;blio laws ziHAOtED Fkb’t 1^. 1864. Aci to /V 85or;oN 1. :f ^ 7V..r an.-^ ’)}•• : .in h^.. lit fh* Chirrfnc)/. shall be °tihjo9t to » tax of 88i per cent, on st- tv or offectB oi kiadl, n»t'eiiTLiiierated n err ^o!U I'romiscd or tiijB faoe thereof, said tex I tne preoeding paragraph, bGtw©«n the ti'sios to bttaok u p&id notw wierever oireul»ted, and , named therein, 10 per cent., in add^.tioa to stt’’driOtci>tp fundable »nd cxcbaageable for j tJie t-^x on etich prollta as iJitiome, under tha Tr* ft'ury • cti>3, »s bf>nnn provi^od, snbjtot j act t fore^r.id- ■ V . -f' • }f.‘ \v‘ (T y» cf ‘Sr ii t-tx. T.' ■ •i' V •■'j ■I --.t f, : i; p;: III. On t‘*.3 rri p:v)St'’. G:xoe3d;?i? - - ^ c-thnr of the years Ov fvr;y oarrU: or b:iaklnj» n?i''rIxv.tio!i, isi- exprcce, f IX’. • } ,1 A i ■) *'Xo. J Tiir auJh.>n:;vij M i?-:',; TrtsaH;.; «' ir h r''r-' bnnd« r«^Tlr«d th-, TH I th. (>r in fbe a^ > and nnlil >be bori.^a c: n be pn'pere:! bi* r”sr ir'T:- rr,rtirK?nt-Iba purpose. i3r,c;i bor.d' ; i 0 «'tific£ic^ eball bs roceivaKle Tr'tUv-nt !« of »11 Gorcrn7»»»*nf tln''9 pajfrj)!;. in the ^ "jv 1S64. f»rc*?pt csf*-}rt and inipo"* du»io6. 8bc. Tlirit ail Trea'^arj cot-^s oi tha ♦^eBCtri- natlon f^nOO not bearinp. inters?!', wbicb «huli not be j.iocted for fnadinjs; u?*-Jcr )V!?i**'*s >■ -he IfiT 6ee*»CT! o\ this *45^ thvl,{re;Ti axs ’ a^^.r ‘ = 1- . df'V ol Ai>ni 186i. tbe rlv rr. cvd’f-ifc 1^5 day Jr/’y ISt^, ^est of t W cinse to ill! r -joivable in paymsct oi . ■ i. ^ ’3, ■’!fd r , • 3, if lict g'j J" ;r ‘ ;■ 'bur t'iae, iihali, lu a jdi-Jon *' tV.p tas of crri? '0 t.bo 4tK hrr'tioc* o{ nM: b' Si jjpcLi?d to a tax ci 10 per.o;'"*!. f^v T*'?ntb uii ti( ’■•'•''?!pct''d; vbiob Ci.!eU attash t** Pft’d autos 'c.^iiTcvcr nirenlated. asd sibailbe ded’7'^*‘d frcTa tbL f^»x:e gf br»id TiOT*'» whenever prespnted lor piyineat or I’oi fur-Hi'w, aod saiJ aotes bLr.*; not be csobaanrc^blc fo** tne new uisae of Trca- anry notes provided for ia tbia act Sso. 4. Tbat cc all Said Trcaaury nobs* not fnuded or used in raymcct of tazic^i &t tbe dates and plac'^s prescribed in the let soctioa of tbia act, there shall bo levied said dales and plaoca a t^T cf S8J oenta for every dollar proBii^^cd on tbe face of eai*! notce: said t-ax shall attaek *o »aid notes wherever circulated, and shtll be ccrlifcted by drducting rJhe eaTMe at tae treasury, iu dep€»ii- borioa and by tai eoUcccors, aad by sii QoTcm Eaen- officers recsivlag the saaie Trhsaever p*e- Bcnti'd f ir p*yiBcn.t or for funding, t in psfaent cl Gorcrrjfrr.nt 'Itjos, or for po*H»ag^, uv i* ex- c^tnv'Q ior new n as kcreietitter proviUad, acd s'd It-- ury aotc« b« f&udable in bonds provided '-f't inc j ct of this act, nntu tV Ir.t hj l.'6o, at tha r«»3 of coeta on t'-o d , »!h} i' be fekt duty of fi% retary the 'i'tcaatury, at a»y (acae bet’fssa 1st of AT'?il Asd tbf I t ci£ J—J» lSii4, Keet cf tie' ’ppi ri ver, ar d the Iae of Jamu^fy 1 to s'ab=^*'nr.« and exchange ne^ cot^ i -c .. c- •- a^: the et ccih'- ou. ifce d?l-' lar: /V-. ■-/W, Tkatnotoe of the decviiciBadon oi 8100 uoi; be 'iti'lcd to t' a priT- of eaiC e2C>iS.^ :: Pr-jvided fv.rther^ that ffee n^ffefc i» fond any of fi*ud Tr?a£ury 30£-#3j afi^i t4i3 1 -dsy cf cian'aarT 15565, i% he”>'hy taVctn aw'sv; Andf^r&- v4h i That nj'cu ail such rrtyt'?nry moU'i'- „;.ich liis’r rcnauin out-taadiug on the Jst tUir of Janaary aad wbioh ruij uot- br t?Si;Laiigei ft.*r ^le.f Trc^^urj noLoiS, jia herein pro>.'iu«jd, »tax cf p : CO i- Ib^rcby imp'' iOd. *.S U: Jn it an'- . I'.f .'v' (■■. 'r" f* :i njK'’tl** ‘c«:iia, n’ I!’ ' •' hr-vo heoa by 'if '•av I. i»net so sa^j' f»b-’’ b - -- '^'”'1. 13. 'f” I* s.s'jry ;j.,; b% iiSTS id 1 ;,r tbe n-.le of $7 ^'>0 «u the SI K) ?!or.Li)D. ' >'-,‘Ter be rAOi'i-r.-^ I?j «v y- '.f nnhi-M uujjfc. V-;t phii! a ta . F;d b*'^«i b!'^ f '0 years 'sc r^ .if-^.t''. -.. vroaty 7>«'-tba t>e rate *f h.ft 'wjvt 3’seoifle'i »=>j Ihci'' fv** *HeTabIc> Ipt of Jrnnary cf e»5:h jc~r. r^Zxi. 11. Tbaf fbt ‘'’scret-rj '-f *he Tr«isi'ry Vj, &cd hf bi’reby, .'f*’’- rir^^d, '»s«« the V£* cf H;e (i-ovf-ryi-^ rf«uJi’e it, t'« p -.y ill- denxaud of auy ftwUIie oredttor x*aoi«8 4t i*t u;-v’ b" csn^^T-’oK'.d s^i- r r the of tiih ej, wi; (n^ to the taa.i* in a ?-p.feiS«»*e of n '!■ bleuDCSH, r'* ‘K’ irr'^c l by f*-.crfti3“y in sr. ib •"rir-n as be mr -' ucon; p ■ r-^ble li'va t-v.it a vr.lifloat’ca of a €? pe’»ee with tii^ TJnited St^tsa, ’r'-anng inter'js^t Rt, t*ie rate of ms p«*r cent. t>er annum, T'Ryable pei!»i->vnn'9a'lj, tsd >ran®f«rabl'? erly by cpccjal ocdor.^einesit, under reflations to be proscribed by She Secret?, ’y of the Tr'a«nry, and saiu cc^'tiS'juies shall boexei&pt froai taxation in principal aed interest. Sko. 15. The Seerptary or the Treaaury i» >u- tboriznd to ircrca^c tbf' nuiDber of dep^"iteiioff so Rf! to mcei the requir«aen*’3 of tbis set, \nd w th ib.