fa W AVETTRVILLK. N. L. JANUARY 2, 1865. (NO 1397.1 MONDAYS aNi> mUilJDAVS .vN. . Pri-c Tor » f 7 th- « Sr, V fnij i Tv er R- a-u. f, 0 ' r $ ';0 (' r c •■’" n”*"' ?; I ■ng. "0 m" r fh of 12 et^Ue: be '^.-n \Jv' nnd i,. ‘ TOon **8 i V nr,-:r1 in ix!oatl«; Pvir s I j!»re .. f.-*r ev>h to r »r will “TME Si'^'TEl.LMifKWiKR.” ^'»-E 1e6U? cTt :0 weekly INTEI LIGENOER. tec- 1 pjr,r'y p”-?r i ■■. f w > - "Jo, ^ iU bo.re ?i:-neii n t?’P t ■-’n la t e co ?n" n Tats Ii i a to i'" Wcti j pub'io'tiftQ, a DAILY SUI ■’!0N 0. ?fmei jr.o"»l ba isruci. F 'urc.’ro'ic ▼ li b’cir n'Tflcnr.e:eti34rj»'srr'ngc* n: . or r. >4,UC. li 92 tf i»; L>8 OOC-.)»? ;eri trUtiJf., cK.^-Ji;*d 41 tJ"W »d- srE^' ■ -r:rth!nd : •'it*' -r ■ I .np, if> 6«3b Sach pfoor ok-, yu: \i per on ii? ayslcjii i*il' p' fror 5;!*! tH- t J tl- .0 li7 ,'V ; lr; -JT >01 fy • 10 tr.ke th9 p::.- iruca laafeiug Jca'r 1. 18^. ,w ► J -u iJ 'i?' s il r’i^n s. K. tor - .-t jJqoHre, FA^r.TTGVIf-tE, !f. C. Pronrt •re^rfv';* 0 hij*. 10, 1864 1 *0 fcli ’r..;:ncJ9 ia hb 40tf ISAAC mUA ♦srocer rad i Ei-r^s L Jjine IS. aSWOllTH, il'ercfeaai, IJLiHi. . 0. «0 it ?» cr’ - a Ji FATl. TKVrT.S. N. 0. h?*cn*i liiB CvUx*;,. i‘ ! I CamLitrLiad, ilAiii v .ui .- tiofl. "roiup: £ •:» sft fliaitrs p-.. n. itoii iv» »■ - t.£nie Oct. 17, 1G53. Liuptriar Conrte o4 vii H bcoca CouB- tae tn!lr;e;ioo of bll i>i-U J ti lb*, iu €tr4*c>r and. FArETTii.VU.LI5, N. J»n y 10, 1S63. ik’Ttttani. 0. t‘3-ff XA mxs A. 8ffei>JtLS. VOI, H. BXSNAIK). r¥. A. j!*'irjBO,ii.4ir & €^m WHOLESiliC limiL &SiLEllvi AND jfo. Ift, P\YSlTrKVI».LB, N. C. ApcU '/ati !§al£)TS Almtf nacs. BLUM'fl Fwn'.tir' Uid PI*u*or« -1'2 : fo’" t':a jeftr 1865. roc-^iv'J a"! for =at », >j t .;.s ;a, or Biuglt Qjp/, «kt BOUK i*T0S13 ivAJ^Tliiiir ' 2KfVi^, BU8HBL3 T?HS=iT, jiniU 1,500 ‘ CO i ^oTCoiis bariaj th.o to e.>11 w21 rooeWe Uw hlphOi!t Cftsft p^vi« 1*7 call::;;! • j Ivt. M. Thoiaaajti, ^ tke Mei'ohwit Mills, FayeU"? ’c. »r an the aabsflri- D«r ftt kill old ®t«.i oa Mirkft b 4V.SJ1;. Ahi.’A. J0HN805, Jr. Rot. 6, 18SJ 75tf EASP.S Foomav, \ fATETT»!r£t,La, • Jii.. 4, 1“H4, I E A>^K NO ? P'dEPilRSP lO EECEIViJ OR- ders RAIL ROAD WHEELS ■>i i- ( f ’l.ow'.u:> -’-w, T *: 24, 20. *.?S cO Mat OFTLLLD TIRP^ Th'> IroD we b* rH u**") for , be ' 0L1> isLAOr CilAllOOAL luON, ;.id va war •**at oar wbc-da JN )I? TO a- i env ia iho C- -if -rAay. ->r ic * ? ■ oi ‘"b.- Hny £: J13 c.f Piiiladjilptait*. iroo"* rcpuiaJi^ io S ' well know b.» •11 K%il Ko'd V7e h«ve the br«» fsoillUcs for tr*TiBp''rt*'''.^a hy, 8-^m?ra ti WUmicgtca, f/’om taei’!>e ta fciiy psrt of t OonO-^ersoy Ori’-ts teoi^fct^lly Bol’citad. 4«jfl D. AND1-:R8{)N & rtQ WJESTEar« RASf. rlL FRZiaHT AND PA£32^^aT!R TRAIN'S cf thb Eoad lt»vc Faytuevire aa\ly, (Snndayg eJocptci) •it r; . ?Icck, A -M.. fcud roMuiiiu,'Ica^a C.^pt »t 1 Vr’ P. 'i!. CtUilt trad Hot-yii Tvafi MONDAY, 17ED''iE3DAYiwia ITliLDAY. By or^'?' JNO. M. K03E, Traa.. i' xad Qea’i Tciua. .V'i’t. Jan. 1853. n7tf Parr*^ffi«e £i^i>ricatiu^ L>ii. yj 'iVtNQ by c-.rvifal es alier*-i «.nd pf*3»tlv J_l iiaprc7ed t • ol*araetor ot ocr Oi), tow off-.r tor Obi: »a ftitiale o.^ Labviotiug Oil f.-r Cotwjr. iTact jiba TMtli :.M no cii-'orior ir i,ao Cj-i'adcrfccy. I 5 jci u-t gut( ;r Qi/)1 TithO'-l wo guin let wiib oarcful tei‘l . t>e ' brs: xad cHcifest for fine in^cliinT?ry ia the ■^cnth. As the ucdersigaei ffiv- ? h»3 pe'^j'iAl tt'ea* ♦icn 0 ih» p'ep»r ui a of thaOfl, ii 8h»iiootdat.Tior*ie ia quality bat rat^rr iLncrove. Ke'\-”e to Agoa?3 Raokfis''' «nd B::»''er Orcak M»cu- j t^e'tiT.ag; Go^., N C , who proaaatij* It a I Tery superior Oil HENRY E. COLTON, Krl F K. C*. Na*’r28 FAYETTEVILLE NORTH C iROLIWA JWME,WT^iRV ^C^nJEJfTir. npHT^ F rgt ^rngjo;! .~f !|j;3 In-blUtion *(11 CODiuiei.CO J. Is I i06 Aprr ?tior - ^cr 8(iQj}i»air» n rtst trc«?cd to Mrj. WM A. B:\NKS, Sap2ri»»»ftndeftt. Oc‘. *>4 80 tf Hill'bor©’ N. €. 3Jil!^srj AenAtmj, ^FEE a:S( Besj’oa cf ii:l i Ivistitutiaa will befcln on I '"cdre ~i=i , ?o»*’y 1-1., iSi I Iflineriil Fire-Proo^ Paiiit. I riTE *re now pn'p.»r«d to sapp’y »ay qa&aii^ of this ; Tf Pfcint in portv*r It ia a Peroxide of Ii-oii, fa3 I Kill a -cd O'-* most rsewore w!ih fire Ccbr deep • reld broKa. HENRY E. COLTON, Ag’t F. K. Co. FAyottcTille, N’aVr 28. 