A. N- OR T.;itCA;R'!Q.:L: I N A G A Z E T T E, ft, t' (1 438.) Vol'.' o.V' :'; i c,,,a-.'J:i;.- ; I , P T- . . .... TUSTimponcrd from Ftilidclphia in tht J floop Tryal, arid now opening at dur, ltorc in Craven-Arecta neat aflbrtmcnt of fpring goods which we arc determined to' lcll cheap lor calh. Airo, Bar iron, itecl. March 1 J. A the&rhi Tat ' . Iettcrrrim tfee Hfgtfe, dated Marcfc 'i the current wnnrr hro v:. - t Miat Kufiiaj has declared Pcrte." ... . - - ! ;, ... y . . -. v7 f ' Th 1 fent lle tens of Naples, to icir Ihcarmy ,n P.cdmont, wift be commaudd by tho uuis, v ttujujj iiuwo, oiicrry, , XillDOn, ana UUJn oenerai&eutnner.r., ,1 , i ' ... . J TencrifFe wine, Holland gin in cafes, fupe- a 7hc ?uke ?f Modena is to1 give 206,000 ducats to 1,1 i Tior Hyfon tea, loaf fuear' coffee. A I: "C It?? " l" waf a1a ' " hoped that in 1 t? fn. r Kt " V iu aiu, ana inat ot Qt.ncf ttates ofi Italv th V "o v iYin neamont Can be railed toid ooo m.r r j : . ".MANNING & BYRNE Thcroats, who are to form a wrt -.!-,- "May 24. hue and car. x " BROKE Jail, in Newbern diftncl, the following prifoners. vizi ! John Good, committed for horfe flealrng, he is about 25 years of age, "5 feet 7 inches liigh of a black complecMion. . I ...Etheldred Bafs, committed for the Yame cffenccHc is about the fame age, 5 feet xo or 1 1 inches high of a faircorapleclion Blake Pierccf committed for the fame of fence ; about 20 years of age, 5 feet yinch cs high- of a light complecMion. Jack, a negro - fellow belonging to Tho mas Turner, Eiq ; of this town, who was detained as an evidence. He is. a (tout thick, man, about 5 ieet 10 inches figh. Bell, a negro fellow belonging to Ks-. than Smith, committed by his matter." John Good made his cfcape on the 16th tnit. and the reit lad night; ; ; Five pounds rewardjv?ill4bc paid for Cc curing and delivering anVafs the, four fird mentioned prifoners, ana fqrty (hillings for the'Jaft. Wm. HENRY- May 24 - This day jL$MlliJhed: and for faU at the LA 1 - ; Vr A-VS JX. ZwJ?r r -thQ'andocking up all the avenuW nu OR ' ' I ; found there is fad t& have been above a hundred., CASES DETEKMI NED IN THAT CoURT DUR Tf?e ftch noticing concluded in the evening, "the their march through Can'nta. - fA-,,St I'-cttc"'frcm ftate that Ge neral Paoii, having.. fwardrjhl furrender of Su lor encey marched againtt BaHia, at the head of oooCoruVanioyalifts. , Being arrived at a-prbper pactjr hX gav a fignar to the Brittf 1 njuad'ronrhich; Jvas then eff that part of the ifland The'Britifl fhips ot war immediately approached, and landea the troop, within fight ofBaftja, and at the: diltance of four Italian miler Irom it. Immediately 'after, Baf tia was blockaded by the combined Britiih arid Cor fican troops, who creeled different batteries, and in timated to the Republicans, by a fummons, that they HJft iorrender the fortrtfs i The maftcr of tbc above veJTA . u: a paiture he heard a cannonade, j ! . The Captain of a Tanane, which arrived at Legw liorn, from Porto. Ferraro, depofed, that he heard a' cannonade whichlalkd all dy.log on the a 5 tb, and leemed to proceed from Baftia. : - i m By a neutral yeflei which left Havre on the 13th inttant we have received the French papers and, lc veral communications rom Paris' aslare as the ith. Thlt- coram'inications enable us in the' mo it pofitive N manner to contradia the reports that were circulated ycftci Jjr of an mluiTe&tbn having taken placaat Patny invhich jthe National 'Convention! hid been expeied to the iniult and rndrgr.ity of the people-. Jsa iuch inion t61ion has taken place. According to the repirt of Barrere, to the Conven tion, Lon tfce 4th, and Amar, on the 9th inAat, fome vneafmcft had pervaded the minds of the people, with refpeft to provifuns which did not; arrive 111 ; fufficient plenty This fearcity having1 been aurij buted to the manteuvres of difafFefted perfoAs refident in the palace 1 rmerly called the Palais Royal " Henriot, accompanied by the armed force of the " differenXecltonsl. went thither on the afvernoorl of made a? ions' fevera! feclions of Paris, 1 during the firft decade of this month, was reported to be 13. 