wmm 8UBJTJ0ATI09 AND RIOOWSTRUOTIOH. From th« Biohtnond Sftttsn*L No wild#r hal'aoination •ould take potsMiion of the human mind than a b*lief that w# could ever a^in liv« with the yankeea on terlns of eiuality, or oomc under the same goTornment with them etcept as a eonquered people. DiflFerenoes of habit, sentiment and feeling, and diTe»^itie8 of interest, which wise legislation and conservative stiiteemaostiip might have reeonciled, have, under the counsels of madmen, fit to dittarln the peace of all the world, hardened into an enduring antag onism. Violent and ezclusiTe opinions at the North have borne their legitimate fruits. Foroe has been substituted for reason and all the healing arts of statesmanship. War has torn the two peoples asunder, and placed between them an ocean of* blood th^t will remain—^forever. For never can true reconcilement grow, 'where wounds of mortal hate have pieioed ao deep.' Let us not deceive ourselves in this matter. Eet no weak dreamer drug himself with the anodyne of recoostruotion, nor lay to his soul tke tattering hope that life would be tolerable without our in- depenuence. Mr. Lincoln has, indeed, vouchsafed to tSll us, that llie war will oeate when we lay down our arms. So the war ^'ceased’’ after the battle of Hastings; but the universal spoliation of property, the deprivation of all personal privileges, and the tolling of curfew bells, illustrated the object for which the war was undertaken, and kept long in memory the bitterness of tha^ peace by which it was followed. And so the war “ceased” when the followers of Monmouth laid down their arms. It was in the ‘‘peace” which followed subjugation that Jeffrey rode his bloody circuit and left a name of infamy which humanity blushes to own. And ao, too, the war “ceased” when the Poles, after their me notable struggle for independence at last yielded the oonteat; but for the conquered, the “peace” thus secured meant spoliation, mur der, torture, exile—a living death in the dreary miiios of Siberia! But worse than all this; worse than anything to be found on the darkest and th% saddest page of human history, would be that “peace” that lee should gain by abandoning our struggle for inde pendence and bowing the neck to our .enemies. Then Mr. Lincoln, in his own elegant phrase, would “run his eourta,” and through their in strumentality complete the work of robbery and spoliation and ruin. Not only will all our pro perty be swept frem us into the public coffers of the yankeet, or divided out in portions and rewards to a hireling soldiery, but judicial murders will be the order of the day. All the dark and ma lignant passions of a vindietive people—drunk with blood and ▼omitiDg orime—will be unleashtd upon us like bloodhounds upon their prey. Times will return again like those spoken of by Tacitus when he taya: “Men impelled by personal hate, and armed with terror, cjurried rapine and plurfdor in every direction. Virtue wai a source of cer* tain rain. The guilty acts of informers and their wages were alike detestable. Slaves were prae tised upon against their masters, and freedmen betrayed their patron?; th« ceremonies of religion were violated; the sea crowded with exiles, &nd rooks stained with the bloOd of murdered citiiens.” If any one shall think this a fanciful illustration of wUat would be our condition if subjugated, let him remember that our ene^qies have already de clared their murderous intentions in advance, and disgraced their statute book by laws whieh not only authorise, but require, what would result in soenes darker, sadder, more terrible and appalling, if possible, even than those described in the mournful page of the Roman historian They have done .these things in the 19th cen tury of the Ohristian era; and so far from a blush of shame, they glory in their infamy, and impa tiently long for the day when premeditated crime may take the form of rapacious and bloody frui tion. Men are seldom better than they paint themselves; and if they evidence such purposes when policy would counsel moderation and suggest concealment, what may we expect when there is no longer a motive for reserve, or a restraint upon rapaeity and revenge? Between reo3n^traotion aqd subja^tion there is no rcas'^-n why we sheald draw a distinction. It would be a distiaction without a difference. Lincoln has taken anxious pains to assure us of this. The only reconstruotioa, the only pcaee.he will allow, ie by submission. This is tubjugafton. The reconitruodon of 3:uthera dreamers, is not conceived of at the N;-rth. But even oould ws submit upon terms—which would not be allowed U3—such reconstruction would b? only subj-ig* tion in a fjrm doaroely re3poot»bls onja^H to oe calied a caeat Bo*i mean s avery t j tae N rf h —a liie wi;.iiOUt honor, iud a fu urD^w>fc ■ u'. ho. e The»e womlci be no practical noo bctwi;er; it and unqu.