rpermancnt fund.! mte neccffary Aerc- Copy of a letter from eg FctePelierhT, Conful at horn. V. f the part bfXeg- for, '.. ' .. ' ',. c.'.u Arnbld Delins. Conful at Bremen. ,. ,y atitttrJrmfgM9:.m M'Cartv. Conful vat the lue ot zaara. u . . . , FMfir. AatrdFQrt.IndctevMnce, St. 'M&ry s Jprti , v at lne DOrt of - - - i I Vki.ll wuiiiaui -ww-- - Ora-1 nune !board"hef, that the fa I articles (tall be re; landed and delivered i fome pert of the lUnfted States. . , Sedt. .3. And be itltrther.cnaeled, that if 4iriy of the articles afefefaid fhall, contrary ;ib he prohibitions olihis aa .be esponcd to any foreign countm wic lu wmca Amfte t t rr,.,. -Virr-Conful at the port of Nantes; and fuch other places as liw nearer to the Taid port than tothe reudenrc of any other Conful or :Vice-Conful of the United States, within theiiame aHegiance,f Jofeph Wilfon, Confulj at the port of Dublin, and for fuch others, &c. &c. . Robert YVcarc Fox, Conful for the port of Falmouth in GreaUiritaiflj and luch While I was in the upper parts of Georgia, I wrote you - tcverai the crW revolution that has taken place . in Florida, and this country.! caufed me to . come here fxomthe town of j Wamington, Sxvhere I have refided thefe .fix months paft, Ihut am not allowed to land on; the other Gdc of the river, without being fent immediate ly to St Auguaine, aiia confined : I -malte no doubt but you have, before this, heard of the confinement - 6f Abncr Hammond 1 1 nhn 'VI iniDUK I.,.. .ltn - Oiouci ' of 1 viT' it- - other ?2CC. U ? f; uiujwvuivu,: u e.' , - . . . e. Contain Lancr, and AViUiam -'W hi..' -A, W Um,nnM asis orSidedm th e aft entit'ed. jnv niw, r . r r r , y7 yjrt to erect A upmuwiz v n.v. T- ? c i. rr n 11 r n'owderi, in St. AugU(lme,on lulp.aonof "JeraioJa'j;sltedtcacoo An Aaftb prov jmore. e.fftau!jr ior carrying on a ctandelljiie correfpondencc ; rfyjfcor to W:.h a party ot Georgians whoaK about cZtcifmrtUalma,, v , T I on the goods, wa , Ind merchandife, .m to" ioin the Trench againft Florida. -Ham. L, ,. tie iiindiy&W i,rtej in,i tkitd?ts, i?!1 the muiid and M'Intofti aref inthe Moro-Caaie, . , , p,tiehtativt8 of the United Sef 50nna,e 0f h1p?and veffels." ' in the Harana, irellwd , eight jbits per . America, in Copgrel. 1", -Sea: h'e 'tfurtHad, that all . "arflor- their lupport. as well ,as the pri- . Zl cannon, multe andre ocks whh f1fnm the whole of tne other "attcra ? n,,n r.ffflrrvt and: v: " rtUrA to the fime. tilols, fwords, tnbft proper for the conrenieijce ana KcomiHuuw.. utlailes, mutKet-Dans, icau, jui.wuui, of a tfehthouie fhall have been ceded to the - United, flll he irtiDOrted into the Unite J the duty ot tne jccreiary . . . " r I 1. L t-if 1a in. oii Hi-tfshV ro foil ture. and the captain or malleroffach veiri fhall torfeit and pay ; :a fum notexceediagne thouf-nd dollars. - Sea. Jnd beMmher naclt hat it ihall be the duty of r cuftorn-houfe officers and of 'altpe.rfon. on of the revenue, x? jatteod to the executi. Ion of this law, and ill forfeitures and pen- allies incurred undet it, ihalf be fued for, rnferuted.- adiudd; and djltnbuted, in - c Aiiaii in. anrt are aiiowca a are in oi. hu"" , i , , r :om in the barracksj and my father Jia . been allowed to write out to the "family. A few days ago, the Florida fcout came . oppolite Temple, and played us Molbrook .on the French horn-: vmy brother Bihy was along with them, who informed me, . t Mn.in time oVimit to? write to nidi mi . . i r-c u . pc to invoke' me not tojoin the i-rench ; and alfo, defired me to inform you of the -fame circumflance, viz. if either of us did T-fo, my father's proper: y would be forfeit ,cd ; however, the bufmefs-is now earned too far to retraa. The Span:ards have C t nt m m it Villi K r-aiurv to orovide bv contraai which Jhail be ap- proveiby the Prefident of the j United States, tor building a Jighthoufehercon-of the firft rate, and . lurnithmgihe fame with all necaflary ioppliea j and ,aHU lo agree for the falariet or Wages of theperion or pedbns