1 .4 1^ SSfi fV. ^YHTTEVJLLE, K. C„ FEBRUARY i^7, 1865. (KO 1413.1 '(■4 3?-" pc» ^“•’1 A. M P. M. A. M. P. if. • eTM ftroa M r d by ^ M H With tou~ pvt- !«*«• •flta tor •ftr 3 iDAVa A?i:i i iUKBUAYe h HAI ^ PivOPKlETOaS. c'kl'T OniT''.-vn J20 00 for sis; I'-sT Ki f'-r six laontht !>•■- )*'3 pt»r A ip.r%r« r->“ 5 0*i.rt rnV'.'t'** Adv^iS0rfi f-* R>viil;sT ef inrertioBB d«- (5au*vI.Hn fcr'pH »aci ckftiVei FAYETTEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA •WfZ,rT.9R\* JMC.^MP TNE First Session cf thia lo^iintion will ^ojaiosccs 1st ef FAbmn?, 1865. • ^ Ap'Uo*ti.-ii8 for »dmis8iofl trnst be »dJr8vsa«i t« . M*j "WM A. BANKd, 8upoTi'^!‘'ndM?L Oct. f4 . 80 i? WE^TEai^ jESAli SEOAli! THE FREiatTT AND P.*8SENGlja TaAIli* of L Ros-d leave FsyetfcfiJl^ dsiiy, (fiundsys eTo»ptv>i' j ^ CU;Clt, M. ! Parr.»fllac £fsbriCAtins; Oil. HAVIKC^ ?£T. fB' f.% fciicrfci *r4 gremtiy imprcYed tn« c .*r.iCter of cur Oil, sow offai lar e»5- *u •.“(ioln of Labrioitn'g Oi\ for I’otton ^aatoriw Is 1 .v= a i jun'irl.*'* ta ; Coijfcdjrio^. I ^lotJi B"!t {raui or c~ill T.iisi/U.J (ru!*i-»^£ec iriHi careful idfci to lis ih b'St '-ndi ;;i ii • ;. •'I * fian inaoblaery ia Ibfi 3c».ta. ba U.«d* \l,,'iCal K^'ca hifi 0’’'8Ca\l fcttvS- t'in *■.' ‘ho n cf f.iAOil. tt i‘h»llnc»idTU>rjf.i»'tc •;■ qci.L y i;j' • i -oie kfc'vra 10 itv loJ Oaek Mi»un- i tH!', N iJ , wbj proiiius’^ij U M *r.r:4>, !lHTiy p>r B'-mUL nOTlCK )Vs . afl aas« «f S “«w '•.'•ut iB »It» aor *rlli • i.it AuW.'rih^ fir A loBjwr i -i ■ yrv as licflrs t« tniw fi>« p»* Viil pi*u« wkaa mllcc T»ti’y 1, IfW. ■■Ill ijijn O*.;* ,rsd ffortf JSv,3 VONDAT, WIM3:^BSDAT^ucl ?RTI>A?. i'j QXtfcr JK9. M BOSr, i.j.1 3aa’I IVtse. Ac'U ^«u ail 1868. ' SYfci* Rnr’i M UENRY r>. VOLT«N. AnF E Oo. ^ * if^stersski &'tU’e-“ProoC ! k?v ao'T .j £»ipi«ly s,ay oi tfcw ' Vf ki pa»»d?r , C-sJAUGHOiW,'' ancrioMEsa, 8. ;s. Oorner MarStei fHinar«, F4¥STTBT1ULB» M. 6. > *i tfivea »o «U toMB«63 In h*» bm*. Ui' ;*• ir 40 tf flOLLLVSSVVORTa -1 r>;H3ii«iioB Merekait, ' \ v'-'TTSIVILLE, ^ q «a u . .7^c‘£rri755i% at XhAW, i'AitirS v vLIilfi, N. C. • •'. tri' Coc..ty &i«v Sap«ri»r Conru of ‘ Mootp *B'di Robeiton Coiii»- • :. . . . v; to th« mIVscUqb of ftii •-. 5- -a»iis 9^4/ .? . ti 'jT ii E Y, r'Jcti I'-JKWtfJsftfw* ; .‘ 'T---Tvvu.LS, r;. 0 9»-U * w«. H, BlSE,SAa!L ?,. ^ €0-, USTiiL AND .UL^i€5fAXTS, ".It. 10, S^ay SireeU PATiCTTSVILLfi, N. G. 25.f 6-4 7tf] Prom aaad attcr IMa 4*to tie 8tcara«r A. F. HURT wUl Inafe «l 8 »’olock- A. *1., oa ?l. r.f2nv JG5. A. TiOiifir, Aifltj. r. Sisais Bm Go Beies, k%,f hr Pristaers of War aad Soldierit As the As«Bt of SorgeoB Gen. W»rn»a, I will ttttin Mtd ^i>nr«rd &11 boxee. Ito, f^r Soll’'.?Fa xhd pHsoa* c 8 of wiP, ftree of ca&rg«. Tha Bj*€a iacuU h«ri bj th« ii-k of «*eli inootX, to th«i t^ef o%u nach >'7 the last of 0»ch'0fi;:;ath. 1 hiiQ bwx» soiit to iB« to mark., viUt inii.l«a ki *tmctiosts tb»t T r-iAj a*To ii properly doae. All b^cB for p:iac!:^ra of war aaat be u p^rriblo. If A«y !^4atd W9^gh mor« thtux 100 lb*, thcj o*nnt>tr». JOSEPH A. WORTH Fa/BtrsviUg, Nc*. 15. riil B 'S.1 h« Me»t fciuiB\ b,*awn. EENRt E FAtettcr:!*.'. K . -'r i3. It is s Peroxide cf I'sa, stj* iw tr.st5 firi C*inT 3aLriK. A^i F HEAD^ltTARISRS BKSEKYK, NORTH CAKOLLXA, Adjptakt Ghhhax.'b Cjjios, E*le'£.^j Fo‘ruv7 18th, I'^O^. GFSKaAI. Ordir, 1 • . No a / I ENh'uLLTNa OflSsera is ifec 3i*to of Nortk C»ro J, lita iriU is2-k« tJPI; at liiqair^ tb."lr rf-BpECfiTS cuunti.^e fcr the »rm^ &i , 0”U d for i». G’3. L;5’t ^p- P>»1 of J».cawy 3S, 1S”6. . * TJjey fc^o required tj recC'Y-J fcll »rsi4 bMCg^st i'r wAriflBd&r h2e x^peftl, ti-idrr^.rt them ta UA?t A W, rrfkWTi'oe, Orda..ro3 r-ffic r N O. By emr.M 4 of Lt O-ii 'iJcLiijEs: JOHN W HI53DALji:; 10 Jt] • ^-eaUtsnt Adj’t G?Ejral ! Boxek For Soldiers. A' LL Boxes FOR SOLDlE'iS OB PRISONERS O't War fro'z North O^roluta, deii?