'o - -^ur. oBsaaTPm. l)U F R'lEe P>Y TX? Moods, N C., Deo’r 14, 1864 Nit’ci ilist 30'iin -yrk.fs h»TG r--’vin. - i!. o'.'rf*, ti,(j iinpfess’.o’'' taa- fntmcrs p»y only a nomi.jil Tftx, I think a Suiit ’j vtUI pr.ivc the rcvcMc; for ins:ano'», s’'p posi a f^r nof Hiafcce 500 b’a^hcls com, 5000 Ibe todu 1;V) b..riich 50 of rye, 100 of o.t-*, 100 r sjriin, loOO ibs b»ccn, 400 ibs. crttoii. 40 11)5. wo- !; hw titho vala-.«l atms’kct p ‘‘a -. w: be is in ji:«:ica sDiiicd to as ho vrou . fr'i it and psy the amount in money, ^»ou b \ V. ': .'/ I cora S20 o'?* bus am for our rights and a full soparation Irom t w wickid people, and hold our»;eW'8 »'v'ouwl db**? to GvJd, “to our own master vre etand or tall, ’ but»' wa hav« to fight about our notio::s of rcH^iou oi ^ union, let th» pr-dcbers Norrb and Souih fiftht TO been endea-1 alone, or he pus in the frt>iit of tu« hott ?i battiC, af fntmcrs p»y I *nd I am for ao or dlsch-r.-:; fro-n thu’ fe^ l*cU and { Tv»r, no mar cu^ht topri =i.ca. o. f’f ® trinft, tlmt ho wonH no; ‘'os- Wiib his b:00^^ 1 proposed tMs to Sim?;; CA^neton, 8c«’y of w.;cn he called on G"v Ellis of North Oarotius for acn to Lfebt ' HARRIS Tr^O«, Prcaoh^r. Fair Flavin, N. 0 , Nov 30. ISol. New York papers plcnw) In '• yiic'st. ‘‘ ryo, $:M 1 ' • SIO “ I" j-:i I'. n.s (« Tup, S17 ncr gal. 1>'') ib liA'’ • i^. ■i ' “ c. r, ). J1 .-iO” 4 ‘ wool, 8l£) ‘‘ oOU •' fc-ilor, 810 per o\ft. SI 000 .■>•25 10,' n;o 170 tiO 40 60 82945 Atd i.-.t •“ 'p.gor or en!»li*- ^'armor in proportion. li;;t’= 2»;U; ^ be i> rr ' in miad lh«t bis tithe I ’lt .■ pr.? I is oa w ^a* isri*! Ji!- hai md-Jf cui-1 T'va 1V ’ 0 i ' ti s if a 13' er!jr*"/*d it a£jrl'’al i»r .! ■ ir. , I'ii ' i.i.isir jjro'en! A i d f. r «'t> ry , - t: I s 1 J noi ,'ia'f.;: j;i ir ‘I'^iruNur hr ' r h - T»i i • mjn hia tiho i:ax 1 n ^ r : -v='« I f u I’ tho ^bo • »» -a'I or - s ■ ' -t, a xnx Oi i'^o prrjrrtj 0^ : a ' •* 'i‘* 8g'i'”alt.uw? Think f r. T> ’ I e O't cf o#~r?iaf n.i a larm, tbe i ’ il^. h.'t-ps, h^ude*, T>rovision.fi, clothing, | 1 r.U xrjiic* toold. ()ar H*p7-»8*nt&ii»c‘« r. I ': rr’c.' iron L- tlioul' in.r • tjy; T ia 'iu? pervico ct th-.'ir oio»>ntry; ’-At tlie system (1 tit'ricg CEii taxing farmer-? :f carnrd too f'-r [ migh* have a very ili.^astrou* There is ia- decti n r to cncoura^«i farmers even now, iur bi ?i(l » p” v5i’^ the’r tithe and tax the pres^sioj^ . fiic r CO jC3 and tnkeg hi3 surT'ln^ «rr>io. TITS 0B9fc!lV«a WHfRE ME Tl’l FA.U T? ; F. IE the t;':ae when wc M-'tit loit 1-ima a* the I oreikiDj out of »^ar, up fo the be^ BoicK of j fbp ^ras'^rt yc^r, t'0v r b«d rt't/i .-a £9 s-v p at.’* ! of warmuees cr f''» * ' 9 pi-t ic" i *r)eiJn at h.a-e; f-rcci* 1‘ rar l?tly fiiC^ c», aao I mors esp?ii*Uy stfll ?>-ose aaio^’g *ncj3 vrho® wo I w fc proud to ciii onr o''-rri *pond«rt3 E^en ao\» rtC cfien dii; up from wr jimj'r, r«bbi>h ■?ac ^ of tho?c •■'M li't'er^. a^d ?!* wi‘a in^jc jreisible «'i‘i’'fsriion on > p4’* graphs thiro- in initiineJ, o'- n''rh>.r^ mly * Jiao or two, or one X'.nt vrord'tevf r *0 b-t fur.roUeu Ab! Wf weru ^h-iuifu! f'^r th''':o they Qi.'tva.^ O'U- iher rh-?o»-rd oar ';o%rja—tiif*? uh i'sp*'/; ^-.’d hep ; i-e .7C pvO i«’. th«* ror» rra :l Ifcti »ri ci i -'-tVii. iiui V 'ti \ iz ( fj.r ;r»f*ud» )!e.\e tfjae to tho coriclu-ii'*" iVac r=;' bsfe htd ••£*;>ry t-^onjh fer r>*^c ii*.” -n.^ t’ ; *^e uufv-ht as ve ii oojt.'^at cur^ l«ett br®o.*i>?" cv • lLo biitjht in ui'.mv'fT, without evc" fcopt*'.T f.>r anything plos3:ict in the future F:r ‘he i«' I s.I «onthfe v:e h»«a boan loi iir.» for a lctt«’ir 11 , f'oi'? our‘‘Darlii.vr.’'or froin sr.iit'bo'iy clra. At -.vrh caation«adp-uJenc,,re^.'ub.r-,g^,,^^^ s«,faiie^i>=)6itiv.’ly certain wn’d *t -0 farm r is the insin sray of ihe ooun-: j „ u. u. ar:y r.ll 13o ivhUe male pr*duetrs are | , ( almott gtvrn mp in despair Whiwo la!!lt i8 • it? Net our.«, d(»ar, wc a'saro you hsve b^nk- 1 rapti'd w»rsclT‘-s ^liiiag;—and sb;tll i; b%, a-.t-T ail, tima lab r acd matt;ri«vl iost? 'vV’^" appeai fo any cf our kdy rca lera who orco knpw us, who expect eoci" .i.^y tn b^ rwesi r with hnsbindj lo-ar, .pup, be,ycs h.Kti. io «t -s-.rt nv.oin>! j ^ 3,,.^ j, ^ j >rices A .e?c thiaga pnould not ho, as tha farmer ! ^ - f ivils nc h rd to b9 treated chua \chi!o pre:?ala( rs arj ip.ik'" •■» th usands. I jim a Vuy -r, but if thia pystf'n 0 [.ijct.in? at noicinAl prioe.'^ is ern*i»ucd and 1 ru. ' an 1 sto' k raisin" disoouragad, wiiOi*-* sre wc t? buy •from? All are deeply ictcrcsud in t: iR and therofore should ^ifrw it caliniy wiihoul Tvartiality or pi 'ju lioo. The farmerij I a^waya sc?- New Market, Ta, Dic. 5, 1864. Crump ic-^. 'A-c: o^siiitvss A ?U53i:3TION. M(vsri. Editorfl: If tb> iniopcr^encc of the Confed?r'.cy should be 1’hia.ateiy cstabiifht*i, .-w I dou«t liOi it will bo, I knoip cf ■ o tairifis-'' ro POR TH-a OBSSEVISa. Camp llAMbauii, Va. Valisy, Not 24,1864. rAtu>. Sfcep'ieii W. Co 1,4>'ii N. C., i;.M *t Mm= »i ’0 Va., on ifw Gl«tof J'jIyl!oi fT^m * in bt»*ti« ft- .