The King ofPrufih is not only rcefta : ternoon Waited on tlic Commiffionefsoftnc extenfive tra tfe xtiilln rteStfaiir, and Wte 1 tithing the demolifhed fortifications of 'the -Admiralty; ' v : hare not fentthe ufnal prcfents to the Dev. ! wmcn exaipcrates mm very? much j iOmc apprcLcnfions were entertained Jor the Dutch bat their Ambafiador arrived in time to prevent what was in agitation againft " that flagi . I am told by a psrfonjuft arriv ed from Algiers that they are determined to . enlace' the Porturuefe. if thev mer with r' them, and thefe I am allured are not anxious . .. TipnOocliow. " ' I , Letters from Warfaw'flate that the Ruf-; fm troops there.had lately chtatnped them i elves in great numbers about half a league fiance from the capital, near 'trie tillage j 1' -, : . j . x v,,..- . a r.nnf from Lifbon flatcV that three j-.w rrriuixclc regiments hare lately bceri ti,c- v,'c re prepared to co-operate rvith them i'-i J :vxh ,n eafur?s as 'may be; deemed i.wccfcry to aGmble a general neeting. ot tie fr'croj of free !om, for tlx purpofe of Lordftvps axev come to have their final . itru&ions. ' ' v,-: " - Earl Howe's fquadrori j St Torbay , con lifts of 44 (hips of the line,' two , hofpital IVi1n- three ftore-fh?n- rtiht fi-ifTa. (d Hoops, four cutters, and two advice-boal9 ; for fuch an event. The fame nerfoii liaa for exprefspurpbfes-- ; . j 4 given me a horrid picture cf the American tne ' term quarantine here m conlequence ot the r fta diforder wh:ch preva'Jfd inPhi!ade?phia- rmed bv 'bur it is well known ir has entirely fubfided. 0- ,. . .. . c . ,j Tins muft be owing to the wnt . of officiaL ' advice from the Spanim ' Minifter. ; rl have, menviqned theincenvenience to Mr. who Inope will be able torcdrt fs it. : The Captain-General of this IVarireXJcpartment ' has lately received orders from JMadrid not ; to grant convoy to any veilds but luch aafl wcia leagued agamic and a lion. . " J" ' . - tutiefe packet, laden with fpecie,: had been On rt iday lafl the correfponing focicty captured by four French (hips of the line, r..,. ifnirtted addrefs to the focicty for con a:;d fe.1t into Breft. . ; ' 4 -ntional information, to - Know wnciucr j neyuaKer Mctua ler, Douna rrcm or CO Daroaaos, wnicn was carnca a prize into ojf, in a legal andpeaceapic mcmou, t fiiil aiv;i"oir repfentafion of the people rrir, nt.Vtitain in Parirament. i .Ihe foci- r.r' rnnftirurional information defired thtir fecieUry :o alTure the correfponding fjcj-tv, tliat they Iieartily approved of their iMrn'ioni and would cooperate with them evening of the .4th' iuftaht, which; mention vv ' . - Jl " . cl j it rf fo much importance to the peace in ilupp'ffs offociety. C 1 ') T Jt,r expenfes of Prvfjia Tht cims of the King of Fru Ola an the ftc:eV o the Empire, and . provifionally on th-s .?n c: lor circles, for the furiport of his arr-.v, nirotints to the menftrous fum . of fourmilions of nx .dollars, about I am forrv to inform'vou. thatOtir Veffitt is taken, and condemned :s law.'ul prize ; our cargo is gone to Port Royal, 1 to fupply." the Enehfh arm v. and we are now ort? t.ijt w T - y ( :- .i c rf J i that nothing new had happened in Flanders t board a pnlon-ihip. rse ither the Captain being in coTrefpondence with the confpira tors lately txecuica m runs,,. . We have letters Ircm UitChd; . oatect tnc fincc the