Pubfiflied by order of the commiffioncxa of At a meeting of the C6mmifflonerskofNevjberh the, town of Newbern. P O E T's LIFE C O R'N.E R. j ' - ; i it S II O R T. i ;,. .. n TyfAN'tlife, like any . weaver's muttle flies, xVi Or like a tedrr flar fide and dits, Or, like a race, it end without delay, Or, like a vapour, vanimcs away. Oi, like a candle, in eich moment vrafces, Or, like a veflcl, under fail it Mftes Or, iiKe a poll, it gallops very fait, Or, iikelhe lhadow ofa cload, tispaft. Our caitJes arc but weak, and tlrong the foe, Our time's but thort, our death is certain too $ But a this coming is a fecrtt ttill. Let us be le.av. come death when he will. A a meeting of the-commijpener of Nwbern, . ' September 1793. ? thPn inltr C0,"' '.nJfti rrirrt nf a dancer ous aiforder or peiileniial fever having appeared among f 1 is ordered that it any inaabitants of peoplelof Fhuadelpma ana ivui yiuny. tuj ,. juic luwu ui iwutiu ums wno arc, cr iZth Ocleber 1703. The dan'str cf fufpj ing individuals to go on board veffls-com ing from places wfisre any dangerous infec tious difeafes prevail end reiurnup inu th qiyf g- coniaerea. II ; The BUCKSKIN! SOLILOQUY, ' In praife of Baughsaugkclauchbar TT AIL Bauhniughclanghbar I iweet orfour ii hail 1 .-, Ou ijuickly come my appetite's delight .Wlieilier ihy Uufacebe ridily o'erlaid . With jiJuicotfud'VdehciouiJy einbrown'd, . While niis of itmber whey oozing fveeily. Through thy pares,' improre the iufcious fare. Whether thy whitenefs, vicing witli the inow, Is luiJipd by inulailcs (which by ib by , Way render Hue nfjie dead to il!rt--) Or even when thou'rt unaduUeiattd , Willi "Ihoie iweet, and pore as nature can be, . In wooden nogia or in earthen pan, -1 view taec in uiy 'native charms array'! "; How joys my he., t ! How gbnee iny longing eyes I Always as wtlccmeas brlgut gofdtj a Miir, Or ihi Ue .r object to&a aruent iovei . v liu c'l.itlU- co.ue ut t wiiisht hunger's call, - Whom lro.11 the cellar or the ftrjag huufi cool, - Youi iittur appioach bungs glad nels to euch heart, That by your -k!, 'ihe loftg Uay neat may vanih, VKd pltii,ig oeliHi them through the ni6ht With lhady gardiiis, or cool puriing ttreams ; Maugie ihs inolcluuotjr'voiaciou chinch. In pudilmg's praiic let others lpend their breath j Give me but this, ye Godsl I icornful pafs Each celebrated lhcp,; where brittle puifs iMtiltangular, with cii(lird cakes and cream, ' And lucid jelly's nodding o'er the brim ' i; Of Chrylla vale in fplendid pomp comnine To lure the fenie. Thcfe, theie I n tfs unmoved, tiot calt one lulling lingering look bthind. PLUNKET PLUUFUMrUON. .1 1 1 - L J frnrn thit Cltv m 3 v hf n ii th nrJ fed fr ' annhi ntfA f- .1 ' ipe inrjaaifantJ nave r 1 s. "'tj ; irr"""vl4 iUi ihat in conCequence thereof ; and having read and purpoie excepted) iliall go on bosrd .anr confidereda prodamationifjued by bis excel- , vflel coming from Philadelphia, ; the GrcV lency the Governor of this fiat e relating to the nades or the iiUnd of 1 obago, before aforefaidwfeclious 'ana dangerous difeafe , veflel fhall be permitted to land the c'aro"' the commiffioneri agreed to the follow or- Cr pafTengers as the cafe may be,sl cr fhatl ders and refolutionsi .f V ! -." bring from on board luch veflcl as aforefaiil , ? m ! f ; : . .. j 1 n 'n any Kina ct goods or mercJtandize, everv iRPEED, that until full liberty fhali fuch perfon being a free mailj fllJ A qxJ VY. i Wbe given, veflels coming .to the town alij pay as a pcaity the fum of iive L 4 ' , 1 1 ' r.