'T-rSSOKsaaeapi THK fall 0^ iXDKT FISHKH. Tlie RJohmond rftpetB yestcrdij brouc:^t r ,u moa^ cTfrftc's trom vftskfp acoounta of t’ue Utj Thero is not a spot of eartn »buu th.. pioa- cTr.ftc s iroiu ; b«a not bean tora np by our Bheils I er»tio s on our ooset. We .naex all ol i» j,„-_-ttbentimberof VUled *nd wounie oopio ope tertst: — ADMIBAi. yORTB'»’- FRFLIMIIfART RFPO«T»- Flag s^hip Malv«h»» I . Off Fc.rt F'srn-r, N ,C-, J»a - Sir: —1 tdJ fionoi to intoris you th&t opsrsfioas havo b^en reauaied »gaioat the forH »t thi >ntr*no'> of 0«p« Fear river Sincn the firtl attack »’n place, and the subse.qacrt wjfn- drswjl of t^e troJr-P. I emplojed Ij , . ^ arsw4i t • t. /• V . * s' M'u I iw'-nr nr wl’ere nhp sp.'cs^an'’? 01 fillioi? the ships *rtth ammunitioa aart oo*« 1 diifiouUies 'Pe fai*d to cneoanter no oao cna coa- ■MtaeanBKMRSM i of terrifio «troggl9 and not Burpaseed by any of fort th#t do not know yet tbentimber of V'-lled »nd woun led by our ! firpjbutone 16lijclisuenalonppierced»b''TOb proof kilHnt; sixteen »ad vroandiofT !>everf;iy 25 ctPfri. th5 uif^a in I'Vrt Fisher thare were abo'.i* 500 ia ffce upjj'jr fort« >.od i rclivi •'.tu'jont 1 500i«Dnh’‘->a3chldo^u by ss:t*%i-''rrn I'jta ujoroine Si> tir, I beiiev'', s?s L»'*e oulv osotuved the g«- ri^oti of Fort Fi^^cr. I doa’t tbore e??r vf«8 a vr trif )«u^ j ‘Htcd to #uni* .•» ‘ert‘*ic bi»r^'/>T i fort ww more Acting MMter’s K-^mptoo wm »#dt on I D5«^BRFED TESIfL.'ITK ?RD’EEVTVfi? •bor# is oksrg« or a l*o»t |»lao»d »( U« i»«rvioe of i la ih« cr> FiH»t )e-t, fW * »»• fci jU«* Oen Tarry, tnd t»oiag icriisd bf c-»e of tba it*t j Tmji^rMrsmeat ilw;Iativ;-a» [Mr. i'aii'.i,'* Ttaal’i- to joip tba« io lb# aw-alr, u;t*r*it cka fari with i tion» p*ei.»'t &(, lute f*e»-io»J c»id» «p- A, r ^ rigbi Gea. Ourtia, acting as hia aid. lla r«5iro«cnt» i afs»r •t»‘i;'a dsd nci ntf -n tbat tba M8aultic|^ party «!ivaD«cd wtiU gsrriiau w«r» re|\:lTii^ *hc uwTai asaauit, a^d •*d 'j out eu«Medad—by ?aad'uiy ^wj,*urirg liieiyi* ifi a'iv« atu lu- 30 Si3ii at ti# »a!iy-port, inaaaia*; twtr ac,»iww» ! ja»a«*r la waica i loiidf!U wjlh flap#, ehootjnp' down («d dfivtae iT*»y r»o«*tiy .mo iu Uiaat’l’T •o#«cT,a.«t ba»k tti« •harpBbeot^m on tb«TMup«rta —in fasn j ».... ua nci M«cr.>:t »^d tkird resoiuuo .e getwiJi:, ^ •'«-. » o#>iv9 As «oon as it wa^ over I ^ot under way OQ the 13fh iiisi., and after fornaincf th» Tes:’cl> in rbref! lues, with ihe txaospjrta in oompany, i stes ue i jar Fort Fisber. Oa the m>rnin j: of the 13ih the flact toot .it^ pf*(ioa in three lines, c^isc ta the b.aoh. and the baat*^ w're seat at oooe to iiko off tne troops. These ^ere land^*d, witn ab'^ut 12 d»ye’ provis ions, at ab>nt 2 o’oljck P. M Tbis tinia K pnr- snei a dtff jreat plan in attackins: the r bcl worK*. I sf'nt 10 thr New Iro'pidfH. Coniiao'jure Rai- torJ, I-;idin> the Monitors Sd^sas, OAucaivias, Moo id '^)oil a.'d Mthjpao. At 7 3'J A M. th' f.irtd op ntd 0(1 them h3 tb’y »}'p’'04gb6J, b>*.c tb V q i'c’ly tf»"k iit> their oia p'^^tion'-’, riihir. 1,000 yar.i.>i cf Fiiher, aa*i w"en r;*»^y titey opsn-d thfir batienes fa Jbid w-'iv I tftmjit the f ne:ny to ongra >e the Moaror'^, tbat wo uo^ht see wh+t gUQ' th»y lud. aa'^ senng w’n 'r j t’l';' »««“, to ittsaaii'.ut tfieraobv o ii nr j. Q »t» a 9 )iric 1 ea r4a:e!n^Tt wiot oo batifooa the to.’f* ’^nd tf’e I'o.i?=i^ ’d aod M -a t irs It w s soon aj"ptrent that the iroo vwals h-d the beit rf i" Tr^ve-^e^ b jr n to dieapp'S’'. and t v; s >ut a ts a'ljte d’ Fo i Fi h r o -aity -riCtfd to laox vsTf dHapi'Jii ;c*d T.f’a vr^r- si’ nced OTO »f‘ r t:j? nth?r, a:id o W n ha>»vv «ij;- in tho8 utlion RO ;l utvsE j. ?.;•• tir >' thi^ not «' a i a'? it influted n*» din-io;} >1 n> ir Q vt'.oe.s. i'n y wra hit, thougi, 8 vsril ti;u s By w*y oi tho ene-jji t*’nt we bal aj-no sJie!! letc on bsnrii th^w*>icj ships aid I d«J uo: intioi rjtak* any uaf»ir tolc.»nti4Lr'5 of hiJi by usin^ the irou .Vfs^’ls hI ne, i ordjreJ lin j No 1 oa the pl'n Ud ry 0*pt. Alloa, of thi Brojklya; aad liaa Nj 2, lid oy 0)ui Triitoier, of the Color lio, t» g) aad at:a.3s tha bittericf'S. Tail doce in the haodsoaieBt m»aner. Not a m stake Wis ooai- mtttei eic^pt fi'i^g tji rapi'^iv, aad nia-ina; too majh sin k“ Toe h*avy life ot t'tie liriire res'ijis shat u,) tie eTcna*’’'^ gaas oi3", und &t“er fifiug tiU ilijr iirk ^hj wjoioj ve-=seli drojp’d oac to th ir * »3 !0-ig» l':i • and M n't r? m l ch-'i^’ pJi'i'Ti tiroi'i rae ni■'h^ S’ii r * ^hoV. n-i-r aii th n w^ro ui 100> vi^’U d oieaf th * 'fiuo i vitiii ~)J Sir I', a'l J ihe N’fi d >es n t tiro u .’'n a* tun. ibnk.-T.:. no 'ioa:>t, rbstl it a wi-ta of ptwivjr T ii fi ia^ tfi) a the fl er nll oc'.n ren«3 ai -o >a &9 MS bC'^ak ^?t, nvid bi kep^ ud a* long as tHe O'dianoj D.'partoiea': provid.*-* a** wtli shells aad .iuas Th^r.: is a perf'o' u-’ ier- stindtO:; D”'f .-ei jtja Torry aid mysdlf I s»3 noreisoa 'odou js Tif fsusoj-ja. Ta^ to*M wiii band'd ap 30>a. W i hi^e a rosneou ie torj-* ha led oi a strip ot liod #hic'x oar oavil ?a-9 cjraalt^teiy c)-nm*ad, a pUos of ditsnaa wntjj w>ul‘? oai )li Hi to hold ur» asiaiQit a vry ariny I s^ill rjpjrc to you b ■ ev^-ry opp I r.HVJ the n>iur to bi, ve y resjjj fali?, yjur obediao: Bervait, Da ii> D PoAT«a, Ajar Ai^i ral. U S FliqsHi? M\tiVB4N, Ip, 1»65 Sir: 1 0*7! (hj hju.* ..j iTfo'^i yoa c ill ifli? an enXran^ aad a fi>oiing ob tbr^a of the SI 'ynd* b?f r*' the gennai »tieatioa i^i tue ga**i* ^ .»on V94 di/fcc*d io Luesi. i’fao gaiUnt lenowt j csga^du lu tfaj boivi and na*ardo«« wcik w i'pr^fame^earr:opo»sec/.onofaUthofi;rc^,itue l42d New Vork. Tbm approa*ties were - • ■' ■ • '—' c->cdnct*d acv?ntific»My, aad tbay biiujj arjied with “nine ehooteja,** nwept down tkeir oppoaHut* *« they adtaaoed, who, harxng to sJop to io^d, were vin«ally disarmed. The't support# raakad ua aa noon aa ibo •*ai! ruiaa'^, »nd then o.jmuicaced uae oi tba *•- vfr«8t*rt inteata ihst th ■ w^r haa tufoiaaed f r the p j{ies/?ion of a Itsre. it apf>eared to hate bcc ii onnstrurtto l s*p3c;»l'y io* auch a coiitesi, »$ waa !iov •>rOa(rti»iiiia:, andfi avjh ol the IT^Oiouiids wr«i> eaocpsiai^'Gif fou^hi for anrt Biruggied over wit^ ■l«’..'T)erito partfYcranoe uud birascry, bnv,n ry th* a^eadkin^ p*rty and tac *arr:#ou Mcari.i "’nnnd vaa captnrcd, until i) ot *iie 17 weiO i»i nr po8''S!