•H68SB* SWH9BSP t xr.x\T-MK>jr M-. '=';r-. 1. W ‘ . »K*' if ! S J.-p' ■■ • » r • I v()/i?EOSa\TK PllHO'?tiTlR I U F \ , »K-» Pvwr4 t*-r ih» Mcxb»i 1 vt’hod'. brfvef, '.•*s 'jr.-plt'-'r.-il ,it; *’i>r b -.f i apcc ths I ..il-d'!: lij T . Pi‘s>(»*. A'3 L'r> v'ln, fu. r.T^i’d, M’-e tv'- iu c‘loiiKm *•' »■•••■ ?-d ',«* f87.COO 1 l» If rs J f . r‘ii •i ’>.1 *!. ofi '"'1 >a ‘“r? :•■ ..rit' ' .If; po "U f..rv6 -if CIV n. lu M - ■iM dj I' Pii 0.1 Til!: NOllTli U4ROLISV SOLDIfiRS j 0(.»K«r r-'N ,:-Ch nr TU': K'.V'L'TTIIVII.UB ^ I liicn.MOXD, I> c. lyt, 186i | M E’i *■ •: .',.'1 t'a"’- ih • oMh-:i! ,J h - ' b» ez ' u c;. iu . li'ti — ’ ’I; ' y. - ■■ ■ t I I. 1- -!: L*'‘ ■■ I : r I ! 0 T.-r >- Oi M t C ! :\t tl:! n i, Arkir5:3, JvJy 4-b, ui ■•a-i iakcE! xlu nc- to AIt..n, I.linoia, i- e>'’ii.i (.* in ilio j,;coi:c...iar3’ iu tUut p;u3e, hii hvu •?mdeuin ti by tho S c g.^vera i ii.'ti u>r • cjnS.ii m-nf of on uo- f;. T Oi t’st 11 o pro\ai'ir.t ia i:s wjllj. I f irgot at, ihie „iaie i » ■ ' 1’C ir n i I fl,; I y t .- j fcg s uinuT g>t A % >c *le fi J. C»1 7 tjH !■ . r ■# a.'v a > ; P a'' Liwi I . InT.-.ritry A 0 -r J» r.MTi. Hi t. 1 if ; t tOif i ■•: 1" .’••id j'l.i.e A.i .no'' hs'v'r.f!: a i Fll >M ‘’HE N0:»T1 fOLWET OS' TUn rATETterrLLK oj}Eavi£u • OF 3u Hav' , A N. V' , De? 12, i864. Mt^f’Sia. iCdrors:—T e ’-'nd dc'*'-'it. ‘n*ja'ged )1 le-'i” iH*vr I la 'o’" u ti .•« • ur tar ;h ^ cam ailT) 1 •;*. Tho IU ’!■ I i-ad r ndf’ti tor y^ ftr, w s ^i.rur iL '• s. 'i.Ifd ou !.. " 1 -..i i.. J a I *1.’^ vf ^ y ■' t'^J» hcu'.i ihv; ' nc.a. J tioj''3 ^ ti' yif;-? i’-i -crco ? i j, ini; i v s i : r iiLry, . t.- p>.fy t'.- jt’ac Teroi i\e u Pi iau R, : 8o. n it rt'as Lur L '*..'i-iu e. r b-li.V-iS j' J.'rtaioci a o. rjj.; a^.il a o; uuiatry, u Hi -c t’ii- the pro'.;> j-?*i>vlcioj Of oy i:y a i urti'. e ^ i. ;,r. p >ruon, ;» r«)rip/ iu tiui%.s Aiko tltC j \ifcrc iii.>vin^ in -ho uircc*i >u u^i-j ^ ^KscTi roud, ; " iiH a > l co in'c'ac.s ■ tjr j Soa b o''^ S.';':jy Crejk, a iddlr.i” ;*t ::iJciic’ TLu (iaifsdt'iuaud • ora-j sounicd, arjd we put jnt jirT .haenpir/. >■ nd;>»mcrit ot ‘fjraior piC j >Iud and mif«j, uorseaa'.i - riders c-tp sarutoli- iHf IZ -r, !tl lU po^ r-.a fr. 0 £ trea t* 't •'I J iv ijr ilii torrl' T: J. jirr;v’ i r>fc thif infau_oua pl-oe ;•. u 15 t'' 1(» f.H'.t hiuii, cno^ vr.Ti -jr-i : .''i ’m •- iiiH/iSs latl hr ut'e du.I liusy'tiu ,r t .13 u rs wa'fc rowdwd in. n t ' a: riu- liae I Wis tf.cro. S.u.\ll r . -:■ \ .i 'iirr v.ncu’' !i> t > a v,] :i h - n or fo>lit>w t> ill':rcis d*M d.iiiy n -s i • T^i> :ija l .sinks vnr(> lor . !Ki:i: v.m oF tbat Jjt’se »aa*s in tu • t-x- rji w.'.-Th/’r L during thif iiiODLliw ,.I -\.u. Ut- W ' oa!d sc.'r.'»''ly live n*0'-' trOQJ the sinlt!) and lio^t3v4n '•.’Tin ction w!*’i fhe 8“w- t'v '■■ x’'T 0''". r I'loj*;? 1, a id in xrh'ch rht fiU i t'r ;u H. aad c.i king aud vrasto Tram n'j; ■, ■ an'i ni ji; were all wcd t . lio fiud u C Tpuic* uulor br > linic Jaly and A Th s ?e~er ciicunivcat-d (Iu I C'pit^l buHiin^r. ad’’n:: its a»u30.% to the ovcr.:vsrd eoj* ’ ri tHuc vri-.Sering under »a "’1 ’■ i’joiu.pror rcibla ta auy bu w;-:i’: i ;e a tbr plaguj iti i:s dev.imatiug work in L ■r» ;oa. s.. t' rr-.vL ;vo t! cGl-via aTi.->ing wltbia tVicso t : fries, it WJ3 j((»ircciy ps'-iolc fr IV O’* u -.inTb" r -qutrud qaaatity of cxyi^cQ ; I :i!.- I t;ld by oac ot the tirst fienr*' f-Ti. oi c\'T nniiber Rr,d vvho stojd e^iinpiit 83 .i 1 by-i'.' io Xiff V ud, liifit, ’w.^;CQ a licj! uy I’-om u^riue broaght wlilxia I’e » c l'iQT' i: ^iln 03t, instantly withered. The Loc-ritril ih.\; c;’Ti:*in''d tbp patients SDfforlne Irom otii, r ‘b:.?; x''^ above nuiiosl wa-s .situated li ‘'1' tbc pcs, a-vi very olten lujny men ''aviT; thf wcr-t tviQ ol small pox, were a lowed lo rca'ain f.T days in tho same room. ;4n i tbi'^ ia‘oct^"i tbo ofb- r.- It was with fno tifuof t diiS.vniy thil a frii-nd o.'uil gt p,-r”iis i ia to vir^if. I'lo h:?3pital to u ^cad i.t t.aj waata oi, bi.s lell'ivv. and tans poor m.m !ay ia thtir ruia, vri^b thvir b di t>r£r:.TTi d with dirt, stin»;inT nnd /otv -n with oorruptioa aad devcared tj di-^: lit- iDw vermin; % d -pqu.'fto.J, for the 01 ^.l7In■l !ty, by oar uT'a surg ons, rj ro'jiovo the p; *k 10 son ■ pi ,co ■s'-.crc vhcy o .a' 1 bj ter p jvMoi t'lr, o.-, ,iL remjve *h* sjiii* 1 P-2 oat T)> r~i- ' l /:;r O I Kj5 T..H D= - lit ElIL, Sfcfi- 9j m o ini Fivf ■ I i a) Dop’r 2' i • ■** 1> .ir;Cir«) MrLKAN. M k: A %VnIItfc’ i Hi(t lait iy, 'I'LL ti . •“i' •- .-" t; . 1 •• j d a: cS-^r c -r c ,.i .&• A . ^L' I , F -V • i *i''s R M 1) NiE'. Ar .'j D c’r 19 95U' fr>>r tfe.ttj I^OB. the ye*r •» HIODSE ta Hivt Mou!>t. forr:- er’.5 occt;pi: \ J E 'iiC reiiJsQse of K J. H>.. D'c’-* 3rj»au, dej’d, kad cppo"; E 4- ' .'olj *t tHe D >3'RiN HOO.’^F.. 1 tn.S The Df>iaoj‘s t3 the So?dier»’ Or- • EuiO'* Ik.v; 0 a \f ot Btit.en, w*i. % -01 1 rsie- ri- t' '>>.■' ‘ c! ’ -t il'i ota oifa, ot • i s,C’ 3.; : i- i -.aa-ry vci'. J. W. FU2S . D' c’r 2-i 11 WilaingtoD Jonroi’ pi'^se co^:t. r^^OTJ€B. ^LL pe»8!)u3 inJ' ''* f ”!« »:t «»i»ruc»tJ7 r-qi*s C>'.1 R'-'i ■»; I !i ifaC'i, *nd will rtce »3 I »'!> MOW in u**." 1 of th" m'P •■. R“«pcc-fn;i'^, Dc’.--2l M? « \s m^y be Ai ray t ;..r "I-;. Pie^so sftll witkoa: 1^ i.