^.t view to crnplcy «p.eh of tb« b»P-ks thfl imjt- ^ral Stat>fl a^ be f ay decci oxpedioat. Seq. 16. The Soaret^Ty of the Trfasarri^ Ji&iM forihvith advertise i>;t3 ia snob trf> iKibii*hed in th« sevontl 8te-*^, and by euok otl er asians »3 shall .»e-*ure ittEaeCtote pubiic-ityj »gj thf* ScT^ei^rj of War snd the Secretary of 'b^ i'if.ry shall esoh c-iiwe k to bo p^bHshfrl in ral order for WiftennftUo af tb« ^rr;y lad 8eo. 17. Tke ^d s»£PtJKM5 of Shs s:t for^t^^ gad 5r.T'cp*:v.?3 ©? „yc*, sp^^ved i4ay l“t IS^IS, is lirrctl.^ «'; pciled 8uo 13. Th« tie4v'7*ry e/ hm'j Tr u3ur? horoby aat^barir^d and ic«5?r-r?^, l?i app^i- cjitioii h;>J*«r vs" any :ri.B io-b, b^ t^* ^ s^>n^;-an of fitr 7' ^'Y’-'i-lc foj tixs ^ fil'd fvriiUj* ksrco ci Trea'iry nctoo, ap- iK \ i V» --h i r«*f aiT«d be ; ■ : ..^a ,ior:*' .J jau • !■■■; i. Kiv. i.uViiCiurinn', Hrv dt/ch, or otUar 'i-.v' St' oSr \;o:uY'cnj of any ueoviripi'.ua, wlujtl ii;r ii-cn?i>'u5.iU‘i or not, 25 par C‘ju£«5n •=10ch OXC^lzT,. Biw 1. Tbo f®ilowiug sx'3uiptiona firom t8.xaM«'i nnder tills act sbaD b« jJlowei, to-wit: 1. Pr>p6rty oi each hoad of a.family to tbp vahie of ^,500; and fw each uiiaoroMId cf the tamily Uj the further v^lne of $10fi; ^ j aad for trAola is>n actually ertga^ed in th« boM bv r- *" wet• pf A%cri=?a do Tk'vt r. e Src. 5 xhiit ait: r tl.e Sr*^; day of Apr?! noxt, ! * all author-1? hsi.-.icio?.? given to ii-.e '-...^ ■■'.t*.ry oi j t tac Tr^'-v, iry >, .u.e -.a jry cotojba, a:ui pv »«'wr?»l f> - . ' ' ! . ' ' «;l Jj L'. ij hereby. idVoLv.l: tfca Sacro*^rj j }ov>i.>«,^ tir>i» •- ■? of *;.Ui :-et, on r*oa^r>--y Tiiryj s', or t.iit d.^^e, »_^-j.e ccw | .. v^OPitior d, Treasury not«, in such form U‘Ura:.y p-«,cribe, | c;n -cJcd u^n. _ p^vrv^. copart^tr- n i \ t -iXw' ^.3 .X. u. . ;* 'f I iirnay ^r uftvy, «r who has died or been kUled iu th« military or naval service, and wh# waa a member of the family wkeu ha entered tie ««?^cc, t« the fnrther valu« of |50^. II. Preporty of tbo 'n^isiow of any officor, r^fll^isr, ‘miler er marina, who nsay kav« tli«d or i*een killed iu the military ©r naral ':i whcra- tkara if* ro v^idow, then of the faiii?y, rm\g T»ber childrea, to tho val'^9 of $lyOi>. V-L !?rop:ii’t7 «f ere?;y ofScsr, eoldiar, or mariEe, actually eagiij:ed in tho or naval service, or of fluch have beftfl d’.gabled in such scrvice, to the value of $:10li;i; provided, that tho abor* oxeoap- tioss ehail not apply t« any poreoa, wb®wi property, exelusiv# of U«a»ehold Tnrpitar®, tihail b« assdeeed at a valne •xce*di»g $l#Od. IV. That whor« property ka« bean iBjnrcd or CsStroyod by tne eecrniy, or tke owner’ tharcof haa b®ea temporarily deprived of tfae tree »ccnpaney thoreof, or of tke mease sif cultivating tha eesee, by reftBon «f tk« prc^'Ciioo or prsfiiriuty of tk« ^acaiy, fbs &%:e9SHa9u& «a aock property Miy he rcd^ocd, ia proport^ioa t« tke dama^ sra* tsinsd by the #WBer, «r ttie tax aeaaMed tuoresn »«y b« reduced ra tko saiae ratio by SliO dwtrict collector, »n sefciafRolwry evi- (ouc« ST3bmi%4»sd te hraa by tho owner or a»- sw8ef. (5, 'Rjat tsba taxes en properly laid for ti.e y-car 18#i, ekall fev3 aase'T^ed »6 on *&:C ^y tk^ •{ tkis a«t, aad b% 4so i.T.i «di"9«tei oii tkc 1st dii^ of June m 97^i 3#M;r as practiciaoio, allo'vr- i.€e^ exf^sion of 90 days West of tke ^u?s^?.ipr)i rirsr 'Sao £.dj^iiiv«al ta*«s on is rx fib k’(M er proftte f^r tke yoar 1868, l3vied « tc-^>a prsvidel j by tbh act, shall be a»»Ce4ed and evllected j ^'tk; -^d ^ka tas«a on iucomea or pro- y 'rZHT'-^ZTi' > y®2-r l?%5i, Gkall b« aesoeeod and liS!K9 19T . j j* t tL • • ^ «.U« ftcsooi-omj to the provision# of tiie tv.': ftsd ftoesosiEont act« ©f 1S63. Cia*. 7. 2k» laaok of the tax act of the S4th diy '. ^’ A'-'-iJ IP^, sw leric*; a tax oa in- dr.i-Vo-.-* from property or e^>ct3 en .-"‘^nnt or v:;la« of v?iiich a Isax ia levied ^ Qf couapiracieB, or atiemuta to liber ato prisOBora of war keld by the ()ont>-daraUi Btatoa. X. Of coaapiracies, or atteaaptc or prepa rations to aid tho eiic-nj. YF- Of persons advising or Ib citing ^ther" to abr»T)df>n the Ot»73??':^eriite c&tisc., or tj ro Gist the Oonfederats Stjitea, or to' adhere to euomy. XU. >jf unla-«1tuliy barning, de3trc-»ying or injnri-og, or attoniptiug t^> burn, dcitroy or injure "any bridge or railroad, or talo- grapbic lino of cuwmuuication, or j^rooerty, with the intent of ai;Iing the cneiay. ^ XTTT- Of treasonable deeigus to impair the military power of the Goveniment by d8troyiag, or att-smpting to destroy, vf bsele »r anas, or mtinitioEa of v/ar, or irg^aals, foandriofi, workehops, or othe’- ^jroperty of the Confederate Statee. Sec. 2. The President Bball cnueo proper officers to investigate the eases of all parsons 10 arrested, or detiiiied, in order