C' r*l*03SIl'lLlTY OF 8OBJU0AT1ON. r- I- ihc R'csl. V ID • 1)^ »'c5' the ox'r«pl-'s which hi.iory flffords ol‘ a Ion > an.i il c^n. rf. o pov«,'«>r « u Ine one h M>! r-rtiu i)uou tae «>hpr, the Istaaiua ot tu. OuK-,. ,H pr.vcaN a «trikin- ilbisttahon. Le: lur ouv insivdctioa ana euoourigc- c , ^ , .11 t’i-'pr. coMtcst, to tho reip-olive titr li.’jii ^on*hion ct Uusa’u .ud the n.h.ibi tan* > i U >- .’ic.i--’ u Tflfhtuus at the bcr'inninJi if th" ■ jir»'r;iU'O'i I’fOii iho L‘iu' ot I tor th-; G/-a', the ai’i iisiiioa oi’v:.gioD a> 'I tho >u . f iniiubicaut.i no' or c^iiscl :o ml I • v'' nit»rjrio!» tho ll:' -ian (»uv- j'li. -.ly I xt ct lor r: c .lUr ur,;>. (,‘uvr i W.v Chit, hy %ir»uo oi tne trendy of Aa.u.;o; !o, Tu'-icoy hui pUc.'d Ci--o-.8s5n i -doi tlio . 'uin-on of Rm=ia, w'icro.»;j Tuik jy hcrfi- 't \ i, i,c!-rn)fid to hnvc, rigu'^ v. r the ■ts;’.:-so ■ t'U‘>'f*untr7. vSVa*->ji,->r 0:rtc'.:-,sing the 4 ‘' ‘‘-i' f rtiiht, howt vo.v. 11 is luicrlif which ■> n ii’ikcsri;2--t i this vc-or d’ Ir ‘jt* r.; poll ’•' n ^ ifj lu.' t3 'b^'i M (’t. • H ^ -y t.' 'Vv'r pr. jc'.-* \ military m tlie Ivi'f. -Voy pri'-xt >^oulJ b*’ dufficitut lor a w:-*- I that object. Her btrcai.'tli was Fuch as I'lo mcst p 'wcrfiil »’ation might be rclnctant to cnc' J'tcr. Alono, of all other she, from the tiiiio cl’Petor, bad •'U'^omtcrcd no rovcr-er. She bad sucecgstullj swuliowed up empire atler cmf’re Kaoriaous bordos ot men furnished re cruits to tVio MuscoTi-c h'.and'^rdsj aud it i^ a i'aco whicii doubles in every half-century. On the otV'’? ? dc were the tribes ot the Caucasus, nuni- berinj; a pjpula^ion oi only 3,U00,000. Tne world ioakud vlicse uiouu^^uineciii as Siiiiipiy barba rian’ UA‘, tneu, I" t'ae hutory oi a war wSfjca on O '- si>l br the most eolossai ot modern em pire'. rnu ciuduc^c'i by her be.'-t genrrals, an-1 oo x\c her by a mere handtal ol lado luouniaia- oci>'. oestituie ot ;vU of ro&iilance suvf thos • s'sivpU* d by heii owu v'oura.gi! and ingenuity^ Ti;a^ •V.'!' ; ;is i .v-ted nrarly TU years, aud tho stur dy s, I t »a v'ir’.>'"ii is htm •Juwubridci Adioit- iv}'^ ;iuu o* eivi’./o i auii aeroio Auirlo- Si-UiluUiJ■ *> >U|‘pi.cU WiCii "ftCiCUljlj Witfi and wuiuu rhviuiiiOiVc^ resou.-joa ut iu- vcut^v-* >V.. ■ (i-’rcOuiiu*';*! iin^i niiut^rui rcsjour- ccs I'tir . =..0 the C-rc.^-iU.J, canuot b.stor * ■ ua.i iiupcricJtJ . j.t jc u .!Ni>r.. ti.ay L'k iorivr.iti lo 70 . Jy ,>i.r before i: c.^u apj.roai*a ti.e V; „LL-5 oc-an'y, iu>tJad ot lue OO days pvoa-i6:d thcui -1 years U i!l rUvC 3( 11'- s.i ^o'asloiivi by e-O io;uy of her nuLitsry reaourood b:on f.u^'il 0: huniaa litc n . r i»' 1. :i I '. i -.s \r iler an ual loarf ia this in '■ a ii. i-a 03tiuic:..u Ai. iD.O'jO cat of SUjUUO TIk a iv.y ot Che OauJis'is rciiuired to I ; ’ii'o :n four or fi?e yesrs In 4i» ' l_v,i m;;-; und v/ilit:er?, ic’i in , ID t)..e NvjrtUcra loss ia i years, "-kin a 3oeoui:t.- as oar vsi-is. Grant’d Lrs in ■:■ ^'.tt!c cftcii hj g^eac as tho Llu-- ay ot ihe C-'.’icasud '.n whole jt ^r. II »’oc5 no* fooi :hc dra'n of her po^uiw i’ ic:- did lluKUa The mon sent >o h‘ o-c, 'Or tOL' ptrt, m?n wl;o I’ai al- coa dwnod to 'destruction; th? ’;;3!ibjrd> • iuicijc.cd, und the p?:r T-'.• h.- mo'-'jv.T, m .'S'iy sapporrcJ by the S..u:h‘ trn pr*'r;nc in a mvjner n.>r teit by cu-; Ciup d- The y is hO'. Ra-' i in anythin..,' r;ut I »b'i"-T3. al’-e idy ia lo^io ’ > cr supply -i t k ‘:^a ? ';die; , ;ir.d is ;4-g3 compoUed to saj-p -rt iroai li r ;trer. u 7 iho f-norm^us expense ..i th var. Nor did ilushia lack ttie ier -ci y to cari v o ;'u?h a war to a BUQcriaful consnmni^tioa it is trae t'*at. not till at'tir torty ye'.rs oi bat:!e, of uiur- dcr and desoiatioa, a proj ?ci; uf el^ermia&ting tlie Oircis-sians wis seriously propoaji in llu-i.-iia That i.i’ojoct has been tieriou.-iiy proposed ia tae NofJ.h I'cto'-.^ 4 y- a's of oar war have osp.red. But tLo ilus-'iand. alLor all, are men, not d^uians, wj.a, coa,iared witn tbo rest of maukmdf(^mon;; wh^*ai u i^ iuap>s;ble fo class ya^ke-j esLjruiinatsrd,) her condact in aitwiaptiug to extermiaaie a vrh’l'^ r^cc was a^ aiiocioas it proved io:pr.iuticabio. 11 doacrws to be reniarked as exhibiting a parallel in one rctipjoc to what wa havo scca lu the North, that two plan's wcrc propoded t ) the Eapjror ot Ka?sia by two opposite i>arti.-'; jao ot i mi’!, iLe oth JT ol'ii v-.’-y opposite eliar.icter. “Theform^r par ty,” says a narr\:or of thcao eveats, “liimeating the jnornija9 w-ste of blood aad treasure to the em- {>irc, 2u i r«f’rrin" to lon^ •exp?rienc3 ia suppo't of their opiai :n that oonqacst by foroo w.;9 hopa- le.‘»s, coa-i:ii;ll'’d mcisares of conciliation, aid a re newal of fo. iaer hoa>»h at those times in Victu al) attCiupti s.t • =tabli,^hia> coauferoiil relations with the co iit y. ia or icr to hamaniz-! che Oir- casoiaas. Tiioy admitt'^d the necessity of a block ado and th? ■'-‘T »ur tncir ODj.’ct, like of the othi*r p^rtici, not the happices.' oi the Circassians do muon their anbj jgation acd the ajgrandizemcLt of Ku?