fBLIO LAWS aarAOTSD FkbV tC 1864. 4f» A^f to Fund, Ttut and L*mit As Omrrmcy. SionoN 1. The Congreu 9f the 0*nf»d«rate SfatM of *4fn,wra So enact, ih* k«lders of all Tr-^ary aoses »boTo tko decoauaatiM of 15, not bcadng L“terodi, ihaJi b« elloweil matil the 1st d»j of Aprtl 18^, eaet of tiio MiMiBiippi, to fund the ca&ie, »ad antil the porieds »Bd at the pi&ces stated, the holders of all saeh Treasory QOtAs shall be allotted to fond the aame is re^gu- tored bonds, payable 20 yean after tkeir date, bearing interest at the rate of 4 per eent. j^r an- iHxm, payable on the 1st of Jantuupf and July of eaefc yoft" S«o. 2. The ileeretary of the Treasnry ic hereby authorised to issue the bonds rec^iiired for the fondiag provided for ia the preceding seotion, and until the bonds can be prepared he may isi^ne Bortifioates to answer the purpose. Such bonds and oerti£oates shall be receivable without int-?r- eftt in payment of all Gk)veraaN;Bt iue^ payable in the voar 1^64. except export and import duties. SiO. 3. That all TlreasuTy notes of the denomi- aadon ot f 100, qoc bearing interest, which shall not be piespnted for funding under tfce pruvisions 6f tiie ist sooticD of this aot, shall, frcm and aft«r the 1st of Apnl 1864, eu»t ©f the Missisftippi rivcr, and the 1st day of July 1864, west tf t’*e M is&isaippi, oeese to be reecLvable in payment of pubHo dvos, and said notes, if not so presented at time, ehall, in addition to the tax of 33i eects inipoiied in the 4tb scotion of this act, be »nbjpote4 to a tax of 10 per cent, per laecth un til fco presented; whieh taxes shall attach to said notes wherever eireulated. and shall be deduoted from the face of said not— wheaerer presented for Myment or for foadiaf, and said notes skail not oe oxoluuigeable for u« now issue of Trea- suiy notes provtded fbr in this a«t. Swc. 4. Tlkat on all said Troasuiy zmtee not funded or used in Myment of taxes at the dates and plaoos prescribed in tJie 1st section of this act, there shall be levied at mad datoH and plaoes a tax of S34. cents for every dollar promised on the fioo of said notm; said tax shall attach to said notca wherever oiroulated, and shall be eclleoted by ‘ieduofing the at the treasury, its deposi- turioe and by tax oaiicotors, and by ^1 Qovern- mnvi oSoers reeeiving the eaiue whenovar pre* sentcd fjr parent or for i\iad}n^, or in |m.ym.ent of GrnvemraoQt dnos, or f^r postage, or in ox- ohaxige for new notes, as hereinafter provided, and said Treasuiiy cotoH nkdil be fundable in bonds aa prcvided in the let seciiett of this aot, until the 1st day of Januajy 186S, at the rate of 68| cents os tlte doRar; and it sbaU be the duty of the Sec retary ei the Treasury, at any time between the 1st A|>nl and the 1st oi July, 1864, west of the Mississippi liver, and the 1st of January 1865, to substitute and exchange new Treasury notes for tbe same at the rate of 66it oenta on ^e dol lar: i ^oaidsd, That notes of Ae denoiaisation of #100 shall not be entitled to the privilei^c of said exchange: JPratrided further, Uiat the right to tund any of giid Treasury notoa, after the 1st day of January 1666^ is hereby taken away: Andpro- vidf-d ^ri&er, Tliat upon all such Treasury notes which nu^ lemain outstan^g en the 1st day of January 18^, and whieh may net be exohanged for new Treasury notee, as herein provided, a tax of 100 per cent, is hereby imposed 6^ That after die firet dajr of April nect, ^1 authori^ hwetafore given to the Secretary of the Treasury t» inae TreMuij notes shall be, and is hereby, nveked: JF^wnded^ the Secretary of l^e Treasey after that tiase, issue new Treasury notee, in sueh ksm as he naay preeeribe, payable wo yean aAer ^ ntUeation of a treaty of pcaoe vith the United States^ said new issues to be reoeivahie in paymoit of all public duee, exocnt ex^iort and import duties, to be issued in exchange fbr oM a9«(w •« r»*e t »# tk£ new tor 8 of the old itisues, whether said old notee be sorreaderod for exchange by the holders Iftiereoi, or he received into the Treasury under the provisioEs of this act; and the hoklers of the new netiesi or o* the old notes, except tliose ef the di»nom;natxa of $100, after they are reduced to cents on Ao dollar bv the ♦•■a.y afoi'esaid, may cmvert the same into call eertifieates bearing in terest at t^ie rate of 4 per cent, per a'Anum, and payable two years aHer a raliieataon of a treaty of peace with the United States, unless sooner converted new notes. Swj. 6. That to ^y the expenses Gov ernment not othenrae provided for, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authoriiied to issue 6 per cent, bonds to an amount not exceeding five hundred iniilioBS of dollars, the principal and in- t^ '■ "hereof shall be free from taxation, and for the ?f'.yment of interest thereon