'( .. ■’i waa 'I'm-d c M t. til nv ii ; h. j, 1 *ee 1 i :’L'iuia -ir.: > oatcrod ■'I'asi ra- An n^’inc K ‘ I . i,er. . aiiv. \ t- ,e tive !>r is ' ' ' ‘-y ' ‘u: i j * *-■'7 ^ i?!i Ut t_. ,.:jv ; rim aCsir- at K - erj- yl Hfirirs. ;-3is;e ^0- 1 1 . '*) * ♦ VSfc- * 'I1--5 ►I ai V ui- y irt Me- ‘ r.iiiy iU .!1 il U ,i. V .1 ‘■}Ti V hiPc I 1 ,;tlil5. ; . itn- 4= -he r Tum- t'J inp 4L3h ’ ia.i i ij, rniHt’t',-j ou 8a‘- iit ihera iif'- 1 tQO ia- ciroam- sseFS! SUFS( Kl!'i'l^*N. o!‘ tlie S.-\V ■ kly Ob- f t";' U’l’fkl V>S- sl-.'^ r for cn I'.ioi'.ihp I lor a di3- ;te.l ii«. *A(: • nO' kic 1> ad ft'i •' : tsake: t'f . !'.r t p^:se ■*■ rf^ eiptf Wf^ ircr 1 ■ ivjinro !1. i’*'';' \rv t’t' l>'“t ; - : -.t. ' A I i « It- J ■ H'.-ln to h.is - h wn H'-U pr{.. paper ia ...;t ri }\, but !; ;>iv ‘ -V.. r A • , ?* of ' ‘hi i:«'3 ; m c. - uence of this trick will be confined to his own coun- snd^eople. Krerjwhfre else it will be eeorned. 1 he Hecond falsehood, open and iiaofMf.to all, con- siats in the declaration that the prisoners “are suf '. iog no privatioaa that appeal for relief to ohajitj, either at home or abroad.” Wo douot if such a bold aP3t>rti, n would ^ver have been true of prisoners of *. • held by any nation, at any period. It is uni- 'f^rsnllr kn' va to he unfrae of the present ooulcst, ■> I'l untruo, we tri'fly Admit, of the prioO; ".1 neld by ho h sideis; f\!;d i.othing out the mo. t complote dis- ti-'fr.i of 'ruth, aud indifference to his owa repnta- Uon rs u ».an au 1 a high official, could have iiiducod *■ 1. b«.'vvd,r ! to make snch a st‘i*"ni':nt. Thai, the Lpii.d States l.av-- uuiple ineana *br snpport of p'-isoi crg, i-; (lue, auJ as Wt 11 kno*7n aa it ia thjt ti’v Confeder. i-y i^ 6lraiUi;cd toi like means i> F!*p- port the yank‘’e prison'.'f:? he'd by it, uird Ihsii no oilier 00':,!..], r.it;o'i v*cu’u justify oursel^s to our- •el 'OK f- r 'he i- 'Iu; *0 ‘urui-h ;ich ariiple mc irs. A fcr aa ainu.'ii f! ng ;i' the Kn^li^h fi-r uoinj? *v "il t'H yanketv V’f>i a f> • .iv>Fl •..vr'py to U" i.liuw- u si..i t.> do, as ihej ha.’c dene f«-r CLi.'-iiri; 8, viz: oxcbaT’c thi»ir vvoCMipfi natnif-i;s spJ corn broDii 3 ■ nj^ nxi'he'■-,‘S f r ‘ 4(1^ ui-.'-a! j\t>4 • nrnva. in'i. ^ ■ '-'V i'-^ert'on that »i “i .‘.i, iij? i''.tervouuoa. •)'A oern tliV C ui-'.f 10 or l.'t h»vt r;' i p! r'ridflv. n^h; ti.it 11 irom 'uhe d.s • ■ J .1.1 I'lc'i of iic- ! 1 -oor, ’ ar.'J after a ridi- s inpr* aci ol v 'l-uty w.19 ^iU Mr. S"?T. d pre'‘uds that .■rl.i of rise ('o:;ffu •; jc c tr-is hi niciuo • ■ 1 ... 1 Wna- c^ii! urd hiS a-'.H-ia;cs ns »*n ■ i^- !'i ' 1K‘ k. o’A', tii'.'i .ti '.Vv'rto knew, hAt tiie ‘ ".IS i;ail. d t fou ;h >'it !.e C; '.-i :r an- p!^j:'uro :i! .1 e.ui.-.'uciion. We :i“c !; .li «iu>- i 'unv’f'd oil!'ow i L'i)vcr>':a-'-Til t '■-* :■ «i • iCa;, Vriuv;!: iiif tu':. .;:i I'll Lo'.h t :i' hi - . u' I-i; p|.iy Hf* e H'L'liod'y'illi re-.-es3ari-3 I ‘ I ^poi ru ■w vr L- >• iii.m N* 'll W' Oil. t ' ,‘tu:ni: “f I -' d ♦ He r iM bljoded ir.hu'*.t.'uity itr.-l 1' i> 6 l-.lfe-- Mr. Se.-;rid aU'i o.'.tatry ihr'--^hr.ut the m.i') c;*L r-'ud it witaout d'.--.>; no 8e;j-ib!f iU.ia :•»*■-Mr sS ard h id so lii'io t-i ■ iT ' V uuJ i: .:!in*r, as thai =0 -x- :■ > ;u '•v :.Tn;. inp* 'C r' r .xrd i i t: ,1U.^ ..I Atlanta. '1" :■ At tue lui.n. pr ; 'il!'. d '• ,U f-ii.r ir b.r t )0, t .at tru- f>ir' a* S’e.ili ljj ? lf;i ^ :bl- - -'crtv v,ai ..ti I ier?, =acU ua op; rt ; ;ty t v :. ane a ' ■: eTi-j'v, iLiltiti the piv'b» u iaiu ;f . J U ' ^ i: : C'.-_ . ■; ' a ‘ : 0. ..tired i ■ -.v?: ot li ; i. ..V hiii? r.%: ■ - • ■fSavasaah. Vy’.- ’■ .bl U'. ’ ihi? .imoiiicyr r... and outrun- d woui-. n. alo =>4 uer' p D’ ;:y au urtn ’0 ?ir.k“ :vifa Est mo rjihlessi burbari ns. ae S '"th'rn news i' h:L*';ly ia'vr^ y- kee?. upp rrnlly convi_c ■ 1 by d t* "peact;” resolaiions ot Mr. Loan, at tae work of rubju.'-a'.Ii i» aijuui •■ ■.•' ' - .era to be bent oc p:m*iliintr I'lugla id. L th.;ui 20 ahead. Ijv a!i laeois. Our "‘ii be ?'i- n'ostas equally divided a? tl'.use of thj Wwii.in '.j i’;-o light between her huj»aud ^nd the boar - • A Lettes from SGw.vaD.—Anfji.' ail the writ ings of tJiJ politic:.'! hack, h hare p:ner,.i!iy been distineaiehed for plan ibilit/ and ca.’»ioir, we doabt if luxj wiil go do?ra to poatcrirj w*tasa iii a savor aa the following It i.i ! ■ rep'.y to i’ 1 - oatioQ of Lord WharncLffi.; and » t b.*, cv i,f'at Enr’lisbmen, who a3k-*d t» be'p *r.ni.t’t-a i ,• .1. - Oonf-'dera-e priionc-rs in the -‘f clothing, Ac. purchased ;JlT ) i i troff the bazaar Utely he’.d m L: M' -ci. I: ’he application, they h^id hr -n i\;rx;fv. t d*-.ivu.v uii/ intention of giving ‘•political aid." or "aa l uputa.iou -.hat rebel prieoners are dep % .'tid of ea Ji ut .^i mous .18 the ord.uary rules eujom:" }!r. Sfwiri te Mr Aiim . L F }: L»Eh-\Ui ^EST St ub, '''A'iu:' - ^'ir: 1 have rt'Celvtd yoa- 'iO"!'!* ■ vemb.-r, No S"7. wU lioned, viz: s copy of a I.-: r vou on the 1 -’tu ot > tV‘ iuutr i.ni’ a 'Py "f > ••. 'iiform L'jrd L.irui'Uif ’ tna’ I hi- oouimit* d« !■> ' a tHiaed in the mi.Uary itit und to di=tri:uU u!n"ii:r « f British !^..ld li I ^ jur c>rre--pon ’- :ce t ^ hrtt correspon!v:‘:*' V' ..i : • I-a Una it tno A(^i,-ricar. j>u.- '.. iiile th'i Unit“d -Stal -- ! - j.i.rtof pri-xDiT-. rt- w a- ! lb ■ A'ar in A’nioh ih-y !.f -o Mindly rur’.ii.-d ' “i’ YaN! . F. -v ?•. I 1 u kp; !>;: - \Ve I'.avc uouucd cl>.* •'1 fro i'- ’•.'•'.‘r ■■! .Mr. o- vard to i.ord b:U ’ ■diph'iu u y :;a-i j pr.?se.”';d a sud luore • -.''rdi-iary pr>^.iuciio;i, in a very I ’ug |.'tt.*r frriii .1 :’!!■ t; Wi,‘* f r.uoi'Iy Eiicor ot the York (.’'jurior r.ad Jl-iquirer. no.v U. .Miii-tor to Brazil. We h.\ve not rOi);a for ii ea*'re. 1* an .-isrter to :he IJr.iz-iian 8eiT-t iry of Staie, who inid called ii'3 •'■tt*;r»>.io;i tJ^a.- viola-ioa of th^ sov« i'ei>:a- .y of Bnz.l by ihc capture of tiie Fjorda in th?.' port ('I iJnh;:i .Mr. Wobb says his govcrnrnjrii- in? sis that iho hid no na'ionr.lity aad wa'! to aii inteii.s t'iid i.^’irposcs a pirat". That thi.