.i in that djaic v.h!c!i infl:bd a punlfliment of tranfronatipn of fevcn years on perions con . i i I i.tif k .MnrT?THT thr words Vertfoy,1 which- inter feels- the v.wi r . " ; H- !: - -' . Should his Majelv the iwn- fubferibe to the?&lition, la Brcflc, 1 Pjys.-de- SardI4 n and I. L ! two of our de.cribing the .punishment, nment, ana. iu""""J?- " ... - UH ,he .P3vSJc!cGex, u urpea - m r M I - . 1 llliri' III I l(IriV A M - - 7 - . - a the words following" oe cccn cut&uuV -o- cav ' (r,all be reitcrcu 0 n hh mifd'emeanor: which amenuuicni mm - - - w rectr ufurped by to a. firm and faithful privy Counsellors. Tbry are therefore to announce and make known to ' you 'our good, and liege colonift that we An liWehvnct acknowledge the dilhiifiJon of France 1. m v "T L . A vi V-l 111 I riLV t The ear of. Partington laid, ,hat as e "an e-Wmiirf .o rake noble Jordpn i!ie oonanaaamuv- - , - - , Jorever, as.tne inltance, ne auumcu "r, k.-..--f , , icnt jj.mpnu:S. e cf i ii - DM I" wc hat there fconld be no obiection 10 a cnu.. "-" "V"-- , f s,iam. mall ha I, of ihefiible&sifeht to petition, i wiajcuy , u.. .v..-- r ; , The lord chancellor ftM, U.e fabje's nght g mh.go. . . . of jiriir.ionuiS b:sr..ajaay, or botn houles of lrJ,JPeKy thf EiSpreft: of all the ri.riUR.er.r', 'v,a, in ,.o V,,y. attend by the r ; ffi hel4lf he invafion 1,:11 ; nc:h!g ore tore.go tp.u mind .tad and at ttelfatae time retain Ka Vr. .ramh -Cfete nlinieck whh that ari of Pedolia ;Which. prayer, but the Frh:dp!e of command. Ihe imaH njrts or ; ... rKW I iJ w:ts founded on the expe-. luus. , , ro-n: ' u,. aui v,.. .... .JoL.,-t ..,(, ,r; . His MaieitV, me vmg .x ui , uy hV net aCKIlOWlCC'TC n;c tin iJu laid Conful JLJupJaine,- hy the JauJ Vjeor YVafliinirttbn. to be Valid ; burjie'is toacl thi Wa,frinioni rontra'rv io his al!eVtakiel and lawluily Ifransii Cjub'at Fans, . IIpviI. arid ed and exefciftd the rirht oFmvri'r con ft rue- tiohs; to (reatics, and ihe laws ; of nitio prtfrpgrt.uve eipc-ciaiiy any xciuuweiy iiiitca to us, iron our irxooin , .liatii hy the mitigation oi trie Iiis confederates aforefauL 'claim - mi tied to; Republic the iinim us by the God of Heaven is, a com- arid our L:..- ;M .frVt rX-, nnthnritative ex- , o:js were gc4j " - , prefnon of power to enforce, if ; parliament vithneld.,f .Whit was the language of , the ; petitioners lately hi Jreland ? that it was te voice of four millions which Uddrefled the lffgilbturii ; intimating, that though they appeared to fupplicate they were confeious of a power to extoru Are the di(cuflions of parliament to be thus over awed I If fo, thereby H au end -not only to its freedom, but to its exiltenc. f Io maintain ' the . freedom and auihcrity of parbament, is; to prefervc the bzll rights pi the people.; I Were it ne ccfliry tor Uluftfate this pofitioiij .thefituadon of Fraace at this day would do it.j The an nals of the world do not record iuch another ttimiis of the above mqitioned the Emprefs of all the lullias into Poland, fhall make an acquilltioiiof Thorn and Dant zc, and there unite the palatinate on theeaft to the confines of Silelia , ! ! 1 His 'Majefty, the iCing 'of Prufiia, fliall belides acquire LufaceJ and his Serene High nels, the Eledor of Saxony, fhall, in jexL change, receive the reft of Poland, and, occupy the throne, ahereditary lovereign His Majelry, tl preient limg ot ro- land, lhall abdicate tlj a fuitable annumn " His Roval' Win Saxon, lhall give' bit to bis Serene ilgn' inllance bV ddpoiic govcrntuent (if it caji is his Royal Highneff caiied a government) as now tyrannizes over Ruflias, wlio will jt e throne, on receiving the. leclor of marriage that ill-iaied ccuntr-, and has relpned in ' it ever lince the coriftituted authorities of the Hate were iubverted . . - 'j ' ; . His lordihip laid, it was idle to fuppofe that the calamities of that coiratry might not have been prevented by a fpirited arid early refil-ta-nce on the part of the nobles; and men :f fortune. There was nothing clearer to hit mind than their power, to "have! itopped the torrent of rebellion, if they had been i bold mefs, iiikgieter in , the vjn.elr 2 Grind Duke of all oiaiid'aud LkhUf enough to ineei jr. It was an lavvfu! leiicrs. ever, to otner coun:rr, amprcJ.ivc oi 'veil principle of uphaid.'n'tr.e p-jwers of the i.HL. , .'