niihssui. iJ.crKijho;,. •-'.’ *“-*• ^ VV ii.minoton 'rnRFATFsBD.— '■ C’Pt ct ynn- k»»e fibjps hi»9 anpc;. vcl bi lo- dcubt- 'p*’’ ft par^ of that j> 'fvctial (•.i - nhioh from Old Pt.i : nn thi-. dx ^vc(k, ard probably in tended to titfft. k VVi’minjyf. ’ We cav- as ypt he«rd I'f DO moToD'.er.: of ■*• :o c f )rce, bul it 13 iihuoat certain thu' nai tieet, or. what i.-) c'Ore J or from Unslov* -. ornt' Th defence-; ut W. n 'trosjr CFpt'fia'l;’or ’ should he so I.'- -* C ' ties t" co!1p(’ u ir' ■'* pliall haV(? eoeiriy. Y, ..t,' . ticular. it b' >v amouattv^ u"; a>!' n ^barf of’ ■ rol Da I rr that di?pa COIioct^U- snd w>- h k' ('►‘t .1 . I.' ;• I DiugU'!! or plsrw':'11\. »!■ repcir.-d’his tor,=>. b.i* s i'- brinj( ur. uoy to-d iv’= .. T lie wiid blew off the yankop dhips t to so,-v. a lure,'' 13 e.tlipr with iho .. U' wOine irfin Newbern ■ _lon nre • uown to h« very ' .1". And if T.'ieaif.'ick J > cPabt - ’b authori- !' U' di-'cnd tin* works. \ - 'h ’ tv ;a the rt' on;i D'-iV ^ ■ r-’ i.eiI'-uT I ■ a? al.vtc \ in^r . ■? r?e ti,. t' « cSlT ^ .li lb ' . of i>. t - u‘^ in tliiit j)Tr- t vv ih'airiftca i^ y a. ■ jr-tiiiro- tii'> ti:r at lh.‘ f I)’ 1- ill- Of' haMy in '.If vv'i-., .hi-r f 111 Wi!- !: Q(' doul>t bo mtf in tiii’e !;> a>'d ]jrobihly drove ^o.-n . d to oj -la’t’, p . ^ bi* '!: .1 -lO-v r ;• , ei I>S ,\'econytho toUowic^- s'irrinsr I'rooinnifition of Uov Ordrr. of the A.ia anl Gt r erai, from the Ralegh Oors-rra : - r rcolv, d tnis «» 1»IK J.'K XOlt.ii X \ •>» V fi-,,v. » t.. p. .. ' ' , ',• r- .', R^'Ve uol now r. c-r-' ' . f'-’K ^-z,.d tur >.^ > front uiuy su-i i,.s,.L W'Uch ihrea:-ua w ra from oar dj »•_; v f. 'A';i A DisQBACKFrt. Rkcobb.—lov. Brown of Geor- pi* Fcut Gen '■V p. Howard to imepect and r^port the conditton of Atbiuta after its evacustion bj the yaukees; »ad hig oificiM report Etat(8 f'-cts which Bre abont «qually disgraceful to Sherman nnd to the base Georciacs whom hp left behind Him B"- '*’ppn fpnr and Cve thousand honses w^.re destroyed >y the yaiike^s; abont four hnndred l*ft standing. Ii.ciudcn in (he bt»rpt hoiises wc’"e four t'hiirrhci', depots, inaohioe shops, foundries, rolling mills, mf r- h.tnt niills, -rsecale, laboratory, armory. Ac. All insftotioiis of learniog were destroyed. All tbe city Dumps except one were destroyed. All the fire cn- iT'ne** out one were Pent Nort^ Two-thirds of the sliade tr»!es iu the city and suburb!* have b«en de stroyed. I he suburbs present to the eye ore v«?t, r.aked, ruined, deserted comp. Horses were turn«d ioo'>e in the t'eme'ery to graze upon the grass and !>hrubbpry. '1'},^ orD!i*'ents of graces, such as uiar- t'!=> lamba, miniiture statuary, •nnvenirs of departed litll.* oaee, are broken and scattered abroad The cro»ini„a- aet of all their wickeduess aud villainy t ou uiitted hy our unicodiy foe -n rctiioviog the dead >V( Hi the vaul»a in the cemfti-ry and robbing the cof- vi;.' of ih“ Kilvtr rame platej, and tippic|;rt,, p-i too\- own dead iu the vaults. The preser- v.nion of four cr urche“ and moat of the fou-hucdrrd 8 li iK sti'.ndjt.g is fUiibutable to t^-e infia-noe V F.ithov O Riley, a Uoinan OatboMc Priest, who indiue 1 his bre.'jrt n in the yaukee r>nny to protect H (,'burcb cu I d■rell^r.,7. and ig doing t|-.e others K ri uccPHsa:i!y pp.trtJ. As » pr>.of cf thrir a'tao.L- ir- ill to tutir Charch and love for FalL-tr O’Riley, a siildier who aiitnipled to fire L'cl. CalLcuii’s house, '1.0 burning tf which would hive tudaugered ihe vi.cie l-loi k, was sLot aad killed, aaJ his grave ia now rcari^ed. So aim h fo' the yankees. Now oeaics th(? record oMi rofifia. li,?ten to Gen lioward: "The-e were ab .ut two hundred und iii'ty wagons in t e l ity cn my o.rri’'ai loeding wiih pitfere i plun- .!■ pi.i*>o'. mirror;, fnrniiurc f 8lt ir^-n h!l*.= n-. lit ut Di.inber. a.;d «ii inci.l-n’.abl'.* uTo-mt • thor • .i.'i-?, v.r.-j- va;i;A!)’.* ut t!i* pre'^o.ii tmio. Tl'i^* e\ ;»• tjiion of stoifn property iiud bet’u go’U’' on f.v.-r .1 CP tr?. pla.'e h;id b v u a d>»ncd by t' e .ct'tny. liu'hwhu, kers. rr,:>ber3 d ■sertf r-*, aud citizf'’-‘i ir m the surrriindir..-;: coui-iry ^»r a d;i5t3r>ce of tjlty int! ?, have b.^- n e.i.Taqed in t*--.? dirf\ w. • k. Many f>' 'h? liiieft houses, niv-te ii ii ly iefi u ;b irned ar.- iii.iu wi h ihe tino ; i’urnisn:-.’. catp't'i, piuao , inir- vt • , BU I oc uji>"d by rar’i.'s' w!i > a;.x m'>a'h’ !iK''li'.-ea in huinblo stylrf. fifty fjuiii •:'# r;'- 'u •'ij dnri :q ihe oce".pa"f'/ f f tr.e city by t!; * ;‘n - "iiy and a‘‘>out thi siiriK-> cu ube*' bAvo re'iiT.e l fir'"" K nrjaa'CJ'TOr'it. 1')uld I fia.’e arrived tt''’’ davy • •tttl'.er, with :i guard of one cundri-d moa, 1 cou'd have i»aved ihe 8t;^*e and city a mi!li"a oi dciia.'j.” A'a^ for the Htj)r‘\vity of iraik’nd! (J-'^orj^iacs p-oying upon the unfnrtuuate J"o.*?iaas who bad n dnren a-^ay oy the inhum.ia y^iakser.! VV'ho w .1 Say thit the yiiDites a?e worje tli'in the thiy^'es ‘ lof^ Ht.sToHf.—-As or ili^to-y, I know th-.t that is a I;c, !ai i sjnie'Jody. I fas ii.>'?imo;’d Whig worild .hao»t per^cads on-j that th'- doubier was ri-ht, oi'iiie of ta” Tvjst ^rusted of an'".»;nu bi'itori'*=i b‘_ing ■ nfc«st‘d!y founded ou tndiMoa, A-herj nnon ex parte '’atamonts of i iteresicd individuals, and others -■iil up.ia lyiu'r f:»ni ly ra -ord-i. M 'd 'ra history it contJiderd as no beiier. And a% lor those t j ha h.'ro- -f' ■? written, fro-n I'ne accoaata of newpappn—v>ad fuou-rh ill iho mai.; or of profesjioaal new3pax>’r oor-eppor.deats—worse, or of the V-ietrraph —wo st of a’l, t^.? rr aspect is oeriaialj r>a l enoUf^l. .'i p. T)'5e. says the Whig,— I . —»*>• Ufn. n.* J i»- a .roca the ba»tn^a newsp p- a-, ' j-' I S.’oti did—wuat a story w^ eh uld have of i*! vV n..r ,f h !r-.>»* ■ and r>ain*^ t'i« Eirb?h w.»aH b,-'! '■''hat a e'*ner»tio.'’ of coward.-; and m’,ii;roM?9 th^ Kr-'ocb'* Sup ose a man wern to write th» Hr* of H try Oiav riiH the l> m »cratie ■.;ew^p^p^.