^ij'l, *»t 9 .I’oicok nfc-.Trht, wuen Ocm. Hii-tis, who ltd the a33M?itmt' UoiK.iaiuie i m»k;' one rae.ro «.a t>ui en’my, ard ii iliit fiik'd, t3 hold oa to tie baif tbafc ^a« in hi* pi 8 “HHiOii aalil tliO irioinicg. Ju:' 1 he \irv3 tb‘Ut to ux .i*t li*»e flTarga • wLttc il ir oy t o irsr tfjji, aovt j> ■fwt’-.'ikon X'- t u t tb • c.orre w.^ric. Ta j pn ■‘at^rj "^^e o st ■ 43“ pl'Cid m toe bomb proyis and kept uuitr ^ IS r.^ u irit f£.'s m ;rau)^, wuea tJiey Tf-.re • af a-jU 'lUUijeffcd, wi fi tnosa wtiO vsiar-d and 6a'*'‘.'’^;ajutiy reeaL.ti^reu, o~ir 1,800 i*>i v^tet aad lOO osBo'rs, iooiuvling Maj Gen. Wuit III /, th^ oojamander oi ad itio wors.i. on the o ne*. *-%d Bfig (iou. Lamb, tne ointuaud«}r oi Forf Fi. h’-', lioth ol whom a.-e *rou dud loos ot the a'uiy ia t iis s«3»aU and the r.u>8'qu'snf. c;nt.*8t for tiia pcaioesiwu ol ihe wirs n To ) \a killed Aod w'uudcd. The jC*U*nv‘jcn. Ourtis, Wtio aeaoiupa i^d Glen. lin-i*r, but wiio fort M a ‘V>i F 'rt Fiducr commiud-j tin m ail. It. is «o Ut-^ aow tb-»t I cau i^ro ;io:hii?i; more untjl in.'irning. I fc.u sir, ver_, rj p.-ctfu'-ij, jour obcJioat eetvpiic, D.A.VU) n. P?’lTKit, Hear Adaiiral. To Hon. Gid c«. SVeilea, S orei^fy ol iL^ Navy. .■«tW8PArB* AroOUNTii A f5i^ uor« Aia>''r?c g!v:psf a long «eeoiiut • f the aSiir, ioi.r-'Klus-s it d‘i f =U:>Wr: — - * •v\5.er ’ hretj d. ys of tb-^ moit foarliii a”d sta^- ft .'btTne ii t'lc* ?^ayd. or :4>iiif?rv 0Tp''ri't2C‘ W'*’’, I n'vn t -i.»r»tifi ■ ■.t'>’> ot aanonoc- iii^ ^ ’ it For^ Fi9^ '> ''■' -O c uip'licd to h'JC" fUT)^^w:tu ^1’ o r *s, s;^ t iw a I- *t ifi' U'ii.>u J.ow ll ti-jm tf’is Kfbdl -tr.-*: b>-‘l AX b 11 ‘ T siorm.n O rr vij orv i' :;!i i CO i thasirDnia' »i.i uja tDii nr A [ ia:or a • i Tro o ua. v cn Fii‘sv . a • ^r'^ c li '>• { ii;'h^ n • Ci.r I ock jti iru liaT niirht, a p .riotl vf .six y !i ll•■! 1 li I 0'^^’ io » oi t'.i T')it he th*3 a’» ■ 'h-.i I iV I - Wi-i IU s. b;j ) ;y aifa’r, tind if lUkV i>- oou »ted vvh th-?r clier ? n%3 ^eea .^ry;jr ^ ?q'i 1 to i' f ■ p *r i t >ac u 8 i^lt a *d s-tiobon r^ J-.? \"--e. Tf- : 1-at a s »!t w i?i ua 1' .m» t s fo.'c t 3 o’ ^l ick r. S la *y cttjn>oa;i, fc.’.' a lodg Tjont • ff .,1 d t j i s Wvst an-.il-> hi foe md’tiry T.^.' a; a lit or\ north aiJc by the naval b'icraJp wa.^ rrp”l3?d wir»i t.nrtul sKusihter, but it s rv»‘- •»3 an ini’'or ant d»v:r!io;», eaabliag ihe milir.sry to obt ',:a th ir ‘o..ti >ld. “T :3 Ggh*’ for th'i p>s3C8si''Ti of the fort la.-tsd !»ix hours, o:i »g a wan i-to h nd str-^gj;!'', eaoh ot th‘^9'vcutsan ’aouads uad embrasu'‘o3 haviag been eaptar^d ia e!icJ35aion, altJir djrcj cneoa itcri, io w'iiah he3at0Jib4 Oi de»d n'nd vTounl^i were aid Fd to those ch-it already lined rh i works from the ff c‘9 ■>♦ 'h i naval h'^inbir tiu at “^utfiie it t > «ay, by wiy oi pr*»'’a ’,-' to a^y ui-»rt> djtai; d ajjjant, tUa: tjo vr :h-t*.; I'-t;: the f)'t Tad bcsi »:ren-'‘henpd fin i r :alo o d t'> tr>*.Hle tT-j ifirrisu It bad .vt't (i n H rl'"'' t'lH It c'lii ^'t b? •av.-'t i-- '.■! nov u -mr pj*- «9 0), w tx-7 4 aiioi, 2i).»v> u»nf *ad7''0d-.d ;ai :ur ,au)^n '•w t '-di* ia 1 *.i a J b ' 0 ».'C F riv r. ^ri^s y b-fbr. th‘t-j fii' pir*it»i () t ck riaji-:t a'ld i c )tu- . !\iiv e’.v'iinii; is t i -eb *! mojIi. id u ;!i. j, au 1 s op j pi- tae O J ) e'.ia v ; t ic r-' j I had I- f: for i a- ,)orut ou ot iair\«f,o.'H ot war .^al fhs tipjr^ Oi j jo:c'> 1 t jf £.’• m ‘‘Oir iojoi tl '> r yt Ou £ lii; oms' is B.^w no r€4i r_i, aid r.a b? s:at to aii ii-liJi n ■ r li n >-»-•» ''t rri'b ?a rh’ v?i:h il T1 tK SaH'5 t*'0 :p Th > hid uv«i hjiiub*^'- aril nioi'tfd’ 1 by Bi'i.''.*, aul tbrf b*‘rty O Trb'rh ii- jr. for to. i- co.n laiid g 'Ci mi A^al 'al Pjrt aril 'rich »r JiCS W ;ich m>a3 li f 11 n ny Ujt, ^e hai nm ;i Jii wi'a thj irjj v6jj3!'J, vriic^i ^ -S’ ty . ,-ij Oi tha i . ■ i a' 1’ V,-!'!■, ji-'/a? llnih -iu. ■ 7 1 ;ii lii ti'jjm u« i >*tl Uli'n- •ojipsr.itaro, wi^n J B/ Jiio- ia> a ‘>i!p- Eye;/ j^aa w/.i iiili3a23l oy ;J )r jo^erci ^ita eari.*i hi Ua: th.y ly I tut .T ; tdiuj’i tj t»ei3^ ia;.ii w "ii t .iO: wrk Ot tr.c ’5 a Qit T-rry aai •nyxclf “irrai.;-.-! fjr :Ui aiui c. ai I i o ie->1 L 4JJ s*i.ors ia i rair ',^3 t> pj a t .e l',n V .-ii U. t.i' ii .jK yi 4’i il ijj.i ,;^ib % Oi'.a TO’ 13)1 . vyr, ^ II.J 'a.3 tr>ipi mi ie a 1 >i,'* a T u i I3J > i. ii uf :a^ I'/r I‘f ■ ll to 1-* aa »Ti ba; nj- vjra i’ijJiv ffjrthy of i b ''/r/ -:*ly. Aijui3‘J )f t'- Jodod )Ci 4 u > 1 in ^ ua:ii or ,.r!: r.’.3V »'i fj^aut ‘ Tii3 Viv/y .i,:a3rjts .so«inei t3 * in the and giorijis aa’crt* jsig Fj: R’vea day;» tad fmi lii--* bl »:fa iVjoi tb(i w sr, .'iving ma , 1 -J- -v-r-- u »yi ' 'r-Ui):si jfoir »'j i -uili bri.; ti in:;jal :.il 'i'**;'! s ” I’a'd IS f’dioar:! la t'le Aai^rioji and in otbsr pap rs by 03 am a;'t r o-tian de/jted to the t n h; o.5'*''sail -iaM )rs d >rmg T10 b.) n- i) id u- J , w i.o'i a :i j fc^>ri If ;d »q tlii li o 'u >0 i p’.peri i'b y p ‘fisii by and republnii 1 ajj iii-j .ift 1. / I ret.rrjd tj aoove aai in A i.u r P .rcjr’j roo a? ♦olioves: — lU^ NAVAL AoSAtJLT. Fro a h\ F>!-Oi tv; Saatiigo, 'fho ac- c.va^i'ii^d ta? ■i'-i;!' P’ tj iron the navy, 1 ■ v3:i ‘i 1 aar.iJaiir'H of ta3 r’pulso ot j-1.1 i' '.a ‘-’I I’-i: Ji^ th-'e,uU>^'an.'’i nn ier '•jmavai .dL- 'J>>o.'jTTIti u .i L S.lfrid^i aad '* ■’ '*al IJ u3irt:i'‘ vf. Cjaia.alcd Ji C.j O'.Wvii of '■110 aiiin-i c^rp? i’ljsi’ijt i »a 1 airia;;i,^ Ji roioutaz a p'lat ■‘’rjo ([•I'.'r.