I.AW8 ■jhaotep FsbV *6. 1864. 4« Ad t'O F'tvui, l/N’ 1 Ty.i£ and IAr%it the Gurrmro •nor ^^tnj the. -nart, ‘I'tiiit Vo'i;'i*3 o! ii • ■■ \ • V -c i i'bovetha ‘ic-n^i.ia'iv^o 55, »■ ' shall bo itlOir'. 1 -Ir.ll: ^h>' . ' •pi'.l i et:-i ol’ ;hc ^^iid-iicjjippi, ti' ■ i i = a i'i the period,i ami fca-. ’ ’’ 1. :i'i i.jidcrs ot all aa-ih Tre^^v.y ' -'i ^ti yj-i •■> "'aVivi tha in r' ;U'- ■'■ '.‘Q •', ji, ^i) yrnrri -ilLer ?h nr daic. i ' V' ‘.vjiu'-;-. Hi iiic n'e 01 { ri-;r cunt, por t- " • ' ^ •,! h'' 1st if Janiiirv nui July a' ' ' iri ■-.r7 .>*■ th' Trcasnry J8 ^PT'b' ’ f .j ir-uc- the l>>ndH ro^aired f'‘>r tho ' ju> vi‘i..i .^r lii the prcci'ditiijf ac-uion, •*nd . ;:i {ui- b;.ndd cun be prcpar- i he may Ccriiticu. -i to uiivvcf tbo purpose. Saob bondii Slid iiSv..i^i:3 .shall bo rccciv:»hlc without int'r- e.st in puyaunit or t;'.l Q vonp'-*nt dues payable in »h*.' tar I,exccp: cs(>ort and iiuport duf'cs Rgc s. T!.ar ail-rrc.-vsarj notes of the dccoaii nati n aot iijterc.-tt, which shah not be prcfio*itC'l i'or luiidinp; under tbe provisions ui tlie .l.Ht shmll b« object to % tax of 33i i^r c*at ery dolN proiciadd oa tlie f: tc at^acli ic said aotw wliercver 'aii r-ofea t*' bo fuiidabla *ud ^re^ii.tiry lictea, as bcTf’Sn provided, salv^'®^ 6od I t if n of said tox. «T- ty or oiX&cta of aiiy kind, not enmaerated n to the riv Ur i-i- r. !id tii ~o '•■-a oi thi*? f hall, from and after u A> 'i! ovt of thp ML^'tii^sippi I'f • ‘V or Juiy ISGi, west ot tue ct a-v to l-c roccivsbic in payment ot I , .» ,ii raiJ r,:;u3, ii' n„'t jo prc>^('nted a; i :^!I, ill 't.i'doiJ to tl.ic tax ol o'3h | !, iu iLo 4t!» socdua oi rJuU act, bi' I a o»x UI 10 cent, per ruouth tin- tndj vrhh'h t»xe« siiall attaob to said vev circulated, and eliallbo deducted frOiii the. lnao uf aaid notA** whenever prftsont:d Uh paynicai or foi- funding, and said notes ehall not bo cxoli.'inireuble for the new issue of Trea sury noCea provided for in thi« sot. Sxo. 4. That ou all said Treastiry notes not funaed or used in payment of taxes si the date^ and pla-3C3 prescribed in the 1st section of thin act, t?’ rc sbull be levied at said datea and plaoe» a tax ol j-i3i cents for every dcli«r promised on the face of said noty^^; .aid tax aball attach to said DoroB ?;herevor oireulatedj aad shall be oollected by de*iu\i‘ir.2 tb.c sa’ae at the treasury, its depoai- toriea and by tax coliectora, and by ^1 Qoveru- 'mcut officers rcceivins» tbo same whenever pre sented tir pf^ymcQi or for funding, or in payment ot Goveriiineat dues, or for poste^o, or ia ex- cl»r.ge for new uutj_s, as hereinafter provided, and said Tre&mvy aotrs be fundable in bonds a« provi lod in the Ist section of this act, until the Ist dsy ,.f Januir}' 1865, at the rate of 66-} cents oa the do'iar; and it ehsll be the duty t»i tbo Seo- j rciary oi'v:^ TreiK»iry, ut any timt h.ct'jreen the i 1.’?’^^ ol April a. d lIaO 1-st of July, nwt ol the Mi39i-v;i»)pi rlcer, aad the Ist olJanuury IH65.1 to suljjtiiuic and exohauge new Treasury notes j lor tLo same at the r»te cf 65} cents on the dol- i lar: i^-o.tuhd, Tka: notes of the denoaiiaetion of &iOO shall not be entitled to the privilege of said exchange: furfJur^ that the ri^ht to fund any of said Trcasur-y aotcj, aftor the istday of Jan-iary 1?^65, ia hereby taken away: Andpr(h f^rthiTLi.1 Upon all saoh Treasury note? ’Whidh may -ciaain ou^'tanding on th« ]gt day of January IjiGo, aad which n;aj not be erehi^ni^od far nc^ Trc'isury aotea, as hci'cla provided, a t&x of ^00 per cent is hereby imposed. Sec. 5 Ti at after the iirar day cf April next, all au'tiority bifv-t-iibro given to the Secretary of the rrf.\!i ’^7 ■: i =sua Trer^sury notes shall be, and ii tiCfsHy, ro7oktd; IVov^d-d, the Secretary oi • Tr av.ii-y miy, afior that time, ia?;ae rer Tra^_ '1 y 30C.C.-, ii; such ‘orm as he may prcsoribe, ’.‘Ava.ih 7c y.' i'r! ; r the r;uliication A a treaty ot p‘'a3’ " iho I i.it -d g-j'd new issues p yiiioii, ot ill public d-’c^^, ^ i. ipori uaili^^ - he i '^ned W- at rhc rate of 2 dolhrfl of M? cl..i i- "3.?, VfuCtliL'f ,.J - - 1 ^or c?vc^ir':,o by the holdcrn ,'iT 'd into tho Trc.'W-i'y under olu uo^es, e^^'’yt those of the iU-*• ' V :*’■- .'?'^'^'^ed K-o '' ' V..---r:^s :ifor?3r*id, m-ij -V ; Ctrl':cc.La3 bcarin;r is- ■':k - j.'nr c.' srnatxi, aiuJ . r T ''k ^ tr =^‘y \ rrv^;icr > of tho -jrOV- ■ u; .V : . A.i,the3ocr-.^-) . •ii.hnrijefi - r . ;(■’; c;"oee-Ui .' u'o ? :1. ‘ . o)!’- u I'l- - I - t ■ ? f- au' t 1' .'r^ r > thv r . ■'i • v ;lli'C !ict "■ ul . jtj ‘-u- livi'* on f';c ... couac^o, n%y>A B'.OTra, S^o Tbafc »cy S:V3 h-Mi&z raxirp •■'.i. notc^ alia’t be Riiovit'l tiii the ^f«r2t 1..V ..-I- J;w&rv '5 8r»f,, W'- f d i.h-2 Kama la 6 I-®" b.^ud- of'tbo O^^ji.