? mthe Windward iCands the Admiral's ; . L r.r-nfda defirea to be reported in New- Ynrk the 17th-, in lat. ,44 'on2.. fell in vith thc Arethufa Britiih man of ' on a cruife, who had fpoke the flfip Kn-buck, from BritloV for Philadelphia, . ...Kfr.. fTn the 6th.. in lat 58. Ion-. C5 - fioke tKe Wfftmoreland- Dritifh nrVt, to' Jamaica fcr, Ealmouth On t I ,oh. in foundings, off Martha's Vine-' i rv.. ht feeds ticket from Hull, ' w w.a.; out d weeks and A r ri juui - . r . . : 11'. - ' dip. . " J "r ' . -J., f :. BALTIMORE, Oilier 22.' ' '" - It' ! ..... '! c h pwr.nnccJ by the Count De la Char. HIEKR 110 longer .rem uns, in our nkn3uiiied Country, this wKUe Flag this ancient Banner, which was to, long .nnrmiidem the Career of honour. It Ls difappeared to adorn the uneral if I may be allowed the Exprcffion)of the roil unfortunate and moft virtuouS of. our Kiir$! Alas 1 UCimcmcu, v. more for him ; in vain have we deferted tuiw.j of our Fathers ; in vam have our tfn land, and put thcmfclves at our Head, I , la his deliverance: Iheir courage and' their zeal hive been rearained. - O pf0vtdtnce ! We refpea thy decrees ! The iua has difappeared feem the face cf the i, .i j m 1 -f crimes have been .uartnt, ti4w t ... I J T I: I " committed. lDt KWlll UVrliJg --w r.. return was fupportedby the Attorney Gc- ncrai ana in i4iunui, uauv v ,tuw-. goes of Flour and Corn to afford the Inha- part of the men who contended that, altho u : Xr -i .u-,tn tpnlnnrarir the men., were srw fuUetls of the Kins? of , or a bulhcl ot Wheat or Corn, was not: t( uc purwiiaicu nidi i.1 64- r041" j Inhabitants were reduced to the; necefllty of fubfiUing on Garden-Roots, Froot and run ana mat it wouia rcijuuc tw- jnfumptiqnl , - f I , J - folemri recognition and ratification of that vaL 1, AnUivftrlarv- nfVhe Declaration by Treiuy, and by ai ..-"bf Parli- Union of Satoy witk the French Republic, amcnt m 1783,. thef? menj as well as all the French Veffels in this harbour difplayed other citizens uf the United States of Ame their Colours, and fired a falutc in honour rica, were become foreigners and confer of the Day. . ' 1 k t;. gently not liable. to be imprefled mhis Ma- Bxtraa of a letter from Philadelphia, dated r)7nhr 11 t may at length venture to affcrt that the malignant Fever does n?)t rage fo vio- ha5. fbr three or four davs paft't grown lather cold, with high winds and froits at night ; faia, how ever,, we have not had (except in 1 drizzles), for fight weeks patt, by which not pnly ' the city but the country salfo i has j fuffered much. ' . . k- flf , I can inform you K-from good authoti tythat the niimber of Funerals,, ; during the lalt eight weeks, ; amount to upwards of 000 : more thanjnlf the Inhabitants have fled the city, fo ' that this defolationihas been confined to about 20,000 Inhabitan ts 5 therefore the fatilit) has been full as greats iri proportion, as that of the Plague in London, in the timi' of Sydenham. ' i , ; . I ' j ! -.. . " NASSAU (Ne-Provi 'dence), O&ober t. lives u , ,1 . HrtlfviTs ! tremble ccnerous King to fatthful SabjeOs ! Erai- ir,- rtftifi have abandonea n,;urniii and ininious. Repreienta- t,. wni which krrived vefterday from tms of "arriinluppy and abufed J Nation, i' Jamaica, we have ibipr maion . of Commodore Ford having lancu m Fort- Royal the ato the (hips of war under onboard the 13th regiment, the flank com- , fi names of the 49n, i and a acrauunuu ; artillery. 