vox. XfVJ P'lINTF.O aNP rffURST>AYa t;i>wiKo J. u\m & soi^s. Et ITORS AKD i'r*oPi».IL.X0IIB. f rtjs fcr ih :in5'Wi*>kly Ob3;*’: rna S20 00. p*>l In .-ivrti j; if 10 for fAx £«oc>>ig; ?5 lo-' iif»9 moa he ’’’cT the «.*l> >' Hcuv«m -ifi '«• p._f Hana>n, p*i4 hi iwlTfcocf: S O'f r e**bt mo:> .h»; 1®. for si* month*; JS for rann* s; ?4 for th: 'e months. a^ Al} V.:^;v i JirAki' ifc «»*cl for *3 per s in»rp of 10 Uc?^ >r lead for 'rtiWi»>»tir.n AdTertisere are requMta.: to of insertioiu de sired, or fi]l he cv•o^ia'le^ tUl forblJ. »Qd,ohargcd Hcoorit’ngty. oontioncKl intuie, 11 ly o^n* 'T r>- RAir>. BOAI9. Ths i’aisiQirr and pAssKNafa trains of this ■ Read Itjftvo FajettcTille d«jly, (Snndf^jg ezo«pt.«ii) >»t 3 o’cIo?5i, K. M.. ani mtjrpjng lotTa Sjrvpt :s,t 3 o’cK-ot, P. M. ’ CttVt ■7'^af JVain MONDAY, WEDNE3DAY %»id mi>AY. 3y oriar JT?0. M. ROSB, Trefea'r tsd Cea’l Trtaa. Ag’t. Jiin, j52, 1863. 9iif From aed after tlaSa i*t3 wse gtea/aer A, P. HDRT wi ' loaT' 2.i 8 ii’oWck, A. M., on Moidtj. *ad TnursJfty. J03. A. 'nOllI- i, AprU 6—i7if 1 Ag’t C. P. Si-caiu Ba*t C'> BP-:!/AT, 'Joricfi. i^u »ik • Mt i-Ms d*te, B3 Qatae of « seir subscriber will ho fiuKted withont payment in Advance, nor will Ui« p%psr be s^tit to suob imbfonbers for • lonfror time than is paic: for. 8nc)i of c’lr old sabscriben> ns deelre to take the pa per on systt'To will pl^e notiff nn when ma.Hng reraitUnccf.. ' Jan'y 1, 1858. v\Rn j¥otic;e. ^HERE nowiaotfesrlotof Coito:v »fi.l Wn-il HARDS rettly for aso) for distiibutton to So'.diere’ {aoiiliaa. 10 *««ir Ag^n*3 »ta»a.? -ofBU Tjr Ibeixi. i ( MX SIO Des 30 a A. DO WD, A. Q M. 8 0. W7 6t W. DKAUOIlOi^, AUCTIONEER, s. E. Corner Hirket SqoAre, FATBTTETILLE, N. C. PrOiH|:t tttenfion ^ to ull {>ti8ui?s! in bis •ntn»6i.('’‘ «•> '■’jse Jape lo, 18»i4. 40tf ilOLLIV^WORTli, Orofsr and €oi&sl.S!4ioa Merfiiaat, ' F.V.YErTE\riLLE, N. C. J^ne13 40 tr ^lg€l., •TJcJA.f V, Attorney &t Law, Fazsvixvills, N. 0. ai'Oad rtte Ooui.ty fcul Saperior Coiirt* of T» CftEb^ruktii, Harii'U, IJowtis aod Babesea Cooh- fei^s. I’rouipi ftisouiija giTeR to ihe ooilfjotion of *51 entrusted to bis hutds Oet, 17, 1369.- 66-tf Parrafflne JLubricatinj? Oy. H&VIKQ by liiro/nl es.'‘CTioi9ut ^'ierel M»d grpatlr impro’fvd tb^ o'-ftrsoter of rur Oil, wb lOW cffsr tor sal j an a'ticld 0* [-iibrieaiiBg Oil f->? Cotton faotoiies wJhtch «i»8 Ko snoeri'»r in the Ooafedcr«o7. Ii dajs not }(U!a or oaill. wa »aars;\t-^ s^refal tri*l to be th* brst and o'lea’^t f>il for fla« awh’incry ia the As >he uaddr»l)n>ed gives bia persoa^ ai'eit tioa *0 tlie p'-eparatinn cf tb« Oil. it gh a?l deisrto: ai,« >o quality but rather i nprnve. &e'ers^ to Ag^tnw Ro^kfisii aol Bsv'er Creek Ma&u- fkCturing Coa., FayeUevilis, N C , wio proaoaaoj it a ▼ery luperlor O’l HENRY E. OLTON, A^t F K. Co. No»’r 28. minejral Firc-Proot Paint. W’’E M3 uow pr;'p*r9d to sap^iy any qa»ctity of IhH P«iat in povje? It is a Pofo>x;ie or Iron, kb^ Trill st nd tJi? modt sawim teista with fire Goior deep reddish brora. HENRY E COLTON, Ag’t F K. Co. F*yetteTille, No»’r 28. &8i.f d'\ JOS. CTE.CY, €froeer tnui Vammission JlierctumU^ FAYSTTBVlLLg, N. 0. Jan’y Id, 1868. 98-tf MA^HaK a. 8'»bX>KAN. WX. H. B»tNAIIO. i\. «IT£1»11A;!V & €Om WgOLBSALE km USTAIL DEiLERS AND €0itlilIlS!ll0.1[ H£R€HAi\T8, Jto» t9y Jlkfj/ street^ FAYjSrTBVILLE, N. 0. April 20. 26tf Salem Alsnaisacs. CLUITi3 F*rjtt=r?( kcd Pi»etore illai«aM for tie yr»r 186% reo;;;T'^d a*id for t'kle, oy taa Kro-a, ioi:a, or eiag> O'^p/, at t:te BOOK STORE WAi^iTKO. 0 r;AA BUSHELS WHEAT, -OjObl/ 1,.v:K> “ 00f>;i. Ferwoq kwTirrg tbe ahoTa artiolea to •«?' wiUreoeiTC tit { g'.est Cafiii price b>- c-aLaag oa Mr. M. Thotnason, at tk«i Msroaant Mills. Fa's .lievillo, er on the rabacri* ber ai hu cid Si^d on Market 3qwS.re. A1*£J.. JOHNSON, J*. «07. fi, 1832. 76tf Ait^.TSY HAESS. f AM prepared to maaolaoture ail kinds of Wagoa 1 Kame« for Army use: I van s\y leather a:id cae ipra geod bargains Ageata will do Treil to s»d thtiir •rdere to me aa l&*y shail have prompt attaauoa, aad •eat off ia qoiok iisp^^-eb. jUtlN CARXI^. Ojldatoa P. O., Cbuhua. Co., 0., Jtme 13,18G2. After thi« date I will pay 26 Ceou per pound far rags, or tke Uigbbflt Diarket prtoe* delivered in Fayetieviile, or at my mills o>a Ro*.kii;h. i>. MXTBfST Feh’y 16, 18d4 T-tf OS&9A901 BSPAKf MlMf. Rauioa, N. 0., May 8, 1864. j Lead wanted.