To the Freeholders of Craven county. Zk Af the requeit oHeveral of my friends, a i am induced to offer mylelf as a candi dal at the next election-for this county to chooie Reprefcntajives to ferve at the naoct meeting of General Affembly; I do hereby declare myflf a Candidate for a feat in Se nate. Should i be Jo fortunate as to meet with the approbation of my Countrymen, I hope. I fliall not be undeferving of thetruft re--pofed4iwne,s-yourTifc , WILLIAM HENRY. ;Jewbern, June 24. To the Freeholders of Craven County. GENTLEMEN, . . ; BEING delircus of a feat in the Senate, permit me to (olirit r., - . it lurceisful, you will find me aaiduuufly at-. vi'nurjiir.g my duty to the latis -lactton and-intereil of-my-couiuy, - i am, Gentlemen, Your moft obedient'fervant. John Smallvvood. Nrwforh, June 23. To the Freeholders of Craven county. GENTLEMEN, HAVING been fulicited by a number of my fellow-citirens to cfFer myfelf as a Candidate to repefent this county in the senate. I think it my. duty in this public manner, to make known my intentions of uandjng apoll at the enibing eleaion, and that ray belt exertions fhall tvtr bear the fer iceor my country. 4 I am, Gentlemen, , and Eel Jo Citizens, . Your obedient fervant. JOHN CARNEY. Craven County, June 16. m To the Freeholders of Craven county Gentlemen, ; 7 BEG leave to cfTer myfelf a candidate at A the enfumg eleaion for a feat in the Houfc of Senate. Should I have the honor of our fuffrages, I flatter myfelf my cor.dutt )in;l be fucli as fliall difcharge rny duty as jour reprelentative. , 7 iam, Gcu:!wn, imf TYour,no oW-cnt fervant. WILLIAM M. J1EKKITAGE. Craven Couny, June i5th, COLLECTION op' STATE PAPERS ; bepr,5,ttd in Pniludelphia, ate lecciycj a iH3 chicc, . To the Freeholders of Craven Countv ? Tn ft, v n r - 7 '"ME rrr7 y j the freemen of Craven county; THE eleaion of Reprefentatives in the lume to oifr my fervice to you as a Candidate ior a feat in the Senate. . Always happy in fcrvingmy country in any capacity, fcould it be myJuto be LLr with your ruflFl-agca on this occaiion, I !houlj endeavour to evince myfelf not totally un--worthy of your confidence. - JJ-V!rhS hnor t0 be Gentlemen, your o obedient fervant, - 3 graven County; Juns 1 6, iy To the Freeholders of Craven county, GENTLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, IMPRESSED with .an ardent defire tc, to be fervictable to the country of which I am become a citizen, I offer myfelf a Candidate at the enfuing eleaion to repre sent yoU in the Houfe of Commons. If I am 0 fortunate a to obtain" your fuftrages, X mall ule every exertion to render iatisfadUoit to myeonftituents. ', I am repea fully,, v V- 7 Gentlemen, . . . : ' ;";;' t nr. a ?, ,;'v',-""'tnt numDieiervant. LLTC AS JACOB EENNERS. Newoern, June .jd.- . . United States of America, j Ncrth-Carolit:a Dijirici, $ 17VL.V emulous to be ufeful to my cbun- I TTTHFRpac , ... vices to , ou, aiui ftand a candidate for a feat theDS tefi VSF vices to ) ou, and, ftand a candidate for a feat Mic cciuic ai rne approaching eleaion. - Give mr leave to airure you, that mould you be indulges enough to fayour me with your fuftrages, I would endeavour to fluw my gratitude by an unremitted attention to your uiterefts. -, ,nt, Your obedient fervant. . PHOMAS WILLIAMS. waven county, June 16, 79 Zv FreehcUsrs and Freemen of Craven aunty. GENTLEMEN, YOU will be called on fliortly to elect tP.nti, 1 ,:. "".x"llull,,a nastnis eigh teenth day of June; in the year of Americaii independence the fifteenth, exhibited TllbcUa of NWthrtrf ,hrUnited.StatCS for 'DS of t thfwh sgainft a phaeton and part tl e P m rH w-rS'. fei2ed rveyorof f.i 1 ff ,lm,ngt" 'n the Difta afore haying been imported into the United Stated n the bng Faulkner, Michael Faulkner, marl -fr? l,he ,flaml of St' Criftophe, V iaft,j, the dominions of the KlJ'of Grtt ' a"tnot llaving been included ,'n th6 manHeA delivered by the faid mafter to he f--l-ies not I l 1 i"1,L' onccurea to be paid thereon ! &I 'atS ' d-praying(hi Court toon! - ... v..v., ti, Hiuruy to elect t . f . , urt5 01 ine oripi . L members to repiefent you in the Houfc f 7 1!tet,1 Statcs 1 nd prayingthis Cou of Commonsrat the next General AffcmbJv : : f?d?; eof and condemn the fame , 1 uicreiore take this public method to inform . 1 ,1,s ,s therefore to notice all perfons whom you that I offer mvk If i- m it mav tonwm .u. P eV?ns.w,loni Lave the honour I.eing eleflecl, everv .(fart '"C0urtbfihe Umt d St' ft S' have the liououf being ekaed, every effort , f.rr, " v. saciiwu 10 irrve you. anddifchargemyduty to my countiy'. lhave the honor to be .. Gentlemen, Your moft obedient fervant. JOHN GOODING. Craven County, June ioY . 1 w,Ci,xin day or Iu y Itxr when the confideration of the libel cxhih ted as afoiefaid will be had, and all perfons hav ns claun to the articles libelled,' or conced ed thtrein are hereby cited and admcnifhedSy appear, on the fixth day of July aforefaid, S the Court aforefaid, and fliewcau fe, if any they TAMES S.rtrrTTvo. ... . tiiC ' B k a i,v' iMsjuii at . 0 .... r ' a,l,Llctonuemnea. hi, (lore, nCravenftreef, next dour toMr. ! r W"eft Abncr Nealo, Clerk of the faij 1 ana genera af- i ' "k "5WU"ni ibtn ot lune, 1701, fortment of MEDICINES, which he will fell AliNER NEALE on me molt KDlonable terms for cafli. it, iJ. Hnfll .--7 . '".oKviikiiiiiiay uc nip. can i- I 7 . Mumontrs may ne lun plud at fime fpecie rate for which they ca A T. 1T A NT a for the yenr-179 1 May be had at this Office -.i .JL .1 ' ,A ... . . 7