-inlcjur a Ftfry ou t>M> liiUi of »ha»««e He «'ai b.*-!* \ri oo?n*y «f il?ahmOod, N 0 , nhfTS t- irt iw3fh-.w»i x«ao tcwt itj to 6xeuix>laX7 a r. m io win ishs Witiao«l ••- taeu of rholo o.'fmani’Mty—««oli n.hi 'h f.-'H th« I r«li3St inierfwrt in and 13 j-'Vv- E-'-r' -j rn.ifed th,;i hs ;« Ccas early ?»■ ly Mid lidr, I"? morc4 to .Aiuwn (K-’aaty. ■rhfTo^’. ihft br^iVvrg o\rtcf the -ww, h* ^T»«9d a boma f.arrr-iind**. by all tbOB* eyds- TTTiate, fa? ia?io ii.e ^od frv-f* bapp*' end ! tni’fT a 1 ir 'kft ei Uve.j tsi fb«t his • ^ I. rj7.i>rt, oi»Ti4re» !? rnlir#« hi- witA Inieoft^nl '•liri’’ ' to o^’^vh cfloria Ijn. his pc:^«d f?'rii w?3 not of '■’I ) tie*!: tu cli *;:: '^vt^ ^0 each i’tr ob- jsr^: *? ft Cl39 ospcv;?'^ fab t'Ot^try aad r’dcp^nJi.r v; u-v.i Itia ih-'tru* tli^t w*ita 'jr no fiii. V!""’■'K'l he s«'tn«d in the I'Oiy c»^»T o" '.■'12 ?3 ?. p'iv*;?* fT the fifh u iifi “l&t ?Uu RiS OOSI tp,3s n )wo>' '. 'T3 cH:)Ccd the;’* ♦ of ji’R f.xf’el c'it q ?>.•?-i ai^a aui Svl'i*'r, by pfr'Tnnt^n'ir o -t a LiotooTisvipy. As a'snpportc? ot ii'i n IS -.I' a iii in / K) tbe nr-hjliic'^ >ji jot *i?'' • vi tT’i'l. >-:: i ■* -‘J ro\ tb'i ift- t r , . i . i- o u'lie wo e — -.S i :ris: i i-Onc r.o' trao—13 RhtrA^a . i a.il £•', r, • a:o-a k-’.i and .;cv -ted. I>7 ’u-tij, Frctd ra 'xod 't'-'s'.i'i hava i'^c oaa of ti'isir tamr* I '-M, rif'p'rt*r^, a‘:d ino c''*m'siuity of his bow-? .■ 0 »t i s mj.si usnfai ‘pct the 33.-1 ^n'caven-nt fsUs npon ibo (li^tT’isioi trfdo^r •\ *Jlior thr-;c'?TTnII ca^vr'a w"th a foro^ lUftt p m > Vfh^ lOBfo ;> ^-i pot.cd froa •i«ch * dipeu r\iio ', e.in r. a’'io Y jt l.ow ff.ye»1; a oirt»'.ii«;i«n ^a.y ■ -AYo. ia addi^o-ji *.•> the prcnid »atnf&Qtiau of knowini; th»t he in t>o nohlawt CJ’Ke that ^vf;r eniistai '.ho sooi of r»at!, in the blsKed ai- .iiraiice h-:* t*'c fuil raeUsiition of that gloriooa .inihc-u Of propb. oy—“1 know tkasmy Rid««mar l^v.'^h”—W88 t.:3 rcti poS5.»s8i?'u of bii dying yirit V^—lika tho g>r*d, the tra?, the brtre, II d he w»llr'-l the path of Life, And fai;k f:c n>^? Li to ♦he p.-tva Forte, r />? J'rem ti>*ry strift. Uii FaiMD. Presbyterian c:)py. saoh dear frlands aol relatives to the oauae #f S«Mtharo liker^y RsMivtfd, That aa fo1ii'’r3 ih«y were gentle, Hiid an i l»7ar«. Tlii* Cciapjiay haa los* *ighi of ita bri|;hi jsw^ls aad tho C jnfsd^rscy derotai def«i "sr*. BmcItqH, Ttu.i while w tead«r oar- haaTtfell (h7Ddol«9Q0 *3 the ftrian^B soi t^VttiT** ot lhe»o \»mT« britherni » h* Kara sMrli»»d their ItTM aad ImhtfJ tkoir country's alfctr with nhsir k!**rt6’ blood, W8 humbly Unatt tkit lie who L«iia the drsiiny of M^nat aai poop’e in lli» owi hftcds viU 84uiiauk thQCQ a-v^er th^ir led barntTaTucvt' Rwclvfld, That a oopy of those reBolmtions be saat to the Obterr^r fur pablieaHne. A MeN. LsAca, ") J0S.9PH A I^'JcBrydi:, v0'>2B»itteo. A. Q. McGntT, ) have EO doubt will chcci/uHy pay what is risrht ^ tt.j pco; lc'o >nak-, in'tho ’xbicin m ot in hH -roat struggle for ladopeadcnop. snati-.aco to tii>. uobte bra^oj, who L-vo Amicus JusnriA. rOM TDS OnaiSRTKA. BLO^D! elood:: blood:;: How luT’.clj morfl blood will it take t?i satisfy tho miairters of Chris*, North and South, th *t thev oa:;ht to iDU'rj^K)3t^ &ed stop t’-is war, or thi’)?; tl'v -iiiolves bet»vee'i fhcir peoi^e and the sw -•..? T-io raiuijters oi Sitaa w.ii -never be Fa*- 5’ 1 \TuIi b!ooi, till they fhall wake uj iu hc!l, :iiiU Sad thcmscl res wiui tboir congrion«i, d.,vil -:7lJh devil d-.mnsd, nor be s aviacod of -’i i? o.r. :*, for aa ia the Priett s) is the poople; t!.ey w il ..hen un iors^'.rid what tha 3i"iuar mrani Wj.oa iiT ii, ‘‘woc ualo you Scribes »nJ Phari see?, hyp-.rites, for ye devour widowa' bocses .".nd f*?i TFB ci^rarm. l£Nr»ltTOaMS ^TH NBAIl IVtSP.8BU»0, ) daptenjbjr 2G^N, 1384. | a cm«tiQ^ of Go. 0, 7th lljp’t, N. C. T., M K. Oalbrtth trta oailtd to tha Ohair »nd J 0. 0«iQ«ron and Alex. Oartjr and U«rp’l W. R. HvdnAn wtre appointed Sceratarics. 'r>i»f Qbairauui hav.ifJi; ojcplaiacd tke object of ?be •Jnc'iji^, tho folknplu* rr^re appointed to dra^t li3soJ.ido*i!« h'. Pe-ivy, Privatoa Alex (JUck aad 0. H(;/aef, who rcpirtod: Whera«.s, ft ban p!.?fi"^od Al.*iiijjhty Oi>d La Hi'i i liiQite wif.du«n rc:.’3cre from our mids? o'lr b^r- i;ned o.o^Tadc in Hrp*>', Private Tfi i9. Bi’U’-d, i*bo t.ili R victim to tyvhoid paoarBon >'% on the of J>iOfnber, ISO’J: RwoWed, Tiiat w^’iio we bmr in ftuablo stib- mi?»ia to tho ali fr>f9 deorae of Providattce, w? -.wacioi but mt'Uru the Imb of our brava aad noble 0\NTa]K.