O'FhtiptmnxhedctseimM. your own country, as well s of m?m cf Pflforij h1cMtiircvidtnijjrJiif6ve hat ' exec upon fuch an occaaim-rfhaend the r rench R fjmWic bad noeater ; enemies- yon for this purpole at ny time anyplace: iriS:. Domugo. , , ' . . v " Vou Dbinc riutJ and riffle mhe fav-U' your anlwer, when and where jthai mu& " EXJ '0St firm'erTy Mayo-cf r. ' ; " tie Town of the Mtlci" : r " "'J; A."- " . - J .. N . J VT B,E ft N, December 14- be. !. Accept my refpc dfflQild Rndinlnfi. AftOffifv. fr:-: the N. York Daily Adpertifer of the 23 - f- General of the United Slite ult ' 1 of America- r OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS." Czpy of a Letter frpm Mr. Grr.ct, MirvJltrPie - wpotentiarv from the . Republic of France' 3 Mri Jefferfin, Secretary of St at el ;' - JVpuiTork, November 4 j 793. ... . Senna Year of the Freh 'ch Republic I liiiLilL. vi 1 ought to comma- Anlwer of Mr. Randolph, : Attbrnty-e- Getier. French neralof the United Stares to. Mr J Miiniter Jrlenipotentwryrof. the Republic. - f; . t Germantown, Nov io 1793; -.: -Sir, ? - - - - , . a 1 tr - u I this moment. received the letter which he hoii - IHenry-Tooley f Inftrms his friends and the pullic im genera : that he has opened rjbip in Brosdfreet near the Church 9 in the ffmtft r fatefy occupi ed ty Mr. H aw ley here he intends car rying anthehvjinefs of a SURGEON end APO rKECAR V ; axd has bipvrted rem , . V IV- TORK a general affbrtment of M E D E C 1 N E S, &c will di1 p9e cf9 either by ivbdtfaU $r retail tn rea-. Jwable terms ) ; among which are the fob '.lowing. --:'. 'L,":-V ' - ' f 4 .... E 1 . . . t rcatetoyoa tftecopyotajeuiwmcnlha'e you did me the honor of. writing tq me on ju:l written to tne Attorney VCncralVtrf; the- the 14th inltr Untoftaridin that you por- cjtniei juince, .conciering, irom tins circiimltante, that it the U. States, will Be the mbitconvehicntl ulate for vonW apcri'Jibel . lelf. I fhall be ready fo have a berfonal in- iUmteU States, i'.to demand of 'hfnv Tthat . pofe to'return to Philadelphia: IhortJy, arid Vidirs. .j air ana-rving, ineA?n and th& other a. Senator of,i who have pnbliflied in the hewt aiainft me, mould be profecuted at he le- terview with you there, on; the fubjeel of derA' Court . I have .to this maijient oniatted the letter , whenever vob mav thin notlung tQarccftain.tne lalliiy.of the. per-, to lignify to me the time which wil!;beft XmV ofHartAorn, Odious impcllure to. whicnahefe Gentlemen you. " , i: " " 1 .have not oeen ajnamea to aflq tueir.. names 'it it With this view I ventured "b wnte to the Prfiideiu of die U Starci-r-it is with this view, .that my triendahave called; in many, papers upon Mr Jay ant Mr.. King to produce tne prooisot tnetr auertipn ; oqt GUM Qpium, Camphdr, , . Afla JaetKfe, Ammoniac," Jv.nh. . ! Aloes LttccotorifitY Arabic, Ouiaiacum, Uragvn blDti), , Ditto. Burgamtnt ; ; Cloves, Liquorice Ball, Sponeer Bine Vitriol, .White do. Chimin 6 tone, . Mercury Cdrctre Ssbli. iHeft flake Manna. Calomel, Quick 'Silver;' ; Ked Piaecipitate, Grade Aniimony, pani(h Flies; , ' Flowers of Sulpbur, i Chamemile, i; " " 'f- 1' Lavendercompound . Cardamon Seeds, I'have the honor. &cl - v- .piberof V,trio!.