4 Jtiijts,% jb2ti. FAVKTTEVIl,l,ir~ MfNDii “januarF 9, law. Yankke NoTicKg OF Nobth Carolina.—We have been expecting to teo tne rejoicing of the ene my over the uourse of certain member* of oar Le gislttture; but it is seldom that we eee a paper from the United States, and the Virginia papers, which do see them, seldom copy their articles; bo we kave u3 yet met with ouly one yankee response to the rcsolulions of Mr. Sharpe, a member from Iredell Doubtleas otK*r papers throngbuut the whol« of >»nkeeland nere aa much pleased and encouraged by his resMutioDB as the New York Herald, from wh ch we copy below a portion of a long article. It may not so appear to Mr Sharpe, or other members who have ottered resolutions and delivered speeches brsathing h( stility to our cause alone and not to Lincoln or the United States, but we think the peo ple who may take the trouble to reflect upon the •ubject cannot but see that all their resolutions and speeches bare a direct tendency to encourage the enemy. It cannot be doubted that the war has been prolonged, the Confederate arm weakened and the yankee arm strengthened, the cause of independence ubstructed and tne possibility of subjugationimprsss- cd upon the yankee mind, by the movements of a tew men who, under a profesaion of a desire for peace which they cannot feel more than every one •lie, are‘poisoning the public mind at heme and tieiping Liacfltin abroad. Tbe foilowiag are extracts from the Herald’s ar ticle;— •North CaroliuK U upon the verge of a revolt against the ao called “Ooufederate sJtates OK)vernuient.'’ Ua the leiii lust, there waa a signiticaut vote in her Legisla ture uu the rtsvolutiouary usua of State rights. Mr Sliarpe, in the House ot Comiuous, iotroduced cerUin lesulutioGs ileclaring •that bUte sovereignty is the priu- on which Norla Carolina and otiier States with drew from the Uui^ feUtes govtjrumeat, aud therelore tue States Comprising the doutfcern Comedcracy are sovereign, and the Coufoderale governmeat ia «nly th»* agent ol the States, and subject to their control;” and de claring “further that ihe States in their sovereign ctkpa- city, have the right to take up the question of peace or war, and settle it without consultation with the Fresi- don’, of the Southern or ol the so called United States.” ‘ Theae resolutions, wliich, if adopted as the voice of the ^orth Curolina Legislature, would have been equiva- leiil at this juuctui-e to the secession of North Carolina trouj Jed i-»avis, aud the immediate collapse of the whole ooticern, were laiil o > the table by close votes of fifty- two to tifty. Within the u-xt .ten days, from the con viucing arguments of Graui, Sherman, Thomas, 13utler !iud Porter, those resolutions may be taken up again and passed by both liou^es of said Legislature, with amend ments declaring that the time has arrived lor the exer cise by North^Carolina of her “sovereign” powers of peace or war, and that a Iwdy of commissioners be according ly appointed to confer with the other ‘‘sovereign” States ot tne ‘‘confederacy' in behalf of some arrangements for (.eace, regarUladS of tne so-calied Confederate govern ment at It will be seen tUat the main point of the r«B©lution%>«hich lacked only two votee of suc- cofe« icadajM ago, was the repudiation of Jeff Da via in taking up.toB qmitlun of peace or war. • Jcii. is in UHipintut dinger of bjing overthrown,super- .•e ea and set aside as tae great atumoliHg block to ihe rtbellioue in the maiter of an early reitoration 'jf peaC'-. ’ * ’ l^ing Jclf. is in a deplorable condition, and suvfounded with hostiW combintitions in hie own Uousshold not leas alarming than the destructive com- binaiioas ot Geu- Grint. Within a few weeks, or a few day*, this revolatiou may become a chapter of history, aud lUttii we may anticipate an easy settlemoat in Kebel- domof ihe-qaeitiou ot consiiiatiouai jurisdiction over the important oubject ol a treaty ot pea^e. ” CONFKDEaATE TaXK3 CoLI^SCTBD IN THIS COUMTY. —Robert W. Hardie, Eaq., Ooafederate Tax Col lector for this county, has handed us the following statement, in compliance with our request:— ••The amount of Coatt-deiate Taxes collected in Cum berland county ia is from the follew- ing sources, vtz: Sp«oitiu lax, (OB Liioeao*,) $ ie.2:iO 00 Tax on Sales, *27,33j 3fi Tax on Incomes aad Profits, Sol,:^21 5ti Additional Tax on Protita (10 per oeat.,) 40 30 per cent, additional fax on Profits, 44,3Is So Tas on Property, 40^,850 V3 Arrears for 18t»3, 676 11 Tax to pay Soldiere, 137,a70 7D $1,408,826 02 There are in the county l,u26 ta.\ payers, exclusive of exempts; ot that number ail have paid their taxes except ril, of wnom t) are noa-residents, 23 are in the army, 12 iu-e femaies or minors who are dependent on their friends in the army to pay tneir taxis, aud 10 are at home aud have fiilrid to pay. ‘•The spicie value of Taxable property not employed in farming, exclusive of property of exempts, amounts to $7,608,275 40. ••There are in the county 521 Farmers, exclu«ive cf exempts. Value of property employed in farming $1, '665,318. ••The above will show that the taxes have been promptly paid; aud they have been as cheerfully as they were prompt.y paid by the al-vays loyal citizens tt Cumber land county. The Collector and Assessors have at all times been met at their appointments with promptneie, and at the same time with a kindness that cauaot be sur passed in any other county in the St-ite. In all the visits we have been called upon to make to all parts of the county, we have