B1.10 liAWB iH4.rrKi> Feb’t ifi. 18H4. fs. . / r dLSW the 7 /I. ■ -••. rr ft ■>/ ‘ ' rtv u . A’ii.it 'he iji ,31, fihali be hliowei until tii I'urrtTf ■■ h'llders O' S«o 1‘^ 1 h»i nv SiAto aatt'S re-. fd i-ri . -tn !:.? •> * b-' .l^y I '- i'ry ttj ^n>7-'! oc-nt boniJ.s ol ih^ (y ' •. • a> jroaid oi ■r -»r T>.. (• t :v- I • :' y ••*-'>. •’• p.'a.*t> '.ritb fhi I'; Tt-'rivt c-r‘’in cl ■)anuary of c\jh au Hfo. ^he ‘l iKiit t H-'- tiw-ie l>e r^oeivihlo >n pi'^'ni'nt o*! ?'J ,'TiU' f IU-\J con*va'' ? ^ r •j-Tiljn.^ to ro’ uiNre th: iu ■' y •■i'ncsH, r forTti IK he Tn^‘’ 4 A .-i Sm-tj ify * »ji L ;a.i .i.-y aut i_' lai '.ay )i \piil 1^GI, cAfti ot tho to »u:nl he a autil the pcrioila »nd «ii r,h.> tile holder* of sH stir.h TreGsorv' DOtca ha.il be allosrcd to f.iri-i the S:\Jiv in r?!gi''' ter«d r>onis, u.%yAbio :iO jcars aftor shcir dart bearing interest af the rt^e of 1 c.cnt pe~ a» Qum, paya’'.’3 Jn c’^e lat of Jar:'?.i\7 and Jr.iy of S*n 2 ‘Th’ .-c: jr-irv 'ho Trea;^n"7 w h»'ret»' auth’nif.ri 4,0 us the bi ndj fuii'iin:; i’>r ir\ pro.«'''‘Uwsi i, *..1 irUiJ the t/i.'DUs c?.n t)p pr^*;* *r.-ii ht m-^v . n f'ortjSo’i'Ax to r tlif '• S:T'‘ i- ;; aud oprT.'ficaffc- ho rccviiv»t‘>c >-:» ot:t Kt- ;• 4st 10 lavaicr.t of all (r' vor~r' tis dnos div'' ^ j in the ^ear ex^cr-t exr*->rt nd inip';rt d- u j Sbc ;:5. Tliitt all Ti i'H^-i'iry p.o;oH of t?ie dftDoiai j n»t! in of 810u oot b-.'a-i»vT intere*t, wh>eh aiiuC | QOt be f>re.^enf'3d for hro ^r.g under tbe provi.^ions j of the ’.f ae‘.?iiip oJ t^is; shaM, from ar.'^ af*fr j tho l.-»t dny oi \pri! l'6i. cast >n'the .'1 i.-^siysipri ■ rivr.r. aou r»ie 1st day of dulv 1864, west ot t ic >^^vcK-b of Mjs-i-sMp ^'U^s! ’*■ iK*'H '^d sni.-^ n 'trg. if t,,.t HO prc.ieQ'sd a' that ria>o. ohaU, 'd-.’i^i'>T> t.o the t*i of o‘,i^ 'cn*» •;ip.’»iH-d u! ill*? !♦'> seirtion of this act, bf si*bjot' >^d ;o a tai nf \{) per nent T>er inontb un til s*'* p'-'8erjtt i; »* lii.'di r.ttrv'»' tn aai'i I w^iii-r-.p.T eiroub-ir»: l. anal .'iinli bo d0luct0ii .^oin tl\i' t*if5e of saiJ wh''at*'?rT prt'sr-nfe.i foT p-i’.-'acnt or for a'r; aai^ no' *s . l.aii not r»tj txch.iniioi.bl? iar ti r. c* w issae ot Trea sury »>rov’iucd for in thi.- '*r’t ■ Sko. 4 That on aU *ai;i T’*'’.'Mry not fuHcteJ v>r ai4f-d in pay'n -ut of tn'iJ's sf ib'- daies and pliwes preseril'cd in the 1st so-*’' !*'! nt chit act, thi're shall be i '^;e1 t ~.v: i dnte^ u'’.-] p1au«A a tax of .3^ i?ea*.s tor ev.—v >i;;,r m-'iuised cd the fact- ■>! -ii J uocos; n&id t:ui; a attach 11 s:dd actcs wficreyer cirouiated, and shall be ooliectad by dedacting the same at the treftsury, its deposi tories and tax oollectora, and by all Govern ment offioers reccivini^ the same whenever pre sented for payment or for txmding, or in payiucm of Government daeo, or for postage, or in ei- ehange for new notes, as hereinafter providod, and !»aid Trfasury notes aksU be fundable id bonds a- prorid.;d in the let Bection of this act, until the 1st dsy oi' J*caai>y IboS, at the rate of 63} ccnt^ on the doilarj aid it «naU b« the duty ol the Sec retary ot ibj Trearury, *t any time between tht 1st oi x\pril and the IhI of July, 1864, -^eet j- , the Mip.jiMippi river, and the 1st of January 1S65, j of ihe h to subitituta and ezchaugc new Troaiuij aote^ i:e at the rate sf 661 cents oa tlie del f Kftt aotod of the deDoiuInarion of ■ : L*e cs*»;rlcd to the privilege oi paid ■ i /urthn-, that the ri.jht to { ♦^o’der i bond • i rv«;i6ury aoLcxiy aftor the latdaj i by said aot. la hereby tafcta away: Arylr>‘'0~ \ . . T 7 i Lhat upon all su'^h Xretwcry notes i ^ snail be ■ »bj30t to . of 33» p«r cent at. «- «T or eltecte Ot fttiy aot eaamwat^ n ery doU. ptanjised o*> the face thereof, shid tax ! the precoding jiaragraph, between the ^mea to attach tr said rsot^w wherever oirtfnluted, and j nftiued thereiilj 10 per Cdnt.^ in addition to ■4aid noteh tr betutidable and rxchR^ Tf^ablp for aew I the tRX on encb profits as income, under tho J reftsury riotcn, as heicin provided, »ubji;Ot to | aforeeaM. i5ie deti.i- ’» c of said tn% •' ■ '-.'v :.r • •> 1 hr - 1.] h> f III. On the amount ot profit* exceeding }■■ M'j«/ , 05 pQt* een t, iMade during either of the years *'Y j iHt»? find 18(H, by any hank or hanking v”, I n ’V 1 iufiuranco, caual, navigation, im- q lfA?. i;,ie20 ! ex]>ortlng, telegraph, erpvess, • i ra:r»-oad, wannfacturing, dry dv)ck, or ftther ‘ irt ^ tock company of any desoription, whether (.•'^••’^orivted or not, iJ5 per cent on •^r :^h pTcePB. " The fo^hiwing exemptions from und«>r tjiia act shttli he alhmed, I ;i \ •o-\V'-d -V r ♦■{'. •' si.'f. rf •r'5 CO T.hr fr.T t^xario > \Vit; s~ ■ 't r- 0. . *1 _ li the 81 MJ i’ wy d-.f'd lid !