..!. ' The i-cinaininp part of -it beinnl then read, of thr hcreditrv. ah licit r ania. I (Signed J:.OFi)LD, I ' 'v rrinceNASSAU. " t f I'.fiH in a' nr. AWf ai . m SC rt JFFS W EUDER." rVhn King cf Englid is faid to have.acce dfii! to (this treaty, inplarcli,, 1792, and Boll laud ttj have accedea aftervards, provided l-.c ;::T?,nz?.nicnts refecting their limits With his Intpnal Majeftyjjiould be made accord-. to the deiire of tie republic betdre! the afore laid. . W H F. R E A.S J ' in 'canTiApr tlnn Droved it-tc of fecietv. in.the(e our newlv acquired colonies, and the ncvelirv of " the cafe, we h ave in cur 4 great goodnefs e je me?6 rnotu ctfperiaii . griitay condg.Icended to niummaic uie -.jgiiuiaiu, graiaiy iucj -prejudiced, and blefs the human race, -by ex- -noundinir in a! clear and unequivocal manner! for their future government,' the true con ftriiftinns r.fr treaties " coiiiiitutiont. and the rights of ainbalTadors, as known ahti efla bhlhed by the praclice and laws of nations . which expeiitions are to be feen in our uiary, ana gazette, laiciy m o u k cjty or OlfAf colony' oft; New- Y'o.rk----'fpec2ally,' fay-b'tir edtby our prefence 'and Uiat oi cur well ati tached Se'crctarv. "- :'v';-;- AND WHEREAS, a certain let of worm'i eaten fellows fuch as PuiTendorf, Grot ins, and'Vatel, the latter epecially in the irJi of barbarity and ignorance, when thev crc? -I all enchai'nd-fdid-mcft'-preatmjptbc .j of conduct, for their difeion in the pi ffuir of public happinefs, and jufi.ce : And here- ' as the literati, of all- ccmntrie; have been in realty cemaea fqi ages by lire Jalie docrnnes of iliefc Jnreting jvriftwtiftsX fCK want of our irdtruaions h;-AlNUf W HERE AS j it has been happily difcovered by us, at this peculiar cribs in odr colonies, that the doomas of thefe d:fiy wGrrti ;rfertfefc ed !iri error, and fince the revival of Jeienr by- -Spain renounced itwhen Count d'Arahda came into office as Midiler, giving afiurances, the Ion! chanceli4.tr pruo!--d ar.giher amend., however, ot the ttnetit neutrality. j , xaent lit the foiled Ir. r words :: s : I : Th;s inftruinent wSs.figned, ' in the month . --.-1 rovicrii u;;o, t::a: rjotiung nercm con- oi jUiy . , 791! moithf befote the attack , tatnet!, ihi!l be cunftrucd in aiiy manner, to upon the King's pajice in France, j which pr'eveas or impede the undoubted riiiht of happened on the ibtli of Auguft, 1792, land , lui mjjeitv's lub:ectsof this realm, to ietiti- ended in the eitaua.'asient ot a repuDhcan Ds have become ulelefs,- and in-compatible with our benign intentions, to you, pur be loved hibjeclb. , : ; AND WHEREAS the faid GEORGE WASHINGTON", ALEXANDEk Ham i l toK, Thomas Jeffejisok, that bloody Knox, and lundrv others to us uhknowiii who when difcovered mall be brought to tin nirliamenrsJ'fnr rpdrpf nf .-jtiv vnlillr or trovernmcnt : and 1 nonths before the maf- pr:vate!griev2nce., i ..4 .... iacre at the priictu a Pans lb that the Which amen Jment being alio received, the "cruelties which have Jjeen pretended as "j the bill w as agreed tc, and ordirtd to be report- caufe of the war, were in reality the effect of, ed to. morrow. ' 1 1 ' V it.. Time will no do fcbc prove that the Bf i- Purihrln trettv. hetnetn th Wr ;t-rr'mm-t: . tifri Minifter acceded L this treaty, months , . cZKckdtd ndj;gnedat Plhiitz U ihe month before the King was seheaded. " HIS Majcfly, the Emperor, will retake ; ' : ; ! Afrn1,& .3 ill that! Louis XIV. conquered in the Auf- Citizen Gezt, Al'nlrer PLEIVIPO, anJ VICEROY, from be Republic of trance, . f 0 ti iswr beloved fuinecls, of cur fifteen coic rties, late the - UnittiC, St die's 'of America- ' ' : ajtd Tbbom elfe Atn:ay concern r by thefe prefents fends GRkETIXG: . v J ;1 WHEREAS, a certain George Wafliing ton, of birth, j family, and character unknown, late of bur colony of Virginia, trran Netherlands ; and uniting thefeJ pro vinces to she laid Netherlands;-will give them to his Serene Highnefs the Eleclor Palatine, fo that thefe new polfeflions, ; added to the Palatinate, may hereafter have the name of Auftratia. ; ' ' ' j; " " His Majefty, the Emperor, will preferve, lorever, the property, ' and pofWhon of Ba- condign . punifiiment, do flill continue to . read the authors aforelaid, and adhere to nidi liui wiiijjiaijjjiijjT . uur gra cious nuroofes and new nnipf rf ibrnrr; fo nc orefaid eftablifhed in our faid Tacobin Ciub at rans aroreiaid. AiNU. W rULitlLAS for the nrefc-rvation of nenrp. ' atnrl n tr-'n fifl tern; of government, and more efneciallv to gratify the ardent wiflies of our grateful co- lonifts, now clearly pubhiednddeclared hi all our joyal papeA, and public pi acis, weV beautify- thtem! With our 'pre fence and refi- dence, in pur favouritccity 5 of New.-Yorfc during the term' cf our natural lite ; THESE ARE THEREFORE; b h,ake kown ta all the liege people rf our-colonies aforefaid from Georgia, to New-Hampihire, 'that we do herebySf orever diveft tue faid GEORGE WAbliiNG'l ON, Thomas JefTcrlon, A jKuies. lexander lHamihon, Tohn Tav arid ' King, of rill powers and authorities; or plan ; ' varia, to make, in future, an indivifible mafs planter 5 with effrontery unparalleled in the ,S to?T eWcrl" ' with the domains and hereditary pofief lions of annals of mankind, not having the fear of - iR f arld 1 c jbc:in5Ja",fcfl: 1 t:: r a . rt s ' i . . . . -(. P. . 1.1 (lurintr tne lives ot tiim Jmi our, Vice Royalty: Will be rendered j infecure and trotjblefome, ; and otir faithful adherence t raduced and vilified We do hei ey ahb denounce, them and mcft freely offer to all, ;-the Hoiife of Auflria. God, nor the people, before his eves. ! but neroerene nigtincis, tne Arch-Duchefs moved and mitigated by Hamilton, Jeffer Maria Chriftina, ihall.be, cbnjointlv with fonj bloody Knox, and the Devil; hath Jits berene liighnels the nephew, the Arch Duke Charles put ihto hereditary' .pofleffion cf the Duchy of Lorrain. ; y' j ; ' Alface mallbe.reflored to the empire ; the Bimop oi Strafburg, as well as the Chap tcr, lhall recover, their - ancient privileges ; and the Ecclefiallical fovereigus of Germany lhall do the Jame. ' r , If the Suit's Cantons confent and accede to the coalition, it may.be propofed to them to annex to the Helvetic league the Bifhopric of Pcrcmrui, "the defiles of Franche-Comte, and even thole of 1 yrol, with, the neigh moll ' wickedly, prefumptubufly, and with malice prepenfe, dared to difmifs, Irom our - fervice, our much refpccled brother and ci tizen Duplaine, ourr truily and obedient Vice Conful of our cblony of. Mafrachufetts the faid Conful being by our letters plenipo appointed immovable and irrevocable by any authority on earth,' fnferior to usj the now fupreme executive ahd judiciary, cf thefe our new colonies; byjletters plenipotentiary to us,, by our; Republic! afcreiaid granted, and which faid letters and the powers therein fpecified, have been examined, approved of. pouring bailiwicks, as well as the territory of and ratified, by our dearly beloved Coufir.s,! - . i v- "1 1 ' 'I- ' - !'' , -.: '. - . A : -I r any of our royal fubjeas, omallf rnd them a la Dcnterue, or put them in our poUefhon to be: guillotined; the f urn of 100,000 afli gnats, Undepreciated. Givenf under our-hand and the feal of bur ' Vice Royalty, at ,our Council. Chamber, in cur Houfeof State, near the battery, in our city and colony of New-Yoik, this fifth day of November, in the firftly ear of our.Vice-Rbyalty aforefaid. : 1 i 4 ; ' . Wm. W1LLCOCKS " Secretary pro tern Cod blefs the Colonies - J . '

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