Bl»10 wa •MAOTKO FjcbV Ifi. 1864t. ;» Act to vTrti, Tax and Ijimit tht. Ovrrenci/. JsOx cit 1. ihe'^otKjrtJs ’ ' tie (junf^^erate '*x T I '/'w *•,'■» ?o (»Tjac/. '■ Lat the ktidcr* of ; • ' . j u?tbove tbo deo3;ui^ia^.IcQ of ^5, • ■ sh*!! bo *l!o'.vod ViS^il tb-: ^ Apr i ‘ ••)!, 01 tiia I*Jkto •■>■ - a id uoui tue > aud :. t’ - ; .:i f V, ...Ijh 'li'i.-rjrj - f - ?! r d ;,o fj* i tli?. *»Rm* ia rogin- ’ or. 20 5curs after tbnir date. WariQflr latoiv^^t ihe runa of 4 per sent, por an auLu, pivai/.j oa tlie let of January and Julj of !' ? yK ' iio’.'f’tary o*' tho Treasury is I'orcbv 6U horiscd t~j »■ ao fhe bonds repaired for tbc iuudin:. prc ridod for in tho prcocdin? nc>^^icxx, ^ind B.nU thp boada can be proparftd he v - xa oor the purpose. Such bonds a»'ti '■rt.iuoateit s»jall |[*« receivable without in^ -r- a jravvn^nt of all Q-07cj ni^put dues payable in inu ’■> a.' 18i)4. except exp^irt *ind import dat»c5. Seo. •>. Ti-a\ all Treasury niitoft of tho ueacmi- . -.'ir. ■ • Uk>, i>'*i btarii; ii.tcrest, whlcii ahali nc t; .Tvb-a!e> for funduss under the provision* of Li2 1st soction of i.\h »-jt, shH.U, froa asd after the Isl iiy cf Apr:! 1*^64, east of tJic Muslssipj i river, l "ito Icl *.y of Ju’y 1364, west ef t^at. M co:i..c to bo receivable in pajment cf pal';c md said not«s, if not so presented at ’at time, shall, in addition to the t« of 33^ ;^.,oiied in tho ±t}« acotion of this ae^, b» snbjDvjrea to a tax ;*f 10 per ceut. per mouth ao- til so , i':;cc“.ed; Hhi-'h Ehall aU«ob to said dhall be ubjeot to a tax pet oent. on er- ty or otfecni oi kiud, uot ouuia«^at6d u ory doUa proKuod o» U» fkoe thereof, B?dd tut 1 tie procediii^ paragraph, i)etwc9ii tirncB to attach to Mud motoA waeraver ciroulatcd, and sAuidd therein, 10 )*tr cant., in to ^d lioten tf> 1»o funiable a«d exohampcablrj for iiftw tie tfci ®ii suck pr©4ite 68 iacome, nilddr tfafe '^easnijr cotea, a« horeis previdcd, subject to I afort'tiiid. «:he dediirticE Bftid toy I 0»rthc of f*rofifcs excoeding •'^^y 3Ut« holding cd bo.»r. to, 1.0,.,.. h,r,.m Mod (or | ^ Mij bl=k or ka4i-- tit! *T13 * ‘ .1 f, .. ;t. 6 >>ci riotcver circ-jiat' ti. and ^hali be dedautcd wueafver present- fl a^^{? snid nciss .shali ; acw if»eue «f Trea- uOt'J: fruT.. f.oe of ^»aid nat.-i Ui ;v ueiit or f;»r ivi' not .»» C3-. -’H*?fo” *■ F'tcy D,- . b i-ro.iuo'i for ia sot - 4. Tiiri; o;i all '4*U Tr-'aaury i»tM not f”- ’ i or used !u |>r*j!n'iRt of taxos at the dat*> itnd places pre.'^criiTU ia i’-a 1st sccdou af tiiia set, t’lpro ahall l>e if.vied at »aid dat-as aad plaocs b \r o: 13* ^utj or every doiiar promised oa tr r-',cc of said Lotds; svd tax *hail to »eid Ev’«c3 vrhc'*eve*’ ciroalatod, and shall be ooileotcd hy dedocticg the sanie u» tuo ti'oosury, its deposi tories aud by tas oolloctors, aiad by aH Gov«ra- ment offioorj rocciviEg the suate wfecnavM p*«- fiout'.d f jr payaieat or for landing, w in pa^nreut oi Gcveruinoot dues, cr for postage, or in ex- cliange for tew ootes, as koreinafter provM«d, and said T; cu.iur^ nolc5 t^ksil be fundable in bonds as provide • iu the lijt scctioa of this act, vQtil the Ui d:,v .Jann'iry 1885, at th«r»(ie of 65| eaata on t^-o doiiar; and it shall be the duty of t^e S«o- •lary ef the Treasury, at any timi between the " ' 11 V, ^ ■••■sivt- !S ; it j joot bonus fef tho l^enfcders.te payable 20 years aher dnte, auJ the interest payable tueiui- annually. But kII Treasi'^ry nat-os re^eirad by ntiy '^tat** aftfir t^' viaaf" fi.s»d P.)r t«:tiTjg the «»aie 2S aiorociaid, skall b« held t^> haTC Ween rebeived JiiB’nished by tho »ic*> nat tax. Tho di« ?^riK.-:*arion betwf‘53 tfce 00?^'I'nbi*'''*’ *• the ^nd these not %o pubjeot, afcaH h'^— Si50. 13. That n''*To heratofore Isso ’^ji'pring intorost at the rp.te of S7 BO on the $1 M) iitr r-a«UTU. atiall no l>D*»w(»r be r"ooiv6d in ?u y- tnf'n* of pnb'iw tiuefi. hut shall b« ^ft^'^ed a »d con^i'Jered b««aj ('!nuf.'deT*>>y' Stjit^, pa’ a- b!i? two y(*ara eftor r3t5fio?*ion ot ~ treaty ■')f with tpe Uhitft'i fSt.a;3f.. Ifca ritc si 'r.teiftst s^eeifjrd oa "?'''•• T.ftbla l^fe of Jaauary of each and every y-sar. Rt30 14. Tha* tho !S»crr.tJiry **ie 'rvoMTtry be. aud he hereby, atiihori'yfd, i* 'rntse the ^»fli eeociea of the Sovcrnraeai re«»»ii'o it, *«> pay th? desaand aay ptiblie '^r^ ^‘*cr df»lpt may be can-.aeted &fter iha af this »si., wiilirio; to iho s?r. ? la a sf n .’ "Utednc*!S, K t«« i't«i>c5 by fca:d St'r;. 'ary i» su tor’T- ho wiyf'' propar, 4’TO yc^Js a of a ir^aty ©» witli the United 8ta*«K, l-oani’g islcrt^^t s,t rj> ^ of r.ix ner c^nt. p.'r aannsa rvr.ysiU’o *»r.-»i.>i335?>jfy, t-ij irraff'-!-ablo oniy by epweial wjdorM’neat, vsder r eruk'ioaa to ba prescribed by Scarel^ry of tJie Trei-nry, r-nd .uy*3 oejt?l*.