orui led at by if SU- Soath tc i* OQ Hres' S VMt tVii c la er s hun a tew ll td ui UlW n» lur inj St that oi is »Dd Diijth- tk. hj MiM . aU of *IL1- 5»*nntj. on the of aa'd 0«o. irrtoo, I futhar *pt«-.dd fcu«aat -i OH ouLi:f y year* ;ty enWr. Mra, 9 g», Mi%. 3 T •a ainoa aot'i \P. tLL fpd with 8 i*B Aaa- rEEL at ■ Oui«d- FFIB. Itpd Mr *‘-a is a o*j r. e-iin« kay p^^ bay » tf w«i- ran Uj Tay iaforma- I* TEEL I i2t inelad- Ob tba mt bnili- cKAY. $-5 Dciiapt the year »ga K«lly LACK Itpd «. fa iov'iag hifiaf ail c fij id tog 3I«t aries; A4- at 1865; It. doriag ^laoy: vis: d’s F«‘H’y »h’y 13t«; I6:h; Mo siao at AH woo ttded that aw will LLY, ict N C «*2t ^»ie M ITER,) If. [ 4th Con- le the Oir- J, 1B05 ifterfereBO« HFviee rea* that Qeaa- lerre, aad empioyeea » to Gamp r, proJBpt- fvuiona of fcctory mfufp W\ \ I VOL XIV.1 (-4\K'n KVU.l.E. N C., JANUARY 26, 1865. r-r vrfirt M("^day8 aNL' idURi^OAis L'l/Vi.UtO J. NiLh & El - lU'.S AND PlvOPiUCrORB Pricft for itK* 8e>iii-V '*«J«>cavKH *‘20 (K). paid in . r iT^noe: ?'0 f-yr oi.*: arjlbp; f5 for three rcon I’B For the V- e*. j v«s #15 >hi por anaHm, pa;dl ia J10 f.’’’ f'v nix montbs: -or ' T''>n'l>s; f 4 ' r tVrsp ’>V h A T18rl.'I r.N'T^-H ia')»r»» I for #3 p»r aluart ■\f '.0 lines >»• lass for ’'■aM.-'ti Ad-»»rtiper* ari> rf it.vsterf *o stale ft’*' ni>tjjbj»r of Insertioos de sired, e. ties will “>e Oi^utiaaed till iurbii, aaJ ohaxged aocordl'ifly. A ivprii oontinued tRjii, jha.'fcd i^ty pit fftd tx*~^ SPEOl-aJ^ NOl'lCE. - tsr fL»« v«*: no aniae of a n»>w eul'aorihar irill be eslert i wittiaut paytfient in a'lvBiice, aar will j p^r^ale ihe paper t>? seu* te sach for a loayer Hjn* (han is paiu for 8ueh Oi cur old au^^'ribprs »« deair* ta t^ke the pa per ou tills syeterw will pl«*»»e uoi-if/ an when making r?Tnittr.n!^f''- Jsn’y 1, l>nS. '!!_!■! I'l U. l)«AUG410^i, AOCTIOHKB A, 8. K. Ci^rnpr JJirket 8qaar», FAWETTEriLLE, !f. C. •*r Proni’H ati4>Qtlo» i» '»si* to *'l buatnesii in hit «c. riigte ‘ « ^ uini June ly, 19*34 40if 5 ^ A ACITol LI N« 8 W 0 tlT tf, tr/aeer abiI CoaidiUsioa Serekaiit) FAYETTKVILLE, NO. Jane ^0 tf U\fM. Jrielj7^c&^ F, Attomoy at Law. i^AlSXTSVILL*, N. C. %\flhu attend the Couitty a/id Superier Courts ol Cnaibertaud, Haraeii, Moore and Sobeaon Coua- ..•9, ’*TOBipt atiemioa gjives to the isoUeaiioB of all •lai ’U eutriuitod ta his haaOd 'J- i. i/, leo9. J OS. C 'jf LEV, -r .Vrrefmni, i'AYJfiXTEVlLLS, N. 0. Jai’y 1l>fV* RITES OF TRINSPOIITATION Ott C'apf Fear Mllv/rTrotH Jan. 10, I §6$. Ainro, ptr bll, Ar>r'!^^ -io, Urick p r M. rtiu« 8tone per bbl, Buggies. empty bpirite, B''l?. enpty, BasoB. looflo, per 100 lbs, D> packed, d3 Be J> t«'3kda. ‘'idei^per Bbl. CoppfrM per Bbl, Carta. Carboys, C»rri«g«? -Tjd Coaohoa, G ff-to p*r Big or Bbl, Cciil pOf AOtt, Pi per Hhd, Chaire, D-« BitaU Rocker*. FAYSTTEVILLE WORTH C^ROLiniA ^nOjiT^ist r .f SI. .■ N A. -n . y..N. wn. H. K«axu»o . A.'?^TE9'1A ¥ at €'«., kSi) itiSTilL DSALKaS AND liERCffiA.'^XS, »%». ?ys, MKay Strett^ ■ JB Ai'ETTKVlLLK, N. 0. 2u. 25tf ^vaStcid, Sheep Siihis! '^heep mlcinttU Vi\^L hvgtes' ' 00 . 16 Ou 7r> OO 25 00 T\ O'* 7 60 5 00 I' 10 4 O’) 10 00 25 00 30 00 40 1*0 60 ( 0 ICO 00 40 00 50 00 i5 i O ( 0 4 00 8 00 80 ♦ t' (■em''r» pe' Bb>, IS 00 ! emij jhaa. ampty, 2 00 ) "Do . filbd, 10 0 i Fisa ifctid Perk per bbl, io 05 Fba' f9T bbl, lU 00 F'uid per ^bl, 40 ( 0 drain per aushe’, 1 00 flriad3tou2'^ rcr ^00 lbs, 4 00 flore^i* »n I «:a»t'f, ca^k, 60 0 > j j Hbj a?d F'^ddtr ^tr bala, 2v) OO | H;:-'s.’ry, 5 00 1 Do Qreea, 7 CO j I fr'n, T C4d aad Pig Iron, per 100, 3 00 j L'qaors pe' galloB. - 1 £0 i I LiTse p^r Cask, 1ft 00 , D * per bbl. K» 00 i '‘•I?!.3ur8i«»*>i 30';da per I j Naila. p.*r kig, 7 00 I 0)1, Ft a Kut, per burr«l, 40 0 i «* C->»1, “ 36 00 “ Roain, “ 25 00 | Pap'^-, p;r oaadla, . 7 50 i Powder. prr kejr. of 36 Iba, i;0 00 Rioe. per ca?k. 25 00 i Roeim. per bbl 10 o^ 8alt, per Cask 20 0J bbl 10 00 I “ bair, * 00 ' Siilla and ftxturea, 200 00 Snrar, per bSI. 80 00 doap per 100 \be. 15 00 “ uBier ICO .bs 10 00 Sheatia^ p^r ba'e. *0 00 Spice a»d p»pper per "*a^. 