OBSERVER. _ AOiifeAl, JiHUA&T fO, if ANOTHER CHANGE OF TXRM8 About six weeks afo, diicoTenuf tkat iostMd o( Tleldiog someihiitg to our support lhe t)>>seivtr waa % requiring from us a l*»rgK amoumt t* »npport it, it bttuauic u^Cttflfary to advance oar priuet. Tta ink with which th« lotice wa« priated had acarctlj had time to dry when the price of paper aud of labor vraa adva:iced 50 per cent. The fnormoaa coit ct tre ntfces aiiei* of life reqaires other k^rfe advaccea to cur printer! to live, aad the price of the 0&s>fer'®fr uiUBt aga.a be increa8'd. Prom and aflci th'* date. Therefore, The price of ibii Semi-Weekly ObserTer will be #20 for 81X months; and of the Weekly Olwerver $15 lor 81X months. JiubacriptiooB uoL r«f«eiT»d for a icuger period thau lix months. All reMittaucef receivea afer tJls date by mail, in ifnoraa«#e-of these rites, »ud ia expectation oi lf»wer pricM, will be re- tarrod t>y;»iu.ii, a» oiher*. i« the subicfiber would iMve reaivn lu com pit: a. January 26, ibG5. MovKMKNTa.—The re-appoAranc& m Rich moud of Mr. Ui»ir, Lincoln’s uaaccrectited emis>ary, has of ceurae renewed and greatly added to tlia public expttiation of iicgodauoas ior peace. We copy MTeiikl p«u»{(rapi)s on the subject. Our opiuion is, very dec:uedly, that Lmc^ln is in tent Bp0u muiuug peace, and that speedily. Bit it is a peace upon terms such as the Conlederacy can- aot and Ovifijt not to iiB(«n to, Tii: {feace with re- ucioB, atiU abolition Ihese are the ternig said to Be •fiered by Blair, for Lincoln. To accent jthem would be to disgtuce »nd ruin the South. After foriy yearr of^encrcachmcnts, great and small, the flsouth resisted, seeing only rum ahead as tua reault of fi'.nher suumission. She has establisked a goT- •rnment; wuged tour years of war in which she has >»ou ihe adiuiratiou ol tne world; hfts buried tens of inousands if Her crarest and beef, wao fell in de- tcuce of her rjghts; hati sufifered inuumerable anls at the haida (.{ the enemy whicii only laoamate deni* would inflict; and at last is nskea to unite agaia witM laese very aevils, to bag to her bosom the murder- trs ot Uer sous, the violator* •{ her women, tke ba.lifcrs or her dweiimga, lUe rebbei-s et her sub stance, liie ueiicreyers even oi her plovghs aad kees, wnn the terrible parpo»o of starring her people by depriving ihtm of implements for'culuvatiug the eAriui L'hc idea is utonsii jusl It is impessible for bouiheru people u^aiu tj utite with such enemies, to iight side by Side wiiti those wnorn tuey hare so uuen fougut lace to face. We ean imagine wars wbicn eutl with mutual respect, woich leare no bit- ttruess beuiuu fnem, uo wrongs the recolleetioa of which cannot be oblii«rated by peace But this has nut oeen such a ^r. lime caa never extract th# sting ot ii9 outrages, as it could uever wash out the dishonor of re-uuion with a people who have com- pt-licd us to abhor tbem, with notl:ing gained, every- tm g lost that we have fought for and sufTer^d for, iDJ lor whicb so mauy tliousasds of ^aliaui spirits tiuve sacrificed their lives. Bui wisy IS Lincolu all at once so intent upon peace? Wuy doea he — sueakingly indeed but actually—send a Comaii'Sioner to Richmond, efter haring constant ly refused even to receire ooe, and after having so often declared tha' he would never treat uatil aFrer the rei>eis had laKi-dc^wn their arms and ceased to . fighi? We liiink the r?ad?n is ob«oa8. Tbe gre^ powers of Ea.opn, Sogiand, France, Sp&in, and per haps othera, are about lo recogyi.te ths Ct^nfedera- «y. Liucolu kx.ow9 Ln, through his M.iuiiiterB at tuoae Oourw, aad wfoaid autu5iptt.e it by g*.tting the best teiiits he c iQ ts.. >, f a pj pie whom he imagmes to be uturly uo.:q(i3rcd, aud to be ignorant of tue imporUat . a tuge woioa iuia Earopeaa reco^- mtiou will briiig aoout. It is a s ugai^r uoiacid- noe, that a few days ago we were talkmg over -a« rcjuona wai.?h miglit induce tue European poivers novr to mane that reto^nition which they have so ioag ¥rouiuily delayed, and settled aaoa *bc v-ry rciija waicu a few Uoufs af terwards came to ua from tae York Triouae as that actaaliy ukati by tae^e powers, vi*; that at the ii^resixieiiLiai Eiecui ii m Ldul), «;iiii tn-^ roied aud Lincolu was th-jroforo elected Piesident of th* whole Uaued At :ae ei?ctioa m 1854, ouly the Nortuerc 8iai.e3 voled. ia tuetoeaa tima ttie South haa esfaoiiaiie J g jvera usat, elected a Pre sident, auu for four yeura mAia-.aiaed a dufacto gov ernment. At tue end ot Liucola’s presaut term, taerefoie, there is a piausibij reftnoa for eoasidering the separation aa^i’^ple.e aud ttie two srovernmea^.s as iudepeadent nations. Aua so.oii the 4tii of ^arch. It is said, tha (Jontederacy is to oe tormally recog- ni*jd. Tne toiiowing isine article fr ym the Triouae, which cime so speedily in conurniatioa of our own impreasione: The receat letter of Earl Raa^ell, ia which he talked lo )3ely and very uauiplomaticaUy jiUsat the former re- latjoiiB Hetwcen Groat iJritaia on the one side, aad the Nortliora Sualej aud tne cJf^athern States • n .he oth«>r, eeeias to have given rise to a crop of i;auadiaQ minors to this eifect; Tuat apan the iaauguration of Prea'dcnt Lincoln in March cext. Great iiritain, France A Co., will reco^uize him merely as President of i,ho3i Slat-a which took part in the election. ■‘T t« Moistreal Telegraph takes the trouble to make a leader oat ot tliia tjkllt; ..b.iviooii like tU«» rest of this oae decisive fact; that *reat Jiritaia or any other £or->pean Power offloially kaowa the Ciovernua.ut ot the UcKited States, and it only. itn ta* couiitUuent eksmeiits of that Governineat, no Earop«au power Uis auy ouoera, and, a« lor asBUiniiig to take diplomatic notice of the de tails of an election--wuat Siites voted »ud what cho^e not to vote ia the recent conteat—that would oe an iiii' pertinence which even Great Britain may oe sup^jpscd reluctant to venture on. As well ?ay she will not recog- ni»e Mr. Lincoln a* President of any State, which, par ticipating in the election, voted for McOlollan, ajd so 6fnd ambassadors to New Jerney and Delaware. The Canada Secesh had better try again ” Another rather curious coiacidence may be seated: On the day after this Tribune paragraph came to hand, we received a business letter, of the 25th iost. from Brooklin, Bobeaon county, N. C., a remot* place to which the Bichmond and Northern reports bad not then penetrated, which contained the foUoW' ing statement:— “1 saw a man last night who helped to put off the bearer of dispatches from a steamer which ran in near enougb to Stialtotte, near Wilmington, to land him. He gave tbcn to understand that Knglaad ana France nad recoguiied jis, and that wai his businesB te Richmond. !