* nv ft ot ~ ♦•’caty oi n •; r:ite / -x^-able 1st 0^ ^1. I’iop«rty uT each head of a family to tlje value of^500; and for each minor child ui’ the tirwily to the tiirtlwr viUnc of $100; and tor u.-4ch eon actnnlly engaged in the itrniv or u«ivv, or. who has died or been killed in the military or naval aemco, and I vv:-o waft & iuember of (he lann'ly when ho j pntarnd ♦ha p.ervice, to the furthor vfihiu of I $5! >0. i U- the widow of apy offiber. Thjii the 3ocre^ >ry of *he Tr'asi'ir hcvpV-y a-ithori v;,-’ti »«>o the " li , . . - it. t«i^^oMlifer, xHilor or marine, who may have ; • > : hV ^ Ktt'cni l^v per -,vr if?n’ r .an-II31. ' ’''It bv io b '■.'X'.' it, , ^ T d' tills a Ji ;: . ... '•« of n i'l'Tii; ’ ia ju *3i ■iriV' bli t.vtj vc’^r- ' .0= Ht: ti'.-' r ir- nt’ ttix , ■ ■ ■ \ii.il7r - ! i •-1 ••ndi'r.- .l Or; nndei i d V of y ; ■‘be Tr?ftoury. i >d ra’M e? «!•. li ext;tfpt I from tn3rr\ti.\a in £-rinc:pu’ i’-i*.i in - r-^^t 8rc. 15. The Sc«r.'t3”v cn ;hc Trotuury is ►u- 'borized to 'rcrra^'e th^ pvn': '“t' of •>i-oosiroi'''^ i-o HS TO tne't the r. .- hrn-.'rtj^ 0^ tlu? \ct. «(id v? th f’cw to ec •’' V II-.’*- of’^h ’; h.’nkr -* th» *• v- era! Stxti-»j aa 1'^ rj'av m cxpeuienr. Stso. 16. Tlie ”o«i;«t\ry ot the Trensury sh*!! forthwith advertise tltLi ao-v in sueh ncwspap .pabUshed in the acvaral Su.- m, and by su-oSi oil «t means as shall sv- 'arc pablieityj #nd th? Secretary of War »!>d the Socrctftry of »he Navy shall each eau.^e it to be ptiMished in g2>ie- ral order for the ’.«irbrTuatio>» of the army s‘'d utry. 8*0. 17 The 4^d !*e’tion of th.; act for the aaeeftsment atd ooiltetion of tsjces, jjrorcd May l«t 1 '^*3, i« hereby rercafed Hi..vl or Seen kille'! in th^i miliLary or naval --U vic», '-r whu’^o tliere ifl no widow, then o?' ho faiiiily, heiog minor children, to the of ■* Tr: ’’V.'uortv of every officer, floldier, -1 t»r marine, acl'inllj eiigajjud iu tli© !' ^'tar ■. or n*kvr.] pervice, !>rof ftuoh as have 0‘ .:ji -ahh-ri in euob service, to the valu*' i.f provide ’, that th.e alx>ve exemp iOi.g tfh. ■'! n> t aj ply to any f*eroon, wli.ibe j'r e.'A-lnRi, o of honeeliold foruiture, ehall hed'Sei; ed at a vithie exceeding t l IV. where ’.property hj,eb iujan^i .'r dt-st?' } ad uv tuvj ftiKimy, or thoov;* ri6r thereof huo he--n toniporarily dej[»riv€d ol’t};C asi or occupancy t!ierect’, or of tiie inea.3s of cnltivatiug the same, by reciaou of the preeeuce or the proximity of the enemy, the a«Geeament on stich pro}>erty may bo reduced, in proportion to the damago cus- taiPF-i by the owner, or the tax aa^.e6eod faerf'' n may l>e reduced in the same ratio by tho district collector, on eatinfactory evi- donM »ubinitt*5d to him by the owner or a^3- 6. That the taxea on proi»erty laid iK. Of conepiraciea, ot attempts to libsr ato prisoners of war held by ti*e Confederatw States. X. Of e^nupiracies, or avcempcs or ptepi^- ratioiia to aid the eaemr. XL Of peraone advielng ui*Ii;i.ulng .iae- to abandon the Confe’ -alci ax..: . or ' rc sist the Confederate BL^ces. or to- ^ .> t the en&mjr - Xn. Of uulawful’y. bnrmng, oeaL.'c/iT' • or injuring, or attempting to bui-y, de^truj or injure any bridge or rr.’’roiiJ, or tela grapliic line of eomiiiimi3i.i.U;i, or proi jrty with the Inlent of aiding the eno? *j. Xlil. Of treasonable des’gns to. ^.t>ipaii the military power of the Govern nio»u by deRtroying, oj attempting to deoirnj, - .eL or arms, or mnnitions of war, or ar^» lala | wh..n the?e per&on.=;_fihaIi have beon abiigned foundrias, worlcfciliops, or oihs’- ^roT>«‘ y o : to tJure duties as far as practicable, the l?*ie- tiie Ct>niederate Statea. ' old- at p.iiall assi^” detail to their perforni- Sec. 3. The President fh?.]] c'vur.a piopoi ! anco such hnxlics ;f troops, or iadividaals; officers to^Jrivostigr.te tbc-ca^’.os of all po'.s:>f! ; rM;.ii’cd to bo enrolled under the 5tb see 80 arrested, or dt‘Hi;io\l, in o.dor ili^t the' ' rion of thia act, as may be needed for the may be disch^jr^eu if i.nproj»o:ly detained. | dis- large of such duties: Provided, that unless they cau be epeedtly tVie-i ir tL^ lu« I y>oi ons between tho ages of 17 and IS shall sbivll b« liable to be placed ia «ervia« in ttie field for the war, as if he were between tho ag*)8 of 18 and 45. i^ec. 8. That hereafter the dntiot of prv v'ost s^nd • ospital guards and clertos, rnd of o>rkn, guards, agents, employee* or labor* ■ Ir. ‘he Comrai^eai^ and Quartermftfltef’e L ipar^.Tneate, in tiie Ordnance Borepu, and of lei’ 3 and employees of navy agenta, as ;;] ii: the execution of the‘enrollment ^ct, r.nd all