rrorothe OITT GAZETTE;. t. , ' - . '" Mfjr,. Mjrllan dt fit Tver tftX. ' ' . 4 -: A t!e.t;iefmt enlightened daytlit- wt live in, and. u ;!:-. h j ppy O-Qugi not perrVfl)' republican go. yenlinent, the folloingre'troficl of the death of " tiic Kiogs and queens of Euglirtit, from me tlmef 1 of the N-vrrnHO conqueir, may pr'obtbly be Voter t iiung to fome of our readers Whetherihe foU J .v;n piffle uf fcripturc kp pot fulfilled? ia ma-' Oi ot tbcm 1 Urall leave the readers' of the faif ttrytoule. J The years of tfcf wlce be thoitenrd Df ATHS OT Kings, &c. . - V;tVocci(i. rem J ik.. or- their conducl. &c. 107. i'E7lLI-lAM ihe Ccnuiror died incort- cbnfcience to all fcaa - . W' l-.quenceot h biuat he' received a- by his favorites and c rvfiit the punmi 1 bis fidd.'e, fiom the ftartingcf abdicated the throne. bis life, in the 5th year o his tifurped retgii. ... cbard9 Oliver ibn, was next proclaimed, pro tect or, bur wifely figned his abdication, . and retired to live. on fortune.: . ; -'' ' 1 1985. Charles l. to revenge the death cf his father had the body cf CrcmwelJ, and two other, dug from theii 'graves, and dragged to the place .of execution, where, dfitr hanging thenvfome time" thsyw'ete bu-' ned nndtr the gallows'. )atesVplot,ivviiich put" to death ft many Catholics, and SidaeyVrXfcutibh for his lepublicap principles, &c, will tvrr difgrace his me Biojy. An apoplectic fit put an cud to his tyranny.' 1688. James W. (Charles's tvythervas a Roman Cailioiic j die-dskes of ivninocith dud Argjle con Ipifed agaiuft fci:) and his rwit were defeat ed,, taken and executed, with c nil th fnlUx.,-.. ; .e repealed the peual law, a,.u allowed hbeity of conscience to all fcaaries. Being afterwards for fake n ciuiaren, He tied to t rance and and our fai.h and our honoV haWbeb made queftionabh. Tfiefe are the ffi-A. f, rr tem whiVTi li k . tins country. ;This iyllem f6unded Sft! --- "--w-wvi i 111. lTiin iit 4. 1. h i '.wric,v. bleu bt ought on a telapf: of hiscprpulen cy. . , :.i , . ' .' . .: f " i 1 00. Ify 'Gem Rtfus was killed by an arrow which' was n !f At a deVr bur, glancing from tter, ftruckv tlic kng "jo ihe heart. . ' ' V 1135. H y . died by, eating too jmuch. ..' " , 1 154, Sitj.iX, arter cnly. one year's peaceable' ftip, it-ei -t the iH-ac paffion. 1 f 3. oied ot a broken heart. j 1:99 bicbardl. was killed by an arraw airrird at hLi.. oy an ar.hsr, from a catlle. , . . isiS Join died of a fever brought on by his ex trtmc gnct'iur r.t being able .to eprtave thi nation. 1 n s rcigti trie Magna Cbartdt or what is called the? "B-.iun coniiimtt'ii was nde by the barons andT JyTn a forced to tign it. , ;; 1 1 i : ..,......! . 1174. Hear 111 bein;; overcome by the cares' of ,f zr. miut, and the inhv ..uies. of age, ded in the 55 1 )Cr ot h.s reign t'thl-.i: i-gelt ta be" ntt with" Li annals cf England.1 " 1507. Uvjzrdh atter oiiUesing WaJes and' land diod ot a djlentery. . , 1 527. EJzvarJ 11. was put to death by running a "re-.t tU'itroi up his body. - J , 1340 tdu-arJ III. detrtedby all Us courticrs . 