y i , '' N O R . ZE T (Vol.. $.) Saturday, ' June 21, 17 I . . . - . ... v ; PHIL AD E IP H I Al M -: r,t..- -u.r I: .""'r'V! -' f , i .-. . ' ' - : n."at.ws l" c aone, captain Ly- : r-rTTPTj- m.-'iu- u '' bu nie. he fliould rry us to-Bermuda i Id,an Chicfcas'bcen X .a French flip oK on her oWej:tttittcn of his in their place; 'pin ou? r0m En?land,;becautfliehad a lew (laves,; fhip toward Bermuda u&il ten ien- .1 . :s lie tllO t The'George Barclr efcaped the .fate, by fomethirig liki anrxacIcV VJJ fame !. lurincr ner voyage from Philadelphia; to Eng and propertb lend my peoole hark: arid to!d me tb make the Sett of my wav'W Philadelphia, . 1 Zth Germinal, id vear ci were the Intended viaims of the blacks ; and the firft caufe of this, extraordinary re volution va3 the j ear. entertained by the lat ter; that the regiment wculd affift ?hc regi inems in opp himklf was iurrouhded in his hcufe. Unt inuecemocr Jalt, liie as nailed'in tneUn- " ikz French Retihlk. i ' tifh 'Channel by a ?i5richv,frieate;. ; The fhVVauchet. miniflninr.V;.; eru orce - Capta0 examined her njanifcfV," and cxpref Ted 'his fatisfacc:on t;ut fcveral articles vhicft he crtumer-ed' A cre 'not onbonrd 1 otheru Jf.he fliouAl ha'c been obliged to m?de his efcape (by means I do not yet tm- -CI,ua.nn;l one ottlie torts, where he teredimo capaulation with MoritbiumS 01 tae prmcipal.perions; who weremofl in - T W, i;,;';, l'Vv: ,i 1 -i,anu tp Surrender if W can miJ rj r;r--:rr:n: vn . ;y rfl" ?n.o inaig7 nag "-"y"! Mac. -treatment tuven bv.citf,eh Man-. , to fome Englifh prifoners ii retalia-, count cjpture e vcfI. , Among the rctt, he tion fcrhat the :Fretf iiniih:iflaitds:Vimmediarel re. ccipf.my lttter jy bu .wili'jcpair; on board , thcveifel miwhich- thev are confined : vrixi fceen i:gned, ma;.u mi uic uui. ui wm ureas ineir irons, vou wiri treat them' .rnentioned .ttacs iti the; vefTel tut they had at firft. b rctfftake; been forgot in making cu: the manttot, and were, atper it Had lage the bunnels'without dantvrUn nim-' , r !' 1 haveriitcn to Colonel Whlteloclce, ,fpinting.eut tbe neceflity pf rpairins hercl "wtin ail the force he can fpare from the I hf.ve the , as'brethrcn2 for'theyare men jandi rKev re French man did not think of turning tb the diiafmedV ;Vouvwii, make; them! Dubiicly that .reparation to. which a hey- aire entitled j you wiU alUire them that theebndua hi- th'erto obferved towards the m4 is repugnant both to the nrinciDlcs and vipwr nfth w,- other fide'of the paper Extracl fa Utter from TsrkJbiretnEhgUnett dated March the $d, to a gentleman in this at". "."It ?sTCfnart'.b!chcrethatyahiiniterfal cptnio:! fsL-ms to pervade all' thinking per fons, that great changes are coming on thp earth, however" they may differ in their po litical fentiments, 6r in the,, views of the particular events that nay happen. VI he accounts we have irom pood inlormation is, that a large body of Jew- at Amlterdam, flruck withthe extraordinary appearances of the prefent'cJay, and coincidence with the prophecies refpecling their nation,- have lately appointed a felel number of their principal men, to examine attentively, and with prayer, the evidences of , Chniaanity. tional Convention! Jit is not .for freemen to imitate the conduft 'of ciefpctA, let us jcayc ro tLOie ons emplbve d In ad m 1 n i fl e r- ing.u-e oath i t allegiance ; arid all; . I truft yl go well, thougb;weareidreaafuliy weak with regard to Britim force.; Proteftations to fupport me in any projea I would adopt j?;grC.bu;t; tl-; ro doubt cri- VicaL MefTrs. M'&rras and Bcog are bufy in aflifting me with their abilities - and ior myfelf, I can only fay that nothing eari be wantinHhbugh 1 ahi alm;6ft exhaufted with i' fi'ii !