«ion; whjisa jj^ilar.iry has boon triod on nwrly ev«r» field Kis oim^Hny has beea engagad ia aad found 6o b's of the hifhwt order, and ifl oi»3 gentiemauly b*ariog kad rcached the acme of perfection acd won for him the oon&deaoa aod admiration of all who ka«w him. Rwo1tc4, That im his death bfi company hat ?s^?!in*d aa irretriev«iWie 1>S3 and «ur righteous oanss one cf it* aost r^obi.n defenders iiesdlved, Thu ws extend osr heartfelt sym pathy to the bsr^avod family, ar>d point them for comfort to that Being who ha;i vouohsafad ail that i9 good for man. Ileaelvsd, That a copy of theee rosolu*ions ba beut ro th.9 fatsily of the deaeased and t-t tho Fayetteville Observer with a request that the Editors publish them >■ for prctencc make long prayers, that ye ji?y ro- zdn tiii j^rreatar damnation;” they will thea see ■'l nr %h\ h.w it U. . man County Bonds or orhci litood batwern #h.' p^-3p)e and th-i'’ i'>ea. Macj true 1 e irta have tlrt-adj fa’lea and maoj may yet fVl b'lir«* thp pri*- uf iniepcnJcuoe is won. | ^ v>'))»t CiV' 0 lO'- rho hoaor of those who i»il j ia the lefeace of Oieir lonn^ryil’ Ob »: it 5i''t t ;r,ir ' cau’er: o 1>* pI»o «i c:>ni5;'icu''-Ti?Jy np a th? rrl' jf! Faoit' 1 .=i:thfit a .\loaum»Et I ■ crrc in j every ia :hc Svi. , on t'se \ar. iJo>80( yard, or i,i ao:eo cectr ? and LU.i io c-'Qict-ry. wifh t)io na«io of evert' fi'!cu hero cn. ravcvl ’>p u i it, tUv •..'•'.n; from the .^vur/.y ib which th'* nu>a-'. umsnt !c ereottd. Wc;^* a gi. riors cl", r r%mes si»iai of the coaovi;, would hivc! T» *iir ( ry o* t fhis c.-jaCi every oonrtty shouid orj»»r7iaj; a i Soldiers’ Mo:>ameuta’ ..j.:.^c o‘HtiM, With nttosssary 1 officer.. Tf’^y tihcttld mict as utteu js pO'iiblc, ^ cciJi'ot fu.i 1? a»id invent other eafo luve-rtai'QU, and • A. Caryr.^ ifer, 1st Lieut and E leij^n of th IKtn N (J. li»jr’», fjil uiori^liy wcaaded aod died ..1 a f w ho:-.-^ on tha 6^a of Mijjr 1864, vh-lo linbly ineetiiiir i'is da'y in the i^Hii of thp arcjr oi' North!, ru Virginia. L'-caflr Carpenter >rii Au l rcart^ la Liao'-iu coc’nty, N. C., fl’her-’ i»t» b^enm » h ihiior of fhe Otms ani jciaod ti’5 M II. Cliuicii previ^ud to be.-oniing ^ soldisr oi' M- II'. vri* n,;uon^ ^h • first fotind r'ls'^g ti tlio i '.i S HC‘i:ra rit^aU, brdvely maiataioi^^ h.s nn-tnly .’’iar i'j. ;*r i.i «rcry engaccm^nt rhrough v’ii c'l iiH a; wj« caUcu to paw until thfl d ii-‘ uf Ui- Uu. A more ba lyaut and che«rfal Idior never hioinei tho bittic liae of cur nofele aruy. LIU eldor broth\.r, L^.. P. D. Carpenter, was a member of a compa’iy comiuandcd by the writer, who aloO fell on tiie 8d ot Miy 1S93, ju?t oao how it 13, that a man may dic ia hi« iaiqiii-y »nd u i » i'- ’ > -r • n ,,T._ ., J .L ! u J 4 .. thereby let tae silcior thst, if no fiJ* at i r> • d 1 -’a and tbs oreaohar »]«o ■'inaol. tor u- "i *. j. i ’ i- » . tislerjL'i. , bi** OOii. th« Ii/'O- 1-1 llf.ma art* Jba tors of Divi'n.ty aad oipounders of tho law, who wouM have it b^lievnd, that they understand the f ..... - J “* j hour of his sDrcfct tr to ^Mrjtributc to such a cnn^e? Whfro i? tho Countv thu would not like fdbject ot this uekico. The re- inainiao: son m siiil fosad ia ih« ditclj«»^juad ^Ule Obs.^rver for pobli'*ri''a ran ms oBVKavia. At a meetinj; «f tiis msmber» of Co F, 2d N (?*BattaU«n, held at Franklin, Va, the following proceedings were adopted: WUercM, It has pl«a?ed Almi^htf ©od to r«»- mjve froia our midss Gas' of our mf>st ««»e-'mcd ani b 1 >T«d «-jarAi??-!, S.*'! li^ary M Wilti^ms, whodie-lin thj h3^r>it.^i at Kittioll’s 8pri4g.;, Jj“pt«mb«f 26, 1884; tncraforo, Sesolvel, That in lbs death of Sg’t Williams the Company has i.7St one of iti most -#-orthy ojembers, tho Conf'deraoy a brave and true 8,>l- dirr, aad w* a gcQftroui and oobl^-hearted com- pa^’ion. Rtttolved, That while we yield submission to th ' will ot oar hearealy Father who has scea fit thu* to alBtci a«, we cannot rtrp-es* t?j« grief we ie«l at the loss ift have sustaioei or withhold as exprt^ssiou of our sympathy for his bereaved mother and family. Rattolrsd, Th.it a copy uf these resolutions be 9»nt to tha famMy of the dresaaed, and Fayette* JaoksotJ, yet we humbly bow to the aod meekly bear the burden whiib &• liaih placad upon ui. ^ - Rn vdrcd, That the catting down of lyinT Jack«K>a while ia aeuTe life, strikinj;^^ tijiit^ ifches 03 of oar own m^rtaliU, and^ftt 1IW be wisdoja in u ae acooaatable bei^y s»»re Ko dlli|fenoo in preparing *o reeeite Ae fioal eeatenee to tha iMiBMtal pwi, for Mhm least think it, death may greet na. ^ ^ Rotolvel, That we, the r'smbert of me do sorrow moit of all for hia untimely d^tl^ mm wft will fondly ohcriih tho ^cmcry of ti* Hfe hi the asaociation of gotsB by y«tf« and feilow biff foatstepa to the Grand' L?^e abore, where ^ do oenfideutly hopo that hia soul will bloom in ot«>n»al Spring. Resolvod, That wo deeply and oordiallj aympA- tluae with our brother'a bereaved family, r-U tioaa aad frienda, and extend to tJieiiJ. onr warmwt •ympathy, and as a tok^n of our •orrow wa wil! wear the lun^l badge of icoorsiog for thirty d*ys RcfloUed, That a oopy of theae rcaolationa b»: 8c*ot to the ftiraily of our brother, and also to tho Fayottevillc Obaarver fWr publication. 