1 heir deftination was faid to be to jetemic, "'"." o , i . - . Yelterday the privateer John,: Captain Sherman, of this port, arrived here, - and brings the following interclting mformuti- Urt Saturday September 22d favv the t?.:- mm (Vim: and an armed Brie, run down towaras uic j.-itiiwi. jefty's fervice. Jheijudge-however dccla-. red, that he could take cognizance of na tKing but the return, and therefore was bound to remand them; It isacircumftance "well worthy the attention of the public that in order to obtain the W"fitsm order to bring tllofe meiiup, -amtfavitd of the ir being Ame- . ricans wcrd made, but the, returns' .to the , Writs' are hot upon bath, and the affidavits are not permitted to be read upon the hear ing, fo that falfe returns may b? made and ' the judge cannot permit an affidavit to b6 :read, which woiiltl prove' the return (which " is riot upon oath) to be As the mcii have found that they mtift fubnait, a memo-; rial eff their cafe, 'verified by affidavits will be immediately tranfmitted to the Prefident !of the United, States, that proper meafureS Etraftof a letter fromagentlenian in Pkiladel- 1 frhia, dated, Ottober 17 ; " f have it fiom unquefiionable evidence, that the diforder -which fo long prevailed, has not only "put on a much more favourable afpecl, but has deer eared! in its effeds beyond what we could have expecteu. rr c vur tcu. . j ' y? Ll.n. I.;.,, rWivpyit .' And Cent hut tlVO to tht . nA tn vinnuiQi and to pardon ! coruiui; iw v-w, 1 , - i r Let the Women and old Men find an Aly lum under its protcaing ftiadow ! Jt the Infants embrace itXwith their' innocent Hands ! And let it be every-where the hg rM of Via, vy and.of Pardon ' j -j I I c May we foon be able, Gentlemen, to carry it to the Foot of that dreadful Tower, in Jhich the Infant King, !the Offspring of Henry the Fourth, and of St. Louis, , lan-; J;X Mav we be able, at the .price ot YN Wednefday, th V vember next, will the twentieth of No- be fold at public vendue at Clear-Springs, twelve miles above4 belong incto runaowu luw.rtiu -- .-; 1, i give notes witn auuiuvtu . uvun e.i.mKpr the irth. clo'e with the jfe - i . - J nay, jv,,uv i , , , . y 1 .1, tne property 15 aucvw, iy lhore DCtwcen vapc-xyv,uu.i . k ; . : T5t.l to rMIvrr him. and his puult an-l unhappy Family ; jand affoae .our fclves to the Labours and glory of thofc in-. ' vincildc Armies, which are nbouttp re-e- AaUifh, on the Thtontf of -Lilies; the Heir of fo man Kings, arid the Grandfonof the ImmortalMaria I herefa ! . " ; . . . 1 r-i rt tin 1 own. lrom a C"1,l,a,, . - irom uiii"u' --.. j j , Tf - f om Ne-v-Yort, which place he left oa the Europi at the Mole, where.i and at J-- 'Si'- .eani tL on the fh ib., Snft. an American Brig arrived tncre a"" ' Havre-de- Grace, whicji brings intelligence that the combined Armies, navu.g . r . .u-, .1,. r-nrh were marching more w w , 1 .1 Platformj gave chace tq, and came up with r.u .V,n fired a puni to ; leeward, and hoifted Englifii colours 5 the John did the fame 5 the fchboner then hoifted her boat out ; the Mafter came on j board the lohnand being a Frenchman, ras alked how he came to fail under. Enghfli colours ? , In anfwer, he faid he did fo by fpermiffion - j T?rA ivens then in from uommoaorc i .1 j r Ti if rct?.kiiT v