•^■^ •• of G?n. Andrew J t k'’on from th“ Wrig! A pretty pai* of jc undrela posterity would see in those two great men Rnd uutlinching patriots! But. a'ov*' all. sup- ; p->se a i»st''>ry ot this war were writien from the yink e uewapaoef?': Tho New York Ilera’d say.^ I's colnmtis preseut the most, vslaab'o raaterukls for that purp.'se ever oolltjctid. We all know what sort o' material? they are. liat suppose them to form the only sonTe from which the nialorians of iho w r coul l ierire matter for history! Aga^n, suppose we t'list to the ^.e,U history-maker, Secretary Stanton • the • "la.Trapb! It may be said, indeed, thattae a :« o!*its of bath sid^s may ba we>gnea and com- 1 pircd, aud tho truta extracted by the jud'cion^ b "?- r- ! 1 - ■ ' ifT. iu, -r at least an approximition to thf*‘ruth, so raents of the 1st class, wi.h t^e fume r .‘.id auu tsiatr ) comri ij this. L'*iat history, even where t.ia- Otficers. , » u , I t* ria’s are inodt ao ind-.n;. is bui, in^eaiou^ oooj>,i-- The F cld and bi-ff 0 of the unove naai d j afier ud. aud the more ingenioaa the guess, tbs regiments will repair to . an i r po.t r • ^ ^ ^ b,*»;dv; he marit.’’ dntv »o lirirf. G;-n. I.. " n^h' 03 ;ir,.pr.i-;;d I ^ , to receive tnetrops as ' I 1 aat some of tao .Northern peoi By order -A (i ii e. 1 T.’.erc'’.-; : U th. >■ •'-iT- d to% ■■ li : ,v- 111, tiilt *0 d.'.jt’u. acd io ‘ ‘ •. t; ■ 0 G j 'orru'ir of ihe lnv!i!. N’ow. the ( f.>re I z the Slate of N rth ty and d vo'i.;n of r pro;iatn.nrn. ( otr'm^n'.'' ' . .V ‘ -V \; , I"" pec.;,!.. w,«,.er b/u» M M O- , « «" i ■ J '.>1'^ at C--1. to the deton, e of their .-.'rv and hu-rv to >V i!m.n=rron. Ana I do « 1 - r> .j . 1 TUnn vv'i/k f,rt„ 'O.loftHchcroMn, tte t. eat army At th^ m h-. . come and ronie at on.-e T - n- n v»ho hart-, bi.'-k now because tbaHw .^o-s no’ .-.cnnl him >o and cont^.des b > -..'f w’ h » n ; *- ub -sP,i . i me.-in sp-.nted plea tb?* bf* , r; -Se m-r» u'>n'u; that he :s i;I-.J.-^ -h' -o--- nf jr.-.- or dislayxjty. Tr.o co-i^ r-- ,■ .-u. t.: ir av’p and tflttt h. ip mast do t:; -u iu Ii:s h-;;r i-f d:-, or ibry mu:-t own I’nu, jis ar.- o. it att;-d to etj >y th- fre-M!-..n vu ■ p.j^ d v;-;th V nen’B b.ood For a f-w uu s r,:l r.\ r phv«''ca>l .’ able are needed at tbe ront. ’■".nd ,sp ciaiJv’ do we need the cxair.p'e of all ti-^^e ^h > af j-et=me panted for the fr^iy, whi ■ it vfu y» * j^r, d -Taac.’. aua enua’.^d tbe battle wfai!-.- it v.u^ yi,* e'^ery man ph'sically abi? ihea h..rry .ish h:-’ blac’set to Wiloi. frJo'-, w.;tr - (tr^ns sad rat. 'n.s Wii be tarnished, and i.^t those b;’; ,>faicd i i m>it ihem- uelvfs and t>atroI their . u, k'>;.r rif;-r »fcc ^omen nnd chiidr~o and or*'-* '! order. \ .’>ur Governor will me'.t you at %ho u-.mi au.i wdt ^^a-vre wilh J ou th.» motr -. , ■—■— . Given uuder u*y ' ad and the sreat seal \ siiAi. V cf^he S‘at*». I'on > .i: oor ■•\tv- of ‘ J eigh, oix the "i" > " 1) •c-m‘>er. Ir j4. ZEBL’i.O.N ii. VA.stL By the G >ver.. r; M.S. R'.BBiss, r r-..; y H^leign, l>eceaiber 21, IrCt, F.xk'ttivb UnPart- - •* N'.^hth 0-^.rouna. | AD:-rA.sT G.-..Vri ' , ■ £. Kai.'^Iimi, 1» c It* Ih'U. ) GKKKRAL 0«DKit«. No. ITI- COMMANi>ERS of Kfg\:tnt-- «ird Bat'.iliins of the Guard for Homf Drlv-a e w.l! ei onc“. caU 01*. for'Seld service the 1st ci-.'s rf tbcir re-.Mcctive commau.^s. as orsar.iZ' J under tr. u.^ril O.dprs. N ). 21 and send theiu to Go.uiooro with ivU p^tsibl^ dispatch. . , ,, . , , .,, , As these troops arrive at »r !d.-’',' they wui oe organized as bf.'retefor.. u o ti e 1 2d h'hI 3 ! rfv* OENERAI, ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Raleisfh papers add '^«ry little to our correspon- dent’s reix'i t of Ssiurday's proci*edings. The result of the rlef tirn for OoveniorV f ouricil so far was announced, three more—* 'estira. Cha-lea K. Shoberof Guilford, V. il- •i.iin Eaton, Jr. of H’arren, and J. R Hargrave of Arson 'iaviD!r been chosen. The 7th membvT is yet to be eiect- • ti (Mes-is. ?. I., iiiiami rf Yadkin, A. G. Foster of, aud P H. Win tou of B-rlie had b^cn previ- • 'Ur'ly chcs?n.) Titf* t te iu f'e Senate on i£.t, Ckjurts" ifsoliiiior th t no ore within ihe conscript age should •>o app‘,inte-l a uia»istrato uaU-as otherwise txen;pt was «» follows; , '' Aycock, B«.rry, liryson, Courte, Crua p, '.iiiis, (trii r. Hall, Harris, Uorirn, Li>njj. March, McCor- kl«.. VcEschern, A'iller, (,)d im, Pi'oiifurd. Powell. r*iiiith„ Sp^ic’ht. Tfij'lor, V'i^ginis and Vi’ynue—2S. —Messrs. Adams, A^endel^ Bagley, IV glc, Dick, .lone«. Las; if,, r, Lti' li, I indsay, Pattoc, Pool, Sand«'rs. t'nerd, Strauyhii. ' uaren, ^ hitford, Vv iiipt-^ad and right—] 3 In the Couiinoii3, a nmiltr resolution wan offered by Mr Shepherd, but, after di«cu?«ion, on ni' tion o*' Mr. Fo '.v e, wes tiiMed. In tlie boaate,-on Mond-iy, Mr. Pitchfurd -bjected to the apprjinliueJit as iiiafjiatratex of the persoas recotri- ni»ndi-.'l tor tho ci-uu’y v( '■ arreo, and on his motion said ramtB w^rti stri‘keu oet He th»“n further moved tl>at, the inostage of the ilou^e transmitting the ii»5t of r c iinm r.;lat.ior9 ;hnt b.'‘ily to the ••^enaie l»e Is id on irif table.^ N>t ,a;:;rc-“d to, by i*i to 10, (^.Mr. Pool, in tiie 1 hjiir, civ-i3i^ thj tui ifiu tue negadve.) Mr iatnduced resf'dutio''s to decla p all em ployeea in the Stat'^ Salt works ex.>mi)t Iro'u cor,8Cri|>- tion, anti t-jtiila np 5 that, tMiU'ih th-?se employees were, •>v f>n ojdii ji'ico ot the Conv^■ntion decla’’©d exempt, y#t in view ct ‘e'.'fiit »cti3n in Viririnia and at V> iliuington, III I'ot'pcribtcg them, it was proper to reiterate this tx eniption. Ailopttd ro-jnions proposed to adjourn on I-.-ii-nv.-5.1 lust, to la a-setnbi'i ou Jau'v *4. • oncur- rta in In tiie omniors, on v',.nday, Mr. Polk introduced re- soluiions, rtquesting his Exr;*llt*cc\ ttie \iovernor to j>rc- if i'os!*i('ie, Ih? ivvocatioa ot the g^reral order b\‘ w .H'h oiin.J. d avf! dis d>>ed eoldiers are compelled to rf port to th- ir c.iturusr(^H, .sftcr btiug taken tind.T guard, m c'inpaiiy with deserter* and iuhimuus characters I .vfJ'td. eti:^r>s£ei, aud Pent to the ‘en»ito. Ti'- bUI •> auth , vu* iiyo ro r.