£• was ct«veyed through to Whiteville. This was wfter Fort Fisher felt.” We would not too highly excite the ezpectatiecs of our readers, for all this may end in disappoint ment. We think, however, that tliey may hope, as we do, that a great change is about to take place in tho prospects of the Oonfnderacy, either peace with independv;nce or recogiition, one or botJli. Bitktr will be anexentfec which all hare anxiously and earnestly prayed. Both will cro^ with unfading glory the valor ef oar troops, and Cbn-y happlni into every home and every heart in the Oonfederacy. Should either, or oven both, be still denied us, let us still cherish the noble spirit of the Yirginia regi ment, recorded in Maothar column, and reaolrt, witk tkMi, B6Ter io (iye ap tka tiU Ui mk Mki lefitimate results are secured—Separation and In- depe|idence. P«a.cK CoxMiMioNCRs Gq9c to Washiicotos!— Siueethe above was in type the telegraph h«s brought the heart oheeri»R intelligence ^that tiree Commis- sieners'were appointed on latvrday, and were to leave Richssond for Washinsten City yeste»-day, to confer with tne autierities there on the •‘ubject of Peace! May the Almighty Disposer of erents, in His wisdem and ■'ng their mission to a suc cessful iscee.thst »»e aaybe Wessed with “a spe>o’y, an hoaerftble, and a lasiiag Peace!” 1 h5s presiising event is undoubtedly Ike irst re- jult ef Mr. Blair’s two visifs te Rickmoud. Of couise he must hav«i been asthorised to invite such a mis sion, an invitation which President Davis, in ap'.te of all the ridiculous assertions of bad and disloyal men to tbe contrary, was glad promptly to accent. What caused this snd4en change in the purposes of the Lincoln gorerumeut, can only be conjectured, but we can hardly be wrong ia attributing it to a kaow- ledgu of ferthcomirig European recognition, acd pro- oably iaterrentiou. Only a few days a»o that gov ernment reiterated 'ts oft expressed determn’ation never to treat with rebels while they had arm» in their haads,aBd that there could osly be v'eace when t^08e rebels ceased to ight Now negotiation is in vited. Bf' the cause of this sudden change what it may, It is a change t« be deeply thankfai for. A better selection of Cerauiiaaiocers ceuld not have been neade. They are ail m«rU of mairked abil ity. Messrs. Huater and Oaiupbell have b- eu uci- fermly acd earnestly devoted t« ibe cause And Mr. Stephens, who became wrong-headed durHlg\ year’s seclusion in Georgia, sick aud surrounded by bad in fluences, has become all right since his return to 1 is high.station in Richmond, where he bas had aa op portunity to study »he whele field and to mingle with true-hearted men Being now all right, he is aacept- able to the Cenfederacy, whilst perhaps Bo other mau that we c«ald send weald be likely to exert a better influence upon the eaemy. Mr Huater, who is named at the head of the Ceflmissiou, vms for ma ny years ene of the mest emmeut Senators in the old OoagresB, as he is in that of the Gonfedsrar y, aud knows all the men with whem he will cerae ia con tact, iaclu’iiug the mest canaing of them all—Sew« ard. Jadge Campbell was a Judge of the Supreme Court of tho United States—appointed by President Pierce—and, ualike Judges Wayne and'Oatron, re signed that ollce to uaite his fate aad fortune with the Confederacy. He was one' of the three Cemmis- sioners sent to Washington by the Provisional gov- ern*nent at Mont^gomery te negotiate for a peaeeable separation. They were grossly cheated by Lincelu and Seward then, uid he will be the more his guard new in consequsnoe. He is now Assistant Secretary of War. PassiDSNT Davis's 3abivbt —Th$ disruption of the Cabinet is an event of considerable importance, and ths cause which curious. All the Virginia Congressional DelCc^ati m but one united in a recommendation that all of the Cabinet, except Mr. Trenholm, should resign. Mr. Seddou ^DStautly complied. We are not sure, but strongly suspect, that the principal aim was td eet rid of the iacuai- bents of the State, Navy and Poet Office Denart- menta—MejBrs. Bsnjamin, Mallory and Reagnn— who are and have long been uuwelc-ojie occupants cf their places Tne Eaquirer characterizes as “a shocking rumor” an “alarming report ’ that Gan. Bragg wag t» eo'v ceed Mr. Seddon. It says the rumor is absurd, that the Secate would not confirm such a Bomiaaticn, yet that it produced universal gleom. The Congressional recomoiendation of a Geaeral- in-Chief *or the Armies, with a ocrUinty that no other than Gen. Lee vrill be thought of for that place; ^nd the further recommendation that Gksn. Johnston 06 restored to the command of H«od’s army, appear to ha^^e pro'^uced the very opposite of gloom in Rich mond. They have inspired new hopes and confl. denc«. The Richcnoad Whig breaks forth thudj— ‘ All hail to tha new dispensation! Ge > Lee ia^ to have entire command of our armies in the field. Gen- eral Johnstonjs to retur>‘ n the At my of TannessAe. We are to have a new Secretary of »»ar—po-iaibly a new sbinet, with the ezceptioa of the Se«ret*ry of the Treasary. These are great and bonfficent chang d, »f tbe President heed, as he cannot but do, the voice of the cun try uttered .with great ananimity by its represen- ta ivee in Oongr®'*. All honor to those who, in