4cx. a g in tor the Black Prir.ee, his fon. - 1 399.: PJcbard 1L was, killed in prifua by a blo cl -m, xm , . " . j; " 4 - . , , . . !.. " "i tit x' Henry b illed in 'firs. ' . iit. ilMrj F. wis murdered by the duke of C iccHcr, arttiwards RichurU I ffl , &la yd lir. al tc .hvmg hU fclcU?r.drowned in" a nt ot iiair.fcv. was leizei with a difteroper . ff;tr he wis Fit piring to go to war with Frauce' Vniv-ti 'ejM'Vrd ihe woild if a tyrant. Idivard k. W3S fmothered as he Iay affeep bj mer ot Richard III. who was appointed til g :riijB and prottttor t . . 1485 Richard . was ilain. in battle t too good a Efiiu' to I".i"ca a tyrant. .,."'" " 509. h'errj VII. one of the belt-kings that evev 1 l ino btJ, cf tthegout in lih iloinach. Henry nil. was kirg of Lijiand at th uinwnton. iir pu vvoiiey in ma. .ok defending the ftven ficrament . i ;e aide i hy the Pope with the title till. mia&mMX. a Cal , rt : t fothe throne. JVjeanwl.ile Is j -- fi t-JCiIIU. finift .Jas cup ot r : CI1V tO tl Iam ttsac- it has airea- -,u a icparate mtere which ij ti' th,s country . what a npSiiity ' Vs " 0 mrchy, and its votar raii round it Z nobility arotind a throne; - lT has r incnrL rated itfdf with every jrreat h5i ?n!l r P and tr,eb!ue ribkndi ,'nd vrcai.oritain, than the my 50a and was joined by 40.000 Catholics,) who effered to fupport htm; ; Viiiiain 'leaded his own army at the ba.tJcot the Poyrie, while James ltlod aiobf on a bill, to lee ti.e t ngagement 1 ciyir.g -'out" . wht.a his own army we ie repuJhisg tne tnejny, f O, fpare Engiiflifubieas." Wi.l.arn caintd tliedav.-and 1 of the Itifli fell, endeavouring to ft nbort their c,,, ardly monarch. William's horle reilj ur.derhim and broke his collar bone,' f which he dild in 1701V .. June was king James's . daughter. In hrr .r'tlgn Gibraltar was taken trom the Spaniards, arid Scotland and England were united by treaty. The ptincipal powers of Euroj ft were at war till peace was rtftoied by the treaty of Utrecht. Sie d.ed of an apoplectic fit when the nation was at the heighthj)f opuie.nccar.d: refinement." ; ,::.-'!, L ' r tjt. GeorgI. rext acerided the' throne in1 hisl 54th year. ! In his reign the Pretender crufed the ocots to rebel ; and the South fea fchme was detc ted after ruining thoufands." He died fo fuddenly it was thought be had bttn poifoned. ( . 1760. Gtirge 11. died more fuddii!! than George I. bj a rupture of the right Ventricle of hfs heart, In . hi reign, Charles, the Pretender's fen made an tffcrt' iwgn: viwnws' lit lUUttlSJUl 111 v10lT!5 11- f 11 t J m . J it 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 a- '-7 "xudiure inat j ha h ever ffr.;-.i w,now- eppejfed becauie they will .injure thlfund? and becaufe they will ,ead Wi If great mterert ot,. , he Americn p'eoVIe t.'in ? Is there a propofition of mdeimlfica ron by .holding Britift dbts as an hofiaee' lth,s mult not be.itwiU leadtowaroli iHl- n.Wc muft.ncirociate rill we am r., tion. :ced tc , beggary, a!ldtil. th, i our ooioms and wr'ap our cities n fiaU,e . ai!d becaufe an ner?eFlie rn'eZ injure ther war. gagements, but bting afterwards completely defeated 'at Culloden,:he 1 ft aped to France iu. great diftrefs. Thirty- nine of his adherents were hanced,' drawn :1 i and quartered 1 . - M Cw wM hi noir--&iu(hm& his career. glides without Jpiiis, Jeft the jade thou id throw him' before hit coiries to his joiirne 's end, It is fa id, - I;e has let fall his whip, and applies both bands to tie - rw ! Alasj'jobn Bull f . V hat ulelefs things.