OBSERVER. TaSUAKT M, MttNttAl'i _ n,»,d .b«»e.'or ,h. „r oor Book k«.per k,. it, ,n,to i..a,. morethM b.lf . ,h«t. «a «•«» th.t iB .lone with m-re tban ordinary labor to the ifnior Kditor Ah heretofore stated, a-j sakwcriber* who n-ftv h diflpatj-fipd with this- bo macb less than they tiHd a risai o expect when they anbacribed-wm ha'-e tbeir mou?y refanded r»n application. Fort Fi3H8'» pa»-ticnlar a'^connt yet to h nd of tbe d saster at Fort Fisher, ia that which comes tons fr« m he Uoised States. This is un- fortnniite, th ngh perhaps not remarkable, consider- ine that uearly all onr people enjfafed la the battle were captured. There is of course great anxiety for the list of casualtiee on our Bide, which are stated in the yankee accounts as being SOO. 'I’hair own loss i" by cocfession about double that nuaiber in the battle, besides 200 killed and a great many wonnde-'’ by an explosion of the magaaine after the battle. It will tu»‘n out, we tnink, that the y^nk'^e loss in k’!)>*d aad wounded was equal to our whole lo«? in k.ii^d. wo.-nded and prisoners. U'iiminpton. a3 we l**arn f>y the papers and from p*iv)iT» .«nur es ba® been full of runiors ard ifreatly -Ml • *l Strai' 8t soTpe one or another officer as rc- p pit.i- f:»r th*- flisnater. Tne Journnl marte fipmp 't-mirks about Gen Brajr^r. (ayuin*t whon- the-e was a atr nar ex'-iteoieat in vVilin'‘D»rtnn,) his ‘•prt-sti/e ff 0»d luck," “meaning bad maaagemenv” The next day bat on® i^ withdrew the refiections on h’m. The Caroliniau warmly defended G«n. Bragg, de claring emphatically, upon facts of an official cba’- acter, that Vien. Bragg is not responsible far the fall of the Fort . Nor does it blame tJen. Hoke, but pays a high complitnent to him for his kn''wn gallantry. But it lays the responsibility upon the authorities who failed send troors enoush to defend the place As for tJ-en. Whiting and Col. Lamb, all agree in awarding to thetn aa high praisa as was ever showered upon an*' military men As w» expected, (says the Journal.) (J-en. Whiting foughc lik'! a paUdin. All rtpo’^ts fonctw in stating that i}«n. Whiting and Ool. Lamb fought gallantly, leading the troops to repel e+ch assault, anrl never gave »p, but wer* or»r- powered or sho* down. We uadarstand that wben the enemy had gained the parapets of the Fort and planted ttieir flii?, tiao two or t&ree ti«B6S tore toe ftig dowa, and only d«si ted when he was shot dawn and unable to rise.” The Carolinian says: “His conduct on the parapet of Fort Fisher, when with h'^ gallant arm he tore down and tramr>Ied un der his f«"6t 'he flag of the enemy, reminds one more of the chivalrous daring of the lion-hearted S’ckird of England, thin of anything we have read of in modern history. Whatever may happen to us by the fall of Fort Fiaher, jasHce and truth coinp^l us to say, and say emntiatiually, that 6-3q. Whiiing’s skill as an Kagineer, or his bravery aa an ofBcer, can not be impeached, la his wounded and suffjring condition—a prisoner ia the ht»ndsof the enemy—he stands hig'ier ia this comoi'anity, aad ia embalmed deep*r ia tae h>art3 ot our people than h^ has ever b^en before Oar people now adnire, love aad re- spf^ct him. N >r is tae heroism >f La no forgotten or unappreciated. He, too, is ia the hands of the enemy, an>i waaalad. The entire country, with un- preceiented unaa-nity, exoaerat-‘s him fro-n all Dianaa. ue oia an ne could, and ma it well and eal- Untty. An aael could do no more.” There are rep >rts that the loss of the Fort result ed from the tre-tshd'-y or cowardice of a Caotain of Artillery. These riport^, we have reason for gayiuff, are utterly uafjaadad. fcJwwiAi ia tke or W«d«en4ay. U ! S*Bat#rs, in addition t» th# 18 rrewnt oa Tue»«*y, ap- , peared in their s?ati», forming a qnora*. The SpMtktr presented theref'gnatlon of tfce’hief Clerk, H. R.Tbomas. , Esq., (elected Stcretarv of StaV*.) Mewrs Neill VcK4y, W. A. Hufktt and F. I Wilnoa were somiaated for ibc ▼a^’aney. A bill wan pamed to facilUate the rtbuildiog of hridgo wash >d away by th* lat« fresh ia tke covnties of Oraigc aud Granville. Th Speaker read th* following dispa'cb firov B. D Hall. K'q.. Senator from New Hanover, dated Jan’y 18: “Ron Gil'’« Mekane. ^peaket Senate: —*ilraiBK'on Bot fallen, oor likely to fall. Let Norik Carolii'a do her duty, and all will be well '-Vith an honee^ effiert this t«»B can fce beld. For God’s »\ke let the L**({’^lAture Bouae ap t« the crisis. DoB’t ietpair of the Republic E. D. Hali,.” The Gov*ra*r was offl'iaHy notified of theorg ui£*!ion of the '4i,a- ■■ but hnviBj^ uo oouimiin'cario* to mttke, tbe Sen**.fe avij vacnrd III the ' oramons, 40 m«inhers, In addition to th* 27 present on Tuesday, appeared in the'r !>;atf, forming a quorum. Vr vl’angh lntrodHC-d a resolution of inquiry »e to the expeditncv ot •u^pcnding executions in cases wh^re spe cie pitynient is deiaandvd. Nothing else of intejest occurred Ou TUurfday. in th* Senate, Neill McKiy. Esq of Har nett ■»-»* elect* d Prin ipal Cl^rk, rwceiving 21 votes, Mr Hu!*ke 7. S'v ra'ucminatioa? tor appoii'ttnent as magistrates vi-p'^p loede amo(i thnj.4 for Wok- couply Mr. Long- F»id ‘-8 ho»'ed this VR^riatrsto rnaki'i^ bupinesn would be ‘t'pp d Tho^e romiiiHttd. it mijfni Iv •aid, »er« over 4.1. lut w«:r»! only » ekinjj saf- pl**c- n in ca e the ag>* of conwrii'iioa sbrnld bt- »*.\tendo* lo 50 There wf-r*' now s resdyfrom laO *0 I3C M.-flriSTH 'S in A'ake 0 uoty. rhe Smat'T from VVak> urf d tf e appointment of th* 4 nominated hv him. but thf* >'enale i *fU' d. 15 to 18. Mr. ■Ion'■» then mov-d to 'econp'd r t!i^ vot“ by which th“ f.r viru« noniii^ations were ccn UT;d in. which piot'on ws carri»-d by y. 81. nays 13. a d tht whole snVjcct fR'.- then p-:>tpon d. lu t' e ComniOBS. Mr Hrtrriosjton pre?ca ed a petition fr«in crticoo# of Mc*otv» «K>«aty r r«v»iiif rho «p|>«»ir.tiijent of c3rlair peri?*0!i as inairiftraU-s for taiil county Sent to the Sena'6 ■ r Sh- plierd iatrodu ’eil a bill to pro ide an armed p*'>lice for the town of Fayett^vi le. PaBS- ed, under euiponsion of the ru?*s Mr. .VlcCoro.ick, a Mli to ftxampt from Home fJuard duty »nch parsons as- may have been di^ehar^ed from the Confederate military service by rea.