it wnw HEimi >iV FAYETTEVILLE. N. CTPECEMBER 29, (864, fHO 139«.) \ioNfury raoHHDAys «.'i>MllU» t, iliLk; & BBlTOHti AND PhOFttifiiiHtB. Prise for tn- kIv :?o 00, p%15 'i; * sdTTUioti; $'0 fo» 9’7t niPutt'iJ: ?5 for roon *9 l^or tke Wwiilv (>ii(ii«K’ :f (5 ■» > t>ar nir>na''». ■ axO! in *dTwicf; $!0 f'T e'fr^t mo",’j?; f'r eix roon.’fiB; JR for fonp months; $4 for thr!*e rooni'^9. j|8^ADVB&i’fflEME!^T8 ini-eft-od far $3 per s juarf of 13 liBfifl Ok kaa for th« jrs*^, »ad 12 for ^oi» fTMe«ediBg pablio&tioa. • AiTertieers are r^qaested to far ntiinb«r of iadertioae desired, or they will be ovBtinaed till forbid, «nd oharfed aeoordlngiy. Adv«rtifl«iBentB o«atlaaed innde, oh&r|^ as new ad- ▼«rtla»raentfi. “THE liliTEHilGE^CER.JJ np irsm f tao V/EEXLY INTELLIGSNPEB, ten- i p^.rw y nr«p:nf>'J » w?-’jn a»rj^ ipcjil be re i>:Ti»cd 'n tli'i t- vii its tbn toarw of a f'W ia^s Ii a^d- i Q t'’ pabhoAtina, a DAILY EDI nON of w e*Di! jcnrnal wii! ba ibstiei. Fi rti e* uo'-C9 will bagivco whcnneoessarjatraoge' m- nts ?4«aiaDt,}:>n are m»de Fajettcville, N C , P>'0 11 S2 tf /3/' 8PT3CIAL NOTICE. Fwjia an =v.*er this daj®, no name of n, ne'T subaoribar will be eatered wivacat raymctt* ia %dT«uioe, nor wili U;« paper b« aeat 4u9b >611; fcV a longer time tbsA 18 paid for. Such of cur uld sabsoribers as desire to take the pa per on this a/ftem will p''i8e«otity tu wb«n making i«initi*aecs. Jan’y 1, 1858. u. Dtt AUCTI0N:2ER, S. K. Corner M’lrkot Ria«re, FAfCTTETlLLC, If. C. Proicrt att’-ntio-i to tvU in uIh eu'rufltft^ to him AuiO 10. 1864 40 / ISAAC flOLLlvaSiVOIira, tracer aad Comai.^ian nerehanty FAYKrijKVILLK, N. G. ^RUp M *0 tt »X»infl>RT^^ \ Fatbtthviu.*, s. C . Jnlf 4, 1®64. f TTDE ABE NOW PttEPAftED TO EECSIVE OB- lY dera for RAIL ROAD WHEELS •f he i 1 -irinij 8««b8, t'«: 24, 26, 28 and ?0 Jncb. /\I«»o CEILI4SD TIRES Thr Iron tro oball nge for ttieio wiP b? *’0L?) BLA8T CHAnrOAL Il:ON. *nl it at i-^My oar waneis K- *T Iv> RACK i to b? ^■^uSr! to *rty t tide in the Ooo'e ; ^racr, or to those of Wi^itney t i F: il 1-; ;hi&, w uo»'- reputation L» 8 woh kacwt by -II E*U ito i; Coinpjin^fts Wo h»To 'jjT bv«t i'aoiUties for tr:iBi!piirtalioQ by Si^T. jifefB lo ■Jfiln.jngtoB, from t'lii' je ‘ J *ay par* of th; Co. '•} ''x,ykcj- Orders rpap^ct'ully eolicVod 46tfl D AND’^BSON & CO •ISfcX. r, Attorney at Law, Fatbttkyilv.b, N. G. WiLL attend the Couiay and Superior C'>ort« oi Coitberlaad, Harsett, Moore and &obei>oii CooB- feies. Proiapt atte&tioa giveia to U>a oolkctlon of all daimt eatmsted t« hui haud^^ Oct. 17, 1859. 6S-tf JOS, UITLEY, ISHroeer and Vommassitfn Jticrch»t%iy FATEITS V ILLE, N. C. Jao’y Id, 1868. 93-tf SA IVi.N' A. 8TKDXAN. WM. U. h^HAftP. If. A, STEDTIAH «& €Om WOOLESAI.& iiW KiiiriiL DBlLKRi! AND €Oi?im«sioir n £ rcbla •to. ^ay Sireei, FAYETTBVILLS; N. 0. { AprB»). WElSTERilI RAIL ROAO. rKE FREIGHT AND PASSENGEB TRAINS of this B«bd leave Fayotte'^ille daily, (^rn-r^o ezoepted at 8 o’clock, A. M., aud retnralQir !«%▼♦ ' o’oloolc, P. Ai. Cat.Je arui JTortt Tiain MONDAY. WEDSESIXAYaod FRIDAY. By >r iw JNO. Itt. BOSE, lYfiw’r ac'i Qea'l Trans. Ag't. Jaa. 2'Z, 1868. 07tf Salem AJniaoacii. BLU.M’3 Fiir*-:icr and Planc*r4 AIm*uao foi uie .irear 18^«», rec-?i»‘ i a*»d for aa‘‘«. ^*7 aassn, or av,p>', at BOOK. ^OR^- WAI^T.fiil5. ' ~ 2&/\A BU8HEL8 WESAT. ,Ol#U l.JJOO • CORN. p6T30&« kaTiuf the above stUcIss to eeU wiU recelv^t Hn htf'bae^ Cash prioe by oaliit g on Ur. M. Taojtason, | •k Merchant Mills, FayeitoTiile, or ca the subseri- bar »t his oM staad on Market Square ALi^. JOiiNSOS, Jr. 5, 18««i. 75tf " AJEH^Y HABx\E8l§. I AM prepared to maDataoture all iisria of Wagoa Bamess for Army use. 1 raa ny leather and cjyt fi^j good bargamn. Afftubj wil; cio well ta aead tliair wdera u> die as tb-^-y haTe prom()t attcnuon, and SMt o3‘in quick dispa:e^. JOHN CARTER. 