-u'i •»(■’ A aiuo if J n 113 t.*rt, wereop‘-n- ^ l u^ ,a ^ tb i a.id oa iui if tr.ai tw) '»t rhe -liibiisa C3, J»ii;l4u Kilt) tnaift p 'r-ioi ot t^; gifn- vT'tti 'nulcctj aad c )'i '• h !,7-: .» IS i i7 d d 3 )a i -Ml tbo p^r»r .'iaci, aai mo^oi -‘'a»* iO ;q. ^ TliJ^n'.s» ii- vinio~t Mm'i '. i’ up 1+3-00 lii »ji g=Jt laci tile ditoh, lu gectiag to iuo top 5 ajis-juoly .»* a> c^vir o- p'or'ioriin. •« a maraerm ti e of ijr jp- j I^a^ jjoaoiiiod t;» o^l*r re-ir^at, aid miaa rj. i’fiey hid plm ot „ portioa oi ib'^ ot i ^r ni/wnn.s cb3ve« t ^at ^;ro s.y.pt aw.y ia a jtjj ^ ,>iiy a^ >J 200 aa ier o^vei- Taey 0 .'Ol up ta3sfe>p^ ».'i/-o-;j ■ Xbe j v ,ri’‘iiili and ;r t x.^ • j1 >a jo h ti • lioy ro. r b'jdi'-4 le‘t »long •V -.1 woi iJoi, 00-; T3 atorjrIf ifd.s rfiom- .5!:at' I r.i ’ ;) rt t Oi 11 • •• fin,. t i . ' I , vi I ^ . My a "4 ii if roiio.y I *.atr-a'5j oa tU3 ujr;a- jfd -r, vjf 3 s:iii an ‘i'oatii, au'i ti \h -. >e .0 1, • t - tf r.!b'ii -i by n-'*' a b mj • :i .nui»-w v.u-. « [’iiQy aN t Killed % ja jibjr >1 4'Iiu •t'oii.aJj.l ta this jfiv-, w*i3 oit -i i;l3h. T 10^-5 w.v) To.Qii I- i a oover b-inind the pii-aJ’s, a'j'jac 200'g ! i.a b.i rovir,'.! into a!' sa id, aad tbi'’ p'>. ^3; d iti -ins^i/cs iroai tiie •’Oiieyd ib-t '(fr'-. j 3j-I, . 1/ p)ir3i lo 0 n. Aii-'i^ tir.j A’e-;^ F i, C * >' i>i :’zbt. h\-. qa raf, ot taj 3 iMsr-, Md ..H'ra, ,rnj m .jg Vn ■ ' W^u-.jabl li' cvcrjr -•■ j (litT CVSO ip3 a.t .T d* k. i] i U-. t;)j ot r-jo groaad. T ie loa iiei aad aioaitofo kept thfa'.v- | Vj j ;i'i bo ;.a or il -i ia hi .1 nr i-jiK-r log taeir bhdis ia»o the traverses not opcupud J -yis'i Lj . i'f .ruO a.;d L . L* Kior a-Cha^t ’^- by oa- Q-a, bi oooup-si S/ *h3 r-b.ds. In tvl.- or,, .u.i c; o - i , ;,l a r.tio Vi7oir'r.o.i Ixom traveM3 t^ . ..j , . . . fro:,WJ..ki, Uis,al«ra.ra aatU 10 | i^a.u d oa .disagreed witii in kbe opi'iau that tae j.tul • EOt ^e taken, led toe aMauls, and r pai'fu; 'Toafld onrer the eya. The umabsr of ga ’•* ')fkptar'*d ia tne f^rt «r,d »h- aijiOAQt wors, iimln^iaf t ie Do^tarirs un iieke’s island “ad laa M-jund, :a 72. Toey ffero i\i i’l g> ' * con’istioi, n 'O# ot ih-'ni b*!%(' ipia 1, 'f. »ug'i l4,of t se 17 oa me a«irch l*out wa.e .lii- ,-3'nared Tiie ri^rxorj of guns i-; rptjariti‘>li, c;abiT 'i *S *1! tU« uiO'i t* ar, narii.icfi yi ;a..n itSj are, incJuituar t 100 u>'iai»r Ar.n^irr jii^ gi«, ai#J-'td o-j a «olid ia\hj^ay vV'nea r n r^jia-la >*> fd CO am 3Te’:d ot d 0 c ock iu tSe ait.> n»orr, an i *- .£ »‘ao xl! ^'i-^s.siioa u ta3 urt wa-s aot oo.*:ac': u ic’i afiflr y o’oiooa ij ti-a €?eaut, a periol ot «>£ iiJT.a BO aa idcaoi tne fi.^r j«a'»»s of tne ha i I ro band eoooui'er may be* iii^giaod. Tlia/fjagbi a* niaa .^iver b^fo.e f ugat i’lio 5'ii jels Uavl'jg bd' q dtiv>afi ti'oin ans laoatd to au)t‘i.T, daaliy bu■f3odrt.d, at halt pa>': ^ >’clo’, waicn Wij the tiias of the Q et oUeer Wi> ajifd froii tae (ja^iaut vi.itora. RXPi^jSION 0/ TUB foar's Mi3AZI.XE. we v*3.’0 l.))ii;4i^ a: Fort F sacr *ia i -r fbe F rl-r*! flig a:ii dOiOg -ifor its dosfalall, a troaiendoui oapLMioa t j’k pU3;i>i Us v^'ry oea- tra, soa .diug loud .-r man tUe t)00Ln ot a 15-inch gau. A Toluioe oi smoki au 1 saad roja 6'J feet in the air, en/ji'p og aad aidiag froai view r^.e whole of tbii iaiaienid work for t.mr or rii/*. iiiiQu’e^. U wa4 apparent tae oag«3;ae hai jxpioded, a*>d taac it lamt havo Osen %03>npani- *i wi:h groat lorfs of Jita. W'e aJt^ridaraed chat tao dostrasiiou oi lite not less Lb»a 2U0. It wa8 joca-iioncd by the oarelo-wuo43 of s-;mo of • iie ooL>red t-oup!i, la aarryiag o*ndiaj iuto the ia..g\itiiC. A urgj oi oora laax ^!ni ■>t?en f-mn i b j'od ia a ni-g.a. ;,i. od ;.>ia 301. )roi sjidiera aai Ir^dy uui f.,.r tn-'ir b’aikfisfs, n >t knowing tnat it ai. ooaCAiaed a £ja or ui >ro ■jt powdor aaleraei.h rae meJi. fhs aaa- aor in waioa the tire was oai'numeatci caaaot, »to >ardo, ba kao-va, bu‘ i( isp'33U!U-j\i til..- ttierp P4' oMa loo^a p..,*djr 3i tho d'or, i.iu wiucb a 3^iT>i ir a '^i\.i 3lo evc.H, so soon rol- . ) 7ing oar gr-’at. jry. Ic vrs. U'si,>aOt ■ritij bj rrsuU or c.r io-!;aos'i, or rathvr tba liok of .c-.a.vlol.;! of tne pteij.».»3 of povyit^r io.sj *.-t oy cao tta.pijjt-ja 1 li*-ira is a*)>»ir ryjuuaifed, oedia6:i quitJ a n'ljibei' w.aadei. 'fa-* raagaZ;Oj r'^ac mploi’^d was ia thi very •i:-''re ot 'he jMrid:, aad i: has eooopou 0.1. tue w«r“.b to a gv'o.'.t d. p>b lor &ity tsec i»’ound, a.'id i 1 ied tj 110 djsj a'ioa taat loiga-i lu thid vast aionuiaaat of eaginjenng ability. GU.VSOAIS IV OAP£ JfKAA. Tuii (My^d.*y) ;uj-ni,ig 5 djubie-onder I'an- i»..a 3 wOiB 8 !a? iu J th ^ Oapfs Fjar Taeir li.'s otj..at wui bi t3 >^.'irab''«h a oase oa th-> nvor for 'he 1 ui.ig d H'lp J 1-3 for tha army and »Hr- -H)'*. A ‘•tn.li pier ih a're^ly tuere, and tsasivo vvid ijj a‘>iu.«l7 n » !> jilr,. - - •, ■ > a; :u ir .ifj- ior.j ! i w.*o VtJ.'e tlZ ( iri r fo 00 11 j -n ear in,;. ,, ^pp.,-s 11) ,?ieru/ ,,i. iriM'tTiji's for the maia b)l/ ot' t >.y^, la i o!f;,-ed a oiJii /.garo-i.^ rejisnacj t i ;rc, i>u I wiMi3-jijd ic all ivad tbi’iit t . nari jsi C3 ll J bivorajie ih jaisaait saeo3-iof«ii. ia tna,-anUiu^oar g dla3t 3ildiiri hai g;.aod a '>otbol i oa thj u »f«b>fdit ooraar of Sghtn ? li o>at3Stiii every imn of! a: ai4;fi% w 10 J h ! j j;fa! tid a^J iTjra a;g»tiled t3 me 11.w,. ^^pp d »»u!- tiro aad g-v; t’lcin ibr^a of thj hsarticj^t oioer.s I o/er h-satd. ‘“I 03?a tii3 caojt ta.-riuj straggle I C7er sa 7. wi:K vory laucb h^ri iajo!". Th i tro.)ps havoooverji thoaisolves with glo>*y, Gm. fcr."7 is my ui^al of a etddierand a Giaeral. O xr ope-'atsoas have been moii uar- n-OaiHiH, and I thiak the Qjnjral wi.i do the njiff the e.edit t) b\j th*»t tins time at least v?e sab-taatially iojared the fort a^ a dftfea.sive ;?ork. ion. Tciry aad onl? a few more traops than wc t.’ad OQ tha la^t oeaasion, when tito cneaiy had o.ly 150 men ia tbe w'orke. This time the wo-ki were fully mann-'d, sad 0)n;.a!ned iooufc b U tn n at tho time of tbe andault It is a matter of great r >gr 'i to *b3 to see my t diaot officers aid men so cut up, but i vf..