II in i - - i i - I u iWii'ii i w u TLAimk B , ji , vt ' V- rJk- m7 a K q J I N A ..... . . 1 1 . . j 1 1 . j ..ill ( .. . . ; , r - : i J'E- , V , - T " f i ' " 11 ' -f ' IF . ' : ' - . t ;j c- iff: B;L A'-N .K: -;B; 0: O K 5. . iX:il lJ. D d.jtl cress- - ' T f ' - !''.: , , ' ; . ' OF 'THE -i- and perfbns cmplovcdt inr hre bfEce ? four- UN I T KD -, ST A ? S, . expenleot firewood ftationcry, prints z Me ?finting-Ofiice.:ri ;;r :B,- T, T II F, r I R ST?, E S $ I Cf N, "Z t-incr contingencies m the J realu-- : .... . .. -.. ..: " . X I i- I : ,f " ' iter of the- eyed in ; hundred, and , FCUR rOU KEW ARD. - ' : :J" uF l '"'iV'MJ ialy,c?erks :2nd-eifonempl rls aay from on boarJ of the (choc , h - ?i - K - W" " ijehs bronqht - up lotKo. ca bufinefs. ?nri fptks the-Frcnch l2utcK;:p"anili and E::!ith languages. V : : ' ' 'l , I iuppofe ! e is pone towards TTaHiin jr. ton, uith a. vhiteXiilor-who leit tlie veffel ?lout.th?'-fame time that he did, andf who.. V v.ijl probibly for hiV mart cr- I ; -Vhocver wdl dclivrr him tbf nc; or '..to r IS-aJor Tngcrr i:i my abfencc,' will receive 1 the ibove rcwaid, f. 1 : ; J "TAMES SIViltTH.! ; tine- and w , x., . -.. . !-.. M ..... r v. (a-ul l'v vears of. age; :fi feet-eight iii- - WfJen UKarcacT:Smmty:;our;l l Km tnc Auditor's : ct.ci.hiah, remarkablyibrndauculdered; . - -5 Sec 1. :t es?MHv tbS i 'Vr United States cf Ammnn ;M rh,n-r -frl ' : t.: -re : . , T-T. i,r,wJ v. a, . tv, j l-V: i-6?:y5"PT ax, tnoulancT one hundred v'.t uciitfj rug ine cxperiaiture or the evil lift pf the United States, for the ' rrpnVkfrHftvcn hundred nd-ninety four, together with the incidental and con-; tingent expenfes of th& feverai departments.. ami omces tnereot : and tor makin caod deficiencies.orrthe Aipport of the civil lift. eftaolifliment ' for aiding the fund appro- r priated for the ppymen t of certain officers ,: 01 the courts jurors and witnefies ; for the xupport ot Jight-Iiouies, and for other pur- : " " - " ""50 hf fnA. nnhlican Aion: at Chatham X. ..Co.art riottfe, on; Monday, the 28th. Iii not exceeding 11 ve hundred anitenty; -j ) of Alrii.iifxr,:..the plantation lenovvn; 'oiic thouiand four hundred and fo'-tv f ven . 4 i v 1. a nc 01 AvoujridLss-.icrryy aoioinmj; ooiiarf and tw tie pl;ncrtiiin .'oT Henry -JLewrs: hutlcrloh Y-i(. aitbf rre plantation on' .which J is K k.T now lives, in j the Haw. F:e ds, viih feme perfonai prqperty, i.to l'a ti"f) Hilary -i judgments obtained in. the t,jicuir CpurtA againft.Jamcs Baker.; Con-d;:i--us cafii. ; . j -TGKN BLAKFXY, D. M.' AVi.iumgton, i-4. , ' ' 'A Nfav h.niTiov of V. XATCH's KIXGV BENCH REPORTS, enty t. ur cents.: Thavis to ii I)r the com'penlatbris anted by" law to . uir i uuuuii ami , v ice- j rencieni cr. tne U-, nited States, thirty thouiand dollars: . Forths like compehfations to the members pf the Senate and Hbufe of Reprefehtatives their officers and attendants! e Hi mated for a ieffion of fix months continuance, one hundred and eighty five thcufand, eight hundred and ninety dollars :v Fl ' For ihe expenfes of firewood, ftatlonery