30 00 Bl>»s Tnrpeptiuij per bbl 30 Uj Tal!ow aci '^mx per bbl. IS 00 Wagjna 4 hoi^e, 100 00 .. 2 “ '.’5 r>0 W^heelbar’’P»8 • 10 OC- Y%ra per hale of 250 lb%- 40 00 Sbii>i; >■ ‘. p^r M, 25 0) M! -fna'l «;;o»’e ptck%2'i, $5 oash. A'.l ottt«r freiff'-.t =tot *n"»nri'»d wi't L>e h*r^»d -t r>rop i t;>u lo ab^~e rafe>». Ta-oiifrh i>»3»tre ftlO W »y and w*y rrei^ht will b« oafctg’* »jc. t> •* tii'aii/ of laaii-4 •JUS A WQtlTU \g’t C. F at B: O'- T «. LUrTSHLOR, ’*'•(’v’star !?J’r N. C R M OftRELL, ?«r Staamai" K'*e Ja^'vll )4iK>-3w OFFICIS POST qUARTERMfA^TEK,) 4lh (.UHigrt^slonai {I'sinrt, 3i. 0., > F£.ii£Ti'>tVii.LB >' «: . Ja -’y«9 } TV' i-.»tiiuuoa wai coQimenou I -i^NROLLlNG OFFl ER3 u.l Tttha A?va(S 4*h Ccn , ^ . J - jrreSH OB»l Diatrict N 0 , will pleaae notioe t*!e Cir AprlK wirtiis fr adi.':;0iOD mff't b«ai^rei>8ea ta Oot *?4 Mej VV\f A. BxLMiLJ, Sup^ri'tnndeat. 80 tf Uilbboro’ i\« €• }iilitgry Academyt The Wt a*xt r»»53’on t>f i«i I'i?litutij« will b-fia on o*- .‘4^, F»>’'y 1^1, iSj"' App’iOitioc'S fir ad missioo mu-.t m^le pror to 16;h D-c’r 18 >4 about f(*)ich ttE.9 »>" (•r 11 w»H h-.i TiaJf kajita Adiratfl tf ii. i4. QUiiI>ON, Baperint'T^aat. Ov't. 1. 72 41a TI3£ Rliir«fiilJLTl SCHOOL. * Ml:^lTART =.Kl> OLA83lO^L FINISHINf &*;ADEMf. '|THE‘"ext b»gi.i8 F*b> ts% 1865 "I MaSaTie** A «i.lc. u-i .>• N 0 ^ K VTnl’.^ tba old coarse is rai'iae.i. rutu iT« »dn ions Sava been aiada, wUh a » » w to inaki^'g sda^ eoLoiaa* *r^!l »• j? >od sohoiare .♦duress Oou WM BLNQHAM. Bup’t, (ji'f.i. n. WoVr 22 186« fi/ilP ■[ Carolina (>uale li^olleg^e. Uliii ■t'^OKd te>ai of tk>t ^rMeut Jailfyiate /'ar will o''c>in-n"^' fln t-: 2^4 vf J*i»»«.ry andflloH Ute fi’.t tf Ja>.c iB-i 8'U7«uw« c^A^R••'■d frca »i«*r. of pstorinx- No de-»ue'ioa ezo«pt id ■■■t pr^»n.3te.^ u»«Lv.s^. ISjinl ga&J i erais modfrairt aud i'»9iruo«ia?'. thnr-ugb. A- lreas &aT. J. B ORiri'irH, An?o«i'r;lie, N. C J«n'j 8. 98-12-;fiO?diApt cai«.r below: [copy ] Co^a OtFioB, RALBion. N. OlBCrt.Ml, 1 No. 70 / C., Ja&’y 6, 1855 nTHE idaonw«nie:a« o»nied by the iaterferfliice , frith ih3 Aj(>at? of the Tax io Kiafl spr^^ice r.*n J* 1”! r(*n:ipd Eur- IliogOffioer-* th»t 0;>ie ral OT'^'»rs, frHead Q urt rs 1 t'-e'ec* iire«t tb*‘ «arloys«e of ;ilr) T-.X lu'Kia-i r.er '-O’ Bnj;! .t >t be a-'«* to CtUIp T-f'*rs uioiton. SiirHliccOflSft-rs «ilL h’w«’»er, praxrtp. It r»r. Tt t» thi^ offij* tJsy abnB# of pro»l!*?oaa of tk’fl ordir By oTd^f ef ths f’oEsm’lt Z. J -MR'-^fN * tMoiau 8. M. tiNUSa, Mtj. a«d ‘■'>n»d t Q N. C. Oftjial; J M Mo(Jv>-^AJS, y't] Capt. f»»d P>'8 Q \f ^ 4 n c-sg Di^t Oir.O BROWN WINDSOR S04P, TT^OR 8* la by the packaf^. Jtri’y 2S «t th* offiae of )dO;>BE & CASffWELL. 8 -tpd pNjI w: 10 OCbi^.' 2« • »!i v-'ioi* c^r *^0- V Cards for eitliar riw or t*naed A \ McKSrd^N. 89tf 2,5oy 1,300 WA.^TED. .lUSHELS Vt'nfiAT. CORfi i k*»iQf tbe above ar»ioIe« to sell wtUr-fleiT* Thoiflajisin subsc. T 'id Oi. i.'fiU*je. AL£Z. JOHNSON, Jr I'ic* 5. iS^yi c.gUeji C»si» prwe by on >ir. M Th ii lie Meroaaai Hilis, Fr /-f eT-Ue, #r -a ihc I 1 ii4rn.^j /ur f y /oji barpa'ij--. >rd-.:3 I' lii J is tii / WE^^TEaiV RAIL. ’■PHE FREIGHT AND PAaflENQER TRAINJi cf thL J. Roa-l leave PayettCTilie daily, (SaaUa^a azovpted) at 8 o’clock, A. M , "Bnd ret!jmiiig leave Rgyp* *t I o'olooJfc. P. M. OnttU jud non$ Ttoiim MONDAY, WEDIfESDAY acd FRIDAY. ^y order JNt). M. B03F., Treai’r and Oei.’l XraBs. Ag’t. Jan. 22, »7tf Ckic’ura Coilcg^iate la»titate. 'VHK first erawoa of tais Inrma is* (.•vjari'# %• La»a A bnrion. N O. , c.q W G. * R R r* ,) thU wi.h « fall r.ad exL'#tdBoe-^ corps of laaobars, ifaa e»oot>d WedDk^ay iu Jaa y aai o’ose ttie tita Tacsda; lu May ISf»6. Tols IcstuuMon hai a thoroogh^ gradtiatiag courae for yui:ag ladles aui a;sa a course for prepuux boys fur College, witn «aoa d..>panmeat eatireiy «fip»rate xxfB.'tsBS AS rdia.ows: Tuitictt ia Priaiarj, $50 00 • Oomaina Ec.'