;bi«io laws. t^Aorm) FsbV t6.1864. 4» Act to Fttnd, Tax and Limit Hu (huremcy. SSOTIOW 1. Ihe {jon^e$$ 6J the (hnfederate Stat^ of Amearica do enact. That the holders of all Troasarj notea above the denomiaation of $5, aot bcariag interos.t, shall be allowei nntil the Isi day uf April east of the Mississippi, to tuad tho (nune, and until the periods and at the placed tjtatoi, (he holders ot all stioh Treasury Qota^i shall be allowed to fand thp 8atn« ia regis terod toads, payable' 20 year? after their date, bearti^a; iotvjretit at tharate of 4 per cent, per aa- •iuia. T>ayable •?! the 1st of Jaauary and July of y-sfcT. Sio 2. The ^Q^iary of the Tmsnry ia hereby 6uthi>riied_^ to isfiTie the bonds re^^air^'d for the ^TindiQg provided for in the preccdiog seotion, sod until the bonda can be prepared he luay iwue lertiftoatcs to answer the purpose. Such bonds and oerti£oatos sliall bs reoeivaMe wit-hout intor- et in paytdont of tU (Joverum^nt auee payable lu the »'es*r 1864. cxoept expert and import d«tioe Sjbo. 3. That all Treasiuj notes of tne denomi- oadcn ot flOO, not bearing interest, which «shall aoi be presented for funding under Ae provisions of the 1st section of this acJ, shall, from and after the 1st day of April 1864, e&stof the Mississippi river, and the 1st day of July 1864, west of tue M cease to be rtKjeivablo in payment of pubhc Ja.>8, aud said notes, if not so presented at 'liat tirac, shall, in addition to the t« of 83 J aents imposed in the 4th section of this >wt, be snOjected to a tax of 10 per cent, per moEth un cil so presented; which taxes shall attach to mid aotes wherever circulated, and shall be deductod from the face of said notvi whenever presented for payment or for funding, and said notes shall not be exchangeable for the new issue of Trea sury notes provided for in this aot. Sso. 4. That on all said Treasury notes not funded or used in payment of taxes at the dates lUid placefi prescribed in the let seetion of this act, there shall be levied at said dates and plaoes a fax of S3i oents for every dollar promis^ on the lace of said notes; said tax shall attach -to said noies wherever circulatcd, and shall be coUeotod by deducting the same at the treasury, its deposi tories and by tax collectors, and by all Govern ment ofioers receiving the 6ame whenever pre sented f jr payment or for funding, or in payment of Gbverament dues, or for postage, or in ex- cliangd for new notos, as hereinafter provided, and said Treasury notes sktdi be ^ndable in bonds as provided in the 1st scction of this aot, until the 1st day of January 1865, at the rate of 661 oents on the dollar; and it shall bo the duty of th« Seo- recary of the Treasury, at any time between the 1st of April and the 1st of July, shatt subjMt to a tez flf Wi pov wot. ev ery dUlaT proodaed ob tbe fkoe thereof, «aid tax to attaoh to sud note» wl^drevet eiroulated, and said notes to be fundable and cxohamgeable for new ^easuvy notes, as herein provided, subject to the dedu(*ur n of said tax. 8«0- 12. That any State holding Treasury notes reaoA. ed before the times herein fixed fo? taxing said Botes shall be nUowcd till the first day of January 1865, to ftind the'wune in 6 per cent, bonds of the OonfoderSte Sta^, payable 20 years after date, and the interest payable >*emi- annually. But all Treasnry notes reeeived by any State aft«r the due fixed for taxing the same ss aforesaid, shall he hold to have been received dimitiisHied by the aniounc of said tax. The din «ri?n-'nat’on b«twe«n the notep subject fc'* trst wid t?tose not so subject, shall bo— 8ko. 13. That Treasury notes hcretoft»re issiwid bearing iDt«reat at site rato of $7 SO on the 81»K) per fl'nanm. aliall n«j longer be reccivM in pty- jnc'ol yf pahs»>; aucs' but sh?»?1 be 4e?med a id couiider^ bo«oat or the Confedorat? Stat^, pa] a- blf' year? aftar the r>tific»tiois ot ■« ♦reaty of pca>Vt) with the United St&tes, bowing the r^ ♦( int:erest specified on their fsu^e '**ivable 1st of January of eaoh and every year. Sbo. 14. That the iSecretary of *he Tr^wsrtfy be, and he is hereby, authorii^, in oase the e gencies of the Goveroment should r»»«^aire it, to pay tho demand of any public creditor whose dfebt may be con^jactcd after the passiigo of tuis ajt, willing to r*«t)i/a the same in r dficate »>f I'Oi- debtedness, t® t»e issued by said Secretary in eu jh form as he may ueem proper, payable two ycijr? after a ratiilcaraoa of a treaty of peaoe with the United States, bearing interest at the rato of «ix per oent. per annum, payable semi-annually, mad transferable only by speoial endorsement, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treafiury, and said certificates shall be exempt from taxation in principal and interest. S*o. 15. The Secretary oi tho Treasury is au- thoriied to inorea^ie the number of depositoriee so as to meet the requirements of thi» aot, and w^th that view to employ nuoh of the banks at the sov eral States as he may deem expedijcnt. Sxo. 16. The Sometavy ef the Treasury sh ill forthwith advertise thi^i aot in such newspap irs published in the ssvoral Stkl«s, and by suoh 6tl er means as shall sccure immccUte publioityjr and the Seoretary of War and the Secretary of »hft Navy shall eaoh cause it to be publishod in gene ral‘order for th» uifbrmatioa of the army and mvwy, Sio. 17. Th« 4Sd section of the aot for tho assessment and ooM.ectioa of taxes, approved S!ay 1st 1863, is hereby repealed. S«o. 18. