NO RTH-GA R 5 L I N A E TT (Vol. p.) Saturdays July i 174, 444.) MAILS op the UNITED STATES: PTxOpv)SALS for cairying the Mails of the Uni- ted States, on the following pott-roads, will be iceivcd at tht General Pcft-Otfice, until the 1 aft day .U Augutt next inclufivelv . Onhe Msin-PcJI-Riad. , f t 1. From Peteifbarg, by Goldt'cn's (on Meherrin t river) in Virginia $ Warrcritun; Lcwifburg, Raleigh; Averyfborough, Fayetteville and Lurhbcrton rn SortnCaroiina ; ChcrawCourthoufe, Camden, Co lumbia, and Edgefield Court-houfe,' in South - Caro lina i to Auguita in Georgia. By cfaimate 441 ruiles. . L The m3il to leave Feteifijurg every Friday fore noon at eleven o,clwck, arrive at Fa e.teville the next Monday morning by nine ;Jat Cheraw.Coun-houle on l'ut;day afurnoon by tvo ; at Camden on Wed xicidjy foienoor. by eleven.; and t, Columbia in the cvenicg by uvn'j at Eogtfield Court houfe on! Thuiluay ivtnmg ; and at Auguita on Friday fore iv. on br ten o'clock. Returning. to leave Auguita every Satuiday morning by fix o'clock,' arrive at Co ltunbu on bunday miming, at Ca.nJen on Suuday cveuii g, at Cheraw Coui t- houfe on Monday evening; ai Fajetievi le on VVtdnclday morning by leven, a;:d at Peterbirg the next Saturday forenoon by eleven. N Jt.-. u expe3ed thai the Pqfl-rider Jrom Piter, , iurgivUi proceed ivitb the mails as Jar as Charles Har- ris"j,e Aefjxt-tfy fiver ( ;j miles) bj FruLijr, and there tn.-el the PoJ rider jrom IVarremon ; and having exchanged mam the willjeverallj fit out on their re- turn in tuns to arrive at . Peter) our by- eleven in the foreseen oj aurdaj, and at Iv'arrenton by three in the I . Cm Crcfs-Roads, in North -CaroUna. ' j 2. Ficm rtluaxby Hicfch's ForuY on' Meherrirt! river, to. Ch tries ranis, on Nottoway river, by efv tiinale 51 miles. - - j To leave Halifax every Friday at four o'clock in the mori.Mg, "id ainve at C. Harris's by tour in the s!:.ri:o-n ; and luring exchanged m its with the' veil nt'er rom Peteifbu.g, return to Halifax on Sa- tun?y, by time in the. afternoon, f ? j 3. HuliUx, by Punceton, Murfre(borought Vyntoi , on J no wan-river, the bridge on benneuV c:crk, tv K. Mitchell's, on the pott load from Suf-j f jik tj bccntoii j nd thence to Edcnton. By efti r.iate 105 .i-iifs. - ; j To ievc Halifax every Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon, an.; arrive at Edcnton the next VVed r.e'd .y 'ay fix in the evening. Returning to leave l.dc ion i'ntiilUay at oi.e o'clock in trie afternoon nd airtve at til;taxb, ihc next Monday noon; .- 4. Firm Suffolk (in Virginia to Eueaton, Ply niiuth, ;nJ,vv rflh4nsui. I.- 1 o ieave M.ffj.ic every Monday at eleven o'clock, io the to:ci.ou, arrive a. Edcnton on Tuefday by e leven in t:.e lcnn, end at Plymouth bj fix in the v.iun; and at Walhin-ton on VVedneiday by five in the aiicrnoun. Returning to icaVe Waihington ' en Thuifday morning by lix, arrive at tdenton by rsoon'cn Friday, and at ti-ffolk on Saturday afur not. b live. . 1 . . - $. trom Halifax by Elountfvjlle, Williamfton, sr.J Daileyls, to Plymouth ; and fiom Plymouth to Vindfor, once in two weeks. I To leave Halifax every other Saturday by five o'clock in the -fieinoon, arrive at Piymou-h the next Tuefday evening, and at Windibr the next day by tin in the forenoon. RiturHi.;g.o leave Windtbr the fame day at tro o'clock in the afternoon, arrive at Pltrnoutn in the evening, and at Halifax by noon en the Saturday two weeks after the departure from thmte. ' " . : ,!.- ! 