BhlO 1.A W& •-r.iLPnm JAbb’t Id, 18d4. 5>»-- «K(^ L'imii the Vhi^t=riCjf. 1 J\t' Chr^-, A-.}0f th« Cont»d»r&Ui e^iTi of do m*u.i, Thut the h»id«r« of ■^nry netM ab*7« tUr denomiMtion of $5, ' iptenUf obsJl ba slitfwed vntil tbe lec iiiy Apiil ISm, tint oi tho Miwissippi, to tho si«:ae, a&d litiiil dift periodi aad tlio pi»««f staled, the holoen s$ »)1 inoli I'reMTi^ u0tes Hkftil h« ftUoirsd to ftind tha sam« ia rcgip- tered boBi«, p^sble 20 yesi-s &.ft«r tkoir date, bcaiing inttsToet »it the rate of 4 per eevt. taif &».- ouia, payjibl# on the l«t pf JaQiiary »nd July of 9£oL yev. 8io. 2 Ti** J5«5r«fcary &f tho Ttdaeujy is hereby antfeoriied io is«ja« the feoadi. ret^^iired for itie pio7j(i»d £m in the prewdiiig ffoctien, •ad oijtii tke boada cm be preparod l*e may isnac ct>rtitioato3 to ftnu'wcr tbc puvpoM. Saoli bdcds acd ocrtificstcs shall i?# reocirablo without istsr- f5j'*»CBt ot s»Jl GeveraitJtint due? payable ni tna year 186i. oxoept export and iraport datics. 8x0. 3. lii*t aH Treasui? notes of tka decdioi- oatsw. aot. bearing-at..-61, cMeJi chdl be ]>re3iia«i. f«r fnn«Mag ducei H*e prcvialt-an BbsU b« robjo«t to a *tkX of t??f por oeot o& ?▼- tr or dt K41 Kt»t esaamerftlo^l b Trea-mry Eotc«, aj ^.oraia provided, CHfc!>«t to 1 ,et aferifijud ihe dednotioB^ said tftx. | jjj Oa tao . o* it of profits o?«joediug ^10. 12. any State b^idmg 2S per «eut., i>^:»dov*uriDg eiuker oi’tbe T»^ire J.‘’T‘‘1'?^, i ^ 1>? auj bimk or >-.bWdi- tawBgfccv.d aotss «a*ll b« auoTfff*! till ttw fii'st . - * d o,„u.T718«5, t, taa tuo «=,. i. « XiuMssippi, cuise to bs reeoivabla is paya^ent ot pui»ho d«c3, aad said Eotes, \*' not eo oroseiit«d at r — taat time, shall, in ^ddiauu to tke »«x of S3} oent3 impc iod in ;be 4tb of Lkia act, be snbjeafed to a ^rr ef per cea*. p^r septh ta- tal so preseutt.'^; T-bich iwo% ciba!! attaab tc add uotes wherever f ircr-Iat^d. scd eiiall bt do^ueted Uvtt ,n;i lij*’.KJ V* -1 coifipanj of any doec ’'jyti*-m, ♦•s'Araltid or not, 26 per contoa copfc, boads of the Confodora^e St*to8, p&7ableC0 years afitir dat*}, and tbe inteteef- priyalue «:uii- annually. But &ii Treasery n*tes reeelved hy aTiy Btftte after the ti.-ne fixed A)t lay.inj: tho sainc M afoissaid, Ahil be ield to bavo b«ea rocei'fcd diiciiiished by the naount of s^id tan. Tlio di- «riTV)»Tiatio& bei^eec ^e tsfttef »nbj«3t t kI.t t.nj and tbet«fl sot so subjcct, eUdI b^*.— Sso. lii. That Treaeary Qote? heretofore I T. FrO'u :ty f ci- heaU of a tRiiiiiy to bearing iotercftt tt the of ^7 80 oa iiic SI 1 ti a ''t-ltifj o; nnd for ercH n»lnor child per aoB'jia. ?thsll no lonj-cr He v^eircd in pj y-1 t^.g ^c-.vii ‘ t,o i^aKUer value of $1^; aient of p*?b'.».w uuca, bet 02 do^”uod «>a | £;ja cctuall? i in the cocsicicred ot tbe Ouuicacraw .*>i5‘'s3, p.*4; a-j ,,j> ■^{•o ciicd e*r bssD .)ie j.'c-is K)ujr t-J'.e raufiecvt^n ot ** 'J; ioiled ih tho la.'litar^ or service, and pcjf-if; wifeu tuc UniiOil otave.s, l>.vnu£^ ntt-y. --f; :• uVt'st 5Bf:jified on their i&'Vj. l«t ?fi . , f 11 „ . • ■'•t f»f>? . ;, ■ . fu6 tfuihcr valso o poyKng ;lad r dk.'rting, telegi^ph, exprsis. ni!roRl, ntiitiuf ,.?tnri!»'.^\ f^ry d*9ck, or otner pt.Hik .vhethi^r . aueb oiocsa. RiiXi. i>. TUfc tHiiv-rt ing ftrennpiiccs iroin Uixati>«. ■ S3«Hi *• HxIp ^;ct pb:di W- to-Trit: I. Frou 4^1 SK, ©f oon9^irpMr,is?s, or Rttt-mpts to H'feer- tbco prisoners ot wer hoi ’ by the ^o»fedarRt« 8tat«a. X. Of conspiracies, or attopaptfi er prapa- ratioiifl to aid the e?»H* j. XI. df perB^ns ad\ir4rm or ifccitikg I'thers ta 4iband©!\ tbe Oenfedofat^* cause, l'T to re sist tbo Confodamtfj StPtas*. «* to ^hei-o to tke eaainj. X.0. unla^fnlly bintiinsL Jatifeejjng cr injurlhg, or attempting to Bum, daetroy or iDjrire s-uy brid/^'o or ralirot»d, or tole- gra^hin iiiie of coin?ur.iii?;^l.iob, or ]tr'-*T>8i’tf, wit^ the iut€*t of aidijig tLa ©neiiiy. XIM. Of trf;H8onabio dosions to im^-air tlie mllitiiry p;wer of tbo Gavernmeut by dastr^jinp;, or atfomptin;:i: tt> destroy, yesaels or arms, or inuiiiaoue of war, iir er?oH*ls, fonndne?, workehopt-, -or other fiiOji-’itj of tho 0)TifQdoratQ.Statea. Bt«\ U.- The President rI ?ill C3'!"',e proper u'iS.iyid to invoatig;-.te the o-^os of al! pf'rs-'.ns eo a»ic3t^d, or dctaiuel, in order chut tbey /an’jBry ot oaoh ond evory yew. Tbot the Sccrefciry of Tr- Wtij t't. Hid lit t3 iicrcby, authorl xl, )f *" ’A gefioies of tbe (?07."rn3ie'.t should i-»-:p>rc it. to pay tbo demncd of any pabHe cre ditor d' bt aajiy be coatract.rd after ibe of this a ;t, w'Uisg to rf*ctKve th«'. sataa iu s. -titiSsrtvi of r>- debteiccsB, V> i-e issued fcy flaid ^ioefetary ia ss! sa fona w he issf ue^w project, p^rble t-aro ye>»r3 after a ratiSwilioa ef c,*troj.7 0? y5»oo trllb *^^0 United Stsfteg, bearttg ;ntec«^ c! fc* e r&^ of ilx 6j may be #i5ciuirgod if itu] dciaiuc !, >fi unl».’