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby acthoriied and required, ut»on the appU to substitute and exchange new Treasury nott^ for the same the rate of 66f cetrts on the dol lar: i\o> '.hid, ThatnoSos if the denomination of ^1’JO shall net be entitled to the privilege of eaid eiehaage: Provide further^ that the right to fund any of said Treasury notes, after the l&tday of January 1865, is hereby taken away; A.nd pro~ vi.^d further, That upon all such Treasury notes ..ieh miy rejaain outBtan^Uag on tho 1st day of January 1®C5, aad which may not be exchanged for ne^ Treaaury notes, as herein provided, a tax cf ^00 per oent. is hereby imposed. Skc. 5 That after the first day of April next, all authority heretofore given to the ^ the Ti’Cisury to issue Treasury notes ia he.'cbv; revoked: l^ovided^. the the Treaiory may, after that time, issue new 186-1, wef?t of . the Mississippi river, and the Ist'of January 1865, ,cation of the holder of any eali cortiGcat®, which, by tho first sactica of the act to provide for the fending and further is3U0 of Treasury not«i, ap proved March 23d 1863, was required to be thereafter dsemed to be a bond, to issue to such holder a bond thorefor npan the terms provided by said act. An Ad io l-zy addUioryjl Toiotx for tliA ccmr defvitce s-nd suppaH of Sec. 1. Tiie Cbngress of the Confedemte of America do *uiact, That in ad U- tion tho taxes levied by the act “to lay tAxes *r tlie oomnio:^: defcnce and to carry on or effMstB oi any kind, not wiiimeratod a e precfidiu|; paragraph, between the ttmea named therein, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on snch profita aa income, under the act aforeefiid. rn. Oil tho amoimt of profits exceeding 25 per cent., made daring either of tho yefijf 18B3 aud 1864, by any barik or baiaking company, iiuiHVance, canal, navieation, ica- porting and exportiii^, tolegri?ph, exproee, rEiIr*)a^, mauufaeturing, dry dock, (Jr other joint stock company of any description, jvholUer incomoTatea or not, 5S5 per c«!itx?n eoch excess. Sao.'fi. The fcllowing exemptions from taxation nnder this act ahsd] be allowed, torwit: I. Property of e ^h head of a fainily to the vaine of ^500: and for each minor jhild of the taruily to the further valne of^^lOOj' aud for ^ch son actually engaged in tho army or navy, or who has died (Jt lC|een kill^ in the military or naval service, and who was a member of the family wheii he entered *Ke service, to tiie further valtte of 1500. JL Property of the widow of any oUcer, soldier, «ailor or marine, who may have died or been killed in the military naval service, '•'r where there is no widow, then of the family, being minor children, to the va]n>» of $1000. Property ^* evoiy ofiinar, idldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in the milit^y or naval service, or of such as'haVe bcefi disabled in such service, to the value of $1000; provided, that* the above exempt tions shall net apply to any flerson, whese property, exclusive of household fumitnre, shall be ass^ed at a value exceeding $1900. l Y. That where pi’oporty has been injured or destroyed by tae enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or ot the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the proseruse or the proximity of the enemy, the Rsseesment on such property may be reduced, iu proportion to the damage sus tained by the owner, or the tax aBsessati thereon may be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satiafactorji evi deace imbniitt^id to him by the owner or m- sessof. Skc. 6. That the taxes m property Itic for the year 1864, shall be aasesssd as on the day oi the passage of this act, and bo due aud collected on the 1st day of Jcae next, or cs soon after as practicable, amov ing an extetkelon of 90 days West of the Mii^ieeippi river Tlio additional taxes'ob incomes or profits for the year 1S63, leviel by tlii'i act, shall be assesiiiBd and coU'ectel forthvnth; and the taxes on income^ or pr*- tvB for the year 1864, shall be aesessed and collected according to the provisions of the tiix and Cessment acta of 1863. B©?. 