^ is no’ trno, i-i rr-dni'o.at ff .!!i t:ii' ?reatmonl of tin p.ucer.s and ;neu c ip ur ■ i oil he Flf'rida. If they wpirate?, the U. >uid ii.>ng I i*>m. of ;nit ih.-y da-'-no*. d m i*, ht . uu^p'hey are no?^ n:%.*’!=, aud Ue>^ ause rdl ni ui- i.hiJ would nppiiij'i ret-'.'ia‘ion w’lu a wouM be : 'are to f Uo'v' They dciaand of Kiu’liviid and Hra- t> ?r:-at t^’.e F':on’a as a rira’e. wheti liii j th-rn- ■; U'03 car? uot. ^ Bu«: Ti*-.. i? th^- w:i >!o lo'ir !*■'* .• i.; dc-v f! to ha- o of K :;r!and f.«r hivi )^. tiii^r^n (]ay.s aft- r Fhe i. ard of the rebelliou, roc^'gaized ho rebels as a> belli'ercr.t power, thus giv!n>; ih’m avoasti the i’.irf,f (i; ut Britain, and doi^ruding the T'jited au'j jh ird to d > that] to the level of th-. afo“os.\'d it bEb. • Ta:s act of the British govermient (stvys Wubai WAS a3 nrii h a ra-u - ai wjuld h»ve b> -:n Y.'' recognitija of th-. indop'ind:“aco and iox- .e'.'u’y ot .b.'? 30-callcd Ooaudna:-; b‘ ’ s. It '■■a !-’l a .ii.i, Blioiably h*,’--.- b.?ea so cj..ii h:r-d, f r ani ^ .1 .d o'.acr Kirop.-au Powers had not mnie- . ’.y . a'^t.i.U.^d U’.t^ ,U..-l.-»tic=; ■ K-;_;,-la::,l, to vriii.jh i>r.\zil also, ai ai pi'-iole. ~ re h:*r ~a .., >n aad approva'. ” An.l a:-a.'Srms tiia.i tn's ra; do.1C for the p’.;"p:>se of p - 'iv ,■>' / ni ;--.s" .-f car;yn-' :rad.-. ( i riMiilt h-'.5 .lideed foiiow..-.?, SO -nac.a tii i;i. iaiu.-'.re iVwer which, within fifteen dara after bein^ Infoi of th« r«*l^lHon in the Unitedf States, eneourtu^ reb-le by granting tl»em belligerent rights,—['^fny th?n-«iake such au “accident'’ happen in an English po) —an act which lisr people approved of and which rebels considered as calculAtel to bring upon us all flvils which have siuce resulted fi-om it, and which migi have brought about the (.liBSoluUon of the Amcricatt U nion Thus r‘plyitvg to the note of your Excellency, and ac cepting as fact'? the statements of which the underpinned ha- no knowlfdge, the undersigned very frankly, in his owQ n«ine, auil al-?«> ir. behalf of his governmeut, under Ihp circumstances alri sdy- stot ;d, disavows, with all his f'^rce, tii« capture of the pirat«t Floriila in the waters of BrazH * » « In the p»rfoct conviction that the governnjcnt of the Unit.e>i .States will proiti'.tty do all f hat ij» conKistwt with its j>ro(>er li}rDi'y »ml the li'^nor and dignity of Br izi'— [liie Liuted Stat.s Im.- ii t •‘f)r-.naptly'’ done anything of ihe kind I—the un lcr-lijned a^ks yam' Excellency to ex- I'use tills ha.sty note and rtn«vwj the eii)ressiou of his dis- tini;ln^lled c«'iiaideraLion. ■TAMES WATSON Tbia beliic030 letter of the renov/ued Webb, bo full I ■ humiliatingi'onfes.sions of cowardicR or feebls- aes.s of his couctry, and of indiscreet blabbing of i-3 !^cl!n?.s against Kii rloud, ha3 caused a stir ia both Knrlard and the United States. Tue Loudon T:»n»’.a (1 -ya of i',— ■ it s f' rtuuatc for thrip^f'oo «f the wovH thai the bin^- “!t ti"U'a is no* ciV'il® niov.d ijy uuspeijiiy lar.jiuagc,. t. cO'I'.- I \v t'> ri'>ist-ii!Ci to avts of wrone, ■ -'• I ii jw Vf, cSensiv*', ir, p?sa by without r gard^”' Tho N' York Herald, the old enemj of Webb, mtilcrs he iadiKcretioa of the latter the taoro appa- r» by eJ.'ctip^ to fcupp».3o his • vmx; uad were iiicliaou to w ilf ve it eoch,'bat that it is not ?: e.ident from the cooiments of the London i'un 8 It i.; but a preiiitunn^ t’xplosion ofthft pent- ■! - wrath of Mu* ’,:iokcc.i, wL'ch wiH be ery certam to n suit j3 i, atile at is it tlwy shoaid ever gv't out vif ibei" prf-:^i nt tiou' les with ‘?ho!ebonoa. Th« dis- ' ll rgj f ■}'♦• raiders f'oia Usa/di- up'- a Vermont, uy '';f‘ ^.'nnrt. agains' tha indignant remcn- l. '^cc of tho U. ;•>. atto'-noj, wil! add to the bitter- of t’cllrir FyL'ir.t biKpla sd, particularly au the .: >cL'a:,,:e w.ts gc. cit'd i*y cheers froiu luvi audience ia tijv (,’onrl. W'e sUali uot be sarpriaed to eee a rc.'iluttofy raid iato Cauttda !roi:i ihu border iit«te3> a.'jn'ed r»y.Sewards aud Webbs letters and this d -• It wouid be in keeping with tao Florida . . ;r. and uv/re!/r'ltioipate t-;r ;*t:-;od f-.-r t'-C “war vl'ich aU yankcedom e>^idenily nienns *o wagj apoa Ki.'oand when able to do so. We truat thoy will go and that at oa,'>e. It will be s'en that one prcUniaary pt*^p has been t:-keii in the yankeo L'on- grc>s3. bj giving Fugland notice of a datorniiuatioa to iuerea.i tli.' naval force ..a liie li.i'sos which sepa rate t'ajada from the Caiied Siatt^s. M a. Ashk—We were asvare that I'u,* H I'tiOB. S. Aiae bud ('-!ab!i?hed a:i eaviabl^ rep itation i;» Ootjgress duiiiijj his two years’ S'^rvic ^ there. The 'ollo^’ng paragt’aph from th-:> ii::hui>'id Wnig is ouo f-Ti.leaco of the fact; ■Mr. A.-h.'. th.^ n *w .Ser.ator, w a nieui ''er (il h'* l*rovi- ior vi Congrc-'S-*, and "iriU r»e r-^collected as ^he un3.ico’'^.jfdl c mpptit '.r ot .VI'. t’nn^liiia, la 110 7*h n.sTlct. li rr^prci^ri' >i by J. M. ij'-a^jli, \t!i ) W.13 ‘ d il'{i:a ■: oi Cu i3tua, deceased. Mr. .V.ib. w:-^. Otforo the war. nn o'd line Whig, aud is horoiighiy With the I’onf’od -racy in i s stra Ti?ie lor iudependenop .Mr. Ash ■ :s a geatlemaa of ^ue at- '.ain.nents and ta«i higlie-^t charafter." o! he Ud *ed .-states aud ih* b-'jf*u. of Kac:' an in th- Florida j.y-i that •y L- c n-'f’iaen. e of the ,>r-'da’',ta.=i aid o::;"?r i_'o'ifed2rat- ) VA i, u-i^ aJ of b-;‘ing a be'l .’■;-rent power wo are "oniy u ii.iiia 01 I'.'Oe.. 'u- i"a'■ or-s." never S''t.nr-;"0!i !r-m tbe C : 'd rt'i.- - He 1,. 'il:.s Bri*;'* ; b.- .. iiijgh:-.' ■S._ -rot.iry of Slat * a *-, sij.- -j:;ly ro.-.,*7i z ■ : a !: N'. r - -.' ■■oJcau.-te i ij tiio c'^ljin ot i .vzii m V a nolicy 'n ’,fc raaac ^ wita r'lo' r.'--jvr,i r ,j Ki'-peia As m ia’, ij - b - .1 II ) ;.i ud O-’ wdi .'i H 'si'iTAi. Funds.—D’ 1’. E. li;io‘s, 0. S. Medi al i>iroct(,>V f.jr .North Carolina, h..viug charge of all tiif iluspiiais and W.»y-side Himes in th^s Scate, stat.-s, thr .ugh he Iltleigh Coriiederate, that •be Confcdjrate Governui‘ufhas made very liberul provi-siu'' for the sick and wounded in thoie ia?'