2$6 pounds - ."..',-'? - ; Phe Baudour and !e Cotirageux privateer a uvea at uuniciric : 1 hey took 1 9 priiea' the northern feas many of which are fafc A great rmmftev 7m:.U " ..J v . . r 'i6 rc .nuwv uc mis metropolis, difuiled lac coachnien,;; isarrow.drivers, and to carmen 1. Ine revolutionary rorfirrif Ft :rr ound a; an excellent way to flop bank ruptcies1 byrefuhng ctrtiHcates of civifm to all thofe who hare not honourably paid their debts. i' ' r ifdeliers; an ING THF 3 FIRST, YEARS OF CllARLtS I. A SUPPLEMENT tTO CROKE CHARLES Lately tranJUdtd into tbt Englijb tongue, ' - " ky j . FRANCO I S - X. M A R T I N. Price one dollar and a half. B O O K B I N D I N G. CARRIED on, on reafbnible termJ,atth . Poft, and Printing. Office ; ' L O N D O N. Mvch 17. YESTERDAY Field Marfhal Freytag arrived in Town frou . Valenciennes. ' : Declaration cf the King 9 f PruJJia I aabtl a general armament of the inhabitants of the Umpire. I. When the proportion for a general1 armament f the fubjecls of the Empire was made at the aficm bly of the Diet, the Kint of Prufliireprefented luch .1 cflTcntial difficulties againft thi meaiurethat he ; j could not have expelled that the proportion would fcave been carried to a concluHon. : f II.For this rrafon his Majefty finds himfclf under i the oeceflity of laying them again once more before the neareft Circles, with this obiervation, That if the faid Circles cannot determine with rhemfelves ; to withdraw the (aid conclofion, and render it of j rone effecl, he will he forced, hQwevrr contrary to liis inclination, to withdraw his troops, 'ag he , pot expofe them to the danger which mult nccclTuil refult from this metfure. 1 ' , The renfons tbat his PruFian Majefty oppofet to a general armament of the inhabitants of the Em pire, are the following, viz. M ? ; , i. By employing ths peafants againft the tnemy, agriculture will want hands. . a. That there are ..not arms lufficient to give to j Such a mafs of people. 3 That it it impoHible, in ' Co fhort a time, to teach the manual exercife to the inhabitants. i s 4 It has been found, by the experience of the two Jalt campaigns, that the foldiers oppofed to the French, wait be peifeclly cxercifed to make head againil them. ? f 5. Laflly, independent of the above, reafoni, it is infini:el) dangerous, at a time like the prefent, when the Frepch are. watching every advantage to tnfinuate their principles, toaftemble fuch a mafs of men, whofc ideas upon fdrms of government mud be vari ous, and among whom, confequently, diflentions tfiight'arife, difalirous iu their conirquences both to the armies and to lha cfabWkei CQUlMmtion. of the ! Koipirt , . citizens of courA: remaired under arms f and the a- venues ot the palace were lull blockaded. It iuch an event can defervejthenameof an infurreHohyv luch infurreclions have often taken place without produc ing any important effecls. The Palais' Royal has always been the refurt of difaiTe&ed perfons and it is generally fearched every two months. . j The Court of Petei ilurg,- it is fiid, demanded of the Court of Vienna a declaration cf neutrality and a force of 24,000 men, if a war mould take place be- s tweenRuHia and the Porte ..In order to induce his Imperial Majcfly to comply with this demand, the Emprefs has promifed that the diftnet' ofj Cracow, Lubler, and Cochin, mould Receded toAuitria'by loc iniuited country. 