6. From Halifax by Tarboroughrand Grecnt viilo, to Vaih:ngtcn; ' ' ! To leave Halitax every Monday sat five o'clock in the morning, and a rive at Wafliington on Tuefday afternoon by fcv. Returning to leave Wafliington Zi fix o'clovk on Wedntldy morning and arrive at iiaUfjX vr, ihtrlday ever.irg by leven. I -7. Front Ncwbein to Wauimg'on : To leave Newbern every Wedr.efday morning at o'clock .an i airive at vVaflitngton by fix in the evening. Leave Wafliington the next morning at fix o'clock, and leturn toNewbern by fix in the even- ' MS. From Ncwbcrn to Wilmington Once in two week. .. . -- . . i , . I . To leave ?ewbern every ether Friday at fi veo clocic in the morntng, apd arrive at Wilmington in the t vening cf the next day, or on Sunday morning by nine o'clock. Rtturnmg leave Wilmington the next M nday morning by hve o'clock, and airive at New. -bern in the 'evening of tbe next ; day, by feven C'dock. .. I .- I : ' f 9. From Neb?m by Kinfton, WayneiTjorougri, tr.d Smiihfitld, to Raleigh Once in two weeks. The diftanceeftlmated-at 149 miles; I To Irive Ncwbcrn every other Monday at fix o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Raleigh the 1 r.cxt Wedr.efday by tx in the evening. Returning'-'. to leave Raleigh the next morning at leven o'clock, . and arrive atNcwccra the next Saturday by fevcrttn theevening. j . - I xo. From Tarborough by Nafli Court-houfc, to Xewifburg. . . I ...! To leave Tarborough every Thnrfday morning af. fix o'clock, an! arrive at Lewifbargthe nextjday by , ten in the, forenoon- Returning leave Lewifborgthe 'txtat 4ay at two in the afternoon, and wnvt Zi Tar- borough on Saturday evenine bv fix. 11. romKaleigh by ChapeLHill, to HilIib:rough and from Chapel-Hill to Chatham Court-houfe. b To leave Raleigh every Thurfday morhing at fix o'clock j reach Chapel-Hill by noon, and Hiiifca rough by four in the afternoon. Returning 10 leave Hilllborough on Friday morning at nine 'o'clock reach Chapel -Hill by noon, and Chatham Court - . Hoofe by five in the evening. Leave Chatham Court-, Houfe on Saturday morning at fix o'clock, reach Chapel-Hill by ten,' and Raleigh by fix in the even Irg. . . ;- . .: .-. ,;, . i' is. From" Halifai by Warrenton, . Hillfboroughi Martiniville,' and Salem, to Salifbury f Once in two weeks. The dittance eftimated at xi iiles. ; I, To leave Halifax every other Monday by fife o'clock' in the morning arrive at Hiiifuorough dn , Wedntfday morning by nine, at Salem on Th arfilay by five in tu'e afternoon," and at Salisbury on Friday by three in the afternoon. ' Returning icave bailf-i; bur on Saturd-.y morning by niae arrive at Salem by fix in the evenirgi at Hillsboiough the next Mpn-l day by fi in the evening; and at Halifax the next Thurfday evening by five. , v j - 13. Fiom Hillsborough by Perfon Cpurt-houffe Catwell Court-houfe, and RockuigUam court houe to Germahtown. -By eltirr.ate 103 mi!es--and thence io Bethania to milts.- Orce in two weeks. ' 1 To leave Hillsborough eyery other Thurfday at fix o'clock in the morning, and rrrive at Gtrrmntown trie next Saturday at three in the afternoon, and at Be thania by fit. Returning to leave Bethania the . next day at four in the afternoon, and arrive at Ger- mantownby fix ' leave Gnmantown on meaning at five o'clock, and arrive a: Hil sborough th.neitt Wtd , nefday by five in the afternoon,' , .. . ' :. I 14 From Salisbury,' by Cabarrus eoiirt hcufe to Charlotte to return by tredell court-houl'e to Salif bury. Making by eitimation' a circuit of 94 miies, once in two weeks- . '. , : - . To leave Salisbury every other Monday, at$ o'clock in the morning ; and ie:urn to Salisbury fhe next Wednefday evening, or by noon on Thuriday wait ing at each polt-town or place, on the route, at lead two hoois, unlefs fooner difcharged by thePoftrnaf- 15, Frorri Salfsbury