0_BSERTE>R. muUitttd® of r^rtTfrom u ^rv lit+1 ^brinjfa fortb. there i! ® that little it to.P’^blisb, for the reason that , . . 5°”^ lines that the encmv elsewherp *0 obt«n mtormauo,, of the «t„atioi. of Skerm.a. rnrm- * we refraio from contradicticg this or fi i J-tK sto*7> "od beg c\jr fi*adorB to be eatis- V Qsj,Qrance, that wbilat the -!»barp skir: oli^ng bM taken place which waa to tave heen-ti- *^ere boBtilc armies confroot each other, no- ihmg d««igi,e has occwed. We pin our faith t.. CD- e 8 assurance that Bhenaan “eAw awd will e® mfbatbd,” and await the result with pr.tieoce. rcm ilm’Qgton we have ooly rarnors, aud thece only as to personal mature. The Northern Mail, in this morning at S o’clock Riclunond papers of Tuesday, WedaeBd^y a»d Thursday laat, from which we taka a good deal or Interesting matter. Faith aud Hora.-VSVe give a' conspicuons place ^low to an admir&bla articis from the R'chmcrd •entinel, which expressca oar own views piecifply, inch aa w® have often presented to ©nr reader?, though not in so imprcBiire a manscr; such ca boTn always snstaiced ns, aad we have rea'«on to know Tery many of onr readers also, un«?er defeat and dis aster. “Let ns trust in Qod and take cenrage. Wo Bkall surely conquer in the end/’ ‘Be not airaid: only believe.” ^ From the Richmond Sentinel. “AU taese things are ngainst me.” paid one of old, when Mwr a lODg traia ol aivrrt* circurnstancet, be waa over- lakw by a uew trouble: “All the^ things are ag&inst \when, nuknown to hlm- •elf, oe reaohed the eai of his disaat^rs, aad whs ta- hia last draagff froajithe cup »f eorrsw. Sooa tfef oatKDesB. which w £3 about 6im, gaye piacs to the dav. Md Mb diatressei r/era forgotten la IJje »resp«rity anJ happiiiefs that s^joae upon £is pui j. How olteQ, in every one's experience, is hope distressed and talih alarmed, by the frowning and unprepitieus proTideaoee which wean to in'^icate that an end which is Bought, is in oppoBUicu to the Divine difpffllioaa. JVhen tho liaud ot Providence lies heavy npoa us we are'prcne to GOP^ider it not as a cbf-jtic-'Uirat upon u*, Lat'Rs us eurae npoo our cause, and we are di?po««td to diUrast a path which Is thus beset with on^xpect?d ca’amitite. liut QoihiBg is more ooaimon in the history both of men aad of naticBs, than f»-r an objcct and pb undertakio'» undQubtt^dly ordered ®f'God. to be grt'ally hindered in ita execution, aud long delayed, though not finally de feated or baffled. No atudeat » f hiftory, no social or rolitioal philoro^her »f either continent, now doubts that the separation of our fathcTB frcm the yoke of Knaland, was of the direct ro- ▼idence of God. Tet how painfa’ly orotraotrd wan the Btruggle that led to that re«alt. How stem the trial, boy> ■evere 4ne mtferinga w^ich attended it. How ofteu it seemed en tbe very point of failure. But more dt?pirlt- Ing than what were coasidered the natural hardships of that exhausting eonteet, were those nnsfortuH“s or dis- appointmeujs which tf^med the iaci‘ diate effect of the hoaiile iaterference of Heaven. Take a few . xanjiile? The battle which was to have been fought in defence of Phiiadeiphia ia 1777, was prevented by a heavy storm of rain which ru ned the powder ot the AoK-ric-.na and foretd them to letreat, leaving the city to fall withcut.a blow. The battle of Gemaatown, well planned and weil fouaht. was lost by the sadden settliug of a heavy foj?. Ihtse advf rse results, fi Uowing cloreiy upou the unhappv dp- feat at Brandywine, e tmed to iudicaie iban tLe iiuler of the elemenifi wna on tLe tide of th i loo, lu \hose critlca! moments. Patsiug over other instances in cur revolutionary strag gle, to avoid tediousap-s, we Will n*)ticea rema»-kao.e v-xam- ple in which Heaven e»>tm-;d piiilt-»s to th ? di'trtss which was BUinaately to be relieved. Few events are eo faaitd la hiatory, as the siege of Leyden in IS74. Whether we consider the det«rmiusiLion ot tUd lK!8if*«t:ra or ’he Cbiu- Bge and eadorance of ibe g^wrison and citi*eBS, it it sel dom that we are callsd to eontempiaie £uch a disDlay of will and perseverauce. The sieee hiwi endared a long lime aad the inhabl tants were reduccd to the utmost txtreiniry o!' diaireei> Qaunt famine had already swt pt awuy its Vuoiuau ;b, auti the emaciated survivois were eking out » v.ietjh'^d exlRt- tcce by f^^edlng upon rcjmin. raw hid*'!«. and (lia bort-s ^hich tney lOuud on ilic duzighiils. Uuab.e oi’ncrvvi^t- tu relieve them, the Pr .acb of Orange hud op ned '.bedybj-. Mid let in the sea. Jp-sii th-j advarcing L^,o:i Lu r^/Je n;s ▼esBele, bearing reinforceuieniH and U Itn wit’n fupplies Anlpaated by the prosp>ct the beleaguered citizens pa tiently endured tkeir terrible privaiioBP aud aJdresietl tbemi-elves wiih n«?7 zeal to their laii^ry duties. lu this interesting aud critical moiQeat, lie wind set iu strongly from tut west. sSoou it checked the rising waters, and then repelled them. Some of the vesseis were grounded—others were compelled to retire.* Day after day this di'^astrous west wind continued The titnatioQ f*! the besieged, already desperate, became terrible, Tiie miesroblc food whieh turclj sKstained their lives, wae aljBoet gone. Bat ,tho wt«t wind c..a- tinu«d. Day after dsy they v?atohe«i the motionless TasM npcQ their steeples, antT prayed Gk)d for relier Bun rteadily the wiad set in from the west. Their ene mies jeered them with their di8f.ppcinted hopce, and e» oltod in tb.alr own aueedy triuiuvh. £ttt the fatal 'flliad ■till continued to blow, atd still repelled »be wit-:'rB which alone could G;*ve them. At l.'igtthey hai cor.eam ed their wretclied remnant of feed. .iitiU the wind h'aUg in the west. iS ho would have wondered if the faith and courage j:>f these gallntt men had j^iven wi.y lUider th'e prowaoted cc'ncifi reuce of the h >8iihty of man and thp frowns of iieaveu? >.ho would have tfiought it etrange if, under trial scarce Jess than that of Job,th«;y had yield ed in sullen dt epai. to what they might well haTe d^tm- «d their fate? Bnt so they did nat. Undaunted to tho and at the last, they still stood to their arms, audst,ill bftsought the favor of Heaven by huinble prajer« and brave deeds. It was then that they realised the