^ an -.yiilinsr to ioc tne troops -j'sdertak’ tha captaro -if the works without t'lr^ n-vy’d hbariag 7?itij them t’^c p’;ril all wore nntious to und.^rgo, and yr- Bh .uld have b..,l tbj nonor ol uaeetiDjf oar bf uhcrs ia-arin ii the ?i,d tii.i jia^lorf* b 00 prop riy Buppof.r.f. Wc hwe lo.i abaat 2-Uni‘Ji.. u. kuUd a.d -^od^dcd, snd voon;rat itu k.i th'9e sOTif gal'ani litjSecr^. THp nnly p}^ “' d I bin unaoio t- inf.^ '1 .’i^'a in! >rai y u ji » fe-v h mr.-t ai^o. an-q «e/ere f-utu the dRsr.ul; i-jit -jf,, bad CO Ciuai icn fr.-ai tao cj m,’» O iu io i " No * u oau oo'jcoivo w'a. ^he a*my aod uavy hav^ I'.ie throug^t^ noh.eve this victory, wbiob pu^'the Ijeen oura ou Christmas day, with- Du. the .V-;, of a iuwa tucu. Thia ka» beek » daj t'i'jLii ‘Vaen Oo\ La'iio, 0" tbo tor% Wi3 olMjrvQil ;;;••> rcbd oiiimiado stiadmg oa oae ut tbc rarao-’rts, wit'a iiis sword dri.va aid ca^eri'? oa.kM lusa to re^3t the i isault of the miiir.ar /, he I’.v-lsi at him an I saw ht^fdU, apuarciUiy doad, but 03 ’^a^ f v^ad t«j be oio'taity wo-aadnd, nd ii uow ia ouf handd. Sev eral^ otiitTi al'HiO fed Utiiyr aij uae''."iiig ahots. i'ha? tiia naVii 4t0';uia ' ',>iriy riilod; not, bowavtif, trrou '.t aay wa^t ct iir^ivef? on the p:vv'ti ol tho eallHuSafjUoiyj, but owiag to tb.j faot that they had 10 uaarah over a Jevel, uaobatruct- cd beach without tha slig'itois nhcUer, and had rhas 001 eon*rat■'d upoa tieic vfie '^ao'rj {tower ot ihe ^ivrijou. I'fio »riO'uoat fcae H^as,given b/ Admir'il Porter lo the float 10 nhango their tire frij u Fort tv.sim.r ui the WAfr tjalterj«>i, the •vhoio g^rriioa riisfiai t) tho uofth''rn raruparta t> resist the a.t^aulLia'? party. Tiioy kac.v there ■^ore aoldiera uudjr co^'or in the woods, bar they thou The iMy v7crc to t>)ilo.v ur iu 37pp.)rt of tho u3val bnvnde. Ttiev ha.l no idea tlrat, w&ilat fe^infciag ta«,i ai'taulc ou the north siie, iha araut 'VM.Rpproatfbin>; oa ta3 vest dide. • f h • ot frt;? n9''ai b-ig\do we^’e not Icsfl rhtn 250 io kiib^d aud xoin Ijd. T-ie uu^absr *it of^oc^rs yo’ind' d i.-i oMpr.?ct^*»'o'tod. xm; MH/ITAitY As/\ULT. Wo eoild son fr »tn ti i i,ti; ti tle of what wiH «>iog oa of the f irt, iu M ttia.'s tbe 03is8t0nai gliuipd j oi tbe proiujgc'd ojnteHt 'trhiif^i had not close'* wbra darkooHs sft in, and oonld thea only be inferred liom tae daVhcj of the lansketry observable on the, ramputi uud ia the itttwioK «f the work. Cl Tie ti ‘/ .ssi>i.—-A ‘t'/.*,u.u ;i,> * bei3gratn tn tie NVorfc tj;;aid oi tao iJsu s^yj lhal rtiair’d •ni^iio'a was on:"* of pardy a piivate char- •i'3 or Tie pn-i .acjo.iei bi a ta ea r tlio r:>l>;j: iirjns Qo: oal/ reoivod taat be wia uudoratood to e >.no upon private bu ines'j, but reif.riotcd him io h > tran-=aoti>a t' -u3a baono^s 'xoli)kivciy. ftlr. iJiiir’s chief jbj >ou m gnag ti llicauioad was lo ^''.yjviv, ii poi-iuh, sjiao /nuable f.itJe deeds ah- itr..;.tt'd ffo:» hiS hoo;o by th ) rcbd.i dariag tho ^ti-d raid ag i 1-1 vV a-^iiiUf^toa. Some of t^.ese 3a • ftj W3i-e r.icJeered. T 1.3 Paiia ij'pHia I i|'i.'ref's cjrr3.^000den* s^ys has >}u his vj u-a he ea.ied upon ;h3 Pfa.->id.uit and sp-3at several houM. To a gentlcmaa wfio aidroasel hiua upon tbo aaoj jot, ho naiarkod taa-- ha had aa iT'ecvie# wiih Mr. J. Davis, but it was oijrdy saoh a one as ojuli tske phoo tte- tweea gcntle nea aid two oli fiioad.^,; that waat p4.jsed he woatd not uivalge t3 aay one at proaont (>«oept tne Prejidjnt; ibat hig expftdi^ioa wai •lignly qatisfaoiory, aad might b j kuowa ia proper Utp^prefatirm 0/ D-eam*^~SSfhsn a young lady droa-ns nt a uoli&a is botoiceas that sha iho.*ld in.staatly disooatiaua the une of tiiiht stayi, al.rays go war.aly and thiokly fih3i io’ wet weather. i'^ dicam of hre is a Kivfu th^it-^it yo?i are wias—you will see thtt the Ughfcj ia your houtie an' oa", bciora >ou t.'> to b-jd. To d-eam that yoar noie is red a‘ th?i tip, ia an intimation that you had betoor leave otf bi-andy and water. To dream of «?alking biiefuotod, douotw r jiu'-ney thit you will ta-kfl bootless. To dreaai of eggs, is a si^a taar yoa will dis- oov^r a marc’s nest. vVhen a fa'ihijiiablo lady dreams of a fiibcrt, it is a aigu that, her thcaghwi are runnicg upon f/ue ooioaei. ' If you dr:';ini of o'othes, it is a tv'-.irQing not to ^o (0 law. for by tho rule of cjutraritis you will Lie «uri; ot a ooT-suit. To droana tba yoa uce catiog, 13 03rcaia come true »t brealct-vs.. to 8'>rrow ejTi'^;3 paon euoogu wit^o.it d^'drond- enoyj it doe« u man no good to oarry aroaud a lightning rod tu uiiraot troabld. SKPARATB STATS ACTION. ! » long «od bJ^4y vbt bad b»»M broa- b; t r. ». Ti# K-ohtroad W iig Ih* *>Uow»»m j imphaDt r!*#.' ir r-iqt ’r.i i» rtply Ol th« Prc«)d«ttt to 8isn»l»ra pf | a •»»T#flrc;a mk; p, ,j. u O^'or^ia, on th.'lopio ancoaoe^d in i^e afK'c csp* J and aaottcr y ar t i-»o u»' *hr ( «.>n:- • !ti>nflab->- v* ,.j. ^r.\. i10KM0ND, Ya., if or. 17, 1¥64. i pro^r « thf: vie e ..i i‘ « ’.rrps T ) Hod. S«taior» gf Gr ot^ia—M csff. A.; r» {.rot. ^'-d w. uid o'ou> K Pf»a’t Seaata, 5f. L J M j a«'’9'din'i tio;-s’tn‘-g Qt •, Taw E. Lloyd, Frcd’k K- West, | v •j-.eaij't to vcnro-mp .,0 ^ ,*1'.'^ }i» B Naatoit; t b.# sf»*nf}c';jf-d, arrt su-.. j 1 . j i."* daoUrad taat, if HOT.? r*a»f b« crt -x.