7. So much of. the t*« act of the 24th day of April 1863, as levies a tax on in- couie3 derived from property or effectd on IX. Of conspiracies, or attanipta to liber ate prisoners of war held by the Confederate States. X. Of «;on8piracisa, or attfc»uprs or prapa- ratioiis to aid tho e-ie^r-y. XI. Of person j ad Tisiag or incd i «ig at,hers to abandon tihe Confederate catise or to re sist the Oorifttderate Btatee, or tt» adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfoliy burning, doetroying or injuring, or attempting to barn, d«atroy or injure any bridge *r i&iiroad, or teie- g/apnlc line of commnnicatioa, or property, witii the intent of a»ding the enemy. yrn. Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Govcrament by destroying, er attempting to destroy, v^^esels or arms, or munitions of wr.r r arsfliiuls, foundries, workshops, or otiie ,jronerty of the Confederate States. SM. 2. The President shaii cause j.trfopor offtcers to investigate the cases of all persons so arreeted, or detained, in order tliat they may be discharged if* improperly dataine-J, unless they can'%e speedily.tried ii' *^^^0 duo, course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspeneion «.tore- aaid, no military or other i^fn^er shall l>e compelled, in answer to any wilt of ha^eaa corpus, to appear in person, or to return the body of any pei6»n or persons detained by him, by the authority of the Prcfeident, Se cretary of War, or the General off.cer tjorii* mandmg the TrahS'Mississippi department; but upon the certincate, under oath, m th»> office? having ch£u*ge of any one so detained, that such person is detsinesd by him aa a prisoner for any of tho causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforosaid^ fur ther proceedings under the writ of habor.9 corpus shall immediately ceaae aud remsiin suspended so long as this act shall cuntinn'i in foroe. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days alter the next meeting of Oon gress, and no longer. THE MILITARY BILL. BhaU be Uablo to bepi^ iu service in the field for the war, as if he were between the ai;G6 of 18 and 46. ^ . Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro- vosi ?md ospital guards and dorks, and of clerkfi, guaras, agents, employeen or iabw- ors in the C^mini8S!iry and Quartermaster^ Departments, in the Ordnance Biireau, and of clerks^nd empk>yeet> of navy agents, u also in the execution of the enrollment ac^ and aD similar duties, shall be perfoira^ by ptirsoiis v/ho are within the agee and 45 years, and who by tho report ol ^ Board of army eurgeona shall l>^ ro;portsd as unable to perform active service in tee field, but capable of performing aomc ot the above said duties, specifying which, aiiu wiion these persons sh^ have been asei^ed to th«>3e duties aa far as practicable, tho Pro- eident shall assign or detail t*» thclr pt?t ance snch bodies of troops, or iudividujvle, required to be enrc*lled under tl»e 5tU sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: I*rovid*jd^ that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned'to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall bo so construed aa to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per- seiis of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departments »r bureaus herein mentioned. See. 9. That any Quartermaetw or As- eisfcant Qaartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than tiiose serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, ©r l^avy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain iu his employment any person io. any of their said departments or bureaus, or ia any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisi‘.)n8 hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, l)« cashiered: and it shall be the duty of any depiirtment or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible pjerson, Becti(Hi 1. That from and aller the ps^saj^e i that any such officer has violated this pro- f this act all white njen, residents of the ! rlsioa, immcdiatoly to relieve such^ officer of Confederate States, between tho ages of IT and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for tho war. this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be dissharged from tho serx-ice. Sac. 10. That all laws granting exeinp- from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such oifieiice; and any commander as aforesaid ' .Sec. 2. That all the per2ons aforesaid, b«- failing to perform the diitles enjoined b tween the agea of 18 and 45, now in service, ’ ’ ' ’ shall be.retained during tho present war with the U. S., in.itho same reginjcnts, batr tidions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of t^iis act, witli the same or- gani'jation and ofiicvirs, uiil33C regularly transferred, or dircharged, in accordance with tho laws and regulations for the gov ernment of tho nrmy: Provided, that com panies from one Slate, orgar.ij:ed against their’Consent, exprr, -cd at t!io time, with ro^^menta