«rcJ to lae /oSIjT' I tttg auoed pcrsosa wiil be ^jroxapUy forir»r3e4 fc»« K ! o^Mge: Dr D F Siunraey . A>hoTiliei I Dr W A CoUftI, MorjTtatf'B; I 0r J W AlUii'^a. Dr J L Ne>(5la, Gf^eH-'Sor's * Mr A. Hfg»n, Ch»rIoktij; ( Mf EJw*rdi Ilofs, iSii--S; Oapi J H McDaw-il, Hal-iyh: j ^ Jtisepli A Wortfc F^> oUni';»: E Marr»y & Co, Wil£ua^ti-j; J'f F L fiaad T*ro«ro; Mr J A J Askew, 0 4sr»t- . Mr ¥ L BsbtTtii, nrfre«ib?rr Ttte Boxes ahocld weil ho3p^ properly mATked, »t3i d^llv >'«!i in ti a? for my Spiciii '■^:x..»'v^«r wliO le«'rf9 Bfceijrh oa the firai diy of e»ery £Qonth. EDWARD WARRBS. Sari?3=n Qn’l N 0. Oat ‘JlD. tO- FAYIGTTR Vlf.. falS StTlJiL £?SCE^€£ CoSPi ti. WiS ARJ5 SOT ^ers f>? BAfiUB FOinVDRT, \ FAT»rT«vji.i.», I’. 0 . Jts!y 4L i‘64. f ~ PRBPARBD TO RBOKIVE 03- RAIL ROAD WHEELS . »*• ^ I'-ow.a;' rtiiM, v*»: 24, 3G, 28 '»nd CO inc.*;. .*Urtj CiilLL£L> TIRfijj Tfc') Ii3B ire sbaii a-jo for tLora I U b.^ noLD BLAST Oil i RflOAL IhOS, vs - «- r ;.k tnr . i« J.JOT TO ilA' f. ed to y* »*^u;l to ft>y dials la tic vcut^'. ^r*oy, ct to tact* of V' aiiney & ev-j* ef C"61-i’*'!; ir'--?T' rppuUHaB «a ■» /il kno^rs b> 5li iiaU iti« -• t JJKpatiif*. T^ e hvta '*vi bMi I*. iilea foT trta«t>f’rtit^ja by 10 »«I’: , f:on fr* taij y «rt of ihe Ooafar'f'. ^nj Otd .i' lly S;-Hc'*'id «•;(• 1 D- 4 00. is Pr;:3:Tni IFoJci ftffi-ociits to Oaii ;G hA&d ar ; 0*3 wi'tati.. «;07.CS jIs as WAi^TEf#, f^hecp Sheep ^kintdt :. ■- •;%: S&9 ; ;« plic-? yr Q2: ..%Bgy ?*o 9 *rd4 fsr rtw or tcuued eastf A. A. MoUMTd.XJi. 8‘i f n/^JR-'«K9^. of zy i iud vi® Jo to ecni ih'-Ar r.t tUjatka. ■ vxi^T -n. ;Co..S. c.,1 13. iSOi. I 10.--: ft I s.n - ■will ^ T.iu:, ''.•r2,-6” 1^ i'htr O'.Hipjkay h*ye j:»i5 aJi Ioc;m pvc-’raptly, ' ■‘Tsr.^.r*; ti&ic *c.an vh*> eftr’l »j iv;. *. Vstei IsMti pii '- i>M •■‘i 0>«OK»j; aao. JI-.NEiLL, • D. A ftAi, ►•0? "reaii^B". n. A. V jMU ^AIT, D««(r^usa: W. if. ViVixtpi^^t r. J. ttinniit'f, V-'o:. M,L--.':rlu, T. f? LT'^“! 'Vi. A iTi , 1“ ; >f ‘. 6 lt^O« H T: M.'r-j- a. T. Kftiir\D A. O.l 0. ti. Mftiett. Kyi'S, A. A. J. D. TTil'iama, a W. TU'inshwJt. joe's Oolliii!^ »ac o. J. ’ii ?0 .r'if r^t lu'- » > . u . •_■ lia. a t \. li. OrFICB POST QVARTnXinAS'l'XByl 4th iongrcsslenal DlBlrlct, X. | FAXaTf»iViii.4, N 0 . Jac’y 1®, 1805. j ESB0LLC;G OFFl ;ER3 -.cd T!i.fi0 Ag?a a 4th Oto £r'»‘?>ai! Di:>r!st N. C , riii ple^*e Botiotf tbeCir CU'Sr *■ [0. FT ] Cord Omon, r i ?? CiaouiAs.\ No. 70 / • • ^ « • nT.l - In?^aTej:5f’:s3 hr the ictsjfiraact , vlth ' »■ .A;f?Dt of »bc T x i i K’Ci 8err!o« tea ,Ur. i r ‘ I f i n :r i’lCfrOfljfn;-hjt (119- i*i 0:«lef«, 15 iroo\ H'. ? iia.>r£»^r. a serTa, aa*' «uh^’e:j« i.-»«*r ieMo tiifi' i., dire t taa: «n:plcy9«s -* % tlr. eor*'c^ B'^t He esat t^ Gamp cfl’ia-n»' !«rt> w..r>l.tJigO:bo««wiU, hoif'TYfr, prosppt !> report t'i th=.i uffiia any abuae of the af ti’s witl- ;• B7 order of t5»3 roam’dt K J. HARDIN. Adj’t. 8. M. FINGER, M'j. *ui orc l K \f N C, J M McG>WAN, Ca;; :. Fob y \1 , 4'U ',>«ng DisL ECAG«^'a A&MY Ot KoaVHBBH VlSQlWTA, JsEuw/ "5, 1>65 / 'I'o arm aad cqi4p »q aJuiti4a«rl faroe of oaTair?, tt‘erel3B«rd af o^rbSauB, rcralvjra, pUt;h, saWlae, rod o^i-tr ^oooatrciiierito of aionn^sd tr'sr. Ar35^ F'd ^(iuip’icnta of ti»e alcd dew»ir«d »re bf.l’eTed to b in raflloJ^nt rurj».^«r^ tr aapntT r^r w»ptu ,Mvs? -a. ».p ‘id roEi«» r;t;i ?>f! 'rpcc- . ; s.-»u ti iSc eim But it t‘;ccvJ r- rilsre' t^fcl aruiR arc i»nw rcqu-r*>iJ - i % at 1, ac'i "la' they ca-;Dot l-s >aade so efferfn^ f r tHe 1 df'fene* of i^e couutfy in s.ny way, as ia the haad? cf - • iga'aii' ' ;r ;!)«'j T'''y s-ra to ra»tle cu? cat- tlry to oopo wUh be w?Il arraed and tqaipncd carA’ry cf *ha W1PIT7: Oiit or.ly i" th»» ger.er*! i:«rT>«, bat In risigttrg'hcsja i-'eis^ory »:rp'dui->'i« »)ilo’.' hiTC in flioted 83 Quch loss npcn tho.pecpl.’ of th? interior.* To ii*« I nrfl E» ■'-1 E'! t^aer appfl&l thaa the WAats cf che aeivfcc; 1 be$ 0 rensind those vho are reli:it>Qt to pari with che arms and eqaipm«Bt« io ilieir p'aoejeien, that by kefl' Jog them they dimloish tha Ability of ih« army to daf^sd thair property; with- otit th«m&elTu3 dfriv!n? any beaefit from theoL 1 tLerefore argo ail por^oaa cot ia tha Berrioe to deliver prawptJy, to tora« of the cffij’ra ??8lgn»t«d fcelo'W, tttcb anw aatl eq.jlpceafs (p-jpecbVlj tboce saitabla for cayalry) m i*-cy m*y iav'5>,*9i:’d4o report to theaa niuB33 of auoli psraone M a«gleot t$> s M’ren- dtf ilo^a ia fjelr pvoeeesica 8¥0ty «*!i 5B who prcTe'itfl a cirbine ot piaiol