^rde* tti» | 0«R«l>»mea:—I anawerad bytoja^ram thj» *irk-j tcicu tb^n feyei; lc;a oi h - r\ peopit, iS df»'ry« cr ipiut^tiuiut.ion n^Oiil tris* j ii»g your of ll»h aast, aa racjan*i»>^d, t^d | a>taa««^ia' luat i««d to t»-'o ‘dflhrd lo «c t a vf! »vw r«»paff»f«ily o«mi>iy wt^h yoor di*>iir« tha 1 j A»sir, uidi«u. v r^..u ? >•. ‘. thinr* ii tir*ia to £;«»». /iit »1jd. Jet tns fov* ^ (konld '"Xpr*« my viawa cn tho aubjjot itj «fi?icii . ciijjl ,'‘1^* tho svp. L>.''i!i re j eva’afBt kifu'T' fija* i»;:il# t « all j yoa ’.rvit^ j»y attaacow ? i ■ o' " • S * . - ..y - v i thsii du‘.y, ihf psoj.!e uiUBl p»rciecS.fi ?io» | 1* forwarattm ic noa the raaol^’ia.Att^ i.nta^du-Mi I la it sanfr»«^'i Vt-r'‘fna wm»*« fr, r , offi»r»«ive auti ia»«ltttig auatea of »ha iav i i*loth« tfoa*e of RpnrcaantativM w» \.y ^ j 1, , *jr. ,t u ?>li. WvJj'it PR'.'l no ''•n« wa»i more oppose* to | 5ir. Siepapna, *f Hanoook, you atati^ »bi»i y*a 8r« | ni»o* chtV'j^i' *.■ •• or w^'Uid f'O further to rnt down any iinpfO'*er j not iueliaad to fator tha pacaage ct *l»na9 ,.-1 aay ai*ti vaco'^t.^ j &i-. .o; ai.d v; aoiio.'i by r goTftrt>nitnc fftwaraa ita tat i ^doilar reaolutiou#, oalioviDg theui 'o iiav'i « i-ij J d.,,'iti.a!3‘.trs.. 3 ■. t } -.r •' O, ■•> ■■. »i« bad obj**cted to ttia tfoond and ttird r^Boin-to or.-aU diviaiona auiontr o;4rK.»iT«*, *r),i v. ; C'hi.^^ tlai -W.-h. V\ tiona »» R t |r*T»aat)» to ;h'? orjsct ct tha -riite snd •trfogthen onr tM.t ri U(i^> .*ia b^ ra»r«?; i cf ^er rrafpujcnv ' . roaotatioaf, 's.'tlcb, aa he to *’*d tha . ^si?rt»d i^i Milled^evilla tbat I favor aa'jsi na.iC'S j after h*r;i,k io^oi^Uy i.dif>«it. d b, i ... ^ att'ation of Coajere.s l.' lie In 5 mper iiianrtr ic ^ u- th-s *arr. of the Sta»«i,^ a/.d wwuid b« 4 i 3Nia«« b««i , ' .ir svS •. Pf_-... . j whitih t«e iujj,.rft*-!‘m''ot la»f* c£e.jai."u, lu j *«»• (j*orfia caat h,!f infiaenc* ia ts-«i ; v’-.'^tja-. f W>i -»c Li - ^ ;d ?. v" I t-aii tio^w'>f pricuiiag r»jifi i>w tha thit 1 r**3 u ion Yonkind •rousrh to Bay that, if »*ia be true, j LoiiT^iac*. T--n. IL'j^’ncky, Miwonri! TIm the whole course of fche ./>»•»•'■'• trr«tga« , ^ r'j,’ it the ):aep»^e vf these or s:3:iar refio.'aU | vu tuj :1aL4a »' kul ^ .r-rL’iuar.fi m s.nd is ih;a and tfce pn'O'-dii-g oua weie h.r.ctiri-. j >^o»la 1- luo sh'j.. .eat dvtre© tid nr a*ii«t »o in wii*« ?is?.?r 'hcK; v btrs vf oiij •uf, fi» beJi> vtd th-’ iuttr i r ot lu« c^nat-Uus' »•* j i r-rtfit’g the Trsr to a f>ucc*jMfal aad Itaady at^MC. . W..11V r^i«;ai5? h. ra5eivts inai 5».'« ?;iii jcive'he* f.arn»st MKf baarty mp* >''Ph TiiJre?- f ?, H h-? a d.i nr. ^ i Hctt of t^a cor«^.;; ?i.:n. It drh are rtcei»J*l ) letur* eon my aordjal tkajik.^ f/n* th’ij "X> | fr:TB catitajr tboL > uiab«ir « l the St»Uis Of 0'>--fii»n'3e, blit afittr^ jia tbs* the»‘e | vi{«;:e i#ri«r-^i-»d io tboJc^uJt vaalii turriH' ■:'rn.ii 1C t^e awenivns wh}eb jtn ni«Hirr*; j uri;»fr.i>ft.;tpd, *«d st rjJjs t«u!il ;'.(>■ w.n!! be xuUervfd by tta «i .^e Ou Lia return to Coiu-.'Cf au-i »o.**!ru, •» loJTid uiuoh Muiita3*nt p-(*v«!iIiU'.; =n 1 iu* Bab_j .et ■d'iui.or »ji}trjt, no U ac m ^li c*' tite I*'-ot taflt ih? t»f.»{'.'« )i^J DCu --ittEv ur»-».r' . Ol i iLc la.v'J o t’ ..jjr**..**, i>.-L- -* !iis» oiu sR 'r.d I tfly bc'^a lijtued. Js-.: jtf’ji.'.' » ' f rt-.*c;Tci *a r ifft ■ f 'be uu'-thira ^■•t.ucrr' allowed. Mr O’*'iLi p'i' h- d’J i ot r f . to d. J. lia l’;e » r «rr,t3Lnr, but h« b' i. vod ti:» iuij.'-i.s.n'c ;■ *.w(i trrm v*ry ^ood—coaf'j'nt be i^ettrr. iir laVur* . *0'’, r.>*« v;ri.^ ng ou ol e''u^•r,u a-j 'r.;'o. cao- l:t’«>ni. ^oii'J iii'o.»'>rc c;;r«sii! re- ■>3lu*i''i»0 be hai {oepar-»d i d t'aesa’jcot (r-aii; g vorna t-i providti th '^ '.ry : L;;!»!it.? i:: u.a:tiiig iia- ire'»u«*nt t=h'uhl be j :i'ii'?:'.cd uj line aci im vri'ornj;n;, and th'it just eoa3^.;iu-aV>i.n bs t\kcn to uiiau ma ^ v^luft»^c»^, etc.) Oa taution of Mr. Arrd h, r’ro tnvth*r «>rr. siior#fi >D war p'?‘,.octd tul j’a. a^.'. r.vxt the 24t'f;,.at li M Ta the C'laciaas, ou Fiid-y. ilr. ilanw of DavidiOJ iatrodajcd cLc to ioi¥i.:a: ‘•vVV«r-*v.i, •£-* p:-ei-«a 6/h'e^i ; f leKifrUljoo by the Oou^iC^B oi tiifc cr”.* ty hliieb ih.' most opp.'-.?:. :T ; u.:i uns-a*, itui cr.ai u-ra •4.«vo Ir;- li j>\. cd 1 OJi i.vj^ 1 tiuiL'. by lii* \\>'r.3 itT‘sp.iaii Jit -'‘Q.4ir v b '■ in ‘■'t.,^vjur;, iv jatnekv, 'ind S of ’ :i i ~ :e vvrne ;• *1 d tVcm ' >« t-o/- iin* u ; li* U i-. d •ititee, baL i.-.'c a ■ j. tiiar M r;* ju;l r;•lo^^ ot ■n T ia Ifij .4 o’ !";r la-. ini^ . ;d . -r';- i j.i, iiufiia that you ifillalrcadf iRava tc-an by 11*'* tt. e na^'';5 fsC'>ni'-ft*ndattoaa a bo'y u* ca»> t'' g D3jt nf ,r,j sBoa«J «t(«sa|r8, wcloh | tiatots nodjtr 9utn oircuoiAta^o «? Vf^riou*. (.l«c •erations fu^g^at vh»n5*?lT^ ■>re avo no Cui-if.'.u .-II '\xyjn . ••'■id 0, t lu ■ ' o‘( "^'C^*, « ■ ^ aatf’ l:ol fcV'Ml rh CA’ t4. a .liiwh th.-/ j>vot-vi ■ ,r^ »*ii-''i no I'uo f)3’ T'*-' o^J_u fii liHb 6 ■ ) ; i' •■ 1; ) .. :.i 111 S- -M!' » -O ' .r. i‘ u ru'ra.-o 10 'I no I'uo p3. fii.i o^j^h c. 3u.-.u;r, ji. d “ of''ca», i.ri.K'i-, \ 01 t'u Ov.li J*-..1 i.'a ot iue v'..''f jiro/.a'iH tn-.c jjn ib ■ dtiUiU-;ds o:-any th.-ji Ij* '-7 ’. '■•'li d >t la tt.-d.-sev jriki !.er.ti.>n-, i ii3 t-ui‘ ia u;a n a Cjuvjn;i a 0 ’ a'l hj Co .iejer)*;tj S'ai.'B, to taio i;;;ij noaaid r-' la ututvid- ratsii.') f > ^ao uJU'tiuitiju a> liia s-ii I St^ite.. xu^il joaoifi-i su/josii g V. thu fi-ii w">.ci che-sid ictna i j.-ial ’j •'ad nh-' d u t:i'; * ani: nt?ui:nt3 to tiiC Coustitut u bv, fci:ret;d oti by :hc sail U •>jTcnt:Ou -votuu by S:ate.-.—md too *tne b« lat'li d uy L3iii4ia'.«i-’ of t?i> ,-.iif is of oh^ several tiUten, or by CjfiV:«atio » 1.1 iwtj- >iiir‘i» thcr-.-of—as tb-j ou'3 or t:;C o fior mol - y. fadlSjaiioii Oi..y bo jpj.a.ia j. thu ^-aeiai C.*a- veatii. a —tiicy saait t;>eQv.-.^;t','rward io{,Ji a pa’t >>f f-hi:* 0J'3'tii.aiioa. l>ac n> ota e ahiii, w;i‘. ,uc »rH«at, b:j depnrei 0} i^, ^ j la.. rcpr.con:.*ii.,.ij iU thj 8*50 413 ’’ Tfiere^o'o v^i. Tat* i;i.^ l oiat ad *t .3 t nru--ro.