8 B. Jackson, Dantst. LooesRMAR, vCom. JjBSSE WibBON, ) ro» m CKAm'8 CnitK Ix)Da*, No. 213,) Nov. 26, A. D. 1864, A. L. 5864. [ At a r*galaf commttnicitioa held at thsir Hal! Nov 26:h, 1804, fh^ fbi’owing preamble and reso- lUt-ons wer-J u>iacimorf'n!y adopted: Wliein*s, ia tho rroridenee of God the mcs flonger ©f daa‘fc hts again tisifcod n'v »r>d called ffom tho eoe'ie* of earth our worthy brothvra D P Tysotj, S N Oola, Maioom A. McNeill and N. A. Patteraan, who departod this life in the army defendiog oar eouatry, thus depriving our Lodge of their faUhful acd valued memberahip, aad tko commnnity of four of hor muoh respected citiaens; therefore bo it Resolved, That while we in hnnble sub- mii^ioQ to the all-wise decroe ef Him who doeth all thinprs well, we desm it proper to give expres sion to the love and respect wo had for our do ceased brothers whilo Irvine and to bear testimony to the fidelity with which thsy sustained the prin ciples y£ cur «ccient order. Resolved, That we sincerely sjmpathiie with tho ralarivi.a and frienda of the deocvased on whom the hani of atBidtion has fallen so heavily. Resolved, That iu the death of our deceaied brothers we are forcibly adaaoBished to be al*o ready, for in such an hour as ye tVnk not, the Sou of man oameth Resr>Ivad, As a testimonial of onr sorrow under i this affliotioa of Providence, ws will wear tha usual badge of moirniag for thirty days. R«jbolved, That we furnish a co'y of th'-se re^o !u^ons to tho friends of the deceis^d asd to.ihe Fayeltevilie Observer for public* ion B W. Spivy, Jko Rii)i>i.E, ]■ Com. A C. Smith, Jvo McNxilt., Sec’y. «t» —»»v^' »ir*» ) ito >iftku«r iMw> f»«iHer«tt a a9C|W?r*ii^fctijn i-f a uea I lu luc l;ithcr of Lc. jii»-peacor. \/e mjuru Utlh Word of Ood b-tt^r thnn did 'Moses, and tha ! fha^could^ of'ff j ^SlrVtkr^ wuhout hope. ^Joan Pi*r >Q rr PI - J i,;« A 1 J 1. i could not »uora - -.^-,-.9 1 rr>i,a iS, nrtliri.'.t aad hia Ap-'ade^, and have e':- va I Whfro n tho Countv i.^iu would not iue t9 .-oe rejratiocs lesve off the word nf (Jod. 4. 1 oDmm -ndmontj of' engrwoi oa th^s | ua‘o you also, ye hwyers, for ye * ‘'nor. L. L. 1. rec?iv»' for d ^otnno the Woe u'S\ a ’ m:n. bare tak-!n awjy the ktv of knc^jrle !ge; yo enter ed n in you':;eives, and thoao tha; w;;re entering in yo !■• d. .'e l." And God himself sh«U make S i H •add -j-’t the p*aT any ,m B ?k of p - oa L:ry- - B, k • G fl, \r. r :: n- th t i ' n- t :'j'j t» ' j ■ , Bladen, N. C. M.?ss: POR XHS OBnnsvsa. Killed, n-a;.- Spattsylvti'ua C. H., Va., 00 the j I2th of .M / Lini, Cr.pt. Novia Ciark, ot Co. E, |2!^f.!i N. C. T., a^r^J about 20 years. IIo was a fOB TJI- 03o*!iva’-. native of AL^utgijuicry *!inaty, where*he r^sidsd E. J. flah Si Sou3: isirs;—A citizon j until he joiuci th^ ^rmy ia tho Sprlag of 1861. whi'ih :f5in fa"* thiii^s ths*t ;;re writ'on ia thij rae tho pnr-! u.t ? 1 jit-rcd W'7ri of ;i >u; ooraaiiTi'; it I a.n wiilin to H‘. w'H never ^'ive me a comnand >’•: nnd-’r^taM'-', aai then damn ra‘> for ficre Djotois dira^/'ce who is 1' K f"vmM at H=i» be own -,1 ->5 Mr vV^s! v \7i»oIy.stid are . ’. t -I'’ wj d t kaj.7 'vh 4>‘ it Tjsiaa, 'H , i, a I's, ')- jhit iho j ( if ■a 1: y. I 15-) r;ot bcii.ve that Or! t'k ;s Gny plci'-i- - ia i;i ’,v r. b;it ii ha^ b *.a brou 'I-'.: i') >T p-ea-hsrs, aaii:r tfi>: , wh -> ar - Cc.rryin * oi h i i i --9r'rc‘i*;n M ich mo'o 001.‘i ;i ' it ■R :t.iou^ thcs. T.ic 1-3 !ii • inv.i .t i>!aa t> lehv'r the Sa- 0 li - ■5 o( i'ianers t.ll ho cntorfd iv Kl- hc'in.; one oi the cvvelvc, inl-I bi'= ii-.! i- i'r t.iirfy piecrs of iivtr and t,! iri’ c;i • _ V - inii i c > ■: worl; i al’y tub vii r.u-,-;r '0 vi n: i; 0 • Ju i n. I," a Lo ,i '■ ;i tflC 1’a T7 man Hia :• ,v w u; ■ ; h: xni ■ P'd H 'h-; d V‘ .= .) -n ‘‘aad ^iie of .5 it id T?ritten of biia, but -Wio to thut m hii s.on cf man id b.it^ayf-.d, b‘t er ■'-'O-in fo? thnt m i!i if h • bai h*=d u au; '‘ i lb )Ut his tu'C'c r.aa ho ei-t i r.ic Ser.b^’s a id Pharisee.! sit ic pU :ald forthv.’tth t'sercisa ’.h"!*' nower \.ni i..fl:_ encs at tfn by ftupn^rtin.; and • n^onrai'irg the supo-^’ri ot- po fo' nuy o.iica but scch as are of m .ral habits. Thos^-ivho do 00: do‘his ('ct then be ovor st upright tb !n=iely•'^) ai3 to some oxt.snt ac-^€■8sory i j t!i' eriis tbat cz’sf ^ I'iti^ i? su^'j-'^t ;.t 5 i .rfi viul iTuoorUa*-^ to •il civil iDS'iiu i ,>n [ hive l^ag iv>n>i rc-i :h.‘t t.h"' p‘C3-: ba*; b.'^.ra «o ■n''* it — in i- a irii’ti*t b*ia;', ••I'l'i 'ic i * ».acl a 'd t > i 1 *x rc 1 i3 '^ao-Tijr.; hr cxamyi i—h > 7 ; au ::*■ inr, i i^'u chiej 3- jnl • >». '-i-'j —I i . .Ti-xP Wat ' ■>>> 2 w' i h-V-: IV,.J _ , •. abil'{7 -n.i I hu*-, woul I S'-'*- for ii ih" su; j ci • it.- f i.i lig it. iut.l >>ubr:j ■ ciui a* bfiHll ojcj.j.! o -r •. «.» u^'ainsi imm.j-j'iiy, tii-i: a ^na whoso Iiu'm .-j of that CM:tr;ct r wowlJ bl-ash, y;'i thiiei bluih. *.-> hire his n:,m; bef.ro tho p-^'o ?l3 ior aay ci.ii upjiaia - Jient. * :v Tuz otai'Kvzfi. N. C D!0 1 .