never yet found any one ttiat would take pay from us, either for ourselves or our horaes. ••The general expression of tax payers has been that the taxes are high, bat we are willing to pay whatever tne Government may require. ••If there is any Collector in the State that can m'lke a better snowing for his Uistrict than the above, 1 would like to hear from him." And we add to the above, that it there 13 any Collector, in the State or eut of It, who better under stands his duties and performs them with more com plete BatisfactioQ to the tax payers as well as to the government, we would like to hear of him. The Statement of Mr. ilardie is in every way re markable. That this county paid last year into the Confederate Treasury nearly a million and a half of dollars of direct taxes, would indicate that the whole State must have paid perhaps some fifty mil lions of dollars. And this ia scarcely equal, w« gnppose, to the indirect taxe8, if we may so call them of tithes and impressments, to say nothing of State county and to^rn taxes. Yet so little has this enor mous amount affected the public, that, iwelt-e thon sand dollars can be given for a negro, and from one thousand to ten or twenty thousand d->]lars for years’rent of a dwelling hou«e. Th** t’-uth is that people generally have so much money that they don’t know what to do with it. There are few or no foreign goods or loxuriftB to be bought, and 80 they buy lands and nejr.oes at fibulous prices Fa better would it be if they would support their gov ernment by buying some of its bonds—its 6 per cent, bonds, for instance, on which there will be no tax upon either principal or interest. Town Ei.bction —Major Arch'd McLean was re elected Mayor last week, and the following gentle men were elected Commissioners:— Ward No. 1, A G Thornton. ' • “ 2, Murdoch McKinnon, “ “ 3, E L PemberUin, “ •• 4, 11 M Urrcll, “ “ 6, I>r K A Black, • “ 6. J C Poe, *• 7, J K Lee. Th* Board i? unchanged except that Dr. Black guccceds Mr. McKethan who declined a re-election, Imhrkssmknts.— We refer the reader to the com munication of Judge Shepherd, embraci’’ g the laws of Con^rresfl on the subject of impressments. It eeemfl to as to be a siktiefac^ory exposition of the subject, and may lead to the adoption b;- the peo ple of the remedies provided by the lawd for those abuses which have rendered the sjstem odious and brought down complaints against the government it- mU—•ttoapiainto Uia4 appear to be iU fooaded. CoMPLiiuuiTAKT.—(itoT. Vanos hasiisaad, through Adj’t Gen. Gatlin, a Special Order “tendering his thanks and the thanks of the State to tbe^roops en gaged in the recent operations ag»inst the public enemy in Eastern North Carolina, for their gallant and good condact on several occasions—and espe ciallj to Brig. Gen C. Levqnthorpe, commanding, »nd Col. J. N. Whitford, 67th N. C. Troops, whose conduct meets with particular approbation. With su(A officers, and such men as they command, the State may justly hope to protect her borders against invasion.'’ Tub Homi Gdakd.—Another Bpeeial Order oor- dially thanks the Guard for Home Dsfeace, “for their prompt response to the call of the Governor, and their valuable services in ihe Field during the recent attack upon the State by the public enemy. By similar promptness and patriotism our p'ople may be protected, and the Guard kept from their homes as little as possible.” The Guard is acoord- ingly disbanded. - — — How THiNos ABB DONS IN THB Abmt.—We have heard of an incident which illustrates the gallantry and devotion of one of our North Carolina officers in Lee’s Army—& type of the whole. It happened sometime ago—we heed not say when—that it was desirable to get information as to eome movement or supposed movement of the enem''. Aceordingly, abont 10 o’clock of one dark, cold, rainy night, a cou rier broQght to a Brigade Head Qaarters an order to capture one or two yankees from their picket line, with a view to pnmping the desired information out of them. Major Wooten, commander of the sharp- shooters of the Brigade (firom Columbns county, N. C.) was sent'for, arrived about midnight, and en- trasted with the order. He remarked that he did not see how he was to go about it, 'as the moon would be np by the time he conld retarn to the skir mish line. After some thought the perplexed look disappeared from the Major’s countenance and he quietly remarked, “Very well! I’ll catch one or two - I remember a ravine on the line that’s too deep for the moon.” So he splashed his way back to his sharpshooters,*charged the yankees, and brought in, before day, a dozen fat ones, without losing a man. Savannah.—^The telegnams this morning furnish a foretaste of th^ tender mercies of the yankees to a conquered city. “Churches and places of araune- mert”—[Sherman does not quite say other places of amusement j—are graciously “allowed.” A grand firemen’s parade forms a Sunday amusement. Two newspapers are allowed, but they are not allowed to comment on the doings of the authorities—“the play of Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted.” And such of the people as will not forswear and disgrace themselves by taking a horrible oath are to be driven from their bonnes and robbed of their property. Such are the orders of a government to which a firee peo ple are invited, or rather commanded, to return. May God forbid! The Blairs.