u?eo *ho i«.::rj T.\ “scathara “*■ ■ ■menti of tha notes in muncy 1 prih-.*>jp,Ti» are no- ^t!a!5; t’a»y an f>S3-Xre prO'M le J !o»; ;a case her ritizo'^s would ; p^'sn^■! ie on t.'e prsooipLu of a » U d^btodnei^fro^S4'j,000,UOOvoS J,000,0:0, »ndre-1 *»i; an wAflsa Jso;*«iob csoo»ii ••fe’»c-'nt-niitaoe i«ev3 iior cUjziQS tcoui tha tax of 20,000,000 ' >n of this p/> ractei aad a^> p;»/st^a«gla. bujhels 01 coil. O: i:i o;)-er wvi,. m»y pur- i ^ OA liAA f iri^ »lri r>f* I'M » J ^ I ® ^1T6 to 46# ^?SdJpAO'«li 0.iQmi9B', oua^e 20,u00,000 bosaUg of co^a 10 ccut» per j x.H* ba?# to you fir p'^^c? It r?oai i br ttie interest of ev^ry Slate, i »cd o be !«», aljni*.” u^i ih’d coara\ whather her ci'i- i _ *■3.7 rijht, aa BaglishiaeB, to address bushel I thi.-ik, to pu'eu^i zeos coatributai to tho fix ia kind sit a-i.Ti, fjt the currtjnoy or not. It' Virgi.jia, tor exstaipio, purcnaM h*‘f fcha ocrallisiites !br whlrh N .-na via- rolina wa^ to provide sh« means, of rcdotnotion, the b mely to ber oi^iz jui woald be n^eciioJy t.h® 9^ui« azodioibted ot North OaroUai. Kash, upon the hypo:kesia e^red. by tao exp^^nditfire ot la would aoi:{uire 92it.000.QOO ia Ofirr'6o;,c;s. Ni>;*tQ CArj»ioav 'yi.uid ^hereby commutic a i-ax iu ii^a ot 10^0 .>0,000 btuiheli of" cjrn, told V'ir>mia would ieyy'a ttx on oiher Stacea or 10,000,00 ) bujleU of jcm. If the va’.uo of corn ia the markat w«irft ^1 a bu^hoi, North Oarolitia, by laying out 81,000,000 now, would save ilO.000,000; Vircinia, by the wme mea>>a, would oaake 910,000,000, and reimburse heraelf for a money tax ot 010,000,000. I venture respeetfuily w submit these reflac- tioas to the consideratioa of the Commitfeee, and rcmtin, wjth sentimenta of great rsspoct, your most ob't serv’t, G-. A*. T&snholm, Secretary of Treasury. A ncu) Exemption 3t7/.—Riohmond, Dm. 11. —Iu the House of Represontatives tod&y, the exemption bill was reported from the Military .committee. It repeals all ioriner laws on tha sub ject and proposes to exempt all unfit tor military service, the Vice President, members and officers of Otngreas, State Legislatoros, p,nd such other Confederate and State officers as tho President or laws of the respective States may declare to be necospary, Ministers of Religion not engaged in buying or selling tor profi% employees of Asylums, one Editor for each Newspaper, and such praotl* oal priatcrs as are indispensable for its pub lication, one skillgd apota#‘c-iry in each Hto;^, ail praotising Phyeicians 'lercvofore .exe^ipt not en- gagred in buying and selling, their fees to be fixed by boards at 0>>'uaii3.iion*:r for each S’’Mc, all te.ic er^ herotoloicj cx mpt, Rsilira'i ex'^H’pticns ref'owed wi*^h rr» ^difiriation, persons on re- ligjou-' ?;rcu3un coniinupd on ronuition cxstrpts p“.y i'Q »anua' tax cf 8500 and sell su^’plus pro ducts at Govornmant pricea. It also authorizes the President to grant other exemptions oi details on aocoont of pablio neoenityi jnstioe or eqnitj. th!» Nnrih^rn on oa a q'i^ (S'-ft % u?.ti ?n*J intv'i^-’ and crospj-it •? m a Ti?h‘.. a-i 1 9r ihini w> suffiai', %ff ‘01- uati p. nt to I'y c3. Thu')—' '^*0 a^e o^ tu s-',bx3 ria^;, aad ci'.ry ... l'itr$*0.f3, Q>Q3 «o y.,u >if you xr^ rtir b?5 L«rs. peane arijtV'-r"*, »n ] ad(^f^an y-)*' io o-ain l^rg>i»fr*t a» f wn«Ja a:>d e« iv«;tw r,« » quenuoa le ••Uad a*'. ♦>«-» *r r.* and ^uff'tHng; %ai is it «>?, tiaia to oe^M thV ■5fC(*1 a i^hVh »rT are eara/cdf” Hurr-.T ai >ipp ai may S'* ? a hearla^; and we o'-ixot 'h'n; 'b»* it pra.^ iisjii £.. ^ ti#p jimo ta*2. TjiPf=5r-8 v/ '.a iu ths Njrthers. o.ates 4»^c SiiSi.tlv t>«.-8ai3 acp«fT*l. Ib^ ti a of paaoe ■irst Deu*g hvari aiaid the Jia ot wa?, aud wdf^iawsuid t.-rnM aat this ia«sa»«;e of mtiroy, which is abont to bt i»a:\«a -ij^aj tho Ai!*atie. will prove itself to be a ward in w»jCi«, and wiii B«i|i u> faaiiitata tke resalt for waiak xaUiium b.ve loug beea prajiag Aud when the ear nagfc m^a, wao wiii bo foaaa ta siy tbut it oeased a itf tae »eou? 0 Mfiie and Hone M Aoctioa. liM »n:;t.