to Fayetteville, once in two wee is, to go by the following routes alternately : By Montgomery, Anfon and Richmond court. houfes to Payettevtllc and by Randolph and Moore rourt- houfes to Fatttevillc ; always returning by the con trary route to Salisbury . Making by clima'tion a' circuit 01 264 miles. x , - j r To leave baliibury. every othtf Monday morning' at fix o'clock, and return thith r the next Wednesday fe'n night by fix in the evening: waiting at each pott town or place, atieair, two nouis, and at Fayetteville atlealt Vix hours,unlelsfooncraifcharged oy the 'oft- : Matter. - " ; , . . ' J 16. From Fayetteville to" Wilmington the mait to go alternately by Elizabeth-town 10 Wilmington and by Samplon court-Uouie, th; Ciol's-Roads near Duplin court houfe, and South Waihington to Wil mington i always rcturnii g the contrary way . To leave FaycttW.rle every Monday a: noonari arrive at Wilmington, the next Wedicfday by fix in the evening j and leavirg Wilmington on Thurf-. day at noon, return Fayet'uville the net Satur day; by fix m the evening." ' i 17. From Edcnton, by Hertford, Nixontdn',- Saw yer's Perry in Cimden county, to Indian-Town' :in Cuiiiiuck county once in tvvi weeks; To icave Edentoa every otn.-r rue'fday, one o'clock in thealternoon, and airive at l'nuian-rowh on Wednelday evening. Leave Indian-Town ,on Thurfday morning ana aiYive at Edcnton on Friday by noon. . ' ' 18. From Salem, tiy Bethania, Huntfville, Roch fort, Wilkes,4 Morganton and Lincolnton in North : Carolina, to Picknty court-houfe in aouth-Caroiina once in two weeks. The cilirmued cillance xijmiles. To leave Salem evety other Friday, at lix o'clock' in the morning, arrive at Morganton the next Mon day evenmg by five, and at Pinckney court-houfe the next Friday evening by five. Returning Leave Pinckney cout-boulc on Saturday morning at fix o'clock, and return tor Sclera thi next Thnri'dayj by five in the afternoon. ' . . j N. B. Propofais for carrying5 the mail No. fi S, fromSakm to M wganton and Pinckney court hpuie will he received by Col. Jofeph M'O'owell at or near Morganton, until the 20th day of Auguft'nkt. 1 Note 1. If. the general arraijgement of the punlic' mails, fihould require" any alteration cf the times of the arrival and departure before mentioned, ; it- is to be made accotdingty, cither before the exetu'tion of. at any time during the continuance of the contrails; and it foch alteranon mould neCeffirily increale the al an exDence of carrying any mail, a reafonablc ance wilj be made to the contractor. . A convenient ime, not exceeiins: hnl houi, for opsning and doling a mail, is to be; al lowed ateacn pon-orocc, wiuui ui wi arrival and departure is not herein particularly fpeeified. ' 3; For every hourV delay (unavoidable acci dents expefted) in arriving after the time jj-el'cribed in any contiacl," the" contractor is to torfcitj one dollar," but if the failure happen in arriving at Charlefton, he is to forfeit one dollar for everv; half hour's "delay 5 and if the delay continue untill the hiur of dcarture; of : any other depending tnail, f. : v ; - ... ,t . : . : ' . : r . whereby the mails deftined for fuch depending mail lofea trip,: an additional s forfeiture 'of ten dolliirt "fliall be incurred; and, if fuch lofs 4 happen to the Auguita mail, this forfeiture .mail be mcfeafed to i fifteen dollarS aiidif to the Charkiton mad, it fhall. be increafed to twenty dollars j and if it be to the ; great fbu.hern, mail d ue every Saturday at Peteifburg it (hall bs increafed to thirty dollars. , , . , 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be fent irt the maii ; and if any contractor would defire q . carry nw s-papers other than thofe in1 hist mail, h6 mult ltate in his propofais the refpectiveliurns 1 lor . which he will carry it, jwith and without tbe emolu. " ments which may ariletrom fuch leparati carriage ; of ne w -papers. :;; it' . ' ;.... - ' 5. The contracTts for the nnils from Peerfburgto. Augutta,td be in operation the rtrft week jn October next, and to continue in force Until the fint day of '' Oaoter ;'79.