NBQROES FOR IHB ARMl. ^ From the Riobmoad 'p pr.-*position to put ncgroofl m the army hM 'f iL J tdvor rapidlv of late, snd promises, in s ,ii r vn: (r other, to bo adopted So far from CSC n-i tho repugnance on tho part of the army nr ' 'pj"-e'hccded, it hss been called for by the j f.> n33.iy r.^gtmcj-s and brJg*des, and ifl kior n to ho favor* d by nearly all the principal rlBc " . Wc do not profo&s to be rery canguiae ct' g t'.l r. Bjl s froai the meaeurp, but do not fcti R9 civilians, we won!d bo jnstifie^, in tho cmcrscncy, ia opposing the U£0 ot >i: y ueJna which our leading' niiiitary men assure as c ri b? tr> .11 • ^tS>5 nr. To them this causa ia tru 'd ’-n 1 fc'^pejisny to the General in Chief. It ka^Tfn that he urgog—with a warmth he has :;ot, porbap.i, exhibited in fegard to nny tHor ivittfr of lo^if*^otion—the passage of a Jaw sabj; - c 'hr n;3gro element to military aso. H.s ni'n. ri all times eutitlfd to great weight, becotjivs ia»pera‘ive as to such a matter, when we refl' tiiai »he who’e rospon'^ibility of our de- Tbeee ooBBideradosB stay oanse them to onllflt, hut ODoe made soldiers, they find thomEidirea iti the hands of a giaot that leaves thorn no p^wer to eeoape—Jisoipline. One who is not a soldier can hardier acxJeratand this, but it is not the lees trD0. Nor is it patriotism, nor »ny other soDti« tim*nt, that holds a soldier at his post. Qivc our troops—brave and patriotic as they are—lib erty to go home to-day—Removing all infiucncc of TO OUB ARMT. roa Tjia obsbbvbr. Permit one, my brave countrymen, who from 9g»i and other causea is prevented from ekarirg your toils. Baeriiicca and privations, to note a.fow words ot encouragement to you frum the reminis- csncefl of the pMt. Your country owes you an evcrlitsting debt of gratitude; and I am one vbo' haB wutchcd your endur-*sco and pairioti«m> officers—and how mnob of an army would you • wih deep solicitude un.l sn uoboandcd admira- hi at o:; :: . s t'- G ■- ciV'U-c j;'"; n..‘’b- '■ : c.thi-r^v; rul-, 'u Gv a • ai f I nl ?3pon‘»ibility ’ l‘-'ou •L voii’ed upon him. If the cause - DJ 1 sr, when any meSns ot reslsfanco that 1 for rcmsiasd ungrsntcd, thy re. ibi ity f 'r its lo:-s would rest upon thofio siu : ’ I ho aij lie called for, not upon him '= V • I'iivc no sbire in such respoasibili. ur^e upon Cor'vrresis to adoot s li L - roruj-t, oor.ipu:sivo and certain tor ci aii ;^uch number of ucgro troops 'V Ti'ic-OKlel’uuy tiiiuV be cau uao to ;o, ic-.'i '-r lO hiui £lie orginization, dis. uvi ; dupicvmcnt to which they saaii bo i. : VC I that our own hopei wouM L>:a o{’ very raluauJe derv'ce trom thia i :i ••I .'i- 'Ov?, bat the militarv opinion i::* ; n - it i'i tba military opinion that must T '.' tJ j ma^^ors, while the war lasv. - ’.n: 'It. iretly express s the opiDios s:i; ii i:.v ~--Ji t.jDic oi i>t)cdu r ;■ a>:i al hi-dihoi'd tf our negrot-s rl h p e r iji’, '' is f *r th' cri>?tvn cf s ; i r- ]) i.ic aDii Uriil will do J'T r rn tuis ‘■ubjoc", written by G i’> r.il S*'''yp. prosc'rt • the o ilitar’r vt'ij c! a iv i»r.u fueibb; and i r r U U J : Qj i r- r th- i;.' r :n rt etr J to whic i our j;c pie dr. t tlmt can be thrown up'-n if, we til t we wi i ujeet their wlsh^'s iT-iv t ‘ m wriit he his wriiten the 6uljf3t hjs cntraged Yis . ery bcgioning of the i _ r ■: ? ; rjr i 'i; frj£n fh X ‘ t»'. 1 :■ a - 111; , U mt ; '■iry t a cl r 3 ".s a ’ axim that ‘the fira* V i v-l le is t r r to e dui>e hard c U‘.’ It 1 not J d.'U’cd, 1 t ke ‘ »i. 0 TO p .-sea thii cUiPent in tho r e CO ; njon op u on is f at 1 U y, pn ■. if to meet If "I ^ i>n to !*a , in I e .-^anirt I’,. -I- u u is It' /’ -ther .-oc.-ju !a?y ’ It is ■I ■ er> o'.l. >)i tVat ^e here speaks > at c'ur-i^e is nec'ess' y d rU'.t Oi he hishe^t ord r, is -n" —b t nriderstend tb’s mrxim it c ‘ r the na'ure and o'uan'sa • b t an army. Th re arc*, ss everybody kno-s, I roe nrat’ and '.'istinet L’rade^ or estates—the pr vat‘ -I Idi r. the non^e ,ranji?s'oned ofSc?r and .i(cllic r ♦ -r sp * Heal st>liiT. co'ne f> h^-j L') will : thei’’ ov n, but obey simply b^^ ? ■ t ity ,ire ordered Vy p-opcr nuthTify. You will tfc.rit'srrd that t'is is a West Pnnt nn‘ n; bu' i i truth it is th> t'otion uu^erlyirg ; I. Avii lie m li'a v worl K On this rontinent we Ti w a ti“ a War. We ar * just b "■'’cirg e r;» w so'di'ts ere When di-cipHne ts ' fo.'O i fho sa’oi ■ ’s so cn irely in llie- his ificor:^, that th^' tone, chava.’ er a .d } cu’um i d are i’O ’•r r>?r! J,!. );um i d 13 en;: c y determined by parties in *h'' offii.rs aad non erramis- i ■■ s. VVii. never there is 30 iso 'rduet it is to b; charj^el ta m.sc^n ■ ■ >.u tho I'art of the o5’3.t'». AU no iiiv i'huj wMio 0 ura.re may l.e . -i" h :u the prK'ntj», ie id ruj-: lUlpOT- ? tw.i tiijrb r cla s;-.'. * * * * * ) u bity to make anythin g lut a pri " f'h'' ne;T:'. ^ ho olSccn an?^ nor„ ; - • ; ;-’k': rs ,-ih.valdbo 1 n' a:i'l iiier'to''ic*u Thus, t ■! p"it riip ’ W‘>!, taken from the re^~iT: • ;‘a li^ou : T t‘'i'' -e toi thou- iud vvoM rcsi 'e an couf i'-e ol the Th y E -1 - rc '.h : he 1 or b'aia.s. nhii- >a! i ryn^t'tnt?. corp:ire-il -aTtfi. c ai • ‘ -lec f.