«on of phj-eical disability. Refer'ed. Mr. MeAden, a bill t") provide th»t where, in sbtisfaction of a/f./a, corrency's refused and specie payment insisted ojj, a tax of ninety per o*nt. be levied. Mr Ha':?8, abill to provide camp ard carrisan schocl for the instruction of th.^ Junior Referves An engn.=setl resolution fr m last senaon referring to S. F Phillip*, E» » , certain in T-^s igatiocs appertaining to tbe St'.te blocka ’e opera tions. was taaen up, pat ea ita sevaral readinga and parsed Tn the Senate, o i Friday, the PhiUif*?' iispre9«ment resolations from the House came ap. and after brief di* cugsion by Messrs. Las.4t«r ^ right and (tdom were p«t- poned to the 4th inst, Mr. ri'kt thju>;kt that the '2d and 3d rcaolutions should k-j atricked out, and that the imprea.«m'‘nt excit-^iuent had pass d away as the laws were uodersiood and new orders issu^ for the payment of i«r pric»a. A res lutioa was psisr'd, r*que*lin^ the i^tate Coam saieners in appeal cares t* allt>w atrket prices for impr as *d artic’ea In tno Oommona, on Fridiy, Mr*« of Davidson offere^l resolations that in con«’q lence *f most opprea sive and un*onstltutioa»l U;'isl»’im by ' ongrt-.s*, th* •VmmUtee on rv ufed-^r t? r-tniions forthwith r-fK>rt « '■ill calling a St^te onveniion, or suSrnittinjr that, qaea- tio» • the people, said Convention to heli so a. to amend the onstitution by prohibiting representatives fr'm State' in the hands of the enemy from votincr in '^ocgreas: a]« i de>'larLng that the sov#rei,rn >tat«3 have a rlsht U' negotiate a p?ao* with the C. S. without con suHation wuii th - Pr.»8ident. Such is tha snb^t3nco; we have not a*3 to^^lay for tks resalutioos, which Mr. Phillips mov'Ml be printed, but .Mr. Person laovcd to ta bie. So ordered, a? follows.— \VM—.Mfwra .\atia. UnKer. B>D)>arT. amd of tinted. Brown "f MiJUnp. Bmw? of M«rkl>'nbarc. 8ry%n. I'abo. t’obb. 'o«t«er. Crawloril of K iwm , «'riWfortl of ffmyne, (’fln\iigham. Darf-in. Hivl^ of HuMfal. Di»U of frinklio. Duke! Krwif. Fftiton. Fituceit*, tSukln*. Geor^;. ttidaey. Orier, Uoilf^ri H\tringl'>n Nirf* H irrttm. Hani I'. Haw«*. Jnyos'. n«i L.tD«. L.-vhiin, Li'it!*. Ujve. Mc\dtB. Mr’^miiirk. Me- !.ean, Oott?rl»r-d«%. P»r-»n. r«vjl, p.iifc, Pnwrll, Rn, ■‘ho'ier, "«miiU t,f CiJi'ras, 8muh of Un pin, —98. Snya—.M'i'n Aliisoa. \«h«>r'>rth. Hinln, R*it, Bl.iir, Bi>ad of Rsrt'e. (VIHwei! Onlve't, Car« d of .\lexHD«iT. '■’srter, 'lapp. Towles. Flynt. Tow • Or «oni. llanei, Henrr, Hdltoa, Hor-on o' Vi'a rjA, H >r«ia of W Ikm. I«b#l, Jordan’, Lojve, MftUhee. MeMiUiB, MarrtU, Rnt*ell, 5iiniD.>at, Smith ol Jobottoa, Siip«, VVaucIi' Ytjutu—31. Some p“opie n^ver learn anything, and never fo«|et auythinan as, f ir instanc-e, 'he Bjurb^n- and tne ki^h old *■ ^oas'U'vat ve-” in th's Sta*e, who, for o;iCe, did seem t cooperate with thf Ri.?hrnon cliqa^'s in (uaii^nir'c Gen. WhitiLfif, and d manding somebcdy else. Thev appear to have jrot their desires gratifisd. Gen -^hitirg is wounded and a prisoner Is Gov Vance perf-ctly satiBfied? He, we know, wa- ooe { the agents in ovar riding, P'U ers-^ding and trying to ruin Gen. Whitir^^ Ail right, we supp se, ia a party point ot view Wtl. -Journal. We wish the Journal had withdrawn this w.ien it withdrew what ii itd SAid aojQt Q^n. Bragg. “Ia Go •• pirfeicly aat'ddod t,mt (ija. Wiiioing is wouad»-d and a prison *r?’ Tn^ i np ritioa “hocks e'-’ery (a i.Qg of lUia. As # -U, if lo; o^ .r.dr, ;nigic the Jour >itl hiV:j.»dked the qi ;iii > i ,)t nfio-^e E 1 tors in and out ^f the .State, Vho nave so inutth abused Gen vVhrlng; or of tajse citizeis of Wi miagton w 0 united in disparaging him. and have only come to -4 ius’^ appreciatioQ of Him since h s gl.>riouj con duct in defence o* the'r town at Port Fisher. We know nothmg of thi relations existin? between Gov. Vance'»n Gen. Whiting, but refl^ctioa mast have satisfi ed .he Joaraii, tnat ba they waat they ‘nay, it a er-a* wrong to the Governor to ask such a qn^-Biioa the a ove. I' m- !> u-J, TO ), that the .r >iroal ov-*r’.-Vk d !hi- !;i • vriAuGu/. V.iace did not ^t-cd .jJe’. Brag^ ' ■*'iia.og.oa. Not I’kuk. —The Ral..igli Standard says that the ^**!i'or Editor of tha Ooidiver “nis bee.a ueard to 8*y tnat he has held up the bright a;de as long as he could. ” The Standard has probablv Heen misinforme'f. The Senior Editor of the Observer never s^id that, nor anything like it. Let no one be deceived by this scarcely disguised effort to persuade the Legislature aad the people tbac. the canso is regarded as hopeless, and that ttif-y might as well make up their minds to submissioa and snbjugation. We do not now believe, and trust in Goa w« never shall have reason to believe, that the cause of onr country is hopeleKs, and that there is no bright side to be held up. Should sucn a time ever come, it will be bronght ^ess by the armie.s of the enemy withont th>ia by the croak ng and uoward- ice of m»n within, who, after halpiag to bnog on the war, and pledging “tbe last dollar and the la«tmau” to mainuin it, have been the first to dea‘rt and be tray. BEcoajfmo;».—The reader will gee more recog nition ramors, coming from Europe and yankeedom. •We are inclined to think there is something in them. Tuere eurely is if England and France have common sense. IBP* M'T ^rKL*20R,^JP*t. BKPOBTS or TBB Pan* AS800IATI01I. From th* U^iud Stains.—Bichkoitd, Jan 20.— Narthern papers of the Ittb rvcei'^ed, filled with ofllcial ana unofficial report* of th« ^aptcre of Fort Fishar. The aamBiary in tha Baltinora Amerisaa ■aya that tbe fleet and army traAsportfl veiled to- feth^r from Braufort, and arrive* at tbe scent of operatioB* on Friday. The treapa promptly landed withoat opposition. Friday aad Saturday were o«'c»)pied in tne bombardmeat of the Fort. On Sunday afipanlts were made, in which tha navy as- r *ed. Porter having landed 2000 Beamea and ma- .es with orders to board the fort on tf'e lea faee. The land troops commanded by Terry consisted of th** same Division which participated in Butler’s Tbe assaalt commenced at o’clock. Foil possession of the works was obtained, bat not until after a desperate aad sangninf.ry fight. The Fed eral losa was heavy, and especially in officers. G>»n. Curtis was wounded. The garrison fell back to the extreme of Federal Point, wnere they were captnred, over 2000, including G«'n. Whiting aad (Jol. Lamb, bO'h wounded; and *72 gacs. Tha latest dispatches give higher flffures. \fter the fort was occupied the aagaxine was ex ploded by accident, 200 jankae* and wound ing a great many yankees. The yank*e loss during tbe fight was about 900 killed and weunded. The rebel loos about 600. Gen. Meagher arrived at Nashville on Saturday fi-om Chattanooga, with several thousand mea on their way to Sherman via New fork. Gold 215. Changea Proposed.