N ORT H-C A ROLI 'A G A -1 . (Vol. 8.). S a turd ay, November 2 3 'f 1-73. (411.) 1 N J ' C;y c Utter from Nr. -Vi i.l 1 am! tooui. . great people, ; w no were the firil to cpeh By the. Prefident, ,;; , ' TJUE, Ctvernsr cfS:::ih-Carclhia,toCjt thcpbrced?3ml-.:heilrft..tb proclaim flic . (Seal) , T. Jeffersok. srif Gekrt, MirJfler Plpiipbtenttary from rights ofincii, and whofeexiftence is as dear .CITIZEN GENET; Minifter Plenipoten- ' i ': the French Republic to tie L 'mted States cf ' to .'us as ovr's necefiarytp thcliuv I amias tiary of the jFrench ! republic, to Air. America. , . Charlelort, Sejtemlcr , 17P3. Dear Sir, - I v HIi:)UGH the medium of the northern , xic. a .tapers, nc, in this (buy. 'have bccninJcrnicd, that a d;ipte hrd ulxn place between ih Pre G-'cn: y ' V n td S ta tes and yoattr'f,- ou Icim.:' p.nt rel.uing to a . prize ; a:; J upon your didering thereon, lis of the efteim of the Americans as of. that of nv fellow -citizens i anH whatever ef- forts may be made to deprive me of it I; flatter myf-If vith,T confidence, that I l?a!l wholly prefervc it : I believe that J fhaillbe aiwavs . deemed ..mrtbv; in their eves. ,1 of , :? -y tli fraternal recemkes rnivc me front ' Charleiton to Ncw-Vcrk, (and i make no doubt, finally j the -brave'General Moultrie : "II L-' , A .11 you find, wrii a degree of warmth, that you -win never regiet to have been the hriqto OTi ctykl to thefiCpU. Viewing it as acknowledge, m me, the envoy of the French here reprelented, many real friends tq the Republic, and to have heaped on me thefe republic of France have taken great offence, hmdnefics and obliging attritions, the recbl- ss it conveys iVfult to a character highly re- - lecVion of which will neverjbe effaced ircm - M Jpeflwdby his country, independent cf the fratiou wh'ch he fiil Ironi 1 ence much' con verfation and waruraltercation ariic. J My regard for you, perfonally, aswell'as bein'i? the renrefenrative of a nation I rfcclly r m my memory 1 GEN T. GEORCS XV ASr&lsGYGN. President cf the 'United StaTls ofA- TEFFFRSON, secretary of Sraie. v w-Xork,C either. 27,, 1753. - ; ' 2d Vear of the Frrnch Kepubllc. v r-I have j lift received togcihtr with cur , letur .jef the 3d inf. the idijn: .fi.cn cf c;t.'2ca Duplaine,: yice-ccnful at Bcflon, arid I hailen to dectare to you, that I dojnpt; ac jnc vv k tTJes" iti validity, becaufe the coi.tfiuitibiv, bt u:c United, States ha not given the Preiidcnt the right which he njow appears deiire us.:t n 'et r cile it has empowered him,., as' rlr M;p:ter of therAmericanjpeople. to da;it xi:d rCr ccivc ihe.rnm;flers cf Jciei&r: nations! fenno the gl-eat American cci:fcderatlbn, . and taejr ccnfiilnry agents, dlfinbuted-to the panku lar flaic? ; bur, in confidiugUo him this tof ci;JTun&ion, it hasiibt given him the few er of cjiicharghig xhem, to' fend ilieni away, cr 10 fufpend them - wljen cnce they have' bee:: idmitted. Such an authority cannot ixaft reUtion of Avhat did happen in your difiT THE.Sieor Anioine Chirbonet Daplaiii Kes?:rfed,' p but the ioyere.jin of the note, if aaV you have had, ar.d tWyoa heretofore havihs ojucei lo me his coW- jp'' , by -hi one to. vfcich he fiS).feut. SouW,infavourinsmeinnVrequeft;men-; miffion s vfceWrf'toii the .repoblicj of ? f P?. iV;"e,"?:.,llf'r 3k, the time, the pie, nd'tt.e manner, ce, within ihelbtesof&Jew.Kamu&iri, re"11 .can oa!? ,he of M? becaufe ooiaions leadple more ofteh" af!: Ma&chnfefU,. andjvirg tlvcreon re.eie'd J or a .con equence ot peocations began uay for want ottheTicno, .edge of partiadan. from n.e an euatnr; bSriifg date the ith wuu .to.for that oJ.jctt :; the part cf brtr be .fibred, W? rr-rd for you y of June, ; , ;4,3 recogn zi.g hi,! as f,. . f an" cY ( uu iuuc i.ic t Ha U4C :cuiL j iv- " ;- i couia nor perm impropriety to the Prc!:dent. I have the honour to be, dear Sir, with reat regnrd, your moll obedient, Jum ble lervant, 1 f WILLIAM MOULTRIE. CITIZEN CEXEP, AKSWEX. ; I Jhouli lot)" fiuce have e:;tK)fed the authors are allowed to vice-confe-cf the French re public by the Jaws, treaties! and conventions in mat ofe, mude and crev;ded : and- ilie faid Sieur Euplaine havinrjunder colourf6f his faid cfice,1 committed fundry encroach ments and infrachens on the laws cf thelanci, and particularly 'having caaied a vicl rojbe refcued with an armed icrc? C2rot th'? cuiio- J 1, national aft of juftice, the icvercirn ifhculd be furniTr.ed with every poftble light upoivlb important ar oiy eel, tnat he may be enabled to prove to theiforeign lo.verclguj that the mimflcrj was unwoi thy of his confidence, and; that the "dijmhncn or fufpeniion.vas difberiiiibie- If it is Mi.x.ft n.-erely srhitrary it i& ambrif? the -'clafs cf .aiof ar rrVnnn. anrfr , - ...j, -.. .cr .. a,,... oecomes ; s. came or var,i ana voti know. r f .!ir hotxl?. vh;ch a clar: ml 1 oeen '.-. , ' l?. , r 11 the iame by nro -ph r ro''vcmpr and it Pir rat in.ta.s reipccr trie coMiitunc:: or liavctuuficeiidcd torurmylelf oi a .level . ' ,1C u probers nvrH?n.5 coi.r., na it tup TTrt,tj;or rrr t -,r 1 1 , , l.C--.mt.n who. I too much dcVifcto being theriiorenolonger.fi: ncr ccnfsftdt n'Ied pfk'? . thcicpie. van aie.w aiui, N.iioi. i too mucn uc.p.ic to b r . , vnL,. -, ilt J fentatres oi.tba people die nohtof dedarmjr pr.uluc n-oi..ts a.ai.-.i: tr;c aciurmty o.tnetr that liu Van .mm & olfr ' .f I do not. rctollea wlik the erni.raterl1. caut,s : But it is tot thu.that the re, fr writiriks of Grotius, Pufuidorf, ard V,:rel prrfetuauy- e. J. great p.i- iao-.a ccamucc j riip,.- nd . - onrthis inbjeci 1 thank Grd I havefor- Kmtllf; it is not fufectent that he epoles "0I .V , v " V ,(S? Pnr!ees V iiot what thele: hired iurifl.mJic lv, ,.r:,. hn(TLvho traduce him : heooght touemand their pimi'.imunr, and to oham it, if tKre pre'ontative of the fovereignty, where he retides docs juitice. .. It is to Congi cfs that I, Hull addrefs my felf ' thrfwg'i the medium of the executive of ths Uniieu States, to alk - the feverell exa- roinatibiiofallmy cfhcial meafares and cf eve ry particular, which may be fuppolcd to live beeil 211 attempt upon the eitablifhed aurhoritv of the American Republic. I mall conceal nothing. o,r, iruw. -uT. jy I flutl plate:undcr the mipcctioii t of e- very of its member my hntruftions, my cor- -relpondence, andmy const rences wirh the French trovernmenti the inflructions to the conftils of the "republic, and my correspon dence with the.n ; and I hope that the reiult of the examination of thefe documents and tne analyfis-of appealing tp the people," will be a thoough conviction, that 'if I had fpo . ken to your government with the energy of ' a freeman, with the enthulhfni which at this day inlpirev ind animates every Frenchman ' "really attached to his country ; if I have complained clHcial!,' and in no other way, of the conJui ot certain . officers of the Je- - deral covernment, whofe intentions appear to me both deltruct:ve 01 noerry ana iavour-. able tbour enemies, if I '.have declared that their tamenefs, that their, fmall meafiires in the common danger, which menaces, tree nations, did not appear t o me to be confident wth'thc femimcnts of their fellw.citizens, wiih the true inrereft of their country ; if I have exprefcd, without dilguile, my grief at fcclnir General Wafhjngtdn, that celebra- 1 do no longer recognize the iakl Antoine Charbonct iupLir.u as vice-coidiil of the re public of France in any part dfihcfe thiited States, ncr permit him to exercifs or ei joy any of