hit advices. But there are certain advices in town, that the rcalill'arm. has again (hewn itfelf in great ; force and is ac tually in pofleflion of . the fauxbourgs of Kants. ''". '": ':r . At an elegant entertainment given at the Tendon T avern' bv. the4 'Ameiican mer chants, to Mr. Pinckrey, tW American IVi. nor mvfelf were able to fave a finsle article- except our cloaths. -I applied to the com--i modore for my venture, but in return wer : received fever al damns, and were threat-, i cned to be put in clcfe Jail l'j fo that we ard I in a pitiful fituatton. If I keep "my health Ic i fhll be fatisfiedi lor there is every day from hve to ten dying with the lmau pox ; tjiere J nUi:wifter!:iig: iT.cre is no d.ubt but .-iitter, the company was numerous and re. re as many as 400 on Wlbe fameft p j u. - to , . , . au...maa .nl.MA ff mifH j h 11c Contain rrver Is how on lnore , . r,. i,.i,ni.nrr.. hm we f.Vftftable i About 20o gentlcfnea fat down c .fidcr tfc number of his 'troops, the im-! to dinner. . : The chair vi as taken by Philip - c-ewar which they have marched, the Satifon, Ef-, and the daypafTed with a ;dc -VuW their equipment the ammunition gree ot order, harmony, .and jtonviviality, l--. .V . . :rn 9m .vnpdmcr everv thinor of the kind we have v i ,r, - J. .nfM in the bft t oA ears of the before, witneffed. The King, ( Prince of n. Contain Frver is how on ihore - J S ' r fick with the fever and I; am afraid he will never retover. All Americans that : corner under -the cover of the ill ml are made pri zes of I afTure you the timesare fo fliock ing, that it is impclhble to give you any WVes, Oueen, and royal family, with many ; information of what 13 going -forward, we: x r, mult J.ave exceaca iurc:uuuw, .jv . . w iv .l.roirflrri obliged to write! the eccnomv ot the I'ruinsn otner lojai vuu.uiuuvu-r ... p. 0, i , r. . t jn . ,nnrr ntlifrs (mted to the occa. 1 unon mv Knees incrcuucuuivi.. & a aw mm rn r it?t n 1 nH htjiik. . anui vt. w - . - . w:tMl-!ndinr with btirfts of appltufe, expreflive of the j unanimitynd fnendlhip ot au me company V,;? rin.i. u; alliance. Tiicreare no lefs:than three hundred reformers -at prefent in the gaols of Cork., 15at neither the activity of the magiftratcs, nor the appearance of the military, prevent t . CTm v V ' r r xi Ti r infill rn ii tnc r-copic iruiu " w...w parliamentary relorm. 1 he, conaucr 01 ,I"a-cftYIl5fter8 were invired andl Mr. Pcnfonby, and Lord i.hanncn's bo- y His nfent Kad they not been, rough mongers, y ho, while .pur of place, would he Jg.- in bo7th houf chemcnsly c xcUimed in favour of the mea- , obliged to attena mc u r ; , f,re ; but who, lime they ha-e become maich 4. It wa5atf:Wl thougH, creatures of government, ruil againtt it as he ftrcphc of the conflagration of the catte imn-oper, has foroufed the. indignation of. ok chriftunnourg would haivc interrupted the pro- aJl the people in the fouth, that they have grefs 0f our naval armament forjhe proteaion V1- " r r -rr 1.1: i hut this very mwfortuoe hd la r m m m m V r f J1F T1 1 I r II 1 ! 1 1 I I ! If . . I I I I I II A fiixr LU UUIVI ano.her toatt trom ine cnairinii-j. iviye-, Wf rientcn, LtWnboTg, Kaieiga, ATerakuurg, ry rity to the commerce of Great-Britain aad I teville and Lumberton to Cbtraw Court-Hodfe m wier. t-ntnal friendmin between ! Soath-Caroina. . 