^lish, P5 Ott H’fber “ 75 CO • •* Laiiguaces, eaoU. 20 rO '•fu«»!o f>B Pifuao, 70 00 C«j; if Fi&no, 6 00 I Incidental f e, 2 60 i 8 ud-uta bo*ri»ag wMb tie President will be aa'^r I ti:3 conaiaat eacemsioQ aai ' e oiargid $S per nonth ■ -3* 4 w •'■ks to he r>»id i'' uraviaiods alth* fvl'Twiuj ; r'itcrt; Fi>ur $t> 50 per b&i.; 'orn jSl v'er t)u»a ; Baoon i ao'^ .Lai .1, i-ao., 15 o;‘>. per to , ai>a o&er edibles lu *ii« , !*iine prcpcrtK-n Thu w ll require lot a 8*f*st0tt of ! > %r ■ 40 bU'^eiS of Ciru, 2dt>^ ibs Baowu or LAid, or i Of 'Ms. o? Ficir. I ifc-'/i on-- ’•i 1 be requir'd to ?ara si his or her ow*! i roam; 1 ie^^o > d I sti-fe aod fork. SxatX to be I d in»i'^ib.y in advance, a-id :aitiaa one half ai tbe ; bry'.' si^g, iho T«iat.acler in tai uuddie of 'he ms- i sion I ^0 rxtravagtbce m Jreas is *xpeo ed. A njat ksm^- ‘ •p'in sa-t's rai-f i^aitabk fo' srtiuol or ohuron. I Fo; farlB^r ^artlcuiam »ltre«s ! Ret. P d. B'JOVfif^L, Prw’t, Ikx I D-^er57 96-12t jUTOLE.'V. The Sfcab> f me H B J G. Sfia.'-'jerd wa® ’^r*k^n ojK>J* l»>»t "lifht n.ad .ii# Hsme s'olm He Is a bay here*, wi'black Uf j. bl ck f\.i J4.:!; a ^ ediam sHed hw» A wivtble re.^ard wUI It rai! *o ^‘.*y ptr- s"« for hie rco^>ery, or acy lufoTCL>ation that may lead () it. Jan’y 20 ' 8 « €:«ii?€€lcrale Tax IVotice. 1V71LL .. r.j i | ,j, Ad.v.a:*r.>i at t&e fo lawiag ti’"« ; a; d pUo. e) iha pu.po>e of r.-eeitTug iJl t at?' )‘>t Jtn’y Aiso to Hit Sp-o Qa Tax (fi.r L'C*aB;) Tax on H*l8 for the quarter ending Slat ^ U* ’i >86*; T«2 on Incaiaes, Profits *nd Sa.ari'es; Ad- j ‘JiHcn;*; Tix ts. Profits inaJs b* bu';inie and neiliar at j any tim:* h- J»n’v l?t, 1863, ard ^aa’j 1st, 1865; ,*Af^dilici ai 'J rt on ProflTn rT'^eedisjr 25 per o?. t during I IK64, b» *uy o'rporati. n or j int st >ck coojpany: tii: At Ai'ch’d Kfll? p Feb’y 9;fe, lP65; Sheffield’s Ff^’y 10 h; ll.ttor’* F'eb’y lit!'; 4la-'03 P.afl'# ^b'y 13tu; I Mcl'Uo ti’9 F*h'7 14 i; E?*cppari-’d Fe^’» 15ffe; Ma till'-? 16 H’aaaai’a 17s--, ('arihrga iSth; tlso at 20'» fcUl ZZ't, ^Cutui, frvrk^ A?^ W^O trte fill'd t} f«^r Ih^'jr Titnes ms ramisded tha’ •’•16 j/.o»;er va’tt* nausl be paid-»t oBc** or th* ia« wlli be eu oraed. At> X EELL7, 7 .'>at«r x2a Dutulct N 1 Gar'VfH ?. 20 — !4'ji'RAVILi^ ’ IjlROM ij>y lot in Cjnim uscoiiuiy oatbs4Je Jan. 1W5 a ji:9dtunt e':stti B4T M AB.£, •* years cp, aad whan (-*9> h^'aid frcia had oroas^rd Uie White Maritb, luakiBg b-r »r-»y back iri the direction cf Irey’s Bluff, Robsacs county Said Here ifaa tr» 4«d iov by me on the *?l»t Deo^m'oer 18t>4, /rcm a g^atiemao of S G., who Mid h're uaroe v’ap (ehHs’iae saiaa aot rnooUeotod,) nd that bo liTed up r«ar tiir> aoiiBthins in 8 G Said Mare WM in Om order when s;;6 Sart, iiae a sma 1 star ic ber foruheK'i, ^eit baUt, mark of the e'^lUr o» her »ho.iiuera aoci tao itfi. I'etlook a little la’^ger than itte ri«rht, well ba t, a.'so a soor as ths loft jaw pone caused by the fcaitei bviOiJe. Any vrreun taVir g up ga!d Mars a-d addretslof ib*> »t Qu»n 8ir»KP, Cuiumbns coaii«y, will ba liberaHy re «»'d^d Auy in.orcaatio;*! lesidiiif' to her whe'eaboats wilt bo th&iikiaU^ KOcsved. E D 8E88IOKS Jtn‘‘ f t^3.p4 JVOTICK. At ^e'Seraber Term 18d4 of the Cc3i^ of P;e»a and Q jartor 8eOTi»'n3 of t>moerUnd nouaty, the last will aad rovtao'snt of the late Alex'r Ellio^ Jr, was ai- mitted to p^b»te ?aA t»ic siibprtriber received lettf’-x lestakienury »• t'xboa‘or thereof PtrtfOB*^ iiidebt>d to the tefXAtoi* must make pa*nieut to me Tuose having olHLims to be s ttlei uust prt^eat them ^n (^ue ume or this notice wi)I be pleaJed in bar of their rocov^ry J G SHEPHERD. Jar.’y 14 1865 Further I.TII»0»TAi\T SALE. ON Friiay ti-s* iOo day of Fjb'y l865, a*, the cal- (*s^Ki of Mr. ^'iUsTi E'iliot, I W'H ssll the PL.\N TATION ‘ iheUMt aide of ‘he Oapif Fear River, ftirui- •rW saHi'-*Vf'4 by AVx. KliioH. Jr.,—about 5 '-jiL** a /'ve the ^»*r*slon B-tdye —a^d c?n aining n-^ar "00 aor R A'so a small tri>ot on tae west side of tae river, kn ».a «.» -'t^e 8uM-“::er p'ao •.” At the saaa's tirae, I wi’’ '.