—It will have been seen that Francis P. Blair and his son Montgomery had left Washing ton for Slichmond, on what was said to be a peace mission. But they were turned back by Grant, who would not allow them to nass his lines without an order from Lincoln or his Secretary of War. If Grant had allowed them to pass, it is likely that Lee would have sent thom back, since they had no au thority from their government, ft was but another Jacques and Gilmore attempt at hombagging as and getting information for usd at the North. By the way, the New York Tribune “regrets that tiie Messrs. Blair had not proceeded, or offered to proceed, direct to Raleigh instead o' Richmond.” WiuU fort Tkis is giving Raleigh rather an maen- viable prominence. A Bcdoit of B^cndbbs.—Tne Richmond corres pondent of the Charleston Mercary, under date of Dec. 30th, says:— It is remarked that the North Carolina members, Senators and Representatives, are all absent from Congress, and the North Carolina Legislatare is in session. Tne detention at home of these gentlemen may be accidental, but nervous people discover some thing ominous in it.” It would not be easy to imagine more, and more ill natured, blunders in the same space than the above. Some, not all, of the North Carolina mem bers availed themselves of the several days’ adjoam- ment for Christmas, with the nnderstanding that it would be extended till after New Year’s day, to visit their homes, as a number of other members of Con gress did. The North Carolina Legislature was not in sesBion, and had not been for nearly a week. We hope the correspondent’s nerves may be set right by tiiis contradiction of his fancies. Fost Fishbr.—The Wilmington Joorn^l has a long account of a visit on Wednesday last of Ladies, gentlemen and officers, including Gan. Bragg, to Fort Fisher, tde Ladies of the Soldiers’ Aid Society bearing the materials for a feast to the garrison. The presentation speech on behalf of th3 Ladies w»s made by Maj. Robt. Strange, Aid to Gea. Bragg, and Col. Lamb responded on behalf of the garrison. Sad Accidsnt.—Oa Saturday evening last Pem broke Woodward, aged about 16, son of Mr. A. J. « Y X* JB JL. From the United States.—Bichkokd, Jan’v 6.— The Baltimore American of tbe •▼ening of tk* inst. says that the two Blairs | reported to have start ed to j^chmond on a Peace mIsuobJ have retumtd to Washingten. Gen. Grant refused to pass tk^ throngh his lines without authority firom ibe Presi dent or Secretary of War. On Sunday last the bulkhead of tbe Dntcb Gap Canal, north side, was blown oat, but a large mass of earth having fallen back it will be necessary to clear out the canal before tha work can be used. A dispatch from Decatur, Nertb Alabama, says that Gen. Stedman with a considerable cavalry lerce has crossed the Tennessee in pursuit ef Hooa, who is rapidly retreatiig. A Cincinnati telegram of tbe 4th says that the Commercial’s Columbia (Tean.) correspondent says that hereafter news from Tho mas’s army will come frosa another quarter. March ing orders have issued aad his whole army is ia mo> tion. The American says that a letter from Gen. Sher man of Dec. 26th states that a larM part of his army is in motion. Very important results are anticipated. 'I’he new RepubHcan Gov. Fenton of New Yerk was inaugurated at Albaay ea the 4tb. He has is sued a 'proclamation in wuch be says that tbe war for the preservation of the Union must continue un til its foes are subdued. Earopean advices are to the 25tb nil 'j^'he Pope In response to the Confederate Congressioaal Mani festo applauds its patriotic sentiments, deplores tbe continuance of the bloody straggle, aad says be will not fail to avail himself of aay favorable opportunity to urge peace. Cotton at Liverpool has advanced Gk>ld io New York 233. Mobilb, Jan’y 7.—Memphis papers of tbe.Sd-«9* port (ruerillM troahlaaof fax Kentucky. Tbe rebel (ien. Lyon is at Campbellsville, having every thing his own way. Referring to the Wilmington failure, they say that Fisher is considered the strongest fort in America, and that Butler withdrew his troops be cause its capture was impossible. The Battles in front of Naahvillt—Offloial Re- mrt from Oen. Hood.—Biobmosd, Jan’y 8.—Gen. Hood reports from Spring Hill, Dec. 27tV that on the .morning of the 15th, at Nashville, the enemy at tacked both flanks of his army. They were repulsed on the right with heavy loss, but towards evening drove in his infantry outposts on the left flank. E^rly on the morning of the 16th, tbe enemy, he says, made a general attack on his entire line. A11 their assaults were repulsed with heavy loss, until at 3^ P. M. a portioB of our line left of tbe centre sud denly gave way, causing our lines to give way^at all po'nts. Om* troops retreating rapidly, 50 pieces ot artillery and several ordnance wagons were left. On this day our lossia killed and wounded; as heretofore, was small; in prisoners, not ascertained. Maj. Glen. Edw’d Johnson and Brig. Gens. L. B. Smith and H. R. Jackson were capfbred. All'tiudet at Pttersburg—PBTiRSByaa, Jan. 6.— All is quiet. It has rained all day and both armies are completely mud-boand. From the Sovth West —Mobil*, Jan, 7.—-The Ft Oainss prisoners reachad the oity last evsoiog aad are declared exchanged. Scouts report troops lenvia> Memphis and going down the river. from Satxmnmh — Adgusta, Jan. 7.