printing-work, and.all. other contingent exi' penfes of the two houfes of CongrcTs, ten thcufand dollaisj i'" . j. .:",-!. l For the conipenfations granted by law, to the chief iuflirr MfHrJatf 'Indnoe' ,Kn-:xi. J w . J"V43j .UilliiCl ( uasf.s DF.TF.aMiNRD in that touR i vvk- judges, ana attorney general,.7 tori v three r kg THT'3 5 KsrlYF.ARj'oi-'' Charlls I. thoufand, two hundred dollsrs ' : ; If 1 'A SUPPLEMENT. T V rOKE 'CHARLES, - For defraying the expenfe of cleiks of ; ; Ulelj trantetd trio tit bngljb lcnue couits! iurors and u itnefiVi A , j i . v 1IV by. 'F Ri A N C O I S . X. M A R T I N. "Pxici 'one"dj!!ar and a half. ' ' . 'J N O T I CX., V' 'I A pcrfons anywile indebted to the -A iiliaie'cf the late Ckarks -kdum dec. n't rebuelled' to"' make nnmediate payment -.iu uie luuiinuci ; ai;u aa niuicj -v. omce, lix tnouiana eignt hundred jdol'ar any demands againft (aid eftate are dclired . jor expenfe ! of ftationer y ,1-prfnttriff to hrmg in the:r nccotnts properly, a;teit- at other contingent cxpenes in the office ww-"a IvJf vr r". " "C .cecrctary orrtaie, inciuoing-the ex fi:.w, lannet iiaams,, Aclm rx. f pen e which wi 1; attend the publication of t! 1 and fifty dollars?: Forhe expenfesof iltionery, printing,; antiother cptingent cxpkrifes in the-office; cf the Commiffioneri three hundred dol!ais-s.i , For compenfalion to the Regifter of the' ! ' Trealuy, clerks and perfcns; employed i; , his cmje,ifiteen thou'and dollars- v : nnd o:her contingent exoe'nfein.nprr itpeks) two.houiand dbllarp i . - . v or the pajnient of re i houfcs employed in the, trcafury department ' -' one -thou-fand fire -hundred ' and ninety fir- r dolors, -and fixty iix ;cehtstet.lit; ; ;. pi,. r. -7 .r . For wood and:canciJ In the cvpy m ' - ces of the treafury .: derartmeht (except the- , J reafurers omce) one thouiand two hun- ? Fpr compenfitions to the feveral-Ioan of-i ' 1 ficers, thirteen; thoufand two hundred and: v finyjdvllars j ;; :. .v-v; ;:;;Fordefraying"-thVpinfe Joan .officers, for ftationa -y and ; e'erk-hire -between' the firft day o :March, and ; the- -thirty firft day cfDecemljer, oie thodfand feven hundred and ninety three incluhve ' " the Aim xf (eventeen tKc urand V three huni j -dred and feventy feveii dollars and feveniyi 1 , five cents i, . :. .rv!' f ; ' i or compenfation to the S ?r, clerks 4nd per Ions employed in his pfi ' ' fice;fcyen thj ufand and fifty doiJars "' f For expenfes of firewnnd. . ftot;rtnl;w fund arifing from fines;' forfeitures and pe- :Vprinting:Sndpthtr;corfuA nalties, twelve Ihouland doMars : V i' P '1 he office off the r5ecretkrvnf lwwi.'-- J: For defraying fhe expenfes. of proiecuti- i hiincired doPars::' ; : 1 . ' b ons for offences- againft the Unrtcd States1, n! For makH?cobdVdtfficIen and-for the lafer' keeriinir nf rirIfriwi-? ' Vi rrrtArV-sMnr rf -U a .L V " -t thculand dollars :;, : - j . , -.