.ita- *.oc3, in fact, ha« done all that moaey can dj for ■.ueia. E/ery month .shr>v.'3 an uuexpeoded balance %•-»» In ih? lowest to Sl4,7l)"2 in the bigbe->l. But, suys he. ■•money cannot p-arjhase mauy delicacies, because they are not to be had, nor can it purchase the he'r.cg 0 dacu.c. g*iitle words and syrapatnetic a r^.iitioas ot the ladie.-, which have done so much to add : ' Ui« cOiT'fori and to chear up our sick aad woun lt d soldiers.’’ EE4L ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CARtWNA. . Eal^igh papers furnish nothing in addititfr to our «);rvnd«QlVaccount of \V#d!'>cs'lay’inroree(^^g8'n tho Gb«^er except the Senate vote ou ^r. Po^^l’f" «” roiolutions. Tbesn having come uW^'r Speight to l»y thca OB tho table, wbich w»* doue by the log vote;ir- ''' —Messrs. Ayoock, Berry. Bryson, Court‘d, Orurap. fiUis, Grfler, ^all, Kirbj. Lindsay, Long, Mcf/orKle, Mc- Kiwb- rn, Mill- ri Pitobford, I’owoll. Snii^.i.^^peight, Tay lor,-V/ard. Whitford, ’• ig^’ns. V.'rigii^ VVyune—2-f. MpfW's. Adams, .Arei)dell,BsiclQV.Blo^art,Rogle. Dick, il'^riao, Jones, La,“slfer, Vaui, .^arch. Odom, Fftt- t-r>«a, futicii, Pool, Handers, Siv«r.d Siraughu, Warreu —■20 • iff. Berry mu^e'^ to re''on“'^r thi« vote. Mr. ^in ’my moved to la^ t’iis luotioT outhetab’e, aud called fjpr the aye.« and noia. Tr«'re ocin? a tre, 22 to 22. tfe«j molion wts aot a*^re«;d lo by the ^pi*aker'a cast- itg rote. 'ihe qu'jftJou ih-'-u Meiog on Mr. Berry ’s motion to re- couidder, it was to, by veu- 22, uayfi 23. fc'o tbe rcsolu'oa*'.vcL^ t.tnl'(’. lu tbQ h^'^uat^on Tluirsdly, bills *0 iticorporato t^n tJraub.yy li''ny^frorkH, to p;*y fcouut'. t-' FolJitrs and al- iow tb Ju>^r Ber^-nj,es the r rnlar military bou .ty, V)iir.s«4'tbei^hird readings. Aco ■;n.tt >.■ roportel that io Ihe yf jjjg Snb’'erae C ii* it was not b orally aec ss^. Piat the Lcg-slature sbouiil b'^ in t=e?Hion at th» G^^^er'ior’iiuai’giiratioQ; aud liUnih r iu favor of adjourn- uieji^ fro-t^e 2?,d ;■ st. lo tbe t^t M>->sdaj i-’ Msrr.ti a^xt. >'la tb ^a>o ;H, o^^ '..'(sdneFd - v nioti*. iinn>*r a susi? 11- '^i- !'. (if theR'ilt*? by >fr. Sli^pbt-rd'a it’otic:;, tli- Kevfuu? bill pa’fd.fis 3d reeding, r*4 to 21, ni' to b.-v,--: — ffi;s ■ I'-rs. Aljisi’f!, Al'sion, Au»t-j. B-srt?-. Bt*um, Bo^iiBrya.), Cabo, t'a de vil, -.'f !■’ ita^r. foid, «'’a^jjB'obb, fJr&taor.Crav**or ;rt' ico,v'..i.r'.t'ii'vtord if ayi^’ fct ingbaui. fJargm, Oav'.^ i'acTax l>v'W of Frte j5».'v':e, En'oo. i-jrwin, Faison. Faiin /. Gib « liir'^udii-‘r. Hivilev, iT»rri*. F.»rr or- •/ Ii ‘f‘- -.dr^ ^»t—fr, rnmrvrc, MoL"au, U^r'uoy. Patt‘*rson, Pe.ttoc. I’nillips, Pow"Tl, :\eiiiha>'d-, jd’pbcrd, Shi; p. ^■Initj of f..’r\birras, i-'nii’b of D^i. tic, .Si-.uoill. v'.iro.-^r aud \'-oot'”i- Nays At'h^'wc^l^.. ii/.nk', U'.v. 151 .ir, Cars>u 'f *-lex^’.tid*'()','r.ii"t*, -V J "'-ad n. H ,Ucn. Hcrt'ia of ''atau.’u. *b.ita.i o,’ ■»Vilke-' Joh'i? )p. Ij'iw.-. Lyl.;, .\Jc.\b;ii, McViitoi. ilurrill biuanoa . -laith of Joli lugli aod 'iiVii -(ler—•>!. (.'a T lUr.'Uu.i. tua llo'.is- allo-v-.'d -■•-•r?. I.ov>. M;-- f'ormli,;; ‘(iri-r (iit’b■_■) ii d V-:--r• H'a’.-nv.. •V i'-'ni, V,oa(i ot IJci-ti.' 15o;dc. Gtt"?’. ('U! o-,-r.-. Jic'- !i Tt. li.,1 •/, Ri'Mick, a i-l Uo.-''r:‘. (i, iiMiiv -) to !■• cord tti il* ou t’.'c liiial va-sj;.:- 01 l!i‘- .’■■'v. i;u« 1)^1!;' !•{ ai'tcu '' - a-i v Johii i. :i, -n.i V.’i*v;er-^|^runtivf-) iiu.l M AH.-to- .1 I ..an (a ijuti >■) to re'i-’d ih ir .ot • ■ u'i\ .'iibcrt cor/'ti rti-oiijtiou.^. ') Le 0:1 adj-j.i, rc- fHir'i.i! i?., Ih'*-rf*'ua.t', t-!',t tu.; struck out the ii.it «ub:-titu\,l :lic il't i uU ili'j .! ad Jo-’i: ;.iu‘-!it. *'l -A TO bad oil j'ji t b-ilti.il, !%r (t-v.»r:io:-> couu.;il M!i rrilves^; J 'I'ru-'a-C'. K>. i!t uoi iiiC •» I . t le , Oil l- flu.y. ii.-vor.U'.: bi'.l w .> .-n- iv- d f'om th.i lijus,'; Hid pul. m it-' Ir-f rcid u-^. i-lr. I’-.o! 'hL,a;;ht hi; p^vv a l:L^JJ■J8ilioa to jujsU tbis bill. rtK-r.ii «s ■)t all otlicri, and he w«i oi'[)-d ■.•i it, f-i'f he k ;';w .-00a as it 'A i». (li.-p «. ll oI au aujoi.riiin-:*!!' w ■ulj b c me prac’ica'.le. lie wa;jt'.-d -o'ti luiug douc l-.ir th,. • if tbi* Stat«, j'ld to W\o«v if w r.- lo b i\v a ir'ic'i \y- fore votinj; TOUO.tJJOio $l(_,or)().in)i) f.jr it^ c.-p'-= ■ r. Sifiggina toalj .uiu to ^avoexp.MW-. bu: ,-.oubI not vs> home -0 lopg ■>'> riy i jiportint tuiVmi.-. ! u; tbi. d. • r. Courts a:*» lie did ur.t car.' to -ta / ;i re b.i iisleu 'o dvauada’ljus 0} tl;c ..uiL-'rit;-s .r.* ibck tjouglit the r v> uueb tl of s*'cni’dary iinpO'.-ta'icM. I^Sberty w i- lu aaag'-r frutii tiepi'ti’is tu.'uiy hbroa-’ar.d tr-mencfo'.ch- uitf.ut? of po v.r et bom.-, and h" w.un- i . in i] nf t..r lio rt.'. it was propo-.-d t,> gi e up ihc St it; troop-^, ’osu^poud hama? corpuf", to iiave prop'ri? i'/:p!' A 3. Sj.-nrtai!g list b-„- d->urt to 1 f-.-iil t;.-‘.S'• ho.Ti .tie?''things, ; IT niue-l.vubs ol it.-i 1.^ C-ivii tor iudepeud ■ c«.'1: *bey coaid t'o'. h.i It- jity. ..ill m .(t fbe oril^^r for .'•! 'Ulaf - veai.' g. lu the Co;u a>u* o.iTaui-iJiy eveaiu^. \ii-.Caitfr w;v al'o«'d to )i'd hiii Vi.wc ia favor of the rev..nu..- bill. Jtht-r fiusi;:-' •'•■as forui.il. >nFriJay t wa.-ar.nuarced tb:i ib-^ars. N. L \' ".- • M'Ur. \ t is\-r ,nil I’, irl. "iu.-;' n, Jr., w re vb-. tcd if lin‘ (i. vi-ru r's 'oiiii ui. a ;■! '. F I’liillio^ a L'nivei-j'- 'V i'ru-t c. ilr Me.\i!ei (Ttn d a ror’j1 jtion thaL tlu- i-A^r j-n.t t tb.j f.-t^si-ieat ag liii^t lo> trc-al.j-.-Ti! uf l.tve^ c -nscr'- ed -m. Vv -lmiogton. r. Mi.-pb-rii, a r - lutior. of ia juiry ‘‘wii. iher aay k-j;iblatijn caa be l.ipttd I > 'S. the wives un 1 famila-; o^' s d-ljers from .l.ug Tni- toli "J v> l-.ld ,0 i;.o if K:i r!a d ^.^i.0 1 i. ati'HiS I i;.it ‘■1-F “ ; le or aoi roa 1. , Tl.:: .in: •et Itia; the earn t o- 1 a- ►> of bu' iiii tv I- -. bii'b U . ^,!V)l = r . vcd ir ; il t‘i' e 1 '■! ■■ -■ ft. - anil n: lanilions ot -.var 1 f: -ra' und ener'.’ .Ui.^ ,.or tiou of the ni.-ri' -ui I"- ill. -um thu^ os U;Ltaii-.-u-iy 1- lar ! inrur ;^,.*ntS H.- '• ti -il N I '.a-’ iiioi and de- ' itio v, ■ > ; . : ■ r>'tr i'^*d by Bi’iii 't ;w : •_ ■- . i tie Stat-'.