-vlera^e S' payable2_0 fcar.'t after ^ale, ar.d *.bo itjif^rost ];»yable junn.iliy. liut ail no oB received by -.nv 8i-Uo sfi'^r Hxc-i «or taxiue: the eame aiorc-,:.id, bo h.;ld tn hay- Wm rctcs-cd ’ r,i ished by rbs aTno.unt. >♦ s.aid ^-ax. Tbs dts- -rinv'nntion the uot«« subi»>?'fc the t’»T and th«>se not so subioct, sball bo Smo. 1.“^. That Troanury notes beretofore issu Ml h*iariv'^ intAvcst at the rate of S7 30 on the SI *0 per e.unuTo, atiall no lonsj^r be r«ociv\‘d in w y- of pnb'rs uuea, but shall b© Je®nied a id eoufiidered b(*nati or the Cmfode»at,/> f^t&t^a, pa| a- ble two yraip sttsir fio r»'tifie;ition ot ■» treaty 'if pea.?e with tbe United States, "the rate ’>( iulercfit specified on their fsi^e, ’••^i^abl? Ifit of January oi'eaoh and every y«ar. Se*^ 11. That the ASearet-iry of *ho ry be, and lie is hereby, autboriiod, »r: '^tao tbs p ii- icricies o* the Govcr’. nocn^ ,.hnn'0 r»*v'viife it, P‘ij tac d'-’^ and of any public viiose d».bl m.iv be copti-jicted after t!ic of tLia a to r-'-’yive the 8ar.to iu a of n- .)t‘bt^dne*-s, t/i .’r« isiTiod by ct^id Sesiet;iry in kii ih i'orm as he ni»y aeein priinrr^ p'-.y-'Me iw.i ye>,rt after a ratifioat’cu of ^ tre?4ty oi peaoo with I he (Ini ted Bfnt.e9, bearing intc *»)St at tt\e rat^ cf f ix per cen-. per annum, payable ssmi-aunually, aad traaafoi'sble only hy special enior.'?cu;ont, uuder regulations to be prescribed by ihe Secretary of the Treaaury, ard said ccrtilcuto^ gbali bo oxempt from ta'xatioQ in principal aad iftteiest. Sbo. 15. The Socrctary ot thtj Trca?!ury w fcu- tbonred to inoreanc !be number of dtpatiltorles so as to racct tbe roquirsment*? of this &o;; %ad w tb that view tyt?rar icy nuch cf the banka the S'lV- eral States as be rcav deesa expe li^ist. Seo. 16. The Sceretarj' of the: ’"retv.t»ry nb dl fortb'^-t.li adv..'rtiRe vhis a(-v ia Bcc’i nevipap irs published in tbe several Su-: ^, aadbyeu’h ctl er rc;ans as sbftll socure iTr>mev:^te r>ubJi 'ity; the Secretary of V/ar and the Seeroi.-ry of he Nivy shall eaeli ogti‘’e it to bo paMIshcd in sre:ie- ral order for tb- ’»:f5rmatio* of t!ic army and utj. Sra. 17. Tbf 4"d boeaon of act for t*c assessment and orJ^ection of t.'~e^, fcprvn*, cd M.'xj I 1st li?^, is bciiby rcpcaU ' Sso 13. The Secr*nary of ti'.« Tr'aarjy if> hercb / auA.'irlt'^d and T'or\x- A, v .-fi the appli- c« ioo cf the IiO;"er of any caH oerti5o?.to, irhich, by the first SvCl'9 of the act to pr^rvid-; for the fntjdin'; and tuTtl.er i of Trsasirj tiotos, i}>- proi act aforesaid. IJf. On the ainonct of pmflts exceeding 25 per cent., made duriug eimor of the yeare 18B3 and 1864:, by auy bank or banking c.onxnaiiy/iriaurance, canal, navigation, iin- portingr and exporting, tolograpn, express, iail»-o:id, raannfactaring, dry dock, or other stoclc company of any deecription, whether •jw^’iJorated or not, 25 per cent on such execss. Sko foHowing exemptions from tAxatio "Wilder this act shall d® allowed, I. Froperty of each head of a family to the valno of $500; and for each minor child of the ♦*»\wily to the further valno of $100j and for «nch son actually engaged in the arm 7 r>T navy, or who has died or been killed in tlie mi^tary or naval service, and wlio was a' member of the family when he ont.crcd H\e Rftryice, to the farther value of $5A{), TI. Property of the widow of any officer, i^oldier, sailor or marine, who may have (lied or been killed ia the military or naval sjorvic«, "‘r wheio there ia no widow, then of the f»mi’v, bfing miner childrQB, t© the vjtbio of ^lOCO. KL. Propcf^y of every t-filcer, a»ldiar, 3ai?or or marine, 4ictualiy engaged in the Hii Litary or Davai sorvice, er of guch as b»v« boen di>?abled in such service, t« th»yalM of $100u; provided, that the abov« ex»mp- tions shall net apply to any |»}'6oa, wh«ee prcj’>erty, exclusive of h»ug«hold f^Miture, 'ihail be assessed at a value excocdiRg $ldOO. IV. That where property has been injnred or destroyed by tht ea«»y, or tha own;r thereof has l»dcn temporarily deprived of the use or ©ccnjancy thereaf, w of the moai:c of cultivating tho ssrae, i»y reaaoB «f the oroiGQCG or tho prosiiai^ «f tie enemy, the a-'ip.esemect on snch property may ^ redaced, in proporMoa to the damt^o sus tained by tba owner, ©r th« tax aasesaed dieA’c'n m-xj bo reduced ia the same ratio by..tha di»t‘^nct collector, on satisfactory evi* donee subzciti'^^'d t» him by the ewaer or as- S.ps. 6. tha taxes on ^t>p6rty laid for tiis ye&r 18C4, shall b» aaeesaed aa oa tiv'iy ©f tha passage of tiais act, aad be due tU’-d collected ea the 1st day tTune l.uXt, inf ATk iv ZQ ioc,n after as practiwble, allaw extenaien @f oAy§ West of the proved March i-'Sd 3S5S, r,'^ retjuircd to bP ! MistJs-ippi river Tho addi^oaal tax»a on t)iere.\fter d^em?