from '' ■■n^ir.iaj; una'-rd. T-ill r>a *?r a sei 'iee to hia flouQlry, Thcfle who *hick »o arros for ‘)-.etr owi* defe'^oe, Bhoplp. rfBBsn.bw if (fee acmy c' unot protect ih«B, the Kims wiU 13 of li*U> uds. WLito no «kiii title Oita ha acqairrd to paMio traia aad equlpm' tiM es3»pt from the Ck*eran2est, it is reported that mauy peraoas have igjortatly parohikeed tieja from pvitx'o partiaa. A (Ur ooinpcasatioa vill, therefo’e, be laido to all who dftUve? Bfiob anns ta’ eqnljsmeat« tr- any o^dBar«o^ oCEiajr po^ini* udiag at a p»9*^ qQoce %ad ayr«BM it tha QaMrienna»t3' aai C4in'aija‘%'‘j Beparunoats. at »iiy aiati'*n, or offi i"* tar -Hirj rcrvice. or C’«i n’o'ed «i»h the Nitre aai MirJnf Bureau All thece ^fiJtra’are rson.^atod. aa^ the^a oraTiec**’ wl'h thU avmy are' di cctcJ. to rea^iT* a>:i r>cdipt fsjr all armf aud 6qa’|iianta, whi.iever th«ir ooBiitiCB, arid forward tha Sfciae, with a dapl’oatd rc-;^slpt, to >ae Orlcmoe Drt.p^rtBieat at Riobmn:i, aad ■’Spcrt their prcoc9diaj;s at these Hiadqa-.rtere. The rprs.kn boldi*^ tbe rr^ce’p*. will be rompcn’ttfd npnn pred-.ntij,5: U to 5*9 Ordofroo* Bur»*8u While it ia h iaai ao oiie rill iis^eg«TJ tlis arpc*l, ali ofiQ :«j cor.Zie^t? ? w!:!! this array are r. q'jired aad *U t!j"r*i t.c ’■f >d to lak” posfca^'oa of aay pnblio ara.->ac> cq Mpm-?‘.8 thsy na/,y fiad ia hand* ef pe^co; - unt'i'liT. • t. tnrre»d-r Jhaiu {olLe 'fTTiOij i! t\9 ocaat'» f?il t--- gif* reoaipt* th^ii-efor A itiSf'caSi.e allowance f-i’^'ieir f xpsa-w and tronMs will h-> jttf ic t" aach pi'rto;. 3 e’.t a»m as frill o?l)ect atd deli»w to any ef th-’ cttiiers »b vt defig’'Atid fach fcma a»l cqaiTsaeat-’ ae they cay II .td ia th# haada of I»f*-wns »o in tbo or ^ho —i!l 'c&ort the Barr.e Jo tiiise ISjaia A pro® I ^oasp'iaa wUh thia eall will gr«^U? proT'^t'-e %iit fffioknoy etraojrth of. ihq. arc.,’, patdculwly of the oaTf.Uy. i-Bi riu'dar it b«tie£ Ubadqk’s Armies of the C. Statbs, ) nth Fobiuvy, lS65 j 0«:sB&L OasBKs, No 2. Id entt’riog upoo the campaiga about to open, tho General ia-CLiat feels asaai^d that the sol diers who have bo Icnjf and bo nobly borne the hirdsltips aa*! da^gors tho var, r«qujre no ex hortation to respond to the o 11a of honor and duty With the liberty traaeooitted by their fotcfaih- era the^have iahcTited the epirit to defend it. The ohoio3 between war and abject Bobruigsicn ia before thjjm. To sucii a proposal brave mca viith arme is their Laada oast have but one answer. They oannot bartiir manhood for peaoe, nor the right of eclf-governmcnt for Hfo or property. Bat juatiee trt.theca requires a etemar admooi- *tion to those who have abaoioncd thoir eomradet ia tho hour of peril. A last oppt rtunity ia cfifer- ed them to wipe oat the disgrace nnd escape the iatothe str'eet, deeonbes the aUtJ>Ority of . R.Tmt*a vnaamKIlnrv n OATAW 111 lljl The Late Oil Fire in Fhiladelphia.-^A^ tetri, ble aad £ital ooaflagration oooitrred in Pbi^el* phia on the 8th instant^ about 3 0 ^k in &e morning It broke out in a warehouse filled with petroleum oil. The Bulletin eaya: Tbe flames spread through the greater part of it with almost as much rapidity as though it had bocn gunpowder. About two. thousand barrels of tho inflammable material were soon ablaze, and Bfeoding ap into the sky a huge column of flame. Tho blazing oil that Cfloaped from the burning barrels pou?ed over into Ninth street and down to Federal, fillicg the entire street with a lake of Are, and inniticg the houses upou both sides of Ninth Btroat for two equates, and carrying de vastation in Washington, Ellsworth and Fed eral Eircetfi, both above and below Ninth street. An eye witness, who was upoa the spot when vnm^hmect ol their crimes. By autj^oriry or • resembling a screw in its the PreBident of the Confederate States, a pardon . progress: it first whirled up Niuth street, and then IS aaaounc‘.d ta »uoH deserters and meu impro- ; g torrent rushed down the street for a dis. pcrly absent, as shall ^ ^ ~ra^ds to] squares, and then bhek again at th« whiob th^y belong withm the sborlest poas^Te T •» Uviag^ings *;mo #rnm th^ nnhli- buTuing dwclUngs and their contents as though they were so much straW| and