4ri>U?ton P. 0., CiafcSjaia Co., N. ; June 1le&'i- / 54tf Parr^ffinr JLubricatin^ Oil. |J by cr'erir.j«at n-ierft > 4nd Rreatlr iX iraoroT‘d th-> oi-vaoter of r.ur Oii, wa uow cffai tor .tai? M anioie o£ rabriciting Oii for CatuO’i siotorios which no su-’cri r io the 0?:fe^?raoy I not ?a~ r oaili TubOil '^re gaart.itaa irih e&reful tri^l to tb bcsi taid ob'»*''e8t *'il for fia* m%:h‘n tj ia the As the ocdettjiin^ed r;vs8 hia pergonal attjn *io;i "n the p’'ep»-TUl-n of the Oil, it Bh->?1 aot d«*tir!OT'>te • quality W-n aer viproTO. Ee'.irs to Ag -uta Rciekfi'«h and Bearer Cr«ek iimnu- factoring Coa.,. Fiyetterillo, N C , who prononaea it a Tery sa'erior OP HESRY E. COLTON, A^t F K. Co. Nsr’r 2a Mineral Firc-Pro.of Paint. WE are now prspared to supply any qaw»d‘y of this P^iat ij powder It in a Psroxida of I>‘cn, tal » id a -nd tiie most j^vsre tests with fi e Color deep redd’^a brown. HENRY B COLTON, A^'t F. K. Co. F feneYill?, NoT’r 28. m-.t 8alt lor Sale. fJA AA BC8HKL18 ciOUND 8 • T, im in thsSpria^ ^Mv'f IWi—will eiohange it for Baooa, Ltrd C^ru, or O'Hara lerate Tr«»snry Notea. Abo, 30 b’'ie3 5r.a CHE'^INQ T^'BAC?0; for sale at «y store orDu'ite Fr»f Bauk. A. a TIIOaXTON. 2. 64-tf From and after tlu« date the Steamer A. P. ETORT will leave lA 8 s’olook, A. M., «b Monday JOS. A. WORTH, Af’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. and Thar«day. April fr—17tf ] CepiDSfiATS STATSS Of ^OUil N' ^ A 14er tixim aata I will paj 2a Cents per ^>und for rags, cr the hi^hiist oiarot r». » ;e, lelivertd ia. or at m> a.nh on Reca-'^ HUclf-tlY Fd^’y io, 18&4 7 • • 0B3SANCS aBi»'-RfM3»T, \ RAisiaa, I. a*/ 6, 1862./ LKAA> WANIIfiO.—-1 TTidii "> pni'cc’i-^o *or th:s Deparl^ueat. - •fii.jc r,-? or ■•mAii qa&":- tttte..' iTiii ^Isaao app^y «t onsd. Wlli give 1 poaad Vi POKDER for 10 pouiioji of uiS.iD. THL‘3 D. aoaG. Capw C. 8- 69 J In charge of Orlaauoe. To Wine iVaker'^ or Distillerg. IH WE fjT 9*lo 10 iroab aad h?G?7o«.* CEPk>i£Nf ING STt\ND3, of oa*iacit/ of 1*>0 gA 4 n«t v« htaYy, s-iae sixe Pnt« «iagl/00 eaua. Aay wbo will tako the trkols 0aa . aam for $1000. hoy »re VAloable to any onj wishing t > m^ke W ine or distiP Brand/. AIk), Bomti of half ?ixe of aboTe f >r aa^a at hnU the ftboTe rates. HENRY £ GOLXON FayeUerilia. Oot. I. 72:f Palma Oliristi Oceans. sub»sriber will ;>*y Urn bijb'^st ciwb pri:-«s fnr QOtR^'ty t ■?*>» .-5 Pat ' ouiSK* DzrABTMSBT, DisT. Capi Fbab, V Wi’mitig*'.n, N. C., Mareh l«th, 18(53. j OTICE is hereby givan tn all persona haring claims t^fidaai the EngiQ;>ar Department, for ssrTieea of siaras «-:avloy«d as laborers on the lamd dtfencu naar Wiltiitiigior., N C , the anderalgacd ia aQLhorized and prepared to pay tite same at his sfiioe, on the se- ooKd fio-ir of Uie bin’i'ag nsxt above Mearea’ Drag Store, Market Str^ Ptvso&H exc«viting Powers of-AttoroAy will ob- • se*^e the foUowjB^ form—tbeir si?;iiatare8, la all oaaes, . t« be wit.aess:d by tw? witnasspa and sigaed ia dnpU* «.e, or thoy may be witaeMeil before a Joaiioe of the ( Pc-^at wr Clork of aay Co art j FORM OF POWER OF ATiORNET. I, of , (io hereby appoint , of , my I true ani Uvful Agcut to si^jn reoeipie for, and raoeive I pKvmant oT a-1 irtoaeya due to me by the Bsgineer De- ‘ wiaaeat of ib-j Conf-fdurate States of Amarica, for the aemocrt ®f my 9'. »»is employed aa labc>rer8 on the laad defences at , during tse moath of , 186 Wi:,aes9 Mxy n* ad ‘>4 t^s dmj of , (3i|{aad is dapUsai^.) rswti.i ^^i^TlMSS The Bignatiuet of •oiorvd pertMu shoald b« wltnesssd by three witnesses. There be separate dupUoate Pawtrs of Attorney ■or eaoh m^ath. Blank fonas oaa be had spaa applih ,iii= W H. JAMBfl. 0»pt A GU«r Sac. 5.'>. IWA 180V-f WAJVTED, HIlKi^S to tan on shares. Tei ms, | Leathw or ks ^tuTalsat ia oash. We oaa lw it ia a very nhort tisM ii desired, by H;*Jcle’s patea. Pcracuis wiehiag .thMT Hidea taoJt4 oaa send th^oi to oar address to Jl[gypt Di't'ol whe.'o tbev will be t%*x v .^rom and her Jelivered at our expenoa. Oar t,iJx h j aont, ChaUutta County W i>. iVA Td ');! i „0. . B«fae»o9 iklsssrs G. >7. WUiia js ACo., F^’Tv'tdvirle. Ang 24. 01».^rrrljpd ' RAUS! «Aft rior qii .lity of the p-^per oa wbioh the Observer hM been priDtted of late, »ad Which IS a eroat eye-sore to us, i^ ouiug Ui tud iraat of a Iifliw'oat supply of g lod ra^, auci ihe oonnaqaeai aec- tc rocori lo u;r«sfior ma'^^riala. W« appeal to I'j.i frimds ». Ue Observe'* at all ocw^aaible poiaia, to s\Te ^ Aaa bri~g to town &U the rags they caa iirocure. W6 have ar- Uois eurstilTes to attend to their porohaae, bat Messrs. Geo. W. WUUam>s & Co., the A««ats ia tUa tom sf Mr. Hai-rtty, will pay 2b oeaui per lb. for W90I Wantad for the Stat^ ef N. CaraiJna. THFi uoi^.ruicaed coatinae to ax;>.ange COTTON YARN far WOOL, oae buadi'a of y^ira for 4 lbs un washed, or 3 lbs. Ae%a wasb*?l VFii jl They will al'^o pay a pricf in cMte fo>- or «ma*l lot*i GflO W WiI,L.lA?4S iCO., Agt-^ F*»yettevilie. June 1R. 42tf FAYSiTTEVftLCE J^piial in Prozoiuji ti\«tes aiaooftta to ii>267,638 2b ri-fc-i, M-? n»*5i 0*1 hasd anil other aeseta. 