1.1 t. i - In England a law hasaiJed agmcntirT e militia ia orddrFtb emnlovf thvrnlat ' forces of thatcounty oh the !l a defcent on the coafts oft Friancerl a large; r lean of money is efK ctcd ; S& ihlf s of the line aref- in cbrcmi,ffion j befides; nTty urt : mips and kr:e ?, tie jn-botH hDufes'pf parliamejit dete'rmin; : ed: to fuppoi t the 'var; In ihortjalthQarh J?tr!iar2e" of cannon, -which was immedi ot a ivir. I-ivinpflon, and murdered itf followed by three cheers from rV. Iflamf. Seldom have 'we feen'fo and Gover-numd- took the whole-. My. troops went in-pur-fult of them, - and I have:not yet'-heard the jois ind refpectable a cbllecticn of citizens, 3.1, fuch dtcvjrtftrations of a Hnceje defirs: that the erubafly may be fuccefsful. -j j - v X he Leciflature of this ftate. With a view - r, JU-J;- ti. L 'i-r--- tqfonen then, our of penaMaws.- iiavevoaft jLi -.t :iV - O 1 " t' 1 J - J , -f lit . I ... . - r f ; . ' : ..V.... i" - '- ' - , . . . 1 4 . a r , . . ' : ..-...; . ; .-- I f- - fjtgteJWwhli three cheers zndzcthmt'v vlrfg an pd'rt unity to do m1fchfd;-unnicdi.;. ,icns, which were repeated w.icn the-flap ately on the frontiers,' camel throu ah tlie i.fr the wharf. The citizens then proceed- fettlement within 5r miW nf aM . fJ io the Battery, .where, as foon ; as t? where 'he people were, as thev thought, inf Jiiio an j j - . r..wi.,jvvuiiiY4 cv ic ion ine rami Trcrptedfnm the Ctuner francas ejcr... Jeath.MurJer.ir the hrft cteSreev Mi-,. dijile on thein'of the wShSithe reft- v ' j ' By perfons hor.,reU herejm Fo,t-: by rkfe Sfece of!TfiC v.-Sf robbery or burftlajy. All qther kinds of. killing ihail be deemed murder in the fe cond degree.;. The kind of mjurder ' to i'e: afcerined bjr te ver'didl of a juryA Perforis liable to be. p?ofecute5 for petit trcafon (hall be"proceededagainil: and pu- miner, as ia i tner caies oi murder. Commandant, Levaux, and -Colonel JL'.w wnich lha be CQmmittcAinthe perpetration cent are determined to preferve to the. or" attempt tp perpetrate any arlon, : rape, French repuiIic tne places which they have jn pofleflion. .They have a good republican g.iirifon, Svlio are rtfoived not to fubnat cither to the EngHfh orSpaniards. , .,.;' I.evaux has tsken the camp' Fonachej" guarded by 150 Lnjjlifn and Yome French,' v. o were made prifoncrs : He tok ", tbis ramp without firing a gun. The Engliflv. and Spanirtv bavc no force ; ficknefs has left but a few foldiers there ; all the fervicC falls on the inhabitants, who are cxhaufied by fatipui. . . J, Ampi: the many ufeful and impoi tanr mechanical branches which are rapidly im provingand ex: ending themfelvcs thrdugiiout the comniunity, .may with great propriety be ranked that of the manufacture of paper. Thi ufeful article, which, previous to the late afts of Congrefi, was imported in great abundance, has fince that period been in n rreat meafure prohibited. - bv reafon of . r . ' " a war muft fobn beget poverty, , arid pov erty will fbon beget peaces The time allow et f or the imisof t a t iorfeb Am erican produce in neutral bottoms Jiijv-"' ing expired, m Jamaica tjfi he heuxenant-; " Governor has given ore e"r 0 permit " the; inipcrtation of allskinds oOpxyifibnsi and oijlumberof evervi defcrictioriJrbm the TJ-t liitedStatVs of Americ .""r"; V M;,.Vw.