O It I' A'& t, iJf. d9SH.il, JANUliiY /, li657 Thb Attack on Wilmington Abandonkd.—To the inexpressible relief of everybody in tbis section of North Carolina, thf' grand arraada hfia come, he-s been wb'pped, and hAP jfone! Where ii h«8 fr;'>r'e, •r vheth*^ it will cor^e a^R’u, it is not in oar power to tell. Enough tor present deep thur-kfulneaa that it i*i gone. From Tvhat wp hear, we thick there i° no doubt that Wilmington wouid have been in great danfrer bat for the providential sto m uiat aclujcd the ope- rati('U8 of thu fleet for sever»vl •’nys* a‘>er it appeared off the ccast. The si amefn! inefficieo'‘y, or ini8- inanasreroenv, or worse, ot the Dao'siilo railroad, So dela’ ed - b:^ rei«fi>n'ementai. ; ri if the ycnkef s c 'u1’ have Ifnded proiaptly, th*^zr •• r^e ari- y niighr, hi' OTercnm** the KnaU force uuderstood to have been at that momenI in *ne viisiuiiy. Ag it was, wht n they did «t last laud liiey g-’t in the reat^. Fort Fisher, isolating that piaco fit' ;i ‘Wilmington, bat i»i the I. i-an time u suflicKUt V. i gf ilant v-^teraas jrcd equui v failanl boys were brought to the epci. lo driTe thesi to ser» again. TL« 'houghtlt'f* mav si t do'vn *>e oppoi-t,aB6 g6l« as intro charict; nwt so thty who believe that “not vae 9p:\rrov iaiittn to the ground ’ v/ithout Il;5 pcru>' >?ion. Th. p^otiie of v^-imic^ton, ifw>; may iudge from the p* p»rs of that pi-we, not only appreciate the gftllftutry of the men and bova who repr.Jsfd the ere- my, bat art deeply iaipreosed wiia a serse of the skiil with wLiidi the detencfS at. Fort Fisher were pldfijaed ft»'d executed by tien. Wbiticg end Col. Laifib, and witn the cool coarase with wh’ch they tK)th, within that fort'ficaiior., u.*:, the aesanlt of the most forn'-idable forceytt brought To bear a-^inst any plac«- In ti'T'e of qaiet, wbeu r-o enemy tbr'eatens tueir livft® and thsir t omec., *onie ot them m?\y cAptiou«!y oomplttin of tbe measure? deem'd necp^“aiy for the pubhc paf ’ ; but .haj Cuaaot afford, in aoch *i tirne >thr ngat view of the matter—that it is a tax, and of danger as they have ju3i p ijaed t’Tough, and Mcai) ;d from i« coiiBsq i*uc0 of tfie skill nd bra very of nose -ommaud lo atierang it but praise. Some of ihi' harsh feeling of the Legialatare, too, might possibly h*ve baen modor&ted if thii attack npon Wilmiugton had occurred before in3t**d of after iha late session. Perhaps that body mieht even havo echoed ihe empa»tic declaration of Gen’l Bragg, that— “Maj. t^o. Whiting, oommiailin;' the defences at the mouth of tha rive”, ul Lamb commaadlog. and-the ofB wr® and Cidn composiDg, the carrison, dedirve es pecial cooamondatiori lor tUe g.'ilUntry, odScifeuoy and farlit”d« displayed uader very tryia^ circunisfcances.” For oniaelves, taa man who labors and exposea hineelf for the defenoe of any pirt of the Confed eracy, and cipecially for any part oi North Carolina, and most especially when his labors are crowned with the abundant success which blessed th:-f»e in question, shall always have itonor, and be greeted with th'i -‘well do^ie’' so richly d^^srved ability and sk^il and uDselfifh devotir«n. 8inoe the above wat in type ha'*e rco^ivod by private har.d. in au?apcr of tUe mail, tbe Jo^j.tial of rfatnrday, frnm wh’cn we copy the followinjj;:— “We pub'.isb . coTiiniiic ' o i si^’iid ■ Tm.h.’’ tbfl wnt-r o: wht':ti no m r ■ Ihn ?irapic jujitic' f> tHe 3istinguisije*i G-^a ral uadvr Vviose dire iinu ou - de- fe?o?^ were -Ian-; aiid esi . ’tcd. iud who h yt>ars in pro^idiag tor ’a eartty hi point of tbe Jautvtlurrtcv. Th« *'t»iii{ uf -ai^ w 'k and it» wUh'wEiicu'a.iy .^.vebeoicarueu out; ^ ii ;a witbia cur uwa kuow! -dtr' thax to • min-^or lu which tue ati.:ck Jvas mad. wel'as h’ *e- mod . la whicfe it could be foil d. wie aad. « far a. the means at his d .-p .^al v^o-'d ad^it. provided foi by G^^u. vVtiUing. to "'tt 'ui ud-'-d i' i3 ;’u'-, aud u) wh:>m we leel asa ned it ^ urmly freely aoo-srded by tie diniugu.«; i rals. bis Md intvTi-rs la rv.k who wr^ h-^re on th^ occasi n of Jhs atla-'k. as it is by us, and^fl it ou-bt to be by all who marked his s>adT pr/ -bi« coacj*n:rat ,d. eonUud.as care for Uo oi tuj great miercsts cam- ... i-ia f.haro' au/ WuO aow owe It ‘O th se pre- ^rationt, lo ihat care '-ad fore.’gnt that their town if wM^saioa of 4*- eaoiny—toat their hom^ ^ Me free him iifvatioB, th»J ® midst who t>hook their . i^ineualf *ud pre dicted that -inr worko couH iro* tbje" be.irs twmbardm ;.-t, and ■^’h ) ve-^uld have it that tb« forth but now tied ibem- Bii«rak*'iil Will th*iv have the candor to acknow- Sdgo “ yrom tbe article of “Truth” we extrict:— “It becofu-i as lo i^qu’re eo what we are inTlebted. un der Provideaee, for oar reccir, fuc.ttss, and to do hoaor lo him who aiticipat^d nd prudi tsd the ore^'ise p' and ’Tiaiiuor of the attics, aad wh » ia entitled to the . merit nf hariag devis-d ;iad e.T-ca‘;ed the plans f >r om flefenoe These p aus iiave und^jubtedlv enab'.^rd u-*. wiih avaoti v iul'Brior t’orce. to rt'sist and repel the mjst for midable naval axpxdivio.i wbi.’h o .e-'u jitl(.-d o-it since this wai- lieg-ui, and pom-ipw mou; lorin dable than }* ly whioa hu5 I'ver ’*«a '^sa. \ British oCQ,-r who was pr«-tKJiit tb ' faraoaa oi'ih irdTent of Seb w'.opol «8'?erti that i is iioi to b’ eomptvcd to that of th>' vn.:-n ’ i fl at Fort l? i--oer, wh:ch h ? also vt i a ; h^ lii :d jitt.ck on ihe del'': ''tiioh " •’u ere -te'; tor th» p f-'Tvntion of that iirip I'raiit b Jit w’.ia a»so ,t thu mo^r i*rin\'iab;'* ehartr.tM', i.-ai hi»ve si'.cceeded b^itfort .o a '.nur.ihlo manner in ,hlcLi i,ho?e d-.'fene-'S were conc-ivel !tnd ex-*- cul'jd. ‘ It i."-th«a*fore ce- tiiu t:j„t th • h n« r ol savinj? our ■ town aud cou.itry n-om :lie .-,ro '-t calamity whi-. h thi«attu-.