^t a eaU-T ■ m.-j , a ^ ij' the -v^o'y^r-i ,1 (0 dainc M/orps) 2 I N 0. B Atu'ioa. 3 i*;/t A ’Iui>:)j.;ia \Va^ y'iiol ij ch^ chair, a’3 I hiv.o^ o-kiie • the m:,> i.. r 0 ori r, n-.': ’ ’Gl O’. is a vv.r wu^'d upon us by God, tb > preaahjra ou^.ii t • b.j ia it When G.d us;d to ^ring the Ewoy iipn ^ pcop’e for th'.ir wi3k-.;da3S3, be vrcukl f ad ou^ tiis hojie=>t, a^d b"3t rcca such as J )-hu3, nd Oaieb, aa i Saal, and David; and tb; i i3‘ bcirted, j-.nd unbelievintf, and those that had j iat mam.’d wi'v’. s, were permitted to tura bacx, and God wont beioro thcai, and gavo them PUCt,‘3ns. anih.id hia army striotly aeoounfable for ii ■ Ir c _>r duct, in morality and religion, and alw. ;.s -ouuiijhsd th? evil doers ia hia o«Ya army. W’c • rc i,ot .'•0 gojd as we ought to be, bat if it had ho’a God I'aat brought this war upon ui, he wc-u;d .'.VO wrought it on by a better set of men, and V ;j would not h ivo b-'on able to staad four mo ■ • ; but tiiis 13 a war of tho devil, a?'srcd on by kl- : l;ui'.t/'r'5, and waged by the so.-i'j of B-li-il. If th >3. N'ortiicra Abolition Prcicheri believo t ;i i, i bi’y war, let them taire the sword in haj'i thoaj'=°!ves, and c-'maoutand l-x)k usra mr eye:, n.ni gj« aad feel what sort of men, or what maunor of Spirit we ai:.', of. If tbay arc go:>d msn, tb(>y bced n >t fear to die; if they ar3 bad m^o they arf' ro busln'^ ^,reaohnr?, ital stirring u.;> Ktri;'-. a id sitftog s’nors w lightiag. Their Lord -;d ‘Master oi> 1 ot I'*o the worid to d> . r y mi.11'3 iives, buj that tiioy .a Jit have life, aad that thsy might h'-.ve it raofo abaadaatlj O bic5.sod Saviour, bless»d Bo.ik how oft has thy i Vt 0 :d .‘joca uidrepros«ated, aad Jesus Christ stab- j bod ju thci house of £Iis rriaads; and as truly ay cv«?i\Ile may czehim, “t'lO zeal of my hoiuo hath ^eaten -10 up ” 1 wish to be pure from the blood oi all men. I ■Ofc. Ths eommiitce after r it^re'ji'nt proiacod the foll->vv,ng praa nb'o ni/: Holacio-iS which were naanim -asly aioj^'-d v s: Wh^rju.!, tae All.r;5o Jis:io.99r of ev^nta h‘is in hia ia.?cra'«bIo wLsd >.a s -cn li^ to remove from our midsi our f.-Iio^v so’dicr and csteomel friend Wm Moint .:b, who d.vd La Po^t Hospital, FayHte- v.l!-, N. 0.. N.jv. 17th 1864. T.-.r^fore bo it tv?soIvod, fii>t: we bo.v i.i cbeeifui sibmission to the wi'l of Him who “doath all things well" in uiiis -alfl.ctivti disp^ns^^tioa of His diviao Provi dence, an 1 say ,fita rosi^uatioa “Thy will O God aoc our ), be 'loa >. • ’ R'jsolvcd 21, Faat in his death wo have lost a faithful member of our oo^apany, an i ouo country IS thus bsreit of another of her devoted son“, whoao »»i>antry aad pUriotism would have bofn fullv evince 1 had the forfuncs of war placed him where deeds of chivalry would have been required of him iu tho path ef nis du*y. Resolved 3d, Ta'it wo tender our siQoere con- dolcnce to ch^ parent; nni friends of th*? dceeased in .hair sore boreavem«;iu Rj-jolved fiially, fh*t we forwari a oopy of thoio p''030edings t> tho oareat? of tfio dccewcid, and alno & copy to the F *y3fct^ivil!e Obsorvor for publication, with the rtques': r.nat the N. C. Pres- OjTb&rlan please oopy. B. P. RIVE3. 'I NEILL OiMPHELL, I . I) W4T30N. C. A CAMERON, J A. MoDONALD, Chairnan. 0. A. Caiuson, Sec’j. yoa ”.J ? o;>so;/?ra. Privuta W. J. DiugliS Co. V, 15xh N. C. T., i'ji! ri;orc’-i>y jto'i i Ic i Oc ’r I, K:Vi, wail'j on Cii> \ ,1' =. I.' i'ljLei’.'.Da’g, V a. ile w*a e.i t-^vJ Liy 1 - !i, l>ul, aud siaoe that timd he (las n':»ly r:; hij duty os a brava, ch:erfal, Oti'.'iatlika a.-xaior. FJ-. rrj- I.B iiZTEJt FOR Tiie ni.vf.Fir 01 *i[s RxiLirrvsa & muexds. ^ :^o.g'c A. !.. p.v^aoii, Cj. P, I6‘h 0. T., fell !7;j: It a .. y .g .-iin o^juairy on tU it b.ooay i.-ni lit. « u'4i *..d, Oa L’h!ii.-)diy creumg he 5.a ol .'d >/ i.S"J t Oa the he, with :;*sny a'»'. ojjii'au-jd, .v t > baru^d oa tho vic’tiori- • i'i-4 hoia whciv lie Hi \Vt.'s a auUv3cl Rv>i- loip'i e.^a i’y, u';!.l 21 y- ars. Ilj joiaed tae tr:ny la lay I■'.32, ^ ul .sir vcd hit! couairy fdLithfally, w .Mshiiu.aag vaij; and en'tgy, .nth satisfac- i.ij.; t) ;j1 Ills ulSojfS aad c^m^ados, aad with !;>iajt‘ tJ bi.uioli aad waatry. X'ae doc-iidid i fratfo uf oaiidocer waici enti!;lsd him > o • 'JU ib /r;d a.a >a- t!io coa.seetatcd do.id who K.iro tr>r Soathe.-a iiid-jpeudeaoo. The ;; lU.i ’.. ji i M,i fitaar m) iTai iun hh t!ij thicd V Committee. A. J i*. Ooap’L B H Cc£.i)a£Ta, W. R Mathi8, . A. MoDo.’fALD, j Lt. R II. HOLLIDAY, Chm'n. A. CaoMAttilB, Sc*c’y. 1SG3. ivhilc ma..ing a gaiiunt charg.i on tha eae my’s linos, llo ^as aiia buried ..a tho .fi-jld of victory. Tno on'icr, Aujn Pf'saell, Co r, 4Gth Reg’t, died 111 hospital at iliehmmd, Va., on the 1th of May ISot. H3 w^s a brave aad patrlotle son, and is remembered with regret by all his oficars and friead.i in ai.'u j. J. D. T. J Foa rns oBjfavER. In TRSNCHB'i, ;VKVi PoL3il8BUao, Va 4'Jt- N C T. A;, tv :u3eang_ >t the >n ,u • w ), 43in R-’g't N C T, L» : '.