the entire net receipts of any export duty bereafkor laid on the value of ftny cotton, tobMoo, and naval stores, which shall be exported from the Confederate States, and Uie net proceeds of the import duties now laid, or so muon thereof as may be necessary to pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pledged: Provided, that the dntios now Idd on imports are here% pledged Mid shall hereaf ter be paid in specie, or in sterKng ezchango, or in coupoBs (rf said bonds. Sco. 7. That the Seoretvy of the Treasury is hereby authorised, from time to time, as the wants of the Treasury may require it, to sell or h^K>theoate f(» Treasury notes sud bonds, or any part thereof, upon the best terms he can, so as to meet approprktionB by Congress, and at the same time r^uee utd restrict the amount of*the cirou- iatioo in Treasury notes within reasonable and Sftie 'imits. Sito. a. The bonds authorised by ths 6th see* 2x(Hi of this aet nay be either restored or cou pon bmds, as the parties taking thesa may eleet; and they mav be exchanged fsr each ot2ier under sudx regakftncnfl as the Secretey of the Treaswy BUf Diesor^ They shall be for 9100, aad shsU together with eoapoaa Acreto attached, be in such form and of such authentieatioB as the See- letary of the Treasury mav preseribej the interest shaM be payable half yearly on ^e fLret of Jan’y and July in each yoarj the prineipid sliaU be pay. able not loss th&n 80 yesrs fr(»a their dafcb. Sjki. i). AJi osU eortificatcs shall be fuvdftble. and shall be taxed in aU respects as is previdea fcwr die Treasury notes into which they are oob- Tortible. If converted before the time fixed for taxing the Treasury notes, lueh certiEv»tes ghal* £rom that time bear inter^ upon only 66} e^ucp fbr every dolkr prHnised upon their faoe, aad rttaU be redeemable in new Treasury notes at HuA rate; but after the passage of thu act no call •wtifioatos shall be isamed until after &e first day ot‘ April, 1864. Sao. 10. That if any bank of deporat shall give ite depositors the bonu authoriMa by the first section of tliis aet, in exchange for deposits ■ad spMiiying tho same en the bonds by some distinctive mark or token, to be a^eed upon with Ihe Secretary of the Treasury, then the said d«- pontor shall be entitled to reeieve tJle amount of said bonds in Treasury notes, bMring no interest *nd ousstand^ af the passage of tiiis aet: JPro- 9tded, the said l^ndB jwe presented be£»re the pnviiege oi funding said notes at par shall cease M herein presoribM. Sjto. 11. That all Treasury notes hcretcforro vsinued of the dduoiztiuation of 95 shall oontinae |3 be reoeivablo in jpt^ment of public duos, as mmded by iaw« vd fundablo at par undw the stovisieas af this aet, until the first of July, 1864, U»t, and untU tne hrat October 1864, west of |be MisnMsipy river, hut after tiuit tioM shall be «ubjeet to a tax oi Sei per oont on ev ery dolUi proBUsed on tlw (hoc thereof, said tax to attach to said note*) Wherever cinmlated. and said notes fe ho ftudable and exchangeable for new Treasui^ cotes, as herein provided, subject to the ded^tion if said tax. 8*0 12. That any State holding Trmear/ notes rec'S_ ved before the times horein fiaed for taxing saic. notes shall be aHowed till the first day of Jancary 1865, te» ffead the saaae in 6 per cont. bonds of the Confederate 8tat«f«, pavable years after date, and the interest payj^ble acGually. But all Troaaury nstcs received by any State after the time fixed fbr taxing th^ same as aforenaid, shall be hold t« have been received diminished by the asaount of raid tax. The di*- orimtn«tion W^reen tikC notes subj*'*^ t'? tx and these not so subjcot, shall b«— Suo. 13. That TrcHonry notes herofcofort? isstj^d bearing interest at the rt»te of $7 HO on ll!*; S1‘X) per apmns. cball no longfir be rwoived iri r*V- ment of flue?, but ?ball be ' a id considered b9>tu or the Confodor*V a- ble two year* after she r“ti€«4tioe ?*t \ *ro®ty pen«ie with the United gwtee, bess-^ji" tSe r*to «f int^e«t specified os their laoo T.it January »f each ard every year. Seo. 14. That fbe Seerctary of fhe TreeiBTii:^ be, and he is hereby, authorised, is "wse the si- eeucifis of the Governisent shouH r^iaire it, to pay thi» dessaad of any publif jjre^-jtor vrhose dt-bt UMvy be centra9t«d after the passage of this at, wliHn? to receive the same in a ^ostifioate of in debtedness, ^ if9 isvied by pai? Secretary in sn ^h form as he mar «ecm proper, payahls two ye»jg after a ratificatisv of a treaty of peaos with the United 8tat«s, beuijig interest at the rate of six per eent. per annum, p»yable semi-annuaily, aad transferable only hy ipn)inl sndorseinent, under r^ulations to be presor^*>sd by the Scoretary of the Treasury, and said certificfttes shall he exempt from taxaii(A in principal and interest. Sso. 15. The Seeretary of the Treasury is fru- thcriied to increase the number of depositoriot so as to meet the roquiresents ef this aot, and w th that view to emplcy •such of the banks #* thn ."nv- eral States as he may deem expedient. Sm. 16. The Somi^ry of the Treasury sh»il1 forthwith advertits this a^ in such newspapers pubivhed in the several 6ta*ofi, and by sueh otl.er means as sh&ll itccnre itassoaHifito publieitr; »jid the Sooretary of War and SoeretAry of hf. Navy shall each c&xise it to be published in gefe- ral order fox thi ^atihnn&tion of the army and n«^. See. 17. Tk« 4Sd seeeion of ^he act fo' asfsoHsnusnt v)d ooTleetkm of taxes, approved Mey 1st 1863, is herel^ repealed. 