Is not infatuated muft by a merchant in this city, from that low, about $ feet 10 inches high, for- f nlace dated the 2 8th Tune, which ftatd merlv the oroncrtv of Silas Turnapan.' ::1 iff everv m- : fubftance. that the French are car- it is fupobfed he will be lurking a- np in men multitudes to wmfcwuiB iw u. ife a the' Holland, that the cities were crouded gain, hall have five hard dollars, or i rrr. t-w formation as 1 thof Joljr, from Gen. Wayne this bctroit to Fort Erie, and is brought U us by the ueneiec ppu, viiu WHrom Canandarqueit ftates, fiat Gin. Wayne was advancing to- Wards the rapids ot ine wiami. 'I roflible expedition wm. i.ucm. n it xvas fuppofed, of routing the fngHflifrom their eltamilhmentattnat The account adds, that t!ie Britifli Invitinz and cblleaingthe Indians torn all quarters; at this rend rvous; -tany were already coiiccccu,.ana, iconjaaion with the Britilh, were nxiouay w-itingi the approach of the i.-ne tn wKei ther were de fcrmined to give battle. PHILADELPHIA, Juguf ij. . ' n r " it .i.a-. gers and William Hi By the poa frcm the wftward we Crewille.-wiUi :afn that the commiffioners len t by nias Feriu andjami with emigrantsTit may therefore be' fafely prefumed that nothing had oc curred to check the career of the French iuccefies as late is the 2 (5th of June ! , (- V ) : . NEW B ER N, September 13. further returns rf 'the lajl election, : . Camden. -William Neaviil, Senate. Gray, and atha.n Snowden, Common. . Hertford,?! 'hamas VVinns, Senate. -Robert Montgonteiy and Durdin, Co in -rhoris... . ., . Halifax'' Wills Alfton, jun. Senate, j. Tabb and Eaton Pugh, Commons. ; HaliJax-ToTJun' R. O.vie. . . . Nortbamftcri John M. iiintord,' Senate. B. Willtainton and N, i tmands, Commons. IVarrtn. John! Ma :6n, Senate. R.e'p Pluiimicr and Wifiiatn Wifon, Comma.vs. NajS. flardf), Gr!fir,"f Senate. Jjohri Bonds and John Drakc Commons. Franklin Heniy Hsi,!, Seiiate. John Fcf r ttfr and i.tain Hirrij, Ccminons. Wake. loel i-ane; Senate; M ch3e Ro gers and William Hintpof Commons."! 1am Little, btnate. ho ames Vaughan, Cc'mi?o.iS. Ed?etcmb. Wiiriam Giay, Senaie, Jcre- mian Hiliiaid and jonri Leigti, Cominoi.s. del i ye red to me'in Newbern, ten dol Iars. THOMAS COX. - September 13. United States of America, North-Caroliha Diftrici, I c cvernment ha',1 met fome delega- W. of the infurecnis, whaagree to Wmt a committee of fevrn een to ctt the commilTioners n Pmfburgh, 1 the fubjea df their miiuon , . .. The buildinT 6f .-r New I Jieatre on 1 ibe joilo-wmg extras of an aet, ajea at i. : . . 1.1 a n the third Lojvrels oj f tbe Un ied Staus. b- gun and beld at the ci;j of PbtLJtifhia Cn Monday tbejecond cf December, 17$), en- WHEREAS Lewis Thomas ha? i preferred a petition to the ho norable John Sitgreaves, Efq. Judge of the diltridi court of the North-Carolina diltfia, praying to be releafe from , two fevcrai penalties hy him in curred for landing certain articles before they were entered at the. cuf tom houfe at Wilmington, at which' place he imported . them and for which two iuits have beeh: interefted and ;are 'now depending Ttagainlt hini on behalf of the United States.4 ! And whereas Marfiilo Mallio has. petiti ned to the Judge aforefaid, that 'afoifeiture of leven hogiheads cf Tuni, and iQZr. Spanifli hides, which have been leizf d by the coikaor of Wath jngton; for being imported from a fe fpet occupied by the old one is in bntemplation at tcw loric. inc H:Sce is to be erected by fubfcr:pti- h; t.velve thoufind pounds thelum