-it»s fiHall V« oxr^t pt fr€>w tAxatioa in aai iatflrest. Sasc. 16. Thj Sesrptiiry « th« Tres^Kry is thoriied to inOTewe the nuTahar ©f dtpmt«no€ ?n &3 to m«at rM^nireiMBr^ ef this act, >,':d w «t tkat view to o»pUy icuoii (f the baaks •*. tV.a i^v- eral Stftt(>s ae k« v.»y decn ozi»ed4o»t. Sm. 16. The So:r^i»ry »f f'he Treawwy ffcnil fwlhwith advertiw act ia grefe aewspap-^r? ptibiU^hed 19 ti>e lavortJ W sw>h ati er 9>9&a9 aa iball i»eoare ii&atei^te psbl.ieity^ rsd tl*e S«erctary ef "^fcr a»d Se*r«tATy ®f Navy fiball each catsee it to ^e pubH.Hh«d ia goiw ral order for ttt *rrf5ma*io» of the army cad Mtyy. Sw. 17 Tfce 4fii nocncn of tlie act tor 1jf asaeecine&t and o«lleotion «f taxe«, approved ]V?ay 1st 1S63, is hereby pep«Aled. 8*0 18. Tha ik>«ret»*y of tbs Traaaury is t:;r OS,- caTinl, navigsU-ien^ im- tulegi'apk, exprcia. rAtlro?>,i, Ht».nuJac-ariTig, dry deck, or otiier joint Attack conipaay of any dfBcriptii^n, wiietkar incorp>:)rat«d er not, 25 per ccat on sucli exc9ta. Bed. i>. Th-9 ftelVvivnDg exeifiptiocs frc-ik taxhtiou Mttfiiir thia act shaJl b« aHowei, fco-wit: I. P that thtt abov« exem}> le ^ro«q, wh?..'--'* . . of April and the 1st of July, lbt>4, wcot oi horeb^' autuorUed aad r»3quirod, upon the appU- thc MI»Ls^;ippi river, and the 1st of^ 1§65, oatioa ef the holder of aay eafi certifLoat«, which. ilate and exehansce new Treasury notes i .r • t saiae at the rate »( 6ai ceTita ba the dol- Li ; .'^'rooilod, Thai notes of the decomiaaaon of t‘ll'0 tbali not be entitled to the pri^iljge oi aaid ei change: Provicfed furth^, that ^iQ rrpht to iuud iuy of SMd Trcastiry notoa, after tho lat day of January 1865, ia hereby t^iken away: An^ pro- vr? i fz^fther^ That upon ail imoh TioMury notes ui:'y remain outstanding on the 1st day of *1sTi iary 1^05, aad which may cot be oxohanpec icr lie rt Xr :a3ury notos, as herein provided, a tax • ^ '00 pe.- 0&-S'. ia hereby imposed. Sso. 5 That afler the first day of April next, all autacritj heret'>t'.re given to the Secretary of the Treasury te isdua Trea&nry notes sLaU be, and is hereby, revoked: Provvie'l, the Secretary ©f the Treasury may, after that time, issue new Treaaury notes, in such form as he may preseribe, payabJe to years after the ratification of a treaty of peace %ith the United States, said new ioraee to Oa receivable in payment of all pubHo dues, except export and import duties, to be issued in exohuas^ for old notes at tke rate si 2 dollars of the new for 3 of the old issues, whether said old note;? be flurrondered fir exchange by the holders thereof, or be roeeivcd into the Treoswy under toe provisions of this act; and the holders of the neT - o’" cf the old noteS, except those ef the dononiin?*:- n of SlOO, after they are reduced to Coi cents on the dollar by the tax aforesaid, may convert the same iuto call oertifioates bearing in terest at fhc Tf^te of 4 per cent, per annum, and p-iyable two years at^r a ratiuoation of a treaty O' pcaoo with the United l^tatea, onlcsa soascr cjnvorted into new notes. S*a. 6. That to pay the expenses of fhe Oov- em'?_;cnt not otherwise providoa for, the Secretary 0; :' .o Treasury ia hereby aathoriscd to issue 6 n*. ' n. bonds tio " >ounr. not esoeediug five -C ' ‘ • ’ rnillionp of doi;ir.., cLe principal aad in- herc --f sba'il Le free ^rov. tamiou. and ! f>r the yiiicni of ioiurv*? *=;cr oq tho cu;-r'^ ntt ; reseipts of-.•i> cxpor^ uaty nc- rUuT laid on tho ) V.iluo ui iQ/ COL' G, '. vud uaViil 5*cr>;s, j w-iioU aball be esAurt^id ir'-m the ;Jcnfcdcrt.lo j S uites, aud lie not proceed j of '.Ls» import duties | ujw laiJL, O’ 90 mucii liicrcof a& may be neoestiary to pay aanualiy the intcru.^b, are hereby specially pledged: Provided, that the duties now laid on :;oports are hereby pledged and shall hereaf ter be paid in specie, or in steruug exchange, or iu coupons of said bonds. 8-^0. 7- That the idecretary of the Treasury is iicreby autlwrixod, frcm timo to time, as the waats of the Tr-'aiiury may require it, to sell or hypothec- 3 for Treadury notes said bonds, or any parr ;iicrcuf, ^-poa the Dost terms he oan, so as to me*:. appropriations by Oongresi, and at the same tixn^ reduce iiud restrict the aulouat of the cirou- iauua ia Trcu:.ary aocea wichin reasonable aud ’’’I'its. - The bonds authoriiod by tho 6th seo- uoa ii this act n^ay bo either re^i^tcrod or ooa- poa boudij as tho parzies taking thoca may elect; they may be exchanged for cach other under , suoi I'.. : !■: .')Bi AS u.o .I ''’vsr^.Ty of r’tie TrifBoury j •jiaj Jiibii. 'incy alirwl be ior lOv), and iiii.5.Ii { U)g«( ier *i?itit coupons thereto atuched, bein succi '.i .-a iia i jfeavh '^.7a Lho retaiy oi iiio '.Vreasury u\ay preijCiibe; the iu*/eicjt ahai> oe payable half on cUc Gr^t of Jaa’; and J'jiy in yearj Lue pvrncipal shall be ^lay- abl ■ Dot iocii ti-an uO years t'ror’^' ihoir d»*r«. t !'