>3 they c?.n be £p'^©]i]y tried .Jr;r, • j (soarse &f 1:'. »v. 71. f"’- - irry ot tuo widov; cl rqj ofneer, j See. 3. That during ths si'apeimion aforp^- Hildiotj Ka'ioi LiiH:iiJO, who may hfivc b_u»i, u© military or other ol3cer ahn.ll be diod or hoen in the niilitnry «r n>val [coui^eiled, in am>wer ta s,ny wrt «f habeafl Bervie'i, >r wbc‘’s Ikcru is lio A'idow, then 0/j *t>r!dtts, to appear Ia por^^n, or to ratBiii tbo "ba fiiRiiy, b?-iug isinor ohiJdreB, to lie j ufy of aay or porsoiiB dctaiHcd fey nira, luy tUe authority of tho jt*ro«ideiit, E«- 7aiu^ ef Siee^^. IIL Fropeity g-' cvc;^ eS«e^, aolfS«, Ai- Iq k^a ;5'ilitf>ry t r- x;_- i-fcrriii«, srti biich m ave ivil 1' - from the fiee of gaii notvi wbaaoTar presontod I ^^Qt. pa# atjnuoi, payaUo «c. iI-au;iUiliy, for payment or for fandiBg, and said s^otfes sb&li j traiit'fei»bl« oply by spediJ eadvi.’Gini Bt, «a'?or not bo erciaaai^oaHo l\ir the v?iT7 i.^snc c* Trea- pCgalaiiona to b:? ^ ‘^*ibi-d by Seer..-;-;^ c/f Bxuy notes prw.'ided for iit ihi* hat. j the Tres’ury, assd -sfi eertificr.ts'^ sh:.^! be «-)^oiiift 8*0.4. 'IVt or, ail said Treaswy not« cot i ta^iatica ia print'Fal asd ir.tsrrr,^ 1 rhr^'T' f " fuadcd or oeed in payment of fexes at the dates *«o- I--'- ' S''or'^aary .ii tbo \s iv- 1 T and plaees pro8srib?d in tbo let wjcaoa of.thL^;! tboriicv f; ‘i.v-s-vjs tba »}nTi.:/tr of n - V. i^ s^;;*re ro',Oi\y b- ^ aet, there shall he levied Al said aad places j ^ iteet t'p/- r»>)i'!Jjrc«:r3t!» ef tb.j^ not, •*n;? a tax of 3t| cents for every prsmised oa j i'>' '*'2ch oi the b>r.k3 yf t. the faoe of &>aid notes; «iid aix nhaii f.tiica to Sfid ' Stitee m be ^ i. tt'eiu cxr :iU j» sct.'fl vb-i’c'^cr cir^niiite'r i.Ld Ul i»c ccilc 'le * ' S-:c^ of T >il- b) rtcdtte»iB; tie .^tae at tbe LiuatiU.j, ; >e'tb>;tb ftdt-eni rUia v- ia m ‘ 'r -■•.••'.i. to tkrj vaIrc' pn^ « >bed ia jk-> severe! and by 3U-ti otl 0( aa thail fieoiiroi isirhe i; ;;j jvb\.v';y, *wd tbe Seorctiry of ar f. A ‘be Jcorci^t-^. " ^ Ni'Vy 3b;il. caoi ii bo be ^iiibiialio'^ in sro u-- of fc,r. > toriee and by tft* oolb'v^t.?, i b^ aii " ,ve wert c®cers t.-o^i^iner tbo -ah;.? t^fiercvtv p-o- SLXtvd f '»r (■'i^ T.eac or ror iui r-in.,, c*r in pavaj^at of Govcrotro?it duea, cr for wstsge, .*x ia ex- cbacgfc jv-r new coivt, a? kc?ei?..-':' r ,n-ovid •', &■, * j ‘''‘i urd«r fc^r tb wid Treasury ‘i-aii l-f m:! ;v >:e ir- bcnd» as j provided ia tbe seotfea v» act, uniii tbt; j SS'O. 17 The 4C-1 coetit-u ;*f tho ast fcr 't'ic ^ Ift day uf Jaacw7 at r&w of Gtigf ecn*s j assc««Tj3eat and co?!' vrsDro'***''^ Wsy ' oa rh« uz ;t aH oe the duty »t i&te { 1st 1363. ir b? eby r; ^ i - retfftry fn Ui.* .'t .... •*£ haj bct^eea tbf! 8sfl IS The i to ' • .'• iet oi j,„a tb? lat C'f Joly, 18G4, weat of 1 4J^d -e-..iiroC, v.,-' 5 tbs arvnil i the Miss; ■ * ' ' *:\t, ^-r .-i - V»l' 7 i\vs aet in 8;”:?; H>.-;rvJC«, p-ovid^jfj’, fUr^r tvjiQ c*imp- i&iiB ektiJ i:ot i? *.tiv v>ijytje j-rc'iri-t;;.', “xc-J-isivc r-t Vi.;n^eh»-Id in 'edn:,7 - bef !i ii. j orby 't'o on.?5uy. or tbo v/ner i -i tcn p ^r?.rily d;pn vcd * ' ^ic = „ . :V«rocf, v>r of intsawr •i:fr b> re vjou r: i4ie .Lie piu-.i.wL/ - t wic; » n «ci» ’)roi:o>ty muy \y^ I'orvioLj tv' tV;e danivj-.i trc«- -or i!kc ihx a-i! j8«id :;‘ucv- in • r. r '■• okvr, ••i! stt iKjfiictor ©ri- €reterT. «f or the Gorjeral '?S«er eo^ *n«w«i-tnsj •tof'O 7-mno-tmaatv. bnt njien the fiertificatO; under catK, of aSoer Isaving cbar;vo o' ..-11,, ’■!?.x j dot iitiecl-, tliat i-MCti pQrs.^ii 1g deUisc^ by hitri y'i a t'f C'.-! cj-.-ic-sa U;ro.ri;-K:'-re r- '■ 'id, fpr- ri’> r He -j{ • 'i c!‘ai;, H.-i '-!'«» ^i.C‘!lt redu.U'tfc!., :n p~i LuIjCv-. I.-' pfig{-«isr for L'rfj c.po«;Iued, v.ndcr iba aviM.ori^'y af ' .i-nd?r uic '-yui c«jr*&3 8:1^11 i!f BTia^jandcd ao In joroe. ifcc, 4, nii?"aot C''nt*’;,r6 in fbrce for afe'o*:y days nft;r tl '^ ao?ft -lisftsr t- c-f 4^ .n- gbi^li b« t3 t>e plHoed in Bervice in the tiold for tiie war, as if he were between the iif «s of IS aud 45. Sec. 8. Tbef horcafier the dtttiw of pro vost and Voirpital guards and elerka, ana »f clorka, gHarcis, agcata, cnjployeea oj iabor- era in the Oemmioaary ana QnarterinaBter’e De^rtaieutfl, in tbe Ordcance Bureau, and of mcirka and empl3yee8 of navy agents, as ako in the execritien of the enrollment act, and r11 similai^ duties, shal) be j>erfornn:«d by persons who arc within the Rs^es of ^18 aiiQ 4S yCiiiVi, uiid who by tlie report «f i. Board of array surgeons ehall bs reporieu aa unable to perform a.