- - " - . -ll -I.' rrv-. id imc vilify ug aticnuon io an rne wants wh.ch taey inundate the globe, whilft. tUey; ; Kve only, five 'days provifioii left j iJTuihe ravage it 5:vhile. they. teliacre.,is for ourp :- :tK m.ri "4 J i),:Mi.: .i '.U t..3 ie, I hope, yi!l be to "their corivicli- .'between tho-e they fe: ve; an the loy.and benefit of thofc' who lenfiole that i"ome wiir infinu The. ifitte on, ana tne toy call themfclves Chnitians9 Stat'mezit cftbe conduct of Captain Xl urn, if the 7 ... AJ. i. Sr "r-L;... r;. ta'n L'sjed. , On Tuefday th? 29th of April laft, be ing jn lat. 28. 30. long. 67. 30. at two P. .' M. was bro't to by the floop, Ann. belong ing to Bermuda, capt. Lyburn, : snd the fchooner Friends, Capr. Hutchins of the fame port. Captain - Lyhurn' haied and , elked us where we came from, and where; wc were bound to ; I told him fror.i Ofiend, bond to Charlcflon. . He then ordf rd us to yet our boat out and come, on board .of his veffel, I told himour boat as. Je?ky, and that it would not lwinr: upon which ,he immediately fired a fwivel full of Imali .dot on board of us, which luckily did no damage and fwore, if we did. not imme diately' hoid our boat he would fire abiojd- Cdeinto us; he then dropt the peak ot his lmain!ailv and wore alo"g fide, his people" taking the tomklns r ut of the guns, and get- ting the matches ready to fire. ' Seeing him . fo dcfperately inclined, J told him not, to fire, and that we would get the boat out whether it would fwim or not. The boat washoifted out, and (He filled half full ofr water before we could get along fidc of his veffcl. When on board, hegave me a reat dcal of infulting. language, 'and told me that all people belonging to Charlelloh Ihould ". be tieated w ith contempt, for their conduct gPcdnd. treat ::with .the nioteattrociou' .barbarity the eferideri ' ofierty and; ja,! cred Jaws of their, country- Let us not-jAii. nilh thefe wretched paflive 'agents of tyrants " for the- crimes ofjhefr preteridd maiJers let us 't atncr com miferate ; them 5; they are iiaves ; their blood -is lavifiied to annihilate the ri "jhts of man. Let themfelves i udre 1 t 0 us. 1 am late, ;that we t reat; th em with 1 en U y oniy jbeca n fe wef ea r Can to low 'ail 'idea affect us? fKe:r icm. raiions ner diem. 1 have fent tq the Mole? and to jtremiei but under.ftand they Have very little." ?r;U.;.;: V -H'-V' .. B A: L T I M ;6 & mf ii.. . VThe Committee appointecl to bring in a' vBill, purfuant to a Report of the X'ommit-tee-bf the jWlible ;Moufe of Repreien natives JPthe United States,; on ther. ways and i means, brought in .Report on Friday; !a (if winch was twice read ampmlen in Comm'tm ngs fear us ; do; they;. Uierefbre treat , us ee of the: whole, renoned to ; the Houfe J with humanity r hehdes; 'vhat is 'if rtn lis : anH r rpr .rmfri . ir , what they may fay ? Should the applaufe of " inc. flaves.and tyrants be a princip'e to influence - The Bill providliig for the Interea'ue on1 the adions of republicans;? The praifes of . the State baianc?s, as reported by the com. citner can oniy De tne price; ,ot bajenels .or miihonet s foi feitline tie accounts between f - M. T - . . .1.1 .-I.' .' i . . -. . , . . . - . . of uilt. Let; us 'then Jbe;; contemned by them for Ihewing clerncncinlhe'bolcm of vi:to: y : lex reraroin? thole whom the late of arms has thrown into cur power, only a unfortunate men", jto whom we (hotild Ihew e v ery indulgence tonfiiJ ept with the fafety and intereit cf the republic, I V -V (Signed) H. FAUCHET. . The; r:bfence of ihe ccrvette cf tie repub lic, the Lafcaza , dobs not permit me to ful fil in every pint he orders I have received. After caufing thefe unfortunate prjfoners to be immediately let at, liberty, I conceived ir a reparation jualy due to them, to ubliin the letter which the minifter plehipcteiiti ary wrote to me cn. their account.