> 9. Ail evil cortiSoatjd uiali bo facdable, and be .uzod ia ail rcspocts as is proviciod ior -y Treasi’ry notdS ioto waieii they are ooa- ▼enioij. li convorted before the time fixed for taxi a g tho Trcasu^ notes, such eertiacatej ahal> fro Pi that time bear intereat upon only 66| oeuu> for every dollar promised upon their face, aud shall t3 redeemable in new Troasury noliMi at that but after the passage of this aet no oall ceicliiaates shall be isanod until after the first day of April, l&bi. yso. 10. That if any bank of deposit shall give its depositors the bonds authoriied by tho first section ot tim act, in oxohango for tUeir deposits and speoifying the same on the bonda by some disiiiiouvo mark or token, to be ogr^ od upoa with liie Secretary ot the Troasury, then ndd de- po^iit^.v shall b« entitled reoiftve the amoa>3t of said bends in Tr^'-caury notoa, b-ianng no ! ioid ouUt«uding at the pjwsage ot thiB act: /•'ro- ths said bonds are presented hei^jre the priviicjo oi luading said notes %t par shall eease a£ her3in prescribed. Sso. 11. That ail Treasury noi-ee hcrotofore iaanui d t^^o denoroication of $5 sb ‘U continno io b« .lie *a i xr.-nt of public’“dues, as prcTidc'? by law, *kad lund^ble at par under the proTifi’-caa *©t a«t, tmtil the irsl of Jniy, 13t4, iiuif uad until the first October 1864, west of |ba Miaaiaeippi nW| ^ by the first secJica of tio act to pro^/idc for hj fuadic^' and iartlrr iwcs of Treasnry notes, nf~ proved March 23u 1805, wm required to bo tncTcf»,it-er deeded to be a bond, to iaeue to snoli holder a bond thi refor upou tbc terns provi'^ed by .^aid act. Art Act k> ixy addm^ffhol Tams f&r Hie cc:y}r anxd fiv.pifort nf Gf.>iie>>'r>mcnt. u«4:. 1. Tii*^ Consjrofc^ of tli3 OonJ’oder/jte States of A.m€frica do ppact, Tbat in adii- tiaii t'* fcba i/a^es leveled tho act “to lay taxoB for tlio f*omracTi defence and to carry on the Q J i'ornmcat ©f the Confederate Stat«H,” approved 24th of Apiil 18*K>, there shall be leried, from tho pas«4^o of this act, oa t-he snbjecte of t^'.x;«.tion hereafter mentsoatid, and eollect^d fro n every person, €opart»«r- ship, aasociati'jn or corporation, liable tl»e>*e- to, tAxca sut follr»\pa, trv-w’t.* I. Upon the vaclue of propcMiy, real, per senal and mixod, of every kind aad deeci «p- tioB, not hereinafter exempted or taxed t s a different rate, 5 per ecnt.: Prorided, T tat from thk tax on "th« Talne of property m- ployed in agricnltnr© shall be deducted i4n» of the tivx in kind delivered therefrcai, as aseoesed nnder the law imposing it, and delivered to ttie Government: Provided, That no .credit aball be allowed beyond 6 per cent, n. On the vain© uf gold and silver wares and plate, jewek, jewelry and watjli©B, 10 por cont- HI. Tha valno of property taxi^d an?er tliis eection shall be assessed on tho b.^sie of the market value of the eanie, or eiiuilar v to perty in the neighborhood wbereaBcecsc i ir Vie yer\r 1860, except in cfw?e3 where lai d, '%^'ic, corcon or tc>bacco have been p ir- chased sin^e the 1st day of January 18'. "2, in which case the said land, slavos, cott in aad tobacco so purchased, shaii be assoas jd at the price actnally paid for the same ‘5y the owner. Sec. On the vaiUv^ of ?.ll p'aaroa or int'jr- ests heiu m any bank, banklu^ company er association, canal, navigation, importiT g. exporting, insurance, manufacturing, t€ e- graph, express, rani 'iac^. aud dry-do^ co'-n- pauies, juid all oiiier juiui a^’ock oompan es of every kind, whetlior incorpo'atad or n-jt, 5 per ccat. 'iu8 value of property taxed under l.i6 section shali b-3 aebe^sed upon the batiis ol the market value of euch property ia tae- iieighbjrkood v/here assessed, in such ciir- rcncy as tn&y be iu general use there, in P’lrcii.Jia and &ale of such property, at tie t.'^QC oi i-'^'.ii^Duorit. Qc. =>. Upou the aaioant ’ : ,.;oixI a'id >: »-.)f .>MU, jroIJ viii i , •' • ?r BrlvGj oulli(.*n, .viGi'ier held v>y th^ or olUor corj.o- raii'M*s Of mdi Mualfi, 5 ;>er cent.; and nptm n ir/ip. ifd held .bf’ovi, (*r ■ p the amount iki Ol «.#;uuiu2:c, .i^a^n *.u-.3retoi on ;c>rei5:n > uutr t«^ :i& r i 5 oont.; such tnor'^T a fo oe aaooaded aiid ao' - t^. tDQ e »Uio thereof at Mio JW'"* wi er ^ b*: ^ is paid. !i 'J -.;-i ati^ouiii 01 iJ] solvent cre- dite, 'n wi ail -ilia %nd all other pa- pors ipAiiod oarrency, exclusive of non- iutera'iK »>earias^ .federata treaaury notoa, aud not .siitplovtid m % re^ji-itered bufiinosfl, the income den tf '*m which is tftxedf 5 per cent. , , ^ , Sec. 4. 0 ooa protits made m trade and bOJKUiudS, (#>110^91 L Onau made by baying and sell- ill/ ttointo'ih v.»i'iora, flonry wheat, oom, rice, sngtkT, :-.»i'»«»ee8 or sump) salt, bacooy pork> hogs, bee» '*t booi cattle, sheep, oats, hay, lodder, raw hjidca, leather, horees, mule«, boots, sltoes, cctton yams, woOl, woolen, co^ ton or ijiixod clo*i^3, hats, wagons, hamosr, f?oal, iron, steel or aails, at any time bif tw^a the lot of January 1883, and the lat ot Janu^jy i8C5, 10 par cent, in additio;i to the tax on anch proSto sa income under tiie “act to I^y taxes forlhe common dafence, arid carry on thio Qovemmeat of the Oon federate jS!;atea,” appiovod April 21, 1863. IL Oii ail proilta • :.:;do by bnying aad ieUing raonay, gol'l, stiver, foraign exclrang^e, ,-.