^ Wilt at sold at Aue tian, 1 Mala, 6 years old. 1 Hane. 0cc’r JO. JOHN H. COOK. Aaot’r. 92 2tpd iTivcfioir. ILL be awid, ta tr oat &f my stora, oa Thursday next tHe 16ta in«t, at 11 o’eloek, 26 Ba^^s Salt, 2 yeara old, 26Bbis. 2 • • —AIBO— Jugs, Daia’Jokca, Biaa, 4ilaasi Jewelry, kc. W. D&AUaHOS, Auot’r. 92 i2 Dee’r 10 A TOBACCO. FINE STOCK of lOBAijCO. inoladiag some okaw- utg of extra quality. ^ la a few days, I expeot to raopive a supply «f Banff, y.cmct. Powder aad tiiii't. and varloas otHor ns^fal ar- „ I8AA0 BOLLINGS WORTd. D^e’r 9. 92 gt ^On-Taxable Bonditf. xttilUcft Leaa.-—Sale Ce^^tintiedi. V t- -,K ^ h?»f5 tAtluf b **3 Kade at tke i.T f -i 0 ; • 2 p"ws 91 s’6n»d ir':rvft,n£vJer ciroum- that f^tie to far rsblt «■} laidwatioa, ii sua b^er. ^^teraaaad w aoatinva tbe sala u»tii further AUe. W. HTRWt.^ „ A|^teMleafO«a2steMeBosd» OH. 11. 78.jge (JoEtT'lbatlf'n to Post Ho.ipita), Tarboro’, (fpraaerly at Washiajr^Ott N. ” ) by L^di'M* OnnbarlMid Hespitai Asncc- -..loa 0^ Fayette»ill», N 0. 75 B'd oomforts. 76 sheftts, 79 pUiangMj^ 44 p»ix aottt’tt sad wo'ilen soaki, 12 a.urta, 40 tclPHfl biftbketa, 4 baao^^sspaa o>'^on. 1 bdt octtna sh^ctisg. 1 b b»M o-?^!c w(9ii, 1 baodla liaoa aaii baa’’A5* b?Soi"»«r.> and alipcws, I -ti. canllo xaaal-S, 24 iiv 34 el«f»9l fer.iva« a^J fjrk^, 24 »^at»*, 8 tea and Oih e pots. 6 B.’iltania t*bi« &po*»a%, boUlas and j^re j >l?r ciarct rjri4, Tinega” piokUs, v^afcto ont^ur* »n'; olajkhe^y O'lrdla), 1 kag p;exiaa, 1 jug nanpgraong wx"e, 8 Id bla!!k pepp«r, 1 «aa Darbaa n*a«-# i. p.'OK- *gje ot a%ge. ral }’^pp*r, ibea.jarb. aui- m*oe 1 bug bop>», 1 dried %ppU-!, 4 t>attlfs T^ld oherv bittsrs, 6 bo»»ioa AnJ'ra:'aul wlna i.nd Bnvibh oU • von VXJt OBSS&yjCR. D’-?d, of dis4aaa aoBtr«a*a«I ia a ’^orthers rriajn. J.^a ? Lawiii, priv^tQ in Uo H 88ia N T.:) suujao' ( f ta^s brief aotioe wa« kini, ol>i'i|:ag, aff s'ala a; d iran- rr'.im and ^cs*f^.'8^d aa immaenla'.e oha/aetir T .uc has. ta tha au*«-o«irid an 01 life, r^IIaaago-d bcv,a de f’'i)ud, a*d a bravA vni fai»>fal sjldict, wLo at *l\ tiuius rspoesd his tra.>t ia Hiui ‘■•rho dacti. tMc« wjll ’ ^ai w*lk*d in acooriiace with tha t?&oy>- pf fc.-rib»a ip Holy Writ Thu« ha liTei a hoi/, aoa :i Ufe aod thu'i Ne whiah a#ii du us loo'w i:>.:iiaye th&t he ia lainflittg h*d voioe «rit( t'ic rodeenied FAa TUB OS8£HV^. Died, on tbe 18 u ef June 1*^64, at Hiahmond, Va., 'r:ni vo b ^s r ,v.vc * a*- .Neles' Hiatloa, V», 28i, lbo4. >t A fift^d.ater, 8^th Ke’t N G Troops, n'i t j'i f'f A -crry .nd Oycthia liarilstar, if B>a«lolph c-jou y. N 0 T'ar. etjbj .'et of rhis bH>f aVetok wasatrue soldisraad a r -rtrsf a'intl man. He uaa among ute i^anjT, w'^o at tk- oo'a^cutenaBt of tae war. Ui^Bfaily vcut foi‘b ia ia« do.vnoe of .1: oouetry, aid wau, for nearly t 7‘ »ru piUcntl/ «a.’iir^d tfeo privaiionB aad hard- pi.it 0^ o^o>p, %es.ry niN''ohta. aa4 the ni«ny bl))dy bvtV^B ia wtich the A N V e%9 bm engaged, aad w-iiU g>>i>«ily eaarg'Qx i >4 euauty at I'ioVs’ citati a, r^s:nt- a wb ua ted »ort'.l, olf{>r4 up his life, ^ 'iuQ is i? yT^ precioa^’ tbMX all tila{;9 alM, a B*or.ft^ upon vba alth of car '>.ie«iiag zyr lrj, defeaiiiug on.' hoai e ftxcii: . ?i .>!> taa' id d^ar to ai. Ia hi a h!a p«- roatj Is-, ve iosi -va eon, ttje arioy vao cf f*; he«t Eoldiers Ha bid bsaa a msssbor of tae M £ 'hnrch ‘ ”3r scv:^ .1 , eara, wid are tfoat ujrv^d hi« 'T^sf.oly Mi^'ir v; 'i'ib.'aiiy as bo did ^iiaduakri. •^is pa/-ity of life, kiad aad affootijaiit ■ ■iinpofitioa c*4-’’^r«d «ti« *0 alJ w^o keew iiin. da wia KTer foQu i -tt btii p»ei d-iiag his wbaia daty. Q^d ojmfor; the *gai pareata iu loia tnoir f.'ra ir:»l. A CoicitAOB IM * ana. tQg, IdB Died. 28,h Oet, ir t, * 8 ts /'•ar *f b a *^10. in ttt« (iospita! '>t Blotirv 1 v>rk. C.t«>6i.«r & V 4Qa, ’si 8f t Gj K, .1 Jt Lleg’t N J T Atiot-or nobie dsari fi a bui oeao vf jred apda tbe alur of onr eoantry Tiiorgb. be te!i not m tha deadly oonfl o , yet tk's aame boaor .i to ba beatoir'd cpt:i iiim who died away frtm ItoQe an4 ita hal'.ow«d iiifl.i>3a2R, ia tae hawdd of a .&Hrdt'.'nd aui iabnmtn fae where wa« no oai wif VO soot le utj d Mag pillow, nor oiierleL'd friends (0 |>ay ‘He iMt ttibuta dne to the aalriot aui to the jurtyr ia 'he holi.