>11 2 valuable dL lVES; also the 8toc-i H g» *ni- r *. ’• Fare: g T?ala, F!i*-n.t.ire and all of liJ j pianta li >ti Stock. Thi-t M^e is t u^sa^nt to the dirao ii*t8 o.' the and the *»rm8 wiU be'tii months credit. aa’?s« tae biiders saoald prnffr ta pay c*.sh. J. G. 8I1EPHERD, Executor. J'Tj’y t4. 1 *f From and after thi iftte tae Steamer A. P. IIURT Vi leave •! 8 e'c’iock, A. M., on jlond*' *ni TLuroday. JOS A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag't C. F. Straci Boai Co Boxes, for frlsoners of War aad Soldiers. S the A;{e»'t cf 8-ra>»i Qan. W*.rren. I will receive and all t>ox*«, &3 , f r iioliiers and prison- 0 B o' wa'. trti ■- ctLargj. Tae Bjx.'S 5b!>uld bs here by the 2h.a cf •tztx □a'>c(b, sj tjat inev oaa reao& Raleiga by the ;*st of **cU .uooth. me ti) Tiark, wl'h written i»4- A doie All b«*' pissj'bic. o-aa A gj. t ay-.'iie for priB-io»r* of W't-r la tat )i* >m light as li iht-y s^aod we;g 1 iiat inau 10) lo«. they JOStPa A WORTH 'i*l3. N^*. 15 • ‘J'S Parraffliie l..»ibrica(in}f OiS. A 2.1 I |T ^VINQ by oarofiil ex~er meat al'.erei and greatW to *.i» iUlac ire al! k;n-ui of 1'^afl‘O'i ! ll mproved th^ onaraoter o^onr Oil, we uow off*r tor i ‘ .r A.-my a... i taa- lay itMntcr and caa ; *a a^ticio of Labnoating Oil f r Cotton Factories j Xf,\su.'. Veil i« seu-i iaeir ^*aleh hM no an'*firi»T ia ‘he Coafeler»oy. I' does not | ..,1 .it„;Uvlv,i, o* chill TbisO 1 we gua-a j»e-with oxref'iS'ri-1-0 J • AiTiSB. I b!* • b s and c'l^a 'e.si‘"“il for fia«; maohiaary in the '®6ata \B >he und.’Tsi'^ed s h-d T.rrE;>*l M- n ‘o (he p*'ep-irrti n of tb^Oil. it ih-dlaot ieterioratc it q^ali-y bn; rat ^er i n?r->»s. Re'fis (o Ae-r.'d Rj-skfi^Jb an! B'*»er Creek Maiu fj^c'nr.ay Cos.. F'.yiii'?viU.», N C , who proQOUtiCJ it a ▼ery surerior O'.l HE.N'RY E. COLTON, A t F K “Jo. N v’r28 L;*o^ P tl-0. / (14ii ■5:?ie fi W’il? pay Zo Ceati per i* .nd for ra^s, or t'e Ui*! ».•;>.;■■■■--e, de'v*srad ifl F*yett‘3»ui., or .t cuj K '1!# liU_?U7 F-ix’y 1^. IS'4 I $1090 KEIVARD. ) ^TOLES fr i» *.ds subsj'iber’rt at»bli, miles weft ! !o 0? F*yati*v.l.* .Jii daii»f nigit i*3i, a C.'\.Y iOllSi, 8 ears .11, very ft .e J3n l. >-»a, a hloaiisa ir. Ilia rig it ey3. tnilfUJi ;j>d all rauad tae tips of a.a tiiai J r*t5JJ * t. 4 'dtt« U'dar txe SiGiX) JJewi-rl w ll ba p*»d f>* the rejOT-Ty of thr iorsj, 0 fjr ins i-asi «'»-i 3v»d .jc' auffioieai t.'CJiH'iot. m-B GRAT^ I D B iivGtl. Jta 1 98 8.pd $50,000 Rftit4»lpb Cosaij F>Y frir a« «' an order muda at Nov. Ttroi 18U^i, cf ) Rai^d 'ch Count» Co'trt, 1 will otf*r fnrpaieat p»b. lie Kiirt-.on, ij the fcsga-^st bidder, »t the Court Rouae do">r ia As®'b»i’o’, oi he 7th lav of Fabratry 18bS FIFTY TH0U3»ND DOLLaSIS tb Ooat>oh Bj dd of saiJ ooujty. Tae said bun.tii to ran for tea ycarj from dVe, b«"5.riEi 'nt«r».'3t at the r-^te of 6 psr csot per an- na>a, to be p.ild s^aji iTniiiliy ic. *uci ourreasy aa will be received n *he pay** at ol public U\xe'. T M. WORTH, Coualy CoottGii?2 aer. i^„> 2 98-lni nJBLiCAlL'lO.^^. Th£ Ei,EilEMAa.Y SPtSLLIiMd »OOK, • .ntai-is ahoul the Hkine as debater’s Spelling BiKk,‘with tbe addltioua! advantage of kaTiaj( t.11 the vewaki and »a cant accurately ia>ark»d. A sapply always «a h»ad. Pri-je i3 00. T3E Fl^T DiXIS BEADSR is a new boo>;, qob- lAining asry reading lemMs an Ecathera su^ecM. Pr-c 75 THE DIXIK PRIMER, Tiird Fditior. Pictori ttill ooatxr wfifl f ilUx:un:'1> t'l> THK PH new fio^-.ly ►d*- FIROT ii K M , ie c ho kind pa YORK’S fl»je:y a.iapeJ JoEflSON-e immensely popular Price (^25 per frioe (p-.*t ''POW] 1 .Tlincral Fire-Proof Paiat. *? D’'’^\TT2 ^'*7' 1 - FTTE re mw prepared to supaly any q iaati»y of this "Lku»ioV 1302 / Vf P.-at *^0:;:: I '3 a Peroxvie of It-on, auJ ; /' ’iD W VNTilU.