even splitiing into fragipents the pavirg stones in the street with the intense heat Fully five squares of houses, had they been placed in a row, were on fire at onee, and t>«e scene was one to mike the atonteat heart quail. People escaping from their blazing homes, time, not exceeding twenty days from the publi cation of this order, at the headquarters ot the department in Tjhieh they may be. These who may fee prcventedf b> iptsrrupHoa of c«tE* cxooieatioas, ni»-y r-apon 'srilbJH the tiice epa^Ified fa ike aeareat cbioliiag ofiSof^r orc'hsr rlfio;r ca tiaty, to be forwardei cs a^oa as praoiio^ble, aad ncou prf«3ntin« a eertiSoate froa Euah officer bhor. i&g ciai;>l]acc» with thia reqtureme&t, will rooeive thep*rdon her«by cffarud. Tisoec who have deserted to the a- rv'ee of the eaemr^ or who ha|d dese-ted after having hs’a 020 pardoaed ■Vor the aasae cffeuoo, acd those who ahaU desert, 0^ ab- sest thtmsolTcB with^'^t aathou y afte? |-u«lie&tio& of thia order, are cxsladed trota it«i btasdts Nor docs the off«r of parioa- extend to othw ofifjacfs th*--, de- sertioa aad abataca witkoct r'ermi’^ei‘->a Bj the 3fiOi6 aat'aerity, it ia alao deoUt ed thkii ae g«ce- ril ascbsty will ^^aia befipraated, acdiac-S'* wao refas? to aoj^pt the pardon aow offered, er w^o sh I' h^rtafte deeeri or absent Iheias^lvee without teav . sbatt loffer sueh pckushmenC KS the CcjiTt' rnay ii:jpo~e, aad so ap- pliuaiLoii for olemanT wlU be ealertaiaed Taktnfc aew resolotioa front tke fa.e which ene ar.its iataad f 'r us let every a>at> derot) all ria eair- gles to the eccocn *Bf*«03 Oar reeourcw. wifely azid Tlgor-.nsly omployed, tre •«» lo. «n i wita a br»TC army, ea*tailed by de:eriEinBd u.jit€4 people, aaeoeea, with G 'd’s aadistaaoe, oaraot bs dcabtfi^. The adnBtagea of the eaeisy will have bat llttl* valae if we do a t peraiit ih'^ta to impair car retolatioB Int nS; thea, oppose cotstv-cy to ad^emty, foitita 'e te Buffer ing aad eoaraf e to ditager, wit's the fir's asat^rAtioe that He wf 0 gave freedom »o oar fathers Till blew the ef- forlt of toeir oMl^re& to preaerve it. 11 64 BE Lu,'€^ea. able to prattt»t the homes atid tfv.m oa*r*ge ii . i HUl. f Oiljl I >r ** i^*cr lhi» i wiSI 2fi prr fsap.d far rag3, or -K- dc .trer'.-d u vrnPBT. f J .} ri".^AHt«2NT I; .-1- 1363 ■»r«H 'o vianUafi*! Icr tlds iiaTicir !a’“g« or siaaU qaan- - : i-. Wtd gi’’^ 1 i-:a^d c.' ■ ■; C-' ' 'j iiO'JS; 0*^1. 0. B ia ob-^rge ol ■;waai-»ce. ,4 ine ’^S.ikcT' or £>i«tiliers. , 1: f !0 if! ’ivU^d hes.Tyosk FERMENT- T. .^03, of: ‘•i.c 1=' of 1^0 ^ 5 ?•! y- JiOU cac‘>. An/ ■ ; s. ite n; jl'»Ck'U iiavj ..aem for “(lOOO. t ^ J ;ne w^lujjg t- aake Wize or RAtiJS! K44^!!—The infe rior qu»iii7 of the p^pcr ca which t*;*; ^ _ Obijerrer haa been prlii^;d d ute, a* a wSJih ia a groat cye-aora to n?, 13 owing to tiia mu' of A S'-JSoiont supply ofg->od rif', and the ionsequont n.-''*- •saiiy tc reeofS to inferior ci« ;nAls. Vfe ’“* fnfends of tic. Observer at all AC^ocfliMe poiat#, to : a; Aca brSap to tow^ all the ra^a they caa -.0. « ne iaTS BO timi: oor'’?lT>^ te *v*ejd to ttiir pui^:;?.';' ')at Me-»^r^ ^-lo. W. S'J-’sm-i & Co., tl'» Afii’W »•; to«i? of Mr Mn^Uy wvUp*:- :^r it». ‘-i 5 ’ V %' _ ' ' f 11 luEP 1 rq-iivA’-’-r'i in cs’*^ i WA.^'TE^J, to T*a Lii ftharfs. Tfr.j.s ^ lc*.**hcr or t&a it la a vti; tUorJ tins. ?era>nj bftvirghi'.-a o'-u a. v i U.»m to r.j iddfci’ at Jc'^ei^ 0’ W R U , Mouie ccunty, cr dclirer thca at ray T»a Yari JOHN M PL04N. ,r^ .-h'. ’’y fi p 10-M Wagons a!sl Teams Wautcd. win gi^e Btovd/ h acd good wa^es fr»r :e cr f.;ar rig'sss d M0:)RE & CAfiH^Ef.L. Pfb’vll. In. l'?e c®J«ri rjoaivit^ ft'ml -r aoo\)arem»at« »n(5tr U appeal %re riqueatsa to stAte spoa «ho Ucf. of the duphoate rccelp'a g'TcC ^y thesi cincHtica of the artKlea. wL‘’tb^r itJ :i-!er w? ^‘r.e«'*;'ii;: aad if not a g*.vd ord*r, the pir neatage winch ->.:ul^ >e dsdagt- d cn :h*t acnaat T ’t= recoup-.? tra;, b2 pr- •: -uJ f.r to any c cf the foil nsni a utH e-s: 0".pt. J M t^tciene Ri^ -Eaa. Arsenal, Rioh’d. Mrjir p. K.ar.solj.5 Va Mij jr E S ITut'rr, Grtnriil’ V'- f'int Cf H O !7.-L7. o', urg V* r*.: gjF.pi'?, Wyf -.'