-» ,>n Oaii* »t*-. . bij iaswrucCei t* rta ao i»ad )nu^ ij i ’} I ;or t\ vr's, ca. ’ii ' i t)a lo.'t " ♦ he T'!*ople ol t-hi^ S'ato - .-.r::' :,a- iofi tA^—u, J • a-, tj uianlo i,sji oibio i 1 'Jonvt'ntioj, sliouid a major.ty ot tii-.a J - irc tn I ' 'Ua ' t •> (J) 1- >• R»-,re. , ; %;■ rit ..-V th io s>—■fo.* tno ru po 'J ot so a st‘e"':ti:)a if t j pr 71 *e fii r '1 *r *nta iv -a ol a i - .S i 3 >r S .f. a )•' ?o t'lH h«n*lH of tho on ji, lj vh.? V Ml *’ i >u not, hsv*> r*»ch»d you ainca tbe d*t« of yoar 1««- r, ib/kt I bxv* not ooateapiated ibr •«$ of any ■'"'f '»•.”•’'■«'■»■ its t!*ating for p^aoa ih«n that >*’ -oiis?.tid civ tlo Ov>iutitation of tha Oonfadarata ■ a. tt .u'khct«^ems ta tbc to be wfl! adapted to •’’ ; utp •?!“, and free froai tba irjaricna oonaa' js I that wfuld ioDow any other msa&a that f.av oceh ru;rp*6t^ Th* orjeation to faparate 8lata aetisn -whiah Totj nr-Fftnt iu yonr letter, appoart t.o b« ro oon> c uttiV' as to admit n* reply Tha laameKiiat* and in. vifr^h teudecoy ef auch iiatioot aetion by -aco ij ate is tu create diaaordant inat»«d of united ! u j*!o»^l6, to sa^gest to our enemies the posaibili- sy ot a di'*93lutiou ot th« 0«nf*deraay, wid to en ooaragt* theio, by ibe eae«tac!« of our diviaions, ‘:o "ore dc'er-ijined and aflited acaon a^iuat os. Th-y would readily adopt tbo falat» idaa tbat rotar- o; the S.j»i.e8 ot tbe Oonfederao/ are dibi ^os^d to abaridoh their aister 8tat*8 and make ■=f‘'^r.rats termsj of p«.aoe for tbeffiaelvcs; aiid if 'jjch ti sasr:o;oa, however naf. undtd, w=jre once er.t aa.lt iird attuag our cwn p.. pl«, it woiil« d'Stiuotivft ol tnat spirit of jx;att;sl eooxidence and M>Dport wbion torms our chief ru’i*tc« for iucc pa iu tU'i luaiKieLitDce of our • »4iite. \S -arst.' oot.d i; uppcaredto oiceo }uinr«oticat>ie,a i«trK bat enoopt ha* le*D raid to ju?t fy mt e«'PO,nBi.m tha\ th: T^ropofal of Beyarat*' Stst^ aciirn is nowit^, j«, pr*etio*ble, anti wilere Qv- proaorrt of t«» ccBi t‘'.fbalarce ita n aQifaUl irjuriou* uolb'«^usDa«t tv ih aausR of oa' oonrtry. Very refpectfaiiy, yrai^. 4e , ' JlM’EaKuK L>AY7a 'K*i rnnri-f itii, . ' '.aticit- L§t of Fart fuhfT nor tbc \soi$t rat! We hava haa ocj«»ion freqaently to rtict it ihi* ill f-»rtnna aever eoaces fiT-giy. Wl.r it vitea b gins, it M pretty •■’are to rnn its 0'jar*«. T*# only way to rapet it is wl'h ai> invibcii)i» ■e«, which muat, in the erd, tire it oyi. This “wfl hopo and believf onr {.c«pl^ »'e pttpsr^d t>'. do. It ia woiiderfal, indt’cd, that we h»v* h\i^ aaaport reniainicg; tbat f^e enemy, p^sp. Bnoh a fleet aE he hat* at et^uijuand, aod xt^ 1 aricf none nt til', bn t^id Tir,i Btfccp all of tb«m u'»or6 the aeoond year of tha I'^ar ltd be'^n brouvi,: 10 A olaaa. The Joes of Fort Fiaher involvr* nnppo*e, the atorping oi' tbo b]ock;;c Tn tu^re, we s*'fi!l v;,*' do muTt: I'ratft B ircpe Tbis wiil bf a gr»"'* i>; :c:iv -ci-i c* eertaiuly,) ut ii by n» rai'anB decidefi vhe q'->t.' -a ot indppcrdr«cPo o' fh’jng'^ti' j; Tl» on thopropoeal nf separata S.'4&s ac'ion «-irv'’vc '■ c l?ff> «.t i..r. tiih. r, a.-id tt oot.d i; uppcared to ojceo iuiMt*oiicaI>ie,ao j rvcry iu .u vo'^y.^ vo,.i t f any prcniiee ol good, that Igav'^ no hC'''d'0 ' Bu, it »’^n”f't fnmrf t c Ufcay e: ' r.s ih.5 ,po.at; oat upon its afopUsu hy cija-n.. I us> th; 5cU 1, :?hosr T.o.dtijQ and ability give weight to toe ex- 't^ if-tr " I i-^ it ? ti;>r: co*-c rc' si *n of their opinioi.ii, I was led t > a cer.oufc j '^'bfr tlijij^i. jiu* fcg. th^;r c M -'. -ration of theeut.j ct .Hy first imprca'io&ti ^ it all the bta cs el t.ha two h.>, ile icderatiors 1 Ohari.^toa (’onrier) cupf>ttt the ^ eat .-.nU a-o tomec.inL>av«=ti«,u..plamfnata:icha|„| S,air-; demoh^bed ibe S..is- 3r^:i.^s . u.cetmg csn uaiy take phco a/tcr n Kerecu.ent | r^w Oovrr..m.tit; .i-’d j 'if’io tfl-W rds *c> jp ]'ei tr, ’■■Mt. qii‘ii th ir I snr.p''S'^d canoscst b/ -hi t"'iblt'- asshutte 't vrne.riU- A'd 11 is as tius to- revcf-i'd hjf } fav;r.. *.>i,r if our arijjiea , - —..bar'vd, sl ».a. p.upiti T»tre ati!* on- nioa they wt’ve tj j cVferavict d fn r'eis^ y^ckt^e rnle over this ir.od, tbat tueh rult* -’.uld • ot b-' maintaiBea »y /irf’ fiun-^re'f th-^nsati'i y ink(€ soldierr! •jfl CO '.ho ticie, place and terms oc which they ar^ vj ni’ft. Now, withaut di*eussing the mco'tr. lit^cu-'h not trifling dtflieul i^fl, 0: ac-r«".rv: s. ti- tiaie ftud place, it is oortain that ths iSIaie/j wuula i never uonaent to a Ooavcntion without a previons ; >»ereeiucrit m to tha terms on meet. Tha proposed (Convention iam>t meet on tbo basis either tnat no State should, ag diiflt its . ^ own wiil, be bound bj iho decision of the Goa- ■^eu ion, or that it ahould be bo boond Bat, it il pUin that aa agrsemeot rn the basis that no 6vite shotiia ba b mnd, without its conscat, by w-’uld bo an ttie rcsuit ot the deliberations, .baadjnmen nr'-v-.d:'? i'i*^e rrc guit.oa 01 ihe inJepeodenoe of the sr'V- jj oa thi p^rc ot the N.>rth of its Oi coercion; would be an abeo- Tnirhble in irw/a. — The ht'nvy tumble i" goii during th3 iaat t,»w davj iia^ excit«?d no hrtic r»- tnark. Tji?fa aeo js to bo a C9inp{'*‘.e -e autios from tlif' panic which prevailed a foM«i\jht ago ia the rpr *ie markei Wc n&itrd ot s3veral 3on- Mderiblc sai''3 of roli at for*^y veotsrda/. and t.ht dcnuaad for st?rling exchange is now very elicii i at thirty —rAo« Met^'uru thirty ('i .yres^ai'tnal Dtt~.r*rrs-^ Wh'> tire In the iav, wc.3k .Vio. Oiu key ot Tenn oti r-. 'fiti JaW-i ct'i -0- 03 ■ ifo f^e i t‘->;r duri ig til . lOj or 1* j • > ■■■.i"nv. •'>? pc^'aj. ' *■! • I V ■ i,» ■ y (J ’ ’i'i ba: !u 1 h v: n y itsh r g i-s f"* ■'.'•f i I'liwri.o h *- i' ri', r - oi‘ !j 1 ijo.ii*? l'jr *tj ci.a'-.iju ,f o uring sac.i OoU •m ;''.d"-‘3;i 1 -.i th; ^,ud Uijo S-,aV.» ■vU ;.i c>j-3 i* • to ■‘i.l :3.*iVe..4, »ar..ii_r, .3. ito sjvirf-a'orv b''- i.ig iiio p-.aoiple 01 vftiioh N.