♦ S' . N . c;l , K‘>-' KN3L\Nn AMEBIi3A.N WAR ■• »■ 1 p a ti R'sh ' i’’ SeBiiDel CuMUiRLAND Pla.o«, Hydi: Park,) London, Oct SO, 1864 | * ♦ T tsfo of our “Petiti iu'* to the Unittd ^ v>V, b.i uvvaiiel hero wifh »i.uoh intorest i- dw id, tiia^ maoh is cxpso.ed, ia a praoti. y, ut th>; ti.iiig itself was got up in ii h i /ro'-’rfu iu-,t t' e pei^plf. ’n al-u'^st cv ^t_re » a j ; - iu t~vo” of ja" io to -I'-' Ooiiljiie M ^r-y i f U* ■ >ir a Hsuaiblc I'tt c ! F' r-»i ituo. ifies; b-»h fiom oa: ,vi , riP :t'; .ii ’ Irom Lird M'rru- ciitf i: jff r; u', ^ll wr® n^ve claiain to know N: l1 n- . wHfn us to .‘xuect and 8i» ,’e do oot hope ^of mu h. 'nterest, thcrd- fore, ai’'5'C’.e3 itiiclf to ^at ought to be doue, as a next «t"p, w ca we learn how thi* one has fared. Tfiose who had to d« with the petition wero and are in e&rnast; but, thete are obataales in the way over and above wh&t the Toderala may add. These we muti try to posh aside. 1 greatly regret uhat I hiv« nothing to tell you of a positive character as to Recognition But, there is muoh of a pasdive, or promising, qaalitj in tho- oouiplestoa of thiug®; only I do not, myself,’ bnild rainy hopes oa ‘•gOij l looks” that are too apt to ootray Yonjtre w 11 awaro of Lord Shaftes* bary's intenae ho?hlity t«.«your slave iuetitution, an'! is favor to ali tbrt. ia Puritanic, and you w 'at a influeooa he wields over P ’ a 5 ;»a’s C If t^ere was nothing else r* ra"rrf:'Te with “ho jns^ioe of your ol»im», is a fi ; iin : ■’ • t; SJ 1 do not Jhiak it i-ke- ly t r-ny yi .it e f;>r thd betfer, will be nr*^ *1 t'l t 0 cr .it the pm mt Admiaiatrstioa, uci !=■- ciia’aa'- y —C-? them forward. Even ih , V:; VI -luvi, V-lao; , tly, if at all. But, ji'U wiil > what pT'b.^ble Administration ict'V 0 R'' .S .r Pviaci’B-oa’j pr3fers t» lea^e uq- dy. f? T' at f'»*c’bie Htfle word is sadly d. r i;^ 33nh a r)are t lue ud3 the mors dio! r3iiti* may, and Fl! tell y.>u presently. >. • ‘ e, I Tnuij. remark that, a« you cannot r;: r c i’O.i-rt jsi-io-'i of vhe Oonforvativcs toT *' ;s y ur people huu yorirsidn of tbestmggie, ju cs qaoetijn tfi- ir I'nciination, if they had p>W i', ode wba t^e oold hearted Wbi^a will not lo, ii •biy c -n a»aid it Tho advent of Co t8-"Viti^6s to wiw-T would, at least, iosure ' th : fall-si advancaare growicg out of eircuai- sta3' ; N whother Darby hiaiselt be. oorjcn Pri !> Mitiisf. r ij the proiiniite eeeut ot a c ; or on: - f -is j-.in’.or adjacanta, you bar ? • :ic- S' mpalb’e>of thi. whole party—it« chiefa, ii'9 pvflss 'vni if^ foU swings Tiie reagoa^ for this Pro ooviuUJ - n'-. uufMial. Your side of the coii-> test h . ia ii h dirac' A’nori’.aa dej»oec>d*at» of th‘> C>iV'*lie»' 3toc aid bey have in toem the uriS', c; »-j 1 «3' :mcn*s which form so v-'ty TK'>.rk'‘d and O' ,=uj , ' o 1 the Consoryativea, m !»ga' ; \\ - :gs. A: a!i ovenijj, vhat impres- feif»n i jire -ii iiC. i ind, '.c’^r-^ it it f;,r oi irir c*u ; •, i’fry i though the najaes havn Lj^. ^ i s. :5 .Joj, w .uid, ere this, hivi irif ed laco hc.r .id i-itn^. i.ies out of tbi'’ new pL^isp of thv u. id ia k‘ their syoip^iihias t 11 ea?h way. ]'!/■ .1 uj ir is. ch ? ov^deucc ot those inhe rent an i iLhisS is pU’.a; bat, -o tar, n tt vjry pro fitable to you Tac rviV-:* .1 of the Whig3 ia Liw Chirch— a sort of Pan a'li"? ooaipau i l, Taijh th^y pro- fcUTio * i.M ■••E^iiig''.!i3a‘;” tne rijUgion of fh3 G 4=!?' lo’e '3, far the m-'wt p .rt, High Oharii, -^d ‘ i. pi tas hat"ed batwoea bo^a must be d tijg’irful far t.*!* oonteoaplatioa of fhe Fathj^r :‘f 31 .lie. The Whigs Vnuse you—the Goaserv- iv;s X 'Oud !j. Whigs, ia thair Bx^ter i.»il 0 KilifHrts, lajt M»7, aad biaoe, wkerever a e -’iv’jfi'ljlo h:.s toueaoi oo yuar affairs, boldiv prj-ilai xi :d ^‘3601301^ .4 the cliiea of the Yankee , urii 'j .andi’oi* ieeidodly p:irifcaaiorc»aoni. They d "i" r. : -iigi ;a aa^ ^a.isi pi.i aoiai-opio prinai- plea into eve^ ‘urn of tu^ q I'^stlon, aiid ^jreseat 10 thiH' p.ib.i'i 1 ‘••iHajti.lrd” ds3U3 of admirably !»*"an_3 Ilo'i'ioas Tue O.^asjrvatives nniwcr b.ick. bu. si.ndvri are never so thv>r>ughly mjf Vi.l u cd as rlioy o )a*d and ou ht t3 be. Yoar - ATJ Xvwlleut «q mow reap“nrs, ar^^; o u i. i- fioj ;Q . in firoinp^aesis and potnt T o; ri 1 ■ ■ k'. ar- «r pavi with Ea^land's neu T-J: ; a-4: its fiilaeira, ahowiag forth i.a h.-.it-omKigs—ihia jyiiii aay.'.hing oUs. I do : -y i; a - rhi:. is U4ol'r«3, b \i taay might be rracH jj>re pr.>flr.-. y ^oif>loy';d It d.>e54 little m*r,i t a i'%'ite B ? *H:u:ad oar r^eut-:'!ihty is k )t a vie j Tilt \ vifiu.' -iii la a neoessity; and as sui^D hotild not oe saoif d at. Y^s ’ ji.i 11 rd 7 b;: uaA,v:iri of the fast thnt F: - siilijQi prow t-j or?w wi^.h Eii^Uad in naval etfurt.;©!* iajadtoious tack and Uogkad df'DJ a ^'r rn. If E i ^Uid d^os no*' rem'iia the firs.; uav.il Power ia tne world, sti« oeAxes t> b« a Great P cfcr. Grivo her a war with the U'1’^ed Staies. jn t now, aud, presto, Franca ghi-wahead in 3pt- 0! hU ffor s } .he h >nir.^ry. T iis -s aot only f-;l bat known her©. Henee mush w?ll i»e taken in rH way of provocation rather than gi^e Fraac^ ‘-’3 shmo.'. Ther.*! «, 1 caa teU y'^a, no “iacerity i-i tne “oordial alii^moe,’' and h ri .^lvy thai, ha^ ’ ?lai od iaw ht* dttcroat j^al 'usy is the order of t'le !;i/. Tiioga we-*r > nuAik to tile pJi^-iC; ba‘ ic is odI.’ a mask—hjlb y .-1 p\ Y'J i" Aoi^ir' I,! '."ir h^s iio?-. oaly cuanged h9 cla'sia . ; ». : i>'i t5 ’^o'a ett-cui, the p:’iQ.n:.'t F -i.iee h-is i»n ev -a start ■ ij "i ■ t iau-:r Wi, w:io sh^ild ; .fo ^ airy ■(}! ' to ai co abi* i a.a la* o*’ uiv t V;- Po .^rs, -.re la djuo:-j a-i to oetaj; qual ’ jc - I - ^ i. •" -s vyhca muea ij i:, >£»o ■aji-j OMaa ^isaal Ap^rt froja other diQg;r ; t-'i .ro ii th;t tr■*abi .cJomT app'o ol .as- cjr l; .S “ > ii caa M.- ‘,t‘3r iTi^*n. Hfoaar id *a'iko that Jio^t eagerly coveted oy Fi iaoe and iadisp m~ab!e to us. At present, you hold ho ohj 3 boufd, -i d urge ti« tt* phyj bu‘, oie fab' mjvo aaJ we are eheok'Ti.ated b/ wur wily and “f’-i adiy" opponent. The atnafc ob- s ifvanoe t:f oar n5a.';r ili-y alon'’. e ;a pr.