&tv; 43 t' --' ;as;inmaerneutr$Mtates'iriatom death. High treafen is punifhed with con- BtitainORiefday theiltimd miement in prifon and the penitentiary houfe; ther2o nnr lets than ft nor mnr? ihsn to wrc .trJa-i: riiii ic ::nivs"V - ; - r Arfo more than 12 years R a nor more tnan 21 yrars eohd decree, not left th 16 years rorgery, not jeis tnan zt not more than' 15 years,' with pajmerit of a fine, I The 'AflurahceV i-ofcc'ffutfsi: rEe'jrkley,; Vr ; T arrivea-ar.jojTDaooes, num -.ifip.i.raiust who: ment i oh e d that i nti;.l.rt-cacqr;v - ! - "H y j .. .. 7 not to exceed icoovdollarsmaiming, not lefs thau:2 nor more than -16' years, wiih a-: fine notto exceed iooVdolarsrnan (laugh ter, not lefs tnan, 2 hprrnorelitKan 10 yeafs, i-j 1: " 1 . mg the exportation ornour and otnej? proy vtut'iia uvu tiJ4a iiiduu iur - uuv-v. w. art , or t3n r r - ttrrrfi tvivirt rrtTm sf i r- iqme prbpbfitioristo tri Frer of v liieh net Ibeing iatjadjd ; St. Helen's the Epiifivr theheavincls of the' uiies. The conle- faiyi gving lecunty ror gcoa oefiavipur our- cumcewas, thatpaper fom Jjecame exorbit- Jng lite, erlons ferrtg. -chargey: with, in amlyhiffh, and the efctl? have been'fo-fe- voluntary manflaughter,' the AttorneyfGe--v.-ely fe!t, in'fome inllanrcs, that fome of neral, with leave cf the : court, may wave r t'e moft ufeful publications were on the? the felony, .and-proceed agaiult them as for - he had quitted Jacrid noint of bein? fufnended ; which was not 1 a mifdemeanor. and give in; evidence any UaveiSi;rV:vtK;i?S only oc:afioncd bv the extravagence bfde-: aft of man-flaughter or the) attorney may! mand for tfiisarticlei btic.alfb the diiHcu!tr chargethe olFencestn the fame indiftniemV fg to Mr. tie Wqland others,. nrnrnnnfrlr nr van vnritt-. . Hence tne and the Jury may acquit thesperTon oFone .-Tlliind": with ilaveTtn beard. hs-Kein 'ta :ere, on j?- , " hode-. crative undertake fpil f.-vr tht nurrvn filici'afc cilr fellow;. cil manufacture of. paef-became a very lu- or botn. -u 1 ne oenenc or ciergy is tor ever ken by a Bntiflvtbrlairr CriecLipto-orto-,; k! tvwany mills are erec soonm v - . : , J - . ; , laj antl condemnea.v-c tea tor tbv purpoTeSt lealon rna.w; "7 " : 0: & J 1 ' I - T 1 it icniup . iniiiir r'lr 1111 f;ir iitii i lfiri iitii ' nri - - -i. - - . of hv' : 11 fir able to puchafe it in future' at a lefs 'exirbitauLfdeniand than heretofore as IiituanUiies jlrhfl be continually pro dt&ih .'"Itwilb&ve a falutarv 'efTeSk in? g;;:grth? ciceto a proper llaridard, as i'je;U pemg tnTneans o: retaining great ,V5intitiesdf CilTiTin the country. , ail V 'x The-tbli6',viTi5 letter was received by the lhipCavIinCjCaptam Geinln : :' vV vMcw, jw. s,pi i6, 1794. Although I have not the pleafure of;your acqujiintancc, my prcfent fituation induces me to write you the following information, as it materially conccr)sboth our intereHs. i( Your correfpondent in. Port- au.Prince having loaded the fchooner IiKiuflry with a cargo of coffee, about 86,600 weighty your property we were ready for fea, bur. detain ed bv an embargo fix weeks. Ontheorn January, -no military operation of imporrfp aijce;nave been made on tne; 'gi eat theatres; of waftbe frontiers 6f France :--but a"-'-boutsthe"tjeginning of March rrieafurfs were in train for opening a Campaign, which un lefs counteracted by propolitions for peace mult be nore interfiling ihan the annals of th eWorld have heretofore produced. The combined forces on the ncrtfrot France had marched from their winter Cantonments, & were forming a cOTdonnear! Valenciennes " :;v;r-- -Vn;; - It 3s expected the Congrefs of thf I Tin i- red States did riie in the coure of 4.his weel November; 0? adiouming to the brlt or JNovemt;eri at which time Mr.Jay, it is thought will be on his return from bis embaliy.