-^bt o'.ass in wbi'h ff»»ra«B w'^re ever ai^^ageit. In the death ct »or/.tK.at Ya:aa his fasi'y aas aavwin^d IB lrr«para3le lo*.; from ih* r 5II of the iav'naib'tra:y J* L*a ibe n^me c;' t, dtiuftU aui vaiiiw^i' edl^^.' h*a Vei take-!. B'lt way we^p '.it hi u, kind S-i soajht tbe peari of ^r^st pne-;, aai h« ^a»a cri- rna:a of a o'.anga of ;:tiut. Wa &ro ia'ly psruadjc ho h*d ut»fvr«-J !t». '.rh'th ij •^;;9;r' rap'fbh. a’>dft^d iko*! fai'‘!t not aw^y^’ X:-?' ! vr,?ot Q3 more, Joitng *'9n}-,f jd c^.ili-rea fji aiti, iiic Tre believe aai trost ra-tfroi ij.» al e: «iso- uff, a.*w .^al c:; ‘t:i la wjoitnd o?aee fr>m ir'aMijg » h* wjsr/ *tlr,4rant ' ’*!ialy *nd oiac fi’ly 'ijd »» 'a’ 4;'?»:» • Jsaia. ru- (aa de-i'.li o! tae r^h 3oa« «ud loi *aV l*-n on.. -3 Ilka ai3.” • A ;?U3. [Js. FOB THX OBSbRV^a IN MEv:o.»Y 0? DbPAfclED dR0TH 00x’^..-l;u» L -w.iT arsv jj D. .48 0 T, w'-.akiiS^ bj '^a«over Ju * ji, ts-, .Jii f \liy 1^64 He iad b»' n ia i»i ean^oJ)* r tire jr Hjifij, %a ' j; ihr ug^i laaa- i:4u^.r t'j«. I’l'dii‘ JO p!*i*tiw*-3 a.i«i A^Tdahipiti it p ■'j ba' iij tjrA*0 eaer ij. Taa* fel, nob?; i'ju 3o’i^'. H''. ii' b’ea a a->psiri^nt miaibar of t|M Bap'ij>t =1 ir.5h ti r n ns y?%r3, ha’i.i.i; n aarly lifa flwijt^d it a n-ctr of .^3 L.ri. Hi oaing the third oai of tbs '%n» ti»i ’lAve fa!J>n daricg taia aaholy war -0 «iw niry, tooa oaUist ^a miad taa naany hupny Is-s. S.’*"! wi't" intji lavtig br3ta«rs at the oU boa.'S'eal. r7:ti iiud p".-cut« aad three &ffootloaate oisiefv wbo ^re iw4 it>it nouffi ttie ica) cf three soas al bro- or“, liooi L?td •^oufirt t*!,eta ia thair said thMW aroa-id ihaa the caaai!?. of Tby love iU^a to iucl th*t iit w«li. fjf ‘3om6lta9, Ha»,bin- I M Lmuil iwe o»ci i*ft tfesm ta'tiraoiy that thoy g .-..e ti t_it He ^rs!i of blig3, •' Tiiere the 'iouad -.*•» J rfom tr-/Ub’m^ %nd he wciry are »t re»t.” '■j-'m fi -st from n^ w:w t%!c«a. *-y cijj.p fj/jr at KutroL'a iJpriags, b '-Ir 6t B''bl-j’j'5m iu tbe aaua is aid, Uan««c\ ne Hue-t oc'2ia lid ‘^a*ha’iicl’« heart I’.ext waa pieroad by aftaaia bsli ^a nlosar m!» vt ^ . ■1'9 bidy, d')ub;i«s«j ww aol bariad by tha foa ^!is boi-as have iong siaoa bleaehad onthatfar '!o,*.:e'.ius tbea w»4 kiitrd b/oaaaai ball, T 'nd bsriad baueaih Vtrjr,ia>.a aoil, t la Ibat lonely old fifld-near Haaover J ivo;ioD \ His body lies restiog from strifa aad aantabuoa, ’ Thntf three nabla brbtaars tka Jarda* 0/ death kila OHNiSad, Ai^d left us to manna their natimaly lass, M:irtyred patri.jt*l taey ara gana to that kaasa, ^ Pra^arfid for them their Savioor who died oa v ero»s T tio mara skatl they ba ealled from tkair kappy abo'^ii To meet in battle the invadiag koria, | No more skaU they h^ar tke sound of the dmn M skrill of tha £fe. '•*0 eall than to the llsld of aamaga and strifa. Dtar brothers farewaU, the fhtara may ossi, ' A TbU of forgetfol::e«s ov%^r th^ past, Bat memory wiP turow off tke fatten of yaaif And visit thee often in sadnras taan. May the hearts tkat have loved thMb bat now warn >n Kioonii Catek a ray fra* the light that flTnw tky toaba. Thou art gona in ♦ky yiuth and besniy to rest May it lara os to SMk thee ia iha of ^a Mother weep aat for your n'tble so^ Though they fell defaadiog the 8oq^ Their fr>emory shall live in iha haa^a* Of all both tho true and tiia bnv^ Now lei ns eease to moara, aad all oqr For grao*. from God will sure ba ^vea. 'Mtfaia, And all cf os may i^eet aga>u, fas, wo all may me^t ia iieavaiL A I**Wh)N. th9 bl«9t THB unJ:«ir;jjj-:id fcftire rtiaiorsd frtia (haiF - j oa Wa K fjtpret, ta «o. 7, RJkl&KBT tke j ♦ r cjt to eoatinui tha ^n^ai ^9jami98i9ii it, aro^iry Buioft-, Prvmpt a^tendonwiil be jrivaa ta ail st£ikiaaua aalMiiad la oara. | . L. a Vlb*lkik B..O, OeL ft CO. THE CAMP-^IGN IN TE’«NB88EE. j We have encouraging reports from tho Ten-1 ocssoe airojy. Equipmcuta for recruits are bjing sent forwa^rd every day ind Hood’s foroo is al- res»dy l&rgn eoough to maroli triiimpbaotiy tbro’ Middle Tea^esdee, should ».ho weu^hcr and the j roa *B prove favorable. TH-3 iuipfaaaioa prevails With well informed parties coiiiicctad with '.be , army, thac Nashville will bf5 r» cj-jsired before ; CariitCTAti, and tiiat should Bi\ckiuridge’» ii«w j oampaiga proro s:io^tt.'..{ul, Cl)iittano!