- j, Are e'arthly kings I ' ! wimtrger our credit, will iunds and will look tdwards'a w from CrVr- ltccn,",-y PiencecT trom Great .Bnrainwonld have , kindleJ .'a' iiame in your br.af,AvIien rhc infidtious l.tn. guage ot nefociation would , have rriet ycuY lcorn and indignation, and When you would have : qudtioned i the difintereft'ednefs of tho it who woujd havelfpokenoF fbrhcaraticV under the prellure of fuch mighty wron patriots of 76 ! ye heroes of the late vuiuutm i wmttl .La ': 1547 ti . vf iic leiuinwitton. n;-ne) ryte a b fr fiicn he as .'o ".Der'i.r ol the faith." " Kut Heorv foon . cnante-i'his f iith when his inclination changed to get OUiJ wiic. jicwa'vi year nxkiircu il v,uia- ttnemi 'bVothcrV w.fc, when he fell in love" with " Ar.tA: Ballrn, and mrrud her privately jf but after-j - w. J,h. Jur bchjadeJ, and rnarried Jme Seymour, . tr-c ivr-xt d iy, who afterwards died in child bed. He; . r xt married Anne of Cleves, whom he afterward' !i'crjed, and married Cathaune Howard, whofe ac; mp!m uei.ts had fo caprivated him, that he gave. : p-ibitc thanks for hi j felicity. 5 bit when his palli .i -jc-oleJ he hid her beheaded for incontim?ncy:l die . . rxt rnarried' Catharine Parr, his lixth wite. At , h. g;h a painful tHferJn his leg, whicU confined him; u, -yfais, IiKea 'chathed lion, put an end tohis life.; Kr dtjd in cxtrj me pain and rcmorfe, lamented by t TOR THE ' GEN ER V ADV ERT1SER To the Fi'.EEME n of A m eri ca. T " ,'Fkl'lW' Cl.TiZENS, " ; At a crilis Jike the prefent, when freedom' " is infecure even on the pt aceable fhores of the United States, it behoves every cidz en' to fpeak 5 it is incumbent on' him to adl in fuch a manner as i$ warranted by natural as" well as conttituticnal right. 1 he govern fnent of a republic is the goveriirncnt of the people, and this government which is to re hpreient their intcrefts and their feeiings, ought to have no other rule of condut jhan the general I will, it feems to be a dcttrine rather discordant tb the fe'ntirrients of fome o ponticans ot tn.a day, tftaf the ' ieo- diins, and under the impreffiori which' The pic ought to regulate the proceedinfis of go-.; defeats of .he'eombined ' vernnient. or now can it be rerrir.ril that- a: j j. ,-. t i " " perfyftem ho;d youfin bondage ? 'Has it-ex-tinguiflied the generous flame whi:h bddjr wretchedaeft, that you- lumber over votir wrongs ? Your ; c, ur t y ca Is, the tcmpl which yoix have ereftcd is in oanrer of beiric profaned facrilegfous-"- Britons aroufe then and fupport the honor of your name, and the chaltiiy of liberty's 'goddefs, which fpeculation and tyranny have brought into' danger. , - . 1 V , ' This is the moment; felloW citizens, to aft With efF.a. Your enemy is' embarrafTdd, the republican heroes of France have ftruck them with difmay and tyranny ftaiids arihaft.' " -ij f"avi. 'iirtve ieen your cruar- . . - w v. v uui. noil k: iiin -aiw . ' tne uiuveriai.ocinion ot Amerirnnc fhriiTld . 