^* to be a bond, to J-'ue to r'/cb | inooraos cr profits for tho year 1868, levied holder a bond tberefor upon tsmia provided by said aoi. An Actt c-.p^ii'onal Ti'ct f -i‘ the crnv. iru:n cf Soo. 1. The Gcnsfrc'^'^ cf the ^ States .f tloa to t] p tj. ;-?a 1. to bo r o n eroo >t cjL . e nc^r t- : >ti 5 10 *' 0 L t:-C ,.;. vi:.A.; Q--.-!- ' V u- X. . ' - i c- v.»o 0” t: f r’’ 5 511 ;Ct, r-iod bv :hc taAii? ■ -vu::'mt.^n detc'503 v '■ ihn G> Tcri ~w,it of the Or;;- of 1*^:^, lov'ied, liX/hi f-he p'e of subjcctfj of i -xraion bijrer.ftei' R’s 'i colloc!ed t -a .+ i.t. . ].y : ro c^:rj A O- ,, , f' V. - S, on i ’it ship, UGSOCiiJ i ‘j: ‘O, LaXf>.= t- I. Ur: 'n If’: kKonal Hiid mi VC-* ' ’ not uiiicroot rate. 5 tVv^i thid TiiX o. tiyref ..a cvci* p-craon, cc\ Pxrtv. :,v or corp‘>r:.9icn, ii ’bio tbe»'e- •v"s, t'v-Tvit: rJuo c f property, rc'*l, p.r . of every kind and deecj fivi* esoiaptod _‘r la>: • ’ 11; ^■iOr Provided, ‘i’ >at flu ' ’0 0?' v"*-'! ^ k ,, . . ' io I: n ^ .v.'l .ir>- r ■i Uix Lli- to th: oi 'i :^cre' ..it no ccrt. li. (>1 the valtie eold silver 1 r.!-^ .'I jem-ls, jewelry R>'d wat '.c ', Q luli I uc i ■ucreir''! UlT-' llliiiOC'- ; ii, ; . ,n:ineiit: I’roTidc;J, 1£. Of conBoiracies, or att«mpts to liber ate prisoners of war held by the Coufaderate States. X. Of cooapiracies, or attarapti or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Confedemte caujso, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XIL Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to bum, destroy, or injure any bridge or railroad, or telo- graphic line of commiinication, or property, with the inteat of aMing tho enemy. • XHL Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of tbe Government by destroying, or attemj)ting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of wru% or arsenals, foundriee, workshops, or other ,aroperty of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate tho cases of all persons so arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detained, unless they caa be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in person, or to return the body of any person or persons detained by him, by tho authoAity of the President, Se cretary of Wtir, or tho General officer C(t>m- roandiag the Trans-Missiesippi department; but upon the certllieate, under oath, of thft «£&oer.having charge of any one so detained, fehat such person is detained by him ^ & prisener for any of the oauees hereinbefore specified, under the anthority aforesaid^ fur- thw proceedings snder the writ of habeas corpBS shall immodiately cease and remain BuspcHded so l»ng a» this act shall coiitinue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days aflier the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. shall be liable to be »la«ed in service ia toe field for the war, aa if he were between wie ages of 18 and 45. , ^ Sec. 8. That hereafter tbe dmtiee of *r^ vest and ■ ospital guards and clerto, Md ©f clerks, guards, agents, employee* er l*bw- ers in the Commissary ana QtoA^rnaaBters Departments, in the Ordnance Bnreaii, aad of clerks and employees of navy agents, m also in the execution of the earoUmeBt ftO^ and all similar duties, sl^ll be perferaaed by persons who are within the ag^ A- and 45 years, aad who by the repert of a Board of army surgeons shall be rejKwrtw as unable to i^rform active seme* m tfae field, but capable of performisg some 0i the above said duties, spQcifyinj which, aiid when these persons shall have eeen a^|p®d to those duties as far as practicable* Uie Pre sident shall assign or detail to th«r pwwrm anccrsuch bodies of troops^ or indiviuuais, required t-o be enrolled under tbe 5th sec tion of this act, as majr be needed for toe discharge of such duties; Provided, t«at persons between the ages of 17 wad IS be assigned to those duties; Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed aa to prevent tise President from detailing artisans, meckaaies, or per sons of scientific skUl, fco perfema indispen sable duties in the departmenls e^ bureaus herein meationod. Sec. 9. That any Quartormaetgr «• As- cifitant Quartermaster, Commiwiry er As sistant Commissary, (other thaa these serv ing with brigades er ro^ments in the ieUI,) or ofilcers iu the Ordnance Boream, er S^avy Agents, or Provost Marshal, w efteer ia the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ .or retain in his empleyaaeat any person in any of their said depiuimeatB er bureaus, or-ia any of the datiee aealieaed in the 8th sectioa of thie act, ki violatieii of the provisions hereof, shall, «a oeaviolion thereof by a court-martial or military eoart, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of a*y department ©r district oommaader, apea proof, by the oath of aoy eredible pereen, THE MILITARY BILL. Sectiea 1. That from sud uilor tho passage i that any such officer has' violated tfiiis pro of this act all white icBii, residento of tue - - •• » A) rjrjCf '"r r ■j if. l\o value of nrop'rtj t-ixo-l i : tb; £, -?ri>n ahcill bo a-i-s. icd on ihe o ' I Iho ! -t vc.]u3 of tbe uauie, or svnlhvi* p.o •‘v Iu 1/ :) neigaburliood .1 iu " 1-.60, excopt in c' ' i whoro lin d, C‘ ">n or tob;icco lir.vo bcoa p'>r- ■; ®.u r>:\ ic ««.c k i I I .1 rt i j, J i I / I i l lJ'i a/-;. ; l\- • J) n •t P' *er Q -ay pr t . . Uit :t *; I- .a 1 ; eaic ii i LO to o> thi impoit d*!ti.:.i r -a :riy be aoceas-'.tj;' o-tj -r ' hereby dpeci«il_; tUf. d'l‘.!..ja lli'l !. ''d J?.