5,077 36 r*k» 15 S4llv * eoNa fixcliange iVotlcc—IVo. 13. itlOHMjiTD, D. ,$'1' 1, 1834. 1ALL Coati'dertie offiaf.s and i.-nn wio aave been , del*(r^*^d authn'Iies • > any p-vsa, prior tu N')^«ub 25iii, A '? hjrel>y d*ul»-iKd te be exeb>.^ji«.i. A All uifij.'r’ at 1 ^(jgn of ‘ i»e*’..''u'■r".tus*9 ^-f Jaly 4th 186;i wlt-j .>« >orj.ija *uy p jie o. ciltter *!»*' A - riyaCj . t . -i.a-' prior to Navunbar 1i»t, 18o4, ^ra teceby dfoLidrdd to b« ex- •haaged. BO OULP, Ag;at of Bxeha^if. Bbmks lor aak at thia Office. Toial, !p:J72,7G5 16 The OosapiMj «ra - paid aii lod:»s promptly, and ^vsasvsi uiade an assessment an tu«ii premiuju notes. T«U1 iMSBS paid, 52»,88a Orrioajis: ^EO. MoNEILL, President. 0. A. RAY, ricfl Preaiisat a A. McMlLl^, Seo’y. Piaacroas: floiLr/ Lilly, it. N. Tillicshazi, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Sinsd^e, S. X. Hawioy, Wm. MaLaurin. Niithaa A. Stedoiaa, C. 3. Itdtterioli, A. W. fltssi, J. G. Caok, Hoa. J. G. SHepberd, R ?. Rroim, \ , A. S. Haii, Coliiijild &iad 0* 0- •i.'ftaacii* Agsnt* OoTiipiJiy to •*o'iT -'f '• i*. '8* ■ 1- 0. B. MallsU, Jam'ds Sylo, A. A. Mcileuaaay J. l>. ’^ilitaaa, 8. W. Tiillasaasi. iritiiflietfcal SMeiHB%ry, EMBRACING a syst-eai of AritbSMtic, R'-a-iy R? *koo- Iai*ro«t *ial«iM3r, Bm« Ka-.p.^a.':. Fvrms, &a S J HALg k 80H8 FA7ETT2mLWmLTE CAROLINA rprrE Firvt Oei^slca of ihia lajtiiat.on will couiBeuoe I Inf cf F(*hrnarv 1865 AprlicAti v’TJp for »dr* itsit-n moRt he adlo M>j. A. BANKS Snp^nM- e-ieat. 0«f. 94 . 80 tf Hilhbor«* €• Militarj icadeaj* The n'!Zt sesHioa of thin Institntioa will begin on Wedse>-ia , Feb’y l^t, 1805 App-ioxtions for ad- sa8Bloa lua it be made prior to 15th Ovc’r 18^4, about vbiok ticse *he tcro>8 wiU b« nialo know.'^ .Address M»j. WM: M G0R1>0N. Snperiatendent, Oii 1 724m THE RI]V«HAi1I SCHOOIi. A MILXTARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY. The n* xt ses9i'n orgies Feb'y 1st, 1866 at Mebanes- viil« oa the N. 0 R. R W^ile tha old course is retsiaed, $z»n it« :«diiucas h97e be3n m«de, with a view k-> m»l»r’g a»o» soiipikiis m •reK as (^Dod Bo)tolar3 'duress Cc!. WxM BINGflJMf; 8*p’l, 0*.k«. N. O NoT’f22. 1864 8J»1F CSEi^ERA^ToROERIS. TPE Hat Mn'aifaamreri t-t 8 %te“viil‘, N G., wish *9 pi;r.3b*a0 1,000,000 FUR .«k1i\8, 8noh ■5“ R.VBBIT3 ''aiilRATd. HOUN, MINK FOX, OTTF.**- Am- be Vt.i 'ir ‘rii;b-w% iri I piyHioaiiir e>»t prices 'i. I. J/.-af'-.tiifaio vla&jy, B.«k Biiii 6«1 •^psoii', or . *oh fa V cq Y iru or rii^g W^e h.p tb - aI. i; >^? w wua fo aac-unagd S-.u»hara ■ST'.*>.‘r]^rUo, will ti.-rt Ih^a^elrss ia getiia.^ ^:r9. Msrahar'a wil! p’*as- *«* m A&'ea's, he'r!T:g. -uiri tb«it T7«* wU* ptr 25 p'»'^ '^jbt. wor* %ay TniTKOW^KY & SALTZBERY. Hr. 8 B'lA'^DT i^ rur aa*-^risid A?eu» for Cata- bei lard oouity t> piir':.»** Fu a for aa WirTKO-VSSY A S\LTZ3T^RY. Nov’rS. 81‘in Trea^itrj of tbo Oid Is^ne* TaK&atraT Drp^stmkht 0. S A , Ri'jb’viocN^^’r 11. IBS'*. ''pO fii. eaJ tD*i evi»»y f-ciiuy w y aforae ; ro tha 1 holdcrj of «h!>*»e n''t»s n eSTaotiasr the cxoHan^s fot **pr fhs Tr'»earer. '-S3’.^t»-"t Tr^’warars sal P«y Dj- p\H ta ’if>8, a’jd the w ' d -ty be in lii*he^to Uittit'-'i J.o f-i-.Jin*. ar h /cby ■•iiiho'riiMj i.o th» notes ' r Ti'osc ujt aapp'iaJ wV-h ^ti -9 will regi"t«r the asm a of th ' Jepo'Hiorj recsiving ail a -tea otfjred for »n l ntitJcd lo fxa'-.itge, until itie Is .jttT of January 18o5. iaa:u-?iTft TVj cotot receir-’d tad re^*‘?t^re l mu'!