—I wish to purvhaae UmI for this Depariia^. rersou having large or small qoae- tiuee wul please apply at onoe. VTill give 1 poaad of P' WDBB for 10 poiui'la of uEAD. THOa D. HOQe, Oapt. C. 8. sS-tf In ohcrge of Ordoaaoe. To Wiiae ;?Kaker^ or JDistillcrs. IHA VE for sale 10 iroa Doand haavy oak f KR^BNT INQ STANDd, of oajrao-ty of IttO g% Ions; also, 4 n*t ro beavy, aame P»f9 Pru-^ >iag’y >'00 aao:i. Aay pcrsta w^o will taki; the vaoleom Hava ^em for $1000. Tbey are'vaioable aay one wishing to make Wine or iiUt'li Brandy.* • .^Iso. b9aa of hftlf siae of above for sale at half the ab.:re ttw. HENRY E COLTON Fayeueville, Got. \. 72if Palma Cliristi Beans. »|.Rlg »n''s?r:h«r will fa/ we ^l^’iest ‘task* prioM for i %e» ow^.niitT ^ P»l"» 0Vr»f*5 Beaai ^ «r»TR BAU9! BAttS!!—TKa infe rior qaaSty of tae pap>tr oa whieh the Obsemr has been printed of late,'awl wuoh is a great eye sore to aa, is owing to the want of a 3’iffioient sapply of g>iod rag«, aad the eoa-^eqaent aeo- eesity tc resort to inferior aaterials. We a]>peal to the frie«Mi9 ot the Observer at all aeoesa^le poiv.ta, to save aaa bring to town ail tka rags they oaa proeare. We have ao titie ourselves to attoid to tkeir porskaae, but Messrs. Qeo. W. WiUianaa % Oo., the Ageats ia Ihls lewa of BSr. Morpky, will pay 26 oentt fwetk. tor f»y * XU HALS h soca Boxes For Soldier*. All BOXES FOR 80LiD(E3S OR PaiSONERS OF War from Nortk OaroUa*, delivered lo the follow lag name i persotis will be jjro^aptly forwarded fr«e of •hargw Dr D F Su7i'.aey, A hevilk; Dr W A C'jiU tt, Mor|.«aloa; Dr J W Allis. ,8 =.r,eifTi;i«; Dr J L NaigU, Qr.-!taHaif3; Mr A H -g*n, Cifar-iur; ■ > MrElvvd Jicge. HiicTi: J N M :l/9 »ff-il, JtlileiTh; J;.r«j*h A Wi'rij.. F*yeite«'*’.o; ji Unrrar * Co, T7iljoia«toa; f Mr P L Bood. T»jbnro; Mr J A J Aske#, Ooleraiu; Mr F L Roberts. Murfreesboro. Tha Boxes shoaid be ii.>oped, properly marlMd, Md dalivered m time for my Speoial M*e«eage* who leaves Raeiglk ^7 of every moatU. EDWARD WARREN. Sorgeon Oea’l N G. Salaigh, Oet 29. 80 Ini f Cl S v-^ w EAOLJC FOVNDRT, \ FA.XBTTST1I.I.S. N. (J.. July 4. t**r>4. f E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RKCUIVB OR- ders ?or RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following bims, v k 24, 20, 28 and 30 l euh. AUe CHILLED TIRES. The Iron wo eimll U3a for them will be '^OLD BLAST CHARf’OAL IRON, and we war- laat oar wheels NOT TO »'^RACK, and to b» equal to any made ia the Goafederaey, or to thoan of Whitney & Sobs of PhUad*lpbia, who«* repatatloo is so well known by nil Rail Ro d Ccmpaaies. We h«,vfs the bc»t &ciuUee fw trtuspo'-t^ii** hr Steannera to Wibcingtoa, from tkeooe to aay part of the Ovinfedaraoy. Orders resp»^tf«!ly solicited. 46tfl D. AND8RS0N & CO FATETTEVILLE NORTH CAaOUNA JUMEiITJiRir IlflE First &i‘-ae.oa of this laitiiutioa will . lat cf Fffo^aary. 1866. Apilio«ti}ti6 for admifsioa muFt be adiressed to M«j WM A. BANKS, Saperivtendeat. Oci. 94 80 tf Qilkbortf’ €• Militarj A«a4emjf The a^x*. «e3i:on of this Institatloa will bogie on V'6.lif3da%, Feh’y Ist, 186^ Applioat’eng for ad- ta!»' raont b; roa-ie prior to 16th D.'a’r 18*)4, about trivia i -.ie tfcc t'-;r''Ta will bo male kn.nwn. Adire^s' 'lij "Wai. M QORDON, 8upcrint>'DdAct. Ot>. 1. 73 im i'HE BliVCI^BAIl SCflOOL. A MILITARY AND C0A8SICAL FlNISHINft AOADHMT^ -s:^> rrF nn:ct 9o89ion bttgina Feb’y 1st, 1866 at Mebanes- viild os tho N. 0 R. R While the old ooorse is rotjiiii&d, cz;ou.^iT^ ^diiiieos have been made. With a view to tnaki.ig eooa sv>i,DiBas as well as good Molars Adirm CoL WM. SiNO&AM, Sap’t, Oaks, R. 0. NrVr 23, 1864 8TiJi? wmm FAYETTEVl JANUARY 12, 1865. [NO 1400.] CoBscrii^t IVoUce. _ , Orvioa Maoioai lasrioroK. 1 aft*:'4di Dlai’s N C , Ooldsboro’, Jatt'y 6,*1'65. j nAVlNG nea oiriered to reliav#*C'.