this peri ons hour, have naj r.he wisdom to p-*rci*ive a/id tbe aerve to bring f.jrward mewures bo fall of promise to tde eouQtry—neaaurea that will at once reanimate the confi l*-nc-* of the p JOpls, and, nader Provid^iioe, will 50f>n reaeue tne cauM tr^m impending dangers. What we have auffered fram and ara thrsctanij with ia not the exiianaiioa of the matertai of war. »^^e have men and means ia aban lanoe to wage this contest indefinitely. Oar bjys re'^ch Lh-s anas-l^rlutf again grettar num bers than their 8® become nniSt fiir service. The productive oapacity of tne c'>aiitry, with the lahor re-‘ maiaing to us, may be made to double our actual needa. Eaergy, systam and skill will kdep up the agaricies of transportat OQ. Uur ai-deaals, fo.iadries, power mllla, iron and lead mineH will ftfrnish ample ordnance sup- plies, without tho aid of blockade ranning Our cur rency can be reclaimed, substituted, or disp-used wiou. Nations have made auoceeafu war without moaay, 'mt, if money Oe indispeasAble, tha cotton arid tobacco, gpecio* silver plate and jewelry beloogiag to our people wifi furnish all we need, and of the right sort. Theee are incontrovertible facts; *-^d they are /acte that place our ability to continue the war to a succoseful end beyond a shadow of doubt, if affairs are weP man aged. The gloem *which has of. late overhung the coantrv has not arisen from any ignoranoe or doubt as to theea facts, but from a di8a*tiflf»cti.>n with the w*y in which the strength of the country ha3 baen wielded and its affairs mauoged, and a dist^^t os to how th».y will condnue to be wielded and maua^jred -f. oia an ap- prehen 'i>n that farther contrilmtioos anj bacrificefl will not be turned to the mo-it u-eful ’ a'-’ouflt It i>j, t nere- fore, that we receive with uuOotr.d-d "r:>lificat.ion the action of the two Houses of C n'reas in creAting f >r Gk>n. Lee (for such we need not say waa (he ddsign of Oongrens) a i'Ositim that will make him pp**ciic9l Chief of the ar, and that will restore to the Array of Tenne-see the 0«n'- eral who commands their coafidiinoa and love.” OWNER 4L ASSEMBLY OF WORTH 0AR0LT5A. la the Senate, «n Wedaasday, besidas the pre- ceedin.^a given bv oar cerrespoBdent in the last Ob server, the retolutions ag«jnat tbe policy of employ- icg slaves in the army were varioasly assended »ud raised. [The Baleigh papers ^e net publish them J Mr. Iilis in^rodaced a reselatioa reeo’^uavdlHg that a bouaty ef laads and pegrees be giren le sei- diers. I The resoletions pravide for and fifty acres ef land to each selqier J Mr. He- Corkle introiJaced a bill to snore efTec^aally prereat tbe sacrifice ef property seld aider exccatiea. In the CamMfiB^ ea Wcdaesday. Mr. Ashewerth intr duced resfrlutiens stating the coBMittal ef cer tain outrages oa the people ef Randelph eeanty, act ing under aHeged orders from his Cxeelleicy Gev. f ance, end appointing a special ceanittee ef 1 ^e to investigate*saidf matter, witli power te seed fer persons aad paper'9^ Mr. Pelk ef Aasoa, the follew- iag phich was passed aaanimeusly:— Reselv^d, That ear Seaaters and Representatives in Congress be, and they are hereby requested to use their efforts lo so aroead existing laws, as to allow privates, noE-coinmissiooed officers and effleers of ike line, transportation on furlough el iadalg^nee. In the Senate, on Thuieday Mr. Matthews iale^ duced a bill to amsud “an act to increase the effi ciency of the H«me Gnard. The b’U to maktf robbery ef d*^elling houses in the day tiir* a capital oCFence, was, after a long dia- cuseion. laid oa the table, yeas 35, uaye 1/. The Puiilipa resolutions in reference to ippress- naents b? t^e Confederate Government, with a pro posed am»ndme0t to strike out the seceud and third resolatiooB, beif^g under cousideratien, Mr. Odenf strenuons’y opposed the adoption of the amendiaent, cor tending that >'anner in wh»cb the impfess- m‘^nt laws were executed was both “gallisf” and ‘‘ominous.” • • Mr. Courts said he should vote for tke aaiend- raent, and in case it failed, shmild then vete against tbe whole maasure. l^he object ef these two resolu tions—the second acd*tbe third—h($ could not but think was to cast slurs upon the authorities at Rich mond. Mr. Ward deemed the impressment laws neces sary, and defended them pn the ground of their great utility. Mr. Dick addressed the Senate at length en the fesoIutiouB, opposing the proposed amendment *o strike out the s>eond and third, reviewing the gen eral course of the adtniaisrration, in proof of his position that they needed to ^ spokea to plainly, and making a charasteristic speech generallf, at the conclusion of which the Senate adjouraed. In tbe Commons, on 'J’hursday, the eemmittee on electioDB, iu the contested election case for the county of Nortuanptoa, submitted resolatiens tu declare the seat vacant, to provide for a new elec tion, and to allow tbe present coatMtuts (Messrs. Rogers and Calvert) the legislative mileage andpsr di'em during their attendance duriag the session. Mr. Grissom introduced resolutions to provide fer the appoiutmout by each.iBherifl of a Depnty, te de clare such Depnty a State officer, and to call upon th'> Governor, tu the ClMe of such officer being coo- scripted, to demand hts return to his official duties. Tbe bill to exempt the Mayor, Cemmissioners and certain municipal officers ef l^leigh from Horns Goard duty being under consideratien, Mr. Ben- bnry moved it be amended, so as to extend its pro- visions to all incorporate towns in the iitate. Agreed ro. Mr. Me Aden moved a further amendMent to include farmers selling pcodoce at schedule raters t« soldiers’ familie«?, and those who were tbe heads of families of four children. Agreed to and the bill was thea tabled for the preteat. In the Senate on Friday, the debate on the Phillips impressmeut n^seiutionB was continued by Messrs. Brysoa and Pitchford in favor of striking eut the 2d and .Sd, waich were ohjectionaMe in the spirit mani fest'd toward the Confederate Government, and Messre. Lassiter and Warren on the other side. Th^ n^solutioQS were stricken out, 23 t^ 16, vix: Y as—Ayco.k. Bryson, Ciump, Courts Ellis. Gritr. ilarris lortoa Ktrby McCorkle Mcl^'iohern Miller P*ttjr?on Patto i Pl^ehlbrd, Smith Spsight, Stranghaa Tard .Vhitford, Wij^gjua Wnght Wyaa«. Nays—Vfffigrfl. ArendeiI, Bigley. Berry Blaunt Bog’*, Dirk Jones*. Las«it«r Leitch Long Mattliews. Odom, .'