- . . ! hundred andjninety thrfe fbrontingnC - hot compenfation to the Secretary 'of expenils in this office, tWohundrandfive tate, cieiKs ana pen ons employed in his ! tiouarj and leventy fax cents : t - - f f .:f. ' v vrr."T .y. . -vtfllc ;ccpnranr to d n the war department, snd'clerks i iv his f)fTIrL4 ngent. expenfes in the office of " December tt war. ment A D V E R T IS ME he r Accountarit to the the laws of thei firft liffionof the third ifbuf hundred dollars : ' --Congreis and for printing an edition of t . fame, to be diftributed, raccrrding to - Jaw, ctrs of the mint ; the Di reel 6r, tw-o thou- r-rO the Publick Notife is Given , . ; two thouiand and fixtybhedpllaisnd fixt tnat, 1 '(even cents rf; '; " V- i;'. :1V I' Lfive; hundred tddllarstlieChief "Com will take rr.of tjic yfar 1794 iriidt ouOar .and -propriattoii of the year one 'thoufand feven ie corn, polk. or othjr.prwlulc in. pay- ; .hundred and nincty three, for extfa-fefviccs X iliall pra&iieia treatown in Co; there- Fbr makinc ccod a dficiencv in tKe ab-l Lone thoufand rfive; hnnlfrd A.r.V,i i.jat.juci.ui .iiw ti.iV4 nwi .vv T?TODriarion OI IlieVParnne thnntanH. fpvpn h.nara vf r tip f hmiHnH .Jt,.I,.i J..l J-t . 1 1 - xiuutui.u uuuiiuicu uojiarsi ine xreaiurer one thouiand two hun- ., "'-1, - mentand firall continue tat -Mr. Sirripions cfclerks,ln xtic office of 'ilie Secretary lot: tavern the difordi:r ftiall Be .told By.iufpsc- x State.in preparing dbcumenVs fof Congrefs, - tioh ofthe yourin Brought. - ' V and for an index to the Maws -'of 'the fecprid) Jo me lam; 1 LEANfAUD SMITH, i Congrefs, eight hundred dollars ;f V - For compenfation to the Secretary of the i " Treafury, clerks and pcrfons employed tin . dollars i-ihree clerks, at five hundred dollais each, one thouiand five liundred dbl-. Fw defraying the expend fortrie ear one thoufand feven hundred and ninety focr, three thoufand three hqn- U I I L A l l.l'k' V ,. Ar -.f. : - nis omce, lcven mouiana eigm nunarea ana t 1 area ana cignty five dQiiajS " ? 1 j JJ tlant.lrom Neubern DSftf;a, : John ;For expenie of ftatxohcryr Fntirrg, and t eluding the pay of a Refe f T : : orge, :.a wcgro fellow, who was indided all other contingent expenfes :in the office J ed for oJd, filter and copper and for t i rS . i fbr BurRUryy at the Jatc-tcrm.of the Su-." of the Secretary of the Trealury; five hunV 1 complet:6n penor.tourt.- t ; dr'ed dollars : He is about five feet , eight inches high :For eompenfation to the Comptroller of I and five and twenty years ot age ; remark- .ths Treafiiry, clerks and perfons employed : able fprightly. - , r, ' ; jn his offic,,t it thouiand two htindreddol- . Whoever will fircurehim fo.thar h? may js : V -'.V.V . 'r '. ' '.''''J ;l j ,te re-commitud to tail, will ue entitled to ....... .ir -. : j. v , .For expenfe of fiationery, printing 'and tlioufand feven hundred dollars : rFpr replacing a lum at the Bank ot the United States, for the purpofejof an 'importation of copper tdv be coined i at therriint, ten fthouland dollars ir :rordefra'yipg elated iff thejyear one thoufand. (even hun dred and ninetyihree, feven thouCmd three ; i v-; atotner connngenr cxpcnies.m ine vomp-i i oneritt. ...-. trolIeiV office: ': eieht hundred 'dollars,?- K N J$ril$ : fiiindrrtl an fifVwilrHor 1 ". i . i