88tf AKIflY I AM prep&rad to manaltOvare »li Ifia Ja of ’ffagoa BTrmesa ter Araiy u«c. I tan my ioitlier &ad o»i> five Kood b*rifdn«. Agent: will do Wfll t* eaaa their •rder.3 to u^- ^ in j BhLU k»ve pi*onipi itteatioa, %ud MQt off iU q’-lcit dii-^ .■•Ivii. V viiS wAtl-]a&. Qoldstoa P. O., ciiathnm Co., ii. ‘J., ! j»>i 1 >, is :/. ]■ AUct i’.ila dul2 1 will pA>' 23 OeT'ts TV'r T‘->and f;>T raijs, oi U-3 hi^liesi nit.r|i;v pri(;«, upuvered u* or «£ la/ luiiia oa iMu'sn-’u. J. -^U.xpHY Feb'y 16, 18b4 7-»f malt tor Sale. jjAiui BUSHRliS 30UN08ALT. made iatheSpriag V U w 1—will exohASg^ it for BMoa, L«r(f, OArn, or Cf sf-?ier*to Tre«sarf I? ?>8. Aho, 30 boxee fipe CHE '?iNQ Tf'BACiJO; for e»!e at my store oc^vtsUe C»oe F3« B^ak. A. G TSSpaNTON. a*,.t. 2 64 tf Prom and after thi^ d»t8 the Steamer A. P. liURT will le«Te »t 8 9’olook, A. M., oa Muad*., And Tabjoday. JOS. A. W'Oitrii, Apru 6—I7fcf ] Ag’t C. F. Sr«»m Boftt 0«- nr.?ASTMF.ITT, \ 0., M ij 8, 1363. j LKAJ) WANTiiD. i T^ia'l i\f » 3 L'-' '»i ijf tiiXB Department. Fefuoaa ;\w..? or ei-.^U qu*i- tities wiU plcftie fc?ply v»t o 1 pomd jf K>WDB5l for 10 pouu jf l~\0. T&-JB D riv>‘. >. Gw~. 0. 8. I ’^'f ia a-.: ■ :-o wX i -ri C«J]X2^SAIS H7ATS3 OF AMSKlCi, \ l^eiifzsK Dzfakthxht, Diar. Cavb Faak, I WiUtiogtoi), N. C., Mikrch ICth, 1S6S. J ■\TOTT'"'-E \e hereby itivca to &11 peraons hfttiat; olsiais • 1 8,-atiiat tl?c L.-giaeer Dcpmac'i!, for serTiaefl of ziaTes employed m i'.borem oa the land dtftntea near ^iicaiagtoa, N C., it*t tkn cnderei^af .\ in »eihc-iscd fc.id prep»red to p»y ihe OAine ifct a:uj siu'rts, oa th.a avj- coad floor cf tlx3 boilitlng nozt ftbere Msares’ Dmi; Stori*, Mvket Street, i ms- Prrscas fixeoating Powsra of Attorney will ob- j eerre the fcUowln^ form—their eignatareo, iu aU o»«ee, i' t« be wituesssd by two witaes^ea aad sigued ia dupu* ^ cate, or they may be wltaessed before » Jn^ioe of the P"»oe or Clerk of »ay Court. • FORM OF ?OV^SE OP ATTORNEY. I, of , do hereby appoint , of , my true -“ad iawful Ageat to sign reoeipt* for, »nd rK;ci^. psyacnt of all aonoya dae to mo by *Iio Eugiaeer De- p5>r*-fn«'rtt of lUe CoafedeT»te 8t»t«8 of Am.’tio*, for the fcrri35s of D;y elarea cs Ifchc-rers O’? the l&ad at , dnrinj ibt acatii &? . 1*6 Wi i’^as a»y bftid w>i :»*■’►t. —•> the -■ ?; :\ * z ■' t. To Wiiae ;^2«:.ke:! T HAVi^ * -r s=4e Iv koa > ;;iNarfT.uNi/3, of n.^1 C*a!ia^ €» '’lUla fc'iiij*,:;;!' r v»-i. pii X s«,;. ■. Ca* i •;i J - ■ S'.-' EHr- • >, 4 a-i iny S-ouO. - M ■ ■ ^ i)J , Si ! :.J 0. ili»if 4ue - v^julON. 721..' 1VA3'T l^DSB t? tan on shu^ca. .D. cq ii*'sl3ut in Ci«-:ia W t.B'i I - jlfpd by'Ti .-’l • their Hid. i aAn E«q>>. L jt w'tcre t^?c/ w;;i del it 'CKi mt oar eipo.ia.":. 0 Cb.--tl»f TB Ccaa .y W Beft aCv Mesjrj (i An" > I I 'iah?r ar ite . . V I'7 C wl ■ ’ . udCi;id 10 >•= - • 1 .1 L * it-r ■ ^ 'ii joa., !> VV". ; & 00. Vviiit* .;3 rt 0 : , F-yettoT;’!f>, 61*i^tlJp'l O.A4wS! I^ACii^!!—The inie- rior quality of the p»p«r oa wuioh the Obscrrur aw beja i)riurr3d of l»te, *t.d M » ^eot eyc-ssta ta us, is owiag to the wmni ot A nfSoienl apply of good ragtt, aa i the ooa^aquant aec- •Mity ic jf.-)i‘t to inferior mauirialj. We appcil to the fri>aui ot t "9 Oi>oe» '»ar at all aooeasible psiui:}, to sato uj ABO oriog f 0 towa all the ra^ they caa proeore. Wfe fi vf'i B9 ttaio oorjelves tj rttead to thair purchaao, bci Jeisrs. (}eo« W. WiKitia? & Cfi., c.ie A^edts ia th.. '■f BIr. Hu?: '*, f, Till asv -.i -., ,«f iij, for tkeza. r»vt 15 f8>j' ^ ‘ft day of Til -f c-jlors.l -.b Bb-JC'.J bu witaesAed bj tart,; « • T-/- r>? Liu^:-. be s^p*i -=^« iapUc*t^ i"3ws » of Attorney f- • - V ' •a'iti*a. EUu* *orfii» o^":. be iiftJ apoa *ppli> V . .U . i \ > J1 ■»■ .'jvo, .4 0.;ef St)s. W-:>i far tlte Slatw of w. Carolina. ^MIE a ad rsiv ed co.si-rk? to u*-jaii23 0OTTO2T .1 YARN f -e WOOL, •'■■ne b!’.a‘i!o x>f Yk('a f-ir 4 Iba. aa- '!• 3 lb?. oI« ■• wvihei Tv':ol. Tv^y wiil abo p^y a liberal j»nc? H» caaa for lar;^ or siaail lots. OEO W W.rLLUMS A CO., A is. r^yet/eTftr?. J.in3 IG. . 42 f :o^^4 £xehaiig:c fVnti**.* i '; -' HV 1ALL Cor to hr.. . c !i'«i , 1 rlive-cJ bj ;ae F i -v .v.; . a.^.y »i*,3 s, prior iw '^•73ft ocr 2o..i, i j.H,^ - e ■? 