-t-et ’.n. Ic Frir-oe wis siniO.-fe iu her etfjrtd, for a aotile- lajnt of your ditfiaultio^, this need not be. Bat, I Jviaoi is Ji'>i sinj;ir»j i-\ the matter; ex- oep 8) iar rishiog-ut to make a d^iaive inov«. As ' th-^ appreho?*sioai which relate to ur oi.ojpjkra-.i'.’i'! nav-*l wi^akaeaa I eaolose you slip Irom a spc ‘ch made in the House, aome time ago, by Lord 0 Paget. The f»ictei ho then sent forth hive be?n 'ineu reprodueed, in a new form, and thts very '‘Xtraet is u^od in an Admiralty report just printed, for ‘-privAte’^ eircalation in offioial oirci’s: T iuforaj'%t:*a hiva fr.im Bre^t ah'-3 tife »H x0 4j'i i.’i.'i Fi*- oh :%T3aach ‘fcUrg’^ ^jroe »t «".•», *.hiy ii%fc a» le*ia tJ/'i 8000 in b»*- ra k' c,t Bfrnt cer' il./ r»dr for wtr if fh»«3r sH ialcl b' ^:vt‘ ' Tiia real p'aJe of tv- frtnih oavy if w%r 8ii':uid u ’.9 ' wftvjty iioeof-b utln ibip^ in oommi >>ion and twelve in r.aerve, which Utter might •>u‘t3 a a in a ?5r» i;ir dinyj 1’i-jrfi''oro tho # -noh b*v thirty tiro ling -»f b'itt.lA fihirs Tnrniag to B.’g It t •hr 'r:>m h-r h tT':/!t his ro:»'r^bls f‘‘vai Oobl3!») a-.''e!i her tair pr.>{>or- ti- :—is t3 Pty a ..' l unrr** fhlpi tbi;* ftn/ ot -T 0 'pr pr .’)• ».I ; H i }- n • ^ao'e iiitn tba‘ ''f F i '•« W* £)>▼ ' ..Luty fix »*il of fa« li ia c la MBHi'in a> d ni'*'' b’ en shifB, whioh, thongh D't 8tric■‘!^'sp kill* '..ioofb* • 8h\:»e »'e, laioftt, L— ! part, uventy-five tnobo»t8, atd eJghtesn small steam* era That is a large foroe, a«X oao whieh w® mast not foriret in •xi«tene»' ” I take it CO be very significant that tho Wlasette d« France, of a late date, inaiats that the peace footing of that country ‘‘most aot be less than GOO 000 ]|pen to be under arms at a month’s no tice,” and that its peace fleet, whieh it claims to be e^uo/ now t« the active fle^t of Eapland, bo f' first ia the w®rld.” Then, there is much eoqaetiiog with Aatjtri*, macu toying with dus- sia and oven Prai>!ia Eoglaad sees, coupre- hen 5f", and itas t) be extremely vigilant, for it is she ai.me who h«s ftoything to loee. Ar, an illustratiou os the “feeUag’^of insecurity, I give yo« this quotation fr«m what is echoed, and rc-e«hoed, in high quarters. I heard it, no longer ago than last Friday, repeated by a dis- tincrnished oommeraial Baronet, in thg vestibule of the Hoase of Lords: “’®'hat Bcuroiaf: woald t»>ere ho tbroughoat the lard sboa'>4 the )|;as»ttct of Tiotory fven aaaaajiM such :auit? of Blftin as we i avj Utelf reaa «fl What i&dig- natio^, what haniiiatioii would there be, sb«oii th x bl;>cd have bsen poar^d #at in ds^fiM What, lanf f*0fi aad hitter hearts there iroald bo ia Liverpool aa^ Hall shoald it be told that oar icernhent ships had been stopped on the seas and carried into foreign ports! Wbat w»iiiag %rd eoAobiag ®f teeil la >T»nchsB?€r. '■rheii tl4i*'gf e«ne that oar porH were olo8««l aad acr trads ?n«psndi dl” And that is a result which would immsdiRtely and inevitably follow “a trouble" with the (Jnite'i Sti(e3. Two or three Confederate «rux2W3 have been eaongh to sweep direct Federal commerce from the seas, at>d into our arms. Wom’d not a d 'sen or two United States craiaars f’rci our commerce into tho arms oi Franco? Bat it would do more irretrievable mischief; for it would give France the maritimo sapremaoy she pants for, and the coveted lead in 'he Mediterranean. Were it not for this overwhelming consideration, her other interests, and the partialitv of our pf'ople, would have, long ago, led fiaglacd to espouse yoar quarrel. France eagerly Waits the do»«tiay fhj loi>ks for to make her mistre-o of Earopa by seo and land Eaglaui faars to afford tho chance; and that would b« given, if she recogaiaed the Confederacy alono, or in the way F.-ance advises. Why does ajt FraDoe do it oLouff or, if with England, why refuse to take the risks conjointly with Eaglaod? Tfte reason is too obvious t> dwell on. Both natiocs are, it you please, selSeh al^ko. But, rc^m'^mber, E'lgland has everything to peril—France little or nothin to iose, but everythiog to.gain D * you think Franca ia for you? I know the sontrary. H«'r people arc not-^rioHs’./ against you, and her Oovbrnmcnt is only so t-ir f r you ns suits Napol'oa’ji iutcresla and Bohemes Notc ad thou she make^ a geat to do abous Englaud joining ic m^dii uu—medaiag nothing by it beyond h»t vou term Buncombe. Why do we haar nothing •-f the h'^tis upon which her propo’jiuoos or sag- trosti 'n.^i aru placed? They wouid not answer for duncombc, but they tend to wake E.?;'land the raor wary It is nst the United Statos, as such, we circ a fi^ for—it is Franae watchiag the emoacsti we dreai It plaot^s us in a false posi- ti. a tlia: uiust be righted. Now, while I aud all O^nservative." regret Eag- iand’e ueotralii/, mos" of as see it^ nacesflity and cannot ooad-'iau it With the party in p.)W!^r, it; IS. indeed, a prefereno ; siuje they dare nut es- pi'use he other si V, and do not like your?; but, with t-ic Gons.rvidve-, it is n«t a preference With both, tor dilferent causes, it is a toreed poli cy. 1 ha?3 hiated sufficient reason. Tais mo. ning I was giaucing over aa iafluen- t;al Ad^t^iaa jourual-^The Trieste Zaituog—-in whiuh I fi id au'esho of your oeoasiuaal abut*e of our cor.a^raiaed ueutrality. gays the Z^itung: •‘It is but a repuiiadoa of principle—a thing ps- culiar to Pdlmerstoa’s policy; it ii bat the taking «dv«itagd of dr.iuoiitaaQus to proaiot« sabtle per- donal and party eads, such aa a Whig Miaiitry haft nev.''.r host sight of, it ia but giving the unin itiated public a dose of that sort af exptdteney which has won for fiagland, in the hands of Whiggery, tha odious title of Pcrild«ou3 Albioc .” N '-w, this »eho of your own doon lolatioa is pi. tly plausible, but aot, evea partly, true. Aa appUcd to the I have nothing to defend; bat a? to Bntiin It is ialse; aad,f«r toe rjasous I ha .-e eu?