or battalion's from apotht^r Staio, sh^ have tho privilege of being transferred to orj^nizntionB of troops, in the same arm of "the service, from the States in which said companies wero raised; and the soldiers treu' one State, in -comp.anics from another Staie, proviBions, to be delivered ky aoifc pvttob as aforesaid at eqtdvaleat rSlta. S. Such person shall farther biad to sell the marketable eurplu ni prrTidti and grain now on hand, and whi» He raise from year t^ear while his ezMnyHeai continues, to the Government or to the ^ ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the miesioners ef the Btate uader ment act; Provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, ejiai] be satitied to a credit of 25 per cei'.L on any amount of meal wh :cu ho may ddiver within tbree montLf fKnu viic pivsj^age o! this act: Provided for- ihor, that portoiis coming witbin the provi- sione of this a.XfMnplion sUhU not \f% deprived -)i tt- thereof by iea£on of na'^^ beou cur»H6l since tne 1st 4a;/ of Feb. l^W. 4:. £iu\titin to the foregoing exemp- ^'OFS, the Rccretaiy of Wm.f-, niider t^ie di- of tb(* Pre.^idoiil, may exempt or de tail puch otb:;^ persons as he may be satts- ought 10 be o.^einpted on aceeiint el public nGceSbitj. ar.d to insure the prods#- tion of grain and other provisioDS for army and the families of soldiers. He Buif, also, gjunt exemptions or details, on sqm teroio as ho may prescribe, to such over seers, farmers or planters as he may be siit- isfied will be more uaufal to the coaotry io the pursuits of agriculture than in the no tary service: Provided, that such exemf (i«o shall cease whenever the farmer,‘planter er overseer shall fail diligently to employ io good faith, his own skill, capital we mWt exolusively in the production of gndn aad piioviaions, to be sold to the GovemmeQt wul the families of soldiers at prices not ezoeed- in£^ mi fixied at the time for like artitAes by commissioners of the State nnder the impressment act. 5. Tke president, treasurer, auditor md snperintendent of any railroad comipaay en gaged in transportation for the Govammenfc, and such officers and employees ti^ereof as the president or superintendent shall eeHl% on oath to be indispensable to the effioieift operation of said railroad: Provided, Aat the number of persc^ so exempted b^ act any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such read in- actnal use fo:T nUitary transportation; and said exemfplB sbiaii be reported by name and detoripnoe, witn the nauM^ of any wJio have leu &e employment of said company, or who may 0eafce to be indispensable. That nothinj herein contained siMi^ tionb ii*0Hi military service be, and the same ! be v?C’Untrued as repealing the act approve# are. hereby repealed, and hereafter none | April tho 14tn 1863, entitled an act to ox- L.-ir;li bo exempted except the fGtl!)iviug: j em])t contraclora ler carrying tlie i^ils oi i All who shall be held unfit for milie«. i the Ocnfedorat? States, &iid the drivers e* r y service, nnder rules to be prescribed by i poet coaciios and hackn, from militisiy a«p- the cecrotary of War. ■ vice: Provided, that ail tka exempta(^8 2. Tlie Vice President of tho fed crate ; srra'it>''^ nnder th\a act shall only oontiu®^ States, tha nienibet's and officers of Gongrefi? | and of tli3 several State Leglslatarea, ar.rl herenfter mentionfid, copart.B^r iable there- t a rate, 5 per cent.: ir'rovidod, l"iat from this tax on the value of property c m- subjects of taxation Treasu'-y noles, in such form as he may prescribe, [ coilected trotn every person, payable wo years after ^ j g^jp association or corooration, li of pc-we ,ith Uoitod o»»i, »id n.w >Hae> (o, taiea «s tuUows, to-Wit: w bo reo5.T*U m oi .!1 puhbc iuea, ^ ^ j .property, rod, per- eiceot ez^rt and import duties, to be lasued in ^ ^ 1 j* / erch-uge for old noteVat the' rate of 2 doiiar. of and mixed of every kmd and deecnp- th'e new for 3 of the old issues, whether eud old 1 hereinafter exempt^ or ^^xed^ Qotes be surrendered tor exchange by the holders different rate, 5 per cent.: Provided, 1- thoreof, or be received i»to the Tresaury under the provuioQs of this act; and tho holders of the Dew notes or of th^‘ old notes, except those ef the denoioinatkm of $100, after they are reduced to 66| oents on the dollar by the ux uibresaid, may convert the same into call certificates bearing in terest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and payable two years after a ratifioadioa of a treaty of peace with the United States, unless sooner converted into new notes. Sso. 6. That to pay the ezpensea of ihe 6^ov- ernmont not otherwise provided for, the Seoretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised to issue 6 per o«nt. bonds Jo an amount not exceeding five he id red millions of dollars, the principal and in- tT’- -t' ’-hereof