- «ia. They thereforo proDOi^d tho maintonanc3 of couic fort 1 on the Oi^aat, bat in other respects sug- t;e®xi m‘!d ri ^usures, a free bestowal of favors .. u jieliw, witu ih-j further temptation of honors and per.-*'>cai advanfa^os to ioiividuab; all nt which, rVioy conc*-ived, in time reconcile thejs mounuiueer3 ret^4rd ll'ir^aia as their s jvo- reign ani gupenor. Tqc proposals of the other party, on the contrary, were canoeived in the spirit ul the mo8t anc TnproT3i.sin^ severity,* an i breath ed nothia^ but firo aad sword." Tne pro ject wai adjptei; aud lon. WiUinaeemlf, who propped it, was entrusted with itd cz cation, pledging himself to r.-duoe Circi..ssi3 by his plan within a^von y^ars. Thia was :>0 years a^o. Tho only cQeet was the exasperation of tho Circtssians 10 the most intanse hatred,strengthened by despera tion. llidierto the defenders of the Oauca«as had been we.^kened by faudd, family (jaarrel.s, ciaima of individual andpsrajnai inccrjst, aad th-j Bcpurat:; action of d'^united tiibsd. No / they fOayU'ed to bui’y forever all private paisions and iniere.sis, aad a convocation of prinaos and chicfs of elans was Huramjacd, who formed a coafoJjra- NORTH OAROLISA ('ONFEREHCE. This body, says the iiaioigb Conservative, clofled a most harmonious scstiioQ at Mocksvillo cn Mon* day uight lait. Jhe folbvring are the appoint- uionts W tho ensuing year: Rm.sioh I't-TTiior —F R'id, P E. Iti'v'isrli f iiy HibX >.n Oravfen R» ;i?h c-ty .-'Jbn, to be Fur r'id ll: !'--.-** oi^ A'' c..:' M!"Ri>i5 E Pell, p.ru^ A R I‘nvr/i Ws it;' OironU. J» : B P I t ' ;.r r.iTijr Ci.tu *, Jc-a tf ’Vhfi’lar. Wm H%«ri9 P;-ri»;” irc' P J T*- -'vs.'/. J V '■‘*o rv I ' o-.-f - ritY'j^- .. r'dtfO, T V? J! Tj, 1 f! ^T'vr. ;i bBv.''! ^Vi H; l!*. - V. t s T:V» C P li, K'it r 'nfNv th Crr .i:;i» C3.>-ieH»a .Ait-s- o th . i 0:rc. ViH .S t '2 I j - w' i -L N, say • rh.- vv-i'.', iiicn r> ncv. V* i**5 ^OTt’ 'i sin d'iK'5 A the N .- fK):;, : army .? r?->dy 1 n..:e, l ', vjj X7: H.^l'LAiSS .^rl> MlS«lOVARirs) I’,*.'. ,> J P f. ■ ' -nti, T'-Ufs .. J J .'.:u Plif a i J • !i I* Si’’. , rr, 0 »p '* • . '* !> t’s. '*■ X> U g: i . ^•'e chs.p ’ M IVcre;' Minatcatrf N 0 Crnf'ri'nco, Tohi 8 IJ vO’Oi-r ■A '1 N H 30 h ■: ■ '• U t N !« '' ■■' ii- ■■'. ■■ >''•■ '■ ' •' N }!• •!, V B A 07.N R g.. i; A Wl’ At-vC'“.’> cf to- T*io • ' -' ' i.ao(l3 c/ i' Loiig, Misi U?i.vKsBOH'’ PrsTRicT —Peter Dcub, P E Gr( i T'jcicr Guilfovi. W !5 ilicsiP.'dBon Forsytii, 0 C lJi> ;§on. 0 M Ande^aoa A'lnston JcLi. W Jcniltn 5tok»*p, 8 H H'l?H>eek v.i».iisoa, J E ^>*au W'TitnTorth. M f‘ \ R G Barr?tt iiJtsVnr? Jof P SiiMPSoc Xlia8. to xA Huniilied TRtNirr L'lxr —Wjt Rtrplast^r. 1 F. Trinl j> cc ! High Point, .J R Brocks ^:V.P*>'r'‘ 7. ' F '-.nk'n :;v , C U Pbil'ips, T L 7roy U X "«>rrie. ^ I' ■'>cr«ns ■. Tidsor. W J) '.;etc!iftc3 T’D.'T'.sTill > a id Lr*ipgf j, b R B^utoD b N If D WiU-'-n Mirrjanc". H SAnii^auFT Dist —lr^ T Wvo**e, P E .4 rjrv’ci • , A .-,., J A lo-i:; W Vj «'!fcou L I'-cw - n J 'ui» Vf' L juris r.totk--’C ' » »cr 1 d \ :>i '- V. r- ■ • ■ • n>-i !-■ ’;-l' TLX ;->r ‘ r ■. V e t- J !v J s £5■-.1 ‘TH V m;3-,u 3-.i'ry. 10 ! ; • .-iJ S.v.K !l L F C P .1 . S Ni.it iM F'ri!. ii»at of *) in H5)fb . WA.-»nfTQT:.N UlST. —T- li H ad'flu, P K ” ’ri'Uv'f n E.' STEHN fAIlOLl A -Tf-E LATE RAID OOREKi^i’DHUieHOK timiR V.WKT f SVi LLB OBKtUVKR Cami’ 5tu Uku’t IL* (1 , Near lviiie-t«>n, Dec’r iSth. Mes.'ra. Kdit .rs; M«uy exaggcralod reports convvriiinir tlve r.'c'^at udvuncio of the cneiuy on tins J.I..C v uu ilouot rcuchod you,; aud iu viow ot tiiii i'i.ct, iiiiu also boc.iU'^o koow tiuit \oa uiiU ai I'ly oi’ yout- ‘ouders eol a pjoLUiar li i(;n‘.>t i.i iho i;i; -T, iiiu^aiuch a.s yovir 0.V.T to.vii; ;ui, C"l. J. li. vv.-.s in c-j; ;:nj'd -.i i\ui- st.ni, 1 lo'it It : duty to i;i>c yr.i rfie in;un J;L i> On tilt' ri'itntiiip; ot th*: 11 fb. (Siindiiy ■ tbe .- i- (.11^ .•.'v.v.-iico-.i *jif i;!«i 1 n»il' ■)€! . v' Kristo’i, ur'-t r.i ■ a cfo>siii- u.’I' r cover ’i nuillfVv; i>nt lu; i'i_' iha tin‘ j'ivt-r !i )t O'tly dilacuU to i'vjrd, l- u: t'lc tirm anvl coom.m ..'i’ til" pick.?t:s va - V. f'lcr tr.iuM-j~ojii, tu I adv UlCC OU ifu: r' Hl h IsiuO, :’!ld b/ ''M «■! ti.O •i.iitj i'iy tbi'ir iVUH i jUT aiii; : if till.-' j;!ac- ... r >3riVi n in d^r ■ 'ii'o i'o :ii.i rti.i. i *iO j';*c force a)>.‘Ui!u'i"d tir't ■■'li.i i . cji;;, soi 3 o; ilu-otu 11 ' (^Ji. K lirMi." ’ol. .S..i:r :riok :i !„w c.i.- (tlryui- n, .su.a-; L’->, a"u r iii [. r^' •. lie bjon aiot their it.f.iutr,' -u r-ir •’ t me >i battb', and in or Lr t-u a.vCv.n.-’in, il >-.- ‘'ic, chit uuaubrr of Ivtrcf'S t'tuy had, iie skif:Oi>tKd a them for rohu; liiot-. Ivitnrnin!.'. !v> l;inijdiato’3^ put evorytlMJjz: in reaiiii-.sH iur mi a.tud;' whioa appoavci not only inevitalile l‘at peidy. IVom t’ u rapid advance uf liie eucmy—iheiv cdv it; r i.-uiiit; up to within a uiiio of Kin.s uo ai’ter i^arj, ;>n‘i attacking a f-.w uf our c.ivalry. Hy fij^bttaii, however, the* liirfilii-aaons at ixi.ibton Trere pi ,* j>arcJ I'or th'-i’», autw.’thr.randi.ig riio int’autrv toroe in tiio.se ironcli^^ >'( thoU lira f*o.