*g’a and j Knoxvilio will t:e ov»cuitca jimo » coanor ' Tho ropoi’t,' W3 hav> r»«a i'aa^ring '0‘*3evi»ral ■ daya pist i‘eiati?» to liirga a»o«iiR«*ioaij to the arrry from the citizens of Teauc^eo, w? have room to beltovo, have much foundation ia truth. Tba attempts on tiia p.irt of j;iie i'edsral Aathoridoa to enforce the drart in Tonnesseo and Kentucky can have no other tondonoy than to in>reaae Hood’s army.—ifon'yotjiery, Ala Appecd. The Montgomery Appeal has information which Icada it to believe that in tho ev^nt that Uoneral H'wd finds the defcnoes of NiM?L?illa too formi dable to justify an attempt to carry them, ho will move to the left of the city tad mske Clarksville, 05 mil?!S below, on tho Oumberiiad river, his headq»»arter8 for tbe ^ict'cr. At ihe same time he could capturo Fort Donelaos, 35 miles below on tbe river, and Fort Heary, which is 12 mi es frffm Fort Donolsob on tho Tso-uesiee river Tiiis would giva ns tha command of both rivers, anu from tae positioa at CUrksville the army oould draw ample supplias from the prodactivo counties of Cbristiay^ ToJi and Logaa, in Kentu ^ky. Within a radius of 25 rmlas --f ClHrksvilla'aro not less tnai) 80 fifst class flouriog millc, aad the supply of corn and muat in that section is inex- haasfciblo Besides, raoiuits would flock to our rarks by thousands, and wh;n spring opens toe array would ocnupy a commanding position, be supplied in every particular and greatly iDcreaied i:p £.umbcrs.—S-tviniia^ Hfpublicattf dth. Gov. Isham G. Harris of Tennessee sends the following dispatch to the Montgomery (Ute Mem phis) Appeal: — ^ Hbadq’es Army of Tbxnjbsseb, Columbia, Nov’r 28rh, via BAaTOW, Dwc’r 3 —Tho enemy ovaouated Oolumbii* last night, aud are retrea* ing on Xa.shviile. Oar army is in good health and most excellent spirits, and are vigoronsly pressing the enemy’s rear, while Forresit will harrajs his I'roni; aud flanks. Suoplies arc abund^Dt^ nnd the people are de lighted beyond mcanute at our return. Tha Tennessee rogimonts will be filled IsHAM G. Harris. The Rev. Mr. Browning of tho Army of Ten- ne38ee, who arrived at Tuscambia, Ala., on the 4th, mikes the fo.lowiag :.,tit6ment, somowhat fuller than that published in our last:— “A fight to:>k pldae on t^e 30t!i ult ,between tur foroo.’ and tho auemp at Hirpeth cre'>k, near Fraaklin, in which the eaomy was roated from his brjas:w.)rkj, la^viag 4,000 kiUed au l wound ed aui 6,000 prisoners Oheath&ui’s corps wis principally en .»geJ. Tho enemy 4re fallin? back to Murireesjboro’. Fjrrest is r-jp rtcd to ba at Brentwd.'d, botween tho enamy aa-.i Nashville Tha gallant aai horoio 51 j. General Pamck Cieburn . was killed, al. o Brig Geas Granberry, Stiahl, Gist and Go.-don; Goneral J. C Brown blightly wouud?d atid Qiarlos mjrtally. Oar loss reproschtad 10 be abuut 3^500 Tho enemy are said to be ooncantrati'kg at Murlred^boro’.” A gentleman who a rived ia Augiv*:.. on the : 8tiJ, ^om Mac>n, e^>it«3 b..t an oifi jul dispatch bad been reoftvod tht’r«fr >tu Gad Klooa. he bad engaged th»» enemy in the ao g.iborhood of Nashville, gaining a ?io;i>ry and capturing 5.000 prisoners Trans-Mistiss’ppi N^ws.—Thd Mjbiio Adver- tissr haa h.td iu iut?xv*ew with Hoi. E 0.- Bju- uinot, Deiegafce ia Oongreis from the Che'orafi nation, wh) left Camden, Ark, on the 16th. The latest news ho b:ijg^ is tha following, en- loreed up3a his official dospatjhes as he waa on tho point ot lea^mg: ‘•N,v. 15, 1 P. M.—Ojurier junt ia fr.na Pnoo. Major G.-‘Udral Fagaa, wi*:h Coi. Brooks’s bi'ig-*.le and o»e brig-ida from Fa^aS's division, oi^tured Fityottsviilu, Ai'k , wita cigho kiaod.ed me^ ;iad •11 thcir Oldjaaod, oommis '.ary ana qaarcor-aa^cer'B sior. s “F^ri Smit^ is il'e ne:zt point. Fagiu is mov- lag du'.va m it «'a V.tn Bui'ea, a'ld Piioe irith his com-iiaad on t.'o west. Taaro are but 3,000 Fflderjkls ut For. Smi.a, which we will captnre oeyond f, doubc.” Tilfa iai'>iaiaiijn we g'tther iVDm Mr. Boadiijot i) aa being •iho St'st djfinic’j a-.d au- •.-.eadc n«wj from ctia frai-J Mi-j-asiippi in a long >;lm3. snd '.