-d us 18 mainly duu to iJaj. Qyn. y»’M ia;! i'or years'his energeti’j and brflli ut m-nd &»■ been 'cfbt;d to the rtudy of the p:aiw of detouce for tnis import nt position, a > his masterly skill as wn Eni'ineer has p>-o- duoed the re^u't^ which W9 have now the n see and f««l can be siid w: hrat •iutr.. tiiiir -■ no jot fi om tbe icerite oT tbe gallant Po;dicrs and ojfio’ rs. tvithout whose self-9.\crificiug courage and eilorfsour «%orks woald have besQ of no ava*l. “lAnmt of i»U is it my paroos” lo ii^p *he f^rvio ;s of the d''stitjga:sh©d G.-iJoraisi [lJra.;g and tJolmee] wao were presentand ofhigherraufc t iau {jen. .Vhitiug. Pnrer patriots and braver genti'men hve not to b- foun.l in ‘hi^ or any country, aul uli-.y b- la dcro-ve ia~ &io:e hoaor fi-ora our gooi old; .te-the moth r of t^. m both—than has bjen accorded *o them, bat I have ieaso:j to h^jliyye that they both St.n*ur ^illy ia th-i opinions above -'‘.t- pre«iH>d t.810 our dMencnj, huI that tit-imer of tht m ’.vould ot«cure 0' dive^i one lay of til t briiliaet light of honor which the aefcat of t’’ « of th • eaeiu lefleota ni'd concentrates tor hiji o who !-> 11'* h juor i^ dae.’’ Thb Old Isshb.—N»withft*ndiQg r«peftt«d 9x- plaoatioDB in the newspapera, lome persona itill ■ap pose that the One and Two dollar Trtasary Notes are inclnded ia tbe Old Issue whose term of exist ence was limited to the 1st inst. by the law of April lastmd prolonged till the 1st Jaly next by tke law of the present session of Congress. It is not so. The Ones and Twos were intended and allowed to remain in cifcolatioB,. for tbe double reason that they ere a great convenience as change, and that it was sappoaed they would be more generally in the hands of poor or ignorant persons who might not be aware of tJ'e necessity of having them redeemed. it understood, therefore, once more, that there is DO necessity to have the small notes redeemed iu New Jssur', and that the notes of $5 and upwards (except $100 notes which are worthless) nay be re deemed at any time before t^e 1st of Jnly next. While on the subject, wo cannfit but express sur prise to hear at this late day some pers^'na, even those trho are generally regarded as intelligent and well dispesed, speak of the tax on tbe old inene as a species of repudi.vfion, and coBsid.-r themnelvts wTOcped by it. 'i'aey are ju9t so far, and no more, wrong, d :>a a perpou is wronged who pays any other tax for tne ?upport of the government of his country Tha condition of the country requires heavy taxes, and in laying them. Congress vras ob’iged to include . v'cr>- dePC’’iotion of property, Baek notes, Treaiury iiCles, and ypecie, us well as land and negroes. Sev eral subjecta a ftir M^vier tax than this tax of one-third on Treasury notes of $5 and upwards. Let us instance specie, on which the tax is 5 per cent., payable in specie. So tbat if a man has $100 in specie he payti a tax npon it of $5 in specie Those are worth more than S150 in carreney. But the Treasury officers have commuted for this at the rate of IS for 1. So that the tax on the $100 in specie is actually ^90 in currency. .This would Sieem (o be a heavier tax (ban tbe 33^ per cent, au the old issue. We might refer to other species ;.f property, but it'» scarcely w/»r?h -hile. If people will but tske that the country cannot exist witheut taxea, aud heavy taxes too—they will be reconciled to the ne cessity and even the propriety of the tax on tbe old issue. The Richmond Enquirer bas thrown another fire brand inl^o the f’onfederacy. It was the first to start tho project of arming the slaves, and now it proposes to make an ontrageons proposition to England and Franf'e. Snch visionarv schemes indicate a weak- kneed frame of mind, such as any press in the Con- fed-eracy, and especially at the capital, ought to bt a°humed of at a time like this. They are ealculated !o encourage the enemy and to produoe dissension at home. It is prop>er to remark, to prevent misapprehension, that tbe Enquirt-r, so far from being the organ of the Adrniuidtration, is rather hostile to it. Tow.v Affai-13.—Taeannual statemaat o^reveaae, expenditures, icc., for the p^st year shows total re ceipts et 8^0,624 (55, aid exjjenses $21,190 69. Bal ance on haad.$4,44396. Id of taxei levied up on soa-res'dea'.s d>iug bnamesa in town, remain un- dlected, t>ie collection b«iag eijoincd by bill ia equiiy. The town debt is $9,6S2 50. Caah on huid aud debis du^t (iadnding the $17,104 18 of liti|'ated tuxes) S2'i,337 7U e Sinkiair Faau pons, inclndiag those due te-day, reaalp aapaid Ibe- cause not demanded. The fiour laspeetor being sick, made ae report. Total Forage weighed at the Tewn Scales 402,460 lbs. in 759 wagons and oarts. Average price ef Fodder $8 to $12 50; of Hay from $6 to f 10. D.iaths 9d; vis: jAoaary 6. F^brnary 2, Warch 6, April f, May 5, .June 7, Jufy 19, August 14, September 9, October 9, Nov«mb6r 9. Decenber 3. Total 93. 5 years and nnd-»r, 32; 10 years and under, A; 20 years and under 1(5; 30 years and under, II; 40 years and under. 9, 50 years and under, S; 60 ye»rs and under, 5; 70 years aui under, 6; 80 years and un der, 7. Wnite Miv!p3 35. ^aite Female* 33; colored males 16 colored fejtalas 9. Jail Deuvesy.—(^aite an excitement was pro duced in town on Friday morning last by informa tion that tne prisoners in the jail were making their B'lcapa. Thfre wae a rush of Sheriff’s officers, and of men and c»oys. On reaohing the spot we learn that the tornkoy, (Shepherd who was tempora-ily in c^'arge,) was :eund snsgly locked mp in the dungeon, whilst the foar boarders were oft. His acdouat cf the m'itter was, that wliea be went in with thair break- f .et Lhry d ‘.he key, locked him ia and made off. Tha prisoners are described in tho advertisement of M.'»j Alder nai, the Jailer, wh") offers large re wards fo>* the'r app^eh-enaion S*p hi-' advertifitmeat. Tag Mails.