-d of f '- rao/.t s~per'o" li; • c- a'nie t.’ p--d ic', ii3 a m ir.. r: [. I *he mo?' superior tr:op.s. • i': : liuie p:rkct, biace the di>- To £i ’la several orders wouii be so h. ibeory. hat has experience r ) m.aa,'. csrtain that the nes^ o _ ura,'o as :s gecoralJy beUevod. -I ' ue s.atetu'jutj of travellers in VC‘ Ho'fO IS th ■.r 1 I ^ most sanguinary la their battlfs hand to ' ti i r par‘y is almo=t annii ry ciave-: ar; in 5‘eat part the >■* r" captufod in w-r "\Ve pee ^ :*i» scr7ilo condition ile -I u Ut tj app-araac^s • le buJor :vnd fir;ma’i u cj ^’.iru a'i a soldier, and *he CXpnriotKTty ji J f"i a * ;rjt to hh'>w h>s -■ f- T. au-.tray bi»s ^aught •-i;! tv* ou-^iit U')t LO hhut ‘.Ur j hsve tc-morrow? The negroes, however, should be given pay, cto. “The best troops in the French service nre not Frenchmen—the Zouaves and the Turcos Wbat patriotism had the Heesisna and other mercen aries tbat fought against the eolonies? They did not fight voluntarily. They were soldiers, and had no option. A still more forcible example is to bo found in India. There we see the extra ordinary spectacle ot » people held in subjug.iticn by troops composed of natives. Index’d, volun tary service is the exception iti the military world. Wsrs are not conducted on tbat principle, os we have ourselves found in this. The armies oi Eu- ropa are to day oomposci ot men who arc in arms entirely against their will. . Who ever beard of the eerfs of Russia refusing to fight because they are not freemcnf All that is required, then, to make a soldier, is a good physique, without re gard to his inclinations; and 1 5o assert tbat the more simple-minded, the more faithful and obe dient he will be—and obedience in the foundation, top and middle of a soldier’s pduoation •‘I speak now of heavy infaLtry. With the other arms a somewhat diiferent rula holds—since more irdividuality is required—bat the same is sabstantiaUv tra« throughout. Thus the negro IS exctlleLtly adapted f«.»r a soldier. “The ae^^ro doe« not fi»ht lor the eccmy be’ cause b# is Irc’o. H* ha.s bkitn tricked and forced into h’s s^rvic.i, and he caoaot bdp it Tho.'C wbi. V.».* ro.cu_i'urtd say they irouid r-. h«r fight on our side, btoauso we ka w fce’itr how to .rcaf:thtm ‘ It is not true, then, that to icake gO(*d Fo’dier?* of thes’ p ople, we mu.t cither giv^ or pr».nii.s them freedom. Ou the contrary, it is vaj firm eonviodoa that to do either wo«-ld be ro 'm^air thdr ef5ciecc7 and tract*^ ili^y But the s'rcatvst p ‘t’sihJa advantage cm be had by skilitully using ihtir desire foir ■rcedoTt. The President phcul i have power to dec’are free such of .h^iu a«i iL’ay fr. m time to time be recomirendtd !or .'Ueh re ward, by tbrir cffioers, fcr gaHant or merit6rioii'- c nduct. Ihis would aet as an ever present f-pur It 'hculd not be to »akc effect the end of the war, but be declareil ht ones in g.neral orders anJ f be soldi' reh^uld ceeiven hcnorarv cheveron^ to d’stioguish } im du*'ing th • rernai'Ucr ol fci- g?rvice. ‘In Sij th:>t all shjuld bo tree rt tho end ot the Wir wo..ld have li t'e etf 'Ct Ti e U' cjr ainty and Takuene.«s wouli a;tugcther («»il to i prvss a simple minded negro beyoDd a week A.- well mijrht ore pr imiseto free one’seo^k >tsom indtfi .ice period with the cxpectatim of therro. securing rood dinners But if i* b^ held out a.' a boon within h’s immcdia*e giasp, and which h« sees conferred upon others every day. it must have a molt excellent effaet Besides, to either give or prjmi''e fr edom wholesale, would have a mos? perniciius intuerce upon the whole rac^ It ie wholly uuneceFsary, and shou’d not be done, as a mere matter «f expediency. “But, it is alleged, bo would dAjrt No sol dier who understands the poteney of discipline could hold puch an opinion Whenever the oflS cprs and non commissioned offiirs of a ?uard d*i their duty, the sentinel ’ do thei.s also. Remem- berin? tbat there would be many roll cills a day by whites—that they would not on-y have tu pass their own lines ol sentinels, but through the nicket and grand guards, (white,) it will be seezThow difficult escapa would be. Those who attempted it would be so severely and so certainly punished tta‘ few would naake the experiment “But, it i* urg'd, they would desert in the dav of bartle This woaW be far itnpasf-ibJc tbsn the other Tn^rn i!4 mucn aango^ m th«t direction. They would rcccivf tho firs from both p-vrties Th^ lin» of fil» closer, wonld, however, ba quite sufficient to hold them. whafev»‘r they miaht wish. ‘ It is said, again, they would revolt. Nothing Nj schemo could b > j kept from th(» non oommi33io’'ei offic j Ip ^-and. E 'en if a reeim Bf w-.-r I ‘^uffi-'iently co c ^mo to an outbreak, cth *rs coul i j not iu c?B''?rr, and woul:^ b^ brought to c-u^b I th’ rtf.^aotcrj on-'** at one-; Bisidcs the cavn’-r U-’d artiUory (Thit«) wjali ba evif 2t Iii:i,l j j d:?s‘r.->y any taut m: ^ u atccaipt it Muriay is j s'-rcelv kao»T waere disoioiiae is maic»aiufd. [In the gr-at S?pDy attemnt di^cipliae had bs^^r, relaxed, and many of the Eiglifh .21:erT with drawn Yet, with or-zanizitisn, perteat, and wiih great «up,-ri.rity of numb'an,-. thsy bad to yi?ld. Without c2:ers of evea tAe i jwest grade, bow maaifcatly futiie any effort.®? this sort would provel" “* ♦ * Caa wa spare tV-m? By emoby- ing a part, those that remain sould Do more coa- veniently used Wo would Bend bick whites to properly superintend their labor; anti the resuU would be a positivo gaia rather thj n a loss. “My proposition, tb«n, is to let the slavers question remain ju-'s ;vhore it is- pat into sorvice as many negroes as, we cm providn with arms and equ.pments—orijanizo them stricily as heavy in fantry. f> be belli i'nr tl»» fiaj or fciUj# ^fte whJ.ie troops into cavalry, artillery and eU(*> rifantiy—tak/? ail offiser^ and Don-.comaiiRsioncd 0^0; f.s from the most galluit ar.d meritorious of ur prcflca= armijs, and introduce th^ striot'^H o5ce!’.s and boldiers | could be more imr>'>sa;bU. a 1 urd.ei thou?a'.d t kept from th(* T’on oommi3sio’'ei omoera constant reeim Bf w-.-re tcr«acc.eJ rina to li'Th' w^H, if c.ot 1 po«?i^>? ■vistem of di'so'pUne —ill with the graiN whii.'oHP of thf* JATiL ! cst rapldi .7. Tho t :a« required to Roc3n’p!i.«ii :i '!)' rs S rip is-| would be lf«s than r.f, fir.^t tbiu-ht Th I'laro iar..t thf v ^re far tny | sreates’. ob >U 'la in m»k'ng tuoops is to tceb a^-d s ■’Oi of the-1 etvo experience to ♦h'i 3 Iji thi? cas’ w; !T T>r > ' fetn ;;rn. the I woTi fHi thgm, in p.vi-t, a';-‘idv made. 1- !y v»'i l.jat r»’ii0 soldier 13 t.