—1 h’Bu to purchase L^'ai .'c^r thse will st-'ni the moat ssvere Co.x deep S. p*.ri.;'^at. Perdoiia ii.ivii»/ . ,i.e cr •■xi.l, reddls!i brown, ice'j wii-l pl-:a.s., *v>u^y al jaoii. jI a.va i i •,.? HENRY E COLTON, Ag’t F. K Go. Fiyetteville. N . v'r 28. W'ooi Waatad for the Slata of W, Carolina. 'fUiE uqI rs'n^jd Qoailuud to oi-jhau^e GOTrO^ ? /ABN {'*r VVuUL oua iiaadle cf Yarn for 4 lbs. uu- *t,ibel, >r 3 lb,i clean w*«h3d Wooi. T iey will also a libera! p'-il'"’ ic o->“i :or larze or ■?^a*ll lot?. Ot:o. W WILLIA'H ft CO., Agts. Fayj tt*v:Ve, J'lae !•' 42»f S. p*.ri .L-^at. Perdoiia ii*vii»/ ice'j pl-a.s- *Pi>-y ?Oy>liZ-l for 10 p. j! I- )T i-HAT). T;JOS D HOQO. «X:. C- H- ►V In oba: -2» of Ordn-iace. To %Viae j^akcr.* or flistkller«. IHa v'E for dale 10 iroa boaai heavy o&x F£d VlJuNT- I. ii iT.-.NDS. of c»/«'>iV o! i^O g% lias; i n..* to fteavv. sa-i * le P-‘=»» »*“s'r 5"'^^ person ^akotoe wjoleoaa have taem fi^r f1000. Itt y are v. Ia»ble v> *ay ou« wiahing to mt.»e Wiae ov dioi.li Brac.i y. Ai-’u, aome of iialf 9t*3 of »b>Te for fiiie *t aalf the a^o«.- llENiii E «viLTON- F*yet?cviUe. Oct 1. Palma Cliristi Xiean*. 8iibf->*ib?r Tril) pay the rtThc^i ca^h prirs« j auy cittsitilv ?f Paiv* rk««’ B#aai. K Go. 88* f OPAC"' Fay0tt:3Vul2 Cyp jjltory, J \a. 4,1855. An a T iiii i-ijtm i b/ til Oouf^U'=** nr^sa ex.^alin-i? tat tiai» fjr exc3a-.?ivg TiMaour N >iib New l-eue may be a-tJ /or tae OU oa preaeut- atir.n %t th'8 Office. • ^ 98 4ir] w O. BROiT^c-oor. »-.y-uv»ry. Wnutcd Co Purchase. ,‘WN OF FiYErTEVlLLB oOFONg; ua f of *Jaaio lau4 Ojupoadl 01J N C fi per cent. C.i:,'oas; WoHt*-'n R^il Roai dto;.k; Town ant C-uaty Bjn'is; O’d N C 6 per cjct B-ils; Bauk 8iil^», Q'-ld and Sil^pr — VLSO— 25 000 Birrel 61-00 “ M,*aiir.jr; ■'Oi O fret Popitr Pi .u»; S'-iriw TurpeaUrtO anJ Oil Bi-rp’.s. w *n I’oa or wo-1 h(K.r>?. T 8 LUrTE'lLOa. J«n’y 9 f9 3w 1 A ,4>V '>•4 C09fK9SHir£ STATKS 0? AMaUICA, \ ilaut«*«a DxratifH*?!, Dist. OAi>« Fsab, > Wilmi vgton, N. C., M-..roh IGth, 1863. j \TOTiCS is hereby giv^a to al! persona l^aviug claime is agaiOi’L iht) Eugiueer DepaitiKent, or Benriees cf lav**? tfmi'ioyc4 as t*bor?ra on the def'fKtt n^tar '.T.lciiagtrti, ^ 0., tv\* tiie audert^sd ta auti^fiaod 4ttd prepared to p*y -se same *l btB 9fRoe, on the sw- coad ftoor of the baddtn^ lext above Mearw’ l>rug Store, .Viarkot 6tre*»l. Persons executing P»«rcr» of Attorney will ob- fe^rve tho foUAWiug form^—(•!ioir8’Sfaatu:‘’9, in sU OBSeB, b^ wifui ds^ by two w'*n- -Jw aod signed ia dupli- skte, or loet tiUT ^ w uits^^ t%«fore a JmtirA »f tht P-^ac* er Clerk of *ay Coart. FORM 0> PO^Bft OF ^TrORNRV. i, of . ‘.'0 her'.by appoint , »f s my ■*' Attd laWiOl Aji-:-ot to sign recwpts for, aad receive payment of xJi moneys due 'o me by the Eugineer De- pr KiT'ni of the -jciifMBrati of Aff'‘*‘io». fcr the viv4,-s ef toy sIsit^ employed as laborers on the land ' ■ - , ISti Uk* d*y of .f w EAGLE FOUNDRY, Fatbttbtillb, N G., July 4, l‘-’64 B ARB NOW PREPAllED TO BEGEIVB OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the f^liowinflr =Ww. v’a: 24, 26, 28 and 30 inch. Also CHILLED TIRES The Iron we nhall use for thm will bo OOLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, *nd we war r%at oiif wheals NOT TO CRACK, and to be equal tc tny aiift in the Coafederaoy, or to those 6f Whitaey & 8onB of PUUidrlpuia, who"« reput*i.ion is ■« well known by *11 R»il Bo'd CompaDies. We h*ve the bost faoilitios fot transportation by 8taai»ers to WUmingtoa, from thenoe to any p*rt of the Gonfu'^eracy Or4ere respectfully i^eited 46tfl D- ANDKRSON & K) €OOPEai( firA!%TEJD, fr? MjORI; & CABH^ELL. tHt. 1. eUlNGLE> ANTED. A-p1? to rSA.AC ROLLINGS WO BTH 72tf $3JOO KCWAUU. I WILL pay one b>U5 U'J a. lUrdre?r«.’J for tae *ppr^ h‘3a*^ioi’)f araan bvine n*uie of W,\I 8 r(>AK *f VN, wlij broki j*il in this O'I’sty on the dOtii r>ea I8iii 3ai4 Corjtai.a ia about 28 yea a of age, *boui 5 fait 8 or 9 ia:)h3a high, li^lt oonipldO'-?d, light hair, at mt built. Mac, Five hiindrsi doUara f r esch of the folrw nj rarsoss wi-.o brok^ j v.l a*, the saaaa t me: Nii'JBpry, wao i* a >oat 35 yiTtrj .:f ■»»? 