shall be free :&om taxation, and for the v^yment of interest thereon the entire net receipts of any export duty hereafter laid on the value of »ny cotton, tobacco, and naval stores, which tihall bo exported from the Confederate States, and ;he net proceeds of the import duties now laid, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay annually the interest, are hereby spoaially pledged: Provided, that the daties now laid on unports are hereby pledged and shall hereaf ter be paid in specie, or in sterling exchange, or in coupons of said bonds. Sso. 7. Tliat the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised, from time to time, as the wants of the Treasury may require it, to sell or hypothecate for Treasury notes said bonds, or any paxt thereof, upon the best terms he can, so as to meet appropriations by Congross, and at the same time reduee and restrict the amount of the circu- latioo in TreaiiU)7 notea within reasonable and sale limits. 8x0. 8. The bonds authorised by the 6th seo- tion of iiiis act may be either registered or cou pon bonds, as the parties taking them may elect; and they may be ezohai^ed for each other undor sueh r^nletteee m tke o««retaiy of the Treasury may prescribe. They shall be for $100, and shall together with the coupons thereto attached, be in such form and of such authentioatira as the Se«* retary (rf the Treasury may preseribe; the interest shall be payable half yearly on the first of Jan'y and July in eaoh year; ^e principal shall be pay. able not loss than 30 years from their datu. Sio. 9. Ail eali certificates shall bo fundable, and shaii be taxed in all respects as is providiM tor the Treasury notes into which they are oou reruble. If converted before the time fixed for taxing the Treasury notes, such eertifioat«M ahail from that time bear interest upon only 66f oeatr for every dollar promised upon their, faee, aud shall be redeemable in new Treasury notes at that rate; but after the passage of this aet bo oall certificates shall be isso^ ontil af^er the fint of AprU, 1864. Sio. 10. That if any bank of deposit shall give its depositors the bon^ authorised by the first section ot this aot, in exchange for th^ deposits and specifying the same on the bonds by some distinctive loark or token, to be agreed upoa with the Seoretary of the Treasury, then the said do- pwitor shall be entitled>to recieve the amount of bonds ih Treasury notes, b«uring no interest and outatunding at the passage ot this aet: fro- i.'itif.d, tho said bonds are presented oetere the privilege of funding said aotes at par shall eease •a herein pruiiotibed. Sac. 11. That all Treasury itot^ heretofore issued of the u^aomioatiou of $5 shall cohtinae io bo receivable in payment of public duos, as provided by law, wd tundable at par under the fiKJuivckH t.^ act, Jie first of July, 1864, last, aud unUi tho first Ootober 18^, week of the MissiBsippi rivsr, ‘ bat sftsr tbst tUas thejp shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transter hii-« or fnrerest on pro I to organlBalionf* from t!ieir own States, iu ta:ied ad valorem, the same arm of the servicc. ployed in afrricnltuitj shall be aeduct(^ Iho ^ j viJm of thXx inland deliTCred therefromr as assessed under the law imposing it, and delivered to thto Government: Provided, That no credit i^all be allowed beyond 5 per cent n. On the value v,f gold and silver wjw^os and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, 10 per cent. TTT- The value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed on the basie oC the market vi^uo of the same, or similar pro j)erty in the neighborhood wRere assessed, in the year 1860, except in cases where laiid, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been p ir- chased since the 1st day of January 18t^2, ia which- case the said land, slaves, cotton ‘and tobacco so purchased, shall be assessed at the price actually paid for the same ‘>y the owner. Sec. 3. On the value of all shareis or int*ir- ests held in any bank, bftnfc’ng company 01 aseociatioa, canal, navigation, importiig, exporting, ineurance, manufacturing, tele graph, express, raiu'»ad. and dry-dock co'n- pauies, and all other joxu^ itock compau^e? of every kind, whether incorpvyatod jr n»*t, 5 ^r cent The valuo of property taxed uuder 4ds section shall be assessed upon the basis of the market value of such property in ta© neight)orhood where assess^, in such cur rency as may be in general use there, in t^e j^urchase and sale of such property, at tae time of assi^ment. Sqc. s. Upon the amoant oi all gold aud eil'Tor cobi, gold dust, goici or silver bullion, wketh«*r hefa oy the bauko or other corpo rations or individualB, 5 per cent.; and upon all moneys held abroad, or .{.