-d ahil Lorruf- Ti e-*jrli exctiaui;--:. or -a.J ti J csvne' I ikCs '- • ry • iho -Tr V ' , i'-'* it . . . 5 *1.^ 11, w *5 t‘4 OOU'' :C :oroi:i he an >:igr*:> 5. Ji.id et lb*- .'..Vi; ^•Q a:.Tiouat oi the y 13 : ■rj i , tw- to ; >n eaor:- =Uliir* rca3-oa--iblo aad 1 i'he Donds stv-fhorijiod by the 6th c&o-1 don oi aot muy be cither c-jgistcred ot eou- j pon Donds, AS tiie panics rasing them may electj j and th?y oiay be ezchangod for each other tiader i au^a ro_ ■ OU'* a.i ciio Seereiary of the Troasary ! may p’ o. j. Th;jy shall bo for 3109, &nd abaJl to, nuft iiij coupoQ.s thcreto attached, be iu j file:, f.jru-t and of «uoli aatheutic.tioa as tHo Sea-' rctiry ci' .u-i Tzuu-jary maj prcscrib-j; tho iayjr-jst shiiii L>e prv .jlo tisdf ycirly oa the drst of Jan’^ and July sri jaob ye;.rj tbe priuoipal shsU be ^.ay* abl:3 ti •!. i; taaa iJO years from their dafco. i'iicj. .'-11 c^U oertiS'jates ihail ba fuadibk, and be taxci la all respects as ia providod for tua I’rc: 3ury notes into which they are ooa- reruole. If oonv»rt;;d before tb© time fixed for fcaxi'ig th-? Tre '^'iiify aotes, such eertiScates ahal' froui tnxv Jime beur iutcrvi^jt. upua only 665 for erevy d uur proraisod upon thoir faoc, awd shall hi ■ribio iu ncv7 Treasury noles at iba. la'fv.; ■ ‘ac. aii,.r iho p?> ..-3g3 of this act no cail O'.-ruLcx'.ij be uud autii uitcr tho firatday ot A f - 'iliat 11 ..jj ba'sk cf deposit s^-all ^ViU its ucp' .0 h li ’a a i-hr'rised by tho ir-j. 3e’! -u ‘ ’ till? aot, li ci.'haQ.'c for tUeir dopo?7t> aad ;r. tau n .jaa on tiic bov.d'? soiru li. ;'.;C’: ,c Ui.. x; Of 5ion, :o bo ?ii;ieeu ypoa wuh t'ic ^ „3i^ry, tjien ti>/ sail 03- pc- >v oac.ii :{ :ti« i'no iai A ’a’. ' 0 in»' - iioii'l; lorv:’.) I':'! r d.i tho l‘:t day of Jr.uuary Is* '2,! v J too said land, slaves, cott >n |; i ) purchased, shall bo a.:tc.:32 ) jtually paid for tho samo ’jy :i valno of al) shprcs or int'jr- y baak, bE-nVin;-: c^nipAmy dj vu'. l, Davig;-.:ion, inin'trrii g. •'anco, maiiriactu’^iTi.v^, e- r'-i i» .«i-V and drj-djck co a othar )bj.-L ' .k cc’aj-an'c:^ hc'bor iocorj^.fatcid or nac, property taiicd under tliis ksscisod upxi il’.o bariis ol 3 ot such propcriy iu tne - luo i-? oaca ‘-'re. _ 'Jit i -t ' J tuo ? a i J pnv!i..;;e ui T'.- *3 hci ia pf(j; ib--. • 'S*o. ] I. Tii i33U--‘d of ‘be a. jo be I 'oiT'^.bie proTidv: by la ^ t'ic, per ">0;i 4. t ‘.V. '3 ot •:«r iood ' -ere assescod, lo such cu,r- ^ ar.y I. V. ge icral use there, in tae u»;c J (i 9 of tuch property, at fie it. 10 air ount of all gold aud ti3^, q id or sHver bullion, h iks or other corf o- al3, 5 )or cent.; and upon ■road, )r npor> tbe amount «t ajs^a, r&wn tLeretor on •- .5^, «LX (. ( 5 por c^t.; such 3 oi> -*ad > be assessed aad 1 Acr' ri -o lU'^ v&lue thereof at a«. is paid. :iit 9t ail Folvont cro- iil, %nd all other pa- ci non- j-iisrAt. trcasniy fot»«, • ro»' 3i.t»r-v>*i bt •a ’Fhioh ia t&: .- d, 6 r-' ’?r Goi.v ^ WE''‘tb.A'' hC'*'. r-*t- •. '-'lil. - ) rn;; J‘^j'3 = A/r.a^c me s ii. ^ - dita, a. I it v*' i ,r:' .-.ii ‘urro 5oy, iKciusive aoi v.ude in L ads %nd tj atio^ !0 lawi-jBt le p-wrt0^ t!i-j ict: i ■ a- dio prc.;l!i*it'’id t>eiOrO ;ilc 'i^d fiotos at -:3ir sa&li oea^e ■son., iOi-iJe- tweori ■, rav ■ - V> 'j- K-: - w, '■'\x^yk ■rOi*. - tb3 1 . .. r?y bojing rud s. 11- -• • , wheat, cor i, rice, 1. ;iM, salt b.’con, pork, •Ji-'--. V- iskie- p. oats, hr.y, r nber, itor ti, mule*, •tott n w - • >s v' olen, co^- cUjUlc, \Y:.^'OD3, hoTncsa, .ir aity tim« b%- ■ J and tha 1st 1 fci* T^oar-ury ao'es heretofore ■J-nin'itiOU of ^:5 abiii COHitUl 13 i.i -.J- - at 01 public Ja>>3i, as *'•-1 i i- : bie it 7".r uador the ^roTL«i ^09 »i ttiia act, unMi tlie irit of July, IStVl, last, aad until the October 18Si, wost of the Misdittippi rivexi bat sImt that titaj oi J n i^cj 1-05, 10 m addltio i t :bo tax on sue!', m iaojT,.9 ua Jor tnd act to I 7 losasK.riha co,'-*movi iefoaoo, riiii t-ury mtba Govermu^j'a- o£ tra {>.n fodaraio •'’V.tes,” ^rp^ov■od April 1333. IL prcita b;^ br.yin% an I ^-Diiig taouGf, jj;old,a!lv^r, faraiga excli^pge, by this 4>ct, shall be assessed and colleetec lorthvlth; and the taxes on incomes er pro fits for the year 18^4, shall bo assessed anc. 09ilc-:'"s.i according to the provisions of the t^x £v.u Pi x-c2:neut Jicts of 1863. Sue. 7. c ’ IT’S Gu of tha t-ut act of the 34th d?y of Ar 'il 1: 68, to levies a tax on in d r.Vvcd frora property or effects on tbo ?.:>iOunt or value of which a tax is lovied i:y :liis act, wr.d also tho 1st section of caic dA,, f-TO iUojr o l f'.