that they may bo discharged if iiiaproperly detaine^l, unloBS tliey can be speedily tried ir thrt due course of law. , . Sac. 3. That during the suBpeuaion s^foro- ther, that nothing contained la this act prtaJl «aid, no military or otiier oilcer ehafi be be eo con*’trued as to prevent the President shall be iiablo be placed in eorvice in the field for the war, aa if be were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the dntiee of pro vost and ^ capital guards and clerks, and of clerks, ^ai’ds, agents, employcoft or labor ers in the ComraiBsary ana Quartermaster e Deriartraeitta, in th© 0» dnance Bnrean, and of clcvks and anxployeES of navy agents, as alco in tho execution of the enrollment act, and all eimjlar duties, shall bo perforteod by pei'Gona who are within the Rge'/J of :li "Tid ^:5 years, and who by the roper’: of lioard of army surgeons shall be .rcf -ori^jd aa unable to perform activo service in th.a field, but capable of performing eotuo of the above said duties, specifying which, »«d when thece persons shall havo been a^viigncd 6© duties as far as practicable, tiLC »?re- proviaiona, to be duiiverod uj' such pexio aa aforoaaid at equivalent ratiM. S. Suck person shall further bind h.insfcU to sell the marketable 8uri>lna of provigi«s» and grain nov on hand, aitd whi^ he may raise from year to year while his excm^hon cwntinufej, to the ^ov?(rnurient or to tke faia- Uies of soldicnj, at v.riots Used by the Goaj miesionors of the St^^te u^ider the ixttpi«»ea Qi.e’at act: Provided, that ai^y jiei'soii ex C'.npted as aforeeaid, ba entitled t-> s crodit cf 25 ]>er cer-t. co H-iy rrnaant of n:oii.t v#hin!i h^ may dciiv'cr VjI'c-L‘^\ thi*et- raauil»s fror>: t-’it piu^ago t.f this act Provided fm to those duties as far m practi sident shall assign or detail to their perfoi-ni- anco each bodies of troops, or individuals, req[u1.’‘cd to be enrolled under tha 5th tion of this act, as be needed fur discharge of snch duties: Provided, that gersons between tha ages of 17 and IS sh;'.!] e asaia:ncd to thoaa duties: Provided fnr- 1.3 be * bsud, t« vsf 1. TbiS i "2 ijf tho S'vnicd«;i'‘.t- ri li- To--' ^ by the iilM 'i !.>-? ■j csrry i »:•! O-.-.-. %dvc--To''?;?^-tn/''i . , J , .. - . .. . i by act, fttso tao liJt eection of Knid payable ?o jeart ijicr ;h rnt .MC.ii.'oa oi a trcfttj ot peaec r-th tlic (jnltcd said r:c-,y i^r^fueh to be recci'-aV’r in psyrrorf. -f pvi’ Iie du-s. e.cco‘ C e.^ -5il sr d ijjjicr* ‘Juties, to b’ ia ioT old 'IS ntW fu'" ii VrJ '' autes br i :re >t. ''r b-> r . ;i- ijio.* ?.t tbe r *’ ■ Oiil iL'iutit*. : cxcbar ire o t; tnj o. I ol' 2 di «rb.ti.b*.’ »a:d old t^o ‘ :1;’ rp Pr V - J V ^ riOVii" :?>s vl i ‘- ^ Qf' V. - , . 5 Oltj oroa, ; -n M- " -K :-J‘ r t. -y tV'f con \s ‘J"- tbo d''H.ar bv »!•« r; - c-'>n7or^' tiio pntce ic o C'.ll c .-• ■Cc tcre'^t Rt tLu rate oi' I p.;r r. payable t?T3 years tr’tcr o ra::2caao'i o: a trosty oi poaoe inch the United UiJx'o ropu.,! oon’^erted into now cctca. Sso. 6. Tbi.t to f"-7 the espen'O!? of tlie Go7.»j ornroev 111 er coT*r irat’OBL 1.--bis tiicfo- ? 7 ’ -, propvi'C ', rtCi, v*r :1 and n-h-vv. of cr^^ry kind aad d»».M -p tioT?. rot bc'T. ’»■e,*/ir :pt^d or tri^^d r t Si 5 p»r i’r ^-1- rn' 'U ■' /J i f pr 1- i ,■ ■ ; ■ . t* s! ■ ■ ■»’ ' J"' :o’ fp.te, ihi'r- t';- = 1 i-. fcct, f-> J su.rrc-d«d f«r %\.i year ISGi, and k;o otlimar«»i cait, hir« »r interest oa pro- pcyrlT or credit ker'^la tajred ad valoroa, ihj.ll b3 («-r taifti as inoomes nader t-i ? tax act of 1S63. 8. Th‘A“ .5 tax insT^eaed by this aet ©n bovds Ol bd«j >Ut>nfc;'jcrat« Stetee heret«- 1 i:-6U«d, sLall in po oft:;© ia j!. r. on th-3 sime, and ir^h bendy, Trkoa 1 h '•1 ’ ” or :0?- uuDoro or lunatic«, fch^ be j 1 tha t4v.i in .all c*i5c3 w'iei'i; the . ■ r- ; r T ^iCOO. l l, iu-J , Jin -i d; T;: U,.:il V'.t! li Hj;. i U J. ! '.a l.;w h ;J i ±;i yiri oj i\c irW' '.I ro ' 'iji iiiiJCi'i ' ,l*ri»Vi'.;«/.*.. -j] he •i]l'-vred beyond -j jtot crfi-.os prov’.'i:^'*- lor. Vs: '^•ary in lirrtoy iuth.criii-.d f;; the G ujRds to RQ snjo'^nt cat cr«;oti lii.'t' 5rc Ti:;Jaon3 oi dulla.:,. the- -*;»o ii’.- i -iii-.d be frso •'roci ratf-tiob, d .Li. On ti'e v?.luc v>5 gold and silver wa’C.^ ar.d phi to, j .w^ -o, j owelry and wat-ohcs, 10 |v>i* CC l'tt, Til. T-iO v.’lni of pr.-perty p.ccti- n Li''n:'n b::^ -bo Laarket v oi'tl.ic ' I'r-vl i' in tlie T-cir'.;b'- b >o t"^‘d c.!i€?cr (f LJ.r-iO'Xi Ct'/^>K91-’. «%. ■ 'Whorofl:?, tha Ocnatltation of tho OoMfbd- orato B .^'Lv3 of Amoric;i prov idea in Articie I, Scr'jini Paragraph 3, ti:.*'.t “tho p’ivi- le.ijo Oi the writ of habeas corpas c’.iad not b-i sii£}>onded anle^ whoii in ca«o of rebei- liru or invasion, tho public es.fcty may re- &,^nt}d on r! t» bf»oi3 oH quire it;” .