- . Gemun Rot,; Thi Jaft mteljigence froni France a'dvde, Salt of Nitrcr,, that the whole Republic 'wis in a ftate of trie 'of Glauber, moft active warlike movements and preipara. tions all the male citizensj from 6 to; .45 .the an fwer which you wecc charged to make ' years of age, being required to bear aVms, lne, -Sir heitig as indeciriye asthefiieDce of and to hold tKemlelve in cdnftant readihefs fhofegenUemen was profound, i judiciaf en- to marchAll ftores, provulons, &c. were qur tnily remain! for me to confound thofe held at theTervice of the public, the nvners wlici have traduced me, both.as delegate, of to receive iuch compehfitidn therefor," as the Fcendi . jieople, and .as iijii ,ip'diydual may be awarded by referreci. Thjt all the This fatisfaciion will be the moft agreeable I artitans in metal and wob.twere employed' could obtain, for I have. Only wjOied fox. the , in raariufaclure of wood and warlike fmple eitcem of a free and virtuous people . bf raents.' Iti the manufaclory at Paris! 2 c.obo .-svnaiiocvcr-vun" y "cy uimui c j . muiqucis, ana 70 pieces 01 cannon; were t ' 1 r. ? .rv . 1..; t,.l-... -r r t . ' t. . ' - . j. Harilhorn, j Wormwood, Ammoniac,' Bed pal Bart, Do. red do. - ' ; ; Powder of jahp, . . Rhubarpv Iptcacuan, Magnefia in lurnpi, 1 Ditto in powder , t Tartar Emetic, "".' ', Cream of Tartar , Oil of Mint, Anife Pennyroyal, j i Savine, Cloves, I ' 'Amberj . - Vitriol, i CsftorOil, Olive Oil; Eflence of Lavender couDtieis grievous ujcc.ai njj5 Udy tuiuumy mauuiaciUTCU every montn ; and tne uleiels savme, ., bentiinon purfumciheanU the benevolence ijells in'the'urch'e's' melted down - to IuddIv . Cibves, Pi me,, as welas that of their, firil magiftrate. , IVlAilRIED. JOHN':' SEARS. Efd. 15ut vyiiat w:i oc my.iausraciion.wneu.ir.iyii one or tne luu.jces or tne peace or this Court- . alor.e fliall force ihofe wJUono.w mifccnnud ty to Mlfs,POELy.l)AlT i:' : f -x : J Eflence of Lavendef both niy..1ntemjons" an.d myprindpte: fo dp- . JOHN C. . BRYAr Efq. ' jkfe high A, . juaicetcCmy, courage, my un(bken patKC .Ihcrirbrthls county to JMi(i'POtliY FUL.! , DZcember M - - Pink Root, fiperma C aeti, -Balfoai Captivi, . Oxymel of Squills, - Nox. Voaiica , j ; A.ilcricf white v' Sti-ertgthening ptaiiler : Mercurial do i i Adlae;!v do.1 , . . ' Pewter Sponge, Th , Golden p Cin ?9 ISarerhan's drops," i i Turlington's BaU'oiak ' Godfrey's Cordial, J Ander ton's, Pi Is," Efftnce of Pcpflennint, Bt irtOi Oil. ,'y Aqua fortis, i . j - Liquid Laudanum; ' 'Eiixir'Paragoric, , Eh'xir Vitriol, - TiflcWeot Bark,. j Ointments, Sinimentsj ! Pliiaii, Gallypois, 4 '4 O h D. Mr. Jencrfoni Secretary ifila.l-:vr;' &py cf Utter from 'tie Xinlfier Pla:ipiteM tiurytf the French Reptejlh it -JMr- Eamund , J " Randolph " Attorney . - Glncrat, efthe United -state. . . - -: v i Neyj'Tork, Novemlef-14, - 1 793 HOUSE andf lot in the town of New- u s: Jl bern . No. 3 23 fitdate on the w eit- itde ' ' of Midd!eftreet, oppofire the Glebe. . One lot No; 236 on CJerman-ftreer. 1 . ()ne water lot No. 35 at the corner of Front-ftreet and dirty lane; ; . 1 One other watr lot No 36 joining the THE C U R I O nPHE power of imagination difplayed. X At Green's Ootidal and natural Ma- . Stcind Yedr of the French Republic gic exibition ; of wonderful aerialappcaran. V-K " ' " J L 0 r.i i- 1 . , , i . iV - . t "anove A- v J: , ces or aeitgntiui .oDjects.may -be leen ty Alfo 00 acres of land on the KWth fide. of Neuie river above and joining on Tay-lors-Crct k. about 14 miles abeve Newbtrn The whole will be fo)d together or fepa rately as may fu.t; the purchafer and the terms may be known by applying to ! . WILLIAM SHEPARD. in two or thtee days, A- -n w w jonn jone. .t w. Meipnia .V .V :i r .r ; tU will he ft,,na Pmm,l.;th A U " . w no is auo