—The Chroaicle hss the Savannah yankee paper of the 2d, with Slherman’s Generid Order regulati^ affaire in that city. It declares that fumilies will not be disturbed; that (lurches and places of amusement wUl be allowed; merchants and tradesmen allowed free use of their shops, tools, kc ; no occupied houses will be taken for military aoe; the Mayor and Council will oontinne the exercise of their fnnctions; two newspapers will be allowed, but eomments on the proceedings of the authorities forbidden; cltiaens are re quired to ci'oosa at onoe whether to stay or to depart in peace. The city fire department had a grand review before Oen. Geary on Sunday. Mail oomsannication with the North has been eeUblished. The city is divided into dis tricts, each under a Provost Marshal. Woodward, of this vicinity, had hij right arm fear fully shattered by the accidenlal 1 schargeof his o^n gun He was reiuraing frOiO guuni when his norse became I'rightened; and in aUe'^’pting to change the position of his gun in the carriage it was discharget? and the whole load of 18 buckoh A entered bis arm 1 he wound is rot considered m jrlal, though the main artery is out, and he is doing as well as could be ex pected. 'I’ois is another sad waTiing to youths u^ing fire arms. Important Arrest.—Toe aota ioud Wm. Turner Fry, who oas been charged with stealing so many horses in various parts of the State, was arrested in this town on Friday last, aud is now safely in jail awaiting the applications of the various jailers in other counties who have advertised a desire to ex tend their hospittlities to him. Thr MahuS.—Mr. Regan’s slow coach will catch up after a while. The mails this morning bring ns Richmond papers of as late date as las^ Wednesday and Thareday, which are only three and two days behind time. 8th N C. Reserves.—The field officers elected be low‘Wilmington on the 22d ult. are reported in the Journal to be: A. A. McKoy, Colonel; Nathan Me Lean, Lt. Col; B. F. Hook4, Major. FOR THB 0B3SBVK&. The Cumberlaad Ho.'*pital As^ooialiou ackaow.pdg'is the receipt of tbe following coatributions, viz: From Mrs Uuiicaa .MurcaiBou il«'» prs socki>; Mrs J E 'lurchisou piece sheeciag, 60 prs no^tks, 2 pr- gloves; .Vfiss ii «u chition I piece shee'ing, 3 shirtg, #40; Maache.ner Kuit- tiui/ Sooiovy 5'J prs sock.-; fctrs John Klliott 1 suit clothes 2 prs socks, 1 piece iiomispan, ¥aj McLauchlin $10- sir? llobiPBOU and Visa McDiarmid .^irs Uhilds ani .vitH Anderson $25. The Association al-o aokuowLdkes $500 from Mrs E J Hale: from Mrs Ih- s'oulke.-; $.5i) Iron Jdis Hiasdale- $10 from Mrs Ohilds; 1 ba'fi aud 1 piece sheeting irorn Mr James Kyle; 1 lurk'jy aij,"! 1 p r-ce shoetiujj fro’.n Vi; lor 'h bfa.’lii of thy i': oop3 at e'oi t !• The i/ankte rMvtment frtm Savannah.—CaAatisTON, Jan. 7.—The enemy in^inkaown foroe ereesed New River on the road to Grahamville, 8. U., this morning. Wheeler is watching the movecaent which is not yet fully de veloped. Major Prench't Junior Reserv^.—The Adjutant reports to tbe Journal of the 7th as kUled at Port Fisber: Elias Davis, C. Wounded; G. M. D. Long, B. Missing aad lapposed to be captured: Corp’l J. A. Smtb, ^orge W. Kersbaw, F. Sbipbart, ^ A. Pattersall, H. Hamilton, A K. Johnson, J. H. McKinnie, W. R. Prince, N. A. Ray, A; R. W PriM, T. J. Hietoan, B; Serg’t J. F. Wooten, P. McArthur, J. C. Camer, C. H. MilUcan, M. Clark, L. F. Nm^, j. W. Joumigan, M. StephoDS, H. At kinson, S. R. Pate, C. From tbe Salisbury Watchman, 7th inst. Bivodac 8th Bat., N. C. Ja. Rbsbkybs, ) ^ Goldsboro’, N. C., Jan. 5. f Mr. JSdi^: For tbe information ot tbe anxious parents of WMtern N. C., please publish tbe sub- jomed list of Junior Reserves belonging to tbe 8th Battalion, captured near Fort Fisher, on the nijrht of tbe 25tb Dec. 1864: “ Co A—Sgta 8 F Burkhead, Moses A Abemathv* Corpli S F Hoover; W A Wallace; privates R F Bost, W A Bidson, R B Edwards, F A Freeze, E G Goportte, R E Goodin, E T Goodman, R L Good man, R L Lazenby, J C Mackie, G A Moore, W M Ramsay, H M Smithdeal, D L Somers, M Trouble- field, S A White, H F Williams, Q M Little. B—Capt J R l^aitber; Lt J M Laurence; Sgta J F Smyer, N Hewitt, J H Wyout; Oorpls J M Sbu- ford, J W Helton, W P Rhoney; privates W Avant,* M M Berry, J Bolcb, J F Ballard, J Coulter, G W Cbapman, O Radicill, W Weaver, W H Sbuford, J F Jarratt^ W J Jarratt, L Rbeep, A Fry, R Lain, H M Harbiuson, N Settlemyer, J Mouser, L S Whitmer, W E Drum, A M Rhyne, W Shook, A S HclleE, J D Pope, J Hart, W Bums,.S Letberman, £ L Erwin, F 1* raaier, D Icenbour, E Keener, H Seigle, Vf Randall, E HufTman, D Christopher, J HeavMr, M Lagte. C Smimon. Eli Clay. C—Lt G M Turtle; Berg’s W W Healan, D C Setaer,Corp’lsLFoz, JH Miller,.J M Warlick, J P Puett; priv’s W P Amey, 8 Berrie, S Bright, J Brad shaw, R G Courtney, D J Deal, M O Eply, J Green field, J Hall, J C Hemphill, A Hudson, L Hilder- braad, R. C. Houck, G. M. Hays, B. B. Hood, J. Icard, L« A. Icennour, Sel. Justice, M. R. Kirby^ P. Livingston, A. P. Lewis, D. Lael, W. C. Linker, J. 0. Lee, W. C. Martin, A. B. Martin, W. A. Me-' Rary, J. M. Nelson, T. J. Perkins, T. Simmons, R. H. Thomsen,^M. L. Williams. Also, John McRo- rie, Lt. P. A. C. S., Drill Master 8tb Bat. W. G. Watson, Capt. Com. Bat. The following^General Order, iisued by General Bragg, relative to the attack on Fert Fisher, has Been handed to the WUmington Journal: ^aiiAUyUAiiTEliS DKPAKillENr N. C., | Wilmington, Dec. 29 th, 1864. { Gknbkal Orusbs, No. 17.