*;-isred only of a part ’dK^v'’'. i>io-;a-Ir 1'' > nip 1 oS Co:. V> ; arton’.: lOi^ular.s und a fVt. ch ii«,:jt ot I’o men biions,-in^ to the -Ith It ^’t H, »}. M j; * ani'lcry wa^ «uiplc'—Capt .Vlkin.^'s a..a ‘Japt. Kcily’s Li.iht i>:it'cvu;=, bJ^■id •;•. ti-o tAcjn l'u >s Oar men s.i.0ovi ait uuiu iu .va'tr .i lU a> iii . ;is \tt>’ran.'. Too lua.'h puisf oi'.uol jo iuvui i^'i yank-E Por-ill'O AFD RELTniO?*l The N. Y. OorrfiBpondQnt cf ibc London Tele- gr.iph, :* > ]• -'r’is^man. writc-i t^”' io!*owing inci den*' oi’t’^ li ;_‘rbi’.i. ri r.‘fWf-it»i -n wbi^ii nomi- U8*^rd Fiomon; : — “P fi'.-M tijc K v.mo‘’' .'a-cf.~ bad a tded John Ooahrano a.s ihoir e .u idaic f‘.>i‘ V ico Prcs'- !!*■, ri* • n "irw t » • i-M ’ ir tb i lovcf'.t'nt at tH iei. o. Biittbc '.3'i.'-n v. '.-, «.'v; -;y ^S’Oa'd •-■i.'ii ;• o G- ' ti'- to * 1 ■>■ ? i •, V .o a •: r--.-r'-j >ri?v ihe c.:uv^-ntI, bu;- 'cro xd ’J i\\ .• (1 i! 'Ir. tZ -.f Mi .-’■■o.ti Af ■ li : 01 i.i. _ i- r:- vr ’ced - r Co?’ ajC, hut t y 5 ;,u*, .ii.'e !n i «:j> ’*:non'? tbo b iy o o iJat ;1 ^iTtf ifhllC ' (.'i/c) ;-oo- f'.'^ point f'l ‘ ci'7* x'a 'I.-. •M iUsH e - . To( lai it 'V , -i g.p'- .A L : ' -N V n (t • *• 1, ' •pM’:;u'a3r«' . 1? K-... s.i-y, r B R-ots, , ; ^ r'er. . T P P. : li, .ta« K -i J, W ■ >? J i iiX , ;I -auv'f J X '■ i. .■ Ui-Ct*ri7ili-., 1! F L Nswbpun L> N ■'■’•v.rr. V. v'v-i- ■ ■ •’-si ,u;. • T-nt. s. V K J t.) T ‘• n -* h . I d : V7 u-i. .) B M-'.-tia, I L-iaoIr. S A K oV-'r. ( S'asto .a i T . n vii'a. Vv-;U 0 J r' r-- er, * 2 Cii ’t, li r. 'r.i^.-ath Gildflfcorc’ J B V ' 0 W b ?ais K ^-v't'S'T Up. I :> N Aaircws, rju'.f.'ti^;J J■)! a?i;-a ’tidj. to oe aoorliaJ. Oot’l ^lif* t>9 smpliel. WiLsnsGTON —D 3 Niolshi®, P E. •ViiTiiigtiu F* i' S L B i Pifih -• • D P >or : or-si 1 NiW Hm’»>.*, T J 0»ttis, W -1 A Sci’ih, Diplin, D 0 Jo‘53' a. MifnoIiB, D S.rjpsoa, W M Rjbf, B:^'4pn. J B Bv'!»7, Bo In . R P B t>b, E itbaJbtori E \ Yn. ^ ; itd'^’ne. T w G B nn‘?w'.''k il T N tJti'rnason. '»’'e Fa** ‘o be suppliei, Waitt-rii'e J’-ua U FiTErTBvaLE, UisT —W II liibbi'-t, P E F •^/oUjBvillc H T Hnijja, *• E7-»tj /C4p«i to ba Aappliei, '’a ibsri»»> i, ^ W Kiag, ''«p3 Faa.v I W O F" .rr&r, ^*w*R;7^r. H H OUioon», J W Tiai*n, i'up’y, Pi’csboro' O t U cc;. ■jrtss rt., .»* r. 'XV.' ■>. '•.oo’-in^b»m 3 D Adiaie Ri.)'39a, iV I p i£ djo/eli, Tiata'"!>ry P il W-^id, ro/, G E W»c‘ie, F0;t?g5 T Z Mose?, M L WoD% M '.n »fy I) (3^iti. a*’ nex ham Ta> next Coafjreacu will be held at llockiDi^- m, fiichmood Cj , N. C. By vi^^iua 0.' !*a ra..le ai Ncviiib^r Torra is:4, I *?;!! 4'.teT-i ikt fi Uiriag titn^s »n I pla^:?, ;> CO ivc in Jii i=*.'ici t3 wif- II»/w -i, Tae“J»/. 31 Jaan^iry 1835; Buokhifn, H/, i:U; il. o'j’icou'a Ih r- Jiy, 6t.S; M 1>. F ii^v, G.i; .S u 7,a; J J Btl Ujr, 9 a; .M li. Tjjs >iy, 13ih; Siiif Iljpe VV rdaojiAj, II ; J. M. d. T ’.Mrai*y, 1. 3; H. Eitrarii’a F-iiay l.ii:.; W W Mn'thiim. aiturJ^y, -4ih; H'2 a Dj.- el;’d, Moadiy. IHt.i; iJriBJ Rv-a.i, T'u^..5.y L!cu t aoovo, W«lii.sal»-tr, 1 ;-b; Bar .s’d O'i Fi"l.J, Tau'-aJ'^T, I'lih; l>r. VVicj ow'a, Fii.iLj, 20-,.; Piitib.r.u^h, etvurJay, 2lJt 1 or -fi ca f.jie huaJrei dol- Uri *Mi*tua *a3aatiaitW3pfci1 iMi Jt.H'y. tio^., ev ;ry member 01 >vhioh bound him.sell', by | I cop>« PTerj p->;-dja ri.l nropar.) bitaaelf the mis^ .iicr^d to umataia th« HS.'-ty .r ! e«U^ m b> i«y a; «a^ r/or'-ir-^auoeel tiana aad p.-v iu«iu- ki; ')■ l;r ie /'jr7 urgia. on sia to-oo'- ?ct *r> i hiso th*t hiva not paid their J ay : z ‘ oaijt c?r ,ia.y pa? ma »a I go liroand, or 1 • c.'u.t oo!;.-c:. oy dis;.rriJ5; for it ia atriollv tn- hib o:)u i ry a^'aiust iias^ii^a rroasion vwith ii.d best bbjod* A solemn interdict was plaif'd ot’ nil ’nt?rerarso witti the enemy, oven for salt, ?md other n-c^S'^ari'--^, •lad'ir r>ain of tne moi'-. rtisTn-il runi'ihm^nt K/on families wkioh liad rcf^eived beacQi fro a their foes were loro*d to join the Ic i ;u*?; and, as a projf of th-’ir detprminari-)!!, the whob property of ai in>^ali 1 who had ajono for n^ >dic:il -s-si.itanso, wi? com u’t*:3d 0 the fliiae.s Siicii IS thi? only spirit which threats of ettormina- tioa arouse in the breasts of % free people, la tho :;wo campaigns that tollowed, WilltmeouDlT, the I jXtcrmiaator, was himself very nearly cxtnrmioat- rd, wi.hout havipg pained one important point. The wo?1d soon b'eama tonviacod that the idea ofeubdul?;;.;free people, by mnans so revoUinff was a.s r,b-urd a.s it was innuman. ii’ke c: ra^l'cs th-’ Oi^ca." "rAr^ (“nrirone I hj a hV oVp.l^'; vbirh aot c-uir r,u;ered ii .'JitEoalt to chtain A L;8 but 'iie** ralt, whioi l ie? oouid n .t p od r«; b.k1 t'PC U9, (hoy i.ai no fiituda. lu.’koy, c!;u I to'(heal hy so ra& ;• i-c^ of blond, ('T-no) s, ilcif to their"ia- To'i'itio IS fir j8/-8^inci awl Eny'ii'», wioq*; viul ib- i‘;tC3- it ‘'»8 ‘h1r^r^ itjo d^ig .8 f llusais up>a ii»8f, ri«r: II7 iRft a R'ns'i her siupW eu4 c&id-bico(ii»d n-n iDt-»r7’L?i a i’»,: in pp; * si! . ,rrtf-oourA?,.’- n=i.;s, C “..i* \ il/ r; s .?aof'»'riV3 ;>l:« of t far v.--r y nly jenr-^ aij (f^e rj.j.it fif h-r !" i .'W "i'9!