*iig’.t tvory'.airi^ po fj.r a-^ t’ac ■ -• -ir.i, wU r-- ccrtaiuly h ■ 1 drill goes wuen bo knows pnny All drill bc7.">ni tion of your manly actions, amidst the perils through which you bavo passed. You are en gaged in sustaining a holy, juet and righteous j cause; acd without ST>ecioss wc are a/l doomed to {the Koi>t t’egraded c>udit on that white men ever wete plsc.d iu—fhe slaves of sMvefJ We arc not yet reducL'd to tbs extremity to which our ances- ford were subjected in their struggle for liberty; an'd out of this thfj/ wore uelivered and bKsstd with indrp'ndence “History is rcpeatiog it self,” a"u although we lusy ooaridooMy hope that oui Uistre-Esoa will E«*t be equ;%l to theirs, who ot ; ou would not be willing to t*T»dure tho sso o, to obtain tho priceless boon for which they were, snd you now are, contecdinj;? .1 give, by.ox’ tracts, a picture of tb« American army in 1777 and 1778, drawn by Gan. W’^u=jhington bircseif and his comp ers. Geo, Washington writ/is fo Conpress: ‘‘I ftu now convinced beyond a doubt, that ualcss somo great acd capital cha.ngc suddenly takes place in icat line, (tne rouai;H?ary and qawtermasiei’,) this army must inffvitably bo rcduced to one oi other oi th-ee thinge: t j starve, di solve, or diS' peree in order tof^btain eubsistenca. Notwstb- standing it is a standing ordcf, (nud often repeat ed,) thikc the troopj Bhal! aiways have two days’ • roviaiono bjr *ncm, that they Lutght be rca*^y »t any auddeu call, yf.t scarc ly any opportuuity has ever off^,red ot taking advantage ot tho enemy, t‘;Ht has not 1) ;en totally ob truoted or grontly lurcded on tai.s accoutii; and t^ji.'i, the grei^ and eryiiig evil, is not a;l—soip, vinegar, and othei articles allowed by Congress, we see nt'ne of— acr have -ve s''ea them sincc the battle of B'^andy wine. The first, indeed, we nave now vtry little ofceasioi for—I’e v men having more than onr; shirt, many only t: e m.iie y of ouc, aud Home none at nli By a fi>'ld return, this iiy mide. wc have no less ihaa ;2,bOS men now in cai p u_Ct ior duty, l> cau'6 they arc barefooted and otherwise naked Our whole strerg h. in c 'niiuen'al troops, amounts n*r.o mor.' than 8,20) in c.ianp, fit for duty, ane trinoe the -i:h i?i :» , our nutub^'r fit for duty, Ircm the hardships and eXpo;mros th. y hafe und' rgone, particularly f’'0^ th"> want of blaak ts, have «lC' ’■(’asi.l u ar 2000 m^ a. * I sincerely lo'1 lor tnc.unhiipy condition of i ur poor tc'lows in ihe h.>s;iit.i-, fn i w:sn try rowers to relieve w.'re qual to my iuc:ina ion. It is but too melincholy i truth, that CT’r |iosp-tuI c-turea of evi ry kind are lamcnta ly scanty ar d.dtficient. I lear there is 0 p:usn c. if tr ci' bting souu ia a brtter condi. lou Ouf «‘:jBcuii.i?s aiiu dLstrts-ics arc ccrtaiuly _r. a‘ a! d sjch as vTound the feciinga of hnaianrty —cur sic», uaket ! mr Veil. cakei! our unfjita aste men in eaptiviiy, uakcu!.' * * * For soice days pant there ha« oofn little cJsc than a famine m catup—a part of the army has Lecn s wo^k .Tichout any kiad cf flesii, and the rtst i.i>rcc or /our days Nuke'? an i starving, as they arc, we cannot cnou.;h admire the incomparable pitiencc and fidcli y of ttje ;='.duie'’? " Gcd. liuatic-Clou w i l*.,: ‘-The camp is in e mclaccholy condition lor want of p’ovirions, and there is great danger that the famine will break up the army.,” L.^rd Stirling Fay?: ‘The c;>ai^hints of the want of provisions aad forage h;.ve become uni versal and violent. Kvery officer speaks of it with the dread cf the probjbio co’ s'quences." Gea Varnum write?: “t’'e si-'iarion ot the camp is such, t;:at in all human probability the arm^ must 8om dis'iolve. Many o! the troaps are dcS' titute of meat, and are several days in arr^ar Tiie tiorses are dyia^r irr of lor»ge. Th: conr.try iu the vi’iiiity t*i: camp lavyha «‘»d ” T-io oijrc: ’“iJie reiuru.T of 1-t l’'i>b'y exhibit the a.stuuuding auL^ilor oi 3.9s0 men in o«Mnp unfit for duty for want of clotiies. Of this nuuit>':r scarcely a man had a pair of shoes. AN though thi i.ot il of th*> army txctcicd 17,000 mon, tho preseui (tf jc'ive rmk ard fi c amounted to only 5 012. Tee deprc'’!atim of the pip'r bills hii row beooaic s> ^tnsiderablo, aa 1 the real^d;£ uit es ’-r’df** wh;c't c rnm rc^ labored h'd ?o enhin- ci .he p ice of all iniporici artio'ot*, la h,' p.*,y . t an was n t on y no com- •; sa'i 'U ‘ 'I t n,.* hi^ - ole t lue to t*ic str- ’ c * nie puj.’c, bur cou'd u > ev n fu:ni>:h :i*n 'Mt.i ?h ahsu.at-; n .-’essjrlcs v Ij'.cb might vehimad-.e t Lji ta ;itcc, or cjv--r hisjer- ?oa frum *hc ex -c-n..s or ^c;.- jnd . dd to whic' he wt.i exposed. Tno>e wii:> p .s.sosaed small patri monial Cct;ti.s found t:iem mil ing away, othetd woie absol it !y uniLlc ta appear in character of g n:l?mv n " The rjcird cicc.'ade.s by informin ' u.'=', that in a few days, by • x.ra. rdijiary es \"tiojs, supplies of food Wiire obtained aui ihi.s gtoriom revolu ti'nary army of ‘iac mpirablj patience anef ridel ity” u timituly obiained liberty and iadopcadencs which they bccjucathed tj us. Arc wc degenerate snns cf fhcsj li' b'e sire ^ J hope not, I believe not! Do not, my couatrymcu, be discouraged to near that wa h-ve tories *it home, who cncouragc ^Gs?r(ioo from your ranks. A page t.om the same hijt:)ry, ia anoiiter article, will inform you, that th^ d'fl^.ully Was moru esr-rioa.i in 1770 than now. ihcre ]« tnercrv»»u u-. for de’pon leacy, or r'i.jo .able dajger of dsfeat, if we arc united. May God u tito you, as a band of brofher.s, and ri..ki'’dlc the patriot fir?s ^f 18GI, nnd our i.^sjivn foes \?ill be Cjiupf'Led to rotr o o.u thi:t c.rrnU-aI of bl o i. Pin^^iU8. nu tb« eon- • ■ii Nu'-", ;f the ''•n'*. * H'iy ki. d f,f »roors ‘ ‘hoir Doa-fi tra^n!.i>iTn d .ii' ir ciBc-?