-aii a third time, end i>&s!»ed; aarl CjQ;mi3-fi.'uers of I’ave'.te ve. ■'k' ao : l", Adj’t Gen KiKCCflVE bKi-AKTME.VT NoRTH CaROLI.VA, | ADJi;TA.yT G?>R ai.'s 0=ti. v;. P-ALEi.rj, D- •■■. 2'J, 1HG4. I Hpkcial Ordkrs No. 3 72. To meet prts.nt f-^a-r’.^> 07 uDi Xpir'-d farloa/hs aDu leaof!i-r tnf ^r- granled to members of the f >r L'omc e.ije, •-.k-ep. graDic-tl fur jdiy -i disab:;;*y. rr- he--t'v re TOiifcdi aad the pe.rti> ■, s |. i >• tin; 1-.. la^s of tiifdr respe.’ii' p ba‘ ;;!■ . ^ •'.j d-bjrj’. By order oi’Gv>vK-o..t k h. G. GAl'LIN, Adj'c Gen. Dec. 21, iHOi. people do no; rely up- oa t'^e New York H-raid for it^j story of the wai-, j ve have oarselves evidence, in the fact tiiat for a i y»xr or two pa^t we have had two subscribers to the i Observer who ordered the paper to be regularly tiled * K >'ay for them, so that wh.^n the war is over they j may have a Southern account of it. We do not know I wh^th'^r their sympathies are with the South or the I Xorlh; but d.'nbt not that maay Northern p»ople j would fj.low their esamp’e if ;.he opporiaai.y pr»*- ?i'nted. vii:.* t.) Iu ii'.ih fird witt>; ta incorporaie Mt H rini*- and I'.'- . kmor Lodges; the Cumb- iland Monu ;^.:*.i(;i;it.t!r; t;io 'onfedcmto olion and W'o(..l**u ; . th- J> t.iver (,,,len '"iU-iOak -liil Cemetery tt'. . il i't'.n h u- ‘"y end Alucitiiie Shops, and Il> J...MKrt ' CotU'U .'Jills. TToli. A. T. Drvi.lst n . f tlurokoe was to-day elected 'iK'i'l >r ot State."^nakin^ iho C«.r.ncil fuil. U-“V. Dr. D’?:n3, M.>ntf r l M.-,G»-h“e, E»»i, and Divid M sviC". i'-i'i ^.Tf. el.Tiujtijes of th*; L'rivcrcity. I 1 til.- ii ite. .u Tu>-d ’. the i.iv“.n i.athi.j cominii,- O' i . I'fle ell ■«“ t • ^of binid- ot wliicti co eist.y ■ b.‘ lo-i-.d aa t a C Tt.'iin mjrtg »ge '.v:ii-jh did not ap- p.-.f epir; d t^ut ad riortga,;.:-h,.d aud I i.'.i i i' ■!.= overt-1 to liaVL' bc.-^u • at red. >.r,' j'loce.'d d to ueT -.d hi-? ad..'d:'istratiou ot ■ii ■ ti'i i C'j-i 'Vueu i.i '•iTi-c cla'mirig t:m he hud .airiol "b * t'rt-;i: of N.irtii L'a .iin.j ti .^hor ihau that of any uth'T a !i -r.i .'’'.utc, f'at h • h li sivcd a ml ion .r dol- hi a'l i t.n .t :io I'abii. Trc-isure. 01 toe State li «d ever ;.) oljt..! r.i I prfulam Th ■ r-*v'-.n -1:11 was the i d rcijj*«1 for some time, 'U ‘ d' ii'-i a yi: ..iiri4 to a ■cnjtiju hy .Mr. .\ruadell to u'i' I ' ' Pe I'..; " ‘-^ i; tahle i some dav,.* r':':-'?. .-'r. o >o e l .!'e m >ti >u ia a f.-w r-*mM ks, fh ‘ rfsoln''>iii- .V r>‘ dv- u-.'-.l at Bi)in • ieugiti by .V4^-'^. Di k, I‘ •)’. .t'ld 'I'arr- ' iu ! ;v r of, aad by .'Ics^rs, Ellis .t il ‘JaariH in oppt'->-'Iou i-> several :Tiotions to •id ou a wvr* ..oi a^ru ■ 1 t.i .1.1 • vjt- bria^ 0:1 ' .ki'i.LT tU • r«-olut!-in iro > lac 'jbl-, the ay-j* ana no-js re V. 'I' d r.>r ..ii'i .t-^ro; \ji- •‘.-.^5. vibi.n.*. \reui 11. Uagley B jrrr. Blouat. V- .'!•■. ‘i rtari ter. .Viauii. (> i’at- ' r - .’i i’.j .1, Saad.Ti, f’n ^ .ubLis. ^' aul -'’ia- -U' i-l —IU N’O '—V-cork. Ury-u.-i Oojrt^. Kd s. Grier, ‘b.-ri . ixWlw L I .a. Loai. M.i- orkle. MciOa:h.‘ra. Mil i*a t .•. i’'’t:hf jrd, i’o.v d^ -p‘ighMKsti'iugi;J, Taylor, ■'.'a-d, .V.:;gia»i-111 1 .Vrij^h, -'.'L la fiM v,;,i:Q,jnr*, AI lu l.iy evoni.'-.g. tha folloJV'irg »->';rra.'red bi;> had tticir tir-r reading nnd pa9^Jed thetr :M r \ \-.,i t!i;: d r^M.ii”:: un l»r a ;jajp-n.*ioa -,f th;' rule*, viz a bill in rdatica to the Cmins cf Oyer and re.-n;mcr, aru'ud uu ar. aalaoruiui^ the Goi^uur Jo, ViTT* *.>rW o» a \'\orain>: i-ralej ia oiuaiOi- on^^y. ' 1: >r,> >ra.ia 'hs t*eep' Ri’-*r Tr.t :"i> >rua‘i.i>i i’-V biil 1 • subject ■ui n • T-. thfj L'-giltt ura t i (Juard iluty wiij ri^i ’Ct^ l. a,'t‘' 87, noc« 4 ■. ' *n Tin^ i-ir, .^r. .-'i!i.*ph'?rd iV.ia* tho military c >ra- ml.tee rep>n->.l a b'll making appr.»priatious for the inidtary ibM^h-ufit o; th» Sti^s to tin aiuoaat of )'»0 , as fallow.^; Pay D«pa’-tui!»-'t iii.0i)d,90', () -.l.natc* ti”' t’omuiisiary Stt>res $l,010,OtM), and t;u irte’" a*>ter's Dep iriai-'nt ' A bi;i t • make the roobdry of dwelling houaea a cap ital f l i!:v' in^sci its sav>*^ ai rnadi: g^, 6i to i-3. .'!r. au.rhs r*'->lutioii.s—publish-d lu the Observer of th9 Sth ih^'t., and ent;rm.' a s.d*ma protest agtiast a sup]).)'je i by the 0. S. G«>v’t tit destriy the lit>erty 01 lae {)rts-i the free loiu of ii-ligijn, to conscribe or detail tb>- .St'.te otti^ers. »a ! nmlly tj re luce th i State to a wioli'hed dep^j.ideaco >a thu for existence, ,»ud i'l.'ti- ictin^ (va*- Sinat.»rs ant riijueptiog our Repre- !\ . s t> oppo-f all ^>ucf» —'Vo^- iak_-n up, and Mr I’lb !ui>v-d to tau'ui ill'a Not a^ to, ayes >)), mfer 11, y:r.: ^ A’l-iin ft-ni'f, Iton'.nrv, noy.|. P,ro«r.i of Mill ' iTi. H • ■v” i>t ' '«h >. t''ihli. t,’r.\wtbr'! of WiV'ie 1) ixn >f tv iiiK in. Krwi I. Fai»>o, r'iuoctw, lit« 'us. li iilaer. ;ie\. llai ••11, .1 •yn*"'. J i.lh m, Lri', i.nihiiii. hetvn. t^ive, h M.’I. tn. ^hi.';ihy, latterbfiJio, Pi*.tce, I’owell, Remh^'Jt, Ku s, Sli«pS-*r.l, Snv)> ^tincifW Si'-mc, vVtvilen . V.i-.-i—.\*rie>v Mlh. B U»i. Ri.iir, -4lil»rall, C tlvvri, •' ir 'n .>f .\lej iaii*T, t nrvip. ol' Ku!n»rl'H’i, C,ir ter, I'lt-iip. l'rnvla4, raninKliam, F .w «, iJnliiey, CrH'-itn, fl.tne'. Il.trr.i n. 3 H He i Ict, II?nry. Herli'rt. Il.irtnn t»l’ VV»- II Ilf VV.iKes, Hlxl, ,!.• .mmn. Jjfd'M, I..vle. Minn, cl i-rmlrk, McMiil-.n, Miris'*’. Mnrrill, fattur.*.!.!. Phil I ps, 1' . K. lliii.ti. 1(, lt.i;er«, RatieU, fl.'mrpf. rtuii;h •! Juhntitiiii, ipe, vVau^'i. \\'hee‘er. The R.‘Solutioud were thon adopted—-\yes52, Noes 32. y. A';i^in. Ahev,>rth. Rmkt, Bon’)ury. tiest, RIair „pd IJtlvert, of Alriiiuler lit Uiith-ff.inJ, t’..r:or, C^M.aer. »>)wle», CiiniaK.huiii iireUf.ii t'» V 11. Hi.l.fy. 'I laes, l!«r,-ii-n. J H H*v!eD lleiirv, »Irr!.e t,, iJ'ir; la ..f W.un.ijT. Hurt >n nf VVi'k ■». Is 1'. J ir.ln, hi'.h ■••11. .M lun, Mi (; .riiilcK 'Ml i:>, VI iri'*y Miir.'il IVrkiosi, H i -II, "=h -rii.