* ’■ j forwiM- 1 by exoreeg to tiic Treas'stsr at Rirhraon I w*f.h % Oiyj of t-io rogts- a*::! ner isan-a .or Lie. "■ of the Jjpositors ril« immMiatflly forw*rd^ rotur i. Tte A T.’ei s' i Depositaries are h»rc- *-j icstract^^ to refobliau t^iti a ce G. A TRENHOLM, 8io’y of freaaury. FATKTTEVILtW DlPOSITOST, NoT. 22, I86i. New I'Saa will he pa d f^r tb‘» old, oa p>^«s?3tAi»ou at OSce. W G BROADF^T, D-N>'y. Boies, &t*9 for frisoners of War aod Soldiers# As the Aye»»t of S irreja Gen. Wwrea, I will reoaiva ard ■^?! -xbh. &•., f‘i* VoHiera aad p’-ison e.s of war, frea o» c*iarg: T i» B;X39 shoald be here by the Qiih of *%5h mocth, ej .u»t they can reaoh Raleigh by ths la^t ! ea'^b omuth I wi-h the boxe^ s'*i i' to m%rk, with written ia* stTuctioaa, ito that Y m\y have i^ prooe'*ly do.i;]. Ail hox.'s f^r prisoners of -vm mast be as light as pjsa.ble. 1: ih«y aho:;ld weigh ihaa lOJ ib». they Oi-notgo J033PH A. WORTH Fayotip'^n'j, Not. 16. Itoxes For Soldiers. Arjs BOXES FOR 80-DiE OR PRISONERS OF War from Nona Ctfoiias di^liversl to »he follow- iag nt.mai pevaoas will be promptly forwarded fr*e of charge: Dr D F Sammey, A heville; * Df 'T A Ooil-'tt, Morgaaton; .r^r J W Alliaja, Statesville; E r J L NoMgle. Greensboro; Mr A H^^gui, Charlotte; Mr E’wird ^ego Saloii; Oapt J N MoDotr':!!, Rali^ictq; .^offepb A Wonh, Fayetieni'e; F M irrs? & O'*, WilmtngtM; Mr F L BjUvl. Tarbnro; Mr J A J Askew, C’^leraia; MrP u Roberts Murfrae.^bo^. The B)Xd3 ahou.d ha wsU ho''>o'’-d properly laaHicd, ^ad de'ivsred ia time foi' my dp!*cal Messeager who learea RMt;h on tKo fi-3i dar of «very month. BDW\RD WARBEN Surgo-a^ G=»n'l N 0. R^ileigS, Oo; 29. 80 Im HEADQUA'.TER9 RE=ERVE N C., 1 RM.BiaH, D 0. 14, 1864 j Gbhibai. Oaons, \ No 21. / I. Maj or H R. Hoop'*r, Qaarternaasti^T P. A. C. R. haring in ob^dieaes ts SoJJial Ord ^ri 29i. Par XXXI, A &L G O. '"’urrsat 3eri.)s. reps'^ted at trh.’sa Head quarters. is assigned to '^uty as Quartermaster, Re- aervBS of N. 0 , aad will ba obeyei aad respeoted ao- oor-iiflgly. II All officers ia catnmand of R^erves will at once make rsqnisitloa for o’ai&ing, and ?sjima»a for funds for tbe payment of tbnir oomoiands. forwarding them lo Major Hooper at Rilel?^. By coasmand of Libdt Gmk TT.'», JNO W. HINSDALE, 94 4 ] Ai^sistant Adjutant Gsneral in Kind. OFFICE COUNT¥ AOEIVT, I 4(b ton^roBsiouai iltoirlct i. 0.* > s'c-yet? viile-D.-»o 6, 18^4. J HEREBY Qotioa to tha prod'ioers of Cumberland ooaxity wh-3 may be due the G >yerno>eat ^jsythiag as Tax In Kind fbr tha year ’864, t^ia from t>ia date 10 ct" per 100 lbs per iflila will be ;>romptly paid partits for hsuliji;? their prodaoa to this Daoot for all dtfftanoea' OT'-r ci*v-t m:lf8 Perso?*a d3l:vfl-!*irig tbeir prodaoo as abore iadicav^d witl be aidipg thfr ooun'ry as well as receiving 4 l;baral 09mosaMti}a fir the same Gr>.iB bAg- "'iU be ^arnisixed ts Prado's rs v» appli cation at this-fllas. J. M. WILLIAMS, Ag^et for Cimberlsnd scanty. The si the Ci l»nJ Oo'j Bstate of j all PSTS . ^ oeasml. ti the time; be pleadt^ Eota^a Havii Bhall.l 6tore on Sale the oonsiiiiBcl ail the Toi Smith Ml oas to The ereditj »PI JT9TMCJE, FH.b.’T ha»ifig at, Det?«mber Term f9'?4, of lof Plea® *»»-» Qairier Sessions of Cumbrr- Let’ers of Ad^i*iisti'ation oa tie •«« Mania-*, deo d, h«.a^y glrea notioa t»> »vic^5 olalmg t be Estate of the de- ^^Bt tha saQ.} daly »nt^(iof>cac"d. srithi i ^ioed by Kw, othe^wtso this notioo will ^bar of their r^flo*Bry. Dabtors to said B9 iamadia'e pAymaat THEO MARTINE, Adm’r. Further JVotice. asd an Order of Court lo that effe-jt, I KHe 18th d*y of January a^xt, at the late istreet, of tbe dooea - id, expose to Pablio aal Property, beloaging to i^d Estate, I stook of Hard«are, Groceries, Tia, and Saloagixis to T:n MaBnfaoio7 a-dC‘*p'>er ^>toi7, aad varioas other articlas too tedi* be Mold to the highest bidder oa a pnroha-rer giving bond and before the prap^'rty is removed. isa9a at 11 o’clock TflSO MARTINE, Adm'r 9318 Bf !RS( WAHTED, M'X)RS & CASH ^yELL. 0 IL B.VR|EL3 and 8T \VE.« WANTED hv MOORE 4 f'ASHWELL W Dec’r 17 J At the 0, t» and good Dio 19 itracis tor Rarrels. Uptraat for the dj.ii'rfy of oa '. ra^onsani Cj[i3 for oH biaol wlia wjol or trm hX)Rv i C.ASriWFL^. >4.2 a WAI¥TB», ’ Fouad-'y ia vu > t jira o' P*/eitBTllle, N. Igood MOULDERS emolnyin^nt tea M A. B KER. 94 f Wanted to parchtise or lii'o fur the next year, AfJOJ'^D, -'Orit giri. 10 ‘ t ohil -.ii' - piy to A il..KEft., Dfc’r 19 94ti' i^Tiie Stoamer ril'. !e?vj FlT3^*-‘v'ii'i Mjaitys*;*! T.'^a ? t-: . 8J o’ci 'sk, A. U , a&i laefou Tasa- ’*3-> Pr-*’ay ai. i P M r. s. L.Ufi ..*-l .«>H. DcVr H. 9^-3«r SOUTHERN” ^8 f7l7JAT10~m ELS MS .J TAR Y HPduLi.M B'^OK c nt=i:i I aboutt.'ie^am* *j '^ouscj"’. 8 • llirg w • i« • iil..i>n-il ai^a&tage of h«Viai all iio Tjweii ,ai do oairt aconrV.Vy marks-'. A eap-viy Si ^.ys w.