«tivo aervico in tlie fioid, but capable of poriorniing mine of the above said diities, spoelfying wliiih, and when these persons ehalT have btecii :iS3ij;iiod to these duties fftr f>3 practicai*lcj, ti>.3 i’re- sidcRt ijhall assign or detail to tboir porforu.- arice su«h bodice of troops,' or indixiduale, reouired to be enrolled under the 5tii sec tiou of thifi act, ap, may bo needed for^the diachai^ea of &nch dutiee: Provided, tbat j>«.ruons bL'tvveon th^y^at'ee of 17 itnd ISshnll bo j^tfigncd to those (futioe: Fx ovidod tbrr. that nothing contained in thi? act £.hr,'l bu BO con.‘?tru'jd ae to pixjvent the President from deai'in;!5 arHsene. mnchanici., or per- ■fc»U8 of tcieatiSc skil'ij t^ porform iuCispeu- sable duties in the dtpartmente &r bureaus kerein.mestioned. Sec. S. Tliat auy Qaarl^rmaeter or Aa- • «iata&t Quart«rLa&&tor, C^»tKmi»3&ry or Ac- iist*iit (^mmias^yy, (other fhan thoi;« eorv- ing Tfith fcrigEdoo or ry^iuieat5 m tl«e fteld.) v>; oOf?ere in the OrdBance Bureau, ©r Navy Agent?, or Frovoet Mftrohal, cr in tho eoEScript eervice, who sbail .ht'reafter o^nir'lt'7’ or rots.Ml in hir. fcmployinont any "-'■J' * »)** j aei;,on in any of their said deprirtmcnte or 'CTv, c-u a^t rh’-'i c*^ntiriV;e hurcRns, or in of the duties mentioned pre£?, a«d no Icnger. l‘T tho “ s^- appj. ^ me JHss;s;;ppi nver, and tke lat of JajcBrjry lsj€^, | tb* bo'oot of ao/ sail wbicV , | ^^’JO via 60 nabstituti Wid exebaage new Treaaury uotea j by ibc 0^ ?be •.:% p-'.r’dn f r •’ '' for tbe same at tbe rate et tiOil osata on tbe dol-1 fu::lisg iad h«r-be:- ig=i4,5 of Tr>j4.'iij-; li' I lar: i rci>«;;#&:, Tltatnot^ c-f tbo deaomii.(»tio^* •. | Marcb 23d ISOcJ, w.s ttajh-'i i •100 shall not bo eantied to tbe privilege of said exchange: F^^-vidsd further, tbat fcbe rigbt to thereafter deerced to bs e b: “' b b»sc.e ta s^« : iuad any of said Trcaaur/ Doii», aitcr lue lit day of JMuarj- 1J^65, i* hereby taica i^saj: And pro- »«»#£* /urihcr, Tbat npoQ aii sacb Treaeuiy ijo^es wbiob may rcraaia outitafitfiug ea tbe 1st day ei JtDtiazj i?35, ai.d wbiob isay not be exsbasged BOW Trea^iiry aotea, a.«, bercifi provided, a tas of 100 per cent. u> hereby iuipcsea. 3bo. 4 Tjiat tbe Srs/day cf Afji£ next, all autherifcj bcTotcror> given to tbe SeorrtiTj of the Treabory i&»ve Treasu’-v aot?s sfial! b'S, me u hereby.-revob ^: t^i-r* Sc^rsurj «f ^e Trea^iiry ^fter isie .asdt i Treajjury a cucu iuna &s bo may presoribo, payable w»> years att-er tbe rs.RiIoatioa 01 a treaty • of peaea :ith the UuiJ^ States, switj nc'sr \ to be reseivfible in payment oi all pubMc dne.n, | exoept fczjott aad :iaport dcties, to be isaized ic belder a b-jn-’ tbfln*5ri ’i" by »id act. CP' *'bc- lerjca^ pro?i'i«1 A )i Act iff Isby addUi-9^i*&l. Tc- tis for th‘-. Etc. i. The Oongre33 d the OonJitilenste St4.t€o ^f Aiii.i>iica do 4*iiact, Tbi.t it &{? ii- tlan to the t'iSaa lerl.^w by tho &ct * *.'• Wj tas>» tor the ceirmoa dcf'tsnct to cairy or the Govcri.’Wie.i- ol' the Coiifedevit^ »iVjj^3ved 24th April 136.3, therft ^iir.i! t-? levied, fh-ni the c of t'aic ae: iiubjccta of SfcCbliort keicafkr me:‘itiou*dJ,.^- aud collected frc>np every pcrBm, copart^^sr- * ":*j ahip, a53ociatioT3 ©r ;drporatioB, li&bls tr. ^ t.W 'si ;.¥r ^-:r ; idd -,r « bf. a.‘®£v'' ■’ - v:> :u '. •'sf ;- ”!t, a:- .l \a:i t!^8 ].ii dij tif juue ' :j3 >->r'.: Hr‘ihle. ak>w- ‘ tkf ©n r fir thu ycftr lS'5-3, h vioa bt'll 96 «&;(>» ?ied aud eyH»:i*ted : rti; , irb; r-.^d t’ n ta’^es fnoomes or pro ^,to for tbf* 7.:-f:r l eb^ll bo asae-irfO j aad fvllectf.-.i accordk.^ to ihQ prv>IftioL’S ot rhtj tax r»ad 5^- ,’c rots of 18«3. Ceo. 7. S mur' -'f inijv: e.f t4^a d'y of Iprd 1SC3. levies a tax or ie- ctJincs ooi i I be a^C ;.»'‘ thi.' V5'^pcr. t4iUC tb« . . fV. t 'K- ’r c.frn/t> tin a tifT ip ]c‘='i&d iS* ir-e-'Mon •» JG y«:-.r IS&i, .'4il fts4 vr o» ^iT!- :r^' ad valoroo^, r luAt o rvi ’nQovAm ivatier exobttiigft fc,? >ld RCtw at tbe rate et 2 doliar* of i of the old 15’' aoteji be kurr^siotsrod for ejLch.'inifo b"’ th t-', tiO.?3 M follows, Jo-wit: iJ}x>u the value of property^, real, v«’ 14a act of Bra. h. TU: ri b^rda vi ; 5 >’^al aiid uiix&d, of every kind and depCl ip- , tbe new for 3 of the old ia^rjeg, r^httber e^id eld ! hereiBRfkr eiempt* ! or ta»e^ z t a i'^ '^ s u-iil la iw; itr)pnf.;*d V-y tbf9 fvM ■ >f fcdcr'.