truth, that njan’a •xtremity is Ood’c c^portunily.” The vanes upon thc-ir spiles at last swung round, and told them of the coming waters and the coming rel.ef! The starving men ium- moned their remaining powers of cndui-an.e, «nd efiih- siiood^htir enemies while they wsitcLed tha svelliDtr of the flood. It was not lung before all they had hoped for was realized Their enemies ware dispersed, the siege was raised, they bad taken their deliverers to their embrace, and were enjoying the pltnty which they brought them. Dt lverance was long delayed, but it had come at laet, and come in time! A more recent ^uie of a somewhat similar character, was the siege of Lucknow. Long had the imprisoned garrison resisted the mnltitndes ihut tbem utj panted for iheir blood. Bravely had they fongkt, until longer endurance saen ed impossible unless muscles were of brass and sinews ot iron. Btit still they fought on, hoping for a relief from which it eeemed thal God had cut them off At iaat faith coemed to have become ac absurdity, and defpair alone to be reasonable. But still they fought on, brava and unblenching in their agony. Suddenly the ear oi one of ihe fainting women caught a sound familiar on her native hills. Very iadisticct it was, for it was very distant, and she paused to iirfter. Again it eaiiio, and cltrarer than Iwforo, waen leajiog an«l shouting, she excltumed “Dinna ye hear the pil roch? ' Dinna ye hear the pibrocnf* Aud sure enough it was the wild zausic of th(« Highlanders, announcing,their coming, and informing their besieged comrades that their danger was now over. We might multiply ex^^ijplcs to*prove that the book of Job is net the only narrative that teachaa the folly and the wickedneeii of bbandunu g hope and ocutage under adversity, and of consenting to •‘curse God end die” when His providences fall IteRvjly upon ue. W’e must dielinguish betwaen ourselvas and onr cause. Wi- must aot deem tho lat>r to be lost or disowned because we may be chastised. We must har« to labor, to suffer and to wait Out chas’t-ningB ere designed to teach u the fear of God—not the f«ar of man/ The gallant Crit tenden who waa capturcd in a descent cpou Cuba and condemi.ed to die, wat commanded to kceel f.o bih exe cutioners: “I bow only to (iodl” was t^te noble answer Ijet it be ours! Every disMter we suiiet should taach us ^(>h humility in the sight of Heaven, and fresh courage iuid uehance for our enemies! It is not cur duty to bow to the yankee. God will never uake us io it. He would not have us to do it. He will cnrse us if we do. In Ills own good time He will bring us deliverance if we shall ehow the resolution of the ttflora inthe scenes we have described, and diccharge onr duties like brave men and true! Our people have not been without occ.=>.eions for the depressing apprahenaiots against which it is the object of these remarks to guard them. It .3 seldom that three Bticcessive suumiers of drought have cut down orr har vests; bnt this we have had to ei^ure in this our time oi sorest n«ed. it was difficult to believt that the multi todw of citizens at the .North who reailaed that their «m Ultfrtiw iaT^T«d in Ui« •aoc«ii« th« C0& [federate secession—the Stantons, the Sickles, and e^n the But'ers, who urged to eeoede, with promise ot co- cper»itio!i—would ha^e so p.Tfidioup’y"taid swiftly head ed the hunt and the cry for our Wooa. It wss jnapossl- ble to oonof-ive that the notions of the world ccnld have pursued to us a course s» urjust, so cruf 1. «o dis*gracpful, aB that of which we aro the victims. “All these thirga are against us.” And we can point, too, to th« 1o,sp of advantages which promised extrercely impoitant repulta, through the hoetility of the elements. On the other hand, however, onr pa.h ha« be?u n arlt- od by deliv*-ranees almos'i «s wonderful as the f f th« Bad Sea. Our enemies htve been sade to oupply u.‘i wi*h frcsli courage whi'?i>ver our resolution tl?rei;tei) od to flig; and to : cure tu m a pi^r'ect urUy wh^'never discord mcaace.d us wiih i'^^s Inevitable ruin. Very rr- rently we have witnessert what ee?ms a sp' ciai Provi dence in our behalf, wondfrfully prrpsrint us for tho recent dieasters or m}niHUvr*'s which tll’ftTwis' D’^pht have undermined the courage a;id destroyed the nnarimi ty oft»ur pcopK ^ 'J'hen let us trust in God and take oouraje We shaU pssuredly cor.ouer ia the end T he wind wil' cha C'*— nobody knows how soon. The soun 1 of s’oine p'Orrch raa^^ any day fall on our enrs ''*'e have ttn'f to holi’ o^. and to nghi on, pud ti^truit on. with fiith and^c. as our mot'o, and the day will comw when we shall tell ovc’" our prtsent sutfoiinir' wiih sn honest j -y, shi’li reckon tho t’lnitude wUb which wo now emluie Ihtci p.a our proudest title to a glo. iouj ftime. Thb Ladikb and the Hospitals -^The idrent of so many sick and woundi d soldieis has called forth all the active svmpa’by for •»rhic.h the women of tlie Ooflfederacy fiave been disfingniuned dt:riTig this war insert a coTnmnrjc^lioa complimcntp.ry tn them. Ordere ,^2vir^ bcsn rcc'ifcd here yccter'^t^y to prr- psra accCTEciodatioas for400 additisral paticn^fl, the acnezed notice cf a seetiB*? of I adiea of tfee town aad 'I'ioinity baa been bended to for pnblication. In addition, w© are requested, Ip. their-bjhalf, to ask assistance from the conctry, part’cnlarly of poultry, ejgs, flonr,fruit, vs!??tRbles, butter,or »ny tk'rsc e’sc that would be i?3eftil to fho sink, anfi not readily ob tainable ia aufScient quantities in town. ContribL- tioEB may bo left with Mr». Br. Fesr-enden at the General Hospital, or at the Sub-Hospital to the «*re of Biro. Jesae K. Eyle. IfOTlCK.—A mpetiag of the Ladies of the town and vicinity is r^qUssteJ at Lh'* Feyettev'llc Hotel Parlor Oi to morrow r.fternoon. Tth inst. at o'c!ook, on impo** ant bcglne33 connected vrtih the Eespltals. FaJD THF. SoLDiBBB.—Our patrlo'.ic (!k>vernor dc?s act say Go, but Oomef It was so ia the b-^inninr of the war, whe»? he volunleere-f »• a pri??.t« it de- feEc*e cf his conntry. It bai been so sver oinceran'^ is 60 now. We were irclined to say tbat he rever did things by halveg, bet wa take that back—-be gives half of hio year’s supply of food to tie aoldi^rp;. and in retnrn asks his fcl.'