®.iid Tfhereas, tun newer of sas- or f/ri'ii.ir p‘O-1 p nding the privilege of said vrvit as recog- ero n';>s06ccd Itn.’.cd iu £.vld ArHcIc 1, is vcctvd sololy in Oi Ucr-' i .jey-'.-ai: i eicv-. a iii c v t.-. r.i-e ut* i el^*''e3, cotton or tobitcco h*ive hctn }*ir 0T» t';e I chs^V'f •' hi;‘.e l?t d\y oi Jr^unsrj , !a V.-; .:a ''K; : ’rid bv.-d, iii .'.VOS, CO^'t )' 3j, .uiall bsi a.^i!3£.3 sd i-:tnn)Iv r.cv'ii Ur tho eaire jy Lb?reon tr-s c: ;ec?ict5 of ' -.j f-'fy ber.‘.j» »’v;r Va-UV of aiy COlU>a, tr’‘ -’SO, -i,?!’ ;?' ich J-aa bo - d from l ^ Scj? -• .- IX ;iv: rprcs:e‘l'? of ^bw iirip'.ii uu-ief* i Ib-s vi'ice u u7 l;ui, :• 30 mu-:b. thereof as may bo uecef«ar ; n-.-’^ier. t. p-.y tsie intora^t, arc iicrely t;p3t-ia:.j | On tlio v&lua of .al’ dif.rr.a or int^^r- pied53u: I'l-ovidJd, that the duties now lua :>u i bv.ukia!r c- -.npanv cr fr^'- “fs S“-“| fci-vQal, hai.oftii t% Ifif ^Sd £1“ j f 7“fi: “ " SiiO. 4. Tbat the Secretary of the Trrvurr jg ! i.vi. v .k iU uTj uO .i* co ix hereby s;v’t^ ;-icod, ircca timi to timo, &.-1 the i io,u. i oci: companies waauj oi tho Trf;aaurj uaay re^juire it, to sell or I ovsry kind, Wiiethcr iccori>^r« j-- or n u, hypofiicc^iia for Trc:;aury notes aiid boad^, or any ' TO hi? d. j liMo Ox-’it'i OS'S, which is the exciasivo jadgo ‘ >i liio iie'!ea^)t’' of such sufcpe.asit'n; and vherf^r.’., in Ihe -j iiion of tb-. Oougre^i*. the pwi. tbnreot, Hprm the beat terms he can, f o aa to xaoci approi>.*iationa by Congress, and at the simo time rocuco and restrict tlie asoount of the oirou- iation iu iTctuury aoics withia reaaoaable and gafc iimita. Sko, 8. The bonds authorised by the 0th sco- tica of tflia act may be either regLatered or cou pon bondS; a3 the parties taking theai m&y elect; ttnd they may be ezo’iangod for each ether under such rogulations as tae Secretary of tho Treasury may projcribo. They shall ba for $100, and shail together with tho coupons thereto attached, be in such ijia and V cuoh anthenticitioa as the Scj- retary of the Treasury may prcjoribo; tlio iatercas Bhall be payable half yearly oa the fiat of Jan’7 and July in eueh year; tho priacipal shall be play able not loss than '60 years from their datj. Sso. 9. All cill ooiviiiuatos shall ba faadablo, And s'lall bo tared in til rcspecta as is provided tor the rroa,Tary notes iuto whioh they r*ra 0.3a- vcnible. if coaivoned bcfara the tixae fixjd for tu.^ing tne Treasury notos, such ocrt'^citcs shi)' Iro'-Q :.'*at time bear iatcroet upon only for every dollar proaaisetl upon their laoe, a^id ahaii be redccaiabie in ne^r Treasury notes at tiiat ra!,e; but alter the pa.w»ge of this aet no oall oertiacates shall be ia^jued uatiJ sdtsr tho firct day ol Apui, ibt t. S50. 10. That if any bank of deposit shall give its dopotii/ors the bonia aathoriied by the firrjc •jcciioaot r.iui act,ia exoiianso for tV.cir dcj>osifcs ^od dpcQiijing tha s^iaa on the hoods by nome 4iiiiirioa;3 ■ui.*i K or toten, to be agxucd upon TFntb ibe I'^ooTctary ot the ireasury, taon the p«j'3 de- por.:o' tfr&ii oe cntiiled to rocieye tee aiaouat of ‘?aid bOQ'is in j.ttuiu j Hviit:;, i>c»riu» no iutercs?t sad cui .evading at Lhe paE3^?e ct tf-i^ t^o- •iki; i, tiij siid bonds are rr*:pr'i;cd belore the nrivi! ::;? of fundlr.^ Lzli uoise *•. ahill cc2.se yi l: .'rein presoribsd. ii. That »ll Trea'^’ivj notes horot^^fore J vi tao decomioHtioa of v6 shiii ooutiu le 0 hi. ;0' ?iviit'l3 m psyaieat of public dt.oj, :ui ' I7 :?«T» v-d mndable at p^r under the .ro' - ; s.3»-, fd ho fur-tof Ju!^, l?64j [as;, and uatd tae October 18G4, west of the Mistdssippi rivert ^7 ;;ir cent. ijo vahia of propeiiy taxed under dds eection l!i^11 bo aGo'j-sod upon tho basis o* the market valuo cf Buch property lu tae ncii^hborhood wheru tscic jGod, in such cur- rcncj us m?.y ba ia general U30 there, ia t “ae purchiLC3 md r^rdo of fiooVi prouertj, at tie fimo of £&ie£5ii2ie.nt. Soc. 3. Upon iht Amor.rit ol all gold and silver coin, gold du.^^:, ^.ild or sjlvcr bullion, ^ir*hcr Iiold t.y tho banks or otber oorfo- r tioas or iQ'iivid.uals, 5 cent.; and upon ^•1 lUQueyi held ;ibroad.. t.r ub« amount u; r. ‘>-’b of evc.haagc, ir&vixx Lju-^rcJor oa iuroign juufitviisij^ *ax c 1 5 par cent.; suck tax u^jon mot'^v AaroT ! to 00 aasessod and ac'v.rdi.'iii, t'- tt.*3 vr.luo thereof at ttiy i *!rcra "h5 ^-ax. la p^iil. li *' v!'s 9.;.-‘oaiit >f solvent crs- ditfj, ?.n ■ uii .*..& >db^ n^nd idl other pa pers i.a, -.I'll ^ TiiTer.^y^ ?>LoluBiva of nou- iutovLSi ocariixft J-*..»Gderaif3 U'oasury notes, iuid rot tr.^pl(^vad i.i a rofji ;tor-od bnsinoaj, the ^aco-no Iftr! /’d I -in nob ia t^xed, 5 per ce ;t. 80ft. i. U '.oo mad© in trade and L v»^ mad? by buying ard bcII- iar ;r?b' ’.f -j tlotr, wheat, corn, rice, sr.j^ar, -n >t iirup, salt, bacon., pork, hoirr>> b'je; '.