*ok.?r JJI u l Oft Di- to .ij a> 07 our Court, vai a grsat maay BO di«rs’ f*011..Id >>,r,5 low 3 »aliig lu ue«i of it very A it.Td tu tia wise, Puy your t»i bad PUtVojrou'jli, D'o’r 8. K B. PAoCHAOL, 8hff. 91*2tpJ rUfi i^^er.5ignc i aiho remov.id froai th&ir cH stand ot» W**cr 8 lasl. fo No 7, MARKET SIEEET karris taoy er-^o.oi to oof.'.fuas tag ’ lQaaral ju (Jrooery Baiiaass. a tiatioa wiii be afi^^en to ait ordcN mu* coo- • eafust^d t > oar care r. « LINE BERRY ft CO ''' TOIi/t€CO. AFfNR STOJK of TOUAOOO. inoIadiDg aome oaew- i»‘2 of extrft ijnUtf. In a fe^ day?, 1 cxn»ot to reodve a supply of Saaff, (yoioba, Powdar Aud 8aot, an i *arioja fitacr aa^ful ac- IBA.iC HOLLINQSWORTH. J)30r9 92 8i 500 pTiIlia!! Loan.—Sale Caatlnuad. li.iblio J 3»ys that all tha , unifcrm.s tor- the Confederate army are now being | mado in Eagland. ^ -J'-i ;*W'j p’‘cs»ic'^.i fiavJajt been mskdj at tie 5i'’5Rad ;*:‘^rc.'!t,anc3ex ciroam- I . -sr;.-:3 ■. t^ .Ts t- '^Torabis oouaitlsraUou, i» aUtli3 ! aaaed to ooniiauo th» a^ie nntit fua.hAi> Qonuoue the sale oatil fuKber AUG. W. STBEt, » ^ (Wederate Bonds Fajttte^illa, Oek 22. t u,>'. th, u' rr, v.-'t ■i‘:d rHt' "..fc c : -Vr ' fi >■•■ i\y n r-i'i •' W T:y i.! d fo.t ; ‘]v *V , -.ith (» D’V.J 1’ s irt', t* T,’ ! T'. 1 ni t 5^h I b-; prv.s’'^ pd ’ Thn ‘-.ins . s' a ‘h (I. tCH, .c'ciu /i-e ^nji but Mr. Cjo^r; ' p*;' ^AU fhcs’ in f'W r c: ar-c-i’dit-L' tt>f rc. ••iiiti'n iy .'/t" f.' ,f's /./-.■• ;-y r;iy ‘W,.':" alt *bo3'.i '^p- ■‘N-.)’’ There m- w 8U>i n of “ ’ yo.'!.” ••''(uI'k (A Ibt.’' -il’’ Mr; C.C'>ira;}e Tito i.u^d-.a'nc-B wi h ^h;ch it pat • d 'nvc- ral ei cumitanccs cau.-ed ^jui e r*. s'T)- Swlcft. Too i 'C!u>'at off’.'T w s rtfitoruvl tj;e .srr-rr.r'rts b,-. Ji .i^id .’liisp rin;; to ra^'b ot'iior. '-V ''’c »n —i.s:i d' t.:- n. Ya-nfce.f Neu-s.—KlCHMONf>, l>eo li —U. S. j pipers of tho i:>lh have rothiiig in regard t ; af- From (reor>ji>.—f-''^ ir'.’r?' at Na-mv.ilc Louisvillo and Cairo tel-grams 1 {i^veuinc' Whig ^ay.s ru f f tfiaial of fbt? I'i’h saj iba the r'b('l Gen 1/nn crofl!»ed j ffceivtd rhis’uoroir;' rh* ;be enemy t 'rin-d two Ou;»iberland 0:1 the loth wit’\ 2500 to 4UOO 1 carried Foit McAlist r, on -chfu men J'.nd VT9H moving towards Flopknisvillo, K-y. | y(»gtprdiy. Gen L/on s-iz d h trnT.-port about. 20 uinea j rrj cariie* n-: .1 . f ne war f't ^ Vi^ :.b0V’ i^rt ]>one!.wr, nsod ,t for ert^sior. tb ^ river, I. k„ j^r., i ,• a 1 fb 1 bur.-3,.i t'-.- boat ^od iti l..ad_,.t resistance tc .s-.-aa.^..icsby ^ Otu. brjoiti-.vi^;^; wUb 10,00. men is rep itt,u {vbe coir.ruei »2'^“*'‘“* ‘ ;it ri;ort.,, T uMS.co [:rb ut «>o ^ jrw.t i'bud -i .. ai ,aud -x) uiIhs ror(h-€'.toi ,.,j Wiw. ,.^d vc., bo-J Ito- niPBM a. oofM-' . f. ..=tc jwrS/soi h ^.w-.r )S 1 da‘ ho sliuy;- 'bou^ vi sit’B b,i;..;iin.? r:an.' Fiom that tiiotu.o i-. ’ icupo»s.Llc vo t tli- C an;i to ^ ' .ly o Hor .'r-;on for Vioti .1*1.-.;] j. nt ill. r; i r ! ;,''.ei:TJ- ■•, I’a;' '.vlifi- his ra.Tie ».£;i pr po-ircJ tii'^y ru--b •! it tliroji.(h • it \ n wii’. !li! OW : ‘ li ir ,' h afioici h ill' (I lit'’ • t'.ni-/ d-1-, ni'ti s a mm j» f '/I pn'i .'I'lif i\n>ip I • !/>!> '' I i'- ; 0:‘t that, it T I'-’ r^- ■'•I't 0;* L ti'U r.' r ^-r-w l I /r toc fr'Lch'’ Y-'U v'ils 'cu:''ajicr ib;.t a.:^ r.o . vt' ci.l:U-f-?1. r Ua.T.iirit, bi'» u ■ DVOn.lO’, i'Cid l-J H C'U Ul the li '.Vi.;':i W had u.i :iy ni raiT--d iy it.-i ht>v.liuiT'^ !’■ tho i.i_,. ;-n 1 ! 1’ ill iiii 4, u It- r 1.1 not o: 'ii i IV't : SOUl'^ of tilJ 1. iv .' covcrc'l th-.'ir p •: with* aitil'ory, a’l cneio'. tirir._- >r.),a ■iri'. i-.".; ' ..’ru they ii' .. .ct vni.i I 'i'iiv -d.' ;:.v :.vr. cnitm.s i.n-:-:.- (V,- ! •V-. at.'i r'.V ■•vi.i.l V hi. 1 ! uv isi d ' t I s'L'a'd t :pe'‘.»^ in if od’s f'^a Ao rrrriva! iioiu l*;jrf U yal K".y9 cO t; ;- had fucc:odcd in *on:m'’'JiC5>.iir-3 8hor» •, ■ a; d th'i is I3> 0>l ^ !)avi , C. S S;-n:. oi from I:_ , ' f i l ic V'duo 3d ’'.i.s l^-.".oe Jitid Cn.or- il >'o!t' i .* I'ro'oosi.t’o v'>ntbjn oT all tti'"* L-tit ■* io n' s’'&!l b r:terrot 11 ainc idm*'ntfisto the C .n.s^iru fioa () .3 pro,-t: cs ui:ii.i-ig -i i.ijf of tbT 0 N«"J? Eo£r!«.vl Stag's, nn f anot.^c- i! 0 election of two i'fCisid nc-, o.io by the ya'4fc(>i- and rh ■ - ther b'/ the sIj^vc Slut* s Ricii.-MOM), I.) 0 IG —U 8 r-T''3 cl t..e 14 h have MooL'e^l (Ca ada) aa- pou-'cii.'^ tbf reb'aso of tb« rebel iriiaeii upon S*^. Albar?, Vefm'-ut, tho Cou’-t d'ci*’inK that r ii;td po jurisdiction 'i; the oa.ce. The counsel kr t.K' Tutted Btat-'S mado sn i'ipa-..i >ncd fipe.ob, impl r'l'if. the Court no* to disctiar^o the prisoners, a.id doclarinjr tba if tach cctfSri w. ro had u iiiUst abide the consjquences. The Court in ord-ri* t>: tbs di.sehar/e ;-HiJ it was rr-Jp.’Tcd to iiic’.tr the rcFp 'nsibiJity, an anaouaccmont wnich d cppluui-’. Ad opLTarioi'.s have b .rn .ettsj^ended on both i,rHli ,ir circ mu aac.:>. i “idi ;j at Na.shville in oan'n-fju'^-noe of tho cold In the U. k?. Henat?, Mr. Shermpn r-ported rest !u ior.