-i aicogoth.er ut.» j enoouragiag character. In its OCXS isaao tao A-ivt,r:iicr fi'^ya: — We^had only time to i'itroiao? a brief pira^raph in our 3 0’clock ciioioQ of yo-sterday eveuiag, giving the litest item of nevfs fro n bayand tiic river. Thare is no reaaondble daabt that by tni.'i timo Fort Smith is in oar po^jessioa, ioavin^s: in i>he lar «7osfora poriion ol the Oopartmeat no yitnkae forco exojpt ubout. 1,000 men at Fort Gib-son, in tno Cher -ke^j country, wiiioa can be oa.‘;ily overpowered, if neojssary, but does not in terfere with our movements. Stand Watie rules the country, having o^ptnrcd numerous trains sinoe his big Haul ia Ssptambor. Th« Ghootawj, Cherokaea, Crocks and Sttmi- aolos have upwards of 7,000 men in arms, and are firmly unitsi ia tho Southern oau3d. About 2.000 Cherokeei aad Creeks went ojf to tho yan- kees with Ross, bttfc it ia the opinion of Stand Wade that not more than 400 or 500 of them are left. Mr. Boadinot oonfirmi the report of Cdlonel Brooks’s capture of a train of 50 or 60 wagons be* tween Fayetteville and the Mtssouri line, just previoas to the capturo of Fayetteville. The yankees still nold LitUo Rack on suffer- anoe; Magrador oould capture the place, but it would not pay. At the latest news from Gon. Priee, previous to the capture of Fayetteville, he waa at Cane Hill with 33,000 men, a portion of whom are in need of arms. He had great trouble in getting out of Misaeuri, with his immense spoils, being hard pressed by the enemy, but sustained no dis aster except at the cipturo of Marmaduke and Cabell, on which occasion he lost about 300 men. All the other Yankee stories of their successes over him are fables. At latest account his train, numbering 1,200 to 1,300 wagons, was crossing the Arkuisas between Fort Smith and Fort Gibson. All the Western people, especially the Mis sourians, are well satisfied wibh the result, and Gen. Parsons says, ‘Tell my Missouri friends that the Missotiri expedition nas been a complete fiuccess.’^ The object of the expedition was, as has been declared by a high authority in those matters, to secure spoils of the campaign, aud place arms in the hands of the numerous roeruits. Wovnded —Augusta, Dac. 12.—In tha fight at Coosawnatchio on Friday, Brig Goa. h. J. Gartrell of Ga. was badly wounded in the sido by a shell. He remained on the field, however, tiU the fight ended, waen he was brougut here. j^atal Epid^mio amo^g Rjr»ii.—An epidemic has broken out among the horses ia this section which proves fatal in a few hours after attacking. The diMMe seems to attaok the brain. Miktn Chnmide, From South ('ar»Un» and f^€orgim—On Tuesday a force o£ toe enemy advanced towards Cojj>awi’.a.».'.hie, burning Tulafinay bridge They wi»fe attacked by Gen. Gaitreil’s eommaud wd driven back. On Wednesd-y morning a pottion of our forces, among which wss a company of Cita^iel Cad3% under Captain Thomsor, aod i&it of tba Georgia 47th Regiment, tbe w..oto und«r Major J. B Whit^, tad ^ phvp fi^ht mill a h«*ry fierce of tke enemy n^rar Tol^flnry br dg", abouc five miles b«’ow Po«otaligc- adranoed towards tho Rail R*ad, but w^ro drW?*!! back The Cadet*, who ware first JcploTcd »J» stirciishers, fought tkem about >»'3 fo six, -i;d bohaved like veterans. Tho enemy hava laat’.£'d a large forae at Mackey’s Point, a-id were r^’p»?rt cd advancmg towards Old Poootaligo T^s;y v^ill be taicen care of. The foroe wbich lbad?d biit week at Boyd’s Landing has disappeared. That which fought the Cadess on Tuestiay waa about a mile from the Rail Rjad, and is reported as en trenching. Our conuition in that l"C:*lity v»il‘ b# moro satisfactory at next accounts Charlsst^n ('aurier, lOf^ It is certain that Sherman’s advanjo yasterd-ty had onoountcr«d our forces, under Gon. Hira^j:, at or near Station No 2i on the Ceatral ia;irot.d, about twenty miles from Savannah. Severe figai icg WAS #{oing oa yesterday forenoon; but we hafe no trustworthy iareJigenoe whato"=ir in regard to tue rfsnlt—CharUsfon Mercury, 10#^ Sherman’s columns aro very ciaoh scattered. At last accounts, Hardee was skirmishing with the eafimj's aivaaoe in Ei&agham county, while Wheelar was hacking and pegging away at the 1 :^ar guard, no less than forty miles this side. A Corps of the enemy is foragiag on the wes*: side of thf* Ogechee. From this disposition of forces, it ii*lil tie seen that the hosale eorps are sprawling over a large spaee, and not a little demoraliied. Tho impression pv^vaiis that an att«mpt to cross tha Savannah river, at or below Sister’s Ferry, '"^iil be made. Pfcoamtions of a novel and for midable character have been taken to prevent tke execution of such a design. The end is rapidly eul^inating By tbe first of next week, Sher man will nave terminated his eventful march. Whether successful or not, the fature alone ean demonstrate.