—The Gommauding General desireh to congratulate the OBiceia and men engaged in the recent operations near this place on their suucessl^l termination. One of the most formidable expeditions yet organized by the enemy—an imposing force of veter an troops supported by a tleet_carrying ,over 500 guns, has accompil^ed no other object than a froitlees landing on a barren coast, folio'.ved in 48 hours by a hasty re-em barkation. This auspicious result is due, under a merciful Provi dence, to the skill of Major General Whiting, who plan ned the defences at the mouth of the Cape Fear, to tbe gallantry and endurance oi Oolonel Lamb and the brave garrison, of Fort Fisher under his immediate command, worthily seconded by Lieut. Chapman of the Navy and his devoted seamen serving Battery Buchanan, and the steady coolness with which Brigadier Goneral Kirkland, with a part of his brigade, checked the advance of vastly superior numbers of tne enemy. Thus another gigantic effort of a powerful enemy has come to naught, but not without afibrding us profitable lessons! The Bucoessful defence of Fort ^her, against one of the most formidable Naval armaments of modern times, proves that the superiority of land batter.es over ships of wai, at one time threatened by the improve- meats in artillery and ship armor, hss been re-establish ed by the genius of the Engineer; and the weaker party on tue defensive may still defy the greater numbers and mechanical resources of an arrogant invader. Let us hope that the check, which the enemy has received at the meuth of the Oape Fear, may prove tne harbinger of a renewed series of Oonfoderate victories* By order of Oen’i B&aoo: AUCHBE ANDERSON, A A. G. Yahkbbb im Savajtnah.—Tne telegraph informs as that seventeen citizens of Savanaah have beld a meeting and adopted resolutions of allegiance to Lincoln and bis government, proclainatieas and all. The wonder is tnat ia a city ot 25,000 inhabitants there were net more traitors found. FAYBTTSYILLB MA&KST.—Jan. 9. Jcp«e K Ky e - a toktu of appreci of thoir tried'g.iilait v .ii pulsing wur eneiny at tuat Fort. The meeting of the Ladies of the Asaociation on Tues> 4ay evening wiU be at (he resitaiee of Ml JamH Kjle. An:>ther siffniftea^t arti€lefr*rm the Oe«rgia ‘ ptmee" pa per.—AutJi’sTA, Jan. 7 —This morning’s Chronicle and Sentinel coatains a two-oolumu leader on the nse of State sovereignty It calls on the Legislature of the State to interpose her absolute soveroigaty between the people and the despotic legislation of our subservient Congress. Fire i.i ChaHottt.—Lar^e lots of Goe't Slorta. Tteo «*» Burntd —CiiARLorr*, Jaa. 7.— \ terrible conflagra tion occurred here at 8 A. M.. originating ia the pay- master’s dep’t adjoining the N. (J and S. 0. R, R. sLd, which and the adjoining Warehouses were burned to the ground. Two men are supposed to have been burned. A vast amount of Stores was o.>nsumed. Congrresa.—Richmond. Jaa’y 5.—No definite ac tion on any subject was had in either House te-day. The army conaolidatioa bid is still, pending in the House. Richmo.vo, Jan. 6.-—Nothing of inter33t occurred in eitiier House to-day. The Expedition against Wiltnington entirely abandoned;.—A dispatch from Fortress M'^nroe, in N. Y. papers of th« 2d, says that “nearly all the steamers comprising tne portion of the expeditiona ry fleet under the command os Gan. Butler, which sailed hence several weeks since, have returned in safety.” The rribane adds: “A dispatch from Wil mington annoances the withdrawal of Admiral Por ter’s fleet. We presume the statement is correct. One of the greatest naval expeditions of modem t mes thus reaches a miserable conclusion.” Per contra, the Baltimore American says: “That the attack has been given up for any length of time we cannot believe, i'he latest adviws received from Admiral Porter represent him a^ still subiecting Fort Fisher to a vigorons bombardment.” ° The yankee Roanoke Expaditio'^.—'Vtis, as is already iinown, was a failure. Tne Richmond Sen tinel learns from reliable officers ttiat 6 of the 12 :^nnboats were blown up by torpedoes or sunk by our batteries The yankees admit a loss of 1000 men. The loss was probably much larger. Of 600 men on one of Ihe boats blown np only 60 escaped. Fron Hood—We believe it to be true that the en?my has received a heavy check near the Tennes see river, and that two entire brigades were taken from him; also that Forrest h'is captured w immense wagon train, with many more prisoners.—Examiner. Mexico —Y ankee official dispatches from Mexico represent President Juarez as still carrying on the war ag»inst the French, hopeful of success. Maxi milian’s Gov’t, it is tnought, cannot stwid 6 months He wants mon»*y, has no credit, has offended Uie church party which brought him over, and will fail in his efiorts to conciliate the Liberals. T^e Alabama Tornado.—ln addition to particu lars in preceding p^e we leani from tbs Montgomery Mail that in that city the darkness wait so great it could almost be fel*; chunks of hail tbe size of pig eons’ eggs fell thick and fast. A bridge on the rail road was “lifted” from its foundations and carried away. At Opelika, a chQd was wrested from tbe arms of a man, and carried a hundred yards, and when found was jammed against t he trunk of a fallen tree, dead; and a bedstead was lifted into tbe top of a tree whe~e it lodged. .The Damage to th* Yiroinia Salt Wobks.' The Engineer in charge‘of the works at Saltville and the military officers commanding at that place have officially reported the extent of the dama^ire done there by ihe enemy durini? the late raid. The wells are not seriously damaged; the pipes, cisterns, &c nninjnred; the miisonry of the furnaces uninjured 1840 good kettled and 788 broken; the North Caro lina, j^orgia and River Works (Virginia State sufisring almost the entire loss. It is thongh*; the works may be pat in fall operation io less than a moi'tn. There were 92,000 bushels of salt slightly 'air-aged-Dy fire. Oi this 5,5U0 bushels belong to -Vortti Carolina, 23,000 bushels belon ~ Gen. D. H. Hill.