^prr‘ head of a family to th« val^'ft of ^500; atJid for e:u:k minor child of the tUiMily to tho farther value of $10G'; aud for *-1.01: son actually en^a^d in the army or n*v v, ^r who haa' died or bear: L'iiicd iu the iniil’tary or naval eervice, and who was a sieiubcr of tho family when be ;.2t5rp>“ -Va ftcrvice. to th« further value of Tl. Pr«'iierty of the v.'idow of any officor. sdldier, ^:*ilor v^r marine, who may hava died ® ^een ki’led in the military sr rav'«.l samco, -r wUere therw ia 1*0 widow, then of 'bn f«:i-Hv, iaiu«»r cbil?re,»?, t» the of rti... ?rop.5rtv of ev^ty iftHier, *r mr-vir .-, ^ctnslly cagafsd in tho ini^iN'iry .or sr. iJ «orvic^3, or of such ’nav^; b*!5? m encb corvic?, t« the vAlae e," pr>"^'d U»>«s shall Pwt ii’ ^ /ropjrtf. «?A:.*;:iriTe *f kr*!3ehold f!.ir»»ai'«, nhall b« fc.r:;,j.!;£cd ai.a value exoeodipg IT. Tkat\T^«r2 TBreptrty kfts hem injttret^ or fej tke eacsyjy, er tk* »>wi^r ikerc*f kfw bosn ttjinpcrarriy dsprivsd wf wse ec ecenj,a)ioy tbi!Ti£«f. »r «f tk* fl»f QUltivr.tnn?; the f€.nfi«, "^y r«Rs^»ii #f tS'.r )w«8eRa« #r tke prwd>Rsi?j' #f tke eaest} , zv5Goes8»i*at ea sT^«h property *ay be redicad, i« »rop*tlRa* t# tJi* dama^ stit- teancd ¥y tiJc owner, ®r tbe tax iw«es?ed ttiereen i».-i.y be reduecd i« the same rfjfeie by dUi oiot c^llootor, ©a satisfttoUry evi- diiiCj : ubiititirjd to hna by tke owner or a«- 3€Ajor. 6:='’. T”!g.t ti*-0 t »n property laid for tbc ytfu- lS(>=i:, ski U be aatec-fcd ao ©u t-‘i6 n2,j u53 ef iki® act, a?d be dee hiifl cvllectod ©a tfae 1st ^ay »f Jane n-. er a% eoo>i aiior rs practi^bie, allow- ij^ Ku exter^sion ©f d^va Weet of bho Sii‘»i&3ippi rivp'* Tae ad^itioERl tAXfiS oi; hi00;.'i0S or profits for tfes year 1808, levied by tlii^j act, shali bo assixjped and c-..*ll«>«n.»d ibilh^itb; and the taxes on iocomea ©r pro fits for ti>« yer'f ICfH, shall bo asseesed and oolUiCt« tl rdi' ig to tbo piovisiou" of the tax and acts oi 1*63. 8iic. 7. So much wf tlio s,ct of the 24 tb day of April 18B8, as levies a tax oa ia- comci derived from property or elTfeCte on ilie amouiit cr value of which a tax is levied by tliis act, and also the let socticn of said act, are suspe/'oed fw the year 1864, aud no estimated re hire or iutereet oa pro perty or creditis herein taxed ad val»rem, shall be aesess'j! 1 or taxed as inconqtfie nndor the t'vx act of lf;63. sso. 5: Tnf' XKZ rmiRwetf by tkfs act -a bonds of t’uw Confederate Stetes keroto- f«re ussned, shall in no oaye exceed the in terest on Die sftoie, and sucl) bo&.^, when held by or for minors or lunatics, ehall be exen pt from the. tax ia ail cases where tbs intei-ost on the same shall not exceed $1000. liSl. Gf conspiracieii, or attempts to liber ate prisoners of war held by tb* i>'onfederate States. X, Of conspiraci^, or attoii;pv4 or prepa rations to aid ths enem j. XI. Of persems g.dTi&ijg or inrit.jEi? others to abandon th'# Ctiiredorat'j caii'jc , »ir to re sist tae Ooatedor^.ie or to afl.^urjs to tiiO cn« -ij. XU. nnlawf^'i];^ l.un*ii»g, s'vRt'--?Tine' er injuring, cr atte.x^pduj;- k) bnTs., CcJtroy or injure any bridge or raihroad, or tele- grapiiic line of communication, or property, with the intent of ai«l:ng the eaeaty. XIIT. Of tre&fcouable ftasigtia to im-^afr tlie military power of the Goven^ment by destroying, ^r attempting to destroy, vftssels or arms, or mucitioEd of war, or “aruftnala, foimdries, workshops, or oth?;r ^r-ynprty oi' the Gmfederate Slater. See. 2. The President Ehall cans j proper oifioera to investiy^ite the cases 01 all p-^re-'iis so arrested, or d£t:;iried, i?> order ih.^t ‘-loy laay be di'-charg^;d if iuiproperly dcuunrvi, uules^ thay can be si>w’?di]y tried iu ‘'-x^ C0Kt'9vf?aW. Goc. 3. That dnr'»ti e 'i”M\ no rnilit 'T’v cr othe >o^r i;» to t” corr..:;, : * • 'je:r i. ^ t 1 ^ of or f . by tiiC aatb'.;.*’. cr^;.'.ry of iFf-.r, or iisg ( l:;o- tha Tt*T-^--T'.’:. lua r.f 3" the ccrti'ici^t-u, f •■D 1 WAV'.ATi i- i'iarj.1 \r- r j1’ ’• y v/rit o •liii I'z-e b#.‘'-oai chaii b^. iiaoie to t>e ^laeed i& service m Ifae ^eld for the war. as if he were betwewi Hie ages ©f 18 ftni 45. Sec. S. Tbat hereafter the dvtiee ef pro vost and ‘ ospital guards a»d elerki, ana of clerks, ^arda, »jt3nts, ena»loyeet ©r labor ers 1b tke Commisijary and Qwart^rtbaater’s Oepartuiencs, in tke Ordnamce Bureaa, aad of clerks a»d esaployeta of ;t»vy ag«nt«, ae sLso in tk* exccatioa »f tke earoUmeat act;, and all similar duties, skall bt performed by persons wke are withim the age* of 4® a»d 45 years, aad who by the report ef a Board of army surgeens shall be reported ?jt unable to peribrm active service b the field, but capable of performiag toaae ot the above said duties, specifying whic.h, »nd when these persens shall have teem a*;ifBo.u to those duties an far as practicable, tL: r .sidont shall assign or detail to their peiioruj- tions, Lc^reta.