-r Barae^t of •titai poTwioD of hu datm reqafred by Par IT, Q v*31) A & I. Q O» 18^ I will att«fad with him mt“ followhif times and plaoe«»' for tb* parpoae Of in- Qtitffr lUl nea between the ages of 17 aad 60, hAld- : aertifte&tea ef ezew‘ptio& for phyeloal disrtiUty. thoae Msi|rned to Light Duty. Saeh pertiuts of above Bamed olasses as shall b« oa»b!e oc amount it jiekBess to report at tho time of Insppetion wUl for- ipt, |l *0 the Efir lUl^g Offioer oertifloa*es f-om thotr at- iig Physifliao, sworn to befoia * itf^gistrate, pst- forth the facts /«Wy Ahtittltu for wham a good it not rmdtred will bt unt t» Raleigh ftr examinativn Couaty Earoliing Offiosrs mil b».ve : dat «o I rrlls cf the ^raos of aM men ia thrir oouziti » mseo BE WABB. Ift'lLL pay o!ie• h^usaud dollarsreward for the appre- henaiodofania^bvtiiename of WM 8 CORKMAN, Wdo brnko j vrt.i t tij c'-uaty on the 30th Da« 1864 Sai4 CcrMQ^a ii sbo:«t 28 yea's of age, about 6 feet 8 or 9 n iia« a>sh. light o-japboed, ligh^ hair, stout DUitt. Al£o, Five hundrei dollars for ea«h of t^t faUoiriag persooa who broke jail at tke aame time: ^lUf Niuaery, w^o i^ a'joat 35 years of aste, 6 feet 10 inches-high, stoat bsllt, light oomplaotdd, light aair, th/e.) fiitg^rs of his «fi haad utt. Wilii>m L. Perry [BttJ] sh'jr'. thiai set, stoat bailt, d'rit ooiupUeied, tra!}^ lasth bai, oaeout. Jonn dill, [aia siippjstfl nAme, he has reftised to it,] ab>ut 2'1 yoara of «ge, short thiok set, soar oa ■le%i uom a rtemt blow, bal haug-Jog ooaotesauoe. P F ALDER^^v^i, JaUer. Deo 30 1864. 97-t^ FAFETTEVILLE MiTUAL IlfSUEANCS COM?A.\f, 4>pital ia Procaiam NotM aaioants to hku oa hand au;( otbsT a«n*t«, f267,6S8 Ub 6,on 86 Tct*l, 527^766 .16 The Compaay have paid all losses promptly, and avaMver made aa as8e3?ment on their pMalan uotM. Total losses paid, *48,682 Orncaas: QAO. MsNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, ?*oadeftt 0. A MoMItiLAN, Seo’y. D;:.xjToas: Heory Lilly, W. N. TlUinghMt, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Ei>::«dal8, 8. T. Hawley, Wa. MoLauria, Nathan A. S^edman, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Stsel, J. Q. Oeok, ■ Hon. J. G. Shepherd, A. E. H*^’^ / «*®*- Toka OoUias an:! C. 0. Td^^amea, Travedag Agastt HflTl'he Ootaoaaiy iavita applias.tons. id, t»s T n 0. B. MaUett, James Kyle, A. A. MoXethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. TiUinghaat. OOpiDlRifl STATIS Of IMIBIGA, ) BaQoiaxa DarAanmiT, Dm. Cara Faan, V Wilmin^oa, N. 0., Mareh 16th, 1868. j NOTICB 18 hereby i^vea to aU persons having daims agi^aat the Engineer Department, for aerviees of alavee employed as laborer* oa Ae Itind dtfman near Wilmingtoa, N. 0., that the uaders^ed is autAriied aad ^pared to pay the same at kis effiee, on the se* ooa^'floor the baildiag next above Moares’ Drag Store, Miffkel Street. t9* Pwsoae execatisg Powers of Attenxey will ob serve the foilowuag form —iheir sigaaturas, ia all oase^ te be witoeased by twe witneases aitd si|nMd la dopU* •Mte, or they may be wicQQa^ad be?ote a Jaetioe af the Peaae or Clerk of any C >’irt FORM OF POWaR O? AT|OBNBY. 1, —— of , ao hereby afuoiat.*—, ef , my troe aad lawful A^eat to sign r9Qo:pte for, aad rttooivo i>ayndot of all moneys due to me by-the 5agl»4cr D»- pai^tmeat of the Confederate Stat^ of Am^riaa, for servieerf ef my slares employed »5 I; ' irers ju ias la&i defeases at , daring t'-.^dcaub »f , 186 Witoese «tr , tkt d*/ a/ , 18« (diglied in ivpUeate.) [g^.] Wit»ess« • JYOTMCE. 1'^HE ffubso^ibsr i\a«i>>'g at Djovmber Tena 1864, ^ tbe Court of Pleas asJ Qiuter Se?ion9 of Oambe I ni Coonty, takr^n Letms of Aimiuistration on the E:)t&te of J&3t:a Maru 1 , «lee d, h^reoy gives noUee t« aU p'^rsja* olaiifi.2 ^aiost t !&e Estate cf the da- ;;eaeai, to pre^eai. tha e.^ma. duly aatheuv^eatrd, withia the time pressri’^ed by Uw, otherwlte th's notioe will be ple^dei ui bar of t'leir r3C070ry. D.:btor3 to said E«tate will piease uiske immsdiate paymeat TPEO MARTIKS, Adss’r. Further IVotSce. HAYIN9 obtained an Order of Court to that effeet, I oa tu« 18th diiy of January next, at the late on Hftf tftrcet, of tto deo^a'ed, o:^4sa to Pablie Sale tad Parjoaal Pr)p>rty, bjloaging u said Estate, coaets ing of uis aiock. ot H^r J A-are, Srooeries, Tin, and eli th« To.ila h^lvngsn; to Tin ManufKtery a^dOtpper 8 »itr £ii|Ltu^i«tory, aad varieos other articles too tedi ous to isesti-jn I..e prcporty will ae sold to the highest bidier on a credit ef six montCLS—:ha porohaser giving t>ond and »ppi }ved 8e.«unty ^efora tae property is removed. Tho sale will ooaBttsnae at 11 o’eioek. THBO MARTINI, Adm'r. Dee’r 18. Mta 0 ciaoPEBS WAmvmi9y Bf MJOBB 4 0A8HWILL. IL BARBELS and STATBi WANTED, by MOO;iS & CASQWELL IvOiitractM for Barrels. WB wiil ojatTMt fjr tha d«s:i7«'-y ofoae thotsand 9AAABL3 for oil, bjund.with wo*d or iron MiiORC It CA3H )7ELL. Deo’r 17. »4^« WAiHTEB, At the Sta" Fraii-y \i tui t >wa o* FayetteTille, N. 0 , two ^ood M0ULDBR3 Steady employmeat and gojJ wages M A. B.