*r the yea» lS6i, and ro ed*lm;.tecl i Vit, hire or interest ou pro- j>ertv (^r cieaiii; herG’u taxed ad valorem •ihftli he as.'so^.'ud or tAied aa incomes under tho Ui'.: ac^. of 1S63. S. Tr (t t' tax imposed by this act on herds of 1a.o ix>nfedor»te States hereto 1- ro i ..'nod. phal] in no caso’escecd the in t i viif f-n the tiiiao, and srich bonds, when ^-’■d by or t- r minors or lunatics, eball be vTto^ rroji'. Ibtj tix in all canea where the i ( .. t ,iH.: 6u.ti.e shall not exceed $1000 A n Ar£ the. jprioilegi of the JVi i, cf Ifal'c-’i C''^rpii9 in certain casc^. Y/iierc:’s, the Cuoatitntlon of the Confad c'-ato Bt?5':e3 of Amcrica provides in Article ", s:-cciior: 9, Pf-.rap^raph 3, that “tho privi- b.y-! of tlie writ oi habeas corpus^shall not J :nc--r>’jdcd unless when in case of rebcl- i n or invasion., the public safety may re- ■y ro it;” ra-d wl’^^’'ea3, th--:! power of sus- adlng the privilo|^n of said writ as rocog- •. : d in BH’d Artic.’o 1, is vested solely in no OoHj^res.-, wliich is the exclusive judge ■ : tl-.o uecv:- atv of such suspension; and vi ijarc.u, iu 'ue . • :.iion of tho Congress, the VA:c ' roiid’-os the suspension of said wi’.i tL’.o existing case of tho invasion of titiif-s by tho armies of the United Cwitto; liLd the President has asked - r t jo 3!;M>0t'si^>.i-0x" the writ of habeas cor- Q9, .^nd iiu amed Gongregsof conditions of - duDger which render the suspoasion tu^ writ a mci^uro proper for the public . a:rn.inEt invasion sjid ioisiiErection; 1 'r,, ti'.erctbve, ll ^ Oongrckis of the Confederate Statos of Xir, .c'Aii do cnact, Tliat during the present inviifjoT of tho Confederate States, the priv ilege of tho writ of habeas corpuB be, and tli^ same is hereby, suspended; bat such sos- ptnsion shall applv only to tho cases of p>er- acas arrested or detained by order of thd President, Secretary of War, or the General Oliicor coiBmauding the Tnuit'Mississippi Military Dspartsaeut, by the authority and under the control of the President. It ts^ hcreljy declared that the purpose of Gcur gross iu tho passage of this act i« to pro more effectually for tho pub^c safet^ susi>eiiding the writ of habeas following cases and so other: X. Of treason,, or trea$eaaiilFl|p^|^oir combinalaoas to subvor|fdie gnwSBiit oi the Confederate States. II. Of coaspiraniea t«^w^row tilie gov ernment, or conapiraci*;}^ te resict th© lawful authority of the Oontoderate St^.tes. III. Of combining to assist tha enemy, or of communicating intelligeaGe to the enemy, or fciviu^ him aid aivd comfort. i V. Ol conspiracuca, preparations and at tempts to inoite servilo rasurrectioii. V. Of aeeertioas or •incotiraging deser- tiouB, ot harboring deserters, and ot attempts to avoid military service; Provided, That in cs^jo ot palpable wrong aad oppression by atiy eubordiaato oiScer upon any parly who doa*J not legally owe militaiy Bcarvice, his ■Hjvriar offioer shall grant prompt roiiet to iha Ojipresaad party, and tho subMrdiaate sh.ill ha uiismiDaod pora otilce. \ L Of spies and other cmiasaros of the oue Mv. \'»i. Of holding oorrospondence or infcer- eoii ' i ?rirh the Giiijmy, without nacesaity, na i "i*’ J. t thi pgriaiii'^ion tho Oonlade- f» tr . 'xt-.. ii. i tr.\diT5>j with tho ene- r ’ orJiDr olion'C?» aaf^-T»at tho laws of Confederate States, bet .veon tho a;j;e3 of 17 and 50, shall be in tbo military service of tho Confederate States fir the war. Sec. 3. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween tko ages of 18 and'45, now in service, shall be refined during tho present war with tha U. S., ia.the same regiments, bat talions and companioe, to which they bf'long at the passage of t^ia act, with fehe carne or- gaiiiEation aad officers, unless regularly teAnsfcrrod or diecharged, in aceardanc© with tho laws and regulations for the gov ernment of tba array; Provided, that cem- pAodos from one Elate, organized aj^idiitt thoir consent, expressed ut the time, with regiments or battsliona from another State, gh^l hare the privllcs'o of brang tranEfirrcd to organizations of troops, iu the e^rue ana of the service,-from tho Spates in winch said oempanioe wore raised; and the soldiers from one btate, in companies fri>m another State, shall be allowed, it they d .r’ira it, a trauafor to organisations from tiieir own States, in the same «tvm of the service. Sqo.,3. 