5 feat 10 in-Va-=? h'r'3 stoat bji!*, li»a’ o:iapl.:'i i, ’ijat hair, thre; fiag^> 3 of h'« oft h-i-i 1 off -r.iii— u ^r.r'rf LOMiJ ifi'-*'- sat, .itjut auiit, dirk ooaiplec^’jd, fiV' i tao.a ?n?-''’it. J.ihu Uil'. [‘>i* sapp Jdii aajij. *)o ha? refaaid 11 teli it,l «b’ut 22 7.jxr! of .*«?.. short i'»iok aaf, ao-.r o.i his heal fra a a r««f ^low,M\ haig ^ '? ooi'Me P F ALOBRVtA'? :^r Dec 30 1864. 97 tf l^chool Readers, OUR OWN FIR3T ESAOER; “ “ i^eooud “ “ “ a 'tlijr; 1 ‘ Pnm r FcrBaiealthe FAYEriiVILlE BOOKSTORE. Deo’i- 7. ■jnce; at — iunag t»s month '>t .....i s- »«i a* in I f Jt 0 W\ TL BARBELS and STAVES WANTED, by MOORE k OAS»IV'?ELL — fBaaL] 1 i-8 ^134rfu?tvi |x»r6»9 Bhouli U witaeweu Zu’.vk nasi be Mparale dupliuai? pjwera of Atijrney f', w.ca 1' BL.R.* fotrcs can r>e h».d npan afi»li- •a;ioa at khu m^c«. w. H. JAlAJSa, 0«pc * CU«f Bag. ao, iat4 uootf Contracts lor Barrels. will c'>Tstraot for the delirerj of oa? taofcsand BARRELS for oil, bound with wood or iron MOOR'S ft GASHWELti. Dec’r 17. ^♦-2® TJE^TAiilEiWS AMD HVniVW. I l01lFSi>EaATE Jato* Bii*le Soste*- !!lale» Almanact. BLU31’S Faraton aad FlABteni Almaaao lot i^eyear 186b, reeoivod m4 fee bbI*, by (he ^'-om, duea, or BOOE.nOBJL Boxes For $$oldiers. All 30XE3 FOR SOf.DIE OS PRISONERS OF War frora Nort.a Cir'>liav delivered to the foilow- n.'t :iaui>si pers)CB will be iro>aptly forwarded ft e of 'barge; Or D F Smi'rey i heville; Dr A lo'l-1',, M.jrganton; i>r J W Aiiiaon. Suatnsville; Ir J L N ’ag‘e. Grtcas’ioro; Mr A E..g^a, CbarloUe; Mr Edward Hege. S.i!fl n; f.'ai>t J N McDowell, Raleigh; ’Mcph A Worth, Fayetteville; £ M array & Co, WiiKiiogtoo; Mr F LBci/id T^rboro; Mr J A J .\skew. Cmerain; Mr F L K.iborts ‘rfarfr'ieabjro- Th-» Bjxes sftmi’.d He **3 ( hooped, projwly TUf^ked, aad daa*n. .1 in ii.Ttc f >r nay .Speaial 'I Sfcenger who leavee Ra^.'.^h on tn' first day of every month. gDv?ARD WAHdEN Surgeon Oen’’N C. Raleigh, Ooi 2^1. 80 Im A PPLY to Jac’y t4. Piano tor S^ale. 8. T. HAWLEY & ^--"N 1-tf iY GEOG3APHY, 8eco:td Editi«a, ig a r boob. It Is entirely Boa»4zn aad . rjBmow schools Prio« 8 00. . -N COMPO^ITIOr L BwBflott. d eitensivcly, and is thi wily book of . ia lie Conftrieraa?^ Priie 3 00. L13U GRAM»«AH, T^ird Editiea. ia •la’t'oa 83 fols Priat 8 00. OJsIMON .SCHt>OL ARli’4iMBTL\ jy Prof 11. Jo^n9or. of Irimr-y College, is » new aod «i'.')iL«.bM b^ak, uiii will b« followed by a hi^k sch-jol Ari;hu€>ttc t/icc 3 60 itiVRTLB LEAVES, b" P?v. *.. W. Maasua, aeoond i'dii cn, 8 w u^Jirit'fal bo>k. aad cenfaaiiu .’lory 'f a "^.1' ot's Pr.-oe 2 00 KISTOBI ..i.-SCRIPTUaE QUESTlONa, is soul largely It wie studeait much valoable lAfanaa- tioi* tts £••». (K/ftlocs cf tbe Bible P»’ae 76 (M. tiON'GS OF LUV'd ttoj LIBbRIY, ooia^tl«d i>y a N rth C«iroli»* Lady Cosateins a popaUr oallectien of 9;ngs «*nd B*Jl*ds Prie^ iper BB'‘drod §40) 76 TUt. J 'CK MOHQAN 80r^&8TE«.. o«MBpUed byObpS- T * •*»* ^ •—»-»« ai'd s«atia»«*tai b»lkki-» ever pabliabeo Pn Uuiiircd Sf’O) 1 00. MOS.VEN AND LINDA, a t*le of a widiir’s ion, W « rare «a; raoy litie book. Pttoe ({1^ per hB&dred) 25 CANTWELL’S LAW PRACTICE, Second BUtioa, ooa*^ium all toe business forme exttinsiveiy used Free JO 'W S^tBEI MUSIC, a fuil aasartment of the pieces pub- iithoJ in f’’o 8o>uh. Pr'«e from 1 00 to 4 00. ni.kTloNBtiY of all ki^da, at moderate prieea FA.'VCV AHTIGUE.H generally. Tie UdU^l deiuct.asd raade to the Tr^e. Ta x;.- orler.ui? •- > oe seat per mail, must f^Tiit *0 extra on tne toi'ar to pay postage 5 n Out Put)l ,2V.'oiii ars n> be had at tae vriacipal Boar Stcrta tsrouf'oot tae caoatry. e.RAN4)’« * FARRAR, ^ Raleigk, N. O. s*«pt 17. ^ _ £. f3sr linporlant Facts IN UEaARD TO ^TUE “S.^UTklilAW HEPATIC rtJLL.S.** u..-} ji.-?j .*raa t- oi tue pcsi qa»bty of .M.-di- , ciuJ by I'^e dii.iwve^'ot, aow aa *gei Miuiatar of '.Q! Gospel, and s’c 8i?e ;j. Tut-y have bt.jn k.aown for yearfj and tested by !.buua»a !