>0?? the amount oi hu i’-l3 of exchaagtt, iiavm tkaretor on loroigi! ^oirtr»tt»^ ^ax t 5 par cent.; such tas apon mon^v abro^^d oe assessed aud rtoll^ted acr?nrding w the valuo thereof at tjio v»bcre tax vs paid. U \} >»!i the aij?omit ot ail solvent cre dits, anc ji uii aills and all other pa pers iMiUfid currency, exclusive of non- Uiteresv beariuii^ Do^.'sderatd troasory notes, ana not esoipioydd in % regutered busiiiese, the income den i; >m which is taxed, 5 per ceau See. 4. Ux>o«i prodb* made in trade aikl onautess, • tV'UowK L Uti au *1.made by l?aying and sell ing t..)^ors, flooi, wheat, com, rice, sugta, or ump, salt, b&oon, pork, h^ beet or beei cattle, sheep, oat^ haj, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yams, wool, woolen, co*- no e^imatsi! T/crtv Oi* credits herein shall be itasessed or taxed as incomes under tho tax act of 1S63. Sbc. s. Th«’*: tho tax imposed by this act on bonds 01 Confederute States hereto- foTQ issued, shall in no case exceed the in terest on the same, and suck oon^, when held by or for minors or lunatics, shall be exempt from the tax in all cases where the ton or mixed eloihs, hats, eoal, iron, steel or nails, at any tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st of January 1865, Id ptt cent, in additio»i to the tax on such profits as income under the “act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Con federate ovatea,” approved April 34,1863. IJL On all promts made by buyiag and selling moaay, gold, silvair, foraign excbange, stocks, notes, debt^ credits, or obligationa of aoj kuad» «Bd anj oMMkaidiw^ profper- An Act to the privilege of the Wrii of HcAeaa Corpus in eertain cases. Whereas, the Constitution the Confed erate States of America provides in Aiticle 1, Section 9^ Paragraph 3, that “the privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus shau not on suspended unices when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re- \jaire it;” and whereas, the power of sua- pen(Hng the privileM of said writ as receg- ni«©d in said Artide 1, is vested solely m the Congress, which is the exclusive judfe of the necessitv of such suspension; and whereas, in the opinion of the Congress, the public safety requifes the suspension of said vrrit in the ex^tir.g case of the invasion of theeo States by the armies of the United States; a.nd who."o*»-9j tbo President has askec ff'r the suepeasi&!i of ^e writ of habeas cor- p o3, and iiuormed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the suspeasion of the writ a measure prc^r for the public defence against invasion an4 insurrection: HOW, therefore, The Congress of the Confederate States of A merioa do enact. That during the present m vp^ion of the Coafederate States, the priv ilege of the writ of habeas corpus be, anc. the oame is hereby, suspended; but sueh sua- pengion shall apply only to the cases oi per sona arreeted or detained by order of tiie President, Secret^ of War,' or the Qenera Officer eommandii^ the Trans-MissiesippI Military Department, by the authorily and under the control of the President It ia hereby declared that the purpose of gress in the passa^ of this act is to provide more effectually for the public safety by suspending the writ of habeas corpus ia the following cases and no other: I. Of keason, or treaaimable ^orts or combinations to subvert the government ol' the Confederate States. IL Of conspiracies to overthrow the gor- emment, or conspiracies to resiat the lawlW authoriw of the Confederate States. UL Of »mbining to aasbt the. enemy, or of communicatluff intelligence to the enemy, or^ving him aid and comfbrt iV. Of coaapiraci^ preparationa and ftt- toD^ts to IhmCc servile insurrectioa. V. Of Qesertioaa or enoouraging deser- tiona, of harbwmg deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service; Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and oppressKm by any subordinate officer u^n auy party who does not l^aliy owe mUiti^ry servioe, jya upfcric«* officer shall grant prompt relief to Sec.iS. That at the expiration of six icion; "Hs ; .--ad v:L from the fii*st day of Ap/il next, a boiiiity ; re-'^hf of |\00 io a six par cei*t.iUi. feucb olHcr Ccnfodsrale and State of0.cers a*i itbo Prcsidont, or the -G-ovemor of the ror ! spectivo States, may ccrtify te be necesiiary ^ tci' the proper administration of tho Coii- i fet’erate 01 Stato Goverb’Tiento, the ''ja-jo ! Gu.y bo. ^ { 3. Kv^ry minister of religion auth^riised to roacl' eec rlii’gto the rules of his church, :t the passage of tbip act, fihall be ‘jjploycd in the discharge ef hie’ bcTio,. miiiistei'Ial duties; soperintendeats and phy- whiC-i the becreti^iy of the Trcasp.ry is here-; gicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb by authorized tu issue, shall i>e P^id to eve-1 blind and of the iriaane; one editor for ry non-commissioRed oiSeer, nu’sic a,Lj and ! jiev73paper being pablished at tho time private who shall then be in esrvice, or in j Qf and such employees as said edi- . - I public printer the arrearages ol tiiKpay; b^. no or© .hall l>e G!overn:jjentB, and 6uch journeymen print- onntied to the bounty herein providtjd who R^id public printer shbII certify, shall at any time, during the pe-.:od of six . oath, to be indispensable to perform the mont^ next atler the bitiii «.uy’ o' April, \ public printing; ona skilled apothecary in be al^nt froiA his com’Ti*.nd without ler-ve. , ea.ch apothecary store, who was doing busi- Scc. 4- That no per&'ni shall h. r i!icved frcm the operation of this acc by of having been heretofore disch.