«j utad. '>C9 ^8 00. . T:TB Ff iRT DIXIE RElT)«ii -Ig > ^y>k, ooa- taialag easy reading le33oaa bn S:a acra snbj ota. Pr oe 75 cts. i‘H3 DlXm PRIM3R, Third Edition, Piotorial, stW oontiru^ to immaaiely popular Prioa (£25 per • uaarett) AO -t». THE PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, Seoond EdUica, is a naw and p^puUr boo^. It eatir»ly South-ira aud finsly^adap^^ t« Qonnoton s3ho''ls Price 8 00. ■ FimST B OK IN COMPOSITION, by L Bratjsoa, A M-, is BOW used extsasively, sad is the osly book of the kiad pnbUsHfd in tsc ConfedenKS’*. Prbe 8 00. YORK’S KNGLIBH GRA.*4.MAR, Taird BJiUoa. is finely adapted to iora’^oa 3'^oo'8. Price 8 00. -OHSSON'8 C#J,\IMON S-GHOOL ARITHMETin, by Prof L. Jo^asjn of Trinity College, is a new and Talaabla book, aad will b« fcUowed by a high school Ahthnetis ihrice 8 60 MYRTLiS LEAVES, by Hev. A. W. Maagum, saoond emtton, aa drthnt-t»* ok>^ asJ camiains r bj^a’iil'al st»7 * ^‘Soldier’s Lr-^q ” Pr 3 00 HIST0RI3AL 8CRIPT0RE QUESTIONS, ia sold largely. It gives the etuit'^n' m'loh vwiaa'i’e informa- tio«» of the His'orioai portioaa of the Bible. Pr!c5 75 cts. SONGS OF LOVE and LIBKRTY, compile! by a N rth Carolina L«iy. a Pvpslar oalieotion of Songs and BaU*da Pri-a* xPff i»*i''drcd #40) 76 cts-. THE JACK MOSG^N SONGSTER ooiapiied byCapt. T A Braosos, is one of i^e b?st oollaotisns of eoaga and seatimintal ballads ever pablished. Price (per huadred^O) 1 00 MORViEN AND LINDA, a tale of a soldier’s love, is • rare aa-i racy littla book. Prioe (SI ^ per hundred) 26 ata CANTWELL’S LAW PRAOTICE, Saeoad Edition, ooataios all the baf-.icefs forms cxtonjivaij nsad Proa 20 00. SHEBI MUSIC, a fall »s^ri.aent of the cisces pub- U’fhed ia the 6i/Uth Price from 1 00 to 4 00 >TAT1«*NERY of j.11 kxcio, at uode^ate prices. FANCY ARTlCLBd g*neraUy. mr The uau&l de4uotlos3 tsade lo the Trade. iSI^ Those ordcriog goods to be ieBt per aiail, most re?5it n-*n's ««t*a **n tiie dr.Us« lo pay poeti^e N Bh Our Pab!i-!^Uf‘ifl are to be had ..t tbe princii.'al Book bioros through oat tae eons try. tHHAN^ON k FARRAR, BaUigh, N 0. 17 76*tf ^hinj^les Wanted. AAA SaiNGLE‘1 wanted Apply to Oy.vUil ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf 0«t. 1. WAniTED, Sheep SfcLts: Sheep Skins!! WILL j»y the iighset cash price cr esch^ags V^. 9 Ootton Cavda for either r*w or taaned Fbaep I or 10 akins. Nov’r 28 .A- A. M.sKETH-^N. 89tf 0 Scbool Readers. |UR OWN FIRST READER; *• “ “ B-^llsr; “ ** P.vmer Forsi’aMitha FAYETTJVILIE BOOKSTORB D c’r 7. Unk Wwarnam km mim hmm. J BLAWK R&EDS U5T PRINIED a supe^ p't';**. For «>’• a* tha OBSERVER BOOKSXORE. 2 90. tr^tawExHts Ailiiil aYMkm: /"^KFRdbratS Stakes BiUe Boeiaty TeelaaeBia. , A iew Important t'aots IN REQABD TO THE «801TTHEA^ HCPATIC PIL.LS.*’ 1TH.EY are nruparad fr^'m tae boat qual .y oi aI .di- a oino by the discoverer, now ^ aged r^ai^ter of the Gospel, amd a*e safe 2. They have bew known for years uid tested by adi ive hundred peraonfl arc kaowa to have been tbsm. ey are aot reooouaended by the proprietnr for ,hlng. but only for diseases frhlch arisa tma liS' I’vera. irections aad oertifiaaies a.^-jmpftny ftaoh box CS3 oer*i43&t€B »jfo from well known aad Tio-it re- ble individo-'^lx orrespon i'ifiti! reeom aend the^i as gooi Lr ]'»iv- listfinso. 1ai1l8 aad Parara, Pae^.c'’m» Jaun- Dyspepsia, diisois Fevr.n*, Bilious Rviaam^tinm, na, Piearisy, Broao^itis. &o. Several g-j;>U«men stats that the use of th*se be«n to t‘>em aa annual naviag of frooi $100 ^ey are the best Plantation taedleice ev^r of> ' pnblls. ^h/^sjans of the highea* standing prosoriba their pMieats and handre)s of bo:;^ have srld to regalar pr^otitioaers. During tVa liir- qairi-ir 2,b^ box'-i ba'vc hp-en to Druggists, one in Sm i C.tioliaa, ss-i ooc in th Caroiiaa—and s'me tim^ a^ orer 3 700 b^;xes *T jsred by Drogglsut ia oa» town ia Vicg n^^.. Price. $3 a box. For #30 a doica br-x*5’ will est to ecy addrew A v^ry liberal discoua* to l^xisis «pd cooatry merchaats Cash (new curr^a* to aeooaopany orders. for Sale im Korth OaroUoa as Follows: lie, B J AstoB, fte, J M Bivins, Hill, R B Saaaler8, lotte, J Nye Haichlatoa, “ PS Cwr, ,_jton, Hubbard Sl Moseley, Uancord, i R«id, Bafield, J eaten, ifUUboro’, J Y VVhitted & Uo, Payattevilla, A Su.tni.t^n fc >t Ufeeosbnro , Porter St Oorrell, 0HUb>ri>’. Li«ca» & .Mrwre, 4»)lfaz, J 0’Bri9n. ffeaderooo. Wychc fc On, IjMnngtiin. J rt^imvon .