—Biohmonb, Jan. 20. —The Examiner asserts that the Senate' in secret aesaion has adopted a resolution in favor of appoint- i' g Gen. Lee chief ot all armies in the Confederacy, and recommendirg the reinstatement of Gen. John ston in command of Hood’s army. The tlenat* rot* on this was 20 to 2, and the House concurred, 62 to 14. The Examiner also says that Hood hr* been re lieved, it is ^aid by his own request, and that hi? army i* beUered to be ander cemaiajid of Gen. Di«k 'I’aylor. ('ongrus —RlOBM95D, Jan. li.—In th* Sen ate nothing of importance transpirtrd to-day In the H.^use yesterday, Mr. Marsh ill &i07cd to reejosidcr the bill to iinpoflo a daty on tobacco snd an aduitioaal duty on cotton, with iustrue- lions to report a bill to take ali *he totton and toh^coo ia the Confederacy on aoconnt of tbe Guvernnaent and to provide for the f'ture pay- Turnt theref-'r to the owners at the prceent market vala* This proposition was dtscassed yesterday and tO'daj without result Tbe House went into >^eoret sedsioa, at the expiratioa ot Ihe morning honr Corifrtm.—Rioaiioir^, Jan. U.—In tha Bonse to-day, Mr. Marshall’s resolution relativa to cotton and tobaeco was adopted, yea* 48, aays 31. Tbe Senate joint resolnUon of thank* to several General Officers passed m aui.iiously. Mr. F'lotc addressed the House for upward* of two bosrii; and at the close asked leave of absence for two iBontbs. bnt subsequently withdrew the ap plication. M’’. Sneed submitted a preamble and re solution" decUriag Foote unworthy to occupy a seat upoo toe floor of the Housa. and declariag him :;.x pelled. R>>ferred to committee on Hectioas. yeas AA. nays 26 Hiohmonb. Jan. 2d.—Tk* Senate to-day passed the Houe bill authoriiing the establishmeat of an office of depojito in aonnectioa with tbe Treasury Th« army consolidatiou bill was farther discussed till adjournment. Id the Hause, Mr. J. M. Loaeh submitted a reso- lation declaring that there exist* no exigency ju.iti- fying a saspeuiion of the. privilege of the writ of habeas corpus R:jected, 43 to 2S. Th$ Senate bill authorising th* removal of Reserve troops from one State to another passed. 63 to 1(. The kxemp- tioa bill farther cousiderod, witbont result. MEWS BY ?IA1L. tsam ■ip mm mm CASUALTIES AT FORT FISHER. Mr. Wm . H. Ha’gh, of this place, a m&niber of Capt. Braddy** Artillery, captur.'>d at Fort Fisher, wrilea that he aad Corp’l VcArthur, A B Brown H. B. Devane, ''orpT Caehw*.]], Dan’l Brown, Malcom Brown. Fhoinas Boss, StaKt Graham, were all well, f'D board to leave im- mediatMy for Fort Moaroe (>ear T^a^ley sligktly woaaded ia fa«e. Coaspaay D. 40tb N ' T, Capt Jaa S Lane com’dg, up to Satarday Bight, I4tk inst.—Killed: Private M P Ca ten Wenndad: ^pt Jaa ^ Lane, aot seriously; Sgt W Briggs, slirhtly; Jas Dickson, arm brokes; ^ L E Iwards, elifirbt, ekouldei^ Franklin Du'tn, s'ight, arm; Alfred Baseden, alight; Thos Bradley, severely, 1« g and jaw bona brokaa. The following were left on detail at Fort Ho^me*c Lt J J Brabble, T^an'el, J L Griffin, J*s H French, B a Robinson, Tho* R Spen.-^ W R Brii’gers Sick; Ken aeth Gai^ber. L' wis Hudeo*, Alfred arner, N B Rowe. Thfse were also left at Fort Holmes. The balance of the company, with '"apt Lane, were at Fort Fisher.—^tate Journ'U. Tha following list cnmprigf'S all the wounded that have been receive d so far at General Hospita’ Ko 4; ^apt J 3 Lane, D, 40th, ey*>s, sliirhl; D.«niel Benfield, 4td, mouth, dangerously; tV T Thigpen. D, 66th, con tusion of face; W H Kenneily, H, 66th, contu!>ion of hip; Elijah Watters, D, »*6th, contnaion; D.iricl E Sin-ms, H, 6lst, fioetT; Josiah L Wfitts, H, 8tb, fieph wound, cheek; Josiah Young, I, 8th, coctneion right h ‘nd, W A Dnr- rell, H, 2“th Georgia, sunsbot in t ack, severe; John ^ ■ Smith, A, 27th Geo, cf»ntusion, shculders; Andrew White. D *7th Geo, shot through grolc, severe With the exeeptica of apt Lane, the above were aU wounded ia skirmishing in the nc-ighborhoud of Suarar Loaf Lieut A. B Bnrr, Co. D, 3Cth Rp"’’t, writes that h* is wourded (but not Beriouch ) and a prifioner g’l Tur rentine, of same compariy is killed; Ss>ft Pritliren iiJ sli-ht- ly wnnnded. Aho, private* A. Eczor, el ghtly. and Jno Sellers, R. Waddell and Fisher, seriously wounded. WiimiHj/lon Jourr-a'. Importm'‘t f'otn t^e Coist b'hw -The Enemy i-hanc- ing tn ftrct On >^a1urday morning iniormition was r^*- ceivei that the e'jemy wa? landing in strong force in tie ceighboihood of Pocotalii^o. Dining the day. the yau- aee eo!umu advanced r‘ipidly. a’ld d. ivia^ in cir pcke's. formed in line of battle immedia^elv in front cf ihe posi tion h’ld by our foree>> at that point- A shaip tight occurred Saturday evening, without de cisive r^-f’Ult. During the following aight our force* aband;jned the PocotaliKO liu^s, falling back in go d order to thi' ^ide of Salkehatchie. aud burning Salbehai- chte hiidge hdve received no later Intelligence from t-e scene of hostilitits.— Charleston Mercury. Sherman’s army it snpposed to bo in motion, and doBtinod for Brauehville, 3. C., the junction of tbe railroads to Charleston, Augngta and ColHmbia. We bave strong reason to hope and believe that ii he goes there ho will be whipped. Jmportartt Capture —The Richmond Whii? learcs upon good authority, thft*^ a detachment of Confed erate oavalry recently oapturod a yankee eunboat cn the Po'omao. W'^o would like to name the gallant command of which they are a part, but deem it pru dent not-to do *0. Bu)ckaok Runninq.—On the night of the capture of Fort Fisher, the steamer Owl, command'sd by Capt. Joha N. Maffitt, with some other st^'amers, ran into the old inlet and sent a pilot up to see what was the state of affairs. On learning that Pfher had f'^llen, the ships put to sea again, hoping to tret in at Charleston, we suppose. Akothrr FassH.