^nead Stubbs vf'arren s’in?tead— 6. ^ The remaining re^olutiona, heretofore published in the Observer,'were then passed, only Messrs Ay- cock, Bryson and V7ard votiug against thea. Ia the Conmons, on Friday, after some unimport ant busir.ess, a bill o^ncerniug exemptions ^ing before tbe House, was, on motion of Mr. McGebee, amended so aa to allow the injanciion against th«^ impressment of private property, in cases of alleged unjust price^except when the iapresjing officer abali give s^carity to abide by the price to be decreed, aud the bill passed its final reading. Resolutions request ing the appraising State Cemmissioners to allow market valae for articles impressed in case of au ap peal, passed 3d reading; and the House adjourned. Golb,—The great fall in he market vulae of «?old is not less a matter of surprise than of gratilcatiou. From 76 for 1, it fill in Richmwd to 38 .or I, and it is even said that $100 000 had beea .'ffjred there at 30 tor I, without finding purchasers. In Wil mington, about tie time of the fall of F .rt Fisher, gold is said to ^have sold at upwards of ICO for 1. We have eince heard that it was down to 40 for 1. In both places it hae fallen {uore than one half with in a week. This great fall is attnbuted to several causes. One of them, -the ceecuttion of the demand foi^ ^old to run the blockade through Wilmington, was men tioned in our liyrt. Another is tbe impression that the financial measures now nearly perfected by Ooti- gress will have aa important influence in reforming the currency by curtailing its amount and providing a substantiiU basis for its redemption. But perhaps more than all t&ese is tbe strong belief that the great powers of Europe are about to recogaiae the Confederate States as a nation, and that in conae- ijuence of a knowledge of that intention the United States is now indirectly but earnestly making peace movements. Whatever be the catise, or combina tion of caunea, the depreciation of gold is la itself a substantial good, end we hope it wilk be a perma nent one. Cou> WsATaBK.-^We have had a week of iatenee I cold. If it ban caoaed euffiuring at hoaae, what maaft I ii hsre been in tbe \ . an M» ttrioft iNMMi kfW| fiUad. Correspondence of the Fayetteville Qbserver. Kaleioh. Jan'y >863. ki-iitoni Obs'jrver: —Tho di-'patoti received h»re night froni Richnoad, to the ellect that thr»e peace oom- mi 8i-»:iei'S —Vice P- csideui Steplieua, Se lator >!nnt«>rand Judge ’Jainpbell—war-- to start theace ta Washington th ? d^y, eX'Mted a profound scu^atiou. Kalvigh ha^, perhaps, in four years pa-t, aot ted so maay «mil Q fases af> yesterday on ihe rao^ption of Ihe uew». For one the writer dU not shAre in tbsee raptnrrsg. 7Vm«o tl domfermt's. or to apeak pUialy, be believes this wVela pedkce agitation is a mere device to oloak for the uouoe some scouudrelly yausee i*na'’e. So wonderful a change from wolfish ai*ri to dove-like cooing is a Uttle too sud den to be real. In a few d:iyi it is underst'tod tbe Legis lative ambaHs.tdor8 will retarn froai Richmond to this city, and then we will hc'tr more fully of this matter. Pray Crol tne upsh may be rather Libertv with a ornst, than all the fleah-uots of Hl^/pt. t«e mills of Lowell, and shoeshjpe of Lynn with the yoke of bondm u. For quits a numb;r of d*ys past Speaker Drunell has bo'n so prostrated with rbeumatism a^ lo be oonfiaed to rooji and bed Ouring bis absence tbe (Jhair has lier'O mos*; acceptably tilled by Judge Sheph'rd, though he too is severely alUiCttid by aa affl ;i:o i. In the Hou-*o on Sa'.urday last, quite a number of recommendations were made froiXi the different couatiee for appointmenta as Ma^^'strates, but it Is uuderstood tav Senat - will refuse to concur. The pro''eedinga of 3»turday are briefly as fol«ows; In the 'Senate, Mr. Pitterrioa introduced a bill (which und»*r a sunpension of the lules, T>a^^ed) to continue the le^ali- zitionof nonapecl« piyraent by the banka till 18«7 Bills to impoae a tax o‘ on Ciiarters of laoorporal tion or lamendm^ntB tlieroto obtained ft-om\he 0«^rat AP'-eiftbly; to ia*orpora’e the Trustee of the HUl Or phan Fund; lo am^ind the charter of the Locksvill-* Iron (?o; and to provide an armad police for th" town of Fav- ©ttcville, also parsed R a >)ationa on the au''itfct of arm ing slaves were also passed, by yeas 89, nays 8 as f.»l- lowa— 0 . tteaolv^, Taat the State of North Carolina protaite against the arming of tae slares by the ’onfederate Go vernment, in any emergency that eaa p «siblv arise— but s;iTes ita consent to the:r being taken and ».ed as iSSg miide oomponsatiS Heeolved, That North Carolina denies tho con.titutlon- A ICtTHTFicajrT PaasairT.—A few days ago a wa gon stoppQ^ at our deer to deliver a barrel of Sor ghum, i^sack ef Flour, a bushel of I'ish Potatoes, ud a bucket ef fresh Butter, all ef superior 4uality, a preseat froa a distant subscriber, (who would not excuse as if we should name him.) The eervastwho brought theai was ordered to sell the remainder of the load at $16 per gallon for sorghum, and half the market price for flevr, these being the rate** at wbicb he sells his preduee at home—an example of liberal ity and aiselflshaeis very rare ill these days. His faithful aud trusty servant, who he-d been for some th'ee years in the army, with his pxtriotic and gallaat yeung masters (one of whom he buried among the mountains of '^irgiria, after he- was killed in battle, and the other, sharing the same sad fate, was brought home by him to be interred in the faaily cemetery,) had a geod deal to say of his nb- servatiea cf the yankees and their treatment of the negrees whom they cajoled or ferced into joicing them He said the men were gladly taken, because Uiey were wanted to fight, aud were inrsriably put in tbi front; but the women and children were left to suffer er perish of hunger and cold. Having seen fer himself the heartless and cruel treatment of tbe blacks, he is very eaiphatic in his advice to negroes to have netbicg to do with theoi. Thb Mails.