—The Charleston Courier of the 3d says that Gen. D. H. Hill arrived m Charleston on Sunday last, with orders to report to Gen. Beau regard. Botn left on a special train Monday after noon for Montgomery, Ala., from whence they will communicate with Gen. Hood’s army. Trouble for Lincoln.—Nearly all the 33,000 bales of cotton in Savannah bolonged to foreigners. But 300 to the C. S. Gov’t. On Taesday morning last Neill McMiilaa paid for me Weekly Ooserver to be sent tu him for 0 montns. Tbe Booa-keeper omiiUid to enter his Post Office. Will he mform us so ifxat the paper may be mailcKl to his address? MAKKIKJ), In Sampson county, 20th Dec., at the residence of Mr. Thomas Bradsha'.v, by H. H. CobO. iSsq., Mr. GA BRIEL OARK to Miss MAH'JaRET brown, all of Sampson. On the 25th Dec. at tbe residence of the bride’s father, by H, H. Cobb, Esq , Mr WILLI AVI A. ANDRE WS to Miss NANNIE A. HOBBS. At the residence of the bride’s father, Marion county, Fla., on 21st Dac’r, by R^v. John Peauy, Mr. Ad jH'D T. BANKS of Gainesville, (formerly of Fayetteville, N. 0.) to Miss LAZORAH j., youngest daughter of G. Sis- truak, Esq. Presbyteriaa and v?il. Journal please copy. In Everettsville, on the 28th ult, at the resideuoe of Mr. D B. Everett, by the Rev. l>r. De ‘m, oapt. K. R. iO'^ES. of the 27th N. 0. lufautry, to Mist. ADLuLti U. SI )iMONS, both of Jones county, N. G. BITEBW OF THl MAKKH. BM«a e 09 Peri: S 00 to 8 iO. 6 00 1 M t« i 00 p«r petmd, retail. Beeswax 6 00 letter 8 00 to t 00 catM 1 7*. coffM 26 oe. OoUctt Tam—40 00 to 50 00 per btadi Copparaa, reUU 60 to f8. Dried Fruit 1 iO Flnur, 9840 to 9860 OraiB—Cora $28 Wheat f40 to f46. Bye $35. Oats 15 00. Pose f 2^ 00 Hidee —Qreeo 8 M, drj 6 00 to 7 00 Iron—-Swedes 5 90, eountry made 8 60. Fodder $12 60. Say $10 Shaoks $10 Flaxseed ’5,00 per ba. fihroen Applss 80 00 to 50 00 per btmheL Bfgs 3 60 per dosea. Leather 25 00. ^ Com Wiiiskey $C0 00. Appts aad PomA Braady $80 00, Orape Brandy $80 to $100. MelaaMC, oovatry Kads. 18 50 te 20 00. Bice $1 26 to 1 M eask Brown Sofar 8 00 to 12 tO. Soda'7 CO to 8 00 per lb. Soap—Family Bar 5 Ot per lb., Tellet 8 M to lOM. Naiis 4 00 to 4 50 per lb. Oaioas 85 00 per basket Potatoes—Irish $10 baah; sweet $10. FayettevUle 4-4 Sheetiage. 4 iO lalt 46 00 per baehel Spirits Tarpeatiae 5 90 per MkUoa. Tallow 6 00 WmI $8 to $lt. Germted by B L. P—»«gea. Furaitarei Jlcgrtes bb4 Top-Bam AT AUCTION. An extensive SALB of FUBNITUBE, eoBSistlair cf Ohgiri. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Qlass Ware, Knives and Forks. So&s, Si t. on 17th last ^at Bxehaage Hotvl; one NE9B0 WOM *M, 24 years of ace and child 11 year ; a first-rate modera style TOP BUQOT, and HOUSE and LOT on corner of Cmabei'laBd aadOrsnge xtreetg, ac'j'^iniag lot of Mrs. Besbe JOHN H COOK. Auot’r. Jan. 9. t 99 2t EMiCTioS^ ON FRIDAY uFxt. 18th lost, the foUo'”lng Town Officers wilt be eleeied, viz: Town Constable, Town Treasurer, Town Ta* Collector, Town Clerk, Standard Keeper, nierk of the Market, Town Gnard, Weigh Master, Sexton of the Orave Yard, Ocnmittees of Vigilaoee for the several Wards. A M CAMPBELL, Town Clerk Jan’y 6. It Enrolling Offiee, Fayetteville, Jan. 9,1865. 4 TTENTION is hereby directed to > the notice of la- speotor of Consoriptioa tn «he 8d an* 4th Congres sional Dis. N 0. By it all persons holding Oertifloat^s of ExemptioB by resson of physical disability or as signed to light duty, within the limits of (Jutnbsrland County, are required to meet hist on the 13t'i and i4th inst To this end it is hereby orierod that white males of abdve naned olasses between the ages of 18 aad 46 assemble at my oflio j oa Jaa’y 18 Ji, and Rssdrves aad free negroes oa Jan’y 14th, at 10 A- M Militia and Home Qaard Officers will give to this order pablioi ^; and any man of tke olasses requirel who shall fhil to appear or forward such an aSiavit as designated by the laspeetor will be d-'emed a fit subjeet for re examiaa^ioQ by the "Speeial Uo^d,” and for this purpose sent to Camp Holmes. W. C. BIMCHIR, 99 2t Lt. & E. 0., Oombsrland County. FOR SALE. BOND, C. 8 COTTON LOAN. Coupons payable A XI. in Oold or Cotton Apply to Jaa’y 7. JAS. N. SMITH. 99itf PR1VA.TE BOAHDIJHIG. The subscriber can aeooxnmodate a few GcatleaMn and Ladies with boari and lodgimc, or With board alone W. J ABDBBBON. F»yetteville, Js.o ? H 99 4tipil Dr. W. C. !VcDuA* annoimcM ta iiu p»t.'ocs >t ae aas resumed ta« ptso lice of hie Pr fe^sion ia this pl«09, and ea> be founf at bi.'^ olJ Offiw oa B.j* street Jaa'y 7. 99 2fpd BiSD, In this town, 6th insU, Mr. H. B. SBDBEttRY, aged 62 years. In this town on yesterday morning, MARIA LEE, in fant daughter of Wm. and Jaanett Widdilield The funeral take pl:u% from Ihe residence of James M. Vann this afternoon at 8 o’clock. At Union Factory, Randf'iph countj, N. C., oa Dec. the 27th, 1864, of Cancer, DAVID UNDSEY SWAIM, aged 46. • The mo’t gratifying tribute we can pay to his memory is in being able to say, with truth, that he was an honest, xipright man. P. D. S. On the Sd inst, at his father’s residence in Robeson connty, N. 0., Private H. P. LS WH of Co. B, 5‘,'th Regt, aged 35 years, leaving a wife and six small children to moom his loss. KEILL McNEILTj, a native of the Isle of Skye, and for 60 years a resident near Pocket, Moore connty, from which place he removed to Navarro county, T»as, died gth of An^uat, lH(t4, aged 76 years. DANIEL M cNEILIi, grandson of the above, volunteer ed in 18S1, was taken prisoner 4th July 1863 at Vicks burg and paroled. When exchanged he reported at Gal veston. at which place he sealed his devotion to his ooantrv’s cause with his life 3)th May, 1864, aged 32 ye&rs and 6 months. '' Miss m. A. DEWS will rc- eume th? exeroises of her Sf'HO'iL ia ihe Leet-ure R>um nf the Btp'.ist Church on M')ni%y th* 9.fi of January *865 Termp, $30 tor ten weeks It Cjlea Annii FciUBle Seminsiry, TH0MA8VILLE. N 0. The Spring Bossien will b^gin 26th dny of Janu'jry 1*66 Potrd $7 per month >f pai l in yro»i9'ejS si 'M prists or $'50 Cnnfsderate in advaace. Taition, Er*gl sb 150; Masio $6''; Frsnch or Latin $•?