siiallar duties, shall be performed by perrioiis v.ho are within the ages of 18 au'i do. years, a.;d who by tho report of a Board of army Eiirgoona shall b*» rej>orted ^he eourse of h;w. Sec. 3. Th*\t said, no mil't-; :lurii\g tho sufci'onsion a;ore- V or otliar oliicer shali be conipiilled, ii\ ruis v«r to any wr>t of habeas corpus, to appear in ptrson, or to return the body of any ])enj«n or peraouR detainee! by him, by tiie uathority of the PreEi'ient, Se ci'etnry of War, or t;»e Ocncrr.I ofilccr com- niandwjg tho Trann M^eainrippl dej.iartm^^nt: bnt upon the certiScale, under oath, of riirj otilcer having charge of any one so detained, that such- jterson is detained by him a prisoner for any or the causes herein beibre be a^eigncd to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act eball be so consi rued as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per- soxiB of Bcientiiic skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departments er bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As- ■iTstant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, ®r Navy or officer m Ssc 18 The S«cror:.ry of .h 'Prcasnry ifi ff" hcrcbj authorised a'ad requir:-!, u* .i the appli- Por .n;. -f J . : wi-' I «r of any call by tho P.r.4t sc>*l’.'>r. :.r ' ftot "n ^nnJin.v ;\Td {urlh.'i is-^ne cf’ proved ^farch ‘t'Sd 1S33, ^.s there.ift 'r d.^'med tc he, a h h—“i T •in,';*', r.he ^c>r 7 rotes, '•'•■.■‘red t'> b? to i^anc t~ riKjb ter^is provided the ■»P- .rr-r for i/ie CtV/i which ui-,*y rcaaain outstiading oa the 1st day of j ■ January iSo6, and which mskj not be e*3haneed ! V1071 de/’&Ticc f.ti^ypori of ^ooci'-ui;xe^xi. Con-r?" ■ V&. d. 1/ 1. ITl for a; # rit-ieury notes, as herein provided, a tax StAtes of Am ol ’00 per ijeat. is hereby imposoa. tion to tho turea lov's d Seg. 5 That aflsr the Srpt day cf April nfit, 1 taxei» f -r the C'-’tiim >-ie*' all aiitiionty heretotbre given to the Secreiary j tiin f+ovrrnmrT-;*^ :-f t’lr (\.*tr‘od r ’’a States.” the Treasary t« iisuo Troaaury notes phall be, and 1 apprr.-rd 24th r,f 'I r-o shall DC the Swrets’-y of | Icrio'h !'-• t' .■ p;--,-\sgr of is %ot, on the t e .taju^y my, after taat umo, issae itew ga])jn(>fg of tn\ati.'»n bereat>er mentionfid, 1 rcadU'"y notes, ia such rorm as 1x6 may rrescribe •. of ps.,-0 Titlf ,h» UnM ..id ne. i» J, I f‘P cori«> «.Oh. I.shl« there- ro be receivable in payment of all public dmn, i as loUow^, tO-Hit. exoent exjort and import dnties, to be is^ued in j prO{>orry, real, pfr e^ch-uge for old notes at the ra^ of 2 dollars of mixtid, of every fcnd and dawM .0- the new for 3 of the old issues, whether said old * hereinsfltir o.-:emT)ied or taxed »t a ratij. 5 ptw Provided. T^mt tiie di»y ot the pa-wage of this act, and bi ll ue and rdleoto;d on ths lt?t day of June next, 'r as soon alter ae practicst)le, allow- iiig in extension of ?^0 ar,ys We^t of tlm MiBBiPsi;:pi river Tltc additional Uaxes on inoomee or profita for tlie year 1S63, levic'J hy tliis act, shall be assoesed and collected forthwith; and the taxes on inc*:>me» or pro- fii.8 for the year 1 *^64, ehall l>e assesr.ed and collected according to the provisions of^ the tax and aw^meat acts of 1S63. 8ec. 7. So much of the tax aot of the 24th , Agents, or Provost M^irshal, -- specified, under tho authority aforesaid, fur- j the conscript service, who shall hereait^r ther proceediugn t»ndor the writ of habeas ! employ or retain in his employment arty corpn£ shall immediHtely cc^^ie and remain oereou in any of their said departments or »u§!K3uied so long as this act EbaU conti.iue j bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned^ in ibrce. i in the 8th sociidn of this act, in Tiolatjon 01 Bee. 4. This act sh-.Il continue in force for | the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction ninety days after the next mcetuig of Con- j thereof by a court-martial or military court, greta, and no longer. j be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any Vrr- j-ni r»rT r dooartmcnt or district commander, upon TxIL MlLlTARlf BILL. „roof bv the oath «f any credible person, of tiiis ConfodoratQ and 50, shall bo lU the militiiry the Coufedorate States for !he war. Sec. 2. That all the persona afor»j , _. , tweon tho ages of IS and 45, novr in taf rire, this sectitm, shall upon being duly convicted shall be retained during tho present war j thereof, bo discharged from the service, with the U. S., ii the 6;in;e rei'irngpt^, bat-, S^c. 10. That all laws granting exeinp- aotes be aurrondcrei for eicbaage by the holders I dliferor.r thereof, or be rcoeived into ’'h? Tr«--’r.rT nu'^er > from thn rvj the provi»’ion3 ot this aotj and the holders of the new Oi of tKo oid »:c e.