FI-VE POUNUli REWARD t T t P O E T's C O R N E R. T AN away from the fubferiber, the v-v; . ; . From theN. J. State Garette. . -lltrrj Jines ?jt Efquirstfe baked for uft'utJ. , , . tonica. , , ; . 1 . V TURTURD in blod, the dog of war . JLN Trie infant year combine .-to iuia ; Oprefiiini jn hercrtbed car, Piepar'es fo wa2e the Gallic Thin t' "Vet Lil'crtv awaits ihe Ciocki-. ; I FVm a trie everlalhr.g reck ( 1lr ri-irrl.eoloured banner waves, TnatKhiilj ith tear embattled flaves . Ai;d fliou:r tonnes At that dread fotrai 'Ihje ail ed tyrants tremble- round ' . Vh.ld (ri!Ut renovated ions ' j . ',v ills ccnu fiom thcif deep-ton'd gunt . A bold UH:n,and burn to prove . j .A. country s love ; pre t " 7f7HEREAS Williain riui; Attorney ior Anient lnitanr, a negro man named ViU - V V the United States in and ior tne JJU- jj LAIN , . about twenty nve years ot a2e. -trie" aforcfaid, this feventh day ot April, in jpeaks good lingum, wen made and lprge. 1 the year of our Lord bne" thoufab'd ieven Jy featured in his face, ;he has loft ibme of hundred arid ninety- our, and in the rcigh- his fmall toes off of one or both of his1 fcer, rteenth'yearfrnerican Independence, ex-' it is fuppofed He will make for-Newbcm, 'hibitedhisfour fcveral 1 libels, before the 'where he was taken up jst lately, but was Honourable John Sitgreaves, Efquire, Judge fecreted for fome time beforeh and hisTaid ZO . " laiu uui vvu -iiill, ."weight, br to the : public, jail fo that I get him found imDorted in ithcjDi-; I will give them Jive pounds aad all "ftrtt of Wilmington,' on or about the i otn iry expences day of 1'e.bruary lait pau, . ' ner called the Four Brothers, Lewis Thomas n in e 'P and for not uiifc- j " ' i r matter, iaii'inju v.a .- j ' .j , r , :Sce rcund herftandard forro'd in clore array, i;An firft entered at the proper office,' 'therem plotmg the laid negjro or ca ,ihriUcladdMhrcafninSluareta then timoff. .v , cav; " . and triOjduties-cnrcv.i r.. T ' . 1 act or ;the consrcisui v v"ir necef- W T T T T A TIT T O T? Ti V VT il "4 1 U U.1V UIl i -Carteret County. J;n? va IN. B. All nerfons are forw rried ibouU George's fcarlet (lives provoke, u,. v '.frL made and 'provided, which -coffee, . :f .rhfeofis of Freedom w ihe nght, , r' a . I - wYt!i tK-'ba2s a'nd cafk. containing, the- Cirrie,', , fci A hcaJlo.ig in n.feht j .-, beinglO tmponcu ' , Thtir ibrs. .Voie wcithy ihan thurlfires . i - Tames Read, Efou're, -Colleaor, of fhe, port , J M,y cWnh FmtWs laired. fiics i j wilmiftgtohaforefaidyfeizscUind fecured -,. c . v nVt htrcei-Ml heat mail warm, ei-- of rjli:g s. IV.e Bnto s hci't, whoiemurdVous arm, Uviif-td at a l)nt call, , . ;, . , J!al cajfe'or.e pitrio; Ikioc's fall; Whtlft Ullii br.:ve regenerate race, 1 he iVrvift Germai.s firmly face Of fierce ihe fallen iiaves of Spaing -A?u fnuke htir tyftnrs tottthr.gieign ' b .y Ola'.! Britannia's org-mirguidcd ifle . Xt'cvc thus M."uh kirgs, to murder, but n and fpoiH l tUUr tieafon by her iil-ipent gold- And pii.uh? villains dagger at tiie wife and bold III . Bp tors, yet awake;' Z I . - ' N ir !vrPt. flian.e your jath?rs m tbejr graves. -OioukM lio-.n ycur lethargy, ob 1 fltake, .;bhaJcrlT at nc the chains prove your ... fi.ves. ' , ;j),rc i0 ,e fiee, and bid vour'thunder roar, To irH vd, net pndT, Gallia's gtn'rpus Ciorfc. J,r,.l or thtf wounds vour maiintls gave, GiMfd them, at.i your country, favc i X re Freed- m's keen, avenging (Vord, Txile our amoni; the northern hord Ot ccli Si uria, orto eaftem pl-ins, . ' ' Vhcr Pi.abus wiib intcle;able tplendor relgrfs. : -REPUBLICAN, i ... Trenton, 1754 LAN K. B O OK any fize, ruled or unruled made at ttie rnn ting-O nice.' tiietKetjof-ldibd agait?ft;the. BkO O) K , BINDING. choonjer'FSx, her tackle, apparel and urm- CARRIED on," on rfafonbh terms; at the pa. . t A M E S : -ture, for having been '.fouud . in the .port Newbern!'