-ufiud s >u U jw vai.o tha how fjolish the. rriati cu reooacirruet, upoa any terms, a Union wbieh perished threugii rke bati faith of those whom we should ha-^e to crust u^air.I The s»orld knows how the foandations of the oid Union were sapped and deiitroyed by the moral and political heresy of a h'gh^r lava c^eed, whio^ derided the solemn obligations r f eov‘nanted faith. In pdities, brocen faith is the unpardonable sin whiah canooi:, must not, be forgiven. It is t r foundation oi all political association. Wihout it there can be no tranquility, nd safety. Charles I loet bis crown and his head because when hia royal word was solemnly given, it oould not be be lieved James II. lost his throne, because the honor, the interests, the liberties of Snglaod re quired new guaranties. And io, we withdrew mm the late Union, because, by the bad faith of those who now seek «r destruction, the ga»ran tics on whioh we relied for our seeurity beoame unavailing and worthless. Before the world, and ealling Heaven to wit ness, we hrtve solemnly declared, and impartial history will bear witness to the truth of the af firmation, that tne bad faith of our late poiitiec.1 associates destroyed our association with them. We eould no longer trust them, and hence were compelled to dissolve our political relations with tliem. Less than ever co^d we trust them now. We have uothicg that we ean do but maintun oar separate existence at all hoMrds, and to shrink from an assoeiation with them as we would shrink &om a ruin worse than death. Let us pledge oursekes, if need be, afresh to this resolve. Let us swear by the memory of our immortal dead, by th^sufferiagi o( the pii^t, and the hopes of the ftttuTe; our ravaged fields and ddsolated humes; by the tears and sorrows of widowhoed, »nd the erie*: of balpl^ss orphanage; by the blood of the s’ain that oalls t« ns tka froasd—^that we will never. Dever, have part or lot is aaj goTemtDrat, which in its every departnent—ezeeative, legislative aa1 ju- d oial—ie under «he coin asd ezelosive oontrol of those y ho mo offer u no gnaranty for the fnture, but the faith of the p»aU Tiiis is what manhood and 1 : rty rf^uire. This was the spirit that fred th« hearts ct these wb® fell so .eebiy at Theraopyl», •ad o.f taose ccn^nmd «o glcrioaelr al Mara- th9B And raeh u»o ihe spirit whieh detate4 the ever jnettcrable rejily of the herole Willian, ef Or- when, polflinfc hiaself npon the etntre ef Ids o>»E great eool, "he wleaaly dtolared before 0oii that h) woald aewr abandon hie ecsetrr how^rer detspe^ate her oai!‘j«; but wsnW d«f«nd her to the ia»t extr?niiy, ac i die in the Ir^t ditck W« have bo.t #ntoh this s?Int, to rt«onseTale OBrsal-ee to cur liberty, «d to fut fcon heart to heart IheBarz^ trn of d*T>^oa to our eonatry’s eause, r-nd we will, ^mast, be freel Let it be reaeabered. that t^e boon of liberty is nmitr de nied to those who are worthy of it—»nd they alone are worthy of it, who, in bci eaeveil oanee, are dotamined to do or die. It is «e written in the book of fate It is se recorded in tho hictorv of maiions. Itja so revealed in the providenooA of Goi, and proolaimed fa the noral Agenoiet wkioh sway the deeUoies of the world. THl OONTBDIBATI IT4TB8 KAVT. From the Blehmend SentineL The eircumstanoefl connected with omr naval enterpris(>, require a retieenoe that mantles much of the merit of our aehievements. These eirou» stances make of the Secretary of the Navy's re ports, a sealed book, and frequently subject all eonnected with the service te temporary obloquy. But the time of triumptiant explanation will eo»e some day. Meanwhile, thero are some things which may be now said, some fact« that onght to be mentioned, because they cac be wvfely mentioued. The total expenditure, on account of our navy, since the beginning of tku war, does not execed 88ip000,000 —or as much as it had coat the ene* my to Ifuild its condemned Monitors up to June, 1864. What have ue to show for this eumf In noble cSbrts, that the open hostility, if not the seorct perfidy, of Foreign powers have fnutratcd, we oould shew enough to do full credit to the whole amount. That, howeT-er, woiiid be profit less in sll except proof of glorious endeavor. But we lan show this: the destruetion ef*191 vessels, belonging to the enemy’s commerce. Th'it, for a direct blow dealt at the very vitals ef our foe, is muoh: there is muoh more within it and beyond it and because of it of an equally telling eharaoter. We have to be concise and cautious, but ssay be precise at the same time Take, then, a hur- riea re*ume of some partisalara to which we have gained access The steamer “Sumter,” under the gaPant Semmee, captured 17 vesseU in her cruise, from July 1861, t.o January 17, 1862 —8 ships, 5 brigs, 6 barks and 3 sohooners—for a half year’s work. Th« “Alabama,” under the same naval-her^, captured 63 vessels, from Sep tember 1863, ta January, 1864. The greater number of these were very valuable ships, and all but t of them were burnt at sea In the number is included the U. S gunboat “Hatter- as” (8 gunS; 108 men and 18 officers) which was sank, in open figbt, on the llth Jaaaary, 1863. To this list of the Alabama’s captures, have to be added 2 vessels brought by her tender, the Tus caloosa. One of her captures was subsequently ct>mmispioned as a cruiser under oir flag—as in the ease of ether captures by other eruisers. The steamer “Tallahassee,” under the ee«- mand of the intrepid Taylor Weod, eaptured if vessels, during the month of August, 1864 His dashing cruise along the American eoast, Northward, wu shorn of its risher fruits by the chilling courtesy ef the British authorities ia Nova deotia, o» whose uafnir condaet we had occasion to aaima>lvert, at the time. Of the ca]!»