-,, cxcepL liiose ef the denou-inati >n of 8100, after tliey arc roduccd to o-’niJ? %c tho dciliur by the :** alort^xd, .uay jonvci :hj^i!7ie :c:o o vii certidoale.* bsar^tiv'in-; terc.ti it fi? :tt ol 4 p.»r ct iit {»er »■( ^ji'a. ari ' pa. 'C.v ycir^i . .-;t a ru£!^(?3uoa or » uci.^j ; Jt I -dc Wi > ' •.;;f''d 'I’l !>^"H . r JonvcKiJ nr.: ae^ uci. s : 8*0. ) i wj L. ot tb-^ G.iv lirmnoat t x'*>:-;• L-r > -If-r .’o'’, S i-t *'' ^ of the irt.^;iiijr lo he, ■-‘by aut'iorjfu-i ro i.s?ne 6 I per ■- It. t; njB cc aa m -ot cico. -iia;; £ .0 ■ hi*, 4 i naiMn-i.s -if '■ >3 f*ri 5oip\j a~ i 1 j- 1 iJC-o.-i 4na.l be /rco u u.1;l • lor the of :nt^rc^i t^rcoL ih^ ent-re r.f>t i receipt-, uf *uy eaport dat? .'.eroafter lai-i on L, e 1 value ot^uy coiLja, tob^oco, and navai bior-^b. I wmoh dhad be cxportrd ironi the States ani h now Uii, J tax on tijy valn^ ' f pro'crty em ployed in agrlonh re ;:i's‘l be uSdticled ‘ lin id d^uivcfbd rherefro-ii, ! •-W imi>» .ei V ’In'* of rtie tr.x ae as=ies'^td nnde- deiiveri^^d t'> r*'-, Ti >t i>:- ere' ' )( ' r!;-' ; Vi . .iip •.t>r . it !'• if; h.- Contadon.r ■^pt, Ti -it in ad li I . ^ 1 • bv -.ft “to Kv I ® April 1863, as levies a tax on m- t'Cu -d ^‘C-ir’-y on 1property or effects on ' the amount or value of which a tax is levied by tliis act, and also the 1st section of suid act, are suspect*«d for the year 18t>4, and no estimated rout, hire or interest on pro- }*erty or credit'i here'n taxed ad valorem, ghail be sseesst^d or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 1863. Sbo 8. That t-c tax imposed by this act on bonds of th« Confederate States hereto fore iseued, shall in no caae exceed the in terost on the eatce, and each bonds, when held by or for minors or lunatics, shall be exempt from tlic tax in all cases where the ii5 tercet on tho »ame ahall not exceed $10l»U. -5g it^ and | An Art to »v.rp^nd the pnou^ijc 0/ Uce Writ i*r i.iud, j of Hahc'U C>rp>is i?» eei'tain'casofi. 5 j • Wliercas, the Oonstitution of the Confed- ! trnfe of America^rovidea in Article wir-.vt I i, Section y, Pax-agrnph 3, that “the i*r;vi- ■ , of the writ of ha'*8>i« corpus fihail iw {-!‘ ':'en,^‘d un . -i when in o>trie ot robei- ‘i; !J •" iiivj^^ion, the ^'ub-iic safotv li’r^v rtv eruTticn ai iny: Provid- d, tli'it c-'m par.ieG from 0: 0 State, organized against j 2. Tho Vice Procident of the Ccnfeder»te their consent, expressed at the time,^with ■ states, tbo members axid oSicora of C.*.T:gi‘e68 rejrnif:it3 or br.tt; ’jni» from another fc*tatt shall have the privilege of being transifarro'f to orgar.izations of trwns. in the ^i.'ie arn. of th 3 service, from the States in w!r ■•h ?i'id comnaniefj w 'U’O rait-?;d; I'.nd the ’O: -;i? r. fr^ :.i one rit>’t4->. in cor-^r'^ HnoiJ'ei-.Sri.-t, Bi.ai' be o^jire ir, a r to or^tinizui; -iif f:v r nwi, otuteG, tho r-a!i»e an i Oi tiic pcrv ' ^e. bto.S. Tiiiit a? U'lO '•)n of six moi-trie from the iir»t d.iy of Ap il a ’lou' - * iO r;?" r I. :n.1 w the vJ'*aied-^i'aio Get pr cf fha isiport daU3fj so {zi jcu tooi'eot ■tei aliy bs Q\>Of?.='ary to pay aanu,tily j;ue int-i-e-it, are hortt>j pled-ci: Prmiji, that he Uid .,u iinp.rt6 are iieiebj p;edyed ana bhull heicaf- rer be jaut la .rpt-oa, or in atemag ^sohanc'e. or in oour’*>!i'5 oJ uoa'iij. 7. Th-^ Le decretory of the Troa'ury is j bc-rui^y auinoi.iod, tru^n rijue tx> tiiucs as the j want3 01 tuc Tre.-w-iui-j ua^y reqaira it, to sell ox hypocficc^co tor fro^ary nvtes ^aid boatis, or any I part thci'ooi, ipon uic L,ost tenc^i bs cia, so a.s to meet appropnatiun. t;y and at Oit same | ame r..- ;u.5j ro.cnct the nt -Jia cirou- •atJof> m {r.j'^ar/ Q,iiei wi.-ia rv*conable and .'iiitH -ion )i f>uQ Ooa iad Ilk. •i‘ ver 1 i.u JO.fid j.u^');)nir;d oy the 6th eo- **•' ■ ■ i fr;;-i or .-iU- tio = uo ptii lif- ■ r .n/ T .;!oOtJ / u-.r ue t>jr aa;h other aaier mall t'e,;i.4uonH a.i cne oj uetary ct the frca^ury Euay pre.-anbe. ih >y saail bu lor ildd. a.id .^aail cogetaor wiu* the ouupon j inerijto attached, be iu 3U0U iorm and oi auviii aa.heatioauon a4 the boc retary cl the rreasury may preocribo; the ictere»t i »hall be payable haii yearly on the first of Jan’7 oreigu and July iQ each year; tne priaoipai »hail be pay able not leaa than 30 years troiu theix dato. Sso. 9. A.U oaii oertificates lih&ll be tuadable, and shall be taze^ in ail reapeots as is provided for the TrtJasury notes into which they aie oon- vertibie. If ooavartcd before the time £r jd tor taxing the Treasury notes, suoti oerrncatoa aha]> trom tnat timo bear interefit upon only 66i or>jt« for evc’-y dollar prooused upon their taoe, nad thail b-3 ro ieomable in new Treasury notes at •hat rate; out alter tho passage of this act no call oertificatcs dhaii be issued until after the first da7 ol April, I8t^l Sao. 10. Tliat if any t>ank of deposit shall jjive tts depositors the bon^ authorised by the firjt sootiou oa this aot^ in exohani^e for their deposits and dp«oifyiug the same on the boi»d« by -joruv; iistinc ^ or token, to be agreed upon with tiie '.