'if>?’ir-jd tj be e*cb .i. Alt !a>- ,r* a?d ua^c ,\^ V i^ibar? .'ora of Jal/ 4ta 1 • !. Wild i-«port6.4 , . .y >;>...• ,*^ j>. aj', .-^h^r Eait 0.” of tae BSmiar.^^y. /n, «»i./ to Noreuber 1st, ISA, are .iereny U:?oli4re1 to b« ex- •haagfld. ^ ^l~6t RO OUuD, Ag.,ai of ti^ttliange. PA2f'i^TTEViLIL..y svTUiL isseaavK co:nrm. in Pramicm Notes amaaats to ^287,688 2b 'Jaah oa haad an.1 otlier uscta, 6,077 85 n.1. « $272,765 16 The Company have paid ttll loesefl promptly, and RTt DMer *_'ade an aesessjueut oa their preoutua sotes. Total lossei paid, S29,o82 ^ Omoaas: 0*0. SiIo^EILii, Preaidaat. ■• • D. /■ RAY, Vioo Preflidaat. C. A. McMILLAN, Seo’y. DfiBOToai: Hei^ Lilly, v7. K. Tilliaghaet, 3. Hia-'l.le, W'.a. iw-Lnrtria, i"- » '-lul'-urloii, A. f. Steel, J. Q. C3 A, nf’p i Sltaphcrl, ' ii. U.V:*^ i'-c«"3, i?*Tiii,ig Av^fiza ao v^'-r^iny ti.^ .1,,.^ ■ ‘’T-t o ^ • H. L. M/rovor, •1.1. 1I..W1-J, Nataaxi A. Skedmaa, V. B. Haiieik, ■ i)6 ily'a, A. A.. MoKotfeaa, J. D, 'fViiil'. a. S '■ ULii 0. 0. Mci .f aa 0^ —rsiny • Biaokft lor sale at thin Office. lomfs ini'imeth&{ Dictif*.iary, EH3EACING a aystesi of Se.i.!7 R^-sitor e?, Interest OaUia)»t4r, Lovi Ke >oifi r, ? ». i. Wkh. a • !;«»’ IG o, Oj; 1 Apo'i jsficns f'r *d- r If. 15 -i D o’i' IS >4, •'‘out -':ri b''»T^ > kt» '4 Ad«?Vt*1H M 0‘!.^1>0N 3'jn'iipt 72 4m T«SE fSI.irCjyiATi «5’Sa0O9.. A MI^ T\RY 0 ■” ,l-;i ]AL FiNIg«lN9 ..--• l-EMY. fpHE >'• rt Bos-’.f'n b.g> 3 Fo^' v Ipt, 1865, at '•Seb»i»e9- I 1^ on N ’ >. R W-i}’ ’ oM courad l3 r"^‘. r j-ii . i ■:: ir- i IH i h'vc rasd^. with s ':fw to u 'k; - ueou j ^ t- I! -h n -o^ scholars 'ciiiroRs v.i, u t BINGHAM, fiep’t. Oik-., N. ^ >'oy’r22 I8«4 87. IF Uimmk Wa Rjt *.fitt«u:or8 d.'ite^Tiils N. 0’., wish to s. pv'ro'-%?fa 1,000,000 FUR SKIilS, r-iich '=■ n f '■ip;"":] • a 'Slilm.'* ’>0N, mink fcx, O'TXE'^ • ■"• '?*£ • •-•• wh^i» W3 «/».'* - *S ■ 'pr.jip f. {^'if * MiT»;y, Bar.^ Dil’s aud yprc’fl, ov eiehiii|;! fir Ouiioa Y'iti or H'i‘e *?e hrpe th*t »h who wi»h to eaonur»j;’ r Siuijjern ^5U px-itt t iv;:a5blf'9 in ijeUi^jj !!'» fure ?J nl^asi *iot as Arab's, be-risig (hat «'e w 1’ pir 26 r.->- Tcor" th?.a fcay one ‘^V^ITTKD'Y ^KY & 6ALTZBERY. •M**. 8 BHANDT i-* 'ar A*aa for Oa'.ii- btil-*nd coanty to a for us WlfVii0^3KY k 8.\LTZBERY. N^»‘r 3, 8i 2ia Treasury Notes of the Old Issue. TbXASUPT DbP -, RTHSJIT 0. S A , Rii*imoal, Nov’r 11, 18fr. TO th« ea i that every f ioihtv ia->y be aS'ordel to th? hoMf’r'* if n"''»s ’i> t’e czoT*iig» 'o* pew. the Trr ssu*!"^. *»» ;}*A‘it r-'?!»(9Ufij'3 auJ Pay D - pog-tATip.a «i".d ‘H -; D -p.j.giift.’ie-? whoso duty **68 b?*-n !\i'he"fo li’uit''1 to fijrilin'T '’r- h:reby -nt-horiz^d to «f(>. V- t-" n)*ea '‘r vX.T'Mv'g^ Those not eupoiiel ^nalj'^:ill the nam s of ths deposi ora, raa’ivir;:; “ I n t's od'-r-;d fo." .--ui rtntiflM to “xobaafe, •;ntil the 1st d&7 of Ja«.utry lRo5, iao’nsife. Tha notev. reoe? »'d f.n-* rt5»?i?rp l raust be forw\rd#d by exprcja • o the Trp»«.irer at Riehmani. wtH a oipy of tsi re^ig- f^r, *nd new >33018 '>»r t>»? ptyajjutef the depositoru ;ii11 ^>e jraTneii&te'iy forw.rded ia ra’urft. The Aj^ijtaat Treaiarem and D-poaitsriej f»re hora ry lnatnict»'d to repablish this anHao O. A TRENHOLM, Seo’y of Treaanry. FATSTTaviLLa DiposiToaT, Not. 22, 1864. Nrw T-s.in wiii b.» pa-d f r the oli, on presentation at ib'? OflSo3. R7tit W a BR )ADPOOT, Dcp’y, Boxes, &e«, for PrisioBer§ rf War and Soldiers* 4 8 the Ascent of Surceoa Qai. Warren, I will receive A. and forward all boxe'?, 43 . f-:^ 'Soldiera »nd prison- era of war, fre^ of oh%r^- T'u' Bjxe? ahou'.d be here by tbe ?Sth of cask month, bo that they oaa reaoh Rftlei^.i t'y the last eaah nnD‘*i I *”.-*h the boxes 8J.it to aie li w^rk, with wri*-^ca la* dfcru''*!- 06, 80 t’-wt I n .y \%rQ it nrocc-rlv done Ail bix 3 for priso"-r3 of w*r rauac be as lisjht as possible. If th:y sboald weigh mor^ rb»n 105 Ib^. they oaanc.t|ro JOSEPH A. WORTH Fayette-^iUe, Nc'v. 15. Boxes For ^^olftiers. 4 I.L D0XE3 iUR SObl> OR PRISONERS OF >A War fi. ,1 Norta CiraiiUi, d-lirared to the fjllow- lug: u iniai p^racua wiii be promptly for irtfded frie of oaarge: Dr D F Summey A herille; Dr W A OoU 'tt. Mori;anion; j>r J W AMisoa, Ststesri^le; L*r J ii Nd«*'?l*. G'.