‘-o !Str.tta ^r.--eto- '^Tv -U CX«.f6d tihc ITj- b.'ingo by thbJioldcrg difior„jt mte, 5 pei c^at.: Provided, TuSi ^ uior.^u, VI bo reof!;Tcd •t'^q the Trwysnry ^ndrr frosi ilii Ofi *h« *...i- 'i 4 pr«iy'f^rtv ^ the proviucGs of tbis aer; aca the holders of tbe i ploj^c.t n ligricn]^- u bhall bo df'diiete'd ito ‘ new now>8 or oMio old note^, eicsnt thcie ef tbe | value of the tax ib kind delivered thQrcfi'via, ^nonunat’on of 5a00, tftor tbey are reduced to I as a^c^jsed undsr We law imi >sin^ it, and cease oa tae do*b»r by the tax aforesaid, Dssy delivered to Uife i^ovcrHiue d: I’roTided, or Tbat i'o crod^i ciiall be aiiowed heyoBd K ! W^h^rt - II. 0:> it»9 'fthvri ^ gold ^nd siiver war»- ' 1, Bcoa-n 0, Far>.5rraT> and p1j»t«; i^wels, i‘»v’’e}ry li>jky3xi't: Lii. The vrl^T r.f property tas?."'- uricer i ii‘=1^ - ’ •THE MILITAKY Bli.L iseoSioB 1. That Irani «^nd after the psxg*go • f thl8 act all white m-p-n, reeidefiis of th-3 t/t>ijij:-:crHi«D Slates, bu^.votiii tho of 1 and 60, ghail fee in the inilHury Sftrviee of tue 0«farow»HV,to £^ite3 i--i thu v. . Sctf, *5. TH.«t a.i the pCfUoTi^ af‘-r«,tx!>v'\. ^ -€pa the -v- J . i.uu i5f j ow h: !c;-fvitw, £i*Ati bs n;t;nnad during ino prcder.’" war with. ^19 U. !S., ia. ihe euuiC re,i4!rieiit6, b^t- tt'Moss and e^ifipariies, t‘> wh>!»h fhev V>eIon^ ac lltt; pa£H5g^e of l^iv..act, with the acme or- ga.Biaation and -oCAfcora, aniosa res^ularly U'unafarrod wi ui«chargoci, in ic.cordAnoG With the 1^W5 and reguiatioua f * gov ernment of the anny: Provided, that coui- paiwy« from cne Suite, ororaviized ajjjiinit ‘ couBont, f2;proaf}; d at tho tinao, with r^ifiraentR c-' ia the 8th eectioa of this act, in violation 01 the prodsions hereof, f.h.all, on conviction thereof by a court-raartiAl or mJlit^iry court, be casliiered; and it shall be tho dpty of any c^epartimeat or district coninuinder, upon proof, by tbe oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated thiB oro vieion, immediately to relieve Buch oMcor ;roni duty; nnd suid commanders BhrJi tak« prompt raosisurea to have him tried for sucli Oiibuce;, and any coramander a« aforesaid f iling to perform the duties enjoined by tl^is section, shali upon being duly ^onvictei thereof, be discharircd from the sei vice. Sec. 10. That aii la.vB granting exemp tions from military service bo, and the aamo i arc, herftby repeal ad, and Lerealter none ! ohall be cxenaptcd cxcept the followinfif: j 1. Ail who lifclJ nafit tW’ miiita- j ry service, under rules te be prescribed by the Secretary of "^ar. ! 2. Tho Vice President of the Confederate States, tiie members aad officers of Oohgres , . . ir»»in unoiiKir Ibtete, j ^nd of the peveral State Legislature’s, and t-i-Cii aayc tae pnvui£3 j oi o&ing ti aih-.tjiTcd I aueh other Oonfedorate and btate offioere as Bv.w;' u Mule, vhea i DOB-ccTriixt^ceii^ncd o&oor, musician end f.iia’’ i bo in eor .'^ce. or in eoRvert tbe eiime inw calf e»>rts£ciate3 besjiag in tercet at the rate of 4 per ocst. por ftcuum, aad •n^-le two years aftor a ratification bf a treaty with l-be United Stgtoi, onlosi sceaor '"'‘•d int» oe?r (J. Tbat to pay tbe #3tpe2«.e» of the Gov- i- :»"i2Et not otbe^’.ee providoii for, tbo Secretary of ti e Treasury is hereby authsnied to issaa § P«: -... sundii to an RMonnt not exceeding fire- i tciihoa5 of dj‘k.18, ibc principal aad i»- r hereof sbatl be free from taxation, and tor the '■'-ymjnf. uf iatercit tbareon tbs entire net reeeiptd of auj export duty hereafter laid on tbe storea, which shall 00 exported from the Oonicderate Btatefi, and bo net proaeeds of tbs iaiport duties now laid, or go jnuob thereof s be neees'jir*' to pay aanuaily -he interest, are hereby Bpeeblly pledged: Froyiiod, tba* tbe duties now laid on i^portd Mc ijoreby pledged aad shall hereaf ter be paid in apooie, or in sterling cxehanec, or in coupoBS of said l.oads. S20. 7. Th%t ibc S*;^?et-ry if tb.- ^arj >'3 hei’eby a^tii^acd, from rixae to :im^, as' t^o waate ol lb? Tre^va:y a;ay raqtiiro it, to seU or nypotiieoat^ tor Treasary notoa said !>ond.s, or any p«*r& Uareof, wpea tlio tAtrmA h* ««.. ^ tp most appropriations CMigrosa, and at the saaie tame r^uoo and roatnet tbe aaouat of tbe eircu- Uuon in Troasury notes within reaaoaable aad safe limits. ti e t ic !jro£; th, ■ -1h Act t4T> ^ . • ”>Kt , »-bU l.