- .;;J he lem on feems to hayebeen entirely taken up, by' tlie confideration,- of queftions of externa! policy. . - . Conde, iQuefnoy, &c. Af the former of which the Prince Coboufg had eftablifhed .his htad'quarfers. '1 he allies, compofed of Auftrf ruffian, Bririfh',) Hanoverian 8c .obpsj will fonn a body of cc,oob caS and 1 70,000 infantry ; aflifted ' by United States of America?. Sl0 R. T H ' CXHOX IN A Dl S TR I CT. J WHERf S Edward Erown Mafler of theBng Polly has pre fern ed a pe tition to the Honourable John Sitgreaves? Ffn .n'tp- Tnd?re of the diflrict court for the -v - A - 1 1 ' t J rt? . . , .1. Ift h army of the north has been uugmen- pf one htrridred dollars by him forfeited' lexr to above? 2oo,boo,.menjt commanded by atTd paid for aTuppofed violation bf theife- t riVcl Plrhlcrin. who has iucceded. Gene- pm laws of the Uniteci-States; reftor-. Notice is" iherefoieheitby 'given ;o ey gereraiy xjt tpeomrici aiui . all othe-TPhim 'the fame may that they fee1 andappeay before -ir the Tude afcTefaid at the courts k were hothf taken by an Enshfh fchooner, tn-coiourcu . . ,f;. ; .i- , " , ii A ioV th -VM fenr-'in.nis pirt, the tSth ultAVhat defpinnpeace on;any.,.w.-fcc; 0f July ef,X?l he enouir!-' theconfequ-nce 1 be I cannot .Inform- "tire acknowledfiement y rctt the Mf; Toi. butl Wpea wc flnll (hare the fate of uS ""X " ordered back b. Commodore Ford.. whiJ'"1 Jourdan.: ded by an artriierr.i.o ways- ed,; whhi, fquad.on,' lay before thcttoVn. lfiorto the tril.c .eitner, m uau or iitt fte attori l i-... : X:. hers . The Convention of France, firm as fa,,, and yourh'ri-tHarmonyCaptalnanrhy, theTerlaft.n hrfl., nk!Mfa?2 In ' i i . i T r r I rl ant finahTur rhe fneedv, difplav or tne hishonoi ana ociprewe Potoutotucnrortnenai Dour the relief our countrymen, who have their propeHycondemned almofl every day. . Jkvlf the Anvrican government cau over lo)k all the abuses and injuries which its ci tizens failer from thefc Englifh pirates and tyrants, they miy as well be allowed to co.n- into our ports and plunder us at home.' ":" - . " : lam, on the war; manufacturing fix hundred wnvuicuravci uiuv, l .ikw.w . . : - r I ... 1 - 1 . - muftets a day; and twelve! hundred pieces granted and the money reuoi ea to. rrm; ofofanance in a month ; foving 72 fail of . WITNESS :l,Abner Nea!$, Clerk of . raid fhip in complete order at Bieft, flxteen of ; conrt at Newber'n this th .day of A:ay irWoreofonchundtcd and ten guns, Anno. Domini 1704 and eighteenth year 1, . - A A(t ; - &c. J 0 j;r. Philadelphia, befides fourteen fail of thejine, at To-ulon, of American Independence which are equiping with the molt jurpraing n;,r, ? the defcent on England not given up ; and the augmentation of the land forces However florid 1 - . it . ABNER NEALE, Clk. Ef Extraft of a frtierfrva Cfiptafrt-sxtiJr'eTvLrwtf, comnjjiJ:): the State ti enpr, on the frontiers - cfyirgin'u, to a member tf Congrefs, iprtl "'is. . " ".. ; ' . , u On the 6th in ft, the Indians, not ha- , which already amount, to thoufand, daily mane... li.e (l-rtrh "annears. we be 1 11 ' t I 4 f O K S A L ieve it no: exag- nAiot nn. I 111 tne OlUCl iiaii powers are puriuing the moft active meaf- Stewart.' ures. : The railing of the peafantrm er- r. , rpHE houfe.; and part of a lot adjoining I Mr. Tofeph Clark's in Craven ftreet liow in tne poncuum ji -r-r rm For terms apply to ri .Mi 4 ' 5! ? A j 1 11 . Ik i:4 i J . -1 V, V M '11 It H1 many in a mafs is ordered. .

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