*rrj3f %ad ay faini;? la it W.VI VRaBY. yj t -•jnHEUND ^^r lGSfc' j •iUjr-k . ! r I* ^ . i V -Q-», 'WS jVi !oi t'lr, o.-, ,iL remjve *h s cai . t ho.'pi al, it wa.-* tufou:j,h- ?niiv f.tusiji. 01CJ y. -^0 r, brsve b->y ;vis dying. ’R-bo had stu i'l maay - i.avdc*i:ip in the a', aiy and broa-stt’d the ’ arjo^ -t a bu.tle field for b*.i c u ^*ry aad hc! and wi-h d ta;t8inie relinaas n -tn bf id:a;ffe'J to ' ia dying bed, »nd (e-^ch h;m bo’^ • Sa-^ ropt ia God, ero hi.i spitit }o-''k its di^-ht, had b.-.ar soraa isst dying raa^s-ipo to t’lo^^c he loT'u at home His renu:st wid ni"st fl:itly !ind pr ■'r'. •' !y d?-aied b? fhc brntfl in coa?Ti;iad ia ffe'C' W0i'‘~, as .’‘'il in I c:ii r/*ooUcot: the d—d i 'Oi'-- ■ and rfj, i *y?V; ho •>» 1' "a:er rrss ■.ifi, jinT p’roaglv impreg- auV-1 -v‘h ?;r».pi froaa fh-^ pris'»a y^rd. T'v p.: ’.t.-.s v?re fed up3a c.iev!o.‘’s r:»ti)aa: a II ' .. ^ up, « 'CO or .’ry br ^id, and a tai'cr.,- f);e 0 if ;rith smi.l piece of rani M't ’ X i.iT pv'* v7eri h^If starv-d. and u .7’^, vai :• 1, oear* rending to hoar t'lem t.rtf' ’fa irhv- > II th’ tibh^ I tho i-a' i' r qu r .1 aiore i'l-a^ade to rad ;r(> ■^uc’i o--r b le aoor *haa t'> uad.'rc;^ a^aia aU pit; siF- in t'l- unuy to’d .X ; r; r. i••.■li wor ■> •jbawad, cxc?pt vhea r i n -y pn".!- d tl; >s.' ni' iiais. I pr. icli- V --q'i • t ‘ .'air.y ot the pri^ n^r.-, ■"a .i_j •• 0 vj .i3'n. A the pro7o-:t mir^Sal, , :i. ■/., a d L-iat tliey I ci. :c i‘. T I-,'-’, ' -Cl’'- I o_t ti bc i j iiy'!; i c'Pa'll ;-ioin^: ' . • C’ -V, I Trhi;«i ei 0.]' af'' .. J ^ V;-* •' i^ia.r r I aiio.'-ed i bi'’au.c w« o.^ tnc Mi-:si.s^ippi, hud i u j'j ?h • b; •'O’jli n .V c»ad tbe » tli"ouh tlia burs of oar t’oiifl jr owa loveJ S'joh is yaakc'" L’viioiai.y aad r.'-iigioa, at least as I iaw it ia Ai- toa p’.”'.ton*^iary. 1 Piv'.; ^ can f-.e m;n ka^'ckcd dowo aad cuifed liSoT "y •■'.•’3- r iu-a.'-t otBciab, trhilst a line of bV-.;.-s drjsn up tround thjm, till my vcr/ bl')od bji!ei for veage->n:?c, and maay a b-’i-t ',0 o -=v ‘ it wbea oppjrtuaity prtsint- cd ‘ .’•1 ’ -i-’d up ’in loath^o’ns c 1*“ W'-i.ur k’ ,.,i ;ii; c ;.3 csasc of thf'ir o .n5 u a u., ufid =;■ 1 to iiya nnd nIgh^9 ur»ou :Ii! ai''!, roc ti ,».• uf tiio jrs,^ without » sdinry c>.in' to tho”! iro~a the damp * * * ” . H*j';'ut',Iy g:"» thi'.k, that aft«r ni^'r;u;:. we-oouil Roarceiy pat oar i'i'et dowu vrira ut {.rusi.iaq them Th.;y ran over the men, ta f^!,; ilin-o's, .«(|ao»Iod io their ears, and an- njvr.i al i,>r. of'yjnd euduiiinet!. i^orloD^ tiuia the dead houHO was directly uc'l'^r one oi the rooms in which. th? men eicp. r>.nd -it in tie d»y. Tnca they would put a cnpno ill !hig t.oui-, t:-ac di(>d of praail pox, nn-i !■; ■’i'ouid rcaj.i'n lie.' - dariu'^ th" liot w ^rha three cr x .ur day* at a ‘ime; aad so great I ':•• ; >11 ' i) : .fO-.J 14’ ‘^C-’J Uu05vd * 1 but* ./ rt S..; hj inravtji .{ iha r jj'. f. I f » ^ J ,a: ;i ■ t u i-,1 u^-n’in'.. '\j . .V i *:ic. - ;id 5-ed oa: for ne^iiU iro, i, Trnn'i : • ’ *’ •''I >• r -ir fj (jg call'-''- I - ..i ilji ; Or*-r 01 r3Jo;'a‘»i:n, *i.nJ sj Wh- Elites ) Niil?, F;-jr, U .0 2) ■ti E . S.il*'* ’->t las Ifca (%L L. p.rdirxaTo^ o Hire. ■'•i co.-.ea iind bcspaUtrcc* fa.*cs were vrry couiiuon tbiog>. We cf-o-3.->d 8t-)ny Crook beioT? the Sta- ion and caoie uooa the r^’ar cj the encn'v'a colujia jflst P8 it I'ld C”o^?ed ♦h'i Noitowiy R:?er ab>vc Sinsex 0. II. \Vc w'r^ a !>*^')9 too * for the •ridf^c was bnrn^Kl. Hue “()!d Wade," as the ■joys f'^rnili-.riy ps*] Gon. Ujmpk»fi, was not to l.*c eotiroly thv?artoi ia his pcrno-^et', tho ijfh th.’ me toy hnd by ihi^ tim*' rti:»ch:d tne R«‘road %nd ■'•I't'r'' undoub;. dly't'arir'.' up tbo track (ren. ^laraptoa at oao? tu*'nnd un the river and croxned >u a brid;:e ui>07e the K. li. Llare we halted to "' fit and feed avrhilo. Sp.%rkli"';:j c::nip fires hocn Hit DU., t y t > p'oducj .‘:tiit3 nad uin ia his c^n , iiluraincd tl-o aurrounuin^’ foro.st, *l’i*o a b^e'-k v)iat' ..a>^ native aa i beoau'o ihin^'J aro not duoo ; n r.’ ern wind ir..ade b!ink«t.s and ovfrcoats feel ditiic widl'cs * I fts li,»hc and thin '8 >i hrid^l voil Out “hRvty *• hi. k ■ 6.WfiSoca for our oj c.KDmoa aafcty, and tjclSah or fihju'd I’Ol force U3 ^roiii the p'i.in path o‘ du-y aor wcaki’n the grta*’ cra.sa '.r* »vhinar 3 c t?cp?ad3. Tq«t.* ava ooa^- >,tafs ',d -toii nh; “ri.zhta of laen and righis of I .1 a»^d ’.a •*'c .» o.T -sand privato wrocge,” at d ';uoh a. is :)pr>iOS3ive, uapfOtecicJ, .v:.t u io •• Li i‘ ; l'«■ w - .sh lulJ prjuiptly It.tii i'.vpu V. i, •' . ’ (-J 1 '-.c.*.iy ei.aure thorn. The ;i.iu y Di eve y ciciz ^n, piHtisaily, it a.*e’ns Ci la-?, i.s » > r.njiiin t^ uaarni ac7occd tv hi* c^U'^iiy Ui.ior :inc.'-?. Tai patiii ' ''’ir-i -cd' w. r h>: 1 t.s i:;i#rus, it^j mtjps^jV, it.'| ;iudJifjt't” of “fl-ip jacks/' &.i., wferc h-.’O'i eaten, *:'ini f*fi O' B"'(l itfj hciiiu'. !i . h‘'Tno9 fed and ^roo'ned, aud \vo strefohed oar :aanyri; bu: ’t !.a3 a’st. it« privMa wiv.tg^ v Um _riots; i.- cfueiti'ib aud ryraaoitv; *-jd it.s u»jSao'V. . 'At 10 o’o •s. U J 18 >• . ■! - -i.;LU V'^ U: Ai>rii.£5. M'L u - .\I rc^ i'sf; I' i Ol • • ■ u ? : D 2;, 1; N flfit w i.jri ^ K A. . V^TT*la pvy % r' -t ft: I J ■ .