- gcsted, not at all applicable topre^ieatcircum^Unoes Well, ii thero any hope from Whigj or Tories? I ray yes; and much Ooee Franeeia satisfied that B )ilaad will n>i bs the monkey co t-ike the chestnuts from the ire, she will grow aiore sin cere Oace Eaglaod is as.'are 1 that Fraaes ean win nothing from ea-iaoo, or chat pressure is pat upon her “cordial ady," tq s’^’^ain the last point, ho will ao5. H)W soon? From iih« feaUug ia theU^rLOtm Club, (the co'^aarvative heidqaar- I should SAy very sotfH. Mezijau int^iiests on tae on 3 Stde, Oaaadiaa iateresis on the other, .irj dbstiacd ;o bring ma-lfa^ion ao^mer tly^u you Bu=prot. Sir Joha F *, an authority who«e :vr>rd you will instantly rooogm»e M of va’«3, (,oli me, at the Go.ouial office last Moaday, that ■‘malt-v fer' ripidly re/'i >i.ig .luj.i a point as woa; i . »n^!di*tiia.” Uniut > I urn greatly ail taken you will dcai- of somsthitg, m that di- rootiio, by next MArch. It js also thn firm ipiui^n d Mr D ——, and his firu o^iuioai a: - of so’id iia jortnaee- Bat, thi\inei.iatioa may b . a^ duagrveab’e to yea the N )'th. I dr^^^i i^ fy a, on many »-ccoa>t3; ai%iuly b> ■!3Uie the Pow.rd who will “presuaie" i;o ti^eddle hav3 0‘.p73iag interests, and will try to pLy shntt-ocock w-th vfhat you may hold dear. O^o thing, i,>'>w.3ver, tU.>y will keep in view—ssi*.\- ftATiON In a . ike look ouIt Y.»u would he rwJtooisiied to notice what little intore.c our pi.ojiij, or politiciauf*, exhioit ia ttic p'-ndidg Pr-jideutial election Except iu so far A-i the result may affect the Gonfederaoy, no one 8 4ams to ftel th 3 ooaeeru about Liaooln’s ehancQS or MoJieiUi's. The whigs WL.h Lin- ooln’n triumph, and I . upp>ose, for that reason, t^e ottier party wish'a his defeat. But, as there is only a fdia'^e ot differeaoe between them, (he questioa excites no g.oat intvsrost My 0 7u opinioa in, that MeOlriilaa would b4 less Ukely i’ aa Liaooln to provoke a war with us; bu , as sach a war, if it dors comc about, will bo foment ed by Frai'3*, i*. does -lot uig'iify which is Pris- ideat I say ‘‘fo.oented by Frauae" advisedly, and for the reasons already indioated. I say it, hoo, knowing foii> wall that oireamstanees may, any day, arise whioa would bind Franee to aa alliaaoe against, the United States. The infetaat such aa evcat occurred, there is n» skill or strength ia all tho Whiggery of England to keep the British Lion quiet, or oat of the keeping of a conservative QoVt. TtteD there was aa end of neutrality and the beginning of jostice to you. I see by extracts from Southern papers that you have much ground to complain of the ?node of our neutrality. It is hardly possible, 1 fup pose, to carry out the principle without having som'^ abtLse in the-praetice. But let me tell^ou that there 7b now an undmtanding between the leaders of the Opposition and tho Government on this point By it the Government is bound to be honestly and thoroughly nentral, and tho op position to let them alone ou that point if they N£W NOUB CABOLtllA LAWS We copy from ttJeBalcigh papars thefoiltwuc l.’^te acts ot the Legislature: aaw i^oHB ooABD aaw. 8«o. I B* it. imcio4 *e , Th«t wlt9a«»wr ftaard for Bon.e D«feac8 fIjiU be lato Mrtiae bayand iha t!ir.\r re«p9Cf-’»« As Day cau«e iwo or icure oaaapaaies to' ba ’cons^Udatcd otii» ecmpaay BO as to make not Ipbs thaa sixty-foar finir ■■jid fi'e, t4 «&ch, canscany; said caiapraiy 50 vi stv.il eiecf. fusn he C^^pJRias «05n.«Md- ing t»ie c*n>pn.i>e9 so oo**9ollta^9d a Onptai^j to a'BJ- ftioH ao~??olici»t*l o'capiuy; and from tha §fst Lifcu««jiAn:>j S scBtl Li;ot«Baat» aaJ Janior 8#c.;nd T.ir^;itcaantfi «*f aoLch eorartnio*, an ^ffia»r oi caah af ■aid rtnhg, to be sBufgncd to dnty with coassli- ■tf^ed citapjr.y; aaoli •if the ofiSwra of eoaipiffl'.es so i3nsolid»t*d fts »n*jr no* >« e!*oted for ear^jO^ with flush c>ia3''Udr»teil e3paay, shall b« re^ ured lo iiarfarraser vica aa noB-cofftmisiiionad pfBsers tr pri^Ates ia the eaa- sotid«te4 cotnnaT’/, formed of thair original oompaaiaa, while BO sjrTiag their eammiasieos ahall be sus- peadc'i. * 2 That tin Govsmor may in like manner eansa twa or more batMlioaa or _reiri""ent8 of the Homa Qnaria wh«a called into serriee beyond tbair respea^ivs batta lion or regitaeaul liaits er whea wUed iaw een>iee Fitfain euoh l>mita >n eoaicetion with other pertiaas of 9uah force, to ba aooaalidatad; said battaUoita wh«a so ooMoii j^ted to be eamposed ol' aot laia thes three com- pnniea, and said regimevta when so eans'iHdat^ to be oompesed of not more th« tea eotapf^aiea. The #*v- eraov may aaeign to the aommaad of aaos o«afoiidate4 hftttaiiftQ or reg'niaat aay offiser or offie*rs frost the >^rUlirD or revimeat ao ooaeol*dated S. Th»t the 6ivaraor may, io hii diaoreti m, ia eau- eiitut'ng tha co«sohd»t^ eoia|i*oiea aunumflaaed by &ri>t (uciion he^rcof. take the eaa-foutiti, cm tbir4, ■).• .if of any conpaiiy m at proa'-nt org«a:*ad wiUi • du'i pr.;p;riiia of itc ofiodrs, ott of which to a asli tut ' huor e^a‘M'i>1^t6d csmpaa/j andeaoao# thacffiaer*' oozj aniofc' as at prasani. orgaa^std as may be placed wit* CfiO.Kaa ot tbeir eoapaiilee, t-o fom a 0)as;;:idiM u: uo-apikay. as ca^y oat ba el«>ed to eomio*a i «%oh ooDsalidafpd ('omp«ny. shaQ be roqaired io serve iaaaeii ' wsoU'lat-^d eonrpany as nnn o»’aoaUsi«>B''i -'flla rs or rivatoB, and whi’e n\ serving iheir ooiouiesic-s^. #all i>e ausoeodsd. Tha QaTcmor sVsIl have Fcwar to ^ix- ria’a it fivor of firmars aai mzebvilu, wbea o«i:a ont k namoar thaB tha whole of a eo«ipa=y, -l«a to daolar* r^ivit tha pffioo of aa offlj'ir who ia ie- n:«rad by a tnedioal bnnrd p«im-M)eBtiy dieaUed (i» ficli ilut;. “'tJrer ve tha mtlidf or Home €1jwv’s, or of 10 'tfi5 T wh > fcbjoo.cd» to Uie eB^K-ny 4 That Qoarte^-iMstera aud Ccoimiar^aTiea v^f regi- or bMfcalioci of Home (iaardx \t preamt orgaa- 1 ’ lA* ma; uot be atsigsed t^ doty b/ th'- WoTwaor ». ita » battalion or roglni^ut saall be te- qai’^cd toa««r»e afl non can'r'»i9sion >d offiesra or p*iTatea, -a soina obe OJiB.o^ay o/ (heir pr^ae>it c oasttn.l, an' -'hiln a> f -eir eiaimisBion'i shall bi 3itfpoada*i 8?.o S. Be iifaroaeronaeted, Teat Wie Pa-g’op 0“Tie- r>i, by aad tvJx the •dvjce and c^Hiseat of t'te Goveraor, *>) .!isJ;o*' B?ard for c*«l: Oonjroaatoaal Di.i’r-c ! if!