*ilie, Va. Cap* A G Hren z-r, SiUs. urj. K r Ey order of J GO**.GAS, r»rg O 'a'tel, of Ordutnoe Onio)?’: J. W Hi»spai,c, A G. 10-8i Oci ibo79 ^cr 8n!o i# half ttie HENRY E COLTON. 72il ♦ &L- • c«’!? fo' > r -r . 1 3t3. J ST\T«.?^ 0? AM^IlirA, . piST. C/.pm Fbas, , i,'.i .- iv'.i* ISt-o, 12c3. . , r.p '.-rsc-is hATiaw ciaicas ... , 7 fcr eerricss of • '? ca Jiie nsar . .. .-r ...^ ^ is antbrrtxed r- 1’'3 s5ic«s oa tie ae- -a .. - sioxt abOTe ileares’ Drug >: r ' ' c .t*.n of Attorroy will oV.- ! - i .?tr Bignatiar.a, i"- *11 ezioa, . -.r n''3t ’s acd gisnei la dupU- . t T jeesel be'oro a Juitvoe af t4e -?t . : - v.i;!*, OF ^•illOEHBY. . R^'Tvr.y ^ppciat , cf , icy t '•'n r€-.-:.tpf9 for, «ad rweive -u- 11 rae by the Engineer De rate &f America, for the • i-ve.* -r Icucrers or> tha iaad —, ..i- cf , » - ■ the d*7 9/ - [S«*-1 UB^WAliD. 1WILI* pjy oaethraaar.d Uvllarireward ft>r »ke appro heasioa v-f a man by t’ae 3ijl3 cf WM 8 OjaKM.\N, who broke jAtl ia thia o''a.ity ,ja the >'-s 1834 t»ai^ Ccrkmia 11 pho tt 26 ysars of agi, •bon? 0 f?^t 8 or 9 inv-ioe hljih, li^ii c>u»pleotei, ligli> 4v, stoat biilt. j Also, Fi« Konirfd d.lla i l.r each of t'li followla5 I p^'soca who broke jiil at tbo^aia'' tiiEe; j VTiley SuTinfry, w'ao i« a^^a: 3'> yiws of A^e, 6 f«> . 110 iaihea high, stout bn!'.*, lig^i’ c )£u^lc.yted, ligit hair, thr-33 nap»Tj of ais :.f hial rff. ' ^?inf».a L ^*arr7 [Bad] cbt irK t*Uo s.t, stsut ba>l», I d*rk oonplectcd. fraot ba.*, on; out. Joha HiU, P. F ALDEtt'vIAS. Jailer Dee. «0 1864. 97 U IVOTKIK. WILL b* bo!J ja Tbaraday tje 2d day cf JJ^.tch, st ih-i le- idfsas cf «be late «'.cHrt i^toer-'e, E#q , vc»r Biai*iabo»'o’. ca ti»e >^ilnHag:ca sa4 Cna''iot*«* ral rccd, 25 NE3ROE3 Tcrmi > anaiba wsdu. pu'^chaser fi7iag aote with s'^orirv. TliO D. McT^OTfELL, > „ , ir H R()BI>feON, / ”• F-ib’y 8. 9 epd For Kent, A57ARF.E0F’^^ ^;ll E.ti'rc froai 600 to 1000 balfs cottcn. 8. F .MOOBE, r*-'. ’y 10 • * liJi gUUpiCVKiU. iraub , W'A, oha HiU. I h’a fnn»3(??d i:*” -* *' id fivui a recmt blvr, b»l! ang-dfj? coanteaaaoa Soiperior Safi. coapignvient, Rid '"or #al3 cr bar*3r for 00m or \ ^ baooa. at tb? of*i&e of \’OOHe & CaBRWELL. 4 Impd Jaa’y 29 wZi^'f'KR, Hides to tan on sbarrs Terms ^ L-rather cr Ve fqaiv>!est in c’Va We tf a Jt ia a very abort time if daairsd by H'ckh’? r?‘?nt. Pcr^oas wi*»hiax their nideo OQ raed ih*-a to our tdirass to F«a aSEi^T, AL.'K^IP..\^LE be. IDl’S Ecb l^ayr-oorf. ’ir. \'i Q ari.d pp.*?ite Mr. a. J. iiiaa ino’e. kLO»ri? .-■■» "-7 aad”a.ea *U the ut'’C2ij-?Ty cut fccnies. *pyif to W O. M ifTEEKg. cr U E. COLTON. F.:V' 1. 6:/ 13. St, CO., H.LLSBOKOUail, N. C. General Commission Jfterchants, Oli£.y fczc' *T s' 'na.raoii.>B ju o'ai^ga«sn^ cf ahe«t- it;ts a"'l RJfvreat e ; J. E. W N. Til'.icgha^l and it,a Rt ■^>7«pd i^oticci—^.TOO He?¥ar4.- f^ANA V( aY from t .c cub c i ^ Liv'S, rli: «.^aA:iLFS, dtflUered at cur tz.', tv.ef. O^r address iP Dftstanjcn*, } ijjiC'A‘..Il, «-O’lt 20 ys^rr Oid, aix ia.?t high, d truatbata Couay V7 D ’^ATB^^N & CO } p**-a{>^^^r, ru?' >d about l»iOibfl WILiTJA ea Refercnse Mcisrs. G W Willia&ia & Co , F&yftle7il;«i. Jac’y S5 ^ if«n{ 1 ISUiisrfip?# oVj?mI€c’S» ?5tr?M of AttoiTity r - .^.n Ksid cpCB C-Jpn- , ».'f* ilhirf f32- . • sm* ‘ ^. r 5 A I>«aMaCii. - • nr.d tlftaiera’ Almanac for tlie year • -K-* ' r ^*'e by t>3f gross, doxca, or ptrr^vn i.i ' •• ‘^rwC'ts piper. For sal* at ths dBSKttVlR BOOSaTOEB. •9^ 60.000 Oct. 1. SHIilGLE? WAITED. Apply to .18 WO HOLLTNGBWOW.TIT 72! f cojnetim;s c&He^ dark oop- pe*" Kii}- idaooai x«>uioff riii’.aA.eom^umes ta’?»d jOHNSOS, *b;ut 19 ye^^vu o'd, li»c tae^ t^a hit -; 0'pp?r cjnoplesion w:-igiin a joa*. x7Q lbs Ttr. ab'..ve n-rard will be p» d for thc'r apjyicit/tsiop and d;:.'P»fy • *1*7 .*^'ii sr i caa ge* tbec». to r** r Headquarters 3d Reg’t Jun. Reserves,! Gamp mcLk.w, ce’-r Qu.Jjb'iro’, J ia’y 30, /. GuviBAt Orosrs Kj —. All OfCO absent from this comm al with30t l«»ve, are hereby ori?ri5J ta report to the^e H'^Adqoarteri'! i3nmsdia*ely, or tb*y wiil bo o::B«iderffd as desortets, aad dealt witli ^ocirdiBjlir By crdtr of W. F03TEB FREN''H, Lt Col. C'^’ad’g. F. M. Aoobtihi, Aet’g Aifj’t. 6 lOt .foBRg’s Arifiiffietteal Oictldsary, EMBRAOil?