^!pav'?;te .:i e^^ca where the 1 n*t oxc*od ^iO'K) , « I xnay hfl. irons their own States, io 3. Every miHieter of religion authorized to preach ccccrdingto the rmas of i|iB church, and who c.i tho pansage of this act, shall ba re^ularjy employed in tho discharge of hie aimiateriui duties; superintendents and phy sicians of aeylunis for the deaf and dumb n!»d Wind t«nd of tbe inoftnc; one editor 1't f r-ch newap.apor being published at tlio time cf Ihk net, and such cinployoes s.8 said edi- — C/1 oJI«clO ' le Biwae &mi ot tho service. Sac. 3. Tjiat .%t tho oxpiriHon of six laootlis Iroin tlbe first d(?,y of April rioxf, a boufity ot $100 in a six par ofiTit. Goyernurjont bonJ, w.’dcb. the Secretary of tbe Treasury is herc- L-y autkoriEsd to 1*43 paid to ev«- this f-ection sbfdl be aeseaccd on tiii bati» of the market vahi*: of the or siuaiiar pro- 1 perty in tho ncighbcrhood vriifcrfca'wcti'.Qeii iw j the ye?.r 1860, exftopt ia cases where la- ;d ! slaves, cotton or tob?.coo'h.avo been P «-1 chastd aince tho 1st day of Janaary 1 in which c*se th^ said hind, slaves, cott>H and tobacco so purcbaced, shall be assess od at tho price actually j for the same ^y the owner, ' Soc. 2. On the value of ail ehara-^ or iatfir- t'-c Writ i cct'i’jt.n o't-H’S. e O i^;.itHt-.' H of tbe Co'.ifi Amerioa provider} in i^rNclo 3. '3 O', rpne dcu rslers wb'5.’’ 'I' rsk"? cf veoe * •» pr’-.Kc tr.^oty uir.y re- q*;’ir3 t:/' ."nd T"r.£- irio powor of '’fj- p3ndL> " lb rriv-i' -;v-j (>f ^3 y^r. ■ 1 Avi' V 1 !ft ■vrt Oi L'\- 6 pnvi abail no r)*Qu 1.1 eaiCv V..0 Oopg^eaB, v. ' of the ni,:- wh«>roa?, In ibc • j'ubdie safety rp. j writ ia tho exli-r thc^ States i’rates: and wh‘ * tiifi finrir»#^n£ Vt_ i, 09 VwCliCu in [.h h tho exclusive judge Oi -nch OPiJi)euait.n; anil ■ -n cf tho Coflgrcs-i, {;i 0 !’■ '■os the 6uci*cnai >n of ii'- fjiso of fhc invasion of tbs.! airaic-3 of the tTnitcd 0 Freeideut hnz, ashed rba wilt of habcac cor- of speufiion public ivKJtion; 3so. «. Tbe bond* authorised by tb® 6li eee- txon of tbis aot may bo oitbar rcjjistcred or cou pon bonds, aa the parties taking them may elect* and tbey may 00 exchanged for eaeb * such fCjj^uiatiouii as the Heoretary of I aaay prct^ribo. ^ Tboy sball be for 810), aad gbafi t^etiier with the coupoau thereto atte.ebcd C3 is ‘ such lorm acd^oi saati suthoatic^-cica f«a t^e dca" 5 ,>er ciau ^0 v>j^Tno 01 propoity t^;3:£d nndor r/ is section shall ba asseaeod u]>on the basis ol tho »nr»rket valao of sacii pror^orty ia taa neighboTuood whore assessed, ia such, cur- roiiCiy fwi in ay be ia general use thore, in f\ie ^urcbaia and sale of such property, at tae tmo Oi aafls^ i:;ert. do enaot, ^.T-yAOh or tA© . ikge of tho writ of 1 oi r'n ' t’-c prc-i^^ni tho priv- hai c?-3 corpusi bo, aud iii« asiuG Lj hereoy, 8ii£p«nd«;d; but such aus- p€usi^)a shall apply ouiy to tho c&soa cf por- soui arrostod or detained by ordor of the President, Secretary 0^' Wr^r, or tho Crenoral Officcr ccmmaridlng tbo Trano-Mij!^i£y3ippi Military Department, by the authoa.y and -jc ti rj_, .r>. 0« **A t lesd than 30 yeara {,om ti^.eir da«;‘. y. All cab oerufic&tea sbail U fiiu^bfe. “lo ,ip. ’ ii b:i tSTo^ m ah rrspv. i, Arc*\3'ary into wkiah Jie-7 Ir.. lio 1 aaa ubr. for \iie ▼ertible. - . wfiloii uhej xt oonvsrtei belor? tiic tit iro (#012- 'ivl fjr tbft Xrcwury sueu'cervi.^.ga abal! from fcuat ^2 beai upoa only G«f e-its ?w!r rf-=a^aitb]e 10 23^ T.rc4aury a' of dopoeit sWl |ri?fe tbe bocda autboriaed by th# i^OQ al tuw aet, ia exebaog« l»r tfeeit depoeita Bpwitymg tbo ssms os tke bcacb by 6«me laark or token, to b« agi'cod upea witii TrouvLty, then th% said ^ ^tor Bbail be entitled to rotiote the taoirat of ^ bo.^ “ ■«>'«. ix-^-g to •^ouKtaa^ at i&o pascaae ot this »«; ttie said beads aue pr^ented fcofero a- ofC Trw8^7 tot«s bejotofcte m Pwaaeai of p«bti« w u by tw, ^i^dable at^ m4, oatii tbo ILret of JF^ay, !? 5L!2SL^ ^ 1W4, 5«r oi ^naer tho control of the Prc-Mcnt. h la ^ 4 J- 1 , > 5^rp> I iiGroby deciarod th.*\t tbo purr-pj of Ot ^i 0. .”diYid,^,ls, 5 re’- c. ’^t.;, and ap ;.fi bi tto p:_>a3i.-.- uf tkbi act‘v^ »U m&-.c;/6 coid^)road, or ;,pcr Uieanioiin iiiero hr iruj puhiie u, .“.A.-iua;-”:. lih .-'T H:'-3v%f.n on j tmttpc.-\dii‘;j;-tlw* v rit ol habeas corpus ii" wJTq f iiL-Jii I {ijt'ij’,% csiuc.1 Uii J io other: I. Of fre.te^- *u cr treaoc»aabla efibrbj cr* as ./> .^abv'cu liie gov9ram©iit of iK''; 3i-.t'l iiratf 1 H, .