“ S »e whos* bapin»p« it sba.1 be ta x- N.jiias ili p3r6.'a.t oL^uiia? ex.-mv»ti j'i from on: Qaaxd 't 'a ciuui I'*' pay-ioaJ d-sabiliiy; Ui^t thcM ex- v'' iori-t jdAJe at auoh tiiiie »c!( nnder enoh 2ul. uid i’>u3 ^ m*ybe eataolished brtbotiar g -)u G«>acr»l, acd that tha mambara >i' a»id Boards “h i i T'o- 'rn «r.es.’^'^e fay aadatloYAnoes wiile on daty tJiP i'-’TtfeJera'e Consoriijt Boards t> T'-.! wic:'H’.i'’:; ooajr»aBi''. batttliiai or rtg\- !Hf u; >» ’0 bear- oDtisjlidkted as herai« proviteJ for, th..>7 shall ontiaue in saoh org.nisatioas aatil farther ( f /i- lu sh>m b.' raido 'a «^«lr behalf 7 T 'io s- o-ind aeciion of “aa *9t in rala io" te (iilitk ’ -V *?aard f.-.r Heme Uofor'd*;’’ ratif ?d the 7 h lay of al f !‘6^, h», aad theaa’seiahereby amend 'd by a n I'^g o-i »aa word ‘-thesj” ia tha iiaih line of 8»’d » li 5 orting tho wort •thf;’’ tii*t tJ»e ■ ir i «‘ftii u c' a aot t-> Amen) an act ia r^Utioa to tiie Mi 1 i» acc Gii d .’or Home D'feaee,” ratiSed the 14th o' Dacecibftr idd’, ba anu tae sa'^e ii hereVy 6’ i -j by ’■dig beiveaa tbe rorde ‘ regular' aad m ’l' fa” ttie ^rjrdt “»>3dpttb'ic ’’ and by ?n«eriicf netire^n sHc words ■mil «5ra'’ ani '‘blaohamithE” tb.» word • »u i;” i>ad Cliat ihe proviao at the end of sai.i 8d j 'CMop bo *sd tie rama is hara'-y repealed: That in ad lit*'5& la «h> tatflSi tMJOfl ^prsiflpd -n the ^ata »>'resad J, !j3rf. pha'l b* i-x AJpi froai H.'Cia Q ard daty allc^aaty ••uiie.»s •■nd pa'*iij t^nbors, hatiart and e*'09- mfcke**! ^k’ilei it s.>!eir raafMotive ealli.>K«', bb4 who ^ere sm’U'yed in the aaae prior to the firet day of T .-I’lirT, A D , ■’8-R, aad h^»e ooBtiauad to ba adim- :y ' ia'e that I'me Pr^'ltd v«riner>i ghail sell one thit'd of their leather to * coidisrs’witae and wid^wj for ta«ir i>»»n i«e *t -■? inle yrara FrottJtJ. th'at no provi«ionof this actehail be so eon- - -ti.’d 11-xeuioi f-'ons !»iltt*ry ear» e-s -sy jreoa rin ^Vo • 'jcreia, ia «aa» of ao/aat aervile in^^urreeticn r i3T*8;aa of :n wiiteh •'■!( re' ldo*. bv 3k'ie- i? «X‘3. pt pfraoar «nl elas ui weatio'wd ia - 3/ ' -a t'f .n Kot in rrdatjoa tc I'le and a O itrd Tai TIo’.at* Del r«t;fW*d tha 7tH of Jaly 1864 su;!!] Ui i-i forea a«:l af>«i it? riMfiaaa -u. regalM dealers, bmt who buy ei%T’a tr. (*eU r.gain *wo per eeat on amonnt of paroVi^ee (7) Pl^aaare j eart'agcs. OTer the value of i.60. i>' a ha!f pei j oeot on the Taloi. S'.ods »a.» J15 a.’b. r t r • highest piioo for thi Bi.«. Qr-a f*r asora. i8j ' a»d slirer p^ate pl»;^ w•r^, j#«-&0 , «o«b by j aulas, if over |>2S'B VAlna. two .^ad a h.«.»f per 'eat * (•) Wfalohee, axeept t.^o^e • ri' b ' f ‘-w-j ?^n * s ! par eeat. oa *bi» valce B»ety l?.*rr Aymrj piano ! Every gold headed e^ae f4 fir^ry PU'fr .f*3cd I eane $2 (10) Tvo and a t-cr ctr. or. t&o re i f.fif»tg pf lUfg’OQs, dent'Ht-1, phyg;'»'S'T'-ria ! trait pairtor^, dprn.'>rr.';a'; p.rtis'r. ehant?, faetors; ?ooo b.- ktr' sn i aoctJ a. each r»ceipte aatcuiit io flOOO; oai :n - I’ ot* sr prr- a -aa, except iuig.d^t^eG-j'Tao', au . -ii; cflijyTr, w »c-»e wag^es, feea, .’altxlea ' T *-■ iqn’s ( s aciou t tc 000, one p«r oer.t (11; Oi ■pe y ‘. ja. a^t -. dor sigH maotha eld, $2 50; "p'^otided, «.fro e’c^ri -vr. »x ampted far STary h4M^a of a fAnai-y, an ? ant I'p f soj peraoB not the head of a f'-mUy {^12] “DeaiJ Wca'?a ’ oa railroad* five •?atfl p^rnlie. lIS] Ht*.idy J **. H e”S for theiaselvee, sjad tbe-e haviu« nraaciy d'.evi'tsd, 50 tents per galloa. (^14] Oa liqai>«'3 bi.ajlit fr m hejoadt'’e Stata fir sale. ?40 po? csal on the pri.flta. Liquera bsaght in tha Sy^te fvr sale, 15 (-«r c^at on the praSis. [I**] Oa dlTideacs and pr&fl a fi'e rer aent. Oa the* i>rofit8 anauiHy m»d- in ^.ayiag ^ind aslli&f, «r ia the maaufaclute of citcun or vooieR cooda, Bad leatiar or articled* .aad' of I -►•*-'ei', »r o to- baaoo, and ia the makiog of ealt mb^r^ suoa j aro eqaal to $10,000, a tav of cij?ht r?rr ««ut.; a".1 ii f.qa*l ‘c $^0 000, a iex of ^^relve per e%»*t; oi f . !o $^0,000, a »Jix of pefc«'n’. [16,17,18.19,v!0’on ool)at>(;ral d««^ea»B •roni »w n eix p^r seiit -cvori iog ^ aom'ngaiaitT -8 HSUUL£ 6 SUMitCti) TAXSa WITH-tOT BSISO liISTaO. (1) Ci*aue ri'erg :xa\bi.i"3s of Jt’», ?-0 ' fo” a^B ty itio showTi * r t'-c*; o'aa'-j. (1/ 8 ftg? aad tbc-atrioal nlaye,fl. k-u. =xo^pt u- perfutraere for 'jjtco ctrr y ,8; 1 i t Biu;ere. Jt3 , K5 for ot-sl!. oour«-.". (4; E v o«^:p»rty >}TCsrj>jr«t« * cat of Si...te tbret er apoB ita g’Tai reseipts . (5) E «»»• > r*ro>ioT cf ■% 'v'r.’-- iaaorpor*>^d o«' ef L»--e Ptve *1 009. ^6) E«-3'-t V-roker. privai* baiurc-r. age t iiv fc gi t«iit3r •- brvker Jtr' twM'.y ,*lv» o r csat '>■?* r.rofit^^. (7; l»ory exfnen aootpauy -0 pea- ea grow r4-o*i;> a Tae aan>e oa Br.I!reA.d EioroBs .» Botb ^’.- e >u.nty (?•; Evf'ry rnh,;i? .aU'.«rd r»ble ‘ ■▼fry rri»*te cbb 8100. E im*> fc*«srf*te')e ',r ■ t^bls (200. ^0| ft.-’.- »r !''il(;if; p.U , Ji iv. Eterjr rT!f.«ie *ne $35. (iO) E.’.*-y • viry e*.M: ;v fhoe h5:3»: ,rr k ipt * .-r T*-iV #fO (i ^ > IIav-. ■ fioewee SI ,UOo. Evih .eia->., ~ i t • u. t > l «i r» • ft-j as r>roflJf1 i. 3jhcda> \ {Vi, non r. -. whn ary -inTe, cia oorc, . spii'itons lifBon*. aaaU JajaH’di^tely c-o'u’ i ^b’t t. Day * t^x el two :>»* ocit -v*d •a»irl.-«. .r ^.tiur,- psy tae tax ahali f;rfci>. aa ? pv $1,000. N n rsaidente to pay twc p«- ca tfte of v>f>.j , 0%t;» nroa*:^* t"tn Ui3 Sfc**c Sid J'ild ^14) Al’ rer- fna hu;'if or selling ewve^* to b - c.v?-,iJ5x«d n'ju r^i- dcnta cftiil t^ie eoB»->^y 5a rh«-^D, pgf p^»ck an playb»2 aartii *kvU (16) Ua si.1'3.: r vcbjfil;.. n faotnrcd out of the Sw»as, t o »^-3 n .‘•alf pf'T a* at (17; 0*1 ^uoJWvcers five -'e» «ej,t oa f-aov-i. cfsiilj«, tt.3 rvaw uu’'t t'* bt' 6aJt>|4ct t.a aoajiiy tax B.ii'-a by i»ne>i*U traders or o«a rMiAmte leu c> u [’^'1 0« BieroftAuiH, xae^aiiao* *tila»>a. j «o4vra, grsoj* . apctheaailc? ^aggiste, , «m« psr o^st osjfaDu ' . f purehasr-'. xhera uuoh ourclMf.