- turee made by .Commander Wood, 2 were ships, 4 brigs and 4 l)«rk8, the remainder being, for the most part, soa gMng and large tcanaged sskaemers. Only 5 of the whade number were beaded and 2 released, all the rest havisg been })acnt or scuttled. The “Chiekmauira,” under the .oemmind of John WilkinsoQ, who has no professional snperior in the »«rvioe, in a short cruise, last November, captured 7 vessels—1 ship, 4 baiics, and S scheon- ers TLe “Georgia,” in a few weeks, eapturcd and destroyed 7 ships and 2 barks. The “Flo rid a”—but enough of such details. Here are the shorter mathematical results of all: §8 shipe, 82 brigs, 41 barkd, 67 8c'*oonera—pilot boa^s and small* dteamerd “extra’’—all disposed ot at sea by a power whie'i: hw, pnpularij, ‘‘no navy.” T? estimate the value of these soa-captures let us strike an average. The “Jacob Bell” (one «f the most valuable) was set down aa worth, at least, S2,040,000, ship and cargo; tho “Orelea,” at proven value, $950,000; th^ “S‘nr of Peace” at $900,000; the “Anglo Saxon” at $85,000—others more and others less. Allow for the few bonded, and. tbcn draw a moderate average—«ay $500,000 for eaeh ship and carg), and you have about ^ $30,000,000 worth of property in ships destroyed at once The brig “fistella” waa valnad, au^*r mark, at $130,000; tho “Windward” at $44,000— sa7, for each bHg aad oargi, $50,000, and you have $1,600,000 addition^ Carrying out the great moderation of this estimate, set each bark down at $40,000 and each sehooner at $25,(TOO, (several of both were three times either amount,) and you have an aggregate of $34,605,000 des- troye'l, directly, by our navy. Is that nothing? Ask the New York Chamber of Cotfmeroe and take its doleful answer. But that is only as to the dirtct loaa inflicted. Hew are we to ^ive, or get, any approximste estimate of the indireet damage done to the enemy^s commerce? Only by indirect means, and we take these to,be such: *^n 1850 the aggresrats United States tonnage sold to foreigners wa? 13,467: in 1850 it was about the same; while, in 1863, it wa*! 1,500,000. This ^rvara tno “w lite Wishing” p^ooess, aad h*s mm? »h*n OQe liae of Ame'ijrm oLppers, unual y bailing fr ’'o N .vr o' Bo:>s n, or B^ltftn t-., 0 3ca as Liverp'H)! or London v ssfls. Has toat ohang' of no tale to t^*l for the littl • navy? Does It say aothing “eK>queatly well” for “indi- ect loss?” Bat, more: In 13B0 there was employed in the Uaitad States o jastiog trade (ded>ietiagthe South- ern ooast-3) an enrolledjand Ueersed ton'^age aqual to 406,978 (tons »nd 95th;) in 1840 this had augmented to 983,518^ ten ysars later it stood at 1,300,210; and ia 1860 it had swollen to the splendid proporrions of 1,735,863. What is it >ow? On yankce semi official authority, io 1863, it had dwindled d;)W2 to what it was in 1840. In gi/ing there dimini^fbing numbers the Shipping Journal ( Weymoutii, Bngland,) significant! j says: “Tne ravages of Confederate crui^en will soon have frightened the J'ederal eoasting trade into its narrow dimensions of 1880 ” Still more: The Now Bedford Standard, of a recent dat«, (ad quoted in the United States news of this journal on the 14th inat.,) tells us 'that, wheroaa the tonnage engaged in the whale fishing in 1846 was 230,218, it does not now reach 80,000 tons. In the first of thb set of figures we det«ct an under statement; f«r the official re- oor4s show that, in 1846, the American tonnage in the whale fishing was %39,5S0. It wotild not do to note the vastnees of the fall—its foroe had to be lightened To allow this fact it? Aill weight, we should remember that, in 1846, whale oil (sperm) sold at 60 cents—bow it sells, aocording to the above Bedford papar, at $1 95| a gallon; and bone that sold in 1846, at a dime a pound, now brings nearly. $2. To these self>r«asoning wal& add this most suggestive one: “The insurance on vessels trading with the States is alarming,series the Portland 0Mette, of September 21st, 1864. “None of us ean be blind enough not to see that oir own di' reo^ shipping interests are in a ruinoos condition, as well from the effects of exorbitant insurance as from the cowardly prudence of ship owners. “The poliay pursued at Lloyd's, whieh sets the example for insurance office, is an evil that may do us pennucnt harm it it is not at onoe oorrccted. ^'tween the poltroonery of ship own- erd, and Confederate priwotttra, oar shipping in terests WMM give way. At present we kojiw of few American ships, genuine American bottoms, except such as ea^ guns a)>oard. Is not this deplorablet” Very; but, we hope the eondition that has broaght it about, will increase daily, an* til only peace shall make room for other genuine Ameriean vesseb than gunboats. We have ezhaosted oir spaoe, bat bj no means the evidence, direct and indirect, which we oo)^d adduce in proof of tke pleasing fatt that oar liHle navy has been vehemently, yet, in some souse, noiselessly at work, wherever it oould aooomplish moet.