\JLER. D^o 19 94 tf Wanted to psreiiMe or bi t Tor the next jear, A\iO JD, aoueat giri, lo ohili'a au’-^a Apply to M. A BAEB&. Dao’r 19. 94tf illeat aad Bread for iiie Army. As the arny u-ia great wa-^t of maat aad breadituffs, I ata difuoted to say to thoss haviag a surplai, that I will pay iuoal or fair valnati?a for the same. Persoae refosing to sell their dorpius at fair valuation, the same will be imp 'odSd-l. It is hoped aU who eaa will sell to the Oov^rameat. I am a prepwred to reoeipt and pay for au/ «m3ant of provisioas dae by exempts aad detailed renons >n ay Distrlet. J. B SOUTHERLAND, Parohaaiog Goaa , FayeitdviUe, N. 0. Dee*r 21. 9'tf Boxes, for frisoaers of War uul SoWerse As the Agent of Sorgeoa Qen. Warreb, I will reo^ve and forward all uoxee, &o, f.»r 4oldiwa and prison- e s of war, fre4 of oharge- Tae B)X03 should be here by tbe 26 h of eaeh month, bo that they eaa reash Raleigh ^y the last of each lansth. I wmh: tae boxes seat te me t-j marlt, with written in- atijioiions, so that I may have i^ prop^y done. Ail box«e for prisoueri of mast be aa light as poestble. If Mey should weigh mom than 109 lb* they a«Lo Jt ^0. JOSEPH A. WORTH Fk/ettevjUe, Nov. 16. Thetd^aattuee of eoiered pemo&s Bhoald be witaeesed by three witaesMs. There must be separate dnplioate Powers of Attorney for each month. Blank feme eaa be had upon applh- aatien at tUs offioe. W H. JA«^. n«9t. * Chief Sag. I^q't 90.1R«4 ISOOtf Wutk moo BEWABD. I WILL pay a reward of One fiaadred Dollars for the dtfiv»y to me iu Fayetteville. N 0.,K>f five head of EFEF CATTLE, belonging to tne Qeverament, o»^. tnivabla rewa-d fit any iiforait'.ioa of their wbera- abouts. The cattle were brought fr jra Moore Coouty %nd will no Joubt try to m*ia'heir way back * Qj'an nf thera w**re marked as joila^’r One 8 oer, eaou'ty wkUe, crop off the left ^n« Heifer, pided red. am one reioow mark^ «ot rooaiUa^e >; on? Stiver, w^ite xy, s.ao9th crop osf the isft aad aii'r bit off •ine no ho^a Bri:idie ilaifer unmM-ked. SoCiia of tbe when sprayed hau esaall Icaihdr labslsAboat thoir ke»ds id J leA’tB. Also ettAyed itf'm toe about the first ef Nivembei a Pale Rel MILCH 00W, atodiu*' s:*^, and very small yearli’jj u^aHj black I will pay Twjnty firs DiUars for iaformatisn that will evalaie me to get her ^he cow was brought from Warsaw and i4 likely betwoen Fayetteville and that piaoe. J. B. SOUPHEBLIND, Porehasing Comfalssary, Fayettavilla N. G. Doe*r 20. 96-tf Wauted for the State of IV. CarsUaa. ilHR anlcrs;,:j«d ovuuuas to eschaago OOTTON . TA&K lor WOOL, 019 buadle of Yarifor4 11)3. aa- •faetdd. or 3 aleau Wool 4'iey w;ll aUe pay a bbaral p-it>a ia »asa or scaat! lata. ii'AO W ffi.uLLAMd « J0., Agta. • ?^«itovil«, June 16. 42tf Salt for Sale. 0 BUSHRL8 SOUND S ALT, made in the Spring 4lv’l/V/ lo63^wUl exchange itferBMOo, Lard, C«m, or Uonfederaie Tr't^aory Motes. Also, 80 bozee ftne CHBWII|Gl rOBAOOO; for sale at my rtore OModte Oape Fear Bank. A. }. CHOEMrON. Sept. 2. 64-tf lar! Tar!! A LOT in ine order for sale. JOS. Dee’r 21. woaxa. Shindies Wanted. ^ A AAA SHIN0LS3 ITANTBD. Anply te OU,Uv/U ISAAC HOLLIN(idWORTH Ooi. 1. 72tf WAiVTEO, Sheep S^iftaS Sheep Skine!! I WILL pay ;he itigkost sairit priae or es-ohtsga Ho. 9 10 button X>«rdi fnr ntthiiv n* 8ki : i N :iv*r W Oards for either raw or taan^ Hheep A. A. MoKEUHAN 89t' Btaakate «ia at. tbia Qfiat. School Beaders, OUR 0«¥K naijjL AjSADBR; “ “ iBecoud , “ * “ Soelier; ^ “ “ Primer For sale et the. FAJErilVIUS B00K3T0BV. DNj’r 7. TJKSTAiU^HTS AiliO HTMiVS. CtOKfSDjULAIB iSuum Bihte Beeiaty' I 4 CWifnapa sC liU Sl^a* i il TIfi %v9sr%i eed la the Cilea Anna Female Seminary, THOM^BVILLE, N. 0. The spring 8«selcn will b»gia 26th day of January l®6» Ro»?d $7 per Kon?h if pali in proviaiens at old nrisea er $i50 Cocfvd«r-i.> tu advaaee. Taitioa, English S50; Maeio #6''; Fr?itoh or Latin *26. E»3h papil wiil fuTiilsh one pair cf pillow easM aad theett. J W. TBOMA8. Jau’9 8. 