-. S.iiiUi ni t' i:n.rrui. .■'muh ki jii.i j*i m,Suiie,'.VH igh FRO.M THE NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS. OorrPspoudf'Dce of the Fayettpville Ohserver. Camp >kar Petsbsi uh'}. I'ec. IT. Messrs. Editors; T» e troopa, as far as 1 !■ vo sp.'^r. on tha right of onr liiu?p. are in com forte bio wintf-r- ijaerters, nnd if allowed to remain in them, w,ll ).a\e ao reas'n to complain. Our rations are good, arr’ .snfficient I tbink to ta’i’fy mogt of our pu'rio’.i- men. And son'e are rpceiving Doxes from boina cl- mo'*t every dsy. which adds a ^reat deul to the coin tort and* satisfaction of the soldier. i»ur army ii»“ neen strengthened a good deal lately t»y recruus. detailed men, and those who have beer Pios urK- wounded coming back to th^ir ccniina^id^. Th^ mcr are generally very cheerfnl, in good ccmaitioii to lueel yank when he comes, and appear to ei'joy themseive.s V'. ry well. I have heard pp’-eral of cur Insi recruite fay it is not half as bad h*^r(‘ an they Fupposed from eocrounts bf fore they came. A. P. Hil.’e Corp. went on the ^V'eiden road las' week after a lj.,rge column »-f the enemy, but tni y retreated too fast f^r ua to overtake tuein It w s very cold, aa • hailed, snowed and raiufd nearly all the tiroe. It was a very disagreeable, fatigniag mnrcb, hut «.he men stood it remarkuh y wi'd, nad are, v/ith very few exceptions, eafe t>:ick ’u thei’ quarters, Jcfp\v interested about rations a-d liir- Icughs; and '•ertaij\v everv indulg’ nca po3sib’»; in (Uese respects outrh! and will be gr.iiile.i tnop; ori»vi* n eu who have endured the bardsiiips of this terrib e campaign. While we lameat the loss of very many noble, gallant men. we certainly have rtasou to be proud of our part c.f this great campaitrn. IjOOH at the jrreat odda wo had to coulcud agaicst the frigh*fui, loss of the enemv, and tlie little advan tage hfl ha= gained. 'I'he valley, and that part of Northern Vi*. li^’ld by him last Wicter, is almos> dear of tbv.« now. I hey bav« posscs'ion of ;be Weirttn Road —aru a tew iriJes ot tf’rriiory bi'- low Pe.ters‘'an.'; b’.n Grant hiigi t ha' e, f^ccupied .1' >81 ot nil p es*nt. iine.s a' any time without any consiJ- erable loss if he had choFfn to d."> so. .^s it i°, tons jf thons sL'dd of his giancl ar:nv lio hi'.lf burird bl?3cbing along his bloody tr«ck from tt^e Wilder- nes« to R> ams’a Station. And f'lr w;iat? eornparn- titaly nothiosr. 1’he ar'«y of .Sio''tbeia Va., bo;d, }• H-.nt and strona', still c.-nfrcnts him ir. spit."> of'nia iljiost R ;,)i>rhn;)i.i!» eflorts d 0:d re-t.lec- ti.jn The 'iaj of tbet'otifefleracy s'ill prou»i!y waves O'er Petcbburg a d Rirhmoui. Con^"ess acd tb L.’gi>latur«' si.' qu'eily in the Capit 1, to the «.'''*a* (•na?rjm of 0:d Ahe,'T! e j.;^t T fiu ciier, ‘■v!th aU their b'-obn» sT’d srob'n herd--of r ;>^b!'r'. { hey are not s ldii.'.-,s. out notriug more nor le?s i.':an a g.vat bi’id rf niirhwav robbe”.’. T'’kir.,.;’(:vi rr iLiug m coasideration, I tniuk we ue.:,d ncL compla\u at the revolt of the ca:no!ii2n in V rgin a. I am liorry that we have lost in N. G. whit waa so ga)ia::t'y .v ' >reJ last Spri’ig; a gr^ao aJvaa.a e 10 us if it hid i..:eu h*^Id, b’l- iu otaei- respects tie nold or.r own there. Sh-‘r.n in h »« given unNorttiern G-^orgiA, Alab-^tra, ar. liUDst of Fenaease.*, for a gr-tad i'ld. an 1 U'.e pnjrtabj^y of tak'tg SavdLfl..h, or eaeapiug satelv t^BSRTst. iVest Louiaiaaa and Arltaasas are abnog* (•Lar of tlij enemy. .M.'tryi u 1. Ivv^-n'uc'7 aad I'd.,'- sauri have fel*' ai;.»in ih.- pasc3r of the B3bel a;m«, .>nd a!} must f.'ei an i know that there is life n th. 0 nfederacy yet; th.^t wo more tcr/ifory uow Than whe:il^ campaign opened We have largo armi-s, ,bi-''^d wiiliug to meet the ioe ofo ircouu- ir/, our liaeity aud our rights. If )ur people everywuore will stan 1 li'-ni, snoport til' anny, sastaia the cr-idin ..f th G 'Tr’rjin n', d ih ir whole duty, like ii-us Iti’n pitri'ts, ther. is no doubt ot ouf Coal success. It as to me that overy intelli'j^nt, p.vrioti«' man migat C' me to th;'’ (•onclujiou and r»e w Ibng 10 hury an old piriy feel- !igo a^d aniiiioaitiea aud pat nis oLoaider armly a.'d -iiaarely to t..i“ wheel of ta-^ party ia 'dgnau? fir the iif-1, liberty, and honor ot tha Confedtrrate ."t'a^ea and her people If this were tbe cas-, we 'v >uld have p»Hce and inJep^u ler-ce much eo'tn-.r. rtut it si'-un that s-im 1 mea ia Cjugrcs;?. in the Ij.'gis'at ares aud at noine, aro d-t>-rnjinrd to t)o •■o'’- . 'ptei.t ill opposing everythiYig c.imijg from tne 0. ■>. ti iv'srumoat, as a uange- oas, r vianicil a.surpation of o .vor, and are c'ntm ially iryi.- d) aoiu-.- Prom Savannah.—A friend ha* favored as with *he following detail of operations near the citv since the advance of the yankees: ‘•On ednosday, 7th, there was considerable -k' 1 inisbing at Station 'Jit. ('ur ni>n fell back skirraishii’g to our tl'.ird jines cf intreiiciuaet;i8 Our outer lines, '4 miles from tbe city, on : cc.'ur.’t of their extreme length, were indi'.'i n-ible .'ind w*to evacuat»^d on the lOtb. ^•Hfiivy skirni’?liirgenkU"d at the second line of works ■-vbich we now hold /it d. yl'ght ’ 1th, the enea'y nt '.ck.'d our Fecond line ?nd between 9 and 10 o’clock ,!iade fill fjs.'=ault. whi--h was easily repulsed. Ou tbe r.iih liemy fi'^ir; w»o k’pt un ilong the line all day. riien con’parHtive q’l’et to tbe I6th, when fightiEg foni- ■11 te d ^cd w« kt'ilt up f-11 day. Tiie hriDjr, cannon u'-.d .smftll arms. W0i> very heavy “Tbe enmiy liave S linen of intrenehments, and ara in tbe vicioitr of the o’d rrce-oonrse. It is reported that they have thrown a pontoon across the river above *^a vunnah. They hare also succeeded in cutting off one of o'lr n'.jiibont,*}. A rniall gunboat sent to its aseislance was diflhbkd. aui! r ported captured. All places of bu- T.ines-s are closed, and every one able to bear arm# in tbe trenehe^.” 