^aas»w Llccolatim, ^ P SherriU^ Lnaltburi;. J Clinon, Marion, Wnt iVcteSeld, PlUsboro', I A'^leigh, VViltiauM & Haywood, “ P F Pescii I, RockinxhitH, J P N -rth im, tiaiisinxry, Uen£ler«>*u & Eaais, “ Bufbank * eall-ijha.r, Shalby, R Pr.inebertor, WftdeiiUorti, W O >>Daett. •Vt!itav:lle. K U lyn-Mi, Wllmingtun, VVaiht^ Meare:*, “ H Mcli‘1. " WnL’ona • vv 1. f’- w.,- 'v"'r. Mnnieipal Election. ON the fij 8f Monday in Jsn’y n*?x^ at the Trwn Hall, an eldcUon will be held for Mayor and Contmis- sionets for the Town ef F-«.’"jttr;Ti’!« HE.TOR MoNEILL, Sbff Dec’r 19. 95 te OLD ROARB. For Mayor, ASGH’D McLKilT.' Ward No. 1, A. G Thoratoa. '* 2. Murdooh MoKinaon. “ ** «*, E L. Pembertoa- “ “ 4, R M OrreU “ 5. A. A. MoKethan. “ “ «, J C. Poe “ “ 7, James R Lee. This Ticket will be voted for by MANY CITIZENS. Deo’r 21 96-*e A Wanted Immediately, MILLTllR. veil recpmmaod d as to charAoter and capability, at the Marchaat M>Ds, FayatteTllle. R. M^D^NIEL, AgeaL Dea’r 10 95tf XOTICE. All persons indebted to me are earaeatly r£qi?sted to csll and snttlo My wffe aty be ’o*’nd at my old Ht&ud, and will r'ceipt hr sia. Ple&se cali without delay as I am aow ia th; service and tay family is in n>5ei of tbe money. B^spec.fnlly, WM. OVERBY. D21 95-2t iVi^g^roes to Hire. ON ^fonday. »l» 2d d>y of J>^- uai-'^n^xl, al fho M%rk el Hoa^c in Faye tev';iii I will Lira ont for th‘? en eafng yoar, ttie NEQR0E3 t>alongtag to the minor heivs ') Harsn'^ve, d^o’d T'**®-^ mvd« knowa on the day ?? hireing JOdN P. McLE iN, G iai'di-^B. Decimbcp 13th, ISd-J 95 2ipd ■* T ^’ancy McL * 7 mile^ fro'n T c'«i«.rn PUi-s Ro^l. io a atra/ B.*ak COW. r,C3s Mrtot. i*8t ■ M-. k; s 'jp^ cT^r a sjrillo'^ f js'k *■ hrlf nftor. u:ider iit e*-r: p»aM-iwfotk it; i.'resr N NoY M.ilE.AN D-3 21, 1BR4 9V2'p? ST. TIARY’H ItiCaOOIi. KAL£IG \ N. C RK y Tiii’t D D . Visitor. R V VtDRfcT .;*£»0S5 D D l^jc- r , * T^E aext'’erfn will c'.n- ’u-j P brairy I ''65 A-loja*Qi- w ?TonVri Fa 1 fc'fd L "slitH, 51,000 i>jr IjtiH. Fjr "• >^ireT.-» *Pir*‘y to h R 0 r D l« 2^ 2 Tar! Ta^!! in flae nra- r :or Si,:e. L J0-’ Oec’r 21. h'Y A. WORTH. 9S 8w Valuable Farm to Ijet. WISHING njre to cj-.eeiiriui my bus^aeM, I w!il rent for t-\a jeir 1865, lay PLANTATIO'^, 6 miles ifcjt of F^ytilMviile Oa it. caa b« workol 4 or 6 males or hor?os It co*»2;’is bota of sw»ia? and ride Uad. ia goal 'jocii.iia for aax'. year’s arop Good dwelling house and a'.l o*.har iiacesaary oat 'aoases R. MoDANTEL. Dro’r 21. 96 2t H«use and Lot for Rent AT AUCTION. ON the 2J day of J-aui y I wiii reat for ona year,— Tao Hoase Lit. a*»d Fi^ld ^itashat, eintaiainir tb3ut 16 aires, oa Har/mrton Hill, known ae fHe Orc» W. DX\U'3H0N. Ddc’r 21 ^5 2i iVe^ro Hiring^. ON MoaUy. Jt«’y 2d I88S wui bs hii^J at tbe M.rkei H ;nsv ia T-3wo -f FaysttsTille, 30 NEGBOE^, ooas' of men, women, bays and jir’a P^w No 21 ia Pi’aabrtdri'sa O.a'oi, Fiyattjvilla, will De reaiad for oai yaar JOHN H. COOK. Anct. D o. 21 ' 95.2tf i. Bividend IVo. 9. J HE Diractors ' The Paye^ttv.Ue Qa.% Lighl Company i Jiave d-'cUrod a D >f T a 0» Ura par ^o*r>, payable oa an i 21 ar 0 l"6‘ Vv. N. TIIiLl G'JAST, Treas’r. Di-i’r 21 95 2w in eat and Bread tor tiie Army. 4 ' 'he a":? i ia gr-^at Wi'’i of meat aad irevisiuffs, I am dif-oted to a • to ih.nehwinga eurpiaa, that ( ’▼iil pa/ iooAi ov f»'.r Vila': ;.ja fer the Si'ua Pdrso^a I'efaaing to *«*' ihair -^arplas a*, f'i.' v4la;Uiju, I'.e sa’oa »riil be iaap’esa>i. It i?) hop* I all "rbo o*a will sell * o the G^veramtnt I a.a a's'i prepared, to raMipi. aad oay for any ^vtasist of provisioaa due by exempts aad detailed renoaa a my Diatriot. J. B SOTJTHERLA.ND, Purohuing Coai., F*yotti7ijie, N. 0. Deo’r 21. 9*tf $10t> RiSWARO. I WILL pay a reward of Uaj Huair;3d D)Uar3 for the deliTiiry to me ia FiyetioTllle. N 0., of n»e Iievd cf 6FEF OATTLE beloitg*n» to the G'veramjnt, o? a uitabla reward for aiy iaformatioa e^ tKair whers- .ibouts The cattle w^ra broaght from Moors Oouaty *nd will no doub' ry to maks their way back. Some of'bem Wt're mirksi aa follow-^; Ois S^er, soaatty »h5ti». crop off the left e«; oao Haifjr, pided red. am '-ai reiciir ca»rk«i n >t raa.