-.••■ F /-•• / o! EF*lATrLE la t t- ■-’» ■ U r.’ 'li-ji f l f t ioi - Ilfs Tjao.v.-w rr-: ■ni «.tii O') ’ u; *r«' lo ;tift‘r r*y baot. Sj 3 0' h’.Ti w'r> is . . 0»i S .?er, e.ia'!.* orap off .uo =•'. ov; su. ££•.* *, pil,i>'ed. >in . oa > :e 1 0J7T .uiikfi ” t raj ilL-j o i; oa 3..-r. .»Mi;d;a- y. e-I-o'-i n-'o 3i? M' » ■>’-.-il mirf ii'j tijri K i -il' U; r - aT.a«rj;-d. S>jm vf ‘: - Ct* 1> .»'? »JT: J ili 8 iiu i->l' ■ 1,0 ^*1 *•> .\x, T ; *is i li' ^ bia. t fi'^t S lyerotntT • olol.oe. Tiie p£.io of t.*.( riun Vi’iU eh -.o i-.: duzzl ng brilliancy ?ith ou\ V ct-nivs, otr tii.rTiticcs ind o'jr 'tru :gi;:a^ a:u3t i&du iala dv.jp b.asiucBj of ihe iiorri.>u I i.y of privr_;e i anu outrago, of numb ir- u »i ••: j1», b- r. ^tfeui^ats, aad cppre?.«i jan: i»u(i i ‘ !4 .n -a u.iti'.-y t.> man.'’ Many a ray of :n-.'•t l'«;s b.'ca ei-ingu.ahed, m'tny a :;obli soul c'U'tied to a;i>e. y aui raaay a food nope blii»ht- by ba'o aad rucl -'nans xhi Bol' ie/s have i»,r o uiuro nt t u' a;irurt.’ii'»a ol thib KrC ^h^*I: ot o;ir peop'c, and tacy ar« v'caerally the ii(\j t;,ul and V - ■ I'’lau-.cvl «Ji our 8aoot*ii6. ^iaay •iolu'i-Tj hvi','0^ s'o ^-*1 in ’isooarjjgaD ent, cr ;ii0.*e olftu ua r Ijju. .^ice aad crael*/^ and ui- '!.'r; t'^’cdr ir* .d-S. Many g?od men b*».vo IhIU'd vicduis ti i.iis ra h latJity. D dt'rtioi carao;. poisioly iinp.'cve the soldier’s titaiaon, let tue Ciii^G be vnat u may Altcojgh hie 6up:jrioi in raik m *y tre;. as h i)rate and even urture ;dm into a^oay, I oaaaot sea wherein desertion j?ould bo a rouicdy; it >ff0Uid moit c-.rtainly msike thj ma'tor w rso Hi', ertcmies would thea have ?jod OJ jioitaor^ wreak their malids «cd re venge oa luui, ho would torieit aiuah of rc- • pncc aad 8yii*p*'hy Irom fflands. The Jv.^ort.r iivo ia o i.ic.ai:iieut and dfead. He caauot ■.•a* at his o.vn t..b!o nor bit iu dome^tio quiet 'xrouad l*ls owu iiresidj. lie cacaoc rise with the san l.ko an Dont^st free«can aad follow hi^ s low in Of );ia aiy a^ht as 6e oaco did, bat mast !i(^ ia som • hid i .a roo.S'm gloomy thought aad at.jpid te.*r. lie cjDsaaicb ihc food ot his ;roab!ed .-'lie aad ^utf-ri-a.^ catiire.i an 1 caa affjrd th?-u assi^taacc ia rcta.a. Ilo joaics generalij to •ui:i lad 1 ' tsirtjj—an I par^aps dies la iafamv, .a ' i :ia oa ;.>» inaoccct faaiily. jV or thro i a-iin ^ iu)a iu tao Soa h or u O^roiiaa '..vi tot put as into thn war. n'. .V. 0* lato ;t W iv^iy uursclvos. If w> did t; \ or r'"C .lUfiiad ihe sec f. ion ot the ■ . n!.. O'-I s ,.a i • I) form:u2 .»i the Ooatcle- i>oy, w ! i^oasvti' i it. Wc rcfasod to a.;; La • ■ iaj:tor ♦; hid^, uav waon L uo-.'.n d olared I fjr ; ■ 0^ fi »e : . ava-arnt, a' o’ •. .tS;r "? - ■t. ) irfl Cvua A.30 Pde H Ti-,— t .*!■ .a -u ? .MIL M M) \T ■1 I' .’ ; I . . >,.1 • r u -)‘u'’i -1 I'- .» » w ifl 1 - lag ;; r F •, v. si J Jie • 1 .: D 2) • .Ci -.74 i i>... • iii t ry n.j ti • • D ^ A... llr-'Ij h’ J B SOU'MEILVND .r,. S’, »ft. > O', i alij T-ti J . a . - . 4.. 6:-- T:-l *jAi : r '.M f w- i ti> i 'ii,i »J-; , ;> .1 \ a vy .iist 10 r.j dj - i*ai; .'■r 1.» '-tiD. ; ? Yir: S.iflcifi' TiX i':' r L ■• ;i ’I'.i oa 3 ..«id lo.* Ue ui liCi r ria Dec'r 31dt l-B J; T»X f'D T?j3oni^1, P-f'fi s t ji ; \ ! JU> Y-x . . ? 0,1 iu/:lx 9-.d fct H’17 tim? 0t‘w-.l .J 1 i la'5’, ia ( J. rx’y 1 lS3i: p r ..* i f X 13? H uariu? j'ia» stock R-i ap tiy. I TTou; ’ .1!. 1 »• ^v st'i•■ f" ’B ■ ' uu - ••I -r- n i -1. a i,-.. t riy p a ■;ut -.jis ,»x tiue D>c 10 !8jt a Pr fi’ 12 '/c -r 1' ■ .•n'' 11 :q q 1 i;'t"r, • ' I tij KliXKZ. N' ' j ■*; 2’ r Slon^f l« at .iiioiioa, Uy ff. Hci!)LLlV. .lactloii . r. W'.^; e J1. j?i T y-s.J’.'. 29 o>. -T liS: K/u a i 3 4 •>^011 • "I ' > . : Pj3L- -T. ut .' I ; 1 : mmibj. L> ■ sr. :!} ’I0U3E -j i iho ■[l.af, ! HiU8- ■7 « V ‘^- rj iij id ■Vi lit J»a’/ 1 rftjT 94 m or WOUli —1 (J •'"'I 1 .i.at fr jiii it I. . V. t'ie-o lb*: ?7>r2 ijio nii. e.- fi. c^f5 ’ wi br ,a7"-t b»:Ij ioio i ^ ;iri- t?!» i-n s I" ' IO ;VJ15 At? im it A t f-«'. .. ' i \ >wa b' Sid b'-9 Ajr>i j^7 '0. t j3 ao i> 9 j rh V ws.' c -I'' r-.>rk. ), ».k ;.f.irwtrds r^oo.’jii?! • 0 J, f T , ^ ic.-’.-e. ir,s n priaja-r at ^ -'.n >w) j'.ya a I oJo. pM cuj. c '.B'-.J ! r 'I ta.'’; 3/ irs.^afi.^o f.,'.-rj, wia t.‘io rasipi’at 0 tni >f f" ' E’li'. ifii*:’! :i>Tar';3 aiil paai»bni'nts 67- e.’ k yc — h : dir^ Ages witt «,v_if torturj rooDS far- ni53 30- - ;!. i> , %ia U!—bijiusa ho woulj raaly vh»‘C, } rciar iu-3 tu9 Bjoijty of prisoners. t :0y V .u.d U8i r.'l m inapt of »bu83 both of oar beloved £ r3nler''J ‘cab y Je*r to aa by our i'"pria o ■m -Di, aJ r f our d^ra Ki) wts thrasi, hiiad-caflF* f ! »:d jJ ..-VO a batSsaoie co l, and k^pt tiiere f i.i r ak they sm ; ac’ danag t i p;*'oJ. 111. UaU tfoia w-id ^ ad etc)t, i!i«y ■. • ! -/(313) iho rri-.il.r.a ihg ,sr=. Thai V y C -; -i.- i:s » I ■ r.-^ i,afts;?’. o.jr..!-j,tcaJ iti tL •.'■i i -Ie f s'.-e tb.O'.,-t ttis s.Tjy. ooald a^■t ‘ii .... --J’ -r • no ▼ CO T.ei’vii to j ij '-li.-.u as, '. I .{li • ■ • r. i-.-.'i. -'i I a. Nop .s ■' r v { • • ■ * ’.( I iliui'ui..y. I ■ « wi..i,>ied a- . ta i . j-.cji!., o, r.nd ca *h8 '.T{j «id;iii? to iba e;en.i.