8iw 18. The Soorstaiy of ths Treasury is hereby authorised nnd rcq^;ired, up.m the app’i- eation of th« holder of any eall certiScate, whict^. by the first seotion of t^e a«t to pr vide fui ^Lo funding and fuilb(*r issue of Trea.~nry notos, proved Mareb 38d 186B, was rroalred tc ht thereafter df^eojed to be a bond, to iis?ue to snoh holt^.er % ’D.',T»d lbo-r‘'for n^n the terras provided by ««Md aet. An Act m Itty addliien^^ Toism f^ the com- men de/e7i06 and wpport of O^aernmmi,. 8dc. 1. Tii« Cdngrem of the Confedur&to Siat«e ef ^jnerioa do enact, Tii»t in ad ii- tion to th« taxoA levied by the act “to Hj taxes for tlte ooniiTion defence and to carry on the Oorommcnt of the OonfiBder.%te Statei, ’ ftpi^ved 24th of April 18«o, thefe «hall be. leried, from the pasMU^ of t-hia act, on the snWects of taxation uereailer mentioned, ana collected from every person, copartD^r- ship, aaaociation or oorporatioD^ liable there to, taxoe as follows, to-wit: L Upon tl e valoe of property, real, p-sr- Borial and mixed* of «vorj kind and deeotip:: tioii, ^ot hereiusilw ejceinpt^d or taxed • t a different ratt, 6 per cent.: Provided, T-«a^ trom this tax on tii« value of property em ployed in agrienltnre ehall be deducted ttin value of the tax in kind delivered therefr^in, as aeseseed unden the law impoeing it, and delivered to tb% Government: Provided, That no credit nhall be allowed beyond 5 per cent. n. On the valno cf gold and silver wares and plate, jewela, jewelry aad watchcs, 10 per cent. UL The value of property taxed undler this section ehall be assessed on tho baeit of the market value of the sp.mo, or similar p ro- perty in the neighborhood where asseseea, in the year 1860, except in cases where lajid^ slaves, cotton or tobacco have been pnr- chased since the 1st day of January 18t^, in which esse the said land, slaves, cott ^n and tobacco so pnrchasod, ehall be assessed at the price actually paid for the same by the owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or int#tr- ests held in any bank, banking company, or associacion, canal, navigatioH, impoitiig, exporting, in3Uiii;‘ce, raanuCactGring, te & graph, expr(^, rfcUi ’ 5^t>d dry-dock cen- paniee, and ail other ^ k compan ee of every kind, wbether or n^t, 5 ^r cent The valne of property taxed .on6er ctds section shall be assessed npon tiie basis of the market valne of snch property in the neighborhood where aeaoseed, in snch oitr- reucy as may be iu general use there, la the ^nrchase and sale of snoh property, at tie time of assessment. S«c. 3. Upon the aoaoiuat oi all gold and filver coin, gold dnst, goid or sUver bnllion, wk«rtiier hera the banks or other corpo- ratioBS or individuala, 5 ^ar cent^ and Qpon all moneys held abroM* or yjh.}' ■ &vn.OTiA% o* ui V-;. of ey«KanK3- iL‘ji'etoi on icrmgn ax »1 5 r> c^iQt.; snch tas iipoa mon«v aor' ' &o assessed and «oli.3ct2d acc“'r Uni; t«» tne value thereof at tilt* , wberv’ tlij is paid. 11 ‘J Hi feLr au ouiit 91 solvent cre- ditr>, ju? .rf ail V. Jt jllift »nd all other pa- m'aei at^ .nrrenc^j axclnaive of non- I'Darui,^ Oo..federal treasury note&, ana not auipu^yed la i regLdiered bosineaB, t^ income deri r vd t' ^m whioh. ia taxed, 5 per cerit. See. 4. 0 voa prott? mode in trade and ? MIowb: L 0»> ^ made by buying and sell- in? » : . ,1 lors, tlour, wheat, com, rice, sugar, .-.t i«dt4i i>j iirtip, salt, bacon, pork, ho^ beei or beei cattle, sheep, oate, hay, loader, raw hidosj leather, horses, raule« boots, shoee, cott»n yarns, wool, woolen, co*^ or effects ot a&)> iii&A, set wiiua«rated b the preceding paragraph, betwe«ii the timw named therein, 10 ^r cent., in additi#ii to the tax on snch profits as iacome, under tiie act aforesaid. .111. Or the amount of. profits SToeediBg 26 por cent., made during either of the ye*n» 1863 and 1864, by any bank or banking cx)mpany, insurance, canal, navimtim, im port !ig aud QXMrtiag, telegraph, expreiB, railroad, m&nuMctnring, dry dc^ or other joint stock compaar of any deseription, whether iucoroorated er not, 25 pw cent » such excee*}. Beg. 5. The feliowing exemptions taxation nuder tJads act shall ^ allowed, to-wit.' I. Fr*pei^ ©f each head of a famiiy to tu't \alve ot $500: and for each minor child ^f taraily to the further value of $10#; and i'or «>icn son actually enga^d in the arm) navr, or who has died or been kiljed in ths uiilitary or naval service, and .