^ The subject, with the attestations that pertauk to it, is one to whioh we shall iMar. TAAKBl RAlDiSM IS YIHttlAU. rat xn •MSETKB Fatutt*tili.i, N. C., Jan. 25, 1865. Measni E J. Hale k Sons: I reeeivW this mon inf a letter front a niece, living in Madison county, Ta, on the Upper Kapidaa, giving an sco«un.t i>f the doings of the y^nkeee in tuair late raid through that scction ^ The lady alluded to in mj niece’s letter, and who defended; herselt and premises fromyaukee intrusion, is well known to me Her hTisband belongs to tbe gallant Mos' by’s oommand I make some extracts which you are »t liberty ;o publish if you think proper. r Very reepeotfnlly, your ob’t serv’t, Wm a Banks. “Jan’y 10th, 1865.' * * * “We have had a very cold winter, aooorapanicd with a gre.at deal of snow and lOO, but this has not prevented the yankees visiting us They oame in a few. days before Christmas by way of Sperfyville and down the Robinson river, spreading desolation as they came. There is not a house in their track which was not plun- nlered by them. They carried off a great deal of clothing and bediolethlng with them and suoh at was not carried, off they tore up. Provisions and provender were destroyed, crockery broken, »nd knives, forks and spoons ei^ed away. Some wealthy families have not a change of clothing or a blanket to cover with. Every house at Mjtdison C. H. was robbed ex cept two, one belonging to Mr. E—■—, taken for headquarters, and the other was eousin C 's She armed herself with a pistol and stood in her door and dared them to enter, whioh challenge th«y thvnght it pradent to decline. Coiaiia S R - ■ has nothing left in her bouse. The yan kees took everything from her that they did not destroy. It was very cold tke night after the scamps left and she had to sit i»p by the fire. They emptied her beds and stirred ^em up with molasses and laapblaok. I oould not begin to tell you in tke short limits of a letter the damage they did in a week. They sent us word that they would jpay us a visit, but our Southern boys broke up their profratnme. « " • Chorfim.—Mamit, Jan. 26—Q-ov. Brown has called a meetiaf of tke Legislatarc here on Feb. 14, to finish up the business interrupted by the yankees at Milledgevillc. The Graad Ladies’ Baiaar in Columbia closed on Friday evening last. The affair was a great sucacss, netting, as ene of the Columbia papers hi^iii, something like a quarter of a millioa of dollars.—>CA«r^4oi» Mertury. in Iftm Tork.—la the Bateau of Military Statistics at Albany it is estimated that $$5,000,000 in loeal bounties was paid to volunteers in the State of New York during tke paat year. k ^ ' —" ■ ~ " ■—■■■ The iodependenoe of the Confederacy is to be aohitived more surely by the sheer force of en- dui^iaoe than by unything else, and even if w*j should fail to aooomplish it by the signal strokes of military fortune, it will be worked out at the last; and that maeh- mare speedily than is gener ally supposed, aiys the Richmond “Ecaminor,” by a simple eompetitioa of the real resolution of the South with a ooufidencc in the North, now bleated and swaggering, but really on the verge of the l-wt and &tal necessity. T^KB.ir UP, And to tii« J.U> of Daplia aoaoty, as a run away, a aegro m*a who saya hii tiiae is GEOdGfi, aad bslooga to Miss Bstiie Eogera of R^beaoa ooa&tT, N. U. Tha 6wo«r of «aid negro ii aotifled to eoae'forwatdv prove preperty, pay chargM aad take him away, other wise he will be dealt with as the law directs. JOHN jr uiNsaoH, sihir. KsMMMTiU*, Jaa’y 27. ' 5-7tpd 9«le of Bank Stock and other articles at Aaction. 0 H Tiesday the 7ta d»y of Jftfb anry «cjU, lU ,»e Marks: Hmxs* k* ih? T^wa j£ Y«7»!tevillc, »t IS dljec M., 1 will seii for 10 B'lMCte »f the 0«pU‘-l St«^ ef tbe link of ji^rth 0»roUna. 6 Shares of tbe Capital Sioek of ih'e Bink of ^iarsB- doa. 1 Stove with pip« ooni^leto; weigi*ts aad b>ksi ter ie«)«e, good as new; 1 or 2 eaUiog Koivee of ike beet patter>^s, and p^rh^fa other artiol^s W. DRlUaHOH. Aa:t’r. J^*y 25. ^ HLandifoine f^ilTcr Plated Ware AT AUCTION. 0'^ ThnTiiiiy luo 3-i v' 1963, will e»i4 *■ \ae«i£» 1 . Of ‘atif b' D.aiier s-^ of E t'li.A.Ili * SlwV‘tl W.\K,iJ, c.-}Sii:ng of ISA. »a^ i. £ k POT i* i.. ■A - Sujkr To..|a, . Vd i-. N • .41 ■ it:'-S'* j:«'J 11 Auei’r.- Tau’y '>•6 ' 4 2 Fayelt'vllie trseual aad Armory i M. Office / ?a7PJdAua 111 OB ai offij^ IO until ^ i-»/ of r o»a*rT IHft.'i, h" taj a«Uv*- - M iajh (:ai>3 aad la .^iuvh qa%aa;‘es as ^he Q iaritr .master tft*'- tcq-iiro, of oad liaaj'«i aad fifty o«>fis of ‘ 'AS WO *D, sai ’^andfed 3>rie of PIN ^ >0D Said WiOi lansi oouf->r n to the ati.ada"d maaanreoaeut, v.K tf*4x4. J d- MsQCWASf, 4 Gapt. ana A. A. «4. M. For ftent. AD£SIHiBi/E DiVflLLlNG in tha eenire «f town, coataiaing eigat large roons, with neeessiry oui- i.^see Aojf>;y to A. VFdlTJESSAD. Jan’y 2S.* . 4tf Fay^etteTille Cau€tle Factory. PB&SONd wiahiug64 have oaadles mouldel will pleaie leave their taliow wita A. M. OAMPBSLL. 'Jan'y2ft. 4-8tpd An Orerseer Wanted. 1WANI to eotpioy aa OV££t^siliK. fle au3t be clear of eon«cript, and aober, steady and attentive; ia wkom eo«a4eaoe ean b« plaood S«rlj »]^piioa- tion ia d«a rable. JAB. Q OO JK. Jan’y 26. 4 A Plano Wanted. I WANT to purohae« a €K>OD PI iMO. whieh I wUl pay for La Ooaf>daratt} money or tn eottan. lae eotton ’S in a eafe piaoe nai stay remain there nntil waateA^ JhB Q. COOK. Jan’y 3ft. 4 2t t§taperior Saljt* ON oaasignmeni, nnd for aale or bart>-)r for earn er baeon, at the o^ee of SfOOBB h O&SHWELL. Jan'y 96. 