—The mail this morning brought ns no Richmond papers of taier date than Wednesday. Thursday's, Fri*^ay’s and Saturday’s are due. The Southern ma 1 was an entire failure, no papers hav ing reached us from Wilcaingtoa even ot later date than last Thursday. Tamkbs FaBLiHa towjlebs Kkolakd'.—The bitter hate of thfyaakees towards Ingiaud is well illus trated by an incideat that occurred at Sava»aah a few days age, as related by the Charlestoa corret- pondtak of the Richmond Dispateb. lie says tbat {■“Mr. Authoay Barelay, formerly Britisa coaaul at New Tork, and aow a resideat in Savannah, was rudely repulsed by Gea. gkerman with tfie rematK, (.hat as soon as the rebels were diposed of (wuich he seemed to thiak would be deae in a few stenths) tbe Uaited itates would tarn their guns agaiest Great iiritaiB. He said the eeean weald seon swarm with live hundred Federal cruisers, which, weuld sweep the Brikisb lag from tha sea; aud that after England had been smficiently reduced aad exhaust ed, he woule land apea her aaores aad pitch his tent ia Hyde Park." OOTTOK re BB DasTBOTiD.—GtJi. D, H. a ill, on :aking commaad at Augusta, Geo., addressed auote the Mayor of ttiat city, iaforaiiug him that be bad been directed by Jut. Gen. iiar£ee to have the cot ton in tue city burnt on ihe approach ef the yae- k«{:«. He hopes mat tbe citiaens will remove tlie cotton either tu a place of sufttj or to the commons, where it can oe ournt widbeut damage to tne city, for that tus will execute the order, evea at the peril of tbe city. in consequence of this notice, tne Aui^uata papers state that tne cottoa and the powder works macbi- utsry were being rapidly removed to a place of satet^; ana it was supposad that tu4 yanaees would there- (ore not care to capture a city nhhti would yield ibem uo suoauinual advautuge. . Richmond Bitmora and Facts.—i'ae cily was f\xkl 01 rumors yesterday morMing, to the effect tudt an aruuikice ot uinety days baU oeen agreed apon oetwcen tue Contea^rate aad United Slates; acd dome Went so fu as to aUktc ta i.t walte flags wero fiy- mg trom tne hostile lines ooiuw iiichmond. fueke ataea 4J>* Imcics. do lar iroiin mere oeing au i*ria;suce between the bclliger- cuia, tuere was more of auuve war ye^erday on the liuea below here thau there has oeen since last No vember. Oor ramu aud small wooden ooats starred UuWA the river, at an ear'y noar, witn me daaign, it la riupposea, ot damaging the poato.>n oridg- es near Daep .bolu>m, lUair sUippieg, and, if fortune lavored, tneir storo-hou:^a at Bermuda Hoadred and Oity Poinu All went smoothly wiiA the expedition aaol tne oo*truoiions we*e reaviued wnich the eoe- uiy suaK ill I’rent’s reach last summer, la attempt- iug to pass them, the Drewry—a very 8m.'.if boat, carrying two gnns-^got agruond and waa opeueu upon oy tne eueosy’s batteries; a 100-p>*una snot penetrated her magazine and blew her up. Oi tbe rest of the fleet, me Fredericksburg alone pasaea bue obetruciions, and she soon put oack, it being inougnt unwise ior her to procced alone. Coas>ant canuonadmg was heard m tne direcuou of Dutcn gap duriag tbe morning. It is said we sufiered no ca- saalues by tne blowing up of the Drewry, sue, we presume, tnsinif abandoned oetore sue Wsia strucl:. Hick. Disputcti, 25lti. Bareare ev vaa ri AaeeeiAViea. Pemee M^>*^ement!—Afpointmmt of TewMnsWon- ert to Was^tn^^on/—Bioemobo. Jaa. St.—Hea. B. M. T. Hunt«r, S«aater froa Yirgiaia, Vice Presi dent Stepbecs, and Hon. Jetin A. Campbell ef Ala bama have beea appointed €eiBBiasioaeni to pro ceed to Wa^hiaglon to coafer with ike Uaited 3tatea authorities on the subl^et ef Peaee. Thej will leave Ricbmoad to-werrf'w. Oen. Brechinridae apj^nted S*crsary of Wax —A new Cammtssary (ten^ml.—Bi0*M0irD,'JaB’y 28.—Msj. Gen. John C. Breekiaridge has bMB ap pointed Secretary of War, vice Horn Jamee A. Sed don, resigned It is rep^rted that Wm Johoaton, Esq., ef Char lotte, N. C . Go^. Vance’s competitor in 1862, will be appointfd Commissary General, I’ire Northrop, resigned. Sherman’s Movements —^Maoov, Jan. ?8.—Pri vate advice* from Sava'uah state that Gkn. Sher man commenced his laeveiBent oa Sentb Carolina qd the 17th inst. with three coin Bins—tbe ssaui column mov'Dg towards Charle«ton, taking nearly all his traasportation, and twe ether columns, ia light BUtreh- ing order, mowng by separate roads towards Braneh- ville. S. Gen D. H. Hill has issued orders to nea-eesiba- tants to leave Augusta [a piece of iaforsiatiou which renched ns over Gen. Bill’s signature in the Aug^sta papers laet Thursday evening.] From Charleston.— Yankee Naval Lttset.— Cbaklkstoh, Jan. 27.—The Yankee gunboat Dlaoh- agroundIn Oonbahee ri»er yesterdi^ and our batteries one^ed upon her and set her en fire. , She burned to the water’s edge. Except a Lieateaant and 6 mea all the crew eseaped. The prisenerr, brcuarht to ibis city to-da», report that the' vessel sunk off Sullivan’s Island recently by a torpedo was "^be Patap»co Only 5 eut of her erew nnmberiag 300 • scaped. The others, 295, were drowned. Nothing of importance is reported fronbelew. Fire at^o'n—Mititary Matttrs Qwiel.— WiLMiKeTOK, Jan 28 —At 1 P. M. te-daya let of *t35 bales of cottoa lying ea the wharf in frent of ■ e Custom Heuse was nearly all destroyed by fire The Adjacent baildiags were not dasoafed. Tw» oar-loads of cotton ea the W. and W. Bail- '^pad, 4 allies from town, were alio bucned this morniDg. All is quiet below. A. stiff N. W. IrreeEe is blow ing and it is very eold. ■orses, Bmggf and Watch) AT AUCTION. Olf Thursday aezt tiie 2d Peb’y, wUl be sold a% Aae- tion, 1 Fiae ^aggy, Haraese and Horse. 