the functions, powers, or privileges, allow ed to the vice-conluls of th a nation And that I do hereby . whclly revoke and annul the faid exequatur hci erofore I iyvcp, and do declare the laiiie 10 be nbiolutely null and void, f;om this djy forw ard. ! j 1 . Jn teit;mony wherctf I have cauled ten upon the rights cf nations, at a -period wi-en they were ail enchained. But the fundamental points' of your liberty, and our own, j are engraved my mejmory in characters! f ; not to be euaced, and thei rights of man are enclolcii iu my breaftwitli the lburce ot life. I have inceflantly before my eyes your con ftiiudonV ard our own, and it is becaufe I fully leel the jult and v. ile intentions of thofej who founded them, that! I demand of you J Sir, to afk the Prefident of the United S ta tcs to procure an examination . by the 1 Si - ; V dlC 11 fir - legiflature, repreienting the fovereign peo the teal of the United States .of hA- - ; J nvtf.... Ke . A c ; liKm.'. accelJible to men.wnoie :fchemc$ wouM only darken his glory if by f tlrsboldnefs IhavemaJe. myfelf the mark for , all the refenfment tbcTr' utmoft perfidy v cart -? occafrou, I have neither forgotten yhat I . owe to the fuprtme head cf the'executivc of - ' . ' . ' ' ' 'J-' : A3 ' :- .. . 1 s . merica iitrumto ::nixrd. ; Given under mv ha; d -th.. mth dav nf - :Tt 1 j i October. ;n the? year ot our Lord I703 and of the indci endsnce o the United 'fctatesoi America the 1 Si h..- '. A G. WAbiUNGTON. By the Prefident, j. ;a j l: Jefferson. GEOHGE WASHINGTON. Prefident the U mi ed States ff tnertcd - To' all ivhom it may concern..' - i . , TKE citizen Dcnnriy having prcduced to me his commifhon as confu' for the repub lic of France at Boflon. I do hereby reolg- ; nize him as fuch; declare! him iree to exer , die and enjoy inch functions, powers, and privileges, as are allowed to conluls of the French republic by the la a s, treaties, and conventions, in that cafe made and provid- - 1 ' ' " ' . i ' ' ! ! , In teftimony whereof I have canfed thefe .. letters to be made patent,: and - the feal of the United States to' bb. hereunto - . anixed. "j " -.- . : ,t.-t f -. Given under my ahdjithe 'ictn .'day of Oclober, ; m the year of our Lord 1793, ' and 'the independence. of the United Sf ates'of Atherica the . 1 8th.'" " Y- - r G. WASHINGTON pie of Maflachufetts, of the ccflducV'of !. J : 1 v -1 '" ' 1 ! T cnizen jja upiame, in tne; lame manner as t have, demanded an examination of my own in the eni'uiiig COngrefs. i 1 Jn governments like burs, political affair;; t can only be judged by the . political bodies,, and if the vice'conlul Dunlaini has infringed" id n-ii"fi-n!ip lure r-.-f TA 31 -i-1ttCt tt ri' the particular Javs of Ivlailaehufetts, or the general; laws of the union,' which that go vernment is bound to fupjKjrtj to the itate.a cognizance of a crime agair.ft the majtity of the nation belongs, in the firftinftance, anc it is lor her officers to announce it to the federal government, in ; order that the fo- L reign agent, lound to have violated the laws of theLcountry, may receive pun'mroent frcin his loyereigii if he merits it. 1 I infiii, with , the more confidence upon this fiep, i'ir, as the attorney for the diitr:cl of Bofton n' ade three "efforts to procOreabil! tobq found at the circuit court, againft citizen Duplaine, and three times a'popular and Virtuous jury tpre'w out his jComplaint, , and this vice, con ful was finally acquitted in the rooft hcnonrable man ner. How could;-in fact," any room for ac cufation again ft him be -found,' fmce he only , acjed in conformity to the; reaues,, to his in fructions, co-tbe decifionsof theTecleralgo fc.-..M A. " - lk jli't V VirTlTPrf even truft to the care of the French com uii