•ho a mfrTobor of the family when he service, to the farther value of 1500. JI. Properijf^ of the widow of any officer, f^Idier, »ailor or marine, who may have died >^en killed in the military er^liaval Bdrvioe, where ^ere is no widow, ^en of tho family, beiag* miner childrea. It the vait)** of ^lOOO. IT I. I?roper^ ef eveir efficer, teldier, sailor- or marine, actnauy engaged in the military or nav^ service, or of sucliHPhkave been disabled in snch service, te the value of $1§00; provided, that the abov» exemp tions shall n»t apply to any person, wheee propsrty, exclusive of heiuehold frMiture, aliail be asiiessed at a value exccedis^ ^IfOO. IT. That where wrwerty hM bewiiBjored «r destroyed by the enemy, or the ownw thereof has been temporarily deprived of the uite or occupancy tker*«f, er of the means ot cnlttvatix^g the sacee, ’ey reason ©f the presoBce or the proximitj? ef the enemy, the a*8c*suaoet en sseh pi»perty hirv ^ icdnced, iu proportion to the damage'sae- tainod hy the ewner, er the tax tiiereon may be redueed ia the same ratio by tlie dishriot e»llector, ®a satisfaotery evi dence sabEiitted te him ^y ^e owaer er as- &c£80r. S>3c. 6. That the iaxee on prop«^ laid for the yesj* 1864, shall be aaeeesed as on tlio «t»f tlio asiJf.age of this act, and be colle^rted en Uie l»t day ef June St t, or eocn anor as vracticable, allow- ia^ an extJsnoion of 90 aays Weet ef the Miffeissippi river Tlie additional taxes on iiiC'.>mo8 or profits tor the year 1863, levied by t’lie act, shall be assessed and collected forthwith; and the t&xes on iooomes or pro- StB for the year 1864, shall be assessed and oollcctftd according to the provisions of the tax ;^tid aeae&sment acts of 1863. Seo. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th day of April 1863, as levies a tax on in cowf>8 deiived from property or effects en the r.xJiount or vaiue of which a tax is levied bj this act, and &lao the let section of §aid act, are 8U8po 'ided for l^e ^ear 1864, and no eetimatod iQnt, hire er mterest on pro perty or cr6d:b» herein taxed ad valorem, shall be aaseesed or taxed as inoenELes un4er the tax act of 1863 8bo. 8. Th't * '4 tax imposed by this aet on bonds of the Oonfederate States ke«to- fure issued, shall in no osao teresi on the same, and snch bemda, when hold by or for minors or lunatics, shall be exempt frooGuthe tax in all cases where the interest on the saoie shall not exceed $1900. An Aot to srvspcnd the prwUe^ of ths Writ of HabtoB Cerpua in certain oa$es. Whereas, the Constitution of the Oonfcd- ci'ate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Par«^aph 3, that “the privi lege of the writ oi habeas 0(M*pQs shall not l:w suspended unless when in case of rebel lion or invaeion, the public ftafety may re quire it;” and whereas, the power of sus- p^ding the privilew of said writ as recog nized in said Arti^e 1, is vested solely in the Congress, which is the exclusive judge of the necessity of such suspension; and whereas, in the opinion of the Congress, the priblic safety requires the suspension of said writ in tho existing case of the invasion of these States by the armies of ths United States; and wher'^'va, the President has asked for the euspen&lo:^ of the writ of habsM C(H> p;'3, and informed Congrese of conditions of public danger which rsnder the snspeiision c;' tlj-* writ a msasure proper for the public dsfeuoe against invasion and insmrrection: now, therefore, The Congees of the Ooafederate States of Aunerica do enact, That during the pressnt invasion of the Oonfederate States, tht }my- il^e of the writ ef habeas corpus bs, aac thd »ame is hereby, scustpendsd; but such sus- psiision shall apply only to the cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of the Pri^ident, Secret^ oS War, or the Gensra Oi^cer commanding the Traos-Mississipp Military Department, by the authority aac. under the control of the President It is hereby declared that the pvpose of Oes grees m the passa^ of t^iis aot is to provide ^«otu^ly for tho BvUio Ms&tv by snspendicg the writ of habeM eer^ U the following cases and no other: L Of treason, or treasoaable or combinationB to iabvtrt tiie geyenm«Dtd' the Oonfederate States. XL Of conspiracies te overthrow the gav- omment, or conspiracies to resist the lawfki authority of the Confederate States. in. Of combining to assist tiie atemy,iMr of communicati^ intelligenoe to eaenn^, or bim aid and eomfort. i UL. Of oe«si»ix«oieB, er attempts to liber ate priflonfttv