—The waters have scarcely sub sided, yet we have anotaer delate, wiiich threatens to equal that of a fortnight since. 8.5 was left at this Office on Thursday last to re new Dr. MsDouirald’a paper, but hia Pott Office was omitted on the memorandua left. Whot* ahall the paper be *entT Oorrespondstice of the Obsarrer. UAimB. Jan 22. Editors Ob3‘jr?er-. ja.s itat '-l w juld be tha case ia my last, tke subi“0 - of a Ck.inventio- w*i one of the first agi tated after tk? o.-g^nizatioa. Ir. . Unes' re3u!utio'’a, ta bled by 68 to .S9 WDai I I hsar have m-t wi'h a more favorable reception bat for th^ q'tati fling at the Presi dent at the clo.^e of the series Toe bill to cal' a conven tion of the people of the State is esseitially th* s.tme in form aa on** far the s^me purpiae passed in 18(V0 For the imnae-liate present it will not be agitated, the belief among tho->* favoring ihe measure b«ing that th>agh now it conl I not pa«s events soon to occur will force a sufficient numb*r of its oppoaents to support it to render its suoceas certain. On this as well as on the matter of the Peace resolut ons, a number of speeches are to be made pro and con. In view of thi.s threat -ned inundation of words the impression is becoming general th*t the session will last certainly a month and perhaps longer. Tbe tone of pab ic feeUnsr her^ aeetn!* to bi in a mosit inheilthy staie and the di«oa^!*i.on of tae Couve ition j.iestion only a jd^* faf*! to the fl .m“i. • • • Ow ng o the abs-*me of tae clerk^. mechanics ind “mDloyues gene-aily at Vjinniagton of the Gove nneot *stabli«h- ■nents h''r»>. bat lit le public bi inesr is t'-i isaeiiug be- yon l what is of 'he most ab-*o’.a e imp 'rtiu je. In ‘he Senate, on ■^ttu'-day, two bilN pt-isiod of interest ‘o von- C't z^n.*, t -wit Oih to iacorpora^e the .’atiner- land ^ m im - tnl \«ociatioa. aud one to am'jnd the uct regulat'ng th“ anpointTO-nt of flour insp -ctors Tor the town of Fa-wltivil ■*. a id ft;'.'* to be ch tr.jd by 'ho same. (Thi^ Utt r pror’d's tha‘the feesshiU be one p r oent on the value of flour in»p cted, »ud tiial in.ipeolion shall t-ike p>ace at the dep>t wh^n r qnired br tne owner, inppesto” ia saoh i not be liab'e therefor.) The S-^nate also passed bii'ji to in'orpornm the N. C Volun teer Navy Co.. to am nd the ajt aathorizing the employ- Ttent of i'lav • labor by th» -.iov irnoroi fo ti^Citious etc. and to exempt cert lin .'’tate emp!oveu.. ’ On aa eVxi^'on for eucr- s ing clerk Mr. Davis received !i joint ball'^t 45 vnt-3, Mr. ilu-ke 42, Mr. Hill 41, and Mr. Pf >hl « Mr. Ha'I introdncel a re».>!ntion *o autbor- 7,e tb» «e idin? by the Gor«r,ior, from h • public snpnii >■, »■ 10 Ot)(J o». b »c >n, -000 bU c irii. and 300 sa^ks flonr lo t.'iB ciriawn* •-* la *bj !;ii'i«ion on this resolution, wtii h was oppng-d by Mews. Dick, La'^sit"-. .\dam> and other-. Mr. Hall said the Gov- «rn^r h id just loaned 40,000 '.b«. of ba^on to Gen. Hoke and he did not *“e why 'this loan could not be m^ds to the citizetis of ’f ilmiu^on who were williap to pay there- foj, even in cola. On motion of Mr. Pool Iho resolation »:)is amended to read from tbe ‘'miiitary hupplies'’ and oaai'fid The .Senate th'^a adjoum-d. In the House, the bill to provide means of supplying the State Troasury was ^a'>ied. yeas 48. nays 47. Mr. Pool mov'-d th it th-) .'^ecr ;tiry of Staie firnieh in tabular form information a' to th»» n'imbjr &c. of Ma'^istrat'^s in the State, waieh pas«'»d y i5>, n iyjijg Mr. McAJen movfd an adjonrnoient on .Saturday next, the 28th, to the til rd Mon1ay in Nov r 1865. R.ferred to a select eom- tee. Tbe House then a^jounu d. T. P. Turner Fry—Will the F-ivetteville Observer please describe th** personnel of tho m in calling hiras*lf William Turner Fry. We ba'^e a Pu»piciou it is not the horse diief. Fry. Only two or threi w?eks ago he was ia this coanty; and about that ^Ime ahorse was stolen near Gold Hill. True, he may have goue to Fayetteville, but we are of opinioa there are oth°r p*>riioai p issing in the name of Frv. when eautrht in a ‘scap** ” Turner Fry Is al>out ff et 7 iaches high, black (oi neariy black) hair, dark Kk'U, heavy eye brows, seldom if ever looks any one straight in the face, ia nervone nd u'^eaey when spoken to, an^ shows it by moving ois feet or changing po‘>ition. luclinee his bead tOrward—is st^ut built aad will weiizh about l.'jO Iba. If they have the veritable Turner in j iil in Fayetteville, we warn the keeper ot the prisoa to aeep a sharp look ont; for we lieli^’ve he has broken out ot almost every jail in 60 miles of this place.—Watchman We never saw Fry, but there is no doubt about it that the man arrested here is he. He was recog nised wben arrested by a gentleman from Moore coanty at whose house he was married; and even- tualiy confessed his identity. That he should be in Rowan coantv ono da7 and io Cnmoerland the next, need not surprise any one who reflects that be kept a horDe in every man’s stable, and when ho rode down one, had only to take another. He has been r«>moved from this jail to that of Richmond county, from which he formerly escaped Sheriff Long says he will •*ry to keep him this time.” No telegrajfihic dispatches have been rec**ived since Saturday morning, and no Virgiaia papers of later date thw Thursday. The wires North and , W««t of Baloigk haT« been dowu. T%e SitnKxtion—Wilmikotok, Jan. If.—There is nothing new from below, and the relative situation of the forces facing eacb oiti«r reuialu* anokauged, since oar issue of yeaterday. Wo have made no movement, and the enemy seema content to watch as. fr'm within hi* entrenchment*. We learn froa good aathority, that tbe nuiBLdr ot gunboats now in the river amounts to seventeen, and are qiietly ridin;' at anchor ia thd rear ot Fort Fisher. We had rumors of all kiad* fifing about the streets during the day, bnt onr people are l^ara- inr to treat aaoh taings at their true value, and fail vO affect their demeanor or digestion. Shonld any new movement become necessary, our readers will be advised of it in due time.