'DiP.t at the expiration of six months from the first day of April next, a bowity of $100 in a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorised to itwue, shall bo paid i:o eve ry non-commisdionoi oliicer, muciciau aud private who shall then bo In ecA vice, or in the ev.mt of his death previous to the period ot such payment, then to tiic person or per sons who would Iks entitled to r^jjolvo by l^.vr the arrearages of his pay; but no'onobhMl bo entitled to tho bounty herein provided wliO shall at any time, during tho period of six months next alter tha said flrct dtiy of April, bo absent from his command vrithouE leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved from tho operation of this act by reason of having boon heratefore. discharged from the army where no disability now exists; nor shall those who have furni-hed substitutca be any longer oxoinptad by reason thereof: Profldo.1, tiiat no person, heretofore exempt ed oa accouut of re-ligioKS opinioi;s and who has paid the tax levied to relieve hitn from service, shi'U bo req^uirod to render military service under this act. Si’c. 5. That all white male residents of tho Confederato Stafea, beLwoen tho ages of IT and 13 and 4SI and 5 J yearp., shall euroil themselves at tuch times aud places, and under suck regulations, as the Preeideut naay proscribe, the time allowed not being lcs3 than 30 days for tiiose oast, aud GO days for thoae west of tho Mit'Sisiaippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to bo judged of by the Preaidont, shall be placed ia service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be tween tho ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the porsons mentioned in this section shall coostitato a reserve tor State defence and detail duty, and shall not be ro^iuired to pesfona service out of the State in which they reside, 00. 6. That all persona raqaired by tho .section of this act to enroll themselves, within 30 daya after the passage there- t of tho Mississippi, and within 60 if w«t of said river, tbrm themselves Voluntary organizations of companie3, ions or re^m^ats, and elalct their own .cers; said or^nii:aiion8 to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tsender dieir services aa volunteers during the war to the President; and if such organ- iaatioos shaU furnish uroper muster rolls, now organized, a id deposit a copy thereof Vith the enrolling oliicor oi -tar r district, which Bhivll be e»|uivAlant to GnrollaaeDt, ttiey may be acccj)ted as minuto men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out ol it. Tljose who do net so volun teer and organise, shall euroil themselves as before provided; sad may, by tho Prc'.idant, b« required to asseiJible at coavoniaufc pla- ceo of rendesvoiJs, and be formed or v>r^j»,a- ic®d into companies, battilious and rc' fi- mente, under i-egulatioas to bo prefer: pod bv Hii«« ftud sliaii havQ tha rigbt to elect their comT>iny and regimoucal oliloers; ar.d all troops orjraiii^ t'i undyr triis ?zi tor c .;ite stocks, noteS) debt^ credits, or obligations' the Oonfederato States, onatod to promote of any kind, and aaj tnarohkBdito, propor•, tuair aaAOOsa ia tho war. all troops defence, shall bo eaciticsd, while in actual servicc, to tho same pay aliowtince r.s troopa now in tiis field. 8^ 7. Th.at any pe.^on who shall fail to att^d at tho place oi rcn V^too^ aa roqulfed by the authority of the President, without a MfiasBt «BiHM to b% jiuLg^ a£ by kiou jqOtoBt cf t^»tfodithta# iApodbt« visioH, immediately to reliovo such elaeor from duty; and said coxanafid^v shaU take prompt measur(» to have him tried for snch offence; and any eemmaador ae aforesaid failing to perform the duties eaajoiBod by this section, shall upon being daly ooaviotod thereof, be dischai^ed from the service. Sec. 10. That an laws grantiag oxooip- tioiis from military service oe, and the same are, hereby repealed, and herealter aone shall be exempted except tko followiuf: 1. All who shall be hold uu^t £or lo^ita- rj service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. Tho Yice President of tho Oeafederate States, the members and of&eers of Coogress and of the several State Li^ialatnros, »&d auch other Confederate and State o^owra as the President, or the Governor of tba re- gpoctiva States, may certify^ to be liooessAry for the proper adminiatratioa of tho G?a* federate er State Govei’maeafci, as tha eaco may be. 3. Ev^ry minister of reli^on aa&wissd to preaeli n3CGrding to the ndss of his ohar^, and who, r* tho passage of this aot, shall bo regularly employed in th© dioohwgo of his rainistjrl-l duties; su]>erintoadoata aad phy- siciaus of asylums for the doaf and da«aa