© a syut^ii of Arithmetit^ Ready Reokoa- *f, laier^n Ea-'Piaf. FormB, fee. 1. J n »s ,t Jk 80KB \ ft *h Rt 0 School Header** UR OWN FIRST READER; “ Seoond “ •• Bpsller; « «i Fiiater. For sal* ai the FArBTTlVILLK IKKJKBTOM. DMT 7. w. h. LE(iT;’rT T-ir-.-.iJ W«gmer8 Wauti'ci. ALIB>5’ A». V- oc f-r four gjod ucgr WiiGO'.^- R:5 Apr!/ at th.* cf5ae of N*val Ori na“or • ■■•• ’ “ Ftfb’y 11- IP 4t WAf¥TKl>, Lf OL LE VTHER, such »3 Ufo I t*«ai.i:i Oa;f, Of,at D-or okiaa, for winoh I will p>y a f^ir p^io-j tu jOH!i EUlii, Fo? Fsyvticvilie Mill. 7-7tpd p."ity cf t&s'people E LB£, Qeaocal. Adj’t atid Inap'r ««i£’a •fflce, felCiiHCBD, Mvpt. 11, 1- tj3 / Grneral Oscxr«, ). Ko 12i { ' FT THE .^i'l.owing aot of Coi-ir^s-t ?2 pabhehei for .. J J . the 'n^riDa'icB cf all ooEo^rR‘d: ‘ Evnry p'r«ca, not pis'^.J'rct t-* the Ra’ae »Bd a»f!clea oritar, whr. si,-I p’^ecaie .;reBtUb ae-.ldiprcf Its Gou- yts'es to dspert, ',r who jhallpwreh»tt f.xm any 8clier 1:!3 a/wr, unif '^rm, elething, or «rt^ p‘trt thereof, upcr l.’gtl oj'r.T'otion, be fi"ed, at tf.c dhcrefioa 0' the Of'U’-'i fcav!.-,g o-'?;Dizi'0'*ejof t'le io arsy stim no' fxoaoT..!5i ihr«e puuddea dcil»'rs, aal be iaj^r^aoned ! «xiee’;ng’ oae yeir.”* B/ cruet of tbe fiecre'ary of Wr? (Signed,) 8. COOPEb, & Iwp^Qan. neaj^4r*s, Army of the C. S., 1 lUh February, 18«6. J flsjsrtBAi. Oroirs K« S j ri^HG wi.'Ciplii>e aad eSIoiensj of tbe army have bicB X greatly jdpaired by meo leaTlag taeir prep.’r oobj- maads to j;ia cthtrs, in which they Sad etrTioe xaore agrteable - This rrs£tia», ali&jst aa iajirii'Ba io itq co&»fqa?n}e9 aa the oiitac of deacrtiot, by the Artides of War ex- j pceea the cffetider to a Riisilar pon’abaicnt, and sab j jic e tbe ofiioar reicificg bira to ditmiseal frosi the' army ■ It is thcreforo 'declare! that the provisicBS cf General Order No S of thia date, f.-om army hetdqaarte;a, ap ply tA aaeh d>«*c aa have left their proper oomciaais at>dolaed other? wl hoat being re^laj^y •noi.ifcrred. »iti »oo4te». jiirdfia t-roiai»^.J n th-*t prdiT- npoa co-nplyicg with its c- nf'itioaa, cr suffer the oscs?- qV''’C63 aitaobcd to noglio^itiic i - The aaisM of'eaoa •b^eatera will be forthwith re- po'tf^d to thoea bei4qa*ttera bj »ce otEoers with wheat t’*ey are serting aad immediate meaiurca tak;»a to ra- tara theia to their proper CQoraas ’B. As anja a4 praoticablo aa inspioiion T.i>i be Kade, and ohar^ea will bs prcferrel a;aiaat those who trgl^ct to eaforoe this order. 116 ] R. E. LEE, General. PlSmtation lor HE eabsa.Mbera offer ^or r*at th-rif PLANTATION on the Cape Fa>r River, opp'’aiifl Som-nerviPc ia n*meit couatv, for 3 yc*ra Tae faric oost^iuB 3 or 4C0 acres cf ofeired latd, of whioh a f ir propanion i» Rivjr b jttora which ••ag «ot oa'Aivated la«t r»^r Ther* are 10 aorje s'>wb ia wheat, aad an excellent msga for hogs. The f.icriities. tor isip'^ovpg with awamp uuck aie 7«ry great. Terms f 30*16 cash aad o»e fcnrth ef the crop each year Apply to aa at &are'ayvillc. C 8. BAR3EE & BBO eb’y 20 lltf W^TE»i A VSOODEN MORTAR and PESTLE, suittblt for baating Rise or Uominy. Apply at this o&oe. Feb’y 20 firartlen .^ed. A6DPPLY of fre-h GARDEN SEED, cf every de criptioa; growth of 18G4. at H. ER^AMSERT’d. Feb’y 18. ll-4tpd 1 oe-*j- 10 n HEAPQUAaTKES EE.'JEPVK N C RAt-“ian. F felt.35^ rr. hIN^DAIiF, A A G«*n'l Headquarters Retierv AD.rar*ST Gs«skax. Fcf» Gsksral Obp'-b \ Ko 4. . / I M 'vJOR ’ .S PT IN'.-r: » *-- Ti3tT;t Adju- I , f»Bt Gcrrr. V t . ^ r ■ , "ill r.li^TC C»Vt J3*"-K V B i'S^sle .i’t 'oj i Ota'f'.i''f P. « N •’’, aad i*»rfr (ih"'r fi'i'n p.oKocd ‘1 y/ji t •„ 3 ! R'giii ent R',«tr?ea of N. y , its Oo'cn^l. ha having bcca duly cl ctftd *0 tt'».*. f’ iP OB.the 3 \ JiJi’y '*865 The L’culPKA^t Gi't'.ira! Oo'ra„nd>r in ‘ntisg leave of Col Hinsiji'', t'n1«>r« h’o •rnrai cwfrra'n >Mong or. 'ob p-cjnoMnB »»d cf'^estW bopJB fanttheint llip^nee, end c'a'l-try, w'-i^b ha.*^ c-fc'«oisrI*.'d service a S »ff f flioyr irty be ai?Jcr:d by eip-;rieaos luto gie‘'t“r us'fa’t ‘s ia his ntw a ;ii »rf,ra cxte. d:d s„ here (9*gued ) th. n F0L‘4£;?, Liont. Gsa. (Jomsiaciiaj' f>ffioi»l: Chab. S FxBii;aTsi.T.cw. W'li r'Ed A A General 10-5i Titbeing Notice fer CnaiberlaRd Cooatj* ^ l34RMBtt8 wh>> have fa .