‘, wliii-b ii.ao**- v. i'--- > 0 ^ jo-.. , )iai’0>. tii-.illy, ' •“ o : ' o « aV doiu-jtio .. i. ••! '»«••«•; ••» i ; dl t» rf ‘ .dl Ui.i wa-niii.; ' f ' ' Fi •' ■ - ■ i.in>;ted t ='.V » ‘ * 'y i'ic dai 4eiiiauji-ly - .c.i'’i.iii f ; 'i . . • ('.) n.t think t;.»-i 'a.-,;c-n o.-- : - . ’h"iigb ; -y .'o ,i.v •'■01 i i O' Hlty rt -d pjfrio’;^;;!. 1 bi .« t i-i :•■ * --)U" I- ,;iT they vvil! r- j-ii. .' i'i i •-* .■Oi.'i>i’'i kte :ui'! l-iyd trov n .a -n b ui ; vhich Lord VV'b o ii'.Ii'f'- ar i jo i.:.; % : i or ihf. ■iv('r>brM V ..f ?'i« i .»» ■>! ' . i • i for the victims of tiiis un?^.0.0!-:.' • i-J i -^" =' I am, -ir, your ob -di.-a- va..f. ’Vh.li.\m H. The world has 9eldo;n hid su,;li ■ .oii'emplatiou A De'tt'"^' p' h 'lyinpatbics moved by tbe a..-i-a it:-, cv kces thp.i'^elvos, of the suir-.iu .rs oi • ’ yaakec pr.sons, and t>c*--;t;i- -h • ;i^ 1 !ne'*n8 to relieve some of tb;j.'e si;* •■v. sii al sufT r;ng8 of cold to 1 li*iU'.;iir—a., tu ’y n . .’o do^abdess done m many cas s ”3 h ir o=^n .o • ol^er countries, instead of fc^lia!7 a l'Io v of s r k -xe-ioD at such an exhibition of him liiy: i..-, • ol ofj d.-- ing at tbp rHief thus to be afford-d to tn-:‘n wuofc lot is hard at the brs(; th-3 govornmea* oi a iiution—gre.it in po-ivcr at b-asL-torus upou lb>* . bmtab*le Eugl shmcn »ith fcrooit,-, ins'ilis ti-em with all sorts of false pre?cncoH, and llatly refuses to allow them to do t .cir purpo.'!ed m.t o: bcaevu!e,u->'. Hia tlrs.t false p.-etence ia ih iti' was inV odcd to di'«tributo “.-^e7cutecn Ih'.u.saud pouads of Brilish ;rold” among the pr.souer.». Mr. Si,%v.ird was iu- tormed that it .vas cot li.-itish gold, ba?- bbankets and BOcks and other warai clothiag, that were to be ■listriouted aui30g the gutlerers. liut Mr. oeward luuged in the iiritish f^dld tor effoct upjU The sove- ' r^igD8 at borne, die has a vivid recoiioction of the potency upon the ignorant, in past politic:il con tents, of the term “British gold,” and so, instead of on cCK :• :3t. - , ;b» )a > a ! - i a: ^ , r,^.: ■ r-‘i- b- -1 I m >re oU ot til’ 0'7n, bat ta-nol; a in.4it.jr of (-, 0(U ti '3 ♦ ) th> hi' /."■/ ' :v\ \ ■ uirn cl /, uo* "i-'ag ; • •i t. .iin. ,r. t'v lo:'.'’ li !t for in.-^ ro ■ = ' " ;.iys *h‘ )olb ot wo ! ha : tiiuu t'A-) y rurs fig ■>, n bat a ;'.ti.o t!.e r o. V /.-I has - . i«e. 'I’;-; t'.df J ‘ ^ i . >i’ Br.iZ ' ’o \ok;t ■ o ; \-r '! r . t; a-d(. »Oi is w-h li J 1 . ■ V. dted rf ; _b roc ' ;r 'I •. W \ _ s'lp- .-ur ■■wn ; 1 in A Hard Maki h.— I’n ■ Petersburg H’cprcss says oat : • pursuit of the Belli Id raiders was one of the s.j'.-eres* marches to wmch vien. A. P. HiU’s .v^rps has ever been exp>s-jd. I' wa* through snow, thaw, !aen and ihc mv.'ns-* c-;dd of last week. Thay wcr:' not well pre,*arod, au l huff-red S2v rely. A ! ; ter fr.m at; otlicer of Liue’s Brigade, recei7- «-d by -s thi; m .rmng, cjutinu.^ this aecouat. In W v-3 ^ ■,)i..> of 'ho wca ht;r, atjout l*t» miies was marchr>d ;n five da*s. I'itj weith>r haj m-,)d•.'•atcd, and the oriijade in cojuforraoie v.iaUir quarters —ihe c:i- my m sig.it, fro'.n half a .Titl • 1#-a mile d; t tat. flcicntly horrible, among them the murdering loid tralp- wa a husltand in the very pre*ence of his wi|ie, and the robfdng five cou'ccutive times of a poor, jinprotected wid'‘w. la the °enate on Saturday, Mr. Wright^rom the joint committee on im[H>rtation of goods, etc, imported resol a- tioDs instructing the State ('ongrassJoijfel delegation to prot«4 against the present reetrictiony on the commer cial op rations of th« State, and to “cliim and Insist” on payment ^or (1>« Ad Vance; also a resoiUti«>n recommend- i'-g ■■'. F. I’hillips, Esq, a«il commissioner to investigaf^ the blocK»-(ie operations of the State gteaaiera. On this srcncral subject it may be mentioiK^-^Jjat 20,000 pairs of shoes and an immense quantity of'cloth and other stores are now at the Islands waititig chance to enter, if the State vessels will be permitted/ to bring th>m in. It is not cxpected that a single din^ will fver be obtained for the A'l-Vance, though tlio cgtomittee state tbat she was la».t by her coal being uiilnwfully T:aken for the Talla- h'a.«8''e. / Mr. fourts moved no person be recommended for a Magifitracy not ofherwi/e exempt; which Mr. ( dom moi'ed t'» amend «o a.‘» to exclude oJficers of tho Home Guards fr^'iu nominatioti. Mr. Arendell moved to table both. Not agreed tt), by 10 to ?S. Mr. 1‘obl then moved' to strike out Mr Odom’s amendment. X arried by .V? to 18, and ibe rrsolutifm passed by 23 !•.> 18. In Ihe HoifflC, Ix'TOBcl the nominatmn of Magistrfttes—4*27 of’em all in a row—nothing of ifteiest wjw done save the reporting of a r foluti-m t’e.rying the Gov’t of Virginia the privi- Ipge of usiri^ the State rail roads till ue allow the State salt at- ‘-altrillo, Va, to ba taken away. Ir the Sup'^i mo Court nothing of ••pe'’ial imporfaace iii oa dockot for this term. T. P. 1 Our correspondent’s re}>oi*i, of proceedings notrtc'd.] A l^'tte-r from an occasional ‘cxsrrcspondent at llaleigh nay.'i ■i HIM vcrv 5‘orrv ^osw'o'w* ranch partYexcitement-bwe. I ii-rtr •«'T--'iv'(o Ixf 111) atj .tomont of it. althougli the coun try IS now uu^ej-t^fli ift that fiery ordeal from which sill. Ipiioritur all pa'-tv M-ifi- ftu.l political ilivinious. t-hr»ulil ill heart m»uI tu c-oue i‘ iiacce“-^fu ly,*v> 1 oIh^'o t*.» Ooi'.l 'Jei tcy. n-ii!ii-d t>y saii';ringau.i tLe.s>f.’^t tr alr. •.inoiit-' th“ natio ». of tin* earth free frc-m the inllucuce or ;;oa.;ol of yankcc dcspo!if»n and f.nu-lty There was great excil*-ii^-Dt in thi.‘ .'^•■nati; when Mr Po- l'« i’eace Ke'-ohitioiis wi,T“ la'd apon the fable. After the re-uli Nia-H'-iioaiiCed the Senate adjourued until u-;Xt. day, tn'- ■ •i^ .,,ti.,,:y -jnCL ed lo.' I:.'; irausa-Jtion of ba.-rbK-i^s I th ilk the I.-.'isla’ure wdl a-ij-'uru .