^, rhi‘h were forth with pa sed. ^«ppro- r^it Sl,00%('UO TO })uroheHC (>- buMd 0 Bcve- liii ■nrti i Cutters to bt pinc ’d on the Notvhoni ly^kcs. tor ;1 c 1 liou3c, risoiuii =;» wero H.dop£ed rttj^^stins; t’.o Pi'f-fiidf nt *0 tri'^e Grvat Hritai. notice oi' tbe : in.ii_i.ija .vi» t iC Oao ,d an tl c prooi'V Treaty. u id-. ito pi .rr not.'i Vai’d D NCv-oJfi'J'fr I’ r.p v-reiy F -1 I I'l-J' V i y;ur31‘> Or .Tib »rj, il y. 03,by i V z; U*‘ •. ,u '■ '.a*'' bji -.1- ir or - ;U'j r.. 0 t. k tt.o the 26tti .io T^. lJar I'osts. . »t.., 6^y, ^fphio i • ris'.ia:.uv, VCr_. l;..'f-I.il id ■ , I a- : •iC ..cj.'.v ... I. - !■..?!• t Ul i .ii.ii, ‘ 4.'.-. rr r._ ! ■ .0 '■ .. !v.'i!'.-vv iii a H>.' » •■■m -.ii' .'1 1 IV hr. ■>: iMl fl!i:i tijiu:! fllCilJ ■i ill'.*.' . '‘ill i.. / L ‘ Htt.r rV.ll^- •• ' —t!;c i)l’Cr ' -—lie iir-ercJ 1 ot;-arp'-, S . u!v w. ■-: wuii'h ily P. r. ”.■ ‘ai. J : ., :uly. Tuc - i 1 • \s ere: .’. ' ill IV.a .,i \\^:LL a, a f I.sinb !f.- on ■ u:_ woo l-l-'d ev. r iV iu ilO.l l *V.'..l ; oi and o > ; M'lr oi.\;lry nii-'i.i;^, rw • ui iU.ir iior-cs ; mni:. iu V.j;.. i^ d. N’.>1 l 1 i.'j. )Vc t.-jh. [ ri.'iiti ;.s ;;,id i b'rsu 11.0 p.i.' 'li .-.ly ■:ui ;ir;iu.iy .f.i.- ■ w-i.-'^fht- I T:iu.'> -- ad 1 tb.f a'Fi'r. and ra.'yank c' t ii-' are .:ai'' 1:1 Niwt i-rn. I'neir t')rce, ir ui ib., i- iiiibrm i'it.i. c.iu-i-^i .'d 01' l.'^OU inl.ia;r , .,av- alry, 2 ]'’ecc.-« oi .tuiiiery. T.io vij: d:ci-ioa ua i promj>;ac i- of ('oi. Starr did ;r.Mr,' t.i .uvv* Kinr.to;- It' r. t-.jpluro l'? m ffio -t! 1r.5i.l1 o. lUs .»,i»o ‘ i i M '. I, il i.'avy uiti- !orcf!ii'j;'ts cj'aj d’ltin^ .^lJ:; iiy,bu tii > won; wa.s looo b-;-)r : i. , ., . _'o: i:i A an ; : ; ‘ I ' l- ;.; ;vc;rv o! thj . r ■. hec'.i r -'•.Uf '.r> H'c in fid A.-.Kill .■:’r . : br-r-i^t . ■ ■' ]•: .-; y>:uak r .u by tLe 1 » ’t,>' 3T.1 - r .t ncSaors, bin r. • • * ^ ) .••L’.'l. :n a'b.' . t'.e •r t.ikeu lio.’u" rii' dtad t ; J rn M. '/ I . A'l' f n ' -.cd . ;• a". i ;> . is m ic I hurt i\i .-y a t .0 .N' -11 'ifro^a V ,,, , i;*tur "I aud one ti Im t ’n|. at . .:ci' Cl r co-it J T* D i. .if 111 ksj' ird -1 i • . . ■ . ‘ w c-n' ...i- : ' ' .f - : 'y ui; ■; thi b.i'.lit 0; - , fc a«i*. 1 d o ' ■ ’ »c a ui . no lUa'-l; a; iiijjliu* Cow.iti o h’-i they lire i a f: .v siiO'i 0 »fpiok||»iatUe ii 'o'.on old field. Our tnfOl Uia^tilV Ie;J as tv:.c o^.iaioa ria: t'u force w*4 abo it 7 J0 .u'ori.'. il u" .Ir. . ! oar pioJKts 'i k a li ; ‘on’rt, the or.j u,y p’l i o*; ow^r«!s 1C n. nd leaeucd too n'itnbir.*otjt ot th.-,t p‘aj ti.o am; f»von'n ' Wnat i >• ^ 1 i \-n fr)i 0 . (Jar Xias'.O’i ej. 't spiti - nt, undc~ di^c iV ‘1, ■s-ys Jn cor^my naubc’'t I %b.)'.i 1 >*'t i" ve-;t wi*'nte tr/o p litN li K; r i-i, 1 'nco latere i .» p i; ti 'I 0! n-' ;! t N 0 c iviiry, (•■j;nJQandi. i -y !i ‘ C 1. H t, ■ •! . ; ■ of (’aaimng’ b .- , a.i c^m-r* .■■• 1 . j.., ut Ctl. J. a Siirr. I’t: c.i^Utrie- 'a ,ur oido are three mt* ot t^ .- cav dr wound:d .No 10 k '!•■> { \s tnii’hi ;uv.- t)j.n expcoto i h«va k'-s Djmiait u tuc u n.d . x. ..s.'p--j>1ii'-le iu;- :i','; i-o-nnij nJ--,‘rim'n1--, Wm II W.> . Jijj ; Ws', S; i d i;’l -;>i M i'. IIa.r^i. l s iti ro-: ;■ Ht TPr-.ly oi j. r bb 1 of cvei-ythiug oi - ■ i ~ G • /• J > •■( 1/ 1 Thr F"/h''tf y/ /? ’ •/, — \y: f.;. W A I* - jam. c *ium I'ldint; t.i- d^'p-rm. n- m i wi. > .vaj ui ti.’ht at i> ii:i_ld, t;^ ;C a'l. iii-: t-j ■«^rc camua'.'>(vd '.y L . t'li. .I.l.u j N (; , c:>mma:i'iu).r tlv,' I'jst at When Mij;r G ,r..i damp ;a rc-.co A li-n; piaco and m.-p.-o.i.d ;ie w-jr:cH :.ai di = p,..n u. of Lz Cj . Garae -, ho i.i s> w^a tv^stici wua the.r str.'n;'.!! an i ad iptau u, r’lat u ; !ofc, the entiro front «d th-.; cn-.-oiv’s >;dv.incir'>’ eal- 'tnn of Homo 20,0 ot ali ar.as to oe ru c 'oy Co! (i , while iie swi’i^ nu cavalry lorcc :^ j :au fo the left '’snk, uud ic; . A. P llxil rajve l a;.oa lii.i r;gh; il ijk. And u aiijuab y aa i eJi ;i j it- ly were Ool G ir ic* .’.s t>iCccr'3i aaJ m3n ouploy- id, tha. h s J >r:5r. aljn J hai ,-n u aid d ;; ac-d th! ;«--.uy, a li ~a 1; id .;i.n t) bjat a h is.y r ro btforo ci ii5r G-as nr lliii ml rim ; •» reach &al attaok :ns fl .ak.s. Col. Par zn .3 fbrm.s as tn it g.\;a*. cri lit attaches to C>1. i J .i- nett f>r the skill, pro up'ncis an! viaior .vi a v/aioh tie h.jadl d nis r-oji-i a'ld doi ■^.jcs losing only som.3 fjar 0.- fi?./}-;!!?] and only a like numbjr woaadei;-,57 ,, hi-j raki-i r li. hid at least i« b'lairod ya'>^.‘.‘3 loar, aud o>jsod in baUncj to fly m terror b^ck f> th-^ir cn^r. noh- meats I’or prot^oMo j.— iahJ.jh tMnfiul^ralc. (''•th lie'j'f -T.n S..n-or R:'.jivc^ ul' tho sjvfiot:i C-'11 "c.s-ion il Ib^trict and oao com pany from ,V.i*to have baen r-.irz’d in^o '* -■”- .neat t.i d> k .o^a us tho Gth Kvi'njot H C’. Senior Kjscrve-.', by the elcrioa 01*^1 Uo followiii:.' oinccrs; A A Mos. ot Oiv-Jso.i, Col ; J. V. S/',i,aoa.s of p^y;laoo L(j,! J T. iJiooks of Cha.'.iidl, r i’ , ? i' ^'^^>idt>U'y, Sargon, C. Gray of Kandolpb, Adjt. All let.ers for tae mirabors of this r^^imcat should be dir»*itfd to tho Gth 11 i^t. He iio.- il'- serves, care of Col. A. A. M03;, OJilisbiry, N. (j. kiij/i»bur^ iV-ifr/irnin, wr-/v,V.sc/-y •X.—Tuo late rai U below hero were not unnoticed by too Vir-iaia Hjjjrvcs. 1 hey promptly volant9cr«d to came do 71 tria way, aad whoa wo asi,. 