.^w citiKns each to feed one soldier f«'r six months. Wfeo, that can at all afford it, •will refnss his request? Now. i« the tin* to c'»rae to th« nid of the conntry, to flrstc^u the sfj.l-'iiit Bcldiers who are fighting fcr cur lives, oar propfrty, cui liberty and our honor. Let jreet'ngB be held; bat- wfcare there are no moetinra, let individua!9 act, each for himself, and all for ih«ir country aad ils cause. Sec the GoTemor’s eloquent address. BniUG IN THE Titdes.—The army of Hftrdee is in want of food. It is the army to which we haice ic iof-k for protection and e.afety. Capt. lIcGowsu, Post Quartermaster herfr, calls opon the Farmers tc brin^ In their tithes at once. TV ho will not respcad. to his callt Good Anvics.—We have s“en a let-er from a North Carolina officer in Lee's army, from which wp mcke the following extract. Tho officer is oufT’: ring Trom a painful woani received dnriog the last Ssm- mer’s glorious campaign, and biJ* been recojrmended to be ‘'Tetlrcd" Trom the serviv'.a ia consequpcce of that wound. But he decb'nes to avail Mmeelfef that opportunity to retire honorably from the post of dan ger and duty, pre'erring'to erdure pein and face the enenriy at the head of bis comnisind. H« pars: ‘ If the j.e'plB at ho-nae W'- cM but shut their cri-n.hin*' ’^ioutl'H, open th- ir Well tilled•irra'' aries and bino^f’h' nsf acd recdrr ix luort- genen.us svippart to the •* dtrimilrc- tion ani] the A.nny, ins^.c.d of c''argiosj our energies b« tV.v-ir 1--il ir 11.1 'C3,1 .>i'g .’nd ‘-laHj gst'.d tnlk. 05’ har fhip6 w!>n^d bo le's, the fi firirg tj'.re duciatve, r.uf’ ctJLsequeufly ‘-the newa" wauid be oeitcr and mere ci- coursging.” Home In?lus.\c«b.—There »re certain lo;.ill ties in North Carolina, and dombtlssa in all tbo Sla'c*. whare CTery evil inflnrnce 13 brought to beer upop our noble soldier?, and to which are evidently owinp mr>ny of the desertioafl that, weaJwa our cause and di5trace the de-3ert«ra and their fe.miRw. An o3cer nciv: c.t lioir.3 cn accoint of a Revere T fund received in battle, was speaking of t'hiB a few days ago, and told na how of^en the beatand most che*rfol Boldiers returr.ed gloomy and discontented to camp aft«r a fnrlcugh. II.-? sai.i that oa remonstrating w:fh opc of his men, an acqaaintanc6 from hia cwa county, he had Bucceeded in diepelling hi? clobm, wbca the taan Apolcgjped for it, remarking that, “The fact ia th t if Jeff. Duvis were to go to the stt^lciaeu* and stay three week«, I’m d—d if ho too wouldn’t desert.” A Trial or CoNFEnar.ATR Faith.—How t?ne they may be we know not, bat there are statements indi cating a radical change (fTpolicy by the yankea gof- ernment. The spirit which dreolated Virt iuii and other States or portions of State:^ heretofore occu pied by th? enemy is ?aid to have passed away. In stead of burning and plundering aud cutragiug, we now he-ir of ki’id treatmant to the people and pro tection of all private prapert*' by Shermac. If these Etatemcnts be true, which we doabfc, tha people of Nor h Carolina are to subtait to a test of ihcir cour age and loyalty far more severe than that a;rainst which our Virginia neighbors hav« borne themselves so nobly. Cai*t. BaADDT ei CoHPAKT.—A Eaoisber of fhiB company, Brown, iirrivpd hsre a few days ago, very sick, having bei n p^rcled from Point Lookoui. He '’nrniehes Uio follov^ing list of the killed of his comprny in the battle a^ Fort FiaLer,.viz: Arthur Horne, John Cooper, Fuucett, Di.Ti!cl Hali, Isaac Thagari, Alci Tiiaucs, Uoa8. He states that Oecar Hawley was wonuded in t^e nofco. Mr. Brown waa so weak that he was not questicaed as to the otaers in the Oompariy. OuTKAGKa iJT Robcbun.—Wo havB received corjinnnication coropic-iui-’g of raoPt outregeoua cor»- dact in Eobeeon by officers of marines lately in thal coftiity. bympatliziag aincerely with the PufTcrerB we ci;nnCt see that the publication -would providi any remedy, even if the article could be pubiiebed, as it caLnot be for lack of other signature than the woid “Roteson.” Let the sufferers make iheir complaiat, stating ail the fact'’, to tse aatho;.itiC!i, or send it to ud propv;riy signed, and we wiil ace that it reachca those who have the power ana, re hope, the will to punish. Thb Biout SpiaiT,—Under tais h^ad the MiUon Chronicle states that a government agent went to the house of Doctor Stamps in that place, to get boatB and bands to transport corn on the Dan River. The Doctor waa not a^ hoare but “bis v/ife very readily tesdored the earvxcca of* tlree haude and h Beat, rHiaarkiug that she •‘did not wuat any pay, apart from whipping tbc yan.kess This is the right spirit—spitit to whip tne enemy. How diftereat from the Hhylotk spirit that actuates two-tlurds of the people of the Confederac;.’* THE CAPTURE OF GENS. CROOK AND KEf LET. 'Ap pr8virnsly -Btatcd,.th''5e oScers were captured in Camborland, Md., by Lieut. McN'iel and thirty eullant CoDf*:’der&tft cavalry. From one of tfce party eof'cged ?n thip d.i3biag a^d brilliant enterjHise, Ae Enquirer learca the following inoidents of the cap- turc: The party creseed the Potomac ia fl-ont of the towa •^t a.iil^* hour on th! tight of the event, and capiarlng o ily . c-ntinel to be sccn, iii«U'.oed him to divulge, th conrAerS'^ 'ihe ir.ain body of the detac hment was ih« n posted in n ccnV'niect pdtitioiv, and the lieutenant coiu- in»rdir.g vv.irh f;eyer:«l of tho jdpi>, boldiy rode into tha town, which vTAf g.-.i ri°oiif d bv over 4000 Federal tro*ps The l.cadqnarters of General Crook were at one hotel and thoi^e ot Keily st another, and, their locatioas being ftuW ni’ide known by the car»*nred sentinel, the d>iring part zics la^do tbeir wav t > ihteao of th^ ft)rmer, arriv- i'»ar firi^t in front el which tho lieutenant, halted and in quired of the sentinel if the f/cLeral v?as la. IlecHvlng -HD cflirm'ttivere* Jy, he said be 1 ad important despatches fvr >iim, ant?, d’jmoculii-5-; foH3we} by his men, artvanced to tha Bcntiiiel, g«ve thn o--: i^'tersign ard p;ts»rd in. Upcr ciiterir.o the hoiel, the squad wus received by an old ne g'o wo.'