--8 hlDck-**, jr;ak-3 W);h ali tLeae 1 h t: t. M ri’ ' '*■ ‘c-.j, ’ li ;fQl- ill I', nro» • 0 ) • •1 n.)’ f .M, I .'I- :C ;; '1 i i- ’ i : .1 , t' n fi y ihcee who op. Bt iT.'he ^?rca;. K.'l n.“>t " ht in .mr caie. tV.it. ni; liopi of all aythwi- a.'8 in one 'f h5a maxnEs " I good c-ffi :cra, coirmis' omai: S'-ised, go^d instruction . m'lkft o'oJ troops witbont 'bn cm-a i'i w'nch they fi ^ht' By J ..'0 0 n3'’crataaci the particular sen- 'T p- 'ijorj'n'ji 3 of tho troors This is ic • an(^. TTjiiSt pr j itivc eni)aci»Hon ot a ' ‘ to tiie very fc»undation of the it is Gi.ic ly tTU’, pad prccecas V u^c of ar ay orgapizition and f!. ii v,i'l hi. ■ •■’irber It a obanrved tha* be assumes r.;, officers and non.commis* lii rt', *e I* ■ good. Su'h would be the . J' pUn ^r' p Tho truth is, troors li t-'C “-;)‘’q3cnts and opieiocs of their w’' lever hev maybe Even the ne- ,t - e •’-■rvcd wi'S our armies as cooks Tt, in' as tboroaghly enlirted in our . are tlu.ir ira^tcrs; pni in mary cases on known to tho bjho.>i of the om. ^ ^ —...... tha‘ di>pa”di up.in the l,ifia..r dmo t ealir*ij, si tlui tLto tiuic rti^ulr d \ would b« that naoflfisaji'y foi expcriescei olliocra j to drill one coiiipacy Thus aa >>rni j would spring into cxistcaoc in a rcmiTkabl/ishort timo.'’ Mr. Gilnisr't Pl(v>:.-—In the House last Monday Mr 0^1 mor i#5v;d to amend s''we resolutions ro ported from a ooittmittco by adding the tolkwing; Re'oivrd, fartit!r, T«*t, notwitbsts^dir tb'e, ne bt>l’^ve liia CoafndtrAte Statsf) would ojrs'.iit #nd ngree 10 tb: fn'iovin?: "Int. That thsra be a a.’f»T»tion belw'Pn the U-iUed States r>t Airefi** «ho Ooufaierntc Sifclee of Aweri (», each ttto rcrfeoJly free a.ud indepo^dsnt of th* o?> •he rigbtn of "•▼tgatioa. tr»de, transit, &3,, proper)/ ’.nd fnirly sgrflp.d and (ctt’ed ‘•2d Tb*t an Atnariafcn Dist bo to ■wVioV* fash p»T'7 shftll be »t liberty ta aead d»>Iog»te9, each its ora jadge ks to thn ou ahi'raal m\nocr cf e’.ecii'n. and eao*i pari/ payinjr i‘" owa expeasaB. ‘ 8i Tap pri'riV..ge9 of t\»id D et to be clearly and-] dtfiaitnly dcfiaavi and Battled “4n lathis Diet there nha’.l but two votts, one by the deltgctcs of the United 8t»tea of Amerioa and one by the dalogatcs of the llowfederate States of A- irerita; and th« »3ts cf thlji bsfiy t(J be blndin|t oa the »!».rii€:t on’y wheu raiifled by the House, Bsaato, PrcB’dent of raobi. ‘5th t.£"ethrr a r».;c M they. Mistaken notion to Buppone end lo lettliBg the hOQcdarj, Ift the f^ialesnf K>n tacky and Mtesoort determine for thoiuBsl»*B. by a >fo tad fair vote of Iho p ople. io«a Jid§ retidents in t( as respecViTe Bt^Vta ai the coTuoM^ceuient of hoatiltties.” True—Rcacw i -.'Xi^rtion, and jnore^ed rea> ’•niou, art t .T ie^s. u*! w'i'i;h aii fortunes teach '.'i. ora.'c boriu-i.ely, t b^rr^rs wbioli tbt hUcc.’S'i of th" cii 'Uiw vr ui»/nt^il upoa u-, il duly coasidercd, laakc at( sasrifieo comparatively ligh , aud a'l f Utfcriog ea-y ti> be endured W'^o can appfj to ourselves, eg a people, the argument ad> di'cs.s d tc m c t > p. r.su --.lo taem to avoii the ter rora ti at a.v.iii the wiclt -d in itnotbcr world. If it be better for a man* to out off his rig'.it hand, or to pluck out l;is r.:.hi eye, vuChcr thaa having two br.u ls and two eyes fo be ca^t into the outct d?.rkMes«, ao is it s cuer fcr us, as a pror’Ic, to cd- duie any suff ring ratbor thati fall iato the tor- meats ot eubi- , siou or suVjugatioW^e can lake comioit in Uio laiast oi the worsi calamity that j»it leaves ns ftec, by tho rifloctioa that Bub jugatk)u or bu'omisbioa would be p*^?11 worse. Richmond ikntinel. Msj. Vensble, of Gen. W»de Hampton's staff, Buppuse mat I has aniv'cd in Virginia, baying made liis esoapg I* 13 pay cr bounties that iudttoo men tq fight. | by leaping from the oars near Philadelphia. ^ Arrioctl oj Etchamjed Ftisoaers.— Wo CDO- gratulatc tho friends of the returaed Confederate prisoners, and tbe gallant men tbcn:selvei, upon the arrival ol 2500 more ct the landing in James River. Over 1000 wcra b»‘0Ught up to the city yesterday, acd the remainder ere expected tO'dav- A large number of Fedo'al prifioners will ba sent dowa to-day in exobaago. We understand Col. H«itub has be'n sect to Wilmington to facilitate tho 8t.uding off a hrge number from that point. The authorities of both governments are heartily cngig^d iu tbe good wprk, and will receive the heartfelt thinks of the poor feJbws, both friends j aad foes, wb.o are thus p?rmitfccd to visit home and ffiendo again It ic tlvo earnest wish of every good man, that nothiag oi:\y ooour to stop so humane a measare. Gen. Grant is proving by his aots ihat the charges of Butler against him wore not imQ,'—Richmoi^ Sentinel, A HEW WAR IH INDIA.% From (he New Tork Post The English have another Indian war on their bands. It b not a mutiny tbat is to be suppress ed this timt^, but an independent State, never nadcr British rale, that ia to be conquered and “annexed.'' Bhootaa, a poor and Isolatcj^ State, hitherto exempt from the ravages of foreign wars, hsf nrt ouly turned the odd shoulder to an envoy from Engbnd who fenetrated its dreary wastes, but aotually thrcatocod him, so tbat he oopoeivod that I'is life was in danger, and hastily retired. For this afid other tffenccs ]^ngland ^ieolarcs wur flg»5n»=t ^boetan, acd tho BLoolca«i are to be foot cd dowc tho hill of adveraity • Tbp hiatory of this country of Bhootan is inti resting The best authorities say that it is about 250 miles iu length by 95 in breadth, with an firea of Gd.OOO square miFca, and a population Ol 750,000 souls —having Bengal proper on the ecu'h, Assam to the soulheMt, and Thib''t to the north. Like the highlands of Scot^^Sl^* ^ pl»5e of Mountain fasfnisaes and wild Its people, wheni few white men have seen, are rude barba- riaas, whose arms are the bow and arrow and the spjar, and who are of Tartar blood, with broad tri angular faccs. email oblique eyes, and yellow skio» Tbt