-'eiaboro; Mr A ti«gr.n, Charlotte; Mr E^wiM Sa»e, S.Vis n; Capt J N MaDoff U, RiIeiRh; Jo>. ph A Wwr';i Fty^t'edl'a; E M irr»r St Cj, Wi'aitigtoa; Mr F LB^nd, Tj.-b'iro; Mr J A J Askew, Osl^ftia; Mr F ii Roberts, %farf.'te!iboTo. The B}Xd3 shon.d be wc>I Uooped, properly marked, aad delivers i in time for lay Spaolal M«8aaoger who l^'^v.ja RxcT;;h on tae firtt d’»y of e»ery month. Ki)\V\RD WARREN GoaM N C. Rkleig’i, Oo. 29. 80-lm nE lDQUA .TBas RESERVE N C., \ RALBiaH, Djo. 14, 1864. j GbHBBAIi OSDBttS, \ No 21. / I. M*jir H R Hoonar, Qiarteraiv'^^r P. A. C. 8. n 1 ty OrJ-ri '292, P»?. XXXI, A & I. G'O. ■'a.-i' at Sdfioi. rapo :-:i at th.iB.3 d al- qu»r;erB, ?g a.g5._.taal t-> 'uty sb Q t ^’■t*rmi?ter, Rs- HPT7 M cf N. C , oau -will ba obe/el nad resiaa.ei as* oov'ing,!^. , II. -All cffioeri V*. e>->’a%ad o' ^'sar^es’tIII at o»3oe m r-»q fjc 3'3 5iiQ(5 a.; I etftima'e for fan^ f:r r^f TBjat of t- sir ooRxa*ada. f:>rw.irdiag taom tj Mij jr a .^pa? a* R-ilsi? '. Br coiaii.sd 0/GxKirr Qi't ff .lh*8, JjO W. [11NSP\1,E, 94 4 ] • A siftvu- Adj it*qi. General i»-Ki Sd. 4tli iOH^resslaj-ai iiisirict iV. t’„ f »-':t7. t r e l) j 6, 13 4. J 1 IIE3EBY gi“e notice to tU-j prcJuoei-sof Oum erx«nd I 33 ufx- trh > may be dae fh; GjTernmep.l snj’iiiag aa Ttix !a K’ ll for the yaji* >8>»4, that fr »m tais date 10 ot^ per ^00 bs p^r iriia be nr.>Tipt,»y p*ai psrti^a f'-r fcaoii, i ihO'T r.roiasa to f(ii=i t',-r .^!l distaa^M ov r TiUos Par^o^s d.v .»er rhe.r pm?'•;» mt above ia'5i'at«iJ w*l oe aidts g the >• coan ry at well as r»o*ivi^g a hbcr4*. comfv?i'»»,i>a fjr the e»me G-'iln b^g? "i-.l bo iaruisii:! to pfdao'-rs oa appli- option at thia offiso J. M WILLIAMS, 91-tiT] • Agent for Camberlini o»aaty. 60.000 Got. 1 Sikia;?le8 Wanted. SHINGLES WANTED Aoaly to ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf WAIVTED, Sheep Sfcins! Sheep Skins!! I WILL pity thi} highest oaah prise or osohtng^ No. 9 or 10 Ootton Qsrds for either rs,w or ttnaed sheep skH« A. A. ‘tlcKErfl^N. N rc 2^ 89tf 0 ^^ckool Stemders, Tia OWN FIiW-' liiSADER; “ H'jcc* id “ • » Si>4;^r; • “ “ Prloi-jr Fo*' P5 c at the FAYE rrBVILLE 300KST0RE. rvr7. IN liD a p i>9r. For %' ;ao -‘iJcJERVGa BO >S8'.0Re. ^ 90 Arvo ( Sta*«B Bibki Soelety leetameais. JTOTMCE, The sub3orib;^r harieg at Djcjmbar Te'a 18R4, nt the Court of Plew? aa-^ Qajrtcr S^‘^‘;ioni of Otic-ib^r' l*nd Cosnty, tafe'^a Let'ws o? Ad-jiiuiatration on t.he Kfta^e of JiVXna Mar-i'X'', d-^o'd, hare iy gi'ra^ not'o'' ti all psraons hs-na-j oUiaji} t ho of taa d«- (“)^aeti, to pr'.b'.nt ;h-» daly«at’.eaticat. d. wii^ii the *ln« v^e1v'n^ea '■f Uw, othe-^'s> this noiioe wi'l be plot.diJ ii b‘r their rftcovery. D-ib*ors to sai-f' Etftftta 'rri!! piswse m*ki f’aT>.-^«’a*e o">v'a‘’nt THEO ^JARTI' E, Adm’r S’urllicr iVotJce. HWING obt'-sp.vJ %n «>rde- of CauH o that tffaat, I iih.:'.', ca I ■ ■ Iti h ?iy of J**iu*ry a xi, it t.:.9Ts.i« btoro on H: ? .ilrset of the deooa?sd, expaa? to Pabl’.c S»ltj tiieP”ioaal Propor:y baloTigia;;; to liid Estate, conshHrsr r: sto.-'k o? Haf.i»a’*s, Grooorie^, Tin, ani mil IV • '*'0 V J T'Uld«ioffccto?y a..;!C*T>-'i3r ‘I * -'J, sjnd m i5«' cl-ie" '•trticl.-e too U-di- ou? t.T r3«r».tija T-'s p"p^riy >t’U nc-'.i t.t »h» hisbesl b'iJfir oa a crf du of »’■!: mo.i'bf —c;j Cjn‘’?r jri 'ia? ^;onJ snd ofT.-O’.- ■ e-'i-U" i-.?f>r3 f.rnfop -^^/ '.s tiraxcl. T*»9 3 da will cjsaa'tioa »t *11 o’ lici THEd M-UtriNE. Adin’r. Dec’r 12 9?ts COOPERS WAI^TSD, B/ MvX)RE & CA.'.aWELL. 0 It. BAB.REL8 and 8T VE- W\NTED. by M00..E & CASqWELL W C/OHtracts lor Barrels. E ▼‘U CO itric* f.-r th •- d'* isre.'’y if oa thonaand 3\A?EL3 fcr all, b;niwl wii^ wo-d or ir-;a MOOR« i CA?H v’F.LL. Deo’r 17. 94-2oi WAI¥TB», At thoSra'!' Pout 1-y ’n 'tn »- *wi ?\70»t*^il’e, N. . C, two .-jocd ?J /ULDER3 St^aly emplormeat at;d ^ wages M A. B^KER. D?o 19 94 f Wank'tl to parchase or bi e for the next jear, A -O’'D, hciioft g-jl, to * s oL U’-': iju-e • A^ piJ A. to M. A B^KEB. D c’f 19 * 94tf t&^The ISteamer ilforth Carolina triL e .70 F-7«. eviila Al.jodiya aad TaarBi"s« i^t o’ol 'Ok, M , aa i Wilaii.:g{on Tue9 -?.’»i5 FriiUjs at ' P M T. S. L^I^TER^OH. Do>'rl. 93-8 w SOUT9[GRI¥ PVBLi€AT10iirg». Toe ELE.iE.