1 Horaa aoltable fer cavalry. ! Hwee, Toaag aad geatie. 1 Oood Male, atedlum eiie. 1 Huntlog ( see Geld Wateh. 1 OfBos oa Bow street. Gilliaas’e. 1 Dwelling Houm^ Oraage aac. Cassberiand sinsis. JOUN H. COOK, AtMTr. Jaa> as. ^ Mpd AT AirCTI#]«. OH Tu^av aaxt. tb«> S'st Inst at th* Marfcet Hoaeei SO *r HEAD OF CATTIJB) If «r II IXiB Or.MV&H AND M9UM; A iiBber «r WAClOirB, Ac. —ALSO -. foMe tpleBdld Oxe% Carts, Any of the areperty may be seen at tbe house of J.^ Werth. Wi Jaa’y 2t. FALTER DRAUGBON, Auot’r. It Fire at Jdarietta—Maooh, Jan. 28.—The Marl- ^ta Hotel, Marietta, Ga., waa burned en the night of tbe 20uh inst. Fire thought accidental. Congreay.—Richmond, Jaa’y The l«ate to day passed, 15 to S, the bill Increasing the naaiber' of MidshipMea in the Navy, which the President hsd vetoed. Tbe Currency Bill (h>it the Heuse [pub- lished in a late Observer] was passed without impor kant change. In the House, Mr. J. T. LMch intro duced • resolutioas coademoiug the esiploymeat of negro soldiers in the Confederate anay. Richhowd, Jaa’y 2C.—Nethiagef iaipertaaee was done in the Senate to-day. A meesage froj) he President vetoing the bill te send seldiers’ aevispapers free of postage wan made the order fer Saturday, lu the House the bill toia^rease naater ef Midship- Bteo, waico ' ^'sterday passed the Sena'^ over the President s r o, failed for waat of two-thirds vete The yea »• i 3S, na»s 34. Richm .HD. J«n. 27.—Tue taaate to-day passed the He*Be • i’ lo increase the efficuncy of the eav- «lry. Mr. ' 12 fall introduced a resolution ot inquiry as to the pr rety ef repealing «11 laws authonaiag impressmeu' s - property for use ef army, except by military ofiicerr' in case of absolute necessity, which after a long de late, was adopted. In the House he Senate bill providing foreMpioymeutof free negroes and slavae on fertifieatiens, dcc., came ap aad Mr Ramsev moved a proviso tbat said slaves shall aot be naeJ soJdiera. Mr. Milessa^orted theaaaeni- mcct. Me V* ft utteriy opposed te arming ear slaves. In the inidst ttr' bis remarks, tne House sustained a (hotion to tra.-^-fer to the se’*ret caleadar. Richmond, Jan. ^8.—The Senate to-day passed the bill aathO' iztng free transmission of newspapers to soldiers, uotwiihstanding the President’s objec tions, by Feas 13, Nays 4. Notbing of importance was done in the HouJ3. AUrTIOM SALE, By H. ndfKlLLAH, Aa«tione«r. WILL be sold th»s day at S tfelock P. M., the feUow- iog artides: 1 get Landscape and Geld Band CSjlna, i2 fdeoes, DIsWs, Tuaiblera. Ao. 2 8ets Ivory Handle Knivee aad Ferks. , 1 Large Brass Kettle. 1 Fiae Mahogaay Badaleed. 1 Maple de. 1 Feather Bed 1 Mahogany Bareau. 1 WaA 6Ssnd. Aad sundry ether very desirable articles. Fayetteville, Jan'y 90. it al power of the Conf^erate J«vernment to impress slaves for the purpos-i of armmg them, or preparing Uiem to be in aay contingency without^tho ooi^ent o( Vhe«tat« be»^ first L-eeiy given-and then only ac cording to titato laws. ^ Resolved. That hia li«ellenoy Gov. V«,ce be request ed to commumcate a oopy of these reaolntm^. a . . J I. - - these resolutions to eaeh of our Senators aud iiepi asentatiTeg in Congress. Mr Pitcl^rd, risinsrto a per^nal expUnation. said he had not declared, ae was understood tha we (the OoBl«>deracy) wers whipped, but aerely ’that just now we were whipped in a raiUtary point of view at Savan nah and Fort Fisher, ae we had been be‘ore at Donelson and Vicksburg He was fmr from saying or bab^S were Bubjoga!.ed. Senate then adjourned. In the House, the ses‘ioii was ciiieiv occupied in the discussion of nominations for Magistraaiea. Mr. Phillips’s reiHJlutions in ruference to impressment, as amesded ov tbi, Senate, #»av, on moti-*n of Mr. P., ftiid on the t-ible A messsfie was sent tbe 'enate proposing a joint eeleot committee to acquire inw the g«^eral tiaxncial and ban- ness mf-nageraent of tbe Insane Agylam, and aa to the propriety oi fsrtber. supportiqg said iuatitation , T. P. CoMMissioiraaa to Riohmoko.—It is understood tbiit Ue L.«gislAuire in secret sess.oo appointed Sen- | jatprs Hall ani> Pool, and Commoners Person and Carter, to proceed to Richiioud, ‘o ascertain, pro- I I baMy trosi ^s Prosid^ut lusd oar Oongreseiaaa, tha I eonditaoa ot things. Thsgr left &dei^ on WadaM-1 [isgf tMk The Hold M‘irket.—A. pauic cju luaas in ths gold market, wnicb is paruaiiy atinDuted to tbe scarcity of Ooufe ierate aoiea. Confederate moaey IS in preat damaud, which is daily oocomiag more suingent; t^s ultimate elfdct oi wascn laust be to establish some well defined r^iaiuou i>6twven paper and specie, and overrule me combiaation of broaers to put up geld to speculative figares. Gold sold irfonday at 35, and yesterday me markat price waa so uncertain as to*be nossinal. It id known that tbe Goveruniaat has accauiulated at aichmond, within the past few days, a Ulge quan tity of gold; aud it is surmised, to tn^ greit terro- of the ongrosders of specie, ihat tbo Govermneut may throw some of it ou the m^r&et, (if it ba^i not already dona so,) and put tha price at its own fig ures. We may safely conclude that whatever may be lae orice Government may put uooa gold, thd caci-ent narket price w'*uld sbou fall tar below tne sVindard n account ot the scarcity 01 i rtiSary noi-^a, wMch laeven now severely felt., aud wuioa w juU ba made more stringent in exact pr iportijc aa fliese were ab- -^orbed, or rather put out of exwieucy, by the Gov ernment buying up its curreucy .vua cancelling it for gold. The practical effect wculd be tttat many per sona who had bought gold ai > lie Government stan dard would be compellod to t>ell again on a falling market; and thus a double profit would ensue to the Government, while eve"ybr>‘ly would be b^^efitted tint a few speculators.—Ricntnohd Examiner, 25th. Oen«ral~tn-Chtef.—^The President nas signed the bill creating a General-in-t'hief, audit is no«r a tav^. No appointment haa yet been made.