- unc dt^ iicxt^veek, tu ii.eot again, but at what p'!i'i...d is cxir uicly uticcr- t ia,’’ Frorih .V/rArtiovi/—>,'o*hit}r worlijy ot cotice has occurr-»i on th'* Tiibfart? lines nor'h of the James river Fou'-iifiii.s of Grant’s army is now on the south ?i'!e. On the iirre'^ north of thp Appomattox ■ill interco’ir?e botweea the pickets of the two ar- tiues has been stopped by peremptory orde.s from ilieir respective g uci'als Warren's troops, during their errpodition to, nud retu-n from, lieUfiold, treat ed the country peoole with tlic harshness and oruel- tv no?" ccmiiiouly pra(;ticed by yaakee raider?. .\foet of lac dwelliag-houses on their route were burnt, and the owners be.aten and otherwise mal treated. As the raiders were much more navage on t'litir rarreul iii»a on their outward trip, it is ti be presumed they sought to punish the defence!e-'= country people for the injury inflicted on themselves oy xen. Hampton’s bold troopers. . liichiiiomi Pihpatck, 15'/i. The from 'Jr-uH^-iS-^e ‘ S. IF. Virnimn. —A*'ier leaviag Bri.stol fas eb-; .vher:i rep^rf.^J.J the en-my advanced np the railroad towards .-\.b.L;g- d-f.i, v.'hich, we pre^nuie, tell into *h?iv htau Jr. th.mgh we have no inforamtaoa of tue fact. Tiie next we h*ar of th-m th-y had, at 9 o'clock yesterday moru- iug, pjan d do-va >;■. ‘jlade ripr ug, a d -ot on ih .- railroad, li^ miles this side of Abingdon taking evi;'-y one tnore by ?urpris? aud cap'^uriag all of tha rfid- roatt employoea except one, who maa.. to eac.tpo to teii the • lie. At la-^t, accouutp, the enemy were pn;h’’ng uo the ra-iroad in ih*^ diret tion ot Marion, ■rhi ih IS 21 m los thi.n side ot Alingdoa. 'i''ui.^ is s. ’•aid in Breckinr dge's rear. I’he raiders, Ic'.ving h's f.irces somewhere in the neighborhood of Knox- vi'V, cam? up ib“ norr.b ai ie of if.e Ilolston river aud crr.ssea ovjr to Brutol. If unctieckcd, it is t* ^ T JL. BJ «■!* A *» »* »«>\>aTg Of TCi A^*OOlA'fl-a« Fro-n (h^ U'iifd —RIQ.M0ND, Dec 18.—U s ^P'th of. the 15th coBtain an official dispatch from'ffil’. ton Head, dated the 12th in.t., which savs that General How«rd, comm«nding Pherman’s right wing, had coto- mimicated with Poster, Howard’s chief of scouts haviag de?cerdw the Ogechee m a small boat and then worked his way ink) our (yankec) left the army on the 9th and brought a dispatch from Howard statinu- that so fur perfect success had marked their campaign and that the troops were in fine spirits ITashvil'e dat*s are to the 13th. Nothing of import ance had occurred. Gen Lyon, (Confederate) is march ing on Russellville, L'gan Coun*y, Kentucky. In the Senate, on the 14 th, Mr. Chandler of Michigan offered resolutions denouncing the release cf the ?JL A I- bans raider* by the Canadian ourts. aud authoriziiisrV orL'-anizatlon of an army owps for tho pin Nortl^ern frontier from incursions by re parties. He also introduced a series of reeling the Secretary- of State to demand Government payment in full t^v all In destroyed by piratical [Confederate};^^)* EngM'h port?. The reso lutions laid 4>yei^ fn this house, the Senate bill authorising, of ♦» revenue ctttters for servio* ^ the I' was psssed. In cemmilteo of of New York made a long upeu nerrotiations for jieaoi. , . Oc-n. Dix lias issued ofi&r ^^-OQP^qi^irccof ti?fe dtu- chnrga of the «t..Albajft r*5JeL-.military- commander on the frontiei*/ ^^Veat of a similar raid, topnrs^e the mar«udinjM^»^S^i&s intt> Canada, and if ho succe«>(J« in ttnder no circunj'*’ stances to eurrfKOijyjB^t CA«aut.'» •: A Monfctreal ■"_**, *» '4th wiys fhat tbp o». Z. bans raider^ iPtl •'i'v iimnediat.'ly after thc4^^ dis gbar^e. Tnc nutb -.'•i; i.,.- ,1^;, ,s^,eT>s to arrest tb*-m. .K Toronto u- egram of ,h^ Uib that the Lake Erie ruidf TH were boto’.- tb • ,>un i,n vum day and (bscbsrgeo tor waat c-t juris.dicii,,ji refult caused much exci.ienient Jfing disposH‘:^K*d, during the war, of tiouo; s which th«y . apy i’-s t ''r. Murphy, to luakt- it a ctpital f, entice or aid negr nl;uco to p i'J •■ncmy Vr “ iu“at clothioi^ .at. »^ldi«>« clf.rir^ t Mt cloth, fcioshing the tield ing a repeal »i Senior R-.'Si 43. -!r. SbuTii ib- .K-eJ, -n which North I’roiii ill-- Ftiit* .'slates comp- i>itftl to go to the rrguiaia the is^ue of g ivern- il to be tirdt issued to tiri- .ihmr oflJoer^ »aTa#-’ «r;#wbntfiS^a;ry Khali (^raw 'sary stores uala^s actually in of Mr. Smith of .Fohn-tou rtqn?st. Of Con^reflS aathorixing orioring fwmi Ih'f Si.at > w ts l->sl, ycai nays f introduced tho fidioving; .* Siutii - )ver'*'gnty i-* priu-'pl-* on irolina aud liie otb.'r St tes witil•l^e\v- ^ b’-ate» G)vernuift)t: and the”! ' ’fiT "ne Confederate tiovernmeot au- sove- Cor‘gmsion>jl - Ricu.vio.vi-, 1 )-c b’^—Tt.f >,«natepassed l.he House idil witli aniendni.-ats to lin'in,' r.nd punish conspiracy against the Couftderate States In ti>« Uous* a joiiit resohuiou for a recotS was indf-fioitely \i-j.H5njned! IiirHHoxii, Dec. ]'».—la tlif* Houc'*. to-diiy, Mr.-Turner of N. C.' ll'-red re-olutions ropifitir^^ the rn-sidRi.t, with advicd and con6ent f tbp Seim'4- to api’oir.t IS Oojihuib- iioners, of e.ich State to tender ll.e F. S. Gcv't a cnfer- ence’for tile negotiation- f aa bonornbltJ p‘•.lC^^ faib.'u: in tbi.s, to use »il prop*r elf rt» lo obtain au iuaii.'dialf. excba-i*c of pris jrers and if po -sibie to cDuie lo ?uch andtr^tafdirg with the enemy rf-girding the future Co»'- duBt of the war as may in some degree mitigate its fttjr rors and atrocities. Mr. B.irksdale of Miss, submitted a substitute, selling forth ti>at the L". S. Gov't having rc- p&at.*dly refused to listen to proixisitions for an honora ble j)f aee or for mediation, and having thus manifct'tod a detejminatiop to continue the war, we, whilst reiterating our readiness to enter upon negotiations for peace when ever the enemy is s-» iuclined, will pursue wil bout fal tering the cours# deliberately chowen for the preserva# .non of our libert.*'®; and tbat the provisioiis of the Cou- t'ederate CoDStituti.''n for makln*; treaties of ji^^a-e aff Td :>mple mean'^ for an attempt to tiiat end wuenever the United Slot s evinces willingness to enter upon uegofla tions for termiuaiioa of the war. The Currency biii dis cussion wa.s reuewjd, .and a su'ostitate olTered by .Mr Perkins of La. The S“uate old nothing of interest in open session. ilii Hiio.'jK, Den. 18.