• 3 Five baadred persf^a are kaowa to have been aurw-l h tixaia 4 Taey are not t^.-oorjaaadaa by the proprietor for '^vsrytaing. btit only f i >njK%OBii vrhioh artsis fr-am di3- )rd«r4d 1 Yirt. 6 Dlreo-loaa aad oetiijijatea ac«oa.pany each box md tb^e o^r'iii are frijta ?oli Uiowa and most re peciat>ie iaiivirc'U tf. Coire3p'>nde»'ts reoommend them »s good f'>r L'» or Diseaje, i/'iiiia aal Frrera, Fnaamiaia, Jtu--^- nc''. Dyay-'pa'*^> Ui’ious Ftv_ri, Biiiaud Raeauaiisx Aormb, Broiso^iit.a, &o., 7. 8..rei*l ge’. titm‘ui *u».to that iro use of th^ee 4»jUlw 4i«m mn o/ froaa ^100 10 ^200; iaey *i-'' the ix-st fiiJitati«/u ut-ditioe ever v>f- 'ered to tkt pabuo. 8 Some Piiy8i>.i^’ia o/ the bi?j est 8i»ndicg prescribe i.em *0 tneif pfe.ieat^i *od hua-irets of baxes have • sen sold to rrg -ia* j ract:t:o»«era O D-inngiae »»at qa»rt.?r 2 83'* box»e havis b'^R 9j!d to Dfogi'isuj, oae ia S-'Uib Gu’olisa, ard one 'u Na/ta ' a'oaaa—aadS'Oietimi ago over 8.700 bolt's wtM 01 ered b'" Dra;gidt“ i:j 05' •ohu ia \?irg-0'a. Price, $45!> p-r grjd.* $53 p.? d..iaa, i& per box. For Sale fo Ifortfi f'Hfoilna fts Follwwft: CALEIVDAR FOR 1805. CG '■ G Q •-3 a H§ H CO >• SS O >. se a M JB o e ae *1 3 ►. ■> ► H OD o ► 9 ► H ► : : : H I : : JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 81 ' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 FEBRUARY.... r 1 S 4 .. —fi • 12 -_fL- 18 li'll it i?" ii 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH. 1 S 8 4 5 « 7 8 % 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 APRIL ' . 1 3 3 4 6 6 7 d 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 MAY 1 2 3 4 5 n 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNB 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 AUGUST 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER... - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 30 31 NOVEMBER.... 1 2 8 4 6 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1.0 %'r m.o £1. a 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 80 « DECEMi^ER.,.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 $>ale ot Bank ^tock. Having obtained a decree of Court to tbat ef** feet, 1 snail ‘'a Taesday the 7th day of February next, at 12 o’clock, at the Maiket House in Fiyetteville, expose to pablio sale, 10 Sharee et the Capital Stock of the Btnk of North Carolina. Terms made known day ot sale. J. T. WARDEN, Adai'r. - r. r./j 17. 2-tspd Persooa havi-^ , Cumberland are r t^Y of Cleric of the County Oouft, « ot Februtry next. ” Tax List Tasers, in particular, ar^ to fiU their claims for taking me Li8^8 ^ Clerk of the Coan^y Court, to be passe 1 u .»on ^ the Cvmmiotee ot Finance ou the Iss Monday in Fe'^raary next. Hy order of the Ooaimittea of Finance. Jau’y 19, 1865. FAYETTE Vllj£iB 9PTm SSSiTRJXCiS COMPiSI, Capital in Premium Noies amaa>its tc 1257,588 .ib C*sb Oil br.nd aid ‘tb{r te^at*. 5,077 3*» Total, t272,7«g le Tijc Ocmpi*jiy ^*va paid all lorfso;) promptly, and vavo sfsvar made an ajwessment'm their ■pv®ui5ua* notca. Total losiief paid, f'?». >^-3 Ovvioa»»; aSO. MiSWLL, Jffoaidettt D. A. 3-A?, Vico rrrs'ieat 1. A- MoMILLAN, !j«c y. Dtb»jto»8-. deury Luly, N. Tuiiitihaet H. L. Myrvter, 6. J. iliiw3*le, 6. T. Kawiey, Wm. MoLiorkk, Natbar A 8'ed~»*n, T. H L- tt''v;oli. A. W. S*ec- J. ■J. Or ja.. iioa J. G. c?a.-jv iiera, Jo an vJ^lLJut *aa 0. U. '■3fa^^-^n, fifc*i::”ag AgenU 0. E A. /*. J. U. a S.y.*'' ■•1VCifiat., •'* t jssns. Asheville, E J .\sion, AItieiua/ln, J M Hivinn, Ch«pel Hill. K b ^aunier8, i b^ihitte, J Nye l!uicnin*on, “ F S n»rr, Cllntfm, HubUard & M»»»«lev. (.'t»icurd. J Held, Enfj’td. J t.ihcn, J V \Vhitted jfc Uo, 'fjiyetitfviiie. N A Steilnian ic Oo fireen«b*)r(i , P imr Si Correil, I'okisbur')’, Lucas MiKwe, HalHax, J O’Brien, tieni'ersra, W yche l>>, .pxfagtoD, J P Httrosi o. AtM.'eaa, «.