- y ot iNevvbern irom rnuaaemnia or auyuui currency for each offence in either of the a. place vvnere lucn aangerous anu, uuc.uu. , forefaid caes and it the offender he a fl iVe difordcr may be, fhall, under the penalty ot ..thc owner or employer (ha!l forfeit tiie-lik' tive rrundrecl pounps,. as airccicu uj fuin of five pound and the flave-beliablc 0 ftop arid coliie to anchor at leaft one, mile punifhment by vhipping-i!f firopcrdon to below the town and there remain and -per- funfr.Jnr.' linLptwHin fiw IoCp, . r form a quarantine for ten days,1 unlels they (hall produce trcm; the learcners pr mipecc-, ors authorized and appointed for that pur-, pofe a certificate from under theirhan3si that in :heir opinion the veflel jmay with' fafety to the "inhabitants pro'ceeH to the , faid: tow 11 or harbour and tHsre land her cargo or pafiengers as the caie may joe arc re- whith the inhabitants of the town quired to take notice . '-John Craddock, ") n i U Ijchn F. Smith. ' r -rr George 'Ellis, , Com&rX .'y fames Cor "' - .THE Clercry of thc'.Prote'ftant Epfconal . ; RESOLVED that the mailer or owner Church ; are .earnelly requeIed to meet in of aay veflel,-the pilots 'fnd every other in- Coriventiop, on the2ili ofA'oveihber iexrf dividual who (hall wilfully neglecl: or refufe ac jrarborouli to rake tiie prclent dep'ora. to obferve and comply with the above order ble ltate oi.iad Church into lerious conlider ftiall be profecutedas the law directs. " , , ation.rand, it polfible, to adopt vfuch mea. ORDERED, thatDri Jcunes S. Cutting, lures as may tend to the advancement of irs Cant. John Craddock and George Ellis, Efq. detliiiing inter eft. 7 And as this object is Irn- good R y h to A n of Newbern, j in order to know if any ot , the perfons oa board are fick or, dead, and to enquire whether there ws any un common, dangerous arid infectious diftem pcr at the place from whence I they; came, and in cafe they the faid infpe&ors or a'nv two cf them Iliall be of opinion jthat danger will nrnl.ablv ari e hv futTerinfr the Veflel to ANawayiomthefubfcriber oni? prcCced, they are hereby required to give Creekln Beaufort County, on Friday the fmm.,f!:,ft no,:Ae fA the own cornmifiToners . ri !-.- T-f 1 ' ' I . .. ...... ,P. . I itn initant, rii 1 r.K. a negro man aoout 30 ea s of age, and nearly fix feet high. He as loll two of his upper foreteeth ; and, under otie of his ears, is a remarkable fear of a whip. He had on when he jwent a way a coarfe ho nefpun fliirt and trqwfers-- alto at tiie lame time, utnin ins, wn: a belaud they are Hereby appointea ana au- pjrtant i it is requeitea ajio, that the thnnzeti at Jmueciors 10 uuaiu, cAdiuuit. ncupic ur una iuie. wiiu ,eji c .01 uic xuueo- . i. ' nf ' " ' .. iL' 1 ' C.-r. ..ll" l Jl 'X . I and larcn al veueis arnvinz at or near uic nai iJeriuaaiuij, win' wimuui ueiiiy eject Tfi.iav Deputy, m each of their refpe&ive towns ad counties where the have not a -Clergy mail to reprefent them in Conyention. . N; B.. It is expected that the Clergy ill not forget their. 7?r.r, rior the lay Deputies the Certificates of their Election, as both may be required prior to their taking fears. 'TT'HE Truftees of the Nevvbern Acade X my give notice that on the firil i;on- t xt .. 1 ' . 1 . r 1 a . 1 ' particular brdets arid direaions may be- adV m govern oer nexr, wic i;uu .caaemy iflued actordmjvfy.: ,1 ., . twPw" But in cafe upon enquiry it appears that under the direction -of Mr. i HO.yiAb P.. there wr.s no miectious dilorder.on board wv wno u.. luwua., . nnf nfrlif. nlacp from whencelthev came. The firlt clafs, in which reading, wri- negro woman of yellowifli complexion a boist mvearsold, of midlihg llatute, (ith a ma e cniut, na irea oi.viiN aoout 3 months old. kj will give, a s re war a ot ten ce aad troi)ble accruing to tlieinfpeaors dollars, , to any perfon who; will apprehend jn executIT1;i th3 , duty heretofore requ red1 the lellow and ormg rr m to my nouiff atore- falisfac1i6n lhall be made but of public mo- nlacp from whence ithev they $2 faid in'peaors may grant to; fuch- ting, and arithmetic, yll be taught ; at veiTel a permit to proceed to town and land aof.