** Sj!>. oi; >vfiag .’•e''0.uciosiij wer . u «»■> a)ii ij -. j- Wim^aar), Ta-j .ui .•«* r-u .vel from tim tj i-.3.v^.- v ,u , a-i : ^ad breth-^r aoi li3 fl S; ^ rS m- 1. .1 .jhois •and R A il ls. ? oi ». 'i-aj ;j c i liv, tu , JO'i-s A il McL in >: lli -'-io i—*■. i j .ji thoiuamo'-. i .* n.-'* j i hi.'- : jt i vVr-. dernas-, May 5, Ib .^l; ]-y, vj May 10, 1S61 SyOiti7iv*i.F» 0 tXj (i-^.ary CainpDrill, a:,) .1. . .vio 1, .luj'.* i », »^64; S 'rs Jn J lv;dy I i A J d.oPa4ul iijj us’ S^uoa, Aag 25, 1S64: ’ R33>lvei, L’liJ 11 th .-de-ich of thj;} ier.j^3, wo h»7sj lo^t / i' true fri-^ndi, ja> pj^- Hj.iSei maay coble v»rta3.i, wijsj iu^jjrit? o- jh.%fad6-3r a.il iua'iOiis of hoaro eadsared them to us by ta') Syfjag'Jt cua of aif adoa, and trhile we bow wi‘h -’iV:iijji..a t j tae will of the mjst higa liiag, /ifh to pay this u-ibata ofrttep^st to their m ^ n )Aeaad to a^^nra tbeir firienda ana ce!ativca that we deeply sjmpatiiisd Presbyterian please oopy. f»K THE oBsamviKr .\t a regular nienting of Minjjro Lod.^0, No. 203, held in ihcir Ha’l, Sept. 8d, l?i61, the following coaiaiit C2 was kppomled to draft rcjolufioae cx- prossiv’ of tho fcanags of this L;dec, occasioned *by the daatu of Sr.)t4ier Isa^o L?wb, who died at ; >aie 0“. detail: aitcr a horse, of conge.'stive chill. May lltu, 1(SG4, A. B. Parker, J. D. Maloy 'ind Jool •3aok:5oa i’ae Cttmm ttse report,>d t^roHgfv ittvir Caair aan ih5 foUowiijg preamolj and reso- luuans, Tvbioh were iciopied: Whsroas, this L.^dge has heard wi*h ncfjigari r."grot tha d^ath of brother Lowis, who died at hw reb’denjo ia Sampson county May 11th, 1-S64. i’his Lslga has Jjoea drprivod >tt o ‘C of its beat •wesibors aud al^o Go C, 5ih N. C. Ca^airy, one }f its be'^ sel Jiers, who rns never beard to 00m- jlain or mtirmar t .lay da y Ii>::3v?r oaeroa^ to M.a, ever r«sady to mcei the h.iiod f^o and brave the bott.-!9t dtarm of battle; therefore R^isolvod, That while wo bow i.i hamble sub- .n' -sio.i to tha wili of llua w'ao dojth ail tuiags wai), yci we deeply raji.M t I S Si i dioeasattoa of iiis pjorldjiics, whi»;h a*' djpri/od iis, the Oo'’fedo.^My su 1 tae commanuv, of sajh liigh a tnioied hoaorablc gjotlemaa, whose upright walk, patriitiio eZdmpi-j and uoble deeds of daring on e^ory ii-iJd of baUls won for hi n aa impori.shable ranown which Will iivo ia oar memories fresh an the vrr liro 01' perpotu d Spring. R'jsalvcd, That we teader lo tha bsrjavel and (•orro-w-ttrljkea family of our deceased brother 01' baa tfeit sympaihy ia thLi thoir »ai hoar of aiHiction, and rcccjamsnd them to that God for 3 »rafort and e-'arrolatioa whodjeth all things well. Re-iolved, Tha!; in fur».b jr t3.itiaiany of hii sap-> rior moral worth aud obristian deportment ia all t ie va.’ied marks of life, his ardot z3 -,l aai un wavering devoaon to the oause of Santhern Inde- peudeao3> we will wear the usnal badge of mourn ing for thirty days Resolved, Tuat a eapy of these resolutio be sjnt to the famiiy of our deoeased brother, and also to tho Fayetteville Observer for publication. A B. PAaKsa, | Ja8. D. Malof, Com. Jo£L Jackson, i vam TBi OBsiavaa At B regular meeiiog of Mingo Lodge, No. 206, of Sampson eoauty, N. 0, held Sapt. 3d, 1S61, on motion, Sampson B. Jjickaon, Daniel Looksrman and J^so Wikoa, ware appointed to rep art resolntions expressive of our sorrow far the Ixa of oar brother R>ndal R. Jackson, who reported the ’oUowing preamble and resolutions: Wh^reaa, Almighty Gad in the dispensation of His superintending |>rovidenoe h.ith seen fit to rimovd froai oar midst otir highly e^taemad b >ther R. R Jackson, » member of Oompany C, ii-iwh R gt., N. C. Troops, who gave hia life man- faily 0 vi03niiag tar ta* rigns 0. salf government, lie vfAi Oitobuf t;‘.-i 9ch, 1831, volunteered il O3 *bor tai; ;t th.-ai^h tho campaigns ■if 1862, aad 63 la * 64, rjjoeiviaie *ih-*e3 wm ^ds a.i I d lally voa 1 ii I u-r>ar Pa->?r .birg Juaa 22i, IS64 aud diod W j’.dou Jaiy 29ch, 1861, a:5ad 2l> yoifs 9 aja:hr> .*a i 2i) -liys As a s jldi^r he 'Vas ever tiaa aai «ait,afn» to hii pos-:^ he was a gviod uaighbac at mm^, evjr ready to 1*7 a help ing h^ud in tima ul nj-jd; ho was a goad hu^baad and wo trust a dcvatad Ohristian He leavej a wife aai tvo children and many relatives and friends to mourn kis losa; therefore Resolved, That though we deeply lameai ud wh. i.,. .-bi. £, f^2 r« daviuf e«i aa lit tt* tbe Ust iFiU aal r^9,*T*»at oi Jaqm irue-thf, doo’d, ^i! ^4‘.l at P lolio I*; tin ?a'9 r»rt-ljaw of tW «ie- an Or*^a's 3rMk, Uoot* ajUtiif, am tka SOiJt Jif flf D-iJt^iyoe 13ti4. oa a orsdit six snaatba. Ki^E£.£&N vtlSiiLir —m:.), vrsJt'a, b.->ys i>Ki gir!*. Pa?jliMfi 3 »a1 appratwi kg*- it(/, btfcfa iaUverj Ot pr9^r\ .'. K. H. WOiTHY,\ , . Otji'r 2« «0*tB IVotice i« hereby giwea, T3AT a N>. 