*. Eaeh papi! will fatnifh one pair nf pillow esses 3nd.s\eet9. J W TBOM'S J» ». 99 2t«2'v-.? I¥aiitcd to Parcltasc. Town of #AYErrEViLLB coupons; Coun*y cf Gnoiberland C >upaoR; Old N. C. 6 per cent. Coopons; Western R:iil Road Stock; Town an.l C uat; Bonds; Old N.'C 6 per cent Bonds; Bank Billt, O ld and SiWer. —ALSO— 25,000 B:.rrel Staves; fiOOO “ Hnadiof; POOO feet PjpUr Plank; Spirits Turpentine a:\d Oil Birrels. with Iron or wood hocps T 8 LUTTBRLOH. Jau’y 9. 09 8w For Sale at No. 17, Uarket Sqaare# Fine F;.'U Hitt; B>eached Shirtiag; Costs’ Cji>tcc; Hoop @kirt»; Fine Note Paper; Fine Letter Paper; Fine Envelopes; Pan aad Pen Headers; English Black lak; Do Blue ^o; Eaglish Red Ink; Lead Peaoilt; Dressing Com^a; Children’^ Lang Combs; Fine Tojth Combs; Fiae Toilet Soaps; Oun Caps; Shirt Buttons; Gold Gilt Bnttona nr oflleers’ sleeves; Snuff; (Ugare; Matehet; Cvffje; Black Pepper; Needles; Hair Pias; Tootli Brnsacfe; Sho; Blanking, At NO 17, MARKEI SQUABB. Jan’y 9 It ilOTlCE. PERSONS owing t!ie '‘Daiiy North Caroliaiaa” estab for eub.^oMptianor advertising will pi mil iuimeiiatuly and settle up at NO 17, MARKET 8Q?«RE. Jan 9 99-2t TO HIRE, Ip: t H thi' yesr. a .v sucg N ‘.f.'o W ^man. Sss is a good ! oo'>k w*sherandiroaer P.iee fiva hundred dollars. A i r«^s JO iN 0. BREEGE. Fayetijvlll', N C , Jan. 9 99-‘«t 0 Farm Bauds for Hire. N Fridty the 13ts of this aoatb, I will hire oat a* J.inesboro’, ia More eeCBiy, 8EVBN flBLD •.icil^DS—one man, '.hr^e ?lcjgh boys, oae woman and cro girls. They will be hired out for Farm labor ex* rlisivjlf J. G. UHSPHERD. Fayf tteville, J%i’> 6 99 2 pd Conscript IVolice. Omoa ManioaL Ixspaorom, \ 8d and 4th Dist’s N 0 , Oeldahoro', laa’y 6, IS85. j I HAVING been'ordered io relieve Col Bamett of • that portion of his dutiea required by Par. II, O. O (81) A & I G 0. 1864,1 will attend mik km at tha following tisiM and plaees for the purpose of in- speetiag all ssen between the ages of 17 ai^ 60, held* lag eertifieatee of exemption for phyiieal disabilitj. Also those assigned te Light Duty. Saoh peteoM ef the above naassd olasses as shall he nnable on aoeenat ef slokaees to report at the time of I«Bpeetion, will tar- ward to the Bnrolling Officer eertifioates f^om their At- teadiag Physicisn, sworn to before a Vsglitrate, set ting forth the faots Abtmteu for tthtm « §s*4 metutit not rtndtredwHlbe»mU U Raleigh/. r extmmuHsn II County Barolling 'OiSosre will have made eat ae- enrate rslls of the names ef a’l men la h«ir eoantise embrtetd ia the foregoing paragraph ni. Owinc to the fsot that a portiM of the Jktmpt* from Colnmbus, Bobeson aad Biehmoad are in aetive serviee with the Home Guard, it will be netieed that the appoiBtaeats hitherto advertieed by Cel. Baraett for those eonaties have been elianged: BUaabethtown, Bladen, Jan’y 11th, 1866: Fayetteville, Cnmberli^, Jaa’y I8th aad 14th Sonmerville, Harartt, Jan’y 18th. WilssiMtMi, N-H.Ce, Jaa’y 20th aad 21st Whitevule. Oelnmboi, Jan’y 28d and 24th Bookiaghaas, Biohmend, Jaa’y 27th and 28th. Lombetion, Bebeaoa, Jaa’y 80th and Slst. 99 4t O. M. DOTLE, Butg p. A 0 S. Htadqnarters 52d Reg’t N. C. M.,) ijuMMUtviLLK, Jan’y 5, 1865. j IN TBE pres6’'t call b^ the Government for haads to werk on Fonifications at a pe>nt in tinis State, owa- ers may employ oae Overseer from eaeii County to su perintend them, who wili receive rations. The owners fhtm Harnett eaa ssoei at Liilingtoa on Ae 18th inst if they see prmr to employ one; or they ean authorise their District Offiosr to ropreseat them fas that behalf J. A SPEAB8, Itpd] Pol Comd’g 52d N C M. DA1JL¥ PAPER. Messrs P» ROBInsON Jt oa, having abandoned Uieir intoation of rosumiaf the pnblioation of the Intelligenear, the nadersigaed w'll issue the fi'st num ber ol the DA11.Y TEL.E«RAPH, On Monday, the 16th inst. 8nbsoripti9ns will be ta ken for aay length of time, aot exceeding 3 months, at the rato of 6 00 per month, or 1 50 per week, always in advanee Subseriptions may be left at the offioe o^ the N C. Presbyteriaa my present place of business, at the store of N. A Stedman & Go, or with Messrs. B P. Powers and W J. Woodward at the Arsenal W. H BERNARD, Bliter and Proprietor. Jan 4 93-i3t Farnit«re Saft at Aaction. ON Taeeiay the 17th inst., will be sold a U'ae lot of FURNITURE, ocnsisting of chairs, t«bles. bed- stsads, mattrsBses pillows, glasses, irlass ware, knives uid forks. And at same tims 1 NEQ&O WOMAN 24 years of age, an** child 1^ years old; and one oem and oob crusher; S Billiard Tables, flee marble bed, aad 1 Btfatelle Table- JNO. H. COOK, Anet’r. Jaa’y 4 98 3t House and £iOt ior Rent. THB HOUSE AND LOT. late Major J T Gilmore’s, comer of Bowan and Hillsborongh streets, will be rented at Paelic Auotion on Saturdr^y the 14th inst W. DBAUGHON, Anet’r. Jan’y 4, 1865. 