—In the Senate, yesterday, nothing of intei'i-st was done in open sessitm. In Jhe House. ^1r. Tu'^ni-r's re^olu'ions and Mr. JJirktidale's Hubslitate were tak^n up and ilr. Fayette Me Vtullen of Virginia offered I -.dwtiiut^-, declarirg that wl'ilst it was not exixHlto*nt and wa^i 'rncompauble with the dignity of tlin Confederate ■'la'e.s to send I'onr.mi-^sioners t) ' asbington to secure a cef>eatia of iioetilities, it would yet be eminently pr'ujer that th'^ liouiB df U'jp^ijsentatives snould dispatcb wffh out li^l-ay to so.nii convonieat ^int .a body of commie iiorers t-i confer witii sacu iaJfviduals as may be ap- p-jinted by i-ba U. S. (iov't, i»ud to a;rree if |>os-iibb‘. upon the terms of lastinar and boooraide Peace, subject to ratitic-itiou by respective Governments and sovereign States rer^pectively represented. Mr. MeiluUen spoke in explanation of bis views until the morning hour expired, _ I when the consideruliou of the currency bill was resumed likely they will com:' up the railroad as far as Salem, 1 occupied the floor until the House ad- and thence escapa to K xr.a’wh » by ihe route follow- j journed. ed by iiunt-:r last aammer.—Jb. For Forrest.—Three lull reginieuw fro’n Ken- tacky, numb ‘ring near three tnousand men, have re- cenilv ioiaed Uen. Forrest, whose cavalrjr force now f'l- vs eo Pn - A. li,.' . - f ,T h ul ta- ir d' L.ie yaa- i*l; io ’J procuft'' -'I 1 . ■•*■1 ■' K. ’ ' ’ V, ;. ' t'- -1 r ; -et le ■ '■ r lii'J -• i ■ ■ 1. I,-,-, w. I'f, ;- ■ ,y -.,r i-'i’ • . ’.v :i •. • l.it, '1-' _• a: -li.- I t .1 :,cl^ '11 - ■ ;Oi' 1 " 1 ■ i> ■ • i; o.i '.a ■; tUi >. -’.TK- iiit 1. ■ > '*5 iiori/ • ' r . .; ■re > •iir Kv ■ ■ -1 ll al; ! * ^ • li Wi.-.-li M ■■- a..:jl_'i- ■ - v. r. - y,u -;.d,ii. : . ii in- -‘ '•.■ y thu 1 1-- a.: .lit!. ■ ... '■yon :■ .. ■ •: ni^-*. i >ie ■.% . ■; of ihe l?.-i-' .v/> ilut i-. i' '• ; , ■ .V . 1. • i' • j:! ,ki 1.- ■ il- ..iru-1-^:. ’ ■ .. .. lO, i-r't , ; 1 ■ r vviil 1,1- . VI-■. . r rU , - - nr. l.-i- pi- l”~f„ . • .-.'ll j r-j a Ii . l>'."/i- ;C , that ;• 1 • cor. H it' . •' 1 ■.. .;!in'i , > i an i by Enir!i-b rre- i. -i, .i-ld- •• j->i... .-.0 li,-; . i r:ii--a an . .-ijuiiijii- 1 yy , ;,i^ht;.en, i . gli-.u I ,s I ^ navignt'.- and ti;; ■1,1 :b gOJ-* ‘ - l-i- i^lisb ■ ■t . ’i' b the Kn.^li !ii I , and Favki iKViLi^K ii viL.ao.^o.—Ta : kiv>;dT,s of 'r i*-- Oo.iipauy met ai the i'o-,va il lU !ay tho I5th c 'tie i;ail of tn’j (X'm nissi^an- i tb* . ,.iu>a t'ae bdioWitig boaid v:-; • - W' l. M L. M. i; vy IVr-n.or- Di^ i .1 t-. -t* \\ o-i i-.is, -VKx. Ji.'hri’oa, JK. L r * PO Joru; .-^h iw. of F.«yott?vuiH. *-N' “i!l and •Murd-''ck M .;ivu'\or llobss >n, il>o’. P. if',*:n. r aad Thos J. Mauniog, of .^lariou District, • C. A: meeting of the board ''f Direotora, Ba-th’w F ilFi', K=4., was unanimously electcd Secretary a ;d 'i’rcai'urcr. The company is now lally orgau- 'z -d If tn-^ people of Fay..'tteville and al )ng the line will ouly dt» what they c-ta for this wo^'k, it will . .'o ' t-omin'>oc= and it wid nor be long bcf )re it will lie readv for the iron. reiirns. a-:'d tlii OonfeJcrate G >ver:i;.ie;it ?• uniy the n.'- nt -if til-- .'t#.. s ."^nd s’lbji'ct to llie-r e-i-.trol. il-~ dvl. i tf'Ji’r. Taat tb - Stat'^- iu *!ieir ij-n i ajiji-i; V iavejti - ri^:ht t • twke i;p tb* - of i'-iv.- or w-ir'.-ied - i'.'' it -Aitnml fonsul a^i j:i -.ri;,ri tlia Feed dent or ibo '-^♦.liu-ra Con'vdern'-y, or of tb-* s.i-call-* ' Fniteti Siit *4 whieb. on molion of M- riwfjrd ot Row.n, wai 14! >n the t ible 'oy yeis -31, na\s &o; e-,S|'S'rn I'U-!-n Aiiitm, H‘.xtcr K m.! .t'C\t«s. Ho,'!. Itruvn ..r'^ iil.ii>a, Br rJfn '.i .M-i kU-nh i/it l i. ? .>M,. II "n-’r I r-»-t' |i ■ f lloARit. C'r nvf.iril Ilf \e JV p, 1»h-_ i - ti ivw ,' ll - '\i liii i» ItiiiiKJ. Krwin, Ka.-iii r ; >y. r.-r i;u !:-r. ••I,11 •>.-!), il ._ir • .li.in--. .liiJ k I.mr I. 1 m. I.\ >, M ‘■>ui!«-rtinil-j.-. t’M.io I’race. P >* -•!, K -m.-ir-ii. i!u-, .-shp'-im r, '’ill.", Sn ,tii lit C.i'i'irms. t^ai.Ui "f iiui'Vi'i, -S.r.-i; I,-1 -..1 • • J, _%j .,r-» .\Toril. V'^icvv TtU. , !Via.l '.I llcrtw. til’twrll, i’>:i »v iv.'Mvert, (’:ir- i, ... .\.i-i , -.12 ..f i: -U?ri.-.t. I •atKr. 'i:i, p, I'-I ' . C. > :i:. F.i» •. I.,*.'II ir."-, H.irri->.).i . U ll.- . ie . l!.-;iry-. tt,-'-.*-!, ll"r:i n f II r'.ii ..i' I-li... .I.'iif,.'. (Governor of Smdk Ciro/u’ior.—The don'b Caro lina Ls^'islaiare Qas elected Hoa. X. ir Magralh, at present Judge of tue C. S. District Court. W lMni’jion M'lnicqtal Election—On Thursday •aaf,-M-^srs. Jao. Daw^^on, James Shackleiord, S. li. 1 Btan'iiig, J. G. Bauman, Fiii Murray, W. S Ander- | -on, and 1' C. Miller were tieoiei Ootnmis?iorers. ' ro& TBE OBS^EVKa. BeCIXiN's Fa11.M, 10 MIl.ETj ll.iI.OW K.1NSTON, N. C., I Ut-C 11, 18C4. ) The yaukees attempted to cross the liiver thie moraiaiji ZDOOeUcng, Li fr»at of Co K, ;unbcrL*ad Hi.GircJP*® - etRrtaywst •cSpccttng to find uoj resistance ventarea np ratb^'r close than was safe for their blue coats, when Oo. K. op'lie j ou them a few wel! d^recti.-d volleys, and then imkuig a iBOvement unobs -rved by the enemy, not pru dent to 111 utiou. ha ihievcs oe.il. » hasty retreat takiiig ,iie N.;use '■o..d to^iS’arda Kinston. I suppose Col. Starr will engage them tliis evening or early in the moratng ) Not- a mau hurt. MAKKiLb, In Wilminirton, l ith inst., by U''v Mr. Hepburn, Capt. W M. S KO'IMENT to EMMA 1 >, youngest daugh ter of ib.‘ late 1>r. '■'* m. J. Harriss of that place. .*a the Uh inst., at tho roiid^J'^ce of Jt>l N. L. Wil- lii-ms, Ta'^kin c- unty, by Rev. It H Griffith, AdVt. .1. 'i CRN HR M -F.EilE ^1 > tA Miss M LILLY -ONN ALLY. r,, ... Ia R-3>es3.u county, on the IHh inst, in the 84*h year .1 in yanfeee unile'-m, and w^ith I j. {, ^r 'agc. Mrs. .\lXUGiUET, widow of the late John aisi’oc'ii u—Hi ft iJi^pMch. • - ■-*’ Fj-t M A I.:/-’.-.