1 oaa of t'lam the o*.ber day how t iey oamj in t.io nati^hborhood of K as ton, ht qu^cViy replied: “Yoir b.j rs wero roa iy enough to como to our relief, and now X7C have come to help (hpm out.” Tnij 13 MjcTi-ht spiut. Go^ifsboro’ Jour'ual. Suprcm !tr'—Tae foUoTi Hr gr.itlooiQa r.-- ceive.l licea ;e to pi’ucaoe l,»w ia tae coaatj ouurt: James 11. iMerrimon, Banoombo Couatv John J. La0Bd.ll, llich*rd W. York, Wako. ' Raleigh (Jonteroatioe. 4«>iOU -"li «' Stn*ca of .4 • j> i) .r;-'ic ■ V, »r '. A.. I- V* • • i- '4. thi- dobv, parL.onl / Opf r '( 'fins imruopri'jry in atnMng row, in the case of Wi >n, i. «.s *>er u ciu-cd entirely by tbe wnint of ’ J .ERALS ■ S T? !1 ’■;at adn ;i miii-:«ry forec lo cr> perato, a^d \?itb.^‘nt which no snccfssfal attack could bo madi Darin^jthj hi t t't'o y^ars ‘ho Navy !• ?pa't>aent has not only tto'n ready, but has ur_'cutly »^nd oor.s’&ntly sought the n.ceisarv military aii to close up that pe-ti- 1 nt rei’ort cf bbck&dvj raiJDcrs and harbor tor ’*obi>l pirates. For over two months a lar^e fleet 'ay ia FI auptou llo'»'’s, idio’awaiting proaii i l military co op?riitiua; but it dil not co-ne. It -liould be unde-fl':ood that the bk’s;? f >r this dc- 1.1'r', a'li f.‘-'^th.r railuroS to as-^^mpli'di other -ri i.ts rf.salts Rppir^nfy -,’asit- ait ic^bV, hc4 Ai h Mr Sc-iatoa aad the War 1> p:r:taen\ and n -; vritli tae Navy l>epartm’nt nor tbe olSccrs ;»ii * lO 'o of t^ie navv — Was'o'/ij" m Ltt r, YI thf. lh»- —Fifty y*»pk"? d srit'^r j ^r ri 'cd in the ciry y'strriay.—R'ch, Wu'-/, 14 a :.r n'ji. of )>ja fou . ut " CiUi V O-v I - ’ i 'p;r "il ■ "rc''-- r : - f, i Ii ;- iiU iri T*} ' - •0 ■•' TTho.T Jour.'i V' !o !hcir \,r St' ’s C ■I- , ,U.» »>33 C’' U . . I Bi • r->,u ■ - .1 .a iS.? s ti t o oac'.’ >r.1 1 is tbj ; u- p.)' * ' , . of lo?*: i''ja iity I .'♦ crp-« w-{ bo a •: -aai '.aej •.> a th'T-.j^.i ! - c c *i ■ Ji's t -TT ir . .1 t •• ■'l . lJj"'4U •fi 8j;r;.,V if ‘^ai* >i.l t.s.ja ■ - f .ui f Wir I) .‘.i.-'t'ao-.t n D^Fellirc: I! •U'ie f)r ilt'ut at luctioui llt>r»e anil .Iftile to Sell. :>tcl r-.i > / T .’-. X ■ --i .. •! ^ re t- 'i s! r'-r i, ' .*aot‘ ■ : 0 ■■'■i-r U e' ■> dj li.’U-* ; ^3 I M. .'IU.u .-, [£i^ ; tr? , ' T cc:u •; t.i- 1> . '".iriin;’. .At ai-jo t’lnf* tt 11 je ’ ‘ lU ' '» y> »r o'd 1 lie;.*-' J H COOK Arot. I> 3 n i i i « oo.uw—!—*«• ‘■■i -»u-f -*• P”* " Pri !030, 'arnj.i af Iastra;-.i: , m Riilf }* ! irr-its, »al sujh l’>i} ■ta c'r.' '• '?J ■I- J : • f'*--'C- • L>J >i u r -f t. . 'i: c ■I'-ro \l: J.s'o. ^V. 5IC iDC- - j«i.* »L 0- .«iB^ 1 20 r Pur; I* . \cf 'i ' 0 ’ A 0 ' • -.*u ivA'-aiGB D;- . N 1 -OI. R ir'*n ■ f • (--T r - ■ > ,1 f >> :Il ^ • r' i • * ;i. ■ -'1I f r yji\r '- liu! ’ ■ di r- ■: 1 fc li ' ■' ..it ‘ £ . N ^ 1 -.wr V. 1 r’' 1! t ' ’ -t • b . ' » • ' w >r. !■ • tj 1. U : . . V ■ It .-1' i'*: 1 • ■ •• , •,! 0 I ■ X • • ’I, b - 3 ' , 1 1:-.; ” P ' - . 1 aui'-i-'r- ti -i t?tr»a- • 7 ■ , >1 ■ •- '!:r c ''n- ' 0 . ' .i-',-'. b ’ • i i ! -- ■ - ■ -I'- ■ 7 ,r •’% *■: r •'DTf'.', i I.'.-v'. - r* • - ’ ‘ J i lil/al - / .,r,r I S ' El-!- • . •' r ■ A •• i d ^ I 1 - . - ‘.lie ) .' 1 j c vf-y f.. f-j B a:nt 1 0.:- H iii ;»1 2.: I. a-.i- -.i:-1 ■»:i = ; .jrp. £t iriiy {i-' '• li-t, ex t ; P,-.'^ of * - : \ T*- .-'t iV!.' I ‘T-II : In i ' i» ' R d*! fi : vU*»-J •xn '>f i^o : T in -X- Iai» m :>e . :b. A A G i’l HE Dgl'v Ti::i3 RSCERVE V C.. \ li.M.sta'f, D c. I t, 18 1. J t'lanaa.s, > M3 i'. i .L »j . H. R rnvif - P. A, ?i. •i4/i ill T li.ju.* ;-i Ori r■ 2'.*I, Ptr. A Ai u a n ti.-dii .">-.1 ,»f. ^?s •?» a qiircrs, in aaa-i'ii i.3 my -3 ; .-lermijf •', R> 3 rv ». 0: H. C , aul will ba o^eyoi .iaJ resaeis-ei *0- ■33 i'Jjrl 11 Ail cfflcerj iu cj-antad of ^es3r»e.s will at oace 1 a 3 r.-q-.vi U'via for O'ocaia/ ail eiiiuia'.i for fuais f n ti: at. 0.' th dr ojm a*'idj, fjrw.*' iag tsja tj \I vj>r Hjjpi.- a‘ Rildiga. li' OD-aaiial of iiiBur Ob-: JNO r.’. IUN3UALE, yt-i ] \jutxa; Ocai-al / 1 » OIL ' L I u .• Pj'tv , I >i \ , J in> i.lna>ir'j. IJ . r ‘ 1 i» YT8 PiTfJor, 8n-i Ni r -, L' . .« a.;, Ua lir O-ni '.a Vu/ti'ii, B*' Cip.’.b'i, II i s Aaofyae, Ecs)^ &j. j iJw r;; ';vi i '■■ f JrU N' iidiril, 1) s . n-‘c 14 ‘if5 ,if J\\QTf€E, TT S-.c ^ L» a ur .f 4 tbi 'f Pi n: ni (h * Qf Saislons''f C >n ; y, i n L .1 lui^tral^sa cn tao r' .;vo jf J-J'i; r>I;.i •, •!. ; i llJ. j'>7 Qi-io f> r.-'rasn? ■ '..v.-a* a .w i I’.o .J3ti'3 of . d ■- 'c. ' ' f’l pr 1 aj fcH‘, iit/ ».ut "2a-.-c\-'‘>i. wi hia i'.> ini'* •r*»’rl'i?il h7 HfT, ot.Ha--7 33 ;b'j u-Jt-of »ri‘l cs ple.«Jel I'i jif of I'ijir i’iM?2ry. to eaiJ Bal.tc will plc*»5 iQ -V} ■ n 'i»’e 5at THEO MARTISE, Aim’r. Furtlier .Ifotice. H'.VlJlOl obtibi .1; i *a )iJ3.‘ '' ;-t o ■. lat (.ff‘Ot, J eha!l, on t n I8.h d»y 1' J»aa / a>x , at tU t iafn VO on 11»T alr.'jt of >.i3 i 03*. -ji, .^p >sMa Pa >lio cj». tuo i’arjoa.*: Pi->n.fiy b3lja-:n- .j =*5d Est-.te, consia.ng of ais a-ook of iIj,rJ jfarp, 1, Tm, aad ail tba Tools ntUngia* to Tra .MiH’i'.jlo y 0>P' er il n a Ma mfaatory, aai Ta'ioas oiaor art '■lia too taii- '■1! t> :i:.tl3a r ic propiriy will be sild t.> tac hist. ea, b’ular o.» c .'ill of sti Mia-r-fl — pa.oiito.’ boa 1 and .'i)pr:i?td .;a bef>^-3 t-.a n^Jairty a ro ajiraJ. Taj 6*L will oJuaaisai? i %tTl o' I -o'f TilB ) \IAd :»NE, Ad a’r Dcs'r 12 .TSie lE'tter^rane ii Uij,'* I'C c (o :.tc':iaufjo f.>r -',»ra or tae imst Ha«nbir3 of 3pai Yara, fttiitable lor Spria.5 and So::im:;r Qlotb. TJiia Thread 1« of » BUpi.'tac qaalit;ir, n»t «nrf««4«4 by aav ia tbe I ««o SHANO¥. { H)1» f Fair ^aromid lo Kent, AT AU JTION. 0>? T>. sr.Hl^y. tijj ‘ , %il\ he P.'aiei :^t Aui .i3u. sb.’ F ilR OROUNDi Oa tje prc-ia'.sse *T6 - •* I) Hoa.‘c, XiK’he.i. Sitbl*8, £x'..iibition Ko‘'m.». V >:!(• 8 .(jli, •*ad at'OU' 10 asren of Ltui AH ia repair, -nl wUhia • "hort 4ist%nc* of bn'i- a ■ .%4-lottoK.. JOHN H. Ot>OK \n't’r 1> 0 !♦, 1864. 'J". 2: NOTICE, rflE Sa^’crlbCT to.v»a. a-. L)ec>'n;b?" Term, A. 13‘4 U >c U./urt KJo'.: ^aJ U’.iTter Sassiens of arr r’ ^ li C.^ i ■/. qa i-i ‘.s Ex M‘rix oa itie es lie . f Oar,*31 D iiinsi, ber-'iy gi»ea nc-t>ce j 1.11 p“T3 as ii •. I r cKiini *g>>uat thj es'-af of .he ' > J3ai, \3 pr-o' a «.u-* s'ui-j (ini? aattjcaii ja'-e* »’ ''1 ih9 f.m; ; rttari^'.d b,/ it'krrviis this no- I- ‘ tli.lb? 5a .»•••■ tHeir r- c'»T.'-r?’ bj!,i.»ra cv) tac "aid os:i'.o sfdi I j-.'j '3 iiiij i^ ao- ’i.t. at ELIX i P UE Et e I '-I I> - 12 _ 93 3t Afjaiii si jf»iicc. ‘= -.a' i#.a : » L> 3 J> r I’ir ^ iSH »f I :;.>’'arco' ?;!•>-.3 t(j ai a/»Jajab,>r ^ L*' rs of Ai ui.a.stri^; ja on ta fi s.'., £>■'i .-Tts-d 1 u d, of Ga*rk3Lott, 3-uit Ot-.iir* ...reisf r'tfi noii-^ '> '.U perio-35 ’ fiving I.' .1 »;?8 l‘:e E •‘a*-.’ of ;ij3 dio '^sci, to pr.vint t a** da’7 '0 ■ .m ii* tiia* p-«’a3Pii>gJ i.w, r. i. 1 6j il ■ ■ 'io* Tul )3po^j‘d la oir oi •••r V.C3--: 7. ira I'j iho s%ld E? itj .t'X p' '.e rk‘> i'rnis iia - - .! B MAiiLEiT Ale I) rsiSr’- 12 18H1 93 3 O' M 3 MU . 1 I . _M t -1.- ,n : . .1 ,-i - b.v, « ’■i*' A;:; J o’- i.i* ’.'.aa 3lv3.-.->. ^triU soil 'Tirt Il3a43 'a v ■% .-r i'Orr '*N ». d 'CX)L C Tjesi Oisij will hs aj'..t t.ae o'lizM.s g>r.-?r*'*y S. E. JOll t’O?, K- l> c 10. , yi-'..»2» 4 4- M»iiAa aat)VE 5..->E il Oa, j miiiy xx •‘X >jri.}.’0'. ia Fi.'.ai.i^. .A \y aa? i3 ja- ■Ijy w !1 at* J tSiij au3i >-3r of baa is an 1 .a« prt'o tn?>y w II pay. Allreaa N. K vl.jLEO J, 0 r.'iait'*. 0. I>’Q 2 »i-*2tpl rSte Htisiuusr '¥)rtli €ira{iii:» ev/ FiyiltoTil'i .*.1 aliy>f. il Tnr3li«-.J »' 8^ o’ol'C’i A. :d , aul tTil'aii^ oa T ios'i;s *a ’ FrLts»ya %t ''P T. 8. _UrTER'-OH. yj OW iVejyroes to 11 ire9 .VN'D LlNiJ I’O llEXT. i'RE'’ab'’c-;a .. .\.IvaluU ”ic ^'aisaon" of -tv, .ii,o l j i/ili :» rj oa i,. Njgi'j.'.a Se- ba^' r ^ :V \ B v j m -V1,)NI)\Y i'm'. 2 i d»T .f ,Ua- IH)', (»r. f. ii l>t) r«»it*ai3 of :h9 siiJ .Aa«.n Riy, m (jAr-re.- drj.^i. \.U iorjiai wio airj *.-»a Sc^fo'a uirr.i *bi3 v^jr will iia?e ta^Ji ivt the pit33 of iiiriag cn .ue »b3V- . aj> '1^/, or 1x3/ Kill b.» ''.31! cj^pja'ibla. Tba pl^n M’n kniwi as tie 3%il Hill 3l',,T», or R'- -iieno", I 5 1> ud p'.aje, vii R Ti.‘r pi**ntv.io i, WiU be •. n 'd a: (vmj iial^ Tjrais at .-iilo. Ni^iLL RiV’. A^rn’r. D>flt2. 9J-4*?n p 3Rtlie “tiiuiagyear, .^g odCook, '^^s'lor »n I Irner; H aiao 4 Narjo aad II jus 3 Miii D.'c 14. ‘.1*/ 10 ‘S N. 3M1TH 93 i ' €oiatederaie Tax i^oiicc. [WILL I'tiui wita th3 4.s:«n-ir V 1.73 tfir if Oi \ M Oa-npbt!', fMoa Wein'aiiy Jaa 'arr 4>.*\ tj dtturUv Jnutry 21 t 1865. to riO’iiTe tlie Oiai'edarAts T*X3^ daa .lana^rv 1st ti-wit: Speoifii Tix, (^or Lio“nsc*;) Ttx on 8iVs f.jf t’io Qurt r on’Ia;? Dio’r Slat 1?64; T*s on Jaaom»j, Prcli a *ni 8,l*«c»; AJiili'5a>‘l T»x on P.oa'smiiobybuyiajf aod s$)ia^ ?t aay tim3 1st 18^3 ani Jaa’y lit 185S; .\d4itioaal Tax oa Pfit\'4 etojiiiftg iwaaty-QTs par ci;it f^aJ^ duriO'^ tu3 ye*r 1364 by aay oirp.iritioa o* oooipiDy. I woul! Old tu3 at'ea'.ton of djalars to the fjUowlng ext’-«.ni f»-oia '^at-ujtioas r»»oeivoi by m?: “f ^Tfa U ,s aru I'bw;' Ire,;i;:,6reip3r8.>aa t.i make qaart^ny r?'iira9 »f:er iha «x*^iratioa of » quartgr, and payment on th3 tax fa required .a b» m%'i^ (AaJ *■”»« R. W. HARDIE, OoUeoloc 221 Diat. N G. !>•« 10,1834. V2«2Ui Tlk.' }] It Pi>j,nh k '■ktch M 27.b r.f .j ^ \j J t?io i,' V ■ •. .. *■ iV! L .,*1 ; J; r ircn cl •> ’h lu -.aC '-.'slul .-'t. C' •• 7 n- tliin-i; i> y ■' ■. OA.s ] '• >'/ r tti/ciiii ~ (j' -t Rhjmmono, Lb'c i;> —fhdloliov^'if.g; ■■ ■ -,v d t '-d«; : — ‘‘liK.VIi'^LAllTbUH, AUMT Oi’ > uiil* s iroa,. Nss'.vJiftj Deo >i —Hon J,^s A S*id d>ni: —Ab^ u» 4 p ni. oa' tiic 80tii vv-o »:t«cktd the incmy at Franklin and drove tlvctu from ttieir onter walk i iato their inner li>;. s,'trhicli ♦hey evacuated d jrin? tho night, lea*^iag t.heir dct. 1 n'’d woandod m our pos es»ioQ, aad re-ircd to N lahvilie, olopcly pursued our cs"air). We captured hov'T"*.! Htin1s ol c"il»*Ta and a!>oi^t isoUvis. t_)uf troop.s fou^bt with ^rtst gal lantry. VV-' h^ve to bmenr. the losi of many ;rali»r.t oiEoert-ai»d Lrava mou. >(•. j Gen Ol.burr *-. iirii^. Git s. Jr.hc Williuu.3. -Xda -.s, Gist, Straal and Gr.nber.y wtre kiU>d Md,j G** ,Jol:i 1> ow;-, liriii tJS. ’urti;r, Ma:.i^"iul(. g iutilcs, C ckreli Hod S'.iott wore wuaaii. a iirijhea. Gordon n&t* c;»ptured Juh.n- ii ifouD, (ien’l.” A suoscfjUeDt tcl-'^ri fr m Gc) llo.'d taa& cur loc-n in c-iiiccrs WaS ■ xo._:'S’veiv lar^o aa compared ^?ith ou;' io.ss aitu From E'txt Te/in ssfe—Lv.