^y ance such btniies ef troops, or iodividiia]^, “ ' required to be enrolled under tke 5th m>c tioii of this act, as muy be nr cued tjr %ti*> dischari^e ®f Buch du.I«s: FrpTid«d, persons between the ares of 17 aad IS shall l*e Rfc .igiicd to thoee uatiea: Provided far ther, that nclhiug contfciaed In f bii act sh&ll I i>o 6^? couctriifd as to prevaat tbs Fre^idsjit I from dctdiiii’g artisaiis, meohario^, or air- pro visions, to oe deiivereU sn^ pertot M a^reaeid at equivaleat ... . 8. 8mck peieen ekall fnrtktr biad k^Mek te seU tke marketable imririBa •( and ^raic bow oa hand, and wW^ ke raise frem year to year wh2e ktis centiauet, to tke (fevernuteat er le Ike ■»- iiiec of soldiers, at prices ixed kf Ae iaiasi'jaei'8 ef tae fttftte n»der tke BftiNBt act: Frovi*^, th&t any pe*»e« e*- fiopted M af«r«»»id, skall ke o»tiiied to a oredit ef ii6 per coat. •» aay ameut #f laaat whicif ht way deliver witlii* tkree rro»i ik« pikSAaffS ef thii aet: Provided nir- tu5r. tkftt p«ss^oii9 coming witkie tke provi- tiv.’t.i /f thi^j ».te’a|ri,ioii shall Rjtbede^yod : 6?; . u«:. rit ti^reof by renaon of kaf|p^ .tllK tl akill, to penerM indispen- .• hr jfcr.c-lo dnties iu the depurtmauts ?r biweaui i jeridea!. be- i lici’^in mentioued. Sec. That any QaaiiorHifliter or As- f ir A-ot Qnarterui&ster, Coiflaai«»ry or As- - ietaat Oommissary, (other than thot# sorv- in? \rith brij^ads* or re§imeut^ in tke isld,) Oi' olijfiors in the Ordujiac* Bftreaa, fisf Kavy A.^3nts, »r Provost MaiVaal. or olSicer ia 10 e»r,script scrvicc, who snail hereafter ! ?aipioy or retain ia his emp’*ymeat any c^rp-r^s -^kftil .«e a«d remcLiu j person iu any of their said dcpsxtBSieate or bic: .Tl icer 'i- p! clcnarmi^iil; i -'’r ohar; e o; :?^iy iso ,jd, cjiAt L',u a per'rtr? 1-, b hm - priwo^e.' (br fM»y tj* t*' i„ ri.Inbci^-' i-nrciil?"?!, nnc'or the g.^.i'^H'rity i.; ’ ...- ' ^ ^ tii«#r Uiw»;co;!iiwi'B n^i^cr th;* writ hr:;.3:1' ! '1, :-.r.rcr.»s, 0.V Iht .?>*h H 1’} any of the dniiee me^ftioned 'ctios of aet, ia violation ©f trie provisions hereof'. «h.a!l, on eo«ivietioB tbferef*f by a coiirt-m&i tial »r military eowt, Uf easlricred; aad it shall be the dnty of aay de]>&i'imeT*t «r distriet e^siaia&der, upon )»*»«f, by tke catk of «bt erediklo ^rson, 8o^«i 1. That frG-iii Slid after tke pa^.s^s j j,^iat s»By anck oSioer has violated this pn>- ot this aet all white men, roLido;t3 oi taa j vision, immediately to relieve sueh o:meer GonlWerate States, bot'vewi the ar-os of 17 from duty; and said co»Bsa«deri shall take nd 5d, shall bo iH i'te military scrviec ol 1 prompt measures tc have him tried for s&eh ’ ’^ce; a»d any eonaoaaiider aa aforesaid sarnenlf;d sc l»n» iLi^ v,v.*' ^h^ll c»Rrnn5 ill ibi'co, Bov. 4. Tl'is act shall e«* -3iyr.G iu force -or ««?Cvy d?TB after tk« cf C >n- groLSf!, aad ao loa^'ei. •mE MILITANT MLI,. the Oenfadera^-o Stritbs ibr thr; vrar, l^oc. S. Tkai f.!l tlie per-'.'ua uf>res5:id, bta- twei',n tiie.agc) cf Is aii.i 45, so#? iu sarvlo?, ?h&j’l b^ niii&iaed durin.*? tee pref=’>C! rriv vrilh ihe U, S., iiiittbe sa:ae ri.-:iments, I.■ i- J’^Iiens ai:d oorapAiio**, tj Kl'i^b they beldnj* at the paEbSjif 01 Rik^ i;Ait, witli tho giiaLzaiion tr» t'uferrod ind oSiccrs, tmlcss r; or dicchHVs-; m 11' dords An Act to sus2)end ihe primlege tlie Writ of Eaheaa Q^rpus in e&i'iain Whereas, the Constitution of the Goafcd- erate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Para^^apli 3, that “the privi lege of the writ of habeas oorpna shall not be suspended unless when in ease of robel- lion or invasion, the public safety may re- q :ire it;"” ar.d whereas, tibe power of sns- p-jnding the priviie*;e of said writ as reoog- n’/.od in s.*; d i.i’ticia 1, ic. vested solely in tho Caagre3H, .^hich ia tho exclusive judge A the "u3et;ijsir" of euch sn'-peusion; and ;reas, in tb> . r i^ion of the* Oongre^, tlie • :‘i the snrjnension of s:dd public rtj-^ Wilt in the eiistlc^ case of ihe inva^on of th ' 0 States by tbe armiea of the United Sui3s; and wh^r'*”f' the i^resident has a^ked for the suepcnsic;. cf the writ of habe^ coiv pus, and i o formed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the suspension of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion and insnrrectlon; uow, therefore. The Cangro‘58 of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during the present invAsioa of the Confederate Stat-es, the priv ilege c f the writ of habeas corpus bo, and the fcame is iocreby, suspeudod; but such sus pension shall ^.pply only to the cases of per- ions arrested or detained by order of tho President, Secretary of War, or tho Geaei'al OSiccr commanding tho Trans-Mississippi Military Deii^rtnont^ by the asihority and nndor the coutrvd of Preaidoi»t, it ia tieroby docL.'