-JTARY 8PELLI?:G BOOS. fi-nt»iaa aboit tho s^me a» Webatev’d Speiliug B)ok, with the a-Miticn^l a.iv»u>.a|:9 of harin::' all the rowela *m1 ao 05 at a55ar'.t»ly oiArksJ. A oapply always oa hand, "fioa f3 00. TefE FI.-_3T DIXIB READER ia a o9W book, cob- tsiaioj; ea^v roading leetujaa on ^oathern sao|-ets. Pr cn 76 ets. ;’H8 DIXIB PRIMER, Third E-litioa, Piotor’s!. sttil cont-.snra to be immens^y popular Price ($26 per biinrirel) ^ eta.' VilE PBIMAIY GEOGRAPHY, Seosad E(KtioB. j«?a new and popalur booV. It ia culir^ly Sr^atitera aad finely .■vlj»p‘^d to ooiD;aoa schoili Prl.» 3 00. FIRST B^OK IN OOMPOSIT'ON by L Branaon, A M , is now iH>ed ext«aiiv«.y, A-ad is the only book of th^ kind pt3'orwH.»-i iti the Oonfo^Jsrao*-. Priaa 3 00. YOPS’S iNGLISn GRAJMitAS Tai J EiOdK^u, in finely adspied to oomwon so^oc’s. ^at> 3 00. JOHHSON'8 COXIMON RCH03L ARIT^.MSTIO, by Prof L Ja'inaon cf T/in.ty CjLege, ia a new and valaab'e book, f •’.4 will b« fallowed bj a high eoh'ol Arivhretio, P-i^a 8 60 MYRTLE LEAVES, by P-eT. A. W. M^togura. sec nd edUics, >s a dcli:^ti'fal b^k, aad contains a b?a'aiifal rtory f:f a •Sild^Vs Love ” Pr o« 2 00 HI3TORIOAL SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS, i3 sold largely. It giree the etud?e^ a»-ac!j vslnib^e iaforma- tiou ' f tho Hisloricfl portions of the Bi'.Io. Prioa 75 cts. fcOSG5 OP LOVB«and LIB^RI Y, coa.^iie? by a N -.rtts Caro’ia* L .iy. Jontaia? a rt paUr callactlon of SoB v? fcud C.lltda Prio*> jper b’irdrr.i $4U; 75 cts. THfi J '^CK MOkGaN SO^'JG STE , o j.apiied by Cap*. T A B'-anpoo, ia one of the best ooiUctiftaa of eongs and etnHmeatal b«Uads ever published. I’rice (ptr hua Jrcd v»0> 1 00 MORViSN .AND LINDA, a tale of a soldier'a love, ia a rare .»Hi r&cy litUe book. Price ($1'^ per haadred) 25 cts CaNTWE’^L’S law PRAOTiCE, Sssond Edition, oon'a’ns all tho busiscsa forms extendivs.y na.d Pnce 20 00 8HEEU MUSIO. a (nil asJJitsio if of the pieces pub lished in the South. Price frpia 1 00 to 4 00. PT ATIONPiRY of :!l kiain, at moderate pr.c3a. FANCY ARTICLE3 g^nera’ly. t^*Tfee naaal dedaotieas msle to the Ti-ada. Di^Those ordering good-3 be >eat per tgbi), n^ost reifl't 10 -:^nt« extra the dollar to pr.y p:^^:'t•.ge R B. Otir PnWioi>ioa» ere tv be hsd kt the rjn,d y»l U?r>t bt'rea throughc-at the onuB^ry. nAKJH 0.^ 4 FARRAR, RaUii^h, N. O »*-pt 17 “fi^tf A fo9T laiportaaS c'aoca IK RfiQABo'TO THS ^SOVTJBUBRiV HiUpATlC PILLS.” I T lEY 4.j prvipfttdd fi’Pia tliu iieat qust- i[ Al.di- • om? by the dieotiverer, now an jvgsi i-iiaiatir of tbe G.fSpai, and are b(/3. 2. ?:A y have keen known for yeara aal iroaied by tbm'5’,uda ■ S Fits injaired persons ar^ kiiown to hdTu been cur-'d b the>xi. 4 Tncy are not reofrmraen'led bj the p.*- *>riet*'r for ?v».'7tniag. bat only hr diaetsea «rmoh a -is') 'roQ die- ^rasAid liver*. 5 DireoJans and cer^.uo«t«i3 awooap**;/ cajh b x aad ».£?«• w oeriiSoat^d are Lom woU iaowa li re- pftii* ihle ^ndiV' laalfl. CoTfaspondfjntd r»oomiaeni tt;^ m i^oad f Lir- f*T D.’SCJkSe, (7bilts ud Vorara, .Paeam^nia, Jaaa- dije. Vya-J^.psia, Bilious Fer'ra, BiUow R'eaia^tisna, Worms, Ploorisy, Bro%obits, Jfcj. • 7. Saveral getiti«)taeii state ihat tha a»f! ot tix'se Fills has to t>*«a an annual saTio; cf fv’om 45100 to f 20U; they are tiu beet oUuitaiioa madtoiria ever of fered *3 the public. S. S->'»e ^yaioiaas of the hip^beit st^ndiTij; prescribe th«ia Si th.iir patieats, asd haiiire^a of boxaa hkvtf noen sold to regular fHraotition^rs. D-jriog the lait quarter 2,8*J'' boxaa have b«en sold to Dn^giets, one in 8*n'.hL. CitroUo*, i one in North Carottn*—and afkme tima ago over 3 700 box:;s were or’ered by Druggists in caa town in V;r*c^nia. M^Prioe. f S a box. For $-30 a dosua b -^xa^ will be lent to any address. A ftrj liberal dit-coun* to Drugrietfl and ooantry merokanta. Gash (bqit ourren- oy) to aoconpany orden. , For tale lii Nortli Oarolina as foitowt: AstevUle, B J Aatoo, I Llocolntoa, Albcmarl®! J M BlvlASt I LoHlsbm t^lMpel HiH, R B Sannders, I Marion, Ohulotte, J Nye Hatehlnaon, ) Pittaboro’, I Lon?, ” Kaleigh, VVilliamt fe H.aywood, UW «0 ntoa, d P Sherriii, lure, J Clifton, B, Wni tV&keiield, P 8 Carr, Cllntnn, Hahh%jd Jk Mosetey, tiwcorj, f Pp'd, Enfield, J Cohco, • tlilUb.