—CaroUnian. Stvoi from Fishtr 6y Flag of Tru-z*.—Major Veaable carried a flag of tmse withia the *aemi’« lines on yesterday, aid retnrnel last night. The details are meag'e, as tHe o^oer in charge could obtain very little information from the enemy. We are happy to learn, however, tuat Gen. Whiting aad Col. Liamo are bo’h d>mg wflll. The slaughter in tbe Fort wa* immense. The trilled and wounded, we are informed, will rrach ive or six hundred. A large number of letters was received, which will immediately oe forwarded, by our prompt tnd effi cient Post Master, to their respective destinations. May God comfort the bereaved, who will never re ceive letters from loved and familiar hands. Ih. A communicatioa has been received from the cominander of the Federal forces, G^»n. Terry, *tat- ing that Gen. Whiting’s wounds were of a eerious nature, out not mortal. We trust that he may soon recover. Col. Limb, wa believe, received a serious wound in his thigh, from a minnie biUl. Forts Holmes and Caswell were evacuated by our troops on Monday. A tremendous explosion wa^ heard and felt in town about 1^ o’clock on Tuesday morning, produced by the blowing up of the maga- zia>*8 at the aoov»* Forte.— Wil- Journal. Tbe heavy firing below yesterday was eaased by Oie nemy shelling uo »l«iianuu-,aoimf.ramenfcha8 yet taken plac .;— ITU. Caroli/Uart, iOth. [The above paper says that yankee offioers sta^e that ali their killed and most of tbeir woanded were shot af ter they kot within the F irt; and that th» gr«at majority >f our casualties also occurred then. The Carolinian also eays. In regard to the order given by Ger. Bragg to Gen. Uoke to attack the enemy after he had landed and entrenched, that upon a persi^>nal re- connoiesanoe, Gen. Bragg withdrew the order, it being impracticable to carry it into e£Tect. And the Oarolitiian of th« aiofc h«a « vuiuiauntcation from an cffiior shawing how perfectly impooglble it was for Hoke’a forces to attack theyankeea in the rear when they a-^sanlted tke Fort. They would have been ewept away by the fire ot the whole flaet, «00 to 800 gnns of the largest calibre, at from a mile to a lialf mile distant only. Gen. Bragg, ^er personal ezaminatioa, finding it Impossible to aen ul tbe enemy in the rear, ordered a Brigade to be thrown into the F\.-rt, by way of steamers on the river But this, which ought to have baen done on Saturday night, was delayed till Sunday night, and then only 600 reached the Fort, near the elose of tbe fight, the boats getti^ aground and maehinery damag- (Gen. Whiting is understood to hare **nt repeated and beseeching applications for men to be sent to him witliin the Fort.) WaiDNGTON, Jan. 41.—We understand that on Thurs day last I here was some skirmiehiog between the left wing of our forces in the neighb >rhood of Sngar Loaf and the yankee infantry, who had made an advance froni their entrenched position. During the afternoon it is reported, whilat th* yankee vessels were engaged’shell ing the woods, their infantry made an attack on ='liog man’s brigad>?, (o.-'cupying oar l>>ft,) with the evident in tention of flanking thorn, bnt were repalsed and driven back to their entrenchments. We leam that anveral of our men were wounded. John Sip», Co. B, 42d Reg’t (of Newton, N. 0.,) wounded and brought to General Hosr»i- tal No. 4, died on yes erday; also brought them, Capt. T. J. Southerland, 10th N. C Reg't, contusion, pabifaL In the river b«low no movements have been made by the enemy’s vessel* that we are a vare of W® would call tho attention of our cotemporarids to the fact that Fort Fieher never was surrf%dere -but was carried at the point of th« bayonet by overwhelming numbers, after all the guns on tha land face hod been dismounted by the terrific fire from the fleet The Fort wa» charged three times on Sunday afternoon and night, before it was captnred —Journal. ’ The situation below continu>B unchenged. By the ar rival of a few deserters we learn that the for'e brought to bear upon os 1* about ten thooaand. Tho enemy tried to broak onr left flank yesterday, b«twer« rmioi**il irithi loia— Ret/u^rmd Pri»»n«r$.—Richmond, Jan. iO.—A flag of truce beat arrived at Variaa to-day with 50U returned priaaner*. No farther paruculars. The Richmond Whig of Monday, savs, “We are assiared that the report is true that President Davis tias sent an autograph letter by Mr. Blair, express- la," bis willingoejs to send or receive commiesiooers authorized to negotiate a peace Fl'aht of K»-Senitor Foot*.—Washis«3T05, Jan. 13.—Yesterday infurmatiou was received by >he #0TSr imcBt that Henry S. Foote, quondam CT. S. Senator, and lately a member of ihe rebel Senate [House ot BepresentativesJ at Richcioad, while at- terapimjj to e*cap“ from reocldom, accorapani'^d ov bis wife, had been arrestsd by rebel cavalry at Oc- coquao, aboat 15 miles from Alexandria. Oar military autlrorities at Alexandria » ere dire«ted to send to Occ 'qaaa fer Mrs. Foot.e, who arrived ‘ler- to-day, and was *scnrted from the AlextLtidi-iu steamboat landing to Willard’s h tel fty tne ^’ecre- tar^ of Stat*. More qJ Faote —RigH.MOND, Jan. li —Flenry S. Foot-3 arrived this afteroooa. Tho S,ioretary ot War dirooted yesterday that he be rcloasad Footo roia*>ed to aooept a dt.,obarg'?, ioijistiag upon being brought bftore Judge Halliburuon. YMonitor iSunk —Chablkston, Jao. 17. A yankee monitor, o.t pio^et di»y bet>fcen t'o’- i Moultrie «ifld Sunter, was sunk la^t nipjht, up u *se4 by a torpedo—only tiie saioke jca:k loft »bove the water. Deserters report that the foroig oa the liac ol the Silkitohfto ooasist of tbe ITtti aad pi^rt ul the loth corps, their dejtiaatiou being Chariestjn. A.oody of the eacmy's infantry moved up about uoon within 2J miles of I'^e Combahco bridg-, but aftcra'arJ returued to their iatroaoaments ;t Qardner’ii Corner. Charleston, Jan’y 19.—About mid-day ail the v*fl»els of the yink c li >ct nii.sed their tiiga and fired a salute. Thera ha^ been u.ioo^m i tccivi'y Id the fleet and on Morrid Iniacd to day Tne number ot m nitors iias increased; there are now 8 oflf Morris Island. Notning of Sherman’s 'Dovementt. From Fetershurg.—PsTEasBOaQ, Jan 18 — A flag ot truce has been ob.