—Augrista ('on$fifutioncliat, 9th. Augusta papers of the lOth have no news ex cept that the dry prerioui (tho 9ih,) Gea’l Wheeler telegraphed to H ^adqaarteri that he had a suooessfil fight with Sherjaan’s cavalry. Central RnVroad.—The Columbus Sun, of the 5uH iustant, says parties from the vicinity of Sher man’s march along the Central Railroad, represent that the road is injured boyond any reasonable period of time. Erery telegraph pole hi\s b?en cat up aud bura*d, all the insulators broken "o pieced and the wires bndly out up Tile Southorn Telegraph Company has comoaen- ced r^'building its line. Over sixty five miles has uir 'aly beea repaired We are assurod that tho work will be pushed on as speedily as possible, but a« no V poles have to b'i put up and bracts./S i.i.‘!'a\.tors piovided, Eome time mast ciapn. before it can be fiaished. —Saosnwih Repuh., 9th. Affain in K“niucky —The Misslssippian learns from a gentlsman woo, since 1858, has rosided in Lr.uisville, Ky., that the yanke^ drafi has been completed in. JeflF.'rson oouatr (L'^uisvilie it; iii *h’.s county,) and tho quota tilxed by negroes an^ Dutch. Tne draft in the other coontiea, com- parativaly speaking, has proven a cjmplete failure, aad has b*on tho means of forcing the people iu tha s.-r'.'n^ 'Thi* Tnnn in the Jot counties are fl.>ok:ng to tho standard of the South by thousands. S^xtA^n hundred were raised in the couaties of Henry, Spencer and Owen in a few weeks for G»n- Lyon’s command Jesse is reoraiting largely, and as soon as arms can bo procured, which will t$oon be done, as they are now being impressed, ho will cross the line with His aja. Tne Uaited States Governmont is impressing a*l the coni, oj»ts and moat, allowi.*g only the pitiful sum of oeven dollars ^r hundred for meat, -\nd ‘Win and oats ia proportion Tuero is ao freedom of speech whatever, tbe rue S3otimont of the poopio, which is intensely Southarn, beinij »uppn»338i by yaakoe bayonet*. A B'te^ Stortf of Yankdi^. Brutality —Oar readers will rvnember the ooid, rainy Monday nigh: of tho 21:^t ult. Oa that night a portion ot ^Me Yijk’i army camped on the phatation of Mr. Walter U. Mitchell, in Pa!>ab>u coaoty. After '10 departure of 'iie .^rm/, a licdly mulatto girl rtboac seveasjcn y«rs old was fouad in their "Amp in a dying coadivloo, with a fr.-)Ziu inf^r her sid3, to whioa sac had given birth daring Lho night. Whea restored by th? kind treat ment of the family as Mf. ‘uitoheirs hous^, she rolatod her hi-:ory in a taw wordc: A Col Co>k, of some Pjunsylvaaii r»g ment, bad captured -Jcr irom her owner near Tallahama,Tena , nore fwelve.months ago, siaoe vfhioa tiiao h? hsd Jiv- oJ with her as his wife. Wiiea abtndo iod to hor fate, she waa gimg birth to the ehild of tapir illicit intarcouisa. The bruce. Col. Cook, left her and his o-vn off spring to perish, and is now with his worcby com- panions itt-&rms, pursuing their work of personal JiTong oa bjth w^ite aid bUck—wiaa.ag for tiieoiS3?vos all the honor and glory that aeduotion, robbery, murder and thieving caa give to the most infamou3 race that ever di3grao:;d the earth or howled ia hell.—M-icon Telegraph. Coiitederate Tax rVotlcc. JlHE few T« uarerj iha ha^o failir;! to '-«•/ their i T^-xea for 18-4, wU' tahe tbey r«. quirwi 10 pay tbea dirlOij the prewat w^sk, or tkey ’•ill be triqiired ta paj the paaa't ' F;>or per oeat oei;ific£.t3a or bunda will aot b« received !a p^ymT-at ef t«zea aft'-r D»c’r Mst, 18S4. R. W ffABDU, Col. 22i Oiat N. 0. D»o 12. 92 j2t CARO iironcE. ON S^TU’^Di.Y tfii!? 24'a of thia ma&ta, the subeor - ber. ai Car .4gn.-it for th^ Pouaty of Moor?, wi>l sell at th9 Ooart H>as« -a C-*''?h*g9 a lot »f COTTON »’’d '^OOL CABi)3. T^*bi t'arda will b'soid tv the oUix^aa qjsuaraUy. 