-per quarter. - Ihe iecond clals, tor the ltudy 01 ivia thematics, - inthe. various branches of 1 that fcience, at gof. veliei a permit ro prcceea the cargo or paifengers as the cafe . may be, without any further delay. ! i KfcSvJLVLlJ, that tor all necellary ex- faid or five dollars for apprehending and confining him in I any goal fb that I may get him. A reward of forty Ihillings will a!fo be given for pprdiending and bringing home the wench, if taken in the county or fix dollars, if taken clfe where j " ROBERT GOLFLEY October 26. . , RAN away from the fubfetiber, about a fortnight ago, a negro fellow, com monly called James, but fome times Will ; about fourteen years of age,of a light com plexion ; having a fear on one of his knees. Alfo a negro wench, named Sarah, ra ther nies belonging to the laid town, and ordered further that the town Treafurer do procure forty copies of the I foregoing orders to be printed in hand bills for the irifpeclion of tnole wnom it jnay concern. ". ! . - ; U V-i-.' John Craddock " fumes Cojr, . I -. ueorge zms, f vommtuioners The third clafs where the fcholars will be inftruaed in the dead languages, at 5 of, By order of the Board, j SAMUEL CHAPMAN, Sec'y. ' Oclober 5. , . ' i Y Richard Hun ley, j ; John F Smith,: J "AN 1 away from the fubferiber, on le Xi 3d ult. a negro we itch I named j P.OLL, r ' .'it , f t t 1 f . lometnnes caneu imkjiu, aoout. levemcen years ol age. Mie is well let, or a lmaii itai ure, ot a black complexion and has very plump eyes , She has with her a male child, about: 14 man thi old, called WARD V, of a yelIovvilhc6mpIexion, one 0 vvhofe jeyes on dole ' examination will appear fomcwhat fmaller than the other. ,. I fuppofe llie is concealed by a I certain 'T'HE fubferibers certify that, as far as they are acquainted With ; tiie condition of the Inhabitants of the town of Newbern, Beniamih Grav. of Tones Conn tv. who once old having a fear over one of her tney are at prelent as healthy, as is ufual at ihipped her away to the Weft-Indies., ' 1 im iwiuu uuu mcy aver uiat no; mitance. All perlons are torwarned! harbourms: or eyes. "Whoever fecures them fo that he may get them again, will receive three pounds for the fellow, and forty ihillings for the "wench. ' ' September 21. THOMAS SPIKES. ' of a malignant or contagious fever, hath '" concealinp; her or from buvinp- her from come to their knowledge. -Norjido they be- the faid Benjamin Gray or any ctber perfon lieve th t; under " the cautious J regulation. ; and malters of veffel from carrying her oui which the Icommiluoners of the i'town have of the irate as, in fuchcafes, they will be inltituted, there can be any rational fears prolecuted with the utmoft rieor of the law t Circuit Court I fuaeterm 1701. audi, nit iiiiccnuus uucaic wxiicii rages in Philadelphia will" be traniported here. jro c. Of borne, 1 ir James S. Cutting, $ ?ii icxans. United States qf America, l li or tb-Carolina Dijh iS2. John Siuiplbn, Surv- cVc. : V." (. ' ' i T " ' . Thn- Turner Tnbn f3r&n f 111 eU,ty T and Thus Ugden. i J . A O R ?S A L E j , r . 11KRED 'fhzt nnUfc th Tr. . A NEAT PHOTON withi comSleat fet KJ rus Ogden do file his anfuer to the -Q.of HARNESS j alfo a pair of Bay HOR- I will give a reward of five pounds ton any perfon who wilifecure her! lb that I may get her again. . ! JAMES WELLS. s Jones County, Odtobcr 26. 1 T Complainant's bill on or before the thirtieth of November next tne faid bill be taken pro" confeflb and a decree made thereon ABNERNEALE, Clerk, Newbcnt, Augaft 20th. 1792 SES. For terms apply to the fiibfcriber in the tow of Wafliington, where the fame arc tobefecn. ' !. : j :; DAVID JONES i Oflober nth 1 703 j j i B L A N K S, : Of all kinds to be had at this Office L i N E W 15 E,R N, Pjiintd by F. MfRTI N

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