129 far tiirsa kaoirad d"l- Hrs fo? 4 P2V o«it B-md*,—ia^ 4th Marci 1864.—-sju^d bf ^ Q. B-oaifw;, C 8. D«f3- «.t*ry &t Fftyett3Ti?l% K G , ia mjr farar, b^s beea loat ar aiaUii, aad that app!ia«tioa will ba jt%44 for a Da- ?iiaa’i8. INMIN. DeVr 7. ' 92^cStp3l HWAXTeO, IDB9 to ti'x 0!s iiaarM. rar.ai. J LiUfear or its equiral«Bi ia eash. W« oa-i ta« t ii a vary eaort ii!»3 ir desired b/ P wUliinj tiear 5 -laa taaiel mu gs ii tas:H tj iV ailrasj ta S/p; Dfipii, wao^a thsy will bt t»k«a frao aad LMihor -i^Hvtred our expanaa. Oar *dV»n li Sr-an^at, aan^ty. w D WiT305 *00. &'^farela3 Msisra. a. W. VTifi*aj4 Co , F^yattevillei »4. Ji»d jftefrard. STOLK^ f”03itk.> sabs3rio)r, oa tks 21 iait., a OBe^t- aat d>rrsl dOft JB. abaat h^t f»«ra uld; aoia kis hlo4 fjet in wJiitj, oaj k« aara w^Ua thaa tks otkar, ■»«!«• Walts spjt ia kW f^3>. flj WM Jtalaa br t*»a aar.^e iM*f P.*7, %al tka lait i?ari of kiai k« was la ka r>oflf^4ai(>a »t Malar* Bint’s Bridsa oa Drovala; Oreak. 1 will i5'.7s t''9 aba'»» raward far tka d»Uvary 0? the ^f9 to on or iafj’aViaa 3-*tk*t I o*a kina a^La. »y ald-e« Is p. o Ti-iS«rlaa4 ewiBir, N, C. SARAH ANN a\DD«T. Ddi’r 9 92»7bfhitf Ijost or Stolen, APitia Biksjr Silk PA&\S01«» BMaawkak wora kav- iag a ifBNd konlar and fke iodar wiU be W»ik » B—BPiBi m leaiwh^ it t f Mi OBm SivIlII. m«a M^«)« lioa R'J *a» fcji «av A • an, •K.TX .. If 0 ^ ^ jaBik jRTT ««ar*i ^ * ,« nfskr «Mi» o eeUw**’’ ^ juVBaHi. ^vtCyBBed Urn «f tka fiBwin^ friaaa • £|UirY «ALE. By »iriae of »« Of4er af i^he C- ui*t jf EqoUy for Oca k«rla"d aoaaty. Fall "''.■rtn, 18.*4, 1 will effar for a»ls at lea M»rk‘t Roas* la Fayett:*i’!- aa 24th of J»nB»ry sjit, th» PL4STAiIv)H ».' va' ’at? DaioiB ■JcNai'ii ca Oarver’s Ofisak, O'iCtaiaiag i 044 a^ro«, an? liic foilo^icf >^«al EiVftts in Fa/cttenl e: Oae Lat en Eaw atraat, kaawc aa the Shop L^t Oa« T -^ait J43t aijtiaUf O 4« L.^( «9Fu«r of Jooi Bpria;; aai &ase»U st^Beta. Oao Lot SoBtk si4a Persea aireet, Braasua. 0«» L>t J^ofik a>de P^raaa 8t!*cet, lala rt'si^oaoA (h>r Lot fi-ic Rsrasa *tmL Kik twa 4veili«cf ona t*3t KsnaeSy iitrfti. witk donkli^wenuif. Oaa L»t, ▼•e«Bl. a'^jilaiag. Oa;* Lat, vaeaiit, la OtmpbaUiaa 8-7 of 7 aoraa ketwaea ttM ClaraadoB Bridge aid th« Qcnth of *Jroa« Ocek. Oae saall tras^. 0/ land jaiainii Joka Marpb/, of SO aorcs, aad a tract Jslalag Rob^ Williaaa* qnaa- (Ut C9i yot kBdwa Ternii (*♦ 8i!i. Pan»s wifhia^ to view th.’. rr-'psrly will ap'*lT to A. A HcHetlian cw C-;'r*-’? M • D\VID McNEIiili, Cammvsicacr. ’*ec> 12 f3 T » ff *»',*3kof BiUl*« * xKt%a*eti«L BTBSUI t«l#B%. % a.d»'k*‘ 'i*r* al a *«i.4iier*B ^ ‘ !ilT0ill9iJ fOJ Up**® it>*» f f ha jritetea! i;CiM Of U>Jl p*i’a 0'TotaS‘Wy * ia ‘ .'vrfD '-WC aa-} r»T/ SKle.l inaWraa ui« fcoeuMMl 20 00. tSFBBr MUSIC, a fBl I i* tka Pilai 1 61 ATIOirtBT «f all WknCY iJlTlCLSS ge^Bapv*' _ fgf^ The ttssal defiaeti^M Wiij^ IN f®* Tie*9 spd-'cia® r»o4a la wmmti pw aMlt a«t -wBii 19 rate «f?» aai ika Mlnr Inay It B. dar Pak^i«ai^aK! are !• iMlipat tke • FABEAL F '' Vt ^ L Uw ii^pdrt«at fMil IK KBOARD TO vm «BouTBaii5r uPAn# nuMJi ITflLST ara fcaparvd tnak tn« kMl ^ MeA- , uac ky tke fieeavenv, mow an Bpi Miatotar ti Hae i2*si:e]t sad are esAs. 2 Tutj have bc^a kaowB !or jaara fl|l tealad bf Si«3Siia^ S Flva hsn^rad pen«9B aire haawa la iMva ka«B anrstf i9» &ro. 4 Tkey are net iMatnsvnaAed by tk« pBH*^ tw iTS'T/thiii^ ardt aa’y f’r ?'aica arittlPvila- •r»i#-rd i-^ tars. ~ •5 aAtf «Mrtftaal.ri] aaak bax *r4 tkoim ara fro« treUAaown a'at amt re- I7‘6«abl8 •DdlT'dRxH reaj3-=iea4 thei^aa fcod,^ Iiv- :r ‘Jiiil’-a ia I 7».-f8r«, JTkaa* D>- oep^*. Bi'ijaa Favrt*, Biley Bbeaifl^j^i*. Pl®ov»i7. J? 3r*o'iiia 4'.. 7 b- :ra1 afni;; tj;^t tka bm ot tkaaa t J aa siiraai of frou 9100 $2r>0; tii./ «ra -vkd best nlacMtiaa Eaadioiae ever ef- rr 1 le ti>3 piib’jo. ■i VkjBl ■j.%as of tie Ai»bo8t £!»xiliag prs4«rike >j>zzi U.43X pt'.ln>uU. aai kaadraia ef baxea UavB. baea s/»l la rs'jijuiar practiUoaara. » 9 Duri - g the last qaartar 2,83!^ boxaa Hava h^ea «i3ld to oaa ia B^aik Caroi'sa, aad oa« fa tiartb Carviua—aad s'iBa lima a^o bver S.7dO bozea ▼cr^ «t ered by Drujg-sta ia o«*» tawa ia Viiyaia. jlSi^Priee. $c & box. Fvr $B0 a d^n boxa* will he seat to any aidre«s A very li'oaral diaeooB* t« ii'UfiMaie ^MU o;}iiatry i:i«rokai!te ilM (naw curreu- 07) t» a« jRipab; oraert. Sale La North C«roltnft «■ rollawa: noTii:s^. By vl-'*'>3 -*f Bn Uf***r iQ*Ja at HoT:4nb''r T.'rra 1(}*4, I Will a'tfl.ii «t tilt) iunss aai plaaaa, to -ol'fo t»»»! 3r»’i?? Tix ta wit- jl\yw >■ d, Tjisdjy. 3i Ja-^a'iry, 183^; Buokksra. 4ta; H. »':>•: •jcira Th irr-i*y. 6ti>; M D. F :4*y, 6'h; Joa-w’^ ar-T-«, 8;*a -Ia/, 7ia; J J C^Hj, a’». ikl9aiay, 9-h; M ii. Tfl'iS 'ay lOtS; E:i6 H->ne Wsdaaala,-, J M. nt’s, Ta-.'a'fl*y, 12;k; 8. B Iw.irl^’s, F/idif IS^ti; W. W. S".iard»T, ^4tk; H' s’s Djr»ei. rs MaaJ.»y. lUta; iStis-ln/. 17:?>; Lf*cu^t (J j-/e. W iStk; Bur»»’s O -i Field. Thnr^liy, 19tk; D*. Wiiw'ijjr’s Pi-iiay, aOil; Fu }3jr.iUgk, 6at:irJay. 