>f f' jii ’-pivp.oie* to overthrow tbo gov- uroiaieTit, or oo:»E;.Ira4tiee to resist th; lawful r.iivh'>rItT of ^lo Ooufederat-i States. ITi. Of c^*iabininj; t) g^-.i-jt tho enemy, or ot Cdi£iniuTii,es.ting iiitolligonco to th© eutaiy, 01 triviai? bir*i and uoiutort. 01 oDh-spirad. -^ prepiirr,tio!io aad nt- 8jr\'ilo cut -. * to ^le period ; jqi- corrify, on ?.ath. to i^ indi?pensable 1 I to the publicj^riun of snc^i newspaper: t*e public printer of t-he Gonfcdsrate and Btate u:a ev of SUO.^l c-oiia who would btt entitled to rsceivabvlaw t. h 8 erot«»tora died-a» d fr;>ra 00 ’.sao; - tbc^e v/ho Jiave furnished pubptitut^s i*x apon oio'*v a •., a^ai^es'vj sad &iieu>-0,> ^ K- it!3 value Lhtireoi at '« wb'orr- . , ’’.i.i 4 '►t ^.1 £ol/ent crc- i' M l tt-id »U oth^r pa- J-. b. ti''re'ic*y ’ ■ liiC^^'-'oSt -JT"!'Af UU. aiiC5 t;ot If, ditj p-rj tbo St* 4. Cbx.n ^CaK’-vBiS^ n L i.*u laa- niA-, sag*r, ^ I; hog^, Ijoc. iodd«r, ii.,^3 ''renc'y, o^cjusive of non- (iUtf iii.-; traSi.'^ary notos, i ift;^i.',tere 1 bucinesB, z- 4'iuOf» 'H t«*r«d, 6 u-jKlfl 11. trade and uUi'VfflU *». ru'jde by buying and roll- > ?. tiour, wheatj corn, rice, Ot iimp, salt, bacou, pork, bcei cattle, 8hs*i]>, oata, hay, hi'lea, uoi o isi, miiles, boosisi^j eixKia, Qotfcon yr.rusj, wool, wocloii, co*- iV. tftuij|H« to ir .r 8vr‘.'ile Tasrirrftclloti. V Of =TL*i or eaoouraging descr- tionfe, of hiirrtoi iD7 dcoertora, andof attompts to avaid iiviiii'' y Eervise: Pr9vi Jed, That in case of pa-p/iblo wrong ai\d opproe^of) by any 8iib*,#rdiR''t'' ''•mcftr upon a*iy Bftrty who docs UOt -vw- •r.'!" - ■ ’U»ui'10i owe laiiitjaiy 3.iTico griiat prompt r^*iief to Buboraiaate X >‘-!jy louijer cxoi.ipted by rciiaon thereof: ^■‘■‘V'ided, that no person, heretobra exempt ed on £GCO’,ir.t of rel'gioiis opinions and who i'a.'s p;ild the t»': levied to rch*ii -’o him fi'om d*.'i'vieo, chtUi be roqnired to reivii^r miiitai’y sorvice under this act. Sec, 5. Tiiat all white malo resident.? of the Confederate 8caVs, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 yc*i\rfl, shall enroll theiaselves at feuch times and pl.^.oei. and uudor auch rogulationa. tlie T^residcut may pre=icribo, tJio tim;*- «’.!!•’ A'J not l>eing le»3 than 30 days for tuosu ca?t, nnd 60 days for tLqpo v/GSt of tho Mifsissippi rivnr, and any pereou who sbet! fail so to cr.rjil Eelt, ^filhont a -v'iscnablv? c^cnso thorofor, i>« jud^Ad ef by tha Preaidftut, Ehall bo plkc»id in ser'rice in t^-e Uo!d P;r rhtj war, in the same manncri»8 though ilioy were ba- tweon the ages of 18 aud'4-5; Providod, that tho p^^reons mentioned in tliia sectiou shall conictituts a rc.'Krvo tor 8tAto defence and doUiii ^uty, ST\d aixali act !je roqnrred to p9rIo?;a s»srvii)e out oi tba Btnte ia which tJjey rv sid'?, , G. Tli"t r.11 per^oQs ra-^mi'ed by the hZii s-'icticE ot th'3 ac* to enrod thotnsolve^s, may within ' d?yj a-'ter tb{.» p'’^ , .^i tbc-ro- otj ^he i.. :p]>i ;,ad Within CO day!!, it west of said rivor, ibrin thoniiolyoa iute voltmifiry organi^aUone of compauies, battaliona or re^iuigtit.5, Rsid oloct ibair own olaofti-a; said orgftaixftt.ion8 to conform to the existing laws; anc^ having so orgauizod, to tender thoir sorvidbs us volunteers during the war to tha President; and if such o^an- i^iona shall furnish proper muster rolls, 9& now organiajd, and deposit a copy thereof I intermission, since that pcrioti; all phjai- «oT-' nor ! cipw-j over tlie »go of SO yoarg, who n*ow arc, I ;md for tbo Itist 7 yo-'irs have been, in the j actmal and regular practice of their profes- I sion, bnt tho term phyBiciaa shall net in- cludo dcr.‘H4ts; all presidents and teachers of collecti; tlicological semiuariea, acade- mio» aaO t taiools, who kave been regularly engaged as &nou for two yeur* next before tho passage of this act: l‘rovided, that the l.'tMiolit ot this exemiition ehall extend to those tsachei'fi only wtoeo scheols are com posed of £0 stucients or more. All auperi;:- icndents of public hcispt-vls, established •f)y law before the passafre of this ret, ard euch physicians and nurao*? thproia aa such bu- porlntendents shall c^i»tify, on oath, to be rndispeaeable to the prrper Rud efficient ai-ina^eraeut thereof. *• 4. There Bhull be exempt one perstna as *"^7^ '**' «gricultnriat on each farm or plan tation upon which there are pow, aa3 ^cr«. on the 1st day «T Jan’y last, B able-bodied ficld-handa, between the ages of 1(3 and £C, up3n the following co.iditlomi': * 1. T1h3 exemption ahall only be granted bi cas«3 in Which tbere is ao white inala adult oa the faria er plantf tioa not Ihiblo to militnay earvice, nor Hiieea the person claim ing th« exeaiptiou was on the 1st day of J%o’v 18S4r, either the owner aud main’iw proviuons, to be delivered by euch }:or6 '' as aforesaid at equivalent r^es. 3. Snob person shall furiher bind binw to sell the marketable Burjiluc of pr';vi^Rr > and grain now on baud, add wliicli-bc mt, raise fr*m year to year while hia exeio;>.