*ilwtei; oai* 8 .^r, ’»'»ite dia- ;,y, sa'>j;h c?yp off tha left ■'a' and ua bit^ff b tb; voe aa bora B ipdla Hsifor aam^rs'd. iJjai'j ?f the >>*Me wSiej isriyei haJ sja*ll leattt^r Ub'l^ about thjir 3:4ds aad tails- A*90 3tr*.7ei fnm me j%baut tlis firat ol N^v.mb»r a P*le R^-i MILOiI CO-V. madia»« ?;*«, ftat >ary s»a»!l yearling naarij isUek IwiUpiy rwaaiy fi?a D.'iiwt) or ittformatioa t^at wul oa^bl« ma to g-3fc 'j*?r The O'lw was broogat from Warsaw aad iJ li-c-cly botw-saa F4>otu.vdle aid t>iat puas. J. B. SOUfiiEBLlND, Purohaaing C)mat3i«ry, F^ye .t n’‘ * N. C. D.o’r20 « 95 tf iVe^roes to Hlre^ AND LAND TO aENT. THE CLOSING Y£A& BT OlOBaa 9. PBBlfTIOa ’Tis Aiidaight’s hsly hoar, and silence acw Ii b''oodmg, like a ganUs spirit, o’er The St 11 and pulseless world. Hsik^kl oa the iHada The bsU't desp tones are sweUiag: ’tie tke kaell Of tha departed year. No fueral traia Im sweeping past; yet, on the stream uid wood. With melancholy l^ht, the aooabeams reek. Like a pale, spotless shroad; the air it siirr^ An by a moafner’s sigh; aad oa yoa eload. That floats rtlll aad plMidij^hroogh Heavea, The spirits of the Seasons seem to staad— Yoaag Spriag, bright Soaunsr, Aatama’s eoleflUi ■ la monraful Mdeaees, that ooae abroad Like tae far wind-harp’s wild, koaohlag wail, A melancholy dirge o’er the dead year, ■ Gone from the earth forever. ’Tie a tisse For memory and for tean- Within the deep, Still fhac:bers of the heart, a speeter din, Who»« toaes are like the wliard voioe of Time Heard from tbe tomb of agee, points its cold And S'jleian finger to the beanti^’ul Aad holy vis’ons that have passed away, I! An^ left no shadow of thdr IwreHswei ^ On the ^ead waste of life. That specter lifts The eof&a lid ef Hope- aad Joy, aad Love, Aad beading aoarafiilly above the pele. Sweet fomiM that slaaber there. soat%rs dead Aoiren O’er what has passed te aothingness The year Has gone, end with it many a giorioos throag Of happr drrami Its mark 1« on ea^h brow, l'.i shadow in each heart la i-s swift ooona »t waved it? scptre o’er the beantiful. And thi»y sr« not It lairf Us pa-il’d hand Upon the stroag man; a*^ the hAa.,bty form I^ fai?n and the, fl-'ebiog: eye Is dim. It Irc.i taa a»ll of re^.'-ry, wHera t'irisg.'d Tue brighi. aud jsjoes; and the tearfo! vail Of stricken rne» is beard, w^er« eret the soBg J i reoklesa ahont i- srxn^td I parsed o’er Toe btti^’c pl&in, **h-re (j^^rd, a.^d spsar, and shield (i’iash’-d in the litrbt of mi i«.*ay; and the etrength 0^«erri^^i hosts it aai tbe grass, ! •>rei.a f'o’r*. il ? toil of CATr^sre, waves above I crcsbed iwid luculd-ring ^k«l- ion It came. Aid )r;>d;d liiv B wreatb ti^ro'at at ere; Y;^. ere It aasl cd in tte air, I fcer*Hd its to th.*ir hem ' If. ‘b# di.ii pf Jre»n*-j K pn»op»el^9» Timrt F.r a spirit of tf.4.-gS%^«i a’^1 9 ryi :! W^at power ■‘>1 3 iu '.■■> I i;0**r5', UT m-llt rl s if)'. b rt Ij pity 0», eUtl -"a, T • ?582. -ni ' r-.-CT Tbe r-'ud bird, T'^e 0 tnlor of that e»n soar n?-* V?aT?v’a unfa hamable depths, or b*ave ft^rv o/ t^e N >rihera, Aai ba'.'te Ms plu»'’*ge i- the i&und.r’s home, F.if'a his broad winz at nightfall, and eioks dowa To re«t upon his nountain crag; bat time Kn'aa r ol the wii^ht of slrei* or w ■ariness. And Bigat’a ds^p ia'-jiaeas bM ao ehaia to biad His rasaiag pinion. RevoluUeas sweep O’er far.h, like troublad Tiaiooj o’er the breaet Of drcomioi; sorrsw; oiUes rise aad sink Lik^ bu' bl«3 fin tbe water; fiery iilai ■prior M’z'ag from tae oo^an, aad go back To th'> iny-^t^n^’is oaveme: iaoantaia« rear Io heaven Iheir bold aad blaokeae'* oliffa, aad bew Fhsir tail hta'^s to the pl^; aad empiree rise, G^thenag ■ « s ra^gth of bcary oeataries, Ani rasa Wowi, like the Alpiae avalaache, . 8t«^'^li’.g the netiooa; and the very o*art, Yoa brigst and g^irioos biesmry of God, (iiiuer aWiiile In their eteraal depths, And, like the Pieial, loveliest of their trala, Suoot from tiifir glorieus spheres, sad pass away To darklo In the trackless void: yet TIbm, i'ims, the tomb builder, fcolda his ftsrae eareer, n«rk, Siam, all Pitiless, and pwusi hit A«» ; u>3 misaty vreoks that etrew hs path. To sit »i * muM like other cooq lerors, U->on tae /earful ra«a he hud wroaght Mohammedan Ju$tice.