er war held by the Confederate States. X Of conspiraoiee, or attempts or prepar rations te aid the enem^. YT. Of pcunitens advimug or inciting others to abandon the Oonfederate cause, or to re sist the Oonfederate States, or to adhere to the enen^. XII- Of nnlawfoMy bnrning, ddsl3*dyiBg or injuring, or attempting to bum, destroy or injure any bridge er railroad, or tele graphic lioe of commuBication, or property, wiwj&e int^t ef aiding the enemy. XQL Of treasomable designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions ©f war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or oth«»- ^ronnrty of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the caeos of all persons so arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detained, unless they can be speedily ti’ied ir the due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspejision afore said, no mili£ary or other omcer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear ia person, or to return the body of any per8#n or persons detained by him, by the authority »f the President, Se- cretai^ of War, or the General officer som- mandmg the Tr>u»-Mississippi department; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the having charge of any one so detaised, that snch person ie detained by him as a pnsoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under tho authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ ef habeas corpus ehall immediately ceass and remain suspended so long as this aet shall coatinne in force. Sec. 4. This act shall centiniiit ia force for mocty days after the next naeeting of Con- gi*ess, aad no longer. THE MELITAKY BILL. Seetien 1. That frosi aad after t^e paetap^ ef this aet ail white men, residents ef the Confederate States, betwe^ the ages of 37 and 60, shell be in the military serviee of the Confsderate States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween ^e ages of 18 and 45, sow in service, shall be retained during ^e present war with the U. S., inftho same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of thii^act, with the same or- ganieatien aud officers, unlcse regularly transferred or discharged, in acaerdanee with the laws and regulations fer the gov ernment. of the army: Provided, that eem- paniee from one State, organised against their (K>nsont, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions frem another State, shM have the privilege of being traosferred te iH’ganizations of troops, in the Sfiine arm of tlie service, fix>m the Statos in which said companies were raised; and the soldiers frem one State, in companies froci another State, shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organijntions froKi their own States, ia the same arm of the service. Sec.)8. That at the expiration of six months from the first day of April next, a boanty of $100 in a six per cent. Govommeat bond, whioh the Secretary of the Treasurv is here- ' by authoriaed to issue, shall hj p»id to «vo- ry non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period of Guch payment, then to the person or per- S(His who would 1^ entitled to receive by Taw the arrearages of his pay; but no one shall be entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at any time, during the- period of six menths next after the said first day ef April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved ^m ihe operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the no disability now exiBfes; ner ^ail th^ who have friniished substituces p exempted by reason thereof: t^vided, that no person, heretofore exempt- M on Mcwnt of religious opinicms and who has paia me tax levied to relieve birn from service, shjjll be required to render military service under this act. fh white male residents of the Oc^ederate States, between the a$res of 17 and 18 and 45 aud 50 years, shall enroll themfielvGS at such times and places, and suck regulalHoofl, ae the ^President y»Luui oiu Nfiu ouuuoru i fv. Ot coaspiraai^ preparatioiiQ and i- tei^ts to *'Uva£c servilo msurreotiee^ V. Of aesertioBs or enoooraging desei- tiOHB, of harboring desertei^ and attuora to avoid military aervice: royided,Hutt ii case ol palpaUe wrong and opproflnoa br any subordinato officer any Mtfiy wh# does not legally owo mOitary hi» . j u ’ I officer shall grant prompt ralief ta ooal, iron, steel or aails, at any time b»^ tween the 1st January 1863, and the let of January 1865, 10 per cent., in additicm to the tax on evoh profits as income under the “a«t to lay taxes ftxr the common defence, aiid carry on the Government of the Con federate States,” approved April 34, 1863. n. On all profits made by baying and soling money, gold, silver, forsign exehauge, stocks, notea, debts, credits, or obligations the Oonf«ierata Sts^ ^ any