^crved on tiie lines Qere to day, and white flags have beea fl/icg at different peinta, consequently not a gun has been fired. Several parties going north west were passed through ttie lines this morning. From the West.—Jackson, Jaa. 17.—Mem phis papers of the lOtn, and Vicksburg of the i4ta, received. Large amounts of money hare been raisod in Xew York and other oitics for tho relief oi the sufferers in Savannah Brig. Gen. Goary tako* command in Savannah, whllet 6nora»«n ia moviog upjn Branohville. Federal troops arc concentrating ac Fioreaoe ana .Athens. A large aatnher of troops are pa^ising down the Mississippi. Washbara is in oommaad at Vicksburg, and Dana at Memphis. Thomas says, if it had oot beea for the stab- horn resistance of F(>rrc8t:, Hood’s army ooald no*' have crossed Tennes^es river. Lioooln Hays, foreigners bought Savannah oot- ton bj the sales of arms, and therefore deolarea it forfeited. Gens. Johnson, Jackson, and Smith have been sent to Fort Warren. The World says that Bngland and France will not permit the Union to be restored, but will recognixe the Soathorn Confederaoy by the 4th Maroh next. Gold falling, 2^. From the United Mobilb, Jau’y 17. —A speoial dispatch to the Register from Sena- tobia, says the Chicago Times of the 15th, and Memphis papers of the I2th, have beon recoived. Fort Smith his been evacuated by the Fede- rals. A Confederate force of artillery and infaot* ry got between Little Kook and that pkoe, ocn- pelliag the evaeaation. The Blair mission still ezcitos much comment. • Rumors are rife of in i^tendel raid from Mem phis. The lines are kept v^ry close Late European corrcspondsuM say Russell has in iaaated to irlason tha!'^ tuere was no ’onger any ju^t cause for not recognizing the Confederate G •vernmsnt Rtohmond, Jan’y 18.—Northern papers of the 16th received. Edward Everett died in Boston on Sunday last, of apoplexy. The State Convention of Tennessee uaanimous- !y passed » resolution abolishing slavery in the State and abrogating the Ordmanoe of Secession. Brownlow was nominated for Governor and ao- oepted tho nomination. The steamer Oiyde tailed froo New York, on Sateidaf, 4Mplj ltdm vilh fw tha relief of the oitizeus of Savannah. She wm greetod with cheers and salutes from all sidoo- A Cairo telegraji says Thomas and staflT were at Fad«cah a few dtys ago. Gold 21V Richmond, Jan’y 18 —Northern paper* of ^be 17th rec^^ived. A Waahicgton teUgram el tb-^ 16th to the Philadelphia Inquirer say* that HUir exiled upon Lincoln this evening, and spcat eeveral hours with him To gentlemon who ad- drossi'd him upon the subjcct he remarked that he br hat.l an interview with Jeff Pavis What p sscd he would not divnlgc to any one at present esecpt the Pr^pident; that his expedition was highly satisfactory and might be kiown in proper time. rhoma.s w.s at Ciifton, Wayre c uuty, last Saturday The roads were in ve*y bad condition In the Iloaae of RepressntativeH on Mond&j, Mr. Cox of Obio offerod roeulutiotii iu iasor ot appointios Peaca Cf-muiissioners, which were laid oa *hc table, yeas 84. nays 51 THE SHilLVlNG OF BSAST UUTLKR Most Coafcdtrato readt^rs will learn with regret tha* idaj. Gen. Butler hais been teally at length rclieveti of all coinaBHud in tbe yankee s=er^ice, and ord^rt'd to r p>oit at T owell, Mapg-tohus- tts—that is to brv. to report to his wife. It m**.y *>e matter of taste, bnt we • avy that fetrale *‘ie exclusive p 2se=»!en of her hero; he was a fsreater favorite with * onfed^raie.s (as a yauVc' oommMdir) ih.iu eith»*r Grant or fcherman. He fuite ^ or; ner^ B'oce •his war lesau ti&p h-^ done u« the e'ijihtest h^rm in ihe tield; though we ad:; it He ha:* etelea mw;y valuables from adie.'J ia piivat - lif*; *n ail tisii reC'ird ol hie military car-er. Irotn Big Bethel down lo the l>loai:-t' up of Diit'hGap. h‘i ia the mm who •ilways be?t knew h w not to do IL Who didn’t take it'lnnond hy tha .onthpilo? tSuilv. Wl>« 4ida't b». sU'ge fiort Fi>h'*r after coinmg bn far with ■> Krand an nnnada e pres-^ly to do i’? Butler. Who didn’t even land fi nnri hi.-j naid armada to pee whether it eo«H be done* hy, Butler. Who didoH blow out the bead of fitutch Gati? Butler aeain. Wh'> didn’t kiil Coak Rokia, ani didn’t itrike WiHiam Patter«on? Bn tier atilL What trorhifi, then, doe* the Major General bring boa* tohi* •vife at Lowell? Trophies inde^. the moet lubetMtial: not tattered old battle-fiagi; not faded Confeierat* *taad- nrd:, hauled down Irom thetu»ersof captured oitie*—th* wenvers of Lowell cculd a' anv time make him better aad frf-th-r drapery for hid >ouse thaneneh rage as tho**; bot Kold eud tilv(‘r and precious stonee. tbe ft*iit of kee* tnding auil upeeu^ation at New »od Norfolk, t^e product of GQUjh private and publi* theft, threafkoit tho^e resioas which have njojed the adTaata^e of h‘* Government. These are the genuiae yaak** tropkl**; an I .-h‘; b no t iie Isdy of Lovell who will mot prafer Letn to ^rlorv. wh!. h d'j«» ri&l pay. N^ w that he i« a''tnally shel for his ftillare at Wil- min^rtiia, on^ bec'na to feel a cvertain partiaao regard for •»ira, a'l ag iiin'oln. How was he to be expected to '' i a«^orrf there upon that bare f»pit of oand behind Fort F pher. an] await tbe attach cf furioo* North Carolina tj' 8, who wou'd have ^-00 very sure to haof hiai if th y hjd C'liipht Hni? Docp .Wr. Lincoln please to recol- l“^t that G ncrai Batler wa? oatlnwed am-'Dg Confede- r;iU‘P; ai'd that the 6r=t Boldisr who conld catch him vvouM ne>er ?e: d him lo the rear, ncr report him ai a prisoner, nor embarrsw the Government io knotty con- rr>>vei'^.es pti bis acconn'. bnt simply kill him like a n»ad d.^g? Would Liiicola tiinweif have coia« ai>here that day npon such a footir'jt? But it ii« tio late to plrad Butler s eaiue, or to rejret hiifl. ;lrt is g.'ne from u» aow; aad p*rbaB!3 the Coafede- raey may iu time have soT^e con«k>lation for his lc-« in the renewal of the eichunge ot prison- •* ard the return tn country of * me forty or fifty thousatd brave chi dron of t^c S.jutb. That w> confucs, would freatl^ mitic to a id fo'ten our r»fi:rpt for the Ic-es of Buthr; ai- tho'V'* he wi« H5?ur-dty st*rviceable to us, tot f'nly a* ih** r of '‘xp, Jitions which w**re Hure to fail, but alpo ap adfV;i;r to th-* f>reaifu' thought of y»nkee dom^natioa a rert liT unimaginable horror aud loathing which had a ti e ( O' ct in giving to the inDabit ints o' P-t r»burg, aud iliiiineton. a- d RicbmoLd. ‘i fiercer resolntion to fitfht a’.d perish iu d- fere* ol their Locirf, rather than se« th‘ tn rukd by the In »hort. the Major-Gtneral Ih a los3 to up; and we could have bttttr spared a b-, tt*r maa.