«id to “li«‘” ony ot th» crop* ••cpt bacon) are notified tbtt th' la^t of the says of CTt>ir«i CB Monday tU.'* 27th iait. Ot that Cay I ! w'-U a*teed at the MarkM Huuss in Fay*Ueviila, (up e»erve, N. C,, ] 1 3U-ri) and fhall ctpscf. to ms't evtry »sanw^o his f&il* skal's Offiob^ }- I cd to mset the A«30^a:>r fc* tha appsiatmeBis. This is f^’y 18, 1866. j the Ha*. rnpDTtanUy—tbene who.caoaot attend wii! fiad t do-Ji ItdliT to thniT interest to ha*f8 same frivd or agiat to Itet tur theai at tae above aa.iei appM3*mrat O. H. BLOC K*2R, Asa*83or2 ; i D'et F-b’yl5 • 11 3l*2t UimiiUS AMU BUCKiiTS WA>T£i£D. AKTED iramediatelv. 50 Fir? Riv~ket>», 26 {;ooa Ladders. For d‘foMpti'>’i, si'j's and *letLto, *pi*H to A II. DEL'k^Y, Coi.if Fi.-eirard“U. Fsb’ylS. • ift «t Yi*ras or Sheeting Feb’y 4. Wool \'i smfcediar tbo State pf K. Carolina r^HE niiieraig“ii*d voaiiiis- Ut exaJianf.e COXION 1. YAEB far WOOL, j) bur:dl« of 'K%ra fof 4 lbs. 'Ju washed, or i lbs. olcaa washud Wool. They Wi.il ais> pav A hb«?al f riee in (mu’* for large or small lata. GFO, W. WItLlAWg A 00., Agts. , Iff Tib;2$TAllUiilVT» AilTII' /niONI£D£SATfi States Mble Soetety Teetamenis. \J A OoilaAioai of SabbirtSk gekool Hynna. lit nM kf S. i, lAU * S^oldlers’ VJniuis. TtlE ualert*»gned baviag bt-en appoiut»d “Cummis- ^ijit^r to i-TS3«:g/.t^, col’citaai d's^ribu's Clairs of Dcc:»‘ e Pold'ers ’ *;ve5 nofcic* t>'at afier the 20 h iist, he w;il bo farai;h the bliaka wb-*ra- b? the c’lildren. ext ;at.>r8 or jidoiaisfratcra of doc-*i«d eoldiera miy ^ivc thc-ir claims placcd ia pro p«r form to be Sici in ’be ArdUor's ofilo^ it Ruhmcnd. and will DS9 e* rj efvo t ic his powit to have 'be stiae ri*''n;ptly p»id i*.'TBor»B »pp-j;ns for bl>oka moit fo-wiird a ?0 e»nt poK?».ie Bt%nr (>" t"o TO aent hilis'; to prepay the pos t?g'' on th 8--.ino A R^yietpr ari>.ll t'Viiiii- wiii be fr»c.* atsf at any tiai* tiie fitate cf a claim may ^ e S8fr?'tiia?d. nSK.^.Y E COLTON. Fayettcvillv, N 0 Feb'y 14. lOlf Aisi Ovi‘.r.«crr Wanted. WAST to etppl ? aa OVERSEEtv. Ha mast'be oiesr of eotiorlps, a^d snicrj steady and attentive; oue in whosi c-iafi lca^e uan be plaoed. Euly appiioa tion is dcsi-A- b. Add-esa BOX 17f-. FayeHevllle P. 0., Feb’y 17. lltl Duk Wifraiti fm nh V«t with no covering but their night-clothes; parents seeking lor their children, and terrified little onM looking for safety in the horrid turmoil, were all dreadful enough; but thero were still more terrible soencs witnessed.. Men, women and children were literally roasted alive in tbe streets. QSiz dead bodies have been recovered—among them a mother and her two daughters.J The entire number of buildings burned is about 47 The whole of the property destroyed waa involved in flames 'Within the apaoe of thirty minntes. Stxiy Thoutind Peftons drowned tn India.^ —Later advices reveal the extent of the dif* aster inflicted by the terrible cyclone in India. A Calcutta letter to t^e London Times, just re* ceived, says: '‘I see that the hc .ts of 12,000 persons haying been lost in tbe eyclone, was received with in* credulity in England. The estimate was wide of the truth, but only because it vastly underrated the calamity. As every one who knows this country Vill readily conceive, -ihere is no possi* bility of ascertaining precisely tho loss of life, be* cause hundreds might be swept away and leave no trace behind. But we are not witfiont data for arriving at a conclu.«ion, aisd it has now been oal'> oulated that the^’e aannot be fewer than 60,600 persons drowned, or otherwise killed by that fear ful storm. In the Island of Sangor alone, be* fore the cvclone, there were 8,200 persons. There are now about 1,200; nor^ave any left it to go elsewhere. Seven thousand were oarrried elew away by the storm wave All up the river the population has been swept off, if not in the suae proportion, ye*: in very large numbers. As we oil* anfibipotp/l, (i'secifte in rasrioK ever^here— cholora, fover, ai>d small pox. The epidemic fe> ver, which I have mentioned in previous letters this year, xs depopulating whole districts.'' Ikcgalo DepredntioTt^ in Hertford and Oate$ Ccunties.