*r bfiGi CAttla, fiheep, oats, h.'xy, ioa’jcr. ra'^ b; b'^^b.er, ho'^'??, kiOvits, tihOw, (i-ytt'jU. y .ir£U». c*j~ ton X- ■.-■ :■■■■ .ihithj?, L:':'!, Tagops, h^rnosci, ifOii, :u“cl or r;5=;J>s nt . 0; tw^ori UiJ J it ot J.4lidal’y lc.d3, sUiCt t lO 1ft (jt ohu i -T'f louby 10 por cent., in '.d’it?'•> t"* thn r ’x >11 prolil'i Jfcj lauorari auds^ thj “aot to hr t-isa[:>rtb'3 comm->.n dcfc .ce, aad cntr?' c'a l-. j uoven?.ra€nt ot the Hv fod*>ra;-3 fc; i.tr-1,” .'ipprov^d April 2-i, i6dJ. ji. On ;ri pro^lta t'lids by buying; and '>r.07, d, r.dv ’ or?ign .0 P’.irj}!.' £f.f(;ly re.,'’''.cB the sn'’po!r:.i:>n of s-*iQ writ I’l th3 C&30 of tho invR-.ion of *h'ojc S^^t^>s by the armies of ths United 4t:dcs; and wLorr'•-i. the President has asked 101 til9 BnBpsn;:*oii of the writ of habeas cor- pr.T aiid informed Congre:«of condition^ of pviblic danger which runder the eusixmslou 1 lhf» writ a mcaaure proper for tlie public doibnce againut invasion and inaurrection; tiovr, therefore, The Oongresa of tho Confederate States of America do enact, That during tke present invar*lon of the Confederate State*, the priv- iK:,:js of tho writ of habeas corpus be, and i.ho same ia horcby, suspended; but such ena- peneion shall apply only to tho cases of per- «OBs arrested or detained by order of tho Prc-iidont, Secretary of War, or the Qtsaeral Ofliccr com>nanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Departmfent, by the authority and under tke control of the Pi’csident It is hereby declared that the purpose of Con gross in the paacage of this act ia to provide more efiecfcually for the public s&iety by sasponding tko writ ol habeas corpus ia the following cases and no other: L Of treason, or tr^asonable efferts or combiaatioBS to subvert tho government of the Confederate Statee. U. Of confTpiraoies to overthrow the gor- erninent, or conepiracios to resist the lawful authoriw ol the Uonfedorate States, ^ IIL Of combining to assist the enemy, or of commuaic?fiTj«iiitelligfl!ice to the enemy, ‘.'T idring him aid and oomfort% iV. Ol confipLraoi^ pr-jparationa and at- to fii-iSe sAfviie msnrrecb'on. V. Of a'isortioaa or encouraging deser tioHB, of h.-^rlioring d^js.irtcrs, and ot attsrapts to fcvoid military service: Providea, That in caac ol palpable wrony: . 1 opprofsion by TOy suburdinate oldccr 1 -'on f^y pr^ty wh^ doe« not le:’?Py owe iipferior o»iii.9r abg,ll gr.irt •hi i^-iprtseo'i p^*i'r/, 5!}3-t ‘ii^-ni.'cod Iro’n o'*' a and ?■ ho!dug corro-3r- c-.>‘UT.o tiv.i en-*.:u.y, v,m ^>al J1 i'3e‘} ■' ..j-3 61; 5«rvi03, hi-5 raiiat to •'riiiiite *r 3^i O: compelled, in answ^ir to any v.'rit of habfras corf)U8, to appear in peisoB. t»r rstnm tho body of guy perw« er pt-rro.5s detained by hiiB, W the Ruthorilj cf thj President, Se cretary of War, cr tho General oflicer com- raan^ihi^ tho Trar:“ M!ie;:I&£ippi department; but upon tba certilicat^?, iinder oath, of tligi ©®oor having charge of any ons so aeia^ncd, tkat auch pertjou is detained by him rs a prisen»r f»r &uy of tke csuaes hereinbcfoi t specidsd, under tke authority aforeeaid, fur ther proceedings nndor the writ of hat^eat: corpM fkfell immediately cccise and remf-in suApe&ded §« long ab fkis a«tt shall continu«>> in force. See. d. Tkia aot skall continue i» foroa | tho provisi->ai hereof, shall, on ooaviction irinely da^ after the next macting ©f 0$c- th^sreof by a court-martial or nailitwy court, gredte. Rad no lejsger. bs cr=shierod; and it shall be the duty of any departm»nt «r district commsmder, upon THE MTLirAKY BiL.L. j j-;r3of, bv the oath of any oredible person, • Sootiwi 1. Tbftt from and aft«r the ps^woje | ^hat z,uj spck eifi jer kaa violated tkisj>re- &i fckis ftct a)l white men, r^'oident? -of tLe I viaiop.. iHiirddiaiclr prevent from detailing artia&ns, mechr.ai.':?, or par- isons of scientific skill, to perfctrr? iadippeii- cahle dutic’. ia the dep:irtiriO!rt« feirreaRt^ herein meatioucd. See. 9. That any Quartermaeter or A^- siet.ant Quartcrmastor, CommisKs:^ry or As- sLtant Commiscary, (other than those serv- ins; ^itk brigades or regiment# in the field,) or"oilicers in the Ordnance Bure»ro, er Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, *or oflicer in the conscript covviee, who sh^ll hereafter om >loy ©r retain in his employmoat any peraon in any of their said departments or bureaus, or iu any of tke duties meationod in liic 8th cectioH of thie act, la violatien of Oonfederate StAtes, between the yges cf 17 and f^, shall be iu the military service ot the C«nfeder«to States for the war. Sec. S. That all the persoaa pforasaid, bfa- tweea Ike ages of 18 and 45,.kow in fcoi /»!•», shall be rstniued during- tsko precent war witk th» U. &., iii.the same regiments, br.t- t.