-a *r* lot taxed. [19] On r>T r/cib’c aAnwijo tr-r f • fa-” fiva fUT ow t ra profiu [20^ On »'atent medislaes '^nsl nostrutae tw nty fife per c .. . a am' act •>f s»l-a [21] H«r»3 ‘oJ maie driver'i C j n a‘ on amoaot of aalea. [i ’] Oa'stndj aa ’. j *3!t3 b-1 iae t-o Bon-raaiieats $^5, -ir tho p f»r • 1 ;aa b for oae mare. [281 PeJ ar’a iK’ca-e JiOO, ['24J IMavr»Bt ligh^cisg r»d m'n, nr d'»;3ra i-i sp.ri. • liqaora. t»f.»d m pDdi^rd [Si] f>7pji.,j, fjf-nuF-'e! r>-, 4e., $50 for eaoh ooaaty [io] Persona r^rnnng, at » tazib'e age after Jnly 1st iu*y psy rj»x to sa;.-iif Ail inejrporati ae by spa aot $50 iM'jrn ,ye )i oc»ia-5 $2 Mcrta;-deed, marriagf: 0aa*ri0i., ‘ce! ir. tnsv, $2 eaoh E»-ry brj’«ei’ n>». a r. ail-at, t?a :»•>• caat OB »11 same d.awn in spade or .'x iha -g-t f ??a ar?y bank, to h-i acomat'd for by tae 0 4«0i j- of 3uc\ b.*ak. Oa e'veh 'iiare of o-nk s’.oik %» f‘»iltnr»: Caa’i of Vi -.ah ag'on 25 o (it»; Ma-3*>.at’3 B ■ 26 c \ B*.! v *’f>d eai»r •' Vii oea}?, Ban^ > f Fajait>vUie '2^ .?er.ii' Oo’^ru'^rcl'l O 'nk'i5 e3»}t^; Fi-na'-’a U sV o o-vc«s; BvJJk of N rth -.lirolt ia 90 : >• '’-.ui : agtoa. 'fiae’‘’e and Planter s B.i'.k B»"t of O j-O' Biisk of 0..:jr^«a1o3 4S oouVj; it w*j*o Fair *in . Bi-k of Wi*jain«:'.oa SO oaa»^: P \ck of 12^ oestj; B»b* of T*73£y';ll: 25 3./ : ; 5 nV T Tilt« 45 tjjaf-'; • n.'^ Bi-^k of .i • i •». oip't>le o in«r 'd p.‘ '.r ' U^iiio?-thrw? trf:> to- j Some of our North American officials hav..-, gotber, I w> ocantna' pretty n .^riy cqa^'.. With j it aeems, rcoently outstripped instructions and dis- r fip'''t to *0M iwf. I Will : H deo-jiv© the I crction aad d-cenoy. That has been censurcd and Hoa« * may lo'>k out foT DetteT b'^havior ia fumte. rewrr t ? h • cri'«^ sHrm oui I i *,u .« « . • i t i. wieh t e ■ th i.n. t tho ma.ter But' North Amenoan officials I have in a ?*‘i 11?^ Fr:i: h th rv^saather na'icc ortw* ’ 'Corned of some iastructions which are sigavficant making "re«t prirrecp fa ’-rff-•■rations f-r uaval wu*. ■ of aot OEtly a change, but on apprehended storm. uu«si* h-^a eiiht 'aere^ liee of-MTftle ships, «i* sarew I As I ouinot spoak posiftvely, howerer, I will «ay frigates, four pwldle frigatea, mise oemtted, eae lrw».' BO mo^ yum thefc it bodee good. srrjpirs or rxa saw i^aava Law A? ai 9ahi'€m x . 0 v ptr emt i;t Wla. for the ^ V44,r»-nt, '-h« of ita :bta, k '■ viv> a t.- aaw.*- >1 ea*?i vaUw of t**i» fallaw- ' r «abj;:.3.fl a he 1st J-iy Apr I, iSC^ >o wit: '. k '.J i tB toia a«kt.}: Frtvidti, khai whera p' p*r y kts'b»'*T wtioUy or la pn «*air9y?d slnee ‘V ♦iiiio. t^avi p/> la to oe axad b** i*o awkor, O' * tjrrej, ca oatH; liad in o*.re tha t/»x takA? )a t*s- • JtT'i t >z9 ^o .‘trs ir^ io dwi-le »*« tiUHa, ijv i i - *, j r.! sac is to be e^U'Otri bt tho^, i»a • tufir 4 ei i jh ij to K' final i AU pt suoh M ut OviiBty o««rt may ’>p^) v.:biue >'.f Tieh tlavea to be Msar.iuaed by B^wte p T a«i J votjftain t>'ev*lad of laaca 3 -.1 '’a . .M.31 ihiJve t deblorQ, or oa .'‘a?«d, or .•>pou » u' • d ■'.dtala or ie tae banira, or otii«r Z‘'Xi rA^'V>a8: 'hat OoafaAerate and Sfaat? c^v'a.y aolca & a o£b peat due, of the bonds of ,v 8 ft .r CO 'p^tftiior, txcept e9(ipoBa or'bjada of 1 3^'te • saed prior *o Peb. 2#, lfil ahall b« ooaeid- tnouty; aad Provtdei, that the person iMting th' Si Ji3y cu f aod SttLd at iat« cat saaU be allowed t«de- a^». h*a >wlup by %a principal, aad also «3 aurct^ wua. ^ae tTiaoiral is inaolTunt 4 2’ :. e7 i*«T 'd'^nd in manafactsrtng sod steamboat i-tt’p.ra io«=B, ^ r orHJ^viieS; anodtdiaag to th» aharae. 5fl ax*»(S b. t'’o c.'ttrtet, ttc sharM be ia a corporatloa, *^o.d if a.«r. be ..u uocr^ratioH, then upon the amcoat iave ^eti; au • jca > i a tJiMia beals issa^ sinoe ti»e :i31 of ?ec- 831: iB^esiod in eovnty bcnda or b»au'J of inc-2^'.‘raw;4 ta«m9; and a’sa in ev^ry • ''^0.6 v't-'4.1e >ut iraSL), not ctherwise taxed 0 H >u!^ehold an«l ^itoaea famiture above the value af i.xoept Brtiaka apeotflaaliy t«xed 6 AI! ¥jiroa and naral storei and tobaaee exeapt owned by *.he prodneer, or be^n purohaaad by the owner fw iiig ow.i ua«, or that of kk family or dapead- %nts; and a.s» suoi eottaa as may hava beea purchased by any pars'; a or >0 irporaUcB for the parpose af naan- fvcturiag: Prooidei. that Bo mare oottaa held by a nvanfactnrar ehail be exempt taaa U needed for the (Mn^uaptiou of one yetr. See 2 The foUoirtag propertj shaU be asaaapt ftrem t»x«ticn: A il Isnds or other property bele9glB|F te ike Oe&fed- i*rate 9tat?a, or this Bttta, or to any eeusty !r this St«>e ar to the Uolversity, OoUegM, or ether iastUn- 3&S ’la\rnin|;; «J1 towt hi^, ou^et hauses, pvblie sq r a &3; tneo^uniaal and taels, books, ewiv^e, sslnes, &o Property taxed more than one per orat. aSt te b) lia ble to 11*' t^x of one per oeik, bit t» ho listed sepa- rst-'ly Oo every dollar of nat dividend or not previ ously iialsd. declared, reeeived, or doe, aa or before April lot, ii ~«o'i year upon money or aapital >nv*sttd in ".hares ia tit) B.ink of Washi&fton, Mtrehant’tf Bank. Baak of Wid.-'b ;?©’, Bank of FayetteviUe. Oamai’roitl Baak, Bi-ik o N iv'H Gatelina, Bank of Oharletre, and the P*ik 2f Y TO' 7 ' ’.la, a t^x of t^fkt (8) • »nte aad Ob es mp' ;»).a tazf U.vm OwederAU) aud o>rporatiru b)n i % ao- >therwiae t^xed, ens-^lA of the intvejt ‘rt. iwljr ‘-.^t t-alag t*iertoa or interest hoM II) Vi' c *r baida«H to be Utta4 with the oth»r iniiTi’^ttH ‘.rop .rty. Tax JO on a I pT'-''Tty llataa if be ^ ; taihe Shersff. (8c’»"‘-ale '.) ^A'eo'iat fttB a;^i artfiOffiJ te dorsd to ihe 8h;ritF ca >ath. ^ 't>«edu.( ii) .C uaty CouiU to fix pa; at U»>;s at ■: as U|t0i Oom- trolkr M> farniflh jriatcd iia t. 80HED0W* A. Thefcillowiugaa^ji'i j a b«. Uslel, hi ftdditiM iw tSiose »’r?»1y meati'!a';d (1) E'r'rytanble poll $3, feat eoldiera to bs! r2-3aj:>t w !«j ' r tn th#tWi3') of the bt«te or t'a« - tHu ’^2) Tw-^ataa, tB"^ x:lk. ? and firr.es. p.-r' >.j.« a jiwit af vaa^y-a oa k;r''r'r^’-r hou > r v-ai 'r .vtmiaat whose an »• lal re*e^j ■ »*.ior.^t t«) $^00 ot ts'ai a tax of three nt!" o'^a* (3; E >ry n.^r*^a.'tUd ta be ereOle«i itr'ist b>.Tfir*y $50. (1^1 hmc ehavn%lcG, to list a r prc-tJu^ and pay a ».i* of twyi*7 per eent. npoa th? Tam , iu ad’Utloa to ihe tax imposed 'npoa the ia- terest (Bisy may receive opoa anoh aotee, —ao da- dact'oas to be nuide cu aenount of any losses suBtalaed. (5) P»raon» eagaged ia baying aad sellistt alavaa, flva ptreant on amount «f poMhaMt. (6) Tiiiw Mt Military Det:ittion8 Sujt'-'-m: Cour’.