kiBd, and av roerduwdiie, tiieQi»a ia shall be dismissed Scorn offioe. / VI. Of spies and oth«* emisaer^ ai fey enemy. g VII. (X holding correepondenoaw inter- course with the enemy, without ] ioesnty, and without the pernoission of tl^ tonfew- atos. XL Of unlftw^ trading with ba «ne- d OS^OQS agaicuit th« lavi «f I roitotaj under may prescribe,'the time allwwed norberaff lees than 3© days for those east, and 60 days for those weet of the Mississippi river, and any p€^n who shall fail so to enroll him- seU‘, without a reasonable excuse therefor to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the sam« manner as though they were be- tweea the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the pur»onft mentioned in this sectioa shall coostituta a reserve for State defeaoe and detail duty, ^d ahali not be required to pecfona seryioe out of the State la which th^ reside. 6. all pmons required by the 5th se^0B of this aet to enrou thenttelves, may wnun ao 4m o£, east of the Mississippi, aad within 60 days, if west of said river, fiM*m themselves into ycdantary organisations of companies, battalioBs or regiments, and elect their own ^c(^ said organisations to conform to the existing laws; aad, having so organized, to tender &eir services as volonteers daring the war to the President; and if such organ- iaationa shall furnish proper master rolls, as now organized, and dep^it a copy thereo]' with the enrolk^ officer of their district, wluoh shall be eqaiyalent to eorollment, they may be accepted as minute men for serviee m suoh Sta^ bat in no event to be taken out ot it. Thom who do not so yolan- teer and org£ui2e, shall wroU themselyes as Mfore provided; and may, by the President, M required to aesettble at e»iYemeat ees ot rendesyona, and be formed or orgaa- iaed into companies, battalions and r^- mea^ ander regal&tioas to be prescribed >y him; and sh& have the right to elect their company aad r^mental officers; and all troops organised ander this aet lor State defeaoe, shall be entitled, wiiile in actaal sendee, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. 7. 'Diat any pQ^rsen who shall iiul to atlsnd at the piaoe of readexyoos as reqoired by tlte aiithMity of the Preudent, without a edWwil OBW to ha jodged o£ ly hieu shaM be liabla te be plaoed ia serviee ia the field fer the war, as if he were betweoa the ages ef 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hareaftw the datios ef arO' vost and ^ oepital gaarda and derfca, and of clerks, gaar^ a^eats, employees er laber- ei-s in t£e Commissai^ jma Quartenoaster’s Departments, ia the Ordaance Boa^o, aad of clerks aad employees of aayy agents, as also in the execution the earollxaeat aot, aad aU similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are vrithia the ages of |18 and 45 years, and who by the report et a ^ard ef army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform actiye service m the field, bat capable of performing some of thB above said duties, specifying which, aad when these persons shall haveheen ae^i^ed to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign cm*, detail to their pei-forna- i aace such bodies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons between the a^ of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per- sens of scientific skill, to perferm indispon- sable duties in the departments »r bareaae herein meationed. Sec. 9. That any Qaartormaater or As sistant Quartermaeter, Commissary or As sistant Commissary', (other than those serv- iag with brigades or regiments in the field,) or officers ia the Ordnance Bureau, er Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall ko'eaffcer empley or retaia in his emjdeymaat any person in any of their said depcutments or bureaus, or ia any of the duties meatioaed in the 8th section of this aet, ia violation of the provisiens hereof, shall, on eoavictioa thereof by a eourt-Biartisd or militaiy court, he cashiered; and it shall he the duty of aay departmeat or district command^, upon preof, by the oath of any credible person, that any sach effioer has violated tm pro vision, immediately to relieye such offteer from duty; and said ooiamaaders shall take prompt measares to have him tried fbr sooh offence; aud any commander as afcM'eeaid failing to perform the duties enjoiBed by this section, shaH upoa being daly ccwivieted thereof, be dischars^ from the swvioe. Sec. 10. That all la^ granting exemp tions from military service be, aad the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted exioept the fbllewing: 1. All who shall be held unit fbr imlito* ry sorvioe, ander rulw to be prescribed by the Se»etary ©f War. 2. 