'ilsi V e t»c 1“} aa? pt-r aaai., or $1 on tha haadrad del- l.wrV viU u^‘v tb.ji«>aieaMoaattbit w>»>*ri ’.aa; J\a’y. I saps t.»e'y p,fr3i>a will hl'na* ' suJ m*at aa a4»ly ia th> 1*7 at laa aaov. ojatiosai tioies aad pay .ij**:? .»4 ‘hi Ord«3r is nrj aTg-»ai oa aa to «o1- r»*at imae-.Kiftly; aa.i shisa tkti hava aat >..id tJiair Jaly t;x: .tus^ asrlval^’jay ai9 as I ga »r.-)U’»d, or I >"t%!aly caUic*. h» f>r il U B'riatlv e»- jjinsd ?>Tj laa 'a da s-> by jar 0»a»i. »nl s. gi-eat aiaay «fAani.iS *.^9 a.tar 8‘aili ;a aawd of it vjry oii. A w'ri t-j tta wlsa, s^^ P*^ jo-tr it B PAoGHAt.1.. Sbff. Pi.t3bifju»h, D^o’’8. 9I*2‘.pd AjhsTllIt, B J Asiab, Albrmar’.a, J M BiTlns, •'hapei HklU R B -(MtrkMM. i Ny« BateUitsoii, _ “ _ r a c*». IHaiBa, BaMiani it MoMlajr, WoacoM, J BeM, BaAsM, J CohM. rfillBbore’, J T Whlcw4 It 0», 5%yeti«T]ile, iV A StodRiaa Oo ireeasborn , Poner t GorcU, •ktlubor«', L«cas Mom, U«llftx, J O’Brlmi, tieadMsoa. Wyeb* 0», «slag«ift, i T BiiaaoK AMian. >ni* «Mi i«au Ltneuintuo, (J f lia«irUl, Loatsbon, J ClUtea, Mutoa, Wm WakAia, Pittsbato’, I II—1, ia«to>ah, Wlllln— It B^jwno4, " P r PoMad. Kaeidagkua, i P Nartkoia Sambary, Hanaia»a Jt BiAai, Boiiiaak % OalliufW, Sbalby, R ProMbiqmr, W«*afcaro', W OBaaMtt, tVaitCTiile, K Oayaaa, WUailngioe. WTalkw Haaics, “ H McLla, ** tJimhl. C« i6 *ft nutate ot rVortb C^roliMa, RICHMOND OOUMTF l5i»t of Pleas aad Q-aartar BcasU'i, Oat. Taro, 1884. iofca E. PaUarsaa £x'r of DmIaI Paitersaa Daa*d, vs. Arahja'ld Pat^«rg.>a &1. Petiiioa for * 8%ia »f Slaves for Parutioa. IT appearief to tbs satisfae iaa a * Jia C''>art, that Ar'aih»l2 Pattersoti and Qaytas aad wife Flaia, D^fe&a».)vtd ia tkia rMi-ia buya-'d tua liaits af itiis Sta^e; It ia tH^raf-fa, ca laouoa, erdsrad by the ODort, tkat s^vjrt!;ameat b; nala far ix wc-^ka tma- Kcr.v'l/ ia the Fa5a'9v;il,i 06aer»^j a>tU*jriag tka 'aid Dif^odaaia 01 ia fi'iag a’ tkis Pv.it«)d\Uat aaltrss tkay appur at ika nact t:ir9) af VAn Oaart, t» be a M at Ikv. Oaart Haare ia ijU'ttia-aiia. oa t>a tbird >ioa.i«/ of J anu^r^ next, a^d aa'twdr tka Paiittea, tka ^axa will b« taitaa r>ra eoafas'^a asd heard ex pa^-ta aa Wii!i»s9, Lotus E Wi>bb, Clark of otK eaid OoBVt, *t tii j third Moai;>7 of Oet. 18^4. L. a. WEB3. Clerk. ^6*«Tpifll:aj>t H. H. WS83. D3?’t.r. State 9t IVorth /arolma, RI :HidOND GOUSXT 'f Pi?-vn aal Q >^> t*r 3,5*1 a j n, 03‘- Sara, 1884, 'd«aj Miao.'.. Stau’f i»f "dtaovs. S\aaf Uarly aed Sadi’l Ilarly 'car hus'^&a.^ juid ■'/tken. Patiiioa for Aaaaaat aad S.i.t-9.aeat. P' aT»p»»r 5g t-» »h.a 3iti3'aa'.i >n of t&a Court, tkat J'vbn W!atik»'i^r ^ ao.v Bsb^aa ^•evtag- • JU »aJ oh; ciA»a Istsa. 'iVitlUmaad Ji*sa^atk, 8a!o»oa M Har-iat Bi^**‘.Oiran# nu^bnai Ju.hjn Bi^alaw, r&- oeyoai oa li?>Ua of ttt;a aUto; It is t^ariforo, oa aa iaa, ardvr«l by tke t'/^iart, taat alTorUaem.uat be «./.d;i fvr 8>x vack* 5aa3.>«iii«« yis tka F£y*tt««alla Ob- •ii'Tf". noti^yiajlb’ «i4 D.^»n'datts of t=ta fiUag of PeUfc’aa, aa* :k*t ualaaii ttttt/ appu^r tae aaxt i*m of this Csart, ta be held Bt the Oonrt Hat* js ib Beak* 'ight.ra, on lb*! tbl’1 Moaiay of Jaaaary aaxi, aad an- 3>>ai tL; pntmca, i'.>e B;«ae will ba takaa pro aoa^aasa 4i'.1 h>>a^J ex parta as to Uiata 'iVitoa'is, Loui^ H Wrb >, Clerk of oar laid Oeort| at offiaa, tke third Monday of Oet- 18(14 L. H. V7BB3. mark. 8d*«^iSU!!9i H H WBBB. OapHy State of {forth Carolina, BIOHMOND COUKir Oourt of Plaaa aad Qaarter Saseioas, Oat Term, 18M. Barak Brown va Taoa Bmrrcatiaa aad WICl Petitioa ibr Dower. IT appeBTing te tko Miisfaotioa of tke Ooarl| that Neill Browa aad Joakaa Brawa, Dafeadaate ia tkie oaaae, raaida bayoad tha liaita of tkia State; It ia there fore, on aottoa, ordered by tha Caart, that ai-vanlae- isaat be made for alz waeka saaoeasivaly fa tke Faj- ettavilla Obaanrar, aatiff log tka aaid daf'^adaate of tke filing ef tkla patitioa, aad that aalaaa tk#y appear at tke nAXt tam ef tkia Court, to ba kaid at tka Oaart Heoae in' Baakiagkan oa tke tkird Moaday ef Jaauary aczt, and aaswer the petitiea, tke aame will be takee pre aoBf(^s^o aad kaard ax p%Ha aa ta tbasi. WitiMBs, Lonia H. Webb, Clerk cf owe aaid Oen't, al 3fflae, tka third Koadaj of Oat., 1884. h H.WBBB, Clk. *»6«ewp»f I4iat»t H. H WBBB, Da^>. 10,000 Piecei IVew Rlasic^ JUST reoalved, whiek will be sast te eaj adAiaa reeelpt of ear Cataiagai prioae. Wa have bow baaeiaa tka 80LB AQBNTS ii Nar;Jk 0«rol!n\ for Qaa. Duaa 9t Ce. ef fUakaoa i, who act tke iargrtf tati iMrt Hadis Publiakers ia tk^fjatk. i All ardors to thaa, froa «hia State, wiilbe ft'Jat ai if onr Stare. Sj|r One half te tka Trada. A»{dv far Catalmei of Boaka. Maafi, Aa. B&AN80N * Fa; B9pi B - / i\OTl€fi. Tee aobaeriber will, oa Taa.s iM, tha M1 I'^es. hire aa; tka NBiaOEf^d. hela-4g'ag to tka aatate of Wi kiriag to take p’aoa oa tka >«iaiM.«aaBr|^ Mk 14-

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