-\ | tr w*a ic5, wer^ o.a- ;j,.a y tise jffiooifl tr spiw. p-.7.i}7 'I'A^di Ud 28 w.ru of good Itamdisd rota tae 8jai.ii. Ttie O'jmjiux.itjii ol tho priaoa was oao Siiyor H«a* r ■!. I. f . n t, *. i;; d b: i rHUmj^XEi. ^ ^ V « I. ; u ak.' pjtj.4 -, iii ;'>ss, ’I’-u"'ir.j. JJ i... T P;vi-T, IpcoM. ' ' ■« fiw.'-ep. S;i*3 N r>, r :u.i, Jr.i;ue, Lm.i .3^ \ Il01nil^ Bi If ffait*3 Aaoiyno, ij'u S il‘ I di J. j Jit rij 'ife I iud - 9 by JA8. N. SMICH,- fl3-itf l>^o 14. WA.HrCD, ] 1 :>R f bfi - a nin,r * j i 0’.> »»! Irjoer; .1- also a Nar^o Jb.4d ii>as) A-ppi/ lo Dec 14. JAS N. JMlTil. 93 i f asi fiov/iL,. IlHB anler&igned tnjo rja^Tdi fr-wi thVir old ataad . oa Waier ta Nj. 7, M.ifiKEt’ Sl’AEEi', a'ii^re they *j;p3ot l^> co^tiau3 Cfoaoral & Ctrooax'y Buaiao33. Ppopjpt Mtaati’a wili h«j griToa to aJl ordeia aad aon- ea mitsd tj ocr curs. fi. 0. LiSBBS aar 4 no 'A, **’P-• AFINB 5T0CK cf TOMd. i'!? of exirft qis’i-y. TOfMi434;^. O inaludiuj souie oiew- il ia % f0^ J *» "3 Pvnrdif au D -o’’ 9 ~r¥. •> raa'iv-j u rtp'>iy of Saaif, \a> ' a.^»-as.^!u'a.“ 1 ; A xC ’.iO X '^O 'lTi£. 92 Hr. ■f9 6 • jt jrom t.h Bcaa*!' j lag u;. Vi a i bOO Jl'UiiU I,:m*—5\ 9 .^aj^uaaed, ' »,v : i Oi.i .vvis- st ti.*; h *’vS~>'n;.I f >; J ., ■ :.iJ.-o-v:iyi- tSiat en'.;:;-. ; % ’.i,; • i-:j ■ ■■' ''--tia detfjfiaiUfi t> a ;a S’’- . AU(i. W. BfEiEL. Af’t of O^nfederata Bonda. rajttttnlU^Ooi. 2a.- " 7&-i8i» il -..-.d o>:r. of ono-* do- f r *iv/e”oi>;n . •— SV- wer-' vol in or at J'n-^ in .>»Jiae wa^ it ia ior*t;.c -.iiiiii tlicu, and w j oaa’t deny it. .'^uppcs-j we ad ;i'> 1 .oa iuao.l our rcla-til lo ^et I'l rn» t'jr a-d !i p. uar ot ir, what ooald th“ or t^rco “lo*u-n a; ‘u” do to us abnj' ii f A^ Iti3 w.' . w ;ai o >, uj y"Tcr, the difSra.ti.s • a i bar..-h - • : 'la fairj-^ .'•>c rnjro dcv'jr^ aai * f> X. I w ; h'd iuor; than we b^r.i;9ia *d for. r ’u ~ii.iy o iiii J o).ui) .^ia aad try tj dis^wa I ’lr 0 )-rio ; i..»ii v7iia it u my rfi,. Bat wjare i i ' iijv» aai ai.,1. c -ue ja>. sacev,^dally or ?uo- ri : t) ruin Ias> .;-i a c lii^, so. ii.rs, th .-re is Dpa.. : di j - I 1 :j p ri iiui t .0 'laty yjar ■wii ui '.v .S itj -‘_n a.v 1 : icd to you To f'a* t:; yo .1 a : - p livci! ri^hls aad j.r jt-:c ioa ’“i '’.‘v ■ c-j -y ^'d " '■•>• -XMcd ^ y>i t > I i h. r. !{y -> iij^ua'a^ ot her o.va, throU'^h :ii .j ti a, yoar ona .•.o^ot.'ymca, -^.lo i- I u’ I 'i\ . a t‘*.' «'r.'sri.>nsihilivie:. That ;i .,d Sr• ,1 ae.'cr oc J.', u »cra • Cl you. She •i i..■ ajuri-t >i yau a *d piov. iei far yaj, an I it m /.-U'i.i-i " -I- ■> r ;u>u -J 7>ted'y -ttiohcd 0 the hni y- 'ic h -a's aid firesides. Then, lO 0 »r 11 • wit; ii any, .siiu.i by your cjlors, Oojii, aad b.j fora or ^iU3 ti tac hoa:)f aad inter- cst.s of the i)M y.ii'th S a.o OtScera and supe- ri J raiy 'aiti ‘ m 3 iroityou b».scly aad raecady, .-■a* j^ii: ooaa r/ 4 s ait. Maiy aro tiie pJity ..,'ne’ ^-cj.s aad dis.p.inutaica:^ infiioted on you ; 1 this waf, bat taid is fiuaian nature. Voa cm v7 irk and w I'ry ti’i y > i ^^-^t thoHe ro^'ovei *id ^ivo t- ‘ir rlajj: to ^jre w.irtay mja Tho"o IS ai'.rayJ a i'Vlu w *y >,} c^rr ^ct wroa^ aud re- ire J i j.’.r: a id ‘>:i aj-iu ed fua* 1.15 j3«t i\nd ;r'stp>.doa ot uu-jsiiil will .-m-'tiia you in tai^ T.ica pU \t yo'its^'.v^a li. on s.:apd p.iucipltS aui romtin forjver ira . t y tiir o uatry ia all r^ipjc'.Ji, ciio’dgh yoa may not bj trua la dojiuirels ia office. Ii >riG GrjIBS FOR TUB OSSlvarKK. li’i>uasST(iV2.i£jt>.\ l^xL' ,5 .) j.’id.i-, IN. 0. T in thj Fl id n-ar 6*vaa iah; Ga., Ocj 13, 18G4. M^s^rs H li^or": Fo‘ tho b *acfit of thj fri;n.id acd la' ili.'- Ol' bor i afliscrs and moa of thii Bat talion comm-ndad by Maj.J. .M. S^cvon5j^ of our btate, 1 'uraisa yoa a *i.ii oJ the wounded and raissiop: fro-n two cjcupaoioi of this battvliyoj also a list from oo Qpiay B, lUsn But. and da- t ichm a'3 l. oui d-Jca aad oO h N. (!. I. in ttie enga^cm.n-. at ‘aiarrLsia’s Oid Field,” 1^ milea from Haiwunih oa tfco liih iost.: Ho 0—Lajit K J L*aJv*v. .1 R B»*rd, esi^aroiw TTOuaJ la Cl.) y. \ car: P.-.vva J B Jiro, 83T^r»ly ii (3; ; .-J's-tiiaf ill Dio'ci Tjjpor In- oap:.u.'od uaaa-i CoB, 10 'i J o , • L»-- : 'i—figt Tarlin?:- lir». .s i ^fet, >ii jiusr: J w .\Ic vhiteT-, J L Mocr«i, E B o«»a. N '01 I) ,j;. 71..^. jro b 4i>ia »ad o th N 0 ” .J i a b ;ca y L i II*-cs8'>'a aad O'Bryn: 1- SI - . ■ Both oar oSj ;ra aud m-jn aetud with macii via^ to the wo wore f >rc-d to yi .l i aa i fdi bick i i dno ord.ir to tho oa^cr works ot d ,7’ iaih Our mon, taou»li coi. ■ron.ia^^ a f.irmidibh ea.my, are la thj floe.st .spirits, aal ;.^r3-.:n .n to much will aud ds- termi ;atija. Ail ie'/ors J'.-oi'ed to li.ik c’s Brigide, Me. L-i;vi’ I);rsi v-iruTa, G ii c-io of ihpt is of Com;‘aa.- H, .'.li as. J. vVlLfitAMS, A Adj’t. h-^'ur-.ird \j.if ' — ,v .- tae pa-o!.:d CoaiCiiCC.. ■' 'J :^ho jt» Oa'-ri.' to'i ou Tniir.'». day eveainoj las'., ny 01 m'u ;c bo-c from Trt Pd’.ski, V.’:^ fi'd th^ I :l,.vilg Dji)-..ria2 to N. 0. Jflc irT.i:--: C . j O. N Fi.k, Goth; ( Jaoi;. D. Co J K Oatk umo :ia Aik x Tlj^n Tf i alac'ity, cojlnji.i and bravery. O vi.'i overwhe niiac' na ubjr o!’ the oncmy. groo 3 on the i?rovnd ti. rf’St far tin hrnr b ofc, D. in.. we otHrti; I • in ftnd i’o:> ii- 'd iJ.*'ilijld or H'c'xd-.'■•rd, oa r!i'* Meuc.