.iud thst the purpose of Con gress in tae paa&^iC'^ 01' this act is to pro fide more eiiectnally f*>r thu public safety by susponding the writ ut habesis eorpus in tho Ibiiowing Cixaea and no othor; I. Of treason, or troftionable elforts or combinatioua to subvert the govornment of tbe Cont'oderato Stateo, IL Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov- emment,-or ccnapiraciei to rosiftt tho lawful authori^ ot tha Confederata Stites. IIL Of combining to assist tke enemy, or of oommuoi eating intelligence to the enemy, or gijing him aid and comfort^ iV. Of conspiracies, preparations and at- tei^ts to luuite servile maarrection. Y. Of aaaertioas or encouraging deeer- tioHB, of harboring deserters, and or attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in ease of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party wfio does not legally owe military sorviod, hia 'upfe’ior ofiioer shall gi ant prompt relief to tho oppressed pr^rty, and the sab^^nate sliaU bo dismixe4 from oifice. TL Of spi^ aad othar emlfltSrtiee of the enemy. . YIL Of iio nliug correspondence or inter course wit' tb-o enemy, without neceasitr, and withoTit I la "^.sr.'niciaion of tho Ooniede- ‘ XL Of nn’ 3wfal trading with the ene- d other '>£sacc.s aga-.ast Uio laws of stocks, notes, debts, credits, of obligations' the Oonfederate States, eaated to pro MOt« of aoj kiad, aad aaj marobaBdiafti proper- M»%i> ia tbm wu» J ncf» witja lho laws arid ro^uiaVicns : v 'he :-^av- eD.ii’ont of t- ? iiimy: I'rcri: ■ .5, •- pani« from oiie jftati, ©rg:. agatr- their oouseuc, exprcsae^l at tho ''.no, wiii r«^im©fit» or battalion* from anot-lier Stato. fehijU havo thr ' -rivik'ge of luin c tri. .?>»br:' i ta jrgaiiis«*t:.wi;a oi trocsn, in thi; t^jaa ana of the Borrico, ia-om the ^tste" i« wLich said conapanieo we: o raised; and the soldiers fiora €>nc State, is conipanien fr&m another St^.ts, shall bo allowed, if they dc3i»'8 it, a transfjr to organizations f*'ora tiieir own States, iu the same arm of the sarvicc. Se?,^. That at th« expir ?t».on o* ^ix months frOLi the hrit day of April j?e”t, a bo’jatv i>T in a six per cent, Goveruinent bond, which the Secretary of the Tre isuxy Is by authoriaed to iaeuo, ehall be paid to eve ry noii-c-oinmissioaed olhcer, iimBician and private who shall then bt» In service, or in the event of his death pru» lous to tJio period ot each paymant, then to fhe perj'.on or per sona who would be eufcitlf'd to rc cjive by law theaneara^resof hw pay; but no onesbrdl be eniritled to ihs boimty hovoin provi ’ -d who ahall at any tine, during the period of six months next after tho said £i-8t day oi‘ April, bo absent from hie command ithoat leave. Sec. 4. That no p jnmn i'b.fiU ha relieved from the operation of thifj act .by i€ri£On of having been heretofore discharged fro.n tao army whore no dif ability now tixi&is; nor ■Jialt tko&-3 who bsve fu. o-'hcd oabatirutea bo £..iy longer crrompta l b ■ re^^n thureof; Provided, thf,t no pei’son, hcretor:-re exempt ed on acco uct of r.:ligioti3 ojdnions and who has paid the tax levied io relieve him from service, shall bo reqniri^ to render military Hervice under this acL B:-'!. 5. Tl«it all white male residents ef the Confederate SLates, between the ages of 17 arid 18 and 45 and 50 years, eh.'dl enroll themselves at such times and places, aud imdor such regnlaticHis, as tho President may prejcribo, the timo allowed not being less than 30 days for tlioee eaat, rmd 60 days for those west of the Mifisi.'^sippi river, and any person who cball fail eo to onroll him self, without a reasonable ex'mse therefor, to ba judged of by the Pi'esident, shrdl Jiie placed in service in the Held for the war, iu tho same m.'innar ari thousrh they wore be tween the agfos of 18 a. id 4.*>: Provided, that the partions luelitioucd iu tui:^ skull constitute a reserve for Btutw J ence i\nd der.iil duty, and rfMAi.! not bo r -‘■Qj-lbrnioi:t ot * they rcisidc. Sou. d. Th./ 4.k1I parp-'ua w mi 5th secl-iou 01 tiii3 act ouroli may within 30 d^i^ys after tho piis> ol, east of tho iiisaissippi, ii\yfl, if west ot said rivur, form them=elvea ;nto voluntary organizations cf eoiup.^niea, battAixOiuQ or regiments, and ^diaot their own ofScere; said orgauizationa to conform to the existing laws; and, having so orgauiaed, to tender ^eir servicca as voluuteors dni’ing the war to the President; and if each organ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, 'is now organised, and deposit a copy thereof with tho enrolling o^oer of their district, which stiall be equivalent to enrollment, tney may be accepted as minute men for service m such State, but in no event to bo taken out 01 it. Thoee who d.o not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselyea as before provided; and may, by the President, bo reg^nirod to asd«r -.ble »^t con?^enient pla ces 01 rendor/003, aud 5or )ied or org:*!i heed into coi/ipunics, batii>lioii3 and ^c: ment3, and or reguutioas u ou pr-3cn‘>^ d by hlm^ aad shall havo thD rig'it c^ eicct their coir.pacy and regimeutsi oilieors; and all tracpa Gr^aniaed undor thw >-s; f'.»r B detV.c^ ahiul be entitled, while in acs-ial ceivicoj t-o tiie caino pc^y stid za troo^ now in thw iieid. See, 7. Tliat any porac’i who fall a^^0^td*atfehapl&a . aJ^rell ^-.'-^’r*a .i— by tae aathority of tho President, without m «unM Io \m ja4|c^ of ^ iiiia. ■lirod ■ e» ...I to ici: • d oy tao ■ iifclverf, .