^ ’> ccntittnf«, to the Gbvemmeut or to tbe fan? ilies ©f soldiers, at priccs fixod by th© Go^ miscioaore of the Stfeto under the paent act: Provided, that any person c? eraptod as aforesaid, ehsll be entitled to % credit of 25 per cent, on aiiy nnjo int oi which he may deliver within tiirec from tbs pasoago of this p.ct; J^iovidc.;! fnr thcr, that )>ereon8 coming within the i'lori sions of this exemption bIiuII « df']ni\ c;' of thcljeneiit th&xof by reason «f bet;n enrclied fcihco tho ist day of i' -^b U.(5 i *i. In addition, to tlic fo;cp. ’ng CAcviif.- tions, tho Secretary of War, vr uo'- the ‘i it,:*ioji of the Preiidontj mr.y e?-:pT!\pt 01 . tail cuoh other jiersoos ae ho be fiod ought to be exemptod on acc/iuia .*■: public nccfcssity, and to i.i&cre tbe uivdu iion oi gr.^in f*nd other provigione fo; ti e army and the liiii.-ilies of toldiers. Tjcmav, also, grnut cxernptiQns or !elaiU, on euob tcrm3 ao ky -may prcccribo, to t uoh ov.--’- seeiTB, farmers or jilanterA &s ho uiay be s;vt isfied will be more uueful to the countrT the pursuits of ft;?ricultnre than in tbt luiil tftry service: P.»-ovid«d, that euch exempt'., shall eeese whenever th« thnner/plftntoi r-r orerncor shall faU dih'^sutly to 012.;-! y i- good faith, hia owu skill, capiti;! r.u i la’oi exclueivoly in tV»> production ol* ^ain provisiionE, to be goIB. to tbs Govcrnrner.t and tho famiiios of toldierp at pi ices not c7.c.eed ing fbLcd at the. time for like arfictt't by Jom.Tt5ie?iorcr9 of tho Stat>. iinde' ihe in:»/itjB«ment act. 5. The president; trep.gnrer, audit^.r auc) superintendent of ar:y raili Oad company ec gafired in transportation for tbe QovernTneat, Hii^ such oliiccrs and employees thereof w tlic president or Guperlutencicnt shall certri* ou oath to b«. indi£p2ni;*iblo to ibe oiBUr' - operation of said railroad: Pi' vicod, t!i/' ihe number of persouy bo uxeuiptod hy th iv5t ca aay r&ilroad ehaii not exc«!ed one |.H)t 60i» ^or each mile of t>ueh ro9,u in act-al u. lb/ »ritiit&ry trauispcrtHtiou; and said e-'en v#?.- ahfcii be reported by name and dv:iC ipi.i, iif wira the names ot any who hav*j l-jtii: eiTtpioyment of iSaid coupapy, or wl- laaj c^Huaa to be indispeneable, V. That nothing herein c.ntaiacd aiiaU bo construed as repealing the ac t approv April the 14th 1863, J to c.^ cmpt centractorp for carrv’Tp 'tlie nia'lfc the Ojnfcderate Sia*c^, and ihc diiv\:r5 v- podt coaches aad hacko, fro n mili‘..*; v vIcg: Provided, that all t:;c ox*?upri.’:; granted ueder this ?ct only cuutluvc whilst the persons etomptcd are actuaU,, engasod in thf ir ri^spcjctivc pursnitx cr ot cupatloss. Sec. 11. That the President ut-, b'^' it hereby, authorized to grant detaiu, uudet general rules end reguiationa to >*u issued iioni thi: Wht Departiaent, either of perH!»'^>- betv/esu 4.5 and 50 yearo of a^o, or Iroiu tl;t brmy in the field, in all casoa vv’ftery, in b.; judgment, justice, equity and ueoe..>»it/ rc iuire such details, and ho may revoic >'.rc: orders of details wherjtevor hs ?!iiiii's pr ■ -i Provided, that the power herein granted u tho Presideat to make dutails and exc^iiv liOns ehfiH not bo'ned to authorize t!ft (xempticn or detail of any contractor f- furnishing Bupplies cf r.ry kind to the (4ov- erament, by roafcon of said coiiiracl, tho hc&d or secretary of t]ie deprjtmutu n:ia Ving such conrract shall ctrtify thut ? o ^ eonal servicos of such ccntr .ctor aro inwe pousrtbla to tho execution of said contraci.. l\“ovidGd furthor, that when aay 3ccb tractor ||iali fail, diligcatlj^suu laitlii-.- . to proceed with the o:^:ocution ^f eKC- r tract, hiij exemption dr d5taij l';: ' Soc. 12. Tbftt ia appointing U/C i j c-f Eiirgoons for the c^Liminati.on of per- -r li«bla to military servicc, no laombcr c. s. poabig tho Slime eLj».ll bo appointed frotr^: coruity or enrolling districi; in which tafc) nre reiuii-cJ to make such exaoiiuatioa. to the taz oa such poSte sc mcotno under the ‘*£0u t? taxo^fc-rth^ o-»i.