&Hons and oos&patiios, to which they bulon^ at tke ptueage of tine act, with the game or gan iae.tion and oHioors, imlojsa regularly te«nsforr«d or discharged, iu accerdancc with the la"^ aud regulatioifa for tho gov- erniaent of the army: Provided, that coui- peioics frea one State, organisK-d agairet tkeir oouoeRt., expressed at tua tii2i3, vrltii regimeat; er bfittslieos from »»9ther St^.e, a]:^ have the privilege of being ti*anafarrcd to ergaaiaatieias of troo^, in the same am to relieve such officer ircria dntj; and said commaadors shall take prompt mea^nrfci ^o hafe him toied for each oiTenjo; »nd any coinmander as ftforesaid failing to perform tha dutiee enjokiod by this section, euaii upoa being duly convieted th*roof, be discharged from the service. S&c. IG. That an laws granting eietap- trlcas from military service oe, fvnd tba are, heriby repCAled, and l.ar.-iHfVor no sliji’l be exocaptod except the fcllewl.^ig: 1. All who shall be held ntifit fjr milita ry cervice, under rules to be prc'5crii>e..i by the Secroti'rry cf "^ar. •2. The Yice President of tk'4 Confi;ders,t2 th« membors and oSccrs of OoDgreC'S ths.’, ihrt i?crcoi:3 yriH-'n the provi ?:0ii8 ' rihi.^ ‘Xerap-'ucn .shi-^ii y-Abe deprived of tho ben?=.il>^ thereof by \'£''-3tiU of ka^'W be;a f^.nrsl'cJ tbo Ir: day ;^f Feb. >?. In fr‘> the t>jr going onMni> thu of Wj-r, under tii« di- r-y,;*^on of tJje Pre^:;l«.:,i. n ij «-e.mpt or da- titii sfv li ottii^r }.o.c:j'u.i as he isay be safcd- i^.cd onijbt 10 ba »ispmpted en &seount ef piiblic uectesity, and to irrevire the predae- lioij of grt‘io and tbcr proVisions fer llie nr't\j »nd tb.« f.«;niHe6 ( f coidiers. fie me^, also, gi iiut e>xof'aptii)?io or details, on sum icrmi; :*?. hy may prc.-^cri! te suck over* & or planu^rd ne ho may be sat isfied ;vill b« m jre us'.'ftil to the eoBatry i* the pi’Tsnita of *?gricullare thnn in the miK- tl.rv service: Provided, that tuch exe«*^tiien shall coa?G whenever fariaer, plan^ er ovciaewr shall fiiil dib'rently to emwley te good faith, hia own skiil, ci^pitai ana \akna exclusively in Uis production of ^utu asd proviaiona, to*be sold t>* the Governiaeat «Mi the f^miiicii of soldiers prUioa not ezeee^- ing^ fixed at the* time for like artkdlat by V . Commissioners of the State naAr the im«ne8sment act. 5. Tlie president, treasurer^ audits aod superiatendent of any railroad comjpa&y en gaged in transportation for the Oov^msiflat, and such oncers and employees thereof m the president or superintendent shall eertW on f>Uitk te be indispensable to tho effid«B operation of said raiiroad: Provided, tkat tko numbor of persona eo exempted by fbfo act any railroad shall noi; exceed one per SOD for each mile of suck road in acta«d w« fa .* »n.Atai;y transportation; and said e«em^ eWi be reported by name and deaenenw, wi?n the nam^ of any v^ho have fee €ktt?{ji«yn!cnt of said compaitfy, or wko ta be indispensabk. n. Tkat nothing herein contained AaJi I be ooTiotraed as repoaliag tba aot &>pprove^ K- April che Hth lSfc-3, eatith d an act to ex empt oimtractors for c&rrjln^ the mails cfi tiie O' :ifedeii;li States, p.ad po-.^t CMaohas and ter- vicc: Prcvidsd, that >ili gr-^tited undijr this u^t tiii.il ‘ OOnil itq$ Viiiilct tJjo persons exampted are actuaij;y d of tha several State liegislatnrea, julhI , In than- r3^p«>c'iva TauniTiifo *»r oo- euch other Confederate and StRte fK^cera c-a the Prefeidoiit. or tho Governor t;f Ike i-c mi%j 1} S. L iniBi^er of roli*?ion 8uth»risea to UZ. i.: XL J ttitar- *. '•-•tlit^dC" e-a- ■»!« of stocks, notea, debta, crcdits, or obligations the OoufedonUe Statea, to pr0iia.0ttt rf ftay kiad, suad vky u»Mrck*adiat» proper- tlie of tha service, from the htates ia v.bich ?si'1 ; spcctive k^ «.t3s, may certify t® be neoe^:ary cem^nisstrer9rci£ed;andtbosoldieiBfrf 1*1 j tLo proper administratiea of thg-Ot^G- 9«e State, in companies froiJi anoihc;* Gta.c, f\.der?.ta c.r Gtate Gov&ri.meii'-3. m« tbs Ci :,j shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transier to on^iiiA^otta from their own States, in ib« e.^Ziie i^irai of the soi'vicc. &idO..‘S. liiat at tiie expiration of si?: months 6*061 {^9 first d%y of April next, a bounty of $100 in a aix per oent, Governinent bona, wki(^ tbe Ceorotary of the Tre;tturv is hi re- ky Au^or^zod t« i«anc, ehall be p.“i;d to ore- ry aen-o*’^m>aei9Qed clUcer, musicir.n end priv«t-3 who ehall then bo ia eirvic^), or in 'iie eveat «f ina death previ-.nis to the peri^ d >f iiUJ^ foy:n\*c»t, then to tho p^- v.-r i-cr- | jwi'j sfJio would be ent-ilod to rcc'rive by 1 Uic aii saJ'ajfi&ioi hi& piij; but no ouQth'all bo i ontiUcd t« the botaity herein provid.d v. Lo shiul at any time, daring the period of six mcntiia next after tlio saia firat dn;; of xlpvll, be aoc;..nt from hie command without leave. beii. 4. That no povcon ehall bo relieved from the operation of tliis set by re'ison cf havicg boen horc-ti)foro diacliarged from tho army wLoit) no d:.iubility row exists; nor shall those vrho have fuiri&liod t.nibGtitiite3 be any lo.