■Ti* thore- wi'.niii :,d lug to perforai tho duties enjokxed by Uiis scction, shall upoH being dnly eoavioted ?^oreof, ba discharjrcd frena tb*s ?«-vi&3, S 10. That ali laws gr*iati*g exeeip- frcaa military serv^ioe be, and tk9 J5fttjo.c , hereby repealed, and haresftsi' HvIic ! ’ ?>e exempted ^capt the foil«5wii.'^ i i. All who skall be held unfit ibr milita ! :• ?ervi?e, under rules to be proscribed by ; Secrctc.ry cf War. I 2. The Yice President of the Confederate I Stiiteti, the members and oiScers of Couj^esc and of the several State Lej:iftlatures, «id ’• ol’. other C-anfederate and State ofiieers a* tha Preeid3ut,v or tho Governor of the re spective Ctatca, may certify U be iieccssruy for the proper administration ef the Con- fedcrato or Stat€ Governmentfi, a?, the ease may be. 3. iiiVnry miaiBter of rellMOu autherizod to preach > ^cording to the riMeo of liifl cbar^, Hud wh r.t the paa«»age of this aot, shall bo sdplojrad in tliA diaobargfo his mi&istei id duties; snperi£tondenta aad phy sicians of asylums for the detU’ and dumb and blind and of tho insane; .one editor for each newspaper being published at time of tb.ia act, and such employees ae »«id edi tor may c«H^fy, on oath, to be iadispenoable to tiie publication of euch aewspaper; tke public printer of the Confederate and Ste'te Governments, aud iuch jonmsyTnea print ers as the satS public printer skall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was deing bnsi- nees as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S€S, and has continued said busincBB, with«it int-irmiesiosi, since that period; all physi cians over tba age of 30 yeara, who now are, .ind for ti:e last 7 yo&re have been, in the actual and regular practice of their profes sion, but thu term physician shall not in clude all prosideiits and teachers of colle i'S- tiieological seminaries, acade mies a!ii« f 'c.oclc, who have been regularly engaged for two years next before the p^3«p;o of this act: l*rovided, that the l>enefit ot this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schot.'ls are com posed oT 20 itudento or more. All superin tendents of publie hospitals, esfeablished bv law before tho passage of this act, and sucn physicians and nurses therein as such an- periDtendontd'shall cestify, on oath, to ba indispeneable to the proper and eiSeient munti^enictit thei-oof. ’ 4. I'here shall be exempt one person as owtier or agricultru'ist on each farm cr plan tation upon wliich there are now, and wore on the lat day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied tleld-kaadfi, I'etweeu the asres ot 16 and 50, npon the following conditions: 1. Thia exemption shall only be granted n ' . ia sdiich there is no white male adalt on tho farm or plaMtstion not liable to nilLtary service, nor uii'^ifiS the paraon claim ing th^ exeiDution was on tho 1st day of Jaa’y 1864:, e.iiher the owner and managor or ovatti'Mr of said [>lantutioii, but ia no case ahall more than one person be exempted for one ffirra or plaatatioa. 2. Such poi'son shall iirst execute a bond, jjayabie to the Confederate States of Anaer- ica, lu such form, and ^vitli such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary ot War may prescribe, conditioned that he will liver to the Government at kome railroad depot, or such other place or places m may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 puonds of bacon, or, at the election oi the wvem- ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 Iba. of net b^ (said beef to be deUvered on foot,) for eacn able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe- vher Rivvii, slaves in the field or not, which -ail bacon or pork and beef sliall be njad iu* by L-20 Goreramont at the p^cea nzed by the Commissioners Jl tho Stat^ under tho i.*npreasmeut aot: PT'ovrdod, that when the . ^raon tiiiis exempted snatl nrodnce satis^ ■actorr evidence ti;at it has Dean impossible for bi-a, by the cxorcis^' proper dilicoacg, to furnish the ainou’^i: o? moat thua contract ed for. q.3.-it« sappiy for the Co ‘h >n tno . J^ann ■\ v-r.?, : a, fh? dt' War i!is[ll 1 direct a conunatatioa of the Bame, to the I Qit«sto£fc«o4hkdttiHnQfiBi|EFanv«>tiMr I beeo enr^Utfdi siiU. tuo 1st «ay ^f Feb. 1 4. hi tt*l;iiioii •> iiiij foregwiaj oKcmp- Vfar, under Ao «i- of P: .'.:'jdeut, loftj exomot or de- Uii such 'jtij«r »-sr>»oiis as he may W oaliB- ought Co hts i5.'t(fnipted oa asooMit of public nc;«»Jiit7, ai'.^ to ir.aiiro the prodiio- tion of grain end other provisioas for fco iWTGy and the f*»ilies of soldiers. 