- i . ' f ' ': ' ' ; . f It - j' ' '-'.f' T.;' ! '..!-. e T -m: hrnkm Martin . A z tros iriuusrE mihi nullo Vol. ii: n:e w b. e; r DISCRlMfKEAGETVR VTR .. . f j. - I - , . . : ...!!.. : . : Vjiittiy the prcfcnt evils,! ami tcTprcvent the IsiSf. itnpihding milchiefs. which threaten. - It tun uv ouuwgu, ujur c who reicwufc'y let? ' Mmfelf about 'It Pivcs the hei v5 i :bis auachinent to tae ttarc ; and though i. .Ixc fhoulcj not (ucccedin his intention, yet .l-jnducc.cthers.mbrci.cafjaolc, to engage in and. pas no '.tsbuti&tolatfsa thole ;i(lnft:-ttrUi.iM!notiif:tafL' H Oave been furnfized that in thole timpq td"ifliculty and darieer; when the minds of men ycie gene aily iagitatcd, that our Conititunon was'ma e io 'complete as it xow ilandf, and I have wondered when all is peace and fertility, that lome fteps have lr'xiot bi:entaken topiopofea levificnof it, ; by a icpiefcntation choien iii a gc neral con ; -ywMuio.V' UVrhe people, whhuut whichy 'ha'ever 'necciFary ; meafures miht be rer commenacci, noi.ONSTiTu riON a l friend tf his countr would wiih to fee them a- Wonted,, as no innovation, nor anv Le- c al alterationrnowcvcr beneficial, can-be I f xijau, uui ujr me tciitui renccor tne lame , power which.ALwA Ys exilts, ancLdriein '.It-has. been afleited; by a ce-ebratcd po Jitical writer of the prefeht day, (Dr. Price J vhofe genius and judgment have been qualjy aiimired in Great Britain and Amt- ica, -tJiat great cvi;s mull1 iclult, in any ; couiury, Nvhcrie the rep refen ration i$ une qud and defe liveJ England, lays he, has r piHA'cd, -exhibits a meiaathjiy picture of. ma hjiijcoi ine u ocectnii u i 1 1 j j r-r .BAA IU ; - . i mv Jafl Gt !ut- 1 & flfeaibiies IvtrrO jDivm . upon the fTon juration and Vjqlt Von0 of tlie i ieht5 ottheViriiensr Ithh I t humbly alcnbc t&ikewaiii&tt But, u may be pbKaaifiatthere.iirt inequality, ;e be one 6tnatbjrkihoflHfahhl'! county, antbethijfcljibeoiifcP uommons inanrwe compipfcnti3r rives, choien An ihe : iameffaAn daeH county, Maud one fdx eacfefeife su(.u, iu uiai inc iiu out prejudice- puiui ui yicw cjttrcmcijrunaaequtc nd tution; he. number; dfe6jjdcrif under my i of requantp3t c6hlUiute die rctfoiL'i&iibi . j.-':;"v-.,;-r. " " i k ' ' ' 9 I t t. ! m : ... I v t. . i. ; .- .,. ! f ,' ' i , . .. ! si. i . , , i . :i '4 -"i -A Vt-h: ' ..1" I , r 4 1 It! rr4v h 1 ':v".-;-:, J 7-... -!-. ... -ff