— A few old papers carae throngh this morciog. It is about as hard lo ge- mail matter ofl 8iP to receive i». Manv packages of the Observer are frequently detained hare for lack of m^ul bags, and someLimes when started pa^^ka^es retorn—p,s was the case with a hrge bag whieh ieft on tnR Wars.^w stage on Thiirg lay luit and '’ame back on it on Friday. If j c mid induce the Ddp't to send them baok we would bay enoaga bags for our m vis, but w» cannot atf3rd to do that evev vsak. Indeed, we believe ihere i^» uo sc:ir.iit.y. only i'.art*'es=neas The Old Y ka r went our in tearj. i n*? N nw Y«At cam^ in in It was fit th\t tho gioou of t*ic Fast should be sjmboiiasd by storms at its close. \lay we hereafter thannfully re*il;z3 that the Freseat 13 typified by the brightuees of its ^giuMing. Fortt fsARH Alo.—I- is forty yetui*, this week, since the Senior F.litor of me Oitserver took charge ol it, aud nearly tif'.ecn years siuce he aesociated his elder «on with nimseif in the on'^ineso. Many great trials have bkiaet their paiu and the world’s daring that Ion.? period, but none to compare with the prtisert. And in cone have they felt a more assured conviction ot the propriety of the course they have pursued—that of nnfali^ring sifpport of their country's cause. In looking for warn, they h»ve no thought aside from the-war, and janexpres nowieh, for themselves and iheii rVn-ody. hut lor ‘-a spaeOy, jus!', hcnora le and lasting #hich may tiod in .nt^rcy grantl Gbatitcdk TO OL » DErics&E'iK. _W» lesrn that- the Cumt)e'U‘ud riospitrl As iou is d-«iro-j.^ to maKe an o'I:‘riDg of provisiorta = J d 'U-- c ■ s to tho gallant oi’tiofrrf' ui bnv- wao vi» iled itie enemy below Wilin'. gt* u, iia‘ it* fuu.i are u*^?rly fcxhassted. V* ili nv>t the ever 1> - -al ci:jr?u3 of our comuiufliiy, who have t^sponded to every ca:i,rocog' ni*e this a- fin occnsion peculierlf calliiii? for their gener 'iH 'ii*f,ioc? W^e trps so. T. S Iiutter- loh i* I’rei^i ient ot t’v* in, .Mrii. E. J. Lilly Tre'SU!-’’ 9'jfi -Vl/H. II. L M 3 .c ir ^ccreiary. They Lave tr.r^ged 5u much (and ko yu' cessfuUy) ihat ib may be lo^b go make fnrther personal applications tio Aoa’t wait to be csiUed upon, bnt call upon them with money, proviaions, or aaytbing that will com- ■mieiiher. FmaH Fobt Fiikbb.—We h»T« bMt strick the absence of ptftienlfr aeooute firtm tke Mftt of war below Wilmiafien. Perkape peliej dieteted their lappreesian. If ee, it teemf ie m that the time has passed for i«ck reticenee; and wa kave eb> taiaed permiisieB te eopj the fellowiog flroa a pri vate letter, dated, ‘Toai Fnma, Dea 97, “On Satnrday th» fUat thraw about e,WO ilaailea, va- ryisg in siae from 8 inohes to li iaolies. Most of thaa fell in the Fort. Ob Saaday tha attac® coamiaaoad at 10 10 A. M. The firiag in the morning waa rathar slew, About 4 P. M it incraaswd in fiiry. Sach a boiabard- meet never orcnrrad bafore in the history af natiiw It mat beyond deteription Nearly all the DuUdinga la and around the Fort were bnmeSl. ®var 40 man wara wannded on Sattzrday and ovar SO oa fluaday. 4 er ■ killed in all . “On Snnday ike enemy landed oa tbe beach. Their sharpshooter* eame at night within or lOO yards of the Fort. Wa repulsad tntm, kUUcg savaral. Thay at tempted also to laud on^tha point in boats, but ware ra- pulsed. All did their wholis duty. The mea ware ia fina spirits. The fori is UBinjurad. If a danagad savsral af the Bhipa “Col I amb is aa good as ha is brava, and no braver man has the honor to oommand North aroliniana Gan, Vf hit»ng is muck btloved by hie men.” In addition to the above, we received this mominf, fren a> oecasional correepondeni—who kea tmr thanks—^he fallowing graphie ae^oent of tke sc^et and incidents:— Fobt Fisbbb, Deo’r 29ik. fldit«rs Observer: Tke long expected attack ea Fi^hor has taken place, and cor graad old fart, witii ’ts riddled sides, stands tntimpkant and vieterieat; its noble dafanders resting from tkeir strofgle, and ths great f set disappear^ tron before as, baffled and whipped. I wUl nOt attempt to deecrike the at tack, as words would fail to five tke least deecrip- tion. Those who witnessed it will never forget it Those who did net will sever be able to oBderstaad or imagine the flerceasss and the graadear of tke most terrific bombardment that has ever taken plaee on this oontiaent SATCBDAf’s FieHT —Ob Saturday Bieminf, from ‘the movemenia of the fieet, it was the geaeral under standing that tkey were preparing to attack. Akont 12 o’clock they bM formed m Une-of-battle and oan- menoed to Bseva up. On they came, the knge frig ates leading the way; tkea the gilm ncly Iraasides; then the monitors and the groat line of sosailer ves sels stretehing away out—almost as far as tke eye eould see. Nearer and nearer tkey approaah. .^l ia calm and quiet in tke fort—the men are at. their ^ans—our Colonel stands on the Pulpit, wateh in hand, to note the time they commence flrisf Oloeer still tkey con'e; aod now they are in position: A flash, a curl of smoke, and a lend report, followed by the shrieking noise of the shell, from one of the frigates, amonnces the fight coamenced, 20 miaatee before 1 o'clock. Au4 now tbe fight progresses ia earnest; thick Ij the shell, load sotnds the thunder of artillery, lurid are tbe flashes of g^eat gans as they ^omit forth their missiles of death and deitruc- tioa. And eh! nobly stand onr man to tkeir guns. From Shepherd’s Battery to tke Monnd they itanii unqoivermg and* defiant, loading ^md iring coolly and calmly, the gnanera sighti^ their guns aa if tkey were practicing at a target. The scene is grand and awful. From every vessel can be seen the white enrl of smoke, aud high ap in the air hundreds of smot^ rings are formed from the ezploeioB of ehells. Tne firiog does not abate in tke least; it inereasee as tke Sght progresses, and the noise is deafenitf. The enemy have coneentrated their fire on ear flag, and the halliards &re cat; aad bow the nohle staff is stmek in several places and falls. The fla^ at the Mound still floats, and aow thay fire on it, thick and fast. At last they strike it aai down it ceaes; bat it is iaiBvdiately raised anin. Bang, bang, bang, whiz, whis, whiB, clash, clash, clash, all tae tiae. The quarters have caught fi re, aad tke bright flamaa stretch out ^heir t»d?ui}a wkile the kearens are en veloped with dark clouds of smoke. The air is snl- phurous from burned powder. Still all goes well. About 6 o’clock the fire of the oaemy bsgms to slacken, and tbe mtervala between tita fiiinif ara ^u25i ^ePunTto ’ ‘ * their anchorage The damage to the fort kas been very slight—hardly any—and onr weary, gallant sol diers T«8t from their strnrgle for )he while, as they expect another attack at night. The caaaaltiss are 23, one mortally, 3 severely and 19 iiightlj veonded. StTWOAT's riOHT. Th'S day will always be memodal to the men who garrisoned Fort-Fisher—Christmas—the anai- versary of the birth of Bim who eaqae to earth to preach peace and good will to men. As I write these lines memory calls me ba'k to the time when Christmas was celebrated in a far different manner —when old and young woald gather round the fami ly tab’e and there in peaee aad plenty oeleorate in joyfuineas and thanksgiving the birth of Okrist, the Savieur—while the bells from the different temples erected to the praise ef (Jod would ring forth their nost melodious Calls and tho deep-toned organ burst forth in grand notes, the sacred anthems of heaven ly music, the Choir singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Ood of Hosts—Heaven aad Karth is fall of thy glory; Hosahnah in the Highest; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lor^” But thoee times have passed awiy. Mem;>ry can only recall them to mind. 1 wander from my snbject, let me return to it. Th3 expectation of the garrison that we woatd have a night fight waa not realiaed. The nicht was spent in watchfulness aad repairing the slight dam age! snstained by the fight. Oar nQble Gleaeral Whiting had arrived, and all was confideace and chesrftiiness. As the nioraiog dawned the fleot could 06 discerned in the "distance, getting ready to renew the attack; but it was not expected that ope rations would compaence before high tide, which «onld be about 12^ o’eloek. However, every man was at his post, ready at anv momeat to ag&in en gage the fleet. .A.bont 10 o’closk the .fleet oom- menc-d moving in—their extreme right resting near Gatlin’s Battery, about 6 miUs up the beach, and their left extending down to the Port The Iron sides led the attack, the (ligates resting on her rigtit and lef* and the monitors to the riirht of the frigates. I counted 52 vessels in all —1 Ironside, 3 or 4 moni tors, 4 frigate and 47 other vessels. Tney steam- »d in very slowly, two of tke frigate# going roand to the sea front of the fort, and the Ironclads and lonitors lying abreast of the centre front ITio Iron sides and monitors came up within a* mile; tho rest of the fleet remained out aboat I^ miles. At 10 JO a. na., the first g»n was flrcd by the Iro&sidee, follow ed by the rest of the fleet, firing very slowly and deliberately, for tbe while The fort reserved ite gre, thinking that the wooden fleet would be tempted to come in aloser range. Ffnding, however that tney would not eome eloser, our guns opened, also firing very slowly. The day waa qaite foggy, and tbe smoke from the gnns rendered it more sa About 12 o’clock tke fire.commenced to loeroase with greater rapidity. Tke dull, keavy, thanpiBf PeweU, ckewing kis tobaaoo as coolly as If a^^ ■s Ming en. And there on the mound stand aoi ifana, aorvefing the fle’d and shooting holt# —•“Jf* doing nobly, all is going an well. ^TMwosabavaiaeat coi^lnaM terrific till Aaat 6 o'clock, maB jBoflrlBg snidealy slackened from the fleet. It diaoovered tkat tha enemy had sncceeded in „ * fk*eeat AMflarsmi and Holland batteries and *hat yir Uaa of ridrmlAers wtre advanciugon the Fort IInflujtry sun the parapets and amr tha dmrp arack af the nne can be hear4 in «f tha heavy booming of gone. Faiaon and Parker ffgaped tkam. fint tke lull In of short deration, the *a«iei ImKHc bombardment naw commenocs; the fl^et have seen IMr land forees and they open with greater vim ^ keep «ur nen from engaging the •kirmishers. P®1* I^a*b comes rushing np the parapet*: he call* for kb BiM to ssan tke line of )«lisadee; with a cheer tor him tks^ aeefrer to his ealL Away tiiey went after him, and sooB tkey are in lioa ready ta meet ibe cneniy. The sha^ otack of the rffi# le mix*4 in with load coise of tke eannoB. The yaakeos can be s^n creeping away on their beiliea l.ke orawlinc varrai. Lient. Bnoter, wiia hi| Vkltwarth rifle, Is doing good tervicf*; Colonsl TaasiU ai^ Banndere are among the Junior He- them on; fblnter stows tbe canr-oaade; the mwpet firing has cea^; the fl^t is drawing off; the land attack ha* iMea repulsed The day’s IJgat is over; aai thank Ood all Is well Everting akont the land front was new got in r«adi- neas tibe expF«tatlon that a night attack weo''^ be made by the land foree to sterm the fort A bright look oat waa kept up and onr pickets were thrown oat. Svery- thieg wae quiet however until aboat It o'clock, when ear pkket8 discovered the yankees landing on the f-x- treme right of the Fort, cear the mound. The aight wi»# dark and a heavy rsin had set in. Col. Lamb at the head of ^ infantry eneages them, and fac jawbii* *he rattle of^*?