^'g-ar eieiiipted by re.-uiju tiicrvtd: Provided, chat uo parson, hei'etnibre exempt ed on acc-iunt 0/ re’was opinions aad who has paid the tax lovisd to rdievo him from service, shnil be roqub cd to reader military service uiifier tills act. Sec. 6. That all white male residents of tho Confederate States, between tbe ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enrol therofelves at snch times and places, an(^ under such regulations, a? the President may proacribe, tho time allowed not being lusa than 30 days for those eiiat, and CO days for those west of the Mississippi river, anc any person who shail fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable «xcuso therefor, t3 be judged of by the President, shall be placea ia service in the field for the war, in tho same manner as though tliey were l)e- tweeu tke ages of 18 and dS; Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall consikitute a reserve for Stita defence and detail duty, aad shaU not be required to poribrm servioe out of the State ia which tke^ reside. bee. 6, That all persons required by tho Sth Boction of this act to enroll themcalvefi, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and vrithin 60 days, if west ol said river, form themselves into voluntary organiaations of compauies, battaliona or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organijsatious to conform to the existina laws; and, having so orgauLzed, to tender meir service as volunteers during the war to tho President; and if such or?^n- izatioas shall furnish proper muster rolls, «s aow organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, which shall be oqu^ valent to enrolljc.eiit, they i^y be accepted minute iien for aerviae m saoh State^ but iu uo evout to b^ tiikea out ol It. Thoae who do not so volrm- tetjT and orsr.vilBO, shill ear oil tho'n.?olya? va bcforo provi Lcl; and miiy, by the Praaident, be reoiii'o 1 to ^bKi ?t conveuieiit pUi- ')i ro^iddSvou.i, iiad bo il*r;aod or ori^n,’! is-^.i intfj eompiiaiop, b^itt v^ion^ &nd ri3atd, midiir re ‘ :-i by him; &’id Kliaii r«ar«» the rigb.t to tdect tiioir oompAMy fiVid ro^Iia-jnt-:l oiicers; v.ad all tro*!>p3 or'7‘ft*ii’i;j*'d and‘?r thi3 sh.iil b*> wutitlcd, wiiilo ?a actiial service, to iho sama pjiy r.nd .^^lowa.ioo .v; t5''X»i’« ivr^ iii add. ^0- T. Thiit a;iy pars-^a who shail fail to ^ttca lat tke pi^c^ of readoivoiis ^^airc-: by the authority of tke President, without ft to Ua jad^jad of )if kirn. i ca; *V'-.osi3. Saa. 11. That the Preddect be, aiid he i« hereby, aniihorjZi- .i to grfiat detaiLs, under rules and re.i'ulailons to be iboucd iW.a tLo tu- Dc iiirtraoat, ei‘iii;r of persoaB bet vi'cen 4-Z and lt() Y&ars ef R^e, or from tke ill 11013.^ iij. c«2v3 where, in lua necessity re- ovoke suck , ,_ployed ia tbo dischr rge of !iij I orders of do:&lis v/henever ho fciiinka propen ami£l^-I.-* Jatic5; sapcriatcadcnts and phy- j Provided, tbat tho power herein granted to ;ic’ans of anyluma fur the deaf aud dumb tbi Presideut to mako dotitils and exemp- ti?ag eiiall aot bo coustruea to anthorij» tba exemption or detsil of any contractor fc« fnruishing supplies of any kind to the OoT- emmeut, by retieon of said contract, unless tho head or Eecrotary of the depiivtmeut ma king such contract shall cai tify that the per sonal Eorvices of &uca fOiJtractor are indis- DeuBRbio to tho exeeation of said coutract: mmi S' and blind and of tho insan€i; oae ediksr for r.^ch new3]>aper bcin^ published at tho time of tbif} act, and such eiupiojo^s ns eaid edi tor may certify, oa oatu, to be indispcnaable o liio publici.tion of liueh newspiipcr; Llic public printer of the Confederate and State Govonimeuis, and cuch ioumeymen priiit- evs ae the eaid public printer snail ccrtify, oa oath, to bo iadispen&.ible to perform tho public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothocarj store, who wac doing bu3i- nobs as snch on the 10th day of OctT 1862, aud h.