ir religion is Buddbigt, ot a modified type, and tho country swarmi with mcndicant priests. The hills produce good iron; buiMing stone is abund ant; dense virgia lorcsls otier icoxhauutible sup plies rf lumber, alid a narrow belt of valley land yields tropical fruits The towo% E.re few but ere commanded by caitellated strongholds, which arc caid to bo formidable The rulers are a Deb R Jab—who is the aetcal sover«iga as well »s the principal merchant—sand a Pharma Rajah, or aominal king, who has no civil power, but is in vested with a surprising number cf divine- attri- bu'-es. Snch ia tho country and such tho people that ihe Eaglish govcrniuenfe has now resoIvdW to add ro its portfessioES in India. The singular exemp tion from the pains and penalties of war, defeat nnd va.ssalnge, which the Bhooteas have hitbcrto er joycd, is explained by tiie remoteness of their tersiloiy fr''ca the centres of British influence; and tho ecdden desire of ppfsession is probsbly a tribdfable to the Briti.s.h didiuclination to endure a defiance—provided always, that the offender is weak. The defiance csmo about in this way: The Bbooiea-, being savages, knew no better than to descend from their mountain.**, like the Scottish c-'terars of the la*t ccatury fi>r predatory incur- sions into the territory cf their nfigbbors, and they gathered spoiU an l to k prisoners The ag grieve i vio»irns, bring vassals of Eag’and, in voked aid frjm their rul“rs, and an envoy wns te .t up among the hills last summer tJ recover tl^o booty, rebase the captiv-'s, aad remouetrate with the Bhootcas. He was insulted, albeit he was “the fcion of a noblo English family,” as a L ndca journal phrases it; and, hia negotiation failing, he wss ahl-j to save his life cnly by the compu’scry si>;ning of a treaty for the cession of the tea-growing region of Assam to Bhootan. Tl is was too much ffjr the Governor General’s patience, and on tho 12th of November he issued a proclamation declaring war against the Bhoo tcas By the latest rep^rtJ, it appears that the whole ^rritory is to bo annexed to Bcnga’; tbat the people are Ijj^.be r«'daced and tjieir forts taken (cnc of thes'* hvs alrcacy fallen;) and that when these things bavc been accomplished, “there will bo a survey of the frontier Wuds and a determi- nation of tho new bj«ndary.” But there i* one point to which sagacious jour- nalists in London call attention, in view ot the pojsible results of this new cjnquest. There is danger of a new mutiny. The London Daily Nows frankly gays: “The dang/*rs to ouriclves arise from three .sourc’9 Any demonstration against Bhootan is likely to rouse the hill tribfs all along our north frontier, atd bring on a repetition ot the miserable warfare in the swampy region in which .he soil and the w.^tcrs are the allioo of the ene my. On the precsrioHs chcncc of those tribes re maining qnict depends, probably, the behavior of the new 6ubji>ct3 ot our empiro~the inhabit aots of thj Bengf.l Djoars and of the hills — w'lom the viceroy addresses io the proclamation before us. Next, thero is the fearful eUmate cf tho3.-i foi'cst"grown plains through which our • ’ are now pa;>sing. It appears that Brigadier G- ner-1 Mul:a.Htor, Col sol Ilichcrdson and other tSo'rs ar.» «ilreijy s’iff .Ting frcm the fever of the d' ttict Under sucti a liabiiiry our forccs must. ]^pc-.d hrgely oa the good will o^ the inhabiant3 ot tut region, who can citticr assist or injure them fo a v'"-y seiioin cx-.eat. Again, when the tcver dis'ric s aro passed there is the foe, planted be^ hind bis natural defences of rocks, glaciers and ¥r»owdrifid. Ruaaors about the condition of the Baool>?a«« differ w'dely. Some alarmists have it tnat the Nepaul Maharajah bag farniebed troops agaicKt us, aad that J.be BhoO'an forccs are a worthier enemy than the Government has sup* posed; while very recent aud more pronable re ports stato tb-it thcTc aTCSUch quwrels among the clncfs and factions iy Bhoot.^n as wiiUmskc the uSendcrs an e«sy prey Some arc for propitiating and others for defying the Bridsh.” Those suggestions give inteiest to the war in Bhcotan; so that the progress of events will be observed with curious attention. Stherman’t March.—* * To aocomplish anything dcoisive, therefore, Sherman must continae bis march through the eonntry, taking roufe4he greet railway ocntres—Charlotte, Greensboro' and Daoville. We ehould not be BU'priaed to hear that, from Columbia he has marched on Charlotte; not that, in a few dajs, he will have possessed himself of that p'ace But then dangers begin to thicken around him. Th» very evacuatione which his movements may force will add to the effective strength of our army in the field. Every day's march will weaVen his forccs snd strengths en ours, and ho will finally rcacb a point where he will bo compeMed to give battle under oireum- stanee.s altogether adverse to him and favt>rable to ufi Hifl mjrch resembles, in many rcspects, tba'iof Bcrsoyne through the Stat^of New York, and it will have, we have strong reason to hope, a similsr termination. Gen. Beauregard who commands our forces in that D^partmeDt is Sher' man's master in all the arts of strategy and taaties. He. will give battle when he thinks it advisable to fight, or decnco it when he thinks th&t to avoid it is the proper course. And we may^depend on it, that wbat he thinks the proper course, will be the best that could be adopted. We do nut pretend to know where or when he patpOBes to meet Sherman, but we are firmly cod vinced that the yankce oommander, if he proseaute his march towards Richmond^ with t^e audacious purposes row indicated by hfs movements, will go t* his dijom We bf>Ii«ve that bis army will be aet and cheeked, and In such a position a ehack will be a defeat, and a defeat will be dcatr notion. We can state, too, with oeruinty, tbat the best iciii tary authorities eonour in this visw of the sitna« tion.