4-lmpd TB* IHBilTB ASYLUM OF KUaTtf f'ABOLIlSA. From the report of the accomplisoed Superin tendent of the Insane Asylum we cull^om* facta. On the 31st of October, ^862, there ware i> the Asylum 195 patientx Since tl at time there have been admitted 81. There are now ia the inttitu ion 180, of whom 96 are males. Of tks 96 dfschatgcd or died within the Isst two years, 28. were recovered, and 48 died. The large nrm- ber of deaths was caused by the extraordinary prevalence of diseases of a Typhoid type. A nnm- ber of admifisions have been made from the army, and it is stated that the proper authorities are taking the necessary steps to establish in this. State an Asylum for the insane soldiers of all the States. Of the 276 patients und^'r treatment within the last two years, it is noticeable thatalarge msjority, 161. are unmarried. 21 widows we reported in sane, while only S widowers aro fouad in thatmn- fortunate »tate. The followin^r table will show the forms of in sanity under which the patien'.s suffered: Mania, 176 Dementia, 13 Epilepsy, ^17 Imbeo lity, S3 Melancholy, 9 Suicidal, S Puerperal, 1 Homicidal, S The causes of insanity have been various, and su^gest^ sad reflections to a thougktful mind. We notice disarpointment in love, los.i of hus bands, (not of wivesy) of property, of parent^ of friends, of children, jesloQsy, pecuniary difficul ties, hard study, use of opium, intemperance, dis ease, and as we feared, no less than sixteen have been deprived cf reason by thb wab. Among the coavtle^s evib of this-great strife, our noble Asylum is ttruggling to alleviate the sorrows of the unfortunate insane. Although few other things Jmay he &aved front the wreck, all must pray that war shall net blast that. RaL ^ona0nmt%v*. Dfnth of A. M. Gormfxn, E$q —Wc^ Tccord with unfeigned regp:t the death of A.M. Gor man, Esq , the Junior Editor of the Confederate of this city. Thiij announcement will be receiv ed with general regret aad surprise. It was coly last Friday that he w&s closely engaged ia his arduous labors in his ofBca That nif ht he com plained of being unwell and took his bed. Up to Monday night, although his disease developed itsrif as erysipelas, no apprehonsien waa felt. But on Tuesday morning it assumed a most violcat form which continued to increase, causing great pain aad suffering and terminated his earthly ex istence between eleven and twelve o’clock that night. Mr. Gorman w«*a in the 51st year of his age. He was a native of this city, learned the printing buaini&s when a boy, with the lata Joseph Gales, E-^q., of tha Re.gia[er, aad for sonA yoars after attaiiiing his majority, lived in Geor gia, where he first married He returned to this city some yean* ago, and in 1848 established the Spirit of the Ago, a paper which, under his able management, maintained for years a deserved popularity in the State and in the South.* For nearly a year he has been associated' with Col. McRae in the conduet of the Coafcderate, to tke popularity of which paper he has contributed much. Mr. Gorman was as oxaellent citizsn, a man of a genial and kind spirit, boiievole'\t and ci|i4ri table, and a warm hearted friend. A more de> voted husband and father wc have nf>t known Loeing his first wif^, ha married an accomplished lady ot Virginia some niiio years ago, whom he htivca a sarrowing widow with foui' children to lament their loss. Tho death of such a man is a public loss.—Ral. 'onservUtoe Death oj Benj. A KittreJl.—Benjimia A Kittrell, fisq , of Lexington, died, some two weeks ago, at his house iu that plaoe. He was a young gentlemen of liberal Universy ednoatioo a&d was largely read in polite and elegant literature. He had not b^en at tke bar many years, but h9 had made considernble reputatieu as a cloar-hoaded counsellor. Socially, he was a gentleman of a genial and sunny niturs. He was fond of his friends and a true hearted companion. All who knew him will moTirn, that he passed so early from this theatre of action to the eternal home of man kind.— Ortentkoro' Patriot. Mr. Kittrell was formerly President of the ‘Bank of Lexington, aad ia the State Convention of 1861 was a Delegate from Davidson County. He was a native of Granville. North (j^rolini Troopt —The Kiohmond Dis patch says: — • “In the fall of Fort Fisher the troops of the Caiifedcracy have losr a In;-£., bu^i not their hoaor. Nurth CtroIiaa, ia particular. Has reason to be praad of the prowess of her soas. i'h’s i^ not tne first, the second, nor even the fiftieth time, that the soldiers of. caat Sute have proved the mettle whereof tbey aro mide. Thero are no Dctcer soldiers io the Confederacy or the world. There is very little gss or humbug abjut North Carolina; but, at the pinch ot tho hill, she is always strong and true. We have no words to express our admiration of the stern and ssead- fast heroism she has exhibited in this war.” WA1VT£D, HIPBS t« tan on shares. Terms ^ Leather or ite eqtivalent tn «Mh. We ean i»n U is a very shon tiue if desired by Hiekie’s patent. Pcrsois V^ uiai; their Hides taaaed ean send tticsB to oar a^ r.