.ian, who, 1‘ appears, wa.; tho “nightelerV’( f the eitaMlshinent, and uj cn rii.ihirg kuoi^p. ihcl:* tiesire to cv uiuctcd to the room occi-pi^it by Gtn. Crook, the t;id di-rnestio looked at t bpm wi.h a kind of hr.mor«'ns erspi^k'n and rema rk d, “^>ell, you all is de stra:!geet srjara, I declar—you -yoa—ryou must take de bght ye>£(iTes and go tirst—i’U pint de room out to you. I went c'-rry you dar, dou^, no how ” It did cot make Hry difleietcf^ to our bold cavaliers, whi^h rast!i^d the olii womftn j r' feri’ed; tboy took the light and tiia .^ead, end in a n’oii'ect or two were in front of the door, where the old woman hastily lefl them. . Al't-T st'vejal int/fjo a .l raps, a responw frOMJ wiihiu nas o-iaired and > i'ltftvs we e ordered t® entir. ••Is this Gi n. Crock?*’ arkad the lienteuanU holding th*f light to as to giv« him t .dl view of the Seneral aa be i*» owi»i!y looked at tiifeai from his bed “Ttf; what do you wcut?^' was the reply. "I” said tha Lleuteuart, “au flen. Ros'jcr,” aad draw ing a pistol and presenting it, added: “I hare seiLe Tory itpportant kaslnew witii yoa Gen. Crook, and will pIvc you p'.iel&sly two aiiiiutdd to get np and pat on ycur clct^cs.'’ The bewildered General did sot kno^ how to rc-plj and did not dare to resist' L^e saw at a glance that it would ba es Tjseler-s as danj;?roa3 to attosEpt eseape by fa'sin-j sn a’snn, sad he d^d not stop to polve the ravB- t;ry rf co u cxpci,tcd a c^ll, Ke otv y^d a ouoe, ai d *» gentle eagg« stion as to the prepriety of keeping quiet beic£T T?hispored in his e«r, he p ie;;d ont with bis ^ei*ort, as ffiute as a muniiay. Oa their ♦gret’s, the party p*r- RTic:’«*d tVs centir .1 on du y to foMuw them, by indjcc- ments ala ilar to those sulnnitttd to the General, and makii;^- their prlsMera tScuaf btbiad ihesi, rode back to the snain body. In th* :aeai’t!rre a second detachment rofie np to the qnartors df Gen Kel!)*y. where a simll.'ir scene ocoarred ind th.nt oErer wa«, in dee f.EO, under gn'^.rd. Cut the party was not content. Asc*rtsln5ng tha qu3rt.‘-rs of tlie i"iju»nnt General, they jrave bina a pnKe- ir;u call, fo>jnd hln with H* wife, «vho hsppenetl to be a blurhirg bride—sad as pertirptorily 1 ut as g. ntly as popsibU, vnder tt>* clreuroifcarces, succtcded in “rautat irg" b’ra from a bllssfcl bridej»r#nm into a a;i»erablepoor devil of a p.OBoncr. This capping the cUmsx of t -e n'ght's rp'Tt, the rtndeivi tn* was rng.'.lifd, fDd with, their prisoners Btding btb’«l them, ti e oomra^d re- crrfs?d th*- r>-r, sped away t^rciugh Kan’pcbire. iiy .-omo m-uiis, the ufT.dr w.\" drsco’'fcred so.in afor they left, and n whole regimaat pursued th'-m to ao pai oo'-e f>r fifty nc les. Upon bf 1 .ft prespntfd toGcn. E-rly at his her.dq!:ar- t' T? ir thi* Va'l.^y. thf' prl« nere were re?eivf*d with tiir bo'n-ly, but no d'>(l>!^ accf-ptahie greetiag: ”T^ke •»eat-\ srei.tleinr-o, I presnm" y&ii »re tired after your ride.” apl then addt d tne h ro of brilliant victories and stunn'nte- d?fp.'»t«. V/ii:i an intfnFiCc* ^tiou of thi.t ft' e tooth eoir- nccul’ ;iitv of hif cnnn'iation. ‘ lexps'C^ ^-jmu enterpris ing jarkLM will 3t-aiiug cff with me in tha £ame way .'ora-; of ihtso da”-. ’ hciher the pris* aers relifhcd the jeko or not our in- fcrma u f.iih d to d« PCs'*. They Were doubtl^fs iu no huinor 'or j L &. I hey ;r^ n' w iu the Libby Pri'Oii, where it ;• bcps !. ’hey will b- kept un'il oar gallant n>«rt, an^rf- t d by them as -iruerrinas” and couKncd in chaios and du -gcuas upt-n thft pr;;*errce, are relja?. d G^eV: Jo\nsti,7i'a Kesforaftoii to Cofnma'^d — V7i; ”le>:rn t;i;it it w.vs at th*' express; »ir'i e"rce9t po- cf Gen. thxt Gen. Johnston has rcrently beea pinned in commar.d ol the forces operating in the CaroUnas. It is arderet'»od that «ien. Beuaregard #rote to the President, savicfrthat the general sentiment of the puuUu, und particuh-rly ’hit of the army cf TenoecEee, waa eo u gent for Gen. Johnston's rootoration to coiomacdthat t's wan ♦rdnced to jo'u his own desire with tbeirr; tliTit he did not w!3b to be rumoved fro'’’ hiB preeca* field cf ope- 'iuiocs, bat p-eri,'.;"d to servf' thcro undor G'^nera' Jcr.nrtoi:.%sa7iPi: had wi b biin former cccaciok' oi ]’.o c Wc arc p!cr.; d to b. -f 'in ..i-gurcd o." those circamsfcsDCf s ofpatrioticfri 'cdat-ip a'ja gc‘pero ;F e -.U f.u the pait of tisn. Bfanmr'a a, rfiiich r'- Je the occR-’ion ct (J-eneraiJohston’a rcsto- r.u;ao to coraiuird. —y?JoVi mr. War.—It 13 believed that Graat, on Fxiday and Saturday nights, movea a uumoer of pieces ot artillf ry to hia left. Tha encjny’s ct^T*-lry *nd the maii^ody of big iifantry have oee* moved U) words Hatch«r 8 Run, acd at prr-3(?nt, out a feebla foro? c^ufrontB our liuea e.'wt cf Pet^ixburg. lareUigent deserter? report that the entire Ya. kee lince between the Weldon JSoeti aad tha ii.ppoinattux river now defendeil by one corp^ »lono—tne ninth. The indKationa are thr.t a fe ?' day$ of tiae vjesihgr wiil be followed bV active operatif>no on tho part of the enemy.—Richmo- d let. Deserters in great Euzcjets are coming into our lines from Gr^nii’a army, which is an ind-cattoc that tnay are in expoctaiioa of a battle.—lb, 2d. Reinforctmenfs cn the way to Grant.—We have inf -r.iiaUon l.hai ot. tiiturd^y lait2l ttandi>ort>5, con- ; lining 6t)"J0 truopa, left Alex^nuvia for Fortrceb alouroe. Thair rtlstmation la euppottd to GranL’a liCcd.—Rtch. Excbftimer, lij. North Georgia.—The Went Point road is report ed .0 be completed vnthin nine miles of AtUata. D,*i jon ia ^tje oaly tortihed post now uccupi^ by the eneiijy iu North G.-orgia, and tis forj'3 >her^ ib re- porti d to coneiet of oriy two or tnree brigades. This eh W3 of whit val>;c ia Yankee ‘‘conqaest,’' and by what frail tenure be holds the country he h^a over- rno, whiire he is cniy abio to place hsre and there a BtraggUng garrison—Ib. Lowsinna.—It is stated iu Mobile papwn that Price is recruil,in» hl3.arniy near lSiEir«veport. The L-r'gi-^Iai.ara of Loai:i-.:na ia It session there. "We h^ve a leaewal of the report from th^ region of the iilissiiisippi 01 a contemplated attaci^ upon Mooile. Ic is 8 attd that taua far forty thousand yaokee troops have psajed dO-»7n the river.T—£>• BY TELJEORAJPH »J«PO*T8 or TtfS PitJtliB A*8001AT»OK. Ri^bkoko, March 3.