1110 Tice President of the Oonlfederate Stat«s, the members and officers of Oongress and of the several State Le^latares, and such other Confederate aad State ^oers as the President, or the GovenKMr the re spective States, may citify to be necessary fbr the proper adn»nistration of the Oon federate 07 State ^vemmeats, as the case may be. '3. E7ory minister of reli^OB auths^riaed to preach t^oording to the rides of his chun^, and who, at the passage of this aet, shaU .be re^larly employed in the disehai^ ef his miaistarial duties; saperintendeats and phy- sicla&a of Bsylams for the deaf and damb blind ana of the inMme; one editor for each newspapw bmng pabli^ed at the time ef this aet, and such employees as said edi tor may c^ify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publicatioa of su^ newspi^>er: ^e public printer of the Ccmfederate and State GK>vMnmentB, and such ioumeymea print ers as the said public printer snail certify, on oath, -to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said bosinem, without intermission, since that period; all physi ciazM over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actaal and r^alar practice of their profes- si6n, bat the term physician shall not in clude doDtists^ all president and teachers of coUe~;os, taeological swiinaries, acade mies ane eshools, who have been regnlarly engaged wuch for two years n^ before the passarce of this act: I'rovided, that the benefit ot this exemption shall extend to those teachers only wapse schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law ^fore the passage of th^ act, and suca physicians and nurses therein as such su- permtendents^shall certify, m oath, to be indispensable to the proper and ^cieat inansjroment thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owaer or agrieultarist m each farm or pUm- tation npon which th«re are now, and were j u ^ J*ua’y last, 15 able-bedied iield-hwds, between the ages of 16 and 50, apon the following oonditioDs: ^ 1. This exempfaon shall only be granted in eases ia which there is ao white on the farm or plantation not liable te military service, nor unless the persoa claiiH- ^ the egeiBytien was on the 1st day of or ovwseer of said plantation, bat ia mc^ shall more than me person be exempted for one farm er plantation. 2. Such perscm shall first exeoate a boad, payable to the Confederate States ef Ai^ ica, in such form, aad with sncdi security, and insooh penalty as the Seerelary el War imy prescribe, conditioned Uiat he wifl de liver to the Qrovemment ac some ndlread depot, or such otiier place » plaooe aa nsay be ^ipated by the Secretary of War, withm 12 months next ensning, 100 pwmda of baoon, or, at the electi(^ of the vovera- ito ^wvalent in poric, aad 100 Iba. of net beef (s»d beef to be delivered en Ibet.) each al^e-bodied slaye on said farm or [uant^on, within the above said ams, irtie- ^ said slaves m tiM field or aot, whidii said baron or pork and beef shall be paid or by ^e Goremmwit at the prieee fixed >y the ComnuesionerB ef the State ander the impressment act: Provided, that when ^eratMi thm eiiempted shall prodace satia- evidence that it has tieea impossible i w hin^ by the exenase ot proper dius^ee, to tuFniah the amoont of meat thoa c^atract- ed w», and leave an adequate snppl/ tor tl^ eab^teaoe of those Uying on the said &rm ^ P^antalioii, the aeeralary of War shaH oueeka oommafcatioa of thAiaiBo, to the efprwH** rliMhe aiir previsMa^ to be delivered fOfsh persen aa aforesaid at eqaivaleat nta. 3. Such peqM>n shall farther biad te sell the m|toketable surpla aad grain M on hand, aad raise from'pl^ t^ear whSe his i ^ntiaaefc to the Gfovwnment or to lke~ ilies of sdldiers, at prices fixed hf Ike scdsnoaers ef the Stete under the osent act: Provided, that any peniesi e«- emp^ as aforesaid, shall be eHtled «d a credit of 25 per oent. en any amennt of meat whieh he nay deliver within three mealbe from the passage of this act: Provided fcr- thw, that porsons coming witiiin the pvo^ sioai c4 this exemption shall not be deprived of the benefil thoreof by reason havjac been enrelled ri?iee the 1st day ef Feb. iWff 4. Ib addition t4> the foregoing exee^ ^loas, Svretttry of War, under Ike roodou of the President, may exempt or de tail sncb other persons as he may M satia fied ought to t>o exenipt?