—K*chmond Whig. Gftn^ral Butlcr't Cotton Speculaiiona.—The Norfolk correspondent-of the Philadelpbia Press gives tho following revelations respecting Gen Butler's cotton operatiocs: A singular circnmstanoc oonnected with Gen. Butler’s cotton speculations has come to light. It seams that the chief of Gen. Shepley's stsff, G. H Johnston, ref'igncd several months eicec, to enter, as Butici’u chief agent, into the business ot buying cotton from the rebels ic North Caro iina He remained at this long enongh to make over 8250,000 as bis share, which he deposited in tho First National Bank of Norfolk. A few days aso the Military Commission, instituted by Gen Grant to investigate tho proceeding" of General Butler relaliye t« cotfecn, got wind of- Mr John ston. Uc heard that they would call upon him toon; but not iotending to be outdone by tbcm, he drew all his money from tho bank and dceamp e4 in the Baltimore boat. They telegraphed to the nutboritics at Baltimore to arrest and send him back to Norfolk; but the shrewA Johnston did not go oa the loat farther than Ptf^tress Monroe, where he took the Washiogtoo boat, and landed at Annapolis. No one knows bis whereabouts, although he is anzicusly waited here. The Com. misaien has proven that Butler received two fifths of all cotton brought here, his brother.in«law one fifth, and middle men, cf which Johnnton was one, two.fifths, tho Government getting bat one.hall of that which was rightfully due it. Yon may cxpect even more aatounding revelations than these. The yankfe **oynmand^ Below.— Our army before Wilmington, as well fs at Newborn end other points of North Carolina, is now under com mand of Msjor General Schofield, one of the ablest officers in the Union army He was associated wi^h Sherman in his advance upon Atlanta, was subsequently with General Thomas in his late glorious campaign in Tennessee, and held the command, also, at the ever memorable victory at Franklin. He has his own splendid and victorious Western corps (the Twenty third) now with him in North Carolina.—Ktve York Txm^t xTusfau. AIaUap friim Nacsa 'If dated bloct- thc 3d instint, speak'ng cf the ciipturc udo runners frooi Nassau, tays: ‘•AV^fcero row is her conimcrc'al antivity tcaincrs Icav'ng aad arriving daily, and pouring iut.o her lao the; more than gol lea t’-eujure.^ ot Dixie? All cono In tL-e waters of, her admira bh- harbor, at 'bifl uiomant, float more «ban thirty Ol her fleet of law d fying steam vessels, idle and '.vithout rnip’oyiuent. There also arc here saili o-af(, uhi 'h o.Tn be countci by the hundroJ. Her w rehouses arc fill d with g ods, f,r which there will soon be no ma*-kct. ll«r s ores, which, under tho stimulating iuflcenco cf the rec'nt trade, bavc neirly doubled io number, will ere lorg be ‘it ekicg tenants wl crc no tonant) are to be bad. II nts, which bavc been icflated in'o fabulous propo'tions, will colhp?e. LjLorers who have ilorked hero fr. ni tho adjoining islands, uuder “the inducem.’ots of high wa^cs, will scatter to their former homes. “The Talhbassae, the rebel war steamer, pri vatcer, or pirate, as she is ca'led, according to the re. pective views of tbs peracns who are speak ing of her, came in this port on Thursday, the 2t>th cl'iino. It is said tbat h«r armament has been taken out of her, and tbat she is to bo used hereafter as a blockade-ruaner. There ar« two reasons which render this very doubfful: First, she is a full rigged ship, and consequently is too conspicuous an object upon the water to bo used for that business; sccoud, the bbckade running business is about used up. She arrived laden vcith coal, and sailed, January 31, with tho saime cargo. The attention of the Governor was called to her by the United States Consul. She sails now under the name of the Chameleon We must have courage, and to our courage we must »dd faith—faith in the justioo of cur cans'*, and faith in i^s final triumph because it is just; lince the moral government of the world prooseds on fixed and settled principles, which limit the bloody wishes of tyrants, and will not allow the rfign ot wrong and oppression to be eternal.—^o/. Confed, Yankee I'emt —In the United States fionrt at Trenton, New .Tsracy, E N Fnher, editor of the Newark Journal, wa^ fined $100 for publishing articlci againct tho United Sutes enrolling act lie pleaded guilty, and made a statement to' the court wbich mitigated t*'e penalty. A s»aff effloer of the Ninth corps writ-es that, as the Confederate Peate Commissioners were being esoortcd out of the yankee lines, one of them tamed to Gen. Grant and aaid: “Gcr^pial, I am anxious to have peace, and I would be will ing to leave the settlement to you and Gen. Lee.” ‘ Well," said Grant, “I propose to settle it with L"e this Bummer." Two younger sons of the late Duke of New. castle, who, it will be remsmbaryd, aaoompanied the Prince of Wales during his American tour h«d a fight with carving knives rcccntly in a Lon don Club House, when the youngest, 19 years of »ge, was killed by bis brother. Lard Arthur Nejro Sohliers-^Vnnfirmatiov.s.—The Senate bill to rai«ti two hundred thousand negro soldiers will, it is understood, be passed to day in s'cret session. It is said a similar bill parsed ^c House of Representttives in secret session yesterday The Confederate Senate, on yesterday, can firmed a nuuL'ber ^f military nominations, among them Generals J. L. Rosser and L Lomax, who were confii oifd major generals of oavalry. Richmond Dirpa’ch^ 21«f. Nfgro Soldiers—A vote ^was taken yesterday in Pickett's division on the question cf employing negroes in the army, and resulted in a very larg majority voting in favor of tho measure Rich’d Sentinely 21«. Receiving Part Pay.