'I’wo rice mills a^e reported in possession of the enemv, who are pounding out rice for them9?lve8. Col. Yrungwith 'JOO men went to Argyle island where th"; var>ko?s had possession of one, drove them ofi’ar d !> iraed the mill. Tba nest day the yackces, friutorced by 2U00 men, reguined posseseiou of the place. I'he Savannah Republican of Friday [received fr jm a conductor] has “nothing new to report from tae front. Yesterday all was quiet, scarcely a gun i.i'ard.” Persons v»I:o left Savannah on Saturday make a similar report for that day. Gen. Beauregard wns r* ported on a Tjait to the ci*y and in ci*'>terence with lien. Ha.dee.—t'narleatori Cuurier, 19th imt. J'r.potinrtl. if (cue—A gentleman who arrived from .MacoD Saturday evening informs u.^ that a re- poit vr.-is Id circulutioa at Macen that Gen H'od a'-s.iukoii the enemy's works at Nashville, cairied ti tm. . was in por session of the city. The rumor a!ao siJi'eg that Gen. Gheatliiiin wa kilied i*t tbe .aead of tiis corp^ in tbe strteis ot the c.ity cear Uie '•t pi'ol. Our readers can take these reports for what they ii v.’jr'h. They may or may not ba true. We are disposed to be'ieve that Nasbvilic hie fallen into 'ur hards, as Hood had the city closely besieged at i.i't accottuf.s, and w.:s pr^pariu-^ to assault the workj.—Auguita Cnnbtdatioi.aliiif, ISfli. Tinp rta t from iCast Ten/?.—Icformatjon of u Uanjo c: iiractor was rcoeifed here yesterday that ^ irbf’diTfc wiih TOGO men, ivas pdvaneing tip thron&h 1’] St'I’etuie.'see by one route, ard Stoneman, with .’101.10. by another Kirk, with bdO men, was at Mrs. Ai!. .a s, some t:-n uii'cs bnow ihe Warm Springs, £',aii"j f ’ i; section darbridge ai;d Stonemaa arc !uppo«cd to be moving on the Sal.worfes Asheville AVit’s, ^5th. CALENDAR FOR 1865. 0:1'- :r^x* Vula-ne.—We have the pleasure of en- •I'^ua- Ing to the friends of the North Carolina Presbyterian taut, at the meeting of the stockhold- rs Oi the pap”r held 00 the 13th iast., BartholomeT Falier, E=q., was unanimously elected Associate Kdiior. Mr. FaUer accepts the position tendered iiito. and wi'l enter r.po» his duties on the 1st of January From tha. tune he will oij ia fact sole S^ditur of th ' paper uutil Mr McNeil! returns from tb'^ miiit'i”7 service, wciere he has been siacje May ISG2. To a large number of onr readers Mr Falier is no sgranger. They win at one: rememoir biiii rs ,)a f'f tue original editors of ‘ ’:e PresWyt>*riaD, at 113 co:nrneno^aieai in 185f.—C. i'av. S>'Htor lirs'-rL'es.— The Senior K^'serves of the '.'ai Uonirrejsional District, and ju« (’oiapany of tho s ipport;n^ forced, from the S'.h. ana one from the !0’-h disir cti, have b-'en orgauizid into a Ri Timent, to bj » '/ii as 5th Reglmt at Senior R'ser^es, .V. C., y th-^ e' of th^ following officers: D. J. (Jorp.-nain;^, of Barke. t'ol ; G. G. Stowe, of Dividson, f^ieut Col ; J. K. Bark^, of Rowan, Maj.; i. L. Gwyn, of Surry, JLuyt. —K •Ic'ifh ProjrebS. Drf. L:-;xra asd n:s ‘ Col’ttkjus” Ci*„i.f.a(jjes.— Wc .iiciKO tiifc faiiowiuk' extract a long a.'ti* le la the Ph'H'.ililpbia Inquirer ou Dr. Le.ich's rosolu- No paper will b- Isju-d f. jai t^ii.^ on, Moc,- j tio£>= wh'ch so pro.natiy rejected oy O-^ngre-'-, dayre-tt. To-day's S • ••.;-W.-eJy G.-j^ri ver is sect i votia^j agamst r-j-c'iou to our Wo-kly Fuoscr-.bers. j except nimself and tive other North Carolina mem- We hive end.ia7or. d to dicpo e, on our on‘side j ber«, thr.e of waom said they •#>/voted thus out of pages to-uay, of a portion of mo many communica- , ‘ cou-u sy ’ to u^m. The inr.dent greatly encouraged tiona fhat have accumulated oa oar hands waiit of room t!> publifih them. We do n t f;el at liberty to exclcdc our usual n "/s liiaiter lo g^ve place to them. SRAMurt;!-.—A Urge number-.f our packag -s of Monday s issur- were dpu;ne l air;' a diy f.r want ot mail bags to pat them m O ir P '^tin nt r long ag.o BC'nt off Jiia o.ra cora .-ajk , wh.. h h > ve n >ver come back. Tois u>j- the hr'- ti..ic la^t i«lr. 1 o&t- moirter General Reagan’s i3sarH-';:jnj^' bug- has ci..].icd the deicn'i i i o'* tbi.^ and other S at tbe Fay- ilcv'lie office. We reirret to .5ar 1 by ' D'.tO thi'; inorai.ig from George V. (!ooke, K'q.) Postmaster ai Raloigb, tha in conHt}ut.'ice of the above meotioaed delay, each 01 our packa^'es as went np on J ue d -y night were thoroughly wj;t by th’ ru’n of t’"at nijrht, so iu it ihe ■'rappers were n’ ariy all off,-ud soin»j of fb-jaddress- St coaid not 111 made out. Those which were logibie he e-wrappi d and forw-.rd'.ii, for wlii-’h be has our tha.,i8. The b!a;ne, w...v;a b^ s V3 Postmasters so gent-aUy h'ive to o-ar, is not nl.s, hut OviachcS to t^e P08U ng*tr Gt.Cf^u!, trr.i.i, w.tb or lioc’ of purp'us i j.'.oGth rair. 'ho w’! uoL j./ bags fv p«,i(..'ei.t c,i o. ci . Mr. Co >*. ‘\V ■ ; .• the Inquirer, cf course, ana pap**r u«e.s il to oer.amdc tbe North that the Gontederacy is n’ar'y r-:avly to give up, and lhao 01 coarse the ya.k-ea should not faiter, but cn. i le fo.iowii-g is 1 ae luq'air.;r’s p ..ragraph, which shows in wnat lit'iit, hovtj^er u just ;t b.- to li-en, thi‘ -CO’ ra-’v” ol Dr. L'ton’s coii‘.;i.^uca 10 le. t'a^'detl and usi-,d at tne N .irtb;—■ ■It II"* ii':’ t'at h- L- cb ^ripented 11 ra! y a (1 inr-i r.t-' ' ■ .1 ;,;t, i of ii.- oiii iou®. t-( IJ1' it ; a C .J.-' *l I'S ’i d .:di Wi’A no iui - ,aivc V’.iv '• ii ii^ a ' n. a ii; y i;e j :o-j a.d i 1 gisri! . .t; ;to; .' 1 i>. •. r ini'in'ieiis o ■ IV,.' L> ■•in J.u- 1; n'vMti ji;. L i' trU'' vUii!. .• 1.1 voU; wa:^ lak'a, th.'.- .*• r,;.'U St a !' "ill i‘>'' t‘:dr • t ,U' tiv«: .'•id". Hal this ordy ^h■>‘V3 that tJ- y ,a:e d.‘X' ly pat t’p - pas^'iug ’ , . • proper wra; p. ^ MaII.F^ . cei'^ed u- re or * 1 mai^liaviag reac Bk.sepit ok Tin tv.r> us poi'ti''a4S. ‘.id a s rn:i.>: votts bi*eu sboA’u u^mi vtr.'Li.achV tb"T would ha'^e stuck .u ti’eir avo\/a! ,\B ,t wa^ t^cy coaid h'itrs -c'lre th.-ir iullaence u-f-, hy ^6e!niDg to abindoi*. tae cau-e. ^ Wkli. Donk.