— Th»' following oases as to Home Jlj5rd service have been deaided by the Supreme Court, A firmer owoiag fit^cea at.'le bodiod U:;jd9 oi* tho fi-st of January 18t>4, and. wao h*» given his Bo«td to tiie Cjatoicra‘0 3-o7era.n jot ;n.i .ih- tamei an exemption from ••orvica -n tii' army of tie Coafoderato in ac3r>rd.ar»o'‘ 'v.th t'*H- Aoi ot Ct>ugre»3 ot 17th Fiijruary, 18G-t, is eic- «mpt from service ic the Horns iuard. Iu tii? matti’F of Wood and oth-rs—Manly, J. dib- senting. A aaatractoT to «arrv ^ho tnaii of th t Ojaiodo rata Stata«i is a civil officer o' t govornjieot, and as such is exempted f..*om m'uiciry servia; lu the Home')^aard, by the oxpresa tsrm.i oi the i.ct of Aaaembly of this Sute cxeuiptiag o^oors of the Ocni darate govern aent f.-om s^ivioj ia the Home Ghuard.—rt iJ.riyA 'i>.-ifcd«rate. The BloeJtadtt at WUmin^ton. —la the mid'^t of wars and rumors oJ w'^r4 —a* the uo^mifl of grtmt guns and tramping of eqaadrous,—Wo wrre rather surprised yoatorday by some gUQ3 from tho river annouaciug tha arrival of odrtsi] sau}} blockade nuaers It w.u a qu»er epiaoda la the history of the week.— Wll. Jonr. W(»ahit^tim.—-Tiie eaomy has aot y5 oc^a* piod Washington.—-7’ar6»r©’ Sou:hfmer. - ■ ■ - ' - -■ ■*- •ffloo Inspector id A 4 th 0Kts. C. Gjiaot)o-o P. ' I, Q IJf OOoli.ODOT raat Asrie«, U^ua.y Earoi O^ j n. i.. ., y o’t H‘)4. J J . \^3>) .i * I a i , oa - .3 af th ^ ^tii ilor- ffre^'aioaai Dii'-.ri^t -fiU o»oa4 t> b^ *t h- foUdwmg tim^s aud plaosji, all perdanti aoldiat; 3«r*. fii- e«kee af exempiJoa for piiygieal disability, and ail pcr- aaaa aayigaed to light rfu*y. \ll persons of the above aftmed «i>ui««s who shall be aa«bla to be ores?u^ at the time af iSKDeatioa, wiL> forward to 'he E irjil-aff«03i- oe^ a BerttHoate from hia atte;idias oiaa, a^tiiag t'erth M fall tha'.r disease, te>e praba u.mtiauaao} ot it, aaa their pMmt aetual o'alit>ou, kc Tt>e «'Hi&- ikte mast swora t.'t before a miit[l»trate • Whitevil'e, Oalaubua ooaaty. 4th, 7 8«>d. Rcekiachttm, Rch«ioad couaty, Lwaibartaa, Rebw*- » ■« '5 Busanetatawu Biaiva y, Jaauary lUh. 1S'>» Fayettevillj, Camb.riand Oduaty, J«iia «rr ''S-h lad 14th ISi^. 9nm«srville, Harnott aouaty, Ja^aar '.8' i, 13''5. Wilalay|^>B, Kaw KauOTer a.un' 7 J .oas^ry ^0; •: a.ud 2Ut. l#8i. J. A. BlRNaT-^ 9G dA " Ias‘-eator8t 4 h f * Yankee Newt.—Bickmoh», Daa. —U. 8. papr'ra of tha 26th contain (he following diepatoh f'o.a Sherman to Liaealn:— ‘•Savannah, Dcc. 22 —I beg ta present you a Christniai gif of the city of Savannah, w th 150 gunB, plenty of ammunition, and about 25,000 bales of cotton.” Foatertel-israphs Grant that Hardee, antic;- pntiug au ast^ault oa Savannah, .‘^japcd oa the ni;?=c of the 20th with his trcops an*i lig'it artil- 1 rv. - Th»> r>bcl iroQ olads wore blo’^^o ujr; tte navy yard buro.d; all the re(t of tu- v.’y i*,t««r, aud containing 20,000 oi.liaeroqu tri rli diapos*'* Tfto captures inolude 800 prls'inerri, 150 13 loeomotivcs in good order, IWO ca>‘3, Iarre eup plies of ammunirion aud material of -rar, 3 ;*o ms ers, 33,000 bales of cotton safol? stored in iva c bonsi's. Arraogements are made to clcer tfi's vivf t of all obfltraetions. Richmonb, Dco 29.—The New York H ia i of the 27ch his no item of int^r^stexcept a Nash ville telegram of the 24th which fays ti#t it is repoi'j^d t 'lat Hood cannot cross tfia Teane'^'^e on accoaat ot a flioi in the river Got Tfc^'xa*’; Hc(:.dquart«rs are s i.l ia Cols.nabi* HiskdrnEc-^ has p«s9od on in pursiit of tha rebai. army. Shrnuins Oper-ationt in Qr^ryia.—Tba ^olloPfing is token from a lo»g aacoa: t of S-ar' ca'in’n march in the Cinciunati Com Jier»Lal:— “Is was, in tbe anin, unevstitfa!, sa far %t it--hi»i»ig %’sur oon-jarned, hardly anytiiuf iu taat ^ay ha-ing occurred l»»twoi«u Asiaata and Sa- v*jj?.^h “The army moved in four oaliBiun. Howard “n tho righi and Slucuaa on tha le?t, with the oavalry in front and r;;ar. In tliia maoBer it oovet'^d a strip of ovustry, nearly 00 miles in vTidra for 300 mil^s. “Shrrmau has cat through Georgia aswatk of .»ixty roi.*o~, aad his completely dpscroyed tbe i'''cat rdilro»d quadrilateral of which Atlaata, Mncoo, Angnsta ;»nd Savanaah aro the four aor- ne-a Tho railroad leading ea«t from Atlant« to Aaousta is Jisisiroycd for over 70 miles, inolu- dijtg the brid#;ft« over tbe Yellow and the oontigu- (in.: river. The railrofi l-ranulog south fra^c At- ianta to Macon ia dcetroyed lor eighty aiiles. The railr'‘ad running east fn»m M^oo'a to Savan- nnik is d 9iroy-'d for i diftaacd y;GiMated at from nine*y to one hundred milps. The railroad run- ■ling between Augusta and Savaan«h ia destroy- ;^d Iram Wayneshoro’ to Stvaaaah, a distanea #f iVCT eighty ml>>a Tue wholesale work of dMcruction was carried on I-'isarely, aad with an eye to completeness. Every rail wisa heated and beat; fcvery ti«, bridge, ••'.‘^t ri 8ta i .fl, tank, wooi- h«d aa;i defot bulg ing was burned, and every calvert blown np. Fo.' mil^s on tno Maoon-aad Sav;i'io»h and Au ^it a and Savaanah road^ the track is c^trried .»v r rndr.shy territory by cxtoasL^f’ t-e.'t' • \r >rk Thi is all bacoed. aad it will be very diffi :aU to vd.jlace la ail Sherman has comply-cel; dcairoy- «d Qeifly 400 milej of railroad trao ” K. O. HAMETT eOUXTY,) JvhifrL i-^dC*r jS'i, ■ ^S4. / Sraoiai. Oattmss, t Ho 2» f PAR. 1 la abedianos to tns'raatisis {f^m C-*)! ;Bir- aatt, Inspeator 8d aad 4th 1> au-'.ets, N. G , aU per sons withia the oooatj of H*rnett between tiie avo' of 17 and 60 years who bava baea beretifure ex-smpt ..rom mUitary,eerviee by raasan of p'lysi'^al disability, will aasambla «t Sammerville.