\car>i to, i.»ec 1^. Fasffent'ers report & raid oa tii..- Vr-iuia and Tcancjsee read at Bri-tol. c iCLttiy poterod the tc.va Iti'i morning, and ctc»tro7cd-i'ODsiJcr*- ble (lUHutity ot GuV.Tiimfnt t-tores An •’n?in« ni.d on tb.o East T-'t-ti' ' e acd K;-Nrn oourd p^i'-sciijji ir tr-ia on tiie \ irgiui;. fe ia Ten- nc56«e ru.>d >• as captured bctvvoen I'lls'ol «iad A jutg.: n. No t;u?iiiv« iiittiii^-nee '1 t*e ene my's iii.:-.;bc-r-., J.ut ^appcs•od to oc five or six bou an^, 4 p- ~£i •! of whom are sa.ii \e; to ooou- f>y the I'laoe. /■V, oiu (h urjlu. — W:; le^rn fVooi -,r> by ■ he Soal 1 llailroad last evoa-u.- ihat \ Sj;bt tojL pJ;.Cc y>.» -.r Jay a: or no.r ifc" j 1 ■■•t-.m on li e (J v.rhitoa iS: Si.-juaai li K r.r.d tjia; t'i'.. iTiii 1 i.'.t *t V. kS u^>t dctinit‘ly «hat \v.*j 1I13 ;ciuli, bu: it is tliougiit to ..iy occn a severe jng.^*a;i^. T.i’. yauir-* I’jrv. indtr G : . Fjs'.vc-.a c^’port-ji it be Hu a 1 'lis - id. of .S;Tan.: n an i ' ^avii. eut.r ?ii Ai'j. Chi'ou. .SVm , lJt4 \.'i Jt in s itcd in ihe Au^u'ta papers of the lich, t>.at the Vi*nk3^d have possesjion of the Savanaah, Albany Gull railroad, and a’sj ot the Charles ton Savacuah ri.iiro'.id bridge over the 8avan- nih 1 iver. It was rumored ia Augusta on tbs l2:h, that Sacimaa bad demtadoi ttie sarreader of Sivaa- nah, which being refused, heavy fi^htin^ had been going on all day Sunday. The Georgia pa- pors seem to be oa&ioDt of our ability to hold th-3 city and defeii Sheraian. From ''CorjHX and Houth Carolina.—Satur day and bunday artillery firing on botn sides #.« iO‘ively kept up with more or less skirmishing Ttiero is no ohaoge ia the aspect of aUairs at oitucr of oar points since oar last issue. Kvery- thiaggoes oa ;roiI, and all lire in the best of s^ irus. T le Drightest pro.specis continue to prtsent thom- solves.—Sat}. H ptcbUan, 12f4. In the list of the woaaded in the Republican w-2 uad Irom North Carolina: Q VVatson, •)Oth; B. Sjl'ers, 0, who hai -iaco diei; J. 3. Hi»re, C, oGcn, foot; S 'rg’t N B .ker, F, 50ca, uortally; J. ii. l^oard, C, oO;h, nip. Tae Ciiarlosion Oourisr ioi'js that in the iightiag our Nortti Caro'iaa troops Lave groatly d.stm^uisfied tbems lves T1i*3 Meroury of tae 14th “learns from parties jdst trom Sivanaah that oa Si.ar ay atteraooa, Shei tuan mado throe distiact charges igaiu3*:oar ‘lae of works at a point r.bjut fire miles lioai '^uvaanal:, .‘ad about m>d .,ay b3twj.-a tae 0 jatril '.nd Gulf H.*llpa»ids timo, t'lc ymkee as v.alting Oolajia was rcpuU-d with h .>avy io!i» Toeir uearesL approach to our 1 jt titieat.o is w.kS wifhia a dis ancc ot ab >a' twj haidcjJ yu. is ‘ The Augusta pipers m'.'.atiou t iat S i-^’Jaa iiad possesdioa of :iie S.vaaaati, Albany aad Gait lli;lr...af, ^nitba* ytasces hid captured oaj '-1 the Gud p iS3c.ig3r trains ‘‘fhc enemy still holds his positioa at Coosaw- f atchie, bbout turoo quirtcrs of a mile from ihn Oaarlo::to’i and Savannah liailroad track. IIis -a>ter;es coatiau? tJ sue.l e ery passing train. ••Tiae H*ilroad bridge over the »Sivaanih.tivor h.is not bcaa burned, m was reported Tn-3 stra.'- 11.*c baraud was the long aad importaat trestle w >rk oa tUe Georgia side »»f tho Sivaaaai river * We learn that tho bridge-ovei the Ogeeohoo river has been djstroyad by our trojps. I. is be lieved that (ii jn. G. W. Saiith ia well post^*d oa tLtf othjr sido of the river, wit'i about 7,000 troops. ^‘The oity on Tuesday was full of rumors ot* va rious kinds Tho most trustworthy report roaches us via Hardejvilhj, and is to the otfeot that n«avy fighting was giiagoa at noon oa iijnday, n ar tba rao3 ojurso, whioh is only a fev milos iroaa Savannah, but that our men had nobly main- t-iinsd thoir pcisition and rcpulsad tlie enemy.” Tho Mercury of tho 15th says: — •‘S'acrmaa aeema, for tho present, to have abandoned th« dircct attack on Savannah and ap pears to be turalng his attoatioa to the redaction of the outworks. *‘We regret to anaoaaoo tho fall of Fort Mo- Alister Tbat post was oarriod early yesterday morning by assault, ia which a he»vf column of Sherman's best troops participat'd. It is believed that t* e enemy will next maka a desperate effort to gain possession of Genesis I'oiat. Wo have heard nn details of the asjault or of the cijualtics. “Along the line of tho Ciiarlcston and Savaa- oah Riilroad all o)n*^ioucs |aiet.” The Courier of tao Icir.'is that “the onemy made a dcaionstration on Savaaaah Tues day and were repulsed It is supjfisod to have bacn only a feelar. Gja. Harieo, iu a dispitah to Gea. H jauregard, d.^jd Swannah, Taesday, reports Qverythiag wjikiag woil " TAe Vitivsrs'ty m^Jotiag of the Trust'^os of the University was hold ia this oity on Sat urday last. Wtf aro proud to Ijarn that ihera was 3 strong aad dejilsd teaung miaif-i^t'il auaoug the T:apt'303 that ths exeroisji of tba iu- cititutiaa «iit be ooatiaasl ander all oirooia* ^9livis»a^.-~~JSakigk (7omrr>atM»c, 13A.

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