—Among the schemes attributed to the FO called peace pirty in our Legislature, it ?s thac they made a s’-rong effort to elect a Coun cil of St!ite from among their set, and some of then' o^’rso: ally»e to GjV. V^ance. It was even iun.niat'. d that some . f tuem were to he eipct;d vi.'o eithrr gocd j rat:-": th y were pertOLally ofl'-Ssive to ctn. W }Mjr-!ceat tho of'ne schema, wb th w .a' I*- j i;;, c-.i-^ 11ut^d woat m-.y i-i aome sort'(>*.■ r-ii 'L" Go'ernor’'Ca'fii.ii-t t.i ui;crpo i *i t ..r; ^.,u .-'‘9 pnl'ey pric .i>.-!e -. Wd ■ n. ■ i%a.,,'i-.r tb. o,''Ca->:; . . f 0.1- ( r t-ro id’ t’i- t.j .-n. ,e> =.tii - II..1. tl*.-' ted, but a uft .aed i.'i, ~,'*y ot ’b ai, i! i.i-t a;l. arc known to ;.e v/H.b G v, v'arice I'l bis i aino 'c A a’!!’ pjr'’'.ted, urJ il.*. i.'*"«tO!T bjr pca^v .n 1 l-t i'S 1.;.!.^ ‘ d !>J l.:> ic- (• i'Tirrjc?!on ct fh'.^ I'p.’a noy ^'auis. VV \;l5C.ln M jri s.>n, • »n.>, I'f «. r.t.i ;i,:I K .1.-, y’l.iti'r \’i‘l n. »>xi!r, K’.mu. U.yl, Omwi o w - I' l f VV l>. .-is .(Kruinlin, Hu :o“ ' r. llt4^t*,l,J'i itii us, I * »V“, ur ''■‘fill. * H*, le d . u»l D—;J2. ti'i Sti!e ■'alt 'Vqrka from iattrruj*- id re i li.ig, .Vvei 41, Noes *2 tu >f I'Jiil.!'.. ■■fl.i Kill, Sir.’aj, bil’. t >;'.‘. tb'i on p.i“S.?d it,? scaoa^ W'e are witnont any account of yesterday’s pro cst'dings, oar correspondeifs letter failing to arriv thia uiorniflg. ,.£jv 1 HI ; - o'.iid gi l rs re- .Sorihern IUlkiou, Dee. 17, 1364. (;.‘ii'icmen: Viti wi’l pleasi fii. 1 tMioIose.l aoertitied copy f";* I11.V to p •) libit f^r'ae.atKtion and distillation of ii.f!»ui and ullitr «rl'icl 'h, wtdcu you will piea.-;d pubii!«h. Yours, v-.Ty lespacttuily, J. W. RUSS. .\n .'et to auicnd an icl raiid-ul on the i7th day of Da- c. in'^er, 'Sdi, 'cnti'! 'd an aci tj prohibit thf* dirtillfl 'i.i'i of s(drit >us * ;c. i li ‘it • aa''i.'d by oh^ Gv^neral Asaoiably of the Sf ite of Jforth Caroiins ^nil't is Acr.fby enaoteil by the .ivt’i i ity of ib>^sinie, T lai, f.-oin h kI aflar i,*;*-, l^t day of . . y !:>•>■», te,> p ‘iiiii' 1 •• iuM 'H^d i.i i b ^ tir't •o-'ti ei of 5 .1 a-;t, for tnd ..ii.Kiils ion of spiritou-i liipi >rs out of aay O.irn, wb":;*, aid other articjes i^ s tid act enumerated x' ( i)l ehWie •* «u.r*«r cane, tlinll nso apjdy and extend to tb'i t Tni‘;nt;ng or brewing of any of said ai tides, for the pr.ri'O.-i ‘ I'f in king or >)eer or any ot!i T-ialt liipior I'o s'.le: an t the like peiuUiPH tbatapplv and extend to any por.-oii or persons lermeuting or brewing uoi! ;y for a like ■S-.c. 2. Be it f.irth t euacted. That any por.soa or p sons using a still m t-tili.s or b.'ewery or vats, o” any kind ol macbiiiery or eoiirriv’>uce for brewing or distil'ing, eliw‘.!d in a huilding. bo.i>i*:. or in any otiier way, th ■ upon tile liLin'vnd o! tln ee .lustres of Uie Pe.4oe ot h county, e.vpoie to ttieir iiiopjcilon a v'ew ol his or tliv b iiH^;fr, bousi', stilis. brewery, vats, machinery, or ot-' ■oni' ivanei-^i of any kind, for iirewin'r r distilling; ai d r-fu=:d i>a -Ik- pin of tii' OMier, owners o. aeert’s to a III V K ich inripi'. ti.ri, f-!i5*ll I'lprbn- facie evideuc3 of vioia'-.en 1.1;.* act. •O '. i‘ ..IV ’ I' i. I 1'r t::!t.c'!'d. Th tf any iv.rifm o.' |- .'"(1 ; ■ .'n.-t tiS: ji.-i); i.Jio:';: o.' tbif, act. f-ilail «,i a 'I'f-tbv.'l i;a' nc.* i,c**verv d\y or 7>ic:e .; • V v; I ‘ i ho t*3 o;' • .diUi;. 11 0'-‘ ti..> I t.i', lit' i I., ( As*e nbly. li j o;'i» .'em I* >. i) ->\.N-.lLL. s tj. o. GILM M-'-.WAM^. S.^enatj, ft last oO't — i I »_• . • 111 1 eveaiug was very » ^Tcssful, bo„n to the aud.euce %nd the pcrloroian^B. Ai other will be given usxt i«e«k Ik tb« Mae V o«vt)4«at Tuje Kh.D ls;>*JK.—Gul.- cighi iaya icmaiu in vvhich the oiJ lasue Trec.sary Notes can be exchanged for tne New. Bead them in, tor alier Satuwlay of aext wwk tb«9 iviU bft iconhlesi. M JU in th*| — fire brok? a;> ut 9.J o’clock last ^»aci by tbe people. Wiittv% I '’* ^h« _=PCt'nd story of Vfr. 1 idad [•'•'ty b^ransru**-*. msinut'- ac'- r-rr-i'ur »*«• nng la-* dujsrcut way Ironi la .t ;aii down in ' ' '•■I c«i ti0U(«, ii'? For * be sake of our con.:try, its ca ao l^non»", b t all th-jtie thiugo sU)t>. L31 a better pirit pervade oar l^egislative' balls. Let our;.*8ni»T strive to emuiate the m vdest uaseltt^b patnotjc qualities of o.^r ijreat aud g)oi military ch eftaiu, put off self and self interest and devote thf*i’r time and talents to thd good of our country. Obi that ail demagogae.s, political tnckst rs, wire pai rs aud small p diticians coaid be bam5hed the Le- trisUtive halU and placed m the front rack of our ar my. and their pla ;es fiilui wita good a:id true nrea. Is it pMjibla tbit o v ojit au I m' St ial-jatel men nr.* in '^oDgr«fi and tae Lfgi,1 »-lar'-7 If they »r^. what ari- they loi> c? Can none ■ f tbeia rais^ ih ir h“ads ab.>vo tbe i«lugi:sh mL!di )c-ity i f ' titu-s aid prove it., selves W'.n.hy of the itav aad « fca=ion? Hia tbe ma.^/.le of a Cl.'vy'or CalbjuQ lsN'.>n ou noaelf U fie.-e p > 1 a ] -r for th*-.s» tn^ublosome ti/ncs wao ca.j tr-jwri d ivn *u-t aati give htaltn aud pvi i >'ic ft-plii-g to our dupa’ .,‘’y di-jei^e ! l^-:^is;alive I ivjw we h iv-> gc; I but if lb- ,• do not miu.l taere ar - .-i >rae 'nn.c'g tl. 'iii \ an ill (iii-gfai!d the tiin.''. L*..t tucin in' of thi.n 1 !ii-uUl rvgn?t very niu"'n f >r tiie h >fior 01' our !»n(l the g)od of its f >r s i:ne of our pi-.--eat Kg'- litive biaiiiiaries to L>; oa#ide:ed foir of oar i,ate3TnaQ.ghip and talent. if pos^'ib’a let a cba ge take pUe^ in tb ■‘se H.nUe®. and it wid encoarig'* tna armj* and tlio pe-j)!,-, a ;.l th will gooa be a eb.^t.g? iu our conditi.iu as a people and n;^tio’' for t^'e yanke 'S wnaM ;ioou be convine-'d uf tbe utter impos.^ibi'.ity i)f «i:bju.j'. i.’g a u iit^ i viaOu-.-n p.'o- ple, determined to eivo t.aeir be;ir:s, aad Uvo-i, necessary, U) the oauso of tiieir c >uutry Liio.v. Yankkr Deskhtions.