8.e also, jr^aut c.'xempticiaB or details, oh snok t*rm«s as ka may pretcribo, to sack over-. »6£¥'8, f?rrBcrs er pl&rnsn m hs may bo s^ iidcd will be more usotui to the couatry ia the pursuits of agiieultnre than in tbo jbs^- tAry sorvice: Provided, that enok oxooa^ttM 5h.';}l ceM« whenever tho farmer, plafitor « ©vorsoer shall tail diliroatly to employ in good faith, his own skill, capital aad WAor exeiiMively in tko productioii of §;««* wki provi^doss, to bo sold to tke Goveranosit tmd tho ^Amilies of t©ldiars at prices not osoood- iar- fixed at tho time for Iflto acll^ee by Jomsaissiofiors of tke Btole nder the ioMpressmont aet. 5. The president, treasvirer, aatilor asid emperfntecdont of any railroad ooB:&p£kay e«- gafttd in transpMtaldon for tke ^levommoBt, and oaeh o£ooi's and oetployees thereof tko president or suporinteadent skall M osrtk to ke indispoBsakle to the e^Miw. operation of said railroad: Prorided, tSiat tko nnmbor of persons so exempted bf flis act m aay railroad shall not exceed one per soa for eaeh mile of suoh road ia aotmd ase 1^* ^?^tT.tarj trac?porta-tioa, and si»d axotapis sk^ reported or name and dsssriBiaoii, wm tke names of any who have felt «»mp4«yuB©at of «aid compawy, or who may i o be iiadi^psneablu. That notklog herein contaiaed obaB be o€>T!sTued as rcpealittg tha act approved April ths lirth i*>oS, entitled an act to ex empt eontractors for carry Ln«; the mails oi the CoEifedorate States, and the drivers bl post coaches and haeks, from military ser- vioe: Provided, thiit all the exemptions granted under tins act shdi »aly contia^ whilst the pel’s«D3 a^mpted arc actually engaged ia thoir lespectivo puroTrits or 00- cuiitfaoBS. feec. 11. That fJ.e President be, and he is hereby, autt oriitji to grant details, ooder cenei'al rules and rogulations to be issaed ihe War Deryjartanent, either of penoas betweea 45 and ^0 years at' ^e, or from tke army in the field, iu all cs^es where, in his ju^mont, juatiee, equity and neoessifey re- Buok dutails, aad ka ma^ revoke soofa «r4i«r*. «f dmimiie wheoever liO propefC Provided, that ^e power herein granted to the President to make details and exen^ tioas shall aot be eeustrued to autifeorlae tite exemption er detail of any contractor fumialiiHg supplies of any Hnd to the fiav- emment, by reaa^ of said contract, nulees the head or secretary .^f the dopartBMnt Bil king snch contract certify thut tike per sonal services of snch Suntractor are iiMBs- ^ne-able to tko execntiaik of said oontraet: Provided farther, that whes any snch con tractor shall diligently sad £uthM^, to proceed with the execution wf sndi con tract, his exemptien or detail shidl cease. Sec. 13. That in appointing loe«d bowds of surgeons for the examination of perscais liable to military service, no member eom- posing the same shall be aopointed from th« county er* enrolling distrfd: in whieh they are required to m^e snch exmninatiba. ■ ’i smc Post Ofloe, Fayette^ilie, H. C.. OOTOBSE 3, 1863. Scheduie tht Arrimai and Dtpiwtmrt »/ ikt Maik mt i Oflu. RALEIGS Tia AVE&A8B0K0’, *0. Arrives dally, exeepi Sunday, st 4| p. It. Departs daily, ezeept Bator^y at o P. M., RALKiafi Tia BI7MME&V1LUI. Dopatts Tuesday and Friday at 6 A. M. * Arrived ao.*. Soniay at 9 P. M. WAklSA.W na CUIKTO?t. Arrives daily ti 12 c.oc&. ' Dofirts dftily at 1| P. M. OAJlXHAaS. Arrives Tuesday, laar«u*y aaa Saturday at 7 P. |1 Dcpi^ ius»au»7, Weii.^-i^y aid Friday at 1 P. M. CaKRlW, 8. O. A-rivea Tuueday, Thar6ti*jr aad Saturday at 6 P. H, pari.3 Butti»y, ltie«d&y aad Thnrs^aiJ at 1 P. U. F.UR BLUPP n» LU.’tfSBBTOff. - .inrlTea'Tu.i^^y, XLoriiday and batoriay at 6 A. II. I/jparts 8iiad»y; Tucri^y aad Tbarac'ity -at 1 P. M. Uoli£»aUK’ii V14 laiiiilAJLkCtI«{TOWtl. MoaJa/, tVei; »f i FridAjr at 6 A. IL Arriww Tuasday, Thurdsy aad BaAnriay at 2 P. If. eL!Z.\BEfHTO«f S via T8RKBINIH. AifiTisi, »i 5 F. Jl. D-jpaita iaaie Jay (K.oo'layl ai 6 P. M. MAONOLIA vt« 07P&£SS ORXSK. Arrives Tuesday at 2 P. ti. Dop«fts uiaa dmy (Tuesdaiy) »t 21 P. M. 6171FT ISLAIiD via MONTBOdB, Q0YI£(«I01I ad P»WSLLI01f. ' Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. D^patta Wedaeaday at 11 A. M. @W1FT ISLAND vis TBOY. Arrives Toesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wedse^y at 11 A. M. All maila iMviaj before 7} 1.3f., are elesed tke tvea iog before at 9 P. 4f. All tottors ta be aeat oC fco* Uiis offioe, otJter tluua by bmU, ausi be paU far oa if sent by m^‘ All drtp lottani r>koold bs pro-Mii bv i eeut stMsps. ' Tko offioe will be epn oa Ssadaj fnm W to M A M., aad firaa to 64 P. M. ^ « JAB. Q. OOOK. F. M. THB DIXIE PftllHBlK, Xi*OM '.%• I^tti* fo}k« A Ibrtker eup]^ st^elsMla • ■' ■” 1. I ft 'icmn XHB .HOSTH Ca.BOI(mA MOTCIAl. Lirii UiSUSAi^CS t'OJlriNI, Now ia tke ten^ year of sueeesatui eperatioa, wHb growiiig capital and dnaar kdd upoa publie eoa- fidenee, oouLinues to iniure tke Utm of all koaltkj per- Bens from 14 le 60 years ef age, for one year, for aevea yean, aad for life—hr* taenibers sharing ui Ihe j^roflia All slaves from 10 to 60 years of afs are iasured ter ®*o year or fqtr tve years for two thiT^3 ?h»fcr valrd. All laaees are pumotoally paid witkia 8 ' afUe jf.icSory proof is preBea*'»i Por CjgCam in&noatiea tk? pabUe Is releered so irt tiia Company iat »i\ o * Aq State, aad te ]L H. SArriuil, awreiary, BaTeigk. ft.. J. Areat «t imff 18t9. Payettevilie. N. 0 BlukWi

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