—Richn'^nd Extmmtr Baptut Ajlmajta«.—We have reoetved th« “Norte Oarolina Bapti*t Almanac,*' 40 page*, published at Baloifh hy Bev. J. N. Howell, at Goldsboro’ by Bov. N. B. Oobb It o^ntaia* a gr*at deal of sta- tiatioal information. It was Mr. Orr of Miisissippi, and not of Sosth Oarolhu, that made the “parsoaal explanation'' io Oongross in regard to tho Sentinol's article on "treaaon.'’ Foasioirias m tbs Tahkbs Abxt.—la the Pres- dontial election tbe *BUre vote in all (Grant's va«t army was but It,009. All the rest were toreigiiers From Western North Carolina —The Ashev.i:c News of tie ith suys, soieo of Col Paluer s acou^e enoountared Kirk with thrf e or four hun dred mcB, noar the Ked Boj^ka of Chucky, a tew days (lince, Bad a 6ki;misQ followed, :n which the scouts had three or fcur ni n wontded lv|(«ly oatcun.k«rrd, iho scouti fell back Cul. PaJntT, with a ^afiioimt fcree, had gone up int. tiict Beetioo Several accidental and temporary c»»u?e8 have, of late, conapired to aid tbe panic-makers in appreciati^jg the price f.f gold. The bi!l propouing to sequestrate the property of such I'ersons as hare voluntarily left the li'nits of the Confederacy ha* set the friends and families of many of these upon turning their effects in*o speoie, witfii precipitatioa and on whatever terms. The saoie proceoa ot oon version by the negroes, free and slave, who have at tempted fl.ght or t>eea preparing for it, has been no inconsiderable element in this local demand for g ;ld. Added *0 these is the increased demand in ttieSoutti, consequeut upon the occupaMon ofSavan- u&h. The litrgtt q lautity of Cocfederate currency ■itid by the citizens there, bnt not bow available to •hem. haa been seeicing conversioj into gold through e- ery possible aveane of communication; and the • ffjct of ihi** saddea r.eces?ity has been to raiio tho price of specie in that quarter. The supplies hero neing drawn fro ji the South, the advance there is, I'f course, felt at once in Richmond. . Iu addition to tnesj ^hings, it may be meatioied ‘hit the breairage in our communications, caused by •he freshr-ts, ha^? interrapted the transmisaioB of mods tj the Government, and caused, for a few days, la mterraption in the meeting of the demands which r ave matured against the Treafinry. The incon venience of this has fallen upon the public creditors. These various causes, in concurreooe with the mis erable croaking which has dispirited* the people, have begotten a sort of panic, aeoeeles*, because without any adequate grounds, yet mischievous, be- ause tending to produce the evils which it fiies. Richmond Serdinti. ■ Application* to go f MawiAnnah — A dispHtolt from Wan):ington bays: An extraordibary number of applioatiuni lor ta^srs t) go to Savsn^ ah were re.^cd to day at th* >far DepATtBcct Atnorg them wao that ol Jcd|(c Wafae, t-i tbe Supreme Couit Hia and his wife I property are la Savannah and its neigh borhood. K.4KBIXB, A t the reoidoDoe of the bride’s father, Jan’y I'itk. by Rerr, Wm. O, Browa, Mr. M17NCT RASH to Mis* AM *HT>A M., d«ugkt«r »f ■iruB CoUioe, Esq., all of Tadkin oomnty, H. C. Blair.—A morning paper bas given an affeeting description of tbs first meeting iMtween Blair and Pr»sident Davis, which, “especially on the part of Mr. Blair, was marked by a degree of cordiality ^at was as ref^reshing as it was unexpected. He shook fhe President’s hand warmly, assuring him of his und’mitiished regard and esteem.” How kind! I’hie Blair is one of those who, for four years, have been »^ndiDg inrading armies tn lay waste our soil and slay, and burn, and starve our people: if any Southern family have lost a father er a brother slain in this foul war, Blair is as mueh the murderer as Lincoln or Grant:—Yet now the noble fellowjs ready foritet aud forgive, and comes to assnre Mr. Davis that h-s regard is -uuaiiuinioho^.” toachinie private meeOings between the President and alien enemies in time of war, begin to be tiresome to the public, not to say provoking and offensive: for while no Confederate is allowed to go to Washington un der any pretence whatever, except as a prisoner, there seems nothing to prevent any of the enemy’s politicians or kgislators from strolling over otir country at his pleasure, and making notes of what he can see and find out.—Kick’d Examiner. Inst^bxltty of M*i.— "^e think if we had beenjaeked to name the bitterest eecessiooist aad most ultra hator of the North and it? people and government that ever we had seer, cur mind would have turned at once to G. B. Lamar of '^avannah, once President of the Bank of the Republic in New Fork, who returned to Sarannah on account of his detestation of every tbiog yankee. Well, wh;n the yaMkees reached Savannah, he wis amoog the tirdt to “take the oath,” and haa written to a friend in Angu-ita ur^^ing him to do likewise! He wanted to save his cotton, of which he had a large quantity. . Deith oj Lu Col IFiaue-'.—We have seldom been call ed npiiB ti perform a more painful duty thaa that of an- nouucing the death of Lieut. C d. Jas. T Weaver, of the 6Hh Regiment N. Volunteers. He was k'lled near Columbia, Tenn., on the Tth uf D cember, in a fight be tween the armies of Hood snd Thomi*. CoL Wearer had Vwscn in the army nearly three years, and by SDtiriog devotion U> his duties, and a gallantry which ofWu elicit ed the adm rati >n and encomiums of his commanding Generals, rose from third Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colo nel of tho Rogiment.—Ath»vUlt News A number of young ladies belonging to the first families of the State have tendered their servicei and been accepted as Clerks in the Oonscript Offiee in this city.