99 2t»2tpd Carolina Female Collci^e. Ths secctnd te?a of tha pr-iaajii CoUdgiate y*ar will o^mmeno} on the 2^d of J &auary and close tbe 24th of June 18^& S'U'fen'.s eharged from time of enteriag. No deiuotiou except in eat>«s of protoa^Hed s>okae«9. Board good Terras moderate aad iostruotioa thorough. AJdtass Rav X E GRIFFITH, • AnaoDvilie, R. C. ■ ’j .s. ^ /18-I2ij»)pdinpt i XI eervlne with the Home Guard, it will be noticed that the appoiatmeats hitherto aiv^rtisad by Col. Barslit frt those eonoties have been ohaoge^: Bliiabetbtown, Bf«den, Jan’y ll!b. 1865: j Fay*tt''vi)le. CuuiberUa'!, Jan’y 18th “Dd I4th i Summerville, Harnett, Jan’y 16th. I Wilmlagion, N H. Co , Jan’r 20.h and 21st. Waiteville. Colnmbos. Jan’y 231 %n*^ 24ih Rockingham. Riohmon!, Jan’y 27th aal 28th. Lumberton, Robeson, Jan’v 30*h and 8*dt. 99 4t O. M. DOYLE, Surg P A C S. 5pb^,tHiO ttan'diTp&"Cba^ 3on«r8* i EnrdUing Offioe, Fayetteviilo, Jan. 9,1865. TTENTION i«* hareay directed to the n>'>ice of In- speotor of ConseriptioB f -r ‘he Si 4ih Cocgree- lal Dis. N 0. By it aH ncrncn? boWing CfrtifloU' a Ciemptioa by re'eon of physical disab>^.ity or as to light duly, within the limits of Cuoiberiand /, are required to meet him cn the 13th aad i4th To this end it is hereby ordered that white males named.ola8ito9 between the ages of 18 r^ad 4^ >le at my office on Jaa’y 13th, and P.rs^rves acd |ro?e on Jan’y 14th, at 10 A- M. Itia aad Homo Gna^ Offisers will gi-re to this |>ublioi:y; and a^y mai of t.te clasa-'s require 1 tail fall to appear or forward each an =ffi iavit aa ted by the laspcctor wiU be doomed a fi subject I examiaaMon by the ‘'Special B>tard,” and for this sent to Camp Holmae. W C. RSNOHER, Lt. A E. O., Oumberiani Couuty. DCT’The “Enrolling Office,” Cumber- id Oocnty, has moved from oppos'ia Gsn'l H.o!^ 6, to No 21, Hay street—tbo store oco jplal by E. Moore Jan’y 9. 99 2t 91000 BEWABD. 'OLER fr -u tae bubseriber’s stable, miles west Df F»yettevilt«. on Sunday night last, a BAY >R8B, 8 Tears old, very fine con linoa, a blemish la HghI eye, medium site, shod ail rouud, V>n tips of liiut shusb raised, a few r hit.3 spots u der the (hid Sle $600 Hewwd will be paid fo' tbe movery of the' -horso, «id #5S0 for I he tliivr with ev'draoa suffi -'ieut to eonvict him GRAHAM D B\KER. Jan jl 98 8yd Chicora ColleirlA^c Institute. HE Irst'session of this lastitatioa (located at Lum berton, N C,onW C.AR*R R,) will open with and experieaoed eoroe of Teaohars, the second J in Jan'y aad e>Me Ue fifth Tuesday in May rel . .itatioa iMB a thorough graduating oourte ladies aad also a course for preparinr boys' :e, with eao^ dopartmcat oatirely separate, axpassas as rouows: nitioa ia Primary, *60 OO • Common Bagliah, ^6 00 •* Higher “ 75 00 " Lajognaj;?B, each, 20 CO Musifl Piano, 70 00 Die cf Piano, 6 00 laOidoBtai f*e, 2 60 >aieals boarding with the President will be und«r 'tonstaat BUT>errisioa aitd be aa»fged $8 per month weeks to >>e paid in provisions at ths fcl'.owiag Flour $3 60 p-^r bbL; 8bm *1 per busb ; Bacoi. eaea, 16 ets. per lb , aed other ediblod in the proportion This will require for a session ef 40 busheifl ef Com, 26d} ics Bacon or Lard, or of Flour. h one will be required to fnm-sh his or her own 1 teaspoon axid 1 kntfe and fjrk. Board to be imomriabiif in •d««n««, aad taition one half at the and the reu^iader in the middle of the see- [extravaganae ia dress is expee'.ed. A neat h»n«- I is very suitable fa? echool or chareh. rther Mrtieulars address v Rev. P H. SCO YELL, Pre-’t, Lumberton. N. 0. 17. 06-12t rotice—02(00 Beirard. j^AY from the subaoa ter on the 27>h iust, two men, vis: CHARLES, someumos oaUel about 20 year* otd, eix f >et hlga, dark sup- ireixhj About 160 lb* WILLI A 4, soms'imea >HNSON, about 19 yewrs oU, fire root t«a eapper eomplexion w^jfhs ahout 170 Ib^ raw^ will oe p»kd for their approheasioa >'ery in aay Jail so I oan get them. W. L. LE^STT. itlgviUe, 8 0 , Deo’r 27. 97-6tpd By vir 519 of an order made at Nov. Term 1864, of R%4d'.5ph County Court, I wUl offer f'^sale at pub lic A nation, to the higuest bidier, «t the Court House do'>r is As^eboro’, oa the 7th dar of February 1866. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in Coupon Bonds oif saii^ c'^u'ity. The s*id boads to run for tea years from d»te, bearing intarc'?t at the rate of 6 per cent per mm- cum, to be paid «?mi-aannaily in such eurreasy aa will bo reeeiv«Kl ?n the pi^ym'at of pnblio taxec. J M. WORTH, County Go^amissioner. laa’y 2. 98-Im Dr. W. C. McDuffie announces to &M pl - :0B bhu» tii aai rasucicd tac pr >c tioe of his Profeeeion in this phoe, and car be found at hl3 old 'flioe on Buw street. Jaa’y 7. 