who may be appointed by the Pr&adeot iarj. the fuperintendance ad care of building, faid light houfe. And the Prefident i thereby authorifed 10 maice faid appointment.! That tbt r.umber and dif . pofition of tlie light -in the faid ligbthoivfe fliakl ?e fuch, as may tend to diflingurth it trotn others, and as far aspraclicablej topreyentmiftakesJn.rmviga- Sa. a. And be it further enacted, that tne ieT tOO tar lO tuv l . OCCI. 2 . ftiiuucumiui" - V , , ' - ii -i- :- knnroe Viftwipn fit'. Tnhn'iS -r,-ru f tVirafnrv be aulhori fed to' prov.de 'vby " lit VWfi -without Vdiainftion, and contract, which Ihall be.approved by thePreudent of .and ht. arY V.??0 -the United States for biildrng on .in and m the there aieupwaras oi xwemy au.uu.u-uu -.harborof qz called Shell Cattle, lighted on this fide of the river, . who are fettled -on Merit's blufF, a mile blow. l empie. Billv informedmcj that Colonel Howard .Iiad';49-cannon at the Cowford, and was ;buildi: g a Dlock-Houle at' Trout-Creek : they have lent feyeral veflels from Cuba, Avith men for. St. 'Auguftine, the moft of which have been taken by the French. JWe "have about fifty men at this; ftation," with a large (lore of provifiois, and expet Co--lonel S.'Hammond on in ten davs, when we cxpecl fomething capital miy terminated : Copy of a bill nrJJ under -corrfideratkn In the Semite of tlx Un'ted States. Sec I. BE h enacted by thi Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives ;of the'Unitf d States of America, in-Cong refs jaflVmbled, 'that the Prefident of the Unitcd States be, .and he is hereby, authorized, during the recefs of the prcfemXTongrcfs, if the fame. (hall appear to him necefTary for -the pro tction of -the fea coa(U.of ; tlie United, States, to caufe fuch a number of veficls, nor exceeding , to be bailt orpur- chafed, and to be fitted out, armed,- and equipped, as gallies in the -fervice of the United Spates, each galley to be manned: with one Lieutenant commanding, one fe cond Lieutenant, one Boatfwam, one Mfnfnfer. and . men, -the officers :and men to be on the fame payj and to . re- beacon of a wooden frame, ."fifty-five feet high; t be twentf-tw feet at the bale, ana to oe reau gradually to twelve feet at the top exclufively ot the lantern, which diallbe mide toontan onelargelamp -wnh four wick, and for turmthu. the lame wun an States! from any foreign countryi within the? term of. one 'year nd all rulphur and faltpetre Whih ihall be fo tmpor ted . withtrt the term of two yearsi from and after the: paffine of ibis a, fhall be free of duty;, any thing in any former law to the contrary notwithftanding. ' VFre dzr ickAugustusMtj.klenbfrg, ' ( Speaks of the Houfe ofRepreftatives. CTohn Ad AM.&, Vice-prefident of ihe Untied . States, . and Prefident of the Senate. ; ApprovedMay the ii2d 1794- . G E ORG EWASHI N,G T O N, Prefident of the United States. H E W B E R N, June ii. 1 European lnteWgencely left Waft. ; ..w ni . i iThe t-feciibns-pro vnjr me lame whh , r ariJf . im' J yyi . i r , Vneceflaryiupplies. Provided; that no fuch lighted ced during the 3d v decade pi vemuie beacon . Ihall be. erected until a ceuion ui a . 02 pounds Ot taltpetre. 4 quantity of land on the faid ifland mah be -made ,to ThftBifhor of Saone and Loire and E- Seaion3.:And be St f urtUrea&e6V ' thatiufE- porting the. confpiracy of the mDertlllC dent monies be appropriated jfor the xreairg and na have teen condemned to death. compleating the buildings aforefaiJ out of any monies . NATIONAL CONVENTION, -'heretofore appropriated which -may remain "unex- - -x r .jj- jvrk 07 Pended, after fatisfying the purpofes for which they - Cermm . ,wereappiopiiated for out 6f any monies which may v The Convention was informed that tner he in the ueafury, notfubjeft to any prior appro- Qc lnc effe&s of the Emigtauts, in lOJ priitiW. - . . ' ; ,1 ;fir;as. during the laft decade of Ventole 'ApprwedanaCgnea,,Mayi3.rimv f - 1 ? om:t,j to 2ol8l6,864 livres, being .1 Srh J the mat . ponauvn pjenn ana amrnun " .nce it refulted; that in the 394 diltncts coureqmg the tniportathn of the fame. nence k rc ' laiesof the Sec. ! LJE it ena&ed by the Senate . iituatea 1 " Wrofe streets ot jcmigTama tfv" i- total of no left, than 192,402,39 hvres exceeding the eftimated , produce above 9 millions- K': : ' -' l : ' ' ' r . The commune of Tours : presented ta J the Convention 60,000 pounds offa tpetre. In a letter frcm Amiens, Dumot ftated - ' D Houfe of -Retire fentathes ot theU- Ttited States of Americain Ccngrefj dffembled, that it fhall not be lawful to export from the United States any jcannon, mulkets, piiiols, 'bayonets, fwords, cutlafies, Triulket balls, lead, bombs, -grenadoes, gunpow- der, iulpnur, or laltpetre ; but tne exporta- - . ' . n". -1. . . "-rrrr ? . ,r ,7-wen -in the toreits xnc tion of all the . atorelaid articles is nereny cvf4; t"T ' .nloved in fa. prohibited for and during the term of. one patriotic inh Zezr 1 ' ' r !' bricating arms andfaltpetre. poitiean i.jfndhc it farther encBed. that any i eXeellen1 chy mift, had rade laltpetre of and men to De on tne lanic pay j aim to . rc- . , V . f - . ' r, ! k. ...jV fn ntire a kind, that Without any pwwt w . .1 r L. r..una - r.i,i f the aforefaid articles.! excepting ftch ot 10 pure a muu, ,h- , . metank and men arc entitled to, in the I them a, may confute rt. puni SS?udwasfengd !a , -t . rpnt of anv veflel. which durintr the con- powder, vuwuiii rru-::r. navy ot tne yn ca. , f tKjc nroWhitinn fhall be found- ihe difcovery of fulphur, anainc .au Ana DC K lunncr cnawcu, mat , "7. V"JI f ' hte fdan..which-vWOUia. rrequiic1u- ScC. 2. -he fid oHicers (hall be appointed, and com mi (honed. by the PreGdent of j. the .United States and the faid gallies be flationed in -fuch ports' of the United States, a$ he may- -direa. ' Appointments Jty authority. James Monroe of Virginia, Minifter Plen potentiary of the United States to the French republic. ' 'William Short, Minifter relident to his , CatholicxMajefty. John Qutncey Adamsl Minifter refident to their hi:h mightineffes the ftates general of theUntted Netherlands. on board ot;any veuew 7? Prr, -J"". "ringed in the bulletin. bay, or naTDoux, wumn tne xerrrtwy r---7 T TTi tic of Naples- United States, with an mtent w be export- ;i ;:i.lxSaUo- d fronvthe.XXnhed5ta.ta.any ndin cale the bUity, tnar uic f ug , - .of of to country, thalhbc fcrfeited Yi and in cale tne ,tniy, f "S, will confift o value hereof fhall amount to four hundred for the prefent cimpsnwiu , dollars, the veffel on board: of which the .10,000 men, ana uiat 1 amouht 1 . . . - . - i i-i'r?-ii . will o 111 uiuii lame Ihall be feized, togetner witn ner maintaiiMK C : v, WUtv. tackle, .apparel, and furniture, , fhaU 'S.ceducavtb-',;- leltfs. tnat ; ana otner wu ' he forfeited V Provided never th'elefs nothing in this act Inall be conltruea to pro hibit the removal or tranfportation of any of the articles aforefaid from one port to an other Don within the United States, in any James Simpfon, Conful at Gibraltar, and veflel having a hcenfe as a coalbng veflelj have given bond, wirh one or more fufBcient fureties, to the Colledior of the diftrift from which tuch veflel is about to depart, in a for fu:h other places as fhall be nearer to the laid pin than to the reudence ot any cither conful or vice. conful ot the united States, within the fame allegiance. Philip Marc1 Conful in Frahconia in many. f- Get- were required ,o contribute monthly e fum of 120,000 ducats, .; V experices will be paid, out of the IOngs treTh;ybanking.houfe of De la Rue ahd Co. it Genoa, has lately opened a loan fin the KinR of Sweden, at 5 Pvnt The old penal cqde,, Wh:h.had been a i. j u.. .t.i Pmnrror. lofeph ,J1, ..? wnicn men veuei is aoout 10 ucpn, 111 a uomutu "--r , - ,,,Oriiti tern fum double the value of fuch vefTel, and of lately been re-lnftated in the Auimau fuch Of the faid articles as may be laden on tories by the grefenf tmperor.

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