-^A certain merohanl left in his last testament seyenteen horses, to be divided among his three sods, aooording to the following proportion: The first was to reoeiwe hal^ the seodad one third, and the third a ainth park of the wh^ie. Bat when they came to arrange .iboat the dlvisioa, it was found that, to comply with the terms of the will, without racrifioing one or more of the animals, wm impon.'iblo. Pacxled m the extreme, they repaired to tho Cadi, who, having read the wil), observed that saoh a diffiealt qnf^tion required tim? for deiiberatioo, and comoaaudsd them to retarn after two days When liihey again male their appearanee, the judga said: “1 haye oonsidered oarefally your case, ani I fial that I c^a make sash a diyisioa of the seventeen hors?s am jog you as will ^Te each m?re his strijt fhars, and yet not one of the animals shall be injared. Are yoa ntont?" “We are, O Jadge,” was the reply- “Bring forth tho s^venteon horses, and let them be piaiiad ia the oaurb," said tha Gadi. The animals were broaght, aad the Judge ordered his groom to ^laoe his own herse^ with them. He bade the eldest b]^other to coont the horses. “They are eighteen in number, O Judge,'' he 3iid. “I will now make the division,'' observed tha Cali ‘ You, the eldest, are entitled to hal^ take, then, nine oi the hocsds. Tou, th^^ second son, are to receiye on*>.third; take, thetdf^re, six; while t3 you, the yoangeat, belongs tbe ninth part, lamely, two- Thu3, the ssventean horses are livided a^ong yoi; you have e^ch more tbaa your ijhare, and 1 may now tae my own stoed back 5iga»a ” “MashalUh!” exclaimed th^ brothers with de light; “O Oadi, your wisdoin eqaals that of our Lord, Saleiman loa Dwoi! ’—on Ifinevek. Th-ujht —A li*tl2 girl was one night iin lor the starry sky, intoiMy medit^^ting upon the .»l^ries of the heaveop. At last, boking up to he sky, she said: ‘'Father, I have bee^ ttiiokiag if the wrong s je of ^’caysn ii o bea jnful, what will tharigU'. side be." rBE •, m A] rt\.iu r>Ur i . b Is '?in” ot Aa^ua ly?, wtli - rj oa. • N.»«> j a be Ijng'ar “0 2Vii E tUta Ja "d-itJDAY ■ aa 2 » -jl*y f .)*n iiary 183«, at tha lati reiiiann of iha )«*ii Angi- R»y» «a Oarvar’fl Cre^k. -All pers^aj mo h%¥j t'*.a N hlf.:d this year «riU hava thsm at tba pl»0)i ot air a? on it^a *bov3 i»a’ja-''d day, or they will ba hsl.t rjapoii-'iU pUnlAvi jn known aa the Saad Hill ol«J9, ar Ra- {.Ideso^ t^s Biio place,' and River piaatatioo, wM be raai.-'d stt tiie aaihd tlma To stale. N21LL RkY, A^a’r. !).« 12. 9i 4t*.Ztpi ft JL ^ WAMTE», IDS3 to tan 01 s'lar?'^. Tjviaa, J Lr>ith^r »v ft? equival^at ea'i r-i^n t\n ’t in . Pit '• ■: ;-i. -ji il iklV? pi ,a‘ : •• , t ? ibeir .’•'i'Cd 11"? ■ .i ' j ;. .i, • t t iJ*yptD>»>v'. •^1: ba tVi-^“ f-'' ■ ^ X, • cb*'' dollver;d at ou^ ^xoeo^a Oar tt, oeoaty. • W D WATSON k 00.' L. lefcreeeeMesam..* W.WiUiaea*0».,Fayett«irtlIe, L mmojii FOR REUT, For rh" yea** 1865. tijo HOU^E n owwi by ' >t L R. B- a «>, ? n i ^ .a U*j. A M Omp^el' *»plio=^i?T I> c'- 17 i: j.).’-.7:' ;d bv h» -i t'* W. f.ECf f'4 U vJ N Lo^t Ccrtifii^ate ‘g -9 •» . n ’Will b3 !TJ^d* , I 1® i lii ‘ : — • W ’i >t, C. S ‘'t P-^yoi^o •"»» 5 —I'tjd .»l»r3h 21, 8-i4, jJo 1209, to Jamas Ar-a- siJroBg, fer eigat havdrel dallan for 4 per osat. iaterest asr saana -matkr aot 17tb Feb’j 1864 A Shoioer of ’-travel.—Mr. J:>ha F. Glodfelter has handed us a spacimea of gravel, of whieh thero wa>4 a noa^iderable shower fall fr?t& a eland •m the plantation of Wn> Kaox, Exj., in Iredell county, in October last. It is a fragile gray eol. ored stono, with large propurtion of silex. ^ SalUhury Watchman.' A of Wt!"nng —Among the exilea and ^agitivcH frnm G-^^oi-gia who have reached this oity in se«’’flH of a rrstin:^ £»lace, is oae lately a oUnter wita large meaos and many a^^es and lervapte We are told that tie bsea literafly stripped «f all ^e owned or clavued, except what he has in and with hl3 p».r>o, aa>l am mg the it>ms of lia los j is mcnti > ed the t^tal destrnotion or re- ■Bjyal by tbe ” -.akeos oT tho acJurnuUted heaps .>f provision?,, t&e resnlts of the crops of three yoars, A-i 3030 this wa«i told, maay persons h^.d b:ea moved to nity a'ld sym^tny for a wealthy planter thus redact to wan^- ezalsiBed pnuuptly teved him

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