>r**etry waa neavy, hot the eiinnv et last dHren ov is again reemned. c'tnr-cat-iaitin to-f«y ware 99—4 killed and 36 wounded. Monqat SCtH'—Tke morning was very foggy, and the fleet was hardly visl>>le Tke tall tapering masts of the frigatee could be^ diseerned ia the fog looming ap like phantom Alps. The booming of oannoBOOiddlwV>eard in the distance np tbe beaah, and it was snppoted that the eremy were lining thair forcee. which iwDed out to be true About 10 o’clock by lookiag through a glass conld be seea a oolomn ef tto eaemy stretched out acroes the laid frost near Aaderaon. The loa^ roll was beat ud the mea lined tbo palisades aad manned tbe gons From some eause however tke ensmy made ao advancej and nothing happened about the fort daring the day. The men were all ia fiae spirits; and Ool. Tait with his fine battalien had arrived to take part in the fray. Th» firing nn the haack oentiuued all day, and also dorinf; the nifht Tke men were hard at work to-day in repaiting the damages to the fwt Titxsdat 27tb.—Tha morning openad- brightly Tbe glorious sun came forth from great old oce*n in 9.11 itci splendor. The rippling waves, crowncd with their white caps, rushiag on each other as ia a playful gambel, spark led in its light. All aatnrer see^man lovely. And io! there on the bar is the bleekade rtianer “Banshee.'’ The fleet see her aad two of them start after her, but she is too quick, aod proadly she oom*e in the in'et while the men crowd the onrtains wd oheer after cbeer ffreete her, which mre answeiOd with a vim by her crew. Daring the night anotiier bad eome in wboee same Lbare not learn ed. I woi^er how Mr.'*Admiral Porter ^It at that time, w'th a fleet of upwards of 60 veeeels net able to tffeehutlUf blockade New Inlet. It was sdoa seen that some important movement was going on among tbe fleet near Anderson. Boats coaid lie s^'en pasting to and fro from the vessels to the bea'^b. vfhe'ber the enemy were stii landiag troops or evacu ating oonld not be told; but it was jsopyosed by some that they were dolnc tbe latter, which proved to be correct. About IS o’clock the fleet stood out; the Irbnsidee, which had baen lying nearer the Fort, got np steam and started ont. an^ seou the whole fleet were oat eome distance, wImto tbfty anchored. A bright look out wsa kept up at night, bat nothing of importance ooourred. WsnpwrnDAT, B^.. 88.—Another beautiful morning. Half of the flast hae dleappaarad; tha reat are going on. A.‘iO o’idook, P. M.—^The rest have disappeared—aoSung bat the osnid blockade eqoadron are aow visible. l^sa Foar.—Tha oondition of the Fort aow is ae etrang an it arer waa. Having withatoad tke heaviest bom bardment that hae ever taken place on this oontteent, it hae prorec oondnaively that edrthworks are etroeger and a haodred tixnee leea Hable to ininry thaa any othar. The werka ware built apoa principles anknown before the war, and which have bMn fully ensiaiinRd. Gen Whiting kaa showB hie great wisdom in allowing ttie works to be pat ap, net aooerding to any regulax en|^ecrini^ plan, bnt as tha different deaige:) of the Oonuaandar, whcM “*d ladiutry hava baea always uuaaloyad to irmtr**« — -*• i laaure. -ey iaoa or ,new •n.d wW nas received the applause aad approvfil of his gallaatG-eneral. As the Wilmi g^in Journal tmth- fully remarks, tha namee of Cien. Whiting and CoL Lamb will always bs aesociated with the defance of Fort Fisher. Inaa>Birrs Ao.—It would t>e imposaible to give aa ac' oount of the inaamemble incidents that oocorred during the two days’ fight. I will only mentfon one or two. During part of the heaviest firing on Sunday. Gen’l Whiting and staff walked no fi'ona Bnehanaa ^ttery, dietaat abont miles frwm 'the Fort, and it is miracn- lons that any of them eacaped witheut injury. Col Lamb was all aboat the works, fnm one end to the other. Too much praise eannut be paid him; aad oa the memerable Christmas evening, when the aaemy were preparing to attack the works, his daring will^ never be forgotten, ftns'aiag oa the parapets, sward in hand, he called for Tolanteerri bo repalM the attaolq with a yell his men rushed after him; and that Toll caused the retreat of the yaakoes under oover of thdr fleat. At one time a shell fell into one of the batteries mann ed by Oapi Patterson; the fuse wae burning, and in a few seconds, would have exploded. Private Britsom picked it np and asked Private W. J. Tamer to ponr some cold water on iie £ue to cael ita «ng»r, which he did, and then threw the ehell over the battery. Every one did his daty, nobly and ffallaatly. Great praise in due to the Medical IMp’t, nader Surgeon Singleton, I must now aloes as tiie t>e^ is abont to start. TALLY HO ^umlHe$ at F»rl FUktr —There ware SI tilled. 59 wouaded. The latter have alreadv been paiilished. Tho kilK-d are: Amos d. Jonas, of Li. b'aisoa's :ioeats; Wal lace Murphy, F, 10th M. O. T.; Ilias Davis, C, 7^ Ju nior Reserves. Boxes fnr Soldiers. —Too Sarg^on tJ-^jUeral of tkis Stride IS oiir soldiers a*'d their friends a great ^ aer'Tice by forwarding all boxes, paskages, ^e., by a I sounds of tke enemy’s gans as they were fradfcotTld special mesapD^er at the first ot each month. On I be heardirst, andthen whewhistljBg,Bkrieldaf aonnd the first of DoCrtiuber ei»ht hnndred boxes w»re sent; I of the shells as they came wai*8ini? and baiKine f>r lue Soldiers’ Chrisrraao dinner four hundrftd were I through the air; their explosion and the myriad frai^ iori»ardcd, »nd w naw ou yesterday some two hnn-1 ments that went rattling bv, thick almost aa kail dred be sent on the first of January. This num-1 were terrible to listen to. Terrific continued the bombard- b3r will be largely increased before the messenger I ment—^no slow fi.iag now fron the ^aemy ^no dolibera- leaves.—Ral. Conaeruative. 31si. I tion—away they wuuid «hoot thair hell balla, laat ^ I where they threw them—faster and faster uomas the irM Death of “O,' Sher/ff —y) ir c-^iQ.n mi y nas heard I hail, louder aad louder sounds the terrible thundet^the with d'^ 'p retrret that M.aj U. B Moli i.*, "hsriff’of I air ie hot with the tire, each as you would experience New Hao^ve , i.>» u.3 .aore" \t th« odfinuiog of tuc I 'rom tha heat of a furnace; the earth shaken no uterval a SGVirt: w.,.ind ? lit afepnvkd him of toe one ar n. ilt w.is ;■ ^ooi aud trne man as vff i u.» a gallat’*^ • !di» r i.