>n)', JnY WhittBd $t Co. P«yeJt«vill8, K A £iedra»a ^ t Qree-sijhoro , Porter *t fiorreU, ^)Ulsboro', Lacu Moore, M«lifaz, J 0*br)«R, Hender*m, Wychc Co. '/^lingfon, J P Sttflwoa. AddfMS. 'r-lT-W-h »**« Co P P PescuH, Rocklnehnirt-J E Northim, KaUabary, f{euilcn >:i ft, Ennis,. “ Bnritaak % Shelhy. il Fronabsr^er, 1 WadiMboro , tV O B^nostt, I Whlt«v!Ue, K tlayies, (WiUaiagton, Wslk^r-M^ire?, H .Mri.'n, •‘ VV H L'ipp'tt riaiHfiS W ijREM-^, •' ,N t . WAWTEO, HIDE-S to »au on p . uqai?«- oaah o-in ; jrinnicipal Election. ON the fi.-s- Mond*5 ii J\r.'y aex*, »♦. tha Town Hall, an pl-’jfias will be hi»k-‘ for Msyor and Ccicmis- blDaers fj’* t^.c Town cf F*’^e'»evill' HECTOR MiHEILL, Sbff. Dca’r 19. 95 te OLD BOARD. For Hayor, ABCH’D McLfiiN. W»rd Nc 1, G Ti-.orpton. ‘ “2, Murdooh M .Einnon 8 E L. P5^s-rton. “ 4, R M O-ASl * “ ‘’6 A A. MeKe!h%n. “ rt, J 0 P.iS “ ■ •' 7 J»ta?8 R Leo. Thin Tiftlat wili bo v'tcd for by MANY CITIZBN8. Dao’r 21 »5- e A Wantfd Immediately, Taxable Pbopkbtt i.v thk Coiyfedskatb Statm. —CommisBioner Allan reports the following values of real and personal property in the several States, subject to taxation under the act of Feb’y 17, 1864, on the basis of valuation established that act:— Alabama, $551,678,540 85 Arkaiisaa, 147,944.940 00 Flo ida, 59 376.673 00 Georpia, 677,008,736 18 Louisiana, 641.905 594 81 Mi^Hissippi, • 5‘^7,1,39,287 00 North Carolina, 34.3 686 750 00 South Carolina, 479.361 7 00 Toxa'', . 381 944 005 00 Virginia, 531,941,083 76 $4,351,138,167 60 0 ij'sbili'y. »(. -.h^ M'^rahik''-. Mill?, F*yettevlile. R McDaniel, Af«nt. Deo’r 19 . 95tf . rfe^ori€i3. All persons ind^^tad to me ara «>iraoBtly rcqaest^d to otll c’ ad s»«ttle My wife m«.y be fo»nd at my t‘ii 8t%vd. %nd wUl reooint t’or me. Ple*ae esll without orUj «9 I ft-'’ mow in the stirvicc ^nd aay fniaily is ii> niS'.t of the mon'^r. Raspcoif'illy, WM. 0 7ESBT. Do’r2l 95-2t iVe^roes to filire. ON Vf -nday. the 21 d«y of January next, at the M«r-£ ef. Cou#: in F.i -etteT.ila, I vriil hire out for the en Fu ng yea', toe NE3R0E3 I>cloBjciog to tho 7>i’.tor hai ■* of t) H«rgro7e, dco'd T.irijn p>:5de kno^^B oa the »«/ of hireins JOtIN P. MoLEAN, Gisrdi*?*. . I>eo6ni‘'er 13th, 1864. 95-2tpi pi"OTi7[^ A T V»iacy McL'!an’9, 17 miles f-o-n Fa”ett9vil^, T W-iter»i Pi:»ak p-,»1 U 8*?»? BSok COW, einoa M^cu I t&t Mark: a.-p. ^v^r £; awallo'T f-^rk a'.d half moon under, in the rivht eJ'r: ftB-* p-«a' ■-■'f ikic. Irft ear " NANCY M.:LKAN. D-c2l. 1864 9v2:pd «T. ]V1ABY’8 9CHOOJL.. RALElQvf, N. 0 RigHt R-f Til ;# TEdaoii, D D , Visitor. R V. Aldiat BMBOia, D D , Rentor Tr^E next'Term will c')'nm!BC3 F ' *mry 1st, l?0o, ‘vnd C5atinn«* tw*aty we^ks. Pr.oj of Biard, Fiji Lights, $1,000 per term. Fjr i oirouI»r, appiy to ■-ha Ract r D)0 10 25 2t A lar! Tar!! COT in 5rdbr for sal*^. JOS A. WORTH. Dco‘r 21. 95 8w Valnable Farm to £iet. WISHING otare to oosoeatratn my bu:iiae3S, I will r-a- fiT ::ie i-eir I8G5, my PJiANT ATIOW, fimiftiB e«dt cf Fay:-^.teTiile Oa it oan be w^rkal 4 or 6 mulea cr nord?s. It jouaitts both of aw'tmp and ridee hntf in guoi ooadttti-n for next ye»r’s orop. Good dwelling house and all other a?099-*ry ont houses R. MoDi^'IEL Dco’r21. 95 2; IIou«e and I^dt lor Bent A.T AUCTION. ON the 21 d»y of J»-idAy I «,’il roat for one ye*r,— The Hiuse an' Lat, *ij Fi-ld tu^'jhei, o^alainine .•'cut 15 a'tres, on Harriugtoi Hill. nown *8 the Crow pla-'e. W. DXAUdHON. Dac’r 21 96 2t il[«g:ro Hirini^. ON Moniay, J»a’y 2d 1865 wii* ba hired at the .\lirkot K ud.i ii Towa jf F*ypi.tjw»llo, 30 NEGROES, 0Q:is„;ting of maa, woiaan, beys and gir'g. Piff No 23 I i PnsSyteri*.! CAa.'C i, F*yj‘tjvill8, will be ranted fjr oae y?M JO«lN H COOK, Auot Do. 21 * 95-'2tpd. Dirideiid iVo. 9. THE Diraoiors T/te fi'ayettfvilis Qu Liyhi Company i ^av3 deoUrsi a D ?id?a* oi T '\i Da l^ra per s^mre, 'i-'.yable oa aad >.fi0f Dj*’r ’0, I'd* W. N. TILI^I .GHAST, Traas’r. D-o’r 21 95 2w iTleat and Bread lor the Army^. 4 o t.he tkcmj i'i ia gfe»i w«nt of ms^t «ad ora«i3tvi£), ^ 1 ari dirsc.ad tn tay to • !>aaa having a surplus, that I wiil pay laofci or fair v»lua ian for the 8»me Paraoaa re'ajiiig to sail their o\ir;i;u3 4!. f‘i" v.%tUitian, the lame tUI ^e trap essji. It i^ h-ioal ail w;»o will flail to Gov^ram»ut I ^ i. pcopmi ta raaeip^ anJ ■;ay for any araouQt of pcar-aioa? due by exampia aad '.etiiki ''craous n my D>'ir!'