-.o • -ary '* tha TreMury, than the io-1 ..litiUed to rc^io’79 ■»*i lui* rrey,.nry notos, ao »nd \ ^ ai .iie paasige ot jhi U:e va. . - prwontcd rh® jCi^i. .- :i» lu'iv. . iiild notes rj u^t iaiil ho:>>tt> jj>jT iworto**-. 8*i. ‘ I. thar a i 'I're ’?t» • ' ' 1 :• •’ jr, ,g puohc 'JujH, as ’.ble at pat n^idar tho 'a ’vt;i ->i t 8^. .--i; .at ^h*; pritj-i tt»p --v -r S-?r-. Oa the V- ho-i in a-iy h-’ axixH'tin,:', graph, eipi'C^-’., paiues, r-id •’u of every ki id. wc;.'.- h per ccitt. Tho vaiae jj.x, doction Biuiil b*» che market value •} n*?i '1 (Ix'rii, >';*d wh*5>‘tr. •"CfCiy ^ .1 • nw-rbiig - vi-* i: ’‘.e ->f ’} Itpd, eO.l, j. a :> ’1 tv>r >i! >n 'd ij'.ro.'i or int«!r- .’C; !•;' and w-^i'reds. the povr-ir “f ; i: tbu ; nviiyro of ^a’-i w.’t CiS reoo^-- ■' V .! , ■ i A- 1, ii> v>:-/v:d Swlo’y '■! ■ v/h;.;ii is the excliisivo jul-.'C I ; • oe- .n Ol' sucb Piupensiufi; ai d ' * • -n t- ij !.-ymion of the Oontrrer,8, tho i ’.r.fety rt the sn^’v^nsj ’•.; of s.',’'d 1 r r':.c existii.g case of the invasion oj thoca ii'ites by the artaios of the Qnit-od 03; and ‘■be Pro-sidont h;«j risked il tho writ of habcr** cor- trom tne ur*t a.iv 01 Ap 11 n-:" a lOO'’ y .y omphyed in the discharge of his I.- t 1“’^^ cent. Govei'ument bor-.'B- jrLl Jutiee; gnperintendents and phy- which the Secretary ot the ireaFurv 13 ho'-^- of af’ylums f->r the deaf and damb i)iind and of tiie insane; on^ editor for each newspaper being published at tiie tims by authoriced to iaM!e, shall bt uu d to eve ry m-n-c)mmiefiioned oflicer, 1*1 \Ac' -n an private who shall ttien bo in service, or n such employees as said edi the e>ent ol .n. ao‘\*'b prttviuU' to tii.j pcr. d ‘.jj. cjriity, on oath, U> be indispensable oi each payment, then to tiie person or per-) the publication of such newspaper; the 3 vvho wou.d Ixj entitled to r*?t;i ive oy la^r ’tuUlic printer of tho Cc-nfedorate and State (■ 'vermnente. and Euch j-oumeymen print- .r, .iae >-uid pr.blic printer shall certify, n ' a'l;, to bo indi^pansable to perform the ; p“i* in onr- skilled apothec:iry in ■ ‘ > j sto*-e, who was doing busi- 5ons the arreamgesof ids pay; but n* entitled ‘o tho be- ' p ^hall .at i!M»/ iurin:; tnt ; mouttia Ht-xt aft-r ^.ht ".u • ~- Ve aL>^ui li'-iii !i . - .1 =‘i. ^ proviaious, to be iteliveietl t»_) as aforesaid at eqnival£Dt rates. 3. Such person shall further bind him?, to sell the marketable surplus of provip^ and grain now on hand, and which he '-e raise from year to year while his es.em}> continues, to the Government or to tliv, iliee of soldiers, at pricca fixed by the C missioners of the State under the ment act: Provided, that aay rere^’-a > om]>ted ae afoies-\id, shall b« eiilitlcj , credit of 2-5 per cont. oh any nmouvi o;^ which ho rt:ay doMvor '.’sitliiu thre^ , . from the of this act: they, that por^oni? coming v/ithin t:. • siou?. of this tzerrption shall not be ]f of the benefit th--.re f by ''J'"'" u, , b-j€ii enr-':>l!f-'i -i-i'-; tbc lt;t day >4 £ t:', 4. In audition U/ the tortgOi;it7 t’-'/na, tLo {k-crett;.y of War, under rcxiiiion of the Prc»idont, m.iy 5xo:npt r.f tail Buch other jjersoas as be may be £ed ought to be exempt.^i on accou^u oj public necessity, and to insure the tion of grain and other p»ov:sionfl tbr ‘j,. army and the families o, noidier,. \U : ais:», njrant exemptiobs or detaile, on su^,^ terms as he may presCi^!»e, u> sue.h over seers, farmers or planters: ss he may r,e tat- isfiod tnoie U8eri>l u> tho countrv lu the piirsuits of agriculture than in rhe tary service: Provided, that such exenii.t’ Ki shall ceaoe whenever ti.e farinor, plaiiter c>- overaeer shall fail diligently to emidov it, good fwth, kid owa skill, capital anfj lai,.;), excliMively in the prodnctiou of grain and proviaions, to be sold to the Goverumeut aud the families of soldiers at prices not excw d iag (mb fixed at the time for like articles by S -, Jommiseioners of tho State the iniMrefesment act. 6. The president, treasurer, auditor aud superintendent of any rtiilroad cc ^1;. ■gaffed in transportation for the Govorumbnt, ana such officers and employees theioui 4: tiie president or superintendent eijuli ctrtifj on oath to be indispensable to the oiiicitDi operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted bv t» « act 00 any railroad shall not exce>-^d oir .