‘J wa« t' lojed and e-stt.mcd oy all who k.if"v, ' Jnumal, 0i’>e h ..—Tiiere is "obab'litv of a IQ tUtt tCiehoioui uuay ii'.v ui Gcii. L^^e hemg mj.d« hicfol Cii'iftderate armies, as Gnni k ••:* -irm-'cs. pupera Gene u is of th- €U soon tr: Phot tVi^pnrth thft window uso in wai m h? ucui -.' J ‘■••*-ke3, PUi>po3iu^ h>ai dyi jj.. - - — ^ ^ gallant officar. it ia a ,)?d. wi.l of hid wound rec"ivo i t>y a ;aDk^*e’s >a, linking Hven hits ooois. ■g- Oaaaaltles hi Oo.40th N. 0. Treeps, (ArtUtery.) Capt. (j. C. Whitehurst commanding, la tbe luttlss in front of iiavaaaah, 6so, Dec 1864: - Wouad^ -lagraham Smith, of 8amp«aa, in ahaulder —mortallv, and a prisoner, Jeremiah Olapp, head— sevKfeiy, ai^ a prisoner. Ghaa. Oummiugs, kaud. slightly. MAKKIKB, Near Lamrinbtuqg, Riekmond noanty, N. C, at the house of the bride, Dec 4», 1884, bv Rev. J. P. IdoPher- son; Mr. JOfllf MoQUSiNtoMies KFFfE WtLKIETSON. 9ISB, J AMIS PIB&Ol. member of Oo. H, 4«th Beg't V. C. T. was killed o« tho Stk of Mav at the battle of the Wll. derness, Va., aged 2S years and S months, lear^og a wife and i child, ALISOM PIBROX, mcanber of Ga O, 5d Rtgt N. 0. T., died SSd Qet 1844, aged 40 yeara, leaviag a wife aad 2 childcea. lo Kehmoa^ county, S’. OL, Dee. 2% IfOi, Hiss MARY GILLIS, a aative of tke Isle af Skye, Scotland, aged about 76 years, having bosa a great sufferer for the It^ 63 yeara. Tb« latclllfcAcer will Mt h€ re .vm?d ia teis toon, as itereWars r 30. It FOV]VJ», A PUBfli, esBlalelac a small sam ef money and n Boae e^ev anio!aa T^e ewaar oai) hAW it by ailing m B. Qlover aad payiag fer ikis adve^tisftmsat. IX-o'rSO. «7 liOst or IHIslaldi, AMRTinOATX, Mo 6t, Astod kUrdh lltk, 18«4, iifaod to as by Jeka W. £iandfcr4, D«]»o:iUr/, at this pla«e. fer S1w4#, d per emt. C’eiif,’>ier>vte B?ad*. Said eertiflsate Is witkoat ear eadeneMeat. tk{& is t, notify ttte pablfe tkaC we kave made applieaiiea ia da« fera of law te Mr. Baadfivd for a dn^Uotte Cv*iii«ate. J 4 N A. CAMEUO^. FayeilevUt. Dee’r 9Q. 87»« IS 3T *1? JB JL. IB ▲ JP JHL eafeaa»s e» tmm nuwr aasMMAKMt From the United Stmtes.—Ricbmokb, Dec. *1.— Tke Baltimore American of the 28th baa oflcial dis patches from Oen. Thomas representmg kis army stjll in pursuit of food’s disorganiaed force, ^n. Cheatham is said to kave abandoned his ammonition train at Pulaski. Glens. Lee and were both wounded Hood, at last acconnts. was at Baiabridga. Gbn Sherman has coinmnsicated to the Sec’j of War hie purpose to move up the Savannah Biver and capitate Aofoeta. Admiral Wilkes, somntime since dismissed from the Navy, has been reinstated by Lincoln. Glold 217. LATER.—Hood in Alabama—The Wilmington Expedition « Pailure—Gold advancing again.— Bicmmokd, Jan’y I.—The Baltimore Amerioan of the evaniag of the 39th has been received by flag-of- trace heat bringing snp^iee for the yankee prisoners. A speefal telecrara Trem Columbia, Teaaeseee, Dec. 28, P. M„ says that eseaped prisoners just ar- riTed from Florence, Ala, report that Gen. Hood’s advance reached that plaee an tke 2lst, and kis in- fsiitry were erosttag tke river the whole of the aext day. Forrest’s force covered the rebel retVeat A dls i>ateh had been reeeivsd from Fort Moaroe annoancing the failare of the expedition against Wil mington, bat olaiminr that «■ great deal of daauige kad been done to Fort Fisher and that a coi^pany of rebels had beea captured oataide tke Fort. A torpedo beat, leaded with SOO tons ef powder, waa exploded on Saturday meraing (24th) within S(M> ya^s of FisKar. Qald has i. ;>aai5j on 3ata From Richmond ofwi Belov.—Bicbhomd, Dec. SI.—Hea^y firing was heard in tha direction of Dutch Gap [the yankee Canal on the JamesJ tbis forenoon. 8now has been falling rapidlj all day, kit melti as it reaches iiie gnrand ' Tke Soldiers’ New Tear’s Dinner will be a saecess. From Oen. Zree’e Army.—PBTBRsatraa, Jaa’y 1. —Nothing kaa occnrred for some day* past t« inter- rapt tbe qoiet along the lines. The roads are in very bad order and military movementa are imprac ticable. Yesterday a yankee picket pest was surprised ia front of Wilooz’s division, and 40 prisoners taken. Tke Boldiert are lookiag forward with ranch inter est to the people’s offering of a New Year’s dinner, and are evidently muck pleased —tkeir appetitei sharpened by tke report ef good tkicgs in store for them. Tbe eitisens of Petersburg sabscribed io this object between $35 000 and $40,000. Conartztional Pfe$»dm§t —RioaMonn, Dec St—No thing of laterMt occurred yesterday, r.. Te-day, a bill wae report'd to the Sense by the Committee of Ways and Means, autheriaing the Sec’y of the Treaaxury ta ptir- chase $80,000,000 of spec’e. The House passed the bill fi^ving a IJniform suit to all ofBoers cf the army in the field (imder Brigadiers) and of the Nary (uader Cap tains.) The Senate wae in secret seesion. Richmond. Deo. SO —The Seaote was in sooret session to-day. Tee House paned the bill to facilitate the pay- mcal ef claims dae to deceased officers and soldiers Varioae new propositions were intrednced. RiCHXOxn. Dec. 31.—Congressional proeeedings te-day were unimportant. Oeorgia.—Tho Angasta Chronicle of tke 18tk re ports Kilpatrick with a large force of cavalry in Tho mas coanty, laying waste the country. Cassville, Bar tow county, kas been almost 'entirely destroyed. S churches and 4 houses are left All the bosineas honses in Oalbonn have beoc destroyed. The same in Oartarsvilla, where the Baptist chnrck was polled down, the pulpit of tha Presbyterian and th« seats of the Methoaist removed and destroyed. 