«s to Bgypt Sepet, where they will bo taken f^aa aad Loath r d^vered at e«r address ia Beftaiaont, Ooathan Gonnty W. D- WATd^Mf & cO Rsferenoe Messrs # W WilliasBC A C« , f «yet;eTille. Jan’y Si 4 Smpd . Tfeic Enterprise Cotton Factory Is now OTcperei to enehaege for o'-rn er tho riMft Ranbers sdtahle fbr SpciiM asd Sorawsr Tr.U Thread is cf asapsilorb» Meran. mv— • K. r&L^gir* qoiek defnt^h U oe:'Si$ned te hist !(tv«n tfr ail prodoae cent hla North Carolina Hetoluttons.—In the Confed erate Senate, on the 21st iodC. Mr. Graham pre sented resolutions of the N. C. Legislature urg ing the passage of a law to allow pay to soldiers diseharged from the army on acooant of being dii- abled, snoh as-is given to those who are placed on the retired Ibt, but not actually discharged; also, a resolution of the same, arging the bread ing in brigades from their Sute of alliN. C. troops. Also, a resolution of the same relative to the ex penses of exeoating the oonseript law iu North Carolina. ♦ Military Ditcharget.—la the House of Repre" sentatives last wee^ Mr. Soiith ot Georgia re~ ported firom the Military Committee the following bill, which was passed: “The Congress of th^ Confederate States do enaet. That the non •commissioned officer, misi- oian cr private who has lost, pr may hereafter lose, in the line of his duty in the military ser vice, an arm, leg, hand or foot, phall be discharge ed from said service upon his application therefoT| and, after suoh diseharge, shall be exempt from n^iitary service of any kind whatever/’ * Resigned.—Rev. W. R. Gualtney, Chaplain 1st N. 0. Troops, and Capt. A. Jarrott, Co. 0, 26th N. C. TrooM, have resigned. ^ Ral. Cm$ervativ«, Beaty Sltet —This scetion of the coaBU-y was last week visited by the heaviest sleet whioh has fiiilem within the mcnory of-oar oldest men. A great deal of tiaher has neen broken dowi»bj it. We believe sleets presage good fruit or^. ^ ' Oreenthortf Patriot. 8lml.—The sleet of Friday night and Saturday was the heaviest and most damaging to timber of any known in this section for many years. I^e shade and frait krecs in town wore nearly all dhmaged, and in many oases ramed. forest treca were also damaged^ and sometimes apreoted by their aooamalated loi^ of ice. The telegraph Unca Soath and East were broken in nomeroas plaQea.-^/Sa2u6«yjr Watchman, 24A. For Sah.—The Tarboro’ Southerner is now offered for sale and unless disposed of privately, will be sold at puhUo anetion on .Taesdaj of Mnv7 Oont mmrnmmmtmmmmmmm —Oongranlwtweek rcaovcd the icjai'otion of secrccj fiw a bill passed to appointaant if a 3laiicral>in Chief ef tha armisa ot tha Coofadarate Slalaa, aa fttllowft: ‘•The CoifTcai of tha Confaderale Swt«a ri Aaarica do caact. That thara shall bo apt sicted by the Prccidcat, hy and with the advice and eon- sent of the Senate, aa oficer who shall he known and desfgaated ss Gmcral in CMef, sjjd who shall be the taakiag oflcer of t^’c aray, and who, as suoh, sball have eoanuuid nf the aiKtary forc?o of the Coafcderate Statea. “SiOTiON 2. That tha act providinje. a staff for the General who nay ba aasigaed to duty st tbe seat of Government is hereby repealed, »nd thf t the,6encral-in-Chief whomay ba oppoinied uadtr the provisions of this act shall b»ve a staff net lci4 than that now allowed a general in the ieid, to be assigned by the Prevideat, or la le appninted by him, by and with, tfilf' advice and eonsent of the Senate.” {?0n. JfihnstoH.-—Th^ injnnotion of e^creiiy hae been removed and the fbllowlng rcsolnticii p>*sed by Oongrass^Madc public:* ^‘Resolved, That if tha Prasidant will Msif n General Joseph £. Johnston t« tha oanuaand of the Army of Tenacsaee, it will, io tbe opinion oi the Congress of the Confederate States, be hAiled with jey by the army and receive the approval of the country.” Cmbin€t ck^nfn.—H was rep(>Ttad yesterday that the Hoa. J. P. Benjavic, Secretary of State, had sent in his rarignaticn. - We think this is true, thot^h we have no poeitive inferznii^ tion oa the subject. It is understood that Mr laddoa was indnead te resign by aation taken hy tha Virginia Cea- ireasional delegation. Thcaa geotlaaen,* it ap pears, sent in to the PrccidcDi an afteial announce- ■cat that they had loat eonfldcaaa ia all the memb«rs of the Cabiaat except Mr. Trcnholm, and aaked for a change. Mr. Seddon being in fanned of this action, immediately scat in his rssignation.—Rifih. Diafat^. I%0 lht«mpt*0n Mill.—Tha Hence of Repre sentatives, a«ys the Riehnioad DisMteh, has passed an exemption bill, whieh provides radical ohanges in tha praaent CKaaptian law. It Repeals absolntely tha iflacn negra law; pravidea that no mail oontraotor under far^ fra yean of age shall be exempt, ayd limits the pawer ef detail hitharta rested in the handaof the Preaidcat and flaeretary of War. We have no reason to believe the bill, in its present forai, will pass the Senate The ssDse of the Senate, aa raoantly iaeidantallj ex- preMcd in debate, is in tmvor af leaving nntaached the exemption law now in foree. ' ■ Recoyn%t%9n—A rc]^ is being Mcnlatcd that France and ICngland intend afWr the 4th of March next, to reaognita Linoolst aa tha Presi dent of the Ncrthem Statea and ta reeoj^iae the South as an independent nation. This is found ed on a Paris letter, pablished in the Northern papers two weeks ago Paris newspaper corres* poudents notoriously draw upon their iuagina- tiocs for their facts -^Rich. Ditp'itch. A Gircufar J^om Otn. D H. Hill.