98^ 8t PiaBO Forte tor Sale. ASUPEBIOB R03BW00D PIANO MeUilie Ix^e, 7 octaves; one ef Knabe’s first claas tnstrumente. Apply to J. GRAHAM, At Arsenal & Armory, Fayetteville. B. C. Jan’y 4. 98 8tpd NOTICE TO TITHE AOEKTTS. By reyL-liii. u; T w’ry Djp»r lueai v 8 A Tit^e A^.-ats »re i*t paired to take due aad proper ■'wre of tJie ulu« t Cotton rema-ning in thrir possession, to shelter an^ prc-iectit, aud deltv-~r it vKn demaadeo H/ proper aathoriij it being understood tha: they have only ihe reaponsibi iiy of a wsrehcussman. L C. BOSE, Cotton Liab Ac’t fi.r 4th Oong. Dlbt. N C. Fsyetleville, Jan. 7. 99 2t iStrayed or $ltolea, From the stables of Mrs Catharine MoLean, one EORREL HORSE, with white face and white q>o(£ the back caused by the saddle; the point of oas cf nis hind hoofs a little split, and 12 sr 16 years old. If stolen I will give $100 rewwrd ter ihe detection of the thief^ with proof to canvist Any iof^rm^tioa reepcct- ipg said horse will be thiinkftilly received and libetrally rewarded. Address NEILL d. STEWART, Averasboro’, Harnett county, N. (J.'. Jaa’T 7 99 3t*2trd Plantation Wanted. IWANT t» bay or rent a PLANTATION, safieieatl/ large to work 6 to 10 haads Good hoases on it preferred. Shoald like it to be within 15 milee of this plaee Persons haviag snoh property to dispoee of will please sail soon JAB. G OCiOK Fayettoville, Jan’y 5. 98-4t BAlMBOAJIjbERS. MI£S M. POITER will be prepared to receive DAY BOARDERS, at the hoaae liUely ceoupied by Duncan MeLauria, Bt^., on Monday, the 16th inst. Jan. 4 98-lw FOR HAXE. ALIBBLY TOUNG negro man, aged abont 28. Aay person wishing to purchase will apply to me. Also, a girl to hire out. MABY ANN BVANS. Jan’y 4. 98 tf Fayetteville Oepdsltory, Jan. 4j 1866. An ^T has been pMsed by the Coafederate Con- grees extending the time for exehangisg Treasury Not^a. New Issue may be had for the Old on preeent- atton at this Offiee. 98 4w] W G. BROADFOOT, Dsposita^. VsyetteTille Arsenal and irnorj, \ jAu’f 4, 186V / Fonndry-man Wanted. NE sompetent to take oaargA, and lamiliar wfth east ing shot and shsU, will fiad steady employment and good wages. Apply te tbe 9S-6t COMD’G OFFICER. 0 £.08T, BBTWBIN the Cool Spring Mill and Cook’s Auetiea Beess, a €>OLD PENCIL, with pen attached. The finder will be liber^ly rewarded by retarning.it to me. 0. J. ALLBiD. Cool Fpring Mills, Jan’y 2. 98-2tpd IVotif^e-^Megrroes to Hire. rflB ■ndersicnei will hire a lot of NEGROES on the 26th last, at 11 o’clock, at Jonesboro’, on W. B. B. Tkey will be hired for proviaioas DAVID FAIRLBT. Jaa’y 8. 98-4tpd •l^OO REWARD. STOLEN from tke subscriber’s stabls, miles west of Fayettovilis, on Sunday night lert, a BAY dOBSE, 8 rears old, very fine condition, a blemish ia ate right eye, Bsedinm riss, ehod all roui^, the tips of ais hind iAom raised, a few white spots u'^der the 9»^dle $500 Beward will be naid for the recovery of the taiet borse, aad $6CO.for the to eonviot Urn. Jan 4 witk evidence sufficient GBAHAM D BAKBB. 98 8tpd 0C7*The “Enrolling Office,” Cuniber- laud County, has nt iTed rjm oppo^'te Gen’l H'.*" No. 6, to No *21, H»y Rtr^st—ihe store oocapied hf E. F. Moore 0 J»n’y 9. 99 2t n AMTEH,. YOUi^Q LaDY of cxperieaod, a eiiuaii^n ai _ t>Tars2 smill fasniiyi where she ean have ^ ^ , o ^ Stuart, MoesB to a fxano. Terms reason* bW. Address im- oucliuan & Co., manufactured for North Carolina, iMdiaiety, Georgia, AlabMsa, I _ _ X. Bu TayeUei^ H. a By e Oc'ernrfis ToDMue^ aad wdom ptiiafci partue. Mim Supposed to be Kidnapped. $100 REWARD. IWTLL give the a^jva reward for ’.he recovery cf a NEGRO GIRL, by ths name of Ssrai^K^te, massed on the evening cf Di« 9(h, 1864, be^ong^ng to NeiU Ray, «r She wa3 about 11 years old, roond fac^, dark compleotion, pleasant looking when spoken to. $100 more will be given far the detection of the thief. N McPHAIL. Spout Spring, Jio'y 7. 99-4tp4 Roojuis to liet. Apply to nn. habtman, _ ^ It ttt faihrf Hayewl. NOTICE. Lost or mislaid, one note or Bond oa A D Phillift^ for $835, aude payable to the enbeeribec oa er ,bo«it tae last of August last, (payable one day after !ate,) which I h*reby notify the maker from paying to any one except myself.. 1 also aotify all penoas ftim paying the same to aay one except myself or for trad ing lor tae ss3ie. AT^CH’D A MePHAIL. January 4. _ 98 2tpd MABOWMBBfiTBlSMTl, M. 0.\ RALSfon, Dec 19,1884. / GanaaAL Oansas, 1 No 22- / 18UR080N THUS HILL. P A C. 8, iotviag, tn . obeci«^ii}e tn dpAcial Or'*«n. No. 278, Par. II, ^ B I G. O , cu t rent iteries, reported at theae Headqaarten^ u assignei to duty bb uhief Saraeon Reserve, N. «nd wiU be obeyc>2 and respeetei aeoordir^ly. II All Modioai Offio«re s?rvi ig witii Resei vea la thia :ita'e, will at eace report, by leUer, to Surgeon BQl, and forward to him requiutions fAr suchmedioiMaaad other suppU*s as are neossstry. By command of Dent. Gea HoLiias. 97 5t JKO. W. HINSD.\LE, Ass’t A^’t Oen. RElHOVA£.. rlB uadefi&gned have removed from th^r old standi ea Water Btreet, to No 7, MABKBT STBBm, «rhere they exrest te oo^tiaae the Qeneral CoouBiflsioii 8c Orooery BfudaeM. Proapt atteatifin wiU be given te all orders and cea« Hgffassats entensted to oar eare. L. C. UKBBBRB7 ft 00. «. a. Get 10 ▼&-iampd JWon-Xaxable Ronds. 500 BUUifm Itoan.—Sale CoiitiuBed. UME^wUe appiioaticns havii^; ocsa made at Ihe eetabUiLoip'rioeof$136a»diBtcieet,nnderciroaan- ftaacos that entitle them to favorable eensidsratiea, U haa beaa detwsdaed to eoatiane the sale until WMc W. SZUL, AgTI IM irtBOf OiBliiBala Bonii^ N

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