3 8. JOlIi’i’O'? A^sat- Deo 10. 93.3 WAilTi30, ASituatioB ae OVBilfiE aR. Oae who baa many ye»rs’ txperiMM i« Parsiia*. Aay o»9 wi^HHg to em ploy wiU sta^s the nambar of handd an 1 tbs p^ca thev W'ttpay. Adireas n. K. VjLEOD, J, N.’c. _ _ 2tpd Coniederaie Tax Xotice, IJjjnLL attend with Uie Asgasdors %t the cffioe / A M Oamp^lt, ftom Wedae* !»y Jv^ lary 4ta t3 Saturday January 21st 1866, to receive the Confederate Taxes dne January 1st 1865. to-wit: Soeeifio Tax, (for Lioeas?;) Tax oa Sales for the Quarter D^o’r 81st 1PC4; Tix OB laeomflj. Profits aad St’ari?-; Additional Tax oa Profi?« ma ■» by buying a»d saving Jan’T 1st 1853 aal Jaa*y lat 186%: Additioaal Tax oa Prcfitd etosediag t^eaty-flve per csnt^ade during the year 1864 by any oorp'raUoa ar jot", stook eoatpaay. I woe* J call tbe Vieniioa of di>alfir9 to the foUowiar txtra-jt frcsB lastruiitioBs reeeived by ai^: •*Tw«>nty da^s ara adowedragistsTed persons to make qnart-srly returns uft>er ihs ^-xpiratioa 9t a |aartery aad D^voant aa thii 'jkx *9 rtjmred to he mala ^Ithla t^a‘ R W KAR.iIE, OolUctjr 221 Diat N 0. Dsel0,18i4 92'2lTi WA» »^BT8 The Defeat t»f th^ Ynrtkee RxpiHtiijn aya«.a/ Weidon.—Petxrsbukq, Doc 11 —T.^c e'ifciy attaokcd our i-irc^s at Hiekst'Tu on Friday, aod was signajly repuls^ Yes-O’-day i-jorning he retroattJ and »;.i eiossly p ^rec^d ity our c .’vt ry. Dnriag the ref’’»'At rno if*n»iaj’s fltak w.w • .v *im48 struck oar forces, .■rb ■» uii b li. v-d ?nl much «'X6*u^i n r-'* orptRrcd ^ . .imb ol . or* Tiia e*i«tnj t5 thruglit» » l>{- oomilt-d to Oij« IroDt, 1 be»n suc-Wful only i>? robbi’r.,- citia-v.a •?f x ojriiy RiCHiVtojfi», 0;-o 11 —Au fficlii tcis.:;'alii from G-n L --, /-'■.sierday, snjB >l, sf.t. driajng the ec-'iiy’B cwflry ut-ou Lim joiaatry un She if*"cj'noo:j ! tho 9 b, recrr'sa d N''fto''-:.3; r:u\ reached Bclfi. fd at daylight yot't^r'Viy [q :i e aftcrocon ti:e Hoemy attacked his position but were saccoe*fu)ly resisted Tois m-. rnj&g tho eqftuiy is rap*»rt.-d ratirine a'jd Ram’^ton tol’ow ijg Tiia t-ri'V;e-'Tnr tne Mjherri’- •.'»h :.aveo. Ou'* loss it) f’iv t-a koowi-, sjiiill T»'« garrihon under Col C-.«a!iettaadtbflBeBdrvcsib havedweil About noon y stsrday 'be firtt diviflOQ s'oor.J coros of ♦■ho 0 .emy, Rxp;i*crtng th-.ir cavalry, forces back our oava-ry ptcae»a on the Vaughan road siuth of t! A'^pomattof’ .^nd R'ivaooed to- wa»-ce Dmwiddi* C. H To day our cavalry, reinforc>»d by iafactry, drove thi-ro back across Harp«*r’s run, capturing a few piisoaers aad re- esfablishicg oar Udm. ^ RiCHMONi>y Dec. IS —An ofBois! dispatch from Gaft. Lee to day says that tho yankae axpe- dition uadfr Warren airainat Bel&eld retumad tu camp yesterday. Two divisions and a oorp« whieh had been sant to Wftrran’s relief went only to Kinsey’s Mills, whf.re they met Wanren retreat ing and returned with him. Our troops puraued only to the Nottoway River. They have returned bringing in a few prisoners. Oar loss wa* rery slight. The superintendent of tha JUilroad re porta 6 inile6 of the track torn up. Important Jr«m Kintton —At three o'clock yesterday, information reached Raleigh, that the enemy were advancing on Kinston in foroe, and were distant only ten miles. At seven o’clock yesterday evening, after t>ome considerable skir mishing, they had advanced to within on* aiV of our works.—Ral €mfederate, 12/A. LATER—The Yankee* driom back by CM. St'irr.—It will be by the following official despatch, says the Confederate of tbe 13th, for which we are indebted to the oourtesy of Lt. Gen. Holmes, that the enemy, whom we announced on yesterday as advancing upon Kinston, were met on yesterday at daylight, and after a brisk en gagement were driven back, our for'ees stili j ur- suing. Still further rcintWrcem>nti have becii Bent to Kinstoii, amply sufficient f,>r a .y foroe the enemy can bring to bear at that point. Lt Col. Starr’s promptaes's and oouragc has thus 6asily frustrated an attack npon Kinstou which if si^o ceFsful might have resulted in eerious conse quences: “KiNsroN, D 'c 12, 1864 — Havipg be^n re inforced, I left the breas works at day light, to fiad the euemy. 