1 ' : : i , , - - , i - . "T-. " - T iuuwmnuWUuu ior your - folles. IN ever i jS j. EMvardVl. in his fixteegth year, died of. be in favourof energetic meafures, and yet permit Great Britain to reaver from ''he im I a cotuamytion. - . t t at iuch meafures fhould meet the oppoft- rredi te embarrlfTiwm; i "r!l ,559:: (Henry of the. WprefeiitrvesTmthe; JZZa thir Ci-ais was t-lcen, and tonfdous of bctrrg hated. . npnntp s. r. 4JL,,-:rv , -'--..ir t p. ,A Snts - 4'CaCpery - anddlflt0-4 bh4rfusjsits,fai into aal fever, of wWch,and l-rP60 f. 1 " accountJ? J phenomenon fo nour mark her couriHIs aribther agioA, anci tHe dropty, A died.;! Perfeeuting the Protctti-su ; ilrang World, recourfe ; if you Jet the prefect opportunity efcape the .fe.. to. memorT;f ?. ,ty : mult had'tp acombtnatit-whifeh: holds , golden momenr may be foreVer loft. r. ,5o. svf(M3r.iiOd.edngmffor a feparate intereftJfrom thatof the neoble. Spnd nnf 'L:: 9JA oil.ir.t Kflif.'whoiri flift had Executed I o i " - My t I - - . . ; " - . rv pV.iC', ior lflC t-DlT 1615. Jama I.' (fon bf Mary) dcteftcd the gun pewvier plot, declared war agnintt Spain and the em pror, in hopes of exterrainiting the. Papills j but hi?fh army dying of a pelttVnt-.al dileafe, ended thtxpej!itioi. Soon after he die J of an ague. 149. Cbarl s. after encountering a great many Ji'mcuu-cK. was-bheadeit. .... - - vi v.iiuies s. toon lortroi nis mu piuuiuniwiiitKiiv, -irenzv or rcienimenc- v. ? . . i J . -T uZ t 1 . ', -i -..-vjI j rki" 1 4is is tne comDinauo.-T, ana in? landing .vralth. Htcbr.quered Ireland and Scotland; dillolv- r n. ,r 1 n. - r .- .i 1 ? . m- , .u r.k.t n. . fvltem is the felt interelt arm nointof utimn. vi mt o3rument, ana rormeu anui iwwcu - - -r - ; . . . rT'C"" - lad raoft ignorant among the people. -l-his vrai af- . -J-cii me iunaing iviicm inouia pe enlarged, o 1. r " " - . - . ,. " Ti . r "r.rs ryJva. IUI , liic s DUD ocii imercii rnc great moving principle ot . rhifes but to betray but while von htWt men in power, has operated to parahze the means in your hand exert them t and VOit vigour of the American people, it has been ; will be fUccefsftil.-. ' V a poiiiica! anoayne tnatnas deomtated the body politic! arid' rob'd of its vita"! wer, it has caufed us to; Hummer; over injuriels ajjd fnfults, that were great enough to create a f .- .i:ri..-j , 1 .1 jr.... .i.lr.-i r.im.tt l.n. A . l. i...tJ .I.A.UJ Ull. i .in.. J - ..v wu uiuoivcu, a iu me uuifcti 1 . , w 1 1 . icii liucjw liiuuiu ucitciiu uciuw par. jetL ipe- let it ltain the .nr "MVSi .InifteaJ-.wltth rendered-precaribu-v our ' W that (tic aft "fon ! fmiie miro: B 'f rojs cf -being alTilHnai :! Remember the Iate5reVolutiory, -Snd yott wil have no dred of her, let , thofej: glorious v P8 . animate yoti again". Ao tread v the" path'of4 honor in the combat fljgfafnt. ty ranny. The manes of the, departed herder' of your country call upon 5rbuithe victims of Britifli cruelty and defpotifnv let it rioc' be laid that they iuftered in vain. Never annals ot the world, that Av once in defence f of-. liberty-J erwards meanly bartered :a ed . commerce nas nearly iutterea,annihil3tion, wavier birthright for a, mefs of DOttae-e-T fW??iSrt?-?KtSSJ W to-V? fovercinithas; .becn Tnajde tributary, " "n American Sans Culottes. V -7

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