ir iue icvcraijiKeiy niteciptaics, wr. j-y .ntt '.aa or - V'-r -, the United states; Jr. lung..: 1 nave. uh.m . wuim w. wuc. , certified to the public, as 4 declaration-1 of! this town a Ihort time fince . j ' i "JI JZ M I C I( A E L G A I L u ..MORE prefling'avbeatioris have 'two, or more nerfonsi at anv time of the ; hitherto prevented my applying to ydu, on, day; at the ball room of the old Palace be- the. fubjectof a public infult to-my. nation ingian exhibitron that, furprizes the Ineaa fandtomyfelf, ".which runrJtrlUnd from Gen- tor by a decep'tionof thefenes. r I j tIen!enot tiieiawnere you are tne-pen on Admittance only tvd TipencCi " officially to be made acquainted with.rj I -en- . - v fi I" I r -1 , - rlole trou: .nr. a new iDaoef. minted in ACw- ' - : . . .. . Trf - York, in which the Chief JuiWe. of. the U.. T cIof,d J . - . JL , 1 v . .1 ....11 U I . December t. T T, TO fl'E 8 O L D. the contemptible arts pracd. by parties to L.-.-niveVi. urrf. : . hurt tbe chParaaer5rnppoftd to obrfrud ibeir , JNFQRMS the Dubl.chat he his opened . . j.r. ,f iTx-..., . .i. I in . A ". a Ihop, m Pollok-ftreet, next door to views, it .s n""0"?? rKMr. Channel'., at the sorter ofl Hancock: . .ui r .v.;, . .ui '.U'- - ftreet, where he carqes , on his bufinefs, in country m the opinion or tnmv or tne per-: . . . . . .. . . ... t - . f. . - : i- t ' ' its various branches. !, trndl. nlnnned rnvfelf-.-lTheClifi havW C ! .for-?e a. n?frf?f , . t . diet made. after tne molt mod t.;..:Vi:i..ii , 4 m jIa: iaflnon, bndle. Jcc .. r.,: elegant fad-v ern rrencn 3 " J' ON Thurfday the 10th in ft. a nearer and fundry plantation tools; likewiie fome barrelled pork, corn &c belongiag, to the eAate of I homas Gatlin dec. , ' At the fame, time lundry negroes will' be hired. ; ' " !(-'-.- 1 " -1 ' f : ! ! JAMES, gatlin; December U- L I mm 11 m m- Jk tm i Tll .Jr . rM M J- m . . i r lie win ciiuri vuiii ijv vviyi JLiiiiniiriJ T "Vi' .. . ... anct ot the lavoHri Of -iucn periods as may ic fituations who:are the authofs of UiC tUJP4 ""T their ptmlic it,' induces me. to ;hink more of thau of. the reilrrf the lovv newfpaper r.bufe to yhich I have! hcen fo much accuomed . .I ." As you pre, as iam informed, from your oScal iituation, the proffiutorof Outrages comiuitfcd by citizens of the.. United States, either againft foreign nations or their repre " lentattves to the United States,. 1 am fatiifi- etl that it is l"uffic!ct.i tor.mcto.-acquimt y.ou ON the firft of January nexf, at the Court-Houfe, will heV rentec for one ytztf the duelling botife &c.-' "where Silas Cooke Efq. lives lahere will then 1 ike wife be hired a number of negroes, belong inz totheEftatedf Mts Mary Gordon DeCr ' ' ? I Wm.' M'CLURE, Executor. ; - At the fame timeand place yift be hired eil that it is JulUcvt.i tor.mc to, acquaint you bWocs belonging W hir. Jamet Ri of the fcandalous lalluy of the charge .made tm- ' -, .? i V. Jj : , agamft me, to induce ypu to takeiucn Iteps ; - , . . Wm. MCLtIRE,:Gnardbn at tne cniiunK r cueroiivquj-,, as.uic -nonor nry ' ni.:.i . - npHOSE Brethren of the order of Free . L and accepted 3Maont intending to dine-with the Soderyon the anniversary of St; John the Evanrjriiit will pleafe to j apply to one of the folfowmg ; Brethren for tickets four days previous to that1 time and thereby enable them t arrange accordingly George Vultiej John Howard, .; 'Thomas Ellis, . December 14, . a --! j .. - , Stewarts,

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