—Gen. Hill, cow ooxamand^g at Augusta, issaed on Tuesday last a oircular ef which ^e first paragraph is as follews:— “All non-combatants are respectfully requested to leave the city immediately. If their removal be delayed until the emergency shall have arrived, no railroad facilities ean be allowed them In t>;e class of non eombatants are included all young gentlemen who have no relish for the trenched These are exhorted to leave at once under the es cort of the old ladies ” Dtath$ South Cwre/ma Soldi*r$ duriatf the War —The followinsc is a recapitulation of the whole loss, as elasnified by the ‘Roll ef Hoaer^ agent: Brigadier €1»u«taU 4 Colonels 20 Licntflaaai-Oolaaols 16 Majors 10 Captain 1S8 Lient^aanta 848 Btaf Offiom 86 Non-CoM»asi«tted oaMra aad Privktas, 7,074 Total 7.6V6 Yankee News from the VFe«t.~MoBXLn, Jun 24.—Memphis p^jMrs of tha 21st seDort that Thomas has arrived at Bastport and that an at tack will^e made on the flank of Hood’s army within a lurtnight The yankee Gen. Meagher with several thousand troops from Chattanooga is reported to have arrived at NMhville en route to join Shermau at Savannah via New Tork. A raid oa Memphis hy Forrest is expected. What the yankeee (kinb of Traitore.—-A. yan kee letter from Savannah says:~ A large number of oitiiens* have expressed a desire to take the oath of allegianee, or have al ready done so. Mr. G. B. Lamar, one of the most prominent, as he was one of the earliest re> bels in the State, has applied to be permitted to take the oath, but permission has not as yet been granted. He is too ready to ohanga his coat, as sll h*s interests lie in town. He has a quantity of cotton he may desire to save; bat he will be unable to aooomplish his cherished design. His record is too elear and oonolasive to promise' suo> cess in his efforts to pall the wool OTor the eyes of the authorities. Nearly all the tradera in town have taken the oath, and have promif^ to open their plaoes of business and oarry on trade as before. The He> Drew persaasion is well represented in this class, and nol one has presented himself who his^ot, from first to last, remained a fiirm Union man— a regular Gibraltar, againat whioh the waves of secession and rebellion rolled and broke In vain They were never eajoled into the rebel ranks, nor driven in by threats. Saeh a band of pure, on- selfish patriots, and honest, straightforward men never existed before; and Savann^ feels honored, I doubt not, to-day, in being tha asylum for these spotless patriot to pass their last days in. One, an Alderman, is aooased by many of raising the first rebel fag in the oity; bat this aooasatioa ean> not be true, beoause he aays he is a Unim man. Others hare been anforkanate enough to plaee their autographs to little doonments, suggeeting investigations into oharges of disloyalty to the rebel Government, whioh doouxaents are now in military, hands^ to be used in good time. Sherman.—The Georgia papert)f yankee proolivitiea has been taUng the people out there that €fen. Shwrmdh ia op{^ed to medlting with slavaa. €hin. Sherman himself has written a let ter, denying the rep;>rt that he was apposed to ■hanging the ftatus ot slavery in the South, and saying that he ia in favor of putting all the i^ble- bodied negroes obtainable in the army. Tennmet Yankee (kuwention.—The Tennes see Convention passed, by nearly n onanimoaa voto, a reaolntioa that no person ahoold .be eon> aidered as qwdified to vote until he shdl take a stringent oath declaring himselt unreserved^ in &vor of the Union and dl laws and proelama- tions isswed by President Ltnooln or Congreaa sinoe the war hegan The Califomia papera pnbliah *nurriagee,” “births,” “diTNr«as,” and “deatin" in legikr Tynii ^iliiatiMng ttn WAB Qtn vtith^mwnl jr\An. tke A’-nty of Teti* «m^. Ajimy qjt Tnim , Tupbx.0, Jan’y 18 —Sul*a>.rfrl at my re qncat I have fhie day bean reiicvt'd ij^ru *h« cammand oi this army. Io taking )oftv' ct vou accept E>y thwks fur th^? p&ti-see ..i ^ yen have en^nred the hardfilnpa oi the rccc t eaapvjgn. I an tlone roBpon^ib!;: far ror cep- tian, and strove te f’o my daty in 'xocut oi I vjTffe upee yru irepor a-ioe •'f Kiv»r»^ ♦ur entire rupp^rt te the disnoiftif-ii d M r . now MsuMfS coDnisnd I *h»l! lof>k wi?h p iaterest upen tjl ymir fatnr#^ opof-t'onj? az i ro jaice at your aacee!« J50 B Hgoi>, Ocn The Jamit Rirar fh*t — Rich.MONO, Jar. 25—The Cocf^drrate in J mf s riv r at t'wptfd 0 the obstT^'i rz y. T.’ c wooden gunboat Drewry. enrr^'ing 1 gur:, iwn aground, Vh.^rdontd usd l>Inwn r/ The irflp clad Fr#>f?jr?cksbnrg ih«* ol; iruc i. r», brrf r^turFsd In 00 • sequence of Virf^iuia artd IvicbtDcnd ruri»if)o upon th*>. Si rats bo wteD th« Dn*ch Gap canal md Hnwl. h’b Th- y «t iff at biiifh titU fctrxr.od itb the FroJciicki^ bmrg to tkfir u^nal mooriBg* lS^.«/nia7i'» Moirm'nU.—CHAttfcSgTOir, Jsu’y 25 —A lafge body of troops frr m Savannah are r«iorti»d TTfmrg the Augusta roikd. A rm>d Weldon.—pBTlXSnuno^ Jan. 26—A Urge jankoe rai'^-jn" psrfcv, infantry acid cavalry, is r^arted moving up the Chowan ia the direction ol Weldon. From WHnfiffyUm.