*t T. B 83UTHga^^AND, Purshasing Gou , Fiyjitjvi’le, N. C. De’r2l. 9tf $10^’E4¥A^O. I V ILL p\y ft rew*ri of Ona Ha Hr id DoiUra far ti>e ii-'Hf,:/ t> :e la Fiy>'ttaviile N •'. ol il*e head tf b^ EF OATfLE, baV*'j5'a.» to tae ttoveraoiant, o- a 'mtsbl*' rewA-’d it? a:y i£»i'ofmiioA ef tu9ir whers- %>auta The oaitte ware broujtht frata Maaro County -ad will no dou^‘ r/*to m»k« rh^r w»y b^ok. Sam'' i»' lea wwa i3 foilur’: Ode S'.aar, s'ua’ty vliite, 3*op off t«e isft oir; oas H.i! ir. piiei reJ an t a.i Te^ cow aiirka a->t roa^llao.e-iU' St-^ar, «r >it' dia y, a^i 'ota o- p o3 th:* lo't >Md ua I r "ait all' b.Mh; no’ia"a B t’-sih K-^ far unm-rifd. S'tT; of the •141 la WaJ.’a i aai sa:ul i-^ati'^ii'UbaUabb-i. t.icir fle»Js &ni t&Ils. A'“o »tr\7id ^r>m t'le firat o' N •.v«jn^“r a P»l»5 tti-* VIILOtf ■"'O V. luadi'i’^ 31 . t * "y 8aa*li -•ftarU’\5 »li'3‘i I tfi;l piv t’ -r q fifa D I .ra for i'.'a m'. iai t'i**; w:i» en^oia ma ta gat ha-^ The c:>w )TM brought frata W%M\«- •mi i iusly brtwoi^n Fijot.av lie aid that piij-*. J B. 30U::IE1LVND, Puri^iViTj 0/'nai3V:C/,.F ? Ji. N. 0. Dao’r 20. 9-3 ff Negroes to Hire, AND LiND TO RENT. TBE rabeorits’r, as Adaiaii rUar "dft binii nan” of Angua R*y, (d*o’d,; wii! > rj oa. tti Negra-is be- louginc to a^li Ejtitta .a M >N^D VY the 21 4»y of J*i- n%ry 183-% at the late re-»{lanaa of the sJi Anga^ Ri?, on Carver’s CraeK. ill psfjani ^ho h tv* iie N hired this year will haca tar‘«m «t tha nUa? of a;riag oa the abave namad day. or thay will be h«t-l respaauble. The pluitatlon knaru aa tlia S».id H^- ar Ra- flideooe, tho B-'ie oUcc*, sqd R^vtr nivitiMo :. will be r us -.d at the sama ch-ae T^rtP^atsale. ' N3ILL RAY. Alaj’r. D:oI2. 9^4*2tpl FOB BC^T, FlU th.; year IS35, f.t.j 'IJlTSB •; ritreet. ow-»ftd by C'5t L R. Brwia, «4 **. pf^s.at aaaup>d by M'j. A il C^tnp'ieU ^ppUaitio?* o^a ba ui*do a Mr. J. W. LETT DVr 17 T4 itod if -V:s r.»d by VirriJi-^ '.t-..’i .* ttie^r Hilca taaae.! «v. aiad ts oa* 'J p;r* sf D wiere thoy will >m t»v, v f--ira i-,d L i.*r daliverei *t oar espaaaa, Oi' v.ii,-os.- :■? B'?\2=iaat, ICaathaaiooaiUy. vy. d WkT30s« 4 00. W. WiUkwJba*., rayettMiUfc rnmn»m A Dream and its ResiUts.—Col- Winston, of the 45tb N. C. Troops, sends to the Biblical Recorder tae following touching incident: “A me*r»ber of this regiment deserted, a few days Bitice, and started oome by ^»ay of the monntMns. On the top of th® mountains he lay down to rest and fell asleep. He dreamed that he had reached home and his mother was ^eatly rf joiced to see him till he told her that he bad deserted. Then h^r coantenance changed asd she wept as if her heart would break. The ahaTne and disgrace of having her son a deserter were more than she could bear. He awoke, got up and started back to camp, where he arriv^ last eight. How wonderful the influence of woman.” Pideh'fy of Southern Slaves—This invasion a- moDsr other things aas demonstrated (says a corres* poodeat of the Augusta Oonstitutioualist.) one fact, and that is, the general devotion of our slaves to their ownera. Oft«n upoa the route in the rear of the advancing armies, lar^rn groups of faithful slaves could be seen shouting with joy upon being able to escape and retam to “Old lfast«r and tfissis.” These ni?ger lovers, with unspeakable meanness, robbed the poor creatures of ail tha money they bad, and in some instances of hats and shoes. Heav en erant that tbe skill of our commanders, with th* burnirg courage of our 'nen, will strike a fatal blow to ibis “gr»nd” and remarkable “invasion." To this we may add the significant fact that tha GK}orgia negroes in Shermaa’s rear are now arrest- ing most of the stragglinsr yankees aad delivering them up to our authorities.—Sav. Bep. On Carpets.—The Persian and Turkish sya- of carpstiog rooms is iDfioitely better and prettier than ouri The Persian carpets are ex quisitely baautital; their colors are iar more da* rable than European and American carpets. They are msdc in strirts, usually between two and three yards long, and about one yard in breadth, to go round the sides of tho room, with a squ’^re carpet cf any sizo prdferr>d for the centre. They do not require to be nailed or fitted, and a saffieient number of them will carpet any room, however largA or small. They have a vary rich and grand appearance, too. Iu summer, the are easily taken up, beaten, rolled and put aside by a single man servant; and, in the hot weather, why should we Txot -more generally imitate the oriental custom by painting or poltshiog our fljors? Jo.