>iai v>»-o.n ^ ;,i rlieothor •J. t.os w:;a irjv vn ’h ; F.‘ lonl U r od, hi Scit«.^3 ojtUj)ii»»ag :b^ S-'i,h'.-a- O-j lad.1.4’ a^r«3 kiio^ert!i!^iips and tiij C> ju»0'.® 'raj3 g t/*jfiiia-'at or.i7 t'tjir ; n^, aid to :titv iod t ;a>-S:rm ir Sj/.>-'t-, /, il „'jn3it.I Goav.a.ioa as.>eiii!>.„•], h^"? s . iii-a • »*^;j;iat‘' a »v.ih :1m -j )•> .\\iia at >; 'ii- Uaii'd s>r.->tc3, wi.h .Ui '3in 1 -^idi ii; Prr« 4ijnt or thi tJ ;ai3i;ir'‘:3 3..it.is t,ui s’l’ij ‘i* t; ;ho sn?43rai States ia tncii .SiJi»a:'aio 6;,ai3 Coa- /vjarioa-t ” Mr. 11 nes .s./oko at Icr-^ih I.j tci or of tho r(.8>- !>it ons. M>' Foii'ips luovoi ta?y oj p-iTrnd; '.ud ^Ik. PwC.‘Oa aa.tvjl to *, woica :fas do^e jy tlij vj:3 publi.ihji ia iiit, 0 u rv„r. ..d.’. S aitn a. Johaacoa iuufodacat a bill for a Oo-iv.ontioa, wiiioh was refor.cd to tao Jui ci»ry 'uairaittoo. Ifiu raai'ely toMijl ia 3 urattor, the aaai^} t.ha«. passvi iu 183J, ua i’.r w-aioh a 0 n- ventiou wai v'tid di.ra or taj nespl^. In tho vJ./inmins, oa SiCurday, .\i •. M^jGaliae a^sed Ijave 10 o>i*agj hia vot-j oa tha qaeati. a oi laying on the t*.blo (Mr Uaai:.s) r jsoiaiioT^ to call 3 ijren3r-ii Ooivsiitioa, froia tao Mogi'iv^ to the afRriJ'itivc, stadn^ iia hid not reflco.rd that to call a General G ;:«V-'ntiou, it was neoed^ivy to call StavC 0./av2i;tiou3, among thena oae i f tne .Stafe of Ntorth Oaroima, t» ^hioh he wis o^posjd. Mr. Fjwh said tie would no;; oo^cot, though ihi^king thu gentlem-.aS vo e aj it ujvv 3:0O'l wis la aooordanc.i with hss vievvs. For Jaaisti* he had takei ground agaiust 3 S..ato Gouvenliou laat ^u.umo4 a .d shovra iho diog3M o‘ s,'p -.rato State action, but thos-3 rosoluanns ;>ro7id3d for a (roae- -a.l Goavcntioa i * Wi’ie't, as said tao gontleman tVo a Oa?.-.Tcll, ( Vir Mc'J-^hoe) much jjoo i jui.ght; and licile evil eouid bj done fjar. Oald.?ell b lieved ^So resolutiouii right and prijper, but th night they hid aos bo3u fully un- dorst >od. Pr03Codi'ig to airjo ijs the n, he was oaUed to ord’r by Mr. Btxter. th^> ohiir smtaiu- iiig the te. h ii'i.*l j#oi:t5 r.;i.sod. Li»vo w»3 ihoo rr 1‘jted Mr. MoGrchee to elungi hifl voto, and Mwrs String, F-rlcias h.jd A -h >v?or'h, ab?e-at waen the vote was tr.ioa, w.-r.> atb^ved to recovd their-'i. Von-jressijnal Ad l-eai.—ThoOju'^ed-'rate Coa- gro^ahaspasfivi aresolati.m-ipj) »in:lngaj natco;u- "lUi- .fl to pteparo an aidresi to tho »»eojj‘e yf tne Go.ofederavi S ites, uss u-iu.' th'^ui of the uaalter- «bh> .laterfnivratioa of Goi,'res to ooatinu'’, vfith all ita ca rry, 110 strug.jte for i.id-p'adenoo i0 .7hioh we are engaged, and assn-iog tii’m of the final triumph, wfeiob, ia ita sjie-pn judgment, must cro>ra cui cffo-ts if we stand firm aad uaitod together, and wield our rtsouroca with strength and wudom. c,ril ccats-s of tile Ojalf;iera«yj woali be, itj a i vro 'd, 30 com^'leto a c''’to»5i;on of tb'd ri;.'il.t^al- n S3 i>t oar »»a3o that tbo n.o't visionary oanot -ip3 for B'ich an a,ire-min': in adoance of the .1 ■ •liug oi a Ooavcatioa. The oal/ other jusKi- i a Taa.tlntiou that iho Uommittoe on Kleatiotjs .1 b’.ki 01 ■'not*'iag is th-xt ea:h Slet2 snoald I^ nooa ♦he ftxpf' ti»»ncy of g-''o, h^tor j.3' nd, to be buuad by tae dcoisiou »t i d-’ci.ari^’g vao^at t: c sii»»8 ot such of tho mcai'jcrs nc Cou-f' t’’oa, and f-noH affrcciaont in out an- i ii.^n-'ft a^ ^av« f»hseo*ed thcm^OiV?s tr^oi j I o" i.f x >r:a ut Hubmis.doj to Nortn**rn d >n>iTUtn, i *'3 us wi h tie pnrpo'ie of aoc retiruing to a-i we w3-i kuow thaf la suon a G'Jhv^t;ti>,u \-;o aiioiiar^e ot their p'lbii'' d.iti *«i Adopn;d. » ll *ut'l oa •'Uuibfir-’d nearly T-M^) to one. Ua , , u » L ; 1.0 Tcr; -.Uresaol^ of .1,, sohem. pr.p.8«i. there- I, r'“" "/ * ‘ r ■' '»*?>' C',.- ■ rn-.-, ..V u, ■. uy u..t.ob w„.c>i cainM b. j ' ' ■* «.«er m,«. ol«. r..-o. I, uot !S. .m,.r*otic.t,l, „har.oKr of I f" c»ie nr .j .ot aopareatv ! pri^^on.’rs a ooa'?derab!e supply You will o-o-erv-ib't Heave crtirc?-out j aad cbthiug ea'otigh to iuraisb sng^/pstion tnat a convention of^ all the “^1 cnttre comma-. I Taoie wjrw, we belicV6, :5*^atci of Doth F^d^raiioas shouiJ be hold hy | ^ ^ oasT - e. ^ comint>a eo 83ut without any previous uadar-j OipEhirg and sho. s J uirf bfliiig bhirped taaiiog astothc 'ff'c^o- it^ HK^d’s anry, G.uo.aia Be*ur-garu .nu l>iet oa mvie>y to duba^e and puM rsaoiutions that Taylor ha*rri gone to t^o f oac aic w biuo tro it ij not tuppo>i‘d tuMt this c'n really bd thj lueaniag attai-neu i/> the propo- V b/ i’losj whoarf* ! five ia itaeupio*r, al boa^h ..a icsoiuiions to v-.hi'^h y a invire my attes-ti n L.d r - t l it toe ;u ictioo of such i eoavi-nlion \o';a b-i simply to propose a plan of pes6e, with tne ' onnent of tne t#o be lig-^re'»t(-; »-r, ia o‘hcT V • tl to act as uegoti»tora in i*»* peaco. r.his p-rt of the sohemc is not intelNgible to me L^ :;;e Coaventioa is oaly to bo fceld ivitn the con- 'Cn: cf thf- t^vo belligerents, chat co tsent cannot ba ''bfaidod without nogotiatioa. The plan then •VOill r-'^oive its3if iito a schome that the two governments s'lould negotiate an agreement for ae appnotment of negoaator^i to mtte propo'ala for treaty. le seema much more prompt and y>inple 10 n-'godate for peace at oao3 tbaa to ne- 'Oiiate for the j.pp}in:mrjnt of ne^'otiacors, who iro to laoet wituaut pow-?r to do anything but :u'»ks proposals. If the Gjvornmont of t^e United States is will ing to :n»ke peace, it will treat for peace ditectly. [t tin willing, i;^ w.li reffL^e to coaseat to tbe Con- veatioa ol* States The autiior of these resrduLions and ttioso who concur in hia views, app?ar to me to commit the radical error of anppos^Dg that tho ob^ta-ite to obtaiaing the posoo whioh we all de- ire, conH'Sts ia tho f^iffiuulty of finding proper ag-noii^ for negotiating, so that tha whole scope of tho r-?doltiiions ends i-* tso^hing