‘r-n, '.v -ore tnc li R cr i.s.sefJ the river 40 mi'es ^rora Pt^ter.s nrt?,' in tin-e to out oii th;' r.d v?.no - of he r-aeray. fhe ll?i!r'E.d Iridire at this placc is an imi) 'rfaat ono, *'id t.'kioe po^it;on htTc. wo dvteraiined i!iai li.ia ; f’. aid bo ib j -‘i.o pi ul'tc*” of tbc yankee raid Our v'dctte met the en?>my i;n‘ .■’ :hov: ;.!b- ' nc'; from the bridg'*, aad in rr;'' evenin;' skir mishin J b--oa:ue pretty warm, t^>r J’nior tleserves 1 cciii^ntr aiiarply cHi:ai:cd, a^dtd ii / a p- tion of Ui til,’ Iry. Aruilery aldo »7a3 kv-e ? used. At ni;ht tiij ensmy'ij siiirpi'ta' torr^ vjolt posiossion 0' h ‘ warcnou'^e -.’.nd *ero firing from tho"-in.iows. O ir balt"’'y of aor^e tilicr, (0 .p. M.-u.cij-ly -pea d ui-u tlie b’-iht.na, ki!:; .4 .* iiuiu- i-ffj* *iia cncUiy iu i. audeoou i" s?as m ppodi i d.-i^et, w^e*h”f tired by oar ehtdlw ‘»r the 7-10sc^ vt.tb not ascertained A: any rate th:i hrick J'ads .?• re '• J'l' I- c«*?y riddled by s'aellH Firing; pna^ed ab 'U‘ lOo’cIo'^k tha*^ ni^bi. A slow rnin p.»* e.''d oa ov.r fubbof c’oths, freczia?: ?-s it f :‘l Agiin we Uy d jWfi lo rest Dut >.ot to eep m loh. The wind blew dreidly amoa^ tho' 132-ai nl l?iab.s ol tho bo'.vin pine4. Tnui wa rem-iaod n-*ar B?ll- fleid till d^yli^ht S.i.turd-»y mori'inc thj lOtb, ruen wo f'>jnd that,tiio enemy, t-^ki^g prudence 10 F#o tiiC becter part of valor, had taken Fr^.nch leave aboa;: miduight and were well on their w^y back tuwardu Gen. Grant’s lice* Gen. Warrea t*f‘ the 5th Army corp.s commanded the yankce iDrocs, and prisoners Ciptared roprsi^antcd that bc W4i b*jly f.'inhtoacd. We parju.?d as fait os pos- oit'lr*, faking a diif.jrent road from that of the ene my, end'^avoring at the same timo to strike them oa the flank. But wc wore a little too hte. f'he Ist Il.-gimcnt wa4 ia front, and waea it r?iiohcd the r.>ad travdbd by the eD»'my, Sndin ’ t at the enaray’a caldam had p\ese i 0.1, chargfd •ili.er them foi some distxncj, led in porsoa by Gen Birr-.^ger. A c.>C3iderablo nambsr of p’^Ls- •'aers *vcre neat to the re^r a- the fruits ot the charge. This was on the road that l-’ads to Sus- s.-x 0 II Ou'- iv>:;rte-)at ihon took tha ieadj V 4 c .''I j'JiiTiuiy ui Oc A, 10 advanoe. The rjEls «ere ’a.serably catcp ay the ftfi^my’s frain. hi.idvr**! by bridgos being torn op, foihns» of treSij, vVc •. I’hf' adviacc of the enemy’s retreating 'iTi e’lffioio'it '>m’ to fire fodder st'icks « I i all oth^r cj a’Da;‘,ioij supplies ai ^ag the read. S mu iid l.i aad dweliiajs ali^ > w h irned. Wc had hupj I t! a' Gen A 1' iltU, w lO Utd noveJ out ou I'ae £ink, Oould iateroept ti..d hin der th*i rotra t, ou- 11 a ea *my k dag r»,»ci>. a dii- ftireai roai f'oai the oae expjot'*‘, iiinj. d aa/» jaUruodonj #..at;vc'-. W;: caiuj upji th.ir eimp ne?r 0 H In :ho li/^t Oa'-;quad rja, ‘■‘•J aad I),” war-j aow la fra it aad were or- ijred to ch i'ga whe ii.7r wo jaaie u.'.iaths eao- •’•y. Tu'.s »?a-> diric ta t’lo le.tiv i in a man- uar th .t droi? lorth eimp ija:a 3 from llj^'iaiea t;', B'i-^ai"' aad Diyisian c m n..u Icrs T.ic oaf*my h-ti sat » t.'.v;« for us, ha/ia? tliro-^n ou ivi a aliot I'fia ry oa each side of rh» rr^d il i ^busa, saapjrt i by a ii ;avy m'U ‘ci o)^a.uu imjaoli^taiy ia their r.’ar. Tha-i we poor re >.;1 voro ta b*. j,;obol I ap ry bad aad b'tyoat.3 L B ih:uiaa cjmmiad^ 1 tie aiva loj j-aard—Cvpt lIi;ci*;t'of (’0 C, t.;e sqi’alr-ja, C.*pt- Brook.s, of our Cj., h«u bi-ou Icftbihinf 1.0k. The r-harga bd.:a-; prlsancrs capcured in the first of it told as that we would ba ambmucd and fl inked “Noboiy tears their fl taking,” was tttc response and ‘ G’ar;? ! Chai.s', ohaT’cl Oal 8t*a'T, «nl” as they wore the last w:>rds of Marmion, so were their rjeatlm>atj tho only ones tha* animated tuii Httlo sqaalrjn oharj^ing tho b ilk ot Wa,rroa’s Army w.‘h which he aad KtarJed to Weld >n. We piss d oa ta ta' latantry aiioa^'’ada, stnadiiy tbro'iga it to th: maau ud oolaiin, where the ra;id WaS o'udtructe 1, uador i-he ooacentratcd fira of a largo foi'ca. Tac fluh of tha guns ilia- luiuati^d the wliole socnc, aud tho iiis iag of min- ie balls aad tho cla-ihiag of aabroa told u.5 of the danger that sarruuadod U4 Tiie A^g’c not com* ing up to cursuppirt io timo, wo wiiaeled about, atid charged baox over all obtsruaiioas that cams 11 tho vray—except Lio'it. Bahmanu who paosod through and o.ime out another way. In this eagagemoat I r?gret, waat it is tru« naafTinidttbie, tho laad of eocaa 63 brave oaval- iers as ever drc.va blade. 0»>.'p'l K. D. Whitl;;y of Johnaton. aad priyato W D llay of C ■mbcr'- l*nd, were captured from Co. 1>; privates Thos. J. \VaIters C v 0 from Cassell was kill.;d, aad —^ ll-jdge luortiliy waaadjd; b^'aides Apple, Fretwell, Fauikner aad Iljrtoa of Kama Jo oap^ tared. Tarse or faar wore woaidei We took 17 prison'Tj, but da not kaow uow many wore kitlod. Same were badjy w>anded wi h cho fcabrc; that wjre captured and scat to the rear. Over 100 surrendered that wj oould not cany out. Wo halted for tho night. The next :n ra- iag ;he 5:h fl3g’t ojatiuuad thj pursuit, picking up stragglers and plunder. Thus termi jjited tho lid^anci and rctTois of W irren’s tai liag party. He burnt, a few bridges, lost 200 pri3C>ndr.s, and tooomplished bat littla more. Eaoagh forth) present. Yourd, &c. I Yf\nkie Newt.