—The Seaatft to day passed^ he Bou33 bill to change the mode o^ filling vacancieB among eiomaaiRBioned offiaers of companfen &c. [Does away, we believe, ?iib eiec- tione ] Also, the House bill providing for promo tion ofoifieers for diBtintriiiahcd vsior and nkilf, or for ccrnp^'tencv md g-'-nenU *T»c £i'. A'ro, a biltte Jfevin;' ftoT^! duty m hospitals stewards, Ac. bet ,-Ten 18 and 45, unless dmbled or dec inre.i unfit for ger vice. Tbe IToTi«e e^opt'^'J a reacltVio’i to adjonrn on the 8«.b, if the Senate agree. confer* nee eoiBiBitt»^e on the cutrency bill vos d'OchiArGred from its farther coEsidoration—Jtqcivalent to rejection. BirHMovD, March 4.-T Tbe S^-n«»te to day reccn- sldered the bill cbncernipg Hospi*a^s passed yester day, «ad rejected it. T! e T»x Pill from tbe R- was amended and passed, 5gas 9, uays a i'tio Kcute was in secret /ea^ion. The Sitxiation (it Pft^rfibiirQ.—F«T7.ssBcao, Va., Marul. 3 - T’'>crf. no cn the:.' lirres ''®r thie,'». da\8 thr>'e iia- be^n unbrofccn r-^et. ^ Pk»e sbcko, Marc ' 5.— Pr fcund quiet pievai’s 'i be mud ip tb«ui):hi. deepor than hns b^en k^o^u in jriiis section of Virginia f'.;r 60 years. The tra.Bci or- tatiou of artillery and army wcgons is irapt>««*ibia. FVom eh^ Unitid Sfates.—RiCHii0K»e5*^nrrih 3.— U. 8. T>pper» 0? tne 1st have a letter from jSa+ciier’e Bnn, Fr'b 25, coating that the yaukeo trocpo wsn- doc!«r orders atd ezpoc.tiujj anotcer EiJfc againsi tbe floutbside read. TtSe Heraldhaa aletter from Varinft [ontbe Jii’se'! RirerJ statiag that Gen Siatrleton, [thu 'atCEt pf.ac»^ fie?otiatcr from yackee laud to Rwunnoad] dcea oot '^risit the nature or ex'ent of Liis :ri«fcicn to )>e known; but the writer has reason to believe Lia bnsi- ncffs it to see what he can do to bring abont Fsaca. TerneBBc'e bus ?atiCcd tae new fenanejj-stioDj ConBti^ution. Gold in New Tork 201. • Bica.’i JND, March 5 —U. S. pancrs of tho 2d and 3d pay that the New Jersey Legialntcrohas rcjocted tha anti-slavery amendment te tua CaiiQii;.at;on by a tie Tote. An official Bta^enest c’aicrs the captrra of 450 pieces of artillery at Cb2rl3'!’to»i. TLs Herald’d Cbarleeton dispatrhcB Eay that Crlunibla was com- iRi'fed to the fiains’a on tfceiSu ult. by order of Gen. Sherman, in retaliatitin, r:t:sst3s havisg 5rou cn his troops while poosicar" tbrcugh the towr A Tfashingtoa telc^Tam to the Hpvald Buyr. that Gen. Suc'tdau has * diopatebed an "I’lTCPfVeting committee” to Ly'^chbnrg to ascertain Iho tra*h cr i'ftls’ty of reporti relative to aiitioipotsd moT'jaSkjte ia Lee> arny The Y-nseo Honse of P^fpresaatatWss bea adopted an amerdc'.crt to t!je eiTii aDpropria*’on bil! nro- viding [prrhih'ting] arbitrary errcsta fcr mililar}’ trial cf civilimip. The New York Cltjt volunteorirg comnittee has been oScially i-otiCcd that unlesa recrrJtirg increose^ Bud meti are put in t^» rr.-y »nc:« rapidly the draft wiU be couio.-nf'?;!. Gov. Cnuuwi of O'tiar’.re'dis‘3 on th 1st ’cct. Past Dat.—We bef to rwoJud oo» readers that Friday neitt is the day appointed by President Davij, at tha rtiquent of Congress, *‘as a day of pul> lie iadting, humiliation and prayer, (with thaaksglT- ^or “iuvoking the fiaror and goidaao® of Al mighty God.” As the Preeid-'nt ssyg: ‘ li is our a lem'' duty, at all times, and more e»peoiai- I7 in cl neanon of publio trial tn'’ adversity, to a*know- ledg' our d' p^Bdepc} on 3it mercy, and tp bow In ham- t>l« fiiibmi ifion belnre His footrto«>l. conf^ng our maul- *o!d fi.s fiipnlicating fiis graciotis pardon, imploring Hif Divine hV^p- end devcutly rendering tbanka fcr the cn..oy and great blessings which Be ha.? vouchsaf'4 to ua. ‘ L. t tbe he. rts of our people taro contritely and tru t- fuUy uuto God; Jet as recognize fn Eis chasteniug hand th • O' rn cti a of a Father, and sobmis>*!vely prav that tho tii.vis and Hufferinsrs •which h«vve bo long borfta heav’- >y ui'on us, iraj be turnsd away by bis merciflil love; that '’is 6ustr>inlcg graoo b* giyen to our people, and ii’.s divi^ie .^ipiiom imparted to cur rnVrp; that the Lord .1'' Ho2 H will lie with our armi''8 an^ fight ff'r UB against o;k ard jfast He will eracioualv take oar caase into His own h'^nd and irercituliv >stabiiBh for qa alaat- ng j i»t ard hom,rable peac! a::d !od?'pendenee. "Aq1* lef c"! not for?'«l to n nder u to H!" holv name the ti; uks aii'i rr;vs > which aresojostly doe for His creat >:ooliiesi». nn 1 for the many mere!'*# whittt ^h3Bext“nd- ed (o us nmid the trials aoid sufferiagB of protraoted and blocd-.. wav.” Camp near Cape Fear MlTcr# Hiad^’m C B. Navai foKOis, March 2, IWi. NOTICE LL aTSBbteet from this oommand. who . BelvM on bo«rd 0. B. Btaaoar *‘?atri«A Heary •* Klahmoi^ wltkln tweatv daja troa thU pro«la»Wi®a will not be puilshed. Thoee wh» remain abaeat will ha •rreatei aad Creatad as deeertcrs J. R. TUC0B. 16-St riig 065osr Ci>iaiBaHiiKg, fte. Evrc.ptan Nnvs.- HiasryD, M?rrh 3- ?aro- I'e&n t avi' s to tho 15th Tilt report the (.’'>nfederat‘ st'^m-’r Oh- do at tf’-rrol [oi the Noi t^hwe'^lein cofot of Kp?i:;J on th* lOt^ Feb’y. llicsMoso, March 5 — E ir^ue-n ad^icefi ’•o tee 17L‘j eav th.ii B jvr’s peace mission made a cotpmt'- lion in busineLis cirdea ecd canr-^('a coc^id-r\S'e deciiLO i.. cotto: &c. Ne cf i'.o lai'-.’is piO-'^ucKjf* a reaction. In opcaipf the French Ctiambrr- the Ea5p :ror’» •pcecb coBtsirrdco rcfcronee to tLe iv»r In America I’La Bitaaiiou of ailairs ia M->xico waa riprcdectcJ: eaiiafactorj. 1’he Ffu«sicn Chauiber of Deputie?!, ia Bpita ■"> tniaisteriai icflr’oce, has pasi:cd r cintion in tV’o • of repeal'ng ail Uwa to pjuish ccJtliuona ujioBg TO»-king men. Caroical vViseman di.*d cn The 15‘h ult. The ram OLaJw wa^ ttill jti rerrol. PftiaoNKas P.soArnr&Bo.—Quite a number of yiinkeo priscaers, who had escaped from Florence, Gbarlctte, and other places, have bean reaaptured a this Bection of the State receatly. W® learn that on Thureday lat t, 7 were sent off from here, mostly oScGrt*. On that night, information having tfisen re ceived of £ gang in tbe woods near tffis town, Lieat SlcKenzie, of Maj. Ren .Cher’s Battalion, was dea- patch&d in search of them, ami picked np eight, all oScera, as follows; Seneoa Allen, rapt Co. F, 85h Ueg’t N. T. VoIb. O. McCail. ad Litut. Co. A, 103d Penn. A. fi. L'ritchey, Ifit Lieut Co A. 26th Ko Yols. W. L St rweather. Gap*-, ^o. D, 86th N. Y. Vols. S. T. Ai-drewp. Lieut Co F, ‘ , “ “ Fifltck* r i?maUiD, Capt. Co DrlOSd Pa,, Vota. D. M. Spence, let Li"ut. Co. K. ’* ’ “ “ L. A. Cuttis let Lieut. Co K, 85th N. T. VoIb. Th'iy esraped from Charlotte on the 18th Peb’y, t'uvelod only at night, and as *he we&ther was bad and many nights without a s'^ar vigible to guide them, made very alow progress towards the coast. Thb Nuofto Qumtion.