1. . . Amrrita, r i ' . " "f. " . . . f ffofrt Ha ita. to Princeton, iviur ihe two countries $ wnicn was rece.veo, j . w;nton. Bennett. r-frrm in Prrliamcritis acccrrphfhed. T uch hs been faid tbout the Star Chamber, the reign of the Stuarts, and-the abominable corruptions of Judge Jefferics. We truft. however, that Englilhmen, ftnee our commcn-c , . . . mjch roufed the fpintand pamotifm of the inbabij unl. that they a'e rami's iuu.i.jU(i "-e toftrengthen the king's treafure,,and to carry on t ofe preparations W:t; ft.H greater v.gour. , . The number of perfons who perifbcd m tne con ftacrati-n of the royal paiacc 10 drawing a parallel between that and. fubfe- b an American vefiei; which embra- ,iont times.- Wl' 1 leave pofterltv at a lofs n;nAtnn offered bv forte' Spanifti : to iudee, which has been ther molt abhor- t Df war bound to the Havana : I have Tent to tncir iccnup, u nu. g jcafUrc to miorm you; um wtv, i pies of liberty. J j v - :uft received from Gibraltar, of the Alge- , The fituafion of Paris is tranquil, and J I having refufed fubmitting to the terms havea- f which tram utw-- - N- . ihe PortURuefe fquadron which was in the Bav of Gibraltar, and confifts of a M. W. -2 fricatesano 3 ongs, t- .& -Zruife,5 whch wifl at leaft prevent the Alge. . .. 'f . - . 1 hats -.iilr fresborough Wtriton, Bennett-creck bridge,; and K Mitchell's, on the road from Suffolk to Edenton From Halifax to BlountsVille, WilUamftonyDat. y and Plymouth. ; - , ) " ; , v F om Hdifax t6 Warrenton, Oxford, Hdlibo roT'ffb, Martinville, Saltm and Slibury. From Halifax, to Tarborough, GreeDfrdle' Wafiiington and Newborn, , ; - From Salibur ta Charlotte. ' 1 Ftorri Salisbury to Fayetteville. j. . JVm Newbei n br Kinftcr, . Wajmesbcr-tigb Smithfield, RJeigb, ChipeL Kiil, Chatham Curt Houfe and Hi'i-bctough ' - From Hilisboronfh to Perfon,; Cafwell, an Rockingham Ccurt-Houfes and Germanton, - From Fayettevule to Wilmington: . -From Salem to Bthan'n, Huntsville, Rockford, Wilkes. Morgamor, and Lincclnton. , This fay tsitu-iuifitd and for fate At the Print fog-Office, , A Newx Edition of LATCH's KING? BENCH REPORTS, OR ' . Cases determInfd tiat CouRt 6urJ 1NG Trir 1 FIRST YEARS OF VflARVW A SUPPLEMENT TO CROKE r CHARLES f I Xiiy tranjlatid into lbe Enlifl Ton& FRANCOIS .X. M A R T I Nr i rrice onedoiiar ana a nau. J.ui9 B , r..M Mitinnal Convention. The Johf and James, Johnfon, from Vir- . ginia, to Falmouth, and from thence to a market, is carried into Breft. : . YeftcrdayField-Marfhal Freytag had a private interview with the King at Buck-ingham-houfr. : . . X)nrIhurfday night Earl-Howe arrived at Ms houf, in Graf ton-ftreet; his Lordftnp at-t tended thelcvec yclterday, and in the at- HUD S O " N & S M I Boot and Shoe-maKers s , T T AVE removed to the horfe nc JTl Mr! James Carnefain Pollok-ftreet cppofite the tobacco warehoufe where they Continue to carry on-thejr bufinefs, in .i i t.- TV. h2Tc nn nana various Drancuta. i-j r - n ; rines coming out oftVe Straits.' Theytcok quantity of prime leather and -will exc , . j 5. ion- riiufe. thouchthev " .vi u.u-.r.i nf thpJr emnlovers, in notntngouruig . . cine iij-"-" - : had 17 cruizers out ; but by recenr accouni fhtf fiCateft, cheapelt and molt cxpeui. i.rp rTPrTincr for arother. f t& mnrvr. ' , tious .ul: .Cf movements aretobe- direaed againft. the Dane who-carry on aa manner iate