.. to f.avc piucccucu .uwui .; -time, on a foreign oyagewitl out'firlt gt r ivjng- up to." the -Collector oijtheliitria his . 'enrollment arid Hcenfe.asacoailing iyefiel. and withoVt being i duly xegiftered-by fuc. Cb!lettor, contrary. to an aft of Congiefs of -i the United States "in-'f uch ;cafe, m de and .;provided, by reafon whereof the faid Vtfid, her .tackle, apparel and furniture, became lia blc to b,s feized and forfeited and tlie faid ichopner ypkj-hqf tackle, apparel and furni. ture, being fo forfeited as afortfaid, pn the fifteenth day of March lad f aft, at the port -of Newbern was then and. there by John :0aves,rEfqvire, - Colleaor of . the f port of levybern aforefaid, feized and fecured ; and the faid attorney praying in hi laid j libels, that the Judge, aforefaid fliould appoint a tune.and place, when and. where he .mould 'Condemn the fame, and decree tntrein ac cording to law 5 thefe re, therefore, to no. tify alperfons whom the fame may concern., thai the faid;libeh will be coufidered and decreed upon, onthefecond day oPrthe next term, whichwili be held at Edentbn on the firll Monday in July next, and:all:peribns interested ure hereby ciied .and admoniflied to be and appear on the iiid iecond day ot -X. ! . and Printing-Gic. . 11 1 V I. G t on ; Of New-York, . v . ' 3EG3 leave ro infor n Gentlemen of the 5 Lnw, that, in a tliort time will be pub: lilhed a new .edition, now. t.rft tranflated ir m the French of that valuaMe wcrk,f . ' ;rH E YEAR -BOOK S, . Or Reports in the rdos of Edward the fecond, Edward the third, Henry the! f urth, Henrv the fixth, Edward rhe fourth, Rt.hird the third, tenry the leventh, and ti.rhould not be granted, and the arti- Uemvthe c'ghth with notes to Brooks s and" condemned VV IT L ESS : jAbner iltzherbert's abridgements. - : .. Tvvaie. Clerk of Did Court,at Newbernthi 2cd day of April 1794. -: ' . Atteft; - . 1 - ABNER NE ALE, -Ckr. April 26. HI. 3. 10.X7. 24. 31.7. 2f TEN? DOLLARS REWARD. R; ANt away fronvlhe fubferiber, on Sa. , turday the 10th of JVlay laft; a j negro ;fel!ow named Wiliba, and a negro girl na med iViilly., I heyaTe both northern bied iiegroes. ' . " The fellow is about twenty, four j ears old, "of ; a yellowifli complexion nearly fie feet four inches high ; has long tjiick lips, a fl m look andhas loft pne of his fore-' tfVth. He is bi? round the fhoulders and ; - : .. . " , . ' .. , v '. v : . -I ... atmaii. ronnci.xnc- wmf '"'y r .k -r The nirl i about thirteen or fourteen years old, has a likely look. i ti,oii .noro l-riTi ArriTpA in vilinf is rhm.i 'rAfxr sA nirlrpfn rntton. The fellor formerly belonged to cap t.; John Jones, of Newbern ; I expect they will endeavor to pals tor tree negroes ; rncy carncu vjy an their lo.dgingxiomes among wnicn 15 a.pit blue ru2 It is likely they are gone towards VA11 ma(t rs of venare forwarned from carrying Jiem away cut of ;he Mate, ar4 all othc fr m harbouring or concealing; them, e -'":-: , '::-,;:. y- -;.'L ' . ' -i ..Ti n above reward will bs paidto ;any tt3 bfi anu appear uu ti.Lynu.uay ui - : - , . . 1 . - . ' - -.