99 2tpt Wanted to Pnrchase. rlWN 0F FAYETTEVILLE »;0UP0N8; Ccuny of Cambsrlau4 Coupons; Old N C 6 psr cent. Coupons; Western Rail Road Utooit; Towb and Ocuitty B jnde; Old N 0 6 cent. Bond?; Bank Bilh, G:>ld aud Silver —ALSO— 25,000 Barrel Staves; • 6000 “ Headifif; fiOiiO feei Poplar Pluik; Spirits Turpeatine aud Oil Barrels, wi^'- Iroa or woodfcoppa T 8. LUTTEaLOH. Jaa’y 9 ^^9 3r NOTICE TO TITHE AOEJVtS. A By r'^ jlau. Oi I'rcia syj{:in i). 8 TitbS Agin'o »r« rsqaired (o fake das a»\d proper eere of the Gov’t C*,»'*0!i ronvni-jg in tbeir po^se^sfcp, to shelter ael nrc-eot tt. and del-v^r it *hea demaaded by proper authority, it being Ui*derstj3d tha. they have ocly tbe respooaibiUi/ of « war.thcofiemati. L. C. ROSE- Cotton Loz^u A^c’t for 4ta !?ong. Dist N C. FayetteviUe, Ja^i. 7 99 2t TO BIBE, '* jro W9»aan. She ia a good oook, wiaher and iroaer. Prioe fiv d hundred dollars. Address JOHN 8. BREECE Fayetteville, N. C , Jan. 9. 99-‘t J10R thi" year, a j'cacg Ne.^o W^man Farm Bands for Bire. Friday the IScn of this moath. i will hi-e oat at _ Joricaboro’. ia M'*;r‘» •esut^, BBVBS FI2LD aANDS—one man, tiir^e plough b«ys, oao woman aad two girls They will be birs l ,nt for Fa’-m labar ex- clu5ivsly. J. &HSP3ER0. Fayetteville, Jan’y 6 99 2.pd Furniture Sale at Auction. N T’5s1*7 fie i7ia iu3i.. wii> be soli a i>"jte iH of FURNITURE, c cisldtia^ of thairs. t;ulss, 8t’»-s, matires’e? pillows. 3!asfc*,-rlaes war*>, kaivec acd f?rks. Aal aii itaai) 'ime 1 NEGdO WOMAN 24 years of 4ge, ohili 1^ re»rj old; aad oab oora aud oob orushiir; 9 Biliiwrd Tables, fine alari>l:'> oai, and 1 Bagatelle Tabie JNO. H. COOK, Aoot'r. Jan’y 4 98 St 0' Bouse and t«ot tor Bent. The HOUdS AND iOf. Ukte Major J T. Gilmore’s, corner of Rowau aud Hilisb irottgh streets, will be reutdd at Paolis AaaU-::a oa .«ai;ar-.iay the 14th iuat. W. DR A Ua HON, Aaist’r. Jaa’y 4, 1865. 93 3t Piano Forte for Sale. A SUPERIOR R03£WX)D PJaNO. Meta lie Frame, 7 0u.av6e; one of Xnaba a first olaits Instramsnte. Apply to J. w. GRAHAM, At Aiseual 4 iroTiory, 7ayett>‘ViUe C. Jan’y 4. 93 8*p4 Plantation Wanted. I WAS’*' t.; bay tcai- % PLANrATl*>N, dUuioienti> Urge to work 6 to 10 ba^is Q)od avu^is oj ii preferred. Should lk= '.t to be wkJua 16 uii;e* of thie place Pereoes having ■ue't property to di^se of will plaae^ call soea JAS. G 0) '0K. Fayetteville, Jaa’y 5. 98^t Daily Paper in Bicbmond. PROSPEOTUS. rV nndersigasd pmp ,b9 to pub ish a ddiiy pap^r, aaier (he title o{ “THE RICHMOND SERALD.” «a or abent ihe 16th of January a>xt It wi'l be eatirclf iadej‘i;al9 ia politio'', b ♦ wiP nevenk4leM ao-^ord to th^ Aimlai^trati'tn a jast sap- pert ia measures whiiu. ia t>>c o&iuja -vf iti oo^- daotore may be deenafd pr.j3j0ti7.3 «f tHe ;f the o>a?« Ib wHicH w« trt eAgig^d. * , ;'"r r- i .::f ;a(9 as wiil bs '.oea> v Jidruri* to hia c*-j' j«. will be, sf c 'nr?>i coQ»if**M» wfh the iadepep i-nt caarac-.. t«r un'^er whteh the papar is to o« utaagairatod. Ia tke maUer of General Nevs it will be found to keep paee with the lea ting jou’.nals of ihe day, while it'will lave added tt> it ia the way of fiaancial istelli- genee dteatnre a«eh as, we vMture to say, no paper ia the Ooffederae^can boaet o(^ Iditoriala from the pea of eaej'kf the ableet ilattoial writers in thia or aay other Gantry will be presented in eaeh number. For i«asoas not now pro^r te be mentioned, we for bear ft give the namee of these who shall eompoee t^e r^psllr editorial et^; but we flatter enredvee that when they ahail appear they will be found to eonatitnte I antay ef taleat aa eaaaet be exeelled on thia known eharaeter of the individual who«e ppeare below, aa a itenographie reporter fumleh- cii^Bveawae. a gnraatee thai, in all that relatea to .politieal speischeB aod debatee, whether in ■■bliei or oat of theai, the *‘HERALO’' It advantages certainly not to be excelled by the Oonfederhey. lag iaieretts will be faithfaliy vindloated, to diiftmioate the earii^at iutsiligenee »per regard .for the welfare of thi\t great lationai wealth and power shall dgmaad. latter of correct eomsi*r;i*l m'e'.li^onee, " be maeifested, our objdot beidg to ej- of these depaniDeate an editor of kaowa ■ abi’Hy. toata are «i foot by whici* tc uoure the »reign news, aad the paper will eoataiu sueh talent as viU fully eluoidat?) ihe b;ii.