10,000 yan kees are reported at Dalton to intercept Hood; not credited. From the Trani-M**sis$ippi—Tne RichmoBd 8e»- tinel has information that Gen. Price brought ont from Missouri 20,000 more men than he took in,'all 1^1 mounted aad eqaipped. His army was going inttLipntftr onartora an Red Hivar. Maj. Watson, just from Shreveport, informs the Jackson Mississippian of the death of Major General Price, at Dooley’s Ferry, Lafayette county, Arkaa- sas, on the let ult of apoplexy. Everything was quiet in the Trans-MissIsslppi. No yanke 'S Soath ot the Arkansas river. The con dition of tbe army was fine—they are well clothed and well fed. TcTwntmee.—^The la«t certMB information of Hood is to the eflbct that he is rallying his army at Colam- bia. He brought 70 pieces of cannen baek to the Sonthern bank of the river. He has not^lost more men in killed or wounded tkan the enemy. The enemy ^ not pressing him. Ric^nnd Examiner, 2ith. Gone Up.—We kava good aathority for stating that during the Iat> storm on onr coast, in which tke Bntler-Porter expedition was caught, tke entire 5th regiment U. S. Regulars was drowned. Net a man of them, it is Wieved, escaped.—Golds. Jour., Blsf. Charleston.—Gkn. Ransom has been relieved of the oommaBd af this distr’ct on accoiut of ill health, and is sncceeded by Gea. Taliaferro. At tke latest acoonnts all waa quiet along the line of tke Savannak railroad.—Charleston Mercury. U.ii. I*resid&,Uixl iui-action.—Ti^Q official popular vote was: Liacoln 2,182,502; McCieilan L775.200* lineoin’a nnjority insj mtu ail over w:in me wet .eand, He doeeat even aovn, n'>ievm takes his pipe from his mouth, and ealy r«m irKs coolly, “ ell, it spattered me ” Still 'o iiitermi.-ion -the evening go-s oo-^he time slowly iho men r-tand to tli-ir g as nobly. Soma h;tvv y»-«ferd^y all d»y, and still fighting: ttiero no i« ihem; they fight as men never foujrht fore with he v aaiw. (lol. Lamb arid vJeo. Whitinir are ■ -ry ,0.1^ tho encouraging them; fi^mbitr ,y 10 l.^ttc y they tho men look at them and fmOe and bn'i r v ty a^iaiu; tuo o-rmandera of the companies iin* • II I't tbM r 1 n.>re stand Faison and Parker at he left vijig: hory is ratt^rson, hie f4«e all blackened with po^vder h^t; k 8-' P'jundsr: and vouni? Sutton WAMTKU. ‘ud -Va^'h ■ li t!ie l-iud Iront; old Rili>v his nofn- irtand tiieiH;; there is Hoater coolly pecjriaK away with * YOUKO l*VDY of i3\ a pHu**ke a* hie BlnKttlys and 10 inches; Jas. Kelly at the Cumb«r-| Qo'emeeB ia a scMlt fatal^h>re sh« ew fcav«> Nnd, pouring it Into them; th jre at the six gan tottery I • Piaao. Tmnns reaao&' bln. Addreaa La- off9500 H«vriird. RANAWAT from tbe ftab9atiV"er en iho 7.ft . t*o aegro mea, vis: eeu::taaui BEOAOH, abeat tO yearv aW, sir f>^t 4»rk t*r- pcreoltVf weighs aboat . WILA.f.iJ, Reoaatit^n^r eaUed abont 19 e'd, !*« t^c >aeks0 kig^ »P>*r oomplexion weij^ks fr^ont 170 Ij*. Tbe above reward wrtl be prvid for llietr apprek^iksion aad delivery ia any JaO tt i caa get t^em. W. L. L1«BTT. lenae'tsvire, 8. 0 .1'-e’r fT. 97 a- = j could be ?een the taU form of Perry Jf Co! B,'aiid I >MdU*e'y, M Bobby of the Navy, as they tdl their nsn io bkae I I—iTi*~~**^ 1if"TTBiink. fttkllBtTili ipilii T MvSf' J. P. las liX, rkf «tl«TiUa. R. 0. gAyKTTEVU4i.E MARK BT. -Jan 2. 'i fcf un’v c'lauffea sJaee 1 st M.>ad.ay etc: Batter 18 to 9 0(>; Ft-ur, Suopt. rjunilT *300; Con $25; V^hrai. f40 ■: ftv O-'s f 5; P.» S S22 60; Oor'' fViiBkc? #S‘>; Arpl* ■*. i $30 MALE AND FEMALE . cext &f thie lK:i(ii.a'ion vi 1 o'mneB('e I. >'^n’y 23d. 1864, oa tbe foilcwicg Term$ per seasioa of OTOfi' s: Clius—Spelling, Beading. IV ntingand iritk- meuc, 2i Class—^Eoglisb Ora&mar, Oeograpby, O.om- poMitioa an Hlstcr/, %d Cf«M-Pfti'oscphy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Bh«t«Ho and Sioeutien, i(h (^OM—Laugaages aad Matkeuaties, Jootingent Fee. BoMti, Wsskieg and Fuel per m?atk, The a>«ove terme to be p>id ia oorm at 76 ota. per baebel. whetkt f1, ba«on ots •f-n lb., or ia ether prodaoe at eorteepmdinK ra .ee. If paid ia carrenoy »n eqnivalent will be req'ifred Stndeats firom a dista;^ee mast par in advaaee For ither infi'.rmation address the Priaeiral ABR^M WEAVSK, Priacinal. Bast Bend, Yadklu Co , M. 0 , D»e’r 80 97‘‘^(pd 95 00 7 £0 10 00 lb 00 oO « 00 IjNkI for Mayer, A MeUAH. Cemsuasioaara, Ward Ve 1. AC TkorntM, 3. Af MeKiBBOB. t. Alez’r JekBSM, Jr. 4 SMOrrall ». Dr. K A Blaok e J K Lee. 7. J C Pee- A A. WcXethsB dealiaes serving as OsmmlseiiMmr la Ward Me 5 joba C. laigk dealree Met to be voted for i» Ward Mo 8. Dee. 29 9«-ttpd C^ARII ]««T1€£. THI K] is Beja sBotk«>r lot ef OottoB and Wool CABDf (»e»dy for «»a) for distrlbntioa to ■oldiwf’ flsmlllee* at f 10 per pair Aaents will please call for ikem H A. DOWD, A. Q M. M 0. Dee 80 tT Ot List mw i^bttbm RIMAIMIMO ia tke Feat Ofllee ai FayetSeviUa, N. J%n’y 2, 1S65. Wbea ealled fer phase asr are advertised. M’fts 8n« Allen Th»e J Areber, MreManle Andrews, J ft Aadera. a. A C Bw:e. Mim Mary I Blaa^ Jesank BooK^aas, Mrs Slis.betk B^»nt, Miss M A Bale, Joeira'Coane U Mathew H C*mrbell, ! J Oeaey, Mia M Pobbia Caivia Davidsea, Jas Davis, MraMa’garei A Davts. H 8 Deal, Mt«s »epMa Deva, MiM F J lljM, J H Iver-tt, Miea lUea Qay, Jeka 0UmB, lusa ^ary HowKrii, Mrs Bebeoea Ha4ly, ieelore(*'i Samnei Hnddleatvo, D B Horten, Tecs Mall, Miss Abb B Jask* • *«, Jmv A JokBe»«, Mr* miab ■ Uvf S, MiatMbryO Moaroe, Mlu FoddlaB Meared LAMarbary 1 Beb W Moore. Mrs Catharine Menroe, Mrs Batba Mnaalea, T MeDtaiel, Mies Mary A MeMillan, Mrs Cbley Me- Lean, Mrs Lasy MoBjnald 2, A C MeDoaald, Miss 8%rah E MoDcbhU^, Tbos O’Briae, Misa Oymkby Priea, Miss Fanaie Parker, J B Boberte, Jas Boberta, Isbam Begaas, Mrs Biiw A Smith, Jae Sowell. Ifiaa Haa«y Siricklaad, A A f Sewell, Mias Kate D Mean, Mrs ga»an Suieklaad. Miss Marnret B Skaw, Ospt Tkea Sqaires, D F Sinelair, O C Tatam, Meweesse Tatass» Jae Wallcee, Mrs ^ary Toaag. JAR • OOOK, P. H At a MSBTIMG Of THB COMMXiBlOf^lBS, la open bookH ef enbeerlptien to tke eapital stoek ef tbe Dtef Biv^r Tr?nspertatieB Company» keld tn Ba- ‘(ifb on tbi 28tb D)eemb«r, 1664, it appearlag ^at mere than $50 tfOO are snbseiibed by selveat aabeeri- bsrs, it is ordareJ that a meeting of tbe