‘i.'5 continued said basineas, without iLterioIfision, since that period; all phy«i- ciani over tho age of 30 year®, who now aro, =nd f‘>r the la»L 7 years have been, in the uctuil f.nd regular practice of their profes sion, bat t/'C term pbyyician sh:dl not in- c :de dnr vi'-:c; all presideaia and teachers of eolle theological seminaries, acade- mioa acc? i eaoob, who have been regularly engaged ur.ch for two years next before the p;i33afo of this act: l*rovided, that the benefit oi this exemption shall extend to thoce teaehei'S only whose schools are ccm- po3od of 20 students or more. All eupcrin tendents of public hospitals, ©^tablisbed by law before the passage of this act, and sucii physicians and nursei therein as such su perintendents shall cestify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper aad cfacieRt management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one pergon lu; owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there aro now, and were on tho 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-liands, between the ages of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted In eases in which there is no white male ad alt on the farm or pIant«.tion not liable to .military service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on tha 1st day of Jiui’y IB'34, citlmr the owusir aad manager or ovoraeer of said plantation, but ia uo case sh.oll jaore than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 3. Such person ahall first execute a bond, payable to tlid Confederate States of Amer ica, iU such form, and with such security, and in such pons^lty as the Secretary ot War may proscribe, conditioned that he WjH de li v’2r to tke Govern me at at some railroad ,la»«ot, or ai' .»»i otbar place or places ss may ba d'^*!}ra%tei by the Socrctary ot Wjir, within iJ months noiA easnii>^, 100 p.>aod» r)f bjkco*'- or, aw LIl^ eiet^oa'of tko Ciovu*a ;£Ldat, it*' eqiivaieJit iu pork, s^d iO«J lb?. 01 net bed (jaid beet to bo 'delivered toa foot,) toH* c5ch ablo-bcdiod ^Uvo oa r.jiid larm or piaati^doa, vrithin the aoova a&id agcte, Myhe- ther R?kul ^avca in tbg fi^l3 or Bot, which r^id l»;-icon or »>ork H-tid biicf shall bs p&Id for bv Uo'‘ vrn]r.c!it p.t tbo prices iixe l th*3 Oor»? 'ni'.s-''T:oi‘8 •» tbo ii:jder Ibe --t pro/'i-i i, ihfit whfia rh'C v»-i tL='j i proJiTCj «:iti8- ; -.-.r .;V’ ^ ny} ^H^^t * : t>i?ea ^mnosaiijie bi^i, tbo ex . .i.4i n prvpor dilig3aca, ) fur’ii h tb',' of ine-'it th.13 contract 'd vjty Z'Z-l l''-av-i xa ?• i-a-iuato supply ibr the of tkoee livdng oa tho sftid i* T.'nr,:;ri A., t'-io of War shall dire4 a caiaixiutation. of the same, to the ia QC Qtfaiir jProvided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, dili|»Gnlly aad faitiifnlly, to procced with the execution of such con tract, his exeoptioa or detail shnll cease. Sec. 12. That ia apiKdnting local boards of sargaoos for the examination of persona liable to military scrvice, uo member com posing the same shall ba appoirited from the county or enrolling district in which they aro required to make such examination. H 11 tkk FoSt 0)Soe, Fayfeltevliie, ?1. C., OcTOfisa 2, 1863. Sshciul$ 0/ L\$ An ival and DepuKurt of tk$ Mdk RALEIGE via AVEilASBOiiO’, fco- Arriv»3 er';siH Sundav, at ^ P. M- Depsrtg oaiiy, cs^apt Satar Jay at 6 P. M. R.i^LeittH Tift aOJd.MERVJLTtB. De-v*Ka Tacsds,? hc.d ;it > .i.. M. AcrxXta £uc.iAj ai S P. M. \§Aa.iAv? via ciiir,?rf)U. ArriT®* d^ily at 12 3!>oa. I>i;» fcits iiliy at IJ ?. M. .irrlTea Tassfi^y, Tr.-it»iii Sakivdey at 7 P. M Uci.fcrtB Moiiviay, Weci^f^iAy aid Friday at 1 P. M- C.1^3a.4W, 8. C. Arri7*3 T’laK^ay, Tr”rsi»y and Saturday at 6 P. II, Dv'pana Scaday, I’Uk&iay and Tburaday at 1 P. M. FUX aLUPF 7i»LUMBiSi;iO^(. Amres ruwl^y, i'aoraia/ aad i5ataifd.ty »t 6 A. M, Eecarta ruesb-y sad T&urei*y at 1 P. 14. ROiiSh jN'^ Ti» eLiZAcexafOWN. D-jf ijta W-.fa.'sr’i/ and Frk?ay ai 6 A. KI. A^riTos Xdiiiidiv, Tijnrd^y aad Ra'urday at 2 P. ML fiLLXADGfirrO'TJ Vi* liJiKBlSXH. ATTz^C4 At S p. W. Dfc^rU* d-.7 (V>\E.:!4y) »* fj P. ff. MAQNOLIA riz OYTRBSS OSSKK. Arrives Xaeodiy ai Si P. H. Departs entiitt i*y (Ta-? -ii?) ai 2^ P. M. ISLAliD Vi* •dONTBOi*E, CH)7lN0TOai n« peWEJ^^X05. Arnma TnmdAj *t H P. fJl. D«part8 Weln?istl*y at 11 A. M. 8VTJLF1' ISLAND via TROT. ArriTaa Tueadsty at ft P. M. Deparka ViTectaeeday at 11 A. M. Alt soaild le%Tia^ beijr-T^ .A, H , ara closed tha area iog bf*fore at 9 P. >i AJl to be «eat cff troM tAif cffica, QttiP.T bj aaa'.l. >acst 04 paid for aa'if cant by mail. Ali dk-39 idt'.^ aiiorid h* pra-pald hy 2 oeat staxaps. Ti) >&*7e Will }pca »a Soniiay from 8} U 9| A. aad (nm 41 to 6h F. M. JAS. Q. OOOK, P. M. icim BLnas Ea, >Oft • -> V. V-! J *> inrtlwr ». vrelCRala €^aO»LlIlA Ifl'i’y.iL LIFE INSU4U.NiCS i’O.aFASI, ^ 0?f hi tlia teeth jctr o2 sacuessfai o^ratioo. witk M c&pi-Al and aold upnu pubUe 00%- adecce, co3s.icu«3 ta imare tha r.?e?j of %U hoaliay per sons ta’J 14 GO years ef *53, for ^nc jrar. for sarea /0'*ri,a^iciforllfc—al iii'.?Taein’o^rBsaanajmL^3|»r(!tsts , BljiT.'. fT‘>ca iO to ttO ye-ra tt \^a nr^ iiua-ttd t jt »Qo)'MT « for in y?%rs for tto tUir ls Usjir vsilue. Al- io38S3 ar* p-iaotu^ll7 j vd Wiioia SO day-, a/ijr »atii/'VjitoT7 proof pr'j'jrv" C. For i?i5jra’»riw t‘‘9 pibli'% is r9f»rr«.t to Ajerst« ^ '-&9 Cwapaa/ »1* part« o S'-si-e. *r;d R. a. iHXTLa, is-sriti*,-, JL J. KAi«j3, A^est at Jl«*T 1859. K. 0 Bliiat Wssnii^ (or ok kbMe«a e

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