^iieg of [diplomao/upou Sjuthera iateracte ^ort, **T3B RiaHMO?»D HERALD ’ will be ft>o^po combine every feature of in erest vHiich the M ef the present crisis deaaad .atepfr^ iereepeatfuliy eomne«d«4 to the favor ‘ ef the ottlaeaa of tbe Scutaorn OoB^edo- F. KSAN 4 CO., mohrnoQd, Ya. laci. 9t.td strayed or Stolen, ^ From the stables cf M s. Catharine MoLsaa, one t*OREEL HOaSE. with »aite face aud while spots on tha oaws caused oy the eaddl.e; th» po>.at of on.' ot his bind ho:.^*s a livio apiii (.ad 12 or 16 years oid. it atjl'B I wUi giT; $100 retfird f^r the dei.eotio'' af rh» leitf. with proof to oinvi-t Auy infr»rmatiou roapeet- {pg sai l > yf 'ui b^ U» -akfal!;f UHsra!!^ rewfcrdel digest NEILL S S'TjiWARf, Averatbaro’, HarceTt county, N. 0. J*o’v7 99 3l*.»lpd Supposed to be Kidaappcd. »100 REWARD. '7TLU ji^e nij i ravii’it t'9»'the r«'00^7r7 of a iSEQiiO GIRL, v* -i-ai ' « j" Sa-ah Kk.!.e, «a 6-> d IB r.nrLi'iR f Da-i 9. i iiKii *-> K »• Uy. i*r w* fcirt^vjv j i vyirt .i:i. r.jaaifw \ d»rs. ooTnp'Oot-^OD, pted^oist x.>oki tg epokeu to. *100 uwre will be given for the dete ctioii of Uie thief. Jf. McPHAIL. 8pout Sprino:, Jan’y 7. 99-4 pd Fayettevilie Ddp jsltoryi Jan. 4,18SS. An A' T has bean pasded by »hs (/oafbdet’a;.^ iiia- gross’ex^nding the timi* fo? exchasgieg T.'sa.iur/ Notos New Issue may be hed f-jr ihe Old oa present ation at this Offioe. 98-4w] • W O. BROADFOOT, DepoeUary. fsfetteTllls inonal sod Armory, Jan’; d, 1866. Foandry-Man Wanted. ONE oomT*etent to takeoiiarge, and familiar with east iag shot and shell, will find stead 7 empIoyMen^ aa- Applv to the OOMD’G OFFICER geod wages 9t6t JVotif^e—iVei^roes to Bire. ^|'9E nnd^rt'flrael wil*. hiro a ;.v of NEGROES w I 26th in»t, at 1^ o'olook, at Joaeeboro’, on W B B Tboy will bo hired for pr^risione DAVID PAIBL5Y Jan’y 8 98 4tpd HSABaVABTRBS RlUSit¥Je, JT. G. \ RAi.araa^ i>eo 19 1864. / Gnimtai. Om>nms, 1 • No 22- f I6USG?'na« TH03 HILL, P. A C- S , haviag. in . obsdieace to dD'^oial Or >rs. N">. 27f. Par. II, A 4 L G. O . cti.-roiy 1'e, ^*1 at tr-e^c Hcaiqu»rt*«i; ia aesigned to uuty »n Ohi^f isarso^a ,&Qserva, N G.. aad will be obeyed and reapeotad according}/. II. All Meii^ OiSoers eervieg with Reaecvea in tUi BU*9> will at onoe raport, by letter, ta dutgfion H11, and forward to hiaa reqeisitleee Ut euA SMdiouni and sMmt eappUas as an neeeancy. Bf aomaA ef UiilL OMbum^ 7 From the Biohmoad Wh!^. There is nothiog ia nature so grand the ideas that originate in the yankee mind. Tbe perpet-. nal genesis of the snblime whioh illuitrates tha history of that extraordinary end ^^eaUwampoas” people would hare Aimished Longinus ind Bvka with moititadinoiis and admirable illnstratiosa. It is a pity, soreiy, that the advent oi the yankM nation was postponed till after ihe exit of those philosephio writers. In any fnttif« treatise on the “Sublime/' we shall never ezpsot to find Miy bat purely yankee ezamplee and analogies. What tor iostMoe, could be more sublime than the fm- Tori‘6 yankee scheme ot turning the Mississippi into the Mammoth Gave, and thus exhausting the Atlantic, .whereby the boasted navy of Britain WQjild di7 i^> on Mie , luiui ui oceanic oiiii-'j/ '^IL'he utktion which could oonoeive so magnifioent and stapendous an ideaii certainly capable of giving birth to analc^usly remarkable projects, such as setting rivers on fire, turning the earth on a new' axis by means of the water power of Niagara Falls, and altogether, beating creation ho'low.^' From the concrete baby show to the abstract eagle striding aoroas the continent, with one claw on the Alleghaniea, and the other on the Rocky Mountains, every thing yankee, whether practical or ideal, is grand and we may be permitted to aay, topioftioal.^' In this war the yankees have done infinite credit to their reputariun, no less by the vastness of the ori^nal undertaking and the extraordinary in strumentalities which they have employed, thw by tbe remarkable character of tho projects they have conceived. Crushing the South in the embraee of their huge military anaconda promi^pd to be a very startling and interesting spectacle; so like wise, on a smaller scale, was the efiort to turn the Mississippi, and the herculoan labor of the Dutch Gkp Canal; but these are trifling incidents oompar&d with th£ last enterprise, whioh was nothing more'^or less than a design to blow out the bottom of the Atlantic oooan, and to let Fort Fisher drop through, very much to the amusement, no doubt, of the onsuspecticg Aus tralians. This is ccrcainly, as the correspondent of tne