$i The contrails tor all . other mails herein mentioned,' to be in operation, the fii ft week; in October next; and to continue in force : until the : firlt day of January, 1756- t . ; t 6. Altho the piecile times of arrival and depar- . iure are generally fixed, in this adyertifcincnt,' ytt in.: ' fome cales they n.?.y be altered to fuit the convenience of the conti actors. Perfon s cfterirg; propofais andt defiring fuch alteraticns will itate them and the dif ference thty will tnke in the lermsot their contract.. But when either the contiafts ! fhaU have fixed .the i times of -arrival and departure,' or experiments hall have proved. thofe molt conve:.:ent, thofe times. ai' . afterwards to be regulai ly attended to, unlefs chang ed agieably to the i rcv'fi ;ns ot the fiiftjnote. V , - TIM JTHY PICKERING, Polbnafter Gen. General Pofi Office. Philadelphia, June 1 3. j . .- PosT-OFi ce July irt, 1794. " j. Li i? of letters remaining in the fcjl-office at Neivlern, ivhich if not taktn tut. in three : Months; will be fent to tne General Pofi. Of fice, cs Hee d leittrs - . . I WILLI A VI ANTHONY, Jofeph At Aood, James Armour, Benjamin At kinfon, John Allen- , v; : 1 Heriiry Battler, Thomas Borden; SetK -Bakr; William Brown, John 6oulger James Brittle, Thomas Brown; William Borden, Elifha S- Black (h ea'r.Eliiha Bfowri': Caj.t. Bahtdne, James Bill, John C. Bry an, James Bryan Malacru Bell. . . , Charles' Campnellj John Craddock, Silas Cooke,' John Camprjlell, Wiiiam Carurhefs JVIaurice Claytbn,, . Fdward CpraJacori Cook, ThomaS Caftello. V Robert, Dickfnanlc Drewfe iVitcheli Do n "John Dawfon. ; John gallon. Silas Ernes,. Jofeph Evcritt "Wirwin, Clerk otBuik- county. Stepnert Fowler; Penelope Forbes, Mrs. - Fabrc, J)r ' John For Jonathan Fellows Pefer Fabre. : - . ', -X ' , j : " , : : . James Glafgow, Solomon Geer,? George Grover,- John Graham, Mr. Granville Frederick Gitrick, John Gill, William Gardner. . ' . ; - - ." '. t Eliiur Hurt, 'arci!T Harramond, Samuet Holliday, George Haifard, Elras Hawes Rocheltfr Hali; Charles Ho: ton, - William HewitjlLemucl Htch,.: William Henry " Hugh Houitol!, David Heniderfon,'. Thomas' Harvey John Holland ; . . lias Jones. yfr-: a.-. '. ? . John Knox, j Samuel Kingfbury, Jabez Kingfbury, Mr. Kendiy. , V: ' . VVrnV Lawfencei,; Joileph Leech, Joha Lyne, John Leflie, Richard Lemon, t - ; , JohiVMprganVlJohn M'Culloch, Jofrprt . altefs,' AVillikm. M'Cliire,' George Mat thews; John Mitchell', Jofi'ah Maudaugh', Saljy lureeiv Stephen ;xpore,MUrdorIc: MMnhefs NatharrMatthew head,: Williarp MNeil, Abraham, Malbny Tame M'CalTeVty, 0vVeii Mulyerrol f J"6hn;Norris, William f eilThomas Nor ment. . ' . - - J-:vj , .Wiliram : Oliver,' ' AbrahanV : Outten Hugh and Duncan (jlftrtfe. , . . ... Benjamin Pollock, Jjfcfph Palmer Jphh .C. Pihder, Frederick Pin4er,John Pool, John Pearce J i Ny mphujr . P"tci: Jan c ;Parm ulc,-,:. James Par (hall. Henrietta Smith, Jofeph' Shute, Nicholas Stoddart Caleb Stoddart, Stephen Sylvia, William Slade, JamesSampfon, Mary Ste phens, John Smith, Daniel Street, Jofeph Sheffield, Giles Star, Jorin' SmaUwood, ' Jaaiei' Smith;- Ghtifgt Smith)- Zcdekiah 1 T.

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