-irged fr jm the armv where no iiEaHiluj no* exif nor ahsdl those who have furnished* subslituLai be any longer exempted by re*won thoroof: Provided, that no person, heretoioro exempt ed on,account of religiou - opinions and who wagons, harness, I the oppressed party, at any time be- shall t>e disnussed ^ and lue subordinate from office. TL Of spies and other emis^iea of the enemy. VIL Of holding correspondenee or inter- coursa with the enemy, without steceastty, and without the parmiaaion of the Ooatede- rat? t-' mtes. T JL Of unlawM trading with the ena- r d ether agamat idlie lava #f the Ooufederate States, eaaaUd to pro thiair aaomw ia th* w. service, shall bo required to render military service mider this aet ^ Sdc. 5. That all wh'to m.alo njsidonts of tho Confederate States, between tho ages of 17 aud 18 and 45 Mid-50 yeare, shall enroll themselves at such times ^nd places, and under such regulations, as the President i&ay prescribe, the time allowed not being less than 30 da vs for those e&st, and 60 days for those west ^ the Mississippi river, and any person irho shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner ae though they were be- tweea the ages of 13 anjd 45: Provided, that the p«rsons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be roquired to perfcKrm sfsrvioe out of the State in which thOT reside. Sec. 6. That %ll porsons required by the 5th section of this act to enroU themselves, may within 30 'days after ihe passage there of, east of.the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west ctf said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions'or regimenls, and elect their own oMce^rs; said organisations to conform to the existing la^; anc^ having fio orgauized, to tender £ueir services as volunteers during she WM to the President; and if such organ izations shall furnish proper master rolls, ^ now organised, and deposit a copy thereof with tho em-olling o3acc.r of their district, which shall be oquivAlent to enroll mant, they Qiay be accepted as minute men for aervice ux saeh State, bat-in no event to be fa-^An out ot it 'Riose who do not so vdlim- teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, bo required to asseiiikbld at conveHient pla- .C6S 01 rendezvous, and bo formed or organ- laKjd into companies, battalions and regi- meuts, nnder. regalatioas to be prasciTbed by btm; and ahaJl hfivo the right to elect tiieir company aad regimental ot&oers; and ail troops organizad nnder this acs tor Stat^ defence, shall be tfntitlod, whils in actual s^vice, to the saaia pay and allowance as troops Qow in tha ileld. Sec. 7. That any p««oa who shall fsil to attend at the place 01 rea leKvous as re^ Tiirad jty the aathority of tke President^ wlthodt nc as sueii OD the 10th day of Ocfiir 1S63, A.id ha^ continaed said business, without inter mission, since that period; all physi- ■i^na over the age of 30 years, who tow are, and for tl-e la-^t 7 years have been, in the :«tual aud regnlai’ practice of their profes sion, but the term physician shall not in clude ;‘Ib; all presidents and teachers has paid cho tax levied to relieve him from of colle::^, theological seminaries, acade- aurviAo aVkO.^1 Vi#* min'riar ,1,. l. _ U., 1 _ inieii aiLv, coiiool*, who have been r^nlarly engasreil a -ach for two years next before the pasbaga of this act: iVovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only^whose schools are pom- posed of 20 students or more. All eupwn- tendenta of public hospitals, established bv law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therem as euch sn- porintendents'^hall cestify, ob oath, to be indis{>ensable to the proper and cilcient management thereof. 4. ^here shidl be exempt one ^rsen as o^er or agriculturist (m each farm or plan tation upon which there are i^ow, and were on the 1st day of Jaa’v last, 15 able-bodied fiold-hands, betw^n the £.ges of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be grantee, in cities in which there is no white niale .