‘.r son for each mile of such road iu actual Ubt for military transportation; and said e.-eiL,,^# sh»ii be reported by name and datcripno*} Wfta the names of any who have isft tht employment of said compacy, or who eeAse to be indispensable. r-. That nothing herein contained eb?vil Ci ol post coaches and hacks, tVonj military sei vice: Provided, that ali tho exemptii'fsf granted under tliis act shaii only ctmtiuaf whilst the per6or.fi exempted are actua!i» engaged in their respvictivo pursuit* 5r rsf cnpatioasL j ' aec. 11. ThAt c.ie Pre-id'.I't be, nrxi hv ii j hereby, aut^hori» d to detafU, uaier ad uin .»tia:;oa of thf Con-1 general rules and rcr'niatio)'- to bi "'.at'e Govi"'nmente. :»s th- ease I from tlio War Depsrt’^'icnt cftb^r ! between iZ a»'d 50 ye-..-. ■ ?.ce, r ^ r' ry T*-inlster of religion authoriied to \ army ia the field, ir. r-dl rr'.-^v \v. ’'? „ "'Uug to the rules of h.is church, I judgment, justic?., eqiiity and reci*'’r'*^^ i- . ' the passage ot this act, shall be i q^uire suc^ details, and be may revoke : iployed in the discharge of his order* of details whenever he fliinks pr- cj: Provided, that the power herein grantee r. tiie President to make details and ex*^. j tions shall not be construed to authorix ^ t exemption or detail of any contractor il>j fumishing supplies of any kind to the G ;7- ernmant, by reason of said contract, uniw^b the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify tliat the }H}T sonal services of such contractor are india prompt measures „ ., offence; and any commander as aforesaid e Secretary of War. and of the several State Iiegislature»i, and oUch otlu.r Confederate and Slate ofE-'or.^ as !!ie Prts dent, or the G^'ivenior of tha ro- =>voctiv-i r. 3tv;S, ti’.’.y oertifj to '/o necossa.^T Sec. -i. That j 'I'JUi t!t3 o •or»i i-N j 'yU-'’e3; and for the suf-pcm.. , bj;r.kTg compnuy or ; pus, «nd iniomjcil Congrens of conditions of imporlii g, I public dr.ngc** ^bich rcr.dar the ensponsjion of Uio writ a inerfciure proper for the public do;'.^jCe a.iraiu'tt invasion and insurrection; Hiin'ifHctari'ig, t« e- ana dry dfKik co n- .-1 A- held r-iti->Ott or i'. .u . .40 mou j/j hel-i abr ■ oj vC Ui'tr’w,. Uu upon ui'^n'»y a * '’obeotad c,- tilf , Wi-iiTO r^i .u .•i a/ life, ,t£» «i g'u j.y. p.irij - •irero^». iliu U-*1 .iKp...-' the sucOi'tie .,yi‘ per cu It. i. U’. on I if’ % JU / T rit,. SP'> *-1 i in d jjro of iefc: /-“o-. I rh® OfJKttO It iCtt.de in trade and '•’‘IKiWs: i'aal9 oy bnymg and sell- r*"'rs, ii'*ar, wu*j&t, c>rn, rice, or sa-up, =^alt, b^-.** n, pork, *fc,c© beer c;‘.rt?e, fsb^j ;p, oats, ha^, *>i.^er raw *: ies, r--*rGO??, laulea, biV)ts, RhoOb, -ott'.'U ■; ~'rns, Wt>uJ, woolon. co*- tOM O , •» - J w I Q-3 ti V.-«i;iO I 1 /t-*>'i>io-d &y if,v, "(JsO this a.:, ,,,,, J iMt, Md autil tau turst Oovjber 1864, w«.t ol ^iMitnppi tiT«t, Iraktllar tb«i 01 ullX^Mi - . iron, °t.' ina. lats, wo oai, iron, °t' ol ;.-r ■’aiia, ai any timd bd- tweea the l3t >f January 18S3, aud the 1st of Jtmrjiry IS55, 10 p^,r c^mt., in additio^i to tiio tax on quch p -oRt.' ?w incoino nnder UiO to Iny r co*^ii>.>on •.lofsm'ie. M'rrv on iedbra^i ap7>rovoci IJ. On all proiitiA tr-.lo by buying and «ill;;jt^monoy,goid,i* !v>j. .'0*^1^ exe‘viaste. •?ik oomp'au'os I u;>w, tiiecolbr^i, cor^vtsto.- or not, | i’ae C.iCgrotJi of the Confederate Statos of - ■ Amcr.;‘.a-Jr, on'ict^ Tuat during the prorfent tated under • JS | isv*.sHiou of ^he Confederate Sratofj, the priv- npo" ttj« o» ' of tJ*> of haboad corpus *>e, and ,r..pe*-ty in t •*. I Lhn^a nc; is hereby, su3j>«ndad; but snch sus- .Vv. u> r-r!cii our , ^hull apply ouiy to the caso3 of per- ■ I >! H i.: a. i, in r'lei! -o''" arreetod or detained by order of tho I ... . -f f J. ..^ , j^r^wi-’on-, Stjrots.ry of War, or the General ; > '■■'•^r comm}^ndi^g tho Trans-Mississippi ^ ■ ' J ' i'..