—An Officft in I^e’s array write?:— “A* to pnttlng Dogrot^ ia the f.rmv, I eanaot tell bow t'.t a»ny regards it. in thi* Brigade I thicx there is ;>n t v' g' neral oppositina to it; but with a williognfHs for t_e IU- asnr? to ^ »u iu operation if Gen. L*t thtnkt it desirable. I ^ras bit:at ly cnpoB* d to it-nt Q'st; but came to Mie roDCb.’«iion, I'ou’e wr» k.~ ago, that the bUl would paee, auil .*0 b‘>2".n to eduoite my miq^ to think well of what I ?npDO?» d would ijooe bfcCom*^ law o{ tbe land; a' d in fhis po WrU did I siicc^ d th.»t I fcelievL* I wa# a little fMfap'-yinti’d wheii 1 r«iV7 in yesterday’s p^peiB that the 5:'ll W3S de'Valfd in «te Seaata.” A CAWtn. THK tudcrtigned, » nati-^ of Praaoe. has beca sl^ea IS'.l ft w jaanscr ia thlB nooatry and has baea eOa- nectod w-tbthe aray of t^e Cunfedsrat® States aiaae tha •egint-ivg of the w»r He b«s stood amoag th® itallaaA 0 i^i»8 of th® Ccafedaraoy cn seta® of th® most illostil' us battle fieldB of ibiBrtr>olatioa, and baa shslhis blood ni iaU has b«ea fTaeij offered to the *»aae of iad®p®ai®B«a ia tbe -and. Turning back cad lookinit to tk® saorlAqM of ths'vast—eovaidering th® aioaentooB issaas whM ispoa tbe present boat, taoufk diaastee and r®v®rs®a ka>® b®en kaavy and fraqaaot, and gloom ha« aettUd Ilka « cloai in dsrkness oT«.r m> many wbo oaa® w®ra biri^U lad Bope^ol—l®t tho oountry rally, letavary maa rally to he flag, Itt high h >aor be given t« tboa® who haf® a®t despaired eftae Bept^biio Let (hoe® who hav® toft th«ir brave and faltbfal eooirades in the army and wha jfr® aow eihorted bo earnestly to retnra, at oaeaaooepC tb® offer of paidoa mad® by ihe QovemaMDt, aad bjr cocd oondoet ia tbe futnre aioae for th® past aad alaaasa he strain with which hase» ai6b«.nor haa Warred thalr anies. To tbe undersigned many of ih^'se were p«- _ naliy kaewn ia the army. M»d to th®» b® appaal* la s»Te taexLselTes aad aid the fntar® **f th«t Xvlly, rally, brav® aad true meat Cast oat f^r decpondeooy, and »s th® eoa rleee abov® the msis ara c!oade, giving Vcht wad ooafort. so will h» tbe fiacy of yonr triumph. Col L. eOOM ' Maroh 6 1^ 4 Cohmhta.—There i» siill nothing definite from he city. Jtiumoi'd cjufiiot with eacn otber iir poiai of locuiity, but ail k nd to uoutlrm tae earlier siata- mentB made that, fire has d'Si,royed 00 stu^U portion ofvhH once beauiitui cc.pital of South t'a'-oJ’ne, ■ ^ C'lia lotte Bulletin, The Chatham Hajlroad Comp- ny.—At n meet- inaf. cf -ba Btoikiioiuers of fcue ^m R„Uioad, on tre 2d just, ike toliowing gc«nt'.traon were »lecied Dirsclcrri: 1C. k'. Baltic, Q- W. Mordecfii, Hon. J. M Morehesd, Ccl. J. M. ilccl;, Dr W. J. lla-vkiuB, i'ho3. WeOb a^d Bryaa K;;is, At & meeting of the Directofr^s sabsequenily held, Komp P. Baitio waa rfc-eI(3Ctcd President, and VV. W. Vaeg, Treasurer of tho Compif y.—Ral Gorifederate, Deep River Tramporiafion Company Henry A. London Ksq., has bsea elected a Ducctor. We Icfirn teat the oaipany hu? corameaced the repair of the dams and locks on Deep River, aaid will prose cute it wita vigor.—Red. ConfserocUive, InportarU ./Irrcs—Defective Boeca yeatert^ay ancctodttd in arresting a soldier named Joha A. N cw- tou, cf the 34th N. 0. Reg’t, upon tbe charge of for\i>tf hn:l Htlliag soltiiera’uiscbarg a, fprloushs and retired papeis. Accaced is a one-le®rged sol dier, aad is Euppossd to belong to a regulariy or ganised pang, the mFinberb of which for soine raoattiD past have been roara'ng aoout the Slates of North ijarcliEa, Georgia udU IVnFsesEee, selling the soldiers fcilougis, d-Bcha~gcB and retired papers' A4erge lot of the blouks \70r6 foaad m hi« poascsnion, and ije coni^;aseB teat ho naa lurloughed, discharged atid retired over 4,U00 soldiero. Tne price.B char«red for thcc!S papeis were as follows: Discharges, ^=*00; re tired pipers, &1;000; farlo^ghs for 60 days, $1400; to THm War in Mrxico.—Riciuosu, March f —Tiie fiieire of Oaxa a wns tcrminii^ed on ihe 9ih nit U> the aarrendsr of the piacn wiih ita Espublicr n rii»on of 7tM)0 msa to Marshal , ia oojTinianu of Maxiiaiiiau'a forces Gaa. D.^Be w-.is kiht.d. Ouirage in Petersburg.- PErKusECi-o, Ma eh 5 — Mr. Jofen N.iab, an a*id w- •! k?o«a cm* •’fas ko'eked d wu lafi nl^hl r I •’ud e g »}d '"'•ich. Tha pa; t t iilunUer recovcre i. A Nobh Qj^ir — A ci^'z’n ct Pe'creburg, through the liichsi. -.iit Scintmei, offers to bi •‘.-ce of imQui\- fivo to give hundred taoui’acd dolI.ir8 c-vch 10 pay Ueo L.-c’a afioy, aua rais« t.e miiUof s; or, if ihia nuuibjr cauno.. tc a* i, yon an- »ma0iiii-0 to say that this sum '.‘•ill be paid to acy cae Gcu. Lse raa- ue.iifiate. If the press wi.'i pr i’-ily prfeisen! ihis BUbjecl t j tne ptopie, it i«» Delie7fi^ t >s.i, ihers are pt liol ea and litiuraiit. sufficient to r-ise. oue huudrcd iinliu-na by coat’-iou lusi to tht- g>t:n'j t ul-. Am to lue aJjclify tf;ere is tio quftiii-n. It is reaptCl- fui y bGgge!*L*^d ihal gcatieinva who havnttieir hearts la'rhe cau-t, but Co not 1; el cblc to coiitiiru c $200,(.>00, miicht caMlie conrr buLiurs of ^ii'O.OoU 1^50,000 aQti $ .’5,0‘J0 liacb. id tart the work and m e wnait can bo *4one.” ■Another.—A. Lady in Lynchoar/? wishes to ex- eoanve a silver urn, which cost m PhUudflpbia^iso in geld, for thit amouat in ..pecu’ to be exploded in toajlug provsio^is tor Gen. Leo a army. Scid More.—/t Sta'i" oc,-V'li., ti5 p-*i’Lont hA-?i pledgdU itifirjsel'’es yiv. not lo sell, 10 itt.: nof- nrn.f.' 134 bblh. of fl.n^-, 7.«j75 .o« cu b,..' c, a.- 1 $108,175 Hi jiuai'y. _ Au-t a co«iiniitcua WaS .td to caii\aBi*lii-j C'jGu;. lur more. Rbai'jnation of Mr. Rioeif — iloa. "W. C fii»!?£ haa t>ecn I'uri od by ill iiu.ua to rcbiga seat .iii tUv ilouae 01 j-ieprescn'-ativeB. A Virginia V^aitor to Prtiridtnt Linc'^iei.