•:* itetii l.lii.uliil a. I’ ^^h•rrnll, I J liftoD, I Mor'iiD, VVn» WAliefiald, I rittklHim’, I IX'Qg, I llaleiab, Williaraa jt Uaywaod, 1 “ P F Pescud, I Rnekiagham, J P Nnrtb:im, I Haliatiuiy, Herdenou te. Bnnls, I “ Barlmnk fc Krtlla^har, I :?belby, R fruneberger, I Wa(ie«bom', W O Bennatt, 1 Wbltevillu, K Haynes, i Wilmliuton, Walker Meares, 1 “ H McL.iB, ' “ W fl Upuin. 'JBOROB W «.Wrt»nro' N C; 10.000 Pieces illew Mlnsic, JUST received, wui«a wJi be sent to any address w reoeipt of oar G^taloi^ae prioes. Wa^av8 now bcooms the SOLB AQENTS in NoC'li Qaroliaa, for Geo. Duaa k Co. of Richmoud. who are the targen madfinat ^odio Publu'iera in the South All orders to thi^m. from ^his 8taia. will b« filled at ,«r 6tore. —Oae b*if a£ to the Trade. /fpply ftir Catalugaee of Books, Music, dte. BBaSSON ft riR’AAR, R)t|«tf a. N 0. S»pi BAU^! BA>iSn—The ufe rior quality of the paper on which the Ob.'^erver has been printed of late, aad which is a great eye-sor** to as, is owing to the want of 6 siSdolout supply of goad ragd, and Um eon«equen^^ umiiy resor* to inferior materiali. We appeal fo ffio’ida ol the Ob?'»rvef at all aacossiWe points, ic x; una bring to i>wu ail the ra-T» ia«y '»« prt^^.rst. h^v'' ui2c ouraelvd^ to a.Ue«»d to the>r pnr ‘ia«:, .■>f M. «r8. Geo. W. i^il'ia'ns ,> C''.. * ■' ttt • tew»s of Mf. iliirphr, wili p*y 2% ce-.w far lb. fc«- % J. &AUI ft BOW8. I? IHciioiiiiry, .^■'dBRAOINl#' \ of AitUimatia, Fveviy Recioa- tsr r (-i.'H K«?pi»g, Fcrms. Ac. » fi J » V” J Ivost or iWislaid, i GBRTIFICATE, No 59, duted M..r»h IS'h, 1864 ^t*if'^u*d to S' by -Tahu W. Saadford, Depositary, at ti>M titce. for f IOjO, A per cent Ooafederste B^nds. Ssi'? ’-■» withoot or- - idors m»P*. ThiR is to )i hf.'va^ "‘I h*V5i «»iA vpolii ^uoB .n d le *>ns. O 2tt Vf - 8 ,T »'ip'icbtt (7* fi « A. C-VF‘^1*'^ t»7» »>, ^ pvjN ^ l'l> "s -f' •t •»: kor Bal" a: the oasKivr:! 2*»MXrtn)R!i. «»( vm i Bh»k Deeds fiar lele «t tins ofise. A ^ ii. 1 »p'> Ktmr P.iT' fr.-l'j 1- GOOU P1..1 -.iT’ON 09 iug s,b9’?t 100 acres of b»« K'i-l Oa tui prculaca is a larce DweUins Houm aadtilMr out builA* Im M. MeKAr. i^OTICK. By virtue ot an ordar of the Coauty Court of Harnett at D')3euiber Term ISGl, the su aeriber will atlead at the following t.mc^ aad pUccs in sai) o.iuaty, for the purpose ot collecting a s^'^cial Tax levied for tbe support of Solaiers’ families for the y ar 1885 At Mrs. CAmer jn’6 for John.sonvilie aad Ba.rbe- cu9 Dist fhurnday J in. 26 Turner's store Upper L Rircr, Friday J^n 27 “ BAer’s Star.*, Ste^Art’s erqck, Saturday, 26. “ Clomeat’.-* Store, Averasoor-i’ >t>oday, 30. “ R Turlington’s, G^ravo, Taa.iday, 31. R Matthew’s Mill, Neiil'i creek, Wednesday February I. Mrs. Arnald'8, Buckhorn and Hector’s creek, Thursday, 2d. AH 'Tax Payers are uu. ently roqaestcd to meet me at the times and places speciiied and pay, as the money is needed for the anove imponaat purpose. ' J. R. GRADY, Stx^ff. Jan’y 3. 2-3t 9itat« of \'ovli ^arolina, MONTQOMERf COUNTY.—In Eqoitt. Calvin J. Cojhran aad others, vs J. B. aqd G W. (Vjohran aad others. Petition fjr the sale of Land. It appearing to my saiidfaetion that J. B. C^oh- ran, G W. Coohran and the heirs ot P. J. Oooh- ran, deo’d, and the heirs of Terry Munroe, dec’d, wife of Archy Monroe, reside beyond the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered 'that pub- licanoQ be mado for six weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, noli^ng said defendants of tl\o.filing of this Petition, and that they be and appear at the next term of the Court of Equity to be held for the County of Montgomery, at the Court House in 'Eroy, on the l>i8t Monday in February next, then and there to answer this Petition, other' wise the same will be taken pro ooafjsio and hoard ex parte as to them. Witness, Elm’d J. Qaines, Olerk and Master in Equity for said oounty, at office in Troy. 2 6w E. J GAINES, C. M. E. • AVOJiTe. BALI*, FerwardiAgA Coai2iiss!oii !9dre!iAii$, WILL five on»o*^ doapatch to goodgooi ai^ned f (*teSflfl8k*ar-

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