—Ral. Conservativt. A gentleman writing to us from Caldwell county, a few days since, says “Robt. Green, one of our beat citizens, was shot by the tories last Thursday, and hi* thigh broken.” He was lefr lying in the road. Ciarlotte Bulletin. We regrfit learn that the absence of General Patterson, the Senator from Burke, Caldwell and SIcDowell, is occasioned by injuries received by falling from a horsa It is thought be will not be able to occapj hia leat in tha flimatin Um —MNiiMMWiiFi-JteL GEMMTMiiWk Im thi* town, tn the 20th insl, Mr. JAMES «ILL B.&9, ag*d about 90 ywara Ob th* S*th Jan’y t*64, near Osrthago, Moore Conntr Mr. JAMIS B MUSB aged 8* years Al»o. on the mh Dec., 1864, Mr*. ELI2ABETH MUSE, wife of sa d J B Maao. Mr*. Mus* wa* th* daughter of Di. Oeo. Olaaecok, *aid to be first ccueiD to Geo. w^iitjlcgiot), aad anrgooc bbl’ot him. in th* revolution. This father d BOtkcr in I*raol, bating lived together, resper.ed and koaorod, aocr nzty yean, poesed, in quirk sueee*. ■ioo, to a bigk*r and happier etue c f exist cce.—Com la Bladen oounty, Thnreday, 6th Jan’y, C(.»LI2I HOlfltOB, Be^ , ag^ 70 years, for nearly forty years an acting Magiatrato, and for many year* Coanty Sar Teyor At B'oomiogtoa, GnUfWrd County, 29th Sep>mh*r CLABKSON T0ML1N80X. Esq., aged 42 yeara, 9 montk* and II days On the 7tk in*t., !n tho 49th yoar of her ag*, Mn. ELIZABETH W. LBACH, coas'^rt of tke Hon. J T Loaeh. JAYETT^VILLE MAREBT.—We note changes since last pnblicatlon, as fellow; Bacon 6 AO to f 7, L^rd a h > to $7, Cotton |>2. Coffee $40, f'otton Tarn f’iO to ffiO p«i banek. Flour $625 to $560 per bbl, 4-a aheeticgs |k), Corn $SK, Pea* $86, Apple and P»a*h Brandy $75 te $ 10i, Sugar $ 16, Salt $75 per buahei, Tallo w $^ to |«) iU No Wheat in market. Klate Treafitory ITotcs. AT AUCTION Or- Ttitirs4fty i-tx £#tb Ian*- vtHI i-c .oW .-iual;n, fie 00»1-Ht.'te Ireaearv Vi'«*. JOIN H GCOK. Aaot'i Jv 2« l:^d p»ek*ge. the cftoe «■ VOoEE A CAB4W£LL. 8 -itpd OLD BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, pjii Sale by -it* Ji'i’y 28 FOR At?Mr.LL. Ov^DTeai^Bt DUELLING HOU^B. with 8 fooH S B»d saJCBiJCt, the UoBAldaes A**- Apply to AUG W. STEEL. J'M'j H. S lat Owrelting for Bent. i OOVF'^RTARLE D^ELLINQ HOnS£, »n QlUed- \ pie BfT**t, for rent Jw’y 21 Aprly »a W 0. MaPUFFIS. Itpd HORS£ STOL.E!V. rKB 8tab.e cf liie Hoa J O. Shepherd w*«lr.ktB epc.3 lv.t nitht aud his Heree *taleB He is a a%j b'r«e, wiUf black lex*, bleck mane an^ tail; a re-lina fixed hcrse A suiu>ble reward will bo paid to any p>T* s b for bU ri.«jve?y, or aay laformatioa that laay loid '/) it. .Tan’y 20 8 tf reward TX)R the aporoQeaffioa of Jty woman BETST. wk» ran C cff la Mtfch last, while ia the employ ot Ma] Tay lor at tke Arsenal. And $lOO additional for iafarma- tioa to ooaviot the parti** wao are harboring her AUG. W. 8TEEL Jaa’y 21 & i2t JLand to Rent. AGKK)D plantation on Cape Fear River, inelnd- ing abont 100 aore* of fine bettom land On th* premise* i* a large Dwelling Hou«e aad other out hnild- ia^ M McKAY. finnmervfll*, Barrett Co., Jan’y ?1. 8*8 f6odiapt j^OTlCE. IWAHT to rent ent a two horse FARM, for (heyesr on Craia Creek, what is e^^ilei the Hugh Kelly ^aoo. It will be rented for part of tbe erop. DANIEL BLACK Doadwroeh P. 0.. Jaa'y 21 Itpd Coalederate Tax Motice. [WILL attend wiili (he Ae«o.,*or* «t tho fo'lowiag ihre* ard plaees fo- the purpose of rfceiving ail t«zeiy due 1st Jan’y 1865 Also to list Bp'.Cifia Tas (fr>r L'.'^asi;) Tax en Sal-ni for tbe ^aarter endiag 31st Dej’r 186*; Tax oa Inc':>!!«e*, Prefli* and Sa'aries; Ad- Tex OB Pr'ite made b« ba?iair and eeiliiiK at ^ny time between Jao'v irt, 1861, and Un’y 1st, 1865; 'i'az on Profits oxceediag 26 per cent, daring H64, by aav,j)vr9or!iti9n er j >i.:it stoek oeapany: vis: At Arch’d KellV’* Feb’y 9;h, D>66; Skeffield’s Feh’y 10‘h; Ritter’^ F*b’y Hit; Als'on P>ao4 Feb’y IStfc; MoIato°b’e Feb’y 14^b; Sboppard’a Feb’y 16th; Ms -^eUt’e lO'.h^ Qraham’a 17th, Carthage iS'.li; also at '‘arthace 20tk. 21st ard *4^d, (Court w*ek.) All wbo '’ave failed to aettle for their Tithes aro reminded that the moaey vain* most be paid &t osee or the law will be enioroed. AT^EX KELLY, ’K>lle«tor 32d Distriot N. C Osrthage, Tan’y 20 8*3t Preflbyteilan poblish twice aad forward dnp'isate ae- o~mit« to O^rrer Offoe ~OFFlCE POST qVARTERMASTilBT 4th CoigressidHai BlBtrlct, FaTBYTaviua N C. Jau’y 19, 18ti5. ENBOLLINQ 0FFI1ER8 and Tithe Agea * 4tk Con gres«ionaIi>ibtriet N. C , will ploaae aotioe the Oir- cakar helow: [OOPT ] Goa* Omoa, Rj^duaa, N. C., Jaa’y 8, 18S5. CiBoviiAa. \ No. 70 / lSTUB,) jr. [ 8t»5. j nT38 cau«»d b? the iaterfereaee , with the Afaats of the Tax ia K>ad servieo ren- -f tre it aeooMarr to remind Ear'll’sgOffleer? that Qeae* ral Order*, No 15, firom Head Qaarter* Beeerre, aad snbasqaeat iastmet^o-i t^;er*ra, dire«t that employee* cf the Tax m Kin-f •?.' :o~ shall a»t be seat to Camp f Tns’-rao’den E-.;^rolliBg O^aen will, however, prosapt- ly rrDort to Ihi* office mj abn*e of tho ^viaion* of this order By order of the '’oioai’dt t (aitnod) B. J. HARDIN. Adj’t. Offieial; B. M. FINGER. M%). aad Gemd'f; Q M M. C. OflSolab • J M McGJWAN, 8 t] Capt. and Poo Q M , 4th Ceag- Di«t The iBiiterpri«e C3ottoia Factorjr it now pripar3d to ezohuag* tat oom or baoon the Fliiest JSvabvn «f 8pim Tarn« rnii ° "I • 1 r1 fTMii mr TUaTbe^ii •linMMkaai* f't’ . ! Prioe fvi tu for. th« • for f-xj of 10 li' e.$ are rtm. at aired, 0i .. acoorJ Advert tX' ‘• «ru!B an jri .i he e the PAp^r •, taan It! I- Bucb o ftcr on remit: tiif~ Pramj fcf. r. -.d' June !0, I 4iifvj;ef B i'W Ll u ft 1 Cniiiber 4t»s. T^TDrjj.' eutrohi U -i. j.61 ! ■, if K1 . Z.1..N A. I'l.'. .-5 - .1 VO 73 M Sh4>€it W j uLt or i'' ■ik. I 2,51)0 l^ tt-eonF aa *•« bigUe:a Ca ml the Meroiiai ‘■■9y at h;i gla j ■ .Vi 1 ; iiii- roi ■- .ri . UJ J a .e • iu ,n 1..=^ = • . >, FayeU‘j«ai . o F‘ 1.. II J f. I* \ ij 'I f>* . '-a eowij : ' r To iViil iR/i v'ti f .1- j : Ni to h-SuT . , J pe’>v«»« w f la r •' » ‘;»4 ahu». » ’ S'J . auiH NOTIC.K is ’ tma- ;-L t r.iavp? O’;!. and rrapai'^i ooad Coc.r f Store, Ma.rk.dl Bsrre the fc:l t* K** Mk-'d. jel oate, or tact P-iac^ or Olo.r F'-G-l tnif *nd lawi payment of ^ parttc «nt cl t *». > Ti«i.*a ef derence; at W’Uv,, ^ w;', li;e by '^rce nii=M There fo;' e&c/i inon oaUea at i.ei* iatvf aBt»]

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