01 roina. P A R I S- March it I- m i- Thomas Paine, in his prifen here, is de-. termined not to be idle : A production f his has juil made its appearance in Englifh, and bears the following title The Age or Reafon rbeing an lnveftigation of true ana iaDuio vCitizen an of America. &c. &c.w ' i The inhabitants of this metropolis, and its environs to the diftance of feveral Jeagues, are all extremely difcoritented : The poor cannot obtain the common necef faries of life, and provillons are extremely; fcarce and exorbitantly dear The Conven tion is publicly vi'ified in handbills, diflribu- !i Among tr e perfornt who have hceri lately guillotined,, are the Count de 1' Aig'e, XVlareehal de Camp, and Louiia Rofalie dc4 Kouchefoucalc, Ninety-one priets have; bce eonduaed from.Kouen to RocKefWit M condemned td be traiifported to the coals' of Africa.- i ' J ' : 1--. ;; v ! number of f.Ifc afEgnats which now Circulate in France, is fo very great, thkc nobody can diliinguifh them from tile good ones, and the committee of affignats hii publimed inftruaions qii this fubjea.: J A great number of troojas file elf to tho right towards Givet, abdf to the left to-' .wardsiDutikifk;.- Avhfchrffiews that the ar iy cfthe Norhgn:hoint of makinz fome great atte:; -K:' f 'j he q uarrefl, . , the jaccpbins Warm; Cbllot d'Heri hois ; arid one Lo, jounced that the JGenoefe had lately feL Marfetlles SooU ioads ot wjieat. . . .J r .'-i t NAriONAL CONVENTION, :: r 16 IScntcfe March 6. V - r lamous j manoeuvres 1 of. confpiratorsi . in Paris, faid he.: mariufcrint nxnpre -r.i.i- .Jated, and tley have; the audacity recom m end the choice of a chief. A t Havre we hay-; difcovered the means emploved b'v the inerchants and bankers to. debafe the national reprefentation,' and depreciate ai- lignat8; We know thelources of the fiai- tious fearcity .which is felt The guilt are arretted, and are now on their wav t the revolutionary tribunal. At Lifle' 3V1 aubeuge, and Laodrecis, the culprits in. cdrreipondiPnce with the ex-nobles, with. Pitt, and with Cobcurg,-have lately been, taken up. In! vain does Pitt try to fan ili tus ; let us watch over our Generals andpu xify the ftafF. The people will have a repub lic and democracy ; let them triumph- and by one general movement crulh their eneL uarreie opterved that the report on mies. Chahot, land others now in prifon, mould. be made without lofs of time. He propofedL us Theology, by I homas; Paine,; the fonoing H d Cultivator, of the United States' " The National Con vention, after having; r heard the report ox tat committee of public fafety, decrees s-Ci-J ' v; '." " . .. ' i That the publfciaccuferof the rtvolu tibnary tribunal is charged with takinc im mediate meafures againft thofe who are ciri culating manufcript pamphlets about the markets and. tlreetsV which are deftruaive of. the liberties and peacof good citizens ted and publicly ftuck up throughout Paris, and the national reprefehtation and a divifion even exilts between the moll hot headed patriots. - I ! 1 ! ' In the fitting of the Cordeliers on the 9th, Vincent demanded the puniflimentof the re mainder of the Briflb tines who are in con finement 5 and denounced a new faaion, pointing out Philippeaux, JBourdon, and Camille Defmoulins, as its chiefs, who wifhed to deftroy liberty.' 1 Thofe deputies have fines been expelled from that lociety. Richardot, General of the army j of the North, died in the Conciergerie, the even ing before he was to have been eonduaed to the guillotine. ' 1 The quantity of faltpetre colleaed in the " That the authors bf thefe cohfpiraciesj as well as thofe who breathe diftruft among the people whpbring the provifions to Pa ris (hall be inftantly profecuted. That a report ihall be made in three days of the meafures adopted. ; That the committee of public t fafety (hall indantly make a report on the meant of ftrengthening the hands of government, arid preferving the people from the intrigue : offconipjrators.?'-- '- After hearing the report of the committee of finances, the Convention authori fed he comptroller of the national treafury toV"r out of the cheft of thiee keys the f. :i oj t 1Q

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