eteekkeldare t>a called at tbe cfije ef tks B & O B. B. Oo, in Ba- leigb, N O., oa tbe IStb Jaanaiy, ItM, at 4 e*ele^ p. m , for the porpose of orgaaising the eompany. Ordered further, that tbe baoks of enbaaription Im kept ope* oatil tke day of mestiag, at Feyetteville, aa- der eaperinUtndeaoe of O B. MallHt, B«q, at Pitta- boro', of B. H Stratigkn, Bsq., at 9nlf, of €feo. Waek- ington,'S«q , at Loek^ille ef * *apt. B. Bryan, at Ral^b, of tbe nadersigned By order of the Cemsslseioaem. W. J HAWK1K8. Ckainaaa. Kbhp p. BaTTLB, S«o’y. Dao 80 97 2t Chieera C«llei;iat« TH£ irat Bessioa ef this lastitolioB (leeaied at Lam- berton, N C , on W. C. A B B B ,) will epea witk « fall aad ezperieaee^ eorpa ef Teaekara, tke eeeead Wednesday ia Jaa’y aad e^ose tke tftk Taeaday la May 1866. This lasUtatioa baa a tboreogk gradoaliag eearse fer yenng ladiea and alae a esaiae fer preparii^c beya tct College, wtib eaa^ departmaat eatirrty aepai^. UEPBBsas as tauows: Ttdtioa la Primary, 9M M •* Oosassea Bagli&k, 96 M « Higher 76 00 Laagnagea, eaek, SO ft Moaie ea Piaae, 70 00 Use ef Piaao, 6 99 laeiddBtal fee, 2 60 Stadeata bearding with the Preaideat will ba oaiW ills constant enoervislea and be ebarfed BS per meath of 4 w««eks to ee paid in provlsieas at ik« fsllewiag prises: Flenr S6 69 per bbl.; Com $1 par baab ; Baoea an4 lA'-t*, eaod, 16 et*. per Ib , and other edibles iatke ‘.~>a:e propMiea Tkia will refain fer a seasloa ef Howd 40 basbeis ef (3«m, 26#4 lbs Baeea er Lard, ar ef hUa. ef Fi«ar. Eioh one will be required to faraiak kie er ker owa room; 1 tca*aeoa a?d 1 kaifa aad fork. Beard to ka p«H invariaoltf m edeanee, aad taitioa ona kalf at tka '^inaiag, and tbe rcmund^r in tbe middle ef Ike eea- .^lOB Mo rxtravaganee ia drees is eapeoted. A neat keea- epna salt ^ti very eaitable far aekoel er ekareh.. For fartker partiealare addreee Bev. P H. BCOTBLL, Prea't, Lamkwtea, M. O. D°e*r ?7. 0g-18« WaHt€d laimediateljr, MILLI^B. well rseoauseadad as ta ekecMter aad- capability, at the Merebaat Mtlla, Fayatterill*. • B. MsDiMIlL, Ageat D'o’r 10 A e»30e REWARD. I WILL pay one 1 ii»ns«nd coUarsrewftrJ for tk« appre- buaaioa of a k*« by the uaue of WM 8 rOBKM AM, who broke j^U ia tbis ceaty oa the 80tb Bee 1884. Said Cevkmaa is abont 28 yean of age, abont 6 feet 8 or 9 iaehes high, light compleoted, Ugkt hair, itont bailt. Also, Five hnpdT’d dsUars far aaek of tbe following aersoos who broke Jail at therame t‘ibe: WiUy'Naonrry, who in abent 85 ye^rs of axe, 6 fejt 10 in'hea high, stoat built, lirht oampleoted >ig'ut bair, three fingers of bis left haad off. William L Perry [Bud] ahcrt tbisk set, etsnt baUt, d*rk oompleeted, frost teeth ba.^, one oat. John Hilt, [his sapp^se \ a*me. he has r'fused t«* teP itl abont 22 yea*^ of age, short thiek si". s'%t an his head from a netnt blew, bad hang-drfr . ;jaeeaa«e P. P. ALPEa ff '.g, TiiJer T'oc. *0 1*64. 97 tf fkmtcclcrate Tax l¥«lic** I WILL attend with ttf iS'"> ’•irs -^See ef A M Campbell, firoaj Wo-i^o#/^ , J *f 1 » - *^trda/ Jautiiry 21st 1866, to r'. .o ’ea^rst-. TiToa due J*n'’*r» l^t t36:», ts vi. Specific Tax, (fct Lie&^e;» Tax on 8'lee for t' e Qaort^r D^o'r 3*jt 1S-P4; Tax on laormei, Prcfit? * Additional Tax on P > b> ‘ uji’'; rad ^t’ling at anv Mme be^we^t! ’ la 1863 i.-' J^n’yl't 1866; Ad‘ii‘i"'ts’ T'x ou P- fi s ax • -int -w^oty-w^* p’t eent (tnno- *nf- y-.r 1?!’4 b/ ar.y ovrparatioa 6r joint stock casiTaUf. I weaM r' ? ■«l.'rB to the f>llotr!ng eatra'^t.frc'* io.; ur'f / ui '.'Otived *>y ms: “T»r*»«y dai« are%'!#7Mr3;i;>t«aapnreona to .eake quarterly retarw afier th' «>x miration cf a quarter, aad paysesnt oa the iaa is reqmred to be ssade withtn (iol Urn B. W. HABDIB, OiBestSf MaDkit,»a OwlflkllMk S4BUI AXTOTION 8ALB. BY m. C»gyi.X» roar WARDJsirsr sale. CARC^ SATED El STEAMSHIP «IUA.»’ ON THURdD jJT, Jamia^ 1I6S, eesameaetag at 1C o’oiook. A. M., I will sell at my Halsa Boesu. Ftobt Sircet. Wiia}inic..ja, M , aater laapeetiw ef the Port Ward.=>as, f^r and on eesonnt ef whom it may ^onoem, all tuk' utirg 1 &dved from i^e wreek of STEAMSHIP ELLA—Via; 1680 pieoes darV;, faney aad »rottr iac Frinta, 66 **. bioaebed Sbirtiage, 61 dca^n Half —aseorted, 2i> pi«e^s fct’.ok Aipvea, 20 “ Ai«ao&—atssaned c4ers, 12 “ Alpaea Lustre, IB •* M^roca StrJpte, 20 dcssn Linen Carnbrio H»ndkei«*kJefk, no piooea Paper CambTic—aesorted oolo^ 6 ** black Broad Oloth, 16 “ 6fcy Glotb, 6 “ Tweeds, 48 rolls Ribbon. 19 black Lae; MaetOlafl, 200 dcxen Ooct'-* Spool Oettoa, 60 gross Agate Buttons, 180 |^«ck9 Pins, 89 doasn Dremag Conibs, 8 ' Merino Drawers, 150 Ibe. Flax Ibread, B It W. 20 Ltttar Oopying Books. 74 dcs^n Fr Wezed Calf Skins, 66 “ Goat Skias, 20 " Okamcis Skins, 20 sides extra S^ Leatker. 30 boxes Adamantiae Caadles, 27 ** Bfown Soap, da •* Brown Wy^laor Boap, 7 ebests Tea, 5 bags Coffee, 10 bsgs Pepper, 7 oases Waite Wine Viaegar, 1 desea epek, 1 oase Cheeaa. 2000 lha. Oeltoa Oard Win. AMD . Immed ately tkareafter, the following tommd goods if oeived by rec*nt arrival*: 8 «a8S Blaok Fi«x Taraad, 1600 lb*., 6 Clark’s Spool Cettea, 2000 doiea« 1 “ Agute Batsons, S6 gt gross, 2 “ WkUe Bone BntUms, % gt gres^ 7 ** Militar* Baiteaa, 2600 pairs hsavy Bresacs, 6 oases Head Stalls, Girtks aad Bneklee. 10 bales Tyrine. 8 oeaes (*ottea Cards. Deo 24. gg.1. Bank «f FaycttcTilic,) Dxc£3uint 21, 1864. j 'IIELb Directors of tl^is Bank kava declared a semi^. L nnal Dividend ef Fiftaea per esst —payable ia Con- f3 ‘Pirate ctutreaey, ea tke 3d of Jaa’y 1*66. 9S 8t] ,W. Q.'BltOADPOQI’. Cashier. BAHK OF CliAKe]V]>01¥,l ^ ^‘jett.'edle, Dee-28, l»a4. / LS W -eetara have tbis day deelared a seal mb jal D’^ndacd of 5 per ren‘. oa *be capital stcek, payabl# in ourreu-y oa the 21 cf Jar'^avy 1»65 9(J 2- » J. W. BAND«X>£D. CaaVr. . WAlVTfil^ TBUSTY, ACTIVB BOY» far Arajmaa ai Iht Msc- kias ie aisaHliiM. nmftVL 9i.ai %

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