- , - - j(. ;, .pFpPERipis:; . Extract of an official letter ft tm Captain Smith commanding at feogane? dated the 2ciiit. ;'. By the ve flej, which Captain " Rowley aeipatcnes juit now, 1 nave tne ponour to -A report to you that cumitanceshave fuch extraordinary cir- the United and individual States, was then read the third tirneinthe Hcufe of Repre-. fenCa; ives, and .paflld.l Jn. "the courfe of d fcuflin g t he fu b jeer , fu n d ry a m endme n t s -:W;erepTOpdfcoY;'am to exonerate; the JJebic'r States ,frpm any obligations to-difcharge thealances refpec ' tiVely reported v by , the Commiffioners as due from them 5" this - motion was, after - feme debate, negatived, 58 to 23 ; Anotber propofed amendment w:?s, that the pay ment of the intereft on laid balances,- out of the (aid funds ceafe and determine after year 1798 ; : and that thereafter the balahcea due from certain States, as reported by thev Commiffi oners, be appropriated to the pay ment of principal and intereft of the ba lances due to faid Slates : This amendment: .was loft, 90 to 27 On the queftion for; . engroffing, ; yeas 52, nays 37 ;-a- motion that it be read the third time , - oh the 1 ft of October, .was negatived, -52 to 33. The ventj: towards the Bntifii velieb.; After keeping me for fome comiderabic time, and cxamin- moitly ihe principal people,, women and ing my regilier and pafs, 'Captain Hutchins y children, are now in iny.poffeffion. A ge told nie .ro get into the beat, and, that they .. neral rrwffacre of the whites it feems, was would conducY me on board," in , order to determined on, Vvhich indctced them to get examine if w'e had any .concealed papers, offin the beft manner they could in two taken; place; Etj Pert-su- " bill provides that intereft be allowed from. Prince, - that not -a moment mufi: be loft on : the laft day of December, 1780, and to be (he part of GreatJBritain to proat.of thec- . computed to the laftday of, December x 94, A!ear two thouland wmtei. rrrions.: at the rate of i nercent. De1r annum ; the .. - -.. .7. - -t r amount oiluch interelt to be placed to tne credit of the tlatd to which;the lame Ihall 1 tri or any cargo on ooara. v nen they came on board, they immediately broke open what htters they could firid, and demanded very pcremptoiiiyAvhit was done with the proceeds ot. our cargo to Oftend, as they fuppbfed it was on board in fpecie, which they undoutcdly would have taken, had it been on board. After keeping iftjl velTcl be foahd'due jupon the books of Trcafury or the United States, and (hall beaarfintereft of 3 per cent j? per 'annum from and, after the laid laft ay of December;; 1 794 5 tthc large mips, two brms richly laden, an armed' britr of 14 guns, and aria 90 fchooners, iaid irtterentb bei paid quarter-yeirly,4at fiobps,, and open iboars, nearlv dellitutc of the refpe&ive LoanOflices the firft , pay- every tli ii, 10 tiidiien ws tne neceihty ut q!.'tti;icr tiut place. 140 men and officers of the Artois regin;er t made their way cut with jheir arms : .The' remainder were kil led 'in their barratks. Thefj men, I tl.ink, may be depended on," as they, in par.icular ment to be made on the laft day of IViarch- 1 795 ; to be paid out of the duties on im ports and tonnage, not heretofore appro priated j and the faith of the United States is pledged.; to provide ifor any deficiency t . t f 1 . i r . 1. - ' ' I l ! I 1 i ar may nappen, oy jiiuca acciiicuai sbv. . 1? n r i 5 x 1. -J

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