—ExamW, 2bth. YanJcfe Itefns —The Situation, at Mobile—More eapf^cted.—A correspo.!d nt of tue N. Y. Tribune, writing trom Mobile, prediote active ope rations in that vicinity shortly. I West Ftrj/inta.—The first decision of Chief Jus- fice Chase, m the Suprem« Court of rha CT. States, I was tnat West Virginia ia legull^ a btar«. The de cision* was given on the qucstu-n* pl.icing the name of that State on the list when calling tne docket. ronjiacation in Tha aotoao is John 0. Underwood adverti8e8 in the N. Y. i ribune two columns ef sales of confiscat«,d real dstatea in Vir ginia, in all, 109 estates. Tbbbb Yankkbs CArruBRD B7 two Laoiis.—A subscriber writes ud from Wilkes eounty: — Ekddu's Bivu, Jaa’y 14, 186S. Dear Sirs:—I wish to infor^u you of the brav^ OAuduct of two y ‘ung Ladies of this place, siisses A D. yieken and C. £. Vannoy. On toe i6th oi Deoember laat they saw three yankeas parang the.pablie road in » suspi cious manner, caounted their horses, pursued them, order^ d thfm to saTrender, su.‘o^ed in arreating them iCbu carried and delivered them to the mihuury authoribiee. t IIIIIII ■■■!! ■ ■ !■— 1 Jiii, Su Ideply, on the morning of the 18th Jrn'y 18S6, II) t^ichmocd county, ,10 'KPtif iilNoiS, in the 67th year of uia at;e, leavug a wile and children to mourn his loea Th« large congregauou assemoied to a.tead his funeral bear testimony tiut he waa mu h respected aud beloved. duns. Killed, by deserters, near his own bouse in Bobeaou couuty, on tho loth insu, idr. J. B HARiiiS, ajed 4o years if Jct!] L^dl i!d.~~Jan. 30. OF raa avaiifrtf B»*-' a 7 00 , )tx 6 V 0. • Ittci ^ t-# 8n A ?3 r .; , -t.f pound 6 00 Bwtier 10 00 le 12 00. * 7*. CefeefO 00. ..•itOB If ara --50 00 te 06 00 pgr boaak. Jov ->eras, retail 48 te $10. l>ried Fndt 9t. £, ? 4 00 per desea. Fi*‘ir, to >6w0 Fodder f 12 60. liay $10 S^ aihsj^O. Frvuead 16 tW p«i' ba. F&yetteville 4 i uie«r4a£s, 5 26 by bale Oi»ri $40 00 $60 00 Hy« $83 CO yateieOO. ?iie540 0J. 8 :’9ea 80 00 10 50 0*) ptr v>usheL S »'f i 00 7 00 (. Bw)d«^ $3 to $7, o;}dnti;y made'4 00 to 6 06 La.MisP 26 tv iv»—0^. wid P'moS i86 GraT-a Brandy $8** te'$IOO. ‘iS, aturio, 30 CW by bb' iJiiiij 4 50 to ft ^0 ?er ib. Oni'^ -z ?35 jMsr l-i’iieL Pow^ar $40 t"* $60 per IL For:: —biiib $26 btuh; sweet |ki6. awt 2 00 Itrcw* iiuijar 16 00 te 18 CO. Jr u aU 12 60 yer »i>- S •>* $10 te $12. T Oar 6 Ou p'* ’b-t ToiKtt S ^ ta WO# 78 9C- io $100 i»iT T:irfr-Jtia? 6 00 j»c* i'f l'i 'tW 6 00 VfwM |>tO. ,1, vr. -T R L Pavaaeaoa. A Ri-utrkabh Sltet —Oe Friday ni;'bt 1«u-l aiid du ing the whole of Saturday, in this portion of tht* oou'itt y, a most plentiful rain fell Which ? ee e'l heavily, mne so than we h we ever kaown beiort.;. 1 he deet^ uciion to Lmber must be knmense. The mads in some places were completely blockaded end rendered ble. W’e fear tliat much damage haa baen su^^Laiiievl bj oroLai ?9 and fruit trees In town, froit aud eb’i e t-s » ve inucu injun^, tbrre being scarce y a wagle o u) cf ttie«r ou wh»ch the tffecie of the slett are uo^ vidible fi^ streeta of »nr town presriiting in fcone plac*»s tbe spp- ar- ance of having been vi*i»ed by a terrible tornado, which proatrfted and injured ©Ttry tree in ite- f.ath. Wat fm-Sentinel. r Tiji ..a-a«viH Meesti. Kdito -: !*; i»'t to acka the H>^i-ral .OLatiuu ot H pair# Ov^ioks ard 1 pUr of glore!> f ^"i the Y Uiin Ldidies’ Kuiiltog •'‘ooiety, aud 30 pairs ot n.K ks aud 1 com ort ffum the Juvealle Kiiittiug i^iety. The BBSasbera both Societiee will pleasa aceeitf the thanks ot OdS. E ud 1,61et Btfg't N. G. T. Yen csufictfatto, lAk &^TI4]|^44|fiaigk&Q.T Fayettewille I'ir* Depstrtment, ( * Jancart 26,1«66 J PJiiLIC attertion is called to tbe following section of tb;^ law establishing a Fire Department in the Town of Fayetteville, aud notice is hereby given that the re quirements will be insisted upon, aud failing to oomply win be reported in every inatauoA; ‘That every ^ner of a wooden, or brick or s»one house covered with wood, or tenant or oecnpirr of thp ame, which are u‘ed asdwalling houses or kitchens, shall within sixty days her*>iftcr provide the same with a snt Scieut ladd* r, or hi^^ a pcattle door through the roof of enid house largo i^nougii for to pass through ecu venientlj, aiider tbe pooalty of one hundred dollars for omitting 01 n»g1eotiug tbe saKe. -It A. d. DELANY, Chief Pire Warden. Slervants tor Hire. IWQMA^, age 26, cook, washer and iroaer. 2 ftBAWr. FOVMir. Found in the street., a few eveaiags a^,«geat1e> maa’s Shawl. The ewner can bear wher* It may be b*d ea afplioatiea at this efiot aad paying lor tkis ad- vertie?ment. Jan> 17. to enrolling erg, •■ee Mc4. lxiB*r Mard Hh Gmk. iHst. 9. C. i FaTCTTBVTUJI. Jar’y 29, i8S» J PAR. I. In ebedience »e '"'ircular fresi Censcript Offlee, Kaleigh, N. C., dated Jaa’y iith, M6 the Medieal i!x«m!niBg Beard or sosse member of it. will attead at the followlag times and plaees, to examine the slaves pressed under Par. VIII, tteneral Orders Ne. M, A. • L G.O. Fayetteville, Cnasb'Id ceanty, Feb’y 6th and 7th,lt*i. S'*Biaerville, Beraett coanty, Feb’y 9th. £ilB«bethtewa, Bladea eoanty, feb’y i Sth. IVilKingten, New lanover eoanty, Feb’y 16th A If*h. Whiteville, OelnsbuB county, Feb’y ' 8th. KockiDgham, Bichmcmd eonnty, Feb’y Std and 2M. Lumbertoa, Robecea, eeuuty, Feb’y ?4th snd 'ijth. II. Burolliuf OlBoers will see that narjf ala9» eobraa- ed in the 'aH is present for examinatien, as It is impert- aut alike to the owner and to the OeverDment, that their physieal status sheuld be accurately set fbr*h. HI. It is desirable also, that the ewner or hirer and the Impressing Officer should attend, 'that the eertlfic^ •qulred ia every ease nay be made out in their preeeaA W. L LEDBKTTER, VJ. D , &-3w] Member Ex. Board 4th Ooag. Dlst, N C. ff^Umington Jeurnal oopy daily one week. Mortk Carollns^—BIoiitg*merr Ooutir. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jaa’y Term 186^ TilB following list of Lands were retnmed ftjr an order ef sale for the taxes due titereon. by A. H. Sanders, former Sberilf of Montgomery oonaty: Eteddiek Beaton, 600 acres, val $1600, tax $6 40. Daaiel Ghiiholm, 60 acres, val $60, tax 26 etsi Wm Dann. 100 acres, val $60, tax 40 ots. \lex MeLeod, 260 acres, val $260, tax $1. David Jhompsoa, 119 acres, val $200, tax 3 9e. Peter Thoiaae, 96 aeres, val $60, tax 86 ots. J D Thoiaaa, 600 acres, val $6C0, tax 6 09. - J L Currie, 2837 acree, val $1686, tax 47 41. J Mall xik’s Est, 96 aoree, val $160. tax 5 96. hishoim & MoDufild, 247 acres, val $6uu. tax 18 60. dalcom itcKae, 100 acres, vai $100, tvx $S 70. m Morton, 360 acres, val $1000, tax 36 20. Jas Batten, Jr, 140 acres, val $140, tax 6 44. Asjtiia Lamoas, 100 acres val $100, lax 46 cte. Alex MoOasKiiC 276 acres, val $275, tax S 07. Jotin Oibeon’s heirs, 100 aorca val $100. tax $1 40. John Pittman, 160 aores, val $75, tax 64 ete. liiley tlicks’ Bst, 30 acr^s, val $I3o, tax $1. »V* Adkins, 167 aeres, val $600. iax 4 00. Daaiel Boon, 80 aoree, val $100, tax S 06. Ana Beaa, 100 acres, val $100, tax 2 12. d L Deaton, 360 acres, vai $400, tax 8 76; John Lucas' Kst, 100 aeres, vai $104. Ux 60 ots Levi Wright, 200 acres, vai $^25, tax I 18. ^ G McLeod's ICst, 112 acres, ral $275. tax * 46. Noah Bicbardson, 344 acr 8, val $5£0, tax II 60. Nathan Smith’s Kst, 73 acres, val $100. t^x 2 $0. ilaryy Latoam, 1>6 acres, val $210, tax 10 44. ' lArkin Brewer, 44 acres, val $76. tu I 06. KMdv Moore, 60 acres, val $126, tax 1^6. i>*Tid McLeod, 170 aores, val $226, tax 8 l^. Viez ripenco:, 330 acres, val $330, tax 4 63. p llaabeth ^right, 834 aores, v*l $36«, t« 9 70. ^oah Miller, 200 acres, val $200, tax 10 00. J P * H Lucas, 374 a«res, ^ai $(joO tax 11 $0. Moore, 400 acres, val $66", tax 28 00. Joshua Wright. 326 aeres val $36C, tax 17 00. lUchard Orawlord’s Est, 333 acreS: val $»oo, tax 21 tf. 'eill liurley’s tteir- 290 a^'nrs. val $30u tax 1 ^0. viray W Harris, 103 aeres, vai $ 300 tax 13 67. d J Steele, >00 acres, val $300, tax 21 36. tiau'l Earley, Sen’s heirs, 100 acres, val $100, tax 40o. John Cook, 100 acres, val $100, tax 2 00. L»*niel Giilis’B b^^iro, 163 acres, val $75, tax 38 eta. Jalvin Hicks s fist, 136 acres, val $i9U, (kx 6 66. jisa Blake, liO aeres, val $250, tax 3 16 Ale^MoKay’s Bst, 340 acres, val $160, tax I 36. noncau Parsoas, 18 acres, val $26, tax 26 ete. Isaac Williams, 163 aores, val $326, tax 7 49 Daniel Yarbrough, 93 aeres, val $lf«, tax 4 37. jiartin N Chancey’s Bat, 60 acres, val $76. tax 1 06. vV 0 Morris, 36 aeres, val $100, tax 8 60. M Q Waddell & Ge, 926 acres, val $1960. tax 64 18. Vm WilliaM, 2 acres, val $10, tox 24 cts. P A ^rford, 66 acres, val $56, tax 77 ots. 0 K Parnel', 233 acrs', val $223, :ax 6 16. Zwheus Poe, 10‘) aoree. val $'^. ^* 16 68. ^nrphy Oweos, 61 acres, val $160- tax 24 67. viartln Cag»**’s Est. 14 acres, val i'x 26 cN 1 mbiose Urawfo d, lOZ acres v«l $138, tax 6 76. B Duua, 10 aores, val $16, tax W ct-. cSttDiicti 233 ftorca, v&l (4 >0, t%x 50, Noah Latham. 6 acres, val $5, ta.i 4 cts. aol Latii-im, 100 acres, val |l0a, tax 4^ cts. Wm B Owen. 100 acres, val $76, tax Is 46. filiaabetb Allen’s Bet, 86 acres, t»1 $176. tax 2 6«. Thomas Hhll, S6 aores, val $20, t a 2 69. Orio Hali.>’s Bet. 100 acree, val $100, ^ 2 39. »%ley Hu -en’s Bst, 100 acres, val |220, tax 14 OS. rail Hamilta^u’a Eet, 100 acres, val $176,.tax 4 9«. iVm Outsi^n’a E«t. 150 acres val $3*3.>. tax 8 83. tjuri V * • onlin, 219 acns. v»J $75 tax 3 24 L'wie Atfcra, 288 acce«..val $960, >ax I 50. Ivy Crawford’s E?', 2ll a^its, v«i $2.V. tax 11 >-6. K J Ha'^dister, 132 acre*, val $«iK). tax 1 00. Eaekiel liardister. 132 acre«. val $i(X) 'ax 3 30. Jo>>n Hulin. 160 ac.'*-s, '-al $16., 'fJtx 13 86 Baltimore M F Go. 700 acr^-s. va $xO, O*-, tax 113 40. Biiaa J Hill, 66Q aerss val $76, tax 3 86. Andersen Morgan. 100 acree, Tt>l $IC0 tax 10 Sir. «Vfl>ie Burley, 100 ao'ee. val $100, tax 1 40. Wm tiedwiuc, 76 acree. val.$160, tax 2 70^ Slisha Harris’s Est. 226 acree, val $226, tax C 21. Wm Ingram’s Eet, 200 acr s, val $500. tax 6 10. Ingram & Redwine, 900 acres. Vol tax 2$ 8Q. Dewit Taylor, lO acree, val $130, tax 2 75. •Iriley Crews, 16 acrtv, val $60, tax 64 ete. fi (Ictpkins. ^ aeres, val $86, tax 1 20. 'NfiAe Biid’s Est, 26 aoree, val $26, tax 3 90. G W Suggs,'35 acre's, val $192, tax 9 61. P P Ballard. 16^ aerf s, val $6».-'', tax U 60. Schaefer, Kiser &i.'o, .5440 aoree, val $3B'jd, tax 6$ OQt Johu.W Hutebug^' 126 aeres, val $312, tex i$ 62. James Oolnntnn, 209 acres, val $1337, tax 42 $3. ibomas Bowdon. 40 acr ts, val $*^, tax 6 26. Britton Hart, 155 n.^res. val $4M, tax 10 60. John 0 Dumas, 160 a res, val $8 S, tax 8 68. A. 9. 3AMni-3tS.Sb’fl: January 2,1866. [j. a. 8.} It 2 boys, age 16 years. I girl, age 11 years. Apply to Jan'y 26. Mrs. WM. S. DRUMMOND, LumbertMi, M. 0. 6 2tpd iworice. SrriAYED fh>m tife subscriber, ubont the middle of December.Jast, two OXEN, one black Iv'adle, tbe otb''r re^ neck aad br«^t, the babnce white. The said 'Jteers I srot from J sse Bethea, iu llarlboro’ District,. S. G. Any person who Will take them ap will be libertlly reward d, and any informatton of them will be thaak- fully received. The marke oa thess not reeolleeted. Mj addzees is CUloiioliiLttQlKSsn eoqaty. State of IVorIh Carolina, UeB8«)N COUHIY —la £«ditt. Jeha ^.!cFbfcul vs WlUitfls MrPha&l, (jalvia MeFbaal ffslll McP»«ul, Mitten MePheal, Jaaea MePbaal! Oa^ai^rlae MePbeal Md Malley MeFhaaL PrtldoB far Sale rf Lead fhr FartMea fT sup* rag (e aj eatisfaettoa tbat IfoPbaul acd Oalvia McPhtal rse dc teyead the limltr of >he Stst* of N»rth '’•rolias{ t?»«v ai*^ h«rrby aotifed te be I nd arpe ir b^fare ‘he Tn 'f.e rf the ^qc’«y f-r I tbe Ceaaty et a. iw C-*cr.» H«n% ia Ln>»btr ?a. ea tbe f*.aru> !8-a-^-jy i; . Mv rexf »♦>!•» •P' the***' to pleax. *.':eti»r le «ie’*>ur ”> l.*- pi..i> p g bs I theia filed, or tke same wtU be tak«a pro oeafesea, aad a deevee eatertd aecec^agly. Witaeee, K. A MaLsae, (Bsek af oar seid Oswi 9t at ease ia Laefcssiee tike

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