—We are glad to learn that the troops of this army are receiving a por tion of the money due them u wages by the Con ledcrate Government. They are being'paid up to the first of October, 1864 Though our cur rcncy has depreciated largely sines this money hccame due, s:ill it is some source of comfort to the men.—Ptt. Express, 21*^. CoJ Lamb —A letter from Fort F^her says, Mrs. Lamb, wife of the Rebel Colonc: formerly in command of Fort Fisher, was permitted to en Vr our lines yesterday, aud will go to Fort Mon roe to attend to her husband, whode wcut*ds are reported to have taken a' b«d turn, leaving him now in a dangerous condition —Yankee Paper. ^ The casualties in the Brigade commanded by Col. Hedrick, amount to fifteen men wouuded, during yesterday's fi;^hting. The enemy pressed hard on our lorces, but there was no one killed. The troops, as would be expected, behaved gallantly, and aro now ia a position to do good service for their country — Wilmi-ngion Carolinian, 21«f. Deserter$ Captu'‘€d.—On the 14th of Febru ary, fifteen deserters made their appearance in Lunenburg county. They were well armed, and marched boldly along the public road, avowing their determination to fight their way through at ell hazirds. Capt. Bolling of the 9th Virginia oavalry, and two or three soldiers, whose names we have not learned, determined to arrest them Collecting some citiians, they made up a party of about a dozen, and taking a cireuit, got into po sition in front of the deserters near Ssrffold’s bridge. After the Captain had in vain flummon« d them to surrender, a severe fight ensued. Two oi the citissns were wounded, and seven of tho deserters. The contest termiaated in the capture of fourteen deserters. Ttie affair is highly cre ditable to all parties oonosrncd. Tho citizens, with their double-barreled guns, stood like veto* nuis.—Ptkrthwg Exprtn. i From Mouth Qaro>in0..—Oa^EiiOTVS, ffeb 22.-~Pssa«nge:rs from below irep^t that xaidhag partied have t>eeo to Union and Abb€viile, 0., anti destroyed much property ' This report Iscko oocfirmatiou. The yaiikee force left at Colunlna is said to be insignificant A Urge ya&kee iwixi reached Chester to-day They move rapidly. Tho eicy b full uf the wildest rumors aad rdiabla intelligence is contraband Seutkern and SGMihw€i*m-H LOTTB, Feb'y 24 —The Bulletin ia bdebted t*j the Southern Express Company for Augusta pa. pets of the *iOth. They contain no inLportant niiiitary news. Geo. Forrest ban be^en plaoed in eommand at all the cavalry in the District ot Missiasippi, A'labauia, Louisiana, ¥Test Tennessee, 4Cc. Hu first, ^enerai Orders propose re sTganinVioa, dii. ciplinc, atid the extermination of straggiers, rob bers, Ac. Ttoe yankee Gen Thomas’s troops are beug mounted lor the (t.uppcs€a) march throng Al» bsma* Reinforcements frcm Northern Mis^-:. sippi have been sent to Grant Large bodies at troops are moving in the West and important movements are reported The Mississippi Legislature is about to oonvsao in exira session, for the purpow (it is said) u* calling a State Convention. Go?. Brown's meesage t» the Georgia JjegiuU. tUT* oommenoes by a defenoo of ttie State against attacks by the press for permitting Shermaa to msrsh mnmolested throneh Georgia. The State, he says, was abandoned, compelled to rely on her old men and boys, and a golden opportunity lost forever. Had I Herman been resisted from the start, furued to Aigbt and exhaust his muaitiona, his surrender weald have been certain. He re- osmmends the establishment oi a military system, in no event to be furcsd over to the Confederate servioe, to be retained lot home ddience, [»od then a savage assault upon things in general] What wit tav^d and lott at Columbia.—Tho following'etatcmentfl in the Richmond Koqtiirer scsm to be based on offioial information:— Up to Tuesday last it was uncertain whether Columbia would ocme within the immediate range of Sherman’s purposes, and consequently the pub« lie mind wa* net prepared far sucti an early soloa tioa of the question. The government had, how. ever, just two weexs ago, taken the precaution to remove its specie, deposited there, amounting to several millions of dollars, and within the put tew days all of the dies and plates belonging to the Treasury D.’partment, together with the sup« plies of Treasury notes on hand, were safely con, y.-ycd away. The enemy being in pof^seesion of Branchvill#, Orangeburg, and Kiagsrifle, prccludsd move, ments upon the roads leading to Charleston, and an unfortunate accident upon the Charlotte road, (rutting off nearly all the rolling stock of the roa4 from Columbia, provented the authorities from making use of that avenue to save other valuabls materials in the city. A large quantity oi medi* cal stoics belonging to the government were there, oneobalf of which were paved, and the rest, far want of time and transportation, destroyed. The presses and fixtures hr prioiine Treastiry notes, in fhe esJablishment of Evans & Cogswsll and keating & Ball, were necessarily abandoned, together with tbe other, extensive machinery of those well known firms The first namwl estab. lishment alone had 102’printing presses, and was unquestionably the largest and best equipped pub’iiahifg bouse iu the Sauth. The enemy’s forces operating west of Cohmbla, reached the banks of the Congaree, opposiie the city, on Thursday evening, and threw in a num. her of shells, to which our batteries responded A portion of this column moved up the river dur. iny the night crossed tho Saluda and Broad riyera tho main trihauriea of tbe Congaree, which meet near Columbia—a few miles abeve the city. During this movement Gen. Beanrck. gard evacuated the city, and on Friday morning the enemy ent^^red and took possession witboit opposition. The enemy's forces entering Cslam- bia consisted of Sherman’s main army, a Urg* portion of which immediately moved up tbe Char, lotte road, whiie another portion haa moved dowa in the direction of Charlesto®. Beauregard is managing the situation with masterly dclibsration. Th« Orudti's of War.