=ry L);i^»artmeut, V>y tho av’thority and • ‘Iiu?!, j ujiaer the cn troi of the Pre«iident. It is »• f'ther corpo-j Loreby docUred that the pur|)0S9 of C)U- .1 iv ■ hud Ui)yn j ft-r»>i6 iu the passage of this act is to ^»rovide " ^ more efl’ectaaliy for tlie public safety by suspending the writ of habeas corpus in tho foilowiug oases and no othor: I. Of Lreaa-ja, or treasMi*ble eftbrts or TOmbinations to subvert the government of the Cmfederate States. U. Of omspiracie8 to overthrow the gov ern merit, or conspiracies to reaint the lawtul authority ot the Confederate Stateg. ILL Of combining to a^ist the enamy, or f)f coiriiwunicatln^ intelligence to tlie enemy, or him aid jiud comfort. IV. Ot conepiraci^ preparations and at- mptc to ’Uoitc stirviio insurrectioa. Of aeeertions or encooraging deser- tion^.of liarboring deserters, and (if attempts to avoid military service: Pr^ivided. That in case ot palpable wrong au-i oppreaaion br any Bubordmate officer upon any pai-ty who does not l^^ally owe military service, his Hp€irior officer shall grant prompt relief to unm^l ibe oppreaeel party, and the 3aU>rdia*te chEll be dismissed uom oflico. VI. Oi sploe and oih^ enuBsaries Qf the eaeua^. VI i. C)f h. 'd correapondeuce or inter- jwuroo with th 1 enemy, without aeoesslty, asd witi'.ou? thti ’wrmission tha Cfontede- V' J.l. Of unlawfal tri^it^ with the «r.0_ i oth^f offeuoes agninst tho laws of the ^.nount jrct >1 ou such ’■ > 06 '^nsy^-^iad aud iiO V i ui tiMBtoof at ’ p>|d. •t ii! solvent cre- ■ K i' 1 ;.vll other pa- ^reacy, .'.''.iut?'ye of non- V 'idor j; iraacary notf», % regi tjusinoss. m wi)ioa ^ titxed, 5 ■>o r-»'ot t*'e V^):i atocka, not^ debiB, eradit^ or obligations Um Oonfedarate States, aiutail to pronaat* '>/ authority of the Frwideat, without oruTkud,aadu/anbai>diM, proinr- th«v.>M«s>ii«lMm. i* k> ta ]odo«d ^ bj bik \ jr. ^ itrritj Wtio^e 1:0 ■ Li ^ * •jliiiU tluib*' . ii ; t-. - * ' . I ■ ; >r -K..n ^ -1 Provided, tu;,t no }» a*- , I -■•e e.% 3: ip'i ed on ai-(^t..u;u tf : i,* i:'. : ::iions and • > has paid u.c tax iciv. a to roiLev^ iiim I t.;u 9fcr\ iC0, feiuill bo I'uuuirod lo rciK'or mil: i«ry ; serviuo under tills act, j Sec. 6. That all white ir. rccidvr on the Confederate Sta-cs, bc:»t^ot;a. tiie a^ci • t j 17 aud l>f and-4-5 and 50 years, shall enn>ll j thomiielves at sucii times and placcs, and imddr S'ltb ro'otirtlion.-i, tho Pf'^'iidont nay prescribe, the ^ime sllov%'ed not bcin.^ than 30 dayis for tiiojio ca.-t, and 60 days tor tbocc weiit c-l tlio i’llicshsdpm river, .;nd jon ■srilo &h:iil f.i:i 20 10 enroll him self, without a reasonable cxcuiio therefor, CO bo judged of by tiie President, ahali be ^lact*d in a«rvic» iu the tield for the war, iu the same manner as tho.igii they wore be tween Jhe ages of 18 and i5: Provided, that the p«rsoud m.entioned in this section shali coaatituta a re*3erve for Stat;* deteuce and detail duty, nud shall uot oe required to Dorfoi ta fiervica out of tlie State in which they reside. iioc. o. Xaai all persoas rocjuired by the C>th sectioa of this act to enroll thejnsel'vo#, may within 30 dava after the' passage there- ol, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west ol said river, tbrm them-jolves into voluntary organijzations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their owa odicers; said orgaaizations t>y conform to tiie e.duting^laws; an:^ having so i>rganized, to .ender their services as volunteers dm*ing ciie war to the President; aud if such organ izations shall furnish proper master rolls, »s now organised, aud deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling.officer of their district, Yhich shall be equivalent to eiN-oUment, ttiey may be accepjtod as minute men for service m each State, but in no event to be taken out ot it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as rjefore provided; and may, by the President, l»o req'iired t,> ftS!r.a:»ble at coaveaieat pla ces 01 rendesTOua, and be formed or organ ised. into compauiiis. battalions and ••egi- mou^ anikr regulatioiia to be prescribed by Mm; and shall have the right to elect Eh^ oompanj and pegiinental oflloers; amd all troops orgaaiBcd undUr t!u.^ aot tor State dafeaca, shall be entitled, while in actn^l service, to th3 same pay and ailowan^o as U'oops aow io th» deld. S«c. T. That nny porsca who oh-U f.ill to fit tho pi&(je of r«nd &s r»qaired I ; OtU . ' op. ; u ■.'» 0 'f cc t.iies : c L. ;.'U; le 1>- r I, .l;r i.e ■' .cc tiio 10th day of Oct’r 1862, r.inned Pud ba-*iues8, without , r iace iiiat period; ail physi- ' «) ?e oi oO yoi-viis. who now are, ‘ : ( yoLwVi hi^ve been, in the t ;-:alar practice of their profes- ' ! e term phytucian shall not in- 1.1 li ]>re6iden.ta and teachers theological seminaries, acade- who have been regularly • -■.’oh tor two yc'ara next before o of tliis act: Provided, that the oneti: ot this exemption ehal! extend to riiose teachcrs only vrin^ce schools are oom- jsod ol -0 students or more. All superin- f, ;!’df .ts gf public hospitals, est?.bli8hed bv l iw I I’jre the parage of this act, and such paysi_iari3 and nurses therein aa such su- p. riat.cnJent^i shall ceetify, da oath, to be indispensable to tlie pr«>per and efficient ruanag-amen t thereof. 