—It was annoui-c'd in the N oriLern papera Sv/aitf dayi ago that Boi.er A. Pryor ixvd bfcr-.a rolead-i antser the receat amntsly prociai.used 111 \f ^aaui^'t.tu, re-j quiri;3g nemr-ility from t^e jjar’iioa ard aa t bli^aiicn j no'fc to return to tha tSouf dadoK the c^r. isir. j ?0« TH- BS.SVrT LKASCH l-r'-TR L liOfliTAL. No. 6, F>»ye' c-illa, N C., -.’arch 4th. 1866 , Vet-rs. Editors.— ’'■ctl has it l)een s.iid that nsau’s 'apt bi-fii I’lft was woHJ n, and I e> er wasc mpiia-e^t m-jre just r bect'i iial than ween tee iearoed ctory ^em^^ked, ‘ To • e h- or. tbe et* rn il honor f h » ees !.e i* riid, that h- path of duty ro sacr.fi’; w U, m iKtoafjigc >r i@o • V’.•; tho voio-'of pie uar*^ o. povv r may pafs by uu ticod d, bat lae voie- of aOlilion usrer.” And ’f that •;-t t * L iw>'r, f-kii'ed in th j facu ty ef disj'rnin-/tru i.oukucp- t ebar.ifier, Wij ab’e to ^peaa thus, jud^in;^ ■ivoioao iu her onlinury vvf* hs of iif . whai would he have t^yii.t, ht >f iu th HO da s oi .♦ Hfjvoiotion he could bebo'd her (I-^'Ojd camiritau hi ding t'le wounds of the ufToring so'ui- r». or aa a micigteriag ancel visiting the ‘ic!-:. nuj. pKiug'th‘H w nig. u„(j with that characteriv.ic d ■iii i.;.y ot t»j” -h ioothiug tne fevered b:ow. The women at :Le S,m?D, It'avcvor, need no oncomiam. aud the Coa ' m«y c» -*r p>- 'U-l.j point to tucm and say. *hasc of. u I- mei* sjn ;” and to uo*;(s is more pra ffe d>te than ;o th* patriotic ! i.dit^a 5’. ytiteville, for since the 4iislub 'bhm III cf ihirt fl‘*'pital tneir lab'ir has l>eeu an- ia^~r-arv o fsiaiTtuhr uiubt T)t^ the heart ftt ■>.l>a; pati -n- wt »> eaa ^ii to l>e t' auk ui or forK:t ttieir luanv Hct'^ of kind ess Under the e. re of tbe centle" anlv -lit->)r Di ak ■ und iho U'.L-oui‘?;ed dttfcut on of the a-4 — tac SiCk ;'.nd v.o'.:n-J d htive^ ike ;^Teatly ijaprored Our no'j'e ;,-u)e'»'r..«y et is. and by fh hi e,'ingot iod wi l cunticue 'o be; but shoa d there Iw one ct vev ■f. oa: mi>m. ’vios‘.- paf;io«i ui is on the wane or who^e 1 .0 V e r'i i I w.^.t d ng a vi*it to this Ho pitai and - iJa w vjdg - 01 Wtia' tti-" L-i'Jjej ol i'a^etttviilf hive doUt! Hud a»e doinrf. saoa d cauM every chord to strike afr ch u.l v.iih r- ucw d deienaiziarofi r»eo.ve to do tr a r'^’ or tba.'^ the t’O'C's.l hesooar mini.'steriugau;^cK« hould ijo pcilj:.d by ice vile aud ver to b-- coiu mu.,‘d Vt». k -JS. , GRATiTl'DE WAfVTfiD, At No 17 Marke* GOLD AND t^fLVBR; BaKK NOTEB; N O TBBA’UBTKOTM. M^reh 6. * lilST OF LE *'TER8 REMA1NIN6 in the Pest Offiee at Fayettflvina, N. CX, Meroh «■, 1665. }fh«n oallfld for plaaltsagr ure advertised. A my A rmstroa^f C D Caddsll, Miss B M Carver, A B loUias, WilUera Cartie, Carter, Vi«s Ali®a Bradly, Mrs Mar7 Braneb, D T DmIow, Mis® Mary Bullook. Mra £lis« Bowdea, Mw A M Bernard, Miss Hosa Bryant, J 8 B®o*oa/W A B»m8B, Miea C^roHaa Baraeit MifS Sarow DaniolB. Viw H T Deal, Vjlarmon, Melvin Gravrs, MisB Eiisfcbeth OiDBoa, Hlss arrict Hueter, Dr Uill, ohisf BuriKOB, Mi«8 Luy A aelm?8, MiBS M F Hall, Mtfs J JialU Bar. rs*, Tten*a» Sail, Pxriek ftercsfm, Ml«s JaneB neiaea 2. Joha Jchaeo’', Ivard Jotiae, 8 Jones Jos*pb JavcB, Xb-'miB Learlok. Mies L *ey Morris, Ise M«ck’*ara, Mrs Monree, Mrs L L B ftlitehell M’es Mar.v C Moa roc 2, Mre James H Miller Mrs fl E MdUr, Mi» M*ry A Momea, Mta Mahleh O Mekln Miss »mm* ^♦'"oed, Tce^pb T^wlor, C»iti»tia’» «• ’■*-»> Mcr-.U jsrd Tareli.oa Mc9hc'^ Batty M D l9l, M»« UNan vvnriu John r.vlver, '-"iep E i C .VcDiina’d 2, Mi* ' Io?a A P ie^ •% F J *¥n«^ly P«ivet*. cfcn L Keiii, P R ; •*' He-iri-g** Eenr. 2 \ir i G JJw •- J kPB. '«''ie9 bj-i iS-es-i Ta en^u; B '‘ji-'S J \!i?« K t« Ti-jior, Mr' S»>ah FS'Ka’5. M r N'-oy •Talk-e, Mtb Jfaroy Wi»‘’iaTv 45f i Vioi*-n. SI*'*' \f%.rth% .'no M si w^vltod Mies L xt’e V/^st-rO-t » a i otB, Licut B F B’ ‘ X-2«!i .i.JG. V liiJ.—Mareh 8. t)s' ^3'£l M.-.KSJtT. i ft Qjj i'or‘ 4 0 Lard fl d©. iJoi-i ;i w ■ 3 «0 rciial. * 6 00 iStati«r 10 OU. c J QU to 1 id Office 60 (M^. c-i o.fj ain- PO 00 10 76 t^ per tunoh. - ,w., S'.O .c - :;,y.i fr-.H $2 ct vr. CtrJ% iftjcrt,3Ti;l> raako, fHOts $76 per pair E - J Crt/ per J 7 #5tu i X-. .■ $.iO H%y $16 tl8. i a 0-j yar bv. 4-i 6 50 by b»U^ 8 4 do 6 €0. *v,. »8»O0 •... 15 OM . 0‘t cM; t 35 00 ‘ -i. C* 6C pi3? !'U^i«ol Hi U - bO '0 58 •: 1 40 yj ^ / .^1^3 S-.- n _t> £.5 Q Oi-. -'.3 4- >b pe f.!.-- ii bo X^IlQW. li .iu • i. i& CU ».j 20 0 * : er ?.?. i>>. £> VO i-cr It; y .-ix&ia tv $0 .-u-jft-i > bv febu • =. '“-c. jc V' uiacl. Pow*er !^50 p®r ih s:-.ct f 10 to t.:-! •* d.;)V io W et ia v 'Us • Prjor appearj to »?& in Watblo iVou) tns foiio?. j ing oespa'.cb lu a Nanhcr-a f>»t>er: C- K a-.-i Foi. j and Rogtr A. Pryor visitbd ftie Pre*^fd: nt lo-mghi. 'Bickmoud t.xanmier. The Rictimoad paper? st-aie tJ5|it Mr. i ryvr bad obtained luucoin’e ooiisen; to ri tnrn, i*nd wus in a boat comilig up James river. In Mo"Te county, Jan'y 12th, by Kiia? Manc'ls, Ksq. J^r. jA.viEa !«. G.\liNKti to vi ;s “ t IZ.V « . > U&K \Y. Also, by tho Fam“, on ttr>! I7tti Jau’y, Mr. J. Y*!'? to Misfl LiZ)2iE ilAtVKliON. Also, tjy ihe i-aw.-, o i ih» 9th heb’y, Mr. JOaH GAK- NliU to ■' iss ii.jdFiLl-'ii’i 0. .(»-LdI, nil of Mcore. Ia Bladen county, al lbe l aiidecoe of Thus. O Bro’-vn, fi»q., Feb’y, by Rtv. E .a.. Taies, ED iiRD J. lOOCRii to iliss tUi.'ilOE, ola.*.ghkOr of the late A. A. Brown, ali of *iiln3:ngtoa. *.^tthe residence; the bri«l4,’a father. Feb’y 5^’2d, by Hev. P. H. i?icovell, Lieut: n^nt '1*. iiC'liESjN to . iss E' MIRA i- Uj!tKAW, all of Bladl-n to. N. 0. Presbyterian piease copy. lu aau'p on county, on ih • 2d Hst, by Amos N. Hall, b'eq., , Co. L 2f^thi H.g't N O. T., to v.iss PLiSASAN r, daughter ol i> iuiel AHH ', Ksq ? i.iL'oa. flO. L Pea^sataa. OV^ltis: i*JSr A, 8e6 J To Titks £geutfi Li Rich^oad Coauty. aif p>..8 ;ibte kii I'lxiiA:^ iii ij bacoa. Dj a^t well fok .,jj . • r., larmers are rtqu sated to deliver ta 8uou *» pcssibl«. •V; W'aN, '.yai.t 15 2. H snd 1 tfi. Q Ai. 4in ‘ o».g. D , W. C. ^iu e. iU'ti «8 X couu^y, pait'cuL OijElce County Agent, . t , *'• V , -'i-i », id &• ii ol _!iSi.L\.ria».a i.re rvquiti- V >JU ku. .1' t.' h.^wt as Hi b!