1 diieovered him in ooufeidvrable b*ree on N'oUie rofcd, two miles from town. He showed two pieces of artiUery and five or li^ hnadred infantry. AfHier a bri^k engogeai-at • f thirty minutea, he wax driven acroiss S ‘utb-wMt bride;e, destroying it behind hiui. Our cavalry and infantry nr^ stiW prfssing him J. B SrAER, Lt. Col Oom^g ” Yankte Ixm*—United Srates papers of the 9th report matters ai^anged near Nashville. Several rederai gunn ats nad made an unaueoeFS- ful attempt on tiie 7th to destroy a Coifederate b:ittery 14 miles below Nashville. There was an impression at Nsshviilo that Hood, afraid to at tack, was oracuiting tiis position. Forrest is said to haro oro)8ed the Cam^rland. Hon. S. P. Chasd of Ohio has been appointed the late Chief Justice Taney's successor. Garrett Davis of Kentucky hss given notice ia the Senate that he will introduoe joint resolutions for the restoration of Peace and Union. See’y Seward has written a letter to U. 8. Minister Adams at London refusing pemissioa to tha agents of the Liverp'-'oi Basaar to visit yankee military jirisons to aid Confederate pri soners Hi.s letter is very sarcastic st the expense of British sympathizers with tbe Conisderacy. Richmond, Deo. 12.—New York pspors of tbe^ lOth htivo Na^hviila telegram.^ of tne 9th, which report heavy enow au4 hail s*^rms all day. The rebel lines remaia intact, and there is no danger of Hood’s running away. The gu*»boat« w*tnt down the river (Cumberland)'again on the 9th, ea£aged aud silcnocd the reDel battery and returned to the elty. Tne rebnls aio still throw* ing up earthworks. A rebel brigade has moved towards '^arfrcaaboro. Prisoaers report that Cheatham oammands the rignt, Loe tne centre, and S*ewart tho left of the reoel army. RiOHMONn,DAc 13 —Tlie Washia*;toa Ohton- tola of tne 11th has tel^g.'am'j fr'jm N.,shvilte of the lOth, stating that uocjrding to tho official re port^ the fe-^eral !ds« at Franklin was 110 officsra and 201,5 mea killed, wouaded and uiissiog. is reported about to make a move of soraj sort From the f-.'ooc th-‘» reb’sls can be pUunty seen standing arouad their campfires. A furious ^now-sform has clo^d hj6iiliued. An expedition from Vicksburg has destroy«>d 30 miles of the Mississippi Central Railroad and 2500 bales ot c ittoa Gold closed at 534 in New Yo/k oa the lOth. From Euvope.—Richmond, Deo. 11.—Euro pean advicts of the 22d say it is reported at Southampton that Saouaes’ new ahip sprang aloak and wm wrecked ofi Madeira, The Timcis comments on the re-eleotion of Ian- coin, and says Baglaad is probably safer in his thau any other hands. He has gone through the course of defining the institutions of England, and wo hope he will not repeat the experiment. Yankee Account the QrahamvUle Fight.— The Port Royal yankee papers in their report of this fight admit a loss on their side of between 800 uid 1000 killed and wounded. Their loss in officers was partieularly severe. The 65th Mas sachusetts (negro) regiment lost its Co'onel and nearly every company officer. A detaohment of tbe 157th Pennsylvania of about 200 men, from Fort Pulaski, lost 4 officers killed an.d 35 privates killed and wounded. They aoknowUdge a bad defeat but attribute it to overwhelming numbers. The foroe was collected from the diffsrent garri sons in the department, and the expedition planned and eommanded by Gen. Foster himself. ntarletUm Courier. Death of (hi. ff. O. BlacknaU.—Col C. C. Blaoknall, 23d N. C. R*giment, died recently in WinohestOT, Va, from the effects of a wound re ceived ic battle at that plaoe. He foil in the en emy’s hands but was treated with great kinincss and oonsideration. Blank Dceda for sale at thi» office. FaUjl Accident.—Mr. Caleb Hampton, an up right man of this coun^, was killed at A. Stire- walt’s grist mill a few ^ys ago. While oiling ^e machinery of the mill, which he had been at tending for the last two weeks, his arm was eaught in theooTs, andhewashur'ed with great violence agaiast the walls, rcoeiviag injuries of whioh he died in two hoars.—HalUbury Watchman. L(h^ Lyons baa gone to Burt^ Ha will not tam te MSMt tiisf; no* aft bU.

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