^ieph Billings, in answer to a correspondent says: ‘‘You ask which is the most best, the married or the single oondishun? Most every body, at some time in their life, has tried the sin gle state; aiso most everybody has hankered after the double state or married condishua. I have tried both states, and am ready to swarij, that ii a man km git a woman who kaa iri pankakea on both sides without burning em, and don't hanker tew be a wimmin’s kommity, the married state is a heaven and arth awl tew onst. Biit after all, the m%rid state iz a good deal like falling out of a cherry tree—if a person don’t happen tew git hurt, it iz a good reason for not tri^g it agin Gen. Cleburne.—Tha late Major G«a. Pat rick Cleburne was born near Balliogoolig, ia Ireland, and the son of a physi«ian. At *the age cf fourteen he enlisted in the 41st regimeni of EagUsh infantry and served three jean aa a private. Purchasing his discharge at the end of this time he removed to Amerioa and leUled in the State of Arkansas, and oommeneed the study and practice of law, at Helena. “Thz ^''hUdren*s Bcmner”—^j or before the first of Februiry nezt,>wlll be isaued the first number of “ The Ohildren's Ban^ier.** It will be iiisued in Saliabury, N. C , J. J. Bruier, E-^q., Proprietor, R^v A * W. Maagam Elitor. It vill bo pablidhel m>aT;hly at the foibwing ratei^; 82 per cjpy far sii months for le'js than tea oDpies or anior; 31 50 per copy for ten aad under fi^y; $1 25 per copy for over fifty ^ad leas th^m >ue hu »a *2(lj an i $1 p?r copy fur aay aumD.;r over 100. Addreis, ^,57. A. W. Mta;^dm, Siltsbury, N. C. eujlosiag snbacriptioas with the moaey R:co''\st —Is is expansive ta get siek; there’s a Liaco n tix u>ja sickness. It is expeasivo to be hcalthyj there’s a Linoola tax oa hsAlth. It ij expensive to die; there's a Liuooln tax-on death. Ij’tuisvilft JoHmat Bat the Joarnal ha^ one ooasoladon left. Thcr3 is tai oa l/i.ig — fJKronicU. Thit i? bioaaia tua n^rty tha»i doa the lyio'^ does tho kaxiTig —LomsviUe EHUITY SALE. By vi-iua of aa Oi’dir of sh"? Court ^f £q.,ity f -r Caoi- b«rl%!’d oaoty. Fall T»r^, 1S”4, I w»li uff«r for s le «t ^fee '»! itx t ??o'i3S in F> ••'tte'^iile. oa the 24th J» ’nrrv oatt, the VL\NT.i.fION '»!' thi 1»m Du^omi MoN^til ou Otr^er'a Ores.', o'nti aiag 7,0t4 a^rea, asd the folio vi'ig R«»l E4^-»te '.a F*ydttevill»: Os.a Lat on Bow 6tr>e% known as the Shop Lot Oae v»o*nt Lat Adj .iaiog Oae L it earaar of Oool Spt'og aad Rnssfll strfiats. , Oae L^t Sauth eide Pera.,n street, joins Branson. Oae Lat ’ar.'U aide Pjraaa street, late r^aideoos. Oae Lot S^uth side Person itrdet. with twodwcUiase- Oae Lot Kennedy .^traet. with doabk dwelUag. Oae L>t, vsoaafc. adjaiaiog OaA Lo% vaoaat, ia Oampbellton 3-7 of 7 aores beiwsea the'Glareadon Bridgs aad iha ata of Jross C^oek. One smkll tract of Und joiniac .T ^am Marphy, ot 80 ^>e, anl a smiJl traot jafatng Rahert WUliaat, qaan> tit} .loi yet known T "ms at Sale. Pc »ns wiihiag to vin v tae Brapsrty will ap"iy to A \feK«tkan or G^v js Mo.NsiU D'lVID SloNEILLy Commissioner. - Ig Qg it*8^ Lo^t ^^ertiaic^t J I I^OT'^E ia Va»-3 ■)» 5 *>a ->*; »p^-.-.oat ja wi!‘ H» I fjf a -daiolu* « t«f % i»ts • ig*. or niiiiiaid—la- i3ual ovW g Dap-*«’t«y at P:-/atta- Tills—litsd Slinh 2’, 58u4, K> 1239, to An- siToes, fjr etg.it aoadre^ doU^3 for 4 per oiat. iatatast pet aaaaea-Bad* aefc lllh W* lS8i» 10 Pieces Ifcw Ifftnsic, IU5T r«“,aived, wbhh will be sent to aaj addrsN oa r^oiipt qf our Cv'ilagua prises. We iiw B'lw hoeoae the 50LS AGENTS ia Narth '/V'?!'*. far ia. Duan ft Co. of RiohiaoBd, who are {'ac lsrj'4i JkU i ^tuit vto,;- Pablishors la the Saath. Ali .V {ars to tkejn, ifjm ‘liis S;»te, will be fil'ri •! oar - • 8£»* Oae haif to the Trade. • Appl/ fir CatalsguM «f Boak% Haste, 4a. MUUttW 4 F41ML

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