—RICHMOND, Deo 19 —U. 8 I i.ap. rrf of the 16th hsve »n official telfgram froi»' Gen. Thomas, dated Nashville, Deo 15. He va/^: “[ a^t»ok-’d the e emy’^ centre this A iil.. and drove it from the river near to Franklin pike, ab.'^ut 8 miles. I have captured Geo. Chal- m. ti ti ,.;d:^’rj aad train, 800 to 1000 prisoners, and 16 pi^^e^s of artillery. I shall attack th« eaa- ”jy Rg^in to morrow ” flicUMOND, DcO. 19.—U. S. paper* of tho 11 th s;ij tbat Admiral Porter’s Fleet, with a oo-upc- >3?iag force of troops under Ov^n We inT, satied lr.*m Humpfcm Ivoad** on Thursday last. 1 be UahimotL* Aaicri.ja'i says it is the f'Tin’d.a b!e I'-aval eap^idition yot sent out I^a dr'.:tiO't •ion is not mentioned. Bea^t Buiier Bocompa- nicd the trwps. The Canadian Attorney G;eneral han. eivrn hts opinion that the >usciarge of the St. Albtif’s rtid or' was wrong, and the rc arrest of the parties is ur krcd. Privato Montreal teleg.am-j n,eufi« mu'jh cxoifemeat in railroad'oircie® in antieif a.ion of non-intercourse with the U- S. un'ess tho gov t ci>kpd proicpt action to ailay the bard«‘r e* il'i'i^ii^t. Wnsliington telegrams »ay that Biaail’s devoi d ^cr rt-paraiion for the seiaure of the F*ofid* nss Hoen Tto!ived and is decidedly imp- r‘aat. S o'y Sdviard has replied and without fadoreing tbt cap^ire indicates a desire to havp ihe mat.t«'r properly adjudicated acoording to internatiun^l b.w. A dispatch from Thomas at Nashville, Deo IGtb P. M , clai i.8 that 'ihe ene'^y fcfs be«n p’tfifl"d at nil points io bis li^ of retreat to l^”«ct'vocd Hill He als > claima to have captured .. l«rg.* iiu-uticr of prisoiiera and in*veral piecri of nVti'Vry, and has «»rdered the nursait to be cod- ri -:;?d St d»y‘'ght. Tho woods are filled with the rebels’ sxcaii arms abandoned in their retreat. The f>»Jer»l lo«?8 did not exceed 300, ot whom very f;-w are killfd The news caused great ex- cLtf m ut in ^aukeedom. Gold d^diaed to 227. Richmond, Dee. 20.—The Washington Chron- ie^.i ot S ind»y, 18th inat, ban. S-io’y Stanton’a -Opinions deliyered in the Supremd f'ourt. loliaiving citsea: By I KARsoN, 0. J.—Ta State v. Summery, frjai Tr iDsylv;ini{--; error lu S'-’^te v. f]dQo’7, ^tr>m !i i-i: . anp, jn,; a?jordinjr to s t'J'i. J Ip Ircy V. I roy, in t qany, tram Coiamcis, do- * o\.i’f-,r>cr the 'i'( us or' tb.il p'»rtie(} ;5y B/ittlk, j.- Li 3ut3 v. Js e, a sUvc, frO'K r i:',d ,, ;; -ifrf. ;/ ; n CO Iu Stit’ V. Bfo^rn, ffOtii Mecklcab-i’'-;, n-j »rror. Ia MiUer v. Lot ■iaa, from Ne\. ii »naver, ia C'juitv, d nghta of tho pa. ties. By MAMLiYj'J. — [ ['1 S*ita V. eoiiriog tac »Ioneyc»i% from ori«rIagtke rights OonMrocUivt. paruea bull* tin of the ITtti. It says that dispatches wd(o ihaz.day roccived Iram Gea. t’oater, whohad had ^-n i-jtfrvi^vsT with Gen Sherman on the th r,r Fort McAU ter. Sav.nnan was olopely be- i :;r.d v.^ c-'iptUi'e eaniidently expected- It ;us lu b.? ^a'l^uioued in 2 days and if not sar- rer.dTfd S ierman would opea his batterie# upon it. F stcT repo rts Shermr.n’a army in splendid e."i'.*duioa. It reports nothing received that day fti'Si Gen. Tiomaa at Nashville, but saji that un- ctSci.ii dispatcher stut.^ *hat the Provost Marshal a! N i-hvi le reports b,OOV prisoners and 4V pieces 0‘‘ a!illery already seca»ed. Thomas’s whole 1 )fS u »‘'a nat cxO-’cd 300 ^ iupatcb lro3i Lcxi'igton, Va., Dcc 18, says that BarKvi.Jgc has touted Duke’s brigade and cap tured Oal. Dick Morr'an at Kiugspork Gea. Dix’s order direoiing pnrjait into Oanads 0*" &ny r^idcr.s from that qumt^r h-n beco revok ed by order ci Lincoln. G.ll closed on Saturday at 224 yinkf^ ICf.mt from Papirm/tkf 14 t — L.t’ adviaes fram Mobile say that a ne« teb ran. ha;* come dava tbe Tombigbee river, and is now at Selm«, having her armor and plating put on S le 13 reported to be a vary formidable engine of after tha pattern and style of the ram Tco- uessce, «ap:ur^ by at daring the Fort Morgan attack. Information has reached the l^avy Department th^ th- If. S ganbaat Otsego, Com Arnold, was f-ank a few days ago by a r4bel t>rpedo in the K^anake River, six milea above P ymouth, N. C The tarpedo was attached to a log and boated in rh3 river, and as the Otsego was moving np tbe rkx mtmv mtrwiK CM *v'itich exploding cansed her to sink. No p«non on board waa injured. Tbt^ difficulty Isndiog to the difoharice of the S': Albans raiders ia nominally teoanicai. Tbe first warrants for their arrest were issued by Jos- '•.fles of tae Peaoa. Tftey were set aside aa iUe- .ctl The Chief Jostic: then issued his own TTirrants, and upon thea the prisoQer.> were re- r*.j«fcd. N,/W the Chief Jastiaa sets avide his o^n warrants and deoid?^ that they were illegal. Tbe warrant of the Governor General is now de:3i>1ed ta hv necessary. Shauid that be obtained probab*y ;hira will be some illegality in it. Meaa- whila the pri8jners are dwohaffred, aad will be rt^oreied by choir friends The disoharga of the S; Albias raiders may be set down to the over- «4Teiia'sympathy of the Caaadian authorities aud a desire to injure the Uoited States. F,o/n Europe—IlrcuMOND, D-c. 20.