^d en aceenut ol public nece«9ity, and to insure the prodae- tion of grain and other provisions for Ika army and th^ families of soldiers. He nsajr, also, grant exemptions or details, on saw terms as he may prescribe, to tnch over seers, farmere or planters as hoMuay be sat isfied will be more usefid to the coantry in the pursuits of agricalture than in the siiK- tary service: Provided, that soeh execa^»ti«i shul cease whenever the farmer, plantw er overseer shall fail dili^ntly to employ hi good faith, his owm skiu, capital aad laker exdosively in the prodaotioa of grain a»d provisions, to be sold te the Goverameat snl tho families of soldiers at prices not oaoeed- iag ^n«e fixed at the time for like artislsa by Jommissioaers of the State ander tM uauressment act. 5. llie president, treaaorer, audlter wd saperhstendent of any railroad company ea- ga^^ in transpMtation for the GovemaMiik^ and snch officers and employees thereof aa the president or superinteadent shall eeiti^ on oafth to be indispensable to the effieieat operation of said railroad: Provided, that the namber persons so exempted bf tkb aot oa any railroad shall not'exc^ed one per son for each milo of snch road in actaal aee for aulitwry tran^rtation; and said exeuvli shaa 00 reportodf bv name and deaenoftoa, wini the names of any who have Ike empioyment of said compasf, or who may •ease to be indispensable. ft. That nothing hei'oin oontained skaB be oonataned as repealing the aot i^pvovod April tho 14tii 18^, entitled aa aot to es- empt eontractofB for carrying the mails # tho Confederate States, and the drivMS dt post coadies and hacks, from milituy ser* v^oe: Provided, that all the exoai^ioBa Runted ander this act shall »ly eontii^ whilst the pwsons exempted are aotaafly e eni agaged h apsntoos. in their respectiye panaits er oe- 11. That the President be, a&4 ^ ^ hereby, au^oriaed to detalla, ander general rales and regawtions to be issaed l^m ^e War Depaitment, wther of persoas betwemi 45 and 50 years of age, or the army in the field, iu ail cases where, la kis judgment, j^ustice, e^^uity aad nossssity le- quire such details, aad he may rey(^ SMk orders of detidls whenever he wiiniw preaer: Provided; that title power heaeia graced te tiio Presidont to so^e details aad tions shall not be consla'aed to aathoriae tke exemption or detail any eontraetor Ibr famishing supplies of any Und to tho Got- emment, by reasw of said coateact, aaleas the head or ses«tary of the department ma king such contract shidl certify that the s(»iu services of such contractor are in^tia- g»nsable to the execution of said omtraok rovided further, that when any snoh eon- taractor shall iafl,* diligently and fiuthAx%, to proceed with the execntion ot such oea- tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Se& IS. l^iat in appointii^ looal beardi of saigeons for the examination of pensos liable to military service, no membw com* posiag the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling dismct ia whioh tkef are required to mi&e snoh examination. OiBoe^ FajetteTlllOj IV. 6.,) 3,1868. jf aeh»ckki^tk»Arri»alamdD^»artmtffA*MKibMmi 0§Ut. BALBIQH via AVSBASBOBO*, As. Arrives daUjr, except Sonday, at ^ P. It. Departs daily, except 8»tara^ ai 6 P. M. fiALBlOH Ti* SUMME&VILLS. Denarts Taesda? and Friday at S A. .irrirus Wodaesdaj and 8i'ndaj at 9 P. M. WARSAW via OLniTrm. A|rriT6S dally at 13 nooa. departs dailj at 1^ P. M. GAETHAai. Atrivoe Taeeday, Thora-tey aad Batarday at 7 P. II Departs Monday, Weisesday aud Pridaj at 1 P. M. OSEBAW, 8. 0. ArriYee Taesdaj, Ttursday and Satordaj at • P. M. Departs Sonday, Tnesday aad Ikvsday at 1 P. M. FA1& BLUP? via LUfiiBlBTOH. Arrivfls Taeaday, Tliiuradaj and Satnrdaj at 6 A'. If. DepMis Sonda/, Taesd»y and Tiinnd*iy at 1 P. M- BCBfiSON’8 Tia BL1ZAB8THT0WJI. Departs Monday, Wednesday aad Friday at 6 ▲. H. Am^es TuesdM, TlnirdM aad Saturday at 2 P. II. SLIZABSPHTOI^ via TfiBBBIlfTH. Arrives Monday at 6 P. 31. Departtt same day (Moadu) at S P. M. MAONOIMviaOm I ij^ofnuns ORm. saae (TuaedayXat 24 P- 6WIFT ISLAND via MON1808B, OOVflNmW Md PeWBLLTOJI. AniTSS Tnesdsy at 8 P. M. Departs Wedaeeday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISliAHD via TJK»T Arriras Tuesday at 6 P. IL D^rts Wedne^y at II A. M. AU mails laaTia« before 7i A. M., ara elasai tiM W9m ing bitfocs at • P. M. All isttars ts be seat ot ftsai his effiee, etker tkan by sail, met bs paid fcr as if sent by xasiL All drep letters sbeeU bs pM-saii bv 2 oent T**TrT The oAee will be epea oa ■■aday frsai 84 tS- tl A. M., aad from 4 to 6| P.M. ^ JA& a. COOK, P. jp. THE JDUIB rmijUfiB, n(HI ttts UuiM Pence. A fttfthar simply ati^»4sale THE MOKTA C^JMUJVii. ~ Mf3Tf3iL UfB lASU&Adi€Ji €«MPA1I1, NOWiatbsts^ yesr of saeeesafai epentiea, wttk growing oapital aad toer bold Uf9a poblie esa* fidea^ eeatteies te insnre tks Htos af aU beatt^ per- turn fnm 14 to 60 y^ ef age, fer aae year, Ut sevsa years, aadf9rli0»—allnfcaMSibers sbaiiag mtlMprete All slaves firen 10 to tO years of an are iasareJ He eaeyesff er te tve years fiir two tU^ tbeir vriae. AU losses sre pnaotoalfy paid wttUa 90 di^ after Mtirfbotecy proof iapreees*^ For Sntaer iafcwaatiea (be pnbtto is reSerred te AieaMefliwOeBipanyia all p^e'4lM Male, aadt* ^ B. S. BATTl^ aeoNtary, Balsigb. Ja8*7 .ftfiHseiii. H. O

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