—We are informed by » gentleman just from Hertford county, that the Bulfaloes are com mitting grea*' outrages in tho counties of Hertford and Gtitcs—plundering tbe unarmed citixena with out mercy. Oa last Friday night, they visited the house of Mr. Iliram G-stlin, an old and re spectable citizen «.f Hertford couaty, and strip ped him of almost everything' he owned flis loss is estimated at over S 15,000 Raieigh ' onfederate^ 16fA. Gallotit Aff'irs of Mos^y’i Men at WilliavM- hurg—Oa Friday night bs', Capt Richardson, of Col Mosby’d command, with 13 men, charged into Wiilamsburg, whioh was garrisoned by 200 iafantry and a score or two of cavalry, and run the garrison out of the town. They left 15 Yan kees oa the ground, killed and wounded and re tired without the.lfsa of a man •—i?tcA Sentinel. A Yankee Fleet far European Waters.—Ad miral Goldsborough is at Washiugton perfecting the orgaaization of the Yankee fleet for European^ waters. It wiU be cjmpbsed of some of .the lar gest. and finest frigates, whioh the recent naval Buocesses haTejelca'‘cd from blockade duty, and ptnoibI^ an irnn-rla(^ (nno of tho largest olass) ay be aidsd to it —Yanhee t'aper. EeU"J of our P> ifoners.—The ootton latley sent North to be sold and with the proeeeds supply the wants of our prisoners, rcalix d 8350,000. ^here were 8.^0 bales soli at 75 to 03 cents a bale. W Tfce third €|iiartcr of iffr^. iHc- Naili’s sad Mr3 L«aa.au’.r KOif© >L w.li begia on tbe 20th iast, aad co&tlnne taa wesks Tuition flOO ia alvaaca. FeVy 14 - 10-3*pd Headqa’rs Taylor’e BatPn, (Fort Andenon,) Febriury H, if’SS All oi£t)rs and B»ta of th3 86th R. O. T., Eot Cip- tcrod, will report to ate at oase. JHO D. TAYLOR, lKSt*2in^ Lieut. Cnl. Sftth N C. T., Cotr 1’* TcacUcr Wanted. E MAN qu*’ it lege. Bo^col staall. Adir0B8 JOAN C. BMITH. A»fra.*bjro’,C., FeVy 29. ll-2l*2fcps.id State of i¥orlh Caroliua, ROBBiJOIl CODNTY —Is Eqcitt. Jobn MoPhanl va. William MoPi2aa1, Calvin KcPhaul Neill MoPhanl, NLltnn MoPiiaol, Jamas McPb&ul CathaiiiM MoPhanl ar^d Malloy MePhaal. Petitiaa for Sale of Land for Partition. IT appatricg to my aatiafiiotloa that wuiiara McFhau' sad Calvin MoPhanl res'ds beyond tbe liaitii «f th State cf North Garslina; thty are kovby notified t? be aT^.d appear bcfora Jndr» of tbe Court of Sqnity f'^t the County of Robsssn, at the Cocri House in Lainii;^?- tca, en the foartk Meaday in Marcb next, thon »ai there to plead, aaswer or deraar to tbe petiti'vB sg*iasl them filed, or the same will he taken pro confess*, asd a deoreo e&iered aocordiagly. WitnefB, N. A McLean, Clerk ef osr said Court ef t Equity for Robeson Oamtj, at offlee in Lumberton the Mtk JsniMtT 18M. 9- A. M«L1A9, & ft M. I4. The South ('aTOli-ia, Banks—The banks of South Carolina have advanced one million of dol lars in bpcoie to puroht>8e horses for the cavalry ic that State.—Rickwjnd fientinel. Hoy VhoUra —A gentleman of expcricnoe in all that pertains to ^cod and euccessful fanning, t(lls u) that tbe Chciora ia killing largo numbers of hogs throughout this country, and he requests us-to state, thiit a certain cure lor the disease, in its iuoipient stages, is “peke" root boiled to » mush and fed to the sick hogs. We advbe farm ers to try it. If it does not effect a care it vill do no harm. No direetioBS as to quantity need be given. Feed it as the hog will eat it. Goldthoro* State Journal. The subsfitution of iron for wood in the con struction of ships is going forward with such rapid strides in the United Kingdom, that in some of the old ship yards a timber ship is scarcely ever seen. It is a fact worthy of observation that (« the Clyde only two w.K)dcn ships have been built within the past year, out of an aggregate of 819 vessels launohed there, or still in process of oon> struction. BOAROllWe. „ ^ MR3. HAaT IS prepared to eutertain tranel**t •'oMd- ors, *nd eho can also aoosmmodate » v i’’ bo>rd a;id I'tdging at bar reaidencp »*® F yetteville. FeVy 16 10 iSl il VOW B. ^ , ?^?i»ard!i!g 3l6r«aMl* WILL siTft qmok dosf-te^ to gu.daoo; hj» far 1^. CJcnrljE*'^**** «•»•«. «•» mm m 5 r ■ i,

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