—Euro pean advices to th„ 2i infant, say that Earl iiufi-icll had replied to Confederate Congress [»ome body of that danomiaation in England^ we oupp >se] expressing equal friendship for North and Sauih, deploring the war, and pledging Eng land to strict neutrality. A meeting had been held in Bristol to cclebratc Lincoln's re.election; hat broko up in a row after cheers for JeflF Davis and G in Loe, and groans for Graot, Batler and Lincoln. Toe Lincoln Orator was driven fram the platform. Another Rav^ Below.—We have learned on r liable athr>ri*;y that the Yinkce* ura asi in mov ing up the R .aaok-3 tawaris Fart Branch. ' Goldsboro Journal. W\R Thf Yarkft rnU-.i timj ,/ff — Wilmington, —Thf? 1 neruy’s flei.-t, m«^re t^an 80 vesselp, H'P morning. Up to Ifct ac.‘oa:.ts t> t re tias betn no demonstrjtwn of an a*''m}.t lu laed. The wind is N E , t,h« weather Vcaniiag cfld nnd unfavora ble to iandir g The Colorado and v^’^abash are rerrognised brarng th-' tt'ct Oar people qnut. [ofTlOIAi.Ul'’l'.-iTCIl ] UfcaMuNb Deo 20—Antffij !» dia atch lr-»o* Wilmiogttn, lu A .M , s»}“: ‘Tl a d.vnnce oi tbs ' T:’rr. n. r* firri'/i'd li t. H Jor; dufii'ij tfid: bight Urrr.’iU .Stcauitl'4 -te u ■rv &gi. jiUinfl -Mvts aTi: lalic'R'iri!.'’’ Ft- >a *S’. H h.r-i f y r-j pin.—t a'^c a very reiirtMe i.;trMii,!.in*f> i.np of 'h» y®a Kf'! '■nidpr.H i > S i b ra tbi.i ,..ora i*)ir. The^ Ute : ■ ;.i o'ffi’ -t-'ni t'-.> te‘e yr M''' e op 5»-:ir.,r • vVyibrvilie, *ite ycst.rday t-T>fr,j!>i', v't'ii rep r^.at tbe were sit^- ia a f.>w miies o’ H > : I ts-, »n i be u, the ( V-t ot eioiir," t i- -Afi-: ' t r \\r pur* o.’C ot !• »viag Pa.ste»>eer'^ bv tbe c-irs !i«t nigbt rt-por; tig* wi n :l-t y ■( r J>r ! iy y 9*prda' th^ y'« kce» w»ro said U) b' at ,%ir. rt, 14 iiilefc ircm Wyr'hcvilT un-l -5S tro-a H i-t-1. Thtj »re moving wijb ^rcat laridity, jf the-se reports ba tru’.' Fro»n a very well inf >riii «i souice we learii?i IsB.'. right thut the afr.'ni'th of the party advaQ. o'd^' rtown th« d exoo^l, if it rcHobe'?, .0 0 ijoa. Tr.e itain body of Bn:, bridgo’s force is believed to have rcached Ab ingdon nvd to be marching on t^e Salt works The programme is for the raiding party to des troy the railroad so as to preven; reicforcenr ents roachirg the Works in time, when the yankees fancy they will fall aa e»-y rrey. In this they may find themseJyps slightly rriataken. . We are gratified to learn authectioaliy t^at the reported oaptore of tbe tram at Glade Spring on Thnrsday is incorrect. Oa Tuesday night wo learu that the command of Col. Dick Morgan was surprised at Kiags* port, about 25 miles from Bridtol, and t&e (Jolo- nel and some 25 or 30 of his m**p cap'ari d aui the rest scattered. The rond to Brlefcl '*'*.3 thus opened to the ecemy, who. by marchiLg all cigh*', reached the plaoo ? littI-3 r light, withr-ut op position—Xyr*rAi wry Z'CJn, ITfA. Situatif^n at MobVe.—Dispatches wcrerec*.ivei here on Sunday from Mobile ->hiok located the er.emy in force within twenty n iles of Mobile Gen. McCulloch of Mi&aouri was keepicg them bsuk as well as his limited number!) en 'bkd him to do, bat it vros appre-e-dc I tJ'at his brigade was t0v> weak to acoomplish tho defeat and turning back of the Yankees. Upon tua strengrh of those diepatchcs, Go^. Watta promptly isausd theproc- lainati'>n in io day’s paper, calling upon the people of A!.^b-».u» t J hurry to the det- ivce of Mobile Vesterdiy nothing additioncl was received. M ut Adv.yV&th G)v. ^''fct s it! bis prooli*njation say»:— ‘*M''t)i!e is tViteatcned with attack both by land an ) crater A 'ftr.'otoroenf tbe enemy is appro&chiDg Mobil**, fhr-^ni'p Mi.-sipsippi, and sre now wkktn •i hh jrt •* • ai.c f t--> e\-y. My i»i format>or, lesds m** to b 1 ftve t?.!it an att^nipt will be made by the Yanke - V-i>£ts to p»ssr»vr fartificutions in the har bor of M.jbilr? Thi= stJftok muf«t be met and de feated. .\ll the fjiccs under my command hi^y* b'^en o»-drre 1 ►orr'f’ *' to »«id in repelling this effort of b'l U,:> We need more men! I appeal to you to gi at once to Mobile! I shall be there to comiosnd yon, aod to t^hara with jom £m.t» «. »y b«- yfU'f* in 00mp«0i«M, squads or singly I One tr> re effort acd oar oaose will be safe.” h AY hJX I'E / LLLE MAKKieT —Deo. 22 pEVISVT op the M.^RKfiT. B«oob 6 00! Pork 8 i-O. L^rd fl 09 Bcsf 1 SU to 2 00 per |waad. retail. Beeswax 6 00. Batter 10 00. Oottoa I 7i. Cofee 25 00 Gf?t»^ia y»ra—40 00 t« &u OO per baaeS. Coi'y>.’«, retail J6 10 $7. Iiri'ci Fruit I 60 Fnar—8»jper, ^75, P»«o'ly, $286. Grain —Oora ^24 00 to f 25. Wheat »/• 520. *ai3 I'i 60. P-jai f 29 aidat -iireea 2 60 to 8 60, dry i OS l« 6 00. Ivaa—‘‘^'ciee 6 00, Qoaatry made 8 60. Fo‘?d«r$10. Hay SiO ehaaka f 10. FUn«-cd ’6 00 (X'r bu. Hcooa lpp.-» 25 OJ ptr eh *L E?j9 4 50 to 6 00 per doiea. Le^s.t.'x.f 00. LiqfaoF-T— ;ora Whiaksy 09. ApaU P^»«t iirAR:?y fSO 00. o:'r» jiry siaie, 18 69 to 20 00. Rice 75 b' ca»k Sajcw 8 00 p^r vbl; r^t^U 10 10. 