—Aa arm_y correspondent of the Washington city Chroiicle in„ke3 bitter com plaint of the filling >ip ot thd yan'iiee army wi'b f reigoe s, wh'j d’srrt in gmgs. Jle sayi they hive no more love for ‘’tiie fl ig ’ than a Seiainole Indian h'»fr. O l 0"e nigh' 16 of them desertad from his re gim.'nt aad 31 iio'a ut brigai- , and oO't ba.r* do ppfed from one Nc»v Yors regi neut wi bin a y lie demands loat American CiUzjas be ^ent to tue army, or that noae ba sent.. The following paragraph from an cxchiuge io in point:— ‘’Cho yankee p-^-pars K.ay ■la-’^'achMt-tts iri "m tr.jul'l Her iiuportati Jt.s ol Swe ic3, I’oieo. i •rni.ias. Hang riiins, iCe , by tb.i carg >. l.> ri.l in r4iit.,s »nd.T variou wcert cdls for ‘r'i ip-*, b -vt t u”* .1 o it bidly- and tbe ^ar Den.irJiiiHnt i; tiii’>ki!i.j: o» r...! • : iier^cred t fo* the ?cu n !b i-- fi/is: ■ I iipan '„a • i_>, do ht: vice.' TTI’5’ lai’.t is, ibatr -udy ,d' '"le c i,"j>> t i l nev cenariea Inve de. eiti-.d und.-r tb ■ bbyr.ti icir'i' ■ f Jj‘e‘.s pr'cl♦ni-tiou, autl ;b *f. saca r.s hav \ft ;‘et-n ua to de-ert arc utrerlv u- j >1' • r u i vi.lin..; t 1 li b In a recoat Ciis*! in lii.i ritl*piti b t ir.^- s .urc. iiic I'ropne i th*ir »i'm' a-'d lay'io .mi iI »t iju l.a. ir iie!’ ia tae trtneb, wbib! a ch.n gi- g o.J.ama s,v 11 uvo" te 70 (arrying a'd tint wera i;i t.i > b >c 1 • P t r;'>u j:» pr!si'ie.‘s. Tbeyi>U‘iid in e.-C'‘(i".'; t\ iI:-y k.; .v r iag of I'UP qu iri- d. au.t ii iv-- n j int.*re3t in r,; ib^t tin _ wi-re hired io Karopa ;or p M'.’ufnl aid non-b llig’.'.-n labor.’ i>a r .dr ^ ld.^. caaa s, , a .1 t.liat diey b ivf o r n*:i;rlv s>vii lie i a 1 c i‘ iU' ! in ' aj la'.tia-.r of tli-ir • ing in iuc>d to enter tue service." fANUA^r.:..: FEBRUARY... MARCH... APRU. -MAY.. JUNK... JULY AUGUST. SEPTEMBER... OCTOBER XOVEMBE*. DECEMBER.... CO H M GC a o w ' R B c ► O c X ;• % > P • >■ -J m 9R 53 ta ► • 9 >• ; ► ■ ^1“ ~"o u 4 5 ~T~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 1-J 20 21 22 2o 24 25 26 tl 28 29 30 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 8 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ■10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 9 4 5 G 7 8 '9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15. 16 17 18 1» 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 r» O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1:8 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 •T 1 8 9 10 11 * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ,25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 * 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 B. D Mnrrill’s 13Sn(wi: crockerv aU'! other artii-ies destroyed. Mr. M. estima'es his loss at from Sl.a.OOO te $‘20,00i). The re 16 supposed te have b«en the work of an incen diary.— Wihmnjtim Jnw'mtK 20//i. Cci’ij'ffijnal I’ror^ri.n r -R:cumi»\i>, 1).^c. i‘J—To- ly t le 'enate na^srd t''e tious.; biii iiicrt'a.* ug p.iy and iJIfl a^e of luemh'rs of Coa^'" -^s ,'iO p -r I’eat Also, the lat ' tli 1- ’•“.;.iUtin c'mp^"'Sit‘on of Post Vla^'iii>^and •.e 4'‘iit'. k d i.iorea';n. piy ot tb*’ mirine corps. In till* .iyase, tbe l’e\3e reso’iitiuus were retsrrei to tie »ta ni .te'^o i r'orei^ i all \ir..*. an i the conS.^cat'ou aad our- !: . ' b'll-i d .'C'lS..*ed. Hicim KMi. —Th-; Senate to-da7 wis in secret Oil The lloa^j passeJ tbe b’ll to canti^jst..; the pro- -ri7 oi’ p i-joas ;iy g IVo.nthi Ganfed^iioy to escape ai.iiiT.^ -,;rv‘i. e. y .-a.- i.'i nays 3t. EB, In Hospital, at Fort Fisher. 2i»t Nov. l!#64. Mr. GEO. W McKK^. aged 19 yoars 7 mmthi! ni;d iS» days fl« left aa att’.-Ctiocata father, five brothers ani a gn.*at-n»aay relations to mourn his losi*. Presbyterian and Christiac Advocate ploas*? copy. On the bth Nov r, 1864, Mrs. ELIZABETH ANDdES. in the fiOth year of her *ge. t>UNCAK 1BE3 leav9 Ij insounoe to the oiti««na of F»ye*.te- Tiue Kny J'*t('rai'ii&uofi bo. to be a candidate fcr the cffios of Mayor for the eusui.->g year. HaTlng held ih« cffiae for seven ys^rs. doty to mjself and to the pnblie alike detuand an-1 sn'itle me to this wit*»dr^w»l. BMpeetful'v, AR’H’D Mof BAH. Dec’r 2l‘, 1864.' It 1 Mi’OKiaiirivr.s —In th? L^ijislrtjve proceedings in hf Ob?..'J f?^ d\ys a. o app-ared sosie resolu- ons introduced by Mr. .S’nith ot Joh^^ti n in regard • liii- a uo'.i of aa iinpressine aijeut in that Oonnty. I'll ‘ Contcderatc ot tue 2l't mot. Fays:— «':i the occa.'lii I o'"' ih.i; iatri>l'i'u' 1 of 'ilr. Smith’s r... o'u'.'o:.-. Ll. Geu. Ho.ra-'i i.-" n"d'Ts'ood to have an- no’.'.nced his b‘tie- tha* ro : icaorl>,- a>» tb*; i-sued by ^uVv; ;:t in ’nbastoii hi.d e. r eminat'id from the 'uK'i-* DC"* ti >partiu*;at at Ui h n ).id: and h • U'ldfcrtfn^k o U'l '~ia'ib 11 Col Northrop ta a=3i>i.t.ii-. the la?ts The ■rd T of ib's Jo'iasio 1 azeat r^itili h1 the p*;op’e. tb it they wou'd ouiv b* allowtd oiie-hall tacir us ial allowance ot n at tor lainily t:-!'. aad thvt afl ib“ir fu’-pim would l>e impres ed. Cfl. Nortan p replied to Gen. Holmes, that o such iTder hsd is^utd I'non bis Ibirean, aud that tbe ictiou of the aaeni vva- uaauih >r'zt'd. In the m.>au time tho matt; !'w.i-s brought to the atttuiion of Major Morri son, ■ -oinnii'^ary of tDe District, and he gave aspurau'’** that so tar fr.'in any ^ucb order having eminat.r^J from in, be h -* ia.-' i u t ri his age t i i JaUnstOJ. *>ot to m r"M nnv of fh' prjvtsi-ttx k,t i fo-- ja:>nlj/ a.r*, hut to t-n- prts* o ly cne ' .tif f t-a a -rpl -i»rid thai. .-iich ought to 11 ve b «n lh‘- raie ot c .*0 lee’ hy h.s ute it iu Job ’Kto 1. ■ fi.oih r'aor, iiistiu te’ h s a,cat that in c\>i cf 1 t- f. nve b. tw-.’KO i3u own s ;iii i 1;** luiorcs-iaj; a^eat. Uiiv* r :i re' wa® *0 1: mil ^o ihe IocjI apprais*-r-, fo s’ertai I tb'" \aiue, vuiUou' any app.'al to ibe comm ‘'- iouiTo ot fric s; uift • a a-nig tbai tbe agent bad t ai>:?‘’iid‘d bis •nstni'^tious M?jor Morri>«Oii at o-.ce : ivsi-l him to h‘ re-1 v d it iben appears that th.‘ gov- -rUL.a'-n’’, was no*^ only n^'t rf*.spoa“ih;e fi-r tbe iniiis'iioe ud r. Ily going I'n. hut tbai, every step bvl beea'tiken to caari acra'iist it.” iriasoRic ’Notice. The »naiTerB*f/of S a’ln. E'»a?