- I’h-' 'garrisoa of t’ae fort consisted of 1 1.5o nieu. I'a • t ■rz i~ l.'i mil‘S s-iathwest of Sav'anaab, a tb-j p ii-t w iv'i-- til • ii7cr is c’'Os^ d by mj Savi*nuab, t ib .uy and Gulf railroad. It ;s about six miles fiom the O.as'ib.y.v s,-u.:d. The c-»p’.ur -n this p.isdioa puts Sher- mau iu c lainu.ucat ou ■« it. ; i y iukoj fijet. Qrav^ Ch'i^ge.—.\ d-'s-. :er irom the o;il N. C. regiment, nam^d ;iarr:-on Cbuich. wa- broaglii to ihi^ cjty yest- r- dav aiid ri>mtji1i'-*il -o i 1j liiunder, 11* wasr-wCutly cap’ure.l i l N -• t ^ C a ya'ij'K e Com '-’4si>' .11.11 I,-' .11 r«-in. ' i-rj T- S'.iilifr. Simla •! . n, Mi^'iriif k. »' K.l' k :,iiitU III Jiiht-kiJii. -Mi M 11 i Vi’l.. Vini' r, I", ler—j'.i. ‘■ V 3 VI. 6 0; S>-S« :• CO \UK.tT,—Dec. rj. .0 t-'- A -ip.sijsr. 0 L*r.i «C9 *'til '■,.*^7 7 0'> la 9 0’> O' i'.lAti> FAn.Ui;K-i, - riia N jrth-rn mail failed to iirr:v; every day tor a weeu pA3L. On several, d.iys ■ hi lailure wnt toii'; oa the others only baci mails • am*: ttiroa^h. .ii.iO'^ig the m using mails j isc through is a long ter i'lom our ar-t^y correspjudenr, Long Grabs, ^"hich would nave ivieu useful and interesting 'wh->n ^ToOrn about a m mi’i ago. No .v, it i^ rather late. . il the S.VO'. 1 t ,;ndlj i’ 1 / .—and >\ ,ut-rceofa- . ) that Stic ■ vit': >ut « v.-r i, 1 . • nor 1-- - I' the OlUHHTi U I ■moirrcial a;jd p ibileal eupiUle and dest'oy iJie 1 '.rpo.-ie ‘.'t iic-"lroyii --,.• rb-p- iiu‘!troik 'dly Fowei- i.‘i ler the ridiculous p're m.iacl >sai li-j! i.iginjj t > tiie re’.i -l-j— ving enlerco a. r. bel port—i' ncitiu r a a pir.^te, which Uie uati.ju wb.'Se ■ui. :ierc( ^he liioi.-sts, accordi g to idl tiie iuincip.les of .(■ y at I recognized by iviiizid and chrislian aun'fies, has the right to pur-ue a.iu I sl:oy iu any jn-'. ter 'f Ibe 'Aorid. Hut liie g.ivcrntn'-n ot the Cnit.i d I wdl -r^iy. i‘ th • s.i tie tim->, to i>ri.z'b, tJi.it tli-; i'o'verfc » f tlie w.jrld beii.g ia accord agaiuM. b.T, tb-'ngii Cfi'tainly without inU'^ii.iou of wcoitg. an 1 l-ei.ig denied b'-i intcinHiiuaai rigiit-i i i c lase'iuence >f ihii^ ai-c.;rd. H-iiad- lii'rsclf obliged lo rtiibiiiit lo waal blie caTiniC -Hi, a -he liH.s stated to :di:ii'! nation.-, i.i.-ihi-lii g I’.ra- ,:r, d w hose desire to aet ju.s ly ‘ he does not dt nbt ■'ui. oittii'ir hoA’ever, a.-j t-he has don»', bei aiisi- she is ■ i; 1 ;d t > do po, and rer-ogaiwcg tiic right oi l.iote pi ra‘ to enj >y th''> protci:l'oa in ib^* ports ol L- giaud -u d I'raHCi simply ii'C>iuse she cannot rer»is1 it, thj g.iv ■rniiieut of the Fai'icd States will not wiibnola from iJia- zil oi.e iota ot ttial reparation wbica, uudcr tiie t^.ime cir curnsUucct and in her prc.s-ot ( moarrasscd pusiti'-n, she « otild be ol'bi'ed to coti; -de to ®'ngland ^eit■ er tho linited S'i.af‘s nor the undersigned aie (Ji lt rectly "C irdireclly responsible for this occtifrence was ooi. ordered U' authorized eioher by the g.j^ernment of the Fnited SUtes or the undersigned, anif it will be SO, msicaa 01 by his government as il is by the uuilcrsii^t’cd, the gold being invested in blaukita and BOcks, hu 1 ^ Bource of aiacere regr«t that, if such an a^eiden‘ -« • c bouvert# the Wank«U and aocka into gold. The in- [ necwwurily to happen, it did not occur in the wiOera ol * ; U lo Uifc aathodtiea at tfalfiifth Cum;.-5p( idc:ice of t-bo Fayotto’.'illo Observer. Kvi.,-i,::i *. 1.^ i.M’ik F.buM-s Ot...r ■; V-eor C'“-d a,r ■■ ; G- • ral As- I'jiv y.''i' I . ' ■ r’com dnt.’oii i>i' ibv.ii.SLia'..‘s 'no-w liiV..,' io> ' v •- d>p » il o . to -iv lu -.seotli- rs tin to U : ” :\: -sof thf 0-ni cnor 'a' n. . r pir.>'i’. iiit-‘ 1J-- •’oiMV' y ! ' o-cupI'.jcy of tuaiafd.i:. — • n. .>r t:i-^t'e.wis > y n‘-a!ly ili'.i d >ir >\ , la t e liim.-?. a v. b-; «•• • i t>y :|ie ■nsrt of p- • - ii -■ yj.'i. a r, o.. , i loolviji/ to ? 'iiic inodili at; .’ • ■ ' '- .lal ir 'cu.ot; I -nt ■;va^ vof-‘l d w', a- d I.- '"b iu the .- u • f i -ai 'tiv,- ■ohiti.iii vs pa's.d nil r u hot d --ju- • i' nTjUtiie J t ) n .tt:iii;r, I n---' ••. fi •- • (ft ■' i..a '.v . .1 r. ;o •ir.y ei.h-rofth ib'u-o o n miiuiiii,!, Th.- .uu--.r ol'r i:oiicmc:>.^ i'vio; s in ’> 'a-^ .va iJT -r ] iu (ii!! iia'.e er.O’jrii m.'^e .. :■ • n ra ttan d t) .els i-j ■ a.-.rj- .te to l.'nt. Of thl-'■ r-^'.y >' Wak ■ COlu in t->r •.ti-lve. of whom is V'.’. .V". i.ti-'-i . ol t-.i -. ,!.dud. .vticouiitvV.il" tw-.-ive. :d >. ilS I’oi OAs; ,].f> Oa'"I'r, .la^ V. Wil'iam’.'"i -I '•cl’‘’ail. Jon-i'ht, Kva •:. ,1. Bak"r, Jr.. John G J^miih, m K L-e. Jo'ai Kirkpairicli, Walter Drati , )0'i, vV. N l'iMio;;:i . au-! John Shaw. in th‘ votes of late an aui'.-liora;io:i of t!iat bitt r )> >rty- ;n t^o prominent a weea or so sinc.^ has app;? r- d. li.it iii the '^-•n.'te the d l>afo of Krid-.vaad Situ -’ay F’-', v.af n ntore r incori^j.^ t’n Fr day. :u pirti u'.'V'. tii' >oie- >4 OCC-*.-ioiied by the tabli t^f of ih j Pe ic-i i-.-iol'i'ioas broke forUi in pom ^ s,-'.-';re sp iechcs a^d > me har'tly b"j.'» ■re f ito t’ ce r> m.irk^. npt gii't'n in th-.' ri'jior.s. Yi ter lay tli« spirit ;*t work, tin.^ -i-i Fie advi- hili'r o! iirercntii.jr any p•’^•^^illV conscrip.'. inna tnTo’T!- jn, a ''.td.jis r.ite wai^ discu's >d. the ilcbatehot -'nd last that, vshat with the unusual crowd iu the lobby and the numlfiT of fuir Kp-etator.-i in Ibe CTlis'-y. tin.' Senate Cbimber pres.mli d a most lively nii l auininfrd fippear- auce. >tr. Pool spoki* st" «>ral times vtr; tri.-iiy, ard it is striki »g to ootiee the a'tention jiaid lo nim oa every s-de when ou the Hoar. The adjo'ram'-nl iU'-stlon >iill b-i^ips (ire wtibi’ly. hut the cbances pomt now (o nieirhers getting t'.'f 1> - i'riday next. uuIps? the in th''Senate can-succeed in ^laviug oil nil :Ldjournmeijt, as is coutempl fed, bi order to resurrect aad di.-^cii.--^ 'i'e Pt-ac' resolution.-j Lft>t night large mciHing of m Mnbcrs f om the West #as held >11 the (Commons Ball to devise, if pos^ibie. some means of prott^rting 'hat section of the Sul* irom the violence and marauding (d' des Tier-’.^u.l I'^ ri, s. Setubtr Panel'llla wa=» cdb-1 to tio' Chair and tJmmoticr ilorton of V.'ilk.