- N C , oa the i6ii 'aau-iry 1865. at 10 o’nliek A. M , tat v* axamina’.tou. Tati iaelades those who hava penaanaat oertifioaias of. dis ability. II. AU-sol'iiora aad eonKoripts that are aaaigQed to i‘ght daty ia tk‘» aouBty such ai are in E. O. aer'ire, Q. M. Sf’^'vioa, &o , will ass«i(ac>la at the same pla^e on the same day far ra-ecAiBiaatioa ****** 95-4tl A. H. TOLAR, Oap*. & B O Horse Thief. STOLEN out of aiy lus, one Ai / RE. Ala i oaf of iry hou9« OHS Stiver W»t«b, oru ftae C^otH Uoa , oca Ovarooat, ou the eight of i^.a 2o:b o* D?c, !n ■ t864 From all the information that I e;.9 tHa iiK.f : * free mnlai^.- V/ the nsnia of Natha * He iark^ abOBi Fayetteville asd in ti^e a-j'sssv^; r- '^g"'’ nj^d of vJ. C. Barbae ia Hanaett : ouuty I w»«: >txv • « r»- jrard of one hundred dollars /or (a- sLoliO propsr: isi the ooafiaemaat ef the tbior in Jtu. JA^ES GUY. D*«* 28. 96-titro Yankee Account of ihe Capture af Fort M-.Al inter.—“Gen. Sherman m^de a cireful reoon.oiti- Since hs' evciiag [Deo. 12fh] b'fore da^k, detected tha w^ak points of th#* work, and in stantly formed his pl^n for its eaptare. At tiaJf past four o’clock thls'mornine, Gen HaEen placed •lis division in position, with auothpt d-.visi.^n ot the 15th corps as asu' pnrt and when all his pre- paratioEs w-^re completed, the order w»s giveu,' and his gallant division, e&gur for the fight, m'irched at a double quick step iurwdud, p.^o;,- tratcd the abattia surrounding r,he work, plunged through the ditch and scaled tae parapets of tbe fort, tern teat ia height, and awaraied into the work under a hot fire, which, while it cut down many, failed to check the advaioe, a::d the work wis ours. Most of the garrison^ bewildered by ihe saidea sweep of our veterf'.as, surfeode-'ed in 'la^tc, bat others stooi by thelf guns and fought u'^til th-y were bayonot'»d or cat down. The work wa^j quickly performeJ, and not an armed rebel remained withm the fort three minatea ifte? the parapets were crossed by our seasoned eterane; aa(i the cheer of vJotory ran*' out clearly ' > £be misty m>r.aing air aud aaaounaed success to fhe c'^cr tr^^ops stretcbing arouud the doomed city vf Sa^au'iab The sdb^tantial re.snlfs of eur vi.'tory .ire 200 and more pri^oaera, 31 heavy ’in'? and a larg j q'ia«tity of ordaaaos an i sab- sii^oCfloe supplies. Oar eatire lo&s is not more thin 00 moo kaled aad wouadod /''• M»"«, E'hj^%nd 'tn I th-" '•>nf‘.derio^ llucHMOXD, D?c. 29—;The Baquirer closes it*» 1 a'iiag article to day as follo'^s:— “If F,.ino9 aad Ei^aad will eatK>r in to a tr.'aty tnth cheso Coaf^deiHte Stites, reoogniaiag our-nat? ;,nal'ty aod guaraateoiag oar Ind«»peni- eac9 upon aboliriuing sL*vary iu all the Statw, rather than continue^ the war we should be pre pared to urge the moaeu>'e upoa our raler*. believe that saca a proposition woald favorably rcQsi^ed and act rid upoa by thos? aUioas.aud ought to oe maio to taem ” Vol. J. If lifhif/rtrd ~Wc regret to l^arn that ia thn action wi^ti the enemy Y>n the Roanoke, Col. Jno. N. Whitford was severely wounded. Oao of his arms was struck with a grape shot ahd both bones aro s «d to be brokq,n. It ia ieai ed amputation will,De^Goccssary. The Yaakeoa, who know Col. W., will rejoice at this, for he was a thorn in their eida —Goldsboro' Journal. Revofutvmirv U S. papars re port only five R^volutioaary pensioaers . are now living. 0- yanizsd.—leiier from a frioad iuforms us that the 7th Rsgimeat of the Homo G-iards has been orgsQised at Kinscoa as follows: J T Uam«, brick Ool . T. M n-.r— -=-* 'O’*'*» •“« '* ittMtars M.ajor.— Tarboro' S^uthirner. The Soldier't Din tr on —About »»n« hundred soldiers were treated to a m^.-it ex- calloatdi .in r hf-rooi’ Ta'^sday.-—fVoWs. Jvurnttl. '■'liilL. .1 . ,LJiJ THE W*')l IH N05TH CAR*iLISA From Wiltningf''H.—Rioaif^ND, Deo. 2M — The following official dispeteh waa reeeired last night: — "WILMIXOTON, Deo 27—The eabtay kav« rc emba'ked u jclar oovor of hia fleet. Hi* ntava- maat is not deveioted. “I bare visiwd Fort -Fjabor and i»d sha i dama^i) sKi^ht cxct^pi to ne??*»ry : for df O^.y rvTv dip» ut»?H j “Evfrith'j>- bonf«t*Mdms«t I w ♦"V ■ 1 ‘‘.Tlaj G.». . \V;;ti.ir’g, aoaMnvi/i^ dafsftooa at j ajoat'i ot i\'c r.Ter, nai# Col Lamb, uoit ^acidia|;, t fS,»c'-5 "«) i «o*»;tbe gariia^ip.^ de- 8 ‘ rrif s - ndat!*» f i galla^trt atd • fPui*-! yuade.- vtoy oircaa stan cta BsAXToa iiRAoa, (ifca’l” La(^—The !—\ViL*lS0f0i1, D.’c 29.—T^' 4 -rmas-oent that bad 't’uog up,« i-MT *w?s^t for « w. (^ aad mcro wa^ Uh f t r Yjsiui... id J crnov#, acd by night fall CD*y th“ n^nxi b)'i'kv I'R*^ for*; Meld ite ;»laa; aafc- » ■j vB >V...cre ib»f lav.- *roDe to w« «aa-' tot prcta/id t say, butg a? ibey are. Tbeir at- texpced >^ur^ri*-e fuii d a^d thair expaditioo. with it It kol J our aathsi-iiia^ by a oocfiieatiai affcut that L'»toln ha^ ?aid that bis a^tenls hara kad^ly appniad blot of th« wntkenin^of ourgar- rii^ne *e sand to Georgia, and af our t«tpJ bart- •i^aa of mop*; aud that ba foU carkain of bai«^ abla to taka tbe plaae with harily the shadow d opp^itioa Other tbiugs also ha is reported to have tftid which we will sot now rapaat If so, they ara already kaown to tb« ««thoriti(a It not 10, It wn«)d do ao good io maka iham kaewn to aajbody alie But iadeel it doea seam as if the caemy had made hia oalonlationi pretty acaarataly, aad \,ut for tha alemant af the weather, might h»ve aoae muoii aeaf*r Bocomplishicg hi* end« Tha next time he will hardly try a lanoin^ an an apea coast, aad in meditating a surpriae w*ll iu«i’ade the elemaLfa ia hia aaloulatioa.—Jou n'>i. The fleet that so loug throateved '«r eity, aft«r raceiving from Fort Fteher what Paddy gave ihe (jrum, has at last abandoned, for the present, tha attack and returned ttf the North There re mains ROW no mote tbaa the osual bloekadiag fleet off the bar. Tais g’gentio effort to oaptaro Wilmington may he set down as ooa of tha most magnifioent failurea on reoord The oaas«f* that have- brought about this result are, finsr, that splcadil work of engiaeerinf fkill, Fort F»her, which sacoesffally withstood every attorn pt 10 TO- duoe it—iu fact, wan in no way injurai by tbe teriific bc>ajbafdr-jent to whiob it was subjcoted. Scc'r jiy, we k-d General' ar« peculiarly suited tjr daf?n8tve warfare whore good ecgineer- ingr urually tn.m tie tide of battle Thirdly, wo bnj, i;Teu thou->;’’i at h Kt." day, guliant eolJiers who up.'a many a bloody field bave whipped and Te-whi;)p ;d the .same vankeea Otie of the gfeat secrets of their early abaa- donu)«nt of the fr’jc;t, is attributable to tho fa«t it:.