-list day, (Ta's- d»y D»o 27th. 18 .4 } Ti'l be 0 bbra*eil by a dia- coorse delifer-d by E » Be?. J ti Hfcr^Jwiok, at th# Baptiflt Churoh at 7 o’C'^'^k P *1 The "•embers of Ploeaii LoJg'. No 8, h. V. M., are requested to meet tie Loi;?e at. 6 t’cVick, P M _ All breihrea in good ■tjnditt'j irs invitid •> p»-r i'?ti>s!e la the eeie^rMioa D-0 r 22 —It §T. M .1 av’s wtiL. EALLlGff, N. C R-j(**t Ta ,s TKIS9 N D T) , V;9ior. R-v .4i.DaaT eiiKDK.s I> D . ivf-o r TdE next Terai will cjrtisn uoj Funrasry l?t, tf«a, and cia'-ia'ia twsaiy iraoxi. Prija of B >*rd. Fa->1, sod L’ctits, $1,000 per terai. For a oiroaUr, apply to th-* Rect- T Dv>o 1ft- 2’ 2t WA*\TED, 1*0 n:r« for thu eusuiag se-.r, a «in&rt. aotive negro J_ Boy, about 15 years old. Djc 22. Apply 10 Mrs. M. BANES. Itpd FKi"> T- "^. Ar.’iiv. — Si e the pdverliteuienl of Mr. ST'taerlai'^, P"rcbisipg Cominij.iry for the Army. I'^ i»m-4,ikvt prices ior d. oviRions, snj tV24 per bushel for corn, Ac. kc. Let every man who has angbt to spare, call on him and receire a fair pcica at ^ wuoatioM that hftiailpB to foed tha »caij. A Ya.vkkr WiTNiirtd.—Mtij Gco l Huok, of the old U. S. Army, wus noted for his hon.''.rahl3 and huuiaae conduct iu the earlier period of tho war, ut Naghrille, and wherever eis? he was in command For thih he was treated with such inj islioe by the Lincoln g.overnment r.hat he resigned. la giving bis reasons for resigning he sa>e; “The impnlses of most men would ppprove my couw in tnis onatter. evrn it it r-’sted on no o^h gv-‘und ib'ia dci,*-rmir'aiii>n not to ncquiasce in at O’ei.snr^ Iho* would d-gctide n^c; I'ut I h:;': a his?b?r BQOtiv'' I b«!ii'-«,d th^it 'fc'* ' o-i y u.‘ niei’.ns «.:>• 'vhich th^ v’ar w.» ri-."t;ccG: d wfire i’:5c- ditiihbi to the a.'.i 'O, a.)' ir.'on cir i:r; sto.- d ■. d, its r^fitor.ition ii^f..,33i’jib. uai iha’; t. eir wl. to e ’'r-vr* f’' iiV’-iiu'i .rs rind ”, jfiico the codotry lia a iv.i^'Z'd ’ii>'-»n!ori'..to3_'e.;- *y , r.d h.'^.ppiucis; and to ii i- wo.i\ t .^'uM noi le..*’ tny band. Foa TUE Ahiiv-—'VVc are rtq ;'’.7*'at to st!’.*'' that Key. Tb.»d. L. Troy will b’c,Te Charlotte cn Jiv.i’y 15, and will take ctuirge ol ail DOJies delivered be tween that place aad Greeaa'ooro’ for Cooke’B, Me- JEUa’b and 8c«l—*> BrigadMi ▲. N. 'V. IEaisi,\TioN rixfRAORDiNARY —The New Orleans corroi poll cf New York K;n. proi-ri-?" to bavi^ c'.oi'a'-preil "a cra*Q.-.h Lo/i.> •vrur-* ir. iha ? *v’aa.p,'' w’.tb a bsi, of t.b-: acts y, issp.d iheroby, 30 in ' ara a r. Among the actfi are t'uc folio Jting:' A a 'kt to r.i.i-.' our paa. 1 ,V.' t *0 r> :ii r >r^iaher’ li'^bal to kontepipt out uv i3‘ Ho'15- as v.’el' as in ii. \» \kt :'ll i^in :;o moiuLers to hoi 1 more than sicks • iliC'-' at Aa .\kt i > ra= ‘ f nr pai a a'n. Aaotii- r Al;‘ to nii-e oar pt ; Aa Akt reijairt-ti kocjiby bou?es to put all memlicrs 011 tbe ^ ee I s\ An .*.ki to ta.x .lackwrs. [.\kt withdrawn upon ur- gem Ci'.t erty o'- t’c h- use.] One moar alft to r t e o ^r paa. An Akt to alw.i'h det, and punifhia pwple for paying the saT3e oupplem-’atil akt ta raaj our paa. An »Kt t-> enku rilse bar mines. Another .^kt b-ough iu to rasa onr paa. An Akt to exempt from m**lisber dooty awl members. An .^kt declarin awl members over 46. Si'„ks i;kts to lasd our paa. NEVr rates of SUBSCRIPTION. Prom this date the price of the S^mi-Weekly Ob- .lervf r w!.l be for one ye’r, for s>x uionths, I .$.'1 f.or Itiree mop.ibs. Th^ pric.^ oi tbe Weekly Ob- . lerver will be fU.a f.»r on'^ year, 0 for ei r't, months, :5C—ditahbi to the a.'..I'O, a.l' ir.'On ! , , r • e r .1. .. f , ,, , ,, .1 „ . 1.. ; :->-i fur t-’x iTiOatbs, S'* for fcur moc^bc, for three ’*1' I'.; -"^d thai; tboy woulc ti O'dy U--it ’a le- I ^ ui Uf.iou. if iadtca ti.ey d . a'roa '-y vc?-! *t:'' ''-3- r-; W Tar! Tar!! LOT in fine ord r ror 84 «. WOaTFI. 9> I will V.-iSiirtblc Fp.riii So l,ct. [...jrt) tu I'I ce t.r c >a'' * re for t'ae vetf 1S(3S, r ?LA v'T iTIO- '> ■ t cf FayeUe^itlc Oa ii uia 0- woriet 4 •'** 5 loulee • r horses It ionsists bjth of awioip ani ridre l‘nd, n COM 2«ndiuon for n«*t year’s c*op O >od dwaliing bv;Qse and all other necessary out houses R. uI^DAWIEt. Dcc’ril. Hoii^e and tor Bent A.T ATTCTION /■\N I'hp 2d or J I «i' f- — \J ■»'h^ Hjc^e s-u L-jt, I* ~i Ft H t n'ittinp io a'rca, ca I'arriu-/.' 1 H''.i --n • . , ' ^ D C^ON U c’r -I . *6 iVc^i^ro Hirin;?. 2J 1885. w’.r •> ON Motjtay, Ja.,’’ .‘d r's’t ftfiHs- i'l T'>r» j"' nllj ki«‘ej ftt the uO NEGROES, oass’.sting vf z&ec, woat'a, b;y9 and FayattiTilla, Pow No 2? ia Presbyterina Oha/oh. *i 1 be r.^nted fjr oae yv*ar J03N n Cf OI *nct D o: 21 95-3tpd. FOSH R£ilT. That *e>>irablc Rfsiaecoe "a Hay Moat^t, known aa ‘tbe 'Pearce Kooee,” roiitainiai; H large ~o>>xub and 8 ia ibe a lio. Powewion given Is-- Jaa’y 186-5 Atp-t« W Q. MATTHEWS. Deo’r 2'^ Itpd Dividend IVo. 9. J’.HE rireotoia cf Ihs FayettevilU Oat Light Oontpany i b)4ve declared a 1) fid;!: i cf T n jJil'.j.r*' per cJitre, pa f.ble on and a ter I»ri'’r ‘ 0 1^'6^ N TIIiT.I ,GHAST, Trrae’r. T»ec’r 21 66 ’2w iviieat and Bread itor the Ar:ny. \A the artny is ia preat wavt ef meat and tr. *C6tufFs, I a-a directed to gay to tkosn having a surplus, (hat Until n*xt I hurcd jy rsoxitta^ces mftiled at a liB-1 T »»i*l p«,y local cr fair Talna'ioa for the aapie Pe^Bone t'ln.'t; in iiriicrafce of-hi^ r'.,r,r.^‘ vill be credited at *b oLl rat,-s. .\fter tLut 3ay, uc th» new ihoi>e\.'bo I'o ti-^t I'^e tlifm will have their money cb ^rfuily >"etTimi d on apnl!co.ticn. It-c. 15. 18u4. le'Oii iiiiA 'r, K Ilocse oconpicd by Jolui MoMaater. 1 iL McXIiiKOH. DM^aS. It to eell iheir errplue ai f«ir Tsluit^on. the aame r'nl b'S laprtBMd. It i« hopsa all irI:o c»”J will b.'11 to GcTi^rBairat. I am a a? tire-ared to resai}. and nay f ;r s?»y aireiuil of provisioiw dne by eiinspis and ietailed rer^ons -n ay District. J. B SOUTHBiT.AKD, Pn»oh»fiing Coa.j Fayetts^il;;. H. 0- Dee’r 21. 95tf Blank Deeds for sale here.

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