8oda 7 CO to 8 00 oer lb. S'aa—F-asi’17 B.»t 6 00 per lb., Toilet 8 0© to 10 00 J?.u;a 4 -'J ts 4 50 por lb. Oui'ios 35 00 pac hushei. Potatiisa—Irluh $20 r.jijfe; qvri>et 510. F*y »tU?TilJe 4-4 Sheetings, 4 60 8*lt 40 00 to 46 0:) j>fr barbel Spirits Tarpaaume 3 00 per itall^B. TaUaw b 00 Wool $8 to ¥10 Carrectod by R I,. PaiiBaaToa F^or»t tae 3 .baartbar a laediaa liajl rel ad whUe {.OW. a-nUy wbile, tJiO cad of on'j bi*ra is broken off, ear markc not rsoollf-sisd Any Icfocaa lioa roQoeraia^ hor wrli be tf'nnkfii’Jy reooi^od aad re- ALEX ilcPHBaSON, Jr. D«j’if22 ih-, nibbles Mc^ OB tUe of thj i, 240'li ia t, aBOIiilEij HO-«iE, with wai'ta uaee aad iic.*. a h: = baok caused by taa robs of »> iv; > ?. a 'uoio b • si^ hia b>a9 i^nd tipiausi. ^ 1 >er»l Tn'«'’-d Wiil p v:d for tbn delivery or iBfor* 6>i*lju thit I g»i lilni AddfcBfl 0. P.\LMB3, Farettiyiile A^Htfaal aad A.rm)rj. Daa’f 21. 9S.6ipd Blank Deisds for mIo at Uu> ^iic^ Savuif^ah. — Oa Sacurd iy e?ea;ng a dibpatoh was received in Ooldsooro’, dir.'^t Iram Savanaah, and dat*>d on that day. .\t that time all was well. This ia reliable.— GoUUhoro' Journal Fate of Atlanta.—The destruction has been far greater than we supposed Out of the tene- ments of all kinds which oovered tne site cf At lanta, only four hundred have been left, and about four thousand have been burned; and it is believed the destruction would have been far more universal, but for the interferenc? of the Catholic Priest, who made a manly resistanee, backed by the Catholic soldiery in Sherman's army, against the firing of houses which waald iiave endangered the Catholic Church and Par* Sonage.’—Jtfacofi T^Ugraiph. Advent.ire 0/a i'onfed^rate $:out.—An amus ing adventure of one of our goouta, during the recent raid of the enemy, has been related to us. Shortly after the Yankees reached the Jerusalem Plankroad, up which ^ey returned to camp, the eolumn, somewhat disordered and fatigued by its march, was struck by a daring aoout ot our arnay. Nothing but • bold demeanor would save him from capture, and he resolved to risk his freedom upon the result of his ingenuity. Assuming the air and proportions of Aide, he struck spurs to his horse, and gallopiag down the Yankee column, ordered the straggling raaks to clc.se up, as tne rebels were in hot [iaisait., aad threatened t> shoot MUch as lagged behind. He pursued this course dow3 tho colutnnp, hurrying the frightened Yan- up at every e*ep. until ho f^und an opportu nity to esoape, when he, himieif, hurried off as fast as his horse could carry him. l*^^erslurrj Etprtu. Mr. Turner o*t /Vace —-In the last Obserrer the Peace resolutions introduced by Hon Josiah Turn^r in -the House of B.epre8eDtativea were re ported by the telegraph. On their introduction Mr. Turner spoke at some length, taking this po- sitian, as reported in tUe Richmond papers: “He did not; believe thit the United States Goverumeat would Usten to any terms which we could offer, but onlieved the offer ot such an effort on oar part would be mo«jt salatary in ai- Isacing tho objections and murmurings of the lukewaroi and fAiat hearted. He did not favor sepirato State action As to Lis State, the dis affected did not talk ag&insfc the war, but againat the Administration. * * * The people of North Carolina and a part of Georgia had gotten it inte their heads that something caald be effeot> ed by peaoe negotiatians, and, if the action pro posed by kis reBolutions had no o^l^r effect, and he oonfessed he d*d not anticipate any other, it would at least quiet the minds of many thousands of persons on the subject.’' Taken the Oath.—We leam that Capt. R. Vf, Atkinson, o^the 2d N C. Cavalry, and Lisut. R. A. Glenn, of the 22d N, C. Rc«t., who have been prisoners of war somo timv*, have t»k*'n the oath 'af allegiance to the Federal government. Ral«iyh Oons->rvn*i.9t Bean and 3ulU—The singal^r opi'hets ot “bears” and “bulls’' were first appli- « t > spaoa- lators in stock on tho Loodos Kxi^fitage ubout 1831. When two parties cori; -.c , th« one ta deliver and the nrher to take a »o* an a iUiUio day at a epecified prioo, it is t -.k-. i«fere«t ol tlie deliver!ag party, in the in' r.n’n ' period, to de press stocks, and of the ’ vm »og P^f^y rsise them. The former is sty lo t a “bear,” iu allu sion to the habit of r.hat animal ta pull tuings down with his paws, and the latt«r a “bull,’' from * the custom of that beast to throw aa objeot iq| vikh kk ham. o V.’ k?e Rhip- le"-! R ra~‘ from 0;ri tended *0 hi Ilf DC' mo-*--’ is tiUuost te fieet., or, wji or frf'm U:. Tbr Rtr.T.ir ef-p.’ should i)« = tifo V .-ol; we 11 hMT ec^T ■, y, ticu’;vr. :i aS' :e; 'vb,- \ tb. .i b: i 7. rep.,- brini 'if. I. 'I Uf, w u the yaok- *\v'e c Uov N from tl;‘ hi I, V- Ct':.' OU^ hv \ . r tL(? 1. . come, is now het- aud me:.:. •; St ■ iT:" that or d.-: 1 ac.. ' tre- fi*' u • r.e:, ^ II bM». ^.... ueed tu lor Ttjf* ena'd- d every blacke* be tarni belv; 8 ▼■oinen Gcveraoi Wiih yaii -VI. s. Kile. viE.’fKR' 00.M of tlH' for ficl’ comniii 21. »Q‘ disp itoh Ab the org.inizfi ments ol Ot?ii‘-r'- The f regitoeat diHJ 0 to ret c-ivt 1.1 tian t.i } Ki HrKiiAi. I'o r;i farlu^ to Hi'-'nihi th^ s.’ tr-. t.iufcU. . (■; .'r. '.T I'lV 1> N :P dav I ' TO 0",r v;e pa^r'> tioDB ’ ot ro; to ex( then. .•>« M.'u. mail ago come ma-^e has c the 1- W Goor in t-o C. OD thar- Wrap e« ct’ he rt tbftb, V. lic' Da« .N' p=-: ©Vi an W

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