^dult on the farm or plantation not liable to Kiilitary service, nor unlcsss the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st. day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and maaaj^er or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or j[)lantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to iie Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with snch i^acurify, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescrii30, conditioned that he wlU do^ liver to the £k>vomment at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary oi W«r, within 13 months next ensuing, 100jxfozids of bacon, or, at the election of the dovecii- ment, its e(]^uivalent in pork, and 100 Iba. of net b^ (said beef to be delivered on fbot^) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, witlun the above sud agee, who- thor said slaves in the field or n^ which said bacon of pca*k and beef shall be i>aid tor by the Gk>vOTnment at tho priees fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the impreasmout act: Provided, that when the i^>e^n thus exiompted sxiall produce satis- ractory evideuco tmt it has boen im|>ossitilo :ar him, by the exercise ot propor diiigencc, to furnish tiie amount of meat thus contract- iid for. aud leave an adeqaato supply lor the suboistonce of those living on tihie pakL farm or plaatat tlia Secretary of War thaU ^ . , dlr(^ a commutation of theeao^ to tiie TTj-ilst the po voiis exempted are actoa^ in their respective pnreuits er oc- caT>aiio5i3fc. ^lec. 11. That the Proeideut be, and ho is li'ereby, authorized to grant details, undor s'oucral rul is an>i Tt guiations to be issued From the W -jj Department, cither of peraoas betwieii and oiJ-yeara of age, or mxn the army in the field, in aU cases where, ia his judgment, jtistice, equity aad necessity re quire such details,* aud he* may revoke swA coders of detiilh wheuever he iJbinks proper: Provided, that the power herein granted to tho President to make details and oxemi^ 1 tiGns shall not be construed to authorise too exemption or detail of anjr contractor fot furnishing supplies of any mnd to tJie Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the departmwt king such contract shall certify that the sonal service such contractor are inoia* pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided further, iJiat when any saeh ooo- tractor shall fail, diligentlyr and laithfoUy, to proceed with the execution of such, con tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sei^ 13. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination peraooa liable to military service, no member com- poeing tho same shall be appointed from the county or ^nroUinr district in which thoy are required to m&e such examinaticm. Post Ofloe, FayottoTillo, M.- OCTOBIR 8,18^. J SchsdnU ofik* Arrinai md Dtmmnwr* 9f JTolt «l (mi KALBiaH via AVEaA8BOaO% *e. Arrivea iail;, except Saadav, at 41 P. ]|. D«parte dai^, except Baturdaj at 3 P. liL EALBiaH via SUMSiERYlLLB. Dsparte Taeeday aad Priiaj 6 A. itl. ArrivM Wtfdaes^j aad Soaday at 9 P. H. WA BS AW via CMJTTOH. Arrive* daily at 12 no»a. dail? at P. ML. OVJftTHAaB. Am«as TntotOaj, Tuor«a4y and Saiarday at 7 F. M Depart Moaday, Wei«MKl^ and trkkij at 1 F. II. OEE0LA.W, 8. C. ArriTeo Toeeday, Thunday aad Batorday at • F. ■, Departs Baaday, Tuesday and Thondaj at 1 F. M. FAIR BLURF via Arrivofl Ta^adij, Thoreday aad Satorday at 6 A. M. DefMU'w Saoday, Tw-3'htj aad Thursday at 1 P. If. liOaafiOS’S VIS i:LI2ABBTHT0WK. l^ejMrta SSoaday, Wodaeaday aad Friday at 6 A. M* ArriTea TumuUv, Xaurd^ aad Sittiurdaj at 2 F. ML £Ll2Al^£;£fO^?N via T£3S2UfTH. ArriTCS Uoadaj at ^ P. Bf. Departs same day (Moaday) at 6 P. M. MAONOUA via CYP&£88 C&EBC. Arrivw Tuesday at 2 P. M. Depart!! saiM dav (Tuesday) F. M. SWIFT ISLAR0 ^a MOITTI^S, OOTIir«TOII «•! POWEL.LTON. Axxivei Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wedne^y at 11 A. M. % SWIFT ISLAND via I&07. Arrivee Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. If. AU Bails Icaviag b^ors A. M-, are eieead tke Mw tag bof»re at 9 P. i€. All leUexs to be sest off frosa Uus ofiee, otker titan by mall, must ba paid fsr m il ««Bt by oiaiL AU drop lattars skoold b« pv«-pal4 bj 2 eeat stMps. TMe oOoo will be cm Chndaj ktm 8| t« M iL 3t.,aad£ram4}to5iF.M. JAB. O. OOOK. F. M. Tilfi 01XIE PAUEfiJft, A tairtW sBj^ty u wSolseri# TOE iVORTH €A.R01iIN[A MCTCil. UFB COMriilV, Now ill tke tentk year ef sueeesafui eperatioa, wil> growii^ eapital aad finaer npea publie eea- fidene^ cootiuues to inncre tka lives of all hiiaitky per* sons tna 14 t« 60 years af ace, fer ene year, for sevea years, and for !if»—aDliei laeabers skariag utke preflts AU siaTes.frea 10 te SO ye^s of age an ioMKed ter eae year or for ive years for.t^e tiurds Uuir vaioa. ^ lesres are punetuaUy paid witkiB 90 days after tatis&i^ozy {uroef isi preeeo‘*t^ For AixtiMr iaftMrantiea tke pnl>Ia« is raf^red la Agaataaf iha OeaMpMyia all pacta e'dM State, aa4 *• ft. B. BATTLB, Seexetaxy, lUiaigfeu B. J. AAUi^Afeat at Mr lOHL Fajatssfnlie^ H. 0 W

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