- l? 11 rAA oA Km c, cerlon that will deliver them; to me or fo lUC uci uiu , ... . .... , - .r ; Aif T.mav (TPt thpni frf anv thev haveV wnv the prayers ot the L,t- "l,r T:Vr V J " ' . . ' . . . f ' June 7 rf GHN DUBLRLEY- The chainn, in the d ffercnt periods of the old cdit'on will, tn this ntw printing, he filled u- Irom manufcri, t year books, nc- 1 Te.nHerin. it' a "prcat arid ci uti'iw --., r o , co!np!ete work, in oftavo fize portable to rTjNlTEl States o? America, 7 C'ircu't Cciirts and with references to all the . N 0 th-Carol in a Ds trtct. J reports and books of practice produced in courfe of tic one huadred and ftventeen laft years." " i ; . Sucri Gent'emen as may be difpofed to patronize this work are requetled to fend t'tir lwrhi to F. X. Martin, Efq. at New-, brn, whs 'will b: fo obliging as to forward, thrm to J ims Rivington, and they (hall be xeuhrly fupplicd with the books very neat ly bound. j PRItA iftet pe WHEREAS .Edward Brown, JVTaf of the Brier Polly has prefemcd a tl.a T-TrtiiniTriai-ilfr Tnhtl - SifnrrpnvPS fnns Efq nrc, Tude of the diftri 6c court for the have encouraged his former undertaki North-Carolina diftria, praying 'that a fine by fubferibing either to his Juftice,Stati ii t jin-o-u- f.r: will fvret. no, advance 1 NOW IK THE PRESS. 'y'-rr T-ITIT' v: " v--. I .' VGENE RAL AS S EM BL;YV N O R T H C A R Q L I NA 'The fublcription is 4of from inch pel- as i are known to the Printer, or s atutes T ' nJmice is therefore hereby eiveft, to fmall earneft from all others, to wit ten Xhc attorney general 'Of the diftr:cl: afore- hillings. ' ; :l , , (i i w a rfnn whrt wi 1 fubfcnbe and be laid, aild ail Otucrs waum iuc wine maj, .-t-1l r1"" , x . ifi concern that they be and appear; before come accoun-able for fix copies vM.l be enti-...- t': jLf r.: j -i cL'.... r -Vin fvf rfh oralis t n R S A " L TTP Kn.,r-. ntt.l naTtnf aln- nrtioinl'nrr h? honour the Tudee aforelaid at the court- w r M ft - 7 I - - - - J i- -- a .. r. Jofeph Clark's in Craven ftreet,- houie"in Edeaton, onl uefday the Sth day ;of July next (at wnicn time and pjace tne matters ftated m t the petition will be enquir ed into) and hew caufe, if : any they have, ' why the prayer of the petitioner mould not be granted and the money reftored to him, WITNESS : Abner Teare,; Clerk; of fa?d ' court .'at Newbern this afth day iof May " Anno,; Domini 1794 and eighteenth year of American Independence. Atteft : ABNER NEALE,!CIk. 'June 7.IJ. 2lV - B L A N K-G R A NT BOO RS . OR the ufe of county regifters, ' con taining each nearly three hundred and now i the pofi": (Han of Ctpt; Alexander -Stewart. For terms apply to ! M ; . . THOMAS; WEBBER. 3X- ' .' .-V'-i " ' 'f- - T. .7 ; i T"rMTi nrT r TTT OH V tM fcLo.v nimd T O M, about Wtnty fix years' of a fix feet high. He is well k.-.own in the town of Newbern .and the nei rhhourhood. f Whoever brings him to me or fo fecures him that I set him again fhall receive1 the b. vc re ard. ' BELA,I$AD GER. 1 J5L, laming eaca ncariy uirccnunuicu iim TL ANUS of all forts, to j Lc had at the fifty grants, well bound, for fale at the prin Printing.OiHce. " ing oiBcc, price 50L : 1' r tVn ipvt ntK nrflis The expediency of the undertaker kncAV irig what number of copies will be wan ed, . renders itneceSry that application fhcu:d be madeitarly ; , ! r TUptiPn who Aipermtend a prels or a Poft .Cffce in this ltate are ueureaoi ifibrd their aid to the undertaking. , -- Applkation by poit (poftage paid) or o thervvife'vvxll be thauful-7 atrtnded to. As this ColclSonwtll onumzUAt Town JXs. the commiOioners 0 tbe deterr ent towns in this State are fohcited to con fider of the propriety of procuring copieslor their refpeaive offices; ; ' r N ' E W BERN; Printed by F., X. M A R T I