quired, one hundred and htty a ire, confequently Sofublcfibers will 1 the lubfcription., 'y. Bythe hll accounts from the "Weft, ard wc learn, that the infarcts in ad ners Jam . I. tUUdt au act making certain aiivauons in Uie act tor ettAbliili ng JuJicial Coui ts,. f;jic jgn port in a velTel - under thirty tons juurthen mould be remitted. I. V illiam Rhodes,, junior, ow of the fchooner Either, anci s Hot ton captain thereof havq petitioned 10 the J lidgc aforefaid that a forfeiture of the. foid vcflel incur red by imporiinz cobds from ; a fo- ufublljhcd for the imormution of all tboe reign port (he be ng under thjrtjr J MhAELlPAYNE. Maai jons.bur.hca and ieized jr thecol-'. of the Nortb-(. arolina Difrt?. ui mc port ui v auimgion maj, oc j reraittea :iotice is tncretore hereby, given to the attorney of the diftria aforefaid, and to all other luch rimes and places as are already aicer- . ) Wilmington to includcaii the counties or us tne Judge aiureiaid at the court home; ftatediitnas of Morgan, Saiifbury, Fayette- Jn Kewbern on the fecond day o vuic and Wilimngton fti ' xt! term" which wiU be held at! Ne'wr btrn to inciuaeall the counties ut the itateai- . v . . tW-n L fuiftsot H.Ilftorough,' Halifax and New- bern.on the firft Monday m i.Oaobeft heVnj and Edenton to include all the coun- next,' when ? and. where, an . enquiry. tics ot the diitrift of Edenrbn j and that all will be had into the faa$ of all the prdctfs, picas, aclion$,fuit., another pro- faid, ' tltionS) when the attorney, for. cecdings, orginating inthe dias reinett- r . -f airj anH all -'ht.rJ A If D be it further enaBed, mat-tne-liaie ot iortIi.Carchna " fhali be divided into three dtttri&s, in which the at quarter lo no? confine then views q( fdid haU be heJd at an uniawtui oppontion 10 .uu fc, but aim at independence, irom he Atlantic Ihore. t They wi:l not e lb mad, it is to be hoped, as to y to attain that pbiect . r,y tne vord. A clear navigation, ot tne liilifippi Ts another objea with them' It appears that our patriotic' urs re exhibit what the i5nt:lh iWiniiier illcali thdir j acoOiN CAL principles" fen under the note of his ittritniC jetty. A London paper records -1 I th fTrirvo in fh nnrf 111(11111 . -i.i ?' -i 1 Atr- ' mm ftsaw ini o in iiiv. - v - - - - m.- 1 v-as . until rim nmi 1 1 ahu uww - , . - - kere htjiQed in honour of HoW's VIC- niiation of the lame: And to the end that & t . . VV ' : r' ,! J others concerned w itiieis Aoner iveaie, cleric or rnc aid : diftria court for the diftnft aforefaid. S "hiw inth Hav . nf Sentrmber AnnO on or DC- . rT . 1. J. , . ... ' . ' ? 1 depce ot the u mted autes tne nine- Sn n.:.:n. o 1 it-..- .' . tceuin. Bv the U,e arr.v.l Boll n from r UN aW on Thuriiby the 4 Atieft. -ABNER NEALE, Ob,. Aoaerdara, lcttershavi been received . XV oi this ialtant, a. likely Wegro tei: 1VCIT, UldM UC IIIUIIUUIW vr ... .1 - ' - . I iaid Court to beheld at the place directed by concerned may appear, and 4hew law within tne lame dutnet wucxe iicwuit(? cauie ii any tney nave, wny tne pray-? c- rum-need', ar.d there to be kept with the re- f; - v -f iu' : j nifUJhnc Ifbniilrf . a mrVJrin llrint" fuhors witneflcs and all.' .r, r. u .it.,;r, , T,oi? rr.av have notice of this alteration in the l ,lc,,flll;j;ui . MarOial cf the faid dift'rict mzen Van U:en, once m tfttt cn- N . CnroIina is hcreby requed to .J T T -- ... irae, commanded the Kevounon- th fame known by trociam3tion, ne, in the hte atlant aaion with tWxhe nift'day of Auguft next." pcftembtr