*imou defonco, Rsd oan^ tsi t*ic G T orr^icnt of tlie C*00' f«dekat© States ” r.ppro^cd Apiil 2i> 1862. XL On aII tnr-d**- by buyia^ aad t^mg money, gold, fliver > ffjriiga eiolis^^e, o^^t^P^^motNilbythaaathonty of theP^^^ with the enroJilag ofilcer of, their district, which' shall b^ eiiuivssiont'to eTrrolIinont, they may bo acccptod as mb.nto luon for garvioa !n aoch bat in no evoat to be t^ik'jii out of iL Those who do not sd ve'ua- t^r and OTgauize, siiall enroll theuibolvcs as before providod; and may, by the Presideat, bo rearursd to aaaemble at convenient pla ces of rendosYOUG, and be firined or organ- i3od into compiiJiiea, battalions and regi- moate, iini;?r regalatioaa to be prescribed by him; and ahail have tb.9 right te elect fcbeir cu^aoy tmd regimeat^il offlaeroj and all trooT« oygdaiixjd and^ this &ot for Stata defcnoo, ahaB be eatitisd, wMle in Bctual Dervi?«, fo tbe Evise pay atid “Urwasoe ai troopa now in the leld. See. 7. That aay p^^rsoa who ah^] f«U tc ttltefid al tka piaoe c; readeacrctifl as required Wv An4’lkAww«^«v J .X t ^ iL elding corrs9]^*ondeaes or inter- 0*1^56 with r.^scj^y, without Eeoa^aitT, fcrxd -TitlioEt tbo r. of tU« OojJeiife- Kvt" . It. Oa with the «9.o- d otiier agaiuat the la^ of or ot'ersosr of Hafd piantatiou, but in no caso nhali a?ore tla^a o«e p^trson l>e esciapted for one f«rm or planiatioE. S. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, aad with auch security, and in.such peualty as the Secretitry of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government'^ at some railroad depot, or such other place or places aa oLay be designated by tho Secretary of War. within 12 months next easuiiar, 100 p anda of I,aeon, or, at tlie election the Govet’a- laent, its oiiiuvftlsat in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered ea foot J bjT each able-bodied elave on said farm or platitetioQ, within tbe above said agea, wha- tli jr HSid sieves ia the field or not, which said !>a^n or pork and beef shaH ^ paid for by tke Govarr.iaeat at tlie priees fixed by the Commiaeionera et liie State tmder the iicpreesnsat act: Prarided, that when the per8*5:a thua ex3?nptjOd chaU produce satin- motorj evidence tk?t it iiaa been imposeibie for hitn, by tho exorc?.a.T of proper diiigeno5, to famiEb. tbo c^onnt thus contract- for the s»d tana „ War eha'ti direct a oomuiatatioii of the saiae, to the ef tii&iwsf ill or »ik9f I Pest 0&oe» i'ayetteviile, ii. 5- 5 OoxoBsa 3, IbdiJ, ^ fSahedult 0/ tAt Anivai aid Depart'jre cf th* m Of.^ BALEIOH fii» *V£aAg.T’ >aO’, . t- Toa , c—■ Su2-’v> f“- '^1 ^ ci&ep? F»nr‘ ;*7 >15? ‘ . S ALtiaH Tia 8{J?tIMrRvrT T Dc|.^jt3 Tuead*/ st & A. M. Arr^Ti-j F/iiiiy at i P. I- i^AEJA 1 CL- 't.i. d*ilj 6X04 H SauJfy a ti P. M Uepa-ta .V, i P . M. (lABTtjTA^^ Arn.’ss Td»'^»i7, Tbi;r?>(! *y aiu» Bmuxksj at 7 i* Ueparw itnonuaj', Wei.»?>-a7 ad FrtSa? a: 1 P. Ci£SBiV7,'8. C. AjtIvm Toiisiky, liarad-./ aad Safard*/ *i i A si “vparte ftuiiJAy, Tucsi»y »ad TturBdiyr at'I P. SL. FAIR BLUFF Tia LUMBRETOX. irriTua f'anl';, Wi;i*;u3w«y aad at 8 A. i»epai‘ta Ujad«T, )*.■> a»i1 i* 1 RO^JON’8 Tia RLIZABETEfTO^H. LipiTt3 ^QDi2aj, Weilaesda/ aaa ”ridav ai 8 A Atjf>c?_Tus3d^, aa i gaturd+y ».♦ 8 F £L'2AiJjaJKTUWf* Tia TSKsjSETNXit. . Afzites Meaday at 6 I. SI. i.*i!psffw at G A. S*. MaGSOLIA 'fU Cri^EKBS ijpivoj Tu3£ lay at i F. M. gjioe day (Tuea Jsrv) at 2# T» i. i^rur x5l.^:d :ioNrao3s, rOV5'ilLiiIv>jL4. Vr.i7C3 Tu^a lay at C P. OT.-pir-a Wc kesday at 11 A.. M. 3WX?T 18I».ASD fia TROT Irri'f^s lus-i'iay at 3 P. M. Oopirta iVel»eg(^a7 at 11 A. Al. \ii oiaiis ;arui- b?AvT ^ A. ii., t;; v.-a 4fv 9 ?. id- -.-'i tfOTt; ^ r fi--' this ’;dio3, o'-iior tisaa by a:;u>f bo pr.ic: ' r an . ■«ut by iiuiy. 4iJ drap n*-f p*id ' fba ofioc t« open sji tr'tn -> tr, 10 , M J.if* O ;]00n;, ?. ,V>. 'S!MU »LSLfi^-Pjl.;:fft9-:R, . -JSi •«# Lu -!* ^ at -^k «t* • ' A..T * ri^u'f. THfi I%Oarfl l MOTFiL ms lSSPa4.CS NOW ia tbe teuth year sf sujocaaful o^, gimrinfi ofcpltai and £r>a«r fe^Id upo* purU^ ?«i- ddeaoe, coatiim-a te icsure t**' Mi^oo 0? »U kc^Uty foi- t.oiw ftoaa 11 ts ttO yM’Ti ef ac^, for 4 ic .-m, 7oaw, aad^orlife -a.iiif^Ka'nj-'sr.'-'-jiag All slavea fp^aa 10 ti Ji? j.'«ra ?f r.~t >r-i hiared isi ae year «r far fir^ ttrd thirtj th-Jlr leases era pQac'.'T^’1F ywdl a^Vs? satirfaotjry proe? ia presa^Hd. i'or >\uribez iaforsiatifla tie pul-lia I" ** 'leofjraey ie ail parlB s * Aa 1. B. BATnJi, SearftsT/ r ifc-/’ Mm J. HASifiuti A • IB63. Fa; h BWk h *