a;:d blind and of the insaa^ oao editor for each newspaper being published at tho timo of this act, and such employees as sai^ odi- toij^may certify, on oath, to bo iidiapencable to the publication of such aewspapor; the public printer of the Confedorato aad State Grovemments, and such jeumayaaoa priat- ors a? the said public printer sliall e^tfy, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the \)ublic printing; one skilled apothecary in eaolx apofhecary store, who was doing busi- no33 as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1863, and has continued said business, withont intermission, since that period; ^1 pkysi c.ians over the age of 30 years, whe now are, and for tho last 7 years have been, in the actual .%nd regular practice (A thoir profes sion, but tho term physician shall aot ifi- clnde dcntdfcto; all president and teachers of coUere^ theological seminarios, acado- mies anS tchools, who have been regularly engaged T3 cnch for two years next before the paseago of this act: IVovided, that the benefit ot this exemption shall oxtoad te those teachcrs only whose schools aro eem- posed of 20 students or more. All snporin- teudents of public hospitals, established by law befoi'e the passage of tliis act, and sncL physicians and nurses therein aa saoh tu- perintendenta^shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and emcioat mana;e:ement there^. 4. There ehall bo exempt oae person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or pkm- tation upon which there are aow, aad wsre on the 1st day of Jan’y last, ^6 able-bodied Eeld-hands, between the ages of 16 and 50, upon the following eonditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in eases in which there is ao white mide adult on the farm or plaata^on net liable to military sfirvice, nor imleas the pertoa elaim- ing tiie exemption was oq tiie 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and maaager or overseer of said planiAtion, bat in no ease shall more than one person be exoxapted Ibr one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first eaecote a bead, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, iu such form, and with such seeority, and in suoh penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that ho witt de liver to the Government ai some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be doiigaated by tha Secretary o4‘ War, within 12 months ne^tt ensuing, lOO ptxmda of bacon, or, at the election of the ^yom- ment, its e^uivalent in pork, aad 100 lbs. of net beo! (said beef to ba delivored on ^o»t,) tor each able-bodied slave ©u aaid tartn or plantatioTx, witbla the abovj »aid agoa, who* ther sai. i sb voa in the fisii or aet, whick i-'iia }ii Ox pork and beof shall 1)0 paid t'>r by cno Gov-Mrnraent it tlie prices fixe^l by tlio Gouiuii;ii^ionen!* ol tha State ouder ii£>prt;56moul 4Ct: Ptovidad, tliat wU3« tha thna sbail produo^ satifi- >ry evidenoa that it has Ix^n impoasiblo for hin,. by* tho cxercise ot proper dLigeucey "o I’uruLch tha amount of inaaA thus contract ed ii'Tf and leave an adequate supply for the ^ubsiatofioe of those Ilyi^ on the uid farin or plantation, the Searetsxy ^f War ghali direct a commu.tation of the same, to the proyiflioxM, w t>e deMvorod by fuoii jj^rae:^ as afereaaid at oqaivalent rstlto. S. Baek person shall farther bfad hieafloM to sell tho marketable surplus of provirfHiiB aad grain now on hand, aad which ho m»f raise from year to ya&r whilo his exexa^^ba eoatianes, to tbe Govoramout or tc tko iliee of soldiers, at prices fixed by the €}&»- BiissionerB cf the J?t.«te under the irofreso- moat act: Provided, that any pers9& ex empted as aforesaid, shaU be oatitied to a ©redit of S5 per coat, on any af^ount ©f meat which he may deliver witnin j^ree monthe from the pas^^se of this a^k Provided fm tb«r, tiiat.poreoi^ ooaiiug wi^in the provi- iioci) c-f this «somption shall set be deprived of ti-.e ben«l!t thereof by rersea of haiMtg baoa earoHod sincc the 1st of Feb. 1 4. Is adliliva t-rt tho fwregoivjg e&ooRti^ 1t»e»aa, &o Se^etary of War, uador &o ®- rwdur; of the Prc^deui, may exempt or do- tail such othw* per&ons as he may bo eatiR- £«d «aght to be ejicmpted ,»a aeooaiit ol publio uecossity, and to iii&ure tbe prodao- tion of grain sud other provisions for die arny aad the families of soldiers. He aajr, also, frant exempttous or details, on sne^ terms as he may proscribe, to snch over seors, farmers or planiors &a ho may be sat isfied will be more B&efrd to tbe Cimutry ic the pursuits of agricultaro than in the miM- tary. service: Provided, that such excwpHon shall ccase whenever the farmer, plautor or overseer shall tiul diligently to emoloy iet good faith, his own skill, capital and W»bor ' "ezoiusively in the production of grain aa4 proviaioBft, to be sold to the Govern meat aad the families of soldiers at prioes not »ooed- ia^ oae fixed at the time for like a*Hifce by Jommissionors of Iho State aador the iounreasmeat aet. ft. llie president, ^'oaswer, aa#lor aad saperiatendoat of any railroad oonifMM/ ea- gagod ia traasportatioa for the Qoveriwan% aM stieh ofScers and emjJloyees thereof as the president or suporinteadont shall oirlfl^ OB oelii to be iadispeasable le the elSeiaril operation of said railroad: Preyido4, tfuit tko number of persons so exempted bf' lids act ea Iwy railroad shall aot ex^d oae |kr SOB for each mile of sneh road ia aetaal ase fsh* *9i>£tary transportation; aad said oaetafite sH|^ fto reported bv aame and deiw^n«o. w!w the names of aay who have k« empioyaMSt of said eempaaf, or who minf to be iadispeasable. That cetkiug hereki eontaiaed sbali be cocati ued sa repealing the aet a^itfoved April tho 14th 1663, o&titled aa act to ex empt oontra^tors f»r carrying the maHs ^ the Ooafederate States, and the drivirs ol post e^aches and haeka, from militKiy aer- vioe: Provided, that all the eaemptions granted onder act shall only eontia^ whilst the perao&s exempted are actua% ea^^ged ia their ro3pjctlve pursuits or oi- eapmeee. Sec. 11. That tho Freffldent be, and he is h^oby, aathsriaed. to details, m^/sr ^nend rules and r&giLU’.ticas to be from the War De^rtmost, either of perseas bei;ws» 45 aad ^ years of afo, er from army in the field, in aU eases where, in his - jndgmeat, iuslioe, equity aad aeceesity ro- quii'Q suoh Stalls, aad ho majf revoke etidi orden of details wheaever he Stinks projp^ Providol, that the power hcsein grantee to the Preeideat to make details and exea^ tiona shall not bo eoastrued to authorise ^ exemption er detail of any eoGtractor ^ fumismBg supplioi of any innd t© the 6K>»*- emment, by reaeoB of said eontTact, nnlosa the head or se»'etary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that tho pei> sonal services of euch contractor are indla> Mnsable to tho executioa of said eontraot: Provided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to proceed with tho execution of such con- tract, his exemption or detail shall ceasob Sec. 13. That in appointing local bear(k of surgeons for the examination of persona liable to military service, no member oom* posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrollinz dictnct in which. &ey are required to ms^e such examination. «• ca 63. / iiit mi tMi f ^ Ofioe, Fa7«Uevili0j fil. OoTOBas 3, 1863. Ssiuiuk «/ tJk4 Atrivai tmJ Dtparintr* cf tKt MoH* Ogi«€. BALSXOH Yi« AVEMASBOBO*, .^rrhrcs aaliy, except Sunday, at 4| A. DspKrta d*ily, cxwjpt Patur-isy a't 6 F. ML RAI.GiaH ▼!» 6aMM££VlI«Ll. Tue^ay 9 K. M. .\riires rAid-j fct 2 i‘. M rijir»3 "a }* via 'Arriree d»i)y esc»vt d;;ui.ay, (k 6 P. M, azts M 2 P. M. CABTSAGS. Arxtna Tuesday, T.i«fsaay aud fithttinj at 7 B. M DejptAHs ^3Bda/, T7edue!iiti»y acd at 1 P. It. CI?SaAW, S. C. Arrives Tuesday, Tbansd&y «uad Satordv at 6 A. M, l>«part» Suada^, Tuesday aad Xkovaday at 1 P. K. FAIB BLUFF via LUMBBRTOH. Arr'.veG IrTadaodUay aid tn t«/ at 8 A. M iit^arta SloadAjr, Wcda«>i*y wii I',-id*y at 1 P. If, KOS£JOJr’S via 3LT2A3ETaT0WN. Departs MooOaf, Wedaesday aad Fnday at 6 A. If. Arrives Tuesday, Ti^aniay aad Saturday at 2 P. ML £LiZAJB£THTOWN via ZIKSBUKf iL ArrivM ^oaday at 6 A. M. Departs Taas^Uj at 6 A. BL MAamOLlA Tia CTPBI88 OBOX. Axrivea Tuasday a^ 2 P. tf. Bmarta aaae ^ (loaaday) at 3| P. II. SWlfT 18LAH0 via M0NTB081, OOVUTSTOll acd PGWBLI.TOM. Axiivas Tuasday at 6 P. M. Departs Wedasaday at 11 A. K. 8WIFT ISLAND vm TROf. Arrives Taaaiay at 6 P. M. D^^arta Weijaabday at 11 A. ?J. AU caails leavia^ bcfur« IkxA, j oloaed tbe cvea iag before at 9 P. 2f- All f .ars m be seat off froA this oiSeef otaer toaa by r raont ■■.n> pmi4 far as it taut by laaiL All ditp I M’Hi ba jm-paid b/ 2 eaat stata^. Itu> o&les ^ dnaday fima 9 to 10 a l(. JA3. a. COOK, p. M. DlXlfi PRIHER. ^ r»oi«. Ui V ¥ a (lariaicr at r ?»£ i'¥ORXa €^BOLl.^ l Ta iirisHsiiaAAfCie tenth yesv sooeee>rol opor.li3n, w!«k growing capital aci firmer held upea public o*a- Sieaae, oeutiiraze t» hvsare tl^a lives of ail fietfcliay per* dc>ad ieom 14 u tiO years «f a«, for y«ar, for a«veQ and fvTW»~-a’l Ufa laetebsrs ci.*rfjig u tie &I! iflaves froa 10 to Sd ye&ra at ayj) iuro iasarei (et aae yee>r *r for *t« yaa.a Tor twa talr In i^»vr ra'cia. AU UwB?? ara puaoioaily ^d witiiiu IFCI $ay« *Acx iatirfaowy piof' i-> For iat'orTaatiea dta pnbUa is referred to Af«at4 sf tlva Cr-Af(^e9y in aU rirts a' dni iHate, m4 I9 £. ii. 9AXTlj^ 8acf0ta.ry, lialai^a. S. i. KXLl, i^raX at Jaa’r UH. ^a^a^TiLa, SL 0 BiHkWi

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