- lli vtfe.'iut. tlijrvi g..Ij our J. beeu.d bj^ tac J w_VklL.LlAMb.igH » outty fit C.murTl»na, W C. wt' uck. .L.'ia an ia it9 tiwt; lo 1 t,r Ay t-it i« I - Hi prcm- ij ij: kii . ra . . -; o u .d On the 4th October 1864, in tlitj 2?dyear of hi-spj^e, at Winder Botspital, iaichmor d, Vii., ct a v,cund recthed 0 a ch?.rge ou the 1st ttctuber lb{>4 on t ght ui I’efers- bur. Utf»r the vVeldou li. E., i'riv»ate LfcJ«. U£.L S.rilfH, of Co. E. 44th N C. g t, ci^ft ’’s JJri,.«ue. Bo roMin- tecrcd MmcI: bt, 186^ He was good avl ier and O d his duty ou eveiy occasio^i. Hf* V'*“ *h'ipat> d in the n- tT5g’*maut ct Bfistce Sia'ion, Ocf.l4:h, Jiii>4. a. d wax . Ci-ptured by the enemy, iio reM-uiucd.iu the en' uiy e j hscds till the ferlv pirf of the cumpai^^a ol 18ti4. lie ! r.'joi;*ftd his ref’ijne; t ucnr Ga*P';^’ t-’u. ui ( a or a Kiiit tho f .r>ib day of Jaov, an pi.j'tioip 4i.cJ. wiiii it i i » ; ;h-j t at- i flea iu whicif it waij cpg«?tel Iron ihwt dal.* to tXi 1st, * when he received t’lo woui'd^hic.h i.rm a^i- d Lr« (iie. j lu S8mpstiUconn.f, on ihe 2d -iay 1 f v Mi’y ibC5 atihe r.’?idcECe of John Fow ler, E q.. V r iil Zi..K{.-iii vU LIj ; MO> E, in the 3!)th year of l:is uif a Tiie d cea-ed v- rM a worthy membtr of the Bjptist Ghurch.he j p.'* -: kiad »i;d pers:>»>3 wbus. u..t il sh.-i tcarra iit ii re t tji' i -1 • J. ti UVVE' ERLaND. . •* a iyvii Uiit it PIIOI OST i?lAJaSUAl.’S OFFIC'JB, AFlE.t Uiy -iii A M, r. 4^., t^ t *jax . o w. XL U t iOu>« ) lii^c M.»i l> 'J a.« Ofc, -I- fli ; 9 i.u,- j •x;0 tvi, a 0 cl«> ». 1? M , ■ ‘iixd-’'* it t *»•>» 1. . V00. iU-»si MOTI^ K. y oM>r of tb^ c uu - o ^ • R •■‘■t Ipb I a*l's*'!! tt the ^’cn t H r -.a t ■ ^ ^ • f A«h b rV. T'.e ilvy t. e 8t» tn2t. 'I T .iUfc»ad l>o l»ti of COUKlT BO^De tea yf-kra run. »»! g l.w.Blia-ny, iute f'?* p^~ ble (iemi-*Btu»l;y. io fucb aor.ay as Wil’ ?*7 po^t^e r J. M W^RTff, Ceun‘y Tros*®®. M*rt>h 1 16 7 Siftpdpt lilewsird. SOlElSi fro5! tHe .c:;*-3in*«!r fit n 31st i»«t.. alerge 8)(tlRe& 14 »■ a* bigh, n o a st*r la eis f33^ d y-a'Sdo, 4 w iie fs*t, with ft^icle mvrk on bis iaok I ti* *bt.ve reW rd f itny p-TBOn will dUi'cr cr infori?* n e w^ere I 3i»o g**t ’i!B» I believe He as n»’ri tffb ■ «>' O'ne .n datail J K ELV N C D M C‘ - » ii»'r n- ,r ► B i)t Fat 22. 1ft 2 l’a«ledera»e Tai .^€»tice. j -* IL ■ »tte..i> . -I J f-j ’ •u« , »«j4/.- .I.- if 1. tuikciu g a.1 a I . a cf f x?o - u » 10 ba-ai Kaik iiiS”*-'*'-d Ct '®:- «-‘'64 J Is li> ■ jj-e *a wui t ."liU ^lOcijt- *4 lu ■ Ci-J k • i&i. roi- tiij.ei- aad i latee v »: '^rs c d KciO’e 16, 8t)6, M -Sj^lliijio B, i' ta 34»"cb; • m>r' ta ol Ha s^ , Ri*ux'bld 8^' m n o i i.‘0'h;i>. c; C*uip- • *!.’» 2i*i; D M lauB ' ; J R dloiia’s ■\''sa)>ia K^--y’u24 ; ’.t-i rn-’a t ; 1. '*.K «JtN '!»a D 28 ; ••.cka b epringa *^us>; fdra l>arre^>'’9 StHb; Caiih.-f(i 81ai a d l,t a®k o* *.ptii • It is reqeeetad tb».t all a len ' ir thdr lie « (n«le jet •vLEX KtSLLr o' I S-ij Uat. Otribace, March 1 16 .t Pf^abyt«rii>fi oofyi timts anJ I'tnraid dupitosM ae ount 16 (•b*»etV'r ifie^ oA tke its a^ivlrates. T '£ M>gLit^i»'«*8 ot ctUi. e.'tftL't Ovu>ajr tu9 requested i.o cioci at fb« vouri House iu F* ette*U>e. oa ca«B*ay of Marob CvUrt next at. 11 o’^ look. A M D M.HJSLLL, Ohm’m. Fab’> *8. _ _ 14 t®^ Tax in Mind, l&obesoa County. ’Tll.£ liiH't Ot HoocBvu otiOMiy ar« reapw®>iialty t> Oci ai tbe loiiuwtng Linee 8 f-^r lae'ptUpQS. ol iis^lag laea- UA. OJf ot t^is xiovellavilis, MtriLK4d%y Ma;o« 16th; 8i. I'iU’.'s, xhursd*y Marcfc 16t£; , ii-'Tfhif Ft a.gr M-r- 17ti; Rvaiait’^iUij. >»-y M*roh 13 b; iiofU:’ t, Al».iwa 2Ul4; Al'urdavaU, aUvsJ- y Mai On 21b1; l';»vmpK* rt a Yi iCta^Bd^y .Hiarcb a dj Wuits '£»aic..iay ' areh 23d; deriin^ h M«.roa >4ta; Baea dira.'. p, S»'.u M.mb dti; Lii!£trn(.n, ilaauAy »ua Tuesivjr 27.a aa» 28ta ®f of 8ui>ei> i Cca. 14 i>urui Wcdueeda> 29 a Tauktf rest Ji g t>« D Bmote uiCk'i u-.i a*. Lava.i tu.‘« ilAond^y vf ac*u«/ '271^ or Uttvt-- TtLi^ V tUu f ry ur i n p aeioly ini.ke. Knviwii*g laai ti.aa^ re«U' tug in iBoa«' Puirtcta mu uvctr’aarii^ be m m ~L wfiurt Hitero p«r^catt baai>®i eontnve lo luaai os, ‘^be/ matt senu iu tbeir liaia auiy auia®wiio»t®«l Aa .^cur^ta list «f all tao (act) jr^rk sia>’raicred aariag w*tve ui.-titbB preo«d*ug la M>rc.i iBf^b 'i'an tra® ^eaniffc tae tena aet 'oia ibcaaa (ue bi:g after Of log irtnBtA Binipl' ti^e veigat y( baias. eaoudt-ra «ad io-iej vl-^ne canua' be reO;.>v«d Agaiu We rat'^rw oar t'> t«>4 p.opic pu.'>oiaaiti.* ia aatuig tbvir £iuis UBsier e;^ia v g o^iaie A»*.U3 D BhO^N, hUau A aLL, AoeeadO’-B ^6 u Oiatriat. Fi' 28. , 14 8>. m iN ElHi), KiCOHUNU CoDMI. ci-.i.-s ui K^oatKUbi %/vuai «ie le^Uv^Mcu m UB at. tbf, Xviitwiug ii ee »ad pi*««a, {.r^.p»ied iiiit the uuittf.'Or p uuds pcra prvMiaeed ty awi.B v«.»^i.tf‘’* d b; 4bem n»tLi» tisr- jetr • atitug oii uai- iat jjaio'.s 1866: Li. Uxuit;! Hiil on the rt». »!ii 14.h iHareb. .11 aittwwt.till-, oa 15tj ftOvi It tu MtiOJ At Wi.iiaotava’a oe l7ta Mtraa. /ii Boafcina a^a Viet Marelt. Ai " ou 22i f.aa .H i5t> ca. at v>itt.rihJ 8j^rtigij Ob 24 a le.*! bO( e all aU* >.icia/'> W 1>. ,t H i> .tt it .*, A 3j. i . t.»i6 Fayetteville Arsenal ^ Armvrj', LI. . r.lii ..• P. - _ . , r a lees tiaie tdan €3 daye, $300. He coafe'?he3 tlutl the bit’Eka tcuna la hia poasession w»re printed in i hu&t'aod aid i'a-hf;r, » *o d ciiizyi. h da ^ugu5t3,^Ga. Nc!Cton 13 a printer by pVcres^ioc. ; soldier, he kev " a yriw a-d two -ma .^cu.!d:'ii, and had in his possession a quariennasteil* stamn ‘ cncie ot kienVl- aua Yvuivts lo m.oirn o.nrl iritinn. i-io « « J a bis d>3ath. though We mouru not as those that mou?n Uaatla ^tc£Lmd1 reasim to beUeva that his scial \)u\l9,^M%chmQwi Jknqy4r^^ ad. 11. q]^ a Tiwb FaisKD. rAH. r': an.\ ■ a .i iii. » ;i ,, v.d1,” AiJ »-i.v 0.-J t- ..5*; .:jeir; ur a u j • * L Oiil..l>^ of JkC.. Tj -oiiua-i * ucra-..!) »it , Li. ' ifl Ccn d’f Hi Edqusvp rs U HegH U. 0., Lh aoB^atces friu. ibiB Oufliiut^ad «.re oruered to re- s iBimediatoly to me at tbis plac® 1^3tpd JAS. a. BUBm CoL Feb 28. 186’ .4 4M* Tbe Dally TeU*graph® A D .1 i i.N VV i: . p IV PURhimEU A T r % I IE VILLB, .V C Cj TAIN'' TUK latfBl lelfgrapltic h'S, k-po;is of Ma/ ti If i .> i tCiiigCUIV. F r 1 f. ’■•'a. m.- b'S I.: 3 licuu.B, Addrass, MlT9hlfl| IMft. »8 Ir. •K' OU ¥t. h. SdKoc «al Pr®pri®ter. lA-MI