New Yoric Times vory justly remarks, a mighty and expeditious way of opening and clos ing a battle, and has the merit, so pleasing to yankees, of being barren of danger to the experi- oicntera As may be supposed, much of the description of the recent operations before Wil mington is devoted to this marvellous enterprise. We are told how the fated vessel whioh was to aet so pyrotechnioal and explosive a part was takoi from Newbem to Norfolk, wad from Norfolk to Wilmington, how she was called.the Loiwiana, and was laden with 215 tons of gunpowder, and Commander Rhind and a select crew of aspiring yankees; how she was brought ia at the dead hour of midoight to within four hundred yards of'the doomed fort; how she was anchored there, and then set en fire by her commander and crew; and how the ingenious and valiar't peopl* then on board ot another steamer and incontinently ske daddled for twelve miles, where they watched with keen and anticipative curiosity on ihe sup posed margin ol? that perilous vortex which was to follow the marvellous explosion. So fearful, in deed, were thes;} amiable and inquisitive people that they should miss the magaifient spectacle that, althoagh it was not expected to come off un> dl one o’clock, hundreds of them pased the ves sels’ decks from early in the eveniuK until the moment ot the stuuaiog denouement And the acunning doooaement id thus doscribed: At one o’clock the watch on d6ok reported a bright glare in the sky, directly over ,the place woere it was cxpected the explosion would ojcur. This glow gradually increased to a bright light, which finally expanded into a brilliant illuuLna- tion. The illumiaation did not retun its vivid ness throughout its appearance, but at intervals would die down to a doll glare, thus giving one the impresaon that a huge bonfire had been boilt and was occasioaally replenished with fresh fuel. The lisrht contained visible till fifteen minutefl of two,* when, as if by magic, the heavens were electrified into one vast sheet of vivid flame. This lasted but for a moment, and then tke light disappeared altogether. We now breathlessly awaited the fearful shock. The immonsd ooncuscdon came to us in a ve^ meek manner A deep, heavy re port, not unlike that produced by the discharge of a^OO pouader, which oommuaicated a slight trembHug motion to the ship, greeted our eara fifteen seoonds after the disap;;;earan3e of the Hash oi light. Thus ended the cxhibitioo. The offi- oeiT'^ and men who engineered the experiment-^ for experiment it certaialy w»S—retorard pafely to the fle«t that night. The next morniog, not a vestige of the LouiRt^nn ^as to be f’een, and the preeaiDpfion is that she was blown to atoms The the explosion had o& Fort Fisoer, or any o:her of the rebel works,nor knows, bai it ia tl)«> in?pi«siiiaQ thryughout thu fleot that tt laui^ have heec 'light, from the fact that the reV>al» at imo: duriBg tho day ODened their tuss in a man- uer too lively te ia Aud so cad.-d tixa. laatyfc W blow the bottom fi^m onier W'iimip rton and to take tne plaoe by a gr»nd e'tup dc thsatre.^ “ Whar u tke FronfP*—It is well known that Wheeler has some splendid tioops, and some who are as bad as oan be found. These last are scat tered Avm the Ohio river to Savannah. A brave aad gallant soldier tells the following: He was going through North Alabama to rejoin his eommand. Stopp^ at a house to get dinner. Old hUy—“Who’s youin’sf** Soldi^—“Wiieeler'a cavaliy.’* O. Ii—*Whar gwine?'* , S.—“To the front." The old lady pat on her speotaelea and eyed him Intently, then drawled out: “Mister, some 0’ them fellers you call Wheel er’s hoes critters have been .gwine by here every day. Some war gwino north, some gwine south, some east and some west, some this way some that—they all scd they war gwine to tbe front BOW mister, kin you tell me what is the front?” The £oldier laft. Se^ma Mit*is*'ppiaH. ir~ I I S^OO Be ward. STOLTO oa the 2d iait, a Oheti- nnt Sorrel HOBrSE, about foar years old; both hia J fc-rt arc wkita, qm has more white than the ether, he has a white fpf»t la hl3 faes. He was stolen br the horse ih«f Fry, and tbe last heard of hin he was ia Us peeeseeioe at Malcom Blue’s Bdd^ oa Drcwniag OreA. I 1^1 give t^e abeve teward fer tha delivwy ef tha horee to sae er infi»cauktieB aothat 1 eaa set him again. Mj aMMBi ia liipla F. a Onkeiind Mwtf, ■. k 9