aiciikiciuiti, fifteen ' its Formications " . rT 1 .u 'rr.i!s-that their re.reat -as cffeled with fuch precipitation that they UlJ ed wcons behind them at Valenciennss. , thUh-lll into the' hands of the French, who aj.ii.1 erefled there : the tree f Mb . Aharon H .f Auguft General ; Beyfcr, at the head of an Army vof JS-0 Jl cpubUcn., completely .hifeatea tbeRoy. al Catholic Army, confiding .of I3 men. ho had 6soo killed -J;QU"d in the engagement among the dead tnere r V a Prieli, holding a Crofs in ;one hand and a broad fword in thetJther. , . By a tentleman lately lrom Fayal we . Irain, thtt the . Inhabitants of that and. tne other weftern lflands,! or Azores, am! or ' Madeira, were undcr great Apprehenfions of a Famine the enluing winter, as their "Crops of Grain had fallen very hit Seafon-that about the 8th ot Aug e .t ti,Xtjnis: of FaVal. naa tnretini m ...... . - a.-.i-w been called, for P-rj-f ?PJ tt n iMiri tnat I1C VV4 were living. vr v. . t s . , .... L u Mnle to :the Platform, to carry, fome printing materials; from thence. to the ;Moie. i- ' r i "'" The fame day Captain Sheefman fpokei a .Bermtida privateer, and was' mrormed by - the Mafter, that the Europa was at the -fl Amlticafi.fchooner. hay.ng.on .board, upwards of f.xty French fold.e.s, of d.CTer ent recimtnts, bound from H.fpamola for cntregim. , veaerdav.by the America, -waj w , i - . ' M?? Ooisr and Long-Ifland jacket pr.va. teers " . . - .. ' ' J-f' , N EW BERN, of From the (London) Mornin-' Chronicle baturnay juiy p .. y Thurfday evening was decided before Mr Tu ce Buller,' at his houfe in; Lincoln s inn F?elds, . cafe of the u-.moft .mportance o the "rights of Neutral, rowers. Col MTMwfnd James Fergufon both Amen canl and who were imprefled ontheZthof Sihfe idof, jthe . Tf - I'ft rcturnabU immediate y, for lift of June (Vv. difcharge ; the eftate of James, Green,, lenior , decealedj t r... rpIf Thp nurchafers. td j ,l rtrir fp'iiritv before JOHN GREEN, ExV. October 19'. ' . ' T?OR Sale at the Pnnting- Office.; a calcu JT lation exhibiting in Mills, Cents, and Dollars, the value of Gold (as eflabliflied byXongrefs,) from one Grain to a Pound. f ISIIEK & GLAVILL. AT their Tani Yard, in Pollok-ltrect, near John , C. Bryan Efq have for fale a large fupply ot LEATHER viz. fole uppy harnefs, Calt flun and boot legs. . . They hope from the excellent quality ami lo . prices of their leather, to merit the countenance and preference of luqh as may want td.purchafe.' They "fall continue to curry Leather for country people, in the neateft and beft manner, .on moderate teimsl They are alfo procuring a parcel of- STRO 'SHOES fuitabie-for the enfuing feafot? which they will fell cheap for cadi or raw hides. " . ' T Oaobcri. ; . ;. 40S-t;Jw- EMPLOYMENT wanted, by a young man who writes a good hand ahdfpcUs well.- Enquire ,at the roiwiuw. . Oaober.26'. . ;- -"J, : FOR- fale j ! for Caih or Produce, three likely negro flavesi; two ris and a y" : -RodrigoLatafte October 12. " ' 1 fvo r"h i r e. A YOUNG NEGRO WENCH, who A-Sderd.nd.ili forts of .family wcrk. j Apply at this pfficc. N : ft I : . 'dverober z. ' i.i "' , . i B L A N K Sri Of ail kinds to be had at this l Office been called, iur v.iw -n- . -. mea urestop : Whcnuu . r TrnvillOnS irom ivi - . r r ... 1 J- tujal or tnc Am-r. 't "'X

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