—One of the moat atro cious crimes perpetrated since the beginning of this war, was the shelling of Columbia, 8. 0 , by the enemy, without a moment's warning. We are jwtified by trath,iu saymg that two battori« were placed at commaading points on the west side of tbe river, and a bombardment opened uwn the city whilst it was filled with women and chil dren. Many of the houses were perforated by the missiles, and the flying of women and dren from the terror thus crcated, is said to have been a most heart-rending sight. No demted had been made for the surrender of the city. On the contrary, the enemy’s approach was silently and stealthily conducted. Some eight or ten per sons were killed by the fragments of shells thus wantonly thrown into the midst of helpless non- combatants W^e ate itformed, also, that afkr the surrerder of.thc place, squads of the enemy marched about the city fchoouug down such eiii- tzm as they couid find, urging as an excMe thal they might be stragglers from Beauregard's army. There is^ we hope, a heavy retribution in stora for such barbarous conduct, and that it is not far distKBt—f'harlotte Bulletin, 2^d. ^ Charleston.—On Thursday niglit, tha 16th in stant, our forces evacuated Charleston. Many guns must have been abandoned by our troops, but it is consoling to know that the Yankees got little else. Tnere was no eotton at Charleston to gladden Lincoln's heart, and the city itself was little better than a deserted ruin. Several tele graph operators, all of them men of Northern r>irth, did not come out with our forces, Imt re> mained to receive the Yankees.—Rich. Dispatch, Shewman’* Army.—Many difierbnt estimates have been made of Sherman's army. Some think he has 60,000 men. We know he has four'lml army corps and a strong iorce of oavalry. His corps will not number less than 12,000.—lb. The Expediticm from KnoxviU*".—We have reason to bolidve that the designs of the expedi tion, which was reported yesterday to have eer» tainly moved from Knoxville, are not upon South western Virginia, but that it is intended to pene trate North Carolina, and .probably to strike the railroad betweoa Salisbury and Charlotte. This force, consisting ofseveral thousand oavalry, and supposed to be under the command of Averill, was, as we reported yesterday, at Greenville, from which point the main stage road into North Owo- Una branches off, passing through Warm Springs gap. This appears to be the obvious direction of the expedition. From all we can learn there is nothing to tempt them in Southwestern Virginia, as they have almdy damaged the Salt Works and railroad there, and plundered the eonntry to such an extent that it is doubtful whether^ a^ considerable number of troops could be subsisted there.—Richmond Examiner, 2ktt. Cotton Burned —On yesterday Messrs. Holt, Brown & Mock lost by fire, in the suburbs of the town, 125 bales of cotton- It was, «s they ass«rt| unquestionablj tlM work of an inoendiur. AMw&twy WoIcAmoa. ”OBs FAY Faox SotTTH 0 man Is anderetor bis march. From to Charlotte, he i n«arly In the dire from here,) and it Oberaw, Fayette" that he found tbe therefore started presaion is that h tnre of the Capita that he d^eires to Saleiffh also. Fr nearest route to by Charlotte. A less defended, in will find himseif to his path.” We In Diarchlng thr oppose him, Bher of M miles, which •TBJ that they at strenf enongh to a glance at tbe ai toach Camden, B «*stre CheiterCel Oarthafe; and hia the Goal Fields, may h« obliged to ewn if he should s all, which we do It is a time of d a large part of oar blancbinir in the fp duties like men, fe ty, our lives, and o Issue. It may bis^ may be saved fro that we may see t fsated, destroyed. Fboh Bklow heard frcm Wdmi^ It, and consequent that place. Prom a gentlem on Thursdoy, we le town on Wednesd evacuation; that th ing between the to the Cape Fear, 10 that Gen. Hoko an sisted the enemy’s ing him back nntil prisoners bad been tbe fighting tbat o eonsiderably, but t they were the atta the yankees did no^ but returned to WnatiiTflToit.— toT some months North Carolinian, day cn his way to j left WilBington, o~ day morning, tbe and the yankees ex presses, type, Jkc.,: last issue of tbe 0 Ool. Sinclair Bpe~ of Hokejs Divisior, tbe eaamy cn Mon oonmand, who Ton opposite the town. Ha says tbat th burning cf several s oil works. Ac. Ac., baads of the enem count of the sufl’e" yankee prieonerg w ton fer exchange, fusing to receive th ed off" northwardly, ply of food at hand, troops. Pabolid FostF prisoners, H, W. Bobeson county, ca uately selected for e the night of the 13 ®rday last, on their turn thanks to many leigh, for acta of HcNeill of Harnett, with an excellent di his (iarriage. They fared pretty Lookout, ezce]^ for selected for exchan •n open pen, with scarcely any fire, a- kept standing in lin sequence is that the Mr. Carlyle feara th Mr. Harrell belon requests us to say t' A. McNeill, CJorp’/s vates D. W. Qraha McNeill, J. C. Soji» J. Ausley, all of his Mr. Carlrle belon he left there, of his D. McCailum, D. M. Sodges, K. D. Bass McNeill, C. C. Mer well. N. T. Munro 29tb Jan’y, and (i ^ete killed; Wm. R kUled. Tnere were Mounted Mkn W ■tate tbat mounted much wanted for tbe •ny number, to Col. An opportunity men, in town and co protect their own pr some who are unfit f Ingly tueful in ttiis c" Goy. Brown of ti help the enemy subj Legialatare of that plaints with a view ibderate goveraraan ation, to pitch that not encamber our c synopsis of \be trai Gabuxh Baans are requested to as more thaa they need them, either by (fift supply or by putting Nearly all kinds of

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