% dunng tho g,i« of last wetk, wa are inform ed that tfetir hois s Lad to be thrown overboard, tbe coniicqneiGCj being that they could not uso fiold arcillt rjr We h^ve not yr. reieivad ao authsctia stata- msnt «.-f our lo-.-e^ by captBre and eaaualcies, but presuaie thf^y arc >mal!. Wo rouioed the faet^in a Uto i.=!3a« ol the C-».rr>1;r jar>, thac Capt. Souther land’s Compsnv bid.cba^'ge of Battery Anderaon .i' t-e riijsie ;f ita capturo by tHC enomy. Thifl was a fact, b’lt it was uot trua that any portion of the oomman^ was! c'iptured. We learn that Maj. R\3>'Be*B battalioQ of Juniar K^serves, at that point, mtbb bfigired by the ene J»y.— The grand effort on tiie Dart of Butl r aad Porter joiotly, has r suited ia a ma^Difioeot fail ure. Fort Fither stands to-day aainjared aud defiant, as eager to give battle and afford a trial ol strength to the erand squadron, «ent out with so mi2ch parade and ooafiisnco to reduce her, aa she was at the outset North CaroUoa tia^ reason to be prou^l ot hM gallast sons North Carolinfans alone have, an- aided, defeated the enemy. No otaer Sta\e in the Coafederaoy was represeuted in the eoatest below the city. The troops ware aii ‘tor heels/ and nobly did they maintain their proud reoord in the oonfliot. It was a gloriooii sight to sea tbe bojfg—Bome no* more than ten or twelve y^ara of age, arming themselves with muskets—tha cartridge boxes on their back» nearly as large as their little bodies. While this spirit lasts, it ia madness to *al^ of subjug^ition. Had Goorgia evinced a spirit equat to that axhibitod by Nortu Carolina, Sh^riaati would to diy ba a fugitive, skulking in the mountains, and his eommand scat tered to the four wiads of Heaven Bat while praise is duo tha eld North State— while her record in thia respoct, as in all others, stands ont so proudly before the world, we must oot forget that much, ayel ereat prai«e, is due te Gt-n. Whituig, vrbosc magnifioent angiucering skill has saved Wilouogton from a fate worse chan death. Now thac he hai a^caiu shown him self a great mavt«r in the art ot war, we suggest to e ditors, overu se ii^hcir own cstiiaatioa, to ma^o the eoemy a target, and aot a brave foidier whose ali i-j at s-ak« ia this coa est.—76. MOTlCfi. ItHB uai.*'3.gn-d, at, a,;t r :^iieaoe 9 mil»8 bob^ of J'jkyettoT'l'^, will offir f-r Hire on ihe 6^h d»y of Janaary next, fov the dbs'uug ear: 4 valuable Negro B ; 2 TaiusiSle Nigro W ta*n, 2 valuable N ^gro Oirl»; \Bd at'tho oi^me ume and p*aoa will be sold a lot of ^nga. ard other rersonal property, oonsisting of Houae- boldi and K'tchen Farniiare, Ac. ^ Tha plant»tiou wun a o^mfortable Dasliing aad ueceesttry oat h^aaea ^iil be rented on toe same day for one year. ^ Mrs SARAH MeNBILL. Kookfisb D'strio% Dno. 24. 95 tt Wanted tor the iSnsuia^ ITear, AFEMaLS r.f$A*^HGd aeeuaipliMed in Muaii, wj ctn sing and ploy well on the Pia "■ '-:> t *l«o qaa ?fiod to t^^Mh tha various Sogliah Brsa^hsa, Freooh a«^ Latin. Pupils will aot cxce^ t,*n A,:p.ic uin can ataij h :*r tarms. Address WM. H PONTOS, «?‘ld(,D N Deo. ^8 a . 9’» 3 IViare lor fttale. AVIBT FI5S YOUNG MAKS, of good blood and with faal Af ply to 9ft-m H. L. MTBOVEft. 10 French Waxed Tail Slafaa, w MacIntyre otraaa rca salb DOZEN F.tEMOH WaXBD CALF SKIN .a. D- 58 A TOBArCO.- FI‘?B NTO'^K .if T0iJAC”0 isaladiag ao«e ai^ew ipi' 'if qnxUf.i. In a few days, i expect to rec.'ira a supply'of Saoff, Gombs, Powder aad Shot, aad vaviaaa oth^ aeelU at* tialea. ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. Citua’iies at Fort Fitbtr *~rne Wii-nfugtoa Joaraa ' .-,c :j8 ’*3 P L i‘ .' .-r k'cKia >«’• report ef all hj c.*=ui!'iea cn ti e l«t ?By’« hcmbardioeat Tht Jrarnal of thd 27th gave these of the 2d d»y, oop'^ ■oto the la«t Observer. Fir$t day —W >ub^ ’.—86 h » C T, O* F“H'«h ^' >4a, • ght. ►and; ^ gt M K»Uy, aiight, f***; Heu'y •laulfsb;. o»4ia6>oB, flTO’ilder; Chaa Oriio^ley, eoBtu- o kn«e; Spt J -Vf B^i*8cn, txr cu*ion*tala,contusioB D%niet MaN^rten, oentn^tfP ^ ~r?*ir ,’,u —.rwwev; jj inerritt, ar«B»patated; A W L. wla, sbriulder, sli^hH OorpI €f Brett, sU^tlj bruii»«d: Jes Ward, at>owht!ip; R B Applewhite, shoal- evcre Co H —M hap^ell flssh, thigh; M Hale, fir: J!i, Bh''ulder; Jobn SicLaaehlin, e^gbt, thigh; D i 01:-rk, slight, 1«#>; Lt V Pr;dgeo, oenea*sioa, sUght. 10 h N C T —F — J W J lun^oB, oou'iuioa, aras; F D ViBceot, Plight fa(]«; H CaM, allgat, thi|^; M M Ounoan, eoatasioB, alight; P M Jmssob, ooatuaioa, hip. T'e Carolinian of tae *28th han another list ef wonad- ed rveeived at Gen. Hos. Ne'4, vr*-— 86 h —Thee Wood, D G Clark, D HoNortaa, B Bei- aoB>s; D 0 HBmrbell, 8gt J M Beaaoa, Joha ft9ll*ra. W J Beaton lOth.—Blilee Morphy, Oorpl W T Beat, B J Vuaoeat, H na?p;i, Sgt W R Oole, J J Rawls. 17th —R Mftjp, W A Latham, 8 Rodgare, R T Ayara, N Whitere. B B Ausley, W Jones. 42d —8 W Taltoa. 1st Battalion —O A Gobb 8d BaUalion —A W Segravee, D MoMillaa, Joha Drake. J A S^gravcB 4*h Battalion —M H Webster. From, the Boonohe.—It ia pretty oertaia that dariuK the iata Yt^ktus advanco up tho Boanoka twelve Ywkee vesseli aaneadad that stream and but f>y ot them retumed^^tiio othcz lix were dispa-^c 1 of by the Gonfederate tomdoeo. And ancthe. v iug is very oertaia ^suc *nndrtd Yan kees pcTiahed by the explosions. Oi (^is latter fact w' i‘-^ve almofi^ iaor^ut'^tiMe cTidp^cc Tha4 will do >ur our torpcf^-oct;.—Go^Jx Journal, SU^V. E^trth works. Tbe p.«wers of reBi.®ta»ce p09- seFFed by earth or sand works w^re w* ll illustrated in the bombardment of Fott Fisher Everything, * apparently, that coul-1 bo debiroyed was destroyed, torn up or b'jiroed Tno sand itsoit was ploughed, but oould not bednetrojed, and etrantrciy enough, only two gooa were dia.-Hoantod. Of coarse the enemy'a would have beea much more lan- gnomi if the ships had been in still water. Wibmmgkm JomnaL

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