4-. There lihall l>e exempt wie person as owner or agriculturkt on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, aud were on the 1st day of Jau’y last, 15 able-bodied iield-hi'ind^ between the ages of 16 and 50 upoa the followiag conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be grantee in cases ia wliich there is no white msle adidt oa the farm or planta.tion not liable to miiitaxy sorvioe,^or unless the person claim iag the exemption was oa the 1st day of Jaa’y 18(^4, either the owaer and manager or overseer of said plantation, bat in no case shall more than one peraon be exempted for one farm or iilautation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ioa. m sach form, and with such secoritj, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prosc.abe, conditioned that he will de liver to tlw Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be deiignat.3d by the Secretary ol War, within 12 months next ensuii^ 100 jxnmdi of oaoon, or, at the election of the Gorem- nMnt, its ec^uivalent in pcH'k, and 100 |Im. of net bee! (said beof to be delivered oa ^9ot,) for each able-bodied sli^ve on said farm or pens&ble to the execution of said pot: truer,: Provided further, that wben any jnf>h '.wu tractor shall fail, diligently and laitniuliy, to proceed with the execution of such cva- tract, his exemption or detail snaii cenee. Sec. 12. That in appointing local b^ar l? of surgeons for the examination of pers'.'Dfc liable to military service, no member c ;ra- posing the same shali be appointed t'roui the county or enrolling district in which they are required to maks such examination. plantati>a, within the above said ages, whe- t.'ior lisid slaveys in tihe field or not, whioh ^aid bacon or {xwk and beef sfubU ^ paid for by t!io Oovernrii«Qt at the priees nztd by the Commissioners ot the State Tmdo* the iupressmont act: provided, that when the •j>arson thus oxiemptetl rthiil prodnne satin- h c4»)ry evidft-t'? tuit S«4ou im^*o««ihle rn, hv ..be ;»xorc;soot proper dibgeu«jo, fnrT,jth amonut of meat thus contr.a^- d for, vinJ lb.'^a aa ad^uate i*upply for tue rtubsi'^Hn.oo of tho>^ Uvlog on the a*id f&iuu. or plwitatioa, the Hcxrata'.y J Wir shall dir^ a commutation of the same, to the flKtaaAaf tv»4hif4alb«e»af iftgJcaimaiedHtr Post U£oe, Fayetieviiie, i\i. C...; OoTOBEa 8, 1&G.{. j Se/ttduU «/ th« Arrival and Dtpttrfurt ef tfit MmU v Mi- Ofice. &Al.t3IGH via AVfiaAai^OfcO’, *0. Arritea da^^y, exoepi £?untAjr, mi A. II. D;parU except Sator^y at t> P. RALBMtt Ti% SCAIMaaVlLiA Depu;« Tue >uuj' •- ^ ArtivcH Fria«.v Z l S> WAS3.V’’MbCIJ ^rUes dadjr dao3 •«. Sjuiaj, 5 P. M l/op*na at ;i P . M. CASTHAaB. Arriv^ Tuesday, Tiiarsday and Sauiruay at 7 P. M 0upans Manda;, aai ifrtdajr at i P^ M. CHKaAW, 8. C. ArriT«f I'umdTj, Tlin-Si*j and Satiirda/ at tf A SI. 3-Jid*y, 'Puaaday and Thu?sd»y %t 1 P. M. PAIR BLUFF »;* LDMREP.T JH. Amv*8 «nnlay, «V;da9iaa7 aid FrU^y «t 8 A. .M I>6i>art« M >ada/, WeUaoia*/ and Fr day at 1 P. Jtf. BOBBSON’a via ELIZA'BETHTOWN. DeparU .^c-u^ay, Wectneadaiy and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrivea Tueiday, thurdaj aad Saturday at 2 P. V. EL12,aBSTHT0WN vis TK^SISTF. ArriVM Moaday at 6 A. M. Departs Taa« imj at 6 A M. UAaNOLIA via GTP&B8S OBraX. Arrlvea Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs same day (Taoslay) at 2i P. U. 8WIFT ISLAND via MONTBOSS, (.X>VINXr>S P«#WBLIiTON. Arrivea Taesd^ at 6 P. M. Depiarta Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT 18L.\ND vta TIWIJT. Arrivea Tuesday at ti P. M. Departs Wedaesday at 11 A. U. All ntaila leaving bef'i Y[ , »r« closed ?!»« eveii iog bafore at 9 P. If. All lettarf to be teat off from ihis office, other i.han by maU, i>« i>a ^ .»r a* i* Mat by maiL AU drop laiiers saonld '•« pra-paid by 2 oeat stamps. ^ Tha offior will b« op«a »u Sao'*^a7 ^ M JA3. Q OOOK, P ^ TH£ AlXlJB PaiHEH, tlia LtHla S fzetjim supply a» ■ ;al» *» r ? TAT.ft • »*»'• THB IWOBTH MCTDAL UrK iSiSC&tai'S NOW ia the taath year «t soooesstui oftarautMi. With growiag capital and firmer kold upoa puwlia 00a- fldenee, ooatinaes te iaaure the lives oi all heaitky per sons from^4 to «fO years ef H{e, for ooe year, for anti* yen, aad for Kta—^1 life BBembwrs sttari«|( m the t>roflta Ail shiTe^ &roa 10 to 60 years ef ace are ioidiei te? e»6 year er for ive years for two thLrdd ihelr va'ue- lU towes are puaotually paid within 9^ lavs aftr" satisfaotcry proof ia presan*^. F&r ^2tiaer iaf''rmatMa «>he pubti4 is rer*^^! t* the Company ua all oartq 0 iji.% S^s^, •« E. K. SATTLZ. S-or^f’-.ry, I. J. HALB, Ajest M IMi. Bkak Wansst* fK mth kanm