-^ appoint*d S cictary. Ilis Excellency Gov. Vance, whc^t the objcct of the meeting h;w1 Ix'cn bolarcd 1 he tiioognt the Lcgislatnrn sboubl Tiifure some act b> che ck thc.«eout*agcs and favored a legali/.uio;iol wh.^t pone lo S ilisbury to command me post, saya the j was now a virtual outUi * ry against tbe.--e despt i a iof-s, W^atchaiaa of Saturday. I that thus th.; kibing them might 1m- n>' murder but a do- itig Go 1 aud the State Fer^ ice. Not thmking he should Ya.vkk'-. ATaociTiES.—Tae reader has scarcely I participate in the discii^siou h._-\v,ml. ;^i'. o no opin'.m tis iSo Pai'.-; I ON Monday Mf.xr. — To give a t)rief rcppi o fr'.m iaoor to all huuds connected with the Observer oflice, we propose to take a holiday of a day or two at Christmas, nod will therefore issue no paper on .Monday next. SubBcnoera to the Weekly Observer will, however, be supplied with the Semi- Weekly oa Thursday nsxt tiie 2 *d. Should thero be any news of uiore than ordinary imporcatic^ aa e.xtra will be issap.i on Monday. I’uK North Cakoi.iman.—I'iie first numlr r, i!? sued at Wilmington on s>-iturd^iy, ny Messrs. Sin clair A- Alunaon, has reached tja, doubled iu size and iiiiich I'jiproveJ in uppoarance. North Cap.oi.i.na li0N0s.~ rre.a«urer Worth sdver- tisca ^.’)Ud,t)tt') tj p,jr cent. co!ut:»u ;{0 years bonus. Bid - recei/ed to .lauuary 2d ls05. Salisu jkv. —Brig. Ucn. Bradly T. Jona.son has rs7. F •-•■—; ‘ ? ' ■! *■;= -v:» -Jo J i rU 5i) ■ ; ■ i • ■ - ■ ■ - ■ It 2 ' - - ■ '.'diJ «' I ‘ >• ij-ftc 3 > i ' ;-d3 00. * r ■^ C.v; ■ nis 2 o. o . i -t'c. r’2. 00. .> ’*" - -* r .-:.0 Uv ‘. »' i- . 7 - . ),■ •; >• :«avd, 1 io »-75. 5’35. 0 i 60 f.2o. ^a, dry 5 OO to 8 00. ry T-.do 3 ii O t'O Ebaj r ti)’30 '0 00. Appl? PenoSi 5 (^0 ‘o 20 00. ?' >iin 7 CO ^ 09 p.'>r lb. . • • 5 •>i} ' r V., To’Ht 3 00 lo 10 00 K'; J ii':') to 4 OO I- * l'> Onio'.t) 35 00 :.»T i h'l. P .1;.’—L“i -;i i u h; ST-'.et ilO. F.iyMf c-viUe 4-4 S-'■’ii.'' •=^, 4 60 ‘3-?U40 00 to 45 05 t)usb’l opifits Turpcntiac ^ 00 j jr ^illoii. T’" T' b 0-) T7oil ti 510 ■. ■ ?-v K L Pvjin-wiToii SlcN-"ill. Dt’dvpthfria, nP;\r Long^treef, Moore county, on th« •2'2d Oct'r, F,VNNY UlNIOiS', aged 6 years, I montiiard 22 days, Ii>.a, on tb*^ 'tst Nov'r, aged A years, I month I anil d«} . ;■ M Lin NFdLL. on the loth Dec’r, aged 1 4 numth'-; dsu'.;i)ters of H, aud Kiaily S. Mc'-eod lyiii A: Os T U f'"'V ' '^.U . jre a, ^ . as o-i. .V. ■; 1 Los: . ' .' iiviU'e ii -b. Li':L’s, 7 rooma aud 6 fe.-e y>' P3“ i?o 7 ) ■ P're tbyteri^'i Canro*. VTil.'U'’* — t).'FOd CO l*o*‘ S'fce‘, D; G 'liiiu'p; 1 Wor* Oi JOHN H. COOK, Auf.’r Del It Wantfil tn purehJ*3e or hi*‘e for iseiit je«r, t fiocu, c.- -tiTiii r-.4i -s 'U'-J'^ il ,'iy ^ to M A B.VKEB Di>c’f _ P >R th-' IfeftS, t i-y U»C -ink t«iri>^t, owned r by \.;w..i L R. Br.._j, sDd li' c/::up''d by -!»j. A M CarapteU. ArpUcclion c jS b^-tvt' to D c’r 17 Mr. J LETT ^4 «tp. Wi%.^TKI> TO iii»e:, For thg cn3.-io ' yr'!»r, r- ca •' e . .u3j Soi'v^nt, who •3 c4od wishftr *ad ifone”. Actily t» P. T. KAWLLY & ?0N Do 19 Krrfc\ V " y ‘ "in t F'EN'^' a I Votal ainl liisli iimeiital Coucei t, (>■ F VI. I.' )'■ ’ : ^*li■,ai, ■ 1 t i-j poor f t?ii-T ■ r> V VVi- Ev ^ -g •ilctiiist., com- tvo’. 0 iig r- 7J '’docii Tick'ts ■win bo fcr hr f> at bo Book and Drne Stores. I) :c’r ’It I%OTl€E. |l^E ■ r ral CioiiaaiUarB for rcli^>f of sollier'’ J fsc.ii’vs tr' '•qu3't^d in n’ct at (he ofGce of M. I sv'nj.r.rll a S-V.ut l»y nfxt, 24th i''Cl, at 12 o’olo k. 3y orJer Ciufral Board, Pl’*s#4ai'’i5 to ilvait. BFT^EEK r.ud 10') rr-'it of o’oiirc ., >ad abcat d iO-0-“" o';■* »rl 7J mii.-s from Fiyet-tevil'e iT » “ L>~tic Pi/a*^ R>*i, b t^e usm.; iijprovo- aients, »ro off.t -i 'or rent A ool” t-' ALEX MoPHERSON. 8r. FivcttCTi'' I'fc 17' f>4-2rpd OilPKUS MOORE & 0 \e;ti*VELL 0" JARFELS --r stated WAKTED, bv M'iQttE & CASH WELL. Deo’r 17 A McKSTRAN, ^hm’n. m 2t WAreTKS>, A T ti'o p.*.' Psucirv - . . t^fa of Fiyrfteji' ' F C, tw^ good MOU -UERS St-^ady cmrl m-n. oed VO -d i>f'c 19 M A. B ER. •f torgolten the record of yankae outrages at Miiledge- l^d' cS^oranti CcuTJ vibc in a lalo O (server. Two of the young Iad.es I M.wlisou, .1 H. Headmi, to the aot proper to fe p.tf>sed. .''»;naiots J’aitori, Horto:i Ccmjioners ttraige. St^aipe. Itrown of young lad.es i M.wlisou, .F H. Headtnl, and others, spose. und cn inotioii mentioned lusc week became inmates of the lasaue I of '♦r. Gir.sou, Comuioner fiom Ruther ford, a ca»m tteo Asylum at Columbia S. C. I of five (coasif^ing of Sharpe of Ircde’d and him®"^ oi the rommons aud Senators Bryson of Hay wool, Patton of FOR RKHT. ^pHE owcsr dt 90.^9 ve»>t a « I t ye'.r ISb’i The Uiid is p»t-' '*■0 711 fu’'TilsH ^ ^tule *’’td plr*" ■ .01 f.-T=i for I >• 7ftinp iaa. fe-’et- h'n b ■J!T 0 Ti i IU''TIIS'' ' '■lUii' ^ i;ii ■ T lie »•’ 8ita.’tt'd SV'’ mils'! r town oa the Wil ^-4£:toa R?ad App^y »3 Poc’r 16. A >1 CAMPBELL 91 2t lyo 4 Cc^'lilicate. TICE is be’’- .J^e ■ tbft. spp'icifijn trill be made % rer*ifi jats icei «r mwlaid—ia- r.roid;ra, C. S. Depc^^t^ry at Fayetfe- £t?^d b^ V CoBitracSs lor Barrels. n*E 1^111 csairi.O' !jt tao delivery of ons tkonsani -V DARNELS tor od, bjund with w\f^d or iron M(;OR« & CA!3flWELL. I>c''-n . " Received oa »’.c-a';ig lOient aad lor Sale, l»uZ FRENi H CAI F SKISp, larga oize, (J. J Mercer’s ) GEO W WILLIAMS * CO. Fayetfcviile, Dec’r I'i. 942t Presbyfcriin copy 2 weeks MOTIDE. ^rHE Bubaeriber will, on Taee Uy, tho 3d ’ay of Jan’j I 165, hii-e tut the NE .i ROSS and rent the LANDS, ^oIoBging to the estate ct Wm McKay, dso d. The bir-DK to t*ke p’koe cn the prenuseB. * M McRAE. Adm’r. Robesoa cou'ity, Dcc’r 14. 94*2tpd Ci-iV All auynsaiola cotnuiouicaUoa in telfttioQ to I Buucomb.*, and VcC«rkl« '.if Ca»awi.ii 1 w ,i appoiai.^,! £.?-l by y . ^ _ ft,D v^pS^wi'lf he preMlwd outage, b,.e.„er.i„. neighboring of cour.?0 is not pubiisaed. We have, however, for-j meeting as having (leen perpetrated by the miscicanta ' per ai^aam—under a'Jt 17tk Feb j looi. _ | Sasdaj la Jan J iaoo> vbo out Ute wolves from Uie moautaioa w« lof I Seo’r 19,1861. 94«6tpd Dee’r 19.

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