but sug^'eatiog fchit }/ t;»e enemy will treat, the best aireuey vould be State dslegatus to a oonvcndoo; whereas tbo whole and oaly obstacle is that the eaemy /i?ill not treat as all, or «nt?rtaia any ether propo sition than that we ahould submit to their yoki>, itoknowledge that W3 are orimiaaU, and appeal to their mercy for pardon Alter til is statement of objections, it may ap pear auperliaous to add others of L-sh gravitv, but as you invite a full expre3->ion of my viev's, 1 will aid that history is replete with instanons of the iater;iiinab!o difScultiei and delays which attend t*ie attempt to negotiate on gr*at and oonflietiag iatorcste, whrn the parties to the negotiation are nu nerous. - If this haa bei>o tho oiae where tbe ,T>rtie3 ooiscssed fuM powers io co-’ciude atreatv, what can ^e hope from an assemblage of nego tiators from thi-^ty or forty States, who, in ttie midst of an eraip^ratiog warfare, are ,to meet vitbout pow-rr to ooajlude anythiag? In the history of oar ©"vn country we fimd thal, in a time of profound pcaoe, wften tho most cor dial broUieckood of ■nnrifirit aad vWm me rai'roia lo Oorinth has been repair^^d Ch arks'on f'ourier, 21*^. 'Sesign“d—Tuc faiiovic^^ ('ffii. rs «>f North n*»ralioa Ttoopi ^ave rpgig^ned: Lr R.D. Horton, (.'o 0, 7th regim»r.t; L‘- G iV. Park*r, Go. D, 14 h rcgiuient; Lt. 31. Charles, Go. C, 1st regi- m«iot. ! Deaths-—Mr oergoict A J. Steohuu recently diod, ia his fci'V^uty-fcii^uth yc.tr. His “CojumjD- tari. 8 Oa tho LiWi of iiaj'land" -and “Pieadines in Givii Actiona" are wd*l known ■*» udcfal law books. Bi.ibop Thomas C BrowT’clI, cf Oonnectiont, pn-siding Bis 10,0 of the Protestant Episoapai Ohaioh m Atnerioa, di >d his resideaoe la Hartford, CNjaneot’cut, 011 Friday morning, in the cighty-eixth year of h>s age. Tho London jmrnalj announce tha deoease 0/ Vrs Oarmiohacl Smyth, the mother of the lata Mr. Tha-jkeray Cure /or the iSmxU-Pox—Tne ^'oliowing pre- ecription is vouched for by the Eistport (''^e.) Sentinel, as a oare for the small-poz: “Give to the patient two t*ble spoonfuls of a mixture of hop yeast aad water, swestenrd wUb molasses, 87 as to be ptlafable, cqtial parts of eaoh, three times a day. Children under twcdve yfars ot «ge shotiJd take two tca^ipoonfuls three tim^s a day. D.et, boiled rioe and iXiilk, and toasted b^'cad moistened with water, and without butter Eat no meat. Give oatuip tea as often as th's pi^tinat ia thirsty. Give physio when necessary. If the above treatment is stric'tly followed oa marks ot small pox wUl remain.'' /*a*'e.—-Disiolve an ounce ot alum in a qaarl ot Warm water; when cold, add aa much flour as would make it tho coasistenoe of creim; then throw into it as much oowdered ro~->in a^ wiil stand on m shilling, ana t,wa or three olovesj b->il it fx) a consist?oo9, stirriu^ it all the time. Ii will kaep f«r twelve mentos, and when dry, muy be softened wich w.ater. “Married oaupies resemble a pair of dhe^rs,'' »»*yu Sidney Stnith. ‘*So j >iaed that they oaanot. be separated, ofte.i moving ia opp>s:\o 'iirsctions, yet always punisoing any one who aomjs betweeo them." -Tnia o&ear has b«M Ji' A '1 f il ■. H ANOfH h bent eiz y^eld n^ pf'mctl r^qijiriiis f'oui becauiP n> c€“Pi wi»h svhio- the time to t ry win ^K>» auvMUCLtl z it 9 ncc.ps jirica to (''^uoiu udl p Obser .iL’r oiusl this cuie, tt>;.re Th-? priL.; t!f i^2u fvr eii nioi ^i5 lur eii a longer period received nf'er ti rates, and in ex tarced ny m -i', tvav^' reason tu Jauuivry 26, 1 Thk SritiiT I recently ht ard e Bof’piia! ii: l».t return.d p it - n bumictf aaxietj the? u;ig.'t have tious to ll t y iDl fiicte^po^ ihtfi untvtr.ul They cauaoi nqc have nevc-r l.ioe are wiiiiiig i.- sy people. Anvihi tlon or e-. en as tors. These ttre M. ij. Wi)t..arf. o; just reinrr*»d Ik who f»ys: - il t is tf f t tb** ppiii' 'vbicb a enttiuiid'ti^' III to« i«tiv,i ; 11 > ill tb''r’2 d '.’ol. • V ftid* r.u- 3 woicU -I!'- aati*' have > '.’i rr- -s perfe t-j ; i- I me lai.Ud 01 riite pr'- •a :> ± p: llie No. a. >v,^- lar e •vrm'’-r ■' oatn of a n-' lb»t the I u!u r a lurjL^o niiu';-’■ *beni to jT'-t '>ui taro to t' e '• t»a!' t C'ol. ooCi’ It at Joni soii’o l^ii ■ privat*-a, lii; f^io an4, of tbat ali j^ pnrT, having ref{ i{6f ouceoti. .iS etaadard micunu healthy coadiiioi alter a- -*^er I a rood Iroui 1 uusl get D' thing but t to thee, il irf V. an fnd eincd tht others to diatrio Kicce the abov tu us tbe I’oliowin officer of our 0*1 .Me&'Th. Kd tur-> letieT rtjrtnilv ;i b k»ved - II wlio J>-en in ft f'Oui indep u:leti-3 . t’l •'oaft d Tale -.•'d . tfi’i wall- ■ a F' .1 and tiorwi t'ui 'iJJ the urdviiijT dt*v tlou O' our liui-> •Jo “It is Futiil iug. If t ; '^j'!i C'lm^t'iti I like c;j:nij I ' i H*. ib“ «; I't: f" terii(»ic liyi'J i>' i evt-ry pr V \ I tlie V’ '11 li. n'> n 'Tv* 1> h n*^ eiinc ®. 'd to «oii iuf\>; til • d r?a' t. (>iu ■; forth ft d !i '■■'■o '• ii:ii--'t>’ U ib ;r. do ( V ll owa uatirc u -uMi PRAKrK -AND opirion tt t'le 11 crate .'staitis uo ht»»e Ht ioast oai ucd Ecg -i'd Wo leriof lu bciobc , ijfnore lb ‘rn aa a rtiBasier h.ipp? (Janad'’, aa'i Fr trire would at, o trian io tiie wh )1 them, but t f eve iikewiie ShonJu policy of wron States,” us Lor them. Ibe-Ai i» Boaib b'il woul the U aited S‘ the op' ra'ioa. tbe Uaite J 8'a‘ the plainf-'t pno p.ik of avoiding at each pasill .n bet'n ui »de lb3 only safety for lies ia tb • :nie good feeiing '.*> been a’most, obi jagtice, taidy t All this see lieve it f^ually and Fraucr; a lion, even if f=u hie. Wfc look ’ a speedy cbao tious—a chaug eat among onr ot the yaiikeea nmph, at a mu expect. Tu* Mails c*:ption of tne fntire failart^ Py the NortJ, Raleiiih came ♦f later date place Muaua Yesterday of teJegrapliic wires have bpe patches doe f tuM of goiag

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