—current »n the Street this momipg relative ro the re appeararoe of some CO sail of the encmj’s fleet, were oot ertn. firmrd by any infoncafion rcc-‘-ifcd at h^dqusr- t^n here, from Gen. Heke, up to 8 o’clock »lis noming Oa the centrary, •■’erything i« report ed quiet below, and no chnnge is: the ifcet Journal, M(h. Fr0m the Roanoke.—The only additiecal intelligence we have of the yaak^e movement to wards Weldon is that a force is poshing on from the directly ef tbe Albemarle Bound They had eroesed the Chowan river at last aoc.^nete. ^oldthoro S*i*(e Jou'^naif 2^fh. A friend ef ouri in Eastern North Cardlina, writing under date of the 24th inat,, say a: ^'There is eertainly a Yanke« raid to Weldoa or Halifiax, at six thonssnd Tankeed landed at Colerain, sent thirty or forty cavalry to Harrells- ville, who esp'ttured three of Capt. 'BeamO'i's men aad returned Wc captured-one of thair men A report now reaches us that the whole party,* 1,500 oavalry, 4,000 infantry, and 15 pifecs of artillery, are advancing by Rioh Sqa&ro We presume that tho authorities &rc propt>rly inferred, and locking afior the iifiairs in thct quarter—Ril. Con$er»atice, 27th iVom the United States—RICHMOND, Jin. 26 —U S papers-of*the 23i soy tfcattne greater portioi. of the large vessfls of Portpr’s Wilming ton tte.t has rtturnf'd to Haippt n lUads The/ report that 5 hliokade runrsert, igoorant oi' the fall of Fisher, ran in at New lulet and bad been captured A lett'r from Phila*dclphia says that Mr Blair has fall authority frotn Lincoln to give s>te con duct to Wpshi-ii-ion/>r pejio j ooiabaiesioners from Prt'sident Davis The Ni^iopal IrtelU^eGocr, announcing BMr’s sf oond visit t>) RichiDoud, says ‘•we hav? good reafo . authoriring us to say that Mr. Blair w-,oc8 to Riehmond upon no hollow, heart'ess misiion, l>ut upyn one of substance, giv ing people hope that an opportuoity will be af forded for cloiifg the war by negotiation ” The Herald says that Seward ha^ ?t friendly rela tions with the managers of the Intelligencer. A Cairo tclegr&m of tL«. 21 si says that Tuom- as’s ^rifiy is going into wiotcr quarters now build ing at Eastport on tbe Tenneesoe River, atid will not probably move from that point. Tho Toronto (Canada) Loader says that the British Gov’t has f'rdcred 30 gunboats carrying 3500 trained men to the Lakes on the yankee frontier. • Gen- Henry W ilson is re-elected Senator froa Masssehaeetts. Gold h«s advanced to 210. 1%e mirit of the Army.—RICHMOND, Jan 27. —The 53d Va. Reg*t have unanimously adopted resolutions declaring their purpose to fight for Uberty and self government as long as the Con federacy can furnish a cartridge, and to every dishonorable offer of peace on suboii^ion, made by the enemy, they ^11 reply with the crack 0^ the rifle Tne lasfr resolution reads: ‘‘These are otir sentimente, and we call upsn the people at home and tbe authorities to support and rally te us; and, with God’s blessing,'we will bear the Southern Cross through fire and blood, till each star apon it shall glow and shine ftrth in the fir mament of nations.^' * Gen L^e Opiniont.—Richmond, Friday, Janaary 6.—A distiuguished member of Con gress called on Qten. Lee a few days aso, to talk over the stato of the eoantry Gen. Loe said he saw nothing in the military situation to justify despondeney, n^oh less despair. Hii only fear was that the^l^ase of depression might be per mitted to spread among the people. If this could be prevenied, he waa sangaine of saccoss The member of CongrcM was opposed to tha use of slaves as soldiers, but Gen. Lee’s argument in duced him to withdraw all opposition. Gens. Longstreet and Ewell concur with Gen Lee. CoTTetpondence f^h^rletton Mercury. The Blair Mittion. —Richmond, Jan 27.— There have been no reliable developments relative to Blair’s mission, though it is generally sup posed he is prepared fjr r«-mnion m snoh terms ^ the Confederate aathorities may submit. 8ec*y of War.—Richmond, Jan. 27.—Mr. Sedion eontinuos to act as Secretary of War. The position waa certainly tendered to Gen. Breckinridge. Change in the Command of the Second Corpt. —A letter from Gen.'Lee’s army announces that Maj. Gen. Gordon has been plaoed in command of the Scond oorps, lately oommanded by Lieut. Gen. Richmond Rxominer. Foote again on the Wiitg—The Hon. H. S. Foote, of Tennessee, left the city yesterday morn ing by the Fredericksbnrg train, en rotOe Tor Prinoe George county, Virginia. Richmond Paper, 2htk. Yankee Steamer captured.—The Memphis Demoorafc says that the steamer Tc-rango waa eaplnred and burned by guerillas on the 8th inal., near Skipworth’s landiag Tae passengers and erew .were taken pris.>neTs. Among *the farmer waa a oottmi speculator from New To»-k—name not given -—from whom the gufirillas took sixty thousand dollars in gr'enbaeks '*' ^an*-M%»eiieippi.-~Go\. W A. BroadwolL Chief of the Cotton Bureau, Traoa